Conference Program
Conference Program
“ Well done is better than well Said.“ -Benjamin Franklin Commitment to Excellence California Agricultural Teachers’ Association 97th Annual Conference June 19-23, 2016 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2015-2016 CATA STATE OFFICERS President - Ralph Mendes President-Elect - Dave Gossman Secretary - Robin Grundmeyer Treasurer - Clay Freeman Past President - Mike Albiani CATA REGIONAL OFFICERS Central Region President - Cheryl Reece Vice President - JessaLee Goehring Secretary - Dane White Treasurer - Alex Hess North Coast Region President - Kelley Brackett Vice President - Wesley Hunt Secretary - Erica Boomer Treasurer - Alissa Sarvinski San Joaquin Region President - Julie Beechinor Vice President - Kevin Woodard Secretary - Shay Williams-Hopper Treasurer - John Williams South Coast Region President - Erin Gorter Vice President - Jodi Evans Secretary - Myndi Krafft Treasurer - Shannon Powell Southern Region President - Margaret Chapman Vice President - Aaron Nering Secretary - Mark Mullion Treasurer - Mary Riley Superior Region President - Tim Reid Vice President - Mike Somerville Secretary - Elizabeth Ammon Treasurer - Andreé Earley Conference Program is available in digital PDF for viewing on your device at: © 2016 California Agricultural Teachers’ Association P.O. Box 186 - Galt, CA 95632 209-744-1614 - Fax 209-744-1602 2 CATA DIVISION OFFICERS Post-Secondary Division Chairperson - Larry Dinis Chair Elect - George Sellu Secretary - Troy Gravatt Secondary Division Chairperson - JessaLee Goehring Chair Elect - Matt Patton Vice Chairperson-Elect - Lindsay Devaurs Secretary - Julie Beechinor Operations Division Chairperson - Chris McKenna Chair Elect - John Williams Vice Chairperson - Grant Ermis Secretary - Brian Kantner SECONDARY AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION STAFF Greg Beard Jack Havens Jeanette Lowe Josiah Mayfield Lloyd McCabe Hugh Mooney Charles Parker Jill Sperling South Coast Region Supervisor Southern Region Supervisor Superior Region Supervisor CDE Consultant State Supervisor North Coast Region Supervisor San Joaquin Region Supervisor Central Region Supervisor TEACHER EDUCATORS Mollie Aschenbrener Gerald Clark Ann De Lay Brad Dodson Robert Flores Sherri Freeman Erin Gorter Bill Kellogg Lynn Martindale Kimberley Miller Art Parham Steve Rocca Michael Spiess Ben Swan Cary Trexler Rosco Vaughn Scott Vernon CSU, Chico CPSU, San Luis Obispo CPSU, San Luis Obispo CSU, Chico CPSU, San Luis Obispo CPSU, San Luis Obispo CPSU, San Luis Obispo CPSU, San Luis Obispo UC Davis CPSU, Pomona CSU, Fresno CSU, Fresno CSU, Chico CPSU, San Luis Obispo UC Davis CSU, Fresno CPSU, San Luis Obispo 3 SUNDAY, JUNE 19 SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 10-223 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. GOVERNING BOARD 10-223 Chair Ralph Mendes Consultant Jim Aschwanden Host Bob Flores 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 10-100 VISION 2030 COMMITTEE MEETINGS Chairs Dave Gossman Lauren Stroud 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. NEW TEACHER MEETING Chair Consultants 10-206 Dave Gossman Ben Swan Brad Dodson Lynn Martindale Kimberley Miller Rosco Vaughn Teacher Educators Hosts 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. FFA ADULT BOARD MEETING Chair Consultant 10-231 Kristi Mattes Jim Aschwanden 3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. SECONDARY DIVISION EXECUTIVE 10-201 COMMITTEE MEETING Chair JessaLee Goehring Consultant Lloyd McCabe 3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. POST SECONDARY 10-227 COUNCIL MEETING Chair Larry Dinis Consultant Nancy Gutierrez 3:30 p.m. CATA SCHOLARSHIP JUDGING 10-221 Chair Grant Ermis 4:45 p.m. PRE-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION MTG Chair Consultants Host 4 ARBORETUM – OH UNIT Clay Freeman Jim Aschwanden Donetta Dunnigan Kerry Stockton California Agricultural Teachers’ Association SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. ARBORETUM – OH UNIT CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Chair Clay Freeman Consultants Jim Aschwanden Donetta Dunnigan Kerry Stockton Host California Agricultural Teachers’ Association SUNDAY, JUNE 19 (continued) 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. ARBORETUM – OH UNIT WELCOME RECEPTION Chair Scott Vernon Consultant Bob Flores Host College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences, Cal Poly, SLO NOTES 5 MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. REGISTRATION PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Chair Clay Freeman Consultants Jim Aschwanden Donetta Dunnigan Kerry Stockton 8:00 am OPENING SESSION PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Sponsored by MONDAY, JUNE 20 Chair Ralph Mendes Secretary Robin Grundmeyer Host North Coast Region Invocation Emmalee Hayes Pledge of Allegiance Danielle Battisti Welcome Dr. Jeffrey Armstrong Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Welcome - iCEV Dusty Moore New Teacher Introductions Dave Gossman Introduction of State Clay Freeman Officer Applicants New Professionals Lynn Martindale Conference Orientation Jim Aschwanden Speaker Craig Zablocki 10:00 a.m. LATE REGISTRATION 10-241 Host California Agricultural Teachers’ Association 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. REGIONAL MEETINGS Chairs Regional Presidents Consultants Regional Supervisors Meetings: *Sign up for Conference Credit Central Region PAC HARMON HALL North Coast Region 10-206 San Joaquin Region Theatre South Coast Region 180-101 Southern Region 08-123 Superior Region 06-124 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. State Ag Ed Advisory Committee Meetings 10-100 Chair Casey Gudel Consultant Lloyd McCabe 6 MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 (continued) 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. ALUMNI LUNCHEONS SEE TICKET FOR LOCATION Hosts: Agricultural Education Departments 1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. JOINT DIVISION MEETING *Sign up for Conference Credit Chair Consultant Host Topic 2:30 p.m. POST SECONDARY DIVISION MEETING Theatre Ralph Mendes Dave Gossman Superior Region Ag Ed Vision 2030 Student Certification 10-220 *Sign up for Conference Credit Chair Larry Dinis Consultant Nancy Gutierrez Host San Joaquin Region Topics: C-ID ITRC 240 Irrigation Class FOLLOWING ABOVE MEETING POST SECONDARY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Inservice 10-223 Chair Desi Molyneux Consultant Nancy Gutierrez Curriculum 10-222 Chair Don Borges Consultant Dustin Sperling Student Activities 10-221 Chair Albert Graham Consultant Trena Kimler-Richards 2:30 p.m. SECONDARY DIVISION MEETING Theatre *Sign up for Conference Credit Chair Consultant Topic MONDAY, JUNE 20 JessaLee Goehring Lloyd McCabe Business Session 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. FARM/IDEA SHOW MEETING 10-100 Chairs Cindy Rohde Sharon Weisenberger Consultant Bill Kellogg 7 MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 MONDAY, JUNE 20 (continued) 8 4:00 p.m. OPERATIONS GENERAL MEETING 10-220 Chair Chris McKenna Consultant Hugh Mooney Topic Business Session FOLLOWING ABOVE MEETING OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MTGS & SECONDARY DIVISION *Sign up for conference credit COMMITTEE MTG Budget and Audit 10-221 Chair Brian Kantner Consultant Jack Havens Nominations/Bylaws/Professional Awards 10-222 Chair Chris McKenna Consultant Charles Parker Student Activities 10-220 Chair JessaLee Goehring Consultant Josiah Mayfield Curriculum 10-223 Chair Matt Patton Consultant Hugh Mooney Professional Ethics 10-225 Chair Chris McKenna Consultant Jill Sperling 5:30 p.m. CHICO STATE ALUMNI SOCIAL SANDS MOTEL Chair Dave Daley, Interim Dean Consultants Mike Spiess Brad Dodson Host CSU, Chico 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. CONFERENCE RECEPTION MONDAY CLUB Chair Sandra Witte, Dean Consultants Art Parham Rosco Vaughn Steve Rocca Host Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, CSU, Fresno 6:00 p.m. BOWLING UU BOWLING ALLEY Consultant Franklin Gaudi TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 7:30 a.m. IDEA SHOW & SILENT AUCTION ITEM DROPOFF Farm Shop - Building 9 7:45 a.m. CURRICULAR CODE GENERAL MEETING 10-206 Chair Grant Ermis Consultant Greg Beard 8:00 a.m. POST SECONDARY STATEWIDE Embassy Suites ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Chair John Scheuber Consultant Nancy Gutierrez TUESDAY, JUNE 21 8:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. CURRICULAR CODE MEETINGS Rotation One: 8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. Agricultural Mechanics 10-206 Agronomy 10-100 Farm Record Books 10-220 Grapevine Pruning 10-221 Marketing Plan 10-222 Food Science & Technology 10-201 Natural Resources (if opened) 10-200 Soils and Land Evaluation (if opened) 10-225 Rotation Two: 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Agricultural Pest Control 10-231 Agricultural Welding 10-223 Floriculture 10-100 Light Horse Judging 10-222 Parliamentary Procedure (if opened) 10-206 Veterinary Science (if opened) 10-220 General Rules (if opened) 10-225 Poultry Judging (if opened) 10-201 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. 2016-2017 SECTIONAL PRESIDENTS MEETING 10-200 Chairs Dave Gossman Mike Albiani Robin Grundmeyer Consultant Jim Aschwanden 9 TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 (continued) 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Performing Arts Center Chair Ralph Mendes Consultant Jim Aschwanden Host South Coast Region Topics: Greetings from Andrew Skidmore, California FFA State FFA President Greetings from the Katie Otto California FFA Fdn Nutrients for Life Fdn Rick Phillips California Foundation for Liz Baskins Ag in the Classroom Assistant Superintendent & Russ Weikel State CTE Director State Supervisor’s Report Lloyd McCabe Community College Report Larry Dinis Executive Director’s Jim Aschwanden Report 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. COMMUNITY COLLEGE DPR PCA CURRICULUM MEETING 180-101 Chair Carrie Monlux Consultant Shannon Douglass TUESDAY, JUNE 21 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. POST SECONDARY DIVISION MEETING & LUNCHEON Sandwich Factory Chair Larry Dinis Consultant Nancy Gutierrez Topics: AG/NR Advisory Committee Report Division Committee Reports Election of 2016-2017 Officers Recognition of Retirees 10 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 10-206 CURRICULAR CODE CONTEST CHAIRS MEETING Chair Grant Ermis Consultants Greg Beard Mike Spiess 12:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. FARM SHOW FARM SHOP – Building 9 Chair Margaret Chapman Consultants Cindy Rohde 12:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. IDEA SHOW Chair Consultant FARM SHOP – Building 9 Kimberley Miller Sharon Weisenberger TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 (continued) 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. FFA ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING 10-100 Chair Rosemary Cummings Consultant Josiah Mayfield 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. PROFESSIONAL SESSIONS *Sign Up for Conference Credit Everything You Want to Know 10-206 About Perkins and More! Consultant Hugh Mooney Presenter Carolyn Zachry Description: This workshop is designed to answer any and all questions dealing with Perkins, the requirements, and what you can spend Perkins funds on at the District and School site level. Carolyn Zachry is the administrator of the CTE Administration and Management Office (known as the Perkins Unit). Managing Your Program’s Livestock Fair Projects Consultant Presenters 180-101 Jill Sperling Dave Gossman Natalie Borba Description: The focus of this workshop is designed to provide FFA advisors an approach towards organizing, implementing, and managing a program’s livestock group (SAE’s) for the fair. Various templates will be shared and provided regarding student, parent, and school paper work, animal record keeping, and process of purchasing, managing, and selling the student’s (program’s) animal SAE. Please bring a flash drive for copies of all resources as they can serve as valuable templates for your own program. CTE Data Unlocked Consultant Presenters 10-215 Nancy Gutierrez Kathy Booth Laura Coleman TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Description: Need Labor Market Information (LMI) data for your program review? Wondering why the student completion numbers in your program are different from the states list of completers in your program? Wondering how your college provides your program data to the state? Have you heard of Skills Builders? Now more than ever your program data (completers, transfers, enrollments, etc.) is a key factor to accessing funds for your community college program. Find out about the new CCCCO Launchboard site that provides a snapshot of your program data; and see if you think that data is correct. Learn about statewide projects on employment outcomes as well as labor market data and how to find it for AGNR. 11 TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 (continued) Professional Sessions(continued) *Sign-up for Conference Credit. Start a New Movement for Agriculture 10-220 “Ground Hog Job Shadow! February 2, 2017” Consultant Jake Dunn Presenter Lori Marchy Description: This session will focus on how to organize, implement and evaluate the process of Job Shadowing for high school students. Job shadowing (or work shadowing) is a popular on-the-job learning, career development, and leadership development intervention. Essentially, job shadowing involves working with another employee who might have a different job in hand, might have something to teach, or can help the person shadowing him or her to learn new aspects related to the job, organization, certain behaviors or competencies. Teachers will leave this session with a flash drive of materials, lessons for step-by-step on how to create a job shadow program at their school, and resources for business connections. Portfolio - Lifelong Career Development Document Consultant Presenter 10-203 Mark Anglin Don Borges TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Description: The portfolio is becoming an increasingly important tool to document skills and career advancement and is being used in a variety of interview situations. This session will guide teachers through the easy step-by-step templates to guide students through the portfolio process. Students from grades 9-14 and beyond will benefit from the development of portfolios. In addition, UCCI “University of California Curriculum of Integration course content will be incorporated into the portfolio building session. Every teacher will receive a flash drive at the end of the session with information presented. Y Chromosome, Blue and Gold, and a Well-Rounded Program: How to Engage Young Men in Leadership Development Consultant Presenter 33-286 Lynn Martindale Dane White Description: Sometimes it’s tricky to engage young men in FFA’s leadership roles and help them develop the skills to lead effectively. Attend this session to learn strategies to build a culture where males are an equal part of program leadership. Participants will evaluate program offerings, cultural norms and opportunities to reach out and engage young men in a thoughtful, meaningful way. It’s time to see how the Y chromosome can rock the blue and gold and enhance the future of local ag education programs! 12 TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 (continued) Professional Sessions(continued) *Sign-up for Conference Credit. STOP the Invasion! Consultant Presenter 10-100 Mike Albiani Liz Baskin Description: Participants will receive a copy of CFAITC’s newest set of fact sheets that highlight six different invasive species found in California. The resource includes factual information about invasive species’ habitats, why they are a problem, and how they can be controlled. Along with fantastic facts, lesson ideas, and a full lesson plan, the fact sheets are aligned to California Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. The workshop will consist of hands-on demonstrations from the factsheets including developing a public service announcement that can be used to educate other students, family, neighbors, or community members about an invasive species in their area. iCEV Basics Presenters 10-204 Dusty Moore Steve DeRose Description: Presentation will provide educators with an overview of the online curriculum offerings and walk you through set up, content and basic workings of the iCEV platform features. From industry-backed student certifications, now in 10 subject areas, to automatic testing and grading to managing your class roster, iCEV’s new course management tools will make classroom integration and implementation even easier. Organized by subject area, you have access to iCEV’s ENTIRE agricultural standard aligned curriculum not to mention the more than 750 judging classes and other CDE training tools. Medicated Feeds - Big Changes Ahead Consultant Presenters 08-123 Description: NEW LAW: Veterinary Feed Directive, 2017 for all “over the counter drugs”. Learn what you will need to know about the new Veterinary Feed Directive law on OTC’s that will be going into effect January 2017. This new law will affect what you will buy at your feed store and includes drugs that are found in livestock show feed and OTC’s like a bottle of penicillin. Learn what you need to know so you are not affected January 1st. TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Greg Beard Geoff Gates Brady Otto Susan Henderson-Perry 13 TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 (continued) Professional Sessions(continued) *Sign-up for Conference Credit. UCCI Curriculum Improvement - 52-E27 Sustainable Ag Biology, Ag and Soil Chemistry, & Ag Systems Management Consultant Charles Parker Presenter Nicole Ray Description: Teachers who have or plan to adopt the UCCI courses will have an opportunity to collaborate on curriculum improvement for these courses. Please bring materials you used throughout the past year to teach these courses including: pacing guides, assessments, lessons, textbooks, labs, and a laptop. We will work to update the pacing guide and alignment to NGSS standards. (Continued on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.) 3:00 p.m. FARM SHOW CLEAN-UP Chair Consultants Crew 5:15 p.m. SOFTBALL Consultant FARM SHOP – Bldg 9 Margaret Chapman Bill Kellogg Southern Region BAGGETT & JANSSEN FIELDS Ben Swan TUESDAY, JUNE 21 5:15 p.m. CORNHOLE CAL POLY SPORTS COMPLEX Consultant Erin Gorter 5:30 p.m. CHILDREN’S CAL POLY SPORTS COMPLEX GAMES Consultant Megan Silcott Sherri Freeman 6:30 p.m. FAMILY CAL POLY SPORTS COMPLEX BARBECUE Chairs Darlene Gilles Mike Rourke Consultant Glen Casey 14 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 20+/PAST PRESIDENTS/ RETIRING TEACHERS/ HALL OF FAME LUNCHEON Chairs Consultant Host WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 6:30 a.m. 5K RUN CROPS UNIT Consultant Leanne Berning 7:00 a.m. PRAYER BREAKFAST THE AVENUE *No Ticket Needed* Chair Tom Vazquez Consultant Bill Kellogg 7:00 a.m. POST SECONDARY COUNCIL BREAKFAST MEETING EMBASSY SUITES Chair Larry Dinis Consultant Nancy Gutierrez 9:00 a.m. GENERAL ASSEMBLY THEATRE Chair Dave Gossman Secretary Robin Grundmeyer Host Central Region Topics: Retiring Teachers Dave Gossman Hall of Fame Inductees Dave Gossman CATA Service Certificates Dave Gossman National FFA Ben Meyer Nomination Speeches State Officer Candidates Division Reports Secondary Division Post Secondary Division Operations Division PAC PAVILION Mike Albiani Dave Gossman Robert Flores CATA 15 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 (continued) 1:30 p.m. Professional Sessions *Sign-up for Conference Credit. The New CTE Incentive Grant - 192-106 Everything You Need to Know Consultant Jill Sperling Presenter Carolyn Zachry Description: Is your District receiving the new CTE Incentive Grant? If not, would you like to? This workshop is designed to answer your questions dealing with the requirements of this new state grant program and what you can spend these funds on at the school site level. Carolyn Zachry is the administrator of the CTE Administration and Management Office and coordinates the new CTE Incentive Grant Program. 180-101 UCCI Curriculum Improvement - Sustainable Ag Biology, Ag and Soil Chemistry, & Ag Systems Management Consultant Charles Parker Presenter Nicole Ray Description: Teachers who have or plan to adopt the UCCI courses will have an opportunity to collaborate on curriculum improvement for these courses. Please bring materials you used throughout the past year to teach these courses including: pacing guides, assessments, lessons, textbooks, labs, and a laptop. We will work to update the pacing guide and alignment to NGSS standards. (Continued from Tuesday’s session) 10-100 Creating Consumer Trust: A New Conversation about Food Consultant Dustin Sperling Presenter Morgan Young Description: Advances made possible by science and innovation make food safer, more affordable and more available. But they also fuel increased consumer questions. As consumers become more interested in how their food is grown, processed and brought to market, the food system must ensure it is doing the right things, in a way that builds trust. Conversation based on authentic engagement that aligns with consumer values and expectations is a fresh approach to meaningful discussions. In this session, you will learn strategies to teach your students how to effectively engage with consumers. Presented by the National Center for Food Integrity. 16 (continued) Professional Sessions(continued) *Sign-up for Conference Credit. Online Water Management 08A-002 Ebook Review and Tutorial Consultant Nancy Gutierrez Presenter Dr. Stuart Styles Description: The Cal Poly Irrigation Training and Research Center has created an online Ebook (ITRC 240) to use as a resource for water management classes. If your course outline matches the Ebook, you can also articulate your course with ITRC 240. The content includes: California water supply and budget; water rights; local, state and federal water institutions; California water issues; soil-plant-water relationships; evapotranspiration; crop water use; irrigation schedules; salinity and drainage; irrigation efficiency; water measurement; soil moisture/plant stress measurement; irrigation systems and practical constraints affecting irrigation scheduling. Instructor material will include syllabi, PowerPoint, lecture notes, homework, exams, videos, lab exercises, keys. This will be a 2 hour review session to provide information on access to instructors. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 33-286 Latest Generation of FFA Educational Resources Consultant Jack Havens Presenters Ben Meyer Description: Interested in updated, turnkey resources sure to enhance the student experience? Ready for diverse ideas you can implement without spending hours searching for them? Come experience AgExplorer, National FFA’s pioneering online resource designed to connect students to agricultural careers. Discover where you can search hundreds of innovative activities and lesson plans by pathway, topic and length. Learn where to find the newest National FFA resources (including Habitudes, SAE videos, and standards alignment documents) and what’s coming next. 17 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 (continued) Professional Sessions(continued) *Sign-up for Conference Credit. Career Pathway - Sequencing 52-E27 Instruction to Create College and Career Ready Students Consultant Darol Fishman Presenter Eric Dyer Description: Take the opportunity to initiate the process to create a pathway for student preparation leading them to both College and Career options. This session provides steps, resources and timelines to create a robust and sustainable pathway. Participants of this session will examine legislation and implementation guidelines that will provide local administrators necessary documentation to support program growth and pathway development. Session participants will be provided with access to resources and editable documents. 17-101/102 ID Techniques for Crops Contests with Resource Kits Crops Unit Consultant Jeanette Lowe Presenters Jerry Delsol Tim Brown Description: Come join the fun in this hands on workshop where you will learn ID techniques for the agronomy and veg crops contests. 45% of the jobs in ag are in crop science and these contests help prepare your students for these in-demand careers. Learn from successful coaches how you can train a winning team with minimal cost and travel. Get your teams bringing home ribbons with the skills you learn! Space is limited to 35 teachers as each participant will take home a resource kit with $300 in classroom supplies to help get their teams going. Participants will be expected to field an Agronomy or Vegetable Crop team next year! 10-220 iCEV and FFA CDE’s Consultant Clay Freeman Presenter Al DeRose Description: Presentation will walk you through the available materials iCEV has to assist you in training your teams. Come and go through the libraries set up for Livestock, Meats, Dairy and Horse Judging team areas. Many of the classes from Livestock and Meats CDE’s coincide with student certifications from Principles of Livestock Selection and Evaluation, which is backed by the National Collegiate Livestock Coaches Association and Meat Evaluation, backed by the American Meat Science Association. 18 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 iCEV and the New UCCI Agriscience Curriculum Consultant Presenters 10-206 Matt Patton Dusty Moore Steve DeRose Description: Presentation will feature the alignment of iCEV materials with the new classes. Major focus in this session will be with course 1, Sustainable Agriculture - A Biological Approach. iCEV has developed a specific playlist class that follows this curriculum unit by unit giving you on-line access to lessons and student activities that can easily be integrated into your existing lessons or used as a stand-alone lessons. Like all our lessons, they are presented in both PowerPoint and video formats and aligned to the state standards and common core. Lessons completed through regular course work are automatically transferred to common certification areas. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 (continued) Professional Session (continued) *Sign-up for Conference Credit. Medicated Feeds - Big Changes Ahead 08-123 Consultant Greg Beard Presenters Geoff Gates Brady Otto Susan Henderson-Perry Description: NEW LAW: Veterinary Feed Directive, 2017 for all “over the counter drugs”. Learn what you will need to know about the new Veterinary Feed Directive law on OTC’s that will be going into effect January 2017. This new law will affect what you will buy at your feed store and includes drugs that are found in livestock show feed and OTC’s like a bottle of penicillin. Learn what you need to know so you are not effected January 1st. Teaching Entrepreneurship 53-202 to FFA Students: Creating Interest and Consistency in SAE’s Consultant Robin Grundmeyer Presenter Matt Brechwald Description: This workshop will give instructors ideas for teaching entrepreneurship and marketing by highlighting the most extraordinary SAE projects that have been featured on the Off-Farm Income Podcast as well as the students behind them. If teaching entrepreneurship and marketing is a challenge, this is the workshop for you. 19 ARBORETUM - OH UNIT CROPS UNIT BLDG 17 BLDG 192 ENGINEERING BRAE SHOPS BLDG 8A BLDG 10 Campus Map BLDG 52 20 FARM SHOP BLDG 53 BLDG 33 BLDG 180 SCIENCE CHUMASH THEATRE SANDWICH FACTORY CAIO THE AVENUE PAC BLDG 6 PAVILION Campus Map 21 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 (continued) 5:00 p.m. BANQUET CHILD CARE BEGINS Consultant 5:30 p.m. PRE-BANQUET SOCIAL Chair Consultant Host 6:00 p.m. BANQUET Chair Consultant Host Madonna Inn Expo Hall Kelley Brackett Hugh Mooney North Coast Region Madonna Inn Expo Hall Kelley Brackett Hugh Mooney North Coast Region NOTES 22 Cal Poly SLO 10-100 Bill Kellogg NOTES THURSDAY, JUNE 23 23 THURSDAY, JUNE 23 THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 8:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. REGIONAL MEETINGS Chairs Regional Presidents Consultants Regional Supervisors Topics Conference Balloting Conference Evaluations *Sign Up for Conference Credit Meetings: Central Region Theatre North Coast Region 10-206 San Joaquin Region 06-124 South Coast Region 180-101 Superior Region 08-123 Southern Region 33-286 10:15 a.m. GENERAL ASSEMBLY THEATRE Chair Ralph Mendes Secretary Robin Grundmeyer Consultant Jim Aschwanden Host Southern Region Topics: Speaker Paul Wenger, California Farm Bureau Federation Honorary American Ralph Mendes Farmers Membership Awards Clay Freeman New Teachers Lauren Stroud Idea Show Awards Kimberley Miller Farm Show Report Margaret Chapman Election Results Officer Installation 12:00 p.m. 2016-2017 CATA GOVERNING BOARD 10-206 PLANNING SESSION Chair Dave Gossman Consultant Jim Aschwanden 1:00 p.m. AGRI-SKILLS CLASSES BEGIN SURVEY LINK: 24 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS ADM/MoorMan’s ShowTec – Krisha Custis/Laura Myer, 1000 N 30th, Quincy, IL 62301 (307) 760-0327 AGEDNET.COM – Janet Schneider, 137 South Main, West Bend, WI 53095 (800) 236-7862 AGRA TECH, INC. - Jim Bergantz, 2131 Piedmont Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565 (925) 432-3399 ALBIANI, Mike – Agriculture Department, Elk Grove High School, 9800 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ALUM-LINE INC. – Pat Ariaz/Gary Gooder, PO Box 59, Cresco, IA 52136 (563) 547-3247 ANGLIN, Mark – Central Region Agricultural Education Career Pathway Consortium, PO Box 186, Galt, CA 95632 ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - Morrison School of Agribusiness/W.P. Carey School of Business, 7231 E. Sonoran-Arroyo Mall, Mesa, AZ 85212-1780 (480) 727-1040 ASCHENBRENER, Mollie - Agricultural Education Department, California State University, Chico, CA 959290310 ASCHWANDEN, Jim - Executive Director, California Agricultural Teachers’ Association, P.O. Box 186, Galt, CA 95632 (209) 744-1605 BALLESTEROS FAMILY INSURANCE SERVICES – Doria & Bill Ballesteros, 2190 Somberero Drive, Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) 772-9400 BAR ALE FEED, INC.. – Matt Zappetini, PO Box 699, Williams, CA 95987 (530) 473-3333 BATTISTI, Danielle – Agriculture Department, Vacaville High School, 100 Monte Vista Avenue, Vacaville, CA 95688 BEARD, Greg - Regional Supervisor, Agricultural Education, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 BEECHINOR, Julie – Agriculture Department, Frontier High School, 501 Park Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93314 Directory of Participants BAREFOOT – Kristin Dupre, 189 Reta Street, Stephenville, TX 76401 (254) 918-0511 Ext 123 25 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) BOOTH, Kathy – WestEd, 300 Lakeside Drive, 25th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 302-4208 BORBA, Natalie – Agriculture Department, Atwater High School, PO Box 835, Atwater, CA 95301 BORGES, Don - Agriculture Department, Modesto Jr. College, 435 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 575-6449 BRACKETT, Kelley – Agriculture Department, Willits High School, 2199 North Main Street, Willits, CA 95490 BROWN, Tim – Agriculture Department, Tulelake High School, PO Box 640, Tulelake, CA 96134 CAL AG JOBS – Shannon Douglass, PO Box 4628, Orland, CA 95963 (530) 680-4545 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PEST CONTROL ADVISERS (CAPCA) – Mindy DeRohan, 2300 River Plaza Drive, Ste 120, Sacramento, CA, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 928-1625 CALIFORNIA BEEF COUNCIL – Jill Scofield, 4640 Northgate Blvd #115, Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 925-2333 CALIFORNIA FOUNDATION FOR AGRICULTURE IN THE CLASSROOM – Liz Baskin, 2300 River Plaza Drive, Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 561-5625 Directory of Participants CAL POLY ANIMAL & DAIRY SCIENCE – David Bagnoni, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93433 (805) 756-7698 26 CAL POLY POMONA UNIVERSITY – Rhonda Ostrowski, 3801 W Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768 (909) 869-3718 CALIFORNIA PORK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION – Erica Sanko, 1225 H Street, Ste 101, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 447-8950 CALIFORNIA POULTRY FEDERATION – Artie Razo, 4640 Spyres Way, Suite 4, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 576-6355 CASEY, Glen – Professor Emeritus, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) CENTER FOR LAND-BASED LEARNING – Stephanie Etcheverria, 5265 Putah Creek Road, Winters, CA 95694 (530) 795-1544 CLARK, Gerald - Lecturer, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 COLEMAN, Laura – Los Rios CCD, 1410 Ethan Way, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 563-3235 CUMMINGS, Rosemary – Agriculture Department, Nipomo High School, 525 N Thompson Avenue, Nipomo, CA 93444 CUESTA COLLEGE – Amy Stapp, PO Box 8106, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8106 (805) 546-3100 Ext 2729 DALEY, Dave – Interim Dean, College of Agriculture, California State University – Chico, Chico, CA 95929 DE LAY, Ann – Teacher Educator, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 DELSOL, Jerry – Agriculture Department, Woodland Sr. High School, 21 N West Street, Woodland, CA 95695 DEVAURS, Lindsay – Agriculture Department, Highland High School, 2900 Royal Scots Road, Bakersfield, CA 93306 DINIS, Larry – Agriculture, Natural Resources & Manufacturing Department, Reedley College, 995 N Reed Avenue, Reedley, CA 93654 DODSON, Brad – Teacher Educator, Agricultural Education Department, California State University, Chico, CA 959290310 DYER, Eric – Agriculture Department, Woodland Sr. High School, 21 N West Street, Woodland, CA 95695 ERMIS, Grant – Agriculture Department, Elsie Allen High School, 599 Bellevue Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 FEATHER RIVER COLLEGE – Sean Harris, 570 Golden Eagle Avenue, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-0202 Ext 324 Directory of Participants DUNNIGAN, Donetta – Agricultural Education and Communication Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 27 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) FLORAL FRESH, INC./FLORAL RESOURCES OF SACRAMENTO – Marty Espe, 1127 Fee Drive, Sacramento, CA 95815 FLORES, Robert - Teacher Educator, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 FREEMAN, Clay – Agriculture Department, Foothill High School, 501 Park Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93306 FREEMAN, Sherri - Lecturer, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 GATEWAY FUND RAISING – Alvin Yamashiro, 557 Alderberry Lane, Pomona, CA 91767 (909) 625-2887 GILLES, Darlene – Agriculture Department, Madera South HS, 705 W Pecan, Madera, CA 93637 GOEHRING, JessaLee – Agriculture Department, Lodi High School, 3 S Pacific Avenue, Lodi, CA 95242 GOODHEART-WILLCOX PUBLISHER – Melissa Erffmeyer, 18604 W Creek Drive, Tinley Park, IL 60477 (800) 323-0440 GORTER, Erin – Teacher Educator, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CA 93407 GOSSMAN, Dave – Agriculture Department, Atwater High School, PO Box 835, Atwater, CA 95301 Directory of Participants GRAHAM, Albert – Ag Business and Technology Institute, Hartnell College, 411 Central Avenue, Salinas, CA 93901 28 GRAVATT, Troy – Agriculture Department, Modesto Jr. College, 435 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 GREEN TREE NURSERY – Patty Baskin, 23979 Lake Road, La Grange, CA 95329 (209) 874-9100 GRUNDMEYER, Robin – Agriculture Department, Norco High School, 2065 Temescal Avenue, Norco, CA 92860 GUDEL, Casey – California Farm Bureau Federation, 2300 River Plaza Dr, Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 561-4500 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND – Irene Sauastano, 350 Los Ranchitos, San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 488-2286 GUTIERREZ, Nancy – Agriculture and Natural Resources Department, Reedley College, 995 N Reed Avenue, Reedley, CA 93654 HAVENS, Jack – Regional Supervisor, Agricultural Education Department, Cal Poly, 3801 West Temple, Bldg. 2, Pomona, CA 91768 HAYES, Emmalee – Agriculture Department, Vintage High School, 1375 Tower Avenue, Napa, CA 94558 HENDERSON-PERRY, Susan – Associated Feed, (209) 202-4999 iCEV MULTIMEDIA – Al DeRose, 1020 SE Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79404 (800) 922-9965 iCEV MULTIMEDIA – Steve DeRose, 1020 SE Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79404 (800) 922-9965 iCEV MULTIMEDIA – Dusty Moore 1020 SE Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79404 (800) 922-9965 KANTNER, Brian – Agriculture Department, Jurupa Valley High School, 10551 Bellegrave Avenue, Mira Loma, CA 91752 KELLOGG, Bill - Professor Emeritus, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 KIMLER-RICHARDS, Trena – Shasta College - NR, Industry & Public Safety, PO Box 496006, Redding, CA 96003 MARCHY, Lori – Agriculture Department, Modesto Jr. College, 435 College Ave, Modesto, CA 95350 MARTINDALE, Lynn – College of Education, UC Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 MATTES, Kristann - Agrculture Department, Minarets High School, PO Box 120, O’Neals, CA 93645 Directory of Participants LOWE, Jeanette – Regional Supervisor, Agricultural Education, 311 Nicholas C. Shouten Lane, Chico, CA 95928-9527 29 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) MAYFIELD, Josiah - Agricultural Consultant, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 4202, Sacramento, CA 95814 MCCABE, Lloyd - State Supervisor, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 4202, Sacramento, CA 95814 MCKENNA, Chris – Agriculture Department, El Capitan High School, PO Box 2247, Merced, CA 95348 MENDES, Ralph – Kern ROC, 501 S. Mt. Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93307 MEYER, Ben - National FFA Organization, Partner Services Division, 6060 FFA Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0960 (317) 802-4347 MILLER, Kimberley – Agriculture Education Department, Cal Poly, Pomona, 3801 W Temple Avenue, Bldg 2, Room 204, Pomona, CA 91768 MODESTO MILLING – Andrea Kaldhusdal, PO Box A, 142 Linley Avenue, Empire, CA 95319 (661) 803-0540 MOLYNEUX, Desi – Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, California State University, Fresno, 5240 N. Jackson Ave. M/S UC 59, Fresno, CA 93740 MONLUX, Carrie – Agriculture Department, Butte College, 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville, CA 95965 MOONEY, Hugh – Consultant, Agricultural Education & Home Economics Unit, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 4202, Sacramento, CA 95814 Directory of Participants NASCO MODESTO – Rhonda Rigney, 4825 Stoddard Road, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1600 30 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING/CENGAGE LEARNING – Scott Baucher, 1080 W Escalon Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 267-3770 NUTRIENTS FOR LIFE FOUNDATION – Rick Phillips, PO Box 912, Pocatello, ID 83204 (208) 235-5685 OFF-FARM INCOME – Matt Brechwald, 5485 E Deer Flat Road, Kuna, ID 83634 (208) 573-0978 O.H. KRUSE GRAIN & MILLING - Becca Norred, PO Box 10302, Goshen, CA 93227 (559) 302-1056 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) OTTO, Brady – Associated Feed, BOtto@associatedfeed. com, (530) 521-9054 OTTO, Katie – California Association FFA/California FFA Foundation, PO Box 186, Galt, CA 95632 PARHAM, Art – Head, Animal Science & Agricultural Education Department, California State University-Fresno, 2415 San Ramon MS#AS75, Fresno, CA 93740 PARKER, Charles – Regional Supervisor, Agricultural Education, 2910 E. Barstow Avenue, Fresno, CA 937400115 PASCO SCIENTIFIC – Tara Stout, 10101 Foothills Blvd, Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 786-3800 PATTON, Matt - Agriculture Department, Elk Grove High School, 9800 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 PURINA ANIMAL NUTRITION – Cheryle Rippee, 2456 Skyview Circle, Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 479-6553 RAY, Nicole – Agriculture Department, Exeter High School, 505 Rocky Hill Drive, Exeter, CA 93221 REECE, Cheryl – Agriculture Department, Galt High School, 145 N Lincoln Way, Galt, CA 95632 REEDLEY COLLEGE EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN PROGRAM – Gary Wenter, 995 N Reed Avenue, Reedley, CA 93609 (559) 638-0317 REID, Tim – Agriculture Department, Bear River High School, 11130 Magnolia Road, Grass Valley, CA 95949 ROHDE, Cindy – Agriculture Department, Pierce High School, Rt. 1, Box 19A, Arbuckle, CA 95912 ROURKE, Morgan – Agriculture Department, Hayfork High School, PO Box 10, Hayfork, CA 96041 SCHEUBER, John – Animal Supplies International, Inc., 4100 Bangs Avenue, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 454-5100 ext 2034 Directory of Participants ROCCA, Steve – Animal Science & Agricultural Education Department, California State University, Fresno, 2415 San Ramon MSAS75, Fresno, CA 93740 31 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) SELLU, George – Agriculture and Natural Resources Department, Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 SEQUOIA FLORIA INTERNATIONAL – Haley Sayre/Pam Soares – 3245 Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 525-0780 SHASTA COLLEGE AGRICULTURE – Trena KimlerRichards, 11555 Old Oregon Stree, Redding, CA 96003 (530) 242-2209 SILCOTT, Megan - Brock Center Director/ Lecturer, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 SKIDMORE, Andrew – State FFA President, PO Box 460, Galt, CA 95632 SPERLING, Dustin – Agriculture Department, Woodland Community College, 2300 E Gibson Road, Woodland, CA 95776 SPERLING, Jill - Regional Supervisor, Agricultural Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 4202, Sacramento, CA 95814 SPIESS, Michael – College of Agriculture, California State University, Chico, CA 95929-0310 STANDALONE FEED LLC – Johnathan Hjelmervik, PO Box 340, Rotan, TX 79546 (806) 778-5527 Directory of Participants STOCKTON, Kerry - California Agricultural Teachers’ Association, PO Box 186, Galt, CA 95632 (209) 744-1614 32 STROUD, Lauren – Agriculture Department, Red Bluff Union High School, 1260 Union Street, Red Bluff, CA 96080 STYLES, Dr. Stuart – Professor and Director, Cal Poly Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 SWAN, Ben – Teacher Educator, Agricultural Education and Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) TREXLER, Cary - College of Education, UC Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 UC DAVIS, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES – Joe Lee, One Shields Avenue, 150 Mrk, Davis, CA 95616 (530) 219-6409 VAUGHN, Rosco – Animal Science & Agricultural Education Department, California State University-Fresno, 2415 San Ramon MS #AS75, Fresno, CA 93740 VAZQUEZ, Tom – Agriculture Department, West Valley High School, 3805 Happy Valley Road, Cottonwood, CA 96022 VERNON, Scott – Teacher Educator, Agricultural Education & Communication Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 WALLA WALLA COMMUNITY COLLEGE JOHN DEERE TECH – Andy Winnett, 500 Tausick Way, Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 527-4251 WEIKLE, Russ – Assistant Superintendent and State CTE Director, Carrer & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, suite 4202, Sacramento, CA 95814 WEISENBERGER, Sharon – Agriculture Department, Palmdale High School, 2137 E Avenue R, Palmdale, CA 93550 WENGER, Paul - California Farm Bureau Federation, Federation, 2300 River Plaza Drive, Sacramento, CA 95833 WHITE, Dane - Agriculture Department, Galt High School, 145 N Lincoln Way, Galt, CA 95632 WITTE, Dr. Sander – Interim Dean, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, California State University-Fresno, 2415 East San Ramon Avenue, Mail Stop 79, Fresno, CA 93740-8033 YOUNG, Morgan – The Center for Food Integrity, 2900 NE Brooktree Lane, Suite 200, Gladstone, MO 64119 (816) 556-3135 Directory of Participants WILLIAMS, John – Agriculture Department, Madera South High School, 705 W Pecan, Madera, CA 93637 33 DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS (continued) ZABLOCKI, Craig – 634 Marion Street, Denver, CO 80218 (303) 830-7996 ZACHRY, Carolyn - Administrator of the CTE Administration and Management Office (Perkins Unit), California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 4202, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 323-5042 ZENITH INSURANCE – Kimberly Naffziger, 7440 N Palm Avenue #103, Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 449-4744 Directory of Participants NOTES 34 We would like to thank iCEV for being a title sponsor for the 2016 CATA Summer Conference. 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