2016 GeoKartenbrief Spring


2016 GeoKartenbrief Spring
New maps, atlases and
books comprising all
subjects of regional geography, at the same time
supplement service to
GeoKatalog 2.
No. 374
Neue Karten, Atlanten und
Handbücher aus allen
zugleich Nachtrage-dienst
zum GeoKatalog 2.
Spring 2016
Frequency of publication: four times per year as a digital journal.
Map extract from the new map:
"Mapa geológico de España y Portugal 1:1 000 000", see p. 16
We trust that our customers will
understand that sometimes there
may be price alterations.
Wir bitten um Verständnis dafür,
dass wir uns Preisänderungen
vorbehalten müssen.
ILH – Internationales
GeoCenter GmbH
P.O. Box 80 08 30
D70508 Stuttgart
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 1 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
Welcome to GeoKartenbrief 374 which lists new geoscientific releases (Maps, atlases and books)
made available since October 2015.
All items contained in GeoKartenbrief are available from ILH. You either will receive them immediately from our large stocks titles, or we will procure them for you from any country whatever (which, however, may take time, depending of the area). When ordering observe the minimum amount of 25 EUR
(for new customers, 125 EUR). Otherwise apply to your local bookseller, please.
GeoKartenbrief is issued four times a year. In the interval we publish "Weekly News". If you wish to
receive them contact us, please: E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de or michael.saur@ilh-stuttgart.de
Sie erhalten den GeoKartenbrief 374 mit den geowissenschaftlichen Neuerscheinungen (Karten, Atlanten und Büchern), die seit Oktober2015 bei uns eingegangen sind.
Alle im GeoKartenbrief angezeigten Veröffentlichungen sind beim ILH (für Buchhändler zum Teil
auch bei GeoCenter) erhältlich. Wir liefern entweder ab Lager oder besorgen sie aus den jeweiligen
Land, wobei wir um Verständnis für oft längere Lieferzeiten bitten. Beachten Sie den Mindestbestellwert
von 25 EUR (bei Neukunden 125 EUR). Sonst wenden Sie sich bitte an ihre örtliche Buchhandlung.
Der GeoKartenbrief erscheint viermal jährlich. In der Zwischenzeit veröffentlichen wir zusätzlich
"Weekly News". Bei Interesse nehmen wir Sie gerne in den Verteiler auf: E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de
oder michael.saur@ilh-stuttgart.de
Please observe: GeoKartenbrief supplements
GeoKatalog 2 and is later part of the updated
country sections.
Bitte beachten Sie: Die GeoKartenbriefe gelten als Nachträge zum GeoKatalog 2 und
werden später in den überarbeitenden Länderteilen nachgeführt.
100 Earth / Erde
Carte générale du monde 1:14 000 000
IGN, Paris 2015
3 parts (feuille 1 Europe - Afrique, feuille 2 Asie - Australie,
feuille 3 Amériques), col., hyps. tints 200 – 1 000 m (conversion table metre / feet), shading, prominent relief features
with altitudes, soundings, detailed hydro., interna-tional &
province bdrs., international toponymy (ocean names in
French), Mercator proj., each sheet 143x99 cm, in total
143x289 cm, plasticised, flat in plastic tube
total 68,90 EUR
Assemble your poster as you like, 3 interchangeable panels
are connected perfectly.
Title ID: 109337
Атлас мира обзорно-географический (General-
Geographical World Atlas) (370)
UNIINTEH & al., A.B. Kezling, Moskva 2015
178 pp., col., thematic world maps, phys. maps for continents, regions & countries, notes on countries & regions, a
section with information about the most important international global and regional organizations, including data
about the NATO, index, 21x29,5 cm hardcover
32,00 EUR
Title ID: 109255
Ilustrowany atlas świata (Illustrated atlas of the world)
Olesiejuk, Ożarów 2015
60 pp., col., num, maps, photos & graphs, contents: the
natural, cultural and political faces of continents, endpaper
maps, 35x32,5 cm, hardcover
10,00 EUR
Title ID: 109333
Modern approaches to fluvial geomorphology
Primus Books, R. Maiti, Delhi 2016
xii, 221 pp, b&w, illus. & maps, contents: 1 System Approach in Fluvial Geomorphology, 2 Development of Channel Network, 3 Channel forms, 4 Hydraulic Character of
Open Channel, 5 Meander Geometry, 6 Dynamic Nature of
Channel, 7 Entrainment Transport and Deposition, 8 Bank
Erosion, 9 Alluvial Terrace, 10 Alluvial Fan, 11 Flood Plain
Analysis, 12 Delta, 13 Drainage Basin as a HydroGeomorphic Unit, bibliographical references, index
50,00 EUR
"Modern Approaches to Fluvial Geomorphology provides all
the technical aspects of fluvial processes and landforms as
a process-response system." Description preliminary
Title ID: 109342
Erdgeschichte (Historical Geology)
"Die Geschichte der Kontinente, der Ozeane und des Lebens (The Evolution of Continents, the Oceans and Life)"
Schweizerbart, R. Walter, 7th ed., Stuttgart 2016
x, 383 pp., 187 illus. (incl. maps & profiles), 147 col. photos,
35 boxes, contents: 1 Einführung, 2 Archaikum (4.650 bis
2.500 Millionen Jahre vor heute), 3 Proterozoikum (2.500
bis 542 Millionen Jahre vor heute), 4 Phanerozoikum (545
Millionen Jahre bis heute), 5 Ausblick, bibl., index, 17x24 cm
48,50 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 89645
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 2 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
Elsevier, S. Mukherjee, Amsterdam 2015
xv, 165 pp., col., c. 250 meso- and micro-scale color photographs (partly with captures & graphs) related to the deformation of rocks and geologic structures, , contents: 1. Folds,
2. Ductile Shear Zones, 3. Brittle Faults, 4. Boudins and
Mullions, 5. Veins, 6. Various Structures, bibl., index,
27,5x21,5 cm, hardcover
71,95 EUR
Éditions Quæ, E. Torquebiau, Versailles 2015
327 pp., col., maps, diagrams & photos, contents: Partie I
Répondre au stress climatique, Partie II À la recherche de
nouvelles pratiques, Partie III Stimuler des transformations,
Partie IV Voir plus loin, bibl.,16x24 cm, softcover
29,00 EUR
Atlas of Structural Geology
Title ID: 111038
World Soils Book Series
Springer, A.E. Hartemink (series ed.), Heidelberg & al.
2013num. vols., chiefly col., num. maps, diagrams & tables, c.
180 – 350 pp., 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
The World Soils Book Series contains details on soils of a
particular country, including sections on soil research history, climate, geology, geomorphology, major soil types, soil
maps, soil properties, soil classification, soil fertility, land
use and vegetation, soil management, soils and humans,
soils and industry, future soil issues.
Please refer to individual areas.
New book:
 The Soils of Spain (-> 236), 106,99 EUR
Title ID: 108963
Atlas du climat
"Face aux défis du réchauffement"
Édition Autrement, F.-M. Bréon & G. Luneau, Paris 2015
(Collection: Atlas/Monde)
96 pp., col., more than 100 maps & graphs, contents: Le
fonctionnement du climat, quand l'homme perturbe le climat,
Les impacts du réchauffement climatique, Le temps de
l'action, Conclusion générale, Annexes, Bibliographie et
sitographie, 17x25 cm, softcover
26,00 EUR
Title ID: 109190
Atlas of Climate Change
"Responsibility and Obligation of Human Society"
Springer, W. Dong, J. Huang, Y. Guo, & F. Ren, Berlin & al.
2016 (Springer Atmospheric Sciences)
xvi, 254 pp., col., num. cartograms (thematic maps) & diagrams, some tables, contents: 1. Data and Methods, 2.
Climate Change: Historical Simulations and Projections, 3.
Comparisons Among Multi-model Ensemble Based on Different Ensemble Methods and Ensemble Member Sizes, 4.
Responsibility for Historical Climate Change Induced from
Developed and Developing World Anthropogenic Carbon
Emissions, 5. Responsibilities for Climate Change Induced
from Developed and Developing World Anthropogenic Sulfur Emissions, 6. Transferred Responsibility for Historical
Climate Change Induced from Carbon Trade Between Developed and Developing World, bibl., 16x24 cm, hardcover
106,99 EUR
Title ID: 109252
Changement climatique et agricultures du monde
Title ID: 111115
Le changement climatique
"Ce qui va changer dans mon quotidien"
Éditions Quæ, H. Géli & J.-F. Soussana, Versailles 2015
167 pp., no illus., contents: La France vue du ciel dans un
scénario «+4°C» (Les paysages français, La biodiversité,
Agriculture et élevage, Pêche et océans), Quel sera mon
quotidien en 2050? (Mon assiette et mon verre de vin, Ma
santé, Mes loisirs et mon environnement, Mes transports,
Ma ville), Créer un futur désirable, Bibliographie,
13x21,5 cm, softcover
20,00 EUR
Title ID: 111117
L'Atlas de la Planète positive
Les Liens qui libèrent, I. Lefort & A. Thuleau (dirs.), Paris
189 pp., col., maps & photos, contents: Agriculture, Citoyenneté, Économie circulaire, Éducation, Énergie, Entreprendre en positif, Environnement, Finance, Lutte contre la
pauvreté, Santé, 25,5x27,5 cm, softcover
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 111071
Historischer Weltatlas (211)
Marix Verlag, W. Leisering, Wiesbaden 2015
xvi, 223 pp., col., num. maps, contents: Die unabhängigen
Staaten der Erde 1999, Wichtige politischen Zusammenschlüsse, 1. Von der Urgeschichte bis zu den frühen Hochkulturen, 2. Das antike Griechenland und die hellenistische
Welt, 3. Das antike Rom und die Zeit des römischen Weltreiches, 4. Europa und der Mittelmeerraum im frühen Mittelalter, 5. Europa und die Welt im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter,
6. Die Welt und Europa zu Beginn der Neuzeit, 7. Europa im
Zeitalter des Absolutismus und der Französischen Revolution, 8. Europa und die Welt im 19. und zu Beginn des 20.
Jahrhunderts, 9. Die Welt und Europa vom Zeitalter des
Imperialismus bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges, 10.
Europa und die Welt in der Nachkriegsepoche 1945 bis
1990, 11. Nordamerika seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, 12. Mittelund Südamerika in der Neuzeit, 13. Das Russische Reich
und die Sowjetunion bis 1991, 14. Asien und der Pazifische
Raum seit der Neuzeit, 15. Afrika und die Arabische Welt im
19. und 20 Jahrhundert, 16. Die Welt im Zeitalter des OstWest-Konfliktes, 17. Aktueller Anhang: Europa und die Welt
am Ende der Nachkriegsepoche, index, endpaper maps,
18x26,5 cm, hardcover
12,99 EUR
Title ID: 109051
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 3 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
"Band 1: Von den Anfängen bis zur Französischen Revolution"
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, W. Hilgemann & H. Kinder, 41th
ed., München 2015
312 pp., col., 128 pp. illus. (incl. maps, diagrams & graphs),
contents: Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Hochkulturen, AntikeGriechenland, Antike-Hellenismus, Antike-Rom, Frühes
Mittelalter, Hohes Mittelalter, Spätmittelalter, Zeitwende,
Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, Register, 12,5x19 cm, softcover
12,90 EUR
"Politische Theorie - Politische Systeme - Internationale
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, F. Kohout, B. Mayerhofer & A.
Vierecke, 4th ed., München 2015
256 pp., 113 pp., illus. (incl. maps, graphs & diagrams),
contents: Politische Theorien (Einführung, Theorien der
Antiken, Theorien des Mittelalters, Theorien der Neuzeit,
Theorien der Moderne), Politische Systeme (Politische Systemlehre, Politische Systemtheorie, Typologien und Typen,
Wesensmerkmale des demokratischen Staates, Das intermediäre System, Wahlen und Wahlsysteme, Das Regierungssystem der BRD, Das parlamentarische System des
Vereinigten Königreichs, Das semipräsidentielle System
Frankreichs, Die Europäische Union, Das präsidentielle
System der USA, Direktdemokratische Systeme), Internationale Beziehungen (Internationale Politik, Theorien der
Internationalen Beziehungen, Handlungsebenen, Politikfelder, Grundkonflikte seit 1945, Internationale Organisationen,
Aktuelle Problemfelder und Zukunftsfragen), Literaturverzeichnis , Internetadressen, Abbildungsnachweis, Register,
12,5x19 cm, softcover
total 12,90 EUR
dtv-Atlas Weltgeschichte
Title ID: 109328
dtv-Atlas Weltgeschichte
"Band 2: Von der französischen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart"
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, H. Kinder, Werner Hilgemann & M.
Hergt, 43th ed., München 2015
ix, 403 pp. (pp. 288 - 690), col., 149 pp., illus. (incl. maps,
graphs & diagrams), contents: Zeit der großen Revolutionen, Zeitalter Napoleons, Zeitalter der Restauration und
Revolution, Zeitalter der Nationalstaaten, Zeitalter des Imperialismus, Erster Weltkrieg, Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen,
Zweiter Weltkrieg. Zeitgeschichte ab 1945, Register für
Band 1und 2, 12,5x19 cm, softcover
12,90 EUR
Title ID: 109329
Grand atlas des empires coloniaux
"Des premières colonisations aux décolonisations: XVeXXIe siècle"
Éditions Autrement, M. Dorigny & al., Paris 2015
286 pp., col., 370 maps & graphs, contents: Les premières
colonisations (La naissance des empires européens XVeXVIe siècle, La redistribution des empires au XVIIe siècle,
L'apogée de la colonisation mercantiliste au XVIIIe siècle,
Rupture des équilibres coloniaux à la fin du XVIIIe siècle),
Les empires coloniaux (Continuités et mutations des empires au XIXe siècle, Des impérialismes triomphants XIXe
siècle, Interactions et tensions aux colonies l'entre-deuxguerres, Circulations et réseaux impériaux), Les décolonisations, 1937-1954, la fin des empires coloniaux, Émergence
du tiers-monde, guerre froide et arabisme, Décolonisation
en Afrique et développement, Questions néocoloniales et
postcoloniales), annexes, bibliographie, repères, chronologiques, sources, 19,5x28 cm, softcover
40,00 EUR
Title ID: 109189
Atlas géopolitique mondial
"Édition 2016"
Éditions du Rocher, A. Bautzmann (dir.), Paris 2016
193 pp., c. 280 maps & graphs (incl. diagrams), contents:
Europe, Moyen-Orient, Afrique, Asie, Amériques, Environnement, Enjeux internationaux, 23x30 cm, softcover
29,00 EUR
dtv-Atlas Politik
"The dtv-Atlas Politics includes a survey of political ideas
and theories ranging from Plato to the end of the 20th century and explains the structures of various parliamentary
systems and electoral systems as well as the political system of the European Union. It also covers topics such as
international law, ethnic conflicts, international and nongovernmental organisations, population development and
much more."
Title ID: 109327
Atlas des cités perdues (An Atlas of Lost Cities)
Arthaud, A. de Tocqueville & K. Doering-Froger, Paris 2014
144 pp., col., notes, 60 illus. (maps & graphs) on 44 lost
places in Africa (6), America (11), Asia (18) & Europe (9),
19x26,5 cm, bd.
30,00 EUR
"The atlas compiles astounding portraits that bring to life
over 40 cities whose ancient or modern vestiges haunt the
planet." French ed. was described in GeoKartenbrief 371.
Title ID: 98729
Atlas der verlorenen Städte (Atlas of Lost Cities)
"(A Travel Guide to Abandoned and Forsaken Destinations)"
Frederking & Thaler, A. de Tocqueville, München 2015
142 pp., col, num. maps, descriptions of more than 40
places all over the world, 19x26, cm, hardcover 29,99 EUR
The atlas shows the location of the lost cities and depicts
how they looked when they thrived. French ed. was described in GeoKartenbrief 371.
Title ID: 111058
Title ID: 103729
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 4 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
Atlas des chrétiens
"Des premières communautés aux défis contemporains"
Éditions Autrement, A. Girard, S. Parent & L. Pettinaroli,
Paris 2016 (Collection Atlas / Monde)
95 pp., col., more than 120 maps & graphs, contents: Expansion, Un christianisme pluriel, Pratiques du christianisme, Les chrétiens et les autres: cohabitations et conflits,
Défis contemporaire, bibliografie, sitographie, 17x25 cm,
31,00 EUR
Title ID: 111072
Energy Map of the World 1:23 000 000
PE, 19th ed., London 2015
col., major oilfields and gasfields, major oil and gas pipelines, LNG import terminals (existing, under construction
and planned & proposed), LNG export plants (existing, under construction and planned & proposed), Major tanker
terminals, Major oil refineries, Information boxes for each
country showing oil & natural gas, proved reserves, production and consumption; also LNG liquefaction and regasification capacity where applicable (2035 oil and natural gas
production is shown where known), 11 tables & graphics
(Proved oil and natural gas reserves (2013), Oil and natural
gas production (2013), Oil and natural gas consumption
(2013), World energy consumption outlook (1990-2035),
World energy production outlook (1990-2035), Primary oil
and gas demand (2015-2040), Oil and natural gas production (2015-2040), Cumulative investment in oil and gas
supply infrastructure by region, Oil refinery capacity, LNG
regasification capacity, LNG liquefaction capacity,
114x89 cm, fd.
465,00 EUR
Title ID: 2183
World Gas Map 1:23 000 000
PE, London 2015
col., phys. base, capitals, bdrs., gas fields, gas pipelines
(including those under construction and planned), LNG
import terminals and export plants (including those under
construction), GTL projects, 5 tables (World gas production
by region, World gas consumption by region, LNG trade
movements, detailing exports and imports by country in Bn
cm, Primary natural gas demand forecast by region, Timeline for 2014 detailing major developments in gas exploration, production, and discovery, by month), 9 inset maps
(Trinidad and Tobago, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico (United
States), East Africa, Northwest Shelf (Australia), Indonesia
(Makassar Strait), Japan (LNG import terminals), UK (West
of Shetland), Norwegian Sea, Canada West Coast (British
Columbia), 126x89,5 cm, fd.
465,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 2184
World LNG Map 1:23 000 000
PE, K. Fuller & P. Bush (comps.), rev. ed., London 2015
col., places, bdrs., LNG export plants and import terminals
by status (operational, under construction, planned or proposed, speculative), export plants (status, start-up year,
operator, shareholders, capacity (m t/y), no of trains, process method, gas fields), import terminals( status; start-up
year (plus expansions, if any), operator and receiving
source), 7 inset maps (Existing and future LNG exporting
countries as at February 2014, United States importing
terminals and exporting plants by key states, Qatar and
UAE exporting plants, Chinese importing terminals, Southwest European importing terminals, Japanese importing
terminals, East Mediterranean importing terminals and exporting plants), num. tables (LNG trade movements detailing
exports and imports by country in Bn cm, World trade detailing exports and imports by region in Bn cm from 2003 2012 including 2014 start-up projects, LNG Vessel order
book), sources, 147x89,5 cm, fd.
395,00 EUR
Title ID: 2186
World Oil and Gas Map 1:23 000 000
PE, 4th ed., London 2014
col., major oil & gas fields, major oil & gas pipelines, including those existing, under construction or planned & proposed, oil refineries, LNG export plants including those
existing, under construction or planned & proposed, LNG
import terminals including those existing, under construction
or planned & proposed, major tanker terminals, 4 inset
maps (North Sea infrastructure, Gulf of Mexico [US], Middle
East, South East Asia), 4 tables and graphics (World oil
statistics (2013) for production, proved reserves and consumption, world gas statistics (2013) for production, proved
reserves and consumption, oil and gas demand outlook to
2040, LNG trade movements 2013) 12,5x89 cm, fd.
465,00 EUR
Title ID: 2188
Mountain Cartography
"16 Years ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography
Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Wien, K. Kriz (ed.), Wien 2015 (Wiener Schriften zur
Geographie und Kartographie, Band 21)
219 pp., col., 203 illus. (incl. maps, photos & graphs), 5
tables, 22 contributions, contents: Introduction, Regional
Diversity, Relief and Rock Representation, Atlas Mapping,
Special Topics, bibl., 21x30 cm, softcover
50,00 EUR
Title ID: 109054
La mise en carte des risques naturels
"Diversité des approches"
Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, F.Leone & F.
Vinet (dirs.), Montpellier 2008
89 pp. col., maps & graphs, contents: Partie 1 La carte,
support et connaissance, Partie 2 La carte, produit du modèle, Partie 3 La carte outil de régulation, Partie 4 La carte
instrument de communication, bibl. 21x27 cm, softcover
37,00 EUR
Key words: Natural hazards, public policies, lawful hazard
mapping, Switzerland, Italy, France
Title ID: 109217
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 5 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
"According to Illustrators & Storytellers"
Die Gestalten Verlag, nn, 6th printing, Berlin 2015
244 pp., col., num. maps, plans & graphs with short expl.,
24,5 x 33 cm, hardcover
39,90 EUR
This work showcases specific regions, characterizes local
scenes, generates moods, and tells stories beyond sheer
navigation. Contemporary maps in line with the "zeitgeist"
by today's most original and sought-after designers, illustrators, and mapmakers.
"Europa von den ersten Menschen bis Christi Geburt"
Konrad Theiss Verlag Stuttgart, S. von Schnurbein (ed.), 3rd
rev. ed., Stuttgart 2014
240 pp., col., 120 maps (incl. plans), 150 figs. (incl. photos),
contents: Alt- und Mittelsteinzeit (1,3 Millionen Jahre – 4 000
v. Chr.), Jungsteinzeit (6 500 - 2 500 v. Chr.), Bronzezeit (2
200 - 800 v. Chr.), Eisenzeit (800 v.Chr. - Christi Geburt),
Glossar, Orts-und Sachregister, Literatur, Chronologietabellen, 24,5x31 cm, bd.
49,95 EUR
"Illustrated Maps and Cartography"
Die Gestalten Verlag, A. Antoniou, R. Klanten & S. Ehmann,
Berlin 2015
288 pp., num. maps, plans, graphs, bird's eye views & illus.,
notes, 24,5x33 cm, hardcover
44,00 EUR
"Les dessous de la question rom"
Éditions Autrement, S. Delépine, 2nd ed., Paris 2016 (Collection Atlas / Monde)
96 pp., col., more than 90 maps & graphs, contents: Une
histoire contrainte, Identités et diversité, Les tsiganes face
aux difficultés économiques et sociales, Les gens du
voyage en France, Des «politiques tsiganes»?, Conclusion,
Bibliographie, Glossaire, 17,5x25 cm, softcover 31,00 EUR
A Map of the World
Title ID: 87607
Mind the Map
Mind the Map provides new perspectives on the world in
map form.
Title ID: 109250
MAP - Karten
"Die Welt entdecken"
Phaidon - Edel, Hamburg 2015
352 pp., col., 400 illus. (more than 300 stunning maps from
all periods and from all around the world, exploring and
revealing what maps tell us about history and ourselves),
contents: Einleitung, Karten, Zeitstrahl, Biografien, Glossar,
Register, 30x20 cm, hardcover
49,95 EUR
Title ID: 109839
The Map Design Toolbox
"Time-Saving Templates for Graphic Design"
Die Gestalten Verlag, A. Tibelius, Berlin 2014
224 pp., col., num. maps, graphs & illus., contents: World
maps, Countries, Legends, Transportation, Buildings,
Sports, Vacations, Pirates, Outro, flexicover, 21,5x26 cm,
encl. DVD with 640 ready-to-go vector files
35,00 EUR
Together, this book and included DVD are a digital toolbox
for designing your own illustrative maps.
Title ID: 109249
200 Europe / Europa
Atlas Florae Europaeae
"Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe"
J. Jalas, J. Suominen & al. (eds.), Helsinki 1972vols., 40-310 pp., num. distribution maps, 22x28 cm, pb.
New vol.:
Atlas der Vorgeschichte
Title ID: 2644
Atlas des Tsiganes
Title ID: 80080
210 Mitteleuropa / Central Europe
Der große Luftbildatlas Deutschland - Mit Österreich
und Schweiz
"Neue Perspektiven entdecken"
Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2015
544 pp., vol., 140 map pp. (Germany 1:250 000, Austria &
Switzerland 1:400 000), 450 photos (incl. aerial photos,
photos after the fall of the Berlin Wall, etc.), notes on points
of interest, index, 27,5x36,5 cm hardcover
49,99 EUR
Title ID: 109269
Kartographie und Konflikt im Spätmittelalter
"Manuskriptkarten aus dem oberrheinischen und schweizerischen Raum"
Chronos Verlag, R.A. Ruch, Zürich 2015 (Medienwandel –
Medienwechsel – Medienwissen. Historische Perspektiven)
199 pp., chiefly col., maps & graphs, contents: Intensivierung von Herrschaft am Beispiel der Stadt Genf (1429/30),
Dokumentation und Memorierung von Herrschaftswissen –
Honau (1450), Inszenierung von Herrschaftsansprüchen –
Chronistik und kartographische Darstellung am Beispiel
Zürichs (1485/86), Die Legitimation eines politischen Systems – Die Eidgenossenschaft (1496/97), Kartengebrauch
im Konflikt, Bibliographie, 15,5x22,5 cm softcover
34,00 EUR
Title ID: 109737
 16 Rosaceae (Cydonia to Prunus, excl. Sorbus) 2013,
maps 4709–4878
95,00 EUR
Title ID: 109237
General included: Cydonia, Chaenomeles, Pyrus, Malus,
Crataegus, Prunus
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 6 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
Joan Blaeu Germania, Atlas Maior of 1665
"Deutschland Österreich Schweiz"
Taschen, P. van der Krogt, Köln 2015
235 pp., col., 100 plates with maps, contents: Introduction to
the geography by Joan Blaeu, The Atlas Maior of Joan
Blaeu - Introduction by Peter van der Krogt, Maps - with a
selection original texts by Joan Blaeu, Germania, Austria,
Switzerland, index, bilingual (Germ. & Engl.), 25x38 cm,
14,99 EUR
"The Atlas Maior is the cartographical masterpiece of the
Baroque period and the largest and most expensive book
published during the 17th century. Originally published in
Latin, it featured 594 maps over 11 volumes, released between 1662 and 1665 by publisher Joan Blaeu, one of Holland's leading cartographers. For more than 100 years the
exhaustive atlas of the world, it is today among the most
sought-after and valuable antiquarian rarities."
Aufschluss, 3 Ergänzung zur Lage, 4 Angaben zum Schichtenverzeichnis), Teil B – Bohrtechnikdaten (1 Angaben zur
Bohrung, 2 Probendaten, 3 Bohrlochmessungen, 4 Bohrungsausbau und Messstellenart), Teil C – Schichtdaten (1
Schichtart (SART), 2 Stratigraphie (STRAT), 3 Petrographie
(PETRO), 4 Genese (GENESE), 5 Farbe (FARBE), 6 Zusatzangaben (ZUSATZ), 7 Skalenangaben zum Kalkgehalt,
Humositäts- und Zersetzungsgrad (KALKGEH), 8 Beschaffenheit nach Bohrgut (BESCHBG), 9 Beschaffenheit nach
Bohrvorgang (BESCHBV), 10 Bodengruppen, Rohstoffgruppen (BGRUPPE), 11 Allgemeine Attribute (datenfeldübergreifend verwendbar), 12 Quantifikatoren und
Qualifikatoren (in mehreren Datenfeldern verwendbar)); 2.
Teil: Glossar, contents: Glossar, Anhang, Literatur, Normen
und Gesetze , 15x22 cm, softcover
total 46,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 109729
Title ID: 109234
211 Deutschland / Germany
"Böden in thematischen Karten (Soils in thematic maps)"
BGR, K. Kruse (coord.), Hannover 2016
144 pp., col., 48 maps, 67 figs., 8 tables, contents: 1 Boden
– multifunktionale Lebensgrundlage, 2 Wie entstehen unsere Böden?, 3 Böden in Deutschland, 4 Wasser und Boden,
5 Nähr- und Schadstoffe im Boden – Gehalte und Mobilität,
6 Boden in Gefahr, 7 Boden – Grundlage der Landwirtschaft, Anhang, Literaturverzeichnis, Glossar, 30x36,5 cm,
38,80 EUR
Übersichtskarte Deutschland 1:750 000
BKG, (5th ed.), Frankfurt am Main 2015
col., shading, landscapes, hydro., sand, communications &
places classified, länder bdrs., Lambert's conformal conic
proj. 96x136 cm, flat, tube
12,90 EUR
Title ID: 2903
Verwaltungskarte Deutschland 1:750 000
BKG, Frankfurt am Main 2015
col., places & communications, hydro., admin. bdrs. (national and state bdrs., county and district bdrs.) & seats,
Lambert Conformal Conic proj., 136,5x 94,5 cm, flat in tube
12,90 EUR
Title ID: 100764
Die Braunkohlenlagerstätten Deutschlands
"– ein Überblick -"
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, R. Vulpius, GDMB Verlag 2015
xiv, 623 pp., chiefly col., 375 figs. (incl. maps, cross
sections, graphs & diagrams), 70 plates, some tables, contents: 1 Allgemeine Geologie der Braunkohlenlagerstätten, 2
Die petrologische und physiko-chemische Untersuchung
von Braunkohlen, 3 Die Braunkohlen-Lagerstättenbezirke
Deutschlands, 4 Die Lagerstättenvorräte der Braunkohlen, 5
Die Verwertung und Veredlung der Braunkohle, 6 Schlussbemerkungen, 7 Zum Autor, 8 Quellenverzeichnis, 9 Sachregister, 17,5x24,5 cm, softcover
75,00 EUR
Title ID: 109330
Symbolschlüssel Geologie
"Aufschluss, Bohrtechnik, Schicht, Daten"
LBEG, 4th ed., Hannover 2015 (Monographien von BGR
und LBEG)
535 pp., 2 vols.: 1. Teil: Symbole für die Dokumentation
geologischer Feld- und Aufschlussdaten, contents: Teil A –
Aufschlussdaten (1 Angaben zur Lokation, 2 Angaben zum
Bodenatlas Deutschland (Soil atlas of Germany)
Title ID: 109323
Deutsche Post - Glücksatlas 2015
Deutsche Post & Albrecht Knaus Verlag, B. Raffelhüschen
& R. Schlinkert, Bonn & München 2015
138 pp., col., some maps & tables, num. diagrams), contents: Teil I Was nützt uns Glück?, Teil II Stand und Entwicklung der Lebenszufriedenheit in Deutschland (1. Zur
Entwicklung der allgemeinen Lebenszufriedenheit, 2.
Trends und Schwerpunkte bei der Lebenszufriedenheit, 3.
Zufriedenheitsfaktor Arbeit), Teil III Beruf und Freizeit in
Zeiten der Digitalisierung (1. Der Arbeitsplatz der Deutschen
und die Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeit, 2. Die Rolle der Digitalisierung, 3. Die Bedeutung der Work-Life-Balance, 4. Fazit),
Anhang (Statistisches Glossar, Anmerkungen, Literatur,
Autoren), 16x23 cm, flap case binding
14,99 EUR
Title ID: 109239
Die DNA der Stadt
"Ein Atlas urbaner Strukturen in Deutschland"
Verlag Hermann Schmidt, I. Mueller-Haagen, J. Simonsen &
L. Többen, Mainz 2014
264 pp., b&w, 100 plans, contents: Teil 1 - Die DNA der
Stadt, Teil 2 - Die Schwarzpläne, Teil 3 - Anhang, 23x26,5
cm, hardcover
68,00 EUR
An introduction to the history of urban development with
exemplary city building blocks
Title ID: 109736
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 7 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
212 Schleswig-Holstein & Hamburg
Ardey Verlag, Historische Kommission für Westfalen & Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte (eds.), Münster
2014single vols., col., 4-6 plates (first cadastral map, extract from
top. map and city plan, var. thematic maps), photos, c. 16
pp., notes., photos, 25x35 cm
Historischer Atlas Westfälischer Städte
Topographische Karte 1:50 000
"Normalausgabe / ATKIS" (TK 50N / M745)
LVermGeoSH, Kiel c. 1962- (rev. every 5 years approx.).
chiefly revised as AKTIS version 1998-)
53 sheets (Blätter), col., contours 2,5 m, hydro, wood,
places and communications classified, Gauß-Krüger proj.,
71,5x48 cm; ATKIS version: 3 language legend (Germ.,
Engl. & Danish), UTM proj., 74x56 cm
each 5,35 EUR
New edition:
 L 2326 Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel, 2013
New vol.:
 Bd. 7 Soest, 2016, 12 plates, W.Ehbrecht,
M. Siekmann & T.Tippach
39,90 EUR
Title ID: 98687
216 Hessen / Hesse
Title ID: 3945
214 Nordrhein-Westfalen / North RhineWestphalia
Geologie und Boden von Nordrhein-Westfalen
GD, M. Hiß, Krefeld 2016
157 pp., col., num. illus. (incl. maps, profiles, cross sections,
block diagrams, graphs & photos), stratigraphic tables, contents: Einführung, Im Herzen Europas (NRW und seine
Landschaften, Flächennutzung, Gewässer und Grundwasser, NRW-Landschaften in der Erdgeschichte), 500 Mio.
Jahre Erdgeschichte in NRW (Altpaläozoikum (Kambrium
bis Silur), Devon, Karbon, Perm, Trias, Jura, Kreide, Tertiär,
Quartär), Bodenvielfalt in NRW (Bodenlandschaften, Eine
breite Palette von Bodentypen, Böden in der Stadt, Nachhaltige Bodennutzung), Geowissenschaften sichern unsere
Zukunft (Anthropozän – Der Mensch nimmt Einfluss auf die
Geofaktoren, 1Geogefahren auch in NRW, Geowissenschaften für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung), NordrheinWestfalen im geowissenschaftlichen Kartenbild, Schriften,
Internet, Quellen, 21x29,5 cm, softcover
8,00 EUR
Title ID: 111056
Atlas der Faltenwespen Hessens
Hessen Forst, S. Tischendorf & al., Gießen 2015 (Band 3
der Schriftenreihe FENA Wissen)
260 pp., col., 69 (70) Vespidae from Hesse are presented
with distribution maps and hazard analysis, each species is
represented with pictures of their habit and their habitat,
17,5x24,5 cm, hardcover
21,40 EUR
Title ID: 109235
Hessischer Städteatlas
HLGL, U. Braasch-Schwersmann (ed.), Marburg 2005single vols., grouped in instalments (Lieferung I etc.), each
5-7 plates, detailed maps at various scales, partly col.,
50x35 cm, folder; expl., 28-66 pp., pb.; cardboard covers
each 29,80 EUR
New vol.:
 IV, 4 Battenberg (Eder), 2015
Title ID: 109055
217 Baden-Württemberg
GD, Krefeld 1969-1995 (2nd ed., 1980 - )
72 sheets & 16 border sheets, following top. sheet plan, col.,
detailed. inset maps, comprehensive legend, partly bilingual
with Dutch (NL) or Fr. (FL), 80x62 cm
each 14,50 EUR
"Normalausgabe" (TK 50 N), ATKIS"
LVABW, Stuttgart 2004282 sheets (Blätter) and 24 border sheets (Randblätter), 6
col., auxiliary contours down to 1,25 m, DEM, veg., hydro,
land cover tints, places and communications classified,
(colour-coded roads), gemeinde bdrs, reserve area bdrs.,
Gauß-Krüger proj., UTM grid, 77x49 cm, fd. each 5,40 EUR
Bodenkarte von Nordrhein-Westfalen 1:50 000
New edition:
 L 5308 Bonn, 2nd ed. 2015
Title ID: 5561
Topographische Karte 1:25 000
New editions:
 6222 Stadtprozelten, 2015
Amt für rheinische Landeskunde, 2nd ed., Bonn 1972- /
1978single vols., 4-7 plates (outline map 1:2 500 from cadastral
surveys 1816-, extract from first top. map 1:25 000 of 1840,
modern air image 1:100 000), expl., 4-30 pp., partly figs.,
cardboard folders
 6223 Wertheim, 2015
Title ID: 111328
Rheinischer Städteatlas
New vols:
 99 Monheim, 2015 (Lieferung XX)
24,50 EUR
 100 Düsseldorf, 2015 (Lieferung XX)
39,50 EUR
 101 Angermund, 2015 (Lieferung XX)
24,50 EUR
Title ID: 109226
Title ID: 109227
Title ID: 109228
Title ID: 111329
 6322 Hardheim, 2015
Title ID: 111330
 6323 Tauberbischofsheim West, 2015
Title ID: 111331
 6324 Tauberbischofsheim Ost, 2015
Title ID: 111332
 6420 Mudau-Schloßau, 2015
Title ID: 111333
(cont'd p. 8)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 8 • Spring 2016
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374 GeoKartenbrief
 6421 Buchen (Odenwald), 2015
Title ID: 111334
 6422 Walldürn, 2015
Title ID: 111335
 6423 Ahorn, 2015
Title ID: 111336
 6424 Lauda-Königshofen, 2015
Title ID: 111337
 6520 Waldbrunn, 2015
Title ID: 111338
 6521 Limbach, 2015
Title ID: 111339
 6524 Bad Mergentheim, 2015
Title ID: 111340
Karte der mineralischen Rohstoffe von BadenWürttemberg 1:50 000
LGRB, Freiburg i.Br. 1999series following top. sheet plan, col., detailed, thickness
profile 1:2 500, each c. 80x60 cm; expl., c. 50 - 210 pp.,
figs., tables, pb., partly CD-ROM encl.
unless indicated 38,50 EUR
New map:
 L 7126 / L 7128 Aalen / Nördlingen (Südteil) und L 7326
/ L 7328 Heidenheim an der Brenz / Höchstädt an
der Donau, 2015 with CD-ROM
70,60 EUR
Title ID: 109929
 6525 Weikersheim, 2015
218 Bavaria / Bayern
 6526 Creglingen, 2015
Title ID: 111341
Title ID: 111342
 6620 Mosbach, 2015
Title ID: 111343
 6621 Billigheim, 2015
Title ID: 111344
 6624 Mulfingen, 2015
Title ID: 111345
 6625 Schrozberg West, 2015
Title ID: 111346
 6626 Schrozberg Ost, 2015
Title ID: 111347
Topographische Karte 1:50 000
"Normalausgabe (TK 50 N) & ATKIS"
LVGB, München c. 1950- (Serie M 745)
152 sheets (Blätter) and 16 Randblätter (border sheets), 5-7
col., contours 10 m, mainly shading, veg., places and communications classified, UTM proj., 76x56 cm, fd. (or flat)
each 6,20 EUR
-- ditto flat,
each 8,90 EUR
New sheets:
 L 5526 Mellrichstadt, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 71715
 6720 Bad Rappenau, 2015
 L 5730 Coburg, Ausgabe 2015
 6721 Bad Friedrichshall, 2015
 L 5736 Hof, Ausgabe 2015
 6722 Hardthausen am Kocher, 2015
 L 5926 Schweinfurt, Ausgabe 2015
 6723 Öhringen, 2015
 L 6132 Scheßlitz, Ausgabe 2015
 6724 Künzelsau, 2015
 L 6530 Fürth, Ausgabe 2015
 6725 Gerabronn, 2015
 L 6726 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Ausgabe 2015
 6726 Rot am See, 2015
 L 6928 Wassertrüdingen, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111348
Title ID: 111349
Title ID: 111350
Title ID: 111351
Title ID: 111352
Title ID: 111353
Title ID: 111354
Freizeitkarte 1:50 000
LGL (LVABW), Stuttgart 2002-2007
30 sheets for Baden-Württemberg, 8 col., text and illus. on
reverse, 98x67 cm, fd.
each 6,90 EUR
New editions:
 F512 Unteres Taubental - Tauberbischofsheim, 2015
Title ID: 103430
Title ID: 71716
Title ID: 71717
Title ID: 71718
Title ID: 71725
Title ID: 71721
Title ID: 71726
 L 7328 Höchstädt a.d.Donau, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 71728
 L 7534 Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 71729
 L 7536 Freising, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 71730
 L 7542 Pfarrkirchen, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 103488
Title ID: 8667
 L 7726 Neu-Ulm, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 8675
 L 8530 Füssen, Ausgabe 2015
 F520 Stuttgart, 2015
 F523 Tübingen - Reutlingen, 2016
Title ID: 8678
Title ID: 71724
Title ID: 103529
 F530 Wangen im Allgäu, 4th ed. 2015
Title ID: 8698
(cont'd p. 9)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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Spring 2016 • page 9 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
 L 5728 Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111121
 L 5932 Lichtenfels, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111122
 L 6138 Erbendorf, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111123
 L 6320 Miltenberg, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111124
 L 6338 Weiden in der Oberpfalz, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111125
 L 6526 Uffenheim, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111126
 L 6534 Hersbruck, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111127
 L 6930 Weißenburg in Bayern, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111128
 L 7334 Ingolstadt, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111129
 L 7338 Rottenburg an der Laaber, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111130
 L 7530 Wertingen, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111131
 L 7540 Vilsbiburg, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111132
 L 7928 Mindelheim, Ausgabe 2015
Title ID: 111133
Amtliche Topographische Karte Bayern 1:25 000
LVGB, München 2010- (ATK25)
c. 240 top. sheets, shading, col., contours 10 - 50 m, hiking
& biking routes, points of interest, notes, comprehensive
legend, UTM proj., chiefly 99x67 cm, fd. dbl.
each 8,90 EUR
New sheets:
 A10 Ludwigsstadt, Teuschnitz – Pressig – Tettau –
Steinbach am Wald – Gräfenthal – Probstzella ,2015
Title ID: 111134
 B06 Bad Neustadt am der Saale, Münnerstadt –
Wollbach – Saal a.d.Saale – Sulzfeld – Bastheim –
Hollstadt, 2015
Title ID: 111135
 B07 Bad Königshofen imGrabfeld, Trappstadt –
Höchheim – Sulzdorf a.d.Lederhecke – Römhild, 2015
 C13 Schwarzenbach an der Saale, Selb –
Kirchenlamitz – Weißenstadt – Marktleuthen – Rehau –
Schönwald, 2015
Title ID: 111143
 C14 Selb, Arzberg – Schönwald – Thiersheim – Schirnding – Aš – Hohenberg an der Eger, 2015
Title ID: 111144
 D13 Marktredwitz, Wunsiedel – Tröstau – Waldershof –
Kulmain – Fuchsmüh l – Neusorg, 2015
Title ID: 111145
 D14 Mitterteich, Arzberg – Waldsassen – Konnersreuth
– Wiesau – Fuchsmühl – Pechbrunn, 2015
Title ID: 111146
 D15 Waldsassen, Mähring – Leonberg –
Neualbenreuth – Tirschenreuth-Nord, 2015
Title ID: 111147
 E14 Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Tirschenreuth – Falkenberg – Plößberg – Windischeschenbach – Floß– Altenstadt an der Waldnaab, 2015
Title ID: 111148
 E15 Tirschenreuth, Bärnau – Plößberg – Floß – Flossenbürg, 2015
Title ID: 111149
 F06 Uffenheim, Iphofen – Markt Einersheim – Mainbernheim – Ippesheim – Markt Bibart – Sugenheim,
Title ID: 111150
 F07 Neustadt an der Aisch, Scheinfeld – Dietersheim –
Sugenheim – Markt Bibart – Diespeck –
Vestenbergsgreuth, 2015
Title ID: 111151
 G07 Markt Erlbach, Obernzenn – Bad Windsheim –
Dietenhofen – Flachslanden – Neuhof a.d.Zenn –
Ipsheim, 2016
Title ID: 111152
 H07 Ansbach, Herrieden – Weidenbach – Lehrberg –
Leutershausen – Weihenzell – Lichtenau, 2016
Title ID: 111153
 J 10 Eichstätt, Kipfenberg – Titting – Adelschlag –
Hitzhofen – Kinding – Pollenfeld, 2015
Title ID: 111155
 J09 Pappenheim, Treuchtlingen – Schernfeld –
Dollnstein – Langenaltheim – Solnhofen – Mörnsheim,
Title ID: 111154
Title ID: 111136
 K09 Rain, Wellheim – Oberhausen – Burgheim,–
Tagmersheim,– Marxheim,– Rennertshofen, 2015
Title ID: 111137
 K10 Neuburg an der Donau, Ingolstadt-West –
Buxheim – Gaimersheim – Karlshuld – Nassenfels –
Title ID: 111138
 L09 Pöttmes, Aindling – Inchenhofen – Ehekirchen –
Thierhaupten – Petersdorf – Baar (Schwaben), 2016
Title ID: 111139
 L10 Schrobenhausen, Hohenwart – Königsmoos –
Aresing – Waidhofen – Kühbach – Langenmosen, 2015
Title ID: 111140
 M09 Aichach, Friedberg – Dasing – Affing –
Obergriesbach – Adelzhausen – Rehling, 2016
 B10 Kronach, Teuschnitz – Stockheim – Wilhelmsthal –
Pressig – Marktrodach – Mitwitz, 2015
 B11 Schwarzenbach am Wald, Wallenfels – Bad
Steben – Geroldsgrün – Nordhalben – Marktrodach–
Steinwiesen, 2015
 B12 Naila, Helmbrechts – Bad Steben – Selbitz –
Konradsreuth – Hof –West – Schauenstein, 2015
 B13 Hof, Rehau, Regnitzlosau, Döhlau, Oberkotzau,
Feilitzsch, Trogen 2016
 C03 Rieneck, Burgsinn – Frammersbach – Obersinn –
Gemünden am.Main – Aura im Sinngrund – Fellen,
Title ID: 111141
 C04 Hammelburg, Gräfendorf – Oberthulba – Fuchsstadt – Wartmannsroth – Gemünden am Main, 2015
Title ID: 111142
Title ID: 111156
Title ID: 111157
Title ID: 111158
Title ID: 111159
Title ID: 111160
 N12 Garching bei München, Ismaning – Markt Schwaben – Neufahrn bei Freising – Moosinning – Poing –
Kirchheim bei München, 2014
Title ID: 111161
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
374 • page 10 • Spring 2016
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
LVGB, München 2013- (ATK100)
19 sheets, shading, col., contours 20 m, hiking & biking
routes, tour. info., notes, comprehensive legend, profiles for
biking routes, UTM proj., 99x67 cm, fd., dbl.
each8,90 EUR
"Ausgabe Verwaltungsgrenzen - Stand: 01. März 2015"
TLVermGeo, Erfurt 2015
3 col., the general map (see section 1110) with bdrs. and
names down to gemeinde, 81x67 cm, fd.
4,50 EUR
Amtliche Topographische Karte Bayern 1:100 000
New sheet:
 12 Augsburg – Ulm, Memmingen - Landsberg am Lech
– Donauried, 2015
Title ID: 87329
BGLA & BLFU, München & Augsburg 1955c. 625 sheets, following top. sheet plan, col., very detailed,
comprehensive legend, often cross sections and/or profiles,
c. 70x61 cm, fd. or flat; partly sep. profile sheets for the
Alpine area; chiefly expl., num. figs., partly sep. plates, pb.
Map (10,70 €) and expl. (5,35 €) are also available separately.
Available sheets:
 6837 Kallmünz, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109264
 6936 Hemau, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109265
 7041 Münster, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109266
 7141 Straubing, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109267
 8138 Rosenheim, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109268
16,05 EUR
10,70 EUR
10,70 EUR
10,70 EUR
10,70 EUR
10,70 EUR
Historischer Atlas von Bayern
Kommission für Bayerische Landesgeschichte, München
1950Vols. by parts & kreise, partly col., figs., maps, tables, bibl.,
index, col. folded maps encl.
New parts:
 Reihe I, Heft 65 Dingolfing, 2015, xxx, 482 pp.
49,00 EUR
Title ID: 109240
 Reihe I, Heft 67 Abensberg, 2015, xxxvi, 412 pp.
49,00 EUR
Title ID: 109241
219 Thuringia / Thüringen
Thüringen - Übersichtskarte 1:250 000 (ÜK Th 250 N)
TLVermGeo, Erfurt 2015
7 col., contours 40 m, morph. features, wood, hydro., places
and communications classified, landscapes, nat. park &
kreis bdrs., points of interest, inset map "Territoriale Gliederung im Freistaat Thühringen", 81x67 cm, fd.
6,00 EUR
Title ID: 7510
222 Brandenburg & Berlin
Topographische Karte 1:50 000 (ATKIS)
Geologische Karte von Bayern 1:25 000
Title ID: 109263
Title ID: 7515
 5929 Haßfurt, 2015, expl. 2015
Thüringen - Übersichtskarte 1:250 000 (ÜK Th 250 V)
LGB & SSGV, , Potsdam & Berlin 2007-2009 (revised regulary)
64 sheets (Blätter) and 24 border sheets (Randblätter), 4
col., contours 2,5 m, hydro, wood, places and communications classified, 3 language legend, UTM proj., 76x49 cm,
each 5,37 EUR
New editions:
 L3546 Berlin-Mitte, 2015
Title ID: 101696
 L3950 Beeskow, 2015
Title ID: 101712
 L3952 Eisenhüttenstadt, 2015
Title ID: 101713
 L4150 Burg (Spreewald), 2015
Title ID: 101718
 L4350 Cottbus - Ströbitz, 2015
Title ID: 101724
 L4352 Cottbus Ost, 2015
Title ID: 101725
 L4354 Forst (Lausitz) - Groß Bademeusel, 2015
Title ID: 101726
Topographische Karte 1:25 000
LGB & SSGV, Potsdam & Berlin 2004-2009 (chiefly revised)
251 sheets (Blätter) and 44 border sheets (Randblätter, not
listed), 4 col., auxiliary contours down to 1,25 m, DEM, veg.,
hydro, land cover tints, places and communications classified, (colour-coded roads), gemeinde bdrs, reserve area
bdrs., UTM proj, 76x49 cm, fd.
each 5,37 EUR
New sheets:
 2648 Prenzlau – Dedelow, 2015
Title ID: 71744
 2649 Prenzlau, 2015
Title ID: 71745
 2738 Putlitz, 2015
Title ID: 71748
 2739 Gerdshagen, 2015
Title ID: 71749
 2748 Haßleben, 2015
Title ID: 71755
 2749 Potzlow, 2015
Title ID: 71756
 2752 Gartz (Oder), 2015
Title ID: 71759
(cont'd p. 11)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 11 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
 2837 Baek, 2015
 4151 Werben, 2015
 2839 Pritzwalk, 2015
 4247 Walddrehna, 2015
 2840 Wittstock / Dosse, 2015
 4248 Crinitz, 2015
 2841 Dossow, 2015
 4347 Doberlug – Kirchhain, 2015
 2846 Gandenitz, 2015
 4348 Finsterwalde, 2015
 2847 Templin, 2015
 4349 Bronkow, 2015
 2849 Warnitz, 2015
 4445 Falkenberg / Elster, 2015
 2938 Krampfer, 2015
 4450 Senftenberg, 2015
 2940 Blumenthal, 2015
 4451 Welzow, 2015
 2941 Fretzdorf, 2015
 4452 Spremberg, 2015
 2942 Neuruppin – Gühlen – Glienicke, 2015
 4545 Mühlberg / Elbe, 2015
 2943 Rheinsberg – Charlottenau, 2015
 4546 Gröditz, 2015
 2947 Vietmanns, 2015
 4547 Elsterwerda, 2015
Title ID: 79390
Title ID: 71764
Title ID: 71765
Title ID: 79391
Title ID: 71771
Title ID: 71772
Title ID: 71774
Title ID: 79393
Title ID: 79395
Title ID: 71783
Title ID: 71784
Title ID: 71785
Title ID: 71789
 2948 Friedrichswalde, 2015
Title ID: 72037
Title ID: 72040
Title ID: 72041
Title ID: 71982
Title ID: 72047
Title ID: 72048
Title ID: 71990
Title ID: 72056
Title ID: 71996
Title ID: 71997
Title ID: 72057
Title ID: 72058
Title ID: 72059
Title ID: 71790
Title ID: 71791
"Luftbildkarten, Stadtpläne und Vogelschauansichten von
1891 bis heute. Schwerpunkt: Metropole und Verkehr "
Verlag Bien & Giersch, J. Gympel, Berlin, c. 2015
12 col. sheets (over 17 plans), fd.: Monumental-Plan der
Reichshauptstadt Berlin mit nächster Umgebung, 1891 (Jul.
Straube Berlin), Luftbildplan Berlin 1928 – Bereich: S-BahnRing, Straube Plan Berlin Ausgabe B 1:22 200, um 1929,
Bildpläne von Berlin 1937+1930 (Elite Autofahrten (Ausschnitt aus einem Werbeprospekt aus dem Jahr 1937) und
Berlin und Umge-bung aus dem Jahr 1930), Bummel durch
Berlin und ringsherum, Vogelschauplan der „BZ am Mittag”
von 1936, Luftbildplan Berlin 1953 – Bereich: S-Bahn-Ring,
Schaffmanns Taschenplan Berlin – Reprint aus dem Jahr
1952, Berlin – geteilte Stadt (Übersichtsplan aus einem
Schulbuchatlas von 1968) + Mauerpanorama aus dem Jahr
1963, Stadtplan Berlin 1986 – Bereich: Westhafen bis Oberbaumbrücke, Überlagerungsplan Berlin 1940+1989 – Bereich: Ernst-Reuter-Platz bis Warschauer Brücke, Luftbildplan Berlin 1992 – Bereich: S-Bahn-Ring, Luftbildplan Berlin
2008 – Bereich: S-Bahn-Ring (Ehemalige Grenzanlagen
und Grenzübergänge 1989), booklet 59 pp., 20x24 cm,
stapled, slip case
34,80 EUR
 2949 Greiffenberg, 2015
 3041 Lögow, 2015
Title ID: 71799
 3140 Neustadt (Dosse), 2015
Title ID: 79402
 3143 Wustrau -Altfriesack, 2015
Title ID: 71816
 3248 Melchow, 2015
Title ID: 71834
 3249 Heckelberg, 2015
Title ID: 71835
 3341 Nennhausen, 2015
Title ID: 71841
 3645 Großbeeren, 2015
Title ID: 72020
 3650 Fürstenwalde / Spree, 2015
Title ID: 72021
 3651 Briesen (Mark), 2015
Title ID: 71894
 3849 Alt-Schadow, 2015
Title ID: 71923
 3941 Rädigke, 2015
Title ID: 71931
 3949 Schlepzig, 2015
Durch Berlin
Title ID: 109231
Title ID: 79427
 3953 Neuzelle, 2015
Title ID: 71943
 4043 Blönsdorf, 2015
Title ID: 71947
 4049 Lübben (Spreewald), 2015
Title ID: 71953
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 12 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
224 Switzerland / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra /
 3318 / NM 33-10-18 Rohrbach in Oberösterreich, 2015
 3322 / NM 33-10-22 Braunau am Inn, 2015
Analyse structurale de la région lémanique basée sur
la sismique réflexion dans le Léman (Grand Lac et
Haut Lac) et la géologie des rives nord et sud
(Structural analysis of the Lake Geneva region, based
on seismic reflection in the central and eastern part of
the lake and on shore geology and south of the lake)
swisstopo, D. Dupuy & al., Wabern 2014 (Matériaux pour la
Carte Géologique de la Suisse, n° 170)
47 pp., chiefly b&w, 17 figs. (incl. maps & cross sections), 1
table, contents: 1. Introduction et historique, 2. Cadre géologique, 3. Données sismiques, 4. Sismofaciès et correspondance avec la géologie, 5. Description structurale des
unités et interprétation géologique, Conclusion, Bibliographie, Annexe: Nouvelles données de terrain et de forages
sur la Rive sud du lac Léman, extended abstract in Engl.,
21x29,5 cm, softcover, encl. map "Carte tectonique de la
région lémanique montrant les principaux résultants de la
présente étude"
38,00 EUR
Title ID: 109049
226 Austria / Österreich
Österreichische Karte 1:50 000 (ÖK50)
BEV & IMG, Wien 2002-2010 (rev. every 2 - 6 years
191 sheets, col., contours 20 m, shading, rocks, wood, detailed hydro., communication and settlement features, gemeinde bdrs., hiking routes, places of interest, admin. map
(BEV), Gauß-Krüger proj. & UTM grid (BEV), UTM proj.
(IMG), 83,5x57,5 cm (BEV format) 80,5x58 cm (new BEV &
IMG format), fd.
each 9,50 EUR
New sheets:
Title ID: 65195
 3321 / NM 33-10-21 Alötting, 2015
Title ID: 16846
Title ID: 16847
 3324 / NM 33-10-24 Grieskirchen, 2015
Title ID: 16849
 4106 / NL 33-05-06 Feldbach, 2015
Title ID: 16859
 4110 / NL 33-05-10 Eibiswald, 2012
Title ID: 16863
 4111 / NL 33-05-11 Leibnitz, 2012
Title ID: 16864
 4217 / NL 33-02-17 Kindberg, 2015
Title ID: 16885
 4219 / NL 33-02-19 Oberwölz, 2015
Title ID: 16887
 4230 / NL 33-02-30 Gleisdorf, 2015
Title ID: 16960
 4303 / NM 33-11-03 Alt-Nagelberg, 2015
Title ID: 16896
 4304 / NM 33-11-04 Waidhofen an der Thaya, 2015
Title ID: 16897
 4305 / NM 33-11-05 Raabs an der Thaya, 2015
Title ID: 16898
 4306 / NM 33-11-06 Langau, 2015
Title ID: 16899
 4308 / NM 33-11-08 Markt Leopoldschalg, 2015
Title ID: 16901
 4311 / NM 33-11-11 Horn, 2015
Title ID: 16904
 4317 / NM 33-11-17 Krems an der Donau, 2015
Title ID: 16910
 4324 / NM 33-11-24 Herzogenburg, 2015
Title ID: 16917
 4330 / NM 33-11-30 Neulengbach, 2015
Title ID: 16923
 1224 / NL 32-24 Hohenems, 2015
 5313 / NM 33-12-13 Hollabrunn, 2015
 2104 / NL 32-06-04 Sölden, 2015
 5315 / NM 33-12-15 Zistersdorf, 2015
 2228 / NL 32-03-28 Neustift im Stubaital, 2015
 5321 / NM 33-12-21 Gänserndorf, 2015
 2229 / NL 32-03-29 Fulpmes, 2015
 5325 / NM 33-12-25 Baden, 2015
Title ID: 65189
Title ID: 16783
Title ID: 16804
Title ID: 16805
 3205 / NL 33-01-05 Mondsee, 2015
Title ID: 16942
Title ID: 16944
Title ID: 16947
Title ID: 16948
Title ID: 16817
Title ID: 16819
BEV, Wien 2000-2011 (ÖK25-UTM) (revised regularly)
357 sheets, enlarged from 1:50 000, col., contours 20 m,
shading, rocks, wood, detailed hydro., communication and
settlement features, gemeinde bdrs., Gauß-Krüger proj. &
UTM grid (BEV), UTM proj. (IMG), 83,5x57,5 cm (BEV format) 81x58 cm (new BEV & IMG format), fd., dbl.
each 9,50 EUR
 3207 / NL 33-01-07 Ebbs, 2015
 3212 / NL 33-01-12 Bad Ausee, 2015
Title ID: 16824
 3213 / NL 33-01-13 Kufstein, 2015
Title ID: 16825
 3219 / NL 33-01-19 Neukirchen am Großvenediger,
Title ID: 16831
 3225 / NL 33-01-25 Sankt Peter in Ahrn, 2015
Title ID: 16837
Österreichische Karte 1:25 000 (ÖK25V)
New sheet:
 1224-West / NL 32-06-03 Hohemems, 2015
Title ID: 16972
 3226 / NL-3301-26 Matrei in Osttirol, 2015
Title ID: 16838
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 13 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
Radionuklide in Grundwässern, Gesteinen und Bachsedimenten Österreichs 1:500 000
GBA, R. Berka & al. (eds.), Wien 2014 (Geologische Themenkarten der Republik Österreich)
col., geol tints, occurrence of radionuclides (Austrian-wide
and comprehensive), groundwater data, fluvial sediments,
petrochemistry, uran-mineralization, hydro., shading, communications, places, Lambert conformal conic. proj., 119x64
cm, fd.; expl. 109 pp., 37 figs. (incl. diagrams & maps), 23
tables, contents: 1. Natürliche Strahlung – physikalische
Grundlagen und ihre Bedeutung für den Menschen, 2. Herkunft der verwendeten Messdaten, Analysemethoden, 3.
Die kartografische Darstellung, 4. Der geologische Hintergrund, 5. Radionuklide im Grundwasser, 6. Vorkommen und
Verteilung von natürlichen Radionukliden in Österreich –
eine Zusammenschau aus geologischer Sicht, 7. Quellenverzeichnis, 20x28 cm, softcover; jacket
21,00 EUR
The basic goal is to inform the local population about the
natural distribution, the properties and the possible risks
involved with these elements. With this work and its relevant
data it becomes more evident that the natural occurring
radionuclides do not pose an extensive significant threat for
the use of groundwater as drinking water.
Title ID: 108954
European Railway Atlas - Austria
M.G. Ball, version date: June , Wrexham, 2014 (Regional
22 pp., col., 11 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 5 language legend (Incl. Engl., German & French), 21,5x30 cm,
plastic spiral-bd.
14,00 EUR
Title ID: 109005
229 Alps / Alpen
232 Greece / Elládha / Griechenland
Ionian and Aegean Passage Charts
See area 781 Mediterranean Sea
235 Italy / Italia / Italien
Carta geologica d'Italia 1:50 000 (Partly Geologische
Karte von Italien)
SGI, APAT & al., Roma & al. 1972652 sheets (fogli), following top. sheet plan, col., very detailed, cross sections and profiles, comprehensive legend,
regular size 95x70 cm; partly additional map; mainly expl.,
each 35,00 EUR
New sheets:
 003 Vetta d'Italia / Klocknerkopf, 2011, expl. 2011
(Italian & German map & expl.)
Title ID: 111040
 066 Udine, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 74297
 097 Vimercate, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111041
 178 Voghera, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111042
 204 Portomaggiore, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111043
 222 Lugo, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111044
 253 Marradi, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111045
 278 Pieve Santo Stefano, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111046
 292 Jesi, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111047
 310 Passignano sul Trasimeno, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111048
 314 Montegiorgio, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111049
 357 Cittaducale, 2014, expl. 2014
Title ID: 111054
 378 Scanno, 2014, expl. 2014
DAV, ÖAV & LVGB, München & Wien 1904- (revised sheets
up to 2015 )
Single sheets for the E Alps, 2 base versions: 1:25 000
Alpenverein cartography, contours 20 m, top. features very
detailed; or 1:50 000 BEV cartography (see section 226
Austria!), tour. overprint for summer ("Wegmarkierungen"),
sizes vary, fd.
each 9,80 EUR
 431 Caserta Est, 2014, expl. 2014
Alpenvereinskarten 1:25 000 / 1:50 000
New editions:
 5/2 Karwendelgebirge-Mitte, 2015
Title ID: 16571
 34/2 Kitzbüheler Alpen-Ost 1:50 000, 2015
Title ID: 16597
 "Alpenvereinskarte Digital (USB-Edition)",
75 maps incl. 22 maps for the Bavarian Alps, ski
tracks, index (c. 63 000 entries), 3D functions, GPS
navigation, altimetric profiles, booklet (pdf), 4th ed.
2015, usb flash drive in box
129,00 EUR
Title ID: 111050
Title ID: 111051
 597-610 Cefalù - Castelbuono, 2012, expl. 2012
Title ID: 111052
Carta Geologica dell'Isola d'Elba / Geological Map of
Elba Island 1:25 000
SGI, G. Principi & al., Roma, c. 2015
col., top. base, contours 25 m, comprehensive legend, geol.
symbols, 3 cross sections, 3 insets (tectonic sketch, Island
Pamaiola & location map), bilingual, 140x98,5 cm, flat
45,00 EUR
Title ID: 109878
Title ID: 109236
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 14 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
Carta Idrogeologica di Roma / Hydrogeological Map of
Rome 1:50 000
SGI & al., F. La Vigna & al, Roma 2015
col., top. base, hydrogeological tints, geol. symbols, cross
sections, 3 inset maps (Top surface of the basal aquiclude,
Temperature distribution of regional aquifer & Hydrogeological units), 1 diagram (Average temperature and rainfall
(1994 - 2014) at gauging stations sketched on the map), 4
tables (Official groundwater monitoring network of Rome
Municipality, Main thermomineral springs, Main springs &
Mineral water concessions), bilingual, 139x98 cm, fd.; expl.
31 pp., bilingual, 21x29 cm, stapled
40,00 EUR
Title ID: 109879
236 Spain / España / Spanien
Mapas provinciales de España 1:200 000
IGNE, Madrid 1992-2002 (rev. continuously) (Institucional)
48 sheets, col., contours 100 m, shading, wood, places and
communications classified, 2 location inset maps, sizes
vary, index on reverse (from 2011 onwards)each 10,00 EUR
New editions:
 Asturias, 6th ed. 2014
Title ID: 10379
Mapa Topográfico Nacional de España 1:25 000
IGNE, Madrid (1985) 1985- (rev. up to 4th ed. 2011)
c. 4000 sheets, 5 col., contours 10 m, landforms, detailed
veg., land use, settlement and communication features,
municipal bdrs., UTM proj., c. 77x54 cm
New edition:
 Madrid (559-I-II-III-IV), 6th ed. 2015
Edicion especial
11,00 EUR
Title ID: 11067
Mapa comarcal de Catalunya 1:50 000
ICGC (ICC), Barcelona 1990-2015 (partly rev. up to 10th
ed.) (former Col-lecció 1:50 000)
42 sheets, col., contours 20 m, shading, veg., detailed settlement and communication features, bdrs. down to municipis, admin. insets, stat. info., UTM proj., sizes depend, fd.
each 11,00 EUR
New editions:
 08 Baix Camp, 8th ed. 2015
Title ID: 11567
 09 Baix Ebre, 7th ed. 2015
Title ID: 11568
 Burgos, 6th ed. 2015
 Valladolid, 5th ed. 2015
ICGC (ICC), Barcelona 1997- (partly revised)
84 sheets (Capitals Comarcals (41 sheets), Espais Naturals
Protegits (19 Sheets), Unitats Geogràfiques (24 sheets)),
col., contours 20 m, shading, veg., detailed settlement and
communication features, tour. info., UTM proj., 148x98 cm,
each 14,00 EUR
Title ID: 10383
Title ID: 10419
 Zamora, 6th ed. 2015
Title ID: 10421
Mapa oficial de carreteras - España - 2016
MF, 51th ed., Madrid 2015 (rev. continuously)
Atlas, 200 pp., col., 69 fold-out map pp. 1:300 000, places
and communications classified, bdrs., nat. parks, scenic
roads, hydro., points of of interest (incl. Caminos de Santiago en España, paradors, alojamientos rurales & playas de
España), 4 map pp. incl. Europe, Portugal, France & Morocco, 58 city plans, 10 pp. complementary info., 64 index
pp. with c. 20 000 entries, spiral-bd., 18x32 cm; encl. Mapa
oficial de Carreteras 1:1 000 000, 64x94 cm, fd. & interactive (Spanish & Engl.) DVD (116 Vías verdes, 152 Rutas
turísticas, 1100 Espacios naturales y protegidos); slip case
29,50 EUR
Title ID: 10457
Mapa topogràfic de Catalunya 1:25 000
The sheets are published under one of three labels, depending of the sheet's location
New editions & sheets:
 04 Barcelona (Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola)
(Capitals Comarcals), 2015
Title ID: 109242
 14 Igualada (Capitals Comarcals) , 2015
Title ID: 111742
 17 Mataró - Parc de la Serralada Litoral, Parc de la
Serralada de Marina (Capitals Comarcals), 2015
Title ID: 108968
 22 el Pont de Suert (Capitals Comarcals), 2nd ed. 2015
Title ID: 82726
 24 Reus (Capitals Comarcals), 2014
Title ID: 111743
 26 Sabadell – Terrassa (Capitals Comarcals), 2015
IGNE, Madrid 2015
col., hyps. tints 200-1 000 m, bath. tints 200-5 000 m, shading on land, landscapes, hydro., heights, Canary Island
inset, Lambert conic conformal proj., on reverse polit. map,
province tints (related tones within a region), communications & places classified, hydro., admin. table, Canary Island
inset, Lambert conic conformal proj., 138x97 cm, plasticised, flat
t18,00 EUR
 27 Sant Feliu de Llobregat - Espais Naturals del Delta
del Llobregat, Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat (Capitals Comarcals), 2015
Mapa físico / político de España 1:1 250 000
Title ID: 10476
Title ID: 109243
Title ID: 111744
 37 El Vendrell - el Montmell (Capitals Comarcals),
Title ID: 111745
 40 Vilafranca del Penedès - Sant Sadurní d'Anoia,
Serres d'Ordal (Capitals Comarcals), 2015
Title ID: 108969
(cont'd p. 14)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 15 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
 41 Vilanova i la Geltrú - Parc del Garraf, Parc d'Olèrdo
la, Parc del Foix (Capitals Comarcals), 2015
Title ID: 108970
 50 Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac
(Espais Naturals Protegits), 2015
Mapa excursionista y turístico
"Cordillera Cantábrica and Sistema Central (Cordillera Central)"
Title ID: 108971
Calecha, A. Álvarez Ruiz, s.l. 2006num. sheets for hiking areas, col., MTN base, contours,
shading, hyps. tints, hiking routes over prints, points of interest, all in Spanish, location insets, UTM proj., sizes vary,
each 10,50 EUR
Title ID: 87017
 Alto Sil (Valle de Laciana, Ribas del Sil, Alto Boeza,
Sierra de Gistredo, Catoute, Cornón), 1:50 000, 2011
Title ID: 111746
 51 Parc Natural de la Muntanya de Montserrat (Espais
Naturals Protegits), 2015
 53 Parc Natural dels Ports - Vall-de-roures – Arnes –
Caro - Pla de la Galera (Espais Naturals Protegits),
2nd ed. 2015
 54 Vall Fosca - Montsent, Vall de Manyanet (Unitats
Geogràfiques), 2015
Title ID: 108972
Available sheets:
Cordillera Cantábrica:
Title ID: 111108
 El Bierzo (Las Médulas, Valle del Silencio, Sierra de
Ancares, Montes Aquilianos, Sierra de Gistredo, Sierra
del Courel) 1:100 000, 2015
Title ID: 111107
Mapa - Guia Excursionista 1:50 000
 Muniellos - Fuentes del Narcea (Parque Natural de las
Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña e Ibias, Reserva Natural
Parcial del Cueto de Arbas, Espacio Natural Alto Sil
(sólo la mitad occidental), Valle de Fornela, GR 203
"Por donde camina el oso") 1:50 000, 2006
New sheet:
 Omaña (Reserva de la Biosfera de Omaña y Luna,
Sierra de Villabandín, Sierra de Gistredo, Abedulares
de Murias de Paredes, Robledales de Riello, Alto Tremor) 1:50 000, 2014
Alpina, Granollers 2004- (Sèrie E-50 / Serie E-50 or Itinerannia / senderista / sendferismo / BTT)
map series for walking areas, col., top. base, detailed tour.
overprint, sizes vary, fd., guide booklet ("Guía"), 30-100 pp.,
illus., pb., 1-4 languages
unless indicated 14,20 EUR
 Alt Pirineu - Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu, 2015
Title ID: 108975
Mapa - Guia Excursionista 1:30 000 / 1:25 000 /
1:20 000 / 1:10 000
Title ID: 111110
Title ID: 111109
Editorial Alpina, Granollers 2002- (Sèrie E-25 / Serie E-25 /
alpina 25 / alpina 10)
map series for walking areas, col., top. base, detailed tour.
overprint, sizes vary, fd., partly guide booklet ("Guía"), 30100 pp., illus., pb., 1-4 languages
unless indicated 15,90 EUR
New sheets:
 Alta Garrotxa - Comanegra - Bassegoda - el Mont
1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 11732
 Cap de Creus - Parc Naturel 1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 11734
 Collsacabra - Vall de Sau - Espai Natural GuilleriesSavassona 1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 108973
 Guadarrama - La Pedriza – Parque Nacional de la
Sierra de Guadarrama 1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 11741
 Pica d‘Estats - Mont-roig - Vall Ferrera - Vall de Cardos
1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 11755
 Vignemale - Valle de Bujaruelo 1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 108974
Sistema Central (Cordillera Central):
 La Pedriza del Manzanares (Parque Nacional de la
Sierra de Guadarrama (la porción correspondiente), La
Pedriza Anterior, La Pedriza Posterior, Canto Cochino,
El Tranco, Los Algibes - Manzanares el Real (mitad
norte), Zonas de escalada) 1:10 000, 2015
Title ID: 111112
 Sierra de Guadarrama (Circo y Lagunas de Peñalara,
Valle Alto del Lozoya, Montes de Valsaín, La Cuerda
Larga, La Morcuera y Canencia, La Pedriza del Manzanares, Valle de la Fuenfría, La Mujer Muerta) 1:30 000,
Title ID: 111111
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 16 • Spring 2016
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G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
 324 Grañén, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
"Mapa geològic dels processos actius i recents i de l'activitat
ICGC & SGC, Barcelona 2010- (Mapa geològic de Catalunya / Geotreball II.)
c. 300 sheets, series following top. sheet plan, col., detailed,
6 inset maps 1:50 000 with thematic overprints, 2 satellite
images, 1 graph, 1 table, notes, comprehensive legend,
113x70,5 cm, dbl., fd.
each 18,00 EUR
 325 Peralta de Alcofea, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Mapa geoantròpic 1:25 000
New sheets:
Title ID: 111084
Title ID: 111085
 660 Corral de Almaguer, 2015, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111086
 687 Villacañas, 2015, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111087
 688 Quintanar de la Orden, 2015,
encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111088
 332-2-2 (74-26) Viladrau, 2015
 859 Pozoblanco, 2013
 391-1-1 (69-29) Òdena, 2015
 865 Siles, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111747
Title ID: 111748
Mapa per a la prevenció dels riscos geològics
1:25 000
ICGC, Barcelona 2010- (Mapa geològic de Catalunya /
Geotreball VI.)
c. 300 sheets, col., series following 1:25 000 top. sheet plan,
detailed on slope, landslip, etc., comprehensive legend,
inset maps, notes, bibl., 99,5x49,5 cm, fd., dbl.
each 18,00 EUR
New sheets:
 290-2-2 (66-24) Sant Salvador de Toló, 2016
Title ID: 111751
 363-2-1 (72-27) Moià, 2016
Title ID: 111750
Mapa geológico de España y Portugal 1:1 000 000
IGME & LGNE, L.R. Rodriguez Fernández, J. Civis Llovera
(dir.), J.T. Oliveira (eds.) & al., Madrid & Lisboa 2016
col., comprehensive legend, geol., symbols, hydro., places,
island insets: Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Azores and
Madeira, inset map "Principales unidades geológicas de la
península Ibérica y Baleares", UTM proj., 114x196 cm, flat
29,00 EUR
Incl. Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Canary Islands,
Azores and Madeira and the geology of the continental
shelf. South range 35° N. The former edition was called
"Mapa Geológico de la Península Ibérica, Baleares y Canarias" and was from 1994.
Title ID: 111075
Mapa Geológico de España 1:50 000
"Proyecto Magna / Segunda Serie"
IGME, 2nd ed., Madrid 1972- (MAGNA 50k)
c. 1080 sheets, following MTN sheet plan, col., detailed,
cross sections, profiles, inset maps on tectonics and geol.
units, 92x70 cm, fd.; from 1995: partly encl. 1 geomorphological map 1:50 000, col., detailed, same size; expl. for
each, plastic cover
each 21,00 EUR
New sheets:
 248 Apiés, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111081
 286 Huesca, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111082
 287 Barbastro, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111083
Title ID: 111089
Title ID: 111090
 866 Yeste, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111091
 881 Villanueva de Córdoba, 2013
Title ID: 111092
 882 Cardeña, 2013
Title ID: 111093
 883 Virgen de la Cabeza, 2013
Title ID: 111094
 886 Beas de Segura, 2014, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111095
 904 Andújar, 2013
Title ID: 111096
 1 078 Algeciras, 2012
Title ID: 111099
Mapa Geológico de España 1:50 000
"Edición digital"IGME, Madrid 2005- (MAGNA)
DVDs, following the MTN 50 sheet fall, encl. 4 maps
1:50 000: mapa geológico, mapa geomorfológico, mapa de
procesos activos & mapa de unidades geomorfológicas;
additional documentions and expl. (Memoria) as pdf,
graphic & shape files, box
each 39,00 EUR
New DVDs:
 891 Cieza, 2014
Title ID: 111100
 910 Caravanca de la Cruz, 2014
Title ID: 111101
 931 Zarcilla de Ramos, 2014
Title ID: 111102
Mapa Geológico de España 1:25 000
IGME, 2nd ed., Madrid 1978- (MAGNA)
series following MTN sheet plan, col., detailed, cross sections, profiles, inset maps, c. 98x68 cm, fd.; joint expl. for
each 1:25 000 area, plastic cover
each 21,00 EUR
1:25 000 publication is limited at present to a few special
areas to supplement the 1:50 000 series. To date, only
sheets for Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera, Canary Island (see
area 787 Canary Islands) & Spanish enclaves in Morocco
have been published.
New sheets:
Spanish enclaves in Morocco:
 1110-III Ceuta, 2013, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111097
 1111-III Melilla e Islas Chafarinas, 2013, encl. geomorph. sheet
Title ID: 111098
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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Spring 2016 • page 17 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
Mapa geològic de Catalunya 1:25 000
ICGC (ICC & SGC), Barcelona 1994- (Geotreball I. / former
Col-lecció 1:25 000)
c. 300 sheets, series following top. sheet plan, col., detailed,
cross sections, comprehensive legend, 115x85 cm, fd. /
113x63 cm, dbl., fd.
18,00 EUR
New sheets:
 332-2-2 (74-26) Viladrau, 2015
Title ID: 109245
 391-1-1 (69-29) Òdena, 2015
Title ID: 109244
Mapa hidrogeològic 1:25 000
ICGC (IGC & ICC) & ACA, Barcelona 2010- (Mapa geològic
de Catalunya / Geotreball V.)
c. 300 sheets, col., series following 1:25 000 top. sheet plan,
detailed, comprehensive legend, inset maps, cross sections,
diagrams, tables, notes, bibl., 100x73 cm, fd., dbl.
each 18,00 EUR
New sheets:
 333-2-1 (76-25) Salt, 2015
Title ID: 109300
 334-1-1 (77-25) Girona, 2015
Title ID: 109299
Mapa de sòls 1:25 000
ICGC (IGC & ICC) & DAAM, Barcelona 2009- (Mapa
geològic de Catalunya / Geotreball IV.)
c. 300 sheets, col., series following 1:25 000 top. sheet plan,
detailed, comprehensive legend, 10 inset maps, on reverse:
photo profiles, table, notes, bibl., 153,5x75 cm, fd.
each 18,00 EUR
New sheets:
 447-1-1 (69-33) l'Arboç, 2015
Title ID: 109246
 521-2-1 (62-39) Caro, 2015
Title ID: 109247
 522-1-2 (63-40) Amposta, 2015
Title ID: 109248
 419-1-2 (69-32) Sant Martí Sarroca, 2015
Title ID: 111749
The Soils of Spain
Springer, J.F. Gallardo (ed.), Cham & al. 2016 (World Soils
Book Series) (i.e. 2015)
xv, 197 pp., 176 illus. (incl. maps, photos & diagrams), num.
tables, contents: 1 Introduction, 2 Soil Distribution and Classification, 3 Soils of the Temperate Humid Zone, 4 Soils of
the Arid Areas, 5 Soils of the Mediterranean Areas, 6 Future
Issues, References, Index, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
106,99 EUR
Title ID: 108962
prov. & nat. parks bdrs., overprint of 34 Ways of St. James,
crossroads, places situated at the Way of St. James, Mercartor proj., 135,5x87 cm, fd.
9,50 EUR
Title ID: 97278
Mapa de carreteres de Catalunya 1:250 000 (rev.
ICC, 10th ed., Barcelona 2015
col., detailed, roads classified, built-up areas, 5 enlargements 1:130 000, 3 city plans, 1 metro plan, 2 distance
plans, 6 language legend, on reverse index with 3 700 entries, 124x106 cm, fd.
11,50 EUR
Incl. Andorra.
Title ID: 14276
European Railway Atlas - Spain & Portugal
M.G. Ball, version date: January, Wrexham 2014 (Regional
28 pp., col., 14 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines, heritage railways, some metros are excluded or simplified, railway lines very detailed (main or secondary, single
track or multiple tracks, electrification systems and track
gauges), indexes of stations, main lines & suburban railways and heritage railways, some web links. 3 language
legend (Engl., French & Germ.), 21x30 cm, plastic spiral-bd.
14,00 EUR
Title ID: 90715
Metro & Tram Atlas Spanien / Spain
Robert Schwandl Verlag, Robert Schwandl, Berlin 2015
158 pp., col., num. network maps, basic data tables, num.
photos, notes, bilingual, 17x24 cm, pb.
19,50 EUR
Incl. A Coruña / La Coruña, Alacant / Alicante, Barcelona,
Bilbao, Cádiz (Bahía de Cádiz), Donostia / San Sebastián,
Granada, Jaén, Madrid, Málaga, Murcia, Palma, Parla,
Sevilla, Sóller, Tenerife, València / Valencia, Vélez-Málaga,
Vitoria-Gasteiz & Zaragoza
Title ID: 109307
Mapa administratiu de Catalunya 1:500 000
"Municipal, comarcal i d'Aran"
ICGC, 13th ed., Barcelona 2016
col., shading, comarca tints, bdrs. and names of municipis,
table of enclaves, 57,5x59 cm, fd.
7,00 EUR
Former editions: Mapa comarcal i municipal de Catalunya
1:500 000
Title ID: 14443
237 Portugal
Mapa geológico de España y Portugal 1:1 000 000
See 236 Spain.
Camino de Santiago 1:1 250 000
"Camino de Santiago en la Península Ibérica"
IGN, 2nd ed., Madrid 2015
col., shading, hyps. tints 200 - 500 m, bath. tints 50 - 1 000
m, hydro. detailed, places & communications classified,
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 18 • Spring 2016
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374 GeoKartenbrief
241 France / Frankreich
242 Belgium / België / Belgique / Belgien
"Notre avenir en 72 cartes"
Éditions Autrement, B. Simmat, Paris 2016
175 pp., col., 72 maps, contents: 1. Population, 2. Société,
3. Economie, 4. Environnement, 5. International, Conclusion, Bibliographie, 19x23 cm, softcover
30,00 EUR
"Topografische Kaart / Carte topographique / Topografische/Topographische Karte / Topographic Map"
NGI / IGN, Brussel/Bruxelles/Brüssel/Brussels 1994-2001
(M 737, chiefly revised up to 3rd ed., with new cover and
new series indication BE50)
57 sheets, 9 col., contours 2,5m, contours on sea 2-5 m,
detailed morphological, hydro., settlement and communication features, very detailed land cover tints (forest types
etc.), municipality bdrs., glossary, UTM grid, Belgian Lambert proj., World geodetic system 1984, 74x56 cm, starting
with 3rd ed. Geodetic reference system ETR S89,
84,5 x 57 cm
Atlas de la France du futur
Title ID: 111074
Les risques naturels en montagne
Éditions Quæ, F. Naaim-Bouvet & D. Richard, Versailles
392 pp., chiefly col., num. illus. (incl. maps, diagrams,
graphs & photos), some tables, contents: 1. La montagne et
le risque, 2. Neige et avalanche, 3. Glaciers et risques d'origine glaciaire, 4. Érosion et crues torrentielles, 5. Mouvements de pente, bibliographie, 19,5x25 cm, softcover
49,00 EUR
Title ID: 109053
Atlas de la France qui gagne
"La France championne en 50 cartes"
Éditions Autrement, D. Porte, Paris 2015
126 pp., col., 50 maps & graphs, contents: Culture, Économie, Environnement, Art de vivre, Gastronomie,
19,5x21,5 cm, hardcover
20,00 EUR
"Columnist and humorist presents and comments on the
data and statistics to identify areas of excellence in France:
the number of days of leave per year, productivity, consumption of footwear, production of electrical equipment,
training in financial disciplines, etc."
Title ID: 109188
La France
"Mutations des systèmes productifs"
Éditions Armand Colin, F. Bost, Paris 2015 (Collection:
253 pp., b&w, 7 maps, 8 diagrams, 28 tables, contents: 1.
La notion de système productif: définitions, concepts et
problématiques, 2. Les entreprises, au cœur du système
productif, 3. Mutations structurelles et évolutions des politiques industrielles, 4. Un système productif à l'épreuve de
la désindustrialisation et des délocalisations d'activités, 6.
Mutations et dynamiques spatiales des systèmes productifs, 7. Enjeux et défis à venir, bibl., 17x24 cm, softcover
33,00 EUR
Title ID: 109271
België / Belgique / Belgien / Belgium 1:50 000
New editions:
 45 Mons, 3rd ed. 2015
Title ID: 84907
 49 Spa, 3rd ed. 2015
Title ID: 84911
Atlas du Karst Wallon
"Bassin de la Basse Lesse"
CWEPSS, La Hulpe 2014
399 pp., col., 15 map extracts 1:10 000, num. other maps,
graphs & photos, description of 406 karst sites, contents: 1.
Articles thématiques, 2. Inventaire des sites (cartographie et
fiches descriptives), 3. Référence bibliographiques, Index
des sites, 21x29,5 cm, softcover
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 109336
Atlas du Karst Wallon
"Bassin de la Lesse Calestienne "
CWEPSS, La Hulpe 2015
471 pp., col., 12 map extracts 1:20 000, num. other maps,
graphs & photos, description of 410 karst sites & 21 subterranean watercourses, contents: 1. Articles thématiques, 2.
Inventaire des sites (cartographie et fiches descriptives), 3.
Référence bibliographiques, Index des sites, 21x29,5 cm,
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 109944
244 Netherlands / Nederland / Niederlande
Topografische Atlas 1:25 000
Uitgeverij 12 provincien, T. Termeulen, Landsmeer 20122014
12 province vols., col., xv intro (notes, maps, illus. & legend), each c. 100 - 230 pp., with top. map pp., index, each
22,5x32,5 cm, cloth
each 29,95 EUR
Survey of maps c. 2009 - 2014.
New vols.:
 Flevoland, 2015
Title ID: 89088
 Fryslân / Friesland, 2015
Title ID: 89089
(cont'd p. 19)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
 Gelderland, 2013
 Limburg, 2014
"A Millennium of Spatial Development"
Uitgeverji Thoth, R. Rutte & J.E. Abrahamse, Bussum 2015
303 pp., chiefly col., 370 illus. (incl. maps, plans, graphs,
time lines & photos), contents: Part I Thirty-five Dutch towns
from the 11th to the 21th century, Part II A Millennium of
urbanization in the Netherlands, The Netherlands in a European Perspective, Bibliography, Index of places & names,
25x35,5 cm, hardcover
79,00 EUR
Title ID: 89090
Title ID: 89092
 Overijssel, 2015
Title ID: 89095
 Utrecht, 2014
Title ID: 89096
Atlas van de watersnood 1953 (Atlas of the flood dis-
aster 1953)
"Waar de dijken braken (Where the dikes broke)"
Uitgeverji Thoth, K. Hage, Bussum 2015
192 pp., chiefly b&w, 325 illus. (incl. maps, plans, graphs, &
photos), contents: Voor de ramp, De stormvloed van 1 februari 1953, Leeswijzer, Atlas van de watersnood 1953 waar de dijken braken (Schouwen-Duiveland, SintPhilipsland - Tholen - Noord-Beveland, Walcheren - ZuidBeveland - Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Noord-Brabant West Noord-Brabant Noord - Brabantse-Biesbos - Land van
Heusden en Altena, Goeree-Overflakkee, Voorne-Putten Rozenburg - De Hoekse Waard - De Tiengemeten, IJsselmonde - Berenplaat - Eiland van Dordrecht - Alblasserwaard
- Krimpenerwaard, Zuid-Holland vasteland - Noordzeekust Wadden - Texel), Waterbouwkundige techniek, Organisatie
van de operatie dijkherstel, Complexe stroomgaten (Schelphoek - Ouwerkerk, Veerhaven Kruiningen), Na de ramp,
Dynamiek van land en water, De geïnundeerde polders,
Begrippenlijst, 25,5x35 cm, hardcover
35,00 EUR
Title ID: 111064
Historische Atlas van...
SUN & al., Amsterdam & al. 2003single vols., num. maps & plans, illus. & photos, notes, bibl.,
endpaper maps, partly jacket with maps, each 80 pp., bd. or
New vol.:
 Delft - Stad van ambacht en techniek, S. van der Gaag,
39,00 EUR
Title ID: 108967
De Bosatlas van Amsterdam
Noordhoff Uitgevers, Groningen 2015
272 pp., col., num. maps, plans, diagrams, graphs & photos,
18 town plan pp. 1:20 000, index, contents: 1. Wording van
de stad, 2. Amsterdammers, 3. Publieke diensten, 4.
Economie, 5. Verkeer en vervoer, 25x35 cm, hardcover
34,00 EUR
Title ID: 109221
De Bellamy Atlas
"De transformatie van een Amsterdamse voorstad"
Uitgeverji Thoth, M. Wagenaar & al., Bussum 2012
127 pp., chiefly col., 134 illus. (incl. maps, plans & photos),
contents: Deel - 1 Essays (De transformatie van een Amsterdamse voorstad, De onvoltooide wereld, Choreografie
van een feest, 'Dit verhaal is van niemand', Deel 2 – Atlas
(Historische kaarten, Thematische kaarten), bibl., 27x25 cm,
35,00 EUR
Title ID: 111060
Atlas of the Dutch Urban Landscape
Title ID: 111061
Atlas Kralingen
"2,5 km2 geschiedenis"
Uitgeverji Thoth, A. van der Krogt, Bussum 2012
122 pp., chiefly col., 115 illus. (incl. maps, plans, graphs, &
photos), contents: Een Gebied In Verandering, 1100 – 1572
- De opkomst van Kralingen (De graven van Holland, de
heren en vrouwen van Cralingen en het begin van de
opstand), 1572 – 1668 - De tijd van de turf (Het tijdperk van
de Gouden Eeuw, eerste buitenhuizen, Slot Honingen in
verval), 1668 – 1795 - Corruptie en genootschappen
(Kralingen verkocht aan Rotterdam, periode van regenten,
opstandelingen en wetenschappers), 1795 – 11895 - Weer
zelfstandig (Patriotten aan de macht, Kralingen een
zelfstandige gemeente, industriele revolutie), 1895 – 11940
- De lucht in (Rotterdam annexeert Kralingen, tijd van
revolutionairen), 1940 – 1970 - Brand! (Het Bombardement
van 14 mei 1940, Wederopbouw, Maasboulevard en Erasmus Universiteit), 1970 - 2012 - Het begin van het nu (Popfestival Kralingen, metro, stadsvernieuwing, Opzoomeren en
nieuwe bewoners), Kom op Kralingen!, Geraadpleegde
literatuur, Register, 24,5x31 cm, hardcover
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 111062
Gedetailleerde Kaarten van Amsterdam
"Productie en gebruik van grootschalige, topografische
Uitgeverji Thoth & Stadsarchief, M. Hameleers, Bussum &
Amsterdam 2015
285 pp., col., 250 illus. (incl. maps, plans, graphs, & photos), contents: 1 Inleiding, 2 De kaarten van Cornelis Anthonisz. (1544), Pieter Bast (1597) en Balthasar Florisz. van
Berckenrode (1625), 3 Amsterdamse uitgiftekaarten (1586 1769), basis van de stedelijke verkaveling, 4 Achttiendeeeuwse burgerwijkkartografie, 5 De rol van het (gemeente)
kadaster in Amsterdam, 6 De atlas met de 'Verdeeling der
Stad Amsterdam in so Buurten, gemerkt A - ZZ. 1850', 7 De
handgetekende atlas uit 1851-1852 met de huisnummers
van 1853, 8 De 'Atlas van de gemeente Am-sterdam' uitgegeven door J.C. Loman jr. in 1876, 9 Kaart-productie in
het Iaatste kwart van de negentiende eeuw, 10 De
handgetekende kaartserie van Bouw- & Woningtoezicht
(1902 - ca. 1990), 11 De Kaart van Amsterdam, schaal
1:1.000 (1909), 12 Productie in oorlogstijd: de Kaart van
Amsterdam, schaal 1:2.500, 13 Hoe uniek was Amsterdam?, 14 Conclusies en overzicht van gedetailleerde topografische kaarten van Amsterdam, Summary, Noten,
Geraadpleegde literatuur, Herkomst gebruikte afbeeldingen,
Register van persoons- en firmanamen, Topografisch register, 25x34 cm, hardcover
69,00 EUR
Title ID: 111063
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 20 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
245 Great Britain / Großbritannien
Elsevier, W.D. Maier & al (eds.), 2015, Amsterdam
xxvi, 792, num. maps & graphs, contents: Part 1. A History
of Exploration for and Discovery of Finland's Ore Deposits,
Part 2. Synthesis of the Geological Evolution and Metallogeny of Finland, Part 3. Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE-Cr-V Deposits,
Part 4. Deposits Related to Carbonatities and Kimberlites,
Part 5. Gold Deposits, Part 6. The Hannukainen Fe-(Cu-Au)
Deposit, Western Finnish Lapland: An Updated Deposit
Model, Part 7. The Vihanti-Pyhäsalmi VMS Belt, Part 8.
Mineral Deposits Related to Granitic Rocks, Part 9. Other
Types of Mineral Deposits, Part 10. Exploration Methods,
Part 11. Finland's Mineral Resources: Opportunities and
challenges for future mining, index, hardcover 108,00 EUR
Soils and Land Use in Central Wales
CAA, Aberystwyth University, W.A. Adams, Aberystwyth
iv, 135 pp., col., maps, graphs, tables & photos, contents: 1.
The solid geology of central Wales, the mineralogy of its
rocks and its landforms, 2. The parent material of soils, 3.
Climate, vegetation and crop suitability, 4. The chemical and
biological processes of soil development, 5. The nature and
properties of soils in the central Wales, and their interrelationships, 6. Land use in the past and future prospects in
relation to the soils, references, index, 15x21 cm, softcover
36,00 EUR
Title ID: 109941
Tram Atlas Großbritannien & Irland / Tram Atlas Britain & Ireland
Robert Schwandl Verlag, Robert Schwandl, Berlin 2015
158 pp., col., num. network maps, basic data tables, num.
photos, notes, bilingual, 17x24 cm, pb.
19,50 EUR
Incl. Birmingham, Blackpool, Dublin, Edinburgh, Manchester, Nottingham, London (Tramlink, Docklands Light Railway, Underground, Overground) & Sheffield, Tram Museums & Heritage Trams
Title ID: 109305
246 Ireland / Éire / Irland
Mineral deposits of Finland
"An inclusive and definitive reference of the mineral deposits
of Finland and their structural origins, helping readers map,
explore, and identify the country's lucrative mining potential". Description preliminary
Title ID: 109731
Kielletyt Kartat - Salainen (Banned Maps of Karelia)
AtlasArt, Helsinki 2006single vols., chiefly col., num. map reproductions from maps
along the Finnish - Soviet border published until 1945, which
were collected and delivered to the Allied Control Commission in 1945, notes, illus., index, endpaper maps, all in Finnish, 24,5x34,5 cm, bd.
New vol.:
 4 Suomalaisten sodan ajan kartoitukset (Finnish
wartime surveys), 2015
60,00 EUR
Title ID: 111118
Tram Atlas Großbritannien & Irland / Tram Atlas Britain & Ireland
See area 245.
Incl. Dublin
256 Faeroes / Føroyar / Færøerne / Färöer
255 Finland / Suomi / Finnland
Føroyar / Færøerne / Faroe Islands / Färöer /
Færøyene 1:100 000
GT Tiekartasto Suomi / Finland - Vägatlas / Road
Atlas / Strassenatlas 1:200 000 / 1:250 000
KK & Genimap, Helsinki & Vantaa 2015
336 pp., 1 general map 1:1 900 000, 198 pp. of road maps
1:200 000 / 1:250 000, 10 map pp. 1:100 000, 19 pp. of
town plans 1:40 000, 4 language legend (Finnish, Swedish,
Engl. & Germ.), c. 60 000 index names, 24x29,5 cm, spiralbd..
49,50 EUR
Title ID: 18956
Helsingin seutu kartoin (Helsinki Region maps)
"1930- ja 2010-luvuilla (1930's and 2010's years)"
AtlasArt Oy, M. Mäkelä, Helsinki 2014
184 pp., col. top. maps (1930's and 2010's years) 1:25 000
(reduced from 1:20 000) of the following municipalities:
Espoo, Kauniainen, Helsinki, Vantaa, Tuusula, Kerava,
Sipoo, Nurmijärvi & Järvenpää, b&w aerial photos (Helsinki
dating back to 1943), b&w photos (1930's), index, endpaper
maps, 24x30 cm, hardcover
52,00 EUR
Title ID: 109254
"Vegkort / Vejkort / Roadmap / Autokarte / Bilkart"
F&B, Solberg, Wien 2015
col., shading, contours 50 m, hydro., built-up areas, communications classified, points of interest, hiking trails, location inset map, Tórshavn 1:10 000 citymap, index, 5 language legend (Faroese, Danish, Engl., Germ. & Norwegian), photos, 95x121,5 cm, fd.
20,00 EUR
Title ID: 109303
260 Eastern Europe / Osteuropa
European Railway Atlas - Baltic States, Belarus &
M.G. Ball, version date: 12th September, Wrexham 2015
(Regional Series)
52 pp., col., 27 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, including
Kaliningrad, 5 language legend (Incl. Engl., German &
French), 21,5x30 cm, plastic spiral-bd.
23,00 EUR
Title ID: 109004
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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Spring 2016 • page 21 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
261 Poland / Polska / Polen
Breslau 1932 / Wrocław heute (dzisiaj) 1:12 000
Blochplan, Berlin 2016
col., both plans in a comparative representation side by side
on one plan, 2 inset maps (Jahrhunderthalle / Hala Stulecia
& Altstadt mit Dominsel / Stare miasto i Ostrow Tumski),
selection of points of interest, index, all bilingual, 60x42 cm,
6,95 EUR
Title ID: 109940
9. Household income and expenditure, 10. Labour market,
11. External trade, 12. Organizational structure of the national economy, 13. Agriculture, 14. Forestry, 15. Industry,
16. Energy, 17. Construction, 18. Trade, hotels, restaurants,
and tourism, 19. Transport, information and communication,
20. Market services, 21. Information society, 22. Science,
research, and innovation, 23. Education, 24. Health, 25.
Social security, 26. Culture and sport, 27. Justice, crime,
accidents, 28. International comparisons, 29. Selected indicators on cohesion regions and regions, 30. Elections, Subject index, endpaper maps, bilingual, 16,5x25 cm, hardcover
45,00 EUR
Title ID: 109238
Bellona, M. Gędek, Warszawa 2015
95 pp. col., chiefly col., num. illus, maps, photos & graphs,
contents: Polska Piastów (Polish Piast dynasty), Polska
Jagiellonów (Polish Jagiellonian dynasty), Polska za
panowania królów elekcyjnych (Polish elected and reigning
kings), Historia nowożytna i najnowsza (Modern and actual
history), all in Polish, 21,5x30,5 cm, hardcover 11,00 EUR
267 Ukraine & Moldavia / Ukraïna &
Moldova / Ukraine & Moldawien
Atlas historii Polski (Historical Polnish atlas)
Title ID: 109332
Atlas historyczny miast Polskich / Historical Atlas of
Polish Towns / Historischer Atlas polnischer Städte /
L'atlas historique des villes polonaises
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego & al., A.
Czacharowski (ed.), Wrocław & al. 1993single vols., c. 10-40 reprints, mainly col., text sheets, c. 1535 pp., folder, 35x50 cm
The vols. are bi- or trilingual.
New vol.:
 Tom V: Małopolska, Zeszyt 1: Sandomierz, Kraków
98,00 EUR
Title ID: 109224
European Railway Atlas - Poland
M.G. Ball, version date: September , Wrexham 2014 (Regional Series)
32 pp., col., 19 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 5 language legend (Incl. Engl., German & French), 21,5x30 cm,
plastic spiral-bd.
14,00 EUR
Title ID: 109006
262 Cesko / Tschechien / Czechia
Statistická ročenka České republiky / Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2015
Rumänien / Moldawien - Romania / Moldova
1:600 000
See 282 Romania!
268 Belarus / Belarus’ / Weißrussland
Plan Goroda (City Plan)
Belkartografija, Minsk 2002plans, col., tour. info., inset plan, photos, notes, index, on
reverse rajon map, sizes & styles vary, fd. each 9,50 EUR
All in Cyrillic.
New plans:
 Brest 1:21 000 / Rajon 1:100 000, 2015
Title ID: 95957
 Grodna 1:20 000 / Rajon, 1:100 000, 2014
Title ID: 95966
269 European Russia / Evropejskaja
Rossija / Europäisches Russland
Landkarte Nord-Ostpreußens 1:100 000
BLOCHPLAN, Berlin 20134 sheets, col., communications & places classified, points of
interest, hydro., wood, admin. bdrs., restricted areas, partly
insets, Russian place names in Cyrillic and Latin, historical
places names, index on reverse, dbl., sizes & styles vary
each 8,95 EUR
New edition:
 NOP 1 Südosten – Insterburg, Gumbinnen, Rominter
Heide, mit Detailkarte vom Hauptgestüt
Trakehnen, 2016
Title ID: 100845
Český statistický úřad, Praha 2015
799 pp., col., notes, num. tables, some maps & diagrams,
contents: 1. Key national economy indicators, 2. Area and
climate, 3. Environment, 4. Population, 5. National accounts,
6. Finance, 7. Currency and balance of payments, 8. Prices,
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 22 • Spring 2016
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374 GeoKartenbrief
272 Latvia / Latvija / Lettland
Latvijas novadi 1:100 000 /1:75 000 (Latvia districts)
Jāņa Sēta, Rīga, c. 2009num. sheets, col., communications & places classified,
admin. bdrs., land cover / use, protected nature areas, forests, hydro., morph. features, points of interest, plans
1:20 000 (& notes) (only in Latvian), 4 language legend
(Latvian, Engl., Germ. & Russian), sizes vary, fd.
each 9,50 EUR
New editions:
 Kuldīgas, Alsungas, Skrundas 1:75 000, 2015
Title ID: 109256
 Rīgas apkārtne 1:75 000, 2014
Title ID: 109257
 Saldus, Brocēnu 1:75 000, 2015
Title ID: 109258
 Talsu, Dundagas, Mērsraga, Rojas 1:75 000, 2015
Title ID: 109259
 Valmiera, Beverīnas, Burtnieku, Kocēnu, Mazsalacas,
Naukšēnu, Rūjienas 1:75 000, 2015
285 Western Balkans / Zapadni Balkan /
Westlicher Balkan
Република Македонија - Tопографска карта
1:50 000 (Republic of Macedonia – Topographic Map)
Агенција за катастар на недвижности (Agency For Real
Estate Cadastre), Скопје (Skopje) 2015
62 sheets, col., contours 20 m(partly 10 & 5 m), detailed
hydro., land use & cover, built-up areas, communications
classified, points of interest, symbols, all in Macedonian,
Gauss-Krüger proj., 54x83 cm, flat
each 40,00 EUR
As as set
2.250,00 EUR
Title ID: 109346
Only the territory of Macedonia is represented.
Printing date for all sheets is 2015
For sheet diagram see next page.
The sheets are:
 680-4 Prizren 4
Title ID: 109347
 681-2 Urošewac 2
Title ID: 109348
Title ID: 109260
 681-3 Urošewac 3
Title ID: 109261
 681-4 Urošewac 4
 Ventspils 1:75 000, 2015
Title ID: 109349
Title ID: 109350
280 Southeastern Europe / Südosteuropa
 682-1 Kumanovo 1
 682-2 Kumanovo 2
"Un autre visage de l'Europe"
Éditions Autrement, P. Sintès & A. Cattaruzza, 2nd ed.,
Paris 2016 (Collection Atlas / Monde)
95 pp., col., more than 100 maps & graphs, contents: Des
frontières d'empires aux états-nations, Des sociétés en
recomposition, Communautés et identités politiques, Les
Balkans dans le «grand jeu», Balkanites plurielles, glossary,
bibl., sitographie, geographical index, 17,5x25 cm, softcover
31,00 EUR
 682-3 Kumanovo 3
Atlas géopolitique des Balkans
Title ID: 80415
282 Romania / România / Rumänien
Rumänien / Moldau - Romania / Moldova - Roumanie
/ Moldavie - Rumaniá / Moldavia 1:600 000
Reise Know-How, 7th ed., Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping
col., contours, 150-500m hyps. tints, 200m bathy. tints,
communications & places classified, points of interest.,
region bdrs., Lambert conformal proj., Ellipsoid: WGS84,
100x69,5 cm, dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 60568
Title ID: 109351
Title ID: 109352
Title ID: 109353
 682-4 Kumanovo 4
Title ID: 109354
 683-1 Kriva Palanka 1
Title ID: 109355
 683-2 Kriva Palanka 2
Title ID: 109356
 683-3 Kriva Palanka 3
Title ID: 109357
 683-4 Kriva Palanka 4
Title ID: 109358
 684-3 Ćustendil 3
Title ID: 109359
 684-4 Ćustendil 4
Title ID: 109360
 729-4 Piškopeja 4
Title ID: 109361
 730-1 Gostivar 1
Title ID: 109362
 730-2 Gostivar 2
Title ID: 109363
 730-3 Gostivar 3
Title ID: 109364
 730-4 Gostivar 4
Title ID: 109365
 731-1 Skopje 1
Title ID: 109366
(cont'd p. 22)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
 731-2 Skopje 2
 783-3 Demir Kapija 3
 731-3 Skopje 3
 783-4 Demir Kapija 4
 731-4 Skopje 4
 784-1 Strumica 1
 732-1 Veles 1
 784-2 Strumica 2
 732-2 Veles 2
 784-3 Strumica 3
 732-3 Veles 3
 830-1 Korča 1
 732-4 Veles 4
 830-2 Korča 2
 733-1 Štip 1
 831-1 Lerin 1
 733-2 Štip 2
 831-2 Lerin 2
 733-3 Štip 3
 832-1 Kajmakčalan 1
 733-4 Štip 4
 832-2 Kajmakčalan 2
Title ID: 109367
Title ID: 109368
Title ID: 109369
Title ID: 109370
Title ID: 109371
Title ID: 109372
Title ID: 109373
Title ID: 109374
Title ID: 109375
Title ID: 109376
Title ID: 109377
 734-1 Berovo 1
Title ID: 109398
Title ID: 109399
Title ID: 109400
Title ID: 109401
Title ID: 109402
Title ID: 109403
Title ID: 109404
Title ID: 109405
Title ID: 109406
Title ID: 109407
Title ID: 109408
Title ID: 109378
 734-2 Berovo 2
Title ID: 109379
 734-3 Berovo 3
Title ID: 109380
 734-4 Berovo 4
Title ID: 109381
 735-1 Razlog 1
Title ID: 109382
 735-3 Razlog 3
Title ID: 109383
 780-1 Ohrid 1
Title ID: 109384
 780-2 Ohrid 2
287 Slovenia / Slovenija / Slowenien
 780-3 Ohrid 3
Title ID: 109385
Title ID: 109386
 780-4 Ohrid 4
Title ID: 109387
 781-1 Bitola 1
Title ID: 109388
 781-2 Bitola 2
Title ID: 109389
 781-3 Bitola 3
Title ID: 109390
 781-4 Bitola 4
Title ID: 109391
 782-1 Prilep 1
Title ID: 109392
Planinska karta / Mountain Map / Wanderkarte / Carta
alpina 1:50 000/1:25 000
PZS (ed.), GZS & al. (comps.), Ljubljana 1969-2009 (unregular revisions)
single sheets for the Slovenian mountains, col., contours,
shading, wood, 4 language legend, text and/or illus. on
reverse, style & size vary, fd.
New editions:
Julijske Alpe:
 3 Triglavski Narodni Park 1:50 000, 2014
12,50 EUR
 4 Triglav 1: 25 000, 2014
12,50 EUR
Title ID: 31144
Title ID: 31145
 782-2 Prilep 2
 9 Kamniško - Savinjske Alpe 1:50 000, 201512,50 EUR
 782-3 Prilep 3
 10 Grintovci 1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 109393
Title ID: 109394
 782-4 Prilep 4
Title ID: 109395
 783-1 Demir Kapija 1
Title ID: 109396
Title ID: 31151
Title ID: 31152
 18 Snežnik 1:50 000, 2014
Title ID: 31160
12,50 EUR
12,50 EUR
 783-2 Demir Kapija 2
Title ID: 109397
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 24 • Spring 2016
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374 GeoKartenbrief
289 Shqipëri / Albanien / Albania
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., on and offshore data includes: held and open concession blocks, oil and gas fields, selected well locations, oil
and gas pipelines, major cities/towns and ports, oil refineries
and gas processing plants, oil and gas terminals, FPSO and
FPS locations, Fixed platform locations, bathymetry up to
the 5000m contour, names of selected new discoveries, 1
inset map, 150x105 cm, fd.
300,00 EUR
Harta Gjeologjike e Shqipërisë dhe Maqedonise /
Malit te Zi (Geological Map of Albania and Macedonia
/ Montenegro) 1:50 000 (Titles vary)
ShGjSh, Tiranë 2000-2015
103 sheets, col., top. base, geol. tints, structural symbols
(bdrs. & lines), 3 insets (reference maps, sheet diagram &
tectonic scheme), sizes vary, partly plotted and partly laminated
each 110,00 EUR
New sheet:
 25 Shistaveci, 2015
Title ID: 81904
Middle East 1:1 980 000
Title ID: 83693
313 Lebanon / Lubnān / Libanon
300 Asia / Asien
Geoprojects, 9th rev. ed., Reading & Beirut 2014 (Arab
World Map Library)
col., hyps. tints 100-500 m, hydro., built-up areas, roads
detailed, mohafazat and caza bdrs., points of interest, oil
pipelines, location inset map, trilingual legend (Arabic, Engl.
& French), index, on reverse Beirut plan 1:10 000, index,
notes & photos, 68,5x89,5 cm, fd.
24,00 EUR
Metallogenic Map of Northern, Central and Eastern
Asia and Adjacent Areas 1:2 500 000
VSEGEI Printing House, O.V. Petrov & al. (eds.), SaintPetersburg 2014 (Atlas of Geological Maps of NorthernCentral-Eastern Asia and Adjacent Areas)
col., 15 parts, minerogenic zoning, metallogenic unit symbols, mineral deposits (genetic types and sizes of mineral
marks, groups of minerals, ore quality of deposits), geol. &
volcanic tints & rasters, stratigraphic table, 2 inset maps
1:20 000 000 (Planetary metallogenetic belts and superprovinces & Metallogenic specalization of provinces and
areas), Asia Lambert Conformal Conic proj., each part
101x68 cm, flat
300,00 EUR
Compiled in collaboration by CCGM / CGMW, Russian
Geological Research Institute of Federal Agency on Mineral
Resources & al.
Title ID: 103636
310 Southwest Asia / Vorderasien
Road map of the Middle East 1:4 000 000
Geoprojects, 4th ed., Reading & Beirut 2015 (Arab World
Map Library)
col., communications & places classified, country tints, hydro. detailed, morph. features (sabkahs, sand deserts, spot
heights), historical sites, time zones 1:32 500 000 showing
hours ahead of Universal Time for countries of the Middle
East, trilingual legend (Arabic, Engl. & French),
66,5x83,5 cm, fd.
20,00 EUR
Title ID: 109326
Atlas du Moyen-Orient
"Aux racines de la violence"
Éditions Autrement, P. Blanc & J.-P. Chagnollaud, Paris
2016 (Collection Atlas / Monde)
95 pp., col., more than 120 maps & graphs, contents: Héritiers et déshérités de l'histoire, Dérives idéologiques et
politiques, Entre abondance et rareté, Les figures de la
guerre, Conclusion, Tableau récapitulatif, Bibliographie et
sitographie, 17x25 cm, softcover
31,00 EUR
Title ID: 111073
Lebanon 1:200 000
Also available:
 Arabic Edition
Title ID: 109301
 French Edition
Title ID: 109302
315 Israel / Yisra’el / Falisţīn
Jerusalem 1:15 000
"With Map of the Old City"
Carta, Jerusalem 2015
col., detailed roads, municipal bdrs., built-up areas, points of
interest, 4 inset plans (Inner city, East Pisgat Ze'ev, Homat
Shmuel (Har Homa) & The Old City), 61x90,5 cm, fd., dbl.
19,50 EUR
Title ID: 78520
The Carta Jerusalem Atlas
Carta, D. Bahat & C.T. Rubinstein, updated and expanded
3rd ed., Jerusalem 2011
176 pp., col., 270 illus. (incl. maps, diagrams, reconstructions & photos), contents: Preface, Introduction to the First
Edition, The Topography of the City, The Archaeological
Study of Jerusalem, Ancient History: Until circa 1000 BCE,
The First Temple Period: 1000 bce–586 BCE, The Second
Temple Period: 538 BCE–70 CE, Jerusalem at the Time of
Jesus, Aelia Capitolina: 135–326, The Byzantine Period:
326–638, The Early Muslim Period: 638–1099, The Crusader Period: 1099–1187, The Ayyubid Period: 1187–1250,
The Mamluk Period: 1250–1517, The Ottoman Period:
1517–1917, Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century: The City
Comes to Life, 1830–1917, The British Mandate: 1917–
1948, Divided Jerusalem: 1948–1967, United Jerusalem:
Since 1967, The Old City of Jerusalem (modern map), Bibliography, Index, Picture Sources, endpaper maps, 24x34,5
cm, hardcover
65,00 EUR
Formerly "The Illustrated Atlas of Jerusalem"
Title ID: 109047
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 25 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
319 Caucasia / Zakavkaz’e / Kaukasien
Azərbaycan Respublikasi - Rayonu - 1:100 000
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Dövlət Torpaq və Xəritəçəkmə
Komitəsi (State Committee for Land and Cartography), Bakı
60 sheets, col., contours 100 m, hydro. classified, veg.,
built-up areas, communications detailed, points of interest,
plan of capital, location inset map, chiefly photos, notes, all
in Azerbaijani, sizes vary
each 25,00 EUR
Incl. rayons of Nagorno-Karabakh & Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (see last entry). For city rayons (Şəhəri) see
section 3260. For location of rayons see next page.
The sheets are:
 Kürdəmir rayonu, 2011
Title ID: 110977
 Laçin rayonu, 2012, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
Title ID: 110978
 Lənkəran rayonu, 2010
Title ID: 110979
 Lerik rayonu, 2011
Title ID: 110980
 Massali rayonu, 2010
Title ID: 110981
 Neftçala rayonu, 2012
Title ID: 110982
 Oǧuz rayonu, 2008
Title ID: 110983
 Qax rayonu, 2008
Title ID: 110984
 Abşeron rayonu (Xırdalan), 2009
 Qazax rayonu, 2007
 Aǧcabədi rayonu, 2010
 Qəbələ rayonu, 2008
 Aǧdam rayonu, 2011, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Qobustan rayonu, 2009
 Aǧdaş rayonu, 2009
 Quba rayonu, 2014
 Aǧstafa rayonu, 2007
 Qubadli rayonu, 2012, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Aǧsu rayonu, 2008
 Qusar rayonu, 2014
 Astara rayonu, 2010
 Saatli rayonu, 2011
 Balakən rayonu, 2008
 Sabirabad rayonu, 2011
 Bərdə rayonu, 2011
 Salyan rayonu, 2011
 Beyləqan rayonu, 2010
 Şamaxi rayonu, 2008
 Biləsuvar rayonu, 2010
 Samux rayonu, 2012
 Cəbrayil rayonu, 2012, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Şəki rayonu, 2008
 Cəlilabad rayonu, 2010
 Şəmkir rayonu, 2007
 Daşkəsən rayonu, 2007
 Siyəzən rayonu, 2007
 Dəvəçi rayonu, 2007
 Şuşa rayonu, 2001, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Füzuli rayonu, 2011, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Tərtər rayonu, 2009, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Gədəbəy rayonu, 2008
 Tovuz rayonu, 2008
 Goranboy rayonu, 2009
 Ucar rayonu, 2009
 Göyçay rayonu, 2009
 Xaçmaz rayonu, 2007
 Göygöl rayonu, 2009
 Xizi rayonu, 2007
 Haciqabul rayonu, 2011
 Xocali rayonu, 2001, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Imişli rayonu, 2011
 Xocavənd rayonu, 2012, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Ismayilli rayonu, 2008
 Yardimli rayonu, 2011
 Kəlbəcər rayonu, 2012, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
 Yevlax rayonu, 2011
Title ID: 110953
Title ID: 110954
Title ID: 110955
Title ID: 110956
Title ID: 110957
Title ID: 110958
Title ID: 110959
Title ID: 110960
Title ID: 110961
Title ID: 110962
Title ID: 110963
Title ID: 110964
Title ID: 110965
Title ID: 110966
Title ID: 110967
Title ID: 110968
Title ID: 110969
Title ID: 110970
Title ID: 110971
Title ID: 110972
Title ID: 110973
Title ID: 110974
Title ID: 110975
Title ID: 110976
Title ID: 110985
Title ID: 110986
Title ID: 110987
Title ID: 110988
Title ID: 110989
Title ID: 110990
Title ID: 110991
Title ID: 110992
Title ID: 110993
Title ID: 110994
Title ID: 110995
Title ID: 110996
Title ID: 110997
Title ID: 110998
Title ID: 110999
Title ID: 111000
Title ID: 111001
Title ID: 111002
Title ID: 111003
Title ID: 111004
Title ID: 111005
Title ID: 111006
Title ID: 111007
Title ID: 111008
(cont'd p. 26)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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374 GeoKartenbrief
 Zaqatala rayonu, 2008
 Zəngilan rayonu, 2012, (Nagorno-Karabakh)
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Dövlət Torpaq və Xəritəçəkmə
Komitəsi (State Committee for Land and Cartography), Bakı
12 sheets (plans (rayons of Baku)), col., communications,
parks, points of interest, parks, partly insets, sizes an styles
each 45,00 EUR
Title ID: 111009
Title ID: 111010
 Zərdab rayonu, 2010
Title ID: 111011
 Naxçivan Muxtar Respublikasi (incl. Babək rayonu,
Culfa rayonu, Kəngərli rayonu, Ordubad rayonu,
Şahbuz rayonu, Sədərək rayonu, Şərur rayonu), 2012
(one sheet, 2 parts)
Title ID: 111012
Rayon Map:
Azərbaycan Respublikası - Bakı Şəhəri
The sheets are (number in brackets are only for location on
location map):
 Binəqədi rayonu, i.p. (1)
Title ID: 111016
 Nərimanov rayonu, 1:10 000, 2014 (6)
Title ID: 111017
 Nəsimi rayonu, 1:10 000, 2014 (5)
Title ID: 111018
 Nizami rayonu, 1:10 000, 2014 (7)
Title ID: 111019
 Pirallahı rayonu, 1:12 000, 2014 (12)
Title ID: 111023
 Qaradağ rayonu, i.p. (11)
Title ID: 111020
 Sabunçu rayonu, 1:23 000, 2014 (2)
Title ID: 111026
 Səbail rayonu, 1:10 000, 2014 (8)
Title ID: 111021
 Suraxanı rayonu, 1:16 800, 2014 (10)
Title ID: 111025
 Xətai rayonu, 1:12 000, 2014 (9)
Title ID: 111024
 Xəzər rayonu, 1:33 000, 2014 (3)
Title ID: 111027
Azərbaycan Respublikasının fiziki xəritəsi 1:600 000
 Yasamal rayonu, 1:10 000, 2014 (4)
Title ID: 111022
(physical map)
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2014
col., hyps, tints 100 - 550 m, bath. tints 50 - 300 m, hydro.,
forests, places classified, communications, mining symbols,
places of interest, table of mountains rivers & lakes, all in
Azerbaijani, 101x75 cm, flat
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110944
Azərbaycan Respublikası - Ümumcoğrafi məlumat
xəritəsi 1:500 000 (general-geographical map)
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2015
col., contours 100 m, bath., contours 10 - 200 m, hyps. tints
500 - 2 000 m, morph. features, hydro. detailed, land use &
cover, places classified, communications, admin. bdrs., all in
Azerbaijani,115x88cm, flat
total 25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110946
Azərbaycan Respublikasının siyasi-inzibati xəritəsi
1:600 000 (political-administrative map)
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2014
col., rayon tints, places detailed, communications, hydro., all
in Azerbaijani, 101x75 cm, flat
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110945
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 27 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
 D-09
"(- new series-)"
 D-10
Georgia - Topographic Map 1:50 000
GeoLand, Tbilisi 2015
98 sheets, col., contours 20m, shading, hydro. detailed,
veg., morph. features, land use & cover, built-up areas,
communications classified, admin. bdrs., nat. park bdrs.,
points of interest, grid, no proj. is given, 70x60 cm, plot
each 28,00 EUR
-- As a set
2.450,00 EUR
Title ID: 109740
The former series will not be continued. All in Latin characters, some names in Engl.. Only Georgian territory is shown.
No legend on the map, but separate legend sheet. For sheet
diagram see next page.
The sheets are:
Title ID: 109765
Title ID: 109766
 D-11
Title ID: 109767
 D-12
Title ID: 109768
 D-13
Title ID: 109769
 E-04
Title ID: 109770
 E-05
Title ID: 109771
 E-06
Title ID: 109772
 A-01
 E-07
 A-02
 E-08
 A-03
 E-09
 A-04
 E-10
 B-01
 E-11
 B-02
 E-12
 B-03
 E-13
 B-04
 E-14
 B-05
 F-04
 B-06
 F-05
 B-07
 F-06
 C-02
 F-07
 C-03
 F-08
 C-04
 F-09
 C-05
 F-10
 C-06
 F-11
 C-07
 F-12
 C-08
 F-13
 D-03
 F-14
 D-04
 G-04
 D-05
 G-05
 D-06
 G-06
 D-07
 G-07
 D-08
 G-08
Title ID: 109741
Title ID: 109742
Title ID: 109743
Title ID: 109744
Title ID: 109745
Title ID: 109746
Title ID: 109747
Title ID: 109748
Title ID: 109749
Title ID: 109750
Title ID: 109751
Title ID: 109752
Title ID: 109753
Title ID: 109754
Title ID: 109755
Title ID: 109756
Title ID: 109757
Title ID: 109758
Title ID: 109759
Title ID: 109760
Title ID: 109761
Title ID: 109762
Title ID: 109763
Title ID: 109764
Title ID: 109773
Title ID: 109774
Title ID: 109775
Title ID: 109776
Title ID: 109777
Title ID: 109778
Title ID: 109779
Title ID: 109780
Title ID: 109781
Title ID: 109782
Title ID: 109783
Title ID: 109784
Title ID: 109785
Title ID: 109786
Title ID: 109787
Title ID: 109788
Title ID: 109789
Title ID: 109790
Title ID: 109791
Title ID: 109792
Title ID: 109793
Title ID: 109794
Title ID: 109795
Title ID: 109796
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 28 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
 G-09
 I-15
 G-10
 I-16
 G-11
 J-08
 G-12
 J-09
 G-13
 J-10
 G-14
 J-11
 G-15
 J-12
 G-16
 J-14
 H-04
 J-15
 H-05
 J-16
Title ID: 109797
Title ID: 109798
Title ID: 109799
Title ID: 109800
Title ID: 109801
Title ID: 109802
Title ID: 109803
Title ID: 109804
Title ID: 109805
Title ID: 109806
 H-06
Title ID: 109829
Title ID: 109830
Title ID: 109831
Title ID: 109832
Title ID: 109833
Title ID: 109834
Title ID: 109835
Title ID: 109836
Title ID: 109837
Title ID: 109838
Title ID: 109807
 H-07
Title ID: 109808
 H-08
Title ID: 109809
 H-09
Title ID: 109810
 H-10
Title ID: 109811
 H-11
Title ID: 109812
 H-12
Title ID: 109813
 H-13
Title ID: 109814
 H-14
Title ID: 109815
 H-15
Title ID: 109816
 H-16
Title ID: 109817
 I-04
Title ID: 109818
 I-05
Title ID: 109819
 I-06
Title ID: 109820
 I-07
Title ID: 109821
 I-08
Title ID: 109822
 I-09
Title ID: 109823
 I-10
Title ID: 109824
 I-11
Title ID: 109825
 I-12
Title ID: 109826
 I-13
Title ID: 109827
 I-14
Title ID: 109828
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 29 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
329 Iran / Irān
of Azerbaijan)
Azərbaycan Respublikasının turist atlası (Tourist atlas
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Baki 2008
110 pp., col., num. maps, plans on various themes on landscape, provinces & places, all trilingual (Azerbaijani, Russian & Engl.) except contents, 21,5x30,5 cm, hardcover
65,00 EUR
Title ID: 110942
Azərbaycan Respublikası - Geomorfoloji 1:600 000
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, (State Committee for Land and
Cartography), Bakı 2014
col., comprehensive legend, geomorphological tints, geol.
symbols, coastal lines, shading, hydro., places, all in Azerbaijani, 105x84 cm, flat
total 25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110950
Azərbaycan Respublikası - Iqlim 1:600 000 (Climate)
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2015
col., wind & temperature features, annual average amount
of precipitation tints, hydro., shading, communications,
places, 5 inset maps 1:2 300 000 (meteorological potential
for air pollution, annual average temperature, annual average total solar radiation, annual average wind speed, main
climate types), all in Azerbaijani, 102,5x84 cm, flat
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110947
Azərbaycan Respublikası - Bitki Örtüyü 1:600 000
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2015
col., vegtation tints, rare and relict plant species symbols, 1
inset map (geobotanical zoning map), 1 table with plant
graphs, all in Azerbaijani, 102,5x84 cm, flat
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110949
Azərbaycan Respublikası - Əhali 1:600 000 (Popula-
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2015
col., communications, places classified, shading, hydro.,
features on: urban & rural population, population density,
demographic development, 2 inset maps (average age of
the population & natural population development), all in
Azerbaijani, 102,5x84 cm, flat
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110948
Bakı Turist atlası
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, Bakı 2011
159 pp., num. thematic maps & plans, notes & photos, on
various themes, 83 pp, plans 1:10 000 one page street plan
opposite aerial photos, all trilingual (Azerbaijani, Rus-sian &
Engl.) except contents, 21,5x30,5 cm, softcover
65,00 EUR
Atlas-e Rah-ha-ye Irān / Road Atlas of Iran
1:1 000 000
Gitashenasi, S. Bakhtiyari, Tehrān 2015 (GS 565)
311 pp., col., communications & places classified, province
bdrs., shading, hyps. & bath. tints, hydro., land use & cover,
deserts, points of interest, photos, notes, index, end paper
maps, 16x24,5 cm, hard cover
40,00 EUR
All in Persian.
Title ID: 82667
... / Atlas of Geological, Airborne Total Magnetic, Satellite Photomap and Mineral Distribution Maps of Iran
(Based on 1:250,000 Index Scale)
Geological Survey of Iran (GSI), Ministry of Industries and
Mines, Tehrān 2014
1 132 pp., col., low resolution small-sized images of original
maps, notes in Persian, chapter titles bilingual, map legends
partly bilingual, 41,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
850,00 EUR
Title ID: 109341
330 South Asia / Südasien
Environmental Geography of South Asia
"Contributions Toward a Future Earth Initiative"
Springer, R.B. Singh & P. Prokop (eds.) 2016 (Advances in
Geographical and Environmental Sciences)
ix, 351 pp., chiefly col. 137 illus., contents: This volume
synthesizes critical environmental challenges of dynamic
earth and human environment systems in South Asia emphasizing geographical dimensions. It deals with spaceborne monitoring, climate, ecohydrology, forests and biodiversity, land-use and land-cover change (LUCC), natural
hazards, and disasters in order to contribute towards a sustainable future. The contributions range from traditional field
techniques to the use of remote sensing and geographic
information systems, References,15,5 x 23,5 cm, hardcover
203,29 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 108966
331 India / Bhārat / Indien
"Une géographie"
Éditions Armand Colin, P. Cadène & B. Dumortier (dirs.),
Paris 2015 (Collection: Horizon)
396 pp., b&w, num. maps, diagrams & graphs, contents: 1.
L'Inde singulière et plurielle 2. Un géant démographique, 3.
Une économie en mutation, 4. Un accès inégal au développement, 5. Un pas vers la nouvelle économie, bibl.,
17x24 cm, softcover
33,00 EUR
Title ID: 109273
Title ID: 110943
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
374 • page 30 • Spring 2016
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
NATMO, P. Nag (dir.), Kolkata 2007c. 28 vols., col., text, tables, num. maps, on various phys.,
cultural, pop. and socio-econ. subjects, detailed, sizes &
styles vary
India Meteorological Department, New Delh 2007-2009
4 parts, col., notes, containing the isopluvial maps for 2
year, 5 year, 10 year, 25 year, 50 year and 100 year- 24
hour duration for each state, 20,5x29 cm, softcover, each
part with CD-Rom
total 260,00 EUR
State atlas of…
New vol.:
 Maharashtra, 2011
Title ID: 109871
33,00 EUR
Land Resource Atlas of West Bengal
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Nagpur 2013
(NBSS&LUP publ.; 154)
164 pp., col., mum. maps & diagrams, some tables & photos, contents: A Administration, B The People, C The Land,
D Climate, E Water Resources, F Infrastructure, G Soil
Resources, H Agriculture, I Animal Husbandry, J Tourism,
Appendix (I – III), 28,5x42,5 cm, hardcover
90,00 EUR
Title ID: 109870
Landforms of India from topomaps and images
Geological Society of India, R. Vaidyanadhan and K.V.
Subbarao, Bengaluru 2014
xxvii, 135 pp., chiefly col., num. top. maps extracts, satellite
images, graphs & photos, contents: Topomaps, Sketches,
Photos / Aerial Photos, Locations, Images, Physiographic
Features and Notable Features, List of Physiographic Features, Geological Time Scale, Procurement of Topomaps
and Images, Glossary, 26x40 cm, hardcover 145,00 EUR
Title ID: 111059
Soil erosion in Arunachal Pradesh
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning &
Central Soil and Water Conservation Research & Training
Institute, T. Chattopadhyay & al., Nagpur & Dehradun 2014
(NBSS publ.; 158 )
i, 32 pp., col., 9 tables, 7 figs., 6 plates, contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Natural Resources, 3. Methodology, 4. Database, 5. Database Interpretation, 6. Soil Erosion Status, 7.
Soil Erosion - Causes and Conservation, 8. References, 9.
Appendix (I - VII), 21x27,5 cm, softcover, encl. map "Soil
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 109867
Assessment of soil loss for prioritization of sub watersheds
"A remote sensing and GIS approach"
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning,
G.P. Obi Reddy & D. Sarkar, Nagpur 2012 (NBSS publ.
137, Research bulletin)
55 pp., col., 21 illus. (incl. maps & diagrams), 23 tables, 9
plates (photos), contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Geographical
Setting, 3. Methology, 4. Drainage Morphometry, 5. Soils, 6.
Quantification of USLE Parameters, 7. Priorization of Sub
Water-sheds, 8. Evaluation of Soil Conservation Measures,
9. Conclusions, References, 21x28 cm, softcover
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 109868
Atlas of Statewise Isopluvial Maps
Title ID: 108999
The four parts are:
 Part-I. Atlas of Statewise Generalised Isopluvial (Return
Period ) maps of Southern Peninsula, States Included:
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala
 Part-II. Atlas of Statewise Generalised Isopluvial (Return Period) maps of Eastern India, States Included: W.
Bengal & Sikkim, Bihar, Jharkhand and North-Eastern
 Part-III. Atlas of Statewise Generalised Isopluvial (Return Period) maps of Central India, States Included:
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra & Goa,
Gujarat and Orissa
 Part-IV. Atlas of Statewise Generalised Isopluvial (Return Period) maps of Northern India, States Included:
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu
& Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana & Delhi and Rajasthan
Title ID: 109003
Atlas of changing river courses in West Bengal
xii, 132 pp., chiefly col., 174 plates (maps) from 1767 2010, notes, photos, bibl., 2 indexes, endpaper maps,
36x48 cm, hardcover
145,00 EUR
Sea Explorers' Institute
Title ID: 109872
Social Geography of India
Concept Publishing, A. Ahmad, 2nd. enlarged ed., New
Delhi 2012
352 pp., num. figs (incl. maps) & tables, contents: 1. Social
geography, 2. Social geography the Indian context, 3. Origins, 4. Tribal formation, 5. Caste, 6. Speech communities,
7. Communities of faith, 8. The social fabric an overview;
Appendices, Bibliography, Index, 18x25 cm, hardcover
53,00 EUR
Title ID: 102918
"Du développement à l'émergence"
Éditions Armand Colin, F. Landy & A. Varrel, Paris 2015
(Collection U)
286 pp., b&w, num. maps, diagrams & graphs, contents:
Introduction: Les cinq paradoxes de l'Union indienne, 1. Les
défis de la superficie et du poids démographique, 2. Temps
des cultures, temps courts des États: une diversité des
territoires façonnée par l'histoire, 3. Construire et gouverner
un État: l'Union indienne, malgré tout, 4. Des campagnes
encore très agricoles, mais de moins en moins..., 5. Petites
et grandes villes : bourgades et mégapoles, 6. Lignes de
force et inégalités régionales, 7. L'économie au prisme de la
libéralisation, 8. Terres et territoires sous tension, 9. L'Inde
et le monde: «hard» et «soft power», bibl., 16x24 cm, softcover
36,00 EUR
Title ID: 109272
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 31 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
339 Bangladesh / Bānglā Desh /
Zila / District Maps
Geo Consult, Dhaka 2000 (partly revised up to 2014)
64 sheets, col., communications & places classified, bdrs.
down to thana/upazila, hydro., points of interest, partly insets or admin. tables or photos, bilungual, 50,5x76 cm
each 14,00 EUR
The sheets are:
341 Japan / Nihon
... / Tokyo metropolitan area
Shobunsha Publications, Tokyo 2015
street atlas, col., 245 pp., 17 pp. 1:3 500 - 1:6 000, 196 pp.
1:10 000, 18 pp., 1:50 000, 10 pp. index, 1 p. highway network map, 1 p. urban transport network map, station name
index, 1 dbl. page Tokyo & surroundings 1:600 000, 21x30
cm, softcover
60,00 EUR
All in Japanese.
 Bagerhat Zila 1:225 000, 4th ed. 2012
Title ID: 108998
 Barguna Zila 1:175 000, 4th ed. 2015
342 China / Zhongguo
 Bogra Zila 1:140 000, 4th ed. 2013
 Brahmanbaria 1:120 000, 4th ed. 2014
Springer, R. Guo, Singapur 2016
xxii, 195 pp., chiefly b&w, 15 illus., contents: 1 A Brief History of Tibet, 2 Chinese-Style Development in Tibet: Narrative, 3 Tibetan Unrest and the Dalai Lama: Narrative, 4
Determinants of Spatial (Dis)Integration: Analytics, 5 Going
Back to Tibet: Analytic Narrative, 6 Ethnic Autonomy and
Tibet: Policy Options, Epilogue: Center Versus Peripheries,
References, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
85,59 EUR
Title ID: 84269
Title ID: 84271
Title ID: 84274
Title ID: 84275
 Chapai Nawabganj Zila 1:100 000, 4th ed. 2011
Title ID: 84277
 Chittagong Zila 1:80 000, 4th ed. 2013
Title ID: 84278
 Dinajpur Zila 1:190 000, 4th ed. 2013
Title ID: 84283
 Gazipur Zila 1:100 000, 4th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84287
 Habiganj Zila 1:150 000, 4th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84289
China's Regional Development and Tibet
Presents key spatial and inter-provincial issues in China.
Description preliminary
Title ID: 108965
 Jamalpur District 1:125 000, 4th ed. 2011
 Khagrachhari Zila 1:1825 000, 4th ed. 2014
sandy desert and aeolian desertification in northern
Title ID: 84290
Title ID: 84295
 Kishoreganj Zila 1:130 000, 4th ed. 2011
Title ID: 84297
 Kurigram Zila 1:150 000, 4th ed. 2011
Title ID: 84298
 Kushtia Zila 1:125 000, 4th ed. 2011
Title ID: 84299
 Maulavibazar Zila 1:150 000, 4th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84305
 Mymensingh Zila 1:150 000, 4th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84308
 Netrakona Zila 1:140 000, 4th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84314
 Nilphamari Zila 1:100 000, 4th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84315
 Panchagarh Zila 1:110 000, 5th ed. 2014
Title ID: 84318
 Rangpur District 1:200 000, 4th ed. 2011
Title ID: 84323
 Rangamati District 1:260 000, 4th ed. 2013
Title ID: 84324
 Sunamganj Zila 1:150 000, 4th ed. 2013
Title ID: 84329
 Sylhet Zila 1:175 000, (4th ed.) 2013
Title ID: 84330
 Thakurgaon Zila 1:125 000, 4th ed. 2013
Title ID: 84332
Zhongguo beifang shamo yu shamohua tuji / Atlas of
Science Press, T. Wang, Beijing 2014
xx, 230 pp., col., 1 master map of northern China and 29
maps of different representative regions, each map shows
the dynamic distribution of sandy desert and aeolian desertified land across four time periods (the mid-1970s to 1990,
1990-2000, 2000-2005, and 2005-2010), num. tables &
diagrams, notes, all bilingual, 26,5x37,5 cm, hardcover
220,00 EUR
Title ID: 109324
Zhonghua Remin Gongheguo Quyu Dizhi Diaocha
Baogao (Regional Geological Survey Report of the
People's Republic of China) 1:250 000
GGS, GPH & CUGP, Beijing & Wuhan 2010num. sheets, col., comprehensive legend, morph. features,
diagram, cross sections, contours 100 m, hydro., names, on
reverse notes, 100x69,5 cm, fd., expl. c. 200-250 pp., chiefly
b&w, diagrams, graphs, profiles, tables, bibl., some col.
photos, 20,5x29,5 cm, pb., slip case
All in Chinese.
New sheets:
 H45 C 002003 Rebuka Fu (Sheet of Rebuka), 2013
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109280
 H46 C 001003 Biru Xian Fu (Sheet of Biru County),
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109281
(cont'd p. 32)
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 32 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
 H46 C 002001 Dangxiong Xiang Fu (Sheet of
Damxung County), 2011
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109284
tures in South China Craton, Mesoproterozoic Era of South
China Craton, Neoproterozoic Era of South China Craton),
Part IV The Tarim Craton (Late Archean: Mesoproterozoic
Geology of the Tarim Craton, The Neoproterozoic Geology
of the Tarim Craton, The Precambrian Tectonic Evolution of
the Tarim Craton), Part V Other Chinese Paleocontinents
(The Precambrian Geology of the Tibetan Plateau, Paleocontinents in Xing'an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt (XMOB), bibl.,
16x24 cm, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Title ID: 109285
Title ID: 109730
Title ID: 109282
 H46 C 004002 Longzi Xian Fu (Sheet of Lhuntse
County), 2014
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109283
 H46 C 004003 Zhari Qu Fu (Sheet of Zhari District),
140,00 EUR
 I44 C 001004 Heishibei Hu Fu (Sheet of Heishibei
Lake), 2013
140,00 EUR
 I44 C 002004 Tuohepingcuo Fu (Sheet of Taohoping
Tso), 2013
140,00 EUR
First book available to overview the Precambrian geology of
China. Description preliminary
Title ID: 109286
344 Hong Kong & Macau / Xianggang &
Aomen / Hongkong & Macao
Title ID: 109287
 I44 C 004003 Geji Xian Fu (Sheet of Gê'gyai County),
140,00 EUR
 I44 C 004004 Wuma Fu (Sheet of Oma), 2014 140,00
Title ID: 109288
 I45 C 003002 Mayigangri Fu (Sheet of Mayer Kangri),
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109289
 I46 C 001001 Kekexili Hu Fu (Sheet of Hoh Xil Lake),
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109290
 I46 C 001002 Kusai Hu Fu (Sheet of Kusai Lake), 2014
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109291
 I46 C 004002 Anduo Xian Fu (Sheet of Amdo County),
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109292
 I46 C 004003 Canglaila Fu (Sheet of Canglaila), 2013
144,00 EUR
Shi xiang dongfang / Sailed to the east
"Quanqiu ditu zhong de Aomen / Global mapping of Macao"
Social Sciences Academic Press, S. Zhang & L. Dai (eds.),
Beijing 2015
343 pp., col., maps & map extracts, contents: The introduction of the concept “Asia” into China and the Chinese responses, The origin of Portuguese cartography (14th – 16th
centuries), History in cartography: Macao in the 16th – 19th
centuries great meeting of the East and West, A transnational reading of Macao in global maps, A cultural gateway:
Macau on the map of Sino-American relations, The colored
manuscript copies of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu: A new study,
Animals in Matteo Ricci's world map of 1602, Literature
review of New China Map drawn by Luiz Jorge de Barbuda,
Questions about Michael Boym's the atlas of China, bibl.,
17x24,5 cm, hardcover
45,00 EUR
 J43 C 003002 / J43 C 003003 Keketuluke Fu (Sheet of
Keketuluke) / Tashiku'ergan Tajike Zhizhixian Fu (Sheet
of Taxkorgan Tajik AutonomousCounty), 2014
144,00 EUR
Macao was the very first place at which European merchants, missionaries, and travellers found residence in an
East Asian place. Over the four hundred sixty plus years, it
established itself as a significant joint to connect the west
with the east, economically and culturally alike. From the
view of old maps, this book will bring back the readers to the
history after the westerners sailed to the east, to interpret
the interaction took place between the East and West in the
early process of globalization."
 J44 C 004004 Yeyike Fu (Sheet of Yeyik), 2013
140,00 EUR
350 Southeast Asia / Südostasien
Title ID: 109293
 J43 C 001002 Ku'ergan Fu (Sheet of Ku'ergan), 2014
140,00 EUR
Title ID: 109294
Title ID: 109295
Title ID: 109296
 J45 C 002004 Suwushijie Fu (Sheet of Suwushiji),
144,00 EUR
Title ID: 109297
Precambrian geology of China
Springer, M. Zhai (ed.), Heidelberg & al. 2015 (Springer
viii, 390 pp., col., num. illus., graphs & graphs, contents:
Part I General Precambrian Geology in China (General
Precambrian Geology in China), Part II The North China
Craton (Formation and Evolution of Archean Continental
Crust of the North China Craton, Paleoproterozoic Granulites in the North China Craton and Their Geological Implications, Late Paleoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic (1800–541 Ma)
Mafic Dyke Swarms and Rifts in North China), Part III The
South China Craton (Early Precambrian Geological Signa-
Title ID: 109325
South East Asia 1:3 800 000
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Held and open concession blocks, Oil and gas fields, Selected well locations, Oil
and gas pipelines, Major cities/towns and ports, Oil refineries and gas processing plants, Oil and gas terminals, FPSO
and FPS locations, Fixed platform locations, Bathymetry up
to the 5000m contour, Names of selected new discoveries,
10 inset maps, 4 diagrams, 2 tables, 150x106 cm, fd.
300,00 EUR
Title ID: 35061
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 33 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
370 North Asia / Severnaja Azija / Nordasien
Геологической карты России и прилегающих
акваторий / Geological Map of Russia and Adjoining
Water Areas 1:2 500 000
VSGEI, O.V. Petrov & al., Saint Petersburg 2012
16 sheets, contours, depth lines, geol. symbols & bdrs.,
faults, comprehensive bilingual geol. legend, communications, places, hydro., map names only in Russian, 1 table
"plutonic complex", scheme of geological-structure zoning
1:30 000 000, conic equidistant proj, each part 91,5x65,5
cm, flat, plot
total 700,00 EUR
Title ID: 109298
Atlas géopolitique de la Russie
"Le grand retour sur la scène internationale"
Éditions Autrement, P. Marchand, Paris 2015
96 pp., col., more than 100 maps & graphs, contents: Le
plus vaste état du monde, Les atouts et défis de la puissance, Les intérêts géostratégiques de la Russie, Annexes,
Bibliographie; 17x25 cm, softcover
26,00 EUR
Title ID: 109216
Атлас железных дорог России (Atlas of Russian
Feorija, Moskva 2015
667 pp., chiefly col., c. 200 general & thematic maps from
scales 1:750 000 to 1:80 000 000, bulk the maps are
1:18 000 000, 1:33 000 000 ore 1:55 000 000 scales, num.
graphs & photos, the atlas shows the railways in historical,
geographical, economic, geopolitical & technical evolution,
all branches of the Russian railways, bibl., all in Russian,
27,5x40,5 cm, hardcover, slipcase
595,00 EUR
Incl. CD-Rom with tables (pdf).
Title ID: 109335
Oil & Gas Producers in Russia 1:6 000 000
INCOTEC, Moscow 2016
col., road map base, containing information on provinces,
basins and districts of oil-and-gas bearing, highly promising
oil-and-gas territories; oil, gas and NLG fields (small, middle,
large, unique) and their owners, oil refining and gas processing plants; pipelines (operating, under construction,
planned); oil pumping plants (main, intermediate); oil tank
farms and storage facilities; loading-unloading terminals (at
railways, at waterways), 2 admin. tables, 144,5x87 cm, fd.
250,00 EUR
Title ID: 65024
380 Central Asia / Srednjaja Azija / Zentralasien
Xəzər dənizinin 1:1 320 000 (Caspian Sea)
"(Physical Map)"
Bakı Kartografiya Fabriki, , Dövlət Torpaq və Xəritəçəkmə
Komitəsi (State Committee for Land and Cartography), Bakı
col., bath. tints 100 - 1 000 m, bath. tints 100 - 200 m, hydro., dry river beds, benches, places, communications, air
photo inset, grid, trilingual legend (Azerbaijani, Russian &
Engl.) 84x115 cm, flat
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 110951
Xəzər dənizinin hidrometeoroloji atlası / Hydrometeorological Atlas of the Caspian Sea
State Oil Company Azerbaijan Republic & Institute of Geography ANAS, R.M. Mammadov, Bakı / Baku 2014
299 pp. col., 353 thematic maps, 20 tables, contents: I.
Bases of the preparation of atlas and used materials, II.
Brief information on the Caspian Sea and geomorphological
maps, III. Hydrology, IV. Meteorology, V. Interaction sea and
atmosphere, VI. The Caspian Sea Level, VII. Database of
hydrometeorological atlas of the Caspian Sea, bilingual,
30x43 cm, hardcover
450,00 EUR
The atlas presents the multi-faceted information and current knowledge on the Caspian Sea, collected over many
years of research of the unique nature and resources of the
Title ID: 110940
400 Australia / Australien
Tasmania 1:50 000
TASMAP, Hobart 201583 sheets, col., contours 20 m, shading, hydro. detailed,
land use & cover, built-up areas, communications classified,
walking tracks, admin. bdrs., nat. or state park bdrs., points
of interest, mean temperature & rainfall diagrams, UTM
proj., 97x96,5 cm, fd.
each 11,00 EUR
At present are 9 sheets availble:
 TL04 Lake Pieman, 2015
Title ID: 109314
 TL06 Jerusalem, 2015
Title ID: 109315
 TM06 St Clair, 2015
Title ID: 109316
 TP06 Denison Range, 2015
Title ID: 109317
 TP07 Meadowbank, 2015
Title ID: 109318
 TP08 Green Ponds, 2015
Title ID: 109319
 TQ08 Wellington, 2015
Title ID: 109320
 TR07 Hartz, 2015
Title ID: 109321
 TS06 Bathurst, 2015
Title ID: 109322
For sheet diagram see next page.
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 34 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
Tasmania 1:50 000
Sheet diagram:
Australia - Geological (Atlas) Series 1:250 000
GA (AGSO) & al., Canberra & al. 1957- (partly rev. eds.)
series following top. sheet plan, col., chiefly very detailed,
partly geophys. anomalies, often cross sections, inset maps,
graphs, sizes & styles vary
New sheet.
 SD5116 and part of Sheet SD5115 Prince Regent Camden Sound (WA), 2nd ed. 2015
17,00 EUR
Title ID: 109861
1:100 000 Geological Series (WA)
GSWA - Department of Minerals and Energy, Perth 1988sheets for Western Australia area, col., top. base, contours
20 m, legend very detailed, mineral occurrences, diagrammatic sections, interpreted bedrock geology 1:500 000 inset
map, data directory, location map, sheet index extract, UTM
proj., 75x69,5 cm (GA sheets & style vary) / 83,5x69 cm,
partly expl, c. 20-50 pp., 21x30,5 cm, stapled
each17,00 EUR
New sheets:
 SE 51-08-3963 Richenda, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109840
 SF-50-13-1951 Towera, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109841
 SF-52-02-4557 Kearney, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109842
 SF-52-02-4657 Lewis, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109843
 SG 50-04-2748 Cardawan, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109844
 SG 52-05-4246 Golden Point, 2015, no expl.
National Park, Walk & Recreation Maps
TASMAP, Hobart 1997- (chiefly revised editions)
single maps for tour. areas, col., topographical base, contours, walking tracks, points of interest, notes & illus. on
reverse (vegetation, land forms, animals, history of the area,
bushwalking tips and safety essentials), styles & sizes vary,
unless indicated 12,50 EUR
Title ID: 109845
 SH 51-13-2934 Lake Percy, 2015, no expl.
Title ID: 109846
Geological Map of Western Australia 1:2 500 000
 Bruny Island 1:75 000, 2015
GSWA, D. Martin & al. (comps.), 14th ed., Perth 2015
col., comprehensive legend, geol. synbols, communications,
places, hydro., Main tectonic units pf Western Australia inset
map, Albers equal area proj., 101,5x112,5 cm, fd.
16,00 EUR
 Cradle Mountain 1:50 000 / 1:20 000, 2015 (Day Walk
Available sheets:
Title ID: 69017
Title ID: 69023
 Freycinet National Park 1:50 000, 2016
Title ID: 69026
 Hartz Mountains National Park, 1:50 000, 2015
Title ID: 69029
 Peninsula Walks 1:50 000, 2015
Title ID: 109732
 Walls Of Jerusalem National Park 1:25 000, 2015
Title ID: 69025
Title ID: 32392
Iron ore deposits of the Pilbara region 1:750 000
GSWA, R.W. Cooper & D.J. Flint, Perth 2015
col., site type and stage of development of mines, mineralization style symbols, iron ore tenements and ministerial
reserves by company group areas, iron ore geology rasters,
main tectonic units of Western Australia - Showing mines
and deposits by mineralization style inset maps, gas & oil
pipelines, communications classified, places, conversation
estate & state agreement act bdrs., data directory, location
inset map, Albers equal area proj., 104x73,5 cm, flat
17,00 EUR
Title ID: 86678
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 35 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
Mineral Deposits and Petroleum Fields 1:3 000 000 Western Australia
GSWA, R.W. Copper & al. (comps.), Perth 2015
col., roads, railways, places, hydro., geol.-tectonic base,
detailed min. deposits, data directory, Albers equal area
proj., 72x117cm, fd.
13,00 EUR
Title ID: 32568
Iron ore deposits of the Yilgarn Craton 1:1 500 000
GSWA, R.W. Cooper (comp.), Perth 2015
col., site type and status of mines, mineralization style symbols, gas pipelines, tectonic bdrs., Murchison radio astronomy exemption area communications classified, places,
hydro., bath. contours 200 - 1 000 m, data directory, location
inset map, Albers equal area proj., 70,5x100,5 cm
17,00 EUR
Title ID: 86677
Western Australia atlas of mineral deposits and petroleum fields
DMP, R.W. Cooper & al. (comps.), Perth 2015
58 pp., col., 28 map pp. 1:2 200 000 & 1:1 000 000, mineral
deposits, mineral exploration, mining, regional geology,
hydro., communications, places, 3 indexes (Commodity
group, Project owner & Topography), Albers equal area
proj., 21x30 cm, stapled
20,00 EUR
"This Atlas shows the location of Western Australia's mineral deposits and petroleum fields, set against a background
of simplified geology and topographic information. The publication is an update of the ‘Western Australia atlas of mineral deposits and petroleum fields 2013'."
Title ID: 109220
Regionally significant basic raw materials 1:100 000
GSWA, East Perth 2015 (Resource Potential for Land Use
Planning Series Map)
8 sheets, col.,Regionally significant basic raw materials
tints, tenure for basic raw materials, analyses of raw materials, quarries & pits, communications, places, local government authority bdrs., simplyfied land title bdrs., shading,
hydro., drainage, notes, data sources, UTM proj, sizies vary,
each 17,00 EUR
Range: Northampton – Perth
The sheets are:
 Carnarvon, 2015
Title ID: 109848
 Dongara-Denison , 2015
Title ID: 109849
 Exmouth, 2015
Title ID: 109850
 Geraldton, 2015
Title ID: 109851
 Green Head - Jurien Bay , 2015
Title ID: 109852
 Leeman - Eneabba , 2015
Title ID: 109853
 Northampton, 2015
Title ID: 109854
 Wedge Island - Dandaragan, 2015
Title ID: 109855
Basic raw materials 1:200 000
GSWA, East Perth 2015 (Resource Potential for Land Use
Planning Series Map)
4 sheets, col., surface materials tints, hard rock tints, tenure
for basic raw materials, analyses of raw materials, boreholes, quarries & pits, communications, townsites, nat.
parks & reserves, local government authority bdrs., hydro.,
contours, drainage, diagrammatic relationship of basic raw
materials, notes, data sources, UTM proj, sizes vary, flat
each 17,00 EUR
Range: Northampton - Green Head
The sheets are:
 Geraldton – Mullewa, 2015
Title ID: 109857
 Green Head - Three Springs, 2015
Title ID: 109858
 Morawa – Perenjori, 2015
Title ID: 109859
 Northampton - Kalbarri, 2015
Title ID: 109860
Mines - operating and under development, Western
Australia 1:3 000 000
GSWA, R.W. Cooper, A.A. Strong & P.B. Abeysinghe, Perth
col., geol. tints, mineral deposits, exploration & occurrence,
mines, oil & gas pipelines, communications & places classified, hydro., bath. contours 200-1 000 m, Kalgoorlie-Boulder
inset map 1:1 200 000, Albers equal area proj., 71x 104 cm,
17,00 EUR
Title ID: 86676
Aboriginal land, conservation areas, mineral and petroleum titles, and geology, Western Australia
1:2 500 000
"Resource potential for land use planning"
GSWA, K.J. Ridge, Perth 2016
col., geol. tints, mineral and petroleum title areas, conservation areas, nat. parks & reserves, heritage areas, woodlands, hydro., Main tectonic units of Western Australia inset
map, Albers equal area proj., 82x116 cm, fd.
17,00 EUR
Title ID: 86671
500 Africa / Afrika
Water and the Development of Africa
"Past, Present, and Future"
Peter Lang – Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften,
Sarfoh, Kwadwo A., New York & al. 2016
190 pp., num. illus., contents: Water: The Irreplaceable
Natural Resource, Water Resources of Africa, Who Controls
Africa's Water Resources?, Water in the Formation of the
Civilizations of Africa, Rivers as Gateways to Inner Africa,
Water Use in Colonial Africa, Water Use and Post Colonial
Development, Water and Development in Africa in the 21st
Century, Appendix: Water: Conflict Chronology in Africa,
67,40 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 109733
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 36 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
515 Morocco / al-Maghrib / Maroc / Marokko
547 Kenya / Kenia
"format numérique"
ANCFC & DC, Rabat 2003c. 600 sheets, 4-5 col., contours 10-20 m, shading, veg.,
detailed top. signs, title & legend bilingual, Lambert's conical
conform proj., c. 70x65 cm
each 30,00 EUR
Carte Administrative 1:1 200 000
"Depicting the National Population Census by County and
KNBS, CETRAD & CDE, U. Wiesmann, B. Kiteme & Z.
Mwangi, Nairobi, Nanyuki & Bern 2014
159 pp., col., c. 65 maps chiefly 1:4 000 000, some tables,
contents: 1 Introduction & Background, 2 Population Distribution & Dynamics, 3 Water, Sanitation & Energy, 4 Household Assets & Communication, 5 Welfare & Poverty, 6 Education, 7 Economic Activities, 42,5x30 cm, hardcover
150,00 EUR
Title ID: 39882
Title ID: 109223
Carte du Maroc / Kharīţa al-Maghrib 1:50 000
Please ask of list of recently available sheets.
Title ID: 39468
"Régions, Provinces, Préfectures et Communes"
ANCFCC, Rabat 2015
col., wilayat tints, admin. bdrs. & places, 4 insets (Arrondissement de Rabat - Salé, ... de Meknès - El Hajeb, ... du
Grand Casablanca, … de Fès - Séfrou), 1 table (Wilayas
des régions du Maroc), 163,5x136,5 cm, flat
60,00 EUR
Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya
"The Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya is the first of its kind to
offer high-resolution spatial depictions and analyses of data
collected in the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census. The combination of geographic and socio-economic
data enables readers to gain a spatial understanding of
dynamics affecting Kenya."
520 West Africa / Westafrika
630 United States / Vereinigte Staaten
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Held and open concession blocks, Oil and gas fields, Selected well locations, Oil
and gas pipelines, Major cities/towns and ports, Oil refineries and gas processing plants, Oil and gas terminals, FPSO
and FPS locations, Fixed platform locations, Bathymetry up
to the 5000m contour, Names of selected new discoveries,
6 inset maps, 4 diagrams, 2 tables, 105 x 149 cm, fd.
300,00 EUR
"A Historical Atlas"
University of Oklahoma, Publishing Division, T.J. Noel & C.
Zuber-Mallison, Norman 2015
xii, 356 pp., chiefly col., num. maps & photos, contents: Part
I Natural Colorado, Part II History to 1876. Part III Mining
and Manufactoring, Part IV Agriculture, Part V Transporation, Part VI Modern Colorado, Part VII Recreation, Part VIII
Tourism, sources, index, 31x25 cm, hardcover 50,00 EUR
West Africa (incorporating East Africa) 1:4 000 000
Title ID: 96591
543 Djibouti / Dschibuti
Carte géologique de la République de Djibouti
1:200 000
CCGM / CGMW & CERD, B. Le Gall & al., Paris & Djibouti
col., top. base, comprehensive legend (sediments, volcanic), geol. structure symbols, 3 inset maps (MNT Aster,
MNT Gtope 30 & synrift sediments), volcanic scheme, 3
cross sections, 1 table: "Log volcano-stratigraphique - Âge
des formations volcanique (millions d'années), UTM proj.,
121x117,5 cm, flat or fd.
20,00 EUR
"The small surface of the Republic of Djibouti, approximatively similar to those of Brittany in western France, is the
privileged host of one of the most emblematic geological
sites on Earth, the Asal Rift. With its entablature of basaltic
lavas, carved up in strips by a network of faults, the Asal
fault-bounded trough, whose floor is 150 m below the level
of the Ghoubbet Sea, is the result of evolved continental
lithospheric stretching and thinning, ahead of the Aden oceanic ridge between the Arabian and Somalian plates."
Title ID: 109052
Rev. ed. of. "Historical Atlas of Colorado", 1994
Title ID: 111104
640 Middle America / Mittelamerika
Geomorphology of Central America
"A Syngenetic Perspective"
Elsevier, J.P. Bergoeing, Amsteradm 2015
162 pp., col., more than 100 figures, illustrations, and photographs, contents: 1. Structural Geomorphology, 2. Central
America's Isthmus Geomorphology, 3. Guatemala's Geomorphology Landscapes, 4. Honduras Geomorphology
Features, 5. El Salvador Geomorphology, 6. Nicaragua's
Geomorphology Landscapes, 7. Costa Rica's Structural
Units, 8. Panama Geomorphology Characteristic, 9. Conclusions, Glossary, 19x23,5 cm, pb.
95,00 EUR
Description preliminary. Introduces a global vision of the
geomorphology and volcanic field of Central America, from
Guatemala to Panama
Title ID: 109251
South America 1:6 374 000
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
Incl. Middle America
See 670 South America.
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 37 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
670 South America / Südamerika
 04 Cayenne - Kourou
 05 Ouanary
Springer, A. Folguera & a.l. (eds.), Heidelberg & al. 2016
(Springer Earth System Sciences)
ix, 277 pp., col., 82 illus., contents: Preface - An introduction
to the Southern Andes (33-50ºS), 1. Density and thermal
structure of the Southern Andes and adjacent foreland from
32 to 55ºS using earth gravity field models, 2. Changes in
source areas at Neuquén Basin: Mesozoic evolution and
tectonic setting based on U-Pb ages on zircons, 3. Cenozoic
orogenic evolution of the Southern Central Andes (32-36°S),
4. The transitional zone between the Southern Central and
Northern Patagonian Andes (36-39ºS), 5. Progression of the
deformation in the Southern Central Andes, 6. Tectonic
evolution of the Northern Patagonian Andes (40ºS), 7. Cenozoic deformational processes in the North Patagonian
Andes between 40º and 43ºS, 8. The North Patagonian
orogen: Meso-Cenozoic evolution from the Andes to the
foreland area, 9. Growth of the Southern Patagonian Andes
(46 -53°S) and their relation to subduction processes, 10.
Orogenic growth of the Fueguian Andes (52-56°) and their
relation to tectonics of the Scotia Arc, bibl., 15,5x23,5 cm,
106,99 EUR
 06 Grand-Santi
Growth of the Southern Andes
Description preliminary
Title ID: 109233
Title ID: 108980
Title ID: 108981
Title ID: 108982
 07 Mana
Title ID: 108983
 08 Saint-Élie
Title ID: 108984
 09 Régina
Title ID: 108985
 10 Saint-Georges
Title ID: 108986
 11 Papaïchton
Title ID: 108987
 12 Maripasoula
Title ID: 108988
 13 Saül
Title ID: 108989
 14 Camopi
Title ID: 108990
 15 Twenké
Title ID: 108991
 16 Tampok
Title ID: 108992
 17 Emerillon
Title ID: 108993
 18 Oyapok
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Major oil and gas fields
and selected prospects, Selected well locations, Major oil &
gas pipelines and pipeline terminals, International boundaries, median lines and state boundaries, Awarded acreage,
with selected block numbers and operator names, Open
blocks and blocks on offer, FPSO, FPS and fixed platform
locations, Major cities/towns, ports, supply bases and fabrication yards, Oil refineries and gas processing plants; LNG
terminals, Bathymetry, 8 inset maps, 4 diagrams, 2 tables,
106x105 cm, fd.
300,00 EUR
 19 Alitani
South America 1:6 374 000
Title ID: 108994
Title ID: 108995
 20 Maïna
Title ID: 108996
 21 Trois Sauts
Title ID: 108997
Sheet diagram:
Incl. Middle America
Title ID: 96589
676 French Guiana / Guyane Française /
Französisch Guayana
Guyane 1:100 000
IGN, Paris 2013 (Outre-mer - Tourisme et Découverte)
21 sheets, col., contours 40 m, spot elevations, shading,
hydro., detailed land use & cover, built-up areas, communications classified, commune bdrs., points of interest, nat.
park & reserve bdrs., trails & footpaths, bilingual legend
(French & Engl.), glossary, UTM proj., GPS compatible,
94,5x91,5 cm, flat, plot
each 29,00 EUR
The sheets are:
 01 Apatou
Title ID: 108977
 02 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
Title ID: 108978
 03 Sinnamary
Title ID: 108979
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 38 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
691 Argentina / Argentinien
Atlas Tucumán 100K
"Cartografía Topográfica y de Imagen"
IGN, Buenos Aires 2014
138 pp., col., 43 map pp. 1:100 000 Province of Tucumán
(top. map and satellite images for the same area, opposite)
20 ortophoto map pp. 1:20 000 San Miguel de Tucumán and
surroundings, 10 thematic maps (físico, político, ambientes
naturales, crecimiento y estructura de la población, distribución de la población, distribución de hogares carenciados,
áreas productivas, producción industrial circuitos turísticos y
problemas ambientales), diagrams, notes, encl. CD-ROM &
3D glasses, 31x35,5 cm, folder
200,00 EUR
Title ID: 108959
Serie Hidrogeología 1:250 000 / 1:200 000 /
1:100 000
SERNAGEOMIN, Santiago 1990- (Carta Geológica de Chile)
single sheets, following partly top. sheet plan, for location of
regions see map p. 2, col., lithological tints, detailed geological, hydrological & hydrochemical symbols, contours 100
m, communications, places, partly cross sections, geomorphological & location inset maps, notes, sizes & styles vary,
only the named area is mapped, fd.; partly expl.
each 60,00 EUR
New sheet:
 No. 5 Cuenca del río Valdivia, Regiones de Los Ríos y
La Araucanía 1:200 000, 2014
Title ID: 109511
Atlas de Faenas Mineras (Atlas of Mining Operations)
"Edición didáctica"
IGN, Buenos Aires 2015
328 pp., col., num. thematic maps, diagrams, tables & photos, notes, contents: Acerca del atlas, Un poco de historia,
La cartografía de hoy, Imágenes satelitales, El mundo,
República Argentia, Provincias – Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires, Glosario, Índice de topónimos (5.000 topónimos),
Referencia, encl. foldout map, 21x30,5 cm softcover
220,00 EUR
Title ID: 109409
Atlas Geográfico de la República Argentina
Title ID: 108958
Cap sur le grand continent blanc
Incl. Tierra del Fuego
See area 720 Antarctica.
694 Chile
Chile 1:1 600 000
Reise Know-How, 9th ed., Bielefeld 2016 (World mapping
col., contours, hyps. tints 300-900m, bath. tints 200-1 000m,
communications & places classified, points of interest,
admin. bdrs., nat. parks, gardens, rivers, salt lakes, glaciers., location inset maps, 24 inset maps, index, 5 language
legend (Germ., Engl., French, Spanish & Russian), Ellipsoid: WGS 84, Lambert conformal conic proj., 100x70 cm,
fd., dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 109735
Cap sur le grand continent blanc
Incl. Tierra del Fuego
See area 720 Antarctica.
"Regiones de Valparaíso, del Libertador General Bernardo
O'Higgins y Metropolitana"
SERNAGEOMIN, Versión Actualizada, Santiago (2012)
2013 (Mapas y Estadísticas de Faenas Mineras de Chile N°
177 pp., col., num. maps & tables, contents: Quinta región
Valparaíso, Decimo tercera región metropolitana de Santiago, Sexta región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgin, Glosario, 28x32,5 cm, softcover
60,00 EUR
Serie Geoquímica 1:250 000
"Geoquímica de sedimentos "
SERNAGEOMIN, Santiago 2012single DVDs following the top. sheet fall (only sheet names,
without numbering), col., containing chemical composition of
soils and drainage sediments, digital format, which includes
a text and a interactive map both in PDF, and a directory of
annexes, box
each 55,00 EUR
At presents are 3 DVDs available:
 N° 1 Hoja Iquique, Región de Tarapacá, 2012
Title ID: 109411
 No. 2 Hoja Pisagua, Regiones de Tarapacá y de Arica
y Parinacota, 2014
Title ID: 109412
 No. 3 Hoja Arica, Región de Arica y Parinacota, 2014
Title ID: 109413
710 Arctic / Arktis
Arctic Regions 1:7 725 000
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., on and offshore data includes: Held, on offer, under
negotiation, recently awarded and open concession blocks;
Oil and gas fields; Selected well locations, Oil and gas pipelines, Oil refineries and gas processing plants; Oil and gas
terminals; FPSO and FPS locations; Fixed platform locations; Major cities/towns and ports; Bathymetry up to the
5000m contour; Names of selected new discoveries; 6 inset
maps, 4 diagrams, 2 tables, partly overprints of sheet diagrams, 149x105 cm, fd.
300,00 EUR
Coverage includes relevant areas of Canada, Greenland,
Iceland, Norway, Russia and U.S.A – Alaska
Title ID: 96581
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 39 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
712 Svalbard / Spitzbergen
730 Oceans / Ozeane
NPI, Oslo 1947- (rev. 1970-) / (rev. 2003-)
63 sheets (incl. 1 sheet 1:50 000), 5 col., contours 20/25-50
m, shading, moraines, sea depths, bilingual legend, size
vary; at present 3 versions: older editions: no proj. given;
newer editions (after 2003): UTM proj., on reverse notes,
index, glossary (Norwegian & Engl.); parly plot editions (P)
without notes on reverse; sizes vary
each 20,00 EUR
Éditions Armand Colin, P. Deboudt, C. Meur-Férec & V.
Morel, Paris 2015 (Collection: Horizon)
324 pp., b&w, num. maps, diagrams & graphs, contents;
Partie 1 Mers et océans en mouvement (1. Mers et océans:
les données physiques d'un espace mouvant, 2. Maritimité
et maritimisation du monde, 3. Les géographies du transport
maritime, 4. Les «Gens de mer»), Partie 2 Mers et océans
en partage, (5. Ressources vivantes de la mer, 6. Ressources énergétiques et minérales de la mer, 7. Tourisme
de la mer et de la haute-mer, 8. Territorialisation des mers
et des océans), Partie 3. Mers et océans en devenir (9.
Géopolitique des mers et des océans, 10. Le retour des
pirates: coupeurs de route, guérilleros, terroristes? L'impossible police des mers au XXIe siècle, 11. Puissance maritime et puissance navale: la marque du passé, les évolutions au présent, les territoires de la mondialisation, 12. De
la protection du milieu marin aux politiques maritimes intégrées), Conclusion générale, bibl., index, 16x24 cm, softcover
30,00 EUR
Svalbard 1:100 000
New sheets:
 C 7 Dicksonfjorden, 2013
Title ID: 55376
 D 5 Lomfjordhalvøya, 2014
Title ID: 55382
 D 6 Vaigattbogen, 2014
Title ID: 55383
 D 7 Hinlopenbreen, 2015
Title ID: 55384
 E 6 Wilhelmøya, 2015
Title ID: 55392
 E 7 Kapp Payer, 2015
Title ID: 55393
Géographie des mers et des océans
Title ID: 109270
720 Antarctica / Antarktis
"Census of Antarctic Marine Life - SCAR-Marine Biodiversity
Information Network"
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, C. de Broyer &
P. Koubbi (chief eds.), Cambridge 2014
xii, 498 pp., col., 800 maps, 200 figs., 70 tables, contents:
Part 1. Introduction, Part 2. Methods, Part 3. Evolutionary
Setting, Part 4. Environmental Setting, Part 5. Biogeographic Patterns of Benthos, Part 6. Biogeographic
Patterns of Pelagic and Sea Ice Biota, Part 7. Biogeographic
Patterns of Fish, Part 8. Biogeographic Patterns of Birds
and Mammals, Part 9. Changes and Conservation in the
Southern Ocean, Part 10. Patterns and Processes of
Southern, Part 11. The Dynamic Biogeographic atlas Project, Part 12. Overview and Conclusions, references,
37x28 cm, hardcover
110,00 EUR
Antarctic Peninsula – Topographic maps
BAS & UKAHT, Cambridge, c. 2006- (Series BAS (UKAHT))
single sheets, col., contours 250 m, bath. tints, hydro., scientific stations, historic sites and monuments, insets, notes,
sizes & styles vary
each 16,00 EUR
New edition::
 Sheets 1A and 1B Graham Land and South Shetland
Islands 1:1 000 000 and Scotia Sea 1:4 000 000, 5th
ed. 2014
Title ID: 97256
Cap sur le grand continent blanc
Editions Quæ, J.-P. Sylvestre & S. Mahuzier, Versailles
2016 (Carnets de sciences)
192 pp., col, illus., contents: Un environnement extrême...,
Terres du bout du monde, Les stratégies du vivant face aux
conditions extrêmes, Une vie abondante dans un milieu
inhospitalier, L'homme dans le Grand Sud, Références
bibliographiques, 22x16 cm, softcover
25,00 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 109338
Serie de cartografía geocientífica Antártica
IGME & al., 2013, Madrid & al. map series incl. 2 sheets (1 geological & 1 geomorphological map) for selected Antarctic areas, col., top. base, UTM
proj., sizes & styles vary, flat
The Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean
Title ID: 109738
775 Reunion / La Réunion
La Réunion / Reunion 1:75 000
IGN, Paris 2015 (Découverte de l'Outre-Mer)
col., contours 200m, shading, hydro., land use / cover, builtup areas, communications classified, nat. park & reserves,
points of interest, hiking routes, admin. bdrs., Saint-Denis air
photo inset, bilingual, UTM proj., 109,5x95 cm, fd.
13,90 EUR
Title ID: 111113
At present are 2 areas available:
 Isla Marambio (Seymour) 1:20.000, 2013 (2 sheets)
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 109947
 Bahía Esperanza, 1:10.000, 2013 (2 sheets) 30,00 EUR
Title ID: 109948
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 40 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
776 Comoros / Comores / Komoren
Atlas des risques naturels et des vulnérabilités territoriales de Mayotte
Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, F. Leone (dir.),
Montpellier 2014 (Collection « Géorisques »)
169 pp., col., 62 maps, num. diagrams, graphs & photos,
contents: Mayotte territoire remarquable, Les aléas naturel
en présence, Mémoire et représentations des risques naturels, Enjeux et vulnérabilités territoriales, Capacité de réponde et gestion des risques, bibl., 34,5x27 cm, hardcover
72,00 EUR
Title ID: 109218
781 Mediterranean Sea / Mittelmeer
Morpho-Bathymetry of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
/ Carte Morpho-Bathymétrique de la Méditerranée
Orientale 1:1 650 000
CGMW / CCGM & al., L. Campiston-Brosolo & J. Mascle,
Paris & al. 2015
col., DTM 100 m, swath morpho-bathymetric tints (0 - 5120m), no names, data source, Mercator proj.,
119,5x84,5 cm, fd.
15,00 EUR
 G141 Saronikós Kólpos - Corinth Canal to Akra
Sounion and Nisos Poros, 1:110 000, 2014
Title ID: 109889
 G15 Southern Pelopónnisos - Órmos Navarínou to
Nísos Kithíra and Ákra Tourkovigla, 1:190 000,
Title ID: 109890
 G16 Western Pelopónnisos - Killini to Kalamáta
1:190 000, 2014
Title ID: 109891
 G21 Northwest Aegean Sea, 1:275 000, 2012
Title ID: 109892
 G22 Northeast Aegean Sea 1:275 000, 2012
Title ID: 109893
 G23 Marmara Denizi 1:275 000, 2012
Title ID: 109894
 G25 Northern Sporades and North Évvoia 1:190 000,
Title ID: 109895
 G26 Nísos Évvoia 1:190 000, 2008
Title ID: 109896
 G27 Nísos Lésvos & the Coast of Turkey 1:190 000,
Title ID: 109897
 G28 Nísos Khíos & the Coast of Turkey 1:190 000,
Title ID: 109898
Title ID: 109942
 G31 Northern Cyclades 1:200 000, 2014
 G32 Eastern Sporades, Dodecanese & the Coast of
Turkey 1:200 000, 2014
Ionian and Aegean Passage Charts
Imray, Saint Ives, c. 2007- (partly revised)
single sheets, var. scales, col., bath contours 20 -100 m,
bath. tints, depth in metres, height points on land, morph.
features, ports, small craft symbols, navigation features,
cardinal & lateral marks, inset maps & plans, notes, Mercator proj., WGS 84, on reverse legend, notes & maps: IALA
system A buoyage, light characteristics, fog signals, Beaufort scale, Greek weather forecast are map, key to symbols,
glossary, summer winds and surface current map, live saving signals table, sizes & styles vary, fd., waterproof
At present are 28 sheets available:
 G1 Mainland Greece and the Peloponnisos 1:729 000,
Title ID: 109881
 G2 Aegean Sea (North) 1:750 000, 2013
Title ID: 109882
 G3 Aegean Sea (South) 1:750 000, Approaches to
Rhodes, 1:15 000, 2014
Title ID: 109883
 G11 North Ionian Islands - Nisos Kerkira to Nisos
Levkas1:185 000, 2011
Title ID: 109899
Title ID: 109900
 G33 Southern Cyclades (West Sheet) 1:190 000, 2014
Title ID: 109901
 G34 Southern Cyclades (East Sheet)1:200 000, 2014
Title ID: 109902
 G35 Dodecanese and the Coast of Turkey 1:190 000,
Title ID: 109903
 G36 Marmaris to Kekova Adasi 1:200 000, 2015
Title ID: 109904
 G37 Nísos Kríti (West) 1:190 000, 2009
Title ID: 109905
 G38 Nísos Kríti (East) 1:190 000, 2015
Title ID: 109906
 G39 Nísos Kárpathos to Nísos Ródhos 1:190 000,
Title ID: 109907
 G40 Kas to Antalya 1:200 000, 2014
Title ID: 109908
Title ID: 109884
 G12 South Ionian Islands - Nisos Levkas to Nisos
Zakinthos 1:190 000, 2014
Title ID: 109885
 G121 The Inland Sea 1:95000, 2014
Title ID: 109886
 G13 Gulfs of Patras and Corinth - Patraikos Kolpas and
Korinthiakos Kolpos 1:220 000, 2008
Title ID: 109887
 G14 Saronic and Argolic Gulfs 1:190 000, 2015
Title ID: 109888
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
Spring 2016 • page 41 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
Adriatic Passage Charts
Imray, Saint Ives, c. 2007- (revised up to 2014 & 2015)
single sheets, var. scales, col., bath contours 20 -100 m,
bath. tints, depth in metres, height points on land, morph.
features, ports, small craft symbols, navigation features,
cardinal & lateral marks, inset maps & plans, notes, Mercator proj., WGS 84, on reverse legend, notes & maps: IALA
system a buoyage, light characteristics, fog signals, Beaufort scale, Greek weather forecast are map, key to symbols,
glossary, summer winds and surface current map, live saving signals table, sizes & styles vary, fd., waterproof
each 25,00 EUR
 M20 Sardinia to Port Said and the Black Sea
1:2 750 000, 2011
Title ID: 109918
 M21 South Coast of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and
Cyprus 1:785 000, 2011
Title ID: 109919
 M22 Egypt to Israel, Lebanon and Cyprus 1:785 000,
Title ID: 109920
At present are 6 sheets available:
 M23 Adriatic Sea Passage Chart - Golfo di Trieste to
Bar and Promontorio del Gargano 1:750 000,
Title ID: 109912
 M24 Golfo di Trieste to Lošinj and Rab, 1:220 000,
Title ID: 109913
 M25 Otok Rab to Sibenik - Adriatic Sea 1:220 000,
Title ID: 109914
 M26 Split to Dubrovnik 1:220 000, 2014
Title ID: 109915
 M27 Dubrovnik to Bar and Ulcinj 1:220 000, 2014
Title ID: 109916
Western Mediterranean Passage Charts
Imray, Saint Ives, c. 2007- (revised ed.)
single sheets, var. scales, col., bath contours 20 -100 m,
bath. tints, depth in metres, height points on land, morph.
features, ports, small craft symbols, navigation features,
cardinal & lateral marks, inset maps & plans, notes, Mercator proj., WGS 84, on reverse legend, notes & maps: IALA
system A buoyage, light characteristics, fog signals, Beaufort scale, Greek weather forecast are map, key to symbols,
glossary, summer winds and surface current map, live saving signals table, sizes & styles vary, fd., waterproof
each 25,00 EUR
At present are 5 sheets available:
 M3 Islas Baleares - Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca,
Menorca 1:350000, 2014
Title ID: 109922
 M10 Western Mediterranean 1:2 750 000, 2011,
corrected to 2015
Eastern Mediterranean Passage Charts
Imray, rev. ed., Saint Ives, c. 2007single sheets, var. scales, col., bath contours 20 -100 m,
bath. tints, depth in metres, height points on land, morph.
features, ports, small craft symbols, navigation features,
cardinal & lateral marks, inset maps & plans, notes, Mercator proj., WGS 84, on reverse legend, notes & maps: IALA
system A buoyage, light characteristics, fog signals, Beaufort scale, Greek weather forecast are map, key to symbols,
glossary, summer winds and surface current map, live saving signals table, sizes & styles vary, fd., waterproof
each 25,00 EUR
Title ID: 109923
 M11 Gibraltar to Cabo de Gata and Morocco
1:440 000, 2015
Title ID: 109924
 M12 Cabo de Gata to Dénia and Ibiza 1:500 000, 2014
Title ID: 109925
 M13 Dénia to Barcelona and Ibiza 1:440 000, 2016
Title ID: 109926
For sheet diagram see next page.
At present are 3 sheets available, see right column above:
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
374 • page 42 • Spring 2016
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
374 GeoKartenbrief
Western Mediterranean Passage Charts
783 North Sea / Nordsee
North Sea 1:1 650 000
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Held and open concession blocks, Oil and gas fields, Selected well locations, Oil
and gas pipelines, Major cities/towns and ports, Oil refineries and gas processing plants, Oil and gas terminals, FPSO
and FPS locations, Fixed platform locations, Bathymetry up
to the 5000m contour, Names of selected new discoveries,
4 diagrams, 2 tables, 106x105 cm, fd.
300,00 EUR
Title ID: 96588
787 Canary Islands / Islas Canarias /
Metro & Tram Atlas Spanien / Spain
See area 236
Incl. Tenerife
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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Spring 2016 • page 43 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 374
The following index lists the subjects which occur in this GeoKartenbrief, with the geographical numbers of the areas concerned.
1000 GENERAL GEOGRAPHY: 1100 GEOGRAPHICAL SYNOPSIS: 100, 210, 211, 219, 236, 241, 255, 256, 261, 262, 267, 268, 269, 272, 282, 310, 313,
315, 319, 329, 331, 339, 380, 515, 694, 730
1200 TOPOGRAPHY: 212, 217, 218, 222, 226, 229, 236, 242, 244, 255, 285, 287, 319, 400, 676, 691, 712, 720, 775
1300 THEMATIC SYNOPSIS: 319, 331, 342, 691, 694, 720
1400 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY: 100, 236, 241, 244, 330, 342, 776
2000 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: 100, 329, 720
2200 PHYSICAL RELIEF: 242, 319, 331, 380, 640
2300 GEOLOGY: 100, 211, 214, 217, 218, 226, 235, 236, 237, 255, 289, 300, 342, 370, 400, 543, 670, 694
2400 SOILS: 100, 211, 236, 245
2500 GEOPHYSICS: 224
2600 CLIMATOLOGY: 100, 260, 319, 331
2700 HYDROLOGY: 331
2900 BIOGEOGRAPHY: 200, 216, 319, 730
3000 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: 100, 211, 241, 310, 331, 547
3100 HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY: 100, 200, 218, 261, 280, 315, 370, 630
3200 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY: 100, 211, 214, 216, 222, 244, 261, 319, 341
3300 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY: 100, 200, 236
3400 TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY: 226, 232, 236, 246, 261, 344, 370, 781, 784
3500 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY: 100, 241, 310, 350, 370, 400, 500, 520, 640, 670, 710, 783
3600 ADMINISTRATION: 236, 515
5100 CARTOGRAPHY: 100, 210
GeoKartenbrief 374
Winfried Maigler (ed.), Stuttgart 2016
45 pp., 13 figs.
Editorial deadline: 21.03.2016
Prices subject to change
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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374 GeoKartenbrief
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