apartment guide
apartment guide
APART M E N T GUID E For a great online reloacation guide for Charlotte and surrounding areas visit: http://goo.gl/5C9Bir UPTOWN DILWORTH NORTH CHARLOTTE Post Gateway Place Camden Dilworth Auston Woods Apartment Homes Camden Cotton Mills Salem Village Highlands at Alexander Pointe (704) 358-0250 www.postproperties.com (866) 706-6310 apartments.camdenliving.com Post Uptown Place (704) 342-9603 www.postproperties.com Catalyst (704) 930-2900 catalystcharlotte.com Enclave (704) 332-3331 enclaveuptown.com SOUTH END (704) 444-3335 apartments.camdenliving.com (704) 373-0880 www.marshproperties.com EASTOVER Eastover Ridge (704) 366-3473 www.eastoverridge.com SOUTH CHARLOTTE Waterford Lakes (888) 476-0679 www.waterfordlakesapts.com Camden Grandview The Crossing at Quail Hollow (866) 984-5462 apartments.camdenliving.com (704) 552-9884 www.crossingatquailhollow.com Camden South End Marquis at Carmel Commons (866) 682-0414 apartments.camdenliving.com Spectrum South End (704) 332-5022 www.spectrumsouthend.com Mosaic South End (704) 333-1530 www.mosaicsouthend.com Circle at South End (704) 376-9294 www.circleatsouthend.com Ashton South End (866) 226-9881 www.ashtonse.com SOUTH PARK (704) 541-3137 www.carmelcommons.net BALLANTYNE Atkins Circle (704) 541-3131 www.atkinscircle.com Cheswyck At Ballantyne (704) 341-9172 www.cheswyckapartments.com Plantation Park At Ballantyne (980) 216-6312 www.plantationparkonline.com Post Ballantyne (704) 544-4800 www.postproperties.com 1420 Magnolia Camden Ballantyne (704) 521-8484 www.1420magnoliaapartments.com (866) 932-1953 apartments.camdenliving.com Strawberry Hill Bexley Crossing At Providence (704) 366-1944 www.strawberryhillapts.com (704) 540-5962 www.bexleyprovidence.com Cielo Apartments Legacy Ballantyne (704) 322-4636 (704) 525-8110 www.cielocharlotte.com Ashley Square at SouthPark (704) 643-8006 www.ashleysquareatsouthpark.com Post Park at Phillips Place (704) 553-7603 www.postproperties.com Allure (888) 833 -7572 www.allurecharlotte.com www. legacyballantyne.com INDIAN LAND, SC (866) 981-5615 austonwoods.com (704) 688-0444 highlandsatalexanderpointe.com Arwen Vista Apartments (704) 595-9218 arwenvista.com Prosperity Creek (704) 594-6990 prosperitycreekapts.com Phillips Mallard Creek (980) 819-5503 phillipsmallardcreek.com Vanguard Northlake Apartments 704.280.1866 northlakeleasing@laramarapts.com vanguardnorthlake.com CONCORD Parkway Crossing (704) 720-0970 www.carmelcommons.net Cloisters of Concord (704) 795-4579 southwoodrealty.com FORT MILL, SC Millcrest Park (803) 802-7566 millcrestpark.com Century Springfield Meadow (803) 548-2212 century-apartments.com Peachtree Place (803) 548-7600 peachtreeapartments.com Legacy Fort Mill (866) 962-0964 www.legacyfortmill.com ROCK HILL, SC Brittany Place Apartments (803) 328-2818 southwoodrealty.com Bradford Park (803) 981-5082 Enclave at Bailes Ridge (877) 835-5073 www.bailesridgeapts.com Indicates a community offering an exclusive discount to Red Ventures employees. This list is being provided for your convenience only. Red Ventures does not endorse or recommend any particular business, so it is up to you to research any business thoroughly to make sure it is appropriate for you and your needs. RELOCATION GU I D E Real Estate Firms Fun Stuff Local Eats Allen Tate Co. Carowinds Copper Restaurant www.allentate.com www.carowinds.com www.copperrestaurant.com Coldwell Banker United The Comedy Zone 521 BBQ www.cbunited.com/Charlotte www.cltcomedyzone.com www.521bbqandgrill.com Keller Williams Realty Mint Museum Food Truck Fridays www.kw.com www.mintmuseum.com www.historicsouthend.com/events Re/Max Executive Realty NASCAR Hall of Fame Penguin www.charlotteproperty.com www.nascarhall.com www.penguindrive-in.com Wilkinson & Associates Strike City Prices Chicken Coop www.wilkinsonandassociates.com www.strikecitycharlotte.com www.priceschickencoop.com Discovery Place Midwood Smokehouse www.discoveryplace.org www.midwoodsmokehouse.com Finding a Home Carolina Home www.carolinahome.com Livability Scores www.areavibes.com Living in Charlotte Best Happy Hour Duckworths www.duckworthsgrillandbar.com Flying Saucer Charlotte www.beerknurd.com Charlotte Culture Guide Fox and Hound www.charlottecultureguide.com www.foxandhound.com PJ O’Reilly’s Charlotte Center City Guide Soul Gastrolounge www.soulgastrolounge.com Music/Nightlife Bubble www.bubblecharlotte.com Cosmos www.cosmoscafe.com Suite www.pjoreillysirishpubandgrill.com www.suitecharlotte.com Picasso’s Lable www.charlottecentercity.org www.picassossportscafe.com www.lablecharlotte.com Newspaper’s Guide to CLT Yellow Rose Cafe and Billiards The Fillmore www.charlotteobserver.com/living Gyms and Yoga Fitness Connection Outdoor Activities National Whitewater Center 20-minute drive Crowders Mountain State Park Y2 Yoga 45-minute drive www.y2yoga.com Lake Wylie Park YMCA 30-minute drive www.ymcacharlotte.org Camping at McDowell Park Yoga Flex 30-minute drive Sugar Mountain Skiing 2.5-hour drive NC Music Factory www.ncmusicfactory.com Verizon Wireless Amphitheater www.livenation.com
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