Ryan PT-22 takes BEST IN SHOW at Midland AirSho 2007!


Ryan PT-22 takes BEST IN SHOW at Midland AirSho 2007!
Volume 7, Issue 11
November 2007
Ryan PT-22 takes
at Midland AirSho 2007!
Mike’s new shirt with Terri looking on
© Frank Mormillo 2007
Riverside Wing Ryan PT-22 flown by 3rd Pursuit member Col. Terry Freedman over Midland, TX.
See Page 4
Events of Interest
Always check with the event coordinator to learn of any changes
November 17
The October meeting took place as usual and as usual
we had a great, fun
time. Our leader, Bob
Cable, was responsible for the Oktoberfest
menu that consisted of
a variety of German
and Polish sausages,
sauerkraut and German potato salad.
Dessert was ice cream
topped with a delightful apple concoction that
Suzanne termed “Apple Pie without the crust.”
December 15
Annual Veterans Meeting
3rd Pursuit monthly dinner meeting at Cable & Staff Elections!
3rd Pursuit Christmas Party
January 12 & 13
Cable Air Show
February 21-24 National Warbird Operators
convention in Palm Springs
March 7,8,9
Midland Winter Staff at Fundome
in Odessa. Ride available from
Bud Ukes
Many tales of the trip to Midland for Airsho 2007
were told --- some may even have been true! We
heard about a notorious round of
drinks donated by our own Mike
Polley as well as some tales of
frightening drink formulations.
Pipes newsletter: If any of you are not getting
Pipes email newsletter and would like to, please
send him your email address at:
There was also the
story about one of
our famous B-17 pilot heroes who was
flying Panda - Monium who demonstrated the technique of how to follow the flight with the help of bug
spots on the windscreen.
Ding Hao
Ding Hao is the official publication of the 3rd Pursuit Squadron.
No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the written
consent of the 3rd Pursuit Squadron, publisher of Ding Hao.
Address correspondence to Ding Hao, c/o Dick Fields, 1749 W.
13th St., Upland, CA 91786 or Email: T6Pilot@3rdPursuit.com
Phone 951-751-1131
© Copyright 2006, 3rd Pursuit Squadron of the
Commemorative Air Force.
Membership Data Update
3rd Pursuit members: please notify us of any
change in address or telephone area code. Please
contact Tony Settember, Adjutant, at
Cliff tells the tales of Midland
Continued on page 3
Continued from page 2
Squadron Notes
Staff Meeting
Cliff Heathcoat filled us in on many details, including the winds and weather along the way. He lost a
mag on the way! I wonder if he has found it yet???
Christmas dinner will be $20.00 per person. Reservations are a must. Bud will e-mail everyone and mail letters out to all members. RSVP's
must be made to Bud. Christmas program will be a
WWII Navigator.
The two prime movers in the Ryan project attended:
2008 Dinners. A motion was made by M.
Llewellyn and seconded by C. Fontes that beginning
in January we will have a new program. Dinners will
be $15.00 per person. If you pay in advance you can
pay for 10 dinners and get 1 free. It also means that
you will get 1 free drink with each meal. (This excludes the Christmas 2008 dinner). Information will
also be in Bud's e-mail. All dinners in 2008 must be
made by reservation no later than the Tuesday before the meeting. Please have all members RSVP to
Bob Cable or Marian Llewellyn if you don't get a
Terry and Doug.
Pirate Pipes announced
the end of the Midland
Raiders and the establishment of the “Yankee Air
Pirates” in its place.
A donation was made by Roy Test of $35.00.
These are funds he raised at Torrance at the opening
of the new Western Museum of Flight.
PIO - Bud announced that the elections will take
place at the November meeting. It will also be a salute to
the American Veterans . We will have an American Veterans Memorial table. Bud will explain the procedure at
the meeting.
Maintenance Mike Polley reported that we are
replacing the starter on the AN2
Finance A motion to donate $500 to the Cable
Air show was made by M. Llewellyn, seconded by M.
Polley. Motion was approved.
This guy looks mean enough to be a pirate!
Pipes displays the unique pin granted only to those
special people who qualify as Raiders and/or Pirates.
Continued from Page 1
Terry Freedman in the Ryan
over Midland
© Frank Mormillo 2007
Col. Terry Freedman flying the Ryan PT-22 to the
Midland Airsho 2007 took the prestigious
this year.
It was erroneously reported last month by your editor that the Ryan had taken best in class. That in
itself would have been great but BEST IN SHOW is
incredible! There were approximately 40 aircraft
evaluated by the EAA judges, who, I am told, did a
very detailed inspection of all the candidates.
This aircraft is assigned to the Riverside Wing
and was restored at Cable Airport primarily by Terry
Freedman and Doug Schuster, both pilot sponsors.
Although sharing responsibility for the restoration of
the Ryan, Col. Schuster has
been “Dogging It” recently
and we encourage him to get
out and fly again! The sky
misses him.
Terry Freedman enroute to Midland at V V - 1
Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Center
Wings, Rotors & Wheels Show
The Los Alamitos show was well attended by the
3rd Pursuit Squadron. Above are the aircraft of
members Jim Bergman, Dick Fields and the 3rd
Pursuit’s Panda-Monium. Big Panda was flown by
Mike Polley. Roy Test had a table set up that attracted a continuous stream of interested spectators
throughout the show. Roy donated a gift to the
Unit from the income he made at the show. There
were also aircraft from the Planes of Fame and the
Yanks Museum, both based at Chino. The C-53
from Riverside was a large attraction as well. We
all had a good time and got to see many old friends
with many different aircraft. There was an interesting team there doing some of the best video photography I have seen. They even interviewed me!
Los Alamitos (cont)
The “Yanks” Museum crew hangs out under the
beautiful, polished, Lockheed 12 (C-40)
Riverside Wing’s C-53
Third Pursuit lineup viewed from Jim Bergman’s
T-6 cockpit
An atmosphere of tension and excitement prevailed
Jim Bergman’s T-6
Cowboy Flight
The giant Air Force C-17 hides behind the
Planes of Fame Red Stearman
Western Museum of Flight
The Western Museum of
Flight Grand Opening at
Torrance Airport
Located at Historic "Louis Zamperini Field"
"Torrance Airport"
3315 Airport Drive, Red Baron #3
Torrance, CA 90505
3rd Pursuit was well represented at
the grand opening of the WMOF.
Our friend, Cindy Macha, invited
a spectacular display of warbirds
to the event. There were several
each of many kinds of aircraft. These included
L-29’s, Skyraiders, T-6’s, L-Birds, the Antonov
AN-2, P-51’s, the C-53, a Fokker, T-34’s, the Ryan
PT-22, Lockheed Electra, several Stearmans, F7F
Tigercat, B-25, Waco UPF-7, the museum display F5 and many more. The display of aircraft was awesome. They were arriving and departing to the delight of the extremely large crowd. The crowd was
so large that it took about 15 minutes in line to get
lunch! There were almost as many photographers as
Telephone: (310)-326-9544
FAX: (310) 326-9556
Email: WMOFSCHAF@um.att.com
It looks as if the WMOF is off to a good start in
its new location after the move from Hawthorne.
The commercial support list is lengthy and we wish
them a great future.
On behalf of those of us who brought display
aircraft, we want to thank Cindy for her usual great
hospitality and the CAF marshallers who parked our
aircraft and kept them safe.
3rd Pursuit Squadron
1749 W. 13th St.
Upland, CA 91786
If you have not been contacted by the Tuesday
before the meeting, please call Bob Cable or
Marian Lewellen for reservations
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Bob: 909-982-6821
Marian: 909-467-1394
Deep fried turkey with all the