Santiag Sentinel - Orange Unified School District
Santiag Sentinel - Orange Unified School District
Santiag Sentinel The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter March, 2013 ! GO SANTANA’S!! Principal’s Prologue... "Things have been very busy at Santiago over the last month. Our students have been preparing for CST testing while our teachers have been focusing on the state standards. Outside of the classroom, we have been visiting all of our feeder schools and rolling out the welcome mat for our incoming 6th grade students both at the GATE/Honors Night and at Open House. Open House was a huge success and very well attended! On Friday, March 1st, Santiago students went to Panorama Elementary School to read to younger students for "Read Across America" Day. The students loved it and we even made a "pit stop" at McDonalds on the way home to nourish our hungry readers. In addition to our feeder schools, we have also been collaborating with El Modena High School on several fronts to make sure our 8th graders are prepared for the next chapter of their educational journey. On March 5th, our 8th graders will walk to El Modena for a tour of the high school in order to get familiar with the staff and the campus. We have our annual Texas Hold Em’Tournament coming up next week, March 9th, and this year we have added 3 live auction items. We will be auctioning off a spacious one week time share in Kawaii (Kauai), Hawaii, a free spot on our Washington DC/NYC trip in June, and a Dinner Party in your home cooked and served by yours truly in addition to my talented staff. Just like last year, this event promises to be a great time. On March 31st, fifty students, parents and teachers will be traveling to Germany, France, and the Swiss Alps for a 9-day tour. This will be a great opportunity for our students to see the world. Santiago will again be participating in the 20th annual Charter School Conference in San Diego this year. After all, we were the very first charter school in Orange County and now there are over 1,000 charter schools in the state of California. We hope to continue to represent the charter school movement by continuing to produce a great education for our students and a family based experience for our entire school community." Jim D'Agostino Principal "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children" ~Nelson Mandela 1 The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter ! ! Curriculum Corner Amazingly we are entering the third and final trimester of the 2012/2013 school year. The year has gone by quickly and hopefully you and your student are enjoying this year’s middle school experience. Please continue to encourage your children to keep up their academic performance as “Spring Fever” hits. Learning Logs should be completed daily in each class and signed by parents nightly. Assignments need to continue to be completed on time with an eye towards accuracy and academic growth. February was a very busy writing month for all students. Each student wrote a RDF paragraph in each of their classes. The collection of paragraphs will be showcased in the students’ Student Led Conference binder and presented to the families in May at the conferences. Writing across our curriculum has always been important at Santiago and will continue to be a focus as we align ourselves with the emerging Common Core standards. Thank you to all the families who aended Open House February 28th. It is always so nice to enjoy an evening celebrating our students’ successes. The campus looked wonderful due to the hard work of our students and staff. A special thank you goes to Mrs. Gonzales and the ASB students for making the campus welcoming to all. As we enjoy a well earned two week Spring break, please encourage your student to keep their academic skills sharp by visiting hp:// and taking the practice California Standards Tests available in Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. T he actual California Standards Test will be in early May. The more comfortable the students are with the test, the beer they will do. Happy Spring! The Curriculum Managers Marisa Mallory and Kristi Peckham Please continue to collect and turn in your Box Tops for Education. This is a great way to collect some “free money” for our school. 2 The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter ! haracter Counseling Spotlight with Ms. Patel We hear it everywhere, but what really is character? Character is the group of traits and qualities we have that make us who we are. When we interact with others we show them those traits, our character. We can choose to have and show good character or bad character, but what we present to others is how they will see us and how they will treat us. Here are a few important character traits we should all STRIVE to have from the Character Counts! Program: Trustworthiness Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country Respect Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements Responsibility Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be selfdisciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others Fairness Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly Caring Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need Citizenship Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer 3 Miss Roshni Patel, Counselor The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter Are ALWAYS Needed! Email our Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions: Maria Fahey ✦PTSA Meeting will earn you one service hour for each meeting. They are usually held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the library. ✦Helpers are needed for the Holiday Dance on Friday, February 8th. Please contact Debbie Carter at 714-421-1563 or if you would like to donate baked goods, drinks, money to help pay for pizza, or to chaperone. ✦Parents are always needed to help in the cafeteria anytime between 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. No need to call; just show up and report to Gloria Solis. ✦Office/clerical work is available in the office, but needs to be scheduled with Cathy Ruddy by calling the school at 714-997-6366. ✦Our Librarian can also use help from time to time. Please call 714-997-6366 and ask if you can help out. ! ✦Attending Charter Board Meetings is another way to earn a service hour. These meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Library. ✦ Saturday Clean-up is the second Saturday of the month from 8:00 AM-Noon. There is NO NEED TO CALL; just show up and meet in the amphitheater. Please do not bring young children as supervision of young children has become a problem. Workers must be 15 years or older. Thank you very much to those who volunteer, your time is greatly appreciated! Please continue to support the 8th Grade Promotion Party by buying $1.00 ice cream after school every day. Type to enter textA BIG thank you to Yong Davidson for all your hard work selling the ice cream. You are Awesome!! Recycling (Plastic Bottles & Aluminum Cans) Academic Clubs have set recycling boxes around Santiago's campus and are encouraging students, staff, and community to help us (and our environment) raise money for our school! If you have any plastic beverage bottles or aluminum cans that you would like to donate to Santiago, please send them to school with your student or drop them off at the school anytime during school hours. Thank you for your help! ! 4 = The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter ! Lab Safety What an amazing turn out we had at open house...let’s take a sneak peak into some of the classes that parents walked through Science Experiments Math Haiku’s Thank you Mrs. Wallace for once again facilitating a great outlet for our students to display their talents and GREAT Job Santana’s!! 5 The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter ! ! Jog-A-Thon ! N I F H S I $ 10,000 Awesome Job Santana’s!! This money goes directly to adding technology onto our campus! ! ! Ink & Toner Cartridges Academic Fundraisers are collecting ink and toner cartridges in the front office. They will have a box set up in the front office to collect those items beginning in January. Please drop off your used/empty ink and toner cartridges and make a difference. ! 6 The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter Every year our 8th grade language programs celebrate Mardi Gras! Thank you Madame Eckdale for taking the lead and showing our students how to have a great time! Congratulations to the Prince and Princesses! Through the generous donations from Build-ABear Workshop Foundation and Chevron, helped Santiago’s library acquire over $900 in library books! Here are a few pictures of our students showing off our new books! Thank you Build-A-Bear Foundation, Chevron and! Who’s on Facebook? Santiago Charter Middle School is!! Check out our page and click for updates and news about what’s happening at Santiago. 7 Our Page: The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter ! In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, Santiago participated in National Read Across America day. Students spent their PrimeTime either being read to by their teacher or reading to each other. Our ASB also visited Panorama Elementary School to read to the students. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!! ! ! Thank you to the ASB leadership for being a great role model and representation of our school! Brooklyn Peters Ashely Rock Katie Cunningham Evan Mele Madelyn Garcia Tasso Daoussis Brynn Deily Julianna Janes Patrick Lambert David Segovia Nick Real Petra Azar 8 The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter Santana’s to be Recognized!: Metric Mastery - 1st place - Kyle Nguyen and Darren Fan Rotor Egg Drop - 3rd place - Anne Bilog and Jakob Mull Forestry - 4th place - Kyle Nguyen and James Rice Crime Busters - 5th place - Dana Davidson and BrianVertullo Mousetrap Car - 5th place - Robert Almand and Eric Holst Road Scholar - 6th place - Maggie Laton and Dana Davidson On Friday March 1st, the science olympiad team went to compete against Middle Schools from all over Orange County. our students did their best and we received 6 of possible 15 event Team Medals. A special “Thank You” to our Math department! Our 1st place medal would not have been possible without your efforts. Good Luck to our 7 teams competing in the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair on March 19th! We know you will (sham)Rock!! And thank you Mrs. Shukla for the time and effort you put into making this happen each year. Too Short Life is too short Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness Laugh when you can Life’s too short to be unhappy Apologize when you should You have to take the good with the bad And let go of what you can’t change Smile when you’re sad Live deeply and forgive quickly Love what you got Take chances And always remember what you had Give everything Always forgive And have no regrets And never forget Learn from your mistakes But never regret 9 By:Maria Gamboa Poem by Maria Gamboa, current Santana The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter OUSD HONOR BAND & Santiago is once again hosting the OUSD all ORCHESTRA district Honor Band, Honor Orchestra rehearsals and concert. Musicians include the best of the Orange Unified School District. Students went through a rigorous audition process to earn spots in the groups. Guest conductors are Robert Frelly from Chapman College and Harold Whitten from Canyon High School. Concert is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27th and 7:00pm at Santiago Middle School. Please plan to attend and support our performing arts programs. Coming Up!! ! March 29th ! Tickets on sale March 26 @ 7:15 in cafeteria $5 per ticket OR $10 to include free dress!! ! Tickets with and without free dress can also be purchased using 20/40 “Thank You” cards or 2/4 service hours. Listen in your PrimeTime for more details. Tickets on sale March 25th @ 7:15 in cafeteria $5 per ticket ALSO!!! Don’t forget to bring spare change to vote for your favorite teacher starting Monday, March 25th at lunch! Come see your fellow Santana’s and your favorite teachers, SHAKE THEIR GROOVE THANGS!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! 10 Teacher Appreciation Week: please contact Kris Erickson for more information Honorary Service Awards: please contact Christy Sternlicht for more information The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter ! ! ! This month the campus theme is Responsibility. Here are a few of examples of what makes a Responsible Santana: What is Responsibility? • Being accountable for what you do, your actions, and your behavior. • Doing the right thing at the right time. What are ways you can show Responsibility? • Complete your homework on time without being reminded. • Follow through on your commitments, even when you don’t feel like it. • Make wise choices. • Find out what needs to be done and just do it. ! Responsible! March = FORGIVENESS Next Month’s Theme: Forgiveness/Empathy Not Responsible Be aware, Teachers and Staff will be leading by example and looking for EMPATHY on Campus. “ I am responsible for doing the work I need to do today even though it may be hard.” ~Helen Keller Helen Keller 11 The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter Employee of the Month Classified Employee Each month one certificated staff member (teacher) and one classified staff member (non-teacher) receive an award of excellence, given to them by the previous months winner. Santiago is so proud of each acknowledged staff member, who by the way scores a great parking spot, we thought we would share how lucky we, and your students, are to have them! Keep up the good work Santanas! The Golden Apple Award Mrs. Hunsberger, as given by Mrs. Brown This month’s recipient is the quiet engine that is the power behind the Santiago English Department. Day in and day out her determined input carries the students and the teachers as they travel the road to success. As a member of the original board, which launched our charter, she has worked tirelessly to advance the vision and goals for our outstanding school. Thank you for your dedication and commitment. Mr. Ramos, as given by Mrs. Delgado Jose Ramos was chosen as the Classified Employee of the Month. Mr. Ramos is an outstanding employee who is always willing to go the extra mile. We had two school beautification projects this month and thanks to his diligence we were able to complete them successfully. Staff Spotlight! Meet Mrs. Gonzales! Mrs. Gonzales has been coordinating ASB students for the past 6 years. She makes sure her ASB are leaders among the students and reaching out into the community. Under Mrs. Gonzales, ASB holds elections, decorates the12 campus, works with the teachers & staff, hosts spirit building activities, and much more. The Santiago PTSA Monthly Newsletter Next Sentinel deadline: Contacts: April 19th Attendance - 714-997-6366 Articles may be edited for clarity and as space availability demands Natalie Barbas, Sentinel Editor Mark Your Calendars March April Mon 4 Open Enrollment Begins Mon 1Fri 12 Spring Break!! No School!! Tues 5 8th graders walk to ELMO 7th graders - State Writing Test Mon 15 School Resumes Wed 6 Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Wed 17 Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Charter board meeting @ 6:30pm Fri 8 Trimester 2 ends Minimum Day Thurs 18 Promotion Party Meeting Sat 9 Work Day 8am-12pm Texas Hold Em’ @ 6:30pm Sat 20 Saturday work day 8am-12pm Wed 13 Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Wed 24 Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), PTSA Meeting @ 7pm Fri 15 Open Enrollment Ends Fri 26 Minimum Day, school ends a noon Wed 20 Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Tues 30 Jeans for perfect attendance!! Wed 27 Late Start, (Bell Rings at 8:40), Spring Concert @ 7pm, PTSA Meeting @ 7pm & Renaissance Fair Thurs 28 Dancing with the Teachers @ 6:30pm Fri 29 STRIVE assembly, Jeans for perfect attendance, 13
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Santiago Sentinel - Orange Unified School District
contact Miss Patel at (714) 997-6366 or at for more information.