the valley sunrise - Clayton Valley Concord Sunrise Rotary Club
the valley sunrise - Clayton Valley Concord Sunrise Rotary Club
THE VALLEY SUNRISE APRIL 28, 2016 Award Winning Newsletter 2010-2013 & The Cliff Dochterman “Spirit of Rotary Award” 2014-2015 STAFF Joan D’Onofrio: Editor Steve Weir, Reporter John Wenzel: Photographer ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH ROTARY INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS K.R. Ravindran: President Ken Courville: District Governor Tina Akins: Asst. District Governor BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Kemnitz: President Clayton Worsdell: President Elect Chris Krnich: Treasurer Fred Nelson: Secretary Tommy Wolf: Sgt-at-Arms Irene Davids-Blair: Charitable Fund Anthony Aranda: Vocational Services Monica Fraga: New Generations Ken Nishimori: Foundation Bob Huck: Community Services Joan D’Onofrio: Membership Steve Weir: International Julia Aguilar: Club Services CONTENTS Thought of the Day Guests Mystery Greeter Milestones Club Announcements / News Ecstatic (Grumpy) Bucks Service Above Self Guest Speaker Presentation Marble Draw Getting to Know Us Comedy Corner The Gallery © 2015 The Valley Sunrise John Wolfe, an outstanding and humble awardee, is the Rotarian of the Month. President Dave proudly presented John to us and gave him the customary pin. John is a Paul Harris Fellow and a 24-year member of Rotary. He has been in charge of our speaker’s bureau that has been providing us with years of important, interesting, and at times amusing presenters and presentations. Thank you, John. 1 Call to Order President Dave Kemnitz asked Julia Aguilar to lead us in song, and indeed she did. Our Club puts a lot of omph in the National Anthem—right Bill? Thought of the Day “Today is not just any ordinary day. Today is a day that matters. Today you will have the choice to make a difference in your life and those around you. Today you will have the choice to smile rather than frown, be grateful rather than selfish, lift up rather than put down, accept rather than reject and love rather than hate. Today you will have the choice of seeking hope for the future or remain in the hopelessness of the past. Today you have the choice to laugh or cry. Both will make you feel better. Today you will have the undivided attention of the King of the Universe. At that time you can ask Him anything you want. You can ask for help, plead for a friend or just enjoy His present. It all depends on you. Whichever you choose, today matters. Make the choice to make it a day worth living. And don’t forget, tomorrow is another day.” —Tom Krause Mystery Greeter & The 4-Way Test Mary Kemnitz racked up a ton of fines today while Lisa Truesdell gave us a flawless recitation of The 4-Way Test: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWill and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concrned? 2 Guests Guest Speaker, Valerie Riveiro Melissa Cox Interact President Elect Michael Chopan, Copart Representative Lashawn Wells, Walnut Creek Sunrise Ted Mendelson, Danville Sycamore Rotary 3 Service above Self Guest, Lashawn Wells, was called upon to receive $1000 for his Fatherhood Support Network program. Lashawn was our guest speaker at our February 4th meeting where we learned that he is a life coach with the Network that provides training for dads who want to maintain an active role in their children’s lives. Club News & Announcements Bob B Melissa Cox, Interact President Elect, reported that that they have 27 participants in their upcoming boat cruise and our Club is sponsoring 20 Interact members. Ben Wentling reminded us of Bocce on Saturday, June 18th in Martinez at 10 am. We have room for four teams; all proceeds go to the Rotary Foundation. Joan D’Onofrio mentioned her art awards event at the Clayton Valley Charter School’s Annual Art Expo event. There were 24 winners. When the program was presented at the school assembly, those winners had their work displayed on a giant overhead screen for all to see. As the winners came forward to accept their awards, the applause was thunderous. She said: “Moms were even crying.” (More of the students’ winning art work begins on page 12 in the Gallery) . 4 When President Dave asked the members present who the two “Blast from the Past” members were, only Mary Kemnitz identified them as Chris Krnich and Joan D’Onofrio. On the “… You don't actually read the newsletter" subject, it is clear, that based upon the lack of response, members are not reading the Newsletter which is a feature of our award winning efforts, but obviously not with the club. Steve Weir said: “I've been doing the newsletter for 10 years. Have I been wasting my time, friends?” Next week’s speaker will be Tommy Wolf who will give us the three secrets to stress management. Tommy is the owner of the New Heath Chiropractic Center in Concord Ted Mendelson, of the Danville Club, told us about the Blackhawk Food, Wine and Film Festival event on May 19th. It is their Club’s Annual Community Foundation Fund Raiser. Tickets are $50 and over 400 people are attend. Call 510 366-0716 for more information. Larry Hutchings mentioned the Clunkers program for Rossmoor. If you know someone in that club, lobby them to join. Julia Aguilar mentioned that Mureleen Benton will be hosting our next Friday Nite Live event. There was a special thank you for John Wenzel and Julia for taking care of the program electronics. President Elect Clayton Worsdell answered a correct question, thrown out by President Dave and caught a DeFlate Gate ball. Ya hadda be there, guys. 5 John Wolfe thanked everyone who helped with and attended the pasta feed for the AAUW. Seems that lucky man, Don Ouimet, won the grand prize drawings! It was a fantastic basket loaded with great stuff. DISTRICT ASSEMBLY District Governor Elect, Fred Collignon, reminds us that the South Assembly is on Saturday, May 14th at 8:30 am – 1:30 pm at Benicia High School. If you’re a new Rotarian, and still trying to figure out how this whole thing works. Then you’re in luck. These are the session that will be provided at the Assembly. Keep in mind that training like this isn’t available anywhere else. Public Speaking / Mentoring / Project Planning / Fundraising / ABC’s of Rotary / The Foundation Centennial / Interact and Rotaract, and weaving together the Rotary Family / Rotarian & Youth Protection / Polio Plus updates / How does the Foundation work? / The District Centennial, and its PR opportunity for your club / Assistant District Governor Elect, Mureleen Benton, was called upon to bring us up to date on the District Assembly and she asked that all members of next year’s board attend. Also, that day, is a Clunker event in Moraga at the Moraga Community Event. We will have a tent staffed by Bill Fuller, Larry Hutchings, Clayton Worsdell, Joan, & Bob Sundberg. CASH 4 CLUNKERS Mureleen Benton made a purchase for her son, Mike in Bend, Oregon. Seems we shared $2000 / $2000 with our partners on this purchase. We also had an on-line sale with Vacaville for $625. Also, seems that the Berkeley Club is joining us as a partner! E-MAIL ADDRESSES Just a reminder: All District 5160 Rotarian's email addresses are available on the District website, and now there's even an App for access with iPhones PANCAKE BREAKFAST Bill Selb, Master of the Pancake Breakfast, asked for a shadow to see what he does and help him do it before the actual breakfast takes place. No one came forward until Julia Aguilar (god bless you child) volunteered. She will shadow Master Pancake in this endeavor. The Breakfast is July 4th at Endeavor Hall where EVERYONE is expected to participate--and we will. 6 The Presentation . Worry Less, Live More, Protect Who You Are John Wolfe introduced us to Valerie Riveiro an independent Broker at Life Forward Group. She represents Legal Shield that gives you access to an attorney anytime you need one for both personal and business matters. Today she talked to us about Identity theft and touched on all the things to do to protect ourselves. She gave us a list that highlights how we can secure our personal information. She reviewed how thieves use a variety of illegal techniques to obtain our personal identity information--the latest being thieves posing as bosses or owners of the company you work for to get all forms of employee information. Who would refuse to give bosses or owners what they request? Contact her at for more information. Book Donation The book titled Quack Shack was signed by the speaker and will be donated to the Clayton Library. The Marble Draw Bob Huck had the ticket, but alas no green ball. He walked away with a bottle of vino. 7 Do you know who he is? Joined in 2014 Member of the Paul Harris Society Attended NAU College Wife is a teacher Coaches a high school golf team Played baseball once with Kevin Costner in Hawaii Pretty excellent cook (at least his wife says so) Got his nickname freshman year of High School and it has followed him ever since There are some people in his college that still don't know his real name. Do you know who he is? Joined Rotary in 1992 Is a Paul Harris Fellow Graduated high school at age of 17 Was one of the younger kids in the class Was barely 5' 7" tall and weighed 105 pounds soaking wet Was one of the smallest guys, as well, and a bit of a scholastic nerd, too 8 Yikes. I missed a meeting! Not to worry. Here are the other Rotary Clubs you can attend to make up missed meetings. You can also make up a meeting by attending a Board meeting. MONDAY Brentwood: Wedgewood Banquet Center 12:00 Danville: Faz Restaurant 12:00 TUESDAY Walnut Creek: Heather Farms Garden 12:15 pm Benicia: Benicia Yacht Club 12:15 pm Moraga: St. Mary’s College Soda Center 12:00 Pittsburg: Bank of the West 12:00 Diablo View: Buon Vino 5:30 pm WEDNESDAY WC Sunrise: Scotts Seafood 7:00 am Delta (Antioch): Lone Tree Golf Course 7:00 am Martinez: Grace Episcopal Church 7:00 am Concord-Diablo: Crowne Plaza 12:15 pm Alamo: Round Hill Country Club 12:15 pm Orinda: Orinda Country Club Clubhouse 12:15 pm Rossmoor: Hillside Clubhouse 12:00 THURSDAY Clayton Valley: Oakhurst Country Club 7:00 am Antioch: Lone Tree Golf Course 12:15 Pleasant Hill: Pleasant Hill Community Center 12:15 pm Lafayette: Oakwood Athletic Club 12:15 pm FRIDAY Lamorinda: Lafayette Park Hotel 7:00 am Concord: Crown Plaza Hotel 12:15 pm 9 The Comedy Corner Laugh, and the world laughs with you… DO NOT MESS WITH THE ELDERLY "I thought you said you would hold that car till we raised the $75,000 asking price," said the man. "Yet I just heard you closed the deal for $65,000 to that lovely young lady there. You insisted there could be no discount on this model." "Well, what can I tell you? She had the ready cash and, just look at her, how could I resist?" replied the grinning salesman. Just then the young woman approached the aged couple and gave them the keys. "There you go," she said. "I told you I would get this dope to reduce it. See you later, grandpa.” THE NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPHER The photographer for a large national newspaper was assigned to get photos of an enormous forest fire. Smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a plane. "It will be waiting for you at the airport!" he was assured by his editor. As soon as he got to the small rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway. The photographer jumped in with his equipment and yelled, "Let's go! Go, go, go!" The pilot nodded and swung the plane into the wind, and soon they were in the air. "Fly over the north side of the fire," said the photographer, "and make three or four low level passes." "Why?" asked the pilot. "Because I'm going to take pictures! I'm a photographer, and photographers take pictures!" said the photographer with great exasperation and impatience. "Do you mean to say," the pilot asked after a long pause, "that you're not the flight instructor?" 10 Heavenly Help Humor There was a man called Yaakov who lived near a river in America. He was a very religious man. One day, the river rose over the banks and flooded the town, and Yaakov was forced to climb onto his porch roof. While he was sitting there, a man in a boat came along and told Yaakov to get in the boat. Yaakov said, "No, that's OK, God will take care of me." So, the man in the boat drove off. The water rose, so Yaakov climbed onto his roof. At that time, another boat came along and the person in that one told Yaakov to get in. He replied, "No, that's OK, God will take care of me." The person in the boat left. The water rose even more, and Yaakov climbed on his chimney. Then a helicopter came and lowered a ladder. The man in the helicopter told Yaakov to climb up the ladder and get in. He told the man, "That's OK." The pilot said, "Are you sure?" Yaakov said, "Yeah, I'm sure God will take care of me." Finally, the water rose too high and Yaakov drowned. He got up to Heaven and spoke with the angel at the gate. Yaakov questioned, "Why didn't God take care of me! What happened?" The angel replied, "Well, He sent you two boats and a helicopter. What else did you want?" A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. He takes his first sip and sets it down. While he is looking around the bar, a monkey swings down and steals the print of beer from him. The man asks the bartender who owns the monkey. The bartender replies that the monkey belongs to the piano play. So the man walks over to the piano player and says, “Do you know your monkey stole my beer?” The piano player replies, “No, but if you hum a few bars I’m sure I can pick it up.” Slaney phoned the maternity ward at the hospital. "Quick!" he said. "Send an ambulance, my wife is going' to have a baby!" "Tell me, sir is this first baby?" the intern asked. "No, this is her husband, Kevin speaking.” 11 The Gallery Here are more student art works from the Art Expo at Clayton Valley Concord High School last week 12 . 13 14 15 16 17
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