Modeling van der Waals forces in graphite
Modeling van der Waals forces in graphite Tony Carlson Structure of Graphene Flat hexagonal sheet -10 • Bond length 1.42 Å=1.42x10 m • SP2 covalent bonds • Pz orbital out of plane • Paula Bruice, "Organic Chemistry", Prentice Hall, 2003 covalent bond AFM Images of Graphene Graphite ● Graphite is simply stacked graphene layers ● Nealy 100% ABA stacking Interlayer separation Zeq = 3.35 Å Stacking Type Van der Waals dispersion forces hold graphite together ● Who is this “van der Waals” ? ● 'a' and 'b' are constant depending on the gas ● 'a' ~ intermolecular interaction strength ● 'b' ~ molecular size Whats the nature of this attraction? Three distinct contributions, Orientational, Inductive, Dispersive ● ? Dipole - Dipole ( Keesom energy ) Dipole – Induced Dipole ( Debye energy ) Dispersion is Quantum Mechanical Spontaneously induced dipoles ● Purely quantum mechanical effect proved by London (1927) ● General distance dependence ● Fritz London The dispersion term is present in polar systems and is almost always dominant ● Donald McQuarrie and John Simon, P hysical chemistry: a molecular approach, Viva Books, 2005. Lenard Jones (6-12) Potential Energy vs. Bond length Repulsion Attraction Steep repulsion due to the Pauli exclusion principle Well depth = bond strength Minima – corresponds to bond length Graphite Interlayer energy Graphene layers are basically closed shell systems (no covalent bonding between layers) ● Energy between layers is a balance between ● ● Attractive dispersion forces Corrugated repulsive overlap forces Energy vs. interlayer separation similar to LJ pot. Super Quick Quantum Overview Schroedinger Equation Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals Rayleigh-Ritz variation to minimize E Eigenvalue problem: - Solutions 1) eigenvectors c 2) eigenvalues E Each element of the matrix H is a triple integral over 3 space of two orbitals...... Parameterization via ab-initio methods Key to TB: parameterize these integrals as a function of distance and orbital orientation ● Done with ab-initio density functional theory ● J.C. Slater and G.F. Koster, S implified lcao method for the periodic potential problem, Physical Review 94 (1954), 1498-1524. D. Porezag, Th. Frauenheim, and Th. Kohler, C onstruction of tight-binding-like potentials on the basis of density-functional theory: Application to carbon,Physical Review B 51 (1995), no. 19, 12947-12957. Weakness of this TB model ● Interlayer binding non-existent in graphite No minima at Zeq Why does it only predict repulsion? How do we address this? ● Add an empirical dispersion term to the total energy ● Proposed form of potential – motivated by London's derivation Two free parameters to fit ( C and α ) Interlayer Bonding in Graphite ● Experimental data related to interlayer energy Equilibrium spacing ● Exfoliation energy (well depth) ● Compressibility ● Phonon Frequency ● ● = 3.35 Å = 42.6 meV = 2.97 x 10-12 cm2 dyne-1 = 1.26 THz (E2g1 shear mode) Ab-initio data related to interlayer repulsion ● Energy difference between AAA/ABA stacking = 17 meV Fitting dispersion term Step 1 - inflate/deflate Pz orbitals to get 17 meV between AAA/ABA stacking Step 2 - Fit function for C and α, such that * Equilibrium separation ( Zeq =3.35 Å ) * Exfoliation energy ( 42.6 meV) Fit results Quantity % error Zeq Exf < 0.1 < 0.1 Kc E2g1 mode ~ 0.5 ~ -4.7 Not explicitly fitted to Lateral Energy Landscape E2g1 ~ Well curvature
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