Annual Report 2006
Annual Report 2006
ANNUAL REPORT 2006 table of content • Presentation of the MSA,a.s. company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 • History of the Company • Basic data of the Company • Survey of main economic indicators • Report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors • Members of Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and Management • Basic organizational structure • Affiliated companies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 • Representative offices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 • Report of the Management about the activity of the Company in individual fields » Business activities » Purchase - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 » Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 » Research and development » Quality management » Personnel matters » Ecology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 • Financial part - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 / 46 » Balance sheet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 » Profit and loss statement » Survey of cash flows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 » Appendix to Balance Sheet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 » Report of statutary authority of the Company » Report of an independent auditor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 » The Report of the Supervisory Board - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - - 12 / 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 1 Presentation of the company MSA, a.s. The fact, that the MSA, a.s., is today one of leading modern industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic and a significant world manufacturer and supplier of industrial valves, is a result of long-year tradition in production of industrial valves under its own trade mark. Quality production based on experience of several generations of workers and technicians is verified by long-term application in various operational and clima- tic conditions all over the world. Strong position on the market is fruit of active sales policy, The MSA, a.s. manufactures and supplies industrial valves of its own design manufactured in compliance with internationally approved technical standards ČSN, EN, API, ANSI and GOST. The valves manufactured by the MSA, a.s., have been applied in following branches of industry: • Transport and processing of oil • Transport, distribution and processing of gas • Chemical industry • Nuclear and classic energetics, heating industry and heat networks • For special applications Basic production series of valves is divided into four product segments: page 2 P ro d u c t C h a ra c t e r i s t i c Application Gate valves, globe valves, swing check valves Stop valves made of cast semiproducts. Flanged or welded connection with piping. The design complies with the API, ANSI, ČSN EN or GOST standards according to customer´s requirement. Petrochemistry, gas industry, power engineering, waterworks engineering Ball valves Stop valves with the same flow rate loss as the piping. They are made only from forged semiproducts in the totally welded or bolted construction. Flanged or welded connection with the piping. The design complies with the API, ANSI, ČSN EN or GOST standards according to customer´s requirement. Gas, oil or other working substance transportation, petrochemistry, gas industry, waterworks engineering Gate valves, globe valves, swing check valves, butterfly valves Stop or regulating valves made of forged semiproducts. Flanged or welded connection with piping. The design is mostly performed according to specific customer´s requirements. Classic and nuclear power engineering Through conduit gate valves Stop valves with the same flow rate loss as the piping. Made both from cast and from forged semiproducts. Flanged or welded connection with the piping. Transportation of oil and its products, petrochemistry / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 History of the company MSA, a.s. The company MSA a.s. has a unique history covering the „three centuries of human existence“. The firm has never interrupted the production and with the exception of a very short starting period it has always maintained the character of industrial production. 1 8 9 0 / the firm Holuscha – wood and round timber processing factory established 1 9 1 0 / extension by forging shop and foundry 1 9 1 5 / introduction of locksmith production 1 9 2 0 / construction of an engineering shop, beginning of steam pumps production for mines 1 9 2 3 / introduction of central heating body level heating and boilers production 1 9 3 9 / changeover to military production 1 9 4 7 / name was changed on Moravskoslezská armaturka, n.p. and the company was transferred under government administration 1 9 5 5 / construction of varnishing shop and testing station 1 9 7 5 / begining of valve production for nuclear power engineering 1 9 7 9 / the plant involved into SIGMA concern with registered office in Olomouc 1 9 8 3 / start of industrial pump production 1 9 9 2 / privatisation of the state-owned enterprise, the MSA, a.s.,Dolní Benešov was founded 1 9 9 5 / start of API a ISO 9001 certifications 2 0 0 0 / sale of pumps and small investment units was terminated 2 0 0 6 / entry of present owners of MSA Holding, a.s. as a new 100 % owner of the MSA, a.s. At present the MSA, a.s. is a very modern, significantly consolidated company with a clear and prospective manufacturing program and with extensive of sale all over the world. page 4 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Basic data about the company MSA, a.s. Business firm MSA, a.s. Identification No. 45 19 22 78 Registered Office Dolní Benešov, Hlučínská 41, Post Code 747 22 Establishment of the company The Company was once-only established by the Fund of national property of the Czech Republic as sole founder, on the basis of deed foundation of 29th April 1992 in form of a notarial record. Date of registration in the Trade Register 30th April 1992 Legal form Joint Stock Company Register court Regional Court Ostrava Company No. in the Business Register section B, insert No. 388 Main subjects of business • • • • • • • Basic capital at 31st December 2006 23 019 tsd. CZK Share structure at 31st December 2006 1 534 632 pcs of ordinary shares in documentary form and with nominal value of 15 CZK per one share Company bodies • Meeting of Shareholders • Supervisory Board • Board of Directors Company shareholders at 31st December 2006 A sole shareholder is the MSA Holding, a.s. Manufacture of valves and pumps Design and construction of machines and equipment Purchase of goods for the purpose of further sale and the sale Metal working Technical testing, measurements and analyses Pressure tests of equipment - hydraulic, steam and air Lock smithery The Company was established on the indefinite period of time. page 6 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Survey of main economic indicators Data in tsd CZK 2006 2005 2004 2003 1,223,459 952,473 816,808 925,309 Long-term assets 274,604 272,136 278,974 303,247 Inventory 323,543 371,669 252,541 327,197 Short-term receivables 583,418 252,815 234,201 215,831 Shareholder´ capital 456,103 453,619 516,570 489,510 Liabilities 764,645 497,786 297,294 435,569 Incomes from the sale of own products, goods and services 1,720,807 1,130,125 1,373,015 1,143,664 Export 1,604,985 918,740 1,257,490 994,731 Operational trading income 18,139 39,174 29,634 19,934 Financial trading income 24,397 -1,367 -2,988 -18,775 Extraordinary trading income -28,183 -133 3,713 970 Trading income for the period 14,353 37,674 30,359 2,129 Average number of employees (number of persons) 585 549 583 623 Sales rentability - ROS (in %) 0,83 3,33 2,21 0,19 Whole capital rentability - ROA (in %) 1,17 3,96 3,72 0,23 Equity capital rentability - ROE (in %) 3,15 8,31 5,88 0,43 226,035 219,507 246,934 182,300 25 69 52 3 Total assetts Working capital (in tsd CZK) Trading income per employee (in tsd CZK) / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 7 Report of the chairman of the board of directors Dear shareholders, dear business partners, dear employees, Ladies and Gentlemen, One of the main events in 2006 that had decisive influence on the operations of the whole company, was the sale of the company, change of the shareholders and hence the change of administrative and managing bodies of the company. The first half of the year was devoted to preparation of the company to sale by its original shareholders. It is quite clear that the management of the company business and economic indicators was subjected to this target. During the takeover of the Company an audit was performed, and the Board of Directors and the Management of the company were acquainted with the results thereof at the end of the period. The audit showed us the real state of the Company at the moment of the takeover and provided us stimulations for further work and recomended the direction in which the Company should develop in the field of improvement of the management and organization of work. The production and business potential and good competitive ability are the most important positive aspects of the MSA, a.s., while preparation and assurance of the plan, no motivation program, poor quality of intercompany communication or insufficient personnel policy are not very good features. In the second half of the year the Board of Directors made efforts to maintain stabile run of the Company and to fulfill planned results for 2006. In the same time the acquaintance with the organization of work and with the employees was performed. In 2006 the Company achieved record growth of receivables amounting to 1 721 mil. CZK, which represents increase by 52.3 % in comparison with the preceding period. This result was achieved by getting orders from new territories, especially those in Asia, as e.g. Indonesia, Singapoor or China. These orders were supported by the growth of receivables at the buyers from traditional destinations, as the Czech Republic, Russian Federation or west and south Europe. However the Company cannot be satisfied with the achieved results, it is taking steps leading to maintenance and improvement of these positions in future. Therefore the plans of business, production and investment activities in 2007 were prepared and approved by the shareholders at the end of the year. In spite of the above mentioned good results, we are aware of drawbacks that had impact on final economic results of the Company, as e.g. fulfillment of not very profitable con- page 8 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 tracts and non-performance of contracting term of fulfilment, that resulted in charging us with penalty by the buyer. The unprofitability of contracts was caused particularly due to non-planned significant increase of input prices of some types of material at the half of 2006 especially in orders placed in this period. In this connection I would like to stress that the new shareholders could have cancelled these contracts in spite of the risk of future penalty due to failing to perform them and possible loss of business contacts. However it is possible to suppose that future losses as penalty from unprofitable contracts or loss of good name of the company at the buyers would have been considerably worse than the decrease of profit and penalization for delayed performance. Another negative consequence of cancellation of these contracts would have caused lower utilization of existing production capacities, higher overhead costs and loss of employees opportunities in the MSA, a.s. Therefore the Board of Directors decided to continue to fulfill these contract in spite of their being unprofitable, because this fulfillment may support existing and achievement of new business contracts in future. Further steps in near future are to be taken in the field of production program innovation. The Company tries to extend the number of material types at forged steel ball valves and in the same time to extend the aplication of these valves for extreme conditions, as e.g. – 200 °C. The through condiut gate valves are another group of products we are going to focus on and to develop them further. In 2006 we produced 10 pcs of these valves and we have achieved contracts for more than hundred pieces in sizes DN 300 up to 1000. We and the Management of the company are going to focus on gradually improvement of the economy of the company, on introduction of changes in the managing system of control, in planning, in improvement of intrecompany communication and cooperation between individual departments. I hope that this year is going to be at least as successful as the preceding year, that we are going to achieve further development of the company and improve economic situation not only in compliance with the aims of the shareholder, but for the benefit of all employees as well. Ing. Jozef Leščišin Chairman of the Board of Directors Members of the supervisory board, board of directors and management of company SUPERVISORY BOARD BOARD OF DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko Ing. Jozef Leščišin Ing. Pavel Maier Chairman of the Board of Directors Executive Director Valery Nikolaevich Shipilov Ing. František Šamal Member of the Board of Directors Sales Director Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. Ing. Jan Halfar Member of the Board of Directors Production Director Chairman of the Supervisory Board Sergey Igorevich Moiseyev Member of the Supervisory Board Viktor Mikhailovich Fedotov Member of the Supervisory Board Ing. Pavlína Gratzová Stephen Lukas Purchase Director Member of the Supervisory Board Ing. Pavol Peťko Leo Stařinský Quality Assurance Director Member of the Supervisory Board Ing. Ivana Hamerková Miloslav Sonnek Authorized to manage financial department Member of the Supervisory Board The above mentioned structure of the Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and Management of the company is valid at 31th December 2006. The changes which has been made in the course of 2007 are described in the financial part – Appendix to Financial Statement. Basic organizational structure of the company in 2006 Meeting of Shareholders Supervisory Board Board of Directors General Director Executive Director Financial department Sales department page 10 Representative of QMS management Production department Purchase department / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Department for quality assurance Affiliated companies Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o., Dolní Benešov, Czech Republic BULTRADE MSA, Ltd., Sofie, Bulgaria „LOZNICA-GAS“ A. D. Loznica, Serbia and Monte Negro MSA Slovakia s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovak Republic ZPA MORAVIA s.r.o., Dolní Benešov, Czech Republic Representative offices Representative office MSA Moscow, Russian Federation Representative office MSA Geneva, Switzerland Representative office MSA Peking, China / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 11 Report of the management about the activity of the company in individual fields of activity • B U S I N E S S A C T I V I T Y The amount of annual sale of products, services and business goods has exceeded level of one milliard CZK in the long term. The receivables volume over 1.7 milliard CZK was achieved, which is a record in the modern history of the Company. The sale of valves of our own production has decisive share in annual volume of sales. The sales development definitely shows the stability and the rising of growth trends of the Company. Total receivables in mil. CZK 989 1 010 1 077 1 116 991 1 054 1 065 1 176 1 087 1 144 1 373 1 130 1 721 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 The receivable growth corresponds with the export orientation of the Company. In 2006 the export grew up by more than three times in comparison with star- ting year 1994. In 2006 the share of export in the total receivables was 93 %. Total export in mil. CZK page 12 550 618 734 859 720 745 784 989 922 995 1 257 919 1 605 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 The share of individual territories in total receivables from the sale of valves The MSA, a.s. has succeeded in gradually shifting the trend of sales into the territories accepting our sale at higher prices. Therefore the former privileged position of Other Pakistan Russia Poland Germany Czech Republic the USA as to the realized volumes of our sales has been gradually replaced by the countries with more convenient prices as the South Corea, China, Turkey etc. India Great Britain Indonesia Turkey China USA South Korea 15 % 10 % 5% 0% Assortment structure in 2006 The assortment structure reflects a long-term successful Company´s effort to manufacture economically advantageable and marketable assortment of ball valves with high inner diameters and in demanding constructions as far as the material and design are concerned. In 2006 the share of ball valves in the products portfolio achieved total volume over 85 % at the expense of mostly ANSI program valves, that decreased from its historical maximum in 1998 (approx. 70 %) gradually to less than 8 % in this year. 0 % 20 % 40 % When seeking for final users the Company uses many distribution channels. In China e.g. there has been developed a successful cooperation by means of the office in Peking, the network of contractors and representatives has been spread (e.g. in Pakistan etc.), the contacts with new distributor firms are being sought. In 2006 the Company participated in many significant events and trade fairs, professionally focused on industrial valves and their application, in order to support sale activities. It was first of all participation in traditional international world meeting of valve manufacturer VALVE WORLD 2006 in Maastricht, where the MSA, a.s. presented its exposition. The Company was successful on the international trade fair of firms operating in the field of gas and oil industries CIPPE 2006 in China or on a similar trade fair POGEE PAKISTAN 2006. The MSA, a.s. exhibited together with its business partners on traditional events as the INTERNATIONAL TECHNI- 60 % Other 2,9 % JE valves 1,0 % DIN valves 3,5 % ANSI valves 7,5 % Ball valves 85,1 % 80 % 100 % CAL FAIR in Bulgarian Plovdiv, oil and gas trade fair TUROGE 2006 in Turkish Ankara or on Polish trade fair NAFTA I GAZ in Warsaw etc. Poland is a stabile market segment of the Company. The MSA, a.s. has linked to successful deliveries of valves for a new Przyjazn oil pipeline realized by the oil pipeline operator the PERN Plock S.A. In the course of a 30-year cooperation of both companies hundreds of valves have been delivered for almost 2500 km oil and fuel pipeline distributions, including the deliveries for individual equipments as e.g. oil tanks assuring strategic oil stock for PKN Orlen refinery, the LOTOS Gdaňsk, individual pumping stations, the terminal in Gdansk etc. Long-term cooperation of MSA, a.s. technicians and the operator supported the design of through conduit gate valves and high size valves in the present form and quality. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 13 The success with the new customers in the south Europe countries, expecially Romania, are rather stimulant. The deliveries of the MSA, a.s. to Romania were very rare until 2005. Thanks to Borankol project with a Romanian firm as a main contractor the company returned again to the consciouceness of Romanian final users. In addition to the above mentioned current project, contact with other subjects was arranged that lead to a contract on delivery of ball valves for one of the largest Romanian gas distributors at the end of 2006. In 2006 the MSA, a.s. managed to get a big and significant contract for delivery of 256 pcs ball valves for oil pipeline project in China – the West Crude Oil Pipeline. This order was one of the biggest in 2006 (approx. 7 mil. USD). The MSA, a.s. achieved a significant position at the Chinese state owned firm CPMEC. In the same time the increasing business connections with Pakistan went on. The MSA, a.s. delivers ball valves to state-owned firms SSGC Karachi and SNGPL Lahore for Pakistan gas-net projects. In Greece the business transactions are being made with the valve producer who completes the assortment of the MSA, a.s. production. The ball valve have been delivered for a Belgium contractor for the construction of compresion station on the border between Greece and Turkey. The MSA, a.s. has also linked on good references from previous deliveries in India and achieved a few further contracts on ball valves for gas pipelines including some brand-new customers. By means of an Austrian supplier we managed to penetrete to the Balkan, to Serbia and Slovenia, and the valves have been delivered to the main gas distributors in these countries. In 2006 the Company delivered more than 200 pcs ball valves for the South Sumatera - West Java Gas Pipeline project.The final user is an Indonesian state-owned firm PGN and the volume of all orders amounted to approx. 6.5 mil. USD. At the end of the year the installations of ball valves were started and are going to continue in the next year. The delivery of valves into the traditional territories of west Europe can also be evaluated positively. In 2006 the Company cooperated with the BOTAS, a turkish state-owned firm. The MSA, a.s. has delivered ball valves for some significant projects, as e.g. the Azerbayian - Turkey NGPL project, Turkey - Greece NGPL project, East Black Sea project and for Hanak a Sivas Compressor station. The total volume of all orders exceeded 5.5 mil. USD. In addition to the mentioned projects further 552 big valves were delivered to this region as spare parts for the BTC project in total amount of approx. 2.8 mil. USD. The volume of sale to the South Corea achieved in 2006 record values due to successful cooperation with the KOGAS company. This trend will obviously be maintained in future. The MSA, a.s. made efforts to expand deliveries to Saudi Arabia where the requirements on special materials are ever more frequent (Saudi Aramco). The references in page 14 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Saudi Arabia may support our entry to further markets in this region (Qatar, Oman, UAE). The American company Zy-Tech Global Industries, Inc. is and remains a long-term supplier of ANSI valves to American market, in spite of goal-directed regulated decrease of the deliveries. We also have to mention home market with traditional buyers - the gas industry and power engineering company RWE TRANSGAS, ČEZ, a.s. and some other regional energy distributors etc. The territory of Russian market also belongs among the main activities of the Sale department. It has been transferred into the competence of the partner company MSA-KTS Moscow after their owners and busines strategy have been changed in 2006. • P U R C H A S E The priorities in the production program have changed after the change of the firm´s owners. The manufacture of through conduit gate valves has been substantially extended and in the same time the ball valves manufacture has increased, the manufacture of the ANSI valves has been reduced and new possibilities of delivery of valves for nuclear power engineering started to be sought. Due to the mentioned changes the requirements on delivery of castings for through conduit gate valves has also increased. Cooperation with the Žďas, a.s. foundry was renewed, and new possibility of cooperation with foundries in France have been sought. The contacts with the Tamaris firm have been successfully established and in comparison with the preceding periods the volumes of casting delivery for this assortment from ČKD Kutná hora a.s. increased. In the field of the ANSI and DIN program, where the production has been reduced, the deliveries were focused on the ROUČKA SLÉVÁRNA a.s., the traditional and most significant supplier of castings. The deliveries of castings from Asian countries were terminated due to limitation of gate valves, swing check valve and globe valves for the Zy-tech, and in- tensive searching of new suppliers of semiproducts for ball valve production and negotiations with them started due to increased demand on this product. The cooperation with Italian and Romanian forging producers continued for assuring the deliveries in required quality and at prices to increase the compatitiveness of the MSA, a.s. in the world market. The steep increase of ball valve manufacture was connected with the increase of need to delivery necessary quantity of finished balls, valve seats and gears. Intensive negotiations with the suppliers of these components in Italy and Romania were opened. For the purpose of quality stabilization and timely fulfillment of deliveries of forgings further steps were taken in the field of selection of suppliers of finished balls and seats with smaller inner diameter from Italy and China. In the same time negotiations with the actuator manufacturers have been performed in order to fasten mutual cooperation in the field of timely fulfillment with suppliers of these important valve components. New suppliers have been searched for deliveries of all other purchased components and semiproducts so that the delivery of such components may be assured and individual orders may be completed without any problem. • P R O D U C T I O N In 2006 the recovery and modernization of production basis continued with the aim of the removal of capacity disproportion and completion of missing workplaces. acquired for valves with NPS 6“- 28“ size, wherewith the testing capacities have increased and the testing and measuring process improved due to computer control with record of the testing results. First of all – a new horizontal machining centre FSQ 100 from TOS Kuřim was realized. It is a modern and progressive machine with two replaceable technologic pallets, automatic tool replacement and with the Sinumerik 840 D CNC control system. The machine brought high reduction of labour intensity as number of various operations is substantially lower, and additional setting operations have been reduced. Following measures have also be taken: the NA 06 welding equipment was modernized, the INVERTEC and WELDFORCE welding sources purchased; investment into transportation and handling method (highlift trucks); complementation of the high-pressure testing shop by a testing circuit for high-pressure valves, functional tests; reconstruction of the floor in facilities; purchase of measuring technology etc. Another big investment was acquiring of welding equipment from the OERLIKON firm for welding final welds into a narrow space between two welding heads for ball valves and through conduit gate valves S85. Complete overhaul of numerical controled CNC vertical boring mills SKQ 20 including modernization of control system, general overhaul of horizontal boring mills and turning machines have continually continued. The turning and boring mill SKJ 25/50 was elevated for new assortment of S85 valves with high inner diameter. On the basis of customers requirements on valve quality surface treatment the PROFIMIX 2000 equipment was bought for application of two-component polyurethan coating substances. In the field of testing of valves a new test block was / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 15 • R E S E A R C H A N D D E V E L O P M E N T The research and development are steps preceding manufacture and sale of new and special valves. They involve many assignments beginning with special calculations for verifying static and dynamic properties of valves, verification of the suitability of technological and production processes up to final testing of service life, validation and verification of suitability of new valves for particular application. In 2006 the development of through conduit gate valves DN 700 to DN 1000 designated for working pressure 10 MPa was finished, the validation of ball valves DN 50 to DN 1400 was also finished, and the working parameters of ball valves, gate valves and swing check valves for operation temperature up to –50 °C verified. 2006 can be characterized as a year when the production portfolio of MSA, a.s. has been extended by completely new valves and by valves with quite new parameters when compared with the original ones, which makes it possible to apply them for special purposes in the operation. Therefore intensive development and research was started to focus on: • Testing service life of ball valves in the testing shop of significant customers, where their suitability and reliability for the whole period of their operation is verified, • Type testing of service life and seismic resistance of through condiut gate valves DN 700 to DN 1200 for working pressure 10 MPa • Swing check valves DN 700 to DN 1000, PN 100 with damper for petroleum products, • Wedge gate valves DN 200 to DN 1000, PN 25 to PN 100 with guaranteed tightness on inlet and outlet side (the so called Double Block and Bleed) • Through conduit gate valves DN 500 to DN 1200, PN 16 to PN 100 for natural gas and oil products to be used in seismically active regions • Ball valves DN 50 to DN 1400, PN 100 to PN 250 for operation under sea level up to the depth 500 m (the so called Subsea ball valves), • Ball valves DN 50 to DN 1000, PN 25 to PN 250 designated for temperatures up to -200 °C (the so called cryogenic ball valves). • Q U A L I T Y M A N A G E M E N T The MSA, a.s. has been granted many process and product certifications enabling to supply products to foreign and home markets. System certificates The most important certificates covering the processes of the whole company: • API • ISO Import certificates Certificates connected with requirements of national standards exporting countries (Russian federation Kazakhstan, Ukraine): • GOST-R • AD 2000 HPO / TRD201/ EN 729-2 (connected with technical requirements on products, serves as an instrument for re-verification of reliability performance of the system). Product certificates Application of system certificates on a particular pro• API 6D - 0239 duct: • API 6A - 0799 page 16 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Note: After import certificate requirements have been fulfilled (crossing the border) a „technological“ licence may be required for installation of valves (e.g. for mining or metallurgical plants) (see e.g. Russian Federation) Certificates connected with safety in nuclear power engineering Purpose certificates a) Necessary category according to Czech law: Supervision of the nuclear safety system (proof of conformity). b) Standards of Russian Federation system (according to the importing countries): Standards for securing safety of nuclear power engineering based on ISO system – they are applied on the required „Certificate of conformity“ with nuclear safety systems in Russian Federation The product is subjected to various technical and technological testings at independent companies (investigating e.g. service life, fire resistance, frost resistance etc.) – the product achieves higher level of significance: • LLOYD´S REGISTER • DET NORSKE VERITAS etc. European Union certificates In 2006 the processes started focused on getting further licences and certifications „TRANSSERT“ according to American standard (Monogram according to API Spec 6A) and the licence according to the nuclear safety system (ASME Code III). The conformity of selected products shall be proved for export into the countries of European Union according to Regulations EU PED 97/23 EG (CE, modul H) – there is also duty to prove conformity by an authorized testing establishment at selected products supplied to Czech market. Within the framework of categorization of purpose certifications the certification proces (proof of conformity) was opened on inexplosive type of construction (ATEX) and equipment of operation reliability (SIL) for selected MSA, a.s. assortment. • H U M A N R E S O U R C E S In 2006 the HR department was focused especially on recruitment and maintaining of high qualified employees. Average number of personnel in 2006 increased by 36 persons in comparison with last year, which represents a 6.6 % growth. At 31th December 2006, the company had 590 employees. fication to be one of deciding aspects for fulfillment of its business intention. When realizing planned conceptions of in-house education the company makes effort to prepare all employees to attend a lot of various trainings and courses including professional training. Long-term system of training of Company´s employees has been prepared for the purpose of creation and maintaining of optimum qualified structure of employees. The strength of the Company are high qualified employees with long-term experience in the field of manufacture of valves and related professions. The Company considers its employees and their quali- 0 % 20 % 40 % Basic education 60 % 3,7 % Trained 55,1 % Secondary education 31,7 % University education 9,5 % 80 % 100 % Social program The social policy of the company was realized in the field of economy and in the field of social background. Within the framework of social policy of the company the optimum health and hygiencally suitable working conditions, medical and rehabilitation services on the area of the company, catering in works canteen etc. have been created. In the field of economy: contributions for catering, on pension insurance and life insurance of employees. The goal of social policy is also the effort to satisfy personal needs of employees as much as possible. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 17 • E C O L O G Y Long-term gools of the Company in the field of ecology are focused on strict observance of all requirements of legal standards and regulations related to environmental policy, on minimizing the impact of production activity in the company´s facilities and in the near surroudings on living environment, and on permanent improvement of living and working environment. In last year the Company was preparing the removal of old ecological burdens and sanation of problematic localities of the area. The Fund of National Property placed an order to perform additional research and project documentation and appointed the firm TALPARPF, s.r.o. Ostrava to be the project manager. The TALPA - RPF, s.r.o. Ostrava performed the specification and complementation of the research results and prepared Final report about the research and project of sanation. They also prepared Apendix to the Final Report on requirement of the Czech enviroment inspection, where the localities in the area to be sanated were specified. These documents will serve for the Czech environment inspection to issue obligatory Decision about placing the correcting measures – sanations of old ecological burdens in the MSA, a.s. Dolní Bene- page 18 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 šov area. On the basis of Administration decision of the Czech enviroment inspection, the elaboration of „The project of realization of corrective measures“ will be assigned with expected opening of sanation works and usage of guarantee fund in 2008. Working environment At the beginning of the year the workplace pressure air-blast chamber and preparatory box was approved for use. By putting into operation of this workplace with efficient filters the dust particles emission into the environment was reduced. The year 2006 was in token of the research of the consumption of diluents, the varnish shop has been researched in order to minimize their consumption and to reduce the share of organic matter emmissions in the atmosphere. At the same time the fulfillment of the „Plan of waste management MSA, a.s.“ have been executed, i.e. the reduction of non-recyclable waste production, the support of classification of recyclable waste, the efficient management of oil management and the reduction of biologically decomposable waste on waste dump etc. Financial part Financial part » BALANCE SHEET full version – modify at 31/12/2006 (in thousands CZK) Denotation a A. B. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. I. 1. 2. 3. page 20 ASSETS b TOTAL ASSETS Receivables for capital subscription Fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Incorporation expenses Research and development Software Valuable rights Goodwill Other intangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets in progress Advance payments for intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Land Buildings Individual movable assets and sets of movable assets Perennial crops Breeding and draught animals Other tangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets in progress Advance payments for tangible fixed assets Price difference to acquired assets Long-term financial assets Shares in controled enterprises Shares in enterprises under substantial influence Other securities and ownership interests Loans and credits to controlled entities and accounting units under substantial influence Other long-term financial assets Acquired long-term financial assets Advancements for long-term financial assets Current assets Inventory Materials Work-in-progress and semi-finished products Products Animals Merchandise Advance payments for inventory Long-term receivables Trade receivables Receivables from controlled entities Receivables from accounting units under substantial influence Receivables from partners, members of cooperative and in participants in association Long-term advance payments made Estimated receivables Other receivables Deferred tax receivable Short-term receivables Trade receivables Receivables from controlled entities Receivables from accounting units under substantial influence Receivables from partners, members of cooperative and in participants in association Social security and health insurance State - tax receivables Short-term advance payments made Estimated receivables Other receivables Short-term financial assets Cash Bank accounts Short-term securities and shares Acquired short-term financial assets Temporary accounts of assets Deferred expenses Complex deferred expenses Accrued revenue / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Current accounting period Gross Adjustment Net 1 2 3 2,038,712 -815,253 1,223,459 Prev. period Net 31/12/2005 952,473 1,042,627 25,693 -768,023 -23,056 274,604 2,637 272,136 4,542 25,495 45 -23,011 -45 2,484 4,542 153 153 1,008,758 17,499 409,312 545,593 -744,346 264,412 17,499 182,282 45,811 259,394 17,680 186,102 40,826 33,594 660 2,100 -17,534 16,060 660 2,100 12,376 2,410 8,176 8,134 42 -621 -588 -33 7,555 7,546 9 8,200 8,151 49 986,696 358,834 194,055 94,851 63,702 -47,230 -35,291 -4,751 -11,127 -18,371 939,466 323,543 189,304 83,724 45,331 671,010 371,669 196,005 107,799 65,154 6,226 -1,042 5,184 0 0 0 2,648 63 0 595,357 530,390 -11,939 -2,815 583,418 527,575 252,815 226,140 20,031 2,714 356 32,742 32,505 142 32,363 9,538 5,037 237 11,863 46,526 186 28,898 17,442 9,389 9,311 9,327 9,245 78 82 20,031 2,827 356 41,753 32,505 142 32,363 9,389 9,311 78 -227,030 -499,782 -113 -9,011 0 0 Financial part Denotation a A. I. 1. 2. 3. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. III. 1. 2. IV. 1. 2. V. B. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. IV. 1. 2. 3. C. I. 1. 2. LIABILITIES b Current accounting period 5 TOTAL LIABILITIES Equity Registered capital Registered capital Own shares and own business shares (-) Changes in registered capital Capital funds Share premium Other capital funds Price differences from revaluation of assets and liabilities Price differences from revaluation during transformation Reserve funds, indivisible fund and other funds from net profit Legal reserve fund/indivisible fund Statutory and other funds Profit / loss of previous years Retained earnings from previous years Accumulated losses from previous years Profit / loss of current accounting period (+/-) Other resources Reserves Reserves under special legal regulations Reserves for pension and for similar liabilities Income tax reserve Other reserves Long-term liabilities Trade liabilities Liabilities to controlled entities Liabilities to accounting units under substantial influence Liabilities to partners, members of cooperative and participants in association Long-term advance payments received Bonds issued Long-term bills of exchange to be paid Estimated liabilities Other liabilities Deferred tax liability Short-term liabilities Trade liabilities Liabilities to controlled entities Liabilities to accounting units under substantial influence Liabilities to partners, members of cooperative and participants in association Liabilities to employees Liabilities from social security and health insurance State – tax liabilities and subsidies Short-term advance payments received Bonds issued Estimated liabilities Other liabilities Bank credits and assistances Long-term bank credits Short-term bank credits Short-term financial assistance Temporary accounts of liabilities Accrued expenses Deferred revenue / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Previous accounting period 6 1,223,459 456,103 23,019 23,019 952,473 453,619 23,019 23,019 36 -909 93 -57 93 -1,002 326,373 100,986 225,387 92,322 92,322 326,373 100,986 225,387 67,462 67,462 14,353 764,645 15,203 37,674 497,786 3,868 15,203 0 3,868 0 306,003 240,374 298,102 252,918 9,197 4,966 1,206 9,528 7,982 5,245 1,447 20,944 40,150 582 443,439 36,011 407,428 9,190 376 195,816 42,415 153,401 2,711 2,711 1,068 1,068 page 21 Financial part » P R O F I T & L O S S AC C O U N T f u l l v e rs i o n – m o d i f y a t 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 (in thousands CZK) Denotation a I. A. + II. 1. 2. 3. B. 1. 2. + C. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. E. III. 1. 2. F. 1. 2. Revenues from goods sold Costs of goods sold Sale margin Production Revenues from finished products and services Changes in inventory of own production Capitalization (of own work) Consumption from production Consumption of material and energy Services Value added Personnel expenses Wages and salaries Bonuses to board members Social and health insurance Other social expenses Taxes and fees Amortization of intangible and tangible assets Revenues from intangibles, tangibles and material sold Revenues from intangibles and tangibles sold Revenues from material sold Net book value of intangibles, tangibles and material sold Net book value of intangibles, tangibles sold Material sold Change in reserves, adjustments and prepaid expenses and complex deferred expenses G. IV. Other operational revenues Other operational expenses Transfer of operational revenues Transfer of operational expenses Net operating result Revenues from sale of securities and deposits Sold securities and deposits Revenues from financial investments H. V. I. * VI. J. VII. 1. 2. 3. VIII. K. IX. L. M. X. N. XI. O. XII. P. * Q. 1. 2. ** XIII. R. S. 1. 2. * T. *** **** page 22 Current 01–12/2006 b Revenues from shares in controled enterprises and in enterprises under substantial influence Revenues from other securities and deposits Revenues from other financial investments Revenues from short-term financial assets Financial assets expenses Revaluation of property securities revenues and financial derivates Revaluation of property securities expenses and financial derivates Change in financial reserves and adjustments Interest revenues Interest expenses Other financial revenues Other financial expenses Transfer of financial revenues Transfer of financial expenses Net result from financial activity Income tax on ordinary activity - Due - Deferred Net result after taxation from ordinary activity Extraordinary revenues Extraordinary expenses Income tax on extraordinary activity - Due - Deferred Net result from extraordinary activity Income distribution to partners (+/-) Net profit / loss for the accounting period (+/-) Profit / loss before taxation / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Previous period 5/2004–12/2005 87,256 73,992 13,264 1,687,773 1,633,551 -22,300 76,522 1,400,167 1,106,693 293,474 300,870 211,714 149,627 3,880 52,286 5,921 899 32,008 34,780 22,215 12,565 30,786 18,287 12,499 220,087 185,574 34,513 1,864,526 1,890,624 -65,177 39,079 1,533,700 1,235,801 297,899 365,339 289,858 209,336 2,060 72,358 6,104 2,546 55,914 23,232 3,249 19,983 27,373 2 27,371 28,049 -38,747 425,894 439,949 899,589 897,310 18,139 53,906 131 131 0 700 700 1 121 36,855 4,153 620 682 13,212 81,716 77,572 15,430 18,343 24,397 0 1,566 0 42,536 -28,133 50 0 55,472 285 158 0 -28,183 127 14,353 14,353 55,599 55,599 974 13,027 95,288 78,877 Financial part » T h e s t a t e m e n t o f C A S H - F L O W at 31/12/2006 (in thousands CZK) Denotation TEXT P. The state of financial devices and equivalents at the beginning of period Z. Accounting profits and losses from current activity before taxing Cash flow from the main job (operations) A.1. Alternations with no financial operations Depreciation of fixed assets, except from BP of sold stable assets, and the amortisation of adjusting A.1.1. entry for the purchase of assets A.1.2. The changes of the state of adjusting entries, reserves A.1.3. Profit (loss) from the sale of fixed assets A.1.4. Revenues from dividends and shares from profits A.1.5. Charged interests from costs (except from capitalized) and revenues A* Net cash flow from operations before taxation, changes of working capital and special adjusting entries A.2. Status change of no financial items of working capital A.2.1. Status change of debts from operations, active accounts of adjustments and conjectural active accounts A.2.2. Status change of short-term liabilities from job, passive accounts of adjustments and conjectural passive accounts A.2.3. Status change of reserves A.2.4. Status change of short-term financial assets - not included into financial devices and equivalents A** Net cash flow from the operations before taxation and special items A.3. Paid-off interests, except from capitalized interests A.4. Accepted interests A.5. Paid income tax of current activity and retrospective assessments from last periods A.6. PIncomes and costs of special accounting items, including paid income tax due of special activity A.7. Accepted dividends and shares from profit A*** Net cash flow from operations Cash flow from investment operations B.1. Costs connected with the purchase of long-term assets B.2. Incomes from the sale of fix assets B.3. Loans and credits for allied companies B*** Net cash flow regarding to investment operations Cash flow from financial operations C.1. Status change of long-term, or short-term liabilities of credit pattern Period under consideration at 31. 12. 2006 29,084 42,536 73,429 37,478 28,049 -3,928 -700 12,530 115,965 -304,321 -358,510 9,547 27,200 17,442 -188,356 -13,212 682 0 -855 700 -201,041 -52,566 22,215 0 -30,351 247,626 C.2. Change impacts of shareholder‘s capital on financial devices and equivalents of funds, including paid advances on the increase -12,814 C.2.1. C.2.2. C.2.3. C.2.4. C.2.5. C.2.6. C*** F. R. Increase of financial devices from the title of increased BC, emission premium, or reserved Payment of shareholder‘s capital shares to partners (dividends) Other financial deposits of partners and shareholder‘s Payment of losses by partners Direct payments place of debit of funds Paid dividends or shares from profit, including paid tax deducted Net cash flow regarding to financial operations Net increase or decrease of financial devices Status of financial devices and equivalents at the end of period 0 -12,814 0 0 0 0 234,812 3,421 32,505 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 23 Financial part » A P P E N D I X F O R S P E C I A L FINANCIAL STATEMENT Compiled for the period from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 (in thousands of CZK, if the other currency is not mentioned) 1. The foundation and characteristics of the company MSA, a.s. („the company“) was registered into the Companies Register at 30th April 1992 at the Regional Court in Ostrava, section B, number of insert 388, identification number 45192278. The company’s principal activity is the manufacture of valves. Company owners The shareholders of the company are by 31st December 2006: MSA Holding, a.s. 100 % Company registered office MSA, a.s. Hlučínská 41 Dolní Benešov 747 22 Changes in the Companies Register In the course of 2006, the following changes which were recorded in the Companies Register were realised: 1) By 16/1/2006 the company MSA Holding a.s. (IN 27415716) was established by the fusion of the companies Noto Estates, s.r.o. (IN 27135331) and San Consulting, a.s. (IN 27105709), whereas the property of expirable companies passed over the succession company, including rights and duties. The succession company MSA Holding, a.s. became 100 % owner of MSA, a.s. because the expirable company San Consulting, a.s. had owned 100 % shares of MSA, a.s. 2) The other changes recorded in the Companies Register regarded to the structure of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board: page 24 - by 7/9/2006 Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. was erased from the position of the Chairmain of the Board of Directors, Ing. František Šamal and Ing. Pavel Maier were erased as the members of the Board of Directors (in the position till 1/8/2006) - by the same day (7/9/2006) Ing. Jozef Leščišin was registered as the member of the Board of Directors (since 1/8/2006) and the Chairmain of the Board of Directors (since 2/8/2006); and Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. (since 1/8/2006) and Valery Nikolaevich Shipilov (since 1/8/2006) were registered as the members of the Board of Directors - by 7/9/2006 Stephen Lukas was erased from the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Ing. Pavol Peťko from the position of the member of the Supervisory Board (in the position till 1/8/2006) - by 7/9/2006 Stephen Lukas, Sergej Igorevich Moiseyev, Viktor Mikhailovich Fedotov and Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko were registered as the members of the Supervisory Board (since 1/8/2006) - by 26/10/2006 Mr. Miloslav Sonnek was registered as the member of the Supervisory Board (since 13/9/2006) - by 26/10/2006 Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko was registered as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board (in the position since 21/9/2006) / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part Members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board by 31/12/2006 Members of the Board of Directors Ing. Jozef Leščišin chairman Valery Nikolaevich Shipilov member Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. member Members of the Supervisory Board Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko chairman Sergey Igorevich Moiseyev member Viktor Mikhailovich Fedotov member Stephen Lukas member Leo Stařinský member Miloslav Sonnek member Company management by 31/12/2006 Ing. Pavel Maier Executive Director Ing. František Šamal Sales Director Ing. Jan Halfar Production Director Ing. Pavlína Gratzová Purchase Director Ing. Pavol Peťko Quality Assurance Director vacant - Ing. Ivana Hamerková in charge of the controlling of the economic department Economic Director Structure of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board has changed in 2006 and since the beginning of 2007 (till the compiling of the appendix) By 1/8/2006 on the basis of the decision of the only shareholder, Ing. Karel Ren CSc. was repealed from the position of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Ing. Pavel Maier and Ing. František Šamal were repealed from the position of the members of the Board of Directors. By the same day, Ing. Karel Ren CSc., Valery Nikolaevich Shipilov and Ing. Jozef Leščišin were appointed as the members of the Board of Directors. Ing. Jozef Leščišin was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors by 2/8/2006. By 1/8/2006 on the basis of the decision of the only shareholder, Mr. Stephen Lukas (still is the member of the Supervisory Board) was repealed from the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Ing. Pavol Peťko was repealed from the position of the member of the Supervisory Board. By the same day, Sergey Igorevich Moiseyev, Viktor Mikhailovich Fedotov and Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko were appointed as the members of the Supervisory Board. The election for the purpose of completing the Supervisory Board according to the Articles of Association took place in MSA, a.s. from 12/9/2006 to 13/9/2006. On the basis of the results of the election, Mr. Miloslav Sonnek was appointed as the member of the Supervisory Board. By 21/9/2006 Mr. Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko was appointed as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. By 31/12/2006 on the basis of the decision of the only shareholder, Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. was repealed from the position of the member of the Board of Directors and by 1/2/2007 Ing. Ivana Hamerková was appointed as the member of the Board of Directors. By 31/12/2006 on the basis of the decision of the only shareholder, Mr. Stephen Lukas was repealed from the position of the member of the Supervisory Board and by 1/2/2007 Mr. Evgeny Genadievich Golovachev was appointed as the member of the Supervisory Board. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 25 Financial part Company management has changed in 2006 and since the beginning of 2007 (till the compiling of the appendix) By 2/8/2006 Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. was repealed from the position of General Director and the position has not been occupied till nowadays, all rights and duties have passed over the Chairman of the Board of Directors. By 12/9/2006 Ing. Světluše Kozikowská resigned from the position of the Economic Director and Ing. Ivana Hamerková has been in charge of the controlling of the Economic department since the following day. By 1/2/2007 she was appointed as the Economic Director. By 31/12/2006 Ing. František Šamal resigned from the position of the Sales Director. Temporarily till the appointment of new Sales Director, Mgr. Stanislav Herudek was in charge of the controlling of the Sales department in the area of business and dealing with customers since 22/1/2007 and Mr. Miloslav Sonnek was in charge of the controlling of the Sales department in area of plan creation and checking of fulfilment of the plan since the same day. By 1/2/2007 two Sales Directors were appointed, Mgr. Stanislav Herudek as the Overseas Sales Director and Ing. Michael Slaný as the Sales Director for Europe. Present Production Director Ing. Jan Halfar was appointed as the Technical Director by 1/2/2007. Mr. Josef Stacha was in charge of the controlling of the Production department in February 2007 and Ing. Jaromír Nenička, MBA was appointed as the Production Director by 1/3/2007. The Purchase Director Ing. Pavlína Gratzová resigned from her position by 6/2/2007, and since then Ing. Pavel Maier has been in charge of the controlling of the Purchase department. Company structure Meeting of shareholders Supervisory Board Board of Directors General Director Executive Director Economic department Sales department Representative of QMS Management Production department Purchase department Quality assurance department 2. Accounting methods and principles applied by the company The special financial statement was compiled for the accounting period 1/1/2006 – 31/12/2006. In the column of the Current accounting period there are data for the period from January to December 2006 (for Profit and Loss Account) and data by 31/12/2006 (for Balance Sheet). In the column of the Previous accounting period there are data from May 2004 to December 2005 (for Profit and Loss Account) and data by 31/12/2005 (for Balance Sheet). page 26 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part (a) Tangible and intangible fixed assets Valuation Tangible and intangible fixed assets are recorded at acquisition price. Tangible fixed assets up to 40 thousand CZK and intangible fixed assets up to 60 thousand CZK are not recorded in the Balance Sheet and are charged as expense at its purchase, or at its consumption, except for assets purchased after the leasing termination which are recorded at purchase price or at reproduction price as tangible fixed assets, except from the models, which are recorded as other tangible fixed assets, and except from computer technology, which is also recorded as tangible fixed assets. The expenses for repairs and maintenance of tangible and intangible fixed assets are charged directly into the costs. Technical valuation of assets exceeding the sum determined by Income Tax Act is capitalised into the value of assets. Depreciation and amortization methods Tangible fixed assets are depreciated and intangible fixed assets are amortized according to a depreciation/amortization plan indirectly through adjustments based on expected operating life. These rates differ from those used for accounting purposes. The depreciation of the tangible fixed assets and the amortization of the intangible fixed assets begins in a month following the month when the assets were integrated into utilisation, except from the technical valuation, which is depreciated since the month of capitalisation. In case of disposal of assets, which are not fully depreciated, the last depreciation is recorded in the month preceding the month of disposal. The following chart shows methods and terms of depreciation/amortization according to groups of assets: Assets Method Depreciation/Amortization Period Buildings Linear 20 – 77 years Machines and instruments Linear 4 – 17 years Cars and other motor vehicles Linear 4 – 17 years Other intangible assets Linear 5 years Software Linear 4 years (b) Long-term financial assets Stocks and shares of the company which represent the participation with dominant and important influence are evaluated by acquisition price. Other stocks and shares are evaluated by the real value at the end of the balance sheet day. (c) Inventory Material inventory are valued at fixed, pre-determined acquisition prices, the difference between the fixed price and actual acquisition price and expenses related to acquisition (customs, freight, certificates etc.) is recorded separately. The variance from the actual acquisition price and expenses related to inventory of material acquisition are dissolved to expenses on monthly basis, depending on the decrease in material inventory and according to pre-determined method. Inventory of material produced by own activities, inventory of work-in progress and finished product inventory are valuated at own production costs involving direct costs, production overheads and provision overheads depending on the stage of completion. Inventory of goods are valuated at acquisition price. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 27 Financial part (d) Adjustment and reserve determination The company creates adjustments to tangible fixed assets, long-term financial assets, debts and inventory. Tangible fixed assets Adjustment to tangible fixed assets is created on the basis of the applicability analysis. Long-term financial assets Adjustment to long-term financial assets is created by the company in the amount of the difference between the valuation of long-term financial assets and the amount of shareholders´ capital, if it is lower than the valuation of long-term financial assets. Debts The company determines the adjustment to doubtful debts on the basis of own analysis of client’s solvency. Inventory Adjustments are created on the basis of an individual analysis of the inventory age structure and then in case of inventory inefficiency regarding to current production program. Reserve creation The company creates reserves for its future liabilities. As at the date of the Financial Statement, the company has created a reserve for warranty repairs of its products and a reserve for conventional fines not yet invoiced. (e) Foreign currency conversion In order to calculate foreign currency conversions for a foreign currency transaction during a fiscal year, the company uses the Czech National Bank’s exchange rate applying to the company and valid on the date following its announcement by the Czech National Bank, except for: foreign currency cash withdrawals, where the company uses the exchange rate of commercial bank valid on the day of withdrawal; payments in a foreign currency which the bank does not accept and the payment is credited to a CZK account and converted by means of the bank’s exchange rate; conversion of domestic supplier invoices made out in a foreign currency, where the supplier’s exchange rate is used. As at the date of the Financial Statements, all the assets and liabilities record kept in foreign currencies have been converted to CZK by means of the exchange rate announced by the Czech National Bank on the Financial Statement date – in accordance with Section 24, Clause 2, Item a), of the Accounting Act No. 563/1991 of the Czech Collection. Exchange rate profits and losses are recorded in the Profit and Loss Account. (f) Derivates Derivates are valuated according to Section 52 and 53 of the Decree No. 500/2002 of the Czech Code Collection, as amended. The company has decided to treat all derivates as those held for trading. The change of real value was recorded into the Profit and Loss Account. (g) Research and development Research and development costs (expenses) are monitored in manufacturing orders through work-in progress. The total value of individual manufacturing orders completed in the given year is capitalised and fully amortized to expenses. Material results of research and development activities are recorded in sub-ledger accounts at acquisition prices. page 28 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part (h) Leased assets The company records the assets held under finance leases as follows: the leasing payments are included in expenses on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Upon the lease termination and purchase of the object of leasing, the object is included in assets at purchase price or reproduction price. (i) Income tax Deferred tax The deferred tax results from any temporary differences between the book value and tax value of assets and liabilities using the expected tax rate valid for the forthcoming accounting period. The company records deferred tax receivable only if there is no doubt that it will be exercised in the forthcoming accounting periods. Tax due The tax due is calculated according to tax regulations generally valid in the Czech Republic. (j) Revenues Company revenues from the principal activity are recorded in the period when the products, goods or services were delivered or provided to the customer. 3. Change in accounting methods and procedures The company did not change valuation methods in the tax period from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006. 4. Fixed assets (a) Intangible fixed assets (IFA) Acquisition price Balance at 1/1/2006 Increase Decrease Balance at 31/12/2006 Software Valuable rights IFA in progress Total 25,233 45 0 25,278 262 0 415 677 0 0 -262 -262 25,495 45 153 25,693 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 29 Financial part Accumulated amortization Software Balance at 1/1/2006 Increase Decrease Valuable rights IFA in progress Total 20,691 45 0 20,736 2,320 0 0 2,320 0 0 0 0 23,011 45 0 23,056 Net book value at 1/1/2006 4,542 0 0 4,542 Net book value at 31/12/2006 2,484 0 153 2,637 Balance at 31/12/2006 (b) Tangible fixed assets (TFA) Structures and buildings Machines and equipment 17,680 407,322 461,532 48,153 25,972 2,410 0 28,687 991,756 0 3,852 24,860 775 0 45,049 18,110 4,907 97,553 Acquisition price Land Balance at 1/1/2006 Increase Decrease Other machines and equipment Vehicles TFA in progress Deposits Other TFA Total -181 -1,862 -14,734 -872 -93 -46,799 -16,010 0 -80,551 17,499 409,312 471,658 48,056 25,879 660 2,100 33,594 1,008,758 Balance at 1/1/2006 0 198,057 428,343 43,017 22,595 0 0 16,311 708,323 Increase 0 8,482 18,325 1,355 1,372 0 0 1,223 30,757 Decrease 0 -1,862 -14,734 -872 -93 0 0 0 -17,561 Balance at 31/12/2006 0 204,676 431,934 43,500 23,874 0 0 17,534 721,518 Balance at 1/1/2006 0 23,163 0 48 828 0 0 0 24,039 Increase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Decrease 0 -809 0 -48 -354 0 0 0 -1,211 Balance at 31/12/2006 0 22,354 0 0 474 0 0 0 22,828 Total adjustments and accumulated amortization at 1/1/2006 0 221,220 428,343 43,065 23,423 0 0 16,311 732,362 Total adjustments and accumulated amortization at 31/12/2006 0 227,030 431,934 43,500 24,348 0 0 17,534 744,346 Net book value at 1/1/2006 17,680 186,102 33,189 5,088 2,549 2,410 0 12,376 259,394 Net book value at 31/12/2006 17,499 182,282 39,724 4,556 1,531 660 2,100 16,060 264,412 Balance at 31/12/2006 Accumulated amortization Adjustments Among to the most significant technical valuation of the tangible fixed assets in the period of 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 belong: - - - - - page 30 the modernisation of vertical turning machine – IN 7309 in an amount of 4,195 thousand CZK the reconstruction and modernisation of vertical turning machine - IN 7641 in an amount of 2,605 thousand CZK the reconstruction of machining centre – IN 9643 in an amount of 3,500 thousand CZK the technical valuation of “heavy-industry” hall – IN 7698 in an amount of 2,770 thousand CZK (building-up of bases for machines, extension of central heating, reconstruction of floor) the modernisation of special drill – IN 7394 in an amount of 1,023 thousand CZK / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part Among to the most significant purchase of tangible fixed assets in the period of 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 belong: - - - - - the horizontal drill – IN A0422 – acquisition price is 1,859 thousand CZK the water compressed mill – IN A0427 - acquisition price is 1,400 thousand CZK the equipment for colour-sprayed coating – IN A0320 - acquisition price is 1,348 thousand CZK the folding table positioner – IN A0389 - acquisition price is 903 thousand CZK the high-pressure piping + pressure test room DUS - acquisition price is 846 thousand CZK In the period of 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 the tangible fixed assets in an amount of 22,215 thousand CZK were sold off. The biggest item was the sale of the equipment for circumferential welding in an amount of 610 thousand EUR, which means 17,220 thousand CZK, leased by the company by the form of financial leasing; then the store hall was sold off in an amount of 3,979 thousand CZK. Net book value of the sold-off assets was 18,287 thousand CZK, from which the most significant amount represents the sale of the equipment for circumferential welding leased by the company by the form of financial leasing. The assets of total acquisition price of 8,957 thousand CZK were scrapped. Net book value of the scrapped assets in an amount of 31 thousand CZK was covered by the adjustment which was dissolved into revenues at the same time. 5. Low-value tangible and intangible fixed assets In accordance with the accounting procedures specified under Item 2 (a), the company expenses low-value tangible and intangible assets in the year in which they are purchased or consumed. The total accumulated acquisition prices of the low-value tangible and intangible assets that are still in use and recorded in sub-ledger accounts are the following: Data in thousands of CZK 31/12/2006 Low-value intangible fixed assets (software) 31/12/2005 3,747 3,329 Fixtures and fittings 26,062 26,367 Models (incl. models registered in TFA) 96,796 103,733 Agents 74,934 71,581 Tools 60,367 56,404 Total 261,905 261,414 6. Long-term financial assets Shares Acquisition price Currency * Value share in equity *Total pre-tax Book value Book value profit at 31/12/2006 at 31/12/2006 at 31/12/2006 Shares in operated and controlled entities In thousands of CZK ZPA Moravia s.r.o. 35 % 70,000 CZK 108 104 70 70 MSA Slovakia s.r.o. 100 % 500,000 SKK -858 -930 399 383 Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o. 70 % 7,476,000 CZK 11,234 1,302 7,476 7,476 BULTRADE MSA, Ltd., Sofie 66 % 9,030 USD ** -547 189 222 8,134 8,151 Total Shares in accounting entities under majority influence „LOZNICA-GAS“ A.D. Loznica 20 % In thousands of CZK 2,000 USD 9,092 Total 503 42 49 42 49 * Data comes out from non-auditive results at 31/12/2006. ** Value is not known at the date of the compiling of the appendix. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 31 Financial part Adjustments to shares 31/12/2006 31/12/2005 ZPA Moravia s.r.o. MSA Slovakia s.r.o. 0 0 399 0 0 0 189 0 Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o. BULTRADE MSA, Ltd., Sofie „LOZNICA-GAS“ A.D. Loznica Total 33 0 621 0 The company had the revenues from the title of received dividend in an amount of 700 thousand CZK from Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o. in 2006. Registered offices of the affiliated companies: ZPA MORAVIA s.r.o., Hlučínská 41, Dolní Benešov, post code: 747 22, Czech Republic Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o., Hlučínská 41, Dolní Benešov, post code: 747 22, Czech Republic BULTRADE MSA Ltd. Sofie, ul. Kozloduj 20-28, bl. 5, Bulgaria „LOZNICA-GAS“A.D. Loznica, ul. Vere Blagojevič b. b., Serbia and Montenegro MSA Slovakia s.r.o., Hurbanovo nam. 3, Bratislava, post code: 811 06, Slovakia 7. Inventory An analysis (based on a physical stocktaking carried out at 31/12/2006) of inventory and adjustments to them was performed. Adjustments at the date of the Financial Statement are follows: Adjustments to inventory 31/12/2006 Adjustments to stock material 31/12/2005 4,751 Adjustments to semi-finished products of own production 5,423 122 103 Adjustments to work-in progress 11,005 4,507 Adjustments to products in stock 18,371 3,290 1,042 1,042 35,291 14,365 Adjustments to merchandise in stock Adjustments to inventory - total The creation of adjustments within the range of 9.83% to total inventory covers potentional devaluation of inventory, including known and expected risks and losses. 8. Trade receivables, trade payables and other receivables and payables (a) Total value of short-term and long-term receivables from trade relationships, excluding advance payments paid, is 530,390 thousand CZK (at 31/12/2005 the value was 231,564 thousand CZK), of which other receivables represent 364 thousand CZK from total value. The adjustment in an amount of 2,815 thousand CZK was created for the receivables from current trade relationships in an amount of 530,390 thousand CZK, from which the amount of 6,998 thousand CZK is overdue more than 180 days. The receivables from trade relationships in an amount of 130,584 thousand CZK have been pledged for the benefit of ČSOB, a.s. and the amount of 87,472 thousand CZK for the benefit of VOLKSBANK CZ, a.s. as a security for loans. The receivables in an amount of 33,035 thousand CZK have been pledged for the benefit of Raiffeisenbank, a.s. as a security of production financing. (b) Short-term payables from the trade relationships excluding advance payments paid are 240,374 thousand CZK in total (at 31/12/2005 they were 252,918 thousand CZK). Other payables represent the value of 582 thousand CZK. Short-term payables from current trade relationships are 238,968 thousand CZK. The company records no payables overdue more than 180 day by 31/12/2006. page 32 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part (c) The other short-term and long-terms receivables are recorded in an amount of 64,967 thousand CZK (at 31/12/2005 it was 36,192 thousand CZK) and particularly include receivables in respect of an excessive value added tax deduction, advance payments paid, estimated receivables and other receivables. Other receivables particularly consist of those from bankrupt companies such as SEZOOZ OIL, a.s. Zlín for which the company has made 100 % adjustments, as well as the receivable from the company TRANSFI NANCE, a.s., in respect of transfer of receivables from the State within a factoring financing and receivables from foreign companies in respect of securing foreign trade transactions. The most significant item shown in other receivables is valuation of derivates for which derivates contract was made with ČSOB, a.s. with settlement dates in 2007. According to expert opinion, these contracts are of hedging derivate character and their real value was evaluated as a receivable in an amount of 32,224 thousand CZK at 31/12/2006 (at 31/12/2005 the value of receivables was in an amount of 3,183 thousand CZK and payable was in an amount of 4,632 thousand CZK). In accordance with item 2 (f), these derivates were treated as derivates held for trading. (d) The other short-term payables of the company in an amount of 65,629 thousand CZK (at 31/12/2005 the short-terms payables were 45,184 thousand CZK) include payroll payables, social security and health insurance payables, payables to the State, estimated payables, advance payments received and other payables – e.g. in respect of life insurance and supplementary pension insurance. 9. Adjustments Adjustment to long-term financial assets Adjustment to TFA Balance at 31/12/2005 Adjustment to trade receivables, including advance payments Adjustment to inventory Total 24,039 0 14,365 Creation from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 0 621 27,913 2,266 0 30,800 Clearing from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 -1,211 0 -6,987 -4,818 -450 -13,466 22,828 621 35,291 2,928 9,011 70,679 Balance at 31/12/2006 5,480 Adjustment to other receivables 9,461 53,345 10. Reserves Reserve for warranty repairs Balance at 31/12/2005 Reserve for unsettled proceedings Reserves for conventional fines not yet invoiced Reserve for severance payments 2,768 0 Creation from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 5,182 Clearing from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 -2,768 Balance at 31/12/2006 5,182 Reserves for exchange rate losses Total 0 1,100 0 3,868 0 3,915 10,021 - 19,118 - -3,915 -1,100 - -7,783 0 0 10,021 0 15,203 11. Share capital The company’s registered (authorised) capital in an amount of 23,019,480 CZK is made up of 1,534,632 bearer ordinary shares of nominal value of 15 CZK per each, issued in form of certificates. The company has a principal shareholder – the company MSA Holding, a.s. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 33 Financial part 12. Equity (a) Overview of equity movements Trading income Registered capital Balance at 31/12/2005 Statutory reserve fund Current period Previous years 55,599 49,537 -55,599 55,599 0 -12,814 -12,814 23,019 Accounting for profit for 2005 Dividend payout Trading income of 2006 100,986 Capital funds 224,478 14,353 23,019 453,619 14,353 Valuation differences for 2006 Balance at 31/12/2006 Total 14,353 92,322 100,986 945 945 225,423 456,103 The changes in equity influenced the result of trading income of 2006 and valuation differences of the subsidiary companies in course of the period from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006. Dividends in an amount of 12,814 thousand CZK were paid off to the only shareholder of MSA Holding, a.s. in 2006. 13. Bank loans (a) Credit limit amounts – short-term credits Credit provider ČSOB, a.s. Raiffeisenbank, a.s. Volksbank CZ, a.s. Limit amount Credit limit purpose 484/04/09118 485/04/09118 513/04/09118 170 mil. CZK 98.5 mil. CZK Not fixed ✔ 152554/01/05 160 mil. CZK ✔ 152554/01/06 160 mil. CZK Contract termination date Balance at 31/12/2006 in thous. CZK 120 mil. CZK; receivable financing 50 mil. CZK; financing of inventory ✔ 98.5 mil. CZK; letters of credit and bank’s guarantees ✔ 15 mil. CZK; foreign exchange transactions 14/9/2007 14/9/2007 14/9/2007 unlimited 120,000 50,000 42,543 0 50 mil. CZK; short-term fixed credits - financing of inventory ✔ 30 mil. CZK; bank overdraft - financing of inventory ✔ 80 mil. CZK; financing of production + 18 mil. CZK not included into the limit amount ✔ 80 mil CZK; bank’s guarantees and letters of credit ✔ general treasury contract 31/7/2007 50,000 ✔ 30,000 82,898 150 31/07/2007 3 mil. EUR ✔ 3 mil. EUR; bank overdraft – financing of production 30/09/2007 73,482 3.5 mil. EUR ✔ 3.5 mil. EUR; bank’s guarantees and letters of credit 30/09/2007 48,855 1 mil. EUR ✔ 1 mil. EUR; treasury limit Till 1 year Total 497,928 Bank loans: 406,380 Bank’s guarantees: 91,548 The company had passive balance at current account in an amount of 1,048 thousand CZK at 31/12/2006. Total limit amount of the shortterm loans is 407,428 thousand CZK. page 34 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part Securing of bank credits: ČSOB, a.s. ✔ contract of bailment – receivables in an amount of 130,584 thousand CZK ✔ contract of bailment – real property in an amount of 168,831 thousand CZK ✔ contract of fulfilment of exchange law - 3 blank bills Raiffeisenbank, a.s. ✔ contract of bailment – receivables in an amount of 33,035 thousand CZK ✔ contract of bailment – time deposit to bank’s guarantees in an amount of 38 thousand CZK ✔ contract of conveyance of owner’s right – reserves in an amount of 378,017 thousand CZK ✔ contract of fulfilment of exchange law - 3 blank bills Volksbank CZ, a.s. ✔ assurance contract of assignment of receivables – receivables in an amount of 87,472 thousand CZK ✔ contract of bailment – time deposit to bank’s guarantees in an amount of 9,504 thousand CZK ✔ contract of conveyance of owner’s right – inventory in an amount of 10,833 thousand CZK ✔ contract of multifunction line – 2 blank bills (b) Long-term bank credits received ČSOB, a.s. Balance at 31/12/2006 Total credit amount Credit drawing and repayment Quarterly payment Credit due date Balance in thousands of CZK 1,725,000 USD quarterly 115,000 USD 30/9/2010 36,011 Securing of bank credits: ČSOB, a.s. ✔ contract of bailment – receivables in an amount of 130,584 thousand CZK ✔ contract of bailment – real property in an amount of 168,831 thousand CZK ✔ contract of bailment – stocks and shares (41 % bearer ordinary shares of MSA, a.s.) (c) Regulation criteria bank credit drawing for 2006 ČSOB, a.s. Limit Real state for 2006 Adjusted equity ratio > 45 % 37 % Current ratio > 50 % 73 % Return on sales > 1.5 % 1.1 % Limit Real state for 2006 Equity ratio (%) > 35 % 37 % Volksbank, a.s. Limit Real state for 2006 Share of equity on total liabilities > 35 % 37.3 % Return on sales > 2.5 % 2.4 % Raiffeisenbank a.s. The creation of adjustments to assets, inventory and receivables had the main influence on nonfulfilment of regulation criteria, which were defined by banks, in 2006. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 35 Financial part (d) Influence of estimated merger on indebtedness of the company In compliance with supposed decision of the only shareholder about the merger of the company MSA, a.s. with the companies MSA Holding, a.s. and ASM Holding, a.s. with record date of 1st April 2007 (see point 24 of the appendix for the special financial statement), the significant increase of share of foreign resources on the total financing of the company MSA, a.s. is supposed in consequence of the devolution of credit payables of the company ASM Holding, a.s. to MSA, a.s. (e) Factoring Besides the bank loans received, the company particularly uses the services of the factoring company TRANSFINANCE, a.s. to funds its operation. Debts are funded under a “Book and Bill Receivable Factorind Agreement” date 27th December 2002 and schedules to the Agreement. Possible obligations occurred on the side of MSA, a.s. are secured by a blank bill issued under the Factoring Agreement and an Agreement on the Authority to Make out Bills of Exchange. 14. Product range information Revenues from ordinary activity were formed as following: 2005 2006 Business activity I - valve production, work related to the production - abroad - domestic Total Business activity II - heat production, compressed air production, electric power distribution, waste disposal, water distribution, housing economy, development works, property leases and transport - abroad - domestic Total Business activity III - sale of merchandise 865,457 178,282 1,584,248 1,043,739 16,186 33,117 14,061 31,114 49,303 45,175 - abroad - domestic 84,913 2,343 39,118 2,093 87,256 41,211 - abroad - domestic 1,604,985 115,822 918,740 211,489 1,720,807 1,130,125 Total Total incomes I – III 1,503,886 80,362 Total 15. Employees and officers Average number of employees and officers and personal expenses: Number of employees by date Social security and health insurance expenses Social expenses 31/12/2006 2006 2006 2006 585 141,565 49,464 5,834 Employees Officers 5 8,062 2,822 87 590 149,627 52,286 5,921 31/12/2005 2005 2005 2005 543 116,237 39,747 3,590 6 6,931 2,425 32 549 123,168 42,172 3,622 Total Employees Officers Total page 36 Wages and salaries incl. other personal expenses / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part In the period from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 the company paid board member compensations in an amount of 3,880 thousand CZK. Social expenses include pension contribution for founders, allowance for canteen meals, allowance for contributory pension schemes of employees, expenses for physiotherapy, allowance for supplementary pension insurance and life insurance. Social security and health insurance liabilities, totalling 4,966 thousand CZK at 31st December 2006, which the company pays for the employees, were paid by the end of January 2007. Except for payroll payables for December 2006, the company has not registered at 31st December 2006 any wages and salaries unpaid to its employees for the past period. 16. Information on related parties (a) Trade receivables and payables The trade receivable and payable specified under item 8 include the following account balances connected with relationships to companies in the group and between related parties. Receivables 31/12/2006 Payables 31/12/2005 31/12/2006 31/12/2005 ZPA Moravia s.r.o. 182 150 18 8 MSA Slovakia s.r.o. 894 18,091 - - - - 6,695 3,590 BULTRADE MSA, Ltd., Sofie 459 - 7 - „LOZNICA-GAS“ A.D. Loznica Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o. 963 1,016 - - Ing. Karel Ren, Csc. - - 6 7 Stephen Lukas 3 - 19 6 MSA Holding, a.s. 4 4,184 - - MSA-KTS 16,782 - 3,126 - Total 19,287 23,441 9,871 3,611 (b) Expenses and revenues Company expenses 2006 ZPA Moravia s.r.o. Company revenues 2005 2006 2005 198 27 - - - - 16,493 15,747 1,898 897 BULTRADE MSA, Ltd., Sofie 7 - 629 5,480 „LOZNICA-GAS“ A.D. Loznica - - - 1,039 Ing. Karel Ren, Csc. 130 156 259 - Stephen Lukas 730 897 3 - MSA Slovakia s.r.o. Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o. MSA Holding, a.s. MSA-KTS Total 456 188 - 2,926 - 626 3,197 - 24,329 - 20,755 19,753 27,574 8,215 The most important item in respect the company’s expenses charged by Opravárenský závod MSA, s.r.o. includes costs for a repair of tangible assets. The revenues invoiced by the company to this subsidiary company are particularly made up of heat supplies, transformer station services and other services provided. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 37 Financial part The delivery of valves and related services were charged to the subsidiary companies BULTRADE MSA Ltd. and MSA-KTS, the rent of the compressed mill, usage of water, electricity, gas, phone charges were charged to the company ZPA Moravia s.r.o., the instalments of leasing contracts were charged to Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. and phone services were charged to Mr. Stephen Lukas. (c) Board member compensation Board of Director Number of members Compensations Supervisory board 2006 2005 2006 2005 3 3 6 3 3,268 780 612 480 The members of the Board of Directors and the Company Management use company cars also for business as well as private purposes. The board members did not have any obligations to the company in respect of a loan provided by the company, at the Financial Statement date. 17. Income tax (a) Tax due Calculation (estimate) of tax for period Assessment Actual fact 2006 05/04 – 12/05 Profit before taxation 14,353 55,599 Tax non-deductibles (+) 75,199 128,381 Tax deductible (-) -9,821 -79,135 Tax base 79,731 104,845 Tax loss deduction pursuant to Section 34, Clause 1,of the Income Tax Act -79,731 -104,845 Deduction of 10 % TFA according to Section 34, Clause 3, of the Income Tax Act 0 0 Deduction of other items 0 0 Income tax base 0 0 24 % 26 % 0 0 Tax rate Income tax In the tax period of 2006, the most important non-deductible items were the creation of reserves and adjustments which are not an expense for achieving, providing and maintaining incomes in accordance with the Income Tax Act No. 586/1992 of the Czech Code Collection. On other hand the most significant deductible items created in past periods were the dissolutions of reserves and adjustments. The biggest deductible item was the difference of book and tax depreciations in an amount of 14,780 thousand CZK. page 38 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part (b) Deferred tax Recorded deferred tax receivables and payables Receivables 2006 Difference between net book value and tax remaining value - Receivables in respect of conventional fines - Payables in respect of conventional fines Payables 5/2004 – 12/2005 2006 5/2004 – 12/2005 - -318 -4,040 - -29 -873 36 435 - - Adjustments to assets 5,479 5,769 - - Adjustments to inventory 8,470 3,448 - - - - - - 3,649 928 - - 14,520 35,359 - - Adjustments to receivables Reserves Losses of previous years Non-applied deduction of 10 % in respect of tangible fixed assets Deferred tax receivable/payable Compensation for related deferred receivables and payables Deferred tax receivable 892 895 - - 33,046 46,834 -347 -4,913 -347 -4,913 - - 32,699 41,921 - - In accordance with the accounting procedures specified under item 2 (i), the tax rate of 24 % was used to calculate the deferred tax. The deferred tax receivable in an amount of 32,699 thousand CZK was not recorded because there had been doubts about its possible exercise in the current and the following accounting periods. 18. Leases (a) Financial Lease The company has held long-term assets under financial leases which are recorded in operational documentation. List of assets held under financial leases by the company at 31st December 2006 (in CZK): Value (excl. VAT) of the object, excluding the profit margin of leasing company (passenger cars incl. VAT) Horizontal machining centre HCFH Machining centre – milling cutter FSQ Welding equipment for tiny spaces (Oerlikon) High-lift truck Vehicles Total Sum of leasing payments over the whole period of the lease expected Leasing payments actually paid at 31/12/2006 11,296,000 13,946,300 17,381,950 3,566,266 5,323,534 15,586,504 18,572,712 22,933,451 4,842,704 6,564,400 11,095,906 3,714,500 2,293,345 308,278 3,476,084 4,490,598 14,858,212 20,640,106 4,534,426 3,088,316 51,514,050 68,499,771 20,888,113 47,611,658 Remaining payments at 31/12/2006* * The amount of 13,469,716 CZK is due till 1 year from the amount of 47,611,658 CZK and the rest of the amount is due in following years. The payables towards the company ČSOB Leasing, a.s. in respect of providing of the financial leasing for machining centres and welding equipment for tiny spaces are secured by blank bills from the side of the leasing company. The leasing in an amount of 9,679 thousand CZK was charged into expenses in 2006. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 39 Financial part (b) Other Leases Total expenses regarding to other leases, including operating leases, are 2,801 thousand CZK. It represented especially operating leasing of copying machines and printers and the rents of flats. 19. Other receivables and payables not included in the balance sheet Bank guarantees provided (thousands of CZK) Securing Value Amount of guarantee provided Time deposit Other 5,929 1,186 EGAP Total VÚB, a.s. 15,685 3,137 EGAP + 1 blank bill Total Commerzbank 10,482 1,098 EGAP Total ČSOB, a.s. 42,543 - 1 blank bill 150 38 1 blank bill Total Volksbank CZ, a.s. 48,855 9,504 EGAP + 2 blank bills Total ČEB, a.s. 21,702 2,170 EGAP + 3 blank bills Total ČS, a.s. 3,193 - EGAP 148,539 17,133 - Total Bawag International Bank CZ, a.s. Total Raiffeisenbank, a.s. Total 20. Assets of market value highly exceeding book value The company only possesses assets purchased after termination of leasing contracts, which are recorded as tangible fixed assets at purchase price according to respective leasing contract. The most significant items are as follows: Description page 40 Acquisition price according to Lease Contract (CZK) Book Value (CZK) Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 45-75 119 578,989 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 49-05 119 543,050 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 29-67 119 284,900 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 29-66 119 284,900 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 29-65 119 543,050 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 29-64 119 543,050 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPN 29-63 119 284,900 Lorry Seat 1T0 8047 100 324,900 Passenger car Škoda Octavia OPM 32-49 122 578,000 Passenger car AUDI All Road 4.2 1T9 67-77 100 1,685,351 Trailer Jungheinrich EFC-Vac 30 100 684,900 Mobile drive-up ramp MR-9000 100 348,750 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part 21. Files of financial devices (for the purpose of cash flow) The company formulated the statement of cash flow with the usage of indirect method. The financial devices and equivalents of the survey about cash flow are represented by the money, which are mentioned on the line C.IV.1 in the Balance Sheet, and the bank accounts, which are mentioned on the line C.IV.2 in the Balance Sheet. by 31/12/2006 Balance in cash and mail-float time money Postage stamps by 31/12/2005 142 186 0 0 Bank accounts 32,363 28,898 Total 32,505 29,084 22. Special trading income The expenses regarding past years are charged in the special expenses. The revenues regarding past years are also charged in the special revenues. The most significant amount is No. 24-2034, invoice issued in 2005, and No. 60053905 in an amount of 1,309,064 USD (27,328 thousand CZK), on the customer ZAO “OMZ-NEMO”. The agreement about storage was also issued with the invoice in terms of which the products of customer were laid to store of MSA, a.s. However the customer refused to accept the products in 2006. The credit note was issued on the basis of the information, which influenced the special trading income. On the proposal of the auditory company, these products were transferred into work-in progress production in an amount of 11,345 thousand CZK and relevant adjustment was created in an amount of 11,005 thousand CZK. 23. Other important events By the virtue of the decision of the only shareholder, the merger of the companies MSA, a.s., MSA Holding, a.s. and ASM Holding, a.s. will be reached with record date of 1st April 2007. In consequences of the decision, the Special Financial Statement will be compiled by 31st March 2007 for the period from 1st January 2007 to 31st March 2007. / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 41 Financial part Report of the company statutory body compiled in compliance with the article section 66a) of the commercial code SECTION I. ENTITIES CREATING HOLDING Controlled Company Company: MSA, a.s. Registered office: Hlučínská 41, Dolní Benešov, post code 747 22 IN: 451 92 278 Registered in Companies Register at Regional Court in Ostrava, section B, insert 388 Statutory body at 31st December 2006: - Ing. Jozef Leščišin, the Chairman of the Board of Directors - Valery Nikolaevich Shipilov, the member of the Board of Directors - Ing. Karel Ren, CSc., the member of the Board of Directors (further as “controlled company”) The company MSA, a.s. is the company of the only shareholder at 31st December 2006. Partner Registered office Share MSA Holding, a.s., IN: 274 15 716 Praha 1, Olivova 4/2096, post code 110 00 100 % Controlling Companies: In compliance with the Article Section 66a) and 66b) of the Commercial Code, the controlling companies are following: - MSA Holding, a.s., registered office: Žerotínova 35, Praha 3, post code 130 00 - ASM Holding, a.s., registered office: U Svobodárny 1065/2, Praha 9, post code 190 00 - BTM Holdings B.V., registered office: Saturnusstraat 25 i, Hoofddorp HB, post code 2132, the Netherlands - Ing. Karel Ren, CSc., address: Lotyšská 648/4, Praha 6, post code 160 00 - Stephen Lukas, address: R.R.2, P.O.BOX 520, Harrow, Ontario, Canada SECTION II. DETERMINATION PERIOD The report is compiled for the previous accounting period form 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006. page 42 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part SECTION III. CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS CONCLUDED BETWEEN THE CONTROLLING COMPANIES AND THE CONTROLLED COMPANY List of contracts valid in the determination period (concluded in the determination period or in previous periods): Contract: LEASING CONTRACT REGARDING CHANGE OF OBJECT Title of contract: Leasing Contract Regarding Change of Object Contracting parties: MSA, a.s. / ČSOB Leasing, a.s. / Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. Object of contract: passenger car AUDI A2, 4T0 7777 Payables to MSA, a.s. resulting from contract: To hand over the object of the leasing contract. Payables to Ing. Karel Ren, CSc. resulting from contract: To pay negotiated amount. Detriment of the controlled company: No detriment arose from above mentioned contract to the controlled company. Contract: LEASE CONTRACT OF A PART OF FLAT Title of contract: Lease Contract of a Part of Flat Contracting parties: Landlord: Stephen Lukas, Tenant: MSA, a.s. Object of contract: Lease of a part of flat as an office of the company MSA, a.s. Period of execution of leasing contract: from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2006 Payables to MSA, a.s. resulting from contract: To pay negotiated amount of lease. Payables to Stephen Lukas resulting from contract: To provide a part of flat (by leasing). Detriment of the controlled company: No detriment arose from above mentioned contract to the controlled company. Others: The controlling company has rendered 41 % of shares of the company MSA, a.s. as the security of long-term bank credit provided by ČSOB, a.s. to MSA, a.s. SECTION IV. CONCLUSION The Report was compiled by the Statutory Body of the controlled company MSA, a.s. at 25th May 2007. Prague, 25th May 2007 The signatures of the Statutory Body of the controlled company MSA, a.s. Ing. Jozef Leščišin Chairman of the Board of Directors Valery Nikolaevich Shipilov Member of the Board of Directors / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Ing. Ivana Hamerková Member of the Board of Directors page 43 Financial part Report of an independent auditor page 44 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 Financial part / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6 page 45 Financial part The Report of the Supervisory Board THE REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD ON THE SUPERVISORY BOARD´S OPERATION FROM 1st JANUARY 2006 TO 31st DECEMBER 2006, ON THE REVIEW OF ORDINARY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND THE SUPERVISORY BOARD´S OPINIONS ON THE AUDITOR´S REPORT AND THE PROFIT DISTIBUTION PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Supervisory Board from 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006 was composed by: Mr. Stephen Lukas – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ing. Pavol Peťko and Leo Stařinský. On the basis of the decision of the only shareholder by 1st August 2006, Mr. Stephen Lukas was repealed from the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Ing. Pavol Peťko was repealed from the position of the member of the Supervisory Board. On the basis of the change of the Articles of Association and an extension of the members of the Supervisory Board up to 6 members, Stephen Lukas, Sergey Igorevich Moiseyev, Viktor Mikhailovich Fedotov and Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko were appointed to the position of the members of the Supervisory Board, and Mr. Leo Stařinský has remained the member of the Supervisory Board. The election of the member of the Supervisory Board suggested and elected from the employees took place in the days of 12th and 13th September 2006, Mr. Miloslav Sonnek was elected as the member of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko was elected as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board by the Supervisory Board itself at 21st September 2006. The Supervisory Board worked in this composition till 31st December 2006. In the course of 2006 the Supervisory Board met 8 times, all meetings were common together with the Board of Directors. The Supervisory Board dealt especially with the Trading Incomes of the company, the issue of production strategy, it also discussed the changes of company organizational structure, personnel questions and the plan preparation for the forthcoming year. The Supervisory Board executed its objectives in compliance with the Act and Articles of Association. The Supervisory Board monitored especially pursuit of activities of the Board of Directors and the manner of the company management. The Board of Directors of the company MSA, a.s. regularly informed the Supervisory Board about the company activity, the financial condition and provided all required information. The Supervisory Board did not find any deficiencies in the performance of the Board of Directors and in the company’s business activity. The Supervisory Board met with the Financial Statement on its meeting at 19th April 2007, which was audited by the company AUDIT PLUS, s.r.o. In opinion of the auditory company, the Financial Statement gives true and fair view of assets, liabilities and financial condition of the company MSA, a.s. at 31st December 2006 and view of expenses, revenues and trading income of 2006 accordance with Czech Book Regulations. The Supervisory Board accepted the conclusions of the audit, agrees with the Annual Report of MSA, a.s. for 2006, and recommends the Meeting of Shareholders grant approval for the reported position of assets, liabilities and equity as well as the amount of Trading Income and its distribution for the period from 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006 according to the proposal submitted by the Board of Directors. The Supervisory Board recommends the only shareholder of the company MSA, a.s. - Approve the regular Financial Statement for the period form 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006. - Transfer, within an approval process, of Trading Income for the period form 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006 in an amount of 14,353,102.15 CZK from the Trading Income account to the account of retained earnings of previous years. Approved by the Supervisory Board on 22nd June 2007. Vladimir Viktorovich Khristenko Chairman of the Supervisory Board page 46 / A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 6