International Register of Bantry Bay Gigs - zinneke
International Register of Bantry Bay Gigs - zinneke
Drawing by Achmad Rizky Yansah (Indonesia) Version : 26 July 2016 30 Years of Atlantic Challenge and 80 gigs built The inspiration for Atlantic Challenge was Kurt Hahn, whose goal was peace and who worked from 1920 to his death in '74 to draw youths into crews, patrols, watches, small groups to act tougher, in many circumstances--in the mountains, at sea, with dogsleds in the north, and, for me the very finest circumstance--open boats. It is in such groups--which are communities and microcosms. For millennia it has been discovered that one comes to know others vastly, vastly more quickly and certainly by experiencing, whereas with talk such affinities take far longer and often lack the empathy and care leading often to support and compassion. I began my career in April of '66 in such a boat and discovered in just two days what a remarkable unity and caring series of relations could be formed in such a set up. I think it important the competition is NOT the point. Bernard Cadoret and I wanted collaboration, helping each other to gain skills and camaraderie. When that takes place ashore, and often over beers, the practices lie far from Hahn's vision which I adopted with Bernard. That said no program in the marine world has logged more than 30 years drawing sixteen nations together for a week, built eighty boats and has decades of caring volunteers put in the effort, raise the funds and nurture generations through experience. As the Digital culture grows, and it is spreading at a steady and to me concerning rate (Moore’s Law of 1958) the passivity which it results in and the diminution of skill lends immense importance to what we do. So I try to contain my beliefs but not always. In admiration. Lance Lee In 2014, the gig “Zinneke” was built in Brussels as a social initiative and we wished to know which was the “sail number” of the gig. In getting to know exactly how many gigs were actually built, Cyrille Hervé’s list served as a precious basis and was completed by info we started gathering from all over the world. Once we knew we were ‘number 77’, the project to collect pictures from all the gigs seemed a logical next step, but was a more complex challenge than we had imagined. Lance Lee’s ever enthusiast support pushed us further in the direction of completing the international register with historic data. Thanks to the international solidarity of the Bantry gig Community, what started as an initiative to know how many gigs were built, has become a common reference and I wish to thank all the people that contributed to it by sending pictures and historical data of the different gigs. The job’s not finished and its improvement -thanks to your input- makes it a common heritage and tribute to all the people that initiated and developed the Bantry gig project as an initiative to help our youth in building a better world. Nicolas Joschko World Register of Bantry Bay Longboats 26-07-16 If any information would appear to be incomplete or incorrect, please mail corrections to N° 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Yole La Résolue Liberté Egalité Fraternité Amitié Unité Solidarité Communauté Vitalité Intégrité Félicité (ex-Audacité) Tenacité Enchanté Sureté Humanité Vérité Country France USA USA France France Ireland Denmark USA Canada UK USA Canada Russia Ireland USA USA Region Brest Rockport, Maine Boston, Massachusetts Brest Douarnenez Bantry Roskilde Rockport, Maine Midland Southampton Rockport, Maine Midland St Petersburg Malahide Dublin Rockport, Maine Tacoma Washington Launch 1796 1986 1986 1987 1988 1990 1990 1992 1992 1992 1993 1994 1994 1996 1997 1998 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Volonté Droit de Cité Loyauté Fée du Marais Fidelité Vivacité Mor Bihan Audace France France USA France France France France France Douarnenez Saint Brieuc Orléans, Massachusetts Redon Coutances Cherbourg Vannes Séné 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 La Françoise Jean Bosco (ex Laval Heureuse) Tolérance Fille de Loire Profils pour l'avenir Jolie Barbotière Ma'Yole (ex-Tricastine) ZouMai Espérance Spered Ar Mor Perspectives France France France France France France France France France France France Séné Laval Plouer sur Rance Varades Dunkerque Gujan Mestras Séné Marseille Séné Guilvinnec Sené 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Szrab Carolus Quinto Yd'Ille Bien Trouvé La Kreyole Action Laïssa Ana Audouce Massalia LeTraict Dignité Sérénité Harmonie Merdeka Joie de Vivre BatelEure Equité Creuza de Mä Hugin Cwch John Kerr JemVar Val Maubuée Munin La Dauphine Mise en Seine An Seabhac Mara La Sault au Matelot Mechta Fionnbarra Alpha Dame de Forillon Merdeka II (ex Garuda Nusantara) Diversité Fée du Traon Bravo Cefiro Alizio Rojo Segoro An Erminig (Ex Sagacité) Baïta Sena Carolus Quinto II Sionn Mara Zinneke Nati La Fayette Uilenspiegel France Belgium France UK France France France France France France Russia France UK Indonesia USA France Finland Italy Sweden UK France France Sweden Canada France Ireland Canada Russia Ireland Russia Canada Ukraine Canada France Russia Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Lithuania France Indonesia Belgium Ireland Belgium Russia Spain Belgium Niort Gent Rennes Moray (Scotland) Pointe à Pitre Meaux Villefranche St Julien des Villas Marseille Mesquer St Petersburg Puellemontier Antrim (Northern Ireland) Surabaya Rockport, Maine Poses Jakobstad Genova Oxelösund Pembrokeshire Toulon Torcy Oxelösund Quebec Poses Waterford Quebec St Petersburg Cork St Petersburg Gaspé (Prov.Quebec) Kiev Toronto Plougoumelen St Petersburg Malabo Malabo Vilnius Séné Surabaya Gent Banagher Bruxelles St Petersburg Pasaia (Basque Country) Brussels 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 Bantry Bay gigs per country Built Sailing France 34 31 Droit de Cité (17), La Kreyole (39), Amitié (4) USA 8 7 Félicité (10) Canada 6 6 Russia 6 6 Ireland 5 5 Indonesia 4 2 United Kingdom 4 4 Belgium 4 3 Equatorial Guinea 2 2 Sweden 2 0 Denmark 1 1 Finland 1 1 Italy 1 1 Basque Country 1 1 Switzerland 1 0 Lithuania 0 1 Ukraine 0 1 TOTAL 80 72 1986 New York, USA 1988 Douarnenez, France 1990 Roskilde, Denmark 1992 Brest, France 1994 Penetang, Canada 1996 Bantry, Ireland 1998 Roskilde, Denmark 2000 Douarnenez, France 2002 Rockland, Maine USA 2004 Fishguard, UK 2006 Genova, Italy 2008 Jakobstad, Finland 2010 Midland, Canada 2012 Bantry, Ireland 2014 Morbihan, France 2016 Roskilde, Denmark Disarmed (Merdeka ->Ukraine / Rojo Seguro ->Lithuania) Carolus Quinto I (36) Hugin (53), Munin (57) Perspectives (34) Egalité (France) Fraternité (for Denmark) Solidarité (Denmark) Solidarité (Denmark) Unité (Ireland) Solidarité (Denmark) Tenacité (Canada) Unité (Ireland) Unité (Ireland) Intégrité (UK) Intégrité (UK) Dignité, Russia Intégrité (UK) Harmonie (UK-Northern Ireland) Unité (Ireland) Nati (Russia) N° 0 La Résolue Launch date : Unknown (+/- 1796) Country : France Organisation : La Marine Nationale History: During the Battle of Bantry Bay of December 1796, Admiral Nielly’s personal gig (unnamed) was sent from the French Frigate ‘La Résolue’ ,in perdition after a collision with Le Redoutable, to seek for help. The gig drifted out of her course, failed to reach L’Immortalité and beached on Clough Beach at Bere Island. The gig was stored at Bantry House and forgotten till 1944. Stored at the Irish Maritime Museum, she is forgotten again till 1977. Restored, she can be visited at the Irish National Museum –Collin’s Barracks in Dublin, as the oldest existing ship of the French Navy. N° 1 Liberté Launch date : 1986 Country : USA , Rockland, Maine Constructed by : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Organisation : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Contact: History: Participated to Atlantic Challenges 1986, 1988 1990 for the USA and in 1992 for Norway N° 2 Egalité Launch date : 1986 Country : USA, Boston, Masachusetts Constructed by: The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Organisation : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Contact: History: Represented the USA at the Atlantic Challenge 1986 (victor). Participated in 1988 and 1990 for Russia. N° 3 Fraternité Launch date : 1987 Country : France, Lambezellec (originally Brest) Constructed by: Charles Fresneau – St Lunaire Organisation : Patronage Laïc de Lambezellec Contact: Marcel Le Goasduff +33 (0) History: Participated at Atlantic Challenge 1988 in Douarnenez under Danish flag (victor) and participated to Défi Jeunes Marins at Brest in 2000. As the original organization was inactive for several years, the Patronage Laïc de Lamezellec took her over in 2005. Her hull was replaced in 2014 and is completely restored N° 4 Amitié Launch date : 1988 Country : France, Douarnenez Constructed by: The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Organisation : Association TREIZOUR à Douarnenez Contact: History: Amitié was built by apprentices of three nations: Italy, France, and the United States in Rockport, Maine and was offered to France. Her launching ceremony on April 30, 1988 included speeches in French and English. Millicent Marshall, wife of vice President of AT&T – France, christened the gig. She was offered to France (Douarnenez) . She has the particularity that het main and mizzen mast are placed one bench forward in comparison to the other gigs. Participated at the Atlantic Challenges for France in 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994(?), 1996 and 1998(?) and 2000. Participated also to the Défi Jeunes marins in 2000. The gig was placed on retirement in 2016 and offered to the Dournenez Maritime Museum. DISARMED IN 2016 AND OFFERED TO THE DOUARNENEZ MUSEUM N° 5 Unité Launch date : 1990 Country : Ireland, Bantry Constructed by : Shipyard O’Driscoll, Baltimore Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Ireland Contact: History: Built in Baltimore Co Cork by Billy Andy O'Driscol. This gig was christened Unité in honour of the United Irish Men, including Wolfe Tone who led the ill fated invasion to Bantry bay in 1796 where the original gig was captured. Unité is based in Bantry and is crewed by youth from the local community. She participated since 1990 to Atlantic Challenge and was victorious in 1994, 1996, 2000, 2002 and 2014 ! N° 6 Solidarité Launch date : 1990 Country : Denmark, Roskilde Constructed by : Vikingskibmuseet – Morten Goetche Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Denmark Contact: History: Participates since 1990 to the Atlantic Challenge and was victorious in 1990 and 1992. Last participation in 2010. N° 7 Communauté Launch date : 1992 Country : USA, Rockport, Maine Constructed by : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Organisation : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Contact: History: Participated to Atlantic Challenge in 1992, 1994, 1996 and 2002. N° 8 Vitalité Launch date : 1992 Country : Canada, Midland Constructed by : Discovery Harbour – Charlie Allen Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Canada Contact: History: Participates to Atlantic Challenge since 1992. She was used as International gig in 1994 and in 2010 for Finland. N° 9 Intégrité Launch date : 1992 Country : United Kingdom, Southampton Constructed by : Boatbuilder Workshop Llandysul– John Kerr Organisation : Atlantic Challenge GB Contact: History: Participates since 1992 to Atlantic Challenge. Victorious in 2004 and 2010 N° 10 Félicité Launch date : 1993 (under the name Audacité) Country : USA, Rockland, Maine Constructed by : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Organisation : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Contact: History: Constructed in Nobleboro under the name of Audacité (unexisting word), she was renamed Félicité and participated to the Atlantic Challenge 1988 in Roskilde. The gig was severely damaged by a tugboat in New York City waters in 2001 DESTROYED DURING COLLISION WITH A TUGBOAT N° 11 Tenacité Launch date : 1994 Country : Canada, Midland Constructed by : Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Canada Contact: History: Participated to the Atlantic Challenge in 1994, 1996, 2004, 2010 and 2012. N° 12 Enchanté Launch date : 1994 Country : Russia, St Petersburg Constructed by : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine. Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Russia Contact: History: Participated to the Atlantic Challenge in 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2002 (For Russia) and in 2008 as international gig. Participated to IAC 2016 for Canada. N° 13 Sureté Launch date : 1996 Country : Ireland, Malahide-Dublin Constructed by : Organisation : Malahide Sea Scouts Contact: History: Participated to the Atlantic Challenge in 1996 in Bantry. N° 14 Humanité Launch date : 1997 Country : USA, Rockland, Maine Constructed by : The Apprenticeshop, Organisation : The Apprenticeshop, Rockland, Maine Contact: History: N° 15 Vérité Launch date : 1998 Country : USA, Tacoma, Washington Constructed by : Phil Lantz Organisation : Tacoma Youth Marine Center Contact: History: Represented the USA at the Atlantic Challenge in 1998, 2006 and 2016. Participated to the Pacific Challenge in 2005. N° 16 Volonté Launch date : 1998 Country : France, Douarnenez Constructed by : Atelier de l’Enfer Douarnenez Organisation : Association TREIZOUR à Douarnenez Contact: History: Participated to the Atlantic Challenge in 2004, 2006 and 2012, to Défis Jeunes Marins in 2008 and 2011, and to Défi Breton in 2014. Sails weekly. N° 17 Droit de cité Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Saint Brieuc Constructed by : Laurent Guerineau Organisation : AJD - Palluden Contact: History: Participated to Defi Jeunes Marins in Brest (4th) and to the regatta in Douarnenez in 2000. Navigating rarely, she was forgotten. After having some financial problems, the gig was taken over by the City of St Brieuc, who offered her in 2004 to the association of Father Jaouen, Bel Espoir. Was recuperated in 2009 by an association that helps the reinsertion of youngsters in difficulty. N° 18 Loyauté Launch date : 1999 Country : USA, Orléans, Massachusetts Constructed by : Lee Scarborough with Cape Challenge Organisation : Narragansett Bay Challenge, Rhode Island Contact: History: Participated to Atlantic Challenge in 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 N° 19 Fée du Marais Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Redon Constructed by : chantier l'Otarie - Arzal, afterwards ‘Jeunes en réinsertion’ - Redon Organisation : Base Nautique de l'Etang Aumée Contact: History: Participated to Défi Jeunes Marins in Brest and the Douarnenez Regattas in 2000, as well as the Défi Jeunes Marins of 2014. N° 20 Fidélité Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Coutances Constructed by : Camille Gaboriau Organisation : Association Yole du Pays de Coutances Contact: History: Participated to Défi Jeunes Marins in Brest and the Douarnenez Regattas in 2000, the Défi Jeunes Marins of 2004, Atlantic Challenge in 2004 and to Défi Breton in 2014. N° 21 Vivacité Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Cherbourg Constructed by : "charpentiers réunis de Cancale" -Trappes Organisation : Club d’Aviron de Cherbourg (50) Contact: History: Launched to participate to BREST 2000, she participated to the Douarnenez Regattas. Unused for a few years, she was taken over by the Club d’Aviron de Cherbourg and sails regularly. N° 22 Mor Bihan Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Vannes Constructed by : Chantier du Guip - Baden Organisation : Association YEGM à Vannes (56) Contact: History: Mor Bihan was launched to participate to Brest 2000 and attended all editions of ‘Semaine du Golfe’ and travels a lot abroad : Twice to Ireland, Wales, Venice for the VogaLonga, Quebec in 2008 for the ‘Défi Jeunes Marins’. Participated to Défi Breton in 2014 and was borrowed to the US team during Atlantic Challenge 2014. Declared in 2015 a boat of patrimonial interest. N° 23 Audace Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Séné Constructed by : charpentiers réunis de Cancale" - Courteranges Organisation : Voiles et Patrimoine du Golfe du Morbihan à Séné (56) Contact: History: The gig was launched to participate to Brest 2000 and the Douarnenez regattas. She was longtime based on the Lac d’Orient near Troyes and participated to Défi jeunes Marins 2004 in Toulon, the l’Atlantic Challenge 2006 in Genova with a Dutch team, to Défis Jeunes Marins 2008 (Québec) and 2011 (Dunkerque). When Audouce is launched as a 2nd gig of the association, she was sold to VPGM in 2014. N° 24 La Françoise Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Séné Constructed by : Chantier du Guip - Baden Organisation : Voiles et Patrimoine du Golfe du Morbihan à Séné (56) Contact: History: She wins the Défi Jeune Marins in Brest in 2000, participates to the Douarnenez regattas and the Défi Jeune Marins 2004 in Toulon. As the organisation that owed her had several boats, she sails less and less and was offered to VPGM in 2014. She sailed under Danish flag during the Atlantic Challenge 2014. N° 25 Jean Bosco Launch date : 1999 (under the name Laval Heureuse) Country : France, Laval Constructed by : Shipyard Chaussivert - Laval Organisation : Dioscèse of Le Mans (72) Contact: History: Initially based in Laval under the name Laval’Heureuse, she participates to Brest 2000, the Douarnenez regattas, Défi Jeunes Marins 2004 in Toulon and in 2008 in Québec. As she was less active in the following years, she was recuperated by an organisation based in Le Mans. She sailed under Lithuanian flag during Atlantic Challenge 2014. The yellow and blue colors were the original ones as Laval’Heureuse N° 26 Tolérance Launch date : 1999 Country : Plouer sur Rance Constructed by : Camille Gaboriau Organisation : Association Un Défi Pour La Rance Contact: History: She was launched for Brest 2000 and participates regularly to the Douarnenez regattas, Semaine du Golfe and Défi Breton. N° 27 Fille de Loire Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Varades Constructed by : Shipyard L’Otarie - Arzal Organisation : Syndicat d'Initiative de Varades (44) Contact: History: Launched to participate to Brest 2000, she participates to the Douarnenez regattas, Défi Jeunes Marins 2004 in Toulon, the Atlantic Challenge 2006, the Défi Jeunes Marins 2008 in Québec and in 2011 in Dunkerque. She participates to many gatherings and is very active (Semaine du Golfe, Défi Breton …) N° 28 Profils pour l’avenir Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Dunkerque Constructed by : Chantiers réunis de Cancale Organisation : Action Educative Profil in Dunkerque Contact: History: The gig participated to the Douarnenez regattas in 2000, to Défi Jeunes Marins 2004 in Toulon, to the Atlantic Challenge 2006, Défi Jeunes Marins 2008 in Québec and 2011 in Dunkerque. As the organisation is actively implicated with youth reinsertion, she regularly participates to all the events (Semaines du Golfe, Défi Breton …) and is very active. N° 29 Jolie Barbotière Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Gujan Mestras Constructed by : Paul Chatenet Organisation : Club de Voile de Gujan-Mestras (33) Contact: History: She was launched to participate to Brest 2000 and the Douarnenez regattas. Appears to sail rarely N° 30 Ma’Yole Launch date : 1999 (under the name Tricastine) Country : France, Séné Constructed by : Saint-Paul Trois Chateaux - Manuel Mata Organisation :Voiles et Patrimoine du Golfe du Morbihan à Séné (56) Contact: History: Launched under the name Tricastine by an organisation of La Seyne-sur-Mer (83), she particpates to the Douarnenez regattas in 2000. She changed several times of ownership and passes to an organisation in Toulon in 2004, participates to Défi Jeunes Marins the same year, is passed over to Jem’Var and is finally offered to VPGM in 2013. N° 31 ZouMaï Launch date : 1999 Country : Marseille Constructed by : Shipyard Robin Marine – La Seyne sur Mer Organisation : Dauri Voyage in Marseille (13) Contact: History: She participated to the Douarnenez Regattas in 2000, the Atlantic Challenge in 2002 (Rockland) and 2006 in Genova, the Défi Jeunes Marins 2004 (Toulon) 2008 (Québec) and 2011 (Dunkerque). She is still very active and participates regularly to different gatherings as Semaines du Golfe, Défi Breton, etc … N° 32 Espérance Launch date : 1999 Country : France, Séné Constructed by : Paul Chatenet Organisation : Voiles et Patrimoine du Golfe du Morbihan à Séné (56) Contact: History: Initially based in Mimizan, she was progressively abandoned. Refurbished, she sails on Souston lake and is again neglected. She was recuperated by VPGM in a very bad shape in 2013 and needs huge restoration. Her future is uncertain. N° 33 Spered Ar Mor Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Le Guilvinnec Constructed by : chantier Jacques Hénaff - Le Guilvinec Organisation : Les Chemins de la mer Contact: History: N° 34 Perspectives Launch date : 2000 (Switzerland) Country : France, Sené Constructed by : Atelier Perspectives – Gumefens - Suisse Organisation : VPGM Contact: History: Inactive for several years, the gig was recuperated by Voile et Patrimoine du Golfe du Morbihan. As she was infected by dry rot (Mérule), she was burnt in 2015. INFECTED BY DRY ROT, SHE WAS DISARMED AND BURNED IN 2015 N° 35 Szrab Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Niort Constructed by : mission locale and FJT Niort - Philippe Freson Organisation : Yole, Nautisme et Développement Contact: History: N° 36 Carolus Quinto Launch date : 2000 Country : Belgium, Gent Constructed by : Rik Morael Organisation : vzw Carolus Quinto Contact: History: The gig was launched in 2000 in Gent and named after the Emperor Charles V, born in Gent in the year 1500. She participated to all Atlantic Challenges since 2000, representing Belgium. In 2012, the decision is taken to replace her and is somehow neglected. She was replaced in 2014 by the new Carolus Quinto and disarmed. Restoration is possible issue. DISARMED IN 2014 N° 37 Yd’ille Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Rennes Constructed by : Philippe Lucas Organisation : association "Y d'Ille yole de Rennes Contact: History: The association "Y d'Ille yole de Rennes" was born in the Maurepas neighbourhood of Rennes in 1998 in response to the call « Défi Jeunes Marins 2000 ». The project to build a gig was realised with the "compagnons bâtisseurs" and two naval carpenters that permitted youngsters of a social insertion program to build "Y d'Ille", which was launched in 2000. The boat is very active since then. N° 38 Bien Trouvé Launch date : 2001 Country : UK – Scotland, Moray Constructed by : Organisation : The Moray Gig - Elgin Contact: History: N° 39 La Kreyole Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Pointe à Pitre Constructed by : Jean Forbin Organisation : Contact: History: Has participated at Brest 2000 and Douarnenez 2000 (picture below on which she must be present). Appears to have burnt REPUTATED TO BE DESTROYED BY FIRE N° 40 Action Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Meaux Constructed by : Ateliers de l’Enfer - Douarnenez Organisation : Fondation Maud Fontenoy Contact: History: Did not navigate between 2006 and 2016 N° 41 Laïssa Ana Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Villefranche Constructed by : Franck Pilate Organisation : Association « Une Yole pour Villefranche » Contact: History: The gig was built on initiative of the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche in order to valorise the ancient arsenal of the Kings of Piémont-Sardaigne. Laïssa Ana was baptised on July, 1st 2000 by Princess Marina of Savoie during a prestigious ceremony co-presided by the Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes and Victor-Emmanuel of Savoie, son of the last King of Italy. Laïssa Ana means ‘Laissez courir’ (order to disarm the oars) in Nice’s dialect. The boat received a national award for the quality of her construction during « Brest 2000 ». She participated to Brest 2000, several Vogalonga editions in Venice, and different Bantry Gig gatherings in France. N° 42 Audouce Launch date : 2000 Country : France, St Julien des Villas Constructed by : Camille Gaboriau Organisation : MJC St Julien des Villas Contact: François LEBECQ - - History: Audouce was built by a professional reinsertion organisation. The beneficiairies are mainly youngsters, young disabled people, youngsters in professional reinsertion and members of the ‘Maison de la Jeunesse et Culture de St Julien des Villas’. The gig sails mainly on the lac de la Forêt d'Orient (France) N° 43 Massalia Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Marseille Constructed by : Shipyard Charpentiers Réunis – La Ciotat Organisation : Association Vogue Massalia Contact: History: N° 44 Le Traict Launch date : 2000 Country : France, Mesquer Constructed by : Shipyard l’Otarie – Arzal Organisation : Le Défi du Traict Contact: History: N° 45 Dignité Launch date : 2002 Country : Russia, St Petersburg Constructed by : Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Russia Contact: History: N° 46 Sérénité Launch date : 2002 Country : France, Puellemontier Constructed by :Shipyard Le Henaff - Guilvinec and Lycée Technique de Pleyben Organisation : Association Sportive et Culturelle de Puellemontier Contact: History: N° 47 Harmonie Launch date : 2002 Country : UK – Northern Ireland, Antrim Constructed by : Organisation : Contact: History: N° 48 Merdeka Launch date : 2002 Country : Indonesia, Surabaya Constructed by : Institute of Technology Surabaya Organisation : Maritime Challenge Indonesia Contact : History: N° 49 Joie de vivre Launch date : 2003 Country : USA, Rockland, Maine Constructed by : started in 1995 in Wilmington (Delaware), afterwards Station Maine Organisation : Apprentice Workshop Contact: History: N° 50 Bate l’Eure Launch date : 2004 Country : France, Poses Constructed by : Chantier de l’Otarie – Arzal, afterwards chantier d'insertion - Poses Gil Molinier Organisation : Yole 27 Contact: History: Bate l'Eure was built in 2003-2004 by a social insertion shipyard of +/- 20 persons. She’s the property of the agglomeration of Seine-Eure, who puts her at disposal of the recreational base of "Léry-Poses en Normandie" and navigates with teams that are exclusively trained by the association ‘yole 27’ (via ‘l'Union nationale des sport scolaires’, mentally and physically handicapped persons of ‘le sport adapté de l'Eure’ ). She sails on a weekly basis and participates to gatherings and competitions. Participated to IAC 2016 in Roskilde, Denmark. N° 51 Equité Launch date : 2004 Country : Finland, Jakobstad Constructed by : Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Finland Contact: History: Equité participated to Atlantic Challenge Contests in 2004 in Wales, in 2006 in Genoa, in 2008 in Jakobstad and in 2012 in Bantry. In 2010 in Midland, Canada, team Atlantic Challenge Finland particpated with a chartered gig Vitalité from Canada. Participated in 2016 to IAC for Denmark. N° 52 Creusa de Mä Launch date : 2004 Country : Italy, Genova Constructed by : Bruce Halabisky and Brian McClellan Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Genova Contact: History: Crêuza de mä, means "path/ muletrack to the sea". it's also the title of a song by a famous genoese songwriter, Fabrizio de Andrè. Our association was born in 2002; a small group of the brandnew crew was sent to Rockland (Maine) to get the first contact to a Bantry gig. In that occasion, the crew made the very first sails set of our boat. Crêuza de mä, , was built in the harbour of Genoa by a team of american shipwrights (from the shipyard of Rockland) helped by local fishermen. The boat was launched just one month before the start of the International contest of seamanship 2004 (Fishguard, Wales). Since that time, Crêuza de mä has joined every international contest, but also has actively participated in local and national events in the field of wooden boats and seamanship tradition. N° 53 Hugin Launch date : 2004 Country : Sweden, Oxelösund Constructed by : Skeppsakademin - Gävle Organisation : Contact: History: The boat was built in 2004 by Friskola Oxelösund in Sweden. Participated to International Atlantic Challenge in 2006 and ended 8th. Inactive since 2010 and stocked outside without any care nor protection, the boat hull has rotted and is definitively unfit for recovery. DISARMED – DEFINITIVELY UNFIT FOR RECOVERY N° 54 Cwch John Kerr Launch date : 2004 Country : UK, Pembrokeshire Constructed by : Organisation : Mitec Project Contact: History: Participated to 2016 IAC for Northern Ireland. N° 55 JemVar Launch date : 2004 Country : France, Toulon Constructed by : Organisation : Association JemVar Contact: History: N° 56 Val Maubuée Launch date : 2004 Country : France, Torcy Constructed by : Organisation : Une Yole pour Val Maubuée Contact: History: N° 57 Munin Launch date : 2005 Country : Sweden, Oxelösund Constructed by : Skeppsakademin - Gävle Organisation : Contact: History: The boat was built in 2005 by Friskola Oxelösund in Sweden. Inactive since 2010 and stocked outside without any care nor protection, the boat hull has rotted and is definitively unfit for recovery. DISARMED – DEFINITIVELY UNFIT FOR RECOVERY N° 58 La Dauphine Launch date : 2005 Country : Canada, Quebec (Yacht Club du Québec) Constructed by : Chantier de la Rivière des Mères (St Laurent) Organization : Défi International des Jeunes Marins Contact : Charles-Olivier Amyot History : Built in 2004 and launched in 2005 in preparation for the hosting of the Defi 2008 in Québec,La Dauphine celebrated its 10th anniversary and is still being fully used each summer. N° 59 Mise en Seine Launch date : 2005 Country : France - Poses Constructed by : Chantier du Guip – Douarnenez, afterwards chantier d'insertion à Poses - Gil Molinier Organisation : Yole 27 Contact: History: Mise en Seine was built in 2004-2005 by a social insertion shipyard. She’s the property of the agglomeration of Seine-Eure, who puts her at disposal of the recreational base of "Léry-Poses en Normandie" and navigates with teams that are exclusively trained by the association ‘yole 27’ (via ‘l'Union nationale des sport scolaires’, mentally and physically handicaped persons of ‘le sport adapté de l'Eure’ ). She sails on a weekly basis and participates to gatherings and competitions. Participated to IAC 2016 in Roskilde, Denmark. N° 60 An Seabhac Mara Launch date : 2005 Country : Ireland, Waterford Constructed by : Organisation : Organisation ACSE-Atlantic Challenge South East Contact: History: Built in 2005 as part of a European Interreg project. Participated in AC 2006 and 2012. N° 61 Sault au Matelot Launch date : 2006 Country : Canada, Quebec (Yacht Club du Québec) Constructed by : Organization : Défi International des Jeunes Marins Contact : Charles-Olivier Amyot History : Built in 2005 and launched in 2006 in preparation for the hosting of the Defi 2008 in Québec, Sault-AuMatelot celebrated its 10th anniversary and is still being fully used each summer. N° 62 Mechta Launch date : 2007 Country : Russia, St Petersburg Constructed by : Shtandart Project Organisation : Shtandart Project Contact: History: N° 63 Fionnbarra Launch date : 2008 Country : Ireland, Cork Constructed by : Organisation : Meithalmara Contact: History: Built at Meithal mara Cork City 2008. Participated in Defi events in France and Quebec.AC Events in Bantry 2012. N° 64 Alpha Launch date : 2009 Country : Russia, St-Petersburg Constructed by : Shtandart Project Organisation : Shtandart Project Contact: History: N° 65 Dame de Forillon Launch date : 2009 Country : Canada, Gaspé (Province du Québec) Constructed by : Organisation : Ecole de Voile Le Cormoran Contact: History: N° 66 Merdeka II Launch date : 2010 (under the name of Garuda Nusantara) Country : Ukraine - Kiev Constructed by : Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonisia. Organisation : Maritime Challenge Indonesia Contact : History: Offered to Atlantic Challenge Ukraine by Rockport Scholarship N° 67 Diversité Launch date : 2011 Country : Canada, Toronto, Lake Ontario Constructed by : Youth Boatworks Canada Lead builder – Peter Code Organisation : Youth Boatworks Canada Contact: Paul Fournier History: The gig was built between 2007 and may 2011 and the construction took approx 2.500 hours. In summer 2012 the gig had its first sailing trip. The name ‘Diversité’ represents the cultural diversity of the youth in toronto from all over the world N° 68 Fée du Traon Launch date : 2011 Country : France, Plougoumelen Constructed by : Une Yole pour Plougoumelen Organisation : Une Yole pour Plougoumelen Contact: History: N° 69 Bravo Launch date : 2011 Country : Russia, St Petersburg Constructed by : Shtandart Project Organisation : Shtandart Project Contact: History: N° 70 Cefiro Launch date : 2012 Country : Guinée Equatoriale Constructed by : Chantier du Guip – Ile aux Moines Organisation : Navy at Bata Contact: History: Built by Chantier du Guip for the Navy of Equatorial Guinea. N° 71 Alizio Launch date : 2012 Country : Guinée Equatoriale Constructed by : Chantier du Guip – Ile aux Moines Organisation : Navy at Bata Contact: History: Built by Chantier du Guip for the Navy of Equatorial Guinea. N° 72 Rojo Segoro Launch date : 2012 Country : Lithuania , Vilnius. Constructed by :Institute of Technology Surabaya &Polytechnic State Boating -Surabaya Organisation : Maritime Challenge Indonesia Contact : History: After having participated to the IAC in 2012, the boat was rented to Lithuania. It participated to IAC under Lithuanian flag to IAC 2016. N° 73 An Erminig Launch date : 2013 (Under the name of Sagacité) Country : France, Séné Constructed by : 2000 : AFPA Valencienne, finished by VPGN - Séné Organisation : VPGM Contact: History: N° 74 Baïta Sena Launch date : 2014 Country : Indonesia, Surabaya Constructed by : Sejarah Berdirinya Maritime Challenge Organisation : Maritime Challenge Indonesia Contact : History: Participated to IAC 2014 in Morbihan, France. N° 75 Carolus Quinto II Launch date :14/07/2014 Country : Belgium, Gent (Ghent) Constructed by : Schipyard Lowick Oostende Organisation : Carolus Quinto Contact: History: The gig, replacing the first Carolus Quinto, was launched during the Atlantic Challenge 2014 in Morbihan. N° 76 Sionn Mhara Launch date : 2014 Country : Ireland, Banagher Constructed by :Glandore Classic Boats Summer Maritime School Organisation : Midlands Atlantic Challenge Club Contact: History: N° 77 Zinneke Launch date : 8-11-2014 Country : Belgium, Brussels Constructed by : l’Atelier Marin (Nicolas Joschko / Philippe Schwarzenberger) Organisation : asbl Zinneke Brussels Contact: History: The gig was built from September to October 2014 by asbl l’Atelier Marin with the help of youngsters. Launched in November 2014, she spread her sails for the first during Semaine du Golfe 2015. Participated to the 2016 Atlantic Challenge in Roskilde, Denmark. N° 78 Nati Launch date : 30/5/2015 Country : Russia, St Petersburg Constructed by : Shtandart Project Organisation : Shtandart Project Contact: History: Named after Natalia, a team member that died in 2013. Winner of the 2016 Atlantic Challenge N° 79 Lafayette Launch date : 20/06/2015 Country : Basque Country, Pasaia Constructed by : Albaola Faktory - Pasaia Organisation : Albaola Basque Maritime Heritage Society Contact: History: In 1777 the Marquis de Lafayette, at the age of 19, left the port of Pasaia to fight for the Independence of the United States of America on board the frigate “La Victoire”. This expedition was organized by local forces. To honor this important event, the Basque gig, located in Pasaia, has been named after this decisive young leading figure. Participated to IAC 2016 in Denmark. N° 80 Uilenspiegel Launch date : Expected September 2016 Country : Belgium, Brussels Constructed by : Started by De Moestuin Maarschalkerweerd in 2011, continued in 2014 by Stichting Bouwloods Utrecht and finished in 2016 by Atelier Marin Brussels. Organisation : asbl Zinneke Brussels Contact: History: