04 2013
04 2013
k c u P e h t g n i Pass Issue 55 Rochester Americans Booster Club Upcoming Events May 9 - General Meeting at Hidden Valley Clubhouse. June 27- General Meeting at Hidden Valley Clubhouse. August 8 - General Meeting at Hidden Valley Clubhouse. Sept 6-8 - Booster Clubs Convention Apr/May Birthdays 4/11 4/11 4/14 4/16 4/17 4/22 4/23 4/26 4/30 4/30 5/3 5/6 5/7 5/14 5/14 5/21 5/24 5/28 5/29 5/31 5/31 Eleanor Hernandez Mathew VanLare Michael Sullivan Angela Savidge Nancy DiRose Emily Ann Sugar Peggy Leimberger Mary Sturm Kathy Carpenter Eric Hoad Zachery Rauen Harold Smith Rory O’Connor Georgia O’Connor Karen Schutt Karen Jackkson Jim Torkington Michael Davis Allen Hudson David Thomas Betty Grasta Players Birthdays 4/4 4/18 4/23 Alex Biega Cody McCormick Rick Schofield 5/8 Michael Wilson April/May 2013 President’s Report - Virginia Paddock I hope everyone had a good Easter. It doesn't seem like the Regular season is almost over. Where does the time go. The Playoffs will be starting soon. Here's hoping for a long run and to bringing the Cup Home. The Scrapbooks were handed out on April 12th after the game to the Players, Coaches and Support Staff. The Players were all impressed with the Scrapbooks. Many were leafing thru them while they were still in the room. I would like to thank everyone who took a scrapbook for a job well done. Those of us who went Adirondack and Albany had a great time. We saw 2 OT wins. We have a new Secretary. Her name is Sarah Zinc. Thanks Sarah for stepping in to do this job. GO AMERKS --BRING HOME THE CALDER CUP. Vise President’s Report - Mark Polizzi Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying the hockey season. The playoffs are not far away! Let’s hope the Amerks make the playoffs. I need workers for the games. If you are interested please contact me. It is not hard and you will have fun! Also if anyone has any ideas please contact me. Let Go Amerks! Support your Amerks and the booster club. As always if you have any questions I can be reached at either by phone at 585-4691699 or email- map13@frontiernet.net. Special Note from the Editor: Ella is back, she was at the last home game!!!! Thank you to the Booster Club Family thru this difficult time with all the calls, cards and visits to the hospital and rehab. Ella and Gary Schaeffer Page 2 2 Page Passing the Puck Sunshine Committee - Jenny Schuber Congratulations' were sent to Jim and Vickie Savidge on their 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations' were sent to Jody and Charlotte Gage on the birth of their first grandchild. Thinking of you cards was sent to Ella Schaeffer. Get well card was sent to Ella Schaeffer. Thank you was sent to the Adirondack Phantoms Booster Club for the food coupons and hospitality. Thank you was sent to the Albany Devils Booster Club for the subs/soda/cookies. Thank you was sent to Brendan Weaver for his help during the resent bus trip. Sympathy card was sent to Amanda Hudson on the death of her Grandmother. If anyone knows of any sickness, deaths, births or weddings please let me know. You can call me at home at 585-654-6522 or you can e-mail me at (jensch628@aol.com) WAYS AND MEANS - Sherry Petta Wow It is the end of the season already!! Hopefully we can win a few rounds in the playoffs on our way to the Calder Cup!! I would like to thank everyone who has helped sell 50/50 tickets and Jersey tickets at the games we have had a great year and hopefully we can keep selling till the end of the Calder Cup. Mark Toombs keep up the great work you do walking around during the games selling those tickets like crazy!! Thanks again every bit helps us raise money for local teams and charities. We still are selling 2013 Enjoy The City Books as of this article we have about 6 or 7 left. They are $20.00 and include discounts on car washes, restaurants sports events etc...See Barb at the table to purchase a book. Hope everyone will be out in full force to cheer on our Amerks to a Calder Cup!! Go Amerks!!! CONVENTION 2013--ANN PADDOCK Convention planning is coming along. We have secured our Guest Speaker, which will be announced later. We have our design for the logo. We are currently looking at prices for the side trips. We will keep everyone informed. We are expecting between 230 and 250 people. Page 3 Passing the Puck Charities - Norine Borelli The Rochester Americans Booster Club held its annual Euchre Tournament on Sunday April 14th at Hidden Valley Club House. This year’s charity was Honor Flight. There were 44 players, some new and quite a few returning players. Always happy to see both old and new faces! We are still working on the final total but I know it will be great ! This year’s winners were Marc Compitello (1st place), Debbie Indivino (2nd place) and Tim Finch (3rd place). Raffle winners were Paul VanLare (50/50), Jenny Allen (Candy Basket), Matt Bryant (Golf Package), Steve Olas (Rochester Sports Package) and Carol Sozio (Restaurant Package). I would like to thank Betty Evans, Paul VanLare, Ann & Virginia Paddock, Mike & Sherry Petta, Kathy Borrelli, Dave Sturm and Donna Voelkl for all their help during the tournament. I would like to thank Elaine Nebel for her snack donations. Newsletter - Gary Schaeffer Articles for the June/July Newsletter are due by June 18. The April/May newsletter will be Mailed at the end of the month of April, if you are not receiving it by e-mail. I would like to Thank all the Booster Club Members who sent in the articles in to make the newsletter one we can be proud of. Let’s go Amerks into the playoffs!! Remember to GO GREEN and receive the newsletter by E-MAIL or receive by mail. Don’t forget to update your email address or mailing address, please advise me so I can correct the address at amerksfan273@aol.com or call at 585-334-5080. ***Don’t forget to drop off any used printer cartridges at Booster Club table or see me so we can continue to receive the “Staples Rewards” to earn credit towards printing of the newsletter. Thank you for the people who have donated printer cartridges. Thank you again!!!!! Passing the Puck Page 4 My Interview with #37 Matt Ellis By: Kelly Toombs Q: How do you like Rochester? A: Like it, it’s an exciting time and playing great. Q: Is there any significance on wearing #37? A: Oldest Son’s birthday which is March 7th and wouldn’t see my self wearing any other number. Q: What has changed in the league since you were a rookie? A: The style is different, the mentality is a lot different, and the attitude and also with the few lockout that has happened. Q: Do the goalies seam faster and bigger now than when you first started? #37 Matt Ellis A:They are a lot different, they are a lot bigger and no easy goals anymore. Q: Do you see yourself as a coach after your career? A: When I am done I will never be out of the game of hockey I’ve grown up with it all my life and don’t see myself doing anything else besides hockey. Q: Do you have a nickname and where did you get it? A: Matty or Ells nothing hard just first and last name. My Interview with #31 Nathan Lieuwen By: Kelly Toombs Q: How do you like playing in Rochester? A: Love it; Love the guys and the atmosphere. Q: What has been one of your biggest accomplishments you have over come in your life so far? A: Winning the WHL champ with Brayden McNabb Q: Who got you into the game of Hockey? A: Canada got me into it Q: Do you have a nickname if so where did you get it from? A: Lue part of last name Q: Who’s the biggest jokester on the team? A: Mark Pysyk #31 Nathan Lieuwen Page 5 Passing the Puck Transportation - Donna Voelkl Just as a reminder the Convention balance is due to be paid by June 15. It's That Time ! The 2013 AAHLBC Convention The 49th Annual Association of American Hockey League Booster Clubs Convention will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Rochester, NY on September 5th – 8th, 2013 hosted by The Rochester Americans Booster Club The prices for this year's Convention are: (US FUNDS) QUAD ..... $170.per person TRIPLE ..... $185.per person DOUBLE ..... $225.per person SINGLE ..... $340. per person Extra nights are $101.46 inclusive of taxes per room US Early arrival discount rates are available for Sept. 4th, 5th & 9th -Room Tax and parking in a ground lot is included in the above prices – The above prices are PER PERSON for the COMPLETE weekend including the evening meals on Friday and Saturday and Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Parking for cars is included in the above prices. Parking is in a ground lot at the hotel. Bus Parking is free. Please sign up and give your deposit of $50.00 by March 15, 1013. See Booster Club table for Details or any board member. Exec Foundation - Mary Dibble A monetary donation was given to the Lake Shore Jesters Mite White Hockey Team for extra ice time and to help with the costs for a hockey tournament in Buffalo. With a limited number of people helping, they did an excellent job selling 50/50 raffle tickets on March 8. A monetary donation was given to St. Joseph’s Villa to help support their care programs for children who need them. A thank you letter was received from the Arc Foundation of Monroe for the monetary donation to support their programs for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. A thank you letter was received from the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester, NY, Inc. for the monetary donation to “Give Kids a Better Chance to Get Better” and also provide their families a place to stay at the Ronald McDonald two houses. Page 6 Passing the Puck West Webster Fire Department Appreciation Dinner March 26, 2013 put on by the Booster Club. The firemen were thrilled with the food and the generous donations. The donation was from a 50/50 Game Raffle and Jersey Raffle held by the Booster Club.and a donation from the Rochester Americans Front Office from a Jersey Raffle and a cash donation. Many thanks to all the Booster Club members who worked hard to make it such a success. Entertainment -Sandy Clement It has been a great hockey season and hopefully we have a post season to look forward to. Needless to say we are looking forward to warmer weather. So save the date on your calendar for the Booster Club annual picnic...Sunday, July 28th starting at 1:00 PM.. at Webster Park, Shelter #1...more details will follow in the coming months. The cabin party for the spring has been canceled due to the costly fees of renting a cabin. Merchandise - Gary Schaeffer We have Polo shirts with SHOOTING STAR LOGO in short or long sleeves. Cost of shirts range from $20.00 -$27.00 depending on sleeve length, size and color. We have the Rochester Americans Booster Club LOGO. Cost of shirts range from $24.00 -$32.00 depending on sleeve length, size and color. We have a 3 season Jacket. Cost of Jacket range from $48.00 to $58.00 depending on size of jacket. We have T-Shirt Camouflage Amerks Logo cost range from $18.00 to $20.00. Adding a name $3.00 extra. Prices subject to change. Please note : The Month of February will be the time to place your orders. Any question about special orders please call or write or email. New Management for ASD (All Specialty Design) for our Merchandise Great Quality. Send for an order form to: Gary Schaeffer, 32 Green Clover Dr., Henrietta, NY 14467 or e-mail me at amerks9usa@yahoo.com. Issue 55 Page 7 Position President Name E-Mail Virginia Paddock vpaddock@rochester.rr.com Phone Assistants Vice President Mark Polizzi map13@frontiernet.net Secretary Sara Zinc sezinc@rochester.rr.com Treasurer Eleanor Hernandez Member Communications Natalie Corcoran amerksfan273@aol.com Joan Fletcher Ways & Means Sherry Petta mikesherry04@frontier.com Barb Jarosinski Transportation Donna Voelkl Entertainment Sandy Clement sjwills@frontiernet.net Bonnie Heddon Exec Foundation Mary Dibble Parliamentarian Mary Bliek Historian Dave Sturm handpass8@aol.com Lottery Calendars Mike Petta mikesherry04@frontier.com Newsletter Editor Gary Schaeffer amerks9usa@yahoo.com Ella Schaeffer Sunshine Committee Jenny Schuber jensch628@aol.com Jan Fernandez Charities Norine Borrelli houlder2@rochester.rr.com Chris Garren Player Incentive Award Eric Hoad Acti have set up a commit- Richard Dries Sergeant @ Arms Kelly Toombs Web-site William Flynn Amerksboosterclub.com Signs Betty Grasta digger@rochester.rr.com Hall of Fame Mary Dibble Joanne Dries Ann Paddock Donna Adams Lottery Calendars - Mike Petta Let's Go Amerks!!!! As of this newsletter we've sold 115 2013 Lottery Calendars. Each ticket is good for the whole year and even the seller can win $5.00 as well. Let’s try to reach our goal of 150 tickets sold to help the club with the fundraiser and to win money everyday during the whole year. Well hopefully by the time this newsletter comes out we will be well on our way to winning the Calder Cup. This season has flown by so fast I would just like to say Thank You to all who've purchased Lottery Calendars this year and always remember we still have an ample supply left for sale at every home game. To purchase a ticket see Mike or any member at the Booster Club table during every home game. Tickets are still just $20.00. I hope everyone has enjoyed this season and let's take it all the way to the Calder Cup Championship. Let's Go Amerks!!! Mike Nolan Page 10 Passing the Puck s Rochester American Booster Club P.O. Box 26454 Rochester, NY 14626-0454 Web-Site: www.amerksboosterclub.com E-mail: amerksfan273@aol.com God Bless America Support our Troops! The Rochester Americans Bo oster Club is in its 48th Year. Your involvement in the Club he lps to provide donations to Ch ari ties and Youth Hockey in the Ro chester area. Join friends or make new friends on Booster Clu b Trips. Monthly Meetings an d other Events planned throughou t the year. Get Involved - Sup port our Team! Membership Communications - Natalie Corcoran Thank you to all of our members in supporting the Booster Club and our team. We are looking forward to the Post season and next year with great things to come. GO AMERKS!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have any questions please email me at iggy126@rochester.rr.com and I will be able to answer them. Send an application form (off web site, newsletter or ask any board member) with your check to ROCHESTER AMERICAN BOOSTER CLUB, P.O. BOX 26454, ROCHESTER, N Y 14626. Please make all checks payable to: Rochester Americans Booster Club. Next Meeting: June 27, 2013 - Hidden Valley Clubhouse, 7:00 PM
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