Centre Léon Bérard Dpt of Medicine Dpt of Translational
Centre Léon Bérard Dpt of Medicine Dpt of Translational
Pierre Saintigny Centre Léon Bérard Dpt of Medicine Dpt of Translational Research & Innovation Cancer Research Center of Lyon Dpt of Cancer Cell Plasticity Team EMT and Cancer Cell Plasticity (A. Puisieux) (I)HNPACT: Une approche intégrée de la prévention WP1-Translationel Investigateur Principal P Saintigny Co-investigateurs P Zrounba, P Breton, A Gleizal, G Bettega, T Alix, AG Bodard WP2-Recherche fondamentale Investigateur Principal P Saintigny Co-investigateur O Damour WP3-Sociologie et addictologie Investigateur Principal V Régnier Co-investigateur F Chauvin, P Arvers, C Lasset WP4-Médico-économique Investigateur Principal L Perrier 2 3 Oral leukoplakia A model of oral tumorigenesis PHASE REVERSIBLE PHASE IRREVERSIBLE 0 à 30 ans normal Invasive Illustrations: Service chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Pitié Salpêtrière http://www.intechopen.com ; Modern Pathology 2012 Muqueuse normale 9p Hyperplasie LOH 3p, 17p Dysplasie 11q,13q, 14q Carcinome in situ 6p, 8, 4q Carcinome invasif « Vogelgram » proposé par Califano et al, 1996 Jean-Philippe Foy, Chloé Bertolus, Pierre Saintigny Value of LOH for oral cancer risk assessment Systematic review and meta-analysis Collaboration: -Scott M Lippman, William WN Jr. (EPOC, USA) -Miriam Rosin (Canada) Halter L…Pérol D, Saintigny P, in preparation 4 Background • Oral leukoplakia is the most frequent potentially malignant oral lesion • Our ability to predict oral cancer (OC) risk remains poor • DNA methyltransferase-3B (DNMT3B) gene expression is a strong predictor of OC development • CpG Island Methylation Phenotype (CIMP) may occur early during OC development Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. DNMT3B, a de novo methyltransferase, is a predictor of OC development Identification of new DNA methylation markers of oral cancer risk Method Material Patient selection & design Methylated CpG island AMplification CpG Island Methylator Phenotype is an early event in oral tumorigenesis CIMP in oral preneoplasia Selection of candidate genes Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. Promoter methylation of candidate genes in cancer (2 independent studies) Promoter methylation of 32/86 candidate genes in 10 OC and matched nal mucosa & blood (DREAM) Average β-values of 62/86 candidate genes (125 probes) in HNSCC, blood & nal mucosa (GSE25083) N=91 N=146 N=18 Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. Downregulation of candidate genes in tongue cancer compared to normal tongue A gene expression index was computed in 20 matched OSCC and normal oral mucosa by averaging the log2 expression values of 42/86 candidate genes (62 probesets, HG-U95av2, GSE13601) Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. AGTR1, FOXI2, HOXA9, PENK & LINE1 are often methylated in HNSCC Promoter methylation (average β-values) of AGTR1, FOXI2, HOXA9, PENK, and ZIC1 in HNSCC, nal mucosa, and blood (GSE25083) Data from Poage GM et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 2011 (GSE25093, Illumina HumanMethylation27) Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. AGTR1, FOXI2, PENK and LINE1 methylation* in 37 oral leukoplakia not included in the training set * By pyrosequencing Group A: 23 patients with oral leukoplakia who did not develop OC Group B: 14 patients with oral leukoplakia who developed OC Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. Methylation index, LINE1 methylation and oral cancer-free survival Methylation index and OCFS 100 % survival % survival 100 75 50 25 LINE1 methylation and OCFS MI LOW MI HIGH 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 OCFS (years) OCFS: oral cancer-free survival Methylation index (MI): average % of AGTR1, FOXI2, and PENK promoter methylation 75 50 25 LINE1 LOW LINE1 HIGH 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 OCFS (years) Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. Methylation index, LINE1 methylation and DNMT3B gene expression Methylation index and DNMT3B Methylation index (MI): average % of AGTR1, FOXI2, and PENK promoter methylation LINE1 methylation and DNMT3B Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. Conclusion • AGTR1, FOXI2 and PENK promoter methylation may be associated with an increased OC risk in patients with oral leukoplakia • Methylation index correlates with DNMT3B expression • Global DNA hypomethylation (LINE1) is an early event in OC development Foy JP…Saintigny P. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2015;8(11):1027-35. Remerciements • • Collaborateurs IHNPACT-RA T Alix Centre Léon Bérard – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Marie-Alexandra Albaret Geneviève De Souza Solène Marteau Jean-Philippe Foy Arnaud Paré Sophie Deneuve Sylvie Lantuejoul Carole Crozes Isabelle Treilleux Sandra Ortiz-Cuaran Aurélie Swalduz Andy Karabajakian David Pérol Christine Lasset & Dominique Triviaux • Autres collaborateurs IHNPACT – Chloé Bertolus (Pitié-Salpétrière) – Dominique Goga, Gonzague De Pinieux (Tours) – Jean Perriot, Georges Brousse, Frédérique Penault-Llorca (Clermont-Ferrand) – Anne Stoebner (Montpellier) – Nathalie Wirth (Nancy) • Collaborateurs US/Canada – – – – Scott Lippman, San Diego Li Mao, Baltimore Mark Lingen, Chicago Waun Ki Hong, J. Jack Lee, William, WN Jr., Houston – Miriam Rosin, Canada • Financeur 16
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