October - Leif Erikson Lodge


October - Leif Erikson Lodge
October, 2015
Volume 70 Issue 8
Velkommen til —
From The President
At last fall days are here, cooler weather
and falling leaves and Norwegian sweaters
being made ready for proud moments. I
love my collection of sweaters, gathered
throughout my adult life time. I used to
think Harris tweed jackets were what I liked most; but
no. It’s my sweaters that show who I am and how I like
to be seen. I get more compliments when wearing my
handsome sweaters than from anything else I do.
I am spending more time at Kaffestua now. It’s one of
my best ways to keep up with our membership, hearing
comments and critiques. Of course, I always have a
good lunch there with friends and acquaintances from
our Lodge and the Ballard community. The best part of
Kaffestua is inviting friends to have lunch with you.
After lunch sometime last week, I walked through Bergen Place and showed the city park to a friend. When
looking at the wonderful mural of our history in this community, I am really proud. The Ballard history runs parallel with our local Norwegian history. I have always
wanted to thank the Friends of Bergen Place organization for their grand and continuing efforts. They are
very dedicated folks; most are LEL members who love
our local park. Thank you, Victoria and Tim Hunter for
your work projects and for inspiring others to work, with
you. You folks make our park shine, and we can be
proud because of your committee’s efforts.
I know our September Vikingen was late by about two
days getting into the mail. The electrical and thunder
storms which came through Seattle knocked out electricity at a very critical time, both at our printer and the
substitute printer we used in an effort to get the newsletter in the mail sooner. The Editor reminded me that a
digital copy of the Vikingen is “Online” on the LEL website, almost always by the first of the month. In addition,
besides the Editor, Board Members are emailed a digital copy of the newsletter. So for those of you with computer access, there is an alternative to getting pertinent
information quicker. In addition, often more pages than
are in the printed, mailed version (due to expense), are
available on-line and the version online is in color. Our
apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused
Our October membership meeting will be full of events;
a great meal of meatballs, gravy, and potatoes; an outstanding performance by our Leikarringen folk dance
group; our annual memorial service for beloved members who have passed on; and finally a new members’
ceremony. Please plan to attend on October 14th. All
are welcome and I hope to see you then. Call the
Lodge office to make your reservations for dinner.
Our bazaar raffle tickets are in the mail. Please support
LEL’s big annual fundraiser by buying the tickets and
promptly returning the ticket stubs with your check to
the office in the envelope provided. Bazaar weekend is
October 17th and 18th. Around 125 plus people gladly
volunteer to help out, making the event possible. Without our esteemed volunteers at LEL, almost nothing
would happen. Let’s all work together to make this
grand event a big success. You can do that by volunteering, coming with friends to purchase homemade
Continued on Page 2 ...
Leif Erikson Lodge #2-001
Sons of Norway
Schedule of Events
October, 2015
LEL Board Meeting
2nd Saturday Kaffestua
Happy Hour
Norna Ladies Potluck
Happy Hour
Membership Dinner $15
Program: Leikarringen, annual remembrance of
members who have passed away, Welcoming Ceremony for new members
Business Meeting
109th Annual Bazaar
17-18 Sat./Sun
November, 2015
LEL Board Meeting
Norna Ladies Potluck
Happy Hour
Membership Dinner $15.
Note: Dec. 8 Ham Dinner to benefit the Foundation.
Dinner prepared by Bjarne/Doug and Program about the
SON Foundation
2nd Sat. Kaffestua
2nd Sat. Happy Hour
Go to the digital copy of the Vikingen on the LEL website, where you will
find additional event notices from other SON lodges and community events
Note: The Vikingen may be printed as much as a month ahead of events. The information included
in the Vikingen is the most current we have at the time of publication. However, things change.
Kaffestua — Open Mon., Tues. Wed. 10a-2:30p, and Friday 10a - 2:30p except major holidays, or as announced.
2nd Saturday Kaffestua — 10a—2:30p. 2nd Saturday of the month.
2nd Saturday Happy Hour -- 5p-8p — Light supper + 2 beverages $5 (bring finger food; get free raffle ticket)
2nd Saturday Chart Group — Meets in Kaffestua Room periodically. No scheduled meetings at this time.
Barneleikarringen Practice — Nordic Heritage Museum, Swedish Cultural Ctr, LEL, children ages 4-15. Call
Barneleikarringen Leadership Group (425) 954-5257 or email: barneleikarringen@gmail.com.
Bowling—Tuesday evenings, 7p, Spin Alley Bowling Center, 1430 NW Richmond Beach Rd, Shoreline, WA
Exercise Class — Wednesdays, 10a, $3/ea. time. Walk-ins welcome.
Leikarringen Practice—1st Tuesday of each month is party night and casual dance, 7:30p-9:30p
LEBA Board Meetings—4th Wed. January through June; September through December at 7:30p
LERA Board Meetings — 2nd Tuesday each month, 7p. Meeting places alternate between LEL and Norway Pk
LEL Board Meetings— 1st Wednesday of the Month at 7:00p.
LEL Membership/Bus. Meetings—2nd Wed. of Month 7:30p. Happy Hour 5:30p; Dinner/cost (as announced) 6:00p.
Library—open Tuesdays 10a—2p.
Lodge Office—open Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 10a—3p, except major holidays. Volunteers needed (PH 783-1274).
Norna Potluck and Business Meeting —2nd Tuesdays at noon.
Newsletter—deadline: Thursday after the membership meeting, unless otherwise notified. No issues
Spaghetti Dinner, Bingo and Karaoke -- No events currently scheduled.
Youth Group — The Youth Group currently has no director and no meetings are currently scheduled.
Vikingen Mail Committee -- The Mail Committee usually meets the next to the last week of the month, or as
announced. If you have time to volunteer 1 or 2 hours/month, please call: Dee (206) 285-3062
Volume 70 Issue 8
Page 2
Continued from Page 1 ...
Published monthly except July and
August by Leif Erikson Lodge No. 2-001,
Sons of Norway, 2245 NW 57th St, Seattle, WA
98107 (Subscription by membership only). It is the
responsibility of any Board Officer, Committee
Chairperson or Member not wishing to have their
phone number, email and/or name published in the
Vikingen to contact the Editor, as well as any person(s) writing articles for the Vikingen, and request
in writing that that information not be published.
Dee Salvino
Business/Adver. Mgr.
Doug Warne
(206) 441-9490
(206) 789-7043
Lee Ehrheart
Andrea Torland
Bjarne Varnes
Bernie Bowers
Asst. Secretary
Ellen Beck
Financial Secretary
Janet Fruchtl
Randi Aulie
Cultural Director
Social Director
Kathleen Lange
Sports Director
Kathleen Lange
Youth Director
On the second Saturday of October, Kaffestua will
be open and celebrating Leif Erikson Day. Nancy
Hiraoka and I will be your sandwich makers. We
promise great food, entertainment and a hearty
welcome. Bring friends; all Vikings will be well
received, but we do ask all Vikings to kindly leave
all swords and axes outside the building. Kaffestua
is a weapons-free environment. If you cannot
make it to the luncheon, come later in the day to
“Happy Hour” as that is scheduled, also.
It’s hard to believe that we can almost see the end
of 2015 on the horizon. At our last meeting, we
elected new members to our Nomination Committee. They are responsible for asking members to
serve on our Board for next year. It’s a committee
of volunteers asking volunteers to serve. When
you volunteer with love and joy in your heart, you
join the ranks with those who know the deep personal satisfaction of being of service to others.
Often when you selflessly give, the returns are
unexpectedly great. Contributing time and effort to
LEL has brought joy to many hearts within our beloved Lodge. If you feel it’s right, say “YES” to
volunteering. Your President,
Lee Ehrheart
2nd Saturday Kaffestua
2nd Saturday Kaffestua on September 12th was staffed by Lorie
Elken, Gail Engler and Claire
Sagen, with Trygve Bjorndal on
the accordion. Tusen takk!
Chris Sand
Christine Anderson
Dee Salvino
Sunshine Committee
Arlene Templin
Judy Gray
Office Mgr. 206-783-1274
style sandwiches, lapskaus, peasoup and rommegrot. There will also be booths displaying items for
sale. The event is a great place to sit, relax, eat
and socialize.
Diane Adams and Judy Gray
We had NO visitors in the morning, and very few
in the afternoon; but they included two of Trygve’s family, so that was nice. Thanks to Trygve, we still got in a sing-a-long. Hopefully,
October 10th’s Kaffestua will be full of Members
and their friends, celebrating Leif Erikson Day.
Marie Sandvig, who held a genealogy workshop
that day, stopped by to meet with Christine
Anderson. They probably met for a bazaarrelated meeting, as lots of plans are underway
for that. It will soon be here!
Gerry Folkestad President 206-783-5899 Kaffestua is a wonderful, cozy place to meet for
lunch, hold a morning meeting or stop by for a
Leif Erikson Building Assoc,
Ballard coffee break and catch up on what’s new
Bill Alsvick
425-322-4595 at the Lodge. We ask only a $5.00 donation for
Judy Gray
Office Mgr. 206-783-1274 kaffe, smørbrød, great vaffler and other treats,
which makes it a good deal. Bring your friends.
Kaffestua is fortunate to have some great volunDoug Olsen
President (425) 343-8876
teers; however, we’re always looking for addiresoku4a@hotmail.com
tional people to help a couple of Saturdays a
SON Lodge—Financial Benefits Counselor year. Experience is appreciated, but you can
Jerry Label
425-640-9830 also learn as you go. If you’d like to participate,
please email Nancy Hiraoka at nangran@comcast.net or call her at 206-498-9693.
2nd Saturday Kaffestua will be open Saturday,
October 10th – for Leif Erikson Day celebrations!
Beste Hilsener,
Claire Sagen
October, 2015
Happy Hour Set for October 10th
As the second of the new social season,
the October Happy Hour will be special.
Volunteers will tend bar, set up the food
buffet and sell tickets. Attendees at the
September event can attest to the wide
variety of food on the snack table. There are usually many different snacks, including some hot
items and even dessert.
The price is the same this season at $5 for light
supper and two drinks. Raffle tickets will also be
sold for a collection of prizes that are valued totaling at about $200. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
and if you bring some finger food to share at the
buffet table you will receive some extra raffle tickets.
At September’s event, attendees played a dice
game called, “Left, Right, Center”. Winners were
awarded extra raffle tickets. October will also provide some type of 30-minute game or event designed to mix the crowd a bit and generate conversations. In fact, since the October 10th date is so
close to Leif Erikson Day, perhaps he will attend.
If you introduce yourself to him appropriately, he
might even give you an extra raffle ticket. The
event starts at 5:00 p.m. October 10th and ends at
8:00 p.m. Doug Warne
Rosters in Member’s Hands at Last
It has been a long process and Christine Anderson
and Doug Warne are happy to see the beginning of
the end to their committee Roster project. There
was much more work involved than expected and
so it took more time. Also with this roster, the objective was to give every member household that
wanted one a roster and not just those members
who had been photographed. Many people including the office staff have been involved in getting
those rosters out to members. The final mailing to
those who have made arrangements will be this
week. There should be enough rosters left that new
members initiated in the next year should be able
to have a roster. Members who had rosters reserved but not picked up and thus returned to inventory, may be able to purchase a roster at meetings for $10.
From the Office
We are continuing to follow the schedule of Kaffestua; we are OPEN on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunshine Committee
Your Lodge Sunshine Committee
represents the membership of the
Lodge to other members who need
and deserve our well wishes. If you know of anyone needing a card from us, please let us know.
Call the office or call one of us directly:
Arlene Templin at 206.784.1290
Judy Gray at 206.783.1274 (Lodge office)
If we don’t hear from you, we won’t know to whom
to send our cards.
Judy and Arlene
Volume 70 Issue 8
Page 3
Bazaar Raffle
Has New Prizes
our Lodge. Brown Bear Carwash has a way we
can run a car wash any time of year, not get
How would you like to win the grand prize cold and wet and save our members money
of a Mexican or Caribbean cruise for two while making money for the Lodge and protectaboard a beautiful Holland America ship? ing the streams and the cars we wash.
That will be first prize this year. Second
prize will be a $500 gift certificate from We set up a special program to sell Brown Bear
Scandinavian Specialties which the winner carwash coupons to members and friends for
$5, which is cheaper than if you just drive up to
can use all at once or simply deduct purany of their twenty locations. We pay a nominal
chases from over the year. Third prize is amount for the tickets and make a profit on
$300 cash. Adding more chances to win each one we sell. Coupons are available at
will be a selection of ten individual prizes Lodge functions or in the office. If you seldom
for runner-up fourth prize. Each prize is a come to the Lodge, send in the coupon found
$20 gift certificate from the Ballard Bridge next to this column with your name, address
and how many carwash tickets you want along
with $5 for each one and $1 donation for postYou received your letter from President age and handling. We will send them back to
Ehrheart along with ten raffle tickets to go you by mail.
with this year’s Bazaar. The price per ticket
Let’s wash cars, not fish and make some
remains the same as last year at $3 each money for the Lodge as well.
or a booklet of ten for $30. Again this year,
the 1st prize winner may choose any prize; Doug Warne
2nd place winner may choose either of two
remaining; 3rd prize winner is awarded un- Genealogy Group: The next Genealogy Groupnd
meeting will be November 14 to coincide with 2
selected prize. Remember there are 10
Saturday Kaffestua.
consolation prizes worth $20 each so you
have a much greater possibility of winning
than years ago.
Eidem’s Custom Upholstery
A huge percentage of our Lodge income
comes from raffle ticket sales and the bazaar. Please participate by sending in your
$30 for ten tickets. Remember, you can’t
win if you don’t send in your money and
ticket stubs. Fill in your name, address, Email and phone number and mail the stubs
in the envelope provided. Keep the larger
ticket to prove your winning status. The
drawing will be held on Bazaar Sunday
October 18th about 3:30 p.m.
Carwash Tickets Save Fish, Cleans Car
and Makes Money for the Lodge
A clean ride shouldn’t lead to dirty water.
But that is often what happens when you
wash your car at home or at an impromptu
car wash set up by the local basketball
team or cheerleaders. All that soapy water
going down the storm drain isn’t good for
the fish either. Dirty car wash water contaminates our waterways with petroleum
hydrocarbons, heavy metals, phosphorus,
nitrogen and sediments. Soaps dissolve
the protective mucous layer on fish and
natural oils in the gills, making fish more
susceptible to disease. Also the rags and
sponges brought from home often pick up
particles of sand from the driveway or parking lot and wind up not just washing the
cars but scratching the paint as well.
So what is a responsible organization to
do? The answer is to use a commercial car
wash. They send dirty water for recycling
and to the sewer for treatment. We still see
a car wash as a way to bring money in to
Quality craftsmanship since 1954
Fabrics — Foam —
New furniture made to
order — furniture repair
Pickup and Delivery
Exact cost quotations upon inspection
Monday-Friday 9 to 6 — Saturday 10 to 3
October, 2015
Subscription to the Vikingen
With the holiday season coming fast, in case
you need a quick gift or just want your family
and friends to know what is going on at SON in
Seattle, send them a subscription to the Vikingen! The cost is $15 for ten issues when
mailed within the U.S. (and a small addition to cover
out-of-the country expense, depending on where in the
work it is to go.) Contact Editor at (206) 285-3062.
Brown Bear Car Wash Coupons.
Please use this coupon to order car wash tickets
and mail it to LEL office. Please indicate
“CARWASH” on the envelope so it goes to the
correct committee:
NAME _____________________________
(You may wish to donate $1.00 total for postage,
Phone: 253-568-6862
envelope and handling.)
5801Hahane E NE
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Email: knittingstore@net-venture.com
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3rd Sunday of the month -- 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Adults $15 Seniors $10 Kids (5-12) $5
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Lewis O.Seattle,
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TEL: (206) 789-5433
J.G. Scripps Building, Suite 400
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221 1st Avenue
Seattle, WA 98119
TEL: (206) 789-5433
FAX: (206) 682-5241
Havorn Marine(206) 789-7043
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Lee H. Ehrheart A.M.S.
PO Box 17521—Seattle WA 98127
tel. 206-784-7020
toll free: 1-866-784-7020
fax: 206-783-6218
Page 4
109th Leif
Volume 70 Issue 8
October, 2015
Help us celebrate 109 years of bazaars on
Saturday, October 17 from 10 a.m. -- 4
p.m. and on Sunday, October 18 from 11
a.m. -- 4 p.m. Have some family fun while
enjoying Nordic food from our tastefully
designed sandwiches to the delicate krumkake cone and the hearty ertesuppe/
peasoup, lapskaus/lamb stew, and rømmegrøt, a silky sour cream porridge and
also delicious Norwegian desserts in our
Bakeri/Bakery. Good, strong Norwegian
coffee is served all day!
Purchase gorgeous handicrafts from our
Norna ladies, including their fabulous embroidered dish towels. Kids and adults can
take a chance on games, including Tombola in the Karnival Korner -- maybe even
win a big teddy bear! There are lots of
raffles, including a cruise via Holland
America, $500 gift certificate to Scandinavian Specialties, cash, beautiful baskets
filled with food, Norwegian crafts, movie
tickets, Norwegian cooking ware, and so
much more. Gently loved previously
owned items at our Ditt og Datt booth are
a bargain hunter's dream come true.
Unique items can be bid on hourly at our
silent auction of Norwegian antiques,
crafts, glassware, dishes, collectibles, and
more. Learn about the Sons of Norway,
Select vendors include: Desiree of Sweden with wonderful items from the Nordic
countries, including woven rugs, sterling,
Yule lights, Christmas misse and tomta;
Judy's Painted Treasures of traditional
Norwegian rose painting; Handmade by
Hanson with handknit children's sweaters
and letter art; Sewing by Heart clothes for
American Girl dolls; traditional Norwegian
sweaters; and Around the Sound t-shirts
with a Norwegian themes!
Our first bazaar was held in 1906 to raise
funds for a building of our own. It is now
the historical Norway Hall on Boren Avenue which is home to the Cornish College
of the Arts. In 1986 we opened Leif Erikson Hall which was built mostly by volunteer labor. One of the missions of Sons of
Norway, an international nonprofit organization, is to promote and preserve the
heritage and culture of Norway. Throughout the year we sponsor Norwegian cooking classes; our Tastes of Norway in
March featuring Norwegian food, crafts,
lectures, and demonstrations; Norwegian
language classes; Nordic heritage day
camps for children; performing dance
groups for children and adults; Norna a
social and craft group for the women of the
Lodge; and visiting Norwegian entertainers
which come often to the Seattle area. We
offer scholarships for those interested in
attending youth camps sponsored by District 2 Sons of Norway; university students
who are counselors and instructors for the
youth camps, a leadership scholarship for
those attending colleges or universities,
and the Doug Warne Vocational Scholarship.
Come on down to the Leif Erikson Lodge
bazaar in Ballard! Enjoy the food; meet
your neighbors; learn about the Sons of
Norway; see the beautiful crafts and arts
of Norway and Scandinavia some made by
local artisans; see the bargains for vintage and
gently used household items and books; and
take some chances on luscious food baskets
from local merchants and groups, trips, cash,
and so much more!
See you on October 17 and 18!
Free admission and some free parking available at local area businesses. Check with the
parking attendants on the days of the event.
Christine Anderson
There’s always something about your success that displeases even your best friends.
Mark Twain
Interesting LEL Members
There are a number of members of LEL
with interesting memoirs and stories that
the rest of the membership would enjoy
reading. There are two ways to accomplish
this -- each member writes their own or
Diana Einersen (daughter-in-law to Knut)
has offered to interview and write member
memories. She is a published author and is
usually in the Kaffestua on Wednesdays
and Fridays. Perhaps you would like to visit
with her and find out more about the process.
The Vikingen would like to publish any fruits
from these interviews but if you prefer, the
information would be kept private.
Page 5
Volume 70 Issue 8
Norna Ladies
Our next potluck lunch/
meeting is Tuesday, October
13, at noon in the Norna
Room. We will make final
arrangements for our participation in the LEL Bazaar on
the 17th and 18th. Please visit our booth to
buy our popular handmade items: embroidered dishtowels, dish cloths, hanging
“refrigerator” towels, aprons, knitwear, and
Christmas surprises.
Save the future dates: November 10 – potluck lunch and December 8 – potluck Christmas lunch.
Judy Gray and Diane Adams
October, 2015
Kaffestua Kroken
Kaffestua is still going strong, although some days are not as busy
as we would like. But it still remains the best place to get lunch in Ballard!
There’s always a fresh pot of coffee brewing,
great open-face sandwiches, heart waffles and
sweets to be had. Diane Aronsen is still spending a lot of time getting people to work in Kaffestua. Please call her at 206-783-4491 if you have
any spare time to help or if you could be on call.
We continue to be closed on Thursdays but are
open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. If we get
additional volunteers, perhaps we can open on
Thursdays again.
LEBA Board Report
Visitors this past month came from Edmonds,
Bellevue, and Seattle. From Norway, we had
visitors from Stavanger, Baerum, Sunndal, and
$$$ Money, Money, Money $$$
Volunteers Lately at Kaffestua Include:
Nordbo, Reidun Totland, Karen Sheldahl,
Connie Hofstad, Diane Aronsen, Judy Mallory, Kari Knudsen, Magni Hinsee, Ragnhild
Eidem, Maria Lerbrek, Linda Pye, Diana
Erickson, and Pat Bjorkelo. Tusen takk to all
People Who Recently Donated Food Items
and Whose Names Were Listed in the
Vidar Warness, Ingleiv Medhaug, Diane
Aronsen, Valborg Nordbo, Karen Abelsen,
Vagn Jensen, Mabel Rockness, Pauline Olsen, Helga Moen, Reidun Totland, Lisbeth
Matthews, Karen Sheldahl, Magni Hinsee,
Kari Knudsen, Rene Vogt, Ragnhild Eidem,
and Norman Jonson. Thanks to all of you!
Special thanks to Vidar Warness for all the
smoked salmon he brings in!
Musicians Who Recently Entertained Us:
Trygve Bjorndal, Richard Svendsen, Thor
Olsen, Harold Nygaard, and Tor Christensen.
Music makes a difference. Thank you!
Marilyn Fuller, Lee Ehrheart, Gunn Marit Valborg Nordbo and Reidun Totland
McArthur, Odny McDonald, Helga Moen, Valborg
Building repairs previously reported:
The Sprinkler system (in the basement)
Exercise Helps Counteract
ington in 1958. He was an Engineer for the Department
needs updating and repairs: estimated
of Natural Resources for 10 years and was the WahkiaSummer Vacation Calories
cost of $8,100, plus tax
kum County Engineer from 1968 to 1982 when he reand Slump
Members are getting back in tired. He was also a member of the Kelso/Longview
Plumbing costs to support sprinkler system
the swing of things with the Elks and the American Legion. Although he maintained
of $5,000
his membership with Leif Erikson Lodge, he was active
Wednesday Lodge exercise in Helgeland Lodge #30 in Cathlamet where he lived.
The Alarm System needs to be replaced:
new panel, 19 smoke detectors, etc. class as it is picking up attendance again after The Memorial will be sent to Helgeland Lodge #30, PO
summer vacations. Classes are still only Box 724, Cathlamet, WA 98612.
will cost $5,816, plus tax
$5.00 per session, and it is a drop-in-type We recently learned that Aslaug Haugen died May 11,
New building projects started:
class so you don’t have to attend each meet- 2009. She was a member of Leif Erikson Lodge for 56
Drainage system on roof (scuppers, metal ing but stop by, as you are able and years but had resided in Norway for many years. She
work, sealing, boots) and downspouts, motivated.
received her 25-year pin in 1978, her Life Membership
in 1984 and her 50-year pin in 2003. The Memorial will
Motivation should be high as the instructor go to the Leif Erikson Lodge Educational Foundation.
Stucco repairs to cracks on east and north
Audrey works not only on aerobics and
June M. Hendricks died August 10, 2015 at the age of
walls, $8,375
strength, but brain work as well. She is a
Same old story – just more details.
Power washing, cleaning, prep for painting,
unexpected costs, $870 (or more)
Upgrades to Annex Building (shared with new
Replacing windows (our half) $3,000
Replacing heating/cooling system (our half)
Removing old heating and cooling equipment
Decommission old oil tank, $1,200
King County Real Estate taxes due in October:
$9,110 [Fortunately, we have a tenant in the
Annex who is responsible for the $3,933 due for
that property.]
Bottom Line: We are looking at almost
$50,000 of expenses in the next two to three
Our current savings and checking accounts total
approximately $75,000. Minimum monthly expenses to keep the building “open” run between
$5,000 and $6,000. Our source of income is
building rentals and Kaffestua. The Lodge also
contributes $600/month toward expenses.
You can do the math; we are in financial trouble.
Judy Gray, Office Manager
LEBA Board member
trainer at the local Olympic Health Club and
other gyms in Seattle. The classes are fun
and participants say they feel better after attending.
The classes are open to not only members
but neighbors as well.
Lodge members
though can earn points for Sons of Norway
sports medals by keeping track of the minutes
of attendance and other exercise activities.
Contact the Lodge Sports Director for further
information about medals and do show up on
Wednesdays for an easy but helpful workout.
Doug Warne
98. She was a member of Leif Erikson Lodge for 61
years, receiving her 25-year pin in 1983, her Life Membership in 1984, her 50-year pin in 2004 and her 60year pin in 2014. June worked in the Leif Erikson Hall
office for many years and was also active in Norna.
The Memorial will go to the Leif Erikson Lodge Building
Lauris G. Lillehammer died August 22, 2015 at the
age of 69. He was a member of Leif Erikson Lodge for
almost 34 years, receiving his 25-year pin in 1996 and
his Golden Membership in 2011. The Memorial will go
to the Leif Erikson Lodge Educational Foundation.
Clara Marie Mann died June 2015 at the age of 101.
She was a member of Sons of Norway for 38 years, first
joining Norden Lodge in Tacoma in 1977 and transferring her membership to Leif Erikson Lodge in 1988.
She received her 25-year pin in 2002, became a Golden
Siste Farvel
member in 2007 and received her 35-year pin in 2012.
We recently learned that Magnus The Memorial will go to the Leif Erikson Lodge EducaFugleseth died June 6, 2001 at the age tional Foundation.
of 86. He had been a member of Leif Erikson
Lillian Marie Nelson died July 4, 2015 at the age of 95.
Lodge for 52 years, receiving his 25-year pin in
She was a member of Leif Erikson Lodge for almost 51
1974, his Life Membership in 1980 and his 50years, receiving her 25-year pin in 1990, her Life Memyear pin in 1999. The Memorial will go to the
bership in 1994 and her 50-year pin in 2014. The MeLeif Erikson Lodge Educational Foundation.
morial will go to the Leif Erikson Lodge Educational
Paul Andrew Giaver died July 26, 2015 at the Foundation.
age of 85. He was a member of Leif Erikson
We send our sympathy to members Nancy Hiraoka on the
Lodge for 52 years, receiving his 25-year pin in loss of her husband Grant who died June 24 and Jon Cato
1989, his Life Membership in 1994 and his 50- Drivenes on the loss of his wife Lisa who died August 28.
year pin in 2013. He was born and educated in
Norway and graduated from the Univ. of Wash- Janet Fuchtl
Page 66
Volume 70 Issue 8
Interview With Thor Olsen
"We had a lot of trouble with foreigners who
were fishing near our shores. When the U.S.
took control of our adjacent waters up to 200
miles, the amount of halibut and cod increased dramatically," Thor remembers.
In 1953, Thor Olsen was living with his family on
the shores of the beautiful Vefsnafjord in Mosjøen, Norway. After turning 19-years-old that
June, he received orders to visit the military
recruiting office in Sandnessjøen, an administrative center about fifteen miles away. As was
required, he took a certificate from his local
sheriff who, after an interview, had verified Thor
was an "honorable person" and had been a
patriot of Norway during WWII. He had only
been six-years-old when the German Nazis
invaded his homeland – but the procedure was
"a law that was still on the books."
During the long hours spent at the military recruiting office in Sandnessjøen that day, Thor
also underwent a physical and psychological
exam in preparation for being drafted into the
Royal Norwegian Air Force. However, Thor
really wanted to immigrate to the U.S. He expressed this to an Air Force officer who said,
"You've got a three-month window to make it
"I'm a draft dodger," Thor Olsen says, smiling
mischievously...and also exaggerating. His parents had already received papers allowing them
to immigrate to the U.S., and Thor wouldn't have
started boot camp until early spring or summer
of the next year.
Norway, of course, had weathered five brutal
years under the Nazi occupiers. Ten thousand
Norwegian men and women had died. "People
weren't too enthusiastic about the military after
that," Thor shares, "My mother had told me: 'It
would be the saddest day of my life if you came
home in a uniform.”
His father, Agnar – "a rare name in Norway" –
was the third oldest of fourteen children and had
wanted to go to America since he was a young
boy. "He talked about it a lot; it was the 'land of
milk and honey.' But there was no money."
Agnar's brother had immigrated to Canada in
1929. "During the Great Depression, it was as
equally tough in Canada as it was in the U.S.
People gave it a nickname: 'Canada: The Hungry 30s'. "
In the fall of 1953, Thor received orders from the
American Embassy in Oslo regarding his visa
and he underwent a physical there. In addition,
the American ambassador, who "spoke good
Norwegian," quizzed him about his activities
during WWII: "Were you a member of a Nazi
youth group?"
By January 1954, he was a passenger on the
cruise ship Stavangerfjord that departed from
Oslo, with stops in Stavanger and Bergen, before "heading out to sea bound for New York"
which was the first leg of a journey to the west
coast of the U.S. (His one-way ticket cost about
$300. His parents, Agnar and Ruth, and his two
sisters arrived after him in March.) The Norwegian government had entered into a special
agreement with the American immigration authorities and the Stavangerfjord berthed at a
harbor near Manhattan rather than at Ellis Island. There were about three hundred immigrants on board the ship. A "traveler's aid" took
Thor to a taxi that dropped him off at the Northwest Airlines office located in downtown New
October, 2015
By 1974, Thor had purchased an even larger
boat: the 113-foot Western Dawn. He began
trawling for shrimp in the Kodiak area of
Alaska. ("The shrimp in Alaska have been
fished out now," he shares.)
Thor and Trygve at Kaffestua
(Photo by Diana Einarsen)
York City.
After arriving in New York at 8:00 a.m., Thor
departed on a flight to Washington state
about 10:00 p.m. that evening. It took thirteen hours. First, the prop plane had to
make two refueling stops. When it landed in
Minneapolis, Minnesota – where it was "40
degrees below zero" – he was shocked!
"I had thought the U.S. would be sunnier
than Norway and I wasn't dressed for it,"
Thor recalls. "It was bitterly cold and the ice
crackled under my feet."
The second refueling stop occurred in Spokane, Washington; afterwards, they flew over
the Cascade Mountains. "I had never flown
before and there was heavy turbulence. A
passenger who had also been on the Stavangerfjord cruise ship spoke Norwegian
and explained that it was 'normal'."
Thor's plane finally landed at the SeattleTacoma International Airport where two relatives were waiting for him, and, once again,
he was shocked to see snow. He ate his
very first hamburger at a ferry dock in Seattle
before embarking on a short cruise to Bainbridge Island and then by car to Poulsbo.
He settled in Poulsbo with his mother's first
cousin and was soon employed as a fisherman catching bottom fish off the coast of
Canada by a man who had married into his
family. In the spring he started fishing for
halibut in the waters off of southeast Alaska.
What was his first impression of America?
"It was glorious! The living standards were
so much better.
The first guy I met in
Poulsbo was Ivar Reiten [a current member
of LEL] who had a brand new Pontiac, a
beautiful shiny car. Everyone had a car!"
Having been born in historic Mosjøen, which
is "just south of the Arctic Circle," Thor also
appreciated the moderate climate in the Pacific Northwest. (Mosjøen ostensibly has the
oldest wooden buildings in northern Norway.)
Thor was married in 1955, and, a couple of
years later, moved to Bremerton where he
worked as a carpenter. During the summer,
he fished for halibut up and down the coast
of Alaska. In 1964, he entered into a partnership with someone outside his family to
purchase a halibut boat. By 1970, he had
purchased his own halibut boat: the 96-foot
Schooner Republic (that fished in the Bering
Sea and also along the Alaskan coast).
When asked about the reaction to his good
fortune from relatives still living in Norway,
he shares a true story about a European
experiment. "A few years ago, researchers
in Germany conducted a test: They gave a
German man a brand new Mercedes – and
all of his friends left him!" Comparing this
with the prevailing attitude in America, he
says, "If somebody does well here, we say
'bless him – maybe next year will be my
turn.' But in Europe they all think you're
putting on the dog." Without hesitation, he
shares his belief that "Socialism was created
in Europe because they were all jealous of
each other."
In 1983, after nine years of trawling for
shrimp, he moved his boat to Dutch Harbor,
Alaska, and began fishing for cod and pollack.
"I slowly drifted out of fishing starting in the
1990s, and retired completely in 2000." His
son now owns the major share in Western
There are four harrowing events that occurred before Thor retired – two of which he
was involved in – that are still vivid memories. The crew from the Western Dawn rescued a total of fourteen men over the years
from four separate shipwrecks. "One occurred off the Pacific Ocean side of Mexico,"
Thor relates. "A measly boat that belonged
to two Mexican men had sunk two hundred
miles off shore, and it was already submerged under the water. The men were
hanging onto a log that was floating in the
water. They were terribly dehydrated; it was
just a miracle my boat came along."
Thor became a member of the Leif Erikson
Lodge in 2000. Thor, who has four children,
married Pauline Forseth that same year.
Pauline's parents had emigrated from Norway to Canada, and she also has four children. She and Thor are avid golfers.
Thor, who regularly plays his guitar at the
Kaffestua alongside the accordionists, first
learned to play in Norway. "My mom had a
guitar, and I bought one for myself when I
was 18-years-old. But the neck broke one
day and it wouldn't tune properly after that."
He gave up guitar playing for fifty years until
he married Pauline: He was inspired to take
it up again by her Canadian brothers who
are excellent guitarists, and also by her
nephews who are members of an evangelical Christian band. (The "Forseth Trio" also
appear in concerts in the U.S. and Europe and
will appear in Seattle on October 13.)
Diana Einarsen
(Diana is a published authoress who writes under the
name of C.E. Chambers.)
Page 77
Volume 70 Issue 8
New Members
Connor Akelipa Unge Venner
Jona Akelipa Unge Venner
Cindy Kay Berg
Beau Vaughn Brockman
Leif Petter Danielsen
Unge Venner
Grace Annette Ekblad
(Wife of E. Robert Ekblad, Jr.)
Anna Karise Ekblad
Unge Venner
Luke Emmanuel Ekblad
Unge Venner
Jana M Foss
(Wife of Kevin Larsen)
Julie Boies Tobiassen (Wife)
Tatum Lee Tobiassen
Unge Venner
Teagan Jennae Tobiassen
Unge Venner
Sara Marie Vadset (Wife)
Ted Eric Vadset (Husband)
Patricia Ann Vadset (Wife)
Steve Einar Vadset
Taylor Ann Vadset
Unge Venner
Jeanette Arlene Woolman
Duane McArthur Wright
By Transfer:
Marietta Stark Foubert
Corrine Heinen Gibbs
(Heinen and Gibbs Family)
Sofia Heinen Gibbs
Jess Grant Unge Venner
Wade Grant Unge Venner
Dana L Horbelt
Mary King
Kimberly Lillian Luke
Unge Venner
Laurie Marie Lund-Gonzalez
Seth Barrow Maristuen
Jennifer Renee Milham
Anne Marie Nordbo
Vibeke Nicolaysen Parks
Edward James Shulda
Allen Leon Shults
Daytona Strong
Trygve Tobiassen (Husband)
Christina M Mork
Anna Marie Soper
By Affiliation:
Bill M. Kavanaugh
Joan D. Kavanaugh
Real Facts:
Our eyes remain the
same size from birth
onward, but our noses
and ears Never stop
Saturday, October 3, 2015, 11AM-6PM: Fishermen's Fall Festival at Fishermen's Terminal
celebrating the terminal's Centennial! Free
admission! At 2PM is the Lutefisk Eating Contest at the Seafood Demonstration stage, presented by Scandinavian Specialties. Come and
watch as 10 brave contestants compete to consume lutefisk in the fastest time. Cash Prizes:
$300 1st; $150 2nd; and, $50 3rd place. (Wow-paid to eat lyefish!) (Sign up begins at 10:30 am at
the Seafood Demonstration Stage on a first come
first serve basis.) Lutefisk samples will be served
immediately following the competition. Other
events: Wild salmon BBQ; survival suit races;
salmon fillet challenge; kids' activities; live music;
Alaska scallop, crab and cod seafood booths;
beer, wine & cocktail garden; fun; education; and
remembrance. Proceeds benefit the Seattle Fishermen's Memorial.
Saturday, October 10, 2015. 10AM-4 PM: Nordic Festival, a celebration of our cultural heritage, sponsored by
Embla Lodge # 2, Daughters of Norway, held
at Edgemont Junior High School, 2300-110th Avenue
East, Edgewood, WA. Enjoy traditional music, arts, crafts,
Viking artifacts, and refreshments with the Scandinavian
Café open and selling traditional foods. Prize drawings all
day of items donated by participating vendors and organizations. Free parking, $2 admission (children under 12
free). For more info contact 253.891.7147
or dlnelson25@comcast.net
Saturday, October 10, 2015, 10AM-4PM: 19th Annual
Scandinavian Bazaar at Bernt Balchen Lodge 2
-046, Viking Hall, 8141 Briarwood St, Anchor-
October, 2015
Classified Ads
For Sale: two ladies Bunads. 1 Nordland Coastal and 2. Trondlag. Call Inge
Martinsen (206) 518-2373
(Oct. Nov.)
Adult size 10 and Child
age 8. Contact Reidun
Kollan. Phone 425-967-3664
or reidunruth@
msn.com, (Oct. Nov.)
age, AK 99518. Please join us for a cultural experience!
There will be demonstrations for rosemaling and amazing
food. While shopping at the Bazaar visit the Velkommen
Café and treat yourself to a delicious lunch. The menu includes our popular pølse—reindeer hotdog wrapped in lefse,
with Swedish mustard. You’ll also be delighted with the open
face sandwiches, homemade soups and delectable Scandinavian desserts. The Bake Sale table features handmade lefse
and a huge variety of homemade cookies, cakes and breads.
The Silent Auction will have many Scandinavian/Nordic items
and more. Vendor tables will feature: jewelry, knives, artwork,
blankets, woodcarvings, rosemaling, table linens, knitted hats,
scarves, clothing, sweaters, Christmas decorations, books,
silk florals, jams, soaps, tie dyes, beadwork, children's furniture, and much more! Call the Viking Hall at 907.349.1613 for
more info. Submitted by Tom Falskow
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Four farm-fresh locations to serve you!
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Known for best Swedish pancakes in Seattle
Early bird specials M-F 6:00a—9:00a
Breakfast served all day; lunch specials at noon
Special menus for seniors and kids under12
Start your FREE frequent diner card today!
The Scandinavian Hour
Reg. REINARJ1072B85
(206) 362-4031
(800) 303-4031
Rent the Leif Erikson
Auditorium, certified
kitchen, coffee shop, or
multipurpose room for business or social
events: 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle 98107
Call 206-783-1274
Norwegian Male Chorus
Listen Saturdays
From 9:00-10:00 a.m.
KNW 1150 AM
Streaming Live
on the Internet
Let us make your life
more comfortable!
Since 1889
Chorus meets Monday evenings at the Nordic Heritage
Museum, 3014 NW 67th St. at
7:00 p.m. You’re welcome to
join us. Available for public
For info, call: Bob Johnston
(206) 362-1094. or email:
4740 Ballard Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98107
(206) 783-6626
FAX: (206) 432-3965
Ballard Hardware
Norwegian Ladies Chorus
Of Seattle
Join The Fun!
Rehearsals: Tues. 7 - 9 pm
At Leif Erikson Lodge Norna Room
Renewing and preserving our Norwegian
Heritage in song around the Puget Sound area
since 1936. New Singers Welcome.
The Hearthstone
Retirement Living at
Seattle’s Green
Welcome to the Neighborhood
6720 E. Green Lake Way N,
Seattle, WA 98103
Leif Erikson Lodge No. 2-001
Sons of Norway
2245 NW 57th Street
Seattle, WA 98107-3134
Phone: (206) 783-1274
Fax: (206) 783-1726
Webpage: www.LeifEriksonLodge.com
Email: leiferiksonlodge@qwestoffice.net
Email: LEBArentals@qwestoffice.net
Membership Meetings:
2nd Wednesday beginning at 7:30 pm
Please notify the Financial Secretary (Janet Fruchtl) of changes in
Name, Address, or Phone Numbers. Please also let her know of
a death of a family member. See Page 2 for contact info.
Address Service Requested
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Seattle, WA
Permit #672
(or as announced)
The Vikingen has been published since
1945 by Leif Erikson Lodge No. 2-001
Sons of Norway. LEL was founded
on May 13, 1903.
Riddle Me: Answer: Men. Get in the Boat!
Please submit your articles for publication in the Vikingen no later than the 20th of each
month for the next month’s publication. Thanks for your assistance in getting articles to us
so the Vikingen can be mailed as soon as possible.
Requested names and phone numbers have been removed. You may view the
current Vikingen on the LEL website at: www.LeifEriksonLodge.com
The LEL Mail Committee saves the Lodge about $100 per issue for hand mail preparation.
Page 8
Page 70
8 Issue 8
Kaffestua Volunteers Are Needed
Currently Open: 10:00-2:30 p.m. M-T-W-F
Most of the Oldies that started "Kaffestua" have
either passed away, or have had to quit volunteering because of health reasons. If the Membership
does not step-up and volunteer, the Kaffestua will
close. When the Kaffestua closes the Lodge will
also close, because, kaffestua helps keep the
building open. When all this takes place don't complain. Ask yourselves, "What Have I Done To Help
Keep it ALIVE". I help on T-W-F. We have asked,
and now it is up to all of you to call the
Kaffestua President, Diane Aronsen, email : saronsen01@aol.com -- phone:206-783-4491 and Volunteer or face a dim future for the Sons of Norway
In Ballard. We all appreciate the wonderful people
that come faithfully, we have some grand conversations and lots of kindnesses. Thanks to ALL
those that bring food donations.
October, 2015
LEBA (Leif Erikson Building Association) is responsible for keeping
the building in the great shape it is
in and finding funding to do so.
This is a huge job, and they have
done it very well. However, there
are cosmetic updates needed that
would enhance Leif Erikson Hall
in the coming years beyond repairing the physical building.
These updates would make the
hall more welcoming for members, provide appropriate spaces
for the upcoming District 2 Convention, and encourage those
who rent the hall for various reasons to choose Leif Erikson Hall
Written by Diana Erickson, dianagale1945@hotmail.com -- 206-706-0459
If you’re cleaning out your closets this Fall, please
save your gently used items for the Ditt og Datt
booth at Leif Erikson Lodge’s bazaar October 17
and 18.
Norwegian items, knick knacks, jewelry, china and
silver items are always prized. You can drop them
off at the LEL office, labeled Ditt og Datt by October 10th. Takk!
Claire Sagen
NORNA Room Upgrade
The Leif Erikson Hall is a beautiful home to our
Lodge. It was built as a labor of love in 1986 by volunteers who donated 12,000 hours of hard work and
funding. It has stood the test of thirty years of heavy
use. It is sturdy and full of unique decorations, such
as intricate woodcarvings and magnificent paintings.
It is the beloved home to Sons of Norway members,
full of memories of memorable lifetime events. Now,
this beauty needs some small refreshing touches, so
that she can go on to star in her many demanding
Catch a new Ima Norwegian on
Vikingen Digital Copy
Check the Vikingen digital copy on
the LEL website for additional
pages not printed or mailed.
Riddle Me: What did George
Washington say to his men just
before they got in the boat?
See Answer above
The main hall is an attractive large space with great
acoustics, a sturdy dance floor, and a well-equipped
kitchen. Kaffestua is a warm, bright place with new flooring and up-to-date equipment. These rooms do not
need any enhancement. The lobby, however, would
profit from an update of furnishings and flooring that
would make it more welcoming, and reflect its function
as the entrance to a Sons of Norway Lodge.
The room that is most in need of an update is the Norna
space. This room, the home of Norna, our womens’
auxiliary, is in constant use as a meeting space for various groups. It hosts the monthly board meeting and is
sometimes a staging room for musicians. Occasionally,
it serves the Lodge well as the Troll’s Den!
If the Norna room was updated, it would give additional
space for dancers to practice and dance during workshops. The lodge would have an appropriate place to
display trophies and awards, as well as antique and
valuable memorabilia. New lighting would make it possible to do crafts, sewing and study in comfort. Appropriate furniture and a modern media center and kitchen
would mean that all users, including renters, would have
the equipment to make their visits there enjoyable.
Hopefully, the décor of this room would reflect our Norwegian heritage and project the best of the modern culture of Norway.
A volunteer designer has offered her services to the
Lodge, and you will be able to view her concepts in the
coming months. How would you like to help with this
goal of making our Lodge ready for the coming years?
Please consider following in the footsteps of the original
Leif Erikson Lodge members who gave so much to provide us with our beautiful building, and be kind enough
to donate so that the project can start! Donations should
be addressed to LEBA. If you are interested in working
on this committee to update these areas, or have skilled
labor to donate, we would love to hear from you. Thank
you to all the volunteers, donors, and purchasers who
contributed to our first fundraiser for the Norna room,
our July garage sale!
Gwen Weinert
D2 Important Dates for 2015
Camp Dates
Heritage and Cultural Retreat at Trollhaugen
September 25-27, 2015
District 2 Sports
Bowling Tournament
Sponsored by TBA
Trollhaugen Has A New Email Address
Please mark your records with the new Trollhaugen Email Address:
Check the Clipboard
At past meetings, the marshals have
passed around a clip board for sign-ups.
President Lee has pointed out that with no
Social Committee Chairman in place, many
of the jobs that must get done to make sure
we have dinner and bar service just weren’t
organized. He asked people to sign-up for
volunteer duties for the next meetings so
the important jobs could be done and our
delicious dinners and other events continue.
Vikingen Archived on the LEL and The
Scandinavian Hour Websites
We welcome all submittal articles of interest
to members for the Vikingen but do set priorities on the types of information published (call
the Editor for more details). Your articles
should have a title and whenever possible
your name and phone. Please note that editor
must reserve the right to edit as space and
content allow. The Vikingen is uploaded
around the first of each month to the LEL
website and often includes additional pages
that are only published as digital copy to the
website due to ever increasing costs of printing and mailing the newsletter. In addition,
when viewing on your computer you can increase the size of the fonts. Some of the
newsletter is in color, as are the photos.
Insurance Matters
SAVING! SAVING! SAVING! That’s what we do best at
SONS OF NORWAY. Wouldn’t it
be nice to insure your family, preserve your
estate, or reduce your taxes! We have it all
through your Financial Counselor, Jerry Label.
Our Tax sheltered Annuities are paying up to 3
NO. Or how about our Life Insurance plans
currently paying 5.1 percent. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ANSWER: NO. Is there a cost for
a review? ANSWER: YES. "A CUP OF COFFEE." What a deal! Please call Jerry Label at
(425) 640-9830; or Email Jerry at:
Jlabel7425@ comcast.net
2015 Commemorative
Christmas Ornament
Sons of Norway is pleased to
announce the 2015 Commemorative Christmas ornament! This year’s ornament
displays a Gudbrandsdal style
of rosemaling.
The roots of Gudbrandsdal
style come from the classic
wood carving district of Norway. The 2015 commemorative ornament displays a
painted version of Gudbrandsdalen acanthus carving,
and is a homage to the most prominent acanthus master
painter Jacob Klukstad (1713-1773), who was from
Lesja. The principal motif of the old Lesja school consisted of acanthus branches and jagged foliage with the
main stem often ending in an open floral rosette or a
Gudbrandsdal is one of the most difficult styles to learn
and master, with its depth and brightness of colors
within each flower and scroll. Colors used were dark-to
-light red, Prussian blue, green and gold. The fold-over
leaves on the acanthus vines really adds to the drama
and beauty of this style. Designs were traditionally
painted on dark backgrounds so this year's ornament
has a more modern feel when painted on a lightcolored, cream background.
This year's design was originally created by Judy Ritger of River Falls, Wisconsin, a Vesterheim Gold
Medalist in rosemaling as well as woodcarving, and
painted by Shirley Evenstad. They both studied with
Ragnvald Frøysadal, master painter, in 1995 in Lillehammer, in Norway, on a Vesterheim tour.
Boxtops and
Labels for Education
Thanks to all the members who donated
their clipped labels and boxtops and put
them in the mailbox hanging at the front door
of the Lodge in the main lobby. Your time
and efforts are much appreciated and these
boxtops and labels will be taken to Adams
Elementary school so they can benefit from
the donation. Keep up the good work!
December 8, 2015
Note Your Calendars that the
December 8 Membership Dinner
will be made by Bjarne Varnes and
Doug Warne to benefit the SON
Foundation. It will be a ham dinner
will all the trimmings. $15.
To order your 2015 Gudbrandsdal style ornament,
please call (800) 945-8851.
(reprinted from Viking E-Post)
Two of the Leif Erikson happy campers who attended Camp this summer.
22128 State Route 9, #220 -- Mount Vernon, WA 98274
Lower Beach Management and Guest Policy
The Board Members of Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 and Leif Erikson Recreation
Association (LERA) have approved policy changes regarding access to the lower beach at Norway Park. Due to the increased use of the park over the years and added maintenance expense,
Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 members shall pay a guest fee $5 PER GUEST (not
including LERA stockholders).
Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 members who request an electronic gate card for the
lower park shall pay a one-time fee of $50.
Norway Park will have a camp host at the beach collecting guest fees, camp fees, and checking
AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES WHILE AT THE BEACH. Envelopes shall be provided for
guest fee payment (honor system).
Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 members shall have free access to the lower park.
Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 members shall be charged a $5 per day guest fee for each guest, regardless of age, and must accompany their guests while in the lower park at all times. LERA
stockholders and guests shall have free access to the lower park.
Campers (including overnight guests) are not subject to guest fees.
May 2015
College Scholarship Opportunities at Sons of Norway -- National Level
The Sons of Norway Foundation offers college
scholarships to those who are studying Norwegian or Nordic Topics both in the US and in
Norway. Go to www.sonsofnorway.com/
foundation to review the scholarship and
grants available. Both the guidelines and applications are on-line. The best time to start acquiring the items you will need to fill out the
forms is now! Please note that all SON Scholarships at the National Level must be submitted by computer.
No Sons of Norway membership required for
these two scholarships:
5. Warne – Eng Scholarship – for students
who study in Norway at accredited, post high
school settings, including but not limited to, colleges, folk high school, Oslo Summer School,
Bergen Sommerkors, arts and crafts institutions, musical study, etc. Deadline for applications is April 1st.
6. Lund Fund Scholarship – for any study
abroad experiences at accredited institutions.
Two $1,500 scholarships are awarded annually.
Deadline for application is May 1st.
7. Helen Tronvold Folk High School
Scholarship – for year-long study at one of
Norway’s 70 Folk High schools. Three $2,000
scholarships are awarded annually. Deadline for
application is March 1st.
1. King Olav V Norwegian-American
Scholarship – for study of Norwegian topics
in the US or in Norway. Six to eight scholarships for between $1,000 - $1,500 are available
annually. Deadline for application is March 1st. 8. Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial
Scholarship – for college sophomore women
2. Helen Tronvold Folk High School
18-35 who are majoring in Physics or ChemisScholarship – for study at one of Norway’s
try or Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical EngiFolk High Schools for an entire year. Three
neering. Applicant, parent or grandparent must
$2,000 scholarships are awarded annually.
be a Sons of Norway member for three years
Deadline for application is March 1st.
prior to application. Award is 50% of tuition
for up to three years. Deadline for application
Sons of Norway membership by you,
is April 1st.
your parent or grandparent required:
9. Astrid Cates/Myrtle Beinhauer Schol3. Carl Saltveit Scholarship – for students arships – offered in tandem – for post high
from Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Alaska
school education at any accredited educational
who attend Oslo International Summer School. institution including trade school, tech school,
Full tuition, room & board (approx. $3,900) for Junior college or college. Six $1,000 scholarone student annually. Deadline for application ships and two $3,000 scholarships are awarded
is March 1st. Contact Seth Tufteland at
annually. Deadline for application is March 1st.
sofnseth@yahoo.com for application.
Applications for any of these can be found on4. Oslo Summer School – for students
accepted to study at the University of Oslo, International Summer School. Two $1,500 Schol- Contact foundation@sofn.com with
arships are awarded annually. Deadline for ap- any questions.
plication is March 1st.
(Continued on Page 12 of the digital copy
Saturday, October 17, 2015, 10AM-4PM: Sol-Land
Lodge 2-086 presents A Taste of Scandinavia at
Kennewick First Lutheran Church, HWY 395 and
Yelm, Kennewick WA. Free, fun, family event showcasing the arts, crafts, stories, music, and culture of
Scandinavia. Cultural displays, cooking demonstrations,
baked goods, and genealogy research. Demonstrations
of weaving, dancing, and carving. Buffet open from
11AM-1:30PM with a wide selection of open-faced
sandwiches, traditional soups, and cookies. Coffee and
vafler (waffles) booth open all day! Admission and
parking are free. For more info contact: Nancy Holter:
sol.land.lodge@gmail.com or 509.375.0919 our website: www.sol-land.org or Facebook: Sons of Norway
Sol-Land Lodge #2-86
Saturday, October 17, 2015, 11AM-2PM: Grays Harbor Lodge 2-004 annual Scandinavian Bazaar at 717
Randall St, Aberdeen WA. There will be a bake sale
with lefse, cardamom bread and lots of other goodies,
also, tables with other vendors selling various items. We
will also be serving a traditional lunch with soup, open
face sandwiches, lefse and cream cake. Priced individually so you can have as many items you want. For more
info call 360-533-2827.
Saturday, October 17, 2015. 9:30-3:30 PM: Thea
Foss Lodge #45, Daughters of Norway, in Port
Townsend hosts the Scandia Fall Fest for the public at
Blue Heron Middle School, 3939 San Juan Avenue,
Port Townsend, WA. Contact Jean Clark Kaldahl Vendor Chair at 202 Sheridan Street, Port Townsend, WA
98368-3018. Phone:
360.379.1802 Katrina4u@cablespeed.com
Saturday, October 17, 2015, 11:40AM to 4:20 PM
with seatings every 20 minutes: 103rd Annual traditional lutefisk dinner at the Christian Center (corner
of 4th and Hostmark), First Lutheran Church of
Poulsbo, 18920 4th Avenue NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370.
Price: Adults are $20, Children under 12 are
$5. Lutefisk, meatballs, potatoes, lefse,
salad, krumkake & sherbet. Lefse and pickled herring
will be available for sale. Order tickets by mail using
order form on website below. Pre-payment must be
received by October 12. Parking available for seniors &
handicapped. Order form can also be downloaded off
website: http://poulsbofirstlutheran.org/wp-content/
uploads/2015/09/2015-Lutefisk-Postcard.pdf or send
your check with name, phone, and email to Poulsbo
First Lutheran Church, Lutefisk Dinner Tickets, 18920
4th Ave. NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370. Some tickets may be
available at the door. Fundraiser for community partners. For information call: (360) 779-2622.
Saturday, October 17, 2015, 57PM: CODTOBERFEST at Abel Lodge 2-029, 21098
Second St., Conway WA. Our 6th year of featuring
our popular Nordic style Cod Dinner (fresh Alaskan
cod). A complete dinner including coffee and dessert, all
for $20 per person. Tickets available be reservation,
thru Marilyn or Hilda @ 360-445-1012. Limited seating,
only 100 tickets available. Proceeds used for building
(built in 1933) maintenance. Come enjoy the food and
FUN featuring our favorite music with "Leif, Lena and
Lars" and an October Raffle. See ya there! --Marilyn
Saturday-Sunday, October 17-18, 2015,10AM4PM/11AM-4PM: Our 109th bazaar at Leif Erikson
Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, 2245 NW 57th Street,
Ballard/Seattle WA 98107. Have some family fun while
enjoying Nordic food from our tastefully designed sandwiches to the delicate krumkake cone and the
hearty ertesuppe/peasoup, lapskaus/lamb stew,
and rømmegraut, a silky sour cream porridge; Norwegian desserts in our Bakeri/Bakery; handicrafts from
our Norna ladies; tombola with lots of prizes for young
and young at heart in our Karnival Korner; lots of raffles
featuring gift certificates from local restaurants and
other businesses; gently loved previously owned items
at our Ditt og Datt booth; find a good book at our Book
Nook; one of a kind items, beautiful antiques, and collectibles at our hourly silent auctions; baskets full of
goodies, cash, griddles for baking your favorite Norwegian specialty, and more at our Center Table; and good
strong Norwegian coffee. Learn about the Sons of
Norway, too. Win a 7-day Caribbean or Mexico cruise
D2 Scholarships Available
In addition to the LEL Educational that lodges must select scholarFoundation scholarships, both D2 ships no later than April.
and SON National have scholarships available, each with their own Important Dates to Remember:
requirements and deadlines. The
D2 scholarships include:
February 14 Youth camp registraThe Carl M. Saltveit Scholarship tion forms must not be postmarked
awards assistance to an applicant to prior to this date.
attend the International Summer
March 5 Deadline for receiving apSchool (ISS) at the University of
plications for the Carl Saltveit
Oslo next summer. The completed
Scholarship for study at Internaapplication must be returned to
tional Summer School. Upon reDavid Champion and postmarked no
ceipt Youth Camp Registrars mail
later than March 5 of the application
campers confirmations and scholaryear.
ship applications.
The Sofie/Olson Scholarship is
available for children who attend our
District 2 Youth camps. One scholarship is awarded to an attendee at
each of our camps: Nidaros, Normanna, and Trollhaugen. To be eligible, the camper must be children,
grandchildren, great grandchildren,
niece, or nephew of a current District 2 member of Sons of Norway.
The camper must have applied and
been accepted to the camp of their
choice. A scholarship application
with guidelines will be mailed to
each camper. The deadline for
scholarship application is April 15 of
the application year.
The Draxten Memorial Scholarship is awarded to many of our children attending the District 2 youth
camps. To be eligible, campers
must have applied and been accepted to the camp of their choice
AND they must have been awarded
a camp scholarship from their local
lodge. The Draxten Memorial Fund
will grant an amount up to, but not
exceeding, the amount given by the
local lodge. Last year, lodge scholarships ranged from $50 - $100. The
lodge awarding the initial scholarship must notify David Champion of
the recipient’s name and the amount
given by April 30th, which means
April 15 Deadline for receiving applications for the Sofie/Olson
April 30 Deadline for LEL to notify
David Champion of the recipients’
names and the amounts given so
the campers are eligible to receive
Draxten Memorial Scholarship.
May 15 Deadline for LEL scholarship checks to be received by
Youth Camp Registrars – Please
do not mail checks to campers!
May 31 Youth Camp Registrars
mail final camper packets with
statements reflecting balance due
after all scholarships are received.
June 10 Deadline for Youth Camp
Registrars to receive full balance of
fees This is a lot of information and
a lot to remember so please feel
free to contact David Champion if
you have any questions. You may
e-mail him at norseherodotus@hotmail.com or call: 971-2844175.
Fraternally yours,
David Champion
District 2 Youth Dir. Scholarship
Committee Chair
P.S. Please note that the above is for
your information as to which scholarships are available. Requirements may
change so be sure to contact Scholarship chair and request confirmation.
trip for two aboard Holland
America (some restrictions may
apply), a $500 gift certificate for
Scandinavian Specialties in
Ballard, or cash. Ten additional
$20 gift certificates from the
Ballard Bridge Cafe will also be
raffled. Tickets may be purchased in the hall office, from
lodge members, or during the
bazaar. Our vendors include:
Desiree of Sweden, with her
gifts from Scandinavia; Judy’s
Painted Treasures with Norwegian rose painting
called rosemaling; Norwegian
Sweaters by Norskware, fun tshirts by Around the Sound,
Handmade by Hanson; and
handmade American Girl doll
clothes! Velkommen! Free admission and free parking in
designated local parking lots for
this event only. For more
info: www.leiferiksonlodge.com o
r 206.783.1274
Sunday, October 18, 2015,
11AM-4PM: Norden Lodge 2002 in Tacoma presents its
annual Lutefisk Dinner and
Bazaar Normanna Hall, 1106
South 15th St., Tacoma, WA.
Dinner includes Lutefisk, meatballs, lefse and all the trimmings.
Open seating with tickets at the
door, reservations not required.
Adults: $20.00, Ages 7-12:
$10.00, 6 & under are free. Also
visit our bazaar with bake sale,
Scandinavian gifts, and lefse
making demonstration and
sales. Submitted by Cliff Magnussen,
Sunday, October 18, 2015, 12
Noon-4PM: Normanna Lodge
2-003 Annual Lutefisk and
Meatball Dinner in Everett
WA with boiled potatoes, lefse,
peas & carrots, coleslaw, and
dessert. Normanna Hall, 2725
Oakes, Everett, WA 98201.
Adults are $20; children ages 710 are $10, and children 6 and
younger are free!
For more info call the lodge
number at
425.252.0291 Submitted by
JoAnn Molver
Saturday, October 24,
2015 1PM-5PM: Vesterdalen
Lodge 2-131 annual Lutefisk
and Meatball Dinner at Messiah Lutheran Church, 805 4th
St NE, Auburn, WA. Tickets are
$23 each for age 12 and over,
$10 for 5-11 years of age, and
those under 5 are free. Lutefisk
& lefse, meatballs, potatoes &
gravy, coleslaw, and dessert. Send a check made out to
Vesterdalen Lodge 2-131 for
the number of tickets you need,
along with a stamped, self addressed envelope (SASE) to
Dotty Erickson at 24322-117th
Avenue SE, Kent. WA 980305096. All tickets must be purchased in advance as tickets are
NOT sold at the door. Email:
dortaerick@comcast.net Info
provided by Dotty Erickson and
Nils and Lois Ladderud