
4340 Taggart Creek Road Suite H
Charlotte, NC 28208
Tel: 704-676-0778
Fax: 704-676-0596
August 5, 2011
VIA email (
Mr. Kevin Laird, P.E.
Goodwin Mills Cawood
18 West North Street
Greenville, South Carolina 29601
Report of Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Extension
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
Lincoln County, North Carolina
BOYLE Proposal No. 10-083
Dear Mr. Laird:
As authorized by acceptance of our Proposal No. 10-083 dated July 22, 2011, Boyle
Consulting Engineers, PLLC (BOYLE) has performed a Geotechnical Investigation for the
proposed pump station at the Lincoln County Airport in Lincoln County, North Carolina. This
report describes the work performed, presents the data obtained, and provides our
recommendations relative to pump station construction. This report is intended for the use
of Goodwin Mills Cawood and Lincoln County.
The contents of this report should not be
relied upon by any other entity without the express written consent of BOYLE.
Project Information
The subject project is located at 714 Jack Dellinger Drive in Lincoln County, North Carolina.
BOYLE has been provided with a location plan (Supplemental Drawing) dated July 18, 2011
for the pump station showing the lateral extent of the Pro Pump Station, its location and the
requested location of the geotechnical boring.
The primary purpose of the limited investigation was to explore the existing subsurface
conditions at the proposed pump station location to identify subsurface conditions relevant
to design and construction of the pump station. Figure 1 which is attached for reference
Report Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Extension
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
BOYLE Project No. 10-083
August 5, 2011
presents a “Geotechnical Boring Location” plan indicating the approximate boring location.
No structural details for pump station have been provided at this time.
The above project information is based on e-mail transmissions between Mr. Kevin Laird
P.E. of Goodwyn Mills Cawood and our Mr. Chuck Boyle, P.E., an electronic Supplemental
Drawing dated July 18, 2011, and our review of available aerial imagery.
Purpose of Exploration
The purpose of this investigation was to explore the soil and groundwater conditions at the
site for proposed construction. We accomplished these objectives by the following:
1. drilling a soil test boring to a requested depth of 35 feet to explore the subsurface
soil conditions and collect samples for laboratory examination and classification,
2. measuring groundwater depths during and after the boring is completed to document
the site groundwater conditions,
3. performing an engineering/geological site reconnaissance to observe the site
conditions and detect issues that may not have been detected by the boring,
observed by the field personnel or indicated by published information,
4. performing a map records search of readily available geologic, topographic and soils
5. performing visual/manual examination of soil samples from the borings to evaluate
pertinent engineering properties, and
6. analyzing the field data to develop appropriate engineering recommendations and
estimate soil parameters for use by your civil and/or structural engineering team.
Soil Test Boring
As proposed, BOYLE advanced one (1) soil test boring at the approximate site location
shown on the attached “Geotechnical Boring Location Plan” (Figure 1). The boring location
was established in the field by BOYLE personnel based on the furnished Supplemental
Drawing dated July 18, 2011. No survey equipment was used for the boring location, so the
boring location shown on the “Geotechnical Boring Location Plan” should be considered
Representative portions of the soil samples obtained were classified by an
experienced geotechnical engineer in our laboratory.
The “Soil Test Boring Record” is
attached, showing the soil descriptions, penetration resistances, and other subgrade
Soil test borings are performed by mechanically twisting a continuous flight hollow-stem
steel auger into the soil.
Soil sampling and penetration testing are performed in general
Page 2
Report Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Extension
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
BOYLE Project No. 10-083
accordance with ASTM D-1586.
August 5, 2011
At regular intervals, soil samples are obtained with a
standard 1.4-inch I. D., 2-inch O. D., split-tube sampler.
The sampler is first seated
6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional 12 inches with blows of a
140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the
sampler the final 12 inches is recorded and designated the “penetration resistance”. The
penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index to the soil's strength and
foundation supporting capability.
Laboratory Examination
Representative soil samples were selected and tested in our laboratory to check field
classifications and to determine pertinent engineering properties.
An experienced soil
engineer classified each soil sample on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with
the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).
The soil engineer grouped the various soil
types into the major strata noted on the “Soil Test Boring Record”. The stratification lines
designating the interfaces between earth materials on the “Soil Test Boring Record” and the
profile are approximate; in situ, the transitions may be gradual.
Soil Characteristics and Groundwater Conditions
Detailed information for the boring is shown on the attached “Soil Test Boring Record”. The
descriptions below provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered.
At the boring location, minimal topsoil was encountered from the ground surface.
Residual soils typically consisting of brown white silty sand and sandy silt were encountered
to the boring termination depth of 35 feet. Standard Penetration blow counts (N-values)
based on ASTM D-1586 ranged from 4 to 63 in the residual soils.
Auger refusal was not encountered within the soil mantle.
Ground water was encountered during drilling activities at a depth of 29 feet; after drilling
was completed, the borehole caved at 15.8 feet, the approximate depth of encountering
moist soil samples. Groundwater levels may fluctuate several feet with seasonal rainfall
Page 3
Report Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Extension
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
BOYLE Project No. 10-083
August 5, 2011
variations and with changes in the water level in adjacent drainage features. Longer term
monitoring in cased holes or piezometers would be required for a more accurate evaluation
of the groundwater conditions. Ground water control may reasonably be anticipated during
construction if excavation more than 14 feet is planned at the pump station location.
Site Construction Considerations
Based on the results of our subsurface investigation, the residual soils encountered at the
bore location would be considered suitable for direct bearing of a pump station concrete
structure. A net allowable bearing strength of 3,000 psf should be used for foundation
Any subgrade preparation should begin with stripping of topsoil, rootmat, unsuitable soils
(none encountered at test location), or any other unsuitable materials from the proposed
structural areas.
Groundwater was encountered at 29 feet during drilling, and the borehole was caved at
15.8 feet after completion of drilling. Depending on the depth of the pump station,
groundwater control during construction at the site may be required if excavation extends
beyond about 14 feet. BOYLE should be contacted for recommendations if groundwater is
encountered during construction.
Based on our examination of the soils encountered, excavation to 35 feet may be
accomplished with a toothed track hoe bucket and should not require blasting or heavy
ripping equipment.
The residual soils may be re-used as engineered fill if they are appropriately moistureconditioned during excavation. Any retaining walls to be designed using these materials
should be based on material properties such as unit weight, percent fines and internal
friction angles.
Page 4
Report Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Extension
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
BOYLE Project No. 10-083
August 5, 2011
Standard of Care
Our evaluation of the subject site has been based on our current understanding of site
conditions, project information provided to us, our observations, and data obtained from our
limited investigation.
If the project information is incorrect, or if project objectives are
changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed.
In addition,
BOYLE should be provided with full copies of grading/erosion control plans for review. The
discovery of any site or subsurface condition during construction which deviate from data
outlined in this report should be reported to us for our re-evaluation. The assessment of
site environmental conditions or the presence of pollutants in the soil, rock and groundwater
of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. If this report is unclear or presents
conflicting recommendations, BOYLE should be notified promptly.
The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the
data collected at the points shown on the attached “Geotechnical Boring Location Plan”.
This report does not reflect specific variations that may occur between test locations. The
borings were located where site conditions permitted and where it is believed representative
conditions occur, but the full nature and extent of variations between borings and of
subsurface conditions not encountered by any boring may not become evident until the
course of construction. If significant variations become evident at any time before or during
the course of construction, it will be necessary to make a re-evaluation of the conclusions
and recommendations of this report and further exploration, observation, and/or testing
may be required.
This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted standard soil and
foundation engineering practices and makes no other warranties, either expressed or
implied, as to the professional advice under the terms of our agreement and included in this
report. The recommendations contained herein are made with the understanding that the
contract documents between the owner and foundation or earthwork contractor or between
the owner and the general contractor and the foundation, excavating and earthwork
subcontractors, if any, shall require that the contractor certify that all work in connection
with foundations, piles, caissons, compacted fills and other elements of the foundation or
other support components are in place at the locations, with proper dimensions and plumb,
as shown on the plans and specifications for the project.
Page 5
Report Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Extension
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
BOYLE Project No. 10-083
August 5, 2011
Further, it is understood the contract documents will specify that the contractor will, upon
becoming aware of apparent or latent subsurface conditions differing from those disclosed
by the Subsurface Investigation work, promptly notify the owner, both verbally to permit
immediate verification of the change, and in writing, as to the nature and extent of the
differing conditions and that no claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from
those anticipated in the plans and specifications and disclosed by the soil studies will be
allowed under the contract unless the contractor has so notified the owner both verbally and
in writing, as required above, of such changed conditions. The owner will, in turn, promptly
notify this firm of the existence of such unanticipated conditions and will authorize such
further investigation as may be required to properly evaluate these conditions.
Further, it is understood that any specific recommendations made in this report as to on-site
construction review by this firm will be authorized and funds and facilities for such review
will be provided at the times recommended if we are to be held responsible for the design
BOYLE appreciates the opportunity to provide our services on this project. Please contact
us should you have a question regarding the information in this letter report.
Attachments: Figure 1 - Geotechnical Boring Location Plan
Soil Test Boring Log
Unified Soil Classification System
Reference Notes for Soil Test Boring Records
Page 6
Development & Construction Project Services
Geotechnical Boring Location Plan
Pump Station - Lincoln County Airport Sewer Ext.
Supplemental Drawing dated 7-18-11
with Aerial Photo provided 8-2-11.
714 Jack Dellinger Drive
Lincoln County, North Carolina
BOYLE Project No. 10-083
Date: 8/2/11
Drawn By: CB
Scale: NTS
4340-H Taggart Creek Road
Charlotte, NC 28208
Phone: (704) 676-0778
Fax: (704) 676-0596
GSE: 0.0
(Cut)/Fill: 0
FG: 0.0
Pump Station-Lincoln Co. Airport
ATV 550X
Lincoln County, North Carolina
Hollow-Stem Auger
ASTM D-1586
140 lb., 30 in.
N, Penetration - Blows per Foot (bpf)
Topsoil - 2 Inches
RESIDUUM - dense to medium
dense brown white orange silty fine
Stiff white brown sandy SILT
Very loose brown white silty fine
SAND (moist)
Dense to very dense brown white
black silty fine SAND with weathered
rock fragments
-with large weathered rock
fragments at 23 feet
Boring terminated at 35 feet.
Borehole caved and dry at 15.8 feet
at completion of drilling.
Groundwater Levels
During Drilling
After Drilling
29 feet
Typical Names
Well graded gravels, gravelsand mixtures, little or no fines
Poorly graded gravels, gravelsand mixtures, little or no fines
Silty Gravels, gravel-sand-silt
Clayey Gravels, gravel-sandclay mixtures
Well-graded sands, gravelly
sands, little or no fines
Poorly graded sands, gravelly
sands, little or no fines
Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures
Clayey sands, sand-clay
Laboratory Classification Criteria
Determine percentages of sand and gravel from grain size curve
Depending on the percentage of the fines (fraction smaller than No. 200 sieve size),
Coarse grained soils are classified as follows:
Less than 5%
More than 12%
5 to 12%
Borderline cases requiring dual symbolsb
Sands with
Clean Sands
(Little or no fines)
(More than half of coarse fraction is
larger than No. 4 sieves size)
Gravels with
Clean Gravels
(Little or no fines)
(More than half of coarse fraction is
smaller than No. 4 sieve size)
Silts and Clays
Silts and Clays
(Liquid Limit less than
(Liquid Limit greater than 50)
Fine-Grained Soils
(More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve)
Coarse-Grained Soils
(More than half of the material is larger than No. 200 sieve size)
Major Divisions
Cu=D60/D10 greater than 4
Cc= (D30)2/(D10 x D60) between 1 and 3
Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW
Atterberg limits
below “A” line or P.I.
less than 4
Atterberg limits
below “A” line with
P.I. greater than 7
Above “A” line with P.I.
between 4 and 7 are
borderline cases requiring
use of dual symbols
Cu=D60/D10 greater than 6
Cc= (D30)2/(D10 x D60) between 1 and 3
Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW
Atterberg limits
below “A” line or P.I.
less than 4
Atterberg limits
below “A” line with
P.I. greater than
Limits plotting in hatched
zone with P.I. between 4
and 7 are borderline cases
requiring use of dual
Inorganic silts and very fine sands,
rock flour, silty or clayey fine
sands, or clayey silts with slight
Inorganic clays of low to medium
plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy
clays, silty clays, lean clays
Organic silts and organic silty
clays of low plasticity
Inorganic silts, micaceous or
diatomaceous fine sandy or silty
soils, elastic silts
Inorganic clays of high plasticity,
fat clays
(i.e. Bull Tallow)
Organic clays of medium to high
plasticity, organic silts
Peat and other highly organic soils
Reference: Winterkorn & Fang, 1975 (ASTM D-2487)
Division of GM and SM groups into subdivision of d and u are for road and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg limits; suffix d used
when L.L. is 28 or less and the P.I. is 6 or less; the suffix u is used when L.L. is greater that 28.
Borderline classifications, used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups, are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example:
GW-GC, well-graded gravel-sand mixture with clay binder.
Unified Soil
Classification System
Drilling and Sampling Symbols:
Split Spoon Sampler
Shelby Tube Sampler
Rock Core; NX, BX, AX
Rock Core, 2-1/16” Diameter
Dutch Cone Penetrometer
Recovery of Core Run (%)
Ground Surface Elevation
Proposed Grade
Bulk Sample of Cuttings
Power Auger (no sample)
Hollow Stem Auger
Wash Sample
Rock Quality of Core Run
Standard Penetration (Blows/Ft) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb hammer falling
30 inches on a 2 inch O.D. split spoon sample, as specified in ASTM D-1586. The blow
count is commonly referred to as the N value. Autohammer refers to an automatic
hammer as opposed to the manual “Cathead” and rope type. Core Drilling meets ASTM
Correlation of Penetration Resistances to Soil Properties:
Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils
Relative Density
Very Loose
5 - 10
11 - 30
Medium Dense
31 - 50
51 or more
Very Dense
Unified Soil Classification Symbols:
Consistency of Cohesive Soils
Very Soft
Medium Stiff
9 - 15
16 – 30
Very Stiff
31 or more
Poorly Graded Gravel
Well Graded Gravel
Silty Gravel
Clayey Gravel
Poorly Graded Sands
Well Graded Sands
Silty Sands
Clayey Sands
Low Plasticity Silts
High Plasticity Silts
Low Plasticity Clays
High Plasticity Clays
Low Plasticity Organics
High Plasticity Organics
Dual Classification (Typical)
Water Level Measurement Symbols:
WL: Water Level
WL: While Sampling
WD: While Drilling
Dry Caved Depth
WCD: Wet Caved Depth
The water levels are those water levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by
the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a
granular soil. In clays and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require
several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases, additional methods of measurement are
generally applied.
J:\Data\Administrative\Forms & templates\Report Forms\SOIL CLASSIFICATION.doc
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of March, 2012, by and between
WILLIAM HEAFNER and wife, DEBRA HEAFNER (hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR) and the
COUNTY OF LINCOLN, North Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their
heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as
required by the context.
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
2200, Page 648, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more described in
Exhibit “A” pursuant to the terms and conditions hereunder;
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be
paid by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, the GRANTOR, has bargained and sold, and by these presents
does bargain, sell, and convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the purpose of
laying, constructing, and maintaining a sewer line(s) in that certain strip or parcel of land fifteen (15) feet
in width, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina, described as follows:
*Also, Temporary Construction Easement consisting of _____ square feet.
The GRANTEE will install a six inch (6”) sewer line in the easement area on the property as
described above.
See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all
improvements located within the easement area or areas unless stated otherwise.
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR adjacent to or in the vicinity of the easement areas as may be necessary for the purposes of
locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting, operating, extending, maintaining, and
otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the easement is granted. If
adequate access is not provided by established means of approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated
for any damage resulting at any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby
granted. In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount of any such damage, one arbitrator
shall be selected by the GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third, if necessary, by the two so
selected, and that the decision in writing of two of said arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the
parties hereto.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may water be ponded or
impounded over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the right to pave over the easement and
create an access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE shall be responsible for repairing
such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of the said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up deemed required as a result
of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or maintenance of the easement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that _________________________________ and __________________________
(collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of
the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
F:\wpdata\wldeaton\WDEATON\Lincoln County\Sewer Easements 2011-2012\Parcels 1-7\Parcel 3, William & Debra Heafner, PIN
#01986\Easement Agreement.docx
BEGINNING at a point north of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27 & #150,
said point being located North 22º 03' 57" West 5.26 feet from a PK nail in
the southwestern corner of property now or formerly owned by Gerald Sain
(Book 559, at Page 94), and proceeding thence from said Beginning point,
South 66º 15' 30" West 16.13 feet to a point; thence North 23º 44' 30" West
52.95 feet to a point; thence North 21º 44' 30" West 12.78 feet to a point;
thence North 59º 30' 02" East 4.03 feet to a point; thence North 30º 29' 58"
West 26.17 feet to a point; thence North 21º 44' 30" West 61.86 feet to a
point; thence North 32º 59' 30" West 56.18 feet to a point; thence North
34º 59' 30" West 115.50 feet to a point; thence North 32º 50' 12" West
98.70 feet to a point; thence North 30º 44' 15" West 190.29 feet to a point;
thence North 25º 45' 22" West 43.36 feet to a point in the eastern margin of
the right-of-way of Buffalo Shoals Road; thence North 32º 57' 37" East 8.78
feet to a point in the centerline of the easement; thence North 32º 57' 37"
East 2.25 feet to a point in the eastern margin of the right-of-way of Buffalo
Shoals Road and in the line of property now or formerly owned by David L.
Ross (Book 715, Page 227); thence South 33º 31' 23" East 41.28 feet to a
point; thence South 25º 45' 22" East 7.53 feet to a point; thence South 30º
44' 15" East 189.37 feet to a point; thence South 32º 50' 12" East 98.15 feet
to a point; thence South 34º 59' 30" East 115.48 feet to a point; thence
South 32º 59' 30" East 57.91 feet to a point; thence South 21º 44' 30" East
102.33 feet to a point; thence South 23º 44' 30" East 37.69 feet to a point;
thence South 66º 15' 30" West 1.57 feet to a point; thence South 22º 03'
57" East 7.50 feet to a point in the centerline of the easement; thence
South 22º 03' 57" East 7.50 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a strip
approximately fifteen feet wide centered on and extending outward from a
centerline running the following courses and distances: South 66º 15' 30"
West 8.85 feet to a point; thence North 23º 44' 30" West 45.32 feet to a
point; thence North 21º 44' 30' West 101.72 feet to a point; thence North
32º 59' 30" West 57.04 feet to a point; thence North 34º 59' 30" West
115.49 feet to a point; thence North 32º 50' 12" West 98.42 feet to a point;
thence North 30º 44' 15" West 189.83 feet to a point; thence North 25º 45'
22" West 47.59 feet to a point in the eastern margin of the right-of-way of
Buffalo Shoals Road, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys, dated
November 15, 2012, and captioned, “William & Debra Heafner, Utility
Easement Drawing, PIN 3643-37-2967, Project Parcel #3B, Parcel ID
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of _________, 2013, by and between
LISA F. VAUGHN and spouse David F. Vaughn and SHARON J. FINGER and spouse
________________, (hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR) and the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, North
Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their heirs,
successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by the
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
1088, Page 320, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE requires an easement across such tract in order to construct, operate and
maintain a sewer line;
Therefore, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more fully described in
Exhibit “A” and depicted in Exhibit “B” pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein..
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be paid
by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does bargain, sell, and
convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the sole purpose of laying, constructing,
and maintaining a six inch (6”) sewer line (“Sewer Line Easement”) in that certain strip or parcel of land
which is fifteen (15) feet wide, the center line for which extends approximately 25.44 feet southwest of the
center line of NC Highway 27, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina as more
fully described and depicted in Exhibits “A” and “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference
and a Temporary Construction Easement in that certain strip or parcel of land extending 10 feet on either
side of the Sewer Line Easement described above —to the extent Grantor owns the real property located
therein--as more fully described and depicted in Exhibits “A” and “B” attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference. The Temporary Construction Easement shall not exceed an area of 9,248 square feet
(excluding the amount of the permanent Sewer Line Easement), shall become effective immediately and
shall expire on the earlier to occur of (1) forty-five (45) days after construction is initiated on the Sewer
Line Easement or (2) April 30, 2014. In no event shall GRANTEE, its contractors, subcontractors,
employees, agents, or successors and assigns use such Sewer Line Easement or Temporary Construction
Easement for storage of vehicles, equipment, or other materials.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all trees,
shrubs, and bushes located within the Sewer Line Easement unless stated otherwise. Provided, however, all
trees which Grantee is entitled to cut from the Sewer Line Easement shall, upon such cutting, become the
property of Grantee and removed from the premises. GRANTEE shall promptly restore the Sewer Line
Easement and Temporary Construction Easement to their original condition absent such tress, bushes, and
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR located between the paved roadway and the Sewer Line Easement at reasonable times and for
reasonable durations for the purposes of locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting,
operating, maintaining, and otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the
easement is granted. If adequate access to GRANTOR’s property is not provided by established means of
approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated for any damage of whatsoever kind or nature resulting at
any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby granted.
In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount or nature of compensation or other relief
to be provided to GRANTOR for any damages caused by GRANTEE, its contractors, subcontractors,
employees, agents, or successors and assigns , GRANTOR may demand arbitration of the issues in dispute
by filing with GRANTEE and the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) a written notice of such
demand for arbitration. Upon receipt of such notice, GRANTEE shall immediately submit to the AAA the
required filing fee. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, one arbitrator shall be selected by the
GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third by the two so selected. Such selections shall be made
from the AAA panel of neutrals. The arbitration panel shall render its decision in writing. Such decision
shall set forth findings of fact, conclusions of law, ruling, and award. The decision of two of said
arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. The arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the rules of the AAA then currently in effect unless the parties agree otherwise. All costs,
fees, and expenses associated with such arbitration shall be paid by GRANTEE.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may GRANTOR erect
structures designed to pond or impound water over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the
right to pave over the easement and to create access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE
shall be responsible for repairing such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of the
said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up or remediation GRANTOR
deems required as a result of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or
maintenance or as a result of any other activities of GRANTEE, its contractors, subcontractors, employees,
agents, or successors and assigns .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
I, _________________________, a Notary Public of _____________________ County, State of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that LISA F. VAUGHN and spouse, DAVID F. VAUGHN
(collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of
the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2013.
I, _________________________, a Notary Public of ______________________ County, State of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that SHARON J. FINGER and spouse,__________________________
(collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of
the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2013.
BEGINNING at an axle in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27, said axle being located South 50º 26' 43" West 17.94 feet from
a point in the paved roadway of NC Highway #27 which point in the paved
roadway is the northernmost corner of property now or formerly owned by
Sharon Finger (Book 1150, at Page 422); and proceeding thence from said
Beginning point, South 50º 26' 43" West 7.50 feet to a point in the centerline
of the easement; thence South 50º 26' 43" West 2.87 feet to an axle in the
northwestern line of Finger; thence North 39º 40' 46" West 556.11 feet to a
point in the southeastern line of property now or formerly owned by David
Dodd (Book 1951, at Page 689), said point being located North 37º 06' 16" East
3.86 feet from a T Post; thence North 37º 06' 16" East 7.70 feet to a point in
the centerline of the easement; thence North 37º 06' 16" East 5.10 feet to a
point, the easternmost corner of Dodd in the southwestern portion of the
right-of-way of NC Highway #27; thence South 39º 53' 44" East 181.50 feet to
a point in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27;
thence South 39º 40' 46" East 376.84 feet to the point of Beginning, and being
a strip approximately fifteen feet wide centered on and extending outward
from a centerline running the following courses and distances: North 39º 40'
46" West 557.89 feet, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys, dated
March 25, 2012, and captioned, “Lisa Vaughn, Utility Easement Drawing,
Parcel ID #28095, Project Parcel #42.”
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of _________, 2013, by and between
SHARON J. FINGER and spouse _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR)
and the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, North Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their
heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as
required by the context.
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
1150, Page 422, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE requires an easement across such tract in order to construct, operate and
maintain a sewer line;
Therefore, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more fully described
in Exhibit “A” and depicted in Exhibit “B” pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be
paid by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does bargain, sell,
and convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the sole purpose of laying,
constructing, and maintaining a six inch (6”) sewer line (“Sewer Line Easement”) in that certain strip or
parcel of land which is approximately three (3) feet wide, extending southwest of the western edge of the
right of way of NC Highway 27, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina as
more fully described and depicted in Exhibits “A” and “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference and a Temporary Construction Easement in that certain strip or parcel of land extending
approximately 13 feet Southwest from the center line of NC Highway 27 as more fully described and
depicted in Exhibits “A” and “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Temporary
Construction Easement shall not exceed an area of 1,049 square feet (excluding the amount of the
permanent Sewer Line Easement). It shall become effective immediately and shall expire on the earlier to
occur of (1) forty-five (45) days after construction is initiated on the Sewer Line Easement or (2) April
30, 2014. In no event shall GRANTEE, its contractors, subcontractors, employees, agents, or successors
and assigns use such Sewer Line Easement or Temporary Construction Easement for storage of vehicles,
equipment, or other materials.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all trees,
shrubs, and bushes located within the Sewer Line Easement unless stated otherwise. Provided, however,
all trees which Grantee is entitled to cut from the Sewer Line Easement shall, upon such cutting, become
the property of Grantee and removed from the premises. GRANTEE shall promptly restore the Sewer
Line Easement and Temporary Construction Easement to their original condition absent such tress,
bushes, and shrubs.
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR located between the paved roadway and the Sewer Line Easement at reasonable times and for
reasonable durations for the purposes of locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting,
operating, maintaining, and otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the
easement is granted. If adequate access to GRANTOR’s property is not provided by established means of
approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated for any damage of whatsoever kind or nature resulting at
any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby granted.
In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount or nature of compensation or other
relief to be provided to GRANTOR for any damages caused by GRANTEE, its contractors,
subcontractors, employees, agents, or successors and assigns , GRANTOR may demand arbitration of the
issues in dispute by filing with GRANTEE and the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) a written
notice of such demand for arbitration. Upon receipt of such notice, GRANTEE shall immediately submit
to the AAA the required filing fee. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, one arbitrator shall be selected
by the GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third by the two so selected. Such selections shall be
made from the AAA panel of neutrals. The arbitration panel shall render its decision in writing. Such
decision shall set forth findings of fact, conclusions of law, ruling, and award. The decision of two of
said arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. The arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the rules of the AAA then currently in effect unless the parties agree otherwise. All
costs, fees, and expenses associated with such arbitration shall be paid by GRANTEE.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may GRANTOR erect
structures designed to pond or impound water over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the
right to pave over the easement and to create access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE
shall be responsible for repairing such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of
the said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up or remediation GRANTOR
deems required as a result of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or
maintenance or as a result of any other activities of GRANTEE, its contractors, subcontractors,
employees, agents, or successors and assigns .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Sharon J. Finger
________________________, spouse
I, ____________________________, a Notary Public of __________________ County, State of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that Sharon J. Finger and spouse, _______________ (collectively, the
“Signatory”) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2013.
BEGINNING at an axle in the southwestern margin of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27, said axle being located South 50° 17' 20" East 4.46 feet from
a point in the centerline of the easement and in the northwestern line of
property now or formerly owned by Kathleen Eynard (Book 1801, at Page
469), and proceeding thence from said Beginning point, South 50° 17' 20"
West 3.04 feet to a point in the line of Eynard; thence North 39° 40' 46"
West 104.30 feet to a point in the southeastern line of property now or
formerly owned by Lisa Vaughn (Book 1088, at Page 320); thence with the
line of Vaughn, North 50° 26' 43" East 2.87 feet to an axle in the
southwestern margin of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27; thence with
the southwestern margin of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27, South 39°
46' 14" East 104.29 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a strip
approximately fifteen feet wide centered on and extending outward from a
centerline running the following courses and distances: North 39° 40' 46"
West 104.28 feet, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys, dated
March 25, 2012, and captioned, “Sharon Finger & Kathleen Eynard, Utility
Easement Drawing, Parcel ID #76911, Project Parcel #43, Parcel ID #23650,
Project Parcel #44.”
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of _________, 2012, by and between
STEVE DOLLY, JR. as trustee for LLOYD A. STROUPE (hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR) and
the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, North Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their
heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as
required by the context.
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
2170, Page 190, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more described in
Exhibit “A” pursuant to the terms and conditions hereunder;
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be
paid by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, the GRANTOR, has bargained and sold, and by these presents
does bargain, sell, and convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the purpose of
laying, constructing, and maintaining a sewer line(s) in that certain strip or parcel of land fifteen (15) feet
in width, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina, described as follows:
*Also, Temporary Construction Easement consisting of _____ square feet.
The GRANTEE will install a six inch (6”) sewer line in the easement area on the property as
described above.
See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all
improvements located within the easement area or areas unless stated otherwise.
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR adjacent to or in the vicinity of the easement areas as may be necessary for the purposes of
locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting, operating, extending, maintaining, and
otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the easement is granted. If
adequate access is not provided by established means of approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated
for any damage resulting at any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby
granted. In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount of any such damage, one arbitrator
shall be selected by the GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third, if necessary, by the two so
selected, and that the decision in writing of two of said arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the
parties hereto.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may water be ponded or
impounded over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the right to pave over the easement and
create an access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE shall be responsible for repairing
such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of the said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up deemed required as a result
of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or maintenance of the easement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that _________________________________ and __________________________
(collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of
the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
BEGINNING at an point in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27 and in the northwestern line of property now or formerly
owned by Steve Dolley Jr. Trust (Book 2113, at Page 255), said point being
located South 50º 26' 43" West 18.87 feet from a point in the centerline of
NC Highway #27 (said point being the northern corner of Steve Dolley Jr.
Trust), and proceeding thence from said Beginning point, South 50º 26' 43'
West 7.50 feet to a point in the centerline of the easement and in the
northwestern line of Steve Dolley Jr. Trust; thence South 50º 26' 43" West
4.23 feet to a #4 pin in the southwestern margin of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27 and in the northwestern line of Steve Dolley Jr. Trust; thence
South 50º 26' 43" West 3.27 feet to a point in the northwestern line of Steve
Dolley Jr. Trust; thence North 39º 56' 18" West 105.78 feet to a point in the
southeastern line of property now or formerly owned by Jerry Marlow (Book
2180, at Page 342); thence with the southeastern line of Marlow, North 50º
55' 59" East 4.32 feet to a square pin in the southeastern line of Marlow and
in the southwestern margin of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27; thence
continuing with the line of Marlow, North 50º 14' 52" East 10.68 feet to a
point in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27,
said point being located South 50º 26' 43" West 19.07 from a point in the
centerline of NC Highway #27, the easternmost corner of Marlow; thence
South 39º 56' 168" East 105.78 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a
strip approximately fifteen feet wide centered on and extending outward
from a centerline running the following courses and distances: North 39º 56'
18" West 105.78 feet, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys,
dated April 19, 2012, and captioned, “Jerry Marlow & Lloyd A. Stroupe
Trust, Utility Easement Drawing, Parcel ID #53079, Project Parcel #49,
Parcel ID #56947, Project Parcel #50.”
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of _________, 2012, by and between
STEVE DOLLEY, JR., Trustee (hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR) and the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their
heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as
required by the context.
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
2213, Page 255, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more described in
Exhibit “A” pursuant to the terms and conditions hereunder;
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be
paid by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, the GRANTOR, has bargained and sold, and by these presents
does bargain, sell, and convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the purpose of
laying, constructing, and maintaining a sewer line(s) in that certain strip or parcel of land fifteen (15) feet
in width, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina, described as follows:
*Also, Temporary Construction Easement consisting of _____ square feet.
The GRANTEE will install a six inch (6”) sewer line in the easement area on the property as
described above.
See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all
improvements located within the easement area or areas unless stated otherwise.
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR adjacent to or in the vicinity of the easement areas as may be necessary for the purposes of
locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting, operating, extending, maintaining, and
otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the easement is granted. If
adequate access is not provided by established means of approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated
for any damage resulting at any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby
granted. In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount of any such damage, one arbitrator
shall be selected by the GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third, if necessary, by the two so
selected, and that the decision in writing of two of said arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the
parties hereto.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may water be ponded or
impounded over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the right to pave over the easement and
create an access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE shall be responsible for repairing
such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of the said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up deemed required as a result
of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or maintenance of the easement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that _________________________________ (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally
appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
BEGINNING at an point in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27 and in the centerline of Range Road, said point being located
South 55º 19' 52" West 18.40 feet from a point in the centerline of NC
Highway #27, and proceeding thence from said Beginning point with the
centerline of Range Road, South 55º 19' 52" West 7.53 feet to a point in the
centerline of the easement and in the centerline of Range Road; thence
South 55º 19' 52" West 7.53 feet to a point in the centerline of Range Road;
thence North 39º 56' 18" West 179.44 feet to a point in the southeastern
line of property now or formerly owned by Lloyd A. Stroupe Trust (Book
2170, at Page 190); thence North 50º 26' 43" East 3.27 feet to a #4 pin in
the southwestern margin of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27 and in the
line of Lloyd A. Stroupe Trust; thence North 50º 26' 43" East 4.23 feet to a
point in the centerline of the easement and in the line of Lloyd A. Stroupe
Trust; thence North 50º 26' 43" East 7.50 feet to a point in the
southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27 and in the
southeastern line of Lloyd A. Stroupe Trust, said point being located South
50º 26' 43" West 18.87 feet from a point in the centerline of NC Highway
#27, the northernmost corner of property now or formerly owned by Steve
Dolley Jr. Trust (Book 2213, at Page 255); thence South 39º 56' 18" East
180.73 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a strip approximately
fifteen feet wide centered on and extending outward from a centerline
running the following courses and distances: North 39º 56' 18" West 180.08
feet, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys, dated May 1, 2012,
and captioned, “Steve Dolley, Jr. Trust, Utility Easement Drawing, Parcel ID
#56946, Project Parcel #51.”
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of _________, 2012, by and between
Russell Pressly and Bennie L. Pressly, Co-Trustees of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and
Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006; and Jeffrey R. Walker and Clyde J. Walker,
Co-Trustees of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D
December 18, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR) and the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, North
Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their
heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as
required by the context.
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
2213, Page 255, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more described in
Exhibit “A” pursuant to the terms and conditions hereunder;
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be
paid by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, the GRANTOR, has bargained and sold, and by these presents
does bargain, sell, and convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the purpose of
laying, constructing, and maintaining a sewer line(s) in that certain strip or parcel of land fifteen (15) feet
in width, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina, described as follows:
*Also, Temporary Construction Easement consisting of _____ square feet.
The GRANTEE will install a six inch (6”) sewer line in the easement area on the property as
described above.
See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all
improvements located within the easement area or areas unless stated otherwise.
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR adjacent to or in the vicinity of the easement areas as may be necessary for the purposes of
locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting, operating, extending, maintaining, and
otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the easement is granted. If
adequate access is not provided by established means of approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated
for any damage resulting at any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby
granted. In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount of any such damage, one arbitrator
shall be selected by the GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third, if necessary, by the two so
selected, and that the decision in writing of two of said arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the
parties hereto.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may water be ponded or
impounded over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the right to pave over the easement and
create an access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE shall be responsible for repairing
such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of the said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up deemed required as a result
of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or maintenance of the easement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Russell Pressly
Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D December
18, 2006
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Bennie L. Pressly
Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D December
18, 2006
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Jeffrey R. Walker
Co-Trustees of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D
December 18, 2006
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Clyde J. Walker
Co-Trustees of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D
December 18, 2006
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Russell Pressly (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is the Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust
Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Bennie L. Pressly (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is the Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust
Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Jeffrey R. Walker (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is the Co-Trustee of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated
Trust Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of
the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Clyde J. Walker (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is the Co-Trustee of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated
Trust Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of
the foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
BEGINNING at an axle in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27, the northernmost corner of property now or formerly owned
by William T. Walker First Amended Trust (Book 2170, at Page 112), and
proceeding thence from said Beginning point, South 29º 38' 14" West 7.65
feet to a point in the western line of William T. Walker First Amended
Trust; thence North 39º 43' 40" West 86.19 feet to a point; thence North 39º
56' 18" West 262.88 feet to a point in the centerline of Range Road; thence
North 55º 19' 52" East 7.53 feet to a spike in the centerline of Range Road
and in the centerline of the easement, and in the southwestern portion of
the right-of-way of NC Highway #27; thence South 39º 42' 35" East 184.17
feet to a point in the southern portion of the right-of-way of NC Highway
#27; thence South 29º 42' 35" East 161.48 feet to the point of Beginning,
and being a strip approximately fifteen feet wide centered on and
extending outward from a centerline running the following courses and
distances: North 39º 42' 35" West 161.48 feet, thence North 39º 42' 35"
West 184.17 feet, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys, dated
May 10, 2012, and captioned, “Ruby J. Walker First Amended Trust, Utility
Easement Drawing, Parcel ID #953935, Project Parcel #52.”
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.
PROJECT NO: Airport Sewer Project
THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT is made this the ____ day of July, 2012, by and between Jeffrey
R. Walker and Clyde J. Walker, Co-Trustees of the William T. Walker First Amended and
Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006; and Russell Pressly and Bennie L. Pressly,
Co-Trustees of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D
December 18, 2006, (hereinafter referred to collectively as GRANTOR) and the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina (hereafter referred to as GRANTEE).
The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE, as used herein, shall include said parties, their
heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as
required by the context.
WHEREAS, said GRANTOR owns a certain tract of land (“tract”) in the COUNTY OF
LINCOLN, North Carolina, the same being the land conveyed to GRANTOR, by deed recorded in Book
2170, Page 112, in the office of the Register of Deeds of LINCOLN COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, GRANTOR has agreed to convey to GRANTEE an easement as more specifically
described in Exhibit “A” pursuant to the terms and conditions hereunder;
Said GRANTOR, in consideration of ______________________ Dollars ($_________), to be
paid by the COUNTY OF LINCOLN, the GRANTOR, has bargained and sold, and by these presents
does bargain, sell, and convey to said GRANTEE and its successors the right of use, for the purpose of
laying, constructing, and maintaining a sewer line(s) in that certain strip or parcel of land fifteen (15) feet
in width, in or near the COUNTY OF LINCOLN and State of North Carolina, described as follows:
The GRANTEE will install a six inch (6”) sewer line in the easement area on the property as
described above.
See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
GRANTOR understands and agrees that the consideration amount covers and includes all
improvements located within the easement area or areas unless stated otherwise.
GRANTEE shall have such right of ingress, egress, and regress over and upon any lands of the
GRANTOR adjacent to or in the vicinity of the easement areas as may be necessary for the purposes of
locating, laying, constructing, reconstructing, and inspecting, operating, extending, maintaining, and
otherwise keeping over and in good repair the sewer line(s), for which the easement is granted. If
adequate access is not provided by established means of approach, the GRANTOR shall be compensated
for any damage resulting at any time from the exercise of the right of ingress, egress, and regress hereby
granted. In the event of disagreement at any time as to the amount of any such damage, one arbitrator
shall be selected by the GRANTOR, one by the GRANTEE, and a third, if necessary, by the two so
selected, and that the decision in writing of two of said arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the
parties hereto.
It is further understood that the GRANTOR shall erect no permanent structure of any kind over or
across the Easement. For purposes of this Easement, permanent structure includes, but is not limited to:
buildings, tennis courts, swimming pools, outbuildings, and fences. Neither may water be ponded or
impounded over or across said Easement. GRANTOR does have the right to pave over the easement and
create an access to highways surrounding the property. GRANTEE shall be responsible for repairing
such pavement should it be necessary to remove it for maintenance of the said sewer line.
GRANTEE shall also be responsible for any environmental clean-up deemed required as a result
of products or processes used in the sewer line construction, operation or maintenance of the easement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the land hereinbefore described unto the GRANTEE, its successors
and assigns, for the aforesaid uses and purposes and none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Jeffrey R. Walker, Co-Trustee of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement
U/A/D December 18, 2006
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Claude J. Walker, Co-Trustee of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement
U/A/D December 18, 2006
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Russell Pressly, Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement U/A/D
December 18, 2006
____________________________________________ (SEAL)
Bennie L. Pressly, Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust Agreement
U/A/D December 18, 2006
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Jeffrey R. Walker (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is Co-Trustee of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust
Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Claude J. Walker (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is Co-Trustee of the William T. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust
Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Russell Pressly (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust
Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
I, George Clifford Massengale, a Notary Public of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that Bennie L. Pressly (collectively, the “Signatory”) personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged that he is Co-Trustee of the Ruby J. Walker First Amended and Restated Trust
Agreement U/A/D December 18, 2006, and acknowledged, on behalf of said Trust, the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
I certify that Signatory personally appeared before me this day, and
(I have personal knowledge of the identity of the Signatory); or
(I have seen satisfactory evidence of the Signatory’s identity, by a
current state or federal identification with the Signatory’s photograph in
in the form of:
____ a driver’s license or
____ in the form of __________________ or
(a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the Signatory).
The Signatory acknowledged to me that each voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the
purpose stated and in the capacity indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal ____ day of ___________, 2012.
George Clifford Massengale
BEGINNING at a point in the southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC
Highway #27, the northernmost corner of property now or formerly owned
by David Moss (Book 2170, at Page 112), and proceeding thence from said
Beginning point with the western line of Moss, South 19º 03' 36" West 4.06
feet to a point in the line of Moss; thence North 39º 43' 40" West 199.88
feet to a point in the southeastern line of property now or formerly owned
by Ruby Walker Trust (Book 2170, at Page 112); thence North 29º 38' 14"
East 7.65 feet to an axle in the centerline of the easement and in the
southwestern portion of the right-of-way of NC Highway #27; thence South
38º 40' 21" East 200.50 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a strip
approximately fifteen feet wide centered on and extending outward from a
centerline running the following courses and distances: North 39º 43' 40"
West 200.47 feet, as shown on a plat prepared by Dedmon Surveys, dated
May 16, 2012, and captioned, “William T. Walker First Amended Trust,
Utility Easement Drawing, Parcel ID #27071, Project Parcel #53.”
thirty-five (35) feet in width, centered on and extending outward from the
centerline set forth hereinabove.