Map - Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
Map - Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority CONSERVATION LANDS To Smith Falls A H Portland Cooligan Creek Newboro 5 Crosby 42 Newboro Lake Opinicon Lake A Otter Lake Lyndhurst Crow Lake Buck Lake Golden Creek L Lees Pond Lyn Graham Lake Jones Falls Red Horse Lake ers d Lee Charleston Lake Whitefish Lake 2 BROCKVILLE 32 E ek k Desert Lake 44 Bass Lake 2 Wiltse Lake 401 Buells Creek Cre e Devil Lake Temperance S Lake Sand Lake F 29 Centre Lake Cre Lyn oe L ake Can Mosquito Indian Lake Lake Chaffeys Locks Elbe Creek Delta Lower Beverley Lake Elgin Butler Creek ATHENS 42 15 Clear Lake Bedford Mills Birch Lake Lambs Pond Upper Beverley Lake 10 29 Lake Eloida 5 Gould Lake T ghb Lou Sydenham Lake th mi ws rro ake ug oro tse Battersea Inverary Lake Sydenham 9 ui aq ar Cat er Riv Grass Creek Li ek Cre ee av en Cr KINGSTON ER IV ER tter k g rin Sp NAPANEE P GANANOQUE REN W A L ST. I M illh 23 Amherstview M C G Millhaven Bath 8 LAKE ONTARIO ay yB Stella Ha 9 te in Qu Ba 33 Adolphustown Conservation Area Regulations Pleaseobservethefollowingregulations: Hours:7:30A.M.todusk. Yes No Yes Yes Yes (s*) No 136 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No LittleCataraquiCreek 394 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (w*) Yes LynValley 11 No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No MacJohnsonWildlife 530 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes ParrottsBay No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No CataraquiTrail 100 Faci Sno Ska Fish Play ls Ren ta Yes lity Yes Equ ip No wsh No ting Yes ing No Inte r Yes gro Yes LemoinePoint Don'tforgettostoopandscoopafteryourpet. ntal s men tRe oein g Cro Ski ss-Cou Trai ls ntry ive Cen tre Swi (unsmmin upe g rvis ed) Can oein g und rails Hiki ngT pret ter Wa s Drin king Priv ie Toil ets/ reas e Yes Picn icA Gat 589 GouldLake eFe Size (he ctar e s) Keepdogsandotherpetsonaleashnomore thantwometresinlength. CATARAQUI REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY CATARAQUI REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Conservation Areas A CataraquiTrail B GouldLake C LemoinePoint D LittleCataraquiCreek E LynValley F MacJohnsonWildlifeArea G ParrottsBay H BastardandSouthBurgess I BaylyConservation Amherst Island f yo 5 Conservation Lands Q 21 8 Ivy Lea 0 C llin Co Westbrook Odessa2 4 k ee Cr re sC 401 16 D ek 401 401 Rockport 2 Bu e ttl Glenburnie Little Cataraqui Creek Elginburg Gle Cre nvale ek ilt W r n Ga Mud Creek nut on k ee Cr 3 o an ive eR qu 15 e Cr K Lansdowne J 11 O Wilton N Can R Collins Lake ek N 401 3 South Lake al au ide Inverary 10 A ek Cre Brewers Mills Yarker Newburgh Mallorytown La Rue Creek Gananoque Lake Wil 5 38 32 k ree es C Jon Seeleys Bay hL 19 Ha Dog Lake Perth Road Village Know lton L B C Lakranbe e rry ake Draper Lake No The Cataraqui Trail is a 104-km long multi-use trail which goes from Strathcona to Smith Falls. No washroom facilities or drinking water are available on the trail. Permitted uses are hiking, cycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling. Stayonthemarkedtrails;thishelpspreventsoil erosionanddamagetosensitiveareas. Horsebackridingandmotorizedvehiclesare notpermittedonourtrails. Donotlitter. Donotdamage,disturborremoveany structure,rock,plant,animalorotherproperty, livingordead. Reserve J EdenGrove K LaRueMills L LeesPond M Marshlands N MarbleRock O MillhavenReservoir P NorthFredericksburgh Q OwlWoods R BayviewWetland S ThreeLakes T Vandewal Boat Ramps CharlestonLake EloidaLake HayBay HenryStreet(Brockville) LoughboroughLake Outlet SeeleysBay SydenhamLake Rememberthatalcoholicbeveragesarenot permitted. Water Access Points Huntingisnotpermitted. Fishingispermittedinaccordancewithcurrent MinistryofNaturalResourceregulations. TheserulesaremadeundertheConservation AuthoritiesAct,OntarioRegulation99/90.Acopy CollinsCreek CronkLake ElbowLake Lyndhurst MosquitoLake OtterLake Purdy(Murvale) 10 15 km
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Conservation Areas
Produced by the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority under license
with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2013.
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