Solution Fertiliser Brochure
Solution Fertiliser Brochure
Solution Fertilisers The Omex solution fertiliser range includes some of the most concentrated products available in the UK. They are delivered for farmer application and offer many advantages over conventional solid fertiliser in terms of accuracy, consistency and ease of use. By using Omex solution fertilisers, farmers save time, protect the environment, comply with NVZ and Cross Compliance requirements and maximise crop yield. All Omex solution fertilisers are supplied in bulk, eliminating packaging and the need to recycle waste and provide major handling and storage advantages over solid fertilisers. On farms using the Omex suspension fertiliser service, by switching to liquid nitrogen it is possible to eliminate the need to purchase, store and maintain a spreader. Contents Section 1 Benefits of Liquid Fertiliser • Potential Fixed Cost Savings 2 • Accuracy 3 • Advantages of Nitroflo Range 5 • Potential Cost Benefits 6 Section 2 Liquid Nitrogen Range • Benefits FAQ’s and Comments 7 • Nitroflo Range 8 • Protein Plus 9 • Oilseed Extra 11 • Didin® Fluid 13 • Nitroflo Storage Sites 15 Section 3 Sulphur Section 4 Solution Compound Fertilisers • Adaptable Versatile Accurate Fertilisers 17 • Till-seeding and Starter Fertiliser 18 • Omex Solution Compound Analyses 20 • TPA and Tank Mixes 21 Section 5 Application Information • Application Charts - Nitroflo Range 22 • Application Charts - Solution Compounds 27 • Application Bars and Nozzles 29 • AccuRate Dribble Bars & Application Rates 30 Section 6 Nitrogen Price Comparisons Section 7 Tank Storage Scheme • Purchase Option for 40m3 and 50m3 GRP Tanks 35 • Rental Scheme for 40m3 GRP Tank 36 • Rental Scheme 50m3 GRP Tank 37 • Base for Fibreglass Vertical Tank 40/50m3 38 • Rental Scheme for 30m3 Plastic Tank 39 • Base for 30m3 Plastic Tank 40 • Rental Scheme for 50 Tonne Steel Tank 41 • Guidelines for Steel Storage Tank 42 Notes • A Major Nutrient • Price Comparison Chart • Haulage Code Of Practice 16 34 45 Section 1 Benefits of Liquid Fertiliser The Omex Nitroflo liquid fertiliser range includes some of the most concentrated products available in the UK. They are delivered for farmer application and offer many advantages over conventional solid fertiliser application in terms of accuracy, consistency and ease of use. By using Omex solution fertilisers, farmers save time, protect the environment, comply with NVZ and Cross Compliance requirements and maximise crop yields. All Omex solution fertilisers are supplied in bulk, eliminating packaging and the need to recycle waste, and provide major handling and storage advantages over solid fertilisers. Potential Fixed Cost Savings Perhaps one of the best times for a farmer to consider converting to liquid fertiliser is when the farm sprayer or spreader is up for renewal. It is at this point they have the opportunity to consider the effective utilisation of labour and machinery and their respective fixed costs. Low-Labour Application System – Liquid fertiliser offers a low-labour application system compared with solid fertiliser: • No offloading with a forklift • No storage in a secure building • No re-loading and carting to field • No dust, No bag disposal • No wastage (unused fertiliser is returned to the tank) • No need for a second man to re-load the spreader Wider Tramlines – By switching to 36m tramlines, on a 200ha farm, the time spent applying fertiliser and agrochemicals can be reduced by around 30 hours/year – an extra 3 spraying days per year. Some solid products will not spread accurately over 24m, so if tramline width is further increased liquid fertiliser will provide a more accurate application. Wider tramlines also effectively increase the area cropped. The wheelings caused by spreading fertiliser at 24m, even on standard width tyres, cover a minimum of 2.5% of the cropped area. A move to 36m reduces this area to 1.7%, resulting in increased yields. On the same 200 hectare farm, this can mean wheat yield increases worth over £3,000 per year. Single Applicator - If NPK solution or contract application fertiliser is used for compound fertiliser application, there is no requirement for a spreader. This has a potential fixed cost saving of £6.20/ha across the life of the spreader (Ref: Nix Farm Management Pocketbook) Low Cost Storage – Liquid nitrogen does not have to meet the same secure storage requirements of ammonium nitrate. Low cost GRP storage tanks are available through subsidised purchase or rental schemes (see Tank Storage Scheme section 7). Different Omex products can be stored in a tank at different times of the year. Easing Cash Flow – On-farm storage tanks can be refilled as required meaning that payment is only due after the largest part of a farmer’s fertiliser requirement has been applied. This is unlike most solid equivalent systems. 2 Accuracy Accuracy of Application -The accuracy of application of nitrogen fertiliser has a major impact on gross margins. Variability across a tramline width is referred to as the coefficient of variation (CoV). The graph shows the impact on gross margin as the CoV increases for winter wheat. It is not uncommon for solid spreaders to operate with CoVs of 30-40% if they are never calibrated or maintained, and 20% is a common average figure. It is only above 20% CoV that striping becomes visible, by which time the financial loss is £18/ha. Nitroflo is applied by sprayer with an average CoV of 5%, consequently, application of Nitroflo could improve gross margins by £15-17/ha compared with a spinning disc spreader that is not correctly calibrated. Predicted yield losses in winter wheat due to uneven spreading £70 £60 £50 Financial £40 Penalty £30 Wheatat£180/t £20 Wheatat£150/t Wheatat£105/t £10 £0 Coefficient of Variation % [Ref:IFSCostsandEffectsofUnevenSpreadingofNitrogen Fertilisers2009,Figure 12.Miller,Audsley&Richards] Productivity of Field Margins - Managing field headlands to make sure they are as productive as the centre of the field is a constant challenge. Not least is application of nitrogen up to the field margin. The graph (right) is a typical example of the pattern of nitrogen application that is measured from a spinning disc spreader on 36m tramlines. Even with a deflector vane system in operation, application drops from 100% of the target rate to almost 0% across the outside 8m. 3 Productivity of Field Margins (cont.) Yield loss from the outside 8m of a field has been shown to be 3.5t/ha of winter wheat ( and 10t/ha of potatoes) when nitrogen is applied through a spinning disc spreader. The outside 8m of a 15ha field is 5% of the field, so the yield loss would be 2.63t worth £475 (wheat at £180/t). A farmer growing 400ha of winter wheat could be losing over £12,500 across the outside 8m of his fields. Field Size: 20ha Length Width Area 447 447 667 300 800 250 1,000 200 AVERAGE 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Area of 8m Strip 0.71 0.77 0.83 0.95 0.82 % of Total 3.5% 3.8% 4.2% 4.8% 4.1% Field Size: 15ha Length Width Area 388 387 500 300 750 200 1,000 150 AVERAGE 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Area of 8m Strip 0.61 0.63 0.75 0.91 0.73 % of Total 4.1% 4.2% 5.0% 6.1% 4.9% Field Size: 10ha Length Width Area 333 300 400 250 500 200 667 150 AVERAGE 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Area of 8m Strip 0.50 0.51 0.55 0.65 0.55 % of Total 5.0% 5.1% 5.5% 6.5% 5.5% [Proportion of a Field Represented by Outside 8m] By using Nitroflo, it is possible to apply the full rate of nitrogen right up to the field margin: no compromise to yield, no environmental risk. The visual impact of using solid N on field margins: The benefit of applying Nitroflo: 4 Advantages of Nitroflo Range Three Sources of N - Replicated plot trials by independent organisations have demonstrated the yield advantage of liquid nitrogen, compared to solid ammonium nitrate and urea. These yield benefits are a result of the blend of nitrogen sources in Nitroflo, which supply a balanced delivery of nitrogen to the crop, along with the superior application accuracy. The visual impact of liquid vs solid application is particularly evident in dry spring seasons when solid nitrogen is not available to the crop when needed. Window of Application – Nitroflo can be applied across a range of weather conditions including situations when solid nitrogen or agrochemicals could not be applied. Nitroflo can be applied during rainfall, as ground conditions allow. It can be applied in breezy conditions because, unlike spray from a fan jet, the wind will not cause drift of a vertical stream and booms can be lowered to just above crop height. It is best to avoid damp leaf conditions (for example when a dew is lifting) since the nitrogen can spread on the leaf and be absorbed rapidly; in these conditions some scorch is possible. Less Pollution Risk - By using Nitroflo it is possible to apply the full rate of nitrogen right up to the field margin without losing fertiliser beyond the boundary into the hedge bottom or close to dykes etc. This significantly reduces the risk of polluting water courses without incurring a yield loss along the field margin. Furthermore, since only 25% of Nitroflo is nitrate N there is much less risk of leaching shortly after application than with ammonium nitrate. More Crop Available in Dry Conditions - As soon as Nitroflo is applied to the soil it is drawn into the soil solution. So, even in the driest of springs nitrogen starts becoming available to plants shortly after application. Use Existing Sprayer -Nitroflo can be applied through any farm sprayer. The only conversion required is to fit suitable nozzles. There are various types of jets available off the shelf, they all apply a stream of Nitroflo – a method proven to minimise the risk of crop scorch. The best jets are those that apply even quantities in vertical streams across the full boom width, because they remove any variability caused by gradient and boom height. Consequently Omex recommends the AccuRate bars (see Application Information, section 5). Nitrogen & Sulphur Together – By using one of the Nitroflo S formulations, the farmer can apply Nitrogen & Sulphur together, the sulphur is included in sulphate form making sure both nutrients are available when needed. The range of sulphur grades allow the farmer to fine tune the sulphur application in season if required. This picture was taken by Omex customer Andrew Burden. Both fields are winter wheat, both had N applied the same day, solid fertiliser was applied to the far field, whilst Omex Nitroflo was applied to the field in the foreground. 5 Potential Cost Benefits When the other costs associated with nitrogen application are also compared, Nitroflo liquid nitrogen offers a potential increase in crop returns from winter wheat of around £110/ha. These increased returns can be even greater if comparisons include the benefits of wider tramlines as well. All of these advantages can be quantified according to Nix Farm Management Pocketbook and published work as follows: Activity Cost Saved / Value Added £ Unloading to store 1.50/t 0.83 Loading & carting to field 2.00/t 1.10 Bag disposal Difference between spreading solid (£14.20/ha) and liquid N (£12.60/ha) 6 Value/ha £ 1.00 1.60/ha 1.60 Depreciation saved on spreader 6.20 SUB-TOTAL 10.73 CoV Loss - Difference between solid and liquid N 17.00/ha 17.00 Productivity of Field Margins 31.50/ha 31.50 Three sources of N 50.50/ha 50.50 Benefit of Nitroflo 99.00 TOTAL £109.73 For many leading UK cereal growers, liquid nitrogen has become their main top-dressing source. Omex Nitroflo is the most concentrated liquid nitrogen available in the UK. Liquid fertilisers offer a valuable means of optimising crop nutrition and reducing fixed costs, which is why, every year, more growers are switching to Omex Nitroflo. Section 2 Liquid Nitrogen Range Benefits: ✔ Accurate application up to field margins ✔ Three sources of nitrogen - ammonium, nitrate and urea - so the best balance between availability to crop when needed and reduced risk of loss through leaching ✔ Reduced capital expenditure as Nitroflo can be applied through a normal farm sprayer ✔ No off-loading costs as Nitroflo is pumped directly into holding tanks on-farm ✔ No storage restrictions and no driver certification required ✔ Improved application accuracy. Tests show that application by granular spreader often vary by 20% across the spread width. Farm sprayers are unlikely to vary by more than 5% ✔ Better utilisation of time and labour - Nitroflo can be applied in less favourable conditions, when applying solid fertilisers or crop spraying would not be possible ✔ Higher work rates. It takes just a couple of minutes for one man to load the sprayer with Nitroflo, plus there are no bags to dispose of ✔ An opportunity to upgrade sprayer and increase tramline widths, increasing the cropped area, work rates and accuracy of top-dressing Frequently Asked Questions and Comments • “Isn’t liquid fertiliser often associated with scorch?” Current application methods have virtually eliminated scorch and by following a few simple guidelines, scorch is not a problem • “Surely liquid nitrogen is too expensive?” The price of OMEX liquid nitrogen has for many years been competitive against UK produced Ammonium Nitrate • “Liquid nitrogen is corrosive.” All nitrogen fertilisers can be mildly corrosive to unprotected steel. By cleaning down a sprayer after applying fertiliser, the sprayer condition will deteriorate no more than if it was used for conventional spraying alone • “There is a risk of urea volatilising in warm weather.” The Nitroflo range contains liquid urea which rapidly enters the soil complex and is stabilised, reducing the risk of ammonium losses compared to solid urea • “Isn’t it expensive to convert to liquid?” The cost of converting should be as little as the cost of a concrete plinth for a storage tank and a set of nozzles. However, the storage site will be assessed to establish whether the tank should have a bund, and check with the sprayer manufacturer whether any modifications are necessary. 7 Nitroflo Range All fertilisers, including liquids, have to be invoiced by a guaranteed weight. Therefore, and to avoid confusion, all Omex fertilisers are sold by weight and easy to use conversion charts are provided to give application volumes. The range includes: Nitroflo - the UK’s most concentrated liquid nitrogen providing the crop with prolonged, even growth, and ensuring consistent crop quality in addition to easing agronomic management and harvesting. The nitrogen source in Nitroflo is UAN - 50% of N source from urea and 50% of N source from ammonium nitrate. Nitroflo Solo - containing Didin Fluid, it allows growers to use just a single application to meet a crop’s entire nitrogen requirement, saving application costs, improving yields and reducing nitrogen losses. Nitroflo S - containing nitrogen and sulphur; for top-dressing sulphur responsive crops in the spring during periods of rapid growth. The sulphur source is sulphate. Nitroflo SS - containing nitrogen and a higher level of S than Nitroflo-S. The sulphur source is sulphate. Nitroflo XS - containing a higher level of sulphur; for deficient areas and crops with a high demand for sulphur, such as oilseed rape. The sulphur source is sulphate. Nitroflo XXS - containing an equal amount of nitrogen and sulphur; ideal for first nitrogen application on oilseed rape. The sulphur source is sulphate. For application charts see Section 5, page 22, or ask for a handy application chart Product Analysis w/w N 8 SG Analysis w/v N SO3 SO3 Nitroflo 30% 1.3 39% 390kg/1000 litre Nitroflo Solo 30% 1.3 39% 390kg/1000 litre + DIDIN Nitroflo S 26% 5% 1.28 33.5% 6.4% 335kg N 64kg SO3 /1000 litre Nitroflo SS 24% 7.5% 1.26 30% 9.5% 300kg N 95kg SO3 /1000 litre Nitroflo XS 20% 12.5% 1.23 25% 15.5% 250kg N 155kg SO3 /1000 litre Nitroflo XXS 15% 15% 1.22 18% 18% 180kg N 180kg SO3 /1000 litre Protein Plus • Foliar urea protein enhancer • Provides double the protein increase of a “late bag” • Simple to apply at the milky ripe stage • Available with Kelpak to increase HFNs and yield Protein Plus is a concentrated foliar urea solution used to enhance the grain protein content of milling wheat. There are two products available: Protein Plus containing 18%N w/w (approximately 20% w/v), and Protein Plus S containing 18%N 5% SO3 w/w (approximately 21% N 6% SO3 w/v). Milling Wheat In order to achieve a premium, most milling wheat contracts require a minimum 13% protein content. Since nitrogen is a key constituent of protein, it is important to manage applications effectively to produce the maximum level of protein. This means applying nitrogen late in the season, to ensure it is converted into protein. Soil Versus Foliar When proteins are being formed, approximately 80% of the nitrogen in the crop is mobilised directly to the grain. It is therefore important to ensure that the crop contains a high level of nitrogen at this critical stage. Applying late season nitrogen to the soil is less effective than foliar application as it relies on receiving enough rainfall to move the nitrogen into the root-zone and provides a less targeted boost to plant nitrogen levels. Foliar Flexibility Since the nitrogen is applied at the time of crop requirement, the rate can be fine tuned for season and response potential. For example, if yields are likely to be high, additional nitrogen can be provided to ensure protein levels are maintained. Protein Quality and Sulphur Sulphur is an important nutrient for milling wheat. As well as helping improve the utilisation of the nitrogen applied, sulphur forms the links in the protein chains that help to create a stretchy, quality dough that goes on to produce good loaf volume on baking. Protein Plus is available with sulphur to help ensure there is sufficient sulphur available to create the quality proteins required. 9 Protein Plus Flour Quality A series of HGCA trials demonstrated that the quality of the protein formed after application of foliar urea is better than that produced from late season soil applied nitrogen. In baking tests, loaf volume (a key indicator of protein quality) was significantly higher with foliar urea application than soil applied nitrogen. Hagberg Falling Number It is possible to improve HFN in crops by including a low dose of the biostimulant Kelpak with the application of Protein Plus. Kelpak protects crops from losing HFN and has also been shown to increase yield when tank-mixed with Protein Plus. Kelpak can also help reduce the risk of scorch from applications in stress conditions. Application Protein Plus is applied at the milky ripe grain stage by conventional sprayer with fan jets at 200 l/ha. Best results are achieved from early morning or late evening application, when the nitrogen is rapidly absorbed and utilised by the crop. It is recommended that applications made during the day are diluted with water. Trials Results A large series of trials compared soil with foliar application and demonstrated the increased effectiveness and reliability of Protein Plus application. Foliar urea products, such as Protein Plus, produced twice the increase in protein than that achieved by soil application. Application Chart for Protein Plus & Protein Plus S 10 kg/ha N l/ha Protein Plus l/ha Protein Plus S 10 50 48 15 75 73 20 100 97 25 125 121 30 150 145 35 175 169 40 200 193 45 225 217 50 250 242 Oilseed Extra • Yield booster for all varieties of winter and spring OSR • Simple to apply foliar application • Complete nutrient formulation • Provides up to 10:1 return on investment Omex Oilseed Extra is a unique concentrated foliar nutrient, formulated with crop safeners and uptake enhancers, plus macro and micronutrients designed to increase the yield of all varieties of winter and spring oilseed rape. Oilseed Rape Canopy Management For optimal yields, the oilseed rape crop should be managed to avoid over-dense canopies. Excessive leaf area can shade flowers, leading to less seed and pod numbers and reduced yield. However, reducing nitrogen rates to reduce Green Area Index can mean that the canopy senesces prematurely; again leading to lost yield potential. Applying nitrogen to the soil later in the season may reduce the risk of creating an excessively leafy canopy, but, if the application is left too late it can result in reduced uptake into the crop and an increased risk of nitrate leaching from the unused nitrogen. After flowering, the oilseed rape crop takes up little nitrogen from the soil, but the nitrogen is still required to maintain the canopy which is needed in order to fix sunlight and produce oil. Oilseed Extra - Foliar Yield Booster Oilseed Extra provides foliar nutrition to the crop to boost crop performance, maintaining the canopy and feeding the crop while seeds are filling and oil is being produced. The application is not a replacement for soil applied nitrogen but provides an additional ‘shot in the arm’ for the crop, previously unavailable with conventional nitrogen applications. 3.8 Application TAG 2007 Oilseed Extra should be applied at 200 l/ha after full petal-fall with a fine to medium spray quality. The application can be made undiluted during early morning or late evenings, or with 100 l/ha water for applications during the day. If a fungicide or aphicide application is required at the same time, the two jobs can usually be conveniently combined into one pass, saving time and money. 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 Mid flower 1st petal Full petal Full petal+7 UT Bain ton 11 Oilseed Extra Advanced formulation The formulation of the foliar application is important. Trials comparing the complete nutritional formulation of Oilseed Extra with simple foliar urea applications have shown double the yield increase from the Oilseed Extra application. As well as containing nitrogen, Oilseed Extra also contains magnesium, trace elements and a biostimulant. Magnesium is an important nutrient for oilseed rape as it helps transport photosynthesates in the plant and is a component of the enzyme, Rubisco, which facilitates oil production in oilseeds. Copper and molybdenum, applied post flowering, have been shown to increase the oil content of rape seed and Oilseed Extra also contains manganese, zinc and sulphur. This complete formulation provides the best possible yield response, up to 1.17t/ha in trials. Trial Results The average yield response to Oilseed Extra application over a 9 year period from a wide range of trial sites and varieties is 0.61 tonnes/ha. The following graph shows the response to two rates of Oilseed Extra (OSE) and foliar nitrogen (Protein Plus). Protein Plus 12 Didin® Fluid • Reduces growing costs • Improves yield and quality • Reduces nitrate leaching • Simplifies nitrogen management • Improves value of slurry • Reduces carbon footprint of fertiliser applications Didin Fluid is a unique nitrogen stabiliser. When added to fertiliser or organic manures and applied to the soil it controls the release of crop-available nitrogen. It allows nitrogen to be applied in a single dose, eliminating the need for repeated applications, saving both time and money. It increases yields and dramatically improves the value of winter-applied slurry. Didin Fluid in the Soil Ammonium and urea based nitrogen fertilisers need bacteria to convert them from being relatively immobile to the highly mobile and plant available nitrate form. Didin Fluid inhibits the activity of the soil bacteria that convert this ammonium-N into nitrate-N, helping reduce nitrate leaching and creating a phased release of crop available nitrogen. As soil temperatures increase and crop growth begins, Didin Fluid progressively releases more nitrate nitrogen into the soil. After the inhibition is complete the Didin Fluid is totally converted to plant-available nitrogen, leaving no residues in the soil. Didin Fluid with Organic Manures Didin Fluid helps convert slurry and manure from being waste products into valuable fertilisers. It conserves the nitrogen in slurry and manure through the winter, reducing the risk of nitrate leaching and phases the release of nitrate during the following spring and summer, reducing the requirement for additional nitrogen top-dressing. It also helps reduce losses of nitrous oxide following de-nitrification in waterlogged soils and increases grass yield and quality. Didin Fluid for Cereals A single top-dressing with Didin Fluid allows the full season’s nitrogen requirement to be applied in one simple application, at any time from the end of January to the end of March. The nitrogen is gradually released as plant-available nitrate at a rate at which the crop can use it. Leaching losses of nitrate are minimised and the risk of denitrification losses of nitrous oxide is also significantly reduced. Since the nitrate for the crop is released from the soil, crop nutrition is maintained at an ideal level, regardless of dry or wet conditions. Conventional applications may remain on the surface in dry conditions, leading to nitrogen deficiency. In conditions when it is too wet to apply nitrogen the crop can also become deficient. With Didin Fluid, the nitrate is released gradually and consistently through all conditions, maintaining crop growth. Extensive trials on winter wheat have shown that, in addition to application cost savings, the single nitrogen application with Didin Fluid produces an average yield increase of 0.5 t/ha, compared to split nitrogen application. 13 Didin® Fluid Didin Fluid for Potatoes Potatoes respond particularly well to application of stabilised nitrogen since most of the crop nitrogen requirement is applied immediately prior to planting. Crop uptake of the nitrogen does not start until 6-8 weeks later and, during wet spring conditions, some of the nitrogen applied can be leached beyond the shallow crop roots. The crop is also often heavily irrigated and the use of Didin Fluid helps prevent nitrate nitrogen being leached by excessive rates of irrigation. Application For use on grassland and most winter and spring grown crops including cereals and potatoes. If applying to soil prior to application of solid fertiliser or slurry/FYM, apply in 200-400 litres/ha water (see label for specific volumes). Fertiliser Timing Soil Type Rate l/ha Liquid Nitrogen Suspension fertiliser Spring Light Medium Heavy / Organic 12.5 10 6 Granular / liquid urea Spring Light Medium Heavy / Organic 10 8 6 Granular ammonium nitrate Spring Light Medium Heavy / Organic 12.5 10 8 Injected fertiliser Spring All types 6 Slurry / FYM Autumn Winter Spring All types All types All types 25 - 20 20 - 15 15 - 10 Didin Fluid is available pre-mixed in all Omex liquid fertilisers and in 20 litre drums and 1000 litre IBCs. The field of winter oats below received 120kg/ha of N with Nitroflo. The left half as a split dose, the right half as a single dose with Didin. On assessment, both halves are at the same growth stage, the difference is the flag leaves of the Didin treated half were on average 5cm longer and also wider. The picture was taken in June. 14 Nitroflo Storage Sites TYNESIDE IMMINGHAM BARDNEY SHREWSBURY KING’S LYNN IPSWICH SWINDON Distribution North South Site Manager - Paul Wakelen Distribution - Paul Wakelen T: 01526 396014 Trevor Young T: 01526 396012 Site Manager - Ken Atter Distribution - Ken Atter T: 01553 816013 Johan Saunders T: 01553 816020 Bardney Airfield, Tupholme, Lincoln Lincolnshire LN3 5TP Estuary Road, King’s Lynn Norfolk PE30 2HH T: 01526 936000 F: 01526 396001 E: T: 01553 760011 F: 01553 769784 E: Technical Agronomist Andy Eccles T: 01526 396011 F: 01526 396001 M: 07970 577915 E: Agronomist James Brundle T: 01553 816016 F: 01553 769784 M: 07970 577925 E: 15 Section 3 Sulphur A Major Nutrient Sulphur is a vital element for plants, and is required in similar amounts as phosphate in most crops. Sulphur deposition has decreased dramatically throughout the UK over the last 30 years, as a result of the Clean Air Act. Deficiencies of this vital element are now visible in many areas of the UK. Where deposition is less than 10kg/ha/year most crops will benefit from applications of fertiliser containing sulphur. Responses to sulphur vary accordingly to soil type, with high yield responses of over 25% possible from winter wheat on sandy soils. The level of response is affected by over winter rainfall on loam and coarse silty soils, with high rainfall increasing the likelihood of a significant yield increase. Clay, fine silts and organic soils have a lower likelihood of yield responses, except in areas with medium to high winter rainfall, where there is a medium chance of a yield response. How to Correct a Deficiency Omex supply a range of fertilisers containing sulphur. Nitroflo S is available with 26% nitrogen and 5% SO3. Nitroflo XS contains 20% nitrogen and 12.5% SO3 and is ideal for application to oilseed rape. For high requirements of sulphur, Nitroflo XXS (15% N, 15% SO3) is available. How much to Apply The continued reduction in sulphur deposition means that many rural areas of the UK currently receive between 5 - 10 kg/ha of S from the atmosphere. The following recommendation take this into account. Oilseed Rape Most oilseed rape crops require a minimum 100kg/ha SO3 sulphur. Crops therefore require an application of 75 - 100 kg/ha of SO3. Cereals Cereals require approximately 60kg/ha SO3 of sulphur and much of East Anglia and many areas in the North East are at medium risk of sulphur deficiency. Crops in these areas therefore require approximately 35 - 50 kg/ha SO3 sulphur. Grassland Sulphur deficiency reduces the yield and quality potential of grassland and is exacerbated by high forage removal rates. Top-dressing with Nitroflo S provides immediately available sulphur to supply the crops needs. Sulphur deficiency (right) in oilseed rape and winter wheat 16 Adaptable Versatile Accurate Fertilisers Section 4 Solution Compound Fertilisers Omex solution compound fertilisers are true compounds; every drop contains the complete analysis. They cannot segregate and as a result every square centimetre of soil is guaranteed to receive the required ratio of nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Solution compounds are ideal for application on oilseed rape, where it is possible to combine a pre-emergence herbicide with the application, and for placement on potatoes, where the fertiliser can be very accurately placed in the soil. NPK Solutions The Omex solution compound range offers accurate application of fertiliser for a wide range of situations, from pre-drilling to post-drilling, and pre and post-emergence. Most requirements can be supplied from the standard range of compounds, however Omex also offer a custom blending service, providing an almost infinite range of analyses if necessary. All phosphate products are available with TPA. Placement The close positioning of fertiliser in relation to the crop roots can have a significant effect on the nutrient use efficiency of the fertiliser. Placement with solution fertilisers offers significant advantages over solid placement; precision positioning is guaranteed, the nutrients are all fully dissolved, offering rapid crop response. Handling is minimised, with pumps carrying out all transfers without bag handling and disposal. Placement of liquid compound fertiliser on potatoes can increase yields by 10-15%. Liquid nitrogen placement for vegetable row crops results in more rapid and even establishment of transplants and provides prolonged nitrogen response for long-season crops. Starter doses of nitrogen and phosphate plus TPA for crops such as maize can dramatically improve establishment rates. Starter Fertiliser Liquid Nitrogen, with or without phosphate plus TPA, applied with cultivation drills and sub-soilers can significantly improve the establishment of oilseed rape. Omex recommend using some phosphate within the mix. Since the phosphate is fully water soluble it is more accessible to the plant at the peak time for early root development. Application of low doses of nitrogen and phosphate helps establishment but does not remove the need to replace nutrients taken up throughout the life of the crop, otherwise soil reserves will be depleted. The inclusion of TPA can enhance the benefit of starter doses. Combined Drilling with Liquid Fertiliser Most modern drills can be adapted to allow a liquid fertiliser applicator to be fitted, providing the opportunity to place starter fertiliser in the row or surrounding the seed of any drilled crop. Omex NPK solutions can be applied alone or in conjunction with micronutrients or phosphites, as required by the crop. The system allows for complete flexibility whilst providing the best possible environment for plant establishment. Precision Farming Omex solution fertilisers offer the ideal fertiliser delivery system for variable rate application. Modern flow controllers can simply be upgraded to provide variable rate fertiliser application, based on application maps from a number of sources; active crop sensors, remote sensing, soil testing or from an agronomist’s field experience. Many of the UK’s most innovative precision farmers use liquid fertilisers due to the ease of controlling the application rates and ability to automatically regulate individual boom sections. Salt Tonic Saltex Plus is a ready-to-use liquid fertiliser based on salt plus a wetting agent for use in sugar beet and asparagus. When applied to sugar beet, it increases sugar content and boosts vigour. Salt solutions were historically used to control volunteer potatoes and a wide range of annual weeds in sugar beet. Saltex Plus is applied through standard farm sprayers with conventional fan jets at an application rate of 1120 l/ha. A contract application service is also available from Omex. 17 Starter Fertiliser Till-seeding is rapidly becoming the preferred way of establishing oilseed rape. It offers a low cost drilling system with a better guarantee of producing a good stand, compared to alternative low cost systems. To ensure that the crop gets off to a good start to capitalise on the potential from till-seeding, it needs feeding. The best way to do this is to place a starter fertiliser precisely where it is required, effectively creating a nutrient rich seedbed for the crop. Omex solution fertilisers offer the most effective means of accurately placing nutrients with 100% solubility in the right place for the emerging seedling. Advantages of OMEX liquid starter fertilisers • Major saving in autumn nitrogen requirement, up to 75% • All of nitrogen captured by crop, reducing risk of leaching loss • Fully soluble phosphate • No dust, no blockages • Precise targeting of nutrients • Flexibility to work well within NVZ limits • Available with TPA Products and Recommendations Tables below show application rates in l/ha to apply a 30-60kg of N: Nitroflo 30N kg/ha Applied In the Band N P2O5 30 40 50 60 Nitroflo 30N 17-8-0 kg/ha Applied In the Band N 30 40 50 60 P2O5 14 19 24 28 17-8-0 Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 25% 33% 50% 10% 20% Application rate l/ha 8 15 19 31 38 10 21 26 34 51 13 26 32 42 64 15 31 38 51 77 39 kg N per 100 litres of product Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% Application rate l/ha 14 29 36 57 71 19 38 48 63 95 24 48 60 79 119 29 57 71 94 143 21 kg N per 100 litres of product 10 kg P2O5 per 100 litres of product No Fertiliser 18 14-14-0 kg/ha Applied In the Band N P2O5 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 14-14-0 7-20-0 kg/ha Applied In the Band N 20 30 40 50 15kg/ha N P2O5 57 86 114 143 7-20-0 Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 25% 33% 50% 10% 20% Application rate l/ha 18 35 44 71 88 24 47 59 94 118 29 59 74 118 147 35 71 88 141 176 17 kg N & P2O5 per 100 litres of product Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 25% 33% 50% 10% 20% Application rate l/ha 22 44 56 73 111 33 67 83 110 167 44 89 111 147 222 56 111 139 183 278 9 kg N per 100 litres of product 25 kg N & P2O5 per 100 litres of product 30kg/ha N Starter Fertiliser Products and Recommendations Nitroflo 30N: contains 39 kg nitrogen per 100 litres product. For use where only nitrogen is required. Omex 17-8-0: contains approximately 21 kg nitrogen and 10 kg phosphate per 100 litres product. For use where a phosphate starter effect is required. Omex 14-14-0: contains approximately 17 kg nitrogen and 17 kg phosphate per 100 litres product. Provides greater starter effect. Omex 7-20-0: contains approximately 9 kg nitrogen and 25 kg phosphate per 100 litres product. Traditional starter fertiliser, provides full starter rate of phosphate. Available with TPA Nitroflo 30N Application Rate l/ha 30 40 50 60 Nitroflo 30N 17-8-0 N Application Rate l/ha 30 40 50 60 17-8-0: 7-20-0 N Application Rate l/ha 30 40 50 60 7-20-0 Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% kg/ha N Applied in the Band 117 59 47 35 23 156 78 62 47 31 195 98 78 59 39 234 117 94 71 47 39 kg N per 100 litres of product Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% kg/ha N Applied in the Band 63 32 25 19 13 84 42 34 25 17 105 53 42 32 21 126 63 50 38 25 21 kg N per 100 litres of product Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% kg/ha N Applied in the Band 27 14 11 8 5 36 18 14 11 7 45 23 18 14 9 54 27 22 16 11 9 kg N per 100 litres of product 14-14-0 N & P2O5 Application Rate l/ha 30 40 50 60 14-14-0: 17-8-0 P2O5 Application Rate l/ha 30 40 50 60 17-8-0: 7-20-0 P2O5 Application Rate l/ha 30 40 50 60 7-20-0 Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% kg/ha N and P2O5 Applied in the Band 51 26 20 15 10 68 34 27 21 14 85 43 34 26 17 102 51 41 31 20 17 kg N & P2O5 per 100 litres of product Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% kg/ha P2O5 Applied in the Band 30 15 12 9 6 40 20 16 12 8 50 25 20 15 10 60 30 24 18 12 10 kg P2O5 per 100 litres of product Percent of Field Covered by Fertiliser Bands 10% 20% 25% 33% 50% kg/ha P2O5 Applied in the Band 75 38 30 23 15 100 50 40 30 20 125 63 50 38 25 150 75 60 45 30 25 kg P2O5 per 100 litres of product 19 Omex Solution Compound Analyses w/w Analysis P205 K20 SG N P205 K20 17 8 0 1.20 20 10 0 16 0 8 1.16 18.5 0 9.5 16 0 4 1.14 18 0 5 15.4 0 0 1.12 17.5 0 0 15 3.5 7.5 1.20 18 4 9 15 3.5 3.5 1.18 18 4 4 14 14 0 1.21 17 17 0 14 7 7 1.24 17.5 9 9 12.5 4.5 8.5 1.20 15 5.5 10 12 4.5 4.5 1.18 14 5.5 5.5 11.5 8 8 1.24 14 10 10 11.5 3.5 9 1.20 14 4 11 11 3.5 5 1.18 13 4 6 10.5 7 8.5 1.24 13 8.5 10.5 10 34 0 1.38 14 47 0 10 5 9 1.20 12 6 11 10 0 10 1.20 12 0 12 9 9 9 1.25 11 11 11 9 3 10 1.19 10.5 3.5 12 9 3 6 1.17 10.5 3.5 7 8.5 5 5 1.18 10 6 6 8 8 9.5 1.24 10 10 12 7 20 0 1.22 8.5 24.4 0 7 7 10 1.24 9 9 12.5 6.5 9.5 9.5 1.24 8 12 12 6 6.5 9.6 1.23 7.5 8 11.5 5.5 7.5 10.5 1.24 6.5 9 13 5 8.5 10 1.24 6 10.5 12.5 4.5 6.5 11 1.23 5.5 8 13.5 3.5 10 10 1.24 4.5 12.5 12.5 3 8 11 1.23 3.5 10 13.5 2 6 12 1.23 2.5 7.5 15 Saltex 1.16 N w/v analyses are approximate 20 Analysis - % w/v TPA TPA is a unique phosphate enhancer that improves crop responses to phosphate in two ways. It delays the immobilisation of water soluble phosphate in the soil, protecting the beneficial water soluble phosphate from being locked up with calcium and magnesium in the soil from the normal few weeks to for up to six months. Water soluble phosphate is critical for young plants. Young plants need phosphate for establishment and once it is locked up, the phosphate is much less available for these plants. TPA therefore extends the response to freshly applied fertiliser and offers the opportunity to fine-tune phosphate rates. TPA also increases crop rooting, initially with the development of fine root hairs. The increased rooting further improves the nutrition of the young plant and trials have shown increased tillering and nutrient uptake in winter wheat as a result, with up to an extra 2 tillers produced on TPAtreated plants within a few weeks of emergence in low fertility situations. All Omex solution compounds are available with TPA. Magnified view shows root hairs on young wheat plants grown with low nutrients either without (left) or with (right)TPA. (Photo, University of Illinois) Increased rooting in plants grown with low nutrient supply, plus TPA on the left. (Photo, University of Illinois). Tank Mixes Tank mixing fertiliser and pre-emergence herbicides offers an opportunity to save time and cost and optimise herbicide timing. Omex solution fertilisers are compatible with a range of herbicides for use on oilseed rape and sugar beet. Some of the advantages are: • Saves an application • Opportunity to improve timeliness • No need to find water • Accurate application of fertiliser • Potential improved delivery to soil • Saves time and money The list below details some of the mixes available but contact the herbicide manufacturer or Omex with specific tank mix enquiries. The herbicides listed below have manufacturer approval for tank mix application with all Omex Solution Fertilisers (except where otherwise stated). See our tank mix guide online for more details. Oilseed Rape Butisan S (Nitroflo 30N & 26+S) Sugar Beet Goltix WG Other Gallup Hi-Aktiv Katamaran (Nitroflo N30 only) Butisan S is a trademark of BASF plc Katamaran is a trademark of BASF plc Gallup Hi-Aktiv is a trademark of Barclay Chemicals Manufacturing Ltd Goltix WG is a trademark of Makhteshim-Agan (UK) Ltd 21 Section 5 Application Application Chart Nitroflo: 30% N kg/ha N units/ac N l/ha 25 20 64 30 24 77 35 28 90 40 32 103 45 36 115 50 40 128 55 44 141 60 48 154 65 52 167 70 56 180 75 60 192 80 64 205 85 68 218 90 72 231 95 76 244 100 80 256 105 84 269 110 88 282 115 92 295 120 96 308 125 100 321 130 104 333 135 108 346 140 112 359 145 116 372 150 120 385 155 124 397 160 128 410 165 132 423 170 136 436 175 140 449 180 144 462 185 148 474 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.30 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost 22 Application Chart Nitroflo-S: 26% N+5% SO3 kg/ha N units/ac N kg/ha SO3 units/ac SO3 l/ha 25 20 5 4 75 30 24 6 5 90 35 28 7 6 105 40 32 8 6 120 45 36 9 7 135 50 40 10 8 150 55 44 11 9 165 60 48 12 10 180 65 52 13 10 195 70 56 14 11 210 75 60 14 11 225 80 64 15 12 240 85 68 16 13 255 90 72 17 14 270 95 76 18 14 286 100 80 19 15 301 105 84 20 16 316 110 88 21 17 331 115 92 22 18 346 120 96 23 18 361 125 100 24 19 376 130 104 25 20 391 135 108 26 21 406 140 112 27 22 421 145 116 28 22 436 150 120 29 23 451 155 124 30 24 466 160 128 31 25 481 165 132 32 26 496 170 136 33 26 511 175 140 34 27 526 180 144 35 28 541 185 148 36 29 556 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.28 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost 23 Application Chart Nitroflo-SS: 24% N+7.5% SO3 kg/ha N units/ac N kg/ha SO3 units/ac SO3 l/ha 25 20 8 6 83 30 24 9 8 99 35 28 11 9 116 40 32 13 10 132 45 36 14 11 149 50 40 16 13 165 55 44 17 14 182 60 48 19 15 198 65 52 20 16 215 70 56 22 18 232 75 60 23 19 248 80 64 25 20 265 85 68 27 21 281 90 72 28 23 298 95 76 30 24 314 100 80 31 25 331 105 84 33 26 347 110 88 34 28 364 115 92 36 29 380 120 96 38 30 397 125 100 39 31 413 130 104 41 33 430 135 108 42 34 446 140 112 44 35 463 145 116 45 36 480 150 120 47 38 496 155 124 48 39 513 160 128 50 40 529 165 132 52 41 546 170 136 53 43 562 175 140 55 44 579 180 144 56 45 595 185 148 58 46 612 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.26 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost 24 Application Chart Nitroflo-XS: 20% N+12.5% SO3 kg/ha N units/ac N kg/ha SO3 units/ac SO3 l/ha 25 20 16 13 102 30 24 19 15 122 35 28 22 18 142 40 32 25 20 163 45 36 28 23 183 50 40 31 25 203 55 44 34 28 224 60 48 38 30 244 65 52 41 33 264 70 56 44 35 285 75 60 47 38 305 80 64 50 40 325 85 68 53 43 346 90 72 56 45 366 95 76 59 48 386 100 80 63 50 407 105 84 66 53 427 110 88 69 55 447 115 92 72 58 468 120 96 75 60 488 125 100 78 63 508 130 104 81 65 528 135 108 84 68 549 140 112 88 70 569 145 116 91 73 589 150 120 94 75 610 155 124 97 78 630 160 128 100 80 650 165 132 103 83 671 170 136 106 85 691 175 140 109 88 711 180 144 113 90 732 185 148 116 93 752 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.23 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost 25 Application Chart Nitroflo-XXS: 15% N+15% SO3 kg/ha N units/ac N kg/ha SO3 units/ac SO3 l/ha 25 20 25 20 137 30 24 30 24 164 35 28 35 28 191 40 32 40 32 219 45 36 45 36 246 50 40 50 40 273 55 44 55 44 301 60 48 60 48 328 65 52 65 52 355 70 56 70 56 383 75 60 75 60 410 80 64 80 64 437 85 68 85 68 465 90 72 90 72 492 95 76 95 76 519 100 80 100 80 547 105 84 105 84 574 110 88 110 88 601 115 92 115 92 629 120 96 120 96 656 125 100 125 100 683 130 104 130 104 710 135 108 135 108 738 140 112 140 112 765 145 116 145 116 792 150 120 150 120 820 155 124 155 124 847 160 128 160 128 874 165 132 165 132 902 170 136 170 136 929 175 140 175 140 956 180 144 180 144 984 185 148 185 148 1011 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.22 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost 26 Application Charts - Solution Compound Fertilisers Omex 16-0-8 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 0 5 54 10 20 0 10 108 30 0 15 162 0 20 216 40 50 0 25 269 60 0 30 323 70 0 35 377 80 0 40 431 0 45 485 90 100 0 50 539 110 0 55 593 120 0 60 647 0 65 700 130 0 70 753 140 150 0 75 808 160 0 80 862 170 0 85 916 0 90 970 180 190 0 95 1024 200 0 100 1078 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.16 Omex 15-3.5-7.5 Kg/A1h Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O aN P2O5 2 5 56 10 20 5 10 111 30 7 15 167 9 20 222 40 50 12 25 278 60 14 30 333 70 16 35 389 80 19 40 444 21 45 500 90 100 23 50 556 110 26 55 611 120 28 60 667 30 65 722 130 33 70 778 140 150 35 75 833 160 37 80 889 170 40 85 944 42 90 1000 180 190 44 95 1056 200 47 100 1111 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.20 Omex 14-7-7 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 5 5 58 10 20 10 10 115 30 15 15 173 20 20 230 40 50 25 25 288 60 30 30 346 70 35 35 403 80 40 40 461 45 45 518 90 100 50 50 576 110 55 55 634 120 60 60 691 65 65 749 130 70 70 806 140 150 75 75 864 160 80 80 922 170 85 85 979 90 90 1037 180 190 95 95 1094 100 100 1152 200 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.24 0mex 10-5-9 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 10 5 9 83 10 18 167 20 30 15 27 250 20 36 333 40 50 25 45 417 60 30 54 500 35 63 583 70 80 40 72 667 90 45 81 750 100 50 90 833 55 99 917 110 120 60 108 1000 130 65 117 1083 140 70 126 1167 150 75 135 1250 160 80 144 1333 170 85 153 1417 180 90 162 1500 190 95 171 1583 200 100 180 1667 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.20 Omex 10-0-10 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 10 0 10 83 0 20 167 20 30 0 30 250 0 40 333 40 50 0 50 417 60 0 60 500 0 70 583 70 80 0 80 667 90 0 90 750 100 0 100 833 0 110 917 110 120 0 120 1000 130 0 130 1083 140 0 140 1167 150 0 150 1250 160 0 160 1333 170 0 170 1417 180 0 180 1500 190 0 190 1583 200 0 200 1667 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.20 Omex 9-9-9 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 10 10 10 89 20 20 178 20 30 30 30 267 40 40 356 40 50 50 50 444 60 60 60 533 70 70 622 70 80 80 80 711 90 90 90 800 100 100 100 889 110 110 978 110 120 120 120 1067 130 130 130 1156 140 140 140 1244 150 150 150 1333 160 160 160 1422 170 170 170 1511 180 180 180 1600 190 190 190 1689 200 200 200 1778 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.25 27 Application Charts - Solution Compound Fertilisers 28 Omex 14-14-0 Kg/ha l/ha Kg/ha N P2O5 5 5 30 10 10 59 15 15 89 20 20 118 25 25 148 30 30 177 35 35 207 40 40 236 45 45 266 50 50 295 55 55 325 60 60 354 65 65 384 70 70 413 75 75 443 80 80 472 85 85 502 90 90 531 95 95 561 100 100 590 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.21 Omex 9-3-10 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 3 11 93 10 20 7 22 187 30 10 33 280 13 44 373 40 50 17 56 467 60 20 67 560 70 23 78 654 80 27 89 747 30 100 840 90 100 33 111 934 110 37 122 1027 120 40 133 1120 43 144 1214 130 47 156 1307 140 150 50 167 1401 160 53 178 1494 170 57 189 1587 60 200 1681 180 190 63 211 1774 67 222 1867 200 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.19 Omex 7-20-0 Kg/A1h Kg/ha l/A1ha aN P2O5 5 20 2 4 10 41 5 15 61 20 82 7 9 25 102 11 30 123 12 35 143 14 40 164 45 184 16 18 50 205 19 55 225 21 60 246 65 266 23 70 287 25 26 75 307 28 80 328 30 85 348 90 369 32 33 95 389 100 410 35 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.22 Omex 7-7-10 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 10 10 14 119 20 29 238 20 30 30 43 357 40 57 476 40 50 50 71 595 60 60 86 714 70 100 833 70 80 80 114 952 90 90 129 1071 100 100 143 1190 110 157 1310 110 120 120 171 1429 130 130 186 1548 140 140 200 1667 150 150 214 1786 160 160 229 1905 170 170 243 2024 180 180 257 2143 190 190 271 2262 200 200 286 2381 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.24 Omex 3.5-10-10 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 4 10 10 81 7 20 20 161 11 30 30 242 14 40 40 323 18 50 50 403 21 60 60 484 25 70 70 565 28 80 80 645 32 90 90 726 35 100 100 806 39 110 110 887 42 120 120 968 46 130 130 1048 49 140 140 1129 53 150 150 1210 56 160 160 1290 60 170 170 1371 63 180 180 1452 67 190 190 1532 70 200 200 1613 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.24 Omex 3-8-11 Kg/ha Kg/ha Kg/ha l/ha K2O N P2O5 4 10 14 102 8 20 28 203 11 30 41 305 15 40 55 407 19 50 69 508 23 60 83 610 26 70 96 711 30 80 110 813 34 90 124 915 38 100 138 1016 41 110 151 1118 45 120 165 1220 49 130 179 1321 53 140 193 1423 56 150 206 1524 60 160 220 1626 64 170 234 1728 68 180 248 1829 71 190 261 1931 75 200 275 2033 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.23 Application Bars & Nozzles A range of streamer caps and streamer bars are available for applying liquid nitrogen to emerged crops. They vary from simple caps to advanced, self-contained streamer bars. Check with suppliers for latest prices Spraying Systems Jet Stream A simple cap producing 3 divergent vertical streams. Rate is altered by varying pressure and metering disc. Lechler FD Fertiliser Nozzle A novel, low pressure deflector nozzle, producing a horizontal fan pattern of coarse droplets with no ‘fines’. Even distribution (no streams) and flexible application rates (operate at pressure of 2-4 bar). Spraying Systems Stream Jet A 5-stream jet which produces a ‘rain-effect’ pattern across the boom. Recent change is that the jet body is now integral with metering disc, so different coloured bodies are used for different rates; no need to change metering discs. Hypro Fastcap® ESI 6-stream cap, with streams directed down onto crop, claimed to produce a low-atomisation stream of nitrogen. Supplied as nozzle+metering orifice with two nozzles required to cover most application rates Supplied in a box of 6 nozzles. Hardi Quintastream Produce 5 semi-vertical streams, each stream engineered to create an accurate and even application on the crop. They come with Hardi jet bodies but can be adapted to Teejet bodies by removing the nozzle insert from the body and mounting in a Teejet cap. Rate altered by changing restrictor with tool that comes with jet. Different coloured bodies for different rates. Umbrella Jets Produces a ‘rain-effect’ of low pressure, large droplets from a semi-circle of outlets at the base of an extended nozzle body giving a wide range of application rates simply by varying pressure. CFM Streamer Bar A channel-fed bar, with 4 vertical streams per bar. Rate is altered by varying pressure and selecting restrictor that is simple to change. BFS Streamer Bar A channel-fed bar, with 4 vertical streams from each ½m spacing bar. Application rate is altered by varying pressure and rotating a wheel in the body of the bar to required metering orifice. Ramsey Trickle Bar Produces 4 vertical streams from each ½m spacing bar. Rate is altered by varying pressure and selecting ceramic restrictor that sits in the nozzle body. Bateman AccuRate Bar Produces 4 vertical streams from each ½m spaced bar. Each stream is piped individually from the restrictor giving the greatest accuracy across the bar. Rate is altered by varying pressure and selecting setting on valve built into the centre of each bar. Supplied with connecting sleeve to join bars together on boom, improving stability against jets being knocked out of line. Please check with suppliers for latest prices 29 Accu-Rate Dribble Bars Features • Constant streams of optimum droplets • Constant application on uneven ground • Ability to apply from 90 - 2200 l/ha without stripping down • Even placement across boom • Made from high quality material • Low internal volumes after switch off Uses • Integrated metering or disk metering system • Suits application to cereals, grassland and brassica crops • High accuracy dribble bar for all liquid fertiliser application • Easily fitted to most sprayers • Extensively used throughout United Kingdom with proven accuracy and reliability Benefits • Avoids scorching and minimises crop damage • Saves time in the field Provides • Long term use with reliable application • Limits waste, dripping and over application this protects the environment • Provides accurate application 100% of the time 30 Accu-Rate Dribble Bars Application Rates Nitroflo (30N) Application Rates Meter Pressure Position A B C Vehicle Speed km/hr 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.91 221 184 158 139 123 111 101 92 85 79 1.14 248 207 177 155 138 125 113 103 96 89 1.37 272 226 194 170 151 136 124 113 104 97 1.6 301 251 215 189 168 151 137 125 116 108 1.82 323 268 231 202 179 161 146 134 124 115 2.05 332 276 237 207 184 166 151 139 127 118 2.28 345 287 246 215 191 172 156 144 132 123 2.51 354 295 253 221 196 177 161 147 136 126 2.73 366 305 261 229 203 183 167 153 140 131 0.91 389 325 278 243 216 195 177 162 150 139 1.14 427 356 305 268 238 214 194 178 164 153 1.37 470 392 336 294 261 235 214 196 181 168 1.6 518 432 370 325 289 260 236 216 199 185 1.82 546 454 389 341 303 273 248 227 210 195 2.05 570 475 408 357 317 285 260 238 219 203 2.28 586 488 418 366 325 293 266 244 225 209 2.51 604 503 432 378 336 302 275 252 232 216 2.73 620 517 443 388 345 310 282 259 239 222 0.91 630 524 450 394 350 315 286 262 242 225 1.14 721 601 515 451 401 360 328 301 277 258 1.37 785 654 560 491 436 393 357 327 302 281 1.6 848 707 606 531 471 424 386 353 326 303 1.82 907 756 648 567 503 453 412 378 349 324 2.05 971 809 694 607 539 485 441 404 374 346 2.28 1010 842 722 631 561 505 459 421 389 360 2.51 1045 872 747 653 581 523 475 436 403 374 2.73 1100 917 786 688 611 550 500 459 423 393 Application rates quoted for Nitroflo at Density 1.3kg/l (S.G 1.3). Please Note: All figures quoted are for guidance only. User must calibrate individual sprayer. Important: Always follow manufacturers recommendations for application rates and timings 31 Accu-Rate Dribble Bars Application Rates Nitroflo S (26N + 5 SO3) Application Rates - l/ha Meter Pressure Position A B C Vehicle Speed km/hr 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.91 223 186 159 140 124 111 102 93 86 80 1.14 250 209 179 156 139 126 114 104 96 89 1.37 274 228 195 171 152 137 125 114 105 98 1.6 303 253 217 190 169 152 138 126 117 109 1.82 325 270 232 203 180 163 148 135 125 116 2.05 334 278 239 209 186 167 152 140 128 119 2.28 347 289 247 217 193 173 157 145 133 124 2.51 357 297 255 223 198 179 162 148 137 127 2.73 369 308 263 231 205 185 168 154 141 132 0.91 392 327 280 245 217 196 179 164 151 140 1.14 430 359 308 270 240 216 195 179 165 154 1.37 474 395 339 296 263 237 216 197 182 169 1.6 522 436 373 327 291 262 238 217 201 186 1.82 550 458 392 344 305 275 250 229 211 196 2.05 575 479 411 360 319 287 262 240 221 205 2.28 590 491 422 369 328 295 268 246 227 210 2.51 609 507 435 381 339 304 277 254 234 217 2.73 625 521 446 391 347 313 284 261 240 224 0.91 635 529 453 397 353 317 288 264 244 226 1.14 727 605 519 454 404 363 331 303 279 260 1.37 791 659 565 495 439 396 360 330 304 283 1.6 855 712 611 535 475 428 389 356 329 305 1.82 914 762 653 571 507 457 415 381 352 326 2.05 978 815 699 612 544 489 445 407 377 349 2.28 1018 849 727 636 566 509 462 424 392 363 2.51 1054 879 753 658 585 527 479 439 406 377 2.73 1108 924 792 693 616 554 504 462 426 396 Application rates quoted for Nitroflo S at Density 1.28kg/l (S.G 1.28). Please Note: All figures quoted are for guidance only. User must calibrate individual sprayer. Important: Always follow manufacturers recommendations for application rates and timings 32 Accu-Rate Dribble Bars Application Rates Nitroflo XS (20N + 12.5 SO3) Application Rates - l/ha Meter Pressure Position A B C Vehicle Speed km/hr 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.91 225 188 161 141 125 113 103 94 87 80 1.14 253 211 181 158 140 127 115 106 97 90 1.37 277 231 198 174 154 139 126 115 106 99 1.6 307 256 219 192 171 154 140 128 118 110 1.82 329 274 235 206 182 165 149 137 126 117 2.05 338 282 241 211 188 169 154 141 130 121 2.28 352 292 250 219 195 175 159 147 135 125 2.51 361 301 258 225 200 181 164 150 139 129 2.73 373 311 267 233 208 187 170 156 143 133 0.91 397 331 284 248 220 199 181 165 153 141 1.14 436 363 311 273 242 218 198 182 167 156 1.37 479 400 343 300 267 240 218 199 184 171 1.6 529 441 377 331 294 265 241 220 203 189 1.82 556 463 397 348 309 278 253 232 214 199 2.05 581 485 416 364 323 291 265 242 224 208 2.28 597 497 427 373 332 299 271 249 230 213 2.51 616 513 440 385 343 308 280 257 237 220 2.73 632 527 452 395 352 317 287 264 243 226 0.91 642 535 459 402 357 321 292 267 247 229 1.14 735 613 525 460 409 368 335 307 283 263 1.37 801 667 572 501 445 401 364 334 308 286 1.6 865 721 618 541 480 433 394 360 333 309 1.82 925 771 661 578 513 462 420 385 356 330 2.05 990 825 707 619 550 495 450 412 381 353 2.28 1030 859 736 644 572 515 468 429 396 368 2.51 1066 889 762 666 592 533 485 445 411 381 2.73 1122 935 801 701 623 561 510 468 431 401 Application rates quoted for Nitroflo XS at Density 1.23kg/l (S.G 1.23). Please Note: All figures quoted are for guidance only. User must calibrate individual sprayer. Important: Always follow manufacturers recommendations for application rates and timings 33 Section 6 Nitrogen Price Comparisons Price Comparison Chart N cost p/kg 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 115 34 Urea 46%N £/T 322 327 331 336 340 345 350 354 359 363 368 373 377 382 386 391 396 400 405 409 414 419 423 428 432 437 442 446 451 455 460 465 469 474 478 483 488 492 497 501 506 515 520 524 529 AN 33.5%N £/T 235 238 241 245 248 251 255 258 261 265 268 271 275 278 281 285 288 291 295 298 302 305 308 312 315 318 322 325 328 332 335 338 342 345 348 352 355 358 362 365 369 375 379 382 385 AN 34.5%N £/T 242 245 248 252 255 259 262 266 269 273 276 279 283 286 290 293 297 300 304 307 311 314 317 321 324 328 331 335 338 342 345 348 352 355 359 362 366 369 373 376 380 386 390 393 397 Liquid 28%N £/T 196 199 202 204 207 210 213 216 218 221 224 227 230 232 235 238 241 244 246 249 252 255 258 260 263 266 269 272 274 277 280 283 286 288 291 294 297 300 302 305 308 314 316 319 322 Yara N37 £/m3 259 263 266 270 274 278 281 285 289 292 296 300 303 307 311 315 318 322 326 329 333 337 340 344 348 352 355 359 363 366 370 374 377 381 385 389 392 396 400 403 407 414 418 422 426 OMEX 30N £/T 210 213 216 219 222 225 228 231 234 237 240 243 246 249 252 255 258 261 264 267 270 273 276 279 282 285 288 291 294 297 300 303 306 309 312 315 318 321 324 327 330 336 339 342 345 OMEX 26N+S £/T 196 199 202 204 207 210 213 216 218 221 224 227 230 232 235 238 241 244 246 249 252 255 258 260 263 266 269 272 274 277 280 283 286 288 291 294 297 300 302 305 308 314 316 319 322 Yara N35+S £/m3 265 268 272 276 280 284 287 291 295 299 302 306 310 314 318 321 325 329 333 336 340 344 348 352 355 359 363 367 370 374 378 382 386 389 393 397 401 404 408 412 416 423 427 431 435 Purchase Option for 40m3 and 50m3 GRP Tanks Section 7 Storage Tank Schemes Omex to Supply Tank • 40,000 litre (approximately 50 tonne capacity) GRP vertical storage tank • Fully lockable filling valve • OR 50,000 litre (approximately 60 tonne capacity) GRP vertical storage tank • Inspection and access hatch • Four hold down points for securing to concrete base • Tank delivered and off loaded on farm • Drawings showing dimensions of tank plus foundations if required Cost • 40m3 = £5,000 delivered to site • 50m3 = £6,000 delivered to site Farmer to Supply • An accessible site for tank • Concrete base (dimensions supplied) • Planning permission if required • 4 x 16 mm rawbolts and to fix to concrete base • Bolts and fixing are customer’s responsibility • Crane hire (if required) The Scheme • Farmer to purchase tanks from Omex • A retrospective rebate of £2.00 per tonne against Omex Nitroflo products only • To be paid annually, for 10 years maximum • Cumulative rebate up to the purchase price of the tank • Tank maintenance and security is purchaser’s responsibility Plastic Tanks and Bowsers Omex can offer for sale various sized plastic tanks and bowsers. Please contact Steve Perry at or your local District Sales Manager if you are considering storage of 500 to 30,000 litres in a plastic tank or bowser. 35 Rental Scheme for 40m3 GRP Tank Farmer Qualification • New customer to Omex Nitroflo • A minimum of 100 tonnes of Nitroflo per annum Omex to Supply • One 40,000 litre (approximately 50 tonne capacity) GRP tank, complete with fully lockable 2” valve, inspection and cleaning hatch, sight gauge, fixing ties and locks • Tank delivered and off loaded on farm • Drawings showing dimensions of tank plus foundations if required Farmer to Supply • An accessible site for tank • Concrete foundation for tank • Appropriate planning permission if required • 4 x 16mm rawbolts and to fix to base • Bolts and fixing are customers responsibility • Crane hire (if required) The Scheme • An annual rental of £500 payable in advance • A retrospective rebate of £2.00 per tonne will be paid up to the value of £500 per annum on Nitroflo range only Omex Agriculture reserve the right to uplift the tank if annual off take falls below 50 tonnes or rental is unpaid. The farmer is responsible for paying crane hire for the removal of the tank. 36 Rental Scheme for 50m3 GRP Tank Farmer Qualification • New customer to Omex for Nitroflo • A minimum of 100 tonnes of Nitroflo per annum Omex to Supply • One 50,000 litre (approximately 60 tonne capacity) GRP vertical storage tank with fully lockable filling valve, inspection & cleaning access hatch, 4 hold down ties for securing to concrete base and sight gauge • Tank delivered and off loaded on farm • Drawings, showing dimensions of tank and cradles plus foundations if required Farmer to Supply • Fully accessible site • Concrete base (dimensions supplied) • Appropriate planning permission if required • 4 x 16mm rawbolts and to fix to concrete base • Bolts and fixing will be customers responsibility • Crane hire (if required) The Scheme • An annual rental of £600, payable in advance • A retrospective rebate of £2.00 per tonne will be paid up to the value of £600 per annum, on Nitroflo range only Omex Agriculture reserve the right to uplift the tank if annual off-take falls below 100 tonnes or if rental is unpaid. The farmer is responsible for paying crane hire for the removal of the tank. 37 Installation Guidelines - Base for GRP Vertical Tank 40/50m3 3.30m Tie down point Bunded tanks need a bund capacity of 110% of the total capacity of the tank For example, 5x8x1.1m or 5x9x1m for the 40m3 tank 3.30m 0.25m Base Thickness of the base will depend on ground conditions The base for the storage tank needs to be a flat smooth concrete slab, 3.3m square and 150mm to 250mm thick, depending on ground conditions. If the concrete is not smooth a layer of sand or folded roofing felt should be used to level and protect the base of the tank. The tanks must be bolted down by the customer with 4 x 16mm rawbolts through the stainless steel ties provided immediately after delivery. The hole in tie is 18mm. Site the tank with holding ties in each corner of the slab. Tank Dimensions 40m3 Diameter - 3m Height - 6.02m 38 50m3 Diameter - 3m Height - 7.39m Rental Scheme for 30m3 Plastic Tank Farmer Qualification • New customer to Omex for Nitroflo • A minimum of 50 tonnes of Nitroflo per annum Omex to Supply • One 30,000 litre (approximately 40 tonne capacity) UV-stabilised polyethylene vertical storage tank with fully lockable filling valve, inspection & cleaning access hatch • Tank delivered but not off loaded on farm • Drawings, showing dimensions of tank and cradles plus foundations if required Farmer to Supply • Fully accessible site • Concrete base (dimensions supplied) • Planning permission if required • 4 x 16mm rawbolts and to fix to concrete base • Crane hire if required The Scheme • An annual rental of £300, payable in advance • A retrospective rebate of £2.00 per tonne will be paid up to the value of £300 per annum, on Nitroflo range only • The farmer is responsible for paying for crane hire for the removal of the tank • Purchase price £3,000+VAT delivered farm but not offloaded Omex Agriculture reserve the right to uplift the tank if annual off-take falls below 50 tonnes or if rental is unpaid. The farmer is responsible for paying crane hire for the removal of the tank. 39 Installation Guidelines - Base for 30m3 UV-stabilised Polyethylene tank 3.50m Tank dimensions: 3.45m diameter, 3.65m high Bunded tanks require a bund with a capacity of at least 33 cubic metres. 3.50m For example, 4x8.25x1m or 4x7x1.15m for the 30m3 tank 0.2m Base Thickness of the base will depend on ground conditions The base for the storage tank needs to be a flat smooth re-inforced concrete slab, 3.5m square and a minimum 200mm thick. If the concrete is not smooth a layer of sand or folded roofing felt should be used to level and protect the base of the tank. We recommend that the tank is secured to the base with an appropriate ratchet strap, using the eyes provided on the top of the tank. 40 Rental Scheme for 50 Tonne Steel Tank Farmer Qualification • New customer to Omex for Nitroflo • A minimum of 100 tonnes of Nitroflo per annum Omex to Supply • One 38,000 litre (approximately 50 tonne) mild steel storage tank, complete with 2” valve sight gauge and steel cradles. • Tank delivered on farm but not offloaded. • Drawings, showing dimensions of tank and cradles plus foundations if required Farmer to Supply • An accessible site for tank • Two concrete foundations for tank cradles • Appropriate planning permission if required • Crane hire if required The Scheme • An annual rental of £500, payable in advance • A retrospective rebate of £2.00 per tonne will be paid up to the value of £500 per annum, on Nitroflo range only • Omex Agriculture reserve the right to uplift the tank if annual off-take falls below 100 tonnes or if rental is not paid • The farmer is responsible for paying for crane hire for the removal of the tank • Should the farmer prefer 41 Base for Steel Storage Tanks Approximately 27 Foot (8.28m) 8’ 6” (2.6m) 6” (150mm) 8” (200mm) Site requires two foundation strips (0.5m) x (2.5m) x (150mm) deep of 1:2:4 concrete at 5m centres These need to be on 200mm of consolidated hardcore. To raise the tank build up with concrete blocks. Siting Requirements Planning permission may be required in some areas. A bund wall of 110% of tank capacity and sealed base is recommended. The site for the tank should be minimum of 100m from any open water course. The site should also be on level ground and steps taken to prevent any potential spillage running towards water course. Outlet pipe can be turned to suit the site Valves should be locked with valve sleeve at all times when unattended Padlocks and locking sleeves will be provided with the tank when installed 42 Side Elevation 1003mm 250.7mm 5000mm Elevation 250.7mm Reinforcing Mesh End Elevation 1000mm 4500mm 5000mm Plan View Tank Bund Foundation Details 230mm 1000mm 1000mm 10000mm 4000mm 11000mm Scale 1:50 This is only a guide foundation (design will need to be modified to ground conditions) The bund capacity needs to be 42m3 43 Notes 44 Code of practice for hauliers delivering solution and suspension fertilisers Solutions Suspensions 1. Check that the tanker is rinsed out and clean, especially if changing between NPK solutions and nitrogen. Weigh the tanker to obtain the tare weight over the weighbridge. 1. Check that the tanker number complies with the loading instructions, or the delivery note if collecting a loaded tanker. 2. Before loading from factory storage tank ensure that the storage tank number and product description conforms with your loading instructions. 3. Load through fine gauge filter. 4. Take a sample midway through loading. 5. When loading is complete ensure all valves on storage tank are closed and your lids are shut. 6. Weigh the tanker to record the gross weight for issue of delivery note. 7. Ensure delivery not complies with your load, i.e. product, specific gravity. 8. Ensure that sample is labelled before leaving. 9. Comply with Omex Rhizomania hygiene procedures. 10. On arrival at farm check storage tank before discharg ing. Check that it is clean and that tank, valve and pipework are in a sound condition. Check there is capacity to hold the delivery. Whilst discharging remain with the tank, to ensure that there are no leaks from delivery pipes etc. and if capacity is close to amount to be discharged closely monitor the level of the tank to prevent overflow. 11. If discharging into a sprayer or bowser ensure that there is capacity to hold the delivery and that the storage will be stable when loaded, especially that any supporting legs are on a firm surface. 12. Empty all delivery hoses before uncoupling to avoid spillages. 13. Ensure that you label the tank with the analysis delivered and the date of delivery. 14. If you are unable to find a signatory for the delivery note, leave a copy at the farmhouse or office and re cord where you left the delivery note on the copy returned to Omex depot. 2. If loading empty tanker ensure that the tare weight is recorded before loading. 3. Ensure gross weight is recorded over weighbridge and that you have a delivery note for the load. 4. If tanker has any residue of suspension on outside, rinse off before leaving depot. 5. Ensure that all lids are sealed and valves closed with bungs fitted, if attached. Also check tanker wheel nuts and running gear, including any pipe racks etc. as it is your responsibility to ensure that the load and tanker are road worthy. 6. Check that any verbal instructions comply with the delivery note. 7. Comply with the Omex Rhizomania hygiene procedures. 8. Liaise with the farmer or contractor on the siting of the road tanker and do not leave unattended within the boundaries of the public highway. Do not site near overhead power cables. Do not leave valve keys with the tanker. 9. Ensure that the tanker outlet is accessible for the sprayer, especially if siting against buildings etc. 10.You are responsible for the safe siting of the tanker. Ensure that the ground is firm under legs and use sleepers where possible. Apply hand-brake and check tank is stable before removing tractor unit. Do not allow any access by any personnel to the tanker until it is safe and stable. 11.When collecting tanker ensure that lids are secure, valves closed and bungs fitted. 12.When returning into depot ensure that the gross weight is recorded over the weighbridge before dropping. 15. If collecting empty tanker ensure the lids are secured, valves shut and any outlet adapters are returned to the depot. 45 Agriculture Omex Agriculture Limited Bardney Factory & Head Office King’s Lynn Factory Tel 01526 396000 Fax 01526 396001 Email Web Tel 01553 760011 Fax 01553 769784 Email Web Bardney Airfield Tupholme Lincoln Lincolnshire LN3 5TP Estuary Road King’s Lynn Norfolk PE30 2HH