the brochure


the brochure
The Catholic Pilgrim Office, Inc
Come Journey with Us!
Dear Fellow Pilgrims,
A pilgrimage is a 8me to step back and reflect on the process of spiritual healing and growth. A pilgrimage is a 8me to go away to a unique place and reflect on the joys and woes of life that come with being a disciple of Christ. A pilgrimage helps us to grow in our rela8onship with Christ, and encounter Him in nature, art and history. A pilgrimage helps us to center our lives, again, on and in Christ. This special pilgrimage to France, Spain, and Portugal will afford those who come on this journey to encounter Christ in each other, but also in the many places of our Chris8an heritage. Through the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of saints, the architecture of the churches and basilicas, and the celebra8on of our faith, together we will reflect on the gi5 of God’s grace in our lives. Our pilgrimage will take us Fa8ma during the For more information, centennial celebra8on of the appearance of Our Lady, please contact:
where we will conclude our pilgrimage with prayer and Jennifer Delvaux
celebra8on. Holy Name Cathedral
730 N. Wabash Avenue
We look forward to embarking on this journey of faith Chicago, IL 60611
and fellowship with you.
(312) 787-­‐8040
Fa!er Brad Zamora and Jennifer Delvaux
Your Pilgrimage Features:
• Roundtrip air transporta-on from Chicago (ORD)
• Four Star Hotels
• Land transporta-on via private motor coach
• Taxes & fuel surcharge ($627) and -ps ($95) included
• Breakfast and dinner daily (one dinner includes wine as a giL from CPO)
• Entrance fees to all sites on i-nerary
• Professional English speaking guide
• Daily Masses
13-day pilgrimage to
Lourdes, Barcelona, Madrid,
Fatima & Lisbon
Please Read This Important Informa4on:
Deposit -­‐ $300 due upon booking
Second payment due -­‐ March 3, 2017 -­‐ 50% of balance
Full balance due -­‐ May 17, 2017
Each tour member must hold a passport that is valid up to 6 months a5er the scheduled return. The passport must be valid un4l February 19, 2018. Applica8on forms are available at your local Passport Office or Postal Service. Any required visas will be processed for US ci8zens only. Non-­‐US ci4zens are solely responsible for obtaining any required visas.
Rates based on double-­‐occupancy, the airline tax and fuel surcharge ($627) and currency exchange rate(s) at the date of quota8on to your host. Subject to change up to 30 days prior to departure. Spiritual Leader: Fr. Brad Zamora
Pilgrimage Coordinator: Jennifer Delvaux
July 31 - August 12, 2017
from Chicago (ORD)
ALl Inclusive!
(except lunches)
The Catholic Pilgrim Office, Inc
DAY 08: MON, AUG 07: MADRID / SEGOVIA / AVILA / MADRID. Breakfast and then drive to Segovia. This morning we'll visit (with local guide) the city famous for its Alcazar (exterior) and s8ll-­‐
func8oning Roman aqueduct. On to Avila, birthplace of St. Theresa. We'll visit with our Tour Escort the Cathedral (entrance included) and St. Vincent’s Basilica. Return to Madrid for dinner and overnight in our hotel.
DAY 01: MON, JUL 31: USA / FRANCE. Arrive at the airport two hours before departure to Europe. Your flight includes meals, drinks and in-­‐flight entertainment.
DAY 02: TUE, AUG 01: TOULOUSE / ARRIVAL / LOURDES. Arrival at Toulouse airport, mee8ng with our Tour Escort and transfer to the Hotel in Lourdes. Dinner and overnight.
DAY 03: WED, AUG 02: LOURDES. A5er breakfast, this day is dedicated to the visit (with local guide) of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: the Basilica, the Crypt, the Appara8on Gro`o, the healing baths, the Esplanade, the family home of Bernade`e Soubirous "the Boly Mill", where at the ground floor it is possible to see the room where Bernade`e was born. Dinner in hotel. In the evening, we can take part in the Candlelight Procession. Overnight in hotel. DAY 04: THU, AUG 03: LOURDES / BARCELONA. This morning we depart for Barcelona. Upon arrival we have some 8me at leisure. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
DAY 05: FRI, AUG 04: BARCELONA. A5er breakfast we will begin our day with a panoramic city tour (with local guide) of the city including Basilica of Sagrada Familia (external), Gothic Quarter and the famous boulevard las Ramblas, one of the most lively and visited avenue in Europe, full of bars and shops. A5ernoon at leisure. Dinner and overnight in hotel. DAY 06: SAT, AUG 05: BARCELONA / ZARAGOZA / MADRID. A5er breakfast we depart to Madrid with a stop in Zaragoza for visi8ng the Pilar Basilica. Dinner and overnight in Madrid. DAY 07: SUN, AUG 06: MADRID. Today we will visit (with local guide) the main touris8c sites of the Spanish capital, including Gran Vía, Plaza de España, Viaducto, Plaza Mayor, Plaza de Toros, Plaza de Independencia, Plaza Cibeles, the University and the Paseo de la Castellana. A5ernoon at leisure. Dinner and overnight in hotel. DAY 09: TUE, AUG 08: MADRID / TOLEDO / FATIMA. Breakfast. Depart to Toledo where we'll have an half day panoramic city tour (with local guide) including the Cathedral, San Tomè Church and Santa Maria la Blanca Synagogue. On to Fa8ma where in 1917, Our Lady appeared 6 8mes to three children (Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco). Dinner and overnight in our hotel. DAY 10: WED, AUG 09: FATIMA. Breakfast and a day at leisure for religious ac8vi8es within the Sanctuary. In the evening, we can par8cipate in the Candlelight Procession. Dinner and overnight. DAY 11: THU, AUG 10: FATIMA / COIMBRA / LISBOA. A5er breakfast we leave for Coimbra to visit the Church of St. Anthony and the famous University. Con8nue to Lisbon. Upon arrival we have some 8me at leisure before dinner and overnight. DAY 12: FRI, AUG 11: LISBOA / SINTRA / CASCAIS / LISBOA. Breakfast. In the morning we have a half day panoramic visit (with local guide) featuring the most important tourist sites of the city of Lisbon, including Jeronimos Monastery and Belem Tower (external visit). In the a5ernoon excursion along the Atlan8c Coast. Departure to Sintra with its palaces and its good climate. Con8nua8on by the Malveira da Serra and the highway to Cascais -­‐ old fishing village and now one of the most elegant residen8al areas of the country. Return to Lisbon for dinner and overnight. DAY 13: SAT, AUG 12: LISBON / USA. We transfer to the airport for our departure to North America -­‐ the end of our memorable Pilgrimage.