LKB March Newsletter 2016
LKB March Newsletter 2016
March 2016 “A stable, independent, self-governing authority providing principled leadership to a dynamic community of caring, healthy citizens, from a secure resource base” UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS* March (Melting Snow) ‰i‡u“ *Subject to change without notice What: Chief and Council Meetings th st When: March 7 & 21 , 2016 @ 9:30am Where: LKB Boardroom What: Community Pot Luck th When: March 30 , 2016 @ 6:00pm Where: Round House What Office Closure – Good Friday, Easter Monday Where: Administration & Yellow House th th When: March 25 & 28 , 2016 Just to let you know… There will be some “Special Edition” Newsletters starting in April 2016. Check out the LKB Administration Staff Bio’s. Also More to come in May 2016 as well as June 2016. Paper copies are available at the office. Electronic available on the website. What a pretty picture.. *What are your thoughts of having a “Community Member” spot in the newsletter as well? Each month a different Community Member has a bio? Inside this issue 1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Upcoming Events Ktunaxa/ Recipe LKB Staff Directory From The Desk Of Chief Jason Louie Councillor - Sandra Luke Community Elder - Anne Jimmie Housing Coordinator - Debbie Edge-Partington Public Works Supervisor – Chris Luke Jr. Social Development Worker – Sandy Wayling Capacity Building Survey Flyer Summer Student Employment Flyer Aqam Employment Opportunity Submission From KABDA Community Pot Luck Flyer Submission From Lisa Three Feathers FYI LKB Administration Bear Hugs & Birthdays Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 1 March 2016 Recipe Ktunaxa Good day/afternoon Ki’su’k kyukyit Good morning Ki’su’k wi‰nam Good night Ki’su’k ƒi‰miyit How are you feeling today? Ka ‘kin –a—qa‰xu’ni nawsanmiyitki? Lactose Free Mashed Potatoes with Green onion and grainy mustard Ingredients I am feeling fine. Hu qa qu qa‰xuni ‘ni. My name is _____________. Hu qak‰ik_______________. What is your name? Ka’kin –aqak‰ik? what is his/her name? Ka’s ‡aqak‰ik? What is your (plural) name? Ka’ kin –aqak‰iyki‰? I made it. Hu ‹itkini (hun –itkini You made it. Hin –itkini. He/She made it. Šitkini (–itkini We made it. Hu ‹itkna‰a’ni. (Hun –itkna‰a’ni) They made it. Šitkini‰ni. (–itkini‰ni) What is your job? Qapsin –at kin sqa‰i—kinmik? Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter 3 lb (1.5 kg) Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and cut in 1 ½-inch (4 cm) cubes (about 5 large) 1 cup (250 mL) PC Lactose-Free 14% M.F. Sour Cream 6 tbsp (90 mL) PC Lactose-Free Margarine 1/2 cup (125 mL) minced green onions 1 tbsp (15 mL) PC Whole Grain Dijon Mustard 1 tsp (5 mL) salt 1/4 tsp (1 mL) freshly ground black pepper Instructions 1. Add potatoes to large saucepan of salted water; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil gently for about 20 minutes or until potatoes are cooked through; drain well. Return potatoes to saucepan; place over low heat to dry slightly. Remove from heat; cover and set aside. 2. Meanwhile, in small saucepan combine sour cream, margarine, onions and mustard. Warm over low heat, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes or until heated through. 3. Add warmed sour cream mixture to potatoes; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Using a potato masher, mash potatoes to desired texture. Page 2 March 2016 Lower Kootenay Band Administrative Staff: Interim Director of Operations Director of Finance Accounting & Membership Clerk Housing Coordinator Administrative Assistant Director of Education Education Support Worker Chief and Council Office Director of Development Services Public Works Supervisor Home and Community Care Social Development Worker Maintenance - Heather Suttie - Karlene Emary - Trina Luke - Debbie Edge-Partington - Lisa Three Feathers - Karen Smith - Carol Louie - Jason Louie - Curtis Wullum - Chris Luke Jr. - Sandy Wayling - Curtis Pachal (250)428-4428 Ext. 224 (250)428-4428 Ext. 233 (250)428-4428 Ext. 231 (250)428-4428 Ext. 229 (250)428-4428 Ext. 225 (250)428-9816 (250)428-4428 Ext. 241 (250)428-4428 Ext.235 (250)428-6394 (c) (250)428-6245 (c) (250)428-4409 (250)428-4409 (250)428-4428 Lower Kootenay Band Chief & Council: Chief Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor (Executive) (Lands & Resources) (Social Services) (Economic Sector) (TKL Sector) Jason Louie Sandra Luke Destyni Basil Jared Basil Mary Basil (250)428-4428 Ext. 235 (250)428-4428 (250)428-4428 (250)428-4428 (250)428-4428 Lower Kootenay Band Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9-4 Closed For Statutory Holidays ***Please Note Lower Kootenay Band Council now has an Office in the Administrative Building!!! Check out our upcoming Newsletters for times, dates, they are in the office, as well as their phone Extension!!! LKB has a policy that: ‘This office is committed to a workplace where everyone is safe and is treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Swearing, shouting, threats or violence will not be tolerated.’ BC has a new Anti-Bullying Legislation. Effective July 1st, 2012, Worksafe BC will be accepting claims for mental distress based on workplace bullying and harassment. Bullying means aggressive, abusive, or hostile conduct, humiliation, intimidation, or threats which could be considered be a reasonable person to create a negative impact on any Personnel, or produce an environment detrimental to work for any Personnel. Chief & council passed a Bullying Policy at their April 10, 2012 council meeting. A copy will be placed on the LKB website in the near future, or you can pick up a Copy from the front desk, or have it emailed to you. Thank you for helping to keep LKB a harassment free workplace. Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 3 March 2016 From the Desk of Chief Jason Louie Ki'suk kyukyit January 2016 details please appointment at (greetings). The following are the main areas of activity from February 2016. Should you require any further information or do not hesitate to contact me. I can also be available by the Lower Kootenay Band Chief & Council Office. - January 05/16: Meeting with RCMP re: update on Lower Kootenay Band Police Report. RCMP reported minor policing issues in the community. - January 06/16: Meeting with Ktunaxa Nation Council & RCMP Community Policing Agreement. The RCMP/KNC Policing Agreement with the Ktunaxa Nation is set to expire. An amended agreement will be in place in the near future. - January 08/16: Networking meeting with Mayor Ron Toyota. Planning is underway for Community to Community Meetings with Creston Mayor & Council & Lower Kootenay Band Chief & Council. - January 11/16: Regularly scheduled Chief & Council Meeting. - January 12/16: Radio appearance on 94.1 Juice FM to update listeners on LKB initiatives. - January 14/16: Radio Appearance on CBC Radio to give Province wide update on LKB initiatives. - January 21/16: Regularly scheduled Ktunaxa Nation Executive Council Meeting. - January 25/16: Regularly scheduled Chief & Council Meeting. - January 27/16: Director of Operations Interviews. Five candidates were short listed & interviewed for the position. Interview panel consisted of: Anne Jimmie (Community Elder), Jared Basil (LKB Council Rep), Lou Varela (Town of Creston Manager), Darlene Trach (KNC Human Resources). - January 29/16: Winter Wellness Challenge: Several BC First Nations participated in the Winter Wellness Challenge. LKB was challenged by a neighbouring First Nation & we accepted the challenge. Participants dipped into the frigid waters of the Kootenay River in the spirit of mental, physical, emotional, & spiritual, wellness. - February 01/16: KNC Data Governance Meeting. How to best use data & technology as a governance tool. - February 05/16: Teleconference with First Nations Health Authority. The Ktunaxa Nation Council has an opportunity to utilize Alcohol & Drug Treatment Centre funding. Early stage discussions of location & funding details. - February 08/16: Attended Family Day activities at the Creston Valley Recreation Complex. - February 09/16: Meeting with RCMP updating on community policing matters. - February 10/16: Meeting with College of the Rockies. Planning & Discussions around Indigenous Adult Basic Education Program. - February 11/16: Ktunaxa Nation Council Chief Administrative Officer Interviews. I participated in the interviews for this KNC position as a panel member. - February 15/16: Second Round of Director of Operations Interviews. Candidates were narrowed down to two. Both were in person interviews. The successful DOO candidate selected was Heather Suttie. - February 16-18/16: Union of BC Chiefs Meeting (Vancouver). - February 19/16: Attended Ktunaxa Language Workshop at the Round House facilitated by Dr. Christopher Horsethief. Workshop was well attended by over 30 of the Nations citizens. - February 22/16: Regularly scheduled Chief & Council Meeting. - February 22/16: A friendly game of volleyball was played LKB vs Creston Fire/Rescue. These initiatives assist with building upon community relations. - February 14/16: Community Potluck Feast at the Round House. - February 26/16: Attended the Social Sector Meeting as Mary Basils alternate. Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 4 March 2016 February 23/2016 Ki’suk Kyukyit, Can you believe it; we are already at the end of February and 2016 is off running. I hope everyone is doing okay and healthy, with cold flu season still hanging around. I have been out on meetings dealing with my portfolio. I sit at the Ktunaxa Nation Executive Council (KNEC), Chair for Lands & Resource Council (LRC), Qat’muk Advisory Committee, Ktunaxa Holding Limited (KHL), KKCFS Alternate (LKB) and Education and Employment Sector (EES). I would like to encourage those who are willing to start getting involved knowing what sector is at the Nation as well as the community level. It is important to know what is going on before you decide to run in the next election way when questions are being asked you have knowledge on what is going on. If you are curious on what Land and Resources is I don’t mind if you join me for a meeting. As my second term I know what my role is as for before it was like being thrown to the wolves not knowing what my role is, why am I here, or if I am making the right decision. Here is what I have been doing so far plus the meetings I have been attending up to date in point form: October: Oct 1/2015 KKCFS, Creston BC Oct 5/2015 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC Oct 7-8/2015 Professional Development Session, Cranbrook BC Oct 13/2015 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC Oct 15/2015 LRC & Shuswap, Cranbrook BC Oct 19/2015 KHL Mtg., Cranbrook BC Oct 23/2015 EES Signing Selkirk College, Castlegar BC Oct 26/2015 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC Oct 29/2015 LRC, Cranbrook BC Oct 30/2015 Education Summit, Cranbrook BC November: Nov 2/2015 Health Workshop, Creston BC Nov 9/2015 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC Nov 12/2015 EES, Cranbrook BC Nov 16/2015 KNC Strategy Session, Cranbrook BC Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Nov 18/2015 LRC, Cranbrook BC Nov 19/2015 KNEC, Cranbrook BC Nov 23/2015 IMBA, Cranbrook BC Nov 27/2015 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC December: Dec 2-3/2015 KKCFS, Cranbrook BC Dec 14/2015 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC January: Jan 7/2016 Qat’muk Advisory Committee, Cranbrook BC Jan 11/2016 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC Jan 13/2016 LRC, Cranbrook BC Jan 14/2016 EES, Cranbrook BC Jan 21/2016 KNEC, Cranbrook BC Jan 25/2016 Chief and Council Mtg., Creston BC Page 5 March 2016 February: Feb 12/2016 Chief and Council Meeting, Creston BC Feb 15-16/2016 Title & Rights Workshop, Cranbrook BC Feb 17-18/2016 Professional Development Session, Cranbrook BC Feb 25/2016 EES Strategy Session, Cranbrook BC So if you have any questions, want a face to face conversation or me to do an in home visit please don’t hesitate to contact me at Ph: (250)428-5503 after 6:00pm or Cell: (250)402-8241 (will accept text messages). By Email: or . Taxa Sandra Luke Lower Kootenay Band Councillor, Land and Resource Portfolio Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 6 March 2016 Community Elder Anne Jimmie March Newsletter Ki’su’k Kyukyit! Spring is in the air! Over a week ago, there was a ƒukayit in my yard. For me, this was a sure sign that warm weather is upon us and I’m okay with that! I have already started my spring clean-up. Going through personal belongings, old furniture, and just plain “stuff” can sure bring back memories. Next month, it will be 33 years since my family and I moved into the house on Centre Rd. There were tough times in keeping up with mortgage payments (20 year mortgage), but at the end of the day, it was thumbs up and a big, “Yes, we did it and we now own our home!” It is Election time again! There are two Councillor Positions to be filled by the end of this year. I am encouraging those who are planning to run, to spread your wings and start the process. Attend community meetings, sit in on Council meetings, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. I remember the very first time I ran for Council; I had the most votes which meant the Chief position. I was both excited and nervous. In the meantime, there was an appeal and this meant going through the whole process again. This gave me an opportunity to think about roles and responsibilities that I would have to adhere to. I was nominated again and this time, I declined. I had realized that I was not ready for politics. The following election, I did run for Council and overall, I had twelve years of what I refer to as learning experiences. For me, the first four years were spent in familiarizing myself with procedures. There was no orientation back in the early years. Decision making is the norm on a regular basis, be it at the community level or nation level. Of course, there is the fiduciary duty, due diligence, transparency and the list goes on. Communication is key and this includes the ability to communicate with all levels of government, stakeholders, and both nation and community members. What I learned is the importance of being a team player and that teamwork is essential in planning for today and tomorrow. Working in isolation breaks down communication and this often results in “no trust” amongst the team. Whereas a team player would have the comfort of informing team mates that there is an issue that needs to be addressed. During the last four years of being on Council, I was involved with the training sessions for leadership. These sessions increased skills in team building, communication, strategic planning, and my favourite, rules of engagement; especially “challenge ideas, not people.” Without a doubt, these sessions have also helped me tremendously on a personal level. On another note, when I watched the nightly news recently, I was taken back when the discussion was seniors living in poverty. It caught my attention in that I am a senior living on old age security. Today, many seniors are returning to work due to their low income. This is because they have exhausted their CPP and retirement savings. The cost of living has certainly increased. Not too long ago, I remember the government was worried that when the “baby boomers” reach the age of retirement and apply for old age pension, this was going to be the largest number of retirees. What are the outcomes? Will the government do away with the old age security? What about social assistance? Could this also be eliminated? For myself, I am grateful that I started paying into CPP in 1966. As for registered pension, I began to pay into this through my employment both at the nation and band level. This was a reality check for me especially when a senior in his eighties told global news he had to go back to work. For those of you who are still employable, are getting close to pension age and those who are aging out, I encourage you to think about today, tomorrow, and the future and especially what the government may have in store for all citizens and what you can do to prepare yourself for when you become seniors. It was disheartening to hear the senior talk about his dilemma, when he should be enjoying his retirement. As a senior, my closing thoughts are: finish school; go into trades or post- secondary and find a job that will provide not only for your family, but for your retirement years! Anwunikit Anne Jimmie Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 7 March 2016 Housing Coordinator – Debbie Edge-Partington Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms The Social Housing Department has extra Kidde Alarms. These Alarms are for all Band owned, CMHC and CP homes! Please contact the Housing Coordinator if you would like one. Fire Prevention Tips for Residents Follow these tips to help prevent fires in your home and minimize damage when a fire starts. Install smoke detectors and check them regularly to ensure they are working properly. Keep a fire extinguisher in a convenient location. Make sure it is in working condition and you know how to use it. Plan an escape route in case of fire and rehearse your plan with family members. Ensure you have an easily accessible alternative exit if the first exit is blocked by fire. Never leave candles burning unattended and keep candles out of reach of children. Make sure that cigarettes are fully extinguished when finished smoking. Clean chimneys during heating season and have chimneys inspected annually. Keep clothing and other flammable materials away from heating sources such as space and baseboard heaters. Store matches and lighters in a safe place away from children and sources of heat. Store firewood at least 30 feet from the home. Do not store wood in basement. Store flammable materials, liquids and solvents in metal containers, and keep them 30 feet away from the home. Keep brush surrounding your home to a minimum. Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 8 March 2016 Ki’suk Kyukyit Lower Kootenay Band Members Summer is closing in fast, if you have been doing some spring cleaning and have material and items to dispose of give Public Works Dept. a call to set a Date and Time for pick -up. You can contact me Chris Luke Jr. at (250)428 -6245 (cell) to set up a time. Or leave a message at administration building with your contact information. Chris Luke Jr. Public Works Supervisor Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 9 March 2016 Social Development – March 2016 I would like to thank everyone that came out to the Creston Recreation Center for the Community Family Fun Day. It was a really good turn out and I was glad to see all those big smiles and laughter from everyone that had a good time out there on the ice and in the pool. The Pizza and Wings were a big hit and thankfully I had ordered enough to go around! Just another reminder that if you are looking for information on training or job options we have Doreen Cardwell from K.E.S. that comes to the Yellowhouse when requested. Presently I am working on the annual review for all SA Clients and just a reminder for clients that I will be requiring all of their information in to me by no later than the end of March. With Spring right around the corner, next week we are going to start working on the garden boxes in front of the Yellowhouse. If there are some volunteers that are wanting to put in some hours come and see Sandy at the Yellowhouse and we will see what I can find for you to do, thank-you! Sandy Wayling, BSDW Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 10 March 2016 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 11 March 2016 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 12 March 2016 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 13 March 2016 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 14 March 2016 Attention: In February we had started to plan monthly “Community Pot Lucks”. The objective is to start to reconnect as a community. If you are unable to bring a dish that is ok. The first one was a success with some good food and great conversation. We will be incorporating “ice breakers” to help bring one another closer. These pot lucks are held at the Round House. If you haven’t yet come to see this beautiful building this is a good opportunity. What: COMMUNITY POT LUCK When: MARCH 30th, 2016 6:00pm Where: Round House in LKB Why: To help strengthen our bond as Ktunaxa People If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Lisa Three Feathers Administrative Assistant Lower Kootenay Band (250)428-4428 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 15 March 2016 E VE R YO N E ’S I N VI T E D I a m h a vin g a B B Q a t m y h ou se on Ap r il 1 st , 2 0 16 ( wea t h er p en d in g) W e a r e celeb r a t in g m y b ir t h d a y. T h is yea r m y t h em e is “u n it y in t h e com m u n it y”. L et ’s h a ve fu n a n d som e good ea t s. F ood will b e s er ved a t 5 :3 0 p m . C on t a ct m e for in for m a t ion a n d t o R S VP . H op e t o h ea r fr om you a n d see you t h er e. M u ch L ove, L isa T h r ee F ea t h er s ( 2 5 0 ) 4 3 1-8 3 19 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 16 March 2016 FOR YOUR INFORMATION~LKB Administration Please obey all posted speed limits for the safety of all community members!! COMMUNITY PHOTOS WANTED FOR THE UPCOMING WEBSITE. EITHER COME IN TO SCAN OR SEND VIA EMAIL TO Please be reminded that you will have to sign a photo release waiver form. ILLEGAL DUMPING Please be advised if you see someone that is not a community member using our garbage dumpsters to alert the Administration Office. We need to alert the authorities as these dumpsters are for the sole use of Lower Kootenay Band Community members. LOWER KOOTENAY BAND WEBSITE Please join the LKB mailing list Don’t forget to stop by the LKB Office to check out our Bulletin board. It is always updated. Copies can be made at your request! Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 17 March 2016 BEAR HUGS Ki’suk akunmaktitnis Cecille Abraham Josh Basil Lloyd Basil Maci Basil Mary Basil Natasha Basil Nathaniel Dudgeon Lexi Fullarton Tianna George Patrick Jacobs Karen Louie Misty Louie Robert Louie Sr. Rudy Luke Sandra Luke Elenore George Allan White Georgina White Bear Hugs: to all the staff of Yellow House, Administration, and Yaqan Nukiy School, for your dedication, in the work you do. Bear Hugs: To all parents, grandparents and great grandparents, who spread their love to their loved ones. Bear Hugs: For all those who volunteer for the community because they care. Bear Hugs: To all our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren for being themselves. Bear hugs: To George Luke for being a hard worker, and always willing to work. Sorry if anyone was missed Bear Hugs: To Sandra Luke for the delicious juice boxes for my boys, they liked them very much. Bear Hugs: To maintenance for the efficient delivery of wood for my home. Bear Hugs: To our new Director of Operations Heather Suttie, Welcome to the team!!!! Bear Hugs: To LKB for the tickets to the TCats games during the regular season. Sports News If anyone would like to submit a sports column with various community or any other sports news i.e. NHL, MLB etc, please feel free to send your news to me at Submissions/Delivery Submissions to the monthly newsletter need to be submitted by the last week of the month. This can be done by emailing . If you would like this newsletter emailed to you, just email us with your preferred email address. Submissions that are seen as offensive or prepared to discredit another will not be submitted. Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Bear Hugs: to all who were involved for the Volleyball game against the Fire Dept. , can’t wait for the next game. Bear Hugs: to all who came out to the Community pot Luck, it was fun!!! Bear Hugs: to all who submit reports, upcoming meetings, etc. to the monthly newsletter, all the information is greatly appreciated. Bear Hugs: Justus Cree for coming to teach cultural activities with the Yaqan Nukiy kids, it is nice to hear the drumming in the gym again. Page 18
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