Kelly Community News
Kelly Community News
Kelly Community News Volume 4, Issue 1 JAN FEB MAR 2014 Get involved in your community! Gosh, there is nothing to do! How many times have you heard that from the kids? How many times have you said it yourself? Here in Kelly KY, we may not have a theme park, or a mall, or any of that stuff….but, that is what makes us a community and not a city. We are a family based community of citizens that want a safe and wholesome place to raise our families. Involvement in your community is a necessity for helping it progress in the direction you want it to grow. The Kelly Community Organization invites all residents and family to get involved in their community. If you want to help shape (cont on pg 5) INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Get Involved 1 Marty Brown at LGMD 2 CERT/ Neighborhood Watch 3 6 Neighborhood Watch News CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 8 COMMUNITY NEWS AND FUNNIES 9 Benefits of Volunteer From THE "GRAND OLE OPRY" STAGE Marty Brown In Concert at Kelly "Little Green Men" Days festival Saturday, August 16 2014 Another festival season is in the planning and the Kelly Community Organization is honored to announce Country Music Star MARTY BROWN (Cont. on pg 6) Newsletter 1 Pennyrile Citizen Corps CERT Training Exercise Headlines The Sentinel Kelly Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) seeking NEW members For more information on your local CERT team, contact any of the following individuals Joann Smithey 270881-8843, Kelly CERT team leader. or Leeland Seats, Crofton CERT team leader. Newsletter 2 Kelly Neighborhood Watch Have you ever watched the neighbors house while they are gone on vacation? Have you ever reported smashed mailboxes on your street? Have you ever seen or heard something strange down the street and called the police? Yes? Then without realizing it, or even trying, you have participated in the local Neighborhood Watch Program. According to the Pennyrile Regional Council Citizen Corps (PRCCC), “We are beginning to have a very active Neighborhood Watch Program in the Pennyrile Region. One of the oldest and best known crime prevention concepts in history, Neighborhood Watch was created to unite law enforcement agencies, private organizations, and individual citizens in a massive effort to reduce residential crime.” May 13, Neighborhood Watch Training, More information will be available soon at our website "Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful." Jan - Feb - Mar Birthdays! Jan 12 Patricia Watkins Mar 9 - Darrin Kistuline Jan 14 Jessie Slaton Mar 9 - Perry Haddock Feb 25 - Samuel Gibson Mar 18 - James Smith Feb 27 - Scott Pool Mar 20 - Wanda Brown Mar 30 - Jonathon Tidd Mar 31 - Leon Brown If you have not added your date to our Community Birthday list, please contact Joann Smithey. The Kelly Community is a family oriented community and we would like to make sure each member of our family is wished a Happy Birthday! Newsletter 3 Weather Preparedness Rain - Ice - Snow - Floods - Tornados Christian County is no stranger to the seasons and the weather conditions that each brings, sometimes all in the same week. Weather is inevitable, being prepared is necessary, being informed is mandatory. No matter what the weather may bring, preparedness is one of the best tools you and your family can obtain. Every household needs to have an emergency plan based on their family situation. Each family, over time, should create an emergency supply kit containing items the family would need for survival for 3 days should they be cut off from outside assistance. The kit should contain, at a minimum, food and water for each person for 3 days. Flashlights Blankets. Trash bags. Plastic sheeting and duct tape. Safety items such as gloves, goggles, air filter mask, and tools for quick repairs. Being informed is a big part of being prepared. In April 2, 2006 - a series of tornadoes that occurred during the late this day of technology and apps for afternoon and evening in Hopkinsville, KY where major damage was everything, staying updated on the weather is reported. In total, sixty-six tornadoes touched down across seven easy for anyone who takes the time to look. states, which is the most in a single day in 2006. WTVF, the CBS Television, radio, internet and phone apps affiliate out of Nashville, TN captured one of the tornadoes on their can be great places to watch the movement of WeatherVision camera. storms and track watches and warnings for the area. Many sites have a feature that will send you emails or text messages for warnings in your area. However, all the apps on the planet are only good if you are awake to hear them. It is strongly recommended that each home have at least one emergency weather radio. The radio should be turned on at all times and programmed for your area. As we approach our Spring storm season, take a few minutes to remind yourself and your family of your emergency plan. Inventory the contents of your emergency box (for expired food or batteries). Brush up on weather terminology. Similar type watches and warnings are also issued for other weather events such as Ice, Blizzard, Wind, Excessive Cold, Excessive Heat, Fire, Dust and Fog. We encourage all citizens to familiarize themselves with each type of events and prepare accordingly. We encourage citizens to always be prepared for any type of disaster, whether natural or man made. It is also recommended that others, outside of your home, know your emergency plans incase your family should be separated. At a minimum, contact your Neighborhood Watch Captain or CERT Team Captain of your address, phone and how many people live in your home. Newsletter 4 Get involved in your community! If you want to help shape your community, contact Frank Brown or Joann Smithey about joining the Kelly Community Organization Committee. Volunteering for projects and events is another way to be involved. The Mission of the Kelly Community Organization is to preserve the character of our neighborhood by creating a safe and prepared community through participation, preparation and education; to create a social environment that encourages neighbors to interact, be friendly, courteous, and helpful citizens. The Goal of the Kelly Community Organization is to build a park for the residents and children of the community and a permanent home for the Kelly “Little Green Men” Days Festival. The park will also contain a community center for meetings and other events. We also hope to have a fire department sub-station where neighboring volunteer Fire Departments can park a vehicle to provide faster response time to our residents. We can make these goals happen! It all starts with you! Yes, one person can make a difference, but as a community, we can make a difference for future generations of Kelly residents. Kelly Historical Committee Needs Your Help. Kelly Historical Committee Members: Aubrianne Scott Jesse Slaton 270-344-1173 270-886-5899 270-886-9191 Joann Smithy 270-881-8843 feel free to email directly to the Kelly Community Organization at ___________________________________________________________________________ Kelly Community Fun Day and Pot Luck BBQ April 26, 3-7PM This will be a Community “Block Party” style event. The Kelly Community Organization will provide Hot Dogs and Drinks for the BBQ. Everyone in the community is invited to attend and bring a pot luck dish to share. There will be games, music and other events. Come on out and meet your neighbors, enjoy a community sized, family style meal. The event is open to every person and family in the Kelly KY area free of charge. Join us in welcoming Spring and supporting the community. Newsletter 5 CALENDAR OF EVENTS KELLY "LITTLE GREEN MAN" DAYS PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH AT OLD M ADISONVILLE ROAD TIME: 6:00PM - 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2014 BE A PART OF THE FUN! HELP US PLAN THE 2014 LGMD FESTIVAL. EVERYONE WELCOME! KELLY SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH PARKING LOT TIME: MARCH 29, 9:00AM (RAIN DATE APRIL 5) BRING GLOVES AND DRESS FOR WEATHER. HELP KEEP YOUR COMMUNITY CLEAN! KELLY COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION, INC. COMMITTEE MEETING PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH TIME: APRIL 10, 2014, THURSDAY, 7:00PM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; WE INVITE KELLY CITIZENS TO GET INVOLVED KELLY COMMUNITY FUN DAY & POT LUCK BBQ PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH PARKING LOT TIME: APRIL 26, 3-7PM HOTDOGS AND DRINKS PROVIDED, BRING A SIDE DISH OR DESERT TO SHARE. GAMES, MUSIC, FUN, MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS. OPEN TO EVERYONE! YOUR NEXT KELLY COMMUNITY MEETING PLACE: KELLY BAPTIST CHURCH FELLOWSHIP HALL TIME: MAY 8, 2014, THURSDAY 7:00PM Upcoming- May 13, 2015 Neighborhood Watch Training, More information will be available soon. Another festival season is in the planning and the Kelly Community Organization is honored to announce Country Music Star MARTY BROWN as the Headliner Act for Saturday August 16. Marty Brown was born in Maceo, Kentucky. He started playing guitar and writing songs at the age of twelve, and he started entering local talent shows at sixteen. Throughout his teens he worked in the tobacco fields of Kentucky often playing his guitar during lunch hours under the shade of a nearby tree. Eventually Marty made his way to Nashville, Tennessee and met with legendary record producer Tony Brown who signed him to a record deal at MCA Records. Marty, together, with Tony, made four (4) albums for MCA and eight (8) videos for CMT television over the next ten (10) years including Wild Kentucky Skies, In My Wildest Dreams, High and Dry, and Every Now and Then. He toured with acts such as Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Hank Williams, Jr. and many, many more. After his recording years, he started writing hit songs for artists like the heart-felt and groovy “I’m From the Country and I Like It That Way” for Tracy Byrd. He still lives in Kentucky with his wife and kids and is still cranking out his classic country sound. His music and videos can be found on under TheMartyBrown channel. More information about Marty Brown’s appearance will be posted as the festival nears. Visit our website ( and our Facebook page (Kelly “Little Green Men” Days) to keep updated. Other events for the 2014 festival will include the annual Glennie Lankford Outdoor Gospel Sing on Friday night, food and craft vendors, rides and games and other surprises that will be announced later in the season. The dates for this year's festival will be Friday Aug 15, 5PM-9PM. Then all day Saturday Aug 16 from 9AM-9PM. Join us for a weekend filled with family friendly fun, food and music. Anyone wishing to join the “Little Green Men” Planning committee or volunteer at the festival should contact Joann Smithey at 270-8818843. Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and meet new friends. www. Newsletter 6 Be a Kelly Community Committee Member The Kelly Community Organization (KCO) committee has member openings. If you have a strong commitment to the Kelly community, live within a 3 miles radius of Kelly, and the ability to help make important decisions regarding the Kelly community, we need your help. Kelly Community Organization Committee Corner Notes from the Kelly Community Organization Committee Meeting The KCO committee met on 23 January 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at Kelly Baptist Church. The following items were voted on and approved. Contact KCO President Frank Brown 8851530 Mission: The mission of the Kelly Community Organization is to preserve the character of our neighborhood by creating a safe and prepared community through participation, preparation and education; to create a social environment that encourages neighbors to interact, be friendly, courteous, and helpful citizens. Security camera installed Host another Neighborhood Watch training May 13, 2014 Approved Kelly Family Fun Day Approved financials Discussed KCO, Inc 501c status; Will file as 501c3 Proverbs 11:24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS neighborhood with flyer announcements. However the best Q: How often and where will the Kelly Community way to stay informed is to attend each meeting, and be sure Organization (KCO) meet? to list your email address on the sign in sheet and be included in our email updates. Go to Facebook and "Like" A: The Kelly Community Organization will meet quarterly the Kelly Kentucky Community page and/or email utilizing the local churches to host the community meeting. . Visit our website or call Frank Brown at 885-1530. Keep this quarterly Newsletter as a reminder. Q: Do I have to be a member of something to participate? A: If you live within a three mile radius of the Kelly Community you are already a "member". The Kelly Q: Are there any dues to pay? Community Organization is simply the citizens of the Kelly A: NO! The Kelly Community Organization is a group of community coming together to help each other and working concerned volunteer citizens. As a group we will hold various together to strive to make Kelly, Kentucky a safe, clean and fund raisers that will be used to host meetings, pay fun place to raise a family. administrative cost and better the Kelly community. Q: How can I stay informed about meeting times and Q: What are some of the benefits of participating in the locations? Kelly Community Organization and volunteering? A: Every quarterly community meeting will be announced utilizing the local media, in addition a bi-fold sign will be placed outside the church meeting location the day prior to the scheduled meeting and volunteers will canvas the A. Volunteering helps you make new friends and contacts, increases self-confidence, combats depression, helps you stay physically healthy, can provide career experience, can advance your career, gives back to the community. It's FUN! Newsletter 7 The tradition at weddings A little boy, at a wedding looks at his mom and says, "Mommy, why does the girl wear white?" His mom replies, "The bride is in white because she's happy and this is the happiest day of her life." The boy thinks about this, and then says, "Well then, why is the boy wearing black?" Like Father, Like Husband? If it's true that girls are inclined to marry men like their fathers, it is understandable why so many mothers cry so much at weddings. Where is your wife? On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell out of the car several miles back?" Kelly Community Volunteer opportunities Neighborhood Watch POC Jay Smith 270-348-4947 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) POC Joann Smithey 270-881-8843 Kelly Community Organization Committee Member POC Frank Brown 270-885-1530 Kelly Hospitality Team POC Anna Slaton Kelly Little Green Men Days POC Joanna Smithey 270-881-8843 To which the farmer replied: "Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!" Policemen in Heaven St Peter is standing at heaven's gate when a man walks up. "Welcome to heaven my son. What did you do with your life?" "I was a policeman," he responded. "What kind of policeman?" St Peter asked. "I was a vice officer. I kept dangerous narcotics out of the hands of kids." "Wonderful my son, welcome to heaven. Pass through the gates." A few moments later a second man walks up. "Welcome to heaven my son. What did you do with your life?" "I was a policeman," he responded. "What kind of policeman?" St Peter asked. "I was a traffic officer. I kept the roads and highways safe for travelers." "Well done. Pass through the gates into paradise." A few moments later a third man walks up. "Welcome to heaven my son. What did you do with your life?" "I was a policeman," he responded. "What kind of policeman?" St Peter asked. "I was a Military Policeman, Sir." "Excellent my son, I have to leave for a bit, watch the gate will you?" Kelly Community News 8 The Personal Benefits of Volunteer Work Have you ever felt the desire to help your community, but wondered how you would find the time for others? While altruism is arguably the best motivator for enlisting with a charitable organization, there are many tangible personal advantages to giving your time for nonprofit work. Whether you are a student, a working professional or a stay-at-home mom, volunteering is an excellent way to gain work experience and broaden your social network. Social Networking Surveys show most people feel they have benefited from meeting volunteer contacts and developed better interpersonal and communication skills while participating in charity work. Keep in mind that social contacts are also a potential career investment: an Professional Benefits acquaintance could very well be the key to a new For one, volunteer work will flesh out your resume career opportunity. Networking is a valuable tool to and set you apart from the crowd. Past charity work increasing your business prospects. And don't forget, says a lot about your character, giving you a multi- a philanthropic group activity is the perfect setting in dimensional personality and highlighting your good which to impress others and show off your abilities. nature. Even more importantly, volunteer positions show future employers your drive and dedication. If nothing else, volunteer work offers the opportunity Such accomplishments demonstrate initiative, to meet people who share your interests. Many personal will, leadership skills and the ability to work adults find it difficult to meet new people outside of hard. the work or home environment. Volunteering at a local organization can be a good way to make new Another motivation for volunteering is to broaden friends - or even new romantic interests! your horizons and develop new skills that could be beneficial to your career. You may discover interests you were unaware of, learn more about a subject that appeals to you, or even choose a new career path! A nonprofit job opens the door to meeting many interesting and diverse people that can have an impact on your life, in one way or another. Kelly Community News 9 Rick's Lawn Service JESUS WAY GIFTS Mowing & Landscaping 270-498-2528 Bibles CD's Adult Christian Books Soundtracks Gifts For All Occasions SCOTT & STOLTZFUS Automotive & Farm Repair 1009 South Virginia St. Hopkinsville, KY OPEN 9-5 (except Wed) SAT 9-3 (270)-886-9191 Hours: Monday -Thursday 7:30-5:00 & Friday 7:30-3:30 7425 Old Madisonville Road Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Phone: 270-348-1845 OR 270-344-1173 E-mail: JESSIE AND ANNA SLATON - OWNERS COME ON DOWN! Joann's Country Farm Store 7715 Madisonville Rd, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 · (Next to Kelly Baptist Church) Phone 270-881-8843 Hours Tues -Fri 10am -5pm and Sat noon -6pm Handmade candles, soaps and blankets. Farm fresh eggs. Seasonal produce and herbs. Petsch Farm Service & Petsch Equipment (270) 886-5620 7830 Madisonville Rd The Crofton Connection is a Monthly Newsletter which is available at participating Crofton Businesses, and are free. Kelly Community News 10