LifeCare Ambulance Form
LifeCare Ambulance Form
With MemberCare From lifeCare Ambulance It's Just $38 A Year. How MemberCare works: • • • • • LifeCare will bill Medicare or your insurance company for any medically necessary ambulance trips to the closest, appropriate medical facility. Any co-pays or deductibles your insurer requires you to pay is covered by MemberCare. Your membership becomes effective 3 days after receipt of payment and a signed membership agreement If the insurance company sends you the check, you must forward the check to LifeCare Ambulance but you are not responsible for any balance remaining Wheelchair van transportation is offered at a discounted rate. Wheelchair transportation is usually not covered by your insurance. You will receive a membership card. FOR MORE INFORMATION. CAll 269-565-4148 or 1-800-261-1161 Visit our website __ M _ MemberCare Membership Contract Terms and Conditions I understand that the $38 annual fee for MemberCare covers out-of-pocket expense for services covered by my insurance, including coinsurance and deductibles, of LifeCare Ambulance Service bills for medically necessary ambulance transportation to or from our local hospitals. I understand that the membership is effective three (3) days after receipt of full payment and a signed membership agreement. I understand that MemberCare is not an insurance or health-maintenance organization (HMO) and that LifeCare will bill and receive claim payments from my insurer or third-party agency {an HMO, Medicare, Blue Cross, etc.}. To facilitate processing of authorized claims, I request that payment of authorized insurance benefits be made on my behalf to LifeCare Ambulance or myself, for any ambulance service and supplies furnished by LifeCare Ambulance. I authorize holder of medical information concerning me, to release to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and it's carriers or other insurance companies, as well as to LifeCare Ambulance, any information needed to process all claims now and in the future and to determine these benefits or the benefits payable for related services. I consent to the use and disclosure by LifeCare Ambulance Service of my protected health information (PHI) for purposes of treatment, payment and health care operations, for reporting to local medical control authorities and, and for the purposes of business associates in support of all of the foregoing. This authorization remains in effect until I revoke it in writing. I permit a copy of this authorization to be used in place of the original. If the insurance company sends a check to me for services rendered by LifeCare Ambulance Service, I agree to promptly forward that check to LifeCare Ambulance Service. LifeCare Ambulance Service reserves the right to require a physician certification of medical necessity for all non-emergency transports by ambulance. I understand that medically necessary ambulance trips that are not covered by insurance, are rendered at a 20% discount from regular rates per trip, and that I am responsible for payment. I understand that Ambu-Van services are offered at a reduced rate. I understand that my MembershipCare membership fee covers not only me, but my immediate family members (spouse and any children) living with me who I declare as dependants on this year's federal income tax form. I understand that my membership covers ground services provided by LifeCare Ambulance Service, within its service area in Cass County, plus westem Calhoun County, all of Branch County, southern Barry County, Bellevue Township and Village, northeastern Kalamazoo County, and northeastern St. Joseph County, to or from local hospitals. The membership agreement must be signed by the insurance policyholder or aumorized person. I understand LifeCare Ambulance Service reserves the right to reject or revoke membership benefits if it has evidence of abuse of this program. I understand that this membership is non-transferable and non-refundable. I affirm that I have read and agreed to the terms as described above. THIS CONTRACT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM ENROLLMENT Signature. Date _ Spouse's Signature Date _ IIfI&~FECARE. AMBULANCE SERVICE MemberCare Benefits: • No out-of-pocket expense for medically necessary ambulance service including deductibles and co-pays • Only $38 per year covers you and your immediate family members (spouse and any children) who are your legal dependants • Medically necessary ambulance trips that are not covered by insurance, are rendered at a 20% discount from regular rates • Covers ground services provided by LifeCare Ambulance Service, within its service area in Cass County,plus western Calhoun County, all of Branch County, southern Barry County, Bellevue Township and Village, northeastern Kalamazoo County, and northeastern St. Joseph County, to or from local hospitals • Peaceof mind - you never know when an emergency may happen to you or your family (," "m , , ", GINCY MEDIUft,A,~~,,,, For all provisions of your MemberCare benefit, please see the reverse side of this application ___ ~ _~,:t_H_e~: -=_-~-:~~-~ __.-.__:::_ -_-::~~- --------- / .' ',--- ----- -------------- m _ MemberCare Application -lifeCare Anlbulance Service Member Number MEMBERSHIP FEE - $38 _ FOR OFFICE I Ir-{ P-L-E-A-SE--P-RO-V-I-DE--I-NF-O-RM,A--T-I-O-N-B-E-LO-W-,--RE-AD--AND---S-I-G-N-O-N--BA-C-K-P-O-R-T-IO-N--OF--F-ORM--') NAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS SOCIAL SECURITY # APT/LOT # CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE ( - (USE ONLY) _ ) _ E-MAIL, _ LIST FULL NAME OF EACH LEGAL DEPENDENT, BIRTH DATE, AND RELATIONSHIP TO YOU WHO LIVES AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS AND WILL BE INCLUDED ON THIS MEMBERSHIP. (IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS REQUIRED, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) NAME DATE OF BIRTH RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER -------YOUR PRIMARY INSURANCE POLICY/CONTRACT # ~ GROUP # _ YOUR SECONDARY INSURANCE POLICY/CONTRACT # GROUP # _ SPOUSE'S PRIMARY INSURANCE POLICY/CONTRACT # ' GROUP # ---- SPOUSE'S SECONDARY INSURANCE SEND COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM AND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR $38 PAYABLE TO: POLICY/CONTRACT # LlFECARE AMBULANCE P.O, BOX 116 :J MasterCard Card# CASSOPOLIS, :J Visa Card# MI 49031 GROUP # _ METHOD OF PAYMENT :J Check :J Money Order -------------- Exp. Date Exp. Date '---_