March Events - Heritage Isle Club


March Events - Heritage Isle Club
Resident Spotlight: Henry Scott Harris
Henry Scott Harris is a World War II Navy Veteran who founded an award winning national Marketing Company that
produced the first telethon for retarded
children. He also volunteered as Assistant
Director for USO Camp Shows arranging
show celebrity performances by Jack Benny, Marilyn, and others. Long active in community service, he was the
youngest member of Governor Rockefeller’s Economic Commission.
Coming out of retirement, he was Senior National Director for CBS/
Metro Radio and TV Networks. He and his wife also wrote travel
articles for many newspapers and magazines. They attended Queen
Elizabeth’s Birthday Bash and King of Morocco Royal Festival.
He and his wife served as voluntary high school teachers in Arizona.
Seeing a need, he created a unique touring high school and college educational program, “Heroes and the Holocaust,” where actual veterans
told of their experiences.
His wife, Shirley, was editor and publisher of Women Mean Business, a directory and instructional manual to help women in upward
mobility. The publication was honored by Dallas, Texas and received
a commendation from the United Nations.
The couple moved to Heritage Isle from Fairview, Texas. In Texas,
Henry adapted and directed many plays. Together they appeared in
the hit production “Love Letters.” His book, “All Blood Runs Red” has
been released for publication (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, et al) and is
being submitted for a TV mini-series.
We are honored that Henry will be directing the next Heritage Isle
Theater Guild mystery murder comedy being performed March 28th
and 29th entitled “A Guest in the House.”
March Events
Friday, March 14th at 7pm in Ballroom
St. Patrick Dance Party
one on Friday, April 4th and one on Saturday, April 5th. Residents
may only attend one party, not both. Each event will be limited to
24 tables to accommodate the dinner buffets and allow for more “leg
room”. We recommend 8 people to a table but you may go as high as
10. Anything above 10 is prohibited, and another table will need to
be started.
The amazing Rick Brensinger will be performing both nights, so be
ready to dance! The cost is $15/person and includes dinner, dessert,
coffee, water and one free beverage from the bar (beer, wine or call
cocktail). Dinner reservations begin at 5:30pm; music and dancing
will be from 7-10pm. You must reserve your table and dinner time
when you purchase your tickets. Tickets for Friday, April 4th will go
on sale Monday, March 10th at 9am. Tickets for Saturday, April 5th
will go on sale Tuesday, March 11th. Initially, this event is residents
only, however we will open it up to guests on March 24th if space is
available. Singles may bring one adult guest.
Rules for purchasing tickets: We will hand out numbers beginning
at 8am - only one number per household will be given out. If you
choose to wait before the club opens, you must do so at the front of
the building. You will be allowed to purchase one table (810people) if you choose, however, you will need to provide the first
and last names of the others at your table and you may only use
ONE form of payment. We will not accept multiple forms, as it is
too time consuming. If you are not purchasing an entire table, but
will be buying for your selves and another couple, you will also need
names and one form of payment. Only one transaction per number
will be allowed. Please be prepared with names and payments,
when your number is called. To help ease the inconvenience of
waiting - sometimes hours - certain numbers will be called in a
certain time period, we are hoping to get through 15 numbers per
hour. Numbers 1-15 will be called between 9am and 10am, 16-30
between 10am and 11am, 31-45 between 11am and 12pm, and so on.
We will not call a number before its time, so if you are number 16,
we will wait until 10am. If you are not here when your number is
called, you will go to the back of the line in your designated time
period. We encourage you to coordinate your table beforehand, to
ease the ticket purchasing process.
Please be aware that this is a new system for us at the clubhouse
and there may be some hiccups. We appreciate your patience.
The Tommy & Annette Doyle Duet will be rocking your favorite Irish
and Dance tunes all night. We will have a best dressed contest so
come dressed in your Green. There will be a prize for each gender.
Tickets are $7/person. Cash Bar & Snacks provided.
Saturday, March 15th in Ballroom
Karaoke Night
Come join your neighbors & friends from 6-10pm in the Ballroom.
BYOB & Snacks.
April Events
Friday, April 4th & Saturday April 5th
Heritage Isle Clubhouse Birthday Party
You are invited to the 8th Annual Clubhouse Birthday Party. This year’s
theme is Prom! See who wins the HI Superlatives: Class Clown, Best
Dancer, Most Athletic and more! Don’t forget the King and Queen - or
in this case Mr. & Ms. Heritage Isle! Please pick up a nomination form
at the Front Desk. All nominations must be turned in by March 14 th at
9pm. Voting will begin March 17th and will end March 28th at 9pm.
More details are available at the Front Desk.
Because of the large crowd this event draws, we will hold two parties -
February Dance Party
With Ana Kirby & DJ Richie
Page 2
HI District and HI Residential Villages
Community Rules and Standards for Pets
The following are a few of the regulations for pet ownership, but the entire text of County ordinances and Community covenants
can be found at the listed web sites. Pet owners should familiarize themselves with the county ordinances and community covenants and standards which govern the ownership of pets within our Community.
County ordinances include the requirement that all pets are to be licensed by the county and failure to do so can result in a fine.
All pets must be leashed at all times when off the property of the animal owner and the leash must be of sufficient strength to
control the animal and not to exceed six (6) feet in length. It is the responsibility of the owner or person in control of the animal
to dispose of or remove any excretions caused by the animal and not to permit or allow an animal to defecate or urinate upon any
public property, or any private property, without permission of the property owner. No animal shall be permitted or allowed to
create a nuisance. Brevard County ordinances, explanations and contact information can be found on the county website: http:// or telephone (321) 633-2024.
Heritage Isle Covenants and Architectural Control Committee (ACC) standards reinforce the County ordinances and further define what is permitted in Heritage Isle. The ACC standards, pulled in part from the Covenants, are:
1. Owners may keep domestic pets as permitted by Brevard County ordinances and otherwise in accordance with the Rules and
Regulations established by the Board of Directors from time to time.
2. All pets must be walked on a leash at all times. No pet or animal shall be “tied out’ on the exterior of the home or in the common
areas or left unattended in a yard or on a balcony, screened enclosure porch or patio. No dog runs, pens or dog houses shall be permitted.
3. The person walking the pet or the pet owner shall clean up all litter created by the pet. Each owner shall be responsible for the
activities of their pet. Pets are not permitted in any water body in Heritage Isle.
The reference for your homeowner documents is Heritage Isle District Association, Article 13, Use Restrictions, Animals. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Standards, adopted by the BOD 03/13/13, is a separate document. Both can be found on
the District web site:
By Anabella Bowman
Which word in the English language becomes shorter when it is lengthened?
First person to email the correct answer to will win a free sandwich at the
Bistro (same person cannot win within 6 months).
Heritage Isle Clubhouse
321.576.0264 Fax321.504.7552
For questions regarding payment:
Financial Services - 877.988.3782
Clubhouse Hours
Monday - Saturday: 8:00am-10:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm-6:00pm
Clubhouse Staff
Nicole Stites,
General Manager
Sandy Chakiris,
Asst. General Manager
Tess Slye,
Resident Services
Emily Freeth,
Resident Services
Sunnie Tharp-Sinnes,
Resident Services
Patrick Cooke,
Head of Maintenance
Mike Salon, Maintenance
Wayne Tourville, Maintenance
Featured Builders
Lennar - 321.638.2239
Association Numbers
District and Village Associations
Darcie Madison,
CMCA - Leland Management
Phone: 321.549.0953 Fax:
Community Development District
Melissa Dobbins,
District Manager
Rizzetta & Company, Inc
904.436.6270 Fax:904.436.6277
The Terraces Condo Assoc.
Scott Headrick,
Keys Property Management
321.784.8011 Fax: 321.784.8350
Page 3
Spotlight: HI Condo Board of Directors
By Judy Garrett, President
The objective of the Board of Directors is to ensure every
owner of a condo lives in the best possible place for whatever
lifestyle they pursue. Their environment should be attractive,
clean, safe comfortable.
The current members of the Board are: Judy Garrett, President, Larry Rutledge, Vice President, James Sevastos, Secretary, Susan Sommerfeld, Treasurer, Walton Thomas, Gerald
Kortum and John Nichtern are Members at Large.
The overall challenges are to give the condo community the
continuing support, and help by having the solutions to any
and all problems that may arise, and to treat each owner fairly.
As President my challenges are the same as previously stated
as well as helping committees, chairing the meetings, and being available to the Board members, the residents and the
management company. My personal goal is to continue to
have a Board that is going to identify an issue and be proactive
in the resolution of the issue.
The annual meeting will be on March 20, 2014 and everyone should attend this. We have recently installed bike racks
in front of each building and are researching the problem of
the gutters making a lot of noise during a windy
storm. Hopefully we will be able to erase that problem
soon. There is continuing landscaping going on and we will
be mulching again shortly. The painting of all of the building
is under way and that will be completed in approximately
eight weeks. The Board will always be working on continuing to keep our community the place we all want to live.
April Seminars & Presentation
Tuesday, April 1st at 12pm
Pinnacle Financial Lunch Seminar
Tuesday, April 8th at 12pm
McPherson Financial Lunch Seminar
Tuesday, April 15th at 12pm
Island Animal Hospital @ Viera
Tuesday, April 22nd at 11am
Mobility Medical
Tuesday, April 29th at 11am
Futurity First Insurance Group
Topic “Legacy Planning”
Page 4
Class Information
Watercolor Classes
Meets every Wednesday from 1-3:30pm in the Craft
Room. $15/class payable to the instructor. Supplies are
NOT included; a list of suggested supplies is available at
the Front Desk.
Fitness Information
Aqua Aerobics
This class gives you a full body workout using water as
the main source of resistance. $5/class, payable to instructor. Classes are every Monday, Thursday & Saturday at 9am.
Every Wednesday from 10:30-11:30am in the back of
the Ballroom. Cost is $5 to instructor. Check out website
Classes are held every Monday & Friday at 11:15am in
the Ballroom. The cost is $5/person, payable to the instructor.
Zumba Gold
Meets every Tuesday at 8:45am and Friday at 10am in
the Ballroom. If you will be attending for the first time
please arrive five minutes early. Specifically designed for
55+! Classes are $5/person payable to the instructor.
Ballroom Dancing
Lessons are every Sunday from 4-5pm in the Ballroom.
Cost is $5/person payable to the instructor. All are welcome!
DVD Workout Group
The DVD Walking workout group meets in the Bistro
hardwood area, Monday through Friday at 8:30am &
9:30am and at 8:00pm workout Monday thru Thursday.
This is a Free, Fun and Easy exercise opportunity. There
is no instructor, just a group of residents who like motivating each other to move. Join us as we do the Leslie
Sansone Walking Workouts.
Contact JoAnne LaBrecque at
Evening Walking Group
Meets every evening at 6:30pm at the fountain in front of
the clubhouse. All levels of activity invited!
Let’s Lose Together
Meets every Monday at 10am in the card room. Call Nat
Kaye at 321-633-6778 with any questions.
Muscle Fit
Focuses on toning all major muscle groups and building
strength for daily activities, and on improve balance,
range of motion and coordination. If you have hand held
weights or a mat, please bring them with you. The fee is
$5/class payable to the instructor. This class will meet
the first three Wednesdays of every month at 9am.
Personal Training
Our certified Personal Trainers will help you attain your
fitness goals. For more information, including pricing,
please contact either Michael Wagner at 321-576-7416
or Ariel Spencer at 321-795-4455
Stretch, Strength & Balance Classes
This dynamic fitness class is designed to increase
strength and improve flexibility while enhancing balance
and reducing falls. Joe Cataldo, certified fitness instructor, is also certified in balance and stability for individuals
over 50. Classes are every Monday at 11am in the Orchid Room. $5/person payable to the instructor at the
Class. Please bring a set of hand weights.
Tai Chi
HI Couples Lunch
Thursday, March 20th at 11:15am
This month the Couple's Lunch will be at River Rocks
located at The menu is available at the Clubhouse.
HI Ladies Lunch
Wednesday, March 12th at 11:30am
This month the Ladies Lunch will be at Cheddar's 2130
W. New Haven Avenue, Melbourne (the restaurant is
located on the left side of
the road coming from Hwy. 95 before the Melbourne
This luncheon is limited to 40 women so if you are interested please let us know as soon as possible. We
must have your response by Sunday March 9th. We will
get separate checks and the tip will not be included.
Please contact either Helene Doherty at 321-610-4066
or email at helenedoh@hotmail. com or Debbie Pica at
321-610-8227 or
email at
Motorcycle Club
Every Thursday we will be meeting at front of clubhouse
and leaving at 1030 am weather permitting for a ride. If
you want to ride at other times just email or call us since
we are usually available.
Also suggested rides and places to eat always welcomed. Anne and Bill Sands 978-388-1898.
Manatee Elementary School needs
Our hours are 11- 8 pm Tuesday thru Sunday
Our phone number is (321)473-2101
St. Patrick Day Fine Dining
Appetizers: Seared Tenderloin of Pork with Basmati Rice & Lime Ceviche Cucumber Salad
Wine Pair: Zenato Valpolicella Superior
Entrée Choice of
Herb Crusted Mahi Filet, warm Barley and Kale
Salad with Roasted Pear and Candied Prosciutto
Wine Pair: Chateau St Michelle Gewürztraminer
Lamb Shank with Roasted Root Vegetables and
Tarragon infused Duchess Potatoes
Wine Pair: Radius Merlot
Dessert: Mango, Ginger Peach Crème Brulee Napoleon
Dessert Fine Pair: Signal Posecco Sparkling Wine
For Food Only $34 per person
Wine per person $18
6pm First Seating (14 seats only)
6:45pm Second Seating (14 seats only)
RSVP 321-473-2101
Our neighborhood elementary school
is asking Heritage Isle residents to collect Box Tops and Labels for Education.
These food product labels translate into
money which goes directly to the school
to support our students, teachers and
school programs. Last year Manatee
earned over $8500.
Manatee Elementary is grateful for Heritage Isle’s past efforts and would appreciate your support again this year.
For information contact Bonnie Tomcski
HOA Corner
Notes from Darcie Madison:
Welcome to the Finance Committee Members
The Board of Directors has appointed the following individuals to the Finance Committee at the January 30th meeting: Richard Brady, Marvin Kantor, Susan Keebler, Dennis
Meehl and Roger Teurfs. Congratulations New Members!
What is the Finance Committee?
The mission of the Finance Committee is to help with preparation of the annual budget(s), monitor month to month financial activities of the Association(s) and to provide recommendations to the Board of Directors and Heritage Isle District Association Management on financial matters related to
the Association. The Finance Committee reports to the Board
of Directors. The Chairperson of the Finance Committee will
present various committee recommendations to the Board of
Directors for approval throughout the year.
ing consultants. The purpose will be to monitor water tables
in these areas.
HI Phase 8 Mass Grading: We are projecting that fill operations will start within a month while we wait for Brevard
County’s final approval of the plans.
HI Phase 8 Subdivision Plans: Engineering plans were submitted to County, and we are working our way through the
County’s review process. We are planning for the development operations to start late Spring/Summer of 2014.
All time frames are estimates, barring any complications, construction and weather delays. We are available to the Board
to answer any questions or concerns regarding the aforementioned information.
Gate Access
Residents of Heritage Isle who need to obtain a gate access
sticker for a vehicle registered to an owner or tenant in Heritage Isle need to fill out the Gate Access Form and bring it to
the Heritage Isle District Association Management office. You will need to bring your vehicle, the vehicle registration and your $10 check or money order (made out to Heritage Isle District Association) with you. You may obtain a
copy of the form at the Heritage Isle
District Association website at under
“Documents” then “HOA Forms”.
Heritage Isle District Association
1215 Admiralty Blvd.
Rockledge, Fl. 32955
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00pm
Update from Lennar
This information was sent to Melissa Dobbins, District Manager of Rizzetta & Company, Inc. by Carlos de la Ossa,
LCAM – Community Manager, and Bennett Ruedas - Project
Manager, Lennar Homes LLC in a letter dated January 27,
John Staubly
Cell: 321-837-9630
Fax: 321-435-3433
Lennar Homes LLC would like to properly inform the members of the Heritage Isle CDD Board of upcoming land development projects. The following will take place during 2014:
HI Phase 6: Final lift of asphalt will be installed starting the
week of 2/3/2014. It is planned to be a 3-day paving operation. The striping will be finished about a month afterwards.
HI Phase 3 and Phase 1: Underdrains: Installation of these is
coming up soon, with a projected start date within a month.
Underdrains will be installed on Egbert (Phase 3), and Grayson, McGrady, and Owen (Phase 1).
HI Monitoring Wells: We are planning on installing monitoring wells in roadways throughout various parts of the
community; placement has been determined by our engineer-
Page 7
Resolutions Update
At the RAC meeting on Jan. 20th and the BOD meeting on Jan 30th two resolutions were passed that may be of interest to HI residents.
Temporary Decal for Rental Cars Resolution – since there are residents that visit their home for short periods of time and rent
cars, this resolution allows them to purchase a decal ($10) from Leland Management after showing their rental car agreement
with their name and the start and end dates. The decal would be deactivated at the end of the rental period.
Event Gate Access Resolution – in order to speed traffic through the front gate and support the Club/EAC this resolution allows
EAC to send out color placards, with an invitation to an event, which can be used by the guest to gain access to HI without stopping at the front gate. The placard would have the date and time of the event and EAC would pay for an extra attendant to allow
the guests and residents to pass though the resident gate. The club would notify HI residents two days before the event so they
can use the back gate and avoid the extra traffic.
Board of Directors
Current Board members are: Carlos de la Ossa, President; Bennett Ruedas, Secretary/Treasurer; and Joe Fulghum, Director at
Large. Contact:
In January, the newsletter outlined the duties and responsibilities of one of our governing boards - the Community Development
District (CDD). Another governing body of our Community is the Board of Directors which is currently appointed by the Developer / Declarant, Lennar Homes LLC. The Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to follow the Bylaws and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Heritage Isle District and Village Associations and also sets the policies and procedures for the Associations. The Board meets at least annually and more often if it has business before it. Meeting notices are posted on the Clubhouse bulletin board and posted to residents at least 72 hours before the meeting date. Minutes of the meetings, once approved,
are posted on the HI District web site. Policies and procedures of the Associations are administered by a contracted management
company, Leland Management. Ms. Darcie Madison is the contact for such matters, email:
Resident Advisory Council (RAC)
Members of the Council are elected by the residents and appointed by the Board once a year and serve two (2) year terms and
may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms unless authorized by the BOD. The current members of the RAC are: Jo Anne Post,
Chairperson; Roger Teurfs, Vice President; Cathleen A. Lindstrand, Secretary; and Members at Large Francis Curtachio, Brian
Wade, Judith Gendron, and Curt Harmon. Email:
The Council functions in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors (BOD) and is not authorized to carry out the functions of
the Association nor incur any expenses, unless approved by the BOD. The mission of the Resident Advisory Council is to monitor, observe and discuss community related activities and provide suggestions or input to the BOD and Association Management
on any areas or matters requiring attention throughout the community. At times, Committees are appointed by the RAC to
study and provide recommendations on issues of importance to the Community, for example the Security Study Committee and
the Newsletter Study Committee.
RAC meetings are scheduled for the third Thursday of odd-numbered months and the agenda is emailed to all residents and posted to the Clubhouse bulletin Board at least 72 hours before the meeting. Approved meeting minutes are posted to the District
web site,
Upcoming Meetings:
Landscape Committee, March 18, 2:00 pm
Resident Advisory Council, March 20, 9:30 am
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Page 9
From the Newsletter
Did you ever not feel like doing something? Well, I don’t feel
like writing about investments today. I feel like writing about
bananas! “Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today.”
Bananas: When I was a little boy, my mother would take ripe
bananas – the squishy ones with brown patches all over, and
mash them up in a bowl and add milk. She would mix the
milk and bananas together with a spoon and serve it to me as
a desert. I loved it, and I still eat that desert today. It turns
out she was a smart lady. A new scientific research report
states that full ripe bananas with dark patches on yellow skin
produces an important substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor). TNF has the ability to combat abnormal cells.
The more darker patches a banana has, the higher will be its
immunity enhancement quality; Hence, the riper the banana
the better the anticancer quality. Yellow skin ripe bananas
with dark spots are 8X more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than the green skin version. So, don’t
throw away those squishy bananas, have a bowl of mashed
bananas and milk. You’ll like them! Note: As a result of this
article, if you go to Wal-Mart to buy bananas and they say
“yes, we have no bananas”, you can blame me.
The newsletter continues to be a work in progress. We strive
to make every issue better and more interesting. I hope you
like the changes in formatting and enjoy the addition of the
“Riddle Me This” section. The first person who emails the
correct solution to the riddle to
will win a free sandwich at the Bistro. Good Luck!
On a sad note, we will no longer have Lisa’s smiling face and
waves at the front gate by the time this issue is published.
She is leaving to work in the office of a home inspection firm
owned by a friend. She did, however, say that she will be
back periodically to work the gate some Saturdays. Our good
wishes to Lisa!
We are always looking for new ideas and contributors for
articles. Any new suggestions for articles or volunteers to
join our team of writers will be welcome. Just let us know in
person or by email at the above address. Have a great month
of March and enjoy St. Patrick’s Day, the Vernal Equinox,
Daylight Savings Time, and , most of all, enjoy the Heritage
Isle Theater Guild Spring Show on March 28th and 29th!
Handyman Advice: Let’s talk about grout. The grout on our
tile floor throughout the house is supposed to be white. Over
the years it has changed from gray to grayer to grayest, according to the room you are in. Although it is interesting to
have these color changes, I am one for uniformity. Well, I
found an easy way to clean the grout. First, go to and order the “Commercial Title & Grout Cleaning
Brush” by Artistic Solutions (it attaches to a standard threaded pole) - $15.99 + 6.99 shipping. When you get your brush,
put a pole in it, it saves your back. Next go to the Dollar Tree
(near Wal-Mart) and buy a quart of “LA’s Totally Awesome
All Purpose Concentrated Cleaner & Degreaser Spot Remover” - $1.00. Mix in a spray bottle, 5 parts water and one part
cleaner. Spray it on the grout, let it sit for 5 minutes and
scrub with your new grout brush. Then, wipe with damp
mop. Now you have uniform grout, not as interesting, but
just how I like it. One other amazing fact: It seems to work
much better if a woman does the grout work. I don’t understand it, but that’s what I found.
That’s all folks and remember to be nice to your neighbors.
Note: Rick Hertz can be reached at
Save the Date
April 7th, 2014
Come with us to get away from the tourist traps and discover
the real Italy as we talk about a wonderful and unique tour of
We've planned a 12 day tour that begins in
Rome, bringing us to some of the most iconic
sites, then continues on to the beautiful
region of Umbria, often called “The New
Tuscany”, were we will discover many places off the
beaten path. We’ll visit Assisi and even have a pizza
making class before we continue on to the Chianti wine
growing region, in the heart of Tuscany. Visits to
breathtaking wineries, hill towns, and more. On a day in
Siena, we will be treated to an exclusive visit in the
underground lair of the “Onda Contrada”, and a day in
Florence with a guided tour of the city, including a visit
to the Academia gallery and Michelangelo’s “David”
Recipe Corner
3 Ingredient Banana Cookies
2 large ripe bananas
1 cup rolled oats
¼ cup chopped walnuts
Mash the bananas in a bowl.
Add oats and walnuts.
Drop tablespoons of batter on a baking
3/13 - Wednesdays at 7pm in the Craft Room. Contact Rose Schoenfeld at 622-6454.
Line Dancing Group - First and third Monday. 6:00-6:30pm for beginners lessons, 6:30-7:45pm for everyone!
Bible Study - Meets every Thursday of every month at 2pm in the
Craft Room.
Mahjong - Mondays & Wednesdays at 12pm in the Card Room and
Tuesdays at 7pm in the Cardroom(Asian).
Bocce Club - Men only: Mondays at 9am; Women’s Open Bocce:
Mondays at 1pm; Mixed Bocce: Thursdays at 9am; Twilight Bocce:
Mondays , Thursdays and Fridays at 6pm, sign up in Billiards
Room. Contact Russ Sotkovsky at 610-3599 or Curt Harmon at 6104513. Introductory lessons will also be available Wednesdays at
9am (Just show up).
Mexican Train Dominoes - Third Friday of every month at 7pm.
Book Club - Third Monday of every month at 10am. Contact: Helene
Doherty at 610-4066. .
Bowling Club - Contact: Curt Harmon at 610-4513
Bridge - Mixed Bridge: Mondays and Thursdays at 1pm. Contact Robert Ptak at 504-7820 or Al Trucano at 305-5095. Duplicate Bridge:
Fridays at 12:30pm in the Orchid Room, contact Barry Bergman at
Men’s Lunch - Second Thursday of every month at 11:45am. Contact
Ken Patwari at 622-4734
Men’s Golf - Wednesdays at 9am at Duran Golf Club. Contact Harris
Richman ( or Craig Comfort
( at 507-4040.
Motor Cycle Club– Contact Anne Sands 978-388-1898 email
Open Mic Night - The first Friday of every month at 7pm in the Ballroom. Contact Larry at 794-1044 or 745-2084.
Photography Club - Fridays at 11am in the Card Room. Contact
Richard Cross for more information:
Bunco Group - Every other Monday at 7pm in the Card Room. Contact Anita Kountourakis at 631-7451.
Pinochle Group - First & third Wednesday of every month at 7pm in
the Card Room.
Canasta Group - Wednesdays at 1230pm in the Card Room.
Poker - Ladies: Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Card Room.
Men’s: Thursdays at 7pm. Contact Dan Gregas at 433-3895.
Poor Men’s Poker: Mondays at 7pm. Contact Tom Healy at 504-3104.
Cornhole/Beanbag - Men: Meets every Friday at 9am in the Ballroom. Ladies: Every Friday at 1pm in the Ballroom.
Couple’s Lunch - Third Thursday of every month. Info will be posted
at the Club.
Creative Writing Group - Third Monday of every month at 11am in
the Craft Room. Contact Steve Baklor: 610-3438
Democratic Club - Meets the second Thursday of every month.
Double Decker Pinochle - Tuesdays at 1:30pm in the Café
Euchre Group - Second & fourth Wednesday of every month at 7pm
in the Ballroom. Contact Curt or Diane Harmon: 610-4513
Easy Riders Bicycle Club-Contact Allan Schoenfeld at 622-6454 or
Evening Walking Group - Meets at 6:30pm every evening by the
fountain in the front of the clubhouse.
Firearms and Safety Shooting Group-Meets monthly, contact Ken
622-4900 for next meeting
Fishing Club-Contact Rick Hertz at 321-305-6360 for info
Genealogy Group - First Monday of every month from 1-3pm in the
Craft Room. Contact Judith Creamer at 633-4426. email
Hand & Foot Group - Wednesdays at 1pm in the Card Room. Beginners contact Phyllis Erickson at 639-2218 or 432-2248.
HI Crafters - Thursdays from 1-4pm in the Card Room. Contact
Cathy Bouck at 622-4919.
Investment Club - Meets the third Wednesday of the month at 10am.
Ladies Luncheon - Second Wednesday of every month at 11:30am.
Pottery Club - Meets every Tuesday from 9am-12pm in the Craft
Room. You must have experience to participate. Contact the Club for
more information.
Republican Club - First Thursday of every month at 7pm in the Café.
Contact Allan Trucano at 305-5095. All are welcome!
Roadster Club- Second Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm in the
back of the Ballroom. Roadster: A Two-Seat Convertible Sports Car.
Scrabble - Meets every Friday from 2-4pm in the Card Room.
Scrapbooking - Contact Pam Lee at 622-4782.
Sequence - Second & fourth Fridays of every month at 7pm in the
Card Room.
Softball - Fridays at the County fields at 8:30am. Contact Louis at
Sunshine Committee - Contact Sonia Yaroma at 360-2120 or
Rose Schoenfeld 622-6454
Tennis Club - The Tennis Club has it’s own web site for Heritage Isle
Tennis news at . To add yourself to the
email roster contact Rick Ninko at or Bill
Patterson at
Theater Guild (HITG) - Meets the last Wednesday of every month at
Travel Club - Email for more info.
Volleyball Club - Meets every Thursday at 4pm at the Volleyball
Court. Contact Lonie at 305-4240.
If you would like to start a new Club or Group,
please contact the Clubhouse at 321-576-0264