SPotlight on trinity SPotlight on trinity


SPotlight on trinity SPotlight on trinity
Welco m e to
2 01 0 s p ring gala
A fund raising
event to benefit
Trinity School
Saturday April 17, 2010
5:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Trinity School at River Ridge
The miss ion
of tr ini ty school
The mission of Trinity School is to
impart basic ordered knowledge about
the world and to train students in basic
intellectual skills and qualities of mind
so that they might be of use to God in
the wise care and governance of His
creation and in the building of his
kingdom. We accomplish this by
establishing a culture marked by the
discovery of truth, the practice of
goodness, the creation of beauty and
the development of intellectual and
aesthetic habits of mind.
Trinity School is a community of
learners characterized by the rigorous
exploration of reality, the free and
disciplined exchange of ideas and
active participation in the fine arts.
sp ot l i ght on tr ini ty : table of contents
Table of Contents
Greeting from the Headmaster........................................................ 1
Evening Program Overview............................................................ 2
Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 2
Musical Performances and Speakers........................................ 3
Committee and Special Acknowledgements.......................................... 4
Gala Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 5
Wine Corks and Grab Bags............................................................. 6
Business Sponsors / Advertisers....................................................... 7
The Debut of the Art Gallery........................................................... 19
How to Use the Art Order Form............................................. 19
The Art Gallery. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 20
Prints. . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 20
Pricing. . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 36
Note Card Sets. . ........................................ ..................... 37
Original Works of Art . . . . . ............................................................. 39
Wall of Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 43
Group Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 44
Auction Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 60
Live Auction Items. . . . . . . . . ........................................ .................... 61
Directions to Trinity School............................................................. 67
Why Trinity School for Your Child’s Education?........................................ 68
sp ot l i g ht o n trini ty : greeting from the headmaster
It is a pleasure to welcome you to Trinity School’s 2010 Spring Gala, “Spotlight on Trinity.”
Tonight we celebrate Trinity School by featuring an art gallery with works by students, faculty,
alumni and other members of the Trinity community.
Most of the art you will see this evening was created as a part of Trinity’s regular art program.
During tours with visitors, one of the highlights is always the art room, where people
regularly comment on how impressed they are that all our students are able to create the
kind of art they see in front of them. As always, our students never cease to amaze! Their
consistent pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness --whether in physics class, while reading
great works of philosophy, theology or literature, or during their many extracurricular
activities-- makes it an honor to work with them daily in this endeavor.
Tonight as you enjoy the gallery, the dinner, the conversation and the live auction, please
consider giving generously to sustain the mission that makes this all possible.
We depend upon and deeply appreciate all the sacrifices that make Trinity School possible -from our students’ commitment to the kind of excellence you will see and hear this evening,
to the hard work of the faculty and staff, the financial sacrifice and thousands of volunteer
hours put in by our parents, to the generosity annually poured out at this event.
Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
God Bless,
Jon Balsbaugh
e v e n i n g prog ram ove rview : overview / menu
Ev e n i n g P rogram Overvie w
5:00 p.m.
Registration and the debut of The Art Gallery
• Enjoy 63 works of art available for you to order as reprints and note cards
• 41 Original Works of Art donated to Trinity for you to purchase
• Group Events - sign up for parties and events throughout the next year
5:00 p.m. - 6:55 p.m.
Hors-d’oeuvres and Cash Bar
Music provided by Trinity School Orchestra students
6:50 p.m.
Closing of Silent Auction for the Original Works of Art
7:00 p.m.
Dinner served in the Auditorium
7:50 p.m.
Student musical entertainment
Personal stories from students, teachers and alumni
8:30 p.m.
Live Auction
9:30 – 11:00 p.m.
Auction Checkout
Special thanks to Trevor Spriggs for the Live Auction media support
and to
Andy Grams | Design Solutions for the design and layout of the Gala Book.
e v e n i n g pr o g ram ove rview : performances and speakers
L e t ’ s S h i n e the S p otlight!
Welcome and Prayer. . . . . . . . .................... Jon Balsbaugh
Spotlight on Trinity School. . . .................... Jon Balsbaugh
Spotlight on Music and Art Programs............. David Jorlett
“Lullaby”and“Finale”from “Brundibar”........... Trinity School Chamber Singers
Directed by David Jorlett
Spotlight on Academics. . . . . ..................... Dr. David O’Hanley
“Java Jive”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... Trinity School Girls’ Quintet
Catherine DeMarais, Mary Rumpza, Katie Stephenson, Melisa Sturman, Helen Zuelke
Spotlight on Alumni. . . . . . . . . .................... Hannah Brummer
“Climbin’ Up the Mountain”. ..................... Trinity School Boys’ Quartet
Danny DeMarais, Matt Glover, David Gruber, Dan Schwab
Spotlight on Family Life. . . . . ..................... Daniel Hagen
“Halleluyah!”, “Singabahambya” ................ Trinity School Chamber Singers
Two Swahili Songs
With Jim Rolland, Conga drum
Spotlight on Student Life 2007 Trinity............. Lucy Ennis
Trinity School graduate
Live Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... Paul McCartan, Auctioneer
Rod Johnson Auctioneering
Closing Remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... Jon Balsbaugh
Dance in the Commons. . . . . . .................... Music provided by the Trinity School Jazz Ensemble
Directed by Karen Edge and Mary Helen O’Hare
sp ec i al acknowledgemen ts : committee
Th e 2 01 0 G ala team lea d er s
Headmaster.................................................Jon Balsbaugh
Gala Co-chairs...............................................Rochelle Platter
Jill Blair
Data management.........................................Chris Valentas
Group Events Team.........................................Kymi Kieffer
Marilyn Hellweg
Christin Croll-Carlson
Group Event Coordinators........ ..........................Ann Andersen
Catherine Mulvey
Decorations Team...........................................Angie Cox
Becky Rombach
Julie Schnell
Art Gallery Team............................................Nadine Reinhardt
Julie Hrbacek
Christine Brickweg
Amie Kieffer
Executive Chef..............................................Joe Kohaut
Program Coordinator.......................................Molly Druffner
Entertainment..............................................David Jorlett
Mary Beth Amundson
Karen Edge
Auction Checkout...........................................Nadine Reinhardt
Tech Support................................................Dave Beskar
Development............................................Peg Louiselle
Facilities management..................................Steve Hendrickson
Beverage Manager......................................Tom Bowar
Invitations...............................................Nancy Caneff
Design & Layout of Gala booklet........................Andy Grams (alumnus)
sp ec i a l acknowledgemen ts : volunteers
Th e 2 01 0 G ala volunteer s
Gwen Adams
Kathi Albain
Jody Anderson
Tonya Anderson
Judy Beskar
Christine Bittner
Jim Bittner
Marcia Bowar
Mary Bredenerg
Campus Division
Bill Carr
Robyn Cook
Lucy Cunningham
Dick Dahl
Julie Dahl
Sally Ennis
Ann Hagens
Ray Hagens
Vanessa Howard
Brenda Ingram
Jim Ingram
Kathy Johnson
Sheila Johnson
Chuck Jones
Janice Jones
Ed Kaiser
Elizabeth Kaiser
Kim Kelly-Sommer
Mary Klein
Tony Klein
Allison Kohaut
Karen Maunu
LeRoy Maunu
Lorraine McManmon
Bruce Olson
Charlene Olson
Claire Pintozzi
Louise Schwab
Christine Smith
Steve Sommer
Jerri Tafesse
Mary Thompson
Mike Walker
Jennifer Wilson
Ann Zenda-Johnson
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers.
We couldn’t do it without their help and support.
Our apologies for any accidental omissions!
sp ot l i g ht on tr ini ty : W ine corks & grab bags
Don’t forget to buy your grab bag at the Gala! For only $20, you get a bag with gift card(s)
enclosed to use at your favorite restaurants and shops! The card(s) in each bag has a value
of up to $50! and NO LESS than the $20 you paid! There is no way to lose on this one! Buy
many, buy often, and enjoy the surprise! When the Gala book went to press,this was just a
sample of our gift card inventory
Godiva Chocolatier, box of chocolates 25.00
1Ken Gorg Golf Shop, 20.00 GC
2Cracker Barrel, cert.for two, 48.00
3Big Discount Liquors, bottle of wine, 20.00
4Great Harvest Bread, fresh bread basket 25.00 (day of Gala)
5Satay 2 Go, 15.00 GC
6Beaumonde Salon, product basket $45
7Wild Bird Store, 25.00 GC
8Abdallah Chocolate, 20.00 GC
9Half Price Books, 20.00 GC
10Snuffy’s Malt Shop, 20.00 GC
11Brunswick Zone XL, 3-80.00 family bowling certificates, 240.00
12Caribou, 2 lbs coffee beans, 20.00
Jensens Café, 15.00 GC
14Let’s Dish basket, over $30
15Starbucks, basket/coffee beans, over $40
16Burnsville Bowl pkg, $40
17Outback Steakhouse, cert.for two, 48.00
18Great Harvest, $20
Buy a wine cork at the Gala for $20 and take home the bottle with the corresponding number.
There are at least two bottles of wine with a retail value of $130 each, and the vast majority
of the bottles retail for $20 and higher. What a great way to try some new wine, chosen and
donated by other Trinity families!
T Ha n k Y o u
to ou r co rpo rate spon so rs
Black Sheep Café
Christopher Kisch Insurance Agency
Transmission Shop
Grove Endodontics
Lundstrom Center
Ameriprise Financial
Donna Dahl, CPA
Metric Auto Works, Inc.
Minnesota Orthodontics
Wells Fargo Financial Advisors
Black Diamond Liquors
Picture Perfect Art & Frame
Postal Dispatch
Color Direct, Inc.
Andy Grams | Design Solutions
Andy – these ad should be a half-page ad.
Donna M Dahl, CPA
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To our Friends at Trinity School at River Ridge
Wishing you a successful gala event!
Supporting Educational Excellence
Daniel Kuplic, CPA , CRPC
Senior Financial Advisor
Suite 550 Centennial Lakes V
3600 Minnesota Drive
Edina, MN 55435
(952) 841-8106
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC.
to the dedicated faculty
and staff of Trinity School
who pursue the ideals of truth,
goodness and beauty,
and inspire us to do the same.
to the dedicated volunteers
of the 2010 Gala. We truly
appreciate your generous
gift of time and talent!
From the Families
of Trinity School
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"Where Broadway Meets West Broadway"
Musical Theater Workshops:
Annie, Jr.* (ages 8-12)
Four performances!
Dates: June 14th - July 18th
Times: Mon-Thurs, 10-4:30
(call for early drop-off options)
Tuition: $850 (by April 30)
$990 (after April 30)
Bye Bye Birdie* (ages 12-19)
Three performances!
Dates: July 12th - August 7th
Times: Mon-Thurs, 12-4:30
Tuition: $699 (by April 30)
$800 (after April 30)
*Placement audition required
*Includes Dance, Voice & Drama
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1617 North 2nd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(Ask for our summer brochure)
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Present this coupon at Black Diamond to receive
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Fresh Roasted Coffee and Espresso, Full Bakery and Deli Menu
705 Southview Blvd
South St Paul, MN 55075
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Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Am a z i n g, h a n d c raf ted espresso, coffee and baker y a nd
t h e n u m b e r o ne lo c al insurance co mpany, providing
i n s u ra n ce a n d fi nancial ser vices. Just around the
co r n e r, i n the hear t of S outh S aint Paul.
Vi s it us b oth on the corners of
7 t h Ave & S outhview B oulevard
Picture Perfect Art & Frame
898 South Smith Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118
(651) 455-7595
Quality Custom Framing at Affordable prices
Bring in any art purchased or any art at all by May 22nd, 2010 and
Receive 10% off the framing
Plus 20% will be donated back to the school!
Our service is unparalleled and our prices are very competitive
Hours: Tues, Wed & Fri 10-6; Thurs 10-8; Sat 10-4
Closed Sunday and Monday
5113 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55437
in the Normandale Village Shopping Center
West 98th Street & Normandale Blvd.
10% 0ff on custom graduation and special occasion
banners, posters, and announcements.
Announcements & Invitations
Banners & Signs
Paper, vinyl
Note Cards & Postcards
Art Reproductions
Fine art papers, canvas
Mounting & Laminating
Postal Dispatch is proud to support Trinity’s Spring Gala
by reproducing students’ artwork
and donating the printing of this catalog.
Trinity Dad
serving Trinity
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Andy – I think this ad should be a half –age ad. I’ll confirm with Peg.
Serving Trinity Families for over 15 years
Producing award-winning designwork, high quality brand creation and
development, marketing consulting, photo restoration, illustration
and other traditional art production, and offering a
network of print and web vendors to
meet and exceed any of your visual needs
Let’s turn that vision into reality
W W W . A N D Y G R A M S . C O M
The art gallery
h ow to u s e t he art o r de r form
With the Art Gallery’s standard prices for reprints
and note cards, the need for silent-auction bid
sheets is nearly gone. You’ll be using an Art
Order Form instead, and it works much like an
order form at IKEA since most of what you buy
tonight will be placed as an order. Your reprints
and note cards will arrive at Trinity in 1 – 2 weeks.
As you enjoy the art in the Art Gallery, you’ll
notice that each art piece is numbered both in
your Gala book and on the work of art on display
in the gallery. When you find a piece you’d like to
order, just write down the Item # of the art work,
then choose between four reproduction sizes,
three paper finishes, and whether you want the
art mounted on 3/16” gator foam or not. The
pricing is surprisingly affordable and simple to
You’ll also record the number of sets of note
cards you order on your Art Order Form. Keep
the order form with you throughout the Art
Gallery and bring it to the auditorium when you
are seated for dinner. It will be collected during
dinner and your order will be processed.
art g alle ry : prints 1-4
Portrait for Louis-Francois Bertin
Baisch, Jeannette
Penguin Family
Bellomo, Amanda
Bittner, Rachael
Tree at Sunset
Bittner, Rachael
art galle ry : prints 5-8
“Hay” after VanGogh
Bowar, David
“Chair” after VanGogh
Cassellius, Sadie
Clifford, Monica
Mother and Child (max. 10 prints)
Doffing, Julia
art g alle ry : prints 9-12
Sunshine Landscape
Doffing, Julia
Flowers in a Vase
Dols, Rachel
Venetian Boat Scene
Ennis, Sarah
Flynn, Emily
art g alle ry : prints 13-16
Emperor Falls, British Colombia
Sunset - Rocky Mountains, CO
Grams, Andy
Grams, Andy
Sunset - Montana sky
Moon - Mt. Robson, British
Grams, Andy
Grams, Andy
art galle ry : prints 17-20
Forest - Jasper National Park,
Grams, Andy
Man In a Window
Griffith, Katie
Ballerinas in PInk
Griffith, Katie
Pen and Ink
Gross, Chris
art g alle ry : prints 21-24
Girl Artist
Gross, Theresa
Haas, Nora
Landscape chalk pastel
Johnson, Madeline
Kaiser, Joe
art g alle ry : prints 25-28
Three Pears
Kuplic, Kelly
Madonna and Child
Calla Lily
Lundsford, Lisa
Madonna and Child
Lundsford, Lisa
Maslow, Rebecca
art galle ry : prints 29-32
Charcoal of peasant girl
Maslow, Rebecca
Teacups & Oranges
Maslow, Rebecca
Richard Diebenjkorn’s “Cityscape
I,” from 1963
Moss, Joseph
Nepper, Rebecca
art g alle ry : prints 33-36
Asian Girl
Niemeyer, Katelyn
Flowers on a Table
Niemeyer, Katelyn
Patrick, Erin
Pearce, Matthew
art galle ry : prints 37-40
Peine, Claire
Girl in Braids
Peine, Marisa
Orange Ballerina
Peine, Marisa
Sea Turtle
Peine, Marisa
art galle ry : prints 41-44
Single Sea Turtle
Pomputius, Ariel
Pomputius, Celeste
Girl in a Hat
Putzier, Anne
Putzier, Anne
art g alle ry : prints 45-48
Portrait of a Young Girl
Quinlivan, Carmen
Purple acrylic of female face
Raway, Anne
Old Man
Raway, Kaitlyn
Yellow Bird
Raway, Kaitlyn
art galle ry : prints 49-52
African Boy
Reinhardt, Mary
Garden Pastel
Reinhardt, Mary
Pencil portrait of a statue of Julius
Rumpza, Joe
Lady in Hat
Schutt, Hanna
art galle ry : prints 53-56
Chicago Cityscape
Scotting, Ashleigh
“Pool Hall” after VanGogh
Skarman, Daniel
Smith, Matthew
Stark, Gabby
art galle ry : prints 57-60
Stella, Madeline
The Spirit of Fall
Stella, Madeline
Modern Trinity Door
Winker, Rebecca
Abstract Tree
Wolff, Jordan
art g alle ry : prints 61-63
Wolney, Apryl
Wyder, Julia
Stormy Sea
Wolney, Apryl
art galle ry : pricing
Pr icing
Textured Fine Art
Paper or Semi Gloss
Photo Paper
11 x 14
18 x 24
24 x 36
36 x 48
Optional Mounting
on 3/16” Gator Foam
(allows art to be hung
as is, or is suitable for
note card sets
F e at ur ing art wo rk f rom the A rt Gallery
Each set of note cards contains eight cards, one of each
design listed in the following descriptions. The oversized 4”
x 6” cards are printed on quality notecard white paper, have
matching white envelopes, and are packaged in an attractive
commercial-quality transparent plastic box.
You may also create your own custom set of eight cards with
a single art image on the card. This set of eight identical cards
and matching white envelopes will be packaged in the same
quality box, suitable for gift-giving. You have a choice of any
images in the gallery where the listing indicates (NC).
Each card is blank on the inside and has two lines printed on
the back of the card. The first line says, “Trinity School at River
Ridge, Eagan, MN” and below this the student artist’s name
appears with the title of the art piece.
The quality of these cards allows us to charge more, but we’re
selling these fabulous Art Note Cards for $10 per set. These
sets will make great house-warming gifts, hostess gifts, and
are perfect for relatives and neighbors. You’ll enjoy sending
notes of encouragement, birthday wishes or “Just Thinking of
You” expressions with these beautiful cards.
Place your order at the Gala and these cards will be ready for
you to pick up at Trinity in 1 -2 weeks.
art g alle ry : note card sets
Kingdom Creatures : 2 Penguins, 7 Bluebirds, 12 Peacock(Flynn), 22 Owl, 40 Sea Turtle,
41 Single Sea Turtle, 48 Yellow bird, 55 Monkey
Bountiful : 25 Pears (Kuplic), 30 Teacups & oranges, 35 Pears (Patrick), 36 Garlic,
37 Pears (Peine), 56 Apples (Stark), 58 Spirit of Fall, 61 Grapefruit
Impressions : 5 Hay, 6 Chair, 19 Man in a Window, 21 Girl Artist, 24 Abstract (Kaiser),
Land and Sea : 4 Tree at Sunset, 11 Venetian Boat Scene, 31 Diebenjkorn’s Cityscape,
Beauty : 9 Sunshine Landscape, 10 Flowers in Vase, 18 Ballerinas, 23 Landscape, 28 Calla Lily,
Custom : Create eight cards from one image.
54 Pool Hall, 59 Modern Door, 60 Abstract Tree
44 Lone Tree, 53 Chicago, 57 Ship, 60 Abstract Tree, 62 Stormy Sea
29 Charcoal of Peasant Girl, 50 Garden Pastel, 63 Poppies
Silent Auction
The following art selections have been
generously donated by professional
artists within the Trinity School family.
Some donors are parents of Trinity
School students and alumni, others are
Trinity school teachers and some are
alumni launching their art careers.
Since there is only ONE of these pieces
available, they will be offered as a
silent-auction item and the highest
bidder takes the masterpiece home!
Bidding begins when registration opens
at 5:00 p.m. and will close promptly at
6:50 p.m. prior to dinner. Check the bid
sheet often because you can be outbid
by others and once the item is declared
“Sold!” at 6:50, the item is gone!
si l ent auct ion o rigin al s : 501-504
Tom Bowar – 24 x 18 color photograph
mounted on gator foam
Canadian forest and lake
Robert Cunningham – 18 x 24 color
photograph, matted and framed
Image not available
Tim Carlson – 20 x 30 oil on canvas
Tom Bowar – 20 x 16 color
photograph, mounted on gator foam
si l en t auc t ion o rigin al s : 505-508
Amie Kieffer – 18 x 18 acrylic
Ryan Murray – color photograph,
Lady Slipper
matted and framed
Italian Buildings
Ryan Murray – color photograph,
matted and framed
Quiet Village
Katie Ritchie – Icon
si l en t auc tion o rigin al s : 509-512
Jennifer Soriano – painting
Jon Balsbaugh – color photograph,
Jennifer Soriano – painting
Jon Balsbaugh - color photograph
matted and framed
Purple Flower in Vase
wa l l of photos : fi x ed price photos
Jennifer Soriano, Trinity School art teacher,
is donating photos from her international
collection that will enhance any décor. There
are beautiful landscape, architectural and
seaside photos that you can group together
or feature as an individual piece in your den,
family room, bedroom or bathroom. Mrs.
Soriano’s artistic eye for photography will
capture you as you view these exquisite pieces.
Look for these 29 matted originals on the
curved wall going up the stairs in the commons.
Each photo has its own item number and the
first person to write their bid number on the bid
sheet takes the photo home!
Jennifer Soriano –
550 - 564
Medium sized photos
approximately 5” x 7” matted
offered for $15 each.
565 - 578
Large photos
approximately 8” x 10” matted
offered for $25 each
Group e vents
Last year we offered 13 Group Events at the Gala and we heard fantastic
feedback from so many people that we aspired to offer more this year. You
told us how fun and well organized the events were and that you met new
people who have helped solidify your Trinity experience. It’s not just your
kids that are making new friends!
We are pleased to present over 30 Group Events for you to participate in.
Some are for families and some are just for adults; most of them involve food
and many of them include drinks. You’ll get the most of out these if you
check your calendar first and then
decide prior to the Gala which events you want to sign up for. Many of these
events are family friendly and will help your children get involved, so let
them weigh in on some events that sound fun to them.
The Group Event sign ups will open at 5:00 p.m., so arrive on time to avoid
disappointment. We predict that some of these will sell out quickly!
Thanks go to the many Trinity parents who are hosting or supporting these
events. They will pay all the expenses for their event, allowing 100% of the
ticket sales from the group events to go toward the Gala revenues, and these
go directly to help fund school expenses and teacher salaries. All you need to
do to participate is to write your bidder number on the event sign up sheets
in the “Group Event” section in the Commons. The cost of your tickets will be
tallied with your Gala invoice and you’ll pay for the events, by cash, check or
credit card, at the end of the Gala during check out. It’s just that easy!
group even ts : 600, 601
600: “Backyard Broomball Tournament - Olympic Style!”
Calling all broomball players (with or without experience)! Adults and kids in grades 6 and up
are invited to an evening on the ice! Broomball wasn’t an official Olympic sport in Vancouver this
year--but after Trinity’s Backyard Broomball Tournament scheduled for January 29, 2011 the Olympic
committee may change its mind!
Teams of three will compete for the gold and other fun prizes in a friendly--but competitive--game
of family broomball. Players are welcome to bring their families to cheer them on. All ages will enjoy
the games and festivities--inside and out. Complete with dinner-time concessions that rival any MN
WILD game or Super Bowl party--brats, hot dogs, nachos, beer, wine, soda and plenty other gametime treats.
Kurt Neil and June Klaphake, Mark and Lisa Acker, Gary and Lorilee Petrangelo
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 4 p.m.
1847 Faro Lane, Mendota Heights
12-21 Broomball players, plus any family members who would like to come and
cheer or skate!
$50 per family
601: “Play ‘Tricks’ on Your Friends: A “500” (Card Game) Tournament”
Relax and socialize while playing the card game “500”, tournament style! Teams of players—both
experienced and new to the game--will compete by playing the “tricks” of the game. Trinity Alums
will fill in as partners where needed to ensure fun for all!
Hosts: Jim and Nadine Reinhardt
Date: Saturday May 22, 2010
7:00 - Social with Adult Beverages and Appetizers
8:00 - Tournament Time
Location: Reinhardt home, 1905 Sioux Ct. Burnsville
Number of guests: 16
Cost: $ 20 per person
group even ts : 602 , 603
602: “’Summa Wrestling’: An evening to explore, learn, and discuss
the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas”
Come for an evening of food, libation, and stimulating thought centered on the brilliant and holy
life and work of St. Thomas Aquinas. Led by Dr. Christopher Thompson, an expert on Aquinas and
Academic Dean at the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, guests will be introduced to Aquinas,
his core ideas, his influence on Christian thought, and the relevance of Thomistic principles today.
Selections from Aquinas’ premier work, Summa Theologica, will serve as the foundation for what
promises to be an enriching and lively discussion. Don’t miss this opportunity to gather with friends
for an evening that will feed the body and soul!
Hosts: Jim & Sally Ennis and Chris & Mary Thompson
(a portion of this event is being sponsored by John Bultman & April Yarbrough)
Location: The Ennis home, Roseville
Date: Saturday evening, August 14, 2010, 6 p.m.
Number of guests: 8
Cost: $ 50 per person
603: “Time for Tea: An Elegant Mother-Daughter Afternoon”
Sharing tea is one of life’s true pleasures. Mothers and daughters, enjoy it together along with old
and new Trinity friends. Sandi Waldron and her daughters Anna and Christina will brew and serve
the perfect pot of tea and serve it elegantly with punch and a variety of homemade tea sandwiches,
scones, and sweets. You will partake in the elegant ritual of conversation while indulging in delectable
savory and sweet treats. Our tea will include time to sit and enjoy the sounds of beautiful music
performed just for you!
Date: Saturday, June 5th, 2010, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: The Waldron home, 5660 Alta Ave., Inver Grove Heights
Number of guests: 20 guests, mothers with one or more daughters
Cost: $ 20 per person or $50 per family
group even ts : 604 , 605
604: “A Men’s Smoker: Good Cigars, Good Beer, and a Good Time!”
Men, kick back and relax at the end of the week with a good cigar! Tom Waldron will host this “men’s
smoker”. You will enjoy a fine smoke; in fact, four unique high quality cigars from different regions
will be provided. And, a good cigar calls for a good beer. So, a variety of beers and tasty snacks will
complement the cigars. Any cigar not smoked may be taken home to enjoy at leisure. Don’t miss this
chance to enjoy the finer things in life with good friends!
Host: Tom Waldron
Date: Friday, August 20, 2010, 8 p.m.
Location: Waldron home, 5660 Alta Ave., Inver Grove Heights
Number of guests: 6 men
Cost: $ 50 per person
605: “Note This! Adult Piano (Keyboard) Workshop”
Do you wish you had kept up with piano, as your mother said you should? Are your children playing
and you’d love to make beautiful music, too? This two hour workshop is for you! On one evening in the
Music Room at Trinity, instructor Eileen Wilkin will introduce you to the fundamentals of music and the
piano keyboard. You will also do some rhythm and ensemble activities, and even play a simple piece
by the end of the workshop. Participants will go home with hand-outs on workshop activities, as well
as a book of simple arrangements of piano classics. Ann Andersen will provide refreshments during
your break.
Instructor: Eileen Wilkin. Eileen holds an M.M. in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from
the University of Oklahoma. She has taught both private and group lessons fo
more than ten years.
Date & time: Monday, June 14, 2010, 5:30-7:30pm. Two hours, break included.
Location: Trinity School - Music Room
Number of guests: 16 participants
Cost: $ 25 per person
group even ts : 606, 607
606: “A Soaring Experience: Eagle Watching Over the Mississippi River!”
The sight of eagles soaring captivates all of us! Your hosts the Zuelke family invites you to spend this
winter afternoon at their home on the bluff, which they share with bald and golden eagles, foxes,
deer, and many other creatures. Everyone in the family will enjoy the viewing from indoors near the
cozy fire, and the more adventurous will be able to hike the woods, led by “junior rangers” Helen
and Erich. Added attractions are the nearby ancient Indian burial mounds. You’ll want to bring your
binoculars and camera. An afternoon with good friends, good food, and God’s marvelous creation will
be the perfect winter retreat!
Hosts: Craig and Jane Zuelke
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 1:00-6:00 p.m.
the Zuelke home and environs, N4393 1130th Street, Prescott, WI
25 adults and children
$ 20 per person or $50 per family
607: “A Heart Warming Valentine’s 500 Party”
Try your hand at winning hearts (and spades and clubs and diamonds!) at this mid-winter gathering
designed for fun. Your hosts will delight in dealing out the great drinks, appetizers, and prizes!
There’s no better way to manage February than an evening with friends
Hosts: Hal and Jane Palmer, Jeff and Kathy Gleason
Date: Friday, Feb. 11, 2011 at 7pm
Location: 2501 Kennelly Place, Burnsville, MN
Number of guests: 8
Cost: $ 20 per person
group even ts : 608, 609
608: “We’re ‘Fondue’ You! Join us for a warm winter evening!”
Spend time chatting, laughing, and enjoying a delicious slow meal with friends you may not have
met yet... Fondue is the perfect meal for a January evening! Enjoy the best of a selection of cheese,
chocolate, and oil fondue favorites, complemented by fine wines and the best beers. Indulge!
Hosts: Bjorn Carlson and Christin Croll Carlson, Elliot and Rebecca Brubaker
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, January 29, 2011
the Carlson home, 3703 Black Hawk Lane Court, Eagan, MN
$ 40 per person
609: “Swing Your Partners! A Family Barn Dance!”
Pull on your boots, grab the kids, and have a grand evening at an old-fashioned family barn dance!
Fun for all, your hosts will treat you to delicious harvest treats, lively music and dancing, games for
the kids, and prizes. Enjoy the festivities during the beautiful country autumn.
Hosts: Mark and Molly Druffner, Dan and Colette Hagen
(a portion of the event sponsored by Kevin and Diane O’Hehir)
Date: Late September TBA, 6-10 p.m.
Location: Norwich Farm (the Druffner home), Hudson, WI
Number of guests: 10 families
Cost: $ 60 per family
group even ts : 610, 611
610: “Fore! A Ladies’ Foursome Golf Outing”
Ladies, make plans now for the ideal summer outing with friends! Your hosts have arranged for a day
at the Straight River Golf Course in Faribault for a pleasant nine hole round for four. Straight River
Golf Course is an 18 hole public golf course with a great combination of an executive and par 3 course,
as well as a wonderful practice facility with a driving range and practice putting green. After play,
you’ll enjoy a light summery lunch with refreshing drinks at the club house.
Hosts: Liz and Steve Haglind
Date: Monday, June 14, 2010, noon tee time
Location: Straight River Golf Course, Faribault, MN
Number of guests: 4 ladies
Cost: $ 40 per person
611: “Buon Appetito! A Fabulous Italian Feast!”
Italian food is famously fabulous, and your hosts will serve some favorites and some fancy at this
gastronomical tour. Whet your appetites with amazing antipasti, then savor a sampling of delicious
pastas, and finally indulge in decadent desserts, all complemented by Italy’s fine wines. Life doesn’t
get much richer!
Hosts: Chris and Kathleen Huntington, Brian and Jennifer Mak
(a portion of this event is being sponsored by Kevin and Diane O’Hehir,
Pamela Larkin, and Richard McLay)
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
the Mak home, 1106 Ottawa Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118
$ 50 per person
group even ts : 612 , 613
612: “Thanks for the Memories! Scrapbooking Day with the Pros”
Prepare your graduating senior’s memory book, or treat your wife (or mother or sister or yourself)
to a fun day of catching up on the family records. At this event, scrapbookers will find many tools to
use, as well as traditional and digital scrapbooking guidance. Beginners welcome, with one-on-one
consultations to help you get started. This is a chance for beginner and experienced scrappers alike to
try out different tools - you can use a variety of punches; die-cut machines; circle, oval, and straight
cutters; decorative scissors; and templates.
We’ll provide yummy snacks and a buffet lunch to keep up your energy for your project!
Please include your e-mail when you sign up, so we can contact you, and indicate your experience
level. In addition, you can pre-order or buy available Creative Memories merchandise with a 15%
discount! Contact Charlotte Swanson by May 1 to pre-order.
All profit from purchases will also be donated to Trinity School. Of course, you are under no obligation
to purchase anything; we are only bringing products for ideas and because scrapbookers always seem
to need more adhesive or just a slightly different color of paper!
Charlotte Swanson, Charlene Olson, Paula Breimhurst, Sue Kieffer
(A portion of this event is being sponsored by Karen and LeRoy Maunu.)
Date: May 22, 2010, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Location: Trinity’s Media Center
Number of guests: 30 scrapbookers
Cost: $ 20 per person
613: “Tastes of Andalusia: Spanish Tapas Dinner”
Enjoy more than a little bit of fun with your hosts and friends at this Spanish tapas dinner. Tapas—
appetizer sized servings of savory delights--originated in the Andalusia region of southern Spain.
This fabulous meal features a bright salad, lemon chicken, lime shrimp, spicy meatballs and flavorful
spinach balls, and more!
Hosts: Doug and Linda Kuplic
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Location: The Kuplic home in Inver Grove Heights (6854 Blaine Ave E)
Number of guests: 8 adults
Cost: $ 40 per person
group even ts : 614 , 615
614: “An Evening of Fun, with a Twist: Martinis and Music”
As Sinatra might say, “I get no kicks from champagne”… but an evening singing his songs and others
at the karaoke microphone is sure to be a blast! Join this group for fabulous martinis, scrumptious
appetizers, and a trip down memory lane singing the old favorites. It’s sure to put a “twist” on the
ordinary evening out!
Hosts: Beth and Jim Conway,
Jeanette and Tom Leighton
Julie and Bob Schnell
Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 7 p.m.
Location: the Schnell home, 6709 Southcrest Drive, Edina, MN 55435
Number of guests: 12 adults
Cost: $50.00 per person
615: “Some Like It Hot; Some Not: ‘Hands-on’ Indian Cooking Class and Dinner”
Learn to prepare a savory Indian dinner and enjoy it with friends! Your hosts will invite you to choose
from among traditional favorite Indian recipes. Dishes may include tandoor chicken, fish masala,
sweet potato curry, vaal nu dal, and pulao. Naan, a favorite Indian bread, and kulfi – saffron and
pistachio ice cream—will complete the meal. You will savor the memories as much as the rich, warm
flavors of India.
Hosts: Manohar and Tammi Shintre
Date: 5 – 8 pm, Saturday, November 6, 2010
Location: The Shintre home, 6269 Bolland Trail, Inver Grove Heights, MN
Number of guests: 4 adults
Cost: $50.00 per person
group even ts : 616, 617
616: “The Craft that Celebrates Your Character: Jewelry Making and Luncheon”
Spend a relaxing few hours with friends crafting beautiful earrings for yourself or as gifts. Janean
Milliren will host and serve a lovely luncheon in her beautiful Hastings home while you are inspired by
the charming surroundings of the gardens and pool. Jewelry making supplies are included, as well.
Plan on the perfect summer Saturday!
Host: Janean Milliren
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 11 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
the Milliren home, Hastings, MN
10 (ladies, a girls’ group or mothers and daughters welcome)
$30 per adult or $20 per child
617: “A Summer Day on the River: More Family Fun!”
Grab your swim suit, you’re fishing gear, your flip-flops, and you’re family and head on out to
Lakeland, Minnesota on the beautiful St. Croix River!. On this day of summer fun, you’ll join the Kuplic
and Putzier families and their guests for a whole day of fun:
• Sitting on beach in the sun, watching the boat traffic go by and listening to the waves on the shore
• Riding the speed boat up and down the scenic river
• Swimming and rafting
• Spiking and setting the beach volleyball
• Canoeing
• Fishing
• Gobbling up brats, burgers, and all the fixings
• Watching the bonfire as the sun sets
Cabin and deck are 15 feet above the beach with a wonderful view of the river. This spectacular day at
the cabin is only 20 minutes from Trinity.
Hosts: Paul and Veronica Putzier, Dan and Theresa Kuplic
(A portion of this event is being sponsored by Marc and Jane Matsoff)
Date: Saturday July 24, 2010, 1:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Number of guests: Four families, up to 20 people for the day.
Cost: $20 per person or $75 per family maximum
group even ts : 618, 619
618: “Family Fun in the Sun (and in the water, and on the field…): A Great Big Barbecue”
Come and enjoy a traditional backyard barbeque with hotdogs, hamburgers, paddle boat races,
fishing, a bonfire, s’mores, soccer and other games. Bring the whole family and make new friends!
Enjoy beautiful Crystal Lake and the Ridgway’s shoreside home right in Burnsville.
Hosts: John and Dawn Ridgway
Location: The Ridgway home, 1709 Keller Lake Drive, Burnsville
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 6:00-10:00 p.m. (rain date Sunday, July 11, 4-8 p.m.)
Number of guests: 25 families welcome!
Cost: $ 50 per family
619: “A Tour of Venison Cuisine”
Description: This fine dining experience will allow you to sample corn fed venison steaks prepared
three different ways: Grilled Marinated loins with a béarnaise sauce, Sautéed tenderloin steak with
a teriyaki glaze and red wine and slow cooked round steak with vegetables and topped a morel
mushroom sauce.
Hosts: John and Dawn Ridgway
Date: October 2, 2010, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Location: the Ridgway home, 1709 Keller Lake Drive, Burnsville
Number of guests: 8 adults
Cost: $ 75 per person
group even ts : 620, 621
620: “Wine Tasting at The Cherokee Tavern, ‘The bustling neighborhood place!’”
The Cherokee Tavern is a West Saint Paul landmark, established in 1933! Your hosts Jim and Sue Casper
invite you to join the family for an evening, as well as your friends from Trinity and beyond, for a
special wine tasting event at the historic tavern. You’ll enjoy tasting a variety of wines and sampling
the inn’s famous appetizers. Musical entertainment enliven the latter part of the evening. Welcome
to the “bustling neighborhood place”!
Hosts: Jim and Sue Casper
(A portion of this event is being sponsored by Bill and BJ Kranz).
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, November 8, 2010, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. or whenever
Cherokee Tavern, 886 Smith Avenue South, West St. Paul
60 adults
$ 25 per person
621: “Let’s Get This Party Rollin’! Barbecue, Beer, and a Pedalpub Tour!”
Imagine strolling the historic streets of St. Paul’s Ramsey Hill with friends on a lovely summer
evening. Now, imagine the same scene on the Pedal Pub, a rolling pub for up to 16 people. This is
great fun, combining exercise (sort of) with a party on wheels! We’ve secured two peda lpubs for the
night, so be one of 30 guests to meet at the Griffith’s home, then tour for approximately 45 minutes
on the pedal pub. Afterwards, you will enjoy a casual barbecue dinner in our yard.
Please join us for what will surely be a night to remember!
Hosts: Bill and Christine Griffith
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 4:30-8:30 p.m.
the Griffith home, historic Ramsey Hill neighborhood, St. Paul
30 adults
$ 50 per person
group even ts : 622 , 623
622: “A Sizzling Summer Kick-Off! New York Strip Dinner for 6”
Steaks on the grill are the harbingers of summer fun, and your hosts for this fabulous cook-out
will help you open the season in style! You are invited to sample delicious appetizers, savor grilled
mesquite-smoked New York Strip Steaks, indulge in special desserts, and enjoy fine wines to
complement the menu. Kick off summer with sizzle!
Hosts: Steve and Anne Viltoft
Date: Saturday May 22, 2010, 6 p.m.
Location: The Viltoff home, 15774 Cobblestone Lake Parkway, Apple Valley, MN
Number of guests: 6 adults
Cost: $ 60 per person
623: Dinner and Discussion with Dale Ahlquist
Dale is the President of the American Chesterton Society and can be enjoyed regularly on local and
national television and radio. Dinner for six (6) will be served at the home of Bryan and Carla Lomax
on Friday, May 14, 2010. Dinner will be followed by lively conversation and discussion.
Hosts: Bryan and Carla Lomax
Date: Friday, May 14, 2010
Location: the home of Bryan and Carla Lomax, Cottage Grove
Number of guests: 6 people
Cost: $50/person
group even ts : 624 , 625
624: “Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Coordination: Focus on Your ‘Core Values’ the Pilates Way”
You’ve heard everyone talking about it; now try Pilates for yourself! Nicole Atkinson is an ACE certified
Stott Pilates and Yoga Fit trained instructor, and she will introduce you to the fundamentals of
Pilates floor exercises in a friendly, supportive environment. If you want to see how you can improve
coordination, posture, body awareness, and strength, this mat Pilates class provides the perfect lowimpact workout. People of all ages and health backgrounds benefit from this powerful contemporary
program, so now’s the time to give it a try!
Host: Nicole Atkinson
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm.
Location: Trinity School Gym
Number of guests: 20
Cost: $ 10 per person
625: “Proclaiming the ’The Fifth Gospel’: The Holy Land as the Story of Our Faith”
Former Trinity Headmaster Bill Wacker and his wife Adella visited the Holy Land in December 2009.
Mr. Wacker will retell the story of the trip to this complex and remarkable land that is sometimes
called “the fifth gospel” for the way the places, people, and events tell the good news of our faith
tradition. Join your hosts Beth and Jim Bulger for a lovely dinner at their home, prepared by Mary
Bredenberg, then “tour” Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and other sites in the words and images the Wackers
Hosts: Beth and Jim Bulger
Date: Friday, April 30, 2010, 6:30-10:00 p.m.
Location: the Bulger home, 1907 Woods Lane, Burnsville, MN
Number of guests: 6 adults
Cost: $ 50 per person
group even ts : 626, 627
626: “Pigskin and Picnic! A Fall Family Flag Football Outing”
Gather the family with all its energy and appetite for the most fun fall afternoon! Your hosts will
organize the whole gang into a great flag football game. You’ll be ready for the old fashioned
barbecue picnic to follow, too! Burgers, watermelon, cole slaw, and ice cream will satisfy the hungriest
running backs. Join new and old friends of all ages, and don’t “pass” up this chance for the perfect
fall afternoon!
Hosts: Bjorn Carlson and Christen Croll Carlson, Rod and Angie Cox
Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Blackhawk Lake Park, Eagan, MN
Number of guests: 18 families
Cost: $ 30 per family
627: “A Secret Garden Pool Party!”
Kids and former kids, live your storybook memories as you play, swim, snack, and share stories at this
summer pool party in “the secret garden”. Your hosts are serving an old fashioned sundae bar; enjoy
your ice cream in the shade or eat it fast before it melts in the sun! There’s even a real “Secret Garden”
playhouse for playing make believe. Gather a group of children, a few neighbor families, or your
Trinity carpool bunch and share this perfect summer day—just like in the storybooks! Note: The pool
and pool chemicals are professionally maintained.
Hosts: Bruce and Kim Doffing, Sandy Ostby
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
the Doffing home, 13100 Pleasant Place, Burnsville, MN
25, adults and children
$ 20 per person or $40 per family maximum
group even ts : 628-630
628: “A Taste of Australia: Steaks on the Barby!”
Head to adventure in the Gaffney’s “outback” and enjoy a trip “down under” without leaving home.
Your hosts will treat you to a fine steak dinner, grilled Aussie style, complemented by tasty sides
and authentic Australian refreshments. Close out the evening with a relaxing movie. It’s a vacation
without the fuss!
Hosts: Brian and Mary Lynn Gaffney
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, May 1, 2010, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
the Gaffney home, 2100 E. 115th St., Burnsville
6 adults
$ 40 per person
629: “Girls Night Out! An Evening of Bunco and Fun”
Calling all Bunco fans! Join us for an evening of appetizers, drinks, laughter, and conversation while
shakin’ your way through rousing games of Bunco. Ladies, meet your friends here and make new
Hosts: Lori Schumacher and Ellen Drasin
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 7:00 to 10:30 p.m.
Location: 4047 Deerwood Place, Eagan, MN
Number of guests: 24 ladies
Cost: $ 20 per person
630: “Family Fun On (an Along!) the River: Tubing and Gourmet Dining on the Lovely St. Croix”
The Schifskys will pick up their guests in Prescott in their sport boat. They have planned a fun
afternoon of music, tubing, dining on a gourmet Asian lunch and enjoying the beautiful scenery
along the St. Croix. Once reaching Afton, the group will enjoy a yummy ice-cream treat at Selma’s old
fashioned ice-cream parlor before returning to Prescott. Wear your bathing suit and bring your sense
of adventure!
Hosts: Mike and Doris Schifsky
Date: Location: Number of guests: Cost: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 11:00a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (negotiable)
St. Croix River, beginning and ending in Prescott, WI
$ 30 per person
S p ot ligh t on tr ini ty : auction rules
RegistrationYou will be given a name tag, a bid number and your dinner table number at the greeting
The Ticket TableThis is the easiest way for you to purchase drink tickets for the cash bar, wine corks and
grab bags. We’ll use a cashless system for these items – just write your bidder number in
the space provided and your purchases will be added to your invoice.
The Art Gallery
Student and alumni art has been provided by the artists for the Gallery. You may order
these works of art as reproductions in a variety of sizes and on various papers, and your
reprint will be available for pick up in two weeks.
Additionally, six beautiful sets of note cards are available for you to purchase or order this
evening. Five of the sets combine stunning assortments of art on the cards (with the
students’ names indicated on each card), and a sixth set allows you to create a set of 8
cards with a single image printed on all eight cards in this custom set.
Group EventsThese dinners and themed parties are limited to a certain number of bidders at a set price
as defined on the bid sheet. You’ll find these in section #600 and once the slots are full,
that’s it! So sign up early. All the hosts have agreed to cover the costs of the event allowing
Trinity to receive the full proceeds. You may purchase as many available slots as you
Silent Auction There are some Original Works of Art which will be sold to the highest bidder by silent
auction bids. The winner will be determined at the close of the silent auction,
approximately 6:50 p.m. Listed values are the donor’s estimates, and are not warranted for
market value or tax purposes.
Live Auction Items will be on display during the entire evening. The live auction will begin after dinner
in the Auditorium. During the live auction, bidders are encouraged to wave their hands,
jump up and down and do whatever it takes to get noticed. BID HIGH AND BID OFTEN!
Checkout Table
Checkout will be available after the live auction and fund-a-need is completed. Please do
not ask the cashiers to check you out prior to this time. For your convenience, we accept
cash, check, Visa, Discover or MasterCard.
All sales are final. We cannot accommodate exchanges or refunds. Please refrain from
asking donors for exchanges or refunds. All items must be paid for and removed this evening.
liv e
auction items
live auc tion i tem s : 1-4
1 : Lake Elbow Lodge Family Getaway - 4 Night Mid-week Package
Donated by Chris Ashbach, Lake Elbow Lodge - Value: $600
Looking for a family vacation destination that has something for everyone? Lake Elbow Lodge offers “The Best
Resort on the Lake” with all the lake and beach activities you’d hope for plus hiking, mini-golf, biking trails and
great canoeing. The beach is one of the nicest in Northern Minnesota with 600 feet of fine sand that faces west
to enjoy the afternoon sun and sunsets. Enjoy the lakeside restaurant, sheltered marina, mini golf, coffee bar,
kids club. It is meticulously maintained and guests receive the full attention they deserve. This package includes
spacious accomodations for your whole family!
More info at
2 : Homer Hanky Time at Target Field (Twins vs. Orioles on May 7) + dinner gift certificate
Donated by Law Offices of John Edmund Daly
What is rare to get and hot, hot, HOT? That’s right! A pair of premium seats Twins’ tickets! You’ll be among the
premiere group of fans to step into the brand new Target Field to cheer on the Minnesota Twins. We don’t want
you to worry about making dinner on the way to the game, so we’re including a $50 gift certificate to a great
restaurant. Then get out your homer hankies and watch the Twins take on the Baltimore Orioles on May 7, 2010.
3 : Timberwolves Behind the Scenes Basketball Package for 6
Donated by Rod Johnson Auctioneering and Rod Johnson, “The Voice of the Timberwolves.”
Additional donation courtesy of The Minnesota Timberwolves
Experience a rare treat with a complete pro basketball package for six people! You’ll select the game of your
choice (except the Lakers) in the 2010-2011 season and then your evening begins with a behind-the-scenes
tour of the Target Center with Rod Johnson. Watch the Timberwolves warm up before the game and enjoy six
premium seats as you watch the game! (Note that the tickets are in two sets – one set of two tickets, and a
second set of four tickets.)
4 : Rustic Autumn Getaway!
Donated by: Chuck & Janice Jones
Choice of two dates: either Sept. 16 – 22, 2010 or Oct. 7 – 13, 2010 - Value: $1400
Rustic yet modern A-frame cabin nestled in the treetops on Ham Lake, Wisconsin. Conveniently located just
two hours north of St. Paul and one hour south of Duluth (near Danbury), this private, quaint, rustic getaway on
a quiet, private lake is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the autumn colors!. Two bedrooms, a loft and two
bunk beds in the unfinished basement sleep 12 comfortably. Amenities include a fireplace, wrap-around deck,
large sandy beach and pontoon from which you can soak in the fall colors and catch a “bird’s eye view” of a
giant eagle’s nest on the south side of the lake.
live auct ion i tem s : 5-8
5 : Classic Dinner with the Balsbaughs and Your Favorite Faculty Member
Hosted by Tom and Jeanette Leighton and Bob and Julie Schnell
Date to be determined by winning bidder and hosts.
A delightful opportunity for you to have your own dinner party with Jon and Jen Balsbaugh and the faculty
member and guest of your choice! With the guest list in place, you don’t have to think about preparing the
meal or your home, as Jeanette and Julie will do all the planning, cooking and serving at the Schnell’s home.
The Leightons and the Schnells, Trinity parents and your gracious hosts for the evening, will take care of every
detail to make this sumptuous dinner an evening to savor and remember.
6 : Join the Favre Fan Club! Will he or won’t he? Pre-season Vikings tickets for 3 people
Donated by: Jim and Lori Schumacher and Sandra Jeska - Value: $375
Last year’s winner of these 3 pre-season Vikings tickets ended up with some of the hottest tickets of the year –
it was Favre’s debut game as the Vikings’ quarterback. There’s no predicting what will happen this year! Favre
or no Favre, we love football and we love the Vikings! The winner will receive the tickets when they are issued
in early fall.
7 : Yachting Excursion in the Apostles’ Islands Date: July 16 – 18, 2010
Donated by: Steve and Kim Kelley-Sommers
Looking for a unique boating experience? Join “Captain Steve” aboard this beautiful 32-foot Morgan sailboat
for a weekend dream sailing trip with your family (or a group of 4-5 people). The Sommers family is donating
the sailboat, fuel and captain – you will buy and bring your own food to accommodate your own tastes. Steve
and Kim will provide cooking suggestions and provide a packing list, so even a novice will soon be comfortable
aboard this fine vessel. We’ll sail during the day and sleep in the boat, either in the marina or just off one of
the Apostle Islands. Don’t worry about the necessities – this 32’ Morgan has a toilet and a kitchen. Docked in
Cornucopia WI, 20 minutes from Bayfield.
8 : Custom-Built Cherry Wood Wine Rack
Hand crafted by Chuck Jones, custom cabinet builder and craftsman - Value: $1300
Make sure to notice the beautiful wine rack holding our bottles of wine at the wine cork table at the Gala. This
21-bottle rack has been created by Trinity parent Chuck Jones exclusively for the Trinity School Spring Gala. This
will be a beautiful piece of furniture in your home and provide enjoyment for years. This exclusive wine rack
would make a statement in your own home or could be a unique and thoughtful gift for the wine lover in your
live auc tion i tem s : 9, 10
9 : Bromschwig Biplane Ride
Donated by Kurt and Lisa Bromschwig
Who doesn’t gaze up in the sky when the sound of a plane engine catches our attention? If you’ve ever seen an
antique biplane flying overhead, you’ve probably envied the people on board. Now you can join a professional
pilot aboard his privately-owned antique 1943 Beechcraft Staggerwing Biplane for a 30-45 minute tour over the
Twin Cities. You and two other guests will depart from the hangar at Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie while
Kurt Bromschwig offers his flying expertise, and might even tell you the history of his unique plane, which, you
might be relieved to know, is NOT an open cockpit biplane. Date to be arranged to suit pilot’s and passengers’
schedules, with weather permitting. Please do not bid if you are prone to motion sickness.
10 : Winter Igloo in Your Backyard
Donated by Ben and Lucy Cunningham - Value: Royalty status at your block’s winter carnival
Celebrate next winter with your own custom built Igloo. Make a backyard family adventure in the midst of your
Minnesota winter. Impress your children and the neighborhood when Ben Cunningham and The Adventure
Co-Op teaches your family how to build this snow marvel nine feet in diameter. Once erected your snow igloo
will provide unique opportunities to enjoy even the harshest of winter weather. Use your igloo as a winter
playhouse, snow fort, backyard get-away --- even sleep inside for a night! The possibilities are endless -- so
plan ahead with your winter imagination.
live auc tion i tem s : 11
11 : Wisconsin Cabin Summer Getaway
Donated by Mark and Dawn Whittenburg
Offered for the first time at the Trinity Live Auction, a lakeside cabin on Bone Lake, just 60 miles from
Minneapolis/St. Paul on June 21 – 27, 2010. Bone Lake is rated one of the top 5 muskie lakes in Wisconsin. You
can also enjoy golf, shops in the area, St.Croix Casino and many other local establishments.
The cabin is a 2-bedroom, 1000 square-foot knotty pine cabin on the west side of 1800-acre Bone Lake. The
master bedroom has a king size Sleep Number bed and the kid’s bedroom sleeps four with bunk beds and a
trundle bed. You can set up the Aero bed and the sleeper couch if you need sleeping arrangements for more
than six people during your stay.
Relax as you view the lake and its sandy beach through the large living room windows, or play with the kids on
the flat lot or along the 100 feet of lakeshore you’ll have to yourself. In the evening, enjoy the fire pit close to
the lake which is stocked with plenty of wood. You may use the owner’s kayak, canoe and paddleboat on this
prime recreation lake, and if you bring your own boat, there is a boat launch one mile north of the cabin. You
can tie your boat to the aluminum dock on the property.
The cabin’s lower level has the eat-in kitchen, sitting area and patio door that walks out to a large deck. The
owners recently remodeled the bathroom with a new toilet, custom hickory cabinets, granite counter top, slate
floor, slate shower and custom pebble shower floor. With newer carpet and tile, you don’t even have to “rough
it” when you enjoy your summer vacation this year!
With no neighbors on either side of the cabin, your get-away will be quite peaceful. Please note that you may
bring dogs, but no cats due to the owner’s allergies.
live auct ion i tem s : 12-15
12 : One Week at Camp du Nord, Feb. 20 – 27, 2011
Donated by YMCA Camp du Nord - Value: $ 4200
Looking for a FABULOUS family reunion venue? You’ve found it here!
Mid-winter break will be a thrill! You’ll have exclousive use of Thor’s Lodge in Du Nord Village (near the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness) Feb. 20-27, 2010. This log cabin sleeps 16 and includes six private
bedrooms, a woodburning stove, spacious kitchen, 4 additional beds, deck, (2) 3/4 baths, handicapped
accessible. Enjoy snowshoeing and cross-country skiing over 35 miles of incredible trails that start at your cabin
door and lead into the BWCA Wilderness. If you’ve been disappointed in the snow base in the Twin Cities, this is
the place to be! The snow is deep through March and the Northwoods setting is incomparable. You’ll also enjoy
hiking, sledding, sauna and outdoor crackling fires. Combine bidding resources with several other families for
this mid-winter retreat
13 : Graduation Open House Planning, Prep and Clean-Up
Donated by the Campus Division of People of Praise, tonight’s dinner servers - Value: Keeping your sanity!
Whether you have an up-coming graduation party or another big gathering, take the stress out by getting
tonight’s servers from the Campus Division to make your event a success. After consulting with you, we’ll
do what it takes--invitations, menu planning, shopping, decorating, cooking, serving, cleaning. Your only
obligation: set the date and pay for the food. Leave the rest up to the students in the Campus Division and this
year you’ll REALLY enjoy your own party or graduate’s open house!
14 : Premium Seats At Trinity’s Commencement
Value: One less reason to cry at Graduation
Reserved seating for 10 at Trinity’s Commencement on June 12, 2010. You’ll have 10 front-row seats so you can
make a leisurely entrance without the hassle and stress of getting to the ceremony in a panic!
15 : Framed Landscape pastel
Framing donated by Picture Perfect Art and Frame, Value $500
Pastel by Trinity student Madeline Johnson
You’ve seen this beautiful artwork during the Art Gallery (see page 25, #23) and one of our business sponsors
has donated the professional frame craftsmanship. Take home this gorgeous picture tonight!
Dodd R
sp otligh t on trini ty : directions
Ames Crossing
O’Neill Drive
Lone Oak Pkwy
Northwest Pkwy
Directions to River Ridge - 601 River Ridge Parkway
Located East of I-35E off of I-494.
From I-494:
Exit at Dodd Road heading South
Turn left on Northwest Pkwy
Turn left at Lone Oak Pkwy
Turn right on O’Neill Drive
Follow to Ames Crossing.
Trinit y School
At R iver R idge
Trinity School at River Ridge is a Minnesota 501 (c)3 nonprofit corporation
in compliance with IRS Code Section 170(f)(8). Trinity School does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in
administration of its educational policies, admissions, scholarships or athletic
Please make your check out to “Trinity School.”
Your donations and gifts are tax-deductible.
Trinity School at River Ridge is a classical liberal arts school in the Christian
tradition for 7th—12th grade students. With a student body of 360 students,
girls and boys are taught separately by teachers whose enthusiasm ignites a
passion for learning.
Trinity School’s test scores are consistently among the highest in Minnesota,
helping Trinity earn the U.S. Department of Education’s 2008 Blue Ribbon
School Award, recognizing Trinity’s seniors who scored in the top 10% of
students nationwide on norm-referenced tests.
Trinity School at River Ridge was established in 1981 and is affiliated with two
other Trinity Schools in South Bend, Indiana and Falls Church, Virginia.
(651) 789-2890
www . t r i n i t y sc h o o l s . o r g