Agenda - Thursday, June 18, 2015
Agenda - Thursday, June 18, 2015
AGENDA PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 – 8:00 AM HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - MEETING ROOM 410 SOUTH SPRING STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, WI 53074 1. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call 2. PROPER NOTICE/ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATIONS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Public Works Committee - Regular Meeting - May 21, 2015 8:00 AM 5. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT a. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Facilities Reports 6. TRANSIT SERVICES a. Action Item 1. Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes b. Discussion Item 1. Update on Extending Shared-Ride Taxi Hours c. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Transit Financial Report 7. HIGHWAYS a. Action Items 1. Review/Approve CTH LL & 2nd Ave, City of Port Washington Parcel Bid Results 2. Review/Approve Option for Crane Budget 3. Review/Approve STH 33 & CTH LL Parcel Memorandum of Understanding with Ozaukee Economic Development for Land Sale 8. CLOSED SESSION - Pursuant to Section 19.85 (1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes for Bargaining Purposes to Discuss a Sales Price for Parcel of Land Located at STH 33 & CTH LL 9. OPEN SESSION 10. HIGHWAYS cont. a. Action Item 1. Approve Listing Price for Marketing of STH 33 & CTH LL Parcel b. Discussion Item 1. Car Killed Deer (CKD) Pickup c. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Hwy Financials - June 2015 11. NEXT MEETING DATE - JULY 16, 2015 12. ADJOURNMENT A quorum of members of committees or the full County Board of Ozaukee County may be in attendance at this meeting for purposes related to committee or board duties, however, no formal action will be taken by these committees or the board at this meeting. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations for attendance at this meeting should contact the County Clerk’s Office at 262-284-8110, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. Page 1 of 1 Updated 6/11/2015 2:42 PM 4.a MINUTES PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 – 8:00 AM HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - MEETING ROOM 410 SOUTH SPRING STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, WI 53074 Draft Minutes Pending Committee Approval Attendee Name K. Geracie J. Slater L. Haeuser D. Korinek S. Rishel Title Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Supervisor District 19 Supervisor District 13 Supervisor District 14 Status Present Present Present Present Present Arrived Staff present: County Administrator Meaux, Public Works Director Dreblow, Assistant PW Director Edgren, Facilities Superintendent Behlen, and County Clerk Winkelhorst. 2. PROPER NOTICE/ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chairperson Geracie called the meeting to order at 8:00AM. The meeting was properly noticed. Motion made by Supervisor Slater, seconded by Supervisor Korinek to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried. (5-0) 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Public Works Committee - Regular Meeting - Mar 19, 2015 8:00 AM Motion to approve the March 19 minutes as written. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: D. Korinek, Supervisor District 13 SECONDER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel 5. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT a. Discussion Item: 1. Fairground's Exhibit Structure Sidewalls Early in the scoping process of the Fairground’s Exhibit Structure, the idea of roll-up doors or sidewalls for the Exhibit Structure was brought up. At the time, the general consensus was the project was expected to be over-budget, so the buildings would be designed for potential future implementation of some variety of side panels, but Page 1 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 2 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held in the meeting room at the Highway department office. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee May 21, 2015 nothing would be included in the bids. In March, the Ozaukee County Fair Board expressed interest in adding some variety of sidewalls/roll-up doors, and received quotes from Heather Ridge Structures, LLC for three varieties of potential structures. 8:10AM Transit Superintendent Wittek joined the meeting. The consensus of the committee was that there are no funds available in the budget; however, if the Ozaukee County Fair Board would like to begin the process to fund the structure then they should meet with the committee to discuss. b. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Facilities Reports Update on the construction at Advocates house. A walk through was done of the Justice Center roof project and the manufacturer of the product has approved the 20 year warranty. 6. TRANSIT SERVICES a. Discussion Items: 1. Update on Focus on Energy Grant The application for the $21,000 grant funding was not selected. 2. Update on Extending Shared-Ride Taxi Hours There is nothing to report. b. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Transit Financial Report There were no questions. 2. Transit Quarterly Management Report The Express Bus ridership is down again this year by approximately 7% from last year. Milwaukee County has experienced a similar decrease in ridership last year and beginning of this year. Mr. Wittek will continue to look at routes and efficiencies to make bus ridership more attractive. Discussion on changes in ridership and benchmarking. Shared-ride taxi service is steady. Mr. Dreblow provided an update on the park & ride lots. 2011-2013 audits by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation are ongoing right now. 7. HIGHWAYS Page 2 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 3 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) Discussion on what the original intent of the building was for and the budget for the project. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee May 21, 2015 a. Action Items: Two bids were received as follows: 2015 Bituminous Materials Henry G. Meigs, LLC Flint Hills Resources PG 58-28 Asphalt $534.00/ton $549.00/ton HFRS-2 & CRS-2 Emulsion $2.18/gal $1.90/gal Application Charges $0.12/gal $0.50/gal* (by Pearson Bros.) Total $2.30/gal $2.40/gal* *Pearson Bros. quote included for discussion purposes, but their quote was received 3 days late and therefore deemed non-responsive. The staff recommendation is to award the bid to Henry G. Meigs, LLC. Ozaukee County has maintained a long-term, successful relationship with Meigs. Additionally, Meigs is the only supplier to agree to the “Flexible Pricing” as requested in the Request for Quotes (RFQ). “Flexible Pricing” ensures reasonable asphalt costs by adjusting the bid prices if the Argus Asphalt Report shows asphalt pricing increasing or decreasing by more than 5%. Finally, Meigs also provides a surface treatment warranty as the sole supplier of the emulsion and application services. Motion to award the materials bid to Henry G. Meigs, LLC. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: L. Haeuser, Supervisor District 19 SECONDER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel Review/Approve 2015 Hot Mix and Gravel Prices The cost of production of hot mix and gravel is analyzed annually and adjusted to allow for recovery of the county costs of production. Based upon the data, staff proposes setting the prices as follows: Hot Mix Asphalt $52 per ton; and Gravel - $6.00 per ton Motion to approve the recommended prices of $52 per ton for Hot Mix Asphalt and $6.00 per ton for gravel. Page 3 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 4 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) Review/Approve 2015 Asphalt Oil Bids The Ozaukee County Highway Department annually requests quotes for bituminous materials for asphaltic paving and sealcoating projects. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee May 21, 2015 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: D. Korinek, Supervisor District 13 SECONDER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel Review/Approve Highway's Main Office Building Roofing Quote As part of the 2015 Highway Department Budget, the roofing of the Highway Department’s main office building was approved with a maintenance budget amount of $50,000. The proposed maintenance project would install a ½” Insulation Board and Fully Adhered Roof System. The shop manager requested information from multiple companies, and received the following quotes: 1) Dehling-Voigt, Inc.: $45,904 2) Laubenstein Inc.: $49,701 3) Noffke Roofing Co.: $56,463 Motion to approve awarding the bid to Dehling-Voigt for the amount of $45,904. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: D. Korinek, Supervisor District 13 SECONDER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel Review/Approve Cedarburg Salt Scale Replacement The Public Works Committee, at the March 19, 2015 meeting, approved the replacement of the Cedarburg Salt Scale for $43,266 utilizing reserves created by overhead revenues. Upon further analysis of the scale and obtaining more detailed plans for its replacement, it was apparent that Highway staff did not envision all associated costs involved with the project. The contractor made an error on his quote as it did not include galvanized steel which was requested. The shop manager, talked with three different suppliers, and received the following Page 4 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 5 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) Chairperson Geracie requested to move ahead until the Ozaukee Economic Development representative arrives. There were no objections. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee quotes: 1) United Scale & Engineering Corp: 2) Badger Scale, Inc: 3) Mettler Toledo: May 21, 2015 $53,531 $54,200 $56,053 Motion to approve the staff recommendation to award the bid to United Scale & Engineering Corp. for $53,531 plus the adjustment of $7,500. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson SECONDER: L. Haeuser, Supervisor District 19 AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel Review/Approve Foreman's Truck Purchase As part of the 2015 Highway Department Budget, the purchase of a Foreman’s truck was approved with a budget amount of $45,000. The existing Foreman’s truck is a 2009 Ford F-250 4x4 with approximately 150,000 miles, and will be “handed down” to facilities to replace their truck. Based upon research and discussions with staff the Highway Department is interested in purchasing a Chevy Silverado 2500 through the State of Wisconsin Bureau of Procurement State Bid system. The base cost for the truck is $26,299, but another $8,000 for upgrades and installation costs would be needed, for a final estimated cost of $35,000. Motion to approve the truck purchase through the State Bid system for the amount of$26,299 and an additional $8,000 for upgrades for a total amount of $35,000. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: L. Haeuser, Supervisor District 19 SECONDER: S. Rishel, Supervisor District 14 AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel Review/Approve Purchase of Building E Roll-Up Door Ozaukee County Highway Department’s Building E is a storage building for the Port Washington Shop. Currently, Building E’s main door is a large, sliding, barn style door. It has a history of maintenance issues, sliding off its tracks, and being difficult to open in winter due to ice formation. Page 5 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 6 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) In addition, staff anticipates $7,500 in labor and material charges to perform site preparation, concrete repairs, and finish paving. Therefore, the total cost for the Cedarburg Shop Scale should be about $64,000. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee May 21, 2015 Following research and internal discussions, Highway staff requested and received a quote to install a salt dome style roll-up door from the Overhead Door Company for $9,735. There would be an additional $2,000 in labor and material costs for removal of the existing door and reinforcement of the existing opening. Motion to approve the modifications to the 2015 CIP and to purchase the Building E roll-up door from Overhead Door Company for $9,735 plus allowing the additional $2,000 in labor. 8:55AM Ozaukee Economic Development (OED) Executive Director Kathleen Schilling joined the meeting. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: D. Korinek, Supervisor District 13 SECONDER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel Chairperson Geracie reverted back to the order of the agenda. Review/Approve STH 33 & CTH LL Parcel Sales Process The Public Works Committee, at the March 19th, 2015 meeting, directed Highway staff to seek a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from multiple Commercial Real Estate Brokers for the sale of approximately 12 acres of land on the northwest corner of STH 33 & CTH LL. Mr. Meaux, Mr. Dreblow and Mr. Edgren developed an RFQ, and distributed it to the following Commercial Brokerage Firms: NAI MLG Commercial Concord Real Estate Group (Advisors LLC) Irgens Boerke Company Dickman Real Estate Company Concord Real Estate Group (Advisors LLC) is the only firm to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). They propose a 6% commission, which would be split with any broker representing a buyer, and their Opinion of Value for the land is from $750,000 to $1,020,000. Page 6 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 7 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) Reviewing the Highway Department’s 2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), there were funds budgeted ($25,000) for the replacement of the Building B overhead doors. However, Highway staff believes that they are still serviceable for a few years, so staff is interested in using a portion of those budgeted funds for the Building E roll-up door. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee May 21, 2015 Ms. Schilling explained an option that was discussed with Mr. Meaux which would be to utilize OED to market and sell the parcel with assistance from an Attorney for any closing issues. A memo was distributed that outlined what OED’s role would be if the county is considering for sale by owner option. . Motion to direct staff to work with Ozaukee Economic Development as the lead broker for a nine month period with scheduling a closed committee meeting to discuss the details. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: J. Slater, Vice-Chairperson SECONDER: S. Rishel, Supervisor District 14 AYES: Geracie, Slater, Haeuser, Korinek, Rishel b. Discussion Items: 1. Adopt-a-Highway Program The City of Mequon has enacted an Adopt-a-Roadway program that allows a volunteer group to help keep the City clean by performing at least two trash pick-ups along a given section of roadway each year. Recently, some volunteers have inquired about Adopt-a-Roadway along Port Washington Road (CTH W) and Pioneer Road (CTH C) in Mequon. City of Mequon staff directed their inquiries to the County. Currently, Ozaukee County assists the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WiSDOT) with their Adopt-a-Highway program by distributing provided garbage bags and safety vests to volunteer groups, and picking up full garbage bags when the cleanup is completed. All costs are paid for through WisDOT’s Routine Maintenance Agreement. Mr. Edgren’s recommendation would be to encourage the City of Mequon to include CTH W and CTH C in their program and add Ozaukee County to their Permit Applications and Hold Harmless Agreement. Ozaukee County would simply authorize the City of Mequon to install Adopt-a-Roadway signs in County Right-ofWay. The consensus of the committee was for Mr. Edgren to proceed with his recommendation. 2. 2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Items Informational item. Page 7 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 8 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) Discussion on the option, advantages, control over development of the property, cost and timeline. 4.a Minutes Public Works Committee May 21, 2015 3. Crane Purchase As part of the 2015 Highway Department Budget, the purchase of a used all terrain crane was approved with a budget amount of $30,000. The proposed purchase would replace a 1980 Grove Crane, which was purchased by the Highway Department in 1995. Highway staff still feels that a crane is a worthwhile purchase, so therefore, is seeking general direction as whether they should continue to look for 2015 or to budget in 2016. Discussion on what the crane is used for, when it would be used, possibility of buying time from Washington County, rental option, and the need for more information with facts on options. Staff will come back with more information on the options. c. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Hwy Financials - May 2015 Mr. Edgren distributed status updates on various Highway Department projects. 8. NEXT MEETING DATE June 18, 2015 9. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Supervisor Korinek, seconded by Supervisor Rishel to adjourn. Motion carried. (5-0) Meeting adjourned at 9:42AM. Julianne B. Winkelhorst County Clerk Page 8 of 8 Updated 5/31/2015 9:10Pg. PM 9 Packet Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 21, 2015 8:00 AM (Approval of Minutes ) In the search for a crane, Highway staff’s most viable options have ranged in price from $60,000 to $80,000. There was a possibility of purchasing a crane from Washington County; however, they decide to retain theirs. 5.a.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Facilities Management DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Julie Winkelhorst Agenda Summary Facilities Reports ATTACHMENTS: Facilities Financials (PDF) Fairgrounds Financials (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: Facilities Financials (2912 : facilities reports) 5.a.1.a Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: Fairgrounds Financials (2912 : facilities reports) 5.a.1.b Packet Pg. 12 6.a.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Transit DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jason Wittek Agenda Summary Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Transit Services proposes the following changes to the Express Bus Service route and schedule: Southbound Eliminate all trips to Grafton Target, which is adjacent to Grafton Commons stop. Eliminate two Saukville trips Eliminate three Grafton Park/Ride trips Eliminate only trip to Amtrak Station Modify to include "Express" trips to just Cedarburg Park/Ride & Grafton Commons Northbound Eliminate three PW Rd/Venture Court Mequon trips Eliminate all trips to Grafton Target, which is adjacent to Grafton Commons Stop Eliminate three trips to Grafton Park/Ride Eliminate two Saukville trips Eliminate three PW Park/Ride trips Eliminate only trip from Amtrak Station Modify to include "Express" trips to just Cedarburg Park/Ride & Grafton Commons Reverse direction of downtown loop and serve Schlitz Park office campus. Loop is configured more open jaw, reducing the time spent returning to beginning of loop, and gaining Schlitz Park stop in the process. ANALYSIS: The proposed changes provide a more targeted service to our core Express Riders; Page 1 Packet Pg. 13 resulting in faster service, 6% reduction in annual operating costs of $65,936, and potential for future growth! Transit Services prioritized reduced ride times for all Express riders to retain riders and attract potential or occasional riders. 6.a.1 Potential Ride Time Saved Southbound 2-3 min boarding @ Cedarburg Park/Ride Southbound 5 min boarding @ GC, G, Saukville, & PW Northbound 8 min for all stops N of Mequon Reductions in ride times are achieved by streamlining trips to low volume bus stops, and eliminating redundant trips to the Grafton Target, located across the street from the Grafton Commons stop on Hwy 60 & I-43. Eliminating three return NB trips to Mequon/Venture Crt mirrors SB trips, and reduces the ride time for our core high volume riders going to Cedarburg and Grafton, as well as Saukville and Port Washington. A survey in 2012 indicated that 76% of Express riders wished to see some combination of eliminating either the GC or Target, and direct stops bypassing Mequon and PW Road. Eliminating some low-volume NB trips to the Grafton Park/Ride, Saukville Wal-Mart, and the Port Washington Park/Ride also saves critical operating costs. The impetus for serving Schlitz Park came from MetroGo's Executive Director, Kerry Thomas working on behalf of the downtown business office park. Ms. Thomas approached OCTS in early 2014 about serving Schlitz Park, and provided survey data later in 2014 indicating that 4,500 employees work there. Of those 4,500, 1,023 responded to a survey in which 55 employees (5.4%) Indicated they lived in zip codes near the Ozaukee County Express route. Employer UMB Fund Services also provides its employees with a Commuter Value Pass to use Transit at no cost to the employee. Potentially 350 employees are moving to Schlitz Park in the next couple years also. Ride times to Schlitz Park are comparable or better than ride times to last stop on current downtown route loop. FISCAL IMPACT: ($13,187) Balance Current Year: ($13,187) Next Year’s Estimated Cost: ($65,936) FUNDING SOURCE: Reduction in Operating Costs RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve ATTACHMENTS: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (PDF) Page 2 Packet Pg. 14 0 7 0 CONNECTING ROUTE 14 43 Port Washington Park-Ride Lot Exit 100 0 RUNNING TIME (MIN.) REGULAR BUS STOP 13 Hwy. 33 TIME POINT Saukville Wal-Mart LIMITED SERVICE 9 5 Via I-43 Existing Loop 43 10 9 Cedarburg Park-Ride Lot 7th St. Mary’s Hospital Capitol 15 62 RL Keefe 19 80 Burleigh 60 80 Locust Center 22 80 North 21 80 Garfield Walnut 57 80 7 County Road C (Pioneer Rd.) 6 Highland Rd. 42U Glen Oaks 6th 43 4 • An overall MCTS system transit guide can be found at display racks located throughout the city or on You can also use the Google Transit Trip Planner located on the web site to plan your trip. Kilbourn 3 Wisconsin 2 1 Michigan 8th Clybourn Prospect Cass Van Buren Jackson Water Plankinton 3rd Via I-43 • On the Route Map - 0 shows all connecting routes and 0 “timepoints.” Highland 33 40U 42U 5 3. Read horizontally along the line that lists your departure time to determine when you will arrive at your destination. Make sure there is a time listed under your destination timepoint. If there is not a time listed, you will need to find a different trip to reach your destination. MORE TIPS McKinley Venture 42U Mequon Rd. 8 2. Look down the column of this intersection and timepoint for your departure time for that stop. Regular print means AM times and bold print means PM times. 4. To plan your return trip, look at the reverse direction of travel on your schedule and follow these same steps. Please note that on most routes, the stop for your return trip will be located across the street from the stop where you boarded the bus. Fiebrantz 8th 9 Local Area Routing Hwy. 60 (Washington St.) 11 Port Washington Rd. 7 12 Grafton Commons Target/ Home Depot Note: Buses stop at Grafton Commons before stopping at Target. Pt. Wash. Rd. 2 Grafton Park-Ride Lot HOW TO USE THIS ROUTE GUIDE 1. Open the schedule and locate the direction of travel and day of the week you wish to travel. Find the intersection closest to where you want to catch the bus. Note: All stops can’t be listed, but buses generally stop every few blocks. • Be sure to get to your stop 3-5 minutes early. • When you see a bus approaching, look at the electronic destination sign above the front windshield to verify the route number and final destination match those given in your route guide. 6th 4th 5th MKE Intermodal Station Ozaukee County Express Serving: Effective Date: Downtown Milwaukee Milwaukee Intermodal Station March 3, 2014 Cedarburg Grafton Mequon Port Washington Saukville Service Hours: FUNDED BY OZAUKEE COUNTY Service operated by Milwaukee County Transit System All Buses Have Bike Racks. Bicycle storage lockers available at the Port Washington, Grafton, and Cedarburg Park-Ride Lots, as well as the Saukville Wal-Mart. For additional route, schedule and fare information: Guia facil para tomar autobus ahora disponibles. Busque su copia en los racks de visualización a lo largo de Milwaukee o visite 103012 143 MAP NOT TO SCALE 6.a.1.a Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve 143 414-344-6711 Weekdays* 5:24 AM - 6:34 PM Weekday Service Only *There is no bus service on the following holidays: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas PacketPlease Pg.recycle 15 Information subject to change without notice. 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 5:47D 5:56 6:03 6:07 6:10 6:16F6:36 6:39 6:46 6:55 6:08G 6:15 6:19 6:22 6:28F6:48 6:51 6:58 7:07 6:31H 6:35 6:38 6:44F7:09 7:12 7:19 7:28 6:29G 6:36 6:40 6:43 6:496:57F7:18 7:21 7:28 7:37L 6:31 6:40 6:47 6:51 6:54 7:007:08F7:29 7:32 7:39 7:48 7:09 7:13 7:16 7:22F7:57 8:00 8:07 8:16 7:45 7:49 7:52 7:588:06F8:33 8:36 8:43 8:51 8:14 8:18 8:21 8:278:35F9:02 9:05 9:12 9:20 3:03 3:12 3:19 3:233:263:31 4:09 4:19 4:234:264:31 3:393:574:054:09 4:394:575:055:09J NOTES: Boldface times are PM. D = Passengers may board bus to Ozaukee Co. at the Northbound Rt 143 bus stop on the bridge at Port Washington & Capitol. 35 minutes before the time shown at Port Washington. F = Express via I-43 to McKinley Avenue Exit. G = Passengers may board bus to Ozaukee Co. at the Northbound Rt 143 bus stop on the bridge at Port Washington & Capitol. 29 minutes before the time shown at Saukville\Wal-Mart. H = Passengers may board bus to Ozaukee Co. at the Northbound Rt 143 bus stop on the bridge at Port Washington & Capitol. 28 minutes before the time shown at Grafton\Park-Ride Lot. J = Arrives at 6th & Wisconsin 2 minutes after time shown. L = Arrives at St. Paul & 5th 3 minutes after time shown. 2794 764 744 8348 83456682 4 2 5 6 7 8 5:26A5:305:385:50 6:19A6:236:316:43 1:52A1:562:042:16 2:45A2:52 3:01 3:063:143:26 3:30 3:37 3:46B 4:05 3:51 3:58 4:07B 4:26 4:09 4:16 4:25B 4:44 4:27 4:34 4:43B 5:02 4:45 4:52 5:01B 5:20 5:05 5:12 5:21B 5:40 5:29E5:36 5:45B 6:05 OZAUKEE COUNTY SHARED RIDE TAXI SERVICE 262-284-8294 or 262-238-8294 (Metro line) TDD: 262-284-0199 Hours of Operations: Monday-Friday: 6 am to 9 pm Saturday: 8:30 am to 6 pm Sunday: 8 am to 12 Noon Ozaukee County Human Resources 121 West Main Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Local: Metro: Fax: Hours: (262) 284-8321 (262) 238-8321 (262) 284-8328 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Lo S t W auk al vi -M lle ar t Po Pa rt rk W -R a s id hi e ng Lo to t n 27522756 2753275427962755 9 11 10 12 13 14 5:586:036:056:096:166:24 6:516:566:587:02 2:242:292:312:352:422:50 3:343:393:413:463:554:02 4:134:184:204:25C 4:344:394:414:464:555:02C 4:524:574:595:045:135:20C 5:105:155:175:225:315:38C 5:285:335:355:405:495:56C 5:485:535:556:006:096:16C 6:136:186:206:25 6:34C NOTES: Boldface times are PM. A = Leaves from 6th & Wisconsin 2 minutes before time shown. B = Bus enters I-43 at McKinley Avenue. C = Bus continues on to 19th & Capitol Dr. in Milwaukee. E = Leaves from St. Paul & 5th 3 minutes before time shown. FARES Effective 2/03/2014 CASH/MCTS TICKETS & PASSES Exact Fare Required Passes and tickets sold at nearly 250 locations throughout Milwaukee County Making a Title VI Complaint Any person who believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination in the delivery of or access to public transportation services on the basis of race, color or national origin, may file a complaint with Ozaukee County Human Resources. Such complaint must be filed within 90 days after the alleged discrimination. For information on filing a complaint, contact: G Pa raf rk ton -R id e Ta rg et C Pa eda rk rb -R u r id g e Lo t Gr Co af m ton m on s 6.a.1.a P @ ort C a Wa pi sh to in l g to n Po @ rt V e Wa nt sh ur in e g to n 7 No th @ r th @ 6 Hi th @ gh la nd W C a isc ss o n si n @ rn K 6t ilbo h u @ ns in W 5t isc h o si n @ W C a isc ss o n 6683605171146232759764 7 NORTHBOUND WEEKDAYS Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve 14 6 Hi th @ gh la nd Ki 3r lbo d u rn P @ ort V e Wa nt sh ur in e g to n Po @ rt C a Wa pi sh to in l g to n Ha Ga ly rfi ard el @ d C Pa eda rk rb -R u r id g e Lo t Ta rg et P Pa ort rk W -R a s id hi e ng Lo to t n Sa W uk al vi -M lle ar t Gr Pa af rk ton -R id e Lo t Gr Co af t m on m on s 275527962754275627532752 @ Circled trips: Proposed to eliminate SOUTHBOUND WEEKDAYS Cash $3.50 10 for $23.50 Premium Tickets Weekly Pass $17.50 per week plus $1.00 per ride Monthly Pass $64.00 per month plus $1.00 per ride Adult Fare Ticket 10 for $17.50 plus $1.00 per ride Valid Transfer Commuter Value Pass & U-PASS plus $1.00 per ride accepted as full fare Senior Citizens (age 65 and over), valid Medicare card holders, or Persons with Disabilities: Cash$1.60 Reduced Fare Ticket Adult Fare Ticket plus 50¢ no added charge Packet Pg. 16 1431403 Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes) Draft - Proposed Downtown Loop Change 6.a.1.a Packet Pg. 17 Google Maps Southbound 6.a.1.a Loop Modification Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes) Search Express 6th/Walnut C: 37, 49 min GC: 43, 54 min S: 54 min 6th/WI C: 20, 32 min GC: 26, 38 min S: 37 min Cass/WI C: 28, 40 min GC: 34, 46 min S: 45 min To see a better printed map, use the Print button in the main menu Lite Mode Map data ©2015 Google Terms Privacy Packet Pg. 18,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x880502d7578b47e7:0x445f1922b5417b84?dg=dbrw&newdg=1[6/8/2015 7:52:39 PM] Google Maps Northbound 6.a.1.a Search Express Loop Modification 6th/WI C: 20, 29 min GC: 25, 34 min S: 32, 48 min Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes) 6th/Walnut C: 37, 46 min GC: 42, 51 min S: 56, 65 min Cass/WI C: 28, 37 min GC: 33, 42 min S: 47, 55 min To see a better printed map, use the Print button in the main menu Lite Mode Map data ©2015 Google Terms Privacy Packet Pg. 19,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x880502d7578b47e7:0x445f1922b5417b84?dg=dbrw&newdg=1[6/8/2015 7:52:39 PM] MCTS Vehicle schedule: 143 Weekday Scenario: 98 cc 97 Hold original times at CSWS Route: Garage: Direction: Effective: 03/22/2015 Booking: 15-MAR 143 15-MAR TEST Ozaukee County Express FZ FIEBRANTZ GARAGE North Block From 143-202 143-205 143-201 143-204 143-206 143-251FLYR12on 143-252 143-253 143-254 143-255 143-256 143-257 143-252 143-258 143-253 Notes: Headway Report A - End lay Note GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR GAR 22 5 6 10 10 IN 17 10 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 6WAL CSWS 6WIS 524 614 655 716 736 1209 136 243 328 349 407 425 443 503 533 6HIG 526 616 7NOR PTCP 530 620 538 628 PWVC CDPR 550 A 640 COST GFPR 604 654 SKVL PWPR 615 623 806 105 232 339 114 241 348 121 248 355 445 454 501 512 521 528 629 638 645 To 725 741 1218 145 252 337 358 416 434 452 512 542 1226 153 300 345 406 424 442 500 520 550 1247 214 321 427 445 541 611 1255 222 329 405 435 453 502 520 549 619 100 227 334 410 440 458 507 525 554 624 (Driver) WATCH FOR PASSENGERS walking out from lobby at St Mary's Hospital. 6.a.1.a Packet Pg. 20 HASTUS 2012 - vscr07 05/15/2015 458p Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes) Page 1 MCTS Vehicle schedule: 143 Weekday Scenario: 98 cc 97 Hold original times at CSWS Route: Garage: Direction: Block 143-201 143-204 143-206 143-207 143-202 143-205 143-201 143-204 143-206 143-252 143-253 Headway Report Effective: 03/22/2015 Booking: 15-MAR 143 15-MAR TEST Ozaukee County Express FZ FIEBRANTZ GARAGE South From End lay Note GAR GAR GAR GAR 4 9 8 IN IN IN IN IN IN 14 4 PWPR SKVL GFPR 548 557 604 620 645 654 701 PWVC PTCP 8CEN 8NOR HAGA 731 305 405 314 414 816 321 421 339 439 357 457 403 503 404 504 405 505 COST CDPR 608 624 645 642 705 659 735 751 820 614 630 651 648 711 705 741 757 826 PWVC 656 713 805 834 6WIS 634 650 711 720 731 737 801 835 904 412 512 CSWS 642 658 719 728 739 745 809 843 912 420 520 6WAL To 651 707 728 737 748 754 818 852 921 429 529 6.a.1.a Packet Pg. 21 HASTUS 2012 - vscr07 05/15/2015 458p Attachment: Oz Express Route Changes_Comm Report June 20151 (2910 : Review/Approve Ozaukee Express Route Changes) - END - Page 2 6.c.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Transit DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jason Wittek Agenda Summary Transit Financial Report ATTACHMENTS: TS June 2015 PNL (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 22 6.c.1.a Ozaukee County Committee Report Special Revenue Fund Transit Services For the Five Months Ending May 31, 2015 Profit and Loss Statement ACTUAL TO AMENDED BUDGET Current Month Actual Revenues Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Public Charges for Services Fines/Forfeitures/Penalties Other Revenue 2015 YTD Actual 0 117,079 66,158 360 4,106 508,014 116,959 247,557 1,725 5,107 2015 Amended Budget % Budget YTD Budget Balance 508,014 2,481,442 787,100 4,500 3,500 0 2,364,483 539,543 2,775 -1,607 ####### 4.71% 31.45% 38.33% ####### ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- Total Revenues 187,703 879,362 3,784,556 2,905,194 23.24% Expenditures Salaries Fringe Benefits Travel/Training Supplies Purchased Services Interdepartment Charges Other Expenses 5,298 2,365 0 21,216 204,452 22,716 0 26,462 11,844 0 73,092 823,322 109,682 1,215 80,364 31,000 7,000 343,900 2,602,176 140,924 40,113 53,902 19,156 7,000 270,808 1,778,854 31,242 38,898 21.25% 31.64% 77.83% 3.03% ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- Total Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Equipment & Furniture Buildings & Land 256,047 1,045,617 3,245,477 2,199,860 32.22% 0 0 152,430 750 246,349 340,000 93,919 61.88% 339,250 0.22% ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------- Total Capital Outlay 153,180 586,349 433,169 26.12% =================== =================== =================== =================== ========= Total Expenditures Other Finance (Sources) Other Finance Uses 256,047 1,198,797 3,831,826 2,633,029 31.29% 0 0 -47,270 47,270 -47,270 0 0 ####### -47,270 =================== =================== =================== =================== ========= Net Other Financing Sources/Uses (47,270) (47,270) =================== =================== =================== =================== ========= Net Increase (Decrease) -68,344 -319,435 0 319,435 0 -205,487 0 205,487 E q u i t y: Governmental Fund Balance CommRpt2015 2015 Oversight Comm Recommended PnL Amended Bdgt 06/11/15 Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: TS June 2015 PNL (2911 : Transit Financial Report) 32.93% 38.21% 7.a.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Highway DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jon Edgren Agenda Summary Review/Approve CTH LL & 2nd Ave, City of Port Washington Parcel Bid Results BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In November 2014, the Ozaukee County Board declared +/-1.1-acres on the northeast corner of CTH LL & 2nd Avenue in Port Washington as excess lands following the recommendation of the Public Works Committee. The Public Works Committee, at the March 19th, 2015 meeting, authorized Highway Staff to sell the parcel through a Public Bid process. Highway Staff publicly requested bids with a minimum sales price of $80,000. Parcel bids were opened on Thursday, June 11th at 10am. ANALYSIS: Ozaukee County received only one Parcel Bid: 1) $80,000 from Robert Tillman FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION: Recommend sale of the parcel to the lone bidder, and forward the item to the County Board for final approval. Page 1 Packet Pg. 24 7.a.2 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Highway DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jon Edgren Agenda Summary Review/Approve Option for Crane Budget BACKGROUND INFORMATION: As part of the 2015 Highway Department Budget, the purchase of a used All-Terrain Crane was approved with a budget amount of $30,000. The proposed purchase would replace a 1980 Grove Crane, which was purchased by the Highway Department in 1995. A Crane is utilized by the Highway Department in the field for large box culverts or other project related materials, at our Asphalt Plant to move production equipment, or at our other Shops to move miscellaneous supplies. In our search for a Crane, Highway Staff’s most viable options have ranged in price from $60,000 to $80,000. At the May meeting, the Public Works Committee discussed this topic, but requested additional information before giving Highway Staff direction. The Committee asked questions on the following topics: 1) Lifting Capacity: Ozaukee County’s current All-Terrain Crane is a 15-Ton crane, but we are investigating purchase of a +/-25-Ton Truck Mounted Crane. Several box culverts in the last few years have been testing the limits of our crane’s capacity, so we feel a slightly higher lifting capacity would allow for safer lifts. 2) Usage: Reviewing the Hour Meter logs, it appears that the crane has been used about 220 hours over the last 10 years, so roughly 22 hours per year. While this is low, the need for a crane isn’t always able to be planned for. Part of the need for a crane is to allow the Highway Department flexibility to react immediately to move equipment and/or materials when a delivery occurs or a repair is needed. 3) Washington County’s Crane: The concept of purchasing, renting and/or sharing use of Washington County’s Crane was investigated, but does not address our needs. First, they are not selling their crane at this time, and renting or borrowing their crane may not be feasible when deliveries occur as discussed under Item #2, Usage. Further, their crane is a similar size to our current crane, so the higher lifting capacity isn’t addressed as discussed under Item #1, Lifting Capacity. 4) Rental Options: Scott Palubiski, Ozaukee County’s Shop Manager, investigated rental options A 23-Ton Truck Mounted Crane is about $5,400 per month and typically Page 1 Packet Pg. 25 7.a.2 requires a 3-day notice to deliver or be picked up. ANALYSIS: Highway staff still feels that a Crane is a worthwhile purchase, so therefore, is seeking direction from the Public Works Committee as to the following options: Maintain the budget at $30,000, and continue to seek a Crane within range. Utilize $50,000 savings in the 2015 CIP Equipment funds from the Rubber Track Excavator purchase to apply towards a Crane purchase. Carryover the previously approved $30,000 to 2016, and budget additional funds for a Crane in 2016 CIP. FISCAL IMPACT: Balance Current Year: $30,000 to $80,000 FUNDING SOURCE: County Levy: N/A Non-County Levy: X Indicate source: Equipment Capital Improvement Program (CIP) RECOMMENDED MOTION: The Public Works Committee should discuss the crane issues, and base a motion on the consensus of the Committee. Page 2 Packet Pg. 26 7.a.3 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Highway DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jon Edgren Agenda Summary Review/Approve STH 33 & CTH LL Parcel Memorandum of Understanding with Ozaukee Economic Development for Land Sale BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Ozaukee County Highway Department took ownership of +/-12-acres of land on the northwest corner of STH 33 & CTH LL upon the removal of the On & Off Ramps at the intersection when the CTH LL bridge was reconstructed into a roundabout. Since February 2013, Highway Staff have been working towards preparing the site for sale by having the land being declared as excess, obtaining B-2 Zoning through the City of Port Washington, and creating a Certified Survey Map (CSM) of the parcel. The Public Works Committee, at the May 21st meeting, directed Highway Staff to work with Ozaukee Economic Development (OED) to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to have OED assist the County by marketing the excess parcel and assist in its sale. ANALYSIS: Attached is the rough draft of the MOU, and there are three main questions to address: 1) Contract Length? A term of 6 to 9 months was discussed by the Committee, but a length of 12 months was placed in the MOU to give OED an opportunity to market the parcel through all seasons. 2) Commission Rate? A Commission Rate of 1 to 1.5% was discussed by the Committee. We’ve initially placed a 1.5% rate in the MOU based upon the decision to have OED hire the Real Estate Attorney to assist in the parcel sale since OED is not a Commercial Real Estate Broker. 3) Real Estate Attorney Contract? As mentioned above, a Real Estate Attorney will be required to oversee final sale of the parcel since OED is not a Commercial Real Estate Broker. An Attorney could be hired by the County or OED. Currently, the MOU has OED hiring the Attorney, since they are performing the other duties in selling the parcel. However, the Committee may feel that the Attorney should be contracted through the County since we are owners of the land. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A Page 1 Packet Pg. 27 RECOMMENDED MOTION: Authorize Administrator Meaux to sign the MOU as discussed. 7.a.3 ATTACHMENTS: STH 33 & CTH LL - OED MOU - 6-5-15 (PDF) Page 2 Packet Pg. 28 7.a.3.a TO: Tom Meaux, County Administrator FROM: Kathleen Cady Schilling DATE: June 1, 2015 RE: Memorandum of Understanding – County Land Sale Ozaukee Economic Development (OED) will serve at the marketing agent for Ozaukee County in the sale of its property on the northwest corner of County Trunk Highway (CTH) LL and State Trunk Highway (STH) 33. As the County’s Marketing Agent, OED will develop marketing materials for the site and ensure that the property is placed on the LocateWI and Excelligent websites. OED will additionally handle any inquiries into the site – including phone inquiries, site visits and any other needed information. OED will serve as the Marketing Agent for 12 Months from the date of agreement, at which time the County can reevaluate the situation. OED would receive a payment of 1.5% of the purchase price. As part of that payment, OED will be responsible for all attorney costs. The County would be responsible of paying a commission to the buyer’s agent (if there is one). Normal commissions to buyer’s agents are 3%. This agreement can be amended or changed following agreement by both parties. Signed on behalf of Ozaukee County: Signed on behalf of Ozaukee Economic Development: ________________________ Thomas Meaux Date Ozaukee County Administrator ________________________________ Kathleen Cady Schilling Date OED Executive Director Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: STH 33 & CTH LL - OED MOU - 6-5-15 (2915 : STH 33 & CTH LL OED MOU) MEMORANDUM 10.a.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Highway DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jon Edgren Agenda Summary Approve Listing Price for Marketing of STH 33 & CTH LL Parcel BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Ozaukee County Highway Department took ownership of +/-12-acres of land on the northwest corner of STH 33 & CTH LL upon the removal of the On & Off Ramps at the intersection when the CTH LL bridge was reconstructed into a roundabout. ANALYSIS: Following discussion with the Ozaukee Economic Development (OED) Executive Director Kathleen Cady Schilling in Closed Session, the Public Works Committee should establish an opening sales prices for the parcel. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION: Establish the parcel listing price as discussed. Page 1 Packet Pg. 30 10.b.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Highway DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jon Edgren Agenda Summary Car Killed Deer (CKD) Pickup BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Deer killed by vehicles (or Car Killed Deer (CKD)) along a public roadway are typically hauled away by a private entity through a contract administered by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in each County. In Ozaukee County, the contractor is Shawn Kremsreiter. In Ozaukee County, any reports of dead deer along a roadway are directed to the Sheriff’s Department. A Sheriff’s Department representative is responsible to notify Mr. Kremsreiter of the deer’s location for pickup. In April, as part of Governor Walker’s initial budget, funding for the WDNR’s CKD program was eliminated. However, during early budget talks, the Joint Finance Committee restored some funding for pickup of dead deer, but only along State Highways. Therefore, if nothing changes in the budget, starting on July 1st, the CKD program will leave the deer along County and Local roadways without a method of removal. ANALYSIS: The Public Works Committee should discuss the impact of the potential change, and the potential options to address the issues raised. Page 1 Packet Pg. 31 10.c.1 Public Works Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: June 18, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Highway DIRECTOR: Bob Dreblow PREPARER: Jon Edgren Agenda Summary Hwy Financials - June 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Hwy Financial - June 2015 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 32 10.c.1.a Ozaukee County Committee Report Special Revenue Fund County Roads and Bridges For the Four Months Ending April 30, 2015 Profit and Loss Statement ACTUAL TO AMENDED BUDGET Current Month Actual Revenues Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues 2015 YTD Actual 0 0 Total Operating Expenditures Budget Balance % Budget YTD 3,584,219 318,892 3,584,219 1,278,210 $3,903,111 $4,862,429 $959,318 80.27% 167,904 879,232 5,262,429 4,383,197 16.71% $167,904 $879,232 $5,262,429 $4,383,197 16.71% $167,904 $879,232 $5,262,429 $4,383,197 16.71% 0 0 -406,925 400,000 -400,000 0 ($393,075) 1.73% -167,904 3,030,804 0 -3,030,804 0.00% 0 -2,704,195 0 2,704,195 0.00% Total Revenues Expenditures Interdepartment Charges 2015 Amended Budget 0 100.00% 959,318 24.95% Total Expenditures Other Finance (Sources) Other Finance Uses Net Other Financing Sources/Uses Net Increase (Decrease) E q u i t y: Governmental Fund Balance CommRpt2015 ($6,925) 2015 Oversight Comm Recommended PnL Amended Bdgt ($400,000) 6,925 101.73% -400,000 0.00% 06/10/15 Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: Hwy Financial - June 2015 (2918 : Hwy Financials - June 2015) Capital Outlay 10.c.1.a Ozaukee County Committee Report Internal Service Fund Highway Department For the Four Months Ending April 30, 2015 Profit and Loss Statement ACTUAL TO AMENDED BUDGET Revenues Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Public Charges for Services Intergovernmental Charges Interdepartmental Charges Licenses & Permits Other Revenue 2015 YTD Actual 2015 Amended Budget % Budget YTD Budget Balance 0 0 0 89,049 276,525 0 2,169 199,771 0 0 1,060,104 1,144,332 1,950 12,293 199,771 7,000 1,500 3,054,918 6,002,825 5,350 10,000 Total Revenues $367,743 $2,418,450 $9,281,364 $6,862,914 26.06% Expenditures Salaries Fringe Benefits Travel/Training Supplies Purchased Services Interdepartment Charges Depreciation Grants Other Expenses 186,947 77,154 507 188,853 26,078 -160,186 81,496 2,030 2,000 816,113 302,276 2,457 1,000,195 103,717 -265,453 310,535 44,714 12,144 2,806,948 1,059,603 15,700 5,813,572 354,687 -3,221,442 911,000 100,000 231,364 1,990,835 757,327 13,243 4,813,377 250,970 -2,955,989 600,465 55,286 219,220 29.07% 28.53% 15.65% 17.20% 29.24% 8.24% 34.09% 44.71% 5.25% Total Operating Expenditures $404,879 $2,326,698 $8,071,432 $5,744,734 28.83% 230,795 14,537 370,997 23,019 1,049,933 425,000 678,936 401,981 35.34% 5.42% Capital Outlay Equipment & Furniture Buildings & Land 0 100.00% 7,000 0.00% 1,500 0.00% 1,994,814 34.70% 4,858,493 19.06% 3,400 36.45% -2,293 122.93% Total Capital Outlay $245,332 $394,016 $1,474,933 $1,080,917 26.71% Total Expenditures $650,211 $2,720,714 $9,546,365 $6,825,651 28.50% 0 0 -265,000 265,000 -265,000 0 -282,468 -302,264 -1 0 -12,925 0 Other Finance (Sources) Other Finance Uses Net Other Financing Sources/Uses Net Increase (Decrease) E q u i t y: Retained Earnings CommRpt2015 ($265,000) 2015 Oversight Comm Recommended PnL Amended Bdgt 0 100.00% -265,000 0.00% ($265,000) 0.00% 302,263 ********** 12,925 0.00% 06/10/15 Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Hwy Financial - June 2015 (2918 : Hwy Financials - June 2015) Current Month Actual 10.c.1.a May 2015 - Highway Department Payables Amount $592.97 $60.00 $521.26 $285.74 $252.49 $123.18 $88.00 $145.81 $2,608.22 $28,312.69 $901.66 $1,589.47 $93.06 $51.26 $523.32 $185.00 $333.84 $80.89 $258.67 $175.56 $924.63 $143.04 $2,708.24 $101.41 $779.70 $2,926.00 $256.40 $4,590.00 $900.00 $1,596.22 $141.53 $257.47 $69.06 $229.68 $226.45 $199.49 $3,827.70 $7,074.00 $315.16 $153.16 $540.00 $1,566.84 $468.00 $146.71 $210.24 $1,112.00 Attachment: Hwy Financial - June 2015 (2918 : Hwy Financials - June 2015) Vendor Name 1ST AYD CORPORATION Total ABLE SECURITY SYSTEMS INC Total ACCURATE RECHARGE & FIRE SUPPRESSION LLC Total ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES INC. Total AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL Total ARING EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC Total ARNOLD'S ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC Total AT&T (PO BOX 5080) Total AUTO BRAKE CLUTCH & GEAR CO, INC Total AYRES ASSOCIATES INC Total BADGER TRUCK CENTER OF MILWAUKEE INC Total BANK ONE (CARD MEMBER/)CHASE Total BOEHLKE BOTTLED GAS CORP Total CARQUEST AUTO PARTS Total CITY OF PORT WASHINGTON WATER & SEWER UTILITY Total CONTREE SPRAYER & EQUIPMENT CO Total DIAMOND MOWERS INC Total DREWS TRUE VALUE Total FABCO EQUIPMENT INC Total FACTORY MOTOR PARTS CO. Total FASTENAL CO Total FASTENATION Total FOX WELDING SUPPLY INC Total FRONTIER Total GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS INC Total GERDAU AMERISTEEL CORPORATION Total GRAINGER INC Total GREMMER & ASSOCIATES INC Total HANES GEO COMPONENTS Total HARTMANN SAND & GRAVEL CO INC Total HEATEC INC Total HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERV'S (HIWAY) Total HUMPHREY SERVICE PARTS INC Total HYQUIP INC Total ITU ABSORBTECH INC. Total J & T SUPPLY CO Total J H HASSINGER Total JACKSON CONCRETE INC Total Jon E Edgren Total KELBE BROS EQUIPMENT CO INC Total KRIER REFRIGERATION INC Total LANNON STONE PRODUCTS Total LIESENER SOILS INC Total LINCOLN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY INC Total LOCHEN JOHN P CO INC Total MAXFIELD'S TOPSOIL Total Packet Pg. 35 10.c.1.a May 2015 - Highway Department Payables Amount $12,848.04 $528,505.32 $1,219.85 $1,648.84 $237.56 $547.00 $109.99 $350.00 $32.00 $101.83 $170.00 $195.00 $967.93 $671.30 $201.91 $504.28 $246.00 $6,507.20 $668.01 $172.62 $450.60 $224.80 $300.00 $658.73 $267.12 $1,963.92 $87.00 $6,734.48 $641.13 $97.75 $1,620.32 $65.00 $70.00 $1,034.00 $1,925.90 $640,691.65 Attachment: Hwy Financial - June 2015 (2918 : Hwy Financials - June 2015) Vendor Name MEIGS HENRY G LLC Total MICHELS CORPORATION Total MILLER BRADFORD & RISBERG INC Total NAPA AUTO PARTS Total NEUENS FREDONIA LUMBER CO Total OVERHEAD MATERIAL HANDLING INC Total Paul F Weidert Total PAULUS CONSTRUCTION LLC Total POMPS TIRE SERVICE INC Total PORT PUBLICATIONS INC Total PORT YAMAHA Total PROFESSIONAL DOOR SYSTEMS INC Total ROLAND MACHINERY COMPANY Total RYCHTIK WELDING & MFG CO Total SAFETY-KLEEN CORP (REMITTANCE ONLY) Total SALAMONE SUPPLIES Total SAUKVILLE FEEDS Total SCHMITZ READY-MIX INC Total SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC Total SOUTHERN OPTICAL COMPANY (WOS OPTICAL) Total SPEED PERFORMANCE RESEARCH LLC Total TERMINAL SUPPLY CO Total TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL CO INC Total TRUCK COUNTRY OF WISCONSIN Total U.S. SLING & SUPPLY Total VANDERVART CONCRETE PRODUCTS Total VEOLIA ES INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (SHEBOYGAN) Total WE ENERGIES Total WE ENERGIES/LEGAL SERVICES-CLAIMS Total WEST ALLIS BLUEPRINT & SUPPLY Total WESTER ELECTRIC INC Total WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Total WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Total WISCONSIN DNR-ENVIRONMENTAL FEES Total ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC Total Grand Total Packet Pg. 36