Investment Opportunities Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan Toll Road
Investment Opportunities Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan Toll Road
Investment Opportunities Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan Toll Road By. Koentjahjo Pamboedi Board Member, Indonesia Toll Road Authority March 2014 March, 2014 Infrastructure; a National Priority National Priority: pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-poor, pro-green. Government’s target on connectivity agenda: to connect the main corridor by 2014 (MP3EI Master Plan), but: Toll road program has encountered a number of challenges: large financing requirements, land acquisition, affordability, project preparation to regulatory reform. The remaining toll roads are mainly marginal on financial viability with low initial traffic flow The government has established various tools to support toll road project: • Land fund implemented • Land capping implemented • Government guarantee implemented • Viability Gap fund implemented Regional Approach in Infrastructure Provision Infrastructure for All & Regional Development Economic based regional Approach Public Private Partnership Public spending for developing and newly developing region Developed Region Developing Region Newly Developing Region Toll Roads Masterplan Plam No Toll Road Operated Program Priority Potential Total 1 Sumatera Island 43 km 60 km 223 km 2.522 km 2.848 km 2 Jawa Island 714 km 1019 km 181 km 486 km 2.400 km 3 Kalimantan Island - - 84km - 84 km 4 Bali Island 10 km - - - 10 km 5 Sulawesi Island 17 km - 46 km - 63 km 784 km 1.079 km 534 km 3.008 km 5.405 km Total Operation Program Priority Potential Banda Aceh Medan Pekanbaru Padang Manado Samarinda Pontianak Jambi Palembang Bengkulu Bd Lampung Jakarta Bandung Balikpapan Palangkaraya Banjarmasin Semarang Bitung Surabaya Yogyakarta Denpasar Palu Kendari Makassar INVESTMENT SCHEME AND TOLL ROAD VIABILITY SBOT/HYBRID BOT TRC GOI TRC GOI O&M/LEASE TRC GOI ASSIGNMENT* SOE Land Acquisition Construction O&M EIRR >>> FIRR >>> TRC : Toll Road Company GOI: Government of Indonesia SOE: State Owned Enterprise EIRR >>> FIRR Marginal EIRR >>> FIRR <<< EIRR >>> FIRR <<< *) PP 43 /2013 : assignment of SOEs due to limited budget of GOI in providing infrastructure. STAGES OF TOLL ROAD PROCUREMENT Directorate General of Highways SOLICITED PROJECT Indonesian Toll Road Authority UNSOLICITED PROJECT TOLL ROAD PLANNING POLICY (PP-PS 11) 1 TOLL ROAD MASTER PLAN (PP-PS 12) 2 TOLL ROAD SECTION PLAN (PP-PS 13) 3 PROJECT PROPOSAL 1a PROPOSAL APPROVAL 1b Toll Road Company Compensation for the initiator: 1. Bonus system (10% max); or 2. Right to Match; or 3. Purchasing of the Project (Including Intellectual Property Right) TOLL TARIFF CONCESSION AGREEMENT TENDER PREPARATION (PP-PS 24) TENDER (PP-PS 55-61) FINANCING TECHNICAL DESIGN (PP-PS 27) LAND ACQUISITION CONSTRUCTION (PP-PS28 + PS31) (PP-PS 29) 4 5 6 7 8 9 OPERATION (PP-PS36) & MAINTENANCE (PP-PS53) 10 CONCESSION TAKE OVER 11 TRANSACTION PROCESS 1. Law and Regulations : a. Law No. 38/2004 concerning Road b. Government Regulation No.15/2005 concerning Toll Roads, as second amended by Government Regulation No. 43/2013, c. Presidential Regulation No. 67/2005 concerning PPP, as secondary amended by President regulation No.56/2011 d. Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 13/PRT/M/2010 concerning Guidelines for Procurement of the Toll Road Companies 2. Two stages of Tender : a. Prequalification; b. Limited tender. 3. Tender criteria : a. The lowest initial toll rates b. Minimum Government support PRIVATE SECTOR GOVERMENT PROJECT PREPARATION PREPARE PQ DOCUMENT PQ AND BID INVITATION SUBMIT PQ DOCUMENT PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER PREPARE BID PROPOSAL PRE BID CONFERENCE-BID PREPARATION (± 14 months) SUBMIT BID PROPOSAL & BID BOND SUBMISSION AND OPENING BID RECEIVE NOTICE AWARD EVALUATION OF BID PREPARE SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE APOINTMENT OF SUCCESFUL BIDDER SIGN CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND, LAND ACQUISITION COST, FINANCIAL CLOSE CONSESSION AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGREEMENT (± 4-6 months) RISK ALLOCATION Allocation No Type of Risk Government 1. Land Acquisition 2. Engineering Planning 3. Toll Road Construction 4. Operation and Maintenance 5. Tarif Tol 6. Volume Kendaraan 7. Perubahan Hukum 8. Keadaan Kahar Toll Road Company CONSTRAINT AND EXPECTED CONDITION OF TOLL ROAD BUSINESS IN INDONESIA CONSTRAINT EXPECTED CONDITION Land Acquisition No certainty on the completion of land acquisition financed by business entity Financing by business entity (BLU) Land acquisition implementation in accordance with the Law of 2/2012 and Presidential Regulation of 71/2012 Financing and its implementation are conducted by Government Financing Facility Limited financing from lender (only from bank) Bank financing for land acquisition with easier requirements Availability of other financing institutions apart from banking. (PT SMI/IIF) Bidding Most of toll road segments that are auctioned based on the national road network general plan have been determined by the Minister of Public Works Bidding includes land acquisition cost Limited financing from Government (support) Business entity’s initiative Investment cost excludes land acquisition cost Bidding is carried out upon completion of land acquisition (minimum 1 section) Contigent Liability Absence of Government guarantee to reduce the risks Possibility for Government guarantee in risk management through PT PII PROJECT LOCATION Port of Cirebon National Activity Tol Kanci-Pejagan Centre CIREBON National Activity Centre PKNp BANDUNG PANGANDARAN RANCABUAYA PKN PALABUHANRATU TPI Pelabuhan Ratu Cisumdawu Toll Road SEKSI I : 12,025 Km STA -2+275 SEKSI II : 17,350 Km SEKSI III : STA 27+100 STA 9+750 SEKSI IV : 3,750 Km SEKSI V : 15,900 Km 7,200 Km STA 30+850 SEKSI VI : 4,048 Km STA 38+050 CISUMDAWU TOLL ROAD STA 53+950 STA 57+998 RENCANA JALAN BEBAS HAMBATAN CIKAPAL RENCANA BANDARA INTERNASIONAL KERTAJATI RANCAKALONG LEGOK CILEUNYI JATINANGOR TANJUNG SARI KERTAJATI SUMEDANG PARAKAN MUNCANG CADAS PANGERAN CIMALAKA UJUNGJAYA KOTA SUMEDANG + 60,28 Km Ke Project Objectives NAGREG The main objectives of the Project are : (a) To construct the alternative access transportation in Bandung to Sumedang (b) To reduce traffic volume in the existing road, particularly during working days; (c) To obtain “value for money” infrastructure investment and service provision for GoI and relevant regional or local governments. JALAN NASIONAL EKSISTING Ke CIREBON PROJECT OUTLINE CILEUNYI-SUMEDANG-DAWUAN TOLL ROAD 16.671 Vehc/day 16.556 Vehc/day 16.921 Vehc/day 14.749 Vehc/day LAND ACQUSITION (by GOVERNMENT) LAND ACQUSITION (by JASA SARANA) Government Portion (29,37Km) C O N S T Private’s Portion (30,89 Km) R U C T I O N C O S T OPERATION (BY PRIVATE ) Elements Length Design Speed Number of lane Characteristics 60,27 Km 100 Km/hr 2x2 lanes (start), 2x3 lanes (final) Lane of width Outer Shoulder width 3,6 m 3,0 m Inner shoulder width 1,5 m Median width 13 m Note: I USD= IRD 10.000 Elements Land Acquisition Cost Investment Cost FIRR Concession Period Toll Tariff/Km (2017) Land Acquisition Progress Construction Progress (Government Portion) Construction period Operation (year) Government Support Characteristics IDR 1.295 Billion (USD 129 Million) IDR 12.331 Billion (USD 1.233 Million) 14,18% 35 Years IDR 800/USD 0,08 Section I (Cileunyi – Tanjungsari) : 38,20 %, Section II (Tanjungsari-Sumedang) : 58,38%, Section III (Sumedang – Cimalaka) : 16,81%, Section IV (CimalakaLegok) : 0%, Section V (Legok – Ujung Jaya) : 0%, Section VI (Ujung Jaya – Kertajati) : 0% Total : 28,29% Section I (Cileunyi – Tanjungsari) : 8,06% %, Section II (Tanjungsari-Sumedang) : 3,74% Total 5,51% ± 2 Years (2018-2019) ± 2018 (Partial) To get FIRR 16% on 2018, it is required IDR 1.261.619 Million (USD 130,91 Million) Government Support, so that the investment cost will be IDR 7.323.928 Million (USD 759,98 Million) PPP Structure SBOT with Government Guarantee National Budget Borrowing Rp Government Rp MoPW Rp Contractor Construction Contract Rp Ministry of Finance Toll Road Assets Rp Recourse Agreement IIGF BPJT Concession Agreement EQUITY Equity Sponsor Rp DEVIDEN LOANS Lender • Land Acquisition Cost Partly By Government • Part of toll road section is done by Government • TRC build another section of construction and Operate the Toll Road for whole section • Road Users pay the toll tariff SERVICE Toll Road Company Road Users Rp Rp TOLL TARIFF REPAYMENT CONSTRUCTION Rp COST Infrastructure, Operation & Maintenance Construction Operation & Maintenance Cost Rp Operation & Maintenance Procurement Process 1 • • • • • Pre-Qualification (PQ) Process PQ process will be announced in local mass media. PQ criteria will be set out in the pre-qualification document. Participants who meet the requirement and eligible criteria will be announced as shortlisted bidders and will be invited to tender. Should there are less than three participants, there will be re-PQ. Should the above condition is recurred, the tender process will be continued by negotiation. Tender Process • • • • 2 Participants who meet the requirement and eligible will be announced as shortlisted bidders and will be invited to tender. Tender process is conducted by two methods : interest participant with the lowest bidder or interest participant with lower government support bidder. Should the participant meet the requirement , he will be the tender winner. Should there is one tender participant , the tender process will be conducted by negotiation. Evaluation Criteria For PQ Evaluation Criteria For Tender 1. Compliance with submission requirements in the prequalification document and eligibility to participate in Indonesian PPP Procurement; 2. Financial capacity to raise the required finance for the Project; 3. Track record in financing, designing, constructing and operating projects similar to this Project, particularly in Indonesia and / or South East Asia and experience in fulfilling PPP projects. Tender process are evaluated using two methods : 1. Lowest tariff; tender participants with the lowest bidder will be the tender winner. 2. Lowest government support; the tender winner are those who could build toll road with minimum government support. Tender Schedule (Temporary) July , 2015 October , 2015 October , 2015 November , 2015 PQ documents to be made available for collection by interested investors PQ submission • Evaluation of bidders • Bidders to be shortlisted Announcement of PQ results Feb , 2016 Mar , 2016 May , 2016 July , 2016 Release of draft ITT documents and IIGF guarantee documents to shortlisted bidders Dec , 2016 Financial Close Cont’d Consultation with Release of final ITT shortlisted bidders documents to on draft ITT shortlisted bidders documents February , 2016 ITT bid submission Appointment of Preferred bidder CA Signing 15 THANK YOU Koentjahjo Pamboedi, Member of Board BPJT Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12110-Indonesia Email: ; 16
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3. Tender criteria :
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