
May 1989
Creationism . ............................................... 39
Abortion ••
North, Oliver ••.
Pornography ••••
Sex ••••
Wright, James.
Youth ••
... .
. . . . . . . . ..
. . . . ..
• ••••• 39-40
• • 42, 44-45
. ••••• 41-42
•• 47-49
. .... 40
• ••• 42
Secular humanism .••...•......•..••..............•..•..•. 49-50
Mother's Day • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• 42-44
700 CLUB 5-1-89
"Something I want to talk about, I think it's important
because ... one thing we feel is very important in terms of
dealing with our school curriculum is the whole issue that we
call life science.
So therefore, CBN Publishing is creating a
whole curriculum based on David's [the man who produces the
segment called "Creation" on the 700 Club once a week] creation
series and a booklet called Life Science ... we're going to get a
curriculum available for schools witflVTdeo tapes of creation,
showing how God indeed created the world in fascinating,
wonderful ways, as a curriculum for students so that they can see
f i r s t hand by v i de o a n d t h r o u g h t ex tb o o k ma t e r i a 1 , abo u t God ' s
wonderful creation.
Sort of a way to combat those who say it was
all a matter of chance."
700 CLUB 5-1-89
"Well the latest tally for Saturday's National Day of Rescue
shows that over 4,400 Americans sat down in front of 41 abortion
clinics in 37 states and spokesmen for Operation Rescue say there
were 27 more clinics blocked but reports haven't yet come in.
far, 28 babies have been confirmed as having their lives saved by
the nationwide effort in which people place their bodies between
the abortionists and the baby to be aborted."
In the report, the pro-lifers claim victory because the L.A.
police decided they were not going to make any arrests.
"If you were to hazard a guess [on the Supreme Court's vote on
Roe v. Wade] what would you guesstimate?"
"Oh, they'll play with it, they'll modify it, they'll say it's
been too extensive and that they ought to give states a certain
amount of rights.
They'll uphold the Missouri decision in that
Webster v. Reproductive Health ... I doubt if they're going to
overturn Roe, they might."
"It is being determined, [sic] Roe v. Wade doesn't really have
any solid judicial basis on which to be founded does it?"
VOLUME 10, Issue 5
!May, 1989
"None at all. None at all, they just made 1 aw out of the blue.
They took that right of privacy thing and they said that there
was a penumbra, a penumbra. I looked that up in a great big
dictionary. A penumbra is an almost shadow. Well they found an
almost shadow in the 14th Amendment that gives a right of
privacy. An almost shadow, that's what it is."
Cheapening of Life
"We see the cheapening of 1 i fe but it doesn't take an expert to
realize that American society is in a quadmire of teenage
pregnancy, divorce, venereal disease and abortion. But these
problems in society didn't just appear suddenly by themselves,
they're connected with attitudes that people embraced over the
"Gary Bauer president of the Family Research Council explains the
message our culture presents."
"That sex sells, that sex is the way to success, that sex is
something that's done at the drop of a hat with very little
consequences ... "
700 CLUB 5-3-89
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
"Let's face it, there's one way to stop this plague and that is
to go back to biblical morality. The Bible used to be very well
read and very well repected and it says clearly that fornication
is a sin, it says it's a sin against the Lord, it's a sin
against your own self ... Planned Parenthood had it's way. From
what we gather, Margaret Sanger way back when, wanted to get
teenagers copulating with as much vigor as possible. Then she
wanted to introduce birth control techniques and then she wanted
to introduce sterilization and the sterilization is the way
they're going to right now. The sex education in school has
nothing to do with morality. We're teaching kids how to do it.
We're not even teaching them how to do it safely, just do it.
It's a shocking thing folks, there's one answer, that answer is
to go back to biblical morality. We have to have moral strength
or this nation is gone."
VOLUME 10, Issue §
lMay, 1989
7 0,0 CLUB 5- 5 - 8 9
Oliver North
I would have never thought a man who was fighting against
communism, fighting for freedom for our country would have had
done to him what's been done to him.
I wouldn't think the American people would allow that.
they're going to appeal against those three charges ...
I know
I hate to say this but the American people have nothing to do
with it right now except they've got to pay the bill. The Wall
Street Journal said $40 million ... imagine $40 million to
1nvest1gate somebody on building a $12,000 security fence to keep
Abu Nidal from shooting them. I mean that's really what the
charge was and shredding some papers. It's appalling ... President
Bush should say, 'alright, the thing is over, I'm going to pardon
him.' And I think the American people, that's where they would
stand, behind the President who could pardon Oliver North ... This
whole thing is, if you're for communism, you're a hero. If
you're for taking away America's defense, you're a hero, you're
cutting defense, you're a hero, if you're for the leftist
policies, you're a hero.
If you stand for American values, if
you stand for religious values, family values and against
communism, then you get the attack from all the left and it looks
like they keep winning and I just don't think that's a good
Scary thought.
" ••• These federal prosecutors, apparently, they don't report to
anybody. They're not out of the Justice Department and the
Attorney General and the President, they're not really under
Congress, they don't have any congressional committee that
supervises them, they're not really under the Supreme Court or
the court system of America, they're just like loose cannons who
can go away and take all the money they want to go after anybody
they want. It's, in my estimation, unconstitutional and I think
the Supreme Court should say so. President Reagan long time ago
should have never signed the bill that created these special
prosecutors. The constitution makes it clear which branch of
VOLUME 10, Issue 5
lMay, 1989
government should handle this. It's the President, it's the
Attorney General and the Justice Department. They're the ones
that should handle prosecuting for the United States of America,
that's what should be done. Not independent prosecutors who just
give in vain charges to go after people with an unlimited check,
that isn't a very good system, it's a problem."
"The quality of education hasn't improved, it's gone down
steadily since 1962 when they took prayer out of the school.
When we stopped praying, something happened to education. It's
been a virtual freefall ever since. We're essentially, building
for ourselves in America, a permanent underclass."
" ... The basic heart of this thing is that these kids are being
told that they're worth nothing. Why should they stay in school?
What hope is there? I think when they can be helped to believe
again that they're worth something, that God places a value on
life, some of these kids would be brilliant."
700 CLUB 5-10-89
Teenage Delinquency
"Doesn't anybody care, doesn't anybody know, isn't there anybody
around to tell these young people what's right and what's wrong?
Isn't there anyone there to feel the pain to help them? Is it
any wonder that 8 million teenagers in our society are
contemplating suicide. One million are pregnant out of wedlock.
What do we show them? We show them a constant barrage of sexual
infidelity and sex outside of marriage. We show them soap operas
everyday filled with it, we show them the prime time soaps like
Dallas and Dynasty where this kind of stuff is going on all the
t1me. We show them all sorts of dramas, we show them movies with
filthy language, R and X-rated material and even PG-13 which
again, is filled with innuendo, filthy talk. What are we giving
them? And then when they need help, what do we do?"
"The hand that rocks the cradle must not be very talented or
surely it would find more interesting things to do. That's the
revised standard version written no doubt by Betty Friedan et al.
Yet in the original version it said, the hand that rocks the
VOLUME 10, Issue g
1May, 1989
cradle rules the world. And my friends, I think it's very
important that we understand which one of those versions is
really the truth ... Motherhood has been seen in a totally
different 1 i gh t by all of the rest of the world than it has been
seen in the last quarter century through the eyes of the radical
feminists ... But in the past quarter century, we have seen a most
unnatural phenomenon. In the radical feminist movement, we have
been told that motherhood is demeaning and that if women wanted
to find fulfillment, they had to get out of the home and into the
market place. They were told that if they had children, the
best thing to do is to leave them with the state agencies to care
for them, and go out and make your fortune. That's the only
place you would find fulfillment and satisfaction. It's
interesting if you go back to the sitcoms of the 50's, most of
them took place in the home. That's where the action was, that's
where there was a place of significance. But then when we see
the 60's and the 70's sitcoms, we see that most of those were in
the work place, in hospitals and police stations and restaurants
and lawyers offices and detective agencies, any place but the
home because you see, out there was where life really was and
people rarely ever realized that subtlety of the suggestion that
home is where it's not. Maybe people are finally awakening to
the error of all of that. In fact, there's no doubt about the
fact that the feminist movement has almost come to a screeching
halt even Betty Friedan, the architect of the women's rebellion
against the ordinances of God, for that is exactly what it was,
has confessed that it has been a failure. She says that the
feminist movement has finally come to a place where women are
having second thoughts about their careers while desperately
trying to have a baby before it's too late. And there are a
number of books being written today by ex-feminists who said they
finally discovered that that's not really where it's at, at all.
For example, syndicated columnist Joan Beck says, 'the most
compelling reason why so many fast-tracked women drop out or slow
down is that their priorities changed. They discover, usually
to their surprise, that it's more satisfying and important to do
a personal job of mothering a small child than to make a 2% gain
in the year over year sales of the packaging division of Widget
Inc. Small children love back, computer printers don't.' Former
Miss America, Terri Meeuwson discovered that herself and dropped
a career in television and radio to rear her two little children.
So finally we are discovering that motherhood isn't all the bad
things that it was made out to be ... And when you dump the kids
by the car loads into community care centers what happens is you
finally have essentially, the state conveying values to the
children. And as one historian has pointed out, that is always
an inevitable aspect of tyranny, that you have a single
monolithic conveyor of values to children. That's what mothers
need to do. And when they're not there to provide those values,
that's when you have the kind of problems that we've been seeing
in our society recently ... So I would urge mothers, young mothers,
mothers of young children to learn to be keepers at home and
lMay, 1989
Issue 5
realize that what you are doing has enormous significance. Be
not deceived and misled by the so-called wisdom of this
world ... Today many women realizing that the architects of the
feminist movement have given them nothing but the wisdom of the
world which has proved to be a lie and they have been
deceived ... Are you a Christian mother? Have you surrendered
your life to Christ? One thing every parent needs to realize,
who have never accepted Christ and that is that not only are
they putting their own eternal welfare at risk, they are putting
the souls of their children at risk and many un-Christian parents
will have the dubious joy of having their children with them in
he 11 forever . A god 1 y mother i s a grea t b1e s s i ng . "
700 CLUB 5-16-89
Public Schools
"Field trips to nude beaches and abortion clinics? Just a part
of college instruction designed to purge America's youth of
family and traditional values. It's the natural culmination of a
strategic fifteen year plan to sabotage American morals and to
subvert the mind's of America's children leaving them as confused
as their parents. This doesn't happen in secret. It takes place
everyday in the public school classrooms.
PAUL VITZ, professor of Psychology, New York University
"Today, the public school system has become a huge, secular,
amoral, either anti-religious or religiously indifferent system."
" ... And in Los Angeles, of grave concern to parents is Project
10, a program where the Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center
has been interfacing with the public school system to council and
reach out to gay and lesbian children."
GABE KRUKS, Gay and Lesbian Community Service
"You know 10 to 12% of the kids at any given school are probably
growing up as sexual minorities. They are citizens too, they
need that support."
"Professor of psychology, William Coulson calls humanism and its
manifestation such as values clarification, the black beast."
WILLIAM COULSON, Ph.D, Professor of Psychology, United States
Universit¥, International
"One of it s major aims is to purge the need for God from
religion and it's other aim is to establish itself and therefore
VOLUME 10, Issuo §
lMay, 1989
to establish humankind as being better than God."
" ... For the public schools system teachers to tell them they have
to determine it [whether shoplifting is wrong] on their own,
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen years old, it utter nonsense. But
this foolishness has been foisted off on the American people
beginning primarily with John Dewey in the 1930's and
subsequently, and they have spawned this incredibly powerful
educational union that locked up public education in virtually
every state in the union. And so the parents and the taxpayers
in the local community have very little to say about it. Should
you get mad about it? You better believe you should because the
next generation we've been talking is being undermined. Their
faith, their morality, their social consciousness, their
patriotism, they're all being undermined. What's the thrust? To
make them citizens of a socialistic, one world state where there
is no God. That's the purpose of the humanistic thrust. That's
the only thing they're trying to do and they regard the classroom
as a laboratory where 'your sick children are put, and they can
bring them into health,' by making them children of one world who
do not believe in a government, do not believe in our founding
fathers, do not believe in God and do not listen to or obey their
So what are we going to do about it? Are we going to
sit around and say oh, it's all over, it's all lost? No way!
We're going to make a difference and it's going to happen because
we're going to train teachers, we're going to train principals,
we're going to train curriculum developers, we're going to be
printing textbooks, we're going to have extension courses, we're
going to be setting up Christian schools, we're going to be doing
a lot of things nationwide ...
. .. If we're going to do something for our children that are
being torn apart, 8 million potential suicides among the young,
why? Because that foolishness they put out in the school system,
that humaoism gives them no hope ... "
700 CLUB 5-24-89
Jim Wright
"I believe some of the anchors on the network news, either Brokaw
or Rather get paid about $4 million a year. And Michael Jackson
makes $40 to $60 million, Bill Cosby makes $80 million a year.
Johnny Carson makes about $5 million on his show The Tonight
Show. So we get these congressmen who make $70, $80,000 a
year ... "
" ... and live in Washington and have a residence elsewhere ... "
VOLUME 10, Issue
!May, 1989
"That's right. Two residents and they have to give to every
charity drive that comes along in their districts, they have to
travel around, they have to constantly, every two years they go
back and ask for their job all over again. Every time you run a
congressional campaign now it's anywhere between $500,000 to $1
million every two years and some senatorial campaigns go to $8 or
$9 million. In Ohio, each of the contenders spend $8 million a
piece for a Senate seat. Now, what are we going to do?
I'll tell you. If I had a $1.12 trillion business, I sure
wouldn't want some $78,000 man running it. No way. I wouldn't
want someone who couldn't feed his family, couldn't afford to pay
the rent, was always worried about where his car payments were
coming from. When we see business leaders in America ... Jim
Wright has spent his entire life in public service and I don't
parti~ularly approve of him but the man's only got $100,000
estate right now, that's all he's got and he's in his sixties.
That's all he's got is $100,000. That is hardly slop enough for
the trough."
"I feel a little bit like our attention is sometimes taken off of
issues that are major or should be of major importance and we're
jerked around a little bit as the American voting public by
politicians who want to say, 'well I'm not going to take a raise
because I'm a good guy,' and I feel like emotionally we're being
jerked around in that as voters."
"There isn't a question about it. The people say, we don't want
to give these men raises ... We, the average citizen do not have
to maintain a home in Washington, D.C. and a home in the
district and commute back and forth."
"And a home in Washington, D.C. is like living in New York City.
I mean it's no small endeavor financially."
"Four bedroom, two car garage home in Washington, the suburbs of
Virginia, $600,000. It's the highest market real estate in the
country right now. It's unbelievable. I think what's going to
happen is the Democrats are going to be embarrassed by Jim
Wright, they're going to dump on him and probably kick him out
and then Coelho took a fifty thousand dollar loan to buy some
junk bonds from a broker, so he's in trouble, Foley has an
investment counselor in Boston who's been investing his money,
nothing wrong with that but they're going to question that, and
Danny Rostenkowski has been giving huge amount to Catholic
charities so they'll say Rostenkowski's our man, so they put him
in as speaker. Probably what the scenario we're talking about,
VOLUME 10, Issue 5
1May, 1989
it isn't so much we want to condone Jim Wright, Jim Wright is
probably on his way out, we must compensate these men. Ladies
and gentlemen, it's got to be done.
If we don't, we end up with
so-called 'sleaze.' Twenty thousand dollar gift from a friend
for a man who can't meet his bills is hardly sleaze in my
estimation. The only thing is we're laying these men open to
charges of corruption if they can't meet they're living
obligations. It's just that simple."
700 CLUB 5-26-89
"Pornographic comics and pro-homosexual books are items that scar
the life of a nation. Well when taxpayers find out they are
paying for offensive materials, the controversy really heats up."
"In Safer Sex Comic #6, Ed and Julio get together for some
graphic sodomy and perverted sex. This is obviously no ordinary
comic and you the taxpayer help pay for it."
GARY BAUER, former undersecretary of education
"This is the most graphic material you can imagine. It very
directly promotes homosexual lifestyle but does this in the name
of educating about AIDS."
"The Gay Men's Health Crisis produced materials like the one
depicting Ed and Julio. Federal funds from 1986 to 1988 of
$680,000 went to the organization and enabled them to come up
with such publications. New York taxpayers -coughed up almost $5
million one year for the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Other comics
in the series show a plumber homosexually seducing his customer,
a homosexual phone encounter with male sex organs displayed, and
one called Leather Man with passive aggressive homosexuality and
close-ups of sexual activity. Tens of millions of dollars go to
gay rights groups every year for AIDS education ... "
"There are a 1 ot of indications that a good bit of that money is
still making it's way to gay rights organizations in cities like
New York and San Francisco, larger cities around the country and
VOLUME 10, Issue 5
!May, 1989
is in fact being used for purposes that neither the Congress
intended nor most taxpayers would support."
"Homosexuality isn't just promoted on the street, it's commonly
justified in the highest academic circles. In this case, propped
up by your tax dollars. The prestigious National Research
Council published a book in February called AIDS, Sexual
Behavior and Intravenous Drug Use at a cost of $437,000. The
Council is a w1ng of the National Academy of Sciences which has a
mandate to advise the federal government on scientific and
technical matters. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute
analyzed the book."
PAUL CAMERON, Ph.D, Family Research Institute
"By far it's the authors of this book who acknowledge
overwhelmingly [sic] Americans disapprove of homosexual
relations period, they don't like them, they don't approve of
them. But these sophisticated scholars say they approve and we
ought to do everything we can to get the American populace to
well, feel o.k. about homosexuality."
"The book says the church, those who hold traditional values
towards sex and even the Supreme Court are the real problems in
stopping AIDS. Such animosity towards the sexual behavior of gay
men, which is evident in public opinion and laws has complicated
public discussion of the AIDS epidemic and hindered the
development of public policies to curb its spread.
"It's a frontal assault on Christendom. It's reaching into in
the name of saving the world from AIDS, reaching into the pulpit
and telling us what kinds of sexuality we ought to endorse."
"The book suggests the churches, whose involvement in stigma has
historically been great ... preach an enlightened view and demand
of their adherents, sympathy and justice. And biblical values
which oppose homosexuality are described as 'deeply rooted social
pathology.' In other words, being against homosexuality is a
"The government is spending supposedly rare, scarce AIDS dollars,
almost half a million dollars on this study. And the study
reaches in to the Supreme Court, reaches into the pulpit, calls
the Christian view of sexuality, particularly of homosexuality a
deeply rooted social pathology."
"Ladies and gentlemen, do you think it could happen in America?
lMay, 1989
Issu~ ~
I•m holding that dreadful thing called •After the Gym.•
this is one of the publications.
I don•t dare show it to you,
it is filthy, I mean nasty, dirty, filthy, gross, powerful
homosexuality and you•re paying for it out of your pocket with
money you give to your government.
And they say the government
is broke, you know, maybe they ought to go broke if they•re going
to spend money doing this. Something has got to be done.
I also
have this book on AIDS Sexual Behavior and Intravenous Drug Use,
just one line in here, the vocabulary in religions, these
behaviors are called sinful and accusers can say to the victims,
if you hadn•t behaved this way in your sinful way, this wouldn•t
have happened to you.•
Well that•s exactly right, if they
hadn• t behaved in ways that are immoral and improper, some of
those diseases wouldn•t have happened.
Here is a government
study costing $500,000 putting down churches, ministers,
religious beliefs, synagogues, rabbis and anyone else that comes
from some kind of theistic, moral point of view.
It• s horrible ...
.. Pat, you know what I find shocking? Yesterday in Good Morning
America, the highlighted a story about a young girl who's dying
oecause her parents can•t afford to fund what it would take to
make her well, and yet the government would fund something like
this and an innocent child has no real value or worth, nobody• s
stepping in to help her, and yet people are stepping in on behalf
of [homosexuals] and to be supposedly an educational pamphlet is
a total joke ...
This thing is so filthy, any definition of dirty porn would have
taken this off the bookshelves.
I don•t care who it was, it
could not be sold because it• s so raw.
You would not ever see it
displayed ... it has no redeeming social value whatsoever and it is
not protected in any way, shape or form by the first amendment.
It• s just gross commercial exploitation of homosexual sex. And
yet we•re spending money.
If they gave $500,000 to CBN to take
the gospel of Jesus Christ to somebody or to teach biblical truth
or to teach morality or to tell people to live together as a
family, there would be such an outcry from ACLU, you couldn•t
believe it.
So what are you going to do about it? Well what you
better do about it is write your congressman, notify your
congressman, ask your congressman to inquire about the money that
is being spent on AIDS research and we•re looking at big dollars,
well over a million dollars a year ...
Secular Humanism
VOLUME 10, Issue 5
!May, 1989
Dr. Francis Schaeffer warned us a decade ago that America was
being secularized, that we were purging America of our religious
heritage. We look at People For the American Way, the ACLU, the
NEA, NOW, Planned Parenthood and on the list goes, and they
worked in concert with liberal politicians, that work in concert
wi t h the sec u1 a r i s t s , sec u1 a r human i s t s e tc ... un t i 1 today , i t i s
unbelievable. Somebody handed me this clipping. It says that a
doctor, medical doctor was fired by a hospital for praying at the
patient's bedside ... Can you imagine that? You say, that couldn't
have happened twenty years ago in this country. That's right,
but it's happening now and it's got to change. The hope is
Christian education.~~
VOLUME 10, Issue 5
!May, 1989