SEED - Wyatt Quarles
SEED - Wyatt Quarles
Apply only where no vegetation is desired. Visible effects should occur within 3 to 5 days with complete kill in 2 to 4 weeks. •Dual action formula. •Spot treat driveways, sidewalks, along fences, curbs, etc. •Starts working in hours. 2013 DO NOT APPLY TO LAWNS Always Read and Follow Label Directions Wholesale Dealer Catalog • 877-SOW-SEED (769-7333) • Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company,Garner, NC KILLZALL Extended Control Kills & prevents listed weeds & grasses for 3 to 6 months. Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company Wholesale Dealer Catalog Where Beautiful Gard ens Are Born! 1-877-SOW-SEED Leaves of three... DON'T let them be Protect Your Plants Cut Vine & Stump Killer Ready-To-Use Always Read and Follow Label Directions. Say Goodbye to that Snake in the Grass Hi-Yield® Snake Repellent Repel Snakes from Lawns and Around Homes. Broad Spectrum Insecticide For use on lawns, ornamentals, listed garden vegetables, & fruit trees. Provides 4 month control of insects indoors and up to 6 weeks of control of insects outdoors. Kills insects and pests that damage roses, flowers, shrubs, fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and lawns. Always Read and Follow Label Directions Provides a powerful scent/taste repellent that snakes find unpleasant. Triggers a natural reaction to escape and avoid. Does not harm snakes, it drives them away, naturally. Always Read and Follow Label Directions Dear Valued Customer, Since 1881, Wyatt-Quarles has offered quality products, exceptional service, and an on going commitment to help customers grow their business. We are a full line wholesale lawn and garden, and nursery distributor serving North Carolina, South Carolina, and Southern Virginia. There are seven territory salesmen, along with a full time support team available to serve your needs. We would like to make you aware of the products we have to offer and welcome any feedback, as your success is our success. Thank you for your patronage. Wyatt - Quarles Seed Company / 730 Hwy. 70 West / P.O. Box 739 / Garner, NC 27529-0739 / (919)772-4243 / Fax (919)772-4278 Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company Sales Representatives Territory Sales Team James Taylor In-House Sales Art Bethel 910-261-4933 Cell Anthony Koch 757-371-9272 Cell Dean Kiger Sue Jennings Mike L. Joyner 336-210-2218 Cell Joseph G. Moore Anthony R. Evans Amber Raymond 252-717-8969 Cell William M. Warner 704-905-4322 Cell Keith W. Haynes Mark Smith Robert Strickland 704-450-8159 Cell Gerald Storms 919-669-0315 Cell First Row: (left to right) Dean Kiger, Keith Haynes, Amber Raymond, Chuck Wyatt, Bill Warner, Mark Smith, Anthony Koch, Robert Strickland. Second Row: (left to right) James Taylor, Gerald Storms, Mike Joyner, Sue Jennings, Tony Evans, Joe Denney(retired), Art Bethel, Joe Moore. Wyatt-Quarles 1-30 Seeds, Scoops & Scales Table of Contents 31-46 Fertilizers & Soils Seeds, Scoops & Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 Vegetable Seeds●Grass Seed●Herbs●Flowers●WildbirdSeed●Thermometers Scoops●Scales 47-50 Wheel Goods Fertilizers & Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-46 Soil Amendments●Soil Mixes●Rooting Powder●Soil Testers●pH meters Wheel Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-50 Spreaders●Push Plows●Seeders●Seed Plates 51-78 Lawn & Garden Lawn & Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-78 79-102 Bird & Pet Supplies Bird & Pet Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79-102 103-112 Greenhouse Supplies Planters●Lawn Decor/Accessories●Watering Cans●Garden Gloves●Hats●Tomato Cages/Stakes Bird Feeders●Suet●Pet Care●Traps●Bird Houses Greenhouse Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-112 Nursery Containers●Peat Pots●Pots Labels●Landscape Fabric 113-134 Tools Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-134 Hand Tools●Rakes●Shovels●Pruners●Pecan Gatherers Chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135-188 135-188 Chemicals Insecticides●Fungicides●Wildlife Repellents●Pest Control Water Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189-204 Water Hoses●Shut off Valves●Sprinklers●Pondcare●Pond Pumps Sprayers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205-210 Backpack Sprayers●Misters●Dusters Direct Shipments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211-212 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213-218 189-204 Water Goods 205-210 Sprayers 211-212 Direct Shipments 213-218 Index Wyatt-Quarles Terms and Conditions Payment Terms 1. General Terms - Unless otherwise shown on invoice, terms are net the 10th day of the month following invoice date; past due 11th. If a future due date is shown on the invoice, it is due and discountable on or before that date; net the following day. Please pay by invoice number to avoid any confusion in the handling of your account. 2. Discounts - all trade discounts will be shown on the invoice and are already deducted in the extended total. All cash discounts shown may be taken if paid by the 10th day of the month following invoice, or by a future due date if shown on invoice. Anticipation discount - ¼% per month. 3. Past Due Balances - invoices which are not paid by the 10th day of the month following invoice date will incur a 1½% per month service charge (18% per annum), and this charge will appear on the statement for that month. 4. C.O.D. - accounts with balances not paid by the last day of the month in which they were due will automatically be put on C.O.D. status. Until payment arrangements are made, at least 25% of the past due balance will be added to each C.O.D. shipment. New accounts which have not established credit with us will be shipped on a C.O.D. basis until credit can be established. 5. NSF Checks - $35.00 fee on each returned check. 6. Credit Cards - VISA, Master Card, and Discover accepted. Delivery Terms and Schedules 1. Minimum Orders - Orders for $300.00 or more will be delivered on our trucks when they are in your area. Unless a fuel surcharge is in effect, orders of $300 or more will be delivered free. 2. Orders Below Minimum - orders for less than $300.00 will be shipped by mail, UPS or motor freight, and the freight charges and any fuel surcharges will be collect or will be added to your invoice. If shipped on W-Q truck, there will be a $40.00 delivery charge. 3. Orders Needed Before Scheduled Delivery - orders needed before scheduled delivery date may be picked up at our warehouse or we will ship it by mail, UPS or motor freight and the freight charges and fuel surcharges will be collect or will be added to your invoice. 4. Orders Must Be Received by 11:00 A.M. - orders must be received by 11:00 a.m. on the day before delivery to insure that it gets on the truck. 5. Delivery Schedule - a delivery schedule for the calendar year is available from your W-Q salesman or you may contact W-Q for a copy. We will strive to stick to the schedule as closely as possible, but during the busy season, please allow 1 or 2 days for possible delays. 6. Bulk Items - we reserve the right to adjust quantities on bulk items such as lime, peat moss, potting soil, cow manure, etc., so that our trucks will not be overloaded. 7. Fuel Surcharges - as fuel prices rise, it may become necessary for us to add a fuel surcharge to each delivery on our trucks. Any surcharges added to drop shipments by our suppliers will be included on your invoice. Returned Goods and Credits 1. Defective Goods - items which are defective may be returned to us for full credit. 2. Items Shipped in Error - items which we ship in error may be returned to us for full credit. 3. Overstocks and Buyer Errors - merchandise returned due to buying error, overstock or other buyers mistakes, must be in good, clean, saleable condition and such returns must be approved by our home office, and are subject to a 15% restocking charge. 4. Direct Shipments or Motor Freight Shipments - all claims for damages on shipments made by a carrier other than W-Q must be made with the delivering carrier. 5. Returns - must be written by W-Q salesman on W-Q pick-up form. 6. Special Orders - Any non-stocking items ordered cannot be returned to W-Q. All terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Great effort was made to avoid typographical errors; however, they do occur and cannot be honored. II Wyatt-Quarles Wyatt-Quarles III IV Wyatt-Quarles Why You Should Place Your Vegetable Seed Contract with Wyatt-Quarles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Only varieties best suited for this area are offered Every variety is produced by professional seed growers. Every lot is sampled and tested, with records kept on each lot. Colorful pictures of each variety are available to dealers booking our seed. Poly packs in ½ lb. size available for beans, peas, and corn. Packets in smaller sizes are available for other varieties. Vegetable planting guides are available in poster form or in hand-out size. Book vegetable seeds early with your WQ salesman for best prices, quantity discounts and assurance of supply on short varieties. Wyatt-Quarles V Wyatt-Quarles Vegetable Seed Contract Cooperative Advertising Program Wyatt-Quarles will pay up to 3% of the amount of your total vegetable seed contract for the current calendar year in 75/25 cooperative advertising money. 1. Wyatt-Quarles will reimburse dealer up to 75% of the cost of Wyatt-Quarles’ portion of any ads, with Wyatt-Quarles’ reimbursement not to exceed 3% of the total amount of vegetable seed contracted and invoiced for in the current calendar year. 2. Advertising must be in newspapers or on radio. a. Newspaper ad slicks are available from Wyatt-Quarles. Other ads must be approved by Wyatt-Quarles prior to being run. Wyatt-Quarles logo must appear in all ads. b. Radio advertising must be approved by Wyatt-Quarles prior to being run. Suggested 15- or 30-second spots are available on request from Wyatt-Quarles. 3. All advertising must be performed between January 1 - May 31, of the current calendar year, to be eligible for cooperative money. 4. Proof of performance (complete newspaper tear sheet, etc.) and proof of payment (invoice, cancelled check, or other receipt) must be submitted within 45 days of appearance of the ad. EXAMPLE: Dealer buys $2,500.00 worth of vegetable seed on his contract. He has earned $75.00 in co-op money ($2,500.00 x .03 = $75.00). (1) Dealer runs an ad costing $100.00. Wyatt-Quarles pays $75.00 (75%) of ad, dealer pays $25.00. (2) Dealer runs an ad costing $50.00. Wyatt-Quarles pays $37.50 (75%) of ad, dealer pays $12.50. (3) Dealer runs an ad costing $200.00. Wyatt-Quarles pays $75.00 (3% of contract) of ad, dealer pays $125.00. Suggested Radio Spots for Wyatt-Quarles Vegetable Seed 30-second Spot Over the years . . . _______ , in _______ has acquired a reputation as being the dependable gardening supply center. Quality is all they sell, and that’s why they became a Wyatt-Quarles garden seed dealer. Wyatt-Quarles is the name in garden seed for this area. . . The same area the seed were developed for. You get good germination, hardy growth, and good production. . . The goal of every gardener. . . your fresh Wyatt-Quarles garden seed are awaiting your selection today. . . at __________, in __________ . 15-Second Spot A productive garden begins with well prepared soil, proper fertilizer, and fresh seed! Call for Wyatt-Quarles vegetable seed at ______ , in ______ . They have a large selection of fresh Wyatt-Quarles seed at_______, in_______ . VI Wyatt-Quarles