Utilimaster Vehicle Body Service Manual
Utilimaster Vehicle Body Service Manual
Body Service Manual Utilimaster Vehicles Read First: Top w d Tips on UsingalThis Online Manual a e l u n rvwith Bookmarks (hyperlinks) Browse pages or Thumbnails a e by s M d any page in Bookmarks, atre the left of the screen, are hyperlinks e to document pages. From e t c i s this document, t you can use bookmarks torjump vi to any section heading.ib h h and when the arrow e point to the bookmark name, To jumpigto a topic by using its bookmark, o S r r l becomes y name. If a triangle (or + sign) ll a pointing hand, click ondthe p appears to the left of the a A bookmark, click the triangle (or o + sign) to show or hide subordinate n bookmarks. nu o i B a t the thumbnail view button Thumbnails are visual icons of the actual pages. After selecting c M — u e (Acrobat Reader ver. 3.0)leor tab (ver. 4.0), you can quickly browse for parts sections just by the look ic ic appropriate thumbnail to rview od that page. of the page. 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When the program h U text, the Find2dialog box closes and the page containing the text is displayed with the o text r w 0 p highlighted. la 0 n 2 3. To find t the next occurrence of the word, press F3, io the Find dialog box tion by press Ctrl + G, or reopen t and h click Find Again. c d ig u e ra r t d i y o o p This manual has been optimized ib r rp NOTE: for on-screen use only. No o h p o C C unauthorized reproduction ofro this document isreallowed. For a printed r p d version of this manual, contact Utilimaster eCustomer Service.te n s z o i i a r Call 800-237-7806 (or 574-862-3219). t o c im Fax to 574-862-7637. h u l t i t u Email to CustSvc@Utilimaster.com. od U a r ed n Mail to the following address: p 2 v U re er Utilimaster 00 s 2 d Service Department Attn: Customer t e re h z i 65528 State r Road 19 ts ig r o h P.O. Box 585 y h IN 46573-0585 ig t p r Wakarusa, u o a ll C U.S.A. n A U 2 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d Part Number: 03102102-VY00EN a a e l u n rv y a e b s M d re Control e Revision e t c ts bi vi i h r Revision Print Date h e ir g o S r l Rev.llA October 2002 y p a d A u n The latest updates and other information about parts and service it o will be available for viewing and downloading Bo an c M at www.utilimaster.com. — u e e l d c ic i o v r h r p ImportantVeNotices e e r S r y d e ©2002, Utilimaster. t d e s o ir z a B Printedm in U.S.A. o i — l h i t le ut Service Manual Title: c U Utilimaster VehiclesBody a i n eh io that is accurate,Vcomplete, Un to provide information Utilimaster Corporation attempts and useful. All information t a r r contained in this manual is based on the latestoproduct information available at the time of publication. However, e t p because of the Utilimaster policy of continual r product improvement, as Utilimaster reserves the right to amend the information in this document at any timeowithout prior notice.mShould you find inadequacies in the text, pleasew Caddress: la li send your comments to the following r i t y te U When phoning Utilimaster, be aware bthat our Utilimaster s NOTE: a d Attn: Designer of Technical Publications e 219 telephone area code changed to 574 in m t i January 65906 State Road 19, it li P.O. Box 585 b 2002. The 800 numbers were unaffected. i Wakarusa, Indiana, h U 465730585, U.S.A. 2 ro wshared with your company 0 p a This material is confidential and the property of Utilimaster. It is for the sole purpose l 0 n 2 of helping you n t with the operation of the described equipment. io o by i t h t c but not limited to, the implied dto this material, including, a ig makes no warranty of any kind with regard Utilimaster u e r r dshall not be liable for errors it purpose. Utilimaster y of merchantability and fitness for a particular o warranties o b p p i r r o herein or for incidental or consequential contained or o C ep with the furnishing, performance, oh damages in connection C r r use of this material. r p d e t e n s maintenance, Utilimaster expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability forizthe installation, use, performance, it o a r and support of third-party products. oto make their independent c Customers are advised mevaluation of such i h u l t i products. t u d od U a r e n p 2 v No part of this documentemay be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another U 0 language without theerprior r 0 written consent of Utilimaster. 2 d es t e r h a registered trademarks sof Utilimaster iz Utilimaster, Aeromaster , Utilivan, Metromaster, and Trademaster gare r t i r h Corporation.ho y ig t p r u o ll Browseathe award-winning web site www.utilimaster.com for and its C more information about AUtilimaster n products. U ® ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ® 3 l d a aw e Contentsv l u n r a e by s M d re e e t c i s t vi ib h r h e g i Revision 3 S ro l ll r Control......................................................................................................................... y p a Important Notices ....................................................................................................................... 3 d A u n o n o i B a Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 10 t c M — u Vehicle Types ........................................................................................................................... 10 le d ce c i i o r Aeromaster h (Walk-in) Vans ..................................................................................................................... 10 rv p e e Parcel Delivery 10 V Vans ................................................................................................................................. re S r e ............................................................................................................................................. TrucktBodies 10 dy ed s z o i a Exterior Overview ...................................................................................................................... 11 r B o m i l Serial Number, andthWork Order Numbers ............................................................... VIN,tiBody 12 e— l u c U Numbers ........................................................................................................................... a i Part 13 n n h o e i U Ordering Parts .......................................................................................................................... 14 V at r r How to Order .................................................................................................................................... 14 te po s r a Returns ............................................................................................................................................ o w14 m a C i l Customizable Parts Order Form r ...................................................................................................... il t y 14 e t U b Faxable Parts Order Forms............................................................................................................... 15 a d e Filing Warranty Claimsi............................................................................................................. 16 m t i l i b i Reporting Safety Defects 17 h Ut (U.S. Only) ....................................................................................... o More Information 18 02...................................................................................................................... pr aw l 0 n Utilimaster2Quick Reference Parts Guide ........................................................................................ 18n y o t i o b i18 t h Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................... t Utilimaster c g d u ra 18 ri Files ................................................................................................................................. te d Download i y o o p ib r rp 18 o Vehicle Access Control System (VACS)h......................................................................................... p o C o C re Contact Utilimaster ........................................................................................................................... 18 r pr d e t e n Safety Considerations .............................................................................................................. 19 s iz io a r t o Notes, Cautions, and Warnings 19 c ....................................................................................................... im h u l t i t Reporting Safety Defectsd(U.S. Only) .............................................................................................. 20 u d o U a r e n Towing .............................................................................................................................................. 20 p 2 v U re er 20 00 Emergency Repairs ......................................................................................................................... s 2 d t e re 21 h Service Information ir z .................................................................................................................. ts ig r o h Manufacturers Recommendations .................................................................................................. 21 y h g i t p u Body Lubrication .............................................................................................................................. 21 o lr a l C n A U ® 4 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Body Maintenance Checklist ........................................................................................................... 22 Pre-Trip Inspection .................................................................................................................................... 22 Routine Body Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 22 Seats and Belts .................................................................................................................................. 22 Interior Driver Conveniences ............................................................................................................... 22 Wipers ................................................................................................................................................ 22 Hood ................................................................................................................................................... 23 Bumpers ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Doors, General .................................................................................................................................... 23 Doors, Roll-up ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Doors, Swing ...................................................................................................................................... 25 Other Body Parts ................................................................................................................................ 26 Tools and Fasteners ......................................................................................................................... 27 Common Tools .......................................................................................................................................... 27 Fastener Replacement .............................................................................................................................. 28 BOM® Fastener ................................................................................................................................... 28 Buck Rivet (Solid Brazier-Head) .......................................................................................................... 28 Locknuts ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Torque Values and Metric Equivalents ................................................................................................ 29 MONOBOLT®, Magna-Bulb®, and Magna-Lok® Rivets ......................................................................... 30 Nutsert ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Pin-and-Collar Fastener (Magna-Grip®) ................................................................................................ 31 POP® Rivet ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Tape (Double-Faced Adhesive) ........................................................................................................... 31 Tape (Vinyl Barrier) ............................................................................................................................. 32 Thread Adhesive ................................................................................................................................. 32 Torque Seal ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Sealants .................................................................................................................................................... 33 Service Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 34 Batteries ................................................................................................................................................... 34 Body Mount Bolts ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Bumpers ................................................................................................................................................... 37 STANDARD Bumper Replacement ...................................................................................................... 37 Bumper Channel and Extension Replacement ..................................................................................... 38 SHOCK ABSORBING Bumper Replacement ...................................................................................... 39 Decals ....................................................................................................................................................... 41 DoorBulkhead ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Door Replacement .............................................................................................................................. 42 Door Latch Adjustment ....................................................................................................................... 42 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 5 DoorRear Roll-Up ................................................................................................................................... 43 l w d a a e l u n on Spring) ..................................................................... rv Cable Replacement Procedure (with Tension 45 y a e b s M Spring 47 e Winding Procedure .................................................................................................................. d r e e t Door Panel Replacement 48 i s ic ................................................................................................ tIntermediate b v i h 49 h er ig Top Panel Replacement ...................................................................................................................... o S r r ................................................................................................................ 51l l Bottom Panel Replacement y l p a d A u Roller Change ..................................................................................................................................... 53 n o io B .......................................................................................................................... an 53 Checking Roller Play t c M u e— ...................................................................................................................... Pull Strap Replacement 54 e l d c c i i Door SealhReplacement ...................................................................................................................... 54 ro rv p e e DoorSide 56 V Sliding .................................................................................................................................... re S r Side 58 te Sliding Door Handle Replacement dy ed ............................................................................................... s z o i ................................................................................................... 59 a Side Sliding Door Catch Adjustment r B o m Side Sliding Door Replacement i ........................................................................................................... 59 — l h i t e t l u Side Sliding Door Exterior .................................................................................... 61 U a Panel Replacement ic n n h Side Sliding Door 61 e io ....................................................................................... ULower Guide Replacement t V Side Sliding Door Adjustment ............................................................................................................. 62 r ra e o Drains ....................................................................................................................................................... 64 p st r a o w65 Echovision Back-Up Alarm ....................................................................................................................... m a C i l l End Cap Replacement .............................................................................................................................. ti y 67 er t U b Fan (Auxiliary) ........................................................................................................................................... 70 as d e Fuel Sending Unit Access 71 im ......................................................................................................................... it l i b i Grab Handle Replacement ........................................................................................................................ 72 h Ut Heater (Only)2System ................................................................................................................................ 73 ro w 0 p a l 0 Controls Overview .................................................................................................................. System 74 n 2 n y o t i CABLE (Manual) Control Operation ..................................................................................................... 74 o b i t h t 75 c d a igELECTRONIC Control Operation ........................................................................................................ u e r r d it .................................................................................... y CABLE (Manual) Control Module Replacement o 77 o b p p i r r h o ELECTRONIC Control Module Replacement ....................................................................................... 77 Co ep o C r r r p Blower Motor Replacement .................................................................................................................. 78 d e t e n s Resistor Replacement ......................................................................................................................... 78 iz io a r t o c Defrost Duct Upgrade ......................................................................................................................... 79 im h u l t i t ELECTRONIC Control 81 u d od Module Tests ................................................................................................... U a r e ELECTRONIC p Control Module Switch Testn......................................................................................... 83 2 v U re er 84 00 Connectors ......................................................................................................................................... s 2 d Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning) System ........................................................................ t e re HVAC (Heating, 87 h z i s g r ............................................................................................................................................ t i Principles 88 r o h y h g 88 p ri utGeneral Information ............................................................................................................................ o l a l System Components .......................................................................................................................... 90 C n A U Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 43 6 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual System Controls Overview .................................................................................................................. 92 CABLE (Manual) Control Operation ..................................................................................................... 92 ELECTRONIC Control Operation ........................................................................................................ 93 Refrigerant Precautions ...................................................................................................................... 95 Lines and Fittings Precautions ............................................................................................................ 97 Maintaining Chemical Stability ............................................................................................................ 97 Diagnosis and Testing ......................................................................................................................... 99 Overview (Refrigerant System) ............................................................................................................ 99 Proper Use of Manual Valves .............................................................................................................. 99 Attaching the Manifold Gauge Set ....................................................................................................... 99 Checking for Leaks ........................................................................................................................... 100 Electronic Leak Detector ................................................................................................................... 100 Expansion Valve Test ........................................................................................................................ 100 Measuring Temperature ...................................................................................................................... 102 Measuring Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 103 Receiver/Drier Test ............................................................................................................................ 104 Magnetic Clutch Test ......................................................................................................................... 104 Excess Moisture ................................................................................................................................ 104 Voltage Tests (Temperature Control) .................................................................................................. 105 Blower Motor Power ............................................................................................................................ 105 Blower Control .................................................................................................................................... 105 A/C Clutch Control ............................................................................................................................. 105 ELECTRONIC Control Module Switch Test ........................................................................................ 106 ELECTRONIC Control Module Tests .................................................................................................. 108 Torque, Voltage, and Charge Specifications ....................................................................................... 111 Connectors ........................................................................................................................................ 113 Hood ........................................................................................................................................................ 116 RIM Hood Adjustment ........................................................................................................................ 118 Grille (Stone Guard) Replacement ...................................................................................................... 119 Gas Spring (Strut) Replacement ........................................................................................................ 120 Hood Replacement ............................................................................................................................ 120 RIM Fender Replacement .................................................................................................................. 122 RIM Fender Repair ............................................................................................................................. 123 Fiberglass Repair ............................................................................................................................... 123 RIM Fender Reinforcement ................................................................................................................ 124 Hood Stops Upgrade .......................................................................................................................... 129 Keys ......................................................................................................................................................... 132 Abloy® Keys ....................................................................................................................................... 132 VACS (Vehicle Access Control System) ............................................................................................ 132 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 7 Lights ....................................................................................................................................................... 133 l w d a a e l u v n HeadlightrAdjustment ......................................................................................................................... 133 y a e b s M FronteTurn Signal Replacement .......................................................................................................... 134 d r e e t 135 i s Side Marker Light Replacement ic ................................................................................................ tFront b v i h 135 h er Replacement ................................................................................. ig Clearance and IdentificationSLight o r r Replacement ........................................................................................ 136l l Stop/Turn/Tail/Back-up Light y l p a d A u License Plate Light Replacement ....................................................................................................... 137 n o io ...................................................................... B Replacement (RemovabletLens) an 138 Cab/Cargo Light Bulb c M u e—Assembly Replacement (Permanent Cab/Cargo Light Mount) ............................................................ 138 e l d c c i Cab/Cargo 138 ro(Grommet Mount) ............................................................... hiLight Assembly Replacement rv p e e Matting (Cab 139 V Floor) Replacement ............................................................................................................. re S r e MirrortReplacement .................................................................................................................................. 140 dy ed s z o i ......................................................................................................... Overhead Shelf Cover Replacement 141 a r B o m 142 — ili Paint Repair ............................................................................................................................................. th e t l u 146 U Positive Pressure Systema ........................................................................................................................ ic n n h Roof ......................................................................................................................................................... 148 e io U t V Rear Corner Casting Replacement ..................................................................................................... 149 r ra e o Exterior Roof Panel Replacement 149 p ...................................................................................................... st r a o w Exterior Panel Repair ......................................................................................................................... 150 m a C i l l Interior Roof Liner Replacement ......................................................................................................... ti y 151 er t U b Seats and Seat Belts ............................................................................................................................... 152 as d e Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 154 im it l i b i Maintenance t...................................................................................................................................... 154 h U Pedestal2Seat Belt Replacement ....................................................................................................... 155 ro w 0 p a l Jump0Seat Belt Replacement ............................................................................................................ 156 n 2 n y o t i Pedestal Seat Replacement .............................................................................................................. 158 o b i t h t158 c d a igPedestal Replacement ....................................................................................................................... u e r r d it y Jump Seat Replacement .................................................................................................................... o 159 o b p p i r r h o 160 Co Shelving ................................................................................................................................................... ep o C r r r p Shelf Operation, Spring-Loaded Bolt Latches ..................................................................................... 160 d e t e n s 160 Shelf Operation, Rubber Jeep iz io Strap Latches ................................................................................... a r t o c Switches .................................................................................................................................................. 161 im h u l t i t Vent ......................................................................................................................................................... 162 u od U a r ed n Two-Way Hingeless ............................................................................................................................ 162 p 2 v U re er 163 00 Roof ................................................................................................................................................... s 2 d ................................................................................................................................... t e re 164 Visor Replacement h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Headlight Replacement ...................................................................................................................... 133 ® 8 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Windows .................................................................................................................................................. 165 Windshield/Quarter Window Tools and Materials ................................................................................ 165 Bonded Glass Replacement .............................................................................................................. 166 Sliding Side Window Replacement ..................................................................................................... 170 LEXAN® Window Replacement (Bonded) ........................................................................................... 170 Window (Rubber Mounted) ................................................................................................................. 172 LEXAN Window Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 173 Crank-up Window Replacement ......................................................................................................... 174 Window Regulator Replacement ......................................................................................................... 176 Trim Molding Installation .................................................................................................................... 177 Wiper System .......................................................................................................................................... 179 Troubleshooting Procedure ................................................................................................................ 180 Coupler Addendum for 78.5"-Wide Vehicles (Troubleshooting) ........................................................... 182 Motor Replacement ............................................................................................................................ 183 Link Assembly Replacement ............................................................................................................. 184 Wiper Blade Replacement ................................................................................................................. 185 Wiper Arm Replacement .................................................................................................................... 186 Pivot Assembly Replacement ............................................................................................................ 187 Index ...................................................................................................................................... 188 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 9 Introduction d l w a a e l u v and maintenance procedures This manual includesrservice n for truck and van bodiesy manufactured by a e b of the information will Utilimaster Corporation. While it focuses on Model s M Years 2000 and later,d much e r built earlier. It contains cdrawings also apply to units to aid in servicing theevehicle, and it may include e t iUtilimaster. i maintenancetsinformation on some items installed but not manufactured by Items such as chassis and b v i h r drive train h manufacturer-supplied efurnishings are covered byoseparate ig components or certain interior S r r information. Information provide here l y is intended to assist Utilimaster ll p customers and is no way meant to replace a or A supercede instructions provideddby other suppliers of their products. n o nu o i B a t this manual are based on the latest product M All information, specifications, and illustrations containedcin — u because of Utilimasters policy of continualeproduct information available at the le time of publication. However, d c c i o improvement, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. vi r r p information about ordering replacement ehbody parts manual for more e e See the appropriate V r S parts. For r wiring schematics, appropriate body wiring manual. (See the Customer Service te seeorthe dy page on ed Service.) s z www.utilimaster.com contact Customer o i a r B o m i — l h i t t le u c U Vehicle Types a i n n h o e i U t Your Utilimaster vehicle is one of the following types: V a r r te Aeromaster (Walk-in) Vans po s r a o w Also known as step vans, these custom-built walk-in bodies have m a C i l l r cabs. From the outside, walk-through doorways to custom-built ti the e t U by driver steps up or walks intosthe extra tall cab of our Aeromaster. a the cargo area through the bulkhead d Once inside, the driver can access e m t door without having to exit ilithe vehicle. Many possible chassis and body bi t i combinations exist. (See U Illustration OV-5 and OV-10.) oh 2 r w 0Vans p Parcel Delivery la 0 n 2 n Also knownhast PDVs or high cubes, these versatile vehicles o by are not just tio i t d service vehicles. uc for delivering a ig packages. PDVs are also popular as utility e r r These custom-built bodies have (optional) walk-through it doorways to the od y o b p p i r r original van cabs. Drivers can access the cargo area through the bulkhead h o Cowithout having to exit the vehicle. Popular ep o door PDVs manufactured by C r r r p Metromaster , thed Utilimaster include the compact and economical e t e n Trademaster lines. s larger-capacity Utilivan , and the tool-carrying iz io a r t o c im Truck Bodies h u l t i t odwith original truck cabs.au U Custom-built bodies on chassis r ed n p 2 v Bodies can be of DuraPlate e , aluminum, or FRP U r er 00 construction. The custom bodies have rear swing or rolls 2 d t e re up door options. Lift gates, side stepwell doors, h z i r liners, ramps, and cabovers are ts translucent roofs, ig r o h y h other options. among the many ig t p u OV5 l r o a l and Truck Body) C Vehicle Types (Aeromaster, APDV, n U ® ® ® ® 10 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual NOTE: Your type l determine the relevance w of the d of vehicle and installed options a a e l various sections u v of this manual. n r y Some sections (e.g., stop and licenseaplate lights) are common b to most Utilimaster e s M vehicles. d re sections (e.g., side sliding edoors, heater, HVAC, hood, e t Other c i cab floor matting, overs i t b v i head shelf cover, positive pressure system, visor) pertain only to Aeromaster walk-in h r h e ir g vans since PDVs and truck S bodies have the originalrochassis cabs with original hoods, l l y l HVAC, wipers, and other cab-related equipment. p a d A n depend on what options are Still other sectionso(e.g., overhead vs. swing doors) nu o i B a installed in a particular vehicle. ct M — u Details in illustrations and procedurese e l d NOTE: This cservice information is generic. ic i o v r h those in your vehicle.p Because Utilimaster manufactures many r may differ from e e in e cannot list and illustrate every possibleSpart customized vehicle bodies, this manual V r r y Use this everytevehicle. Nevertheless, the most d common body options are describeddhere. e s z information as a guideline where o i it applies. a r B o m ili Exterior Overviewuth e— t l U aIdentification ic High Rear Vision Identification n Clearance Supplemental n Positive Pressure h eStop Light Camera U Lights Mount Lights Intake Scoop tio Lights V a r r Rear Door Side e o t Mirrors p r as o w m a C i l l ti Stop/ y er Tail/ t U b Turn as dVACS Grab Lights Headlights e m Handle t i Sensor Turn Signals Back-up ili b t i Lights h U Hood Reflector Hood o 2 Safety r w Straps p Rear a CablelLatch 00 Bumper n 2 n y o t i o b Block Heater License Pull Block Heater Step i t h t (Rear Mount) c Plate Lights Strap d a ig (Front Mount) Rings u e r r d Side Marker Light poRear it y Crosswalk Sidewall o b p i r r o h p o Mirror C e o C r r pr d e Cab Vent Cargo t e n s z o Vent i a r ti VACS o c Sensor h u lim t i Grab d t u Side Marker o Handle d U a r Light n p 2 ve r U e 0 r 0 Reflector se 2 d e t e r h ir z s t ig r o h Fuel Fill Door Side Sliding Rubrails y h g Reflector i t p (or Fuel Fill Port) Door r o au ll OV10 C n A Typical (Aeromaster) Body Components U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 11 VIN, Body Serial Order Numbers l w d Number, andaWork a e l u The chassis Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) isnthe legal identifier for this vehicle rv y and is the number a e b recorded in the license plate registration. The VIN appears on a small metal plate on the dash on the drivers s M e d r the VIN if you look through side. You can read window. (See Illustration LA ethe windshield or quarter-panel ite (See Illustration LA4.) sThe number is also recordedvon ic the Federal CertificationbLabel. 5 and LA6.) t i h r h e ir g Sfront corner of the dash on the ro drivers side or on the left-hand side of l lThe l plate may be mounted on the y p a dfacing the quarter-panel window. A the instrument panel assembly u n o The number is also recorded io Decal. (See Illustrations LA15 and LA20.) B on the Federal Certification an t c M — u e e l d The Utilimaster Body c(or Unit) Serial Number is recorded on the Federal Certification Label. iThis c label is a i o v r plastic decal (about 11" variety of manufacturing information (including the r ptheaquarter eh long and 2" high) that contains e e VIN). This label V is found on the B-post, between window and door, on Aeromasters (see r S r and on the B-post (see dIllustration y Illustration LA15), LA20) on Truck Body and PDV body styles. e t d e s z o i a r B A Work Order Number appears below the Unit Serial Number on the Federal Certification Label and is o m i — l h i t also tstamped on the left-hand base rail of Truck Body and PDV units. This number le can be used when the body u chassis. (See Illustrations LA4 and LA10.) c U longer mounted on the original a is no i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p LA4 la 0 n 2 Federal Certification Label n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h LA5 LA6 ig t p r Number u Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle Identification o l a l C Aeromaster PDV and Truck A Body Un 12 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Right Hand Left Hand y er t d ed s z o LA20 LA15 a Illustration LA10 ri B Label on A-post Body Number m — Label on B-post ho ili t e t l u c U a i n n h e io Part Numbers U t V a r r othat can be ordered directly te from the Utilimaster Customer Service This manual lists some parts and kit numbers p s r a see the relevant Utilimaster parts manuals. w Department. For more comprehensive illustrations and parts lists, o m C (See the Customer Service page onrwww.utilimaster.com la lori contact Customer Service.) i t y te U b s Some parts or procedures maya be dependent on which side of the vehicle they are located. Front d m (LH) is based upon the position of the driver while facing ite Right Hand (RH) or Left Hand i l i sometimes called Curb Side, and Left Hand is sometimes forward. Right Hand is talso ib h U called Road Side. 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i b Rear tio t h c d ig u e ra r t d i y o p ib ro rp o h p o C e o C r r r p d te e n s z a ri tio o c m u th ili d t u d U a ro e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 13 Ordering Parts l w d a a e l u n How to Order rv a e by s M e this vehicle, gather the following To order partsrfor information: d e e t c Modeltand name). i s year of vehicle (200x-Customer b vi h r Chassis VIN or Utilimaster Body Number (see page 12). hi e g Complete shipping address. S ri ro l l y l p a method of shipping. d A Preferred n relevant parts o the parts necessary (seeiothe nu Complete description of all B a t manual). c M — u e e Method of payment. l d c Service prefers payment ic i o NOTE: Customer by Visa, MasterCard, v r r p Purchase Orders from customers with ehAmerican Express creditecards. e Discover,Vor r S r open accounts are alsodaccepted. established y e t d e by using one of the following methods: s o Then contact iz a Utilimaster CustomerrService B o m your order to CustSvc@Utilimaster.com. Email (See Customizable Parts— Order Form below.) i l h i your order to 574-862-7637. t tFax le u c U Call 800-237-7806 (574-862-3219) a i and ask for n the Parts Department. h e it o Unyour order to the following Mail or express service address: V a r Utilimaster Corp. r NOTE: Whentephoning Utilimaster, be aware that our Attn: Parts Department po r as area code changed to 574 in January w 219 telephone 65528 State Road 19 o m 800 numbers were unaffected. C 2002.liThe la P.O. Box 585 r i t y Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585 te U b s U.S.A. a d m te i i l i ib Returns h Ut 2 call the Customer Service Departmentwfor prior authorization. pAllroreturns must be To return parts for credit, 0 la 0 shipped prepaid2freight. A restocking fee will be charged toyall returns. Special-ordernparts are not returnable. n t io b io t h t c g d Customizable Parts Order Form te u ra ri d i y o o Then one of the copies b p Order Form on the next page can beiphotocopied r rp can be TheoParts from this manual. h p o C in with the relevant information and thenrofaxed or mailed to Utilimaster filled re Customer Service. r C p d te eUtilimaster n template file from the You can also download a customizableoform web site www.utilimaster.com. s z a with your name rai header that you can customize ti the next page, but it has That template is similar to the formcon o m i uyou only have to enter the th specific information about and address. Then, to order parts, il the vehiclesaving d t u U the file can be emailed retyping the same address information repeatedly. Afteracompleting the form information, ro ed n p 2 v as an attachment. That form U or faxing. re can also be used for mailing er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 14 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u &RQWDFW3HUVRQ n rv y a e b s M (PDLO e d r e c ite s i t b v i h r h e ir g S ro ±± 7R )$; l l 8WLOLPDVWHU3DUWV'HSDUWPHQW y l p a 6WDWH5RDG32%R[ d A u n :DNDUXVD,1±86$ it o Bo an c 3UHIHUUHG6KLSSLQJ M 'DWH u e— e l LHW\SHRIFDUULHUDQGVHUYLFHSULRULW\ d c ic i o v r h r 5H 3DUWV2UGHU &UHGLW&DUG p e e e RU32IRUFXVWRPHUVZLWKRSHQDFFRXQWV r S RU5HTXHVWIRU4XRWH2QO\ rV y d e t d e s o ir z 6SHFLDO,QVWUXFWLRQV 6LJQDWXUH a B o HJGLIIHUHQWVKLSSLQJDGGUHVV 6HUYLFHFHQWHUUHSUHVHQWDWLYH VVLJQDWXUH m i — l h i t le ut c U 9HKLFOH0RGHO a i n 8WLOLPDVWHU%RG\61RU&KDVVLV9,1 $SSOLFDWLRQ h e io Un t V 0DLQWHQDQFHBB$FFLGHQWBB a r r RU:DUUDQW\BB o te p s r 3DUW 2UGHU 8WLOLPDVWHU a 4XDQWLW\ &RPPHQWVRSWLRQDO w o ,WHP 3DUW1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ m C i la l r i t y te U b s a d m te i i l ti ib h U 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y t it o o b h i t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig p ut r o a ll C n A U 6HUYLFH&HQWHU1DPH $GGUHVV &LW\6WDWH=LS 3KRQH )D[ 8WLOLPDVWHU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 8WLOLPDVWHU3DUWV2UGHU)RUPGRF 15 Filing Warranty l w d Claims a a e l u If a problem on the Utilimaster body is caused by a defect n in materials or rv y a e workmanship, it will be covered by our Limited Warranty. Chassis, engine, tires,b s M d re are covered by the individual and battery failures e manufacturers. e t c i s t vi ib h r Claims must meet the requirements listed below. Failure to meet these requirements h e g i S ro maylresult l l r in a denied or delayed claim. y p a d A o following information:ion nu Complete a repair order with Bthe a t c M — Owners and/or service facilitys name. u e e l Service center representatives signature. d c ic i o v r Chassis VIN orhUtilimaster Body Serial p Number (see page 12). r e e e Date vehicleVwas repaired. r S r y Mileageteat time of failure. d d e Itemized o iz as description of the problem. r B o m Complaint i — l h i Cause of failure (if known) t t le u c U a i Correction (describe in detail) n n h Service center laborU rate and total time of e it orepair. V charges, and sales tax (if applia labor, miscellaneous Total claim amount, including cost of rparts, r te cable). po s r a Your claim or repair order number. o w m a C i NOTE: The claim or repair order number is the number used to match Utilimaster payl l ti payment. y erIt will be noted onUyour ment with the work done. t b s Utilimaster authorization a number (for repairs costing over $150 U.S.). d e m t i ilifaxed, emailed, or performed on-line on our web site (assumingiball The claim can be mailed, required t h U information is included). 2 should be mailed to: ro w 0 p Warranty claims a l 0 n 2 Utilimaster n y o t i o b i t h Attn: Warranty Department NOTE: When phoning Utilimaster, be aware that our t c d a ig State Road 19 u 65528 e r r 219 telephone area code changed to 574 in January d it 2002. The 800 numbers yP.O. Box 585 o o b p were unaffected. rp i r h o Co Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585 ep o C r r U.S.A. p d with the above information er to 574 Alternately, you can fax your claimn(if no photographs are involved) t e s to mail your ioreceived copies must berizacceptable, or you will beaasked 862-7637. (The resolution of the t o c hard copies.) im h u l t i t Or you can email your claim (You can u to Warranty@Utilimaster.com. od with the above information U a r ed download a customizable Warranty Claim Form template from the Utilimaster web site n p 2 v U that you can customize www.utilimaster.com. re The template has a header er 00 with your name and address. s 2 d you only have to enter the specific information about Then, to file a claim, the vehiclesaving retyping e re asthe ht same address the file can be emailed an ir zinformation repeatedly. After completing the formiginformation, s t r h attachment. y ho This form can also be used for mailing or faxing.) g i t p u o lr a l C A Un 16 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Other claim requirements: l d a aw from Utilimaster, e l Any repairs overv$150 U.S. or for structural warranty require prior authorization u n r must appear on the repair order. y and that number a e b s Any claimethat is not legible and completeM will be returned for completion. d r e e t All paint claims require pictures, estimates, and prior authorization. c ts damage claims also require biauthorization. The damage must also vipictures, estimates, and prior i Shipping h r h signature of the carrier driver. e form. This form requiresothe ignoted on the Delivery Acceptance be S r r l y repair order attached to the p llSublet work must have the sublet service facilitys repair order that is being a d A submitted. n o nu o i B a t is completed. Claims must be submitted within 30 days after thecrepair M u e— e l d cgoods c i o If the return of a failedi part is requested, contact a Utilimaster warranty representative for a return r h Please reference that number rvthe repair p e authorization (RGA). with the returned part and enclose a copy of e e V S order. Shippingr charges should be entered onrthe same repair order that is submitted for warranty payment. y d e t COD charges for a returned parts will notebe accepted, and the part will be returned. d o iz as r B Claims — If you do not have our tax limare paid semimonthly. Utilimaster ho generally does not pay sales tax on claims. i t e t l u exemption number on file, please call 800-528-3454 or 574-862-4561 and ask U a ic for the accounting department n n to obtain the number. h e U tio V a r r e o t WARNING: Unauthorized alteration or repair can result in possible p or improper amaintenance s r dangerous driving conditions. o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b s CAUTION: Theseavehicles are designed to specific specifications. Improper use or d m cause damage to equipment and void warranty. te overloading can i i l i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b Reporting Safety Defects (U.S. Only) i t h t c d a ig u e r r If youybelieve that your vehicle has a defect that could it cause a crash, injury,oord death, you should immediately o b p p i r inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in addition to notifying Utilimaster. r o Co epif it finds that a safety defect ohopen an investigation, and C r r If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may r exists in a p d e group of vehicles, it may order a recall n and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become t involved in e s z o i individual problems between you, your a ti dealer, or Utilimaster.or c m u call the Auto Safety Hotline th toll-free at 1-800-424-9393; To contact NHTSA, you may either in the ili d t u d o U a Washington, D.C., area callr202-366-0123 or write to: e n p 2 rv U 0 re NHTSA e 0 2 d of Transportation U.S. Department es t e r h iz Street 400 Seventh g r ts i r o h Washington, DC 20590 y h ig t p r u o You canaalso obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline. ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 17 More Information l w d a a e l u rv Reference PartsanGuide Utilimaster Quick e by s M d Easily find commonly vehicles in the re replaced parts for mostcUtilimaster e e t i s UtilimastertQuick Reference Parts Guide. This illustrated document includes vi electrical ibwindow h r more partgnumbers for bumpers, door hardware, components, h e S sun visors, vents, mud flaps, ri air conditioner, hood, mirrors, glass,l heater, ro roll-up l y l p a door other parts. It also includes sealants, window d A parts, seats, wiper, and many u n replacement, and other repair kits. it o Bo an c M Utilimaster Glossary u e— of Terms e l ic ic od v If you are not familiarhwith some of the terminologyrused in this manual, you can r p and definitions in the e and industry associated terms e e find many Utilimaster V r S r Utilimaster Glossary of TermsBody Information Guide. y d e t d e s o iz a Files Download r B o m i — l h i download the above guides t (as Adobe Acrobat PDF files) from ourle Youtcan u U site at www.utilimaster.com a (click on the Customer ic web Service button). To n n h e view a guide you must haveUthe Adobe Acrobat Reader io version 3.0 or higher t V a installed on your computer. Acrobat readers are r r available free for alleleading o t computer operating systems on the Adobe web site (www.adobe.com). rp as o w Vehicle Access Control System (VACS) im a C l l tiand Service Manual er System Operation t To obtain the Vehicle Access Controls U by s d (P/N 03102103) refer to your aVACS Operators Guide or contact Utilimasters e m t Customer Service Department. ili bi t i U Contact Utilimaster oh 2 r w 0 la its products or n p Browse our site 0for more information about Utilimaster and 2 n t contact Utilimaster Customer Service by using one of io o bythe following i t h t c methods:ig d a u e r r Cally800-237-7806 (or 574-862-3219). d it o o b p p i r Fax to 574-862-7637. r o h o ep CEmail to CustSvc@Utilimaster.com. ro C r r p Mail to the following address: d e t e Utilimaster s on iz i a r t Attn: Customer Service Department o c im h u l 65528 State Road 19 t i t u When phoning Utilimaster, od P.O. Box 585 NOTE: be aware that ed U a r n p 2 Wakarusa, IN 46573-0585 code changed to 574 in rv U our 219 telephone area e 0 r e 0 numbers were unaffected. U.S.A. January 2002. The 2800 s d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® 18 ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w Safety Considerations d a a e l u rv and Warnings an y Notes, Cautions, e b s M d and re the procedures, you willcecome across NOTES, CAUTIONS, e As you read through t ts Each one is there for a specific WARNINGS. bi vi purpose. i h r h e that will help you to complete ig give you additional information o S NOTES the procedure. r r l l y l p a d A CAUTIONS warn you against ndamage the vehicle. o making an error that could nu o i B a ta risk of personal injury. WARNINGS remind — you to be careful when there is c M u e e l d heed when you work on the vehicle: ic Below are some basic c WARNINGS that you should i o r h rv p e e Always wear safety glasses. V re S r y d e Use tsafety stands and/or wheel blocks d e whenever you are underneath the vehicle. s z o i a B Be sure that the ignition switchr is Off unless otherwise required by the procedure. o m i — l h e the vehicle. t i Put the transmission in Park lon ut and set the parking brake before working c U a i n h Operate the engine only e io area. Un in a well-ventilated t V and any moving parts when the a the radiator fan, belts, r Keep yourself and your clothing awayrfrom o te engine is running. p s a or w Avoid contact with hot metalC parts, such as the radiator or exhaust system. m a i l l y er on the vehicle. Uti Do NOT smoke while working t b s awatches, d Tie Always remove rings, hanging jewelry, and loose clothing before working on a vehicle. e m t i long hair securely your head. ilbehind bi t i h U o Keep hands2and other objects clear of the radiator fan blades. The electric fan can start at any time r 0 the ignition is Off. Disconnect the fan when p awworking under the hood. even though l 0 n 2 t recommends that a licensed automotive io work on the vehicles tair Utilimaster on byair-conditioning specialist i t h c d conditioning (HVAC) system. ig u e ra r t d i y o p Avoid breathing A/C refrigerant and lubricant ib vapor or mist. Exposure ro may irritate eyes, nose, rpand o h p o certified to meet the requireC throat. To remove R-134a from therA/C e o system use service equipment C ventilate r ments of SAE J2210 (R-134a recycling equipment). If accidental system discharge occurs, r p dsafety information may beteobtained from e n work area before resuming service. Additional health and s z i io a r refrigerant and lubricant manufacturers. t o c h u lim t i Become familiar with all warning labels. d t u d o U a r e Always maintain firm footing and control of n tools. p 2 rv U e 0 r e 0 Always weardproper protective equipment when appropriate to the 2 process. es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 19 Reporting Safety Defects (U.S. Only) l d a aw should immediately e u If you believe that yourvvehicle has a defect that could cause a crash, injury, or death,lyou n (NHTSA), in addition toynotifying Utilimaster. r a inform the National e Highway Traffic Safety Administration b s M e d r similar complaints, it maycopen e an investigation, and iftitefinds that a safety defect exists in a If NHTSA receives i s i t group of vehicles, it may order a recall andrvremedy campaign. However, cannot become involved in bNHTSA i h h e g individual ri problems between you, yourSdealer, or Utilimaster. ro l l l NHTSA, you may eitherdycall the Auto Safety Hotline ptoll-free at 1-800-424-9393; in the a ToAcontact u n Washington, D.C., area call 202-366-0123 or write to: it o Bo an c M NHTSA u e— e l c of Transportation rod ic U.S. Department i v r 400 Seventh p ehStreet e e V r S Washington, r DC 20590 y d e t d e You can alsosobtain other information about iz motor vehicle safety from the Hotline. Bo a r m ho it li t e— l u U a ic Towing n n h io information on Ve U t See the Chassis Operators Manual for more complete ra er towing procedures. o t rp as Utilimaster recommends the following: o w m a C i l l ti of towing. A wheel lift or flatbed equipment y er is the preferredUmethod t b s Unload the vehicle to reduce stress on the chassis during towing. a d e Be sure to place the transmission in Neutral and fully release the m t ili parking brake if towing. bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 Emergency Repairs n 2 t the Utilimaster body are unlikely to disablebayvehicle enough to make ioit undrivable. See the tion t Problems with h c d for emergency information. ig Chassis Operators Manual and the Engine Service Manual u e ra r t d i y o o p ib r rp o h p o C o C re r pr te ed n s z o a ri ti o c m i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 20 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w Service Information d a a e l u n rv Recommendations y a Manufacturers e b s M d re instructions providedcwith e sealants, adhesives, and other e Safety and application t ts always supersede information products should vi provided by Utilimaster.ibi h r h e ig o S r r l l Lubrication Body y l p a d A u n Hinges, latches, The engine is not the only partBofoyour vehicle that needs lubrication. it o an seals, and locks also require—occasional lubrication. c M u e e l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S r V Do NOT power-wash d CAUTION: for the first 90 days. Wash and wax the y body periodically to e t d washes. e preserve the body finish, but s o ir z avoid harsh cleaning solutions or high-pressure a B All deviations from o recommended by the chassis manufacturer. m Only use engine coolant(s) i — l h i the recommended coolant all cooling system additives must t le be approved by the chassis ut andCorporation. manufacturer andaUtilimaster c U i n h e io Un t V a r Rear Door Locks, r e o t Catches, p s r Latches, a o w and Hinges m a C Side Door Track li l ti y er t U b as d Door Locks, e m t i li Catches, i b t i and Latches h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r pFill Hinge d e Fuel t e n s iz it o a r Illustration MC5 o c h u lim Body Lubrication Points t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h 14,000 lbs GVWR. s CAUTION: iz Do NOT drive a forklift into a vehicle ratedigunder r t r o h y ig th p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 21 Body Maintenance Checklist l w d a a e l u By design, the Utilimaster body is low-maintenance. However, Utilimaster recommends the following items v n r y a otherwise stated. For moreb detailed information, check should be checked every e three to four months, unless s M the relevant sections d re of the manual. e e t c i s t vi ib h r h e g Pre-Trip ri Inspection (daily) S ro l l y l p a The checks each day: d Adriver should perform the following n o nu o i B a t o Adjust the drivers seat position. c M — u e e l d o Adjust all mirrors. c ic i o v r h r p eadjust e o Fasten and the safety belt. e V r S r y d lights on the instrument panel. o Whentestarting the engine, check allewarning d s z o i a r o Check all switches on the dash and the steering column to see that they workBproperly. o im l h io t e— Check the heater and defroster controls. t l u U a ic n n h o Check the wiper operation. e io U t V a o Check the washer operation and sprayrpattern. er o t rp o Check the washer fluid level. as o w m a C i l o Check all exterior and interior lights. l ti er t U by o Check the operation of all doors. s a d e m t ili bi t i (every three to four months) Routine Body Maintenance h U o 2 r w Utilimaster recommends 0 that a technician do the above pre-triplainspection before performing p the following body 0 maintenance checks: n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t Seats andgBelts c d a i u e r r d o o yCheck tightness of the bolts for the seat beltitand pedestal. o b p p i r r h of fraying or wear. ep o Coo Check the seat belt for operation androsigns C r Catch r p d Interior Driver Conveniences e Plate t e n s iz a o Check the heating system fortio operation and ease of use. r o c im h u 1/8" l t o Check all switches for operation. i d t u U rooperation and tightnessnofa mounting. ed o Check the cab fan for p 2 v r U re e 00 s Wipers 2 Latch d t e re Tongue h o Check tightness ir z of the wiper linkage connections. ts ig Illustration MC10 r o h yCheck Latch Tongue and Catch o Check h that the blades wipe clean. ig Plate for Wear t p r u o a ll C n A U 22 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u o Check the hold-down straps for alignment and n excessive rv y a e wear. b s M e d e excessive wear. e o Checkrthe hood guides for alignmentcand t s bi vi i ht the hood struts for propereroperation. o g Check h i o S r r l l Bumpers y l p a d A o Check bolts on the bumper u n it o Bo and brackets for tightness. an M o Check for damaged e—or bent components. duc e l c absorbing bumper fittingrowhen ic Illustration MC15 i o Grease rear shock v h Check Roll-Up Door LatchrDeadbolt for Wear p e applicable. e e V r S y er Doors, General t d ed s z o a the window operation. ri o Check B m hoand close tightly. ili Check that doors open easily t e— o t l u U a handles for tightness. ic n n h o Check interior and exterior e U tio V a o Check alignment of latches and catches. r (See Illustration er o MC10.) p st r a oand sliding door catch w o Check for wear on the bulkhead m a C i l l rleast 1/8" of the Kasonti latch plates and latch tongue. At y e t U Illustration MC20 b tongue needs to engagesthe catch plate. a Rear Door Dead Bolt d e t o Check operation ofim the locks. il bi t i o Check condition h U of the pull-down strap on the rear door. o 2 r 0rear door is centered in the opening. law p o Check that 0 n 2 n t the (non-VACS) ABLOY lock cylinders o Lubricate io o by with a i t h t c lightweight oil. (ABLOY recommends Exxon d Hydraulic oil a ig u e r r d itcylinders.) y type NUTO 68, or equivalent, for the lock o o b p p i r r h use ZEP 45 ep o dirty, Coo If the ABLOY lock cylinders become o C r r penetrating lubricant to clean the cylinders before applying r p d e t the NUTO 68. n s ze o i i a r t Illustration MC25 o On the VACS rear door dead o zerk c bolt, lubricate the three mSide Door i Bulkheadlor Dead Bolt h u t i fittings with #2 grease at six-month intervals or three-month d t u d U a MC intervals in hot, dusty roconditions. (See Illustration e n p 2 20.) rv U 0 re e 0 2 d bulkhead and (both) side door dead bolts, o On the VACS es t e r h z side of the slide bolt with dry graphite lubricaterieach g ts i r o h lubrication at six-month intervals or as needed. (See y h MC25.) ig t p Illustration r u o a ll C n A U Hood ® ® ® ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 23 l w d a a e l u n rv a e by s M e d e e Doors, Roll-up r t c i s t roll-up door with a (Utilimaster vi P/N 04202540, or equivalent) ib light oil (see Illustration MC30): h Lubricate rear r h e g i S off excess oil (#1, #3). ro o l ll r Roller drums and shaftswipe y p a d Ao Springslubricate bothosprings u n along their entire length it o to prevent rusting (#2). B an c M o Hinges (center ande— end)wipe off excess oil (#5). u e l d(#1, #3). c shaftswipe off excess oil ic i o o Roller drums and v r h r p e#7). e e V o Rollers (#6, r S r y d e t (NS). d e o Latches s o iz a r B o im Clean and lubricate track (#4). o — l h i t t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V ra Counterbalanceo Shaft Springer Drum Roller Track t p r as o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e Hinges m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r w Roller Shaft 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h Roller Bracket ig t p r u Illustration MC30 o a ll CRoll-Up Door Lubrication Points on Rear n A U CAUTION: Do NOT use grease on doors. Do NOT get oil on rubber seals. Wipe up any drips immediately. 24 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u o Hingeslubricate v the zerk fittings with #2 grease n in rintervals y a e at six-month or three-month intervals b s M d hot, dusty MC35.) re conditions. (See Illustration e e t c ts o Handlesuse ZEP 45 penetrating bi vilubricant to i h r h e oil. (Exxon igclean before applying a lightweight o S r r l l Hydraulic oil type NUTO y68, or equivalent.) l p a d A o ZEP 45 penetrating ion nu o Interior door catchesuse B a t lubricant to clean before applying a lightweight oil. c M — e oil type NUTO 68, or du e (Exxon Hydraulic l ic ic Illustration MC40.) ro equivalent.)h(See v r p e Illustration MC35 e e V door catchescleanrand check o Rubberrexterior S Hinges Grease Swing Door y d e for loose t fasteners. (See Illustration d e MC45.) s z o Do NOT use petroleum jelly on rubber door i a B orbecome abrasive mcatches. It will attract dirt and i — l h i to the fittings. t le ut c U a i n n h o Steel exterior door catcheslubricate theozerk e i U t V fittings with #2 grease at six-month intervals a or r r three-month intervals in hot, dusty conditions. o te p s r a NOTE: The information in this o w m a C i l illustration is generic. Details may l r ti y differ from your vehicle.teUse this U b information as a guideline as where it d e m t applies. ili bi t i h U o 2 r Illustration 0 p MC40 aw l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p IllustrationrMC45 u o a ll Catches Clean Rubber C n A U Doors, Swing ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Lubricate Swing Door Catches 25 Other Body Parts d l a of body o On Truck Bodies e and PDVs, check the alignment u v r and tighten mounting boltsanafter the first 30, mounting spacers e 60, and 90 esdays of operation and everyesixMmonths after that. r (See s Illustration MC50.) c by w la d e t i t b vi h r o On Aeromasters, check for loose fasteners underneath the hi e g i o S bolts on the outsiderof l ll r chassis, particularly the bodyymounting p a d chassis rails and the boltsnon the A the riser on either side ofothe u crossmember plate. (See it o B Illustration MC55 and Body an Mount Bolts section.) c M u e— e l d c floor surface. ic o Sweep debris from i o v r r p could result. eh down wooden floors as ewarpage e o Do NOT V wash r S r y d e o Check t that all reflective tape is securely d e attached. s z o i a r B o m Clean rear threshold drains and o drain troughs. (See also the i — l h i Drains section.) t t le u c Uo Check grab handle mounting a i n (See also the h bolts for tightness. n o e i U Grab Handle section.) t V a r (See also the er o o Check mirror mounting bolts for tightness. p st Illustration MC50 r Mirror section.) a o w Body Mounting Bolts m a C i l l ti er t U by s a Frame Rail d e Chassis m t ili bi t i Riser U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d Crossmember Plate a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t Illustration u MC55 od U a r ed Check for Loose Bolts on Chassis n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 26 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u n Common Tools rv y a e b s Below are tools,eincluding recommended brandsMand models, commonly used d in van repairs. r e e it s and flat-blade screwdrivervset icincluding Torx bit Phillips t b i h r h e ig Metric and standard box and open-end wrench set o S r r l l l Metric and standard socketysets p a d A u n 3/8" drill (Dewalt DW221 it o Bo recommended) an M 1/2" drill (Dewalte— DW231 recommended) uc e l dor #11 bit) c ic Drill bit set (including 1/4" or F-bit and 3/16" i o v r h r p e e Screw gun (Dewalt DW281 recommended) e r S r V (Emhart PRG 540 recommended POP eriveter as it does both POP rivet and y MONOBOLT d t d e s installation) o ir z a B consists of Jaws PRG o with 1/4" nose assemblythis nose assembly imMonobolter (Emhart PRG 540 — l h i 540-44, Jaw Pusher PRG t ut 740-7A, and 1/4" Nose Tip BRN-811) icle U Air hammer with a buck a n riveter attachment hAjax rivet set #1620) and buck bar on(Sioux 270 with 3/16" e i U t Huck riveter (Huck 229 with 1/4" nose a assembly 99-1458)r V r Saber saw (Porter Cable 548) po te s r a DVOM (Digital Voltmeter) o w m a C i l l Terminal tool kit (Snap-OnrTT600 recommended)ti y e t U b Locking pliers (VISE-GRIP recommended, 9" or 10" [23 or 25 cm] long) as d e Multigrips pliers (any standard model about 9" or 10" [23 or 25 cm] long) m t ili bi t i Needle-nose pliers h U o 2 Torque wrenches (any quality sets with inlb and ftlb [or Nm] measurements) r 0 p aw l 0 Drill stop n 2 n t punch or an air hammer with a punch attachment io o by Hand i t h t c d a ig u e r yrDisk Air sander with 220-, 320-, and 600-grit sandpaper d it o o b p p i r Tape measure r o Co Fine-pointed marker ep oh C r r r p d e Rubber mallet t e n s iz it o a r Razor knife o c h u lim Pry bar or large screwdriver t i d t u d o U a Safety glasses r e n p 2 rv U 0 Memory saver re e 0 2 dtool (Sioux 02107TL recommended) es Nutsert insert t e r h z igun g r Caulking ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Tools and Fasteners d ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 27 Fastener Replacement l w d a a e l u BOM Fastener n rv a e by Removal s M remust be cut off with a die grinder. e Punch out the center ted A BOM fastener c i s i t b v pin. The remaining ring may need to be drilled out. (See Illustration i h h er ig FR10.) Illustration FR10 o S r r l l BOM Fastener y l p a Replacement d A u n o n o i B a A BOM fastener should be replaced per original specifications. be t However, in some applications it may M c — 8 bolt, and a Grade 8 locknut able to be replaced with aeGrade of like diameter. If replacing with a nut and u e l d c c use flat washers against allroaluminum surfaces. bolt, always rememberito i v h r e ep Buck Rivet (SolidVBrazier-Head) r Se r Removal te dy ed s z o i off the head of the rivet, starting at the B r Use a #11 a(3/16" or 5 mm) drill bit to drill o m — dimple ililocated in the center. Continue th to drill the rivet until the head pops off. lTake e t u a punch U and knock out the stems. a (See Illustration FR15.) ic Illustration FR15 n n h o rivet head in ordere to get a Buck Rivet U can be used ontithe NOTE: A center punch V a good start for the drill bit. r er o t rp buck rivets of varying NOTE: Brazier-head 3/16" [5 mm] as lengths are used on most o w locations on the body. m a C i l l ti er Installation t U by s a d Use an air hammer with a buck-riveter attachment and bucking bar to replace the rivet. In most applications e m t li used to replace a buck rivet. Do NOT replace buck rivets with POP a MONOBOLT can also ibe bi rivets. t i UMetric Equivalents Buck Rivets Lengths and oh 2 r w 0 vehicle was designed using English (S.A.E.) p la measurements.nUtilimaster 0 NOTE: This 2 n provides t metric conversion equivalents as a courtesy io be used, o by if metric toolstmust i h but c d given in this manual. at ig Utilimaster does not warrant metrictvalues u e r r dNo. #11 i [4.85 mm], Drill Bit y o RivetpDiameter 3/16" [4.76 mm], Hole Diameterb.191" o p i r r h o CoRivet Length ep o C r r Metal Rivet Grips Metal Thickness r p d e t e 7/16" [11.1 mm] .244" on[6.2 mm] 3/16" s iz to 15/64" [4.8 to 6.0 mm] i a r t 1/2" [12.7 mm] .305" 1/4" o to 19/64" [6.4 to 7.5lmm] c [7.7 mm] im h u t i t mm] 9/16" [14.3 mm] od.364" [9.2 mm] au 5/16" to 23/64" [7.9 toU9.1 r ed 5/8" [15.9 mm] p .424" [10.8 mm] n 3/8" to 27.64" [9.52to 10.7 mm] v U e 0 er 0[11.1 3/4" [19.1 mm] r .545" [13.8 mm] 7/16" to 17/32" to 13.5 mm] s 2 d t [13.9 to 16.7 mm] re e 7/8" [22.2 imm] .665" [16.9 mm] 35/64" to 21/32" h z r ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® 28 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Removal n rv y a e b Locknuts can be s removed with an appropriate open-end or box-end wrench. M e d r e e t c Replacements t bi vi i h r Utilimaster h threads. These locknuts and the bolts etype locknuts, which distortothe ig commonly uses center-lock S r r should with new. Nylon insert nuts and KEPS nuts are reusable. If l l always be discarded and replaced ywashers l p a d locknuts are not available, use lock and a thread adhesive like Loctite. Flange head nuts and bolts A u n can be used in place of flat washers. it oagainst aluminum surfaces. Bo Always use flat washers an c M u e— e Torque Values and Metric Equivalents l d c ic i o v r 6$(%ROW7KUH 0H WULF7RUTXH (TXLYD OHrQWV pVGH eh *UD GH D GVD QG7RUTXH eGH e 6$( V *UD *UD GH *UD r S %ROW 0LQ 0D [ 0LQ 0D [ 0LQ 0D [ 0LQ 0D [ y d eGr 7RUTXH t d e 7KUH D 7RUTXH 7RUTXH 7RUTXH 7RUTXH 7RUTXH 7RUTXH 7RUTXH o iz as r 3RXQG,QFKH VLQOE 1H Z WRQ0H WH UV1P B o m h — ili t e t l u c U a i n n h e U tio V a r r e o t p s r a o w C m a i l l r 3RXQG)H H WIWOE ti 1H Z WRQ0H WH UV1P y e t U b as d e m t li i i t ib h U o 2 r w 0 p la 20 n n y t b io o i t h t c g d a i u e r r d it y o o ib p p r r h p o Co e o C r r r p d e t e n o z i i as r t o c m i th u l i d t u d o U a e pr n 2 v e 0 U er r 0 8WLOLPDVWHUSURYLGHVPHWULFFRQYHUVLRQRQO\DVDFRXUWHV\0 HWULFYDOXHVJLYHQDUHQRWZDUUDQWHG 2 d es t e r h z vehicle was designed using English (S.A.E.)gmeasurements. NOTE:riThis Utilimaster ts i r o h provides metric conversion equivalents as a courtesy if metric tools must be used, but y h g i t p Utilimaster does not warrant metric values givenoin this manual. r u l a l C A Un Locknuts ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 29 NOTE: Torque values listed are suggested values on parts carrying residual oil of manul otherwise lubricated parts.wThey apply to d do not apply to plated or facture. Theseevalues a lacalled out in a v and should be supercedednuby any torque specifications general purposes r a by specific process. se M ts h rig re ce i rv e S d te i ib h o pr CAUTION: Utilimaster uses center-lock-type locknuts, which distort the threads of the nut and bolt. This type, should NOT be reused after disassembly. Always replace the locknut and bolt with new. l y ll a d A MONOBOLT , Magna-Bulb , and o Magna-Lok Rivets ion nu B a t Removal c M — u e air hammer with a punch attachment), e 1. With a punch (or lan d cout of the fasteners. (See Illustrations ic i o knock the stems FR20 v r Illustration rFR20 p eh and FR25.) e V Magna-Bulb r Se r y e the head of the rivet usingead#11 (3/16" or 5 mm) or F 2. Drill toff d s z o (1/4" i on fastener size). The back a or 6 mm) drill bit (depending r B o stem should fall off. m i — l h i t t le Replacement u c U a i Illustration FR25 n h Use a MONOBOLT rivet gunnto replace it. e Magna-Lok it o U V a r er o t rp thread locker on the as threads of a nutsert. CAUTION: Do NOT use Loctite o w m a C i l l ti er t U by Nutsert s a d e NOTE: A nutsert iisma threaded insert that is crimped t il need only to be removed if it is bi into place. A nutsert t i damaged and U the threads cannot be retapped. oh 2 r w 0 p Removal la 0 n 2 n io o by Cut off withhatdie grinder. (See Illustration FR30.) i t t c Illustration FR30 d a ig u e r r Replacement d it y Nutsert o o b p p i r r Using a nutsert insert tool, replace the nutsert with one meeting h o Co specifications. Do NOT use Loctiterothread ep of a nutsert. original locker on the threads C r r p d e t If a nutsert of original specifications or the tool to install nutserts is not available, the nutsert may be replaced e n s z o i i with another form of threaded inserttor a nut and bolt. This depends r upon application andashould be approved o im to use flat washers on by Utilimaster Customer Service.ucIf it is to be replaced with a nut and bolt, it is important h l t i t u both sides of the material. od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® ® ® ® ® 30 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Removal rv y an drill bit (3/16" e b a. From theshead side, using the appropriate-size (With Collar) M d re1/4" [6 mm], or 3/8" [10 mm]), e [5 mm], drill off the head of c ite s Punch out the center of theviremaining thetpin. pin. (See b i h r h e ir gIllustration FR35.) ro l lb. From the collar side, usingytheS appropriate-size drill bit p(3/16" l a d A [5 mm], 1/4" [6 mm], oro 3/8" [10 mm]), drill out thencenter nu o (With Flanged Collar) i B a t pin. of the collar. Punch out the center of the remaining c M — Illustration FR35 e u e l d the steel pin NOTE: Be extremely careful not to overheat c Magna-Grip ic i o r and collar. h Use low-RPM drill speed. p rv e e Vcollar side, the rivet can alsorebe cut off with a die grinder or a reciprocating S saw. Punch c. From the r y d e out the t center and the remaining zring. d e s o i a B Replacement or m i — l h t Usetia Huck rivet gun to replaceuit. le c U a i n replace the fastener h of like diameter and a Grade 8 If a Huck rivet gun is not available, on with a Grade 8 bolt e i U t locknut. For additional locking capacity, use Loctite a thread locker. r V r NOTE: Flat washers are requiredoagainst aluminum surfaces. te p s r a o w POP Rivet m a C i l l ti Removal y er t U b Drill off the head of the rivet using as a #11 or 3/16" [5 mm] drill bit. The d e m t back stem should fall off. l(See Illustration FR40.) ii bi t i Replacement h U o 2 Illustration FR40 r Use a POP rivet gun 0 to replace it. p POP Rivet aw l 0 n 2 Adhesive) n y o Tape (Double-Faced t i o b i t h t c d a Removal ig u e r r d it pulling apart the joined y o o b p Withpa razor knife, cut along the length of the tape while flat surfaces. Scraperoff i r o remnants Co as much as possible. Clean with arsolvent. ep oh C r r p Replacement d e t e n s is in the proper iz paper until the other surface it o Do NOT remove the rtape Apply to one surface from a fresh roll. a o to reposition it without position. Once the tape sticks touacsurface, you will not behable limstarting over. t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Pin-and-Collar Fastener (Magna-Grip®) ® ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 31 Tape (Vinyl Barrier) l d w a mate in order to prevent White vinyl tape is usedewherever steel and aluminum u surfaces la corrosion of the v n r y surfaces. a e Removal s re M d te i ib h o pr b ce s i t Peel or scrape h off. rv e g i Replacement S l ll r y a d roll. Apply A to mating surfaces from a ofresh n nu o i B a t part numbers: NOTE: Tape rolls can be ordered with the following c M — e roll........P/N 12303707du 1" [25.4 mm]-wide 2" [50.8 mm]-wide roll........P/N 12303706 e l c roll........P/N 12303705 ic12605947 i o 3" [76.2 mm]-wide 4" [101.6 mm]-wide roll......P/N v r r p eh e e V r S r y d e t d e s o iz or any other thread locker on the threads CAUTION: Do NOT use Loctite of a nutsert. a r B o m ili th e— t l u U Adhesive a ic Thread n n h e io U t Removal V a r er if any residue from the seal is present o Bolts with thread adhesive cannot be reused. After the bolt is removed, t rp on a reusable surface, scrape off the residue. as o w m a C i l l Replacement ti y er t U b s Slowly torque the new bolt to the appropriate value. (Using a power tool to spin the fastener quickly may lower a d e the effectiveness of the seal.)m t i ili b t i Torque Seal U oh 2 r w The torque seal appears 0 as a small painted line across a bolt thread p and washer seam. a and nut or across a bolt l 0 If the seal line is2broken (out of alignment), the fastener hasyloosened. n n o t i o b i t h Removal g t c d a i u e r r dsurface, scrape off the residue. it is present on a reusable y bolt is removed, if any residue from the bseal o After the o p p i r r h o Replacement Co ep o C r r r the new bolt When the fastener installation is complete,papply a small bead of torque seal or paint stick across d e t e threads, nut, head, and/or washer. on s iz i a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® 32 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u CAUTION:v Always wear proper protective equipment when appropriate for the process. n r y a e b s M e d r e e t Sealants s c t bi vi i h r One-compound polyurethanes are veryeeffective sealants. They remain h permanently elastic (less cracking due ig o S r r to shrinkage), they can be painted, and require no mixing. They bond as well as seal, thus reducing the l l y they l p a d number of mechanical fasteners needed, and they also reducennoise and corrosion. A u o io B provided with sealants,tadhesives, an Safety and application instructions and other products should always c M u e— by Utilimaster. supersede information provided e l d c ic i o v r h provide an overview ofpwhat to look for when working with polyurethane The following statements r sealants: e e e 1. Manufacturers Recommendations:r Always follow manufacturers cautions andSrecommendations rV y e t d forsprotective equipment, application, ed and cleanup. z o i a r B 2.imConditions: Recommended application temperatures are 40º [5º C] to 100º F [37º C]. For coldo — h it l weather applications, store leremove them just prior to using. ut sealants at approximately 70º F [21º C] and c U Make sure joint is frost-free. a i n n h o e i U t 3. Surface: Clean the surface with a strong jet of compressed air,Vsandblast, or solvent. Remove all r free of grease or rust, and of sound ra must be clean,edry, loose particles and old sealant. Theosurface t p quality. r as o m type and uniformity can vary, a pretest islaw i 4. Priming: Usually no primingCis required. Since substrate l ti when substrates require them. Since compatibility y er recommended. Sealant manufacturers have primers t U b among manufacturersaissin question, do not mix and match different manufacturers primers and d sealants. e m t 5. Application: Cut ilithe tip of the plastic nozzle to joint size. Puncture the airtight seal. Install bi with a t i hand- or power-operated caulking gun. For best performance, sealant should be gunned h in the joint U o 2 slot is at the midpoint of its designed expansion r where the0joint and contraction. Dip the Poly-stick in a w p a l 0 soapy solution to ease spreading the adhesive to seal any gaps. n 2 n y o t i o b i t Limitations:h t c d a ig u e r r t y Since the system is moisture-cured, permitisufficient exposure to air.d o o b p p i r r hpresence of curing silicones. p o Co Do NOT apply over silicones or in the e o C r r During cure, avoid contact with alcohol solvents. r p and alcohol-containing d e t n in the same day. ize For best results, use open cartridges s it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 33 Service Procedures Batteries d e rv e s re l a u n a M by w la d e e t c i Always remove thei Negative (Black) cable first and connect it last. ib rv h e S ro l l y l p a d A CAUTION: Note theolocation of the battery and n the cable routing and reinstall them in exactly nu the same way. When B reattaching the Positivetio(Red) cables, the doubling of the two cables a must be in the — same positions as before. c M u e e l d c ic i o v r r p eh e e Battery Access V r S r y d e NOTE: t The batteries on most ze d s o i Aeromasters are located through a r B o m an access panel in the right-hand i — l h i stepwell. Batteries on allutother t le c U chassis are likely to bealocated i n n h o e i U under the hood. (See Illustrations t V a r BA10 and BA15.) Otherwise see r o te the Chassis Service Manual. rp s a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d Illustration BA10 e m t Stepwell Battery Access i ili t ib h U 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t Illustration BA15 e re h ir z ig Battery Under the Hoodhts r o y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U WARNING: ts h rig 34 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. Make sure the n rvignition switch is Off. y a e b s Minto the 2. Plug a memory saver (with 9-volt battery) d re outlet on the dash. (See Illustration e e accessory t c ts bi vi BA20.) i h r h e igDisconnect the Negative (Black) o S r 3. battery r l l y BA25.) l p a cable(s) first. (See Illustration d A n o nu o i B a NOTE: When removing the Positive t c M — (Red) battery cables e on duel batteries, du e l ctwo Positive cables ro ic notice that the i v h may be doubled. p r (feed and e jumper) e e r S Illustration BA20 r Vbattery cable away from the 4. Tuck ethe terminal to y d Plug a Memory Saver into the Accessory Outlet t accidental contact. (SeezIllustration d e prevent BA s o i a r B 25.) o im l h i t e— t Battery Removal l u U a ic n n h 1. Disconnect battery. (See the Disconnect Battery e U tio V Section.) a r r e o t 2. Remove the Positive battery cable(s). p r as o w 3. Remove the battery hold-downs. m a C i l l y er and remove the Uti 4. Note the location of the posts t b battery from the vehicle. as d e m t Battery Installation ili bi t i h U in the battery trayin the 1. Install the battery o 2 r 0 same orientation. p aw l 0 n 2 n t the battery hold-downs. 2. Secure io o by i t h c at ig the battery cables, Negative last. ted u 3. rConnect r d Illustration BA25 po i y o b p i r Disconnect Negative (Black) Cable first r and tuck NOTE: Remember to fasten the hood h pcables away from the battery o posts Co or access panel. e o C r r pr d te e n s z a ri tio o c m u th ili d t u d U a ro e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Disconnect Battery Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 35 Body Mount Bolts l d a aw e NOTE: TruckvBody and PDV body l u Base n y mount boltsercome in a variety of a b Rail s depending on the M configurations e d r te application. ce i s i t Mounting ib rv Overviewgh Oak h e iroad vibration and the natural changing o S r Normal (Wood) r l l y the chassis p a properties d Al of the wood runners between u n Chassisn and body may reduce the clamping Bo force on the body tio a Frame mounting bolts. c M — Rail u e e l cto check the alignment of rod ic It is therefore, important i v r body mounting spacers p eh and tighten the mountingebolts e V S after the first 30,r 60, and 90 days of operationrand y d e every six months t after that. (See Illustration d e BM10.) s z o i a r B Alwaysm tighten the lower nuts because, o in some i — l h applications, the top nuts have beent welded in place. i t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s Illustration BM10 r a o w Body Mounting Bolts m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t Description Torque ft•lb ili and Application bi t i Base 24–31 U rail to crossmember (plated) oh 2 r w Base rail to crossmember (stainless steel) 24–31 0 p la 0 Base rail to crossmember (encapsulated) 24–31 n 2 n t Tie rod with angle bar 45–55 io o by i t h t c45–55 d U-bolt with angle bar a ig u e r r d 24–35 it y o Tie rod with J-hook o b p p i r r Tie rod / U-bolt with out frame spacers 24–35 h p o Co o 5/8 bolt at chassis frame rail for body mounting angle re 80–120 C r r pangle 5/8 bolt in body tie-down 80–120 d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 36 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u NOTE: Truck rv Body and PDV bumpers an e by that are welded in place would need toM s e and rewelded to replace. e d be cut roff e t c ts Utilimaster has different bi virear i NOTE: h r h e the igbumper configurations to meet o S r r l l various needs of our customers. y l p a d A Although the specific parts n o may vary, nu o i B a t the bumper replacement process will be c M — e can be removed du similar. The bumper e l c extensions and then thero ic i from the bumper Illustration BU10 v h r p e bumper extensions can be removed from Rear Bumper e e r S the chassis r V depending on the repair y d e t The shock absorbing bumper d needs. s ze o a designed by Utilimaster has rai separate B o mprocess. (See also the SHOCK i — l h i ABSORBING Bumper Replacement.) t le ut c U a i n h e io Un STANDARD Bumper Replacement t V a r r obumper to te WARNING: Always support the p s r keep it from falling. a o w m a C i l l r ti y e t U b Removal as d e 1. Support the bumper to keep it from falling. m t i ili b t i Illustration BU15 2. Remove the eight h U 1/213 bolts, washers, and Standard Bumperro Assembly locknuts holding the bumper to the bumper 2 0(See Illustrations BU20 or BU30.) law p 0 channels. n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration BU20 C n A GRIP STRUT Bumper Mount U Bumpers SHIM CHANNEL EXTENSION CHANNEL IMPACT STRIP BUMPER Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 37 l w d a a e l u rv should be set low enoughannot to strike the rear structure y upon impact but close The bumper e b s M enough shoe in the gap. d re to prevent catching someones e e t c i s t vi ib r Installationh h e g i o a thread adhesive like S rand l use lock washers ll r NOTE: If locknuts are notyavailable, p a d and bolts can be used inn place of flat washers. A Loctite. Flange head onuts nu o i B a t 1. Position the bumper— on top of the bumper channels. c M u e e l d be level front to back and side to side.icSet the 2. Align the bumper c with the rear structure. Itroshould i h bumper approximately 1" below the body.p (See Illustration BU10.) The frame extension rv bolts may e e have to beVloose to make adjustments.re S r y d e t the bumper in its place. ze d 3. Support s o i a r B o 4. im Secure all fasteners. — l h i t t le u c Bumper Channel and Extension Replacement U a i n h e it o Removal Un V a r r 1. Remove the bumper. (See the Removal o te pBumper s instructions under the STANDARD r a o w Replacement section.) m a C i l l er bolts and locknutsUti 2. Remove the six lower 1/213 t by s holding the bumper channels a to the bumper d e m t extensions. (See Illustrations BU25.) ili bi t i 3. Remove the sixUupper 1/213 bolts and locknuts oh 2 r holding the0bumper extensions to the chassis. w p la This will20 free any shims. n n Illustration BU25 t io Channel o by i t Installation h Bumper t c d a ig u e r r d itlock yNOTE: If locknuts are not available, use o o b p p i r washers and a thread adhesive like Loctite. Flange head nuts and bolts can be used in r h o Co place of flat washers. ep o C r r p d time) into the upper holes er in the chassis 1. Install new 1/2-13 bolts and flatnwashers (no locknuts at e this t s iz rail. io a r t o c im Do NOT tighten at h u l 2. Install shims (as required) and bumper extensions with locknuts and flat washers. t i t u od this time. U a r ed n p 2 v NOTE: Do NOT re tighten nuts until afterUthe bumper has been attached. er 00 s 2 d t Replacement section. re e 3. Follow the Installation instructions under the STANDARD Bumper h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U CAUTION: Always use new bolts and two-way Grade 8 locknuts. Do NOT reuse locknuts or bolts when replacing bumpers. ® ® 38 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Removal n rv a e by s 1. Remove the bumper. (See the RemovalM d re under the STANDARD Bumper e e instructions t c ts Replacement section.) bi vi i h r h e g o 2.riRemove all twelve fasteners toSthe bumper r l l extensions. y l p a d A u n o n o i B a NOTE: Each bumper extension will remain t c M attached to the rear u e—structure with four BOM e l d fasteners. ic ic o v r h r pout e e 3. The bumper plates may have to be pried e Illustration BU30 r rail. S r V the extension and chassis from between y Spring Bumper Mounting Bolts d e t d e s z o 4. The i a shims, if present, are reused. r B o m ili NOTE: If the bumper uplates th can not be removed in this manner, remove e— the BOM t l U fasteners. (See Illustration a BU35 and then Remove BOM Fasteners ic section below.) n h e BOM Fasteners Removal (if U necessary) tio V a r door by drilling outerthe buck rivets. 1. Remove the rear kickplate under theorear t p s r a 2. Remove the BOM fasteners. (See section.) This will free the bumper w o the Fastener Replacement m C i extensions and shims. la l r i t y te U b s a d Floor/Chassis m teRiser BOM i i l Fasteners ti ib h U 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a Chassis ig u e r r d Frame Rail o it y o b p i r Bumper rp o h p o Extension C e o C r r r p d te e n s z Shock a ri tio o c m Absorbing Strut h BU35 u li t i Illustration d t u Bumper Mount d o Shock Absorbing U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U SHOCK ABSORBING Bumper Replacement ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 39 l w d a a e l u n rv a e by s M d Installation (when reBOM Fasteners have NOT been e removed) e t c i s t If locknuts are not available, vi use NOTE: ib h r h e g ilock washers and a thread adhesive like ro l ll r Loctite. Flange head nutsy Sand bolts can be p a d A used in place of flat washers. u n it o Bo an M 1. Carefully pry the frame — extension away from theuc e e l chassis rail and c ic i slide the shim and bumper plate od v r into place. h r p e e e V rflat S 2. Install new r 1/2-13 locknuts, bolts, and y d e t into the upper holes. DozeNOT tighten washers d s o i at a this time. r B o m i — l h i Install new 1/2-13 locknuts, 3. t bolts, and flat t le u c U washers into the loweraholes. Do NOT tighten i Illustration BU40 n hAbsorbing at this time. Shock Bumper Assembly e it o Un V a r the NOTE: Do NOT tighten nuts untiloafter er t bumper has been attached. rp as o w m Bumper Replacement section. a C 4. Follow the Installation instructions under the STANDARD i l l er been Removed) Uti t Installation (when BOM Fasteners have by s a d NOTE: If locknutsm are not available, use lock washers and a thread adhesive like te i nuts and bolts can be used in place of flat washers. ilhead Loctite. Flange bi t i h U bolts and flat washers (no locknuts at this time) into the upper oholes 1. Install new 1/2-13 in the chassis 2 r w 0 p a rail. l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b 2. Place the shims on the bolts. i t h t c g d a i u e r r 3. yMount the bumper extensions where the BOM d If the BOM fastenerpo it fasteners were removed. o b p equipment is not available, use new 3/8" Grade 8 locknuts, bolts, and i r flat washers. Do NOT r tighten o h p o C at this time. C re ro r p 4. Install new 1/2-13 locknuts, bolts, te at this time. n and flat washers intoizethed lower holes. Do NOTstighten o a tightening r Bumper Replacement section, ti 5. Follow the Installation instructionsunder the STANDARD o c m i the 3/8" bolts first. u th il d t u U a rowith aluminum POP rivets. 6. Reinstall the kickplate ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U CAUTION: Always use new bolts and two-way Grade 8 locknuts. Do NOT reuse locknuts or bolts when replacing bumpers. SHIM ® STRUT EXTENSION STRUT IMPACT STRIP BUMPER ® ® 40 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u v the Paint Repair section.n NOTE: Seeralso y a e b s M Decal Removal e d r e e t c 1. Usetsa heat gun to soften the adhesive bi vi under the decal. i h r h e the edge back. 2.rig With a razor knife, carefully peel o S r l l y manually pulling the decal off. l p a 3. Continue to heat evenly while d A u n o n o i B a Decal Installation t c M — u 24 hours for nonreflective decals or 72 hours e decals over repaired paint,dwait e 1. Before reapplying for l c c i i o reflective decals. r h rv p e e e 2. Clean theVsurface with DuPont 2319SrCleaner. S r y d e t the decal into position. ze d 3. Align s o ir a B o to the edges. 4.imSmooth the decal from the center — l h i t le ut a proper seal. 5. c U Squeegee the edges toaensure i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Decals Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 41 DoorBulkhead l d a aw e NOTE: This v service information is l u r in illustrations and an generic. Details e by s M procedures e may differ from those in eyour r ed t vehicle. Use this information as aic i s t where it applies. rv ib guideline h h e g Striker o S ri r l DoorllReplacement y p a d A u n Door Removal it o Bo an M 1. Use a #11 or 3/16" drill — bit to drill out the uc e e l rivets, securingcthe lower door track to the d ic i o v r door. r p eh e e V S 2. Drill outr the rivets securing the door torthe y d e rollertassembly. d e s o iz a r B DR01 Illustration 3. m Lift door up and out to remove. o i — Bulkhead Door Latch (Cargo Side) l h i t e l DoortInstallation u U a ic n n h 1. Reverse the removal e io Uprocedure. t V a r Door Latch Adjustment er o t rp Latch Adjustment (Non-VACS) as o w m a C i l 1. Loosen the two screws on the striker. (See l ti er Illustration DR01.) t U by s a d 2. Position the striker to align with the latch on the e m t i bulkhead panel. til bi i U in this position, tighten the oh 3. Holding the striker 2 r w p screws. 00 la n 2 n tand close the door multiple times to ensureby io 4. Open o i t h t c Illustration DR05 proper a ig operation. Repeat the process if ted Bulkhead Door Latch u r r d on VACS Vehicles (Cargo i ynecessary. o Side) o b p p i r htighter with this adjustment. pr o Co NOTE: You can make the door close e o C r r pr Latch Adjustment (VACS) te ed n s z o 1. Loosen the two bolts that attach (See IllustrationaDR05.) ri ti the door catch to theobulkhead. c im u the closed position. th l 2. Slide the bulkhead doordinto i t u o U a r ed 3. Align the catch with the latch on the door. (See Illustration DR150.) 2 n p v recatch in position, tightenUthe two bolts to 79 ftlb.00 er 4. While holding the s 2 d t e re h 5. Open and Repeat the process as necessary. ir zclose the door multiple times to ensure proper operation. ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 42 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u n rv Operation y a e b s M disconnect the safety d To enter the cargo re area from outside the vehicle, e e cable on thetslower left-hand side of the dooric(if present) by rotating the it b v h rthe cable off the peg. (See hi latch counterclockwise until you can pull e g i Illustration r DR10.) The safety cableSprevents the door from accidentally ro l l y l p a opening while the vehicle is in motion. d A u n o n o i B a Insert the key in the lock and turn it clockwise. While pressing t down on c M — the bottom handle to relieve tension on the door before opening, turn the u e e l d handle to the right. ic ic o v r r pthe door strap and eh the outside, pull down on e To close the doorVfrom e r S check to make rsure the door is locked before driving the vehicle. Place y d e t in the safety cable latch by d erotating the latch the safety cable Illustration DR10 s z o i a Safety Cable Latch (Option) B counterclockwise until you can slip ther cable over the peg. m — ho ili t e t l u WARNING: Do NOT use the rear door pull strap to support yourself entering or exiting U a can break or pull the ic Use when n the rear. The strap door down upon you. a grab handle for assisn h U in and out of thetioback of the truck. Ve tance when getting r ra e o t NOTE: Even though on VACS-equipped vehicles the sbulkhead and rear doors lock p r automatically when they are fully closed, you cannotabecome accidentally locked inside o m open the bulkhead and sliding doors law C i the cargo area. From inside the cargo area, you can l ti System for Utilimaster Walk-In Vans y er Vehicle Access Control without a key. (See also tthe U b Operation and Service asManual, P/N 03102103, for more VACS information.) d m te i i l To exit the cargo area tfrom i the inside, pull the ring in the lower corner of the door on the drivers b side (if imechanism. h present) to unlatch theUsafety cable and then pull the door lever to the right to unlatch the door (See o 2 r Illustrations DR15 0 and DR20.) p aw l 0 n 2 n NOTE: o on the door t If the lock sticks, relieve the tension bony the door by pressingtidown o i h while t c d a ig pulling the door lever. u e r r t sure the door is locked d before driving the vehicle. y the rear cargo door is closed and check tobimake o Be sure o p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A Illustration DR20 Roll-Up Door Release Lever UIllustration DR15 Safety Cable Release Ring DoorRear Roll-Upd Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 43 l w d a a e l u n be made by trained service rv repairs, and adjustments amust Installation, e by personnel using s M proper tools and instructions. re e in diameter and 18" long.tedDO NOT USE bent winding bars, c Use two winding bars that are i1/2" s tscrewdrivers, or punches forrvspring winding. bi i h h e ig o S r r l l y p a d Al u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r r p eh e e V r S r y d e t d e s o iz a r B o m i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o byDR25 Illustration i t h t c d on Whiting Roll-Up Door Location of Serial Number a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h door, specify the serial o Co NOTE: When ordering parts for arorear ep number of the door. C(See r Illustration DR25.) The serial p number can be found on the metal tag attached tor the te inside of the door. ed n s z o ri adjustments and propera operation tofi any part, check relevant NOTE: After replacement o c im h u l t i of the door. t u od U a r ed NOTE: The following general instructions and illustrations are2of Whiting doors. n p v r e Doors by otherrmanufacturers or for a U particular Whiting door00may differ in details. e s 2 d Use these instructions as a guide where appropriate. t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y Always maintain firmigfooting and WARNING: Read all instructions before starting repair. h t p control of tools. u o lr a l C A Un WARNING: The counterbalance spring is wound under high tension. This high-tension spring can cause severe injury or death. 44 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l a aw l u y Left-Hand Cable an Drum must be tight againstbBearing M d e e Spring Anchor Plug t c ts bi vi i h r Spring-Winding Plug h e ig o S r r l l y l p a d A u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic o Cablei v r h r p e e e Top r S r VDoor y Panel d Chalk mark e t e Spring Anchor Bracket d s z o i Left Hand a Right Hand r B o (Roadside) m Counterbalance shown inside looking outside (Curbside)h ili t e— t l u U a ic n Illustration DR30 n h U Counterbalance tio Mounting DetailsVe a r er o t p on Spring) as Cable Replacement Procedure (with Tension r o w m a C Cable Removal i l l ti y eris frayed or damaged, t NOTE: If only one cable U b as d Utilimaster still recommends that both cables be replaced Cable e Cable Anchor m t i Bracket at the same time.li it b i h 1. Close the doorUfrom the inside. Release the spring tension 2 by fully inserting a winding bar that is 1/2" ro w in from the cables 0 p a 0and 18" long into one of the spring-winding lplug diameter n 2 n y o t i b holes. (See Illustrations DR30 and DR40.) Cotter Pin tio t h ig ed winding bar duc ra Cable Anchor 2.yrRaise the bar enough to allow insertion of aitsecond o b enough to let ro p into the lower hole, and then release theitension p Pin r o o C the second bar rest against the top panel. ep oh C r r r p drum, releasing thed e 3. Loosen the two setscrews on the cable Exterior View of Door t e n s z o i cable drum from the shaft, and remove the cable from the cable a r ti Illustration DR35 o c drum. m u th ili Cable Anchor d t u d 4. Remove the cable from o the door bottom panelaby removing the U r e n p 2 anchor and cotter pins. (See Illustration DR35.) rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r hin place. Raising the doors at this WARNING: iz Do NOT raise the door with the winding bar g r t i point can cause injury or damage to equipment. r o h y ig th p r u o a ll C n A U ed v r e s re Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Right-Hand Cable Drum must be tight against Bearing 45 d e rv Ceiling e s re l a u n Spring Anchor a M Bracket by w la d e e t c i vi ib r Chalk mark Locking Pliers h e o S against ceiling r l l y l p a d A u n o Support Bracket B it o an c M u e— e l d c ic i o 1/2" diameter x 18" long or v r r p eh [12.7 mm] diameter x [46 cm] e e V r S Winding Bar r y d e 5" or [12.7 cm] t e for s z od Spring i a To loosen Spring, wind B r growth m toward ceiling — ho it li t le u c U a i n DR40 Illustration h o i Un Counterbalance Winding Details Ve t ra Cable Replacement outermost groove toward the inside of the er o t p r the 1. Mount the new cable at the baseoof asdrum. m6. Maintaining tension on the cable, slide thelaw C bottom panel by slipping the cable anchor pin i l y through the cable anchor tbracket er and the eye Uti cable drum on the counterbalance shaft b s at the end of the cable.a against the bearing and tighten thedtwo m te setscrews on the drum. i i 2. Insert the cotter pin into the cable anchor pin l i ib to secure the cable. 7. Clamp the counterbalance h shaft with a locking Ut 2 cable end to the top of the roceiling, to keep the w pliers, handle against the 3. Bring the other 0 p a l cables tight. (See Illustration 0thread it over the top of the door to DR40.) n door and 2 y o t i tension by rotating the tion b 8. Release the spring the inside. t h d ucplug just far enough to oallow spring winding ra rig ti e 4. yTemporarily tape the cable to the outside top d removalrof o the winding bar againstrthe p panel of the door. p top of ib o h o the door. C 5. From inside the cargo area, insert therocable ep C r rand then check p the 9. Remove the clamp and tape, d e end into the cable drum slot. Thread t e s onslot and turn iz the operation of the door. cable into the groove nearesttithe a r o NOTE: A properlylim cuntil all slack is the cable drum toward you adjusted door h u t i d t taken out, making sure the cable is following u should open easily and, when o Uremain at any a r ed in its proper groove. stopped, should n p 2 v given location. re must be wound from Uthe 00 (See the Spring ser NOTE: The cable 2 d Winding t Procedure section.) re e h z i r ts setscrews ig CAUTION: Make sure the drums are against the counterbalance shaft bearings, the r o h y are h properly tightened, and the cables have equalptension. ig t r u o a Rotating the counterbalance assembly too far Cmay cause cables to jump off ll the cable drum. n A U ts h rig 46 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u n rv y a e b s M must be made by trainedd service personnel using Installation, repairs, and adjustments re tools and instructions. ce proper ite s i t b v i DO NOT USE bent winding bars, h Use two winding bars that are r 1/2" in diameter by 18" hlong. ir g screwdrivers, or punchesSefor spring winding. ro l l y l p a d A u n Chalk mark it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S rV y d e Wound chalk mark t d e s z o i a B or m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s Illustration DR45 r aTrack of Winding o w Mark Spring with Chalk to Keep m a C i l l ti removing the first bar. Repeat for 10-1/2 y er Spring Winding Procedure t U b as turns. Turns are counted by using d the chalk 1. Close the door and,m on the inside, clamp the e t marks, which show up as stripes i as the spring counterbalance shaft ili with the handle of the b t i is wound. (See IllustrationhDR45.) locking pliers U against the ceiling to keep the 2(See Illustration DR40.) rotension, tighten both wAfter adjusting the spring cables tight. 6. 0 p a l setscrews on the spring-winding plug and n 20 mark the full length of the 2. Run at chalk n y o i o b remove the locking pliers from the i t h counterbalance spring. (See Illustration t cshaft. d a ig counterbalance u e r r DR45.) d it y o o b p p 7. Check the operation of the door by opening i r r 3. Insert a winding bar that is 1/2" in diameter o and closing Co and 18" long into one of the spring-winding ep the door. oh C r r r p and d plug holes. (See Illustrations DR30 e NOTE: A properly counterbalanced door t e n s z DR40.) when stopped,aremain at any given ri should, tio o c location. If the door imleaves the floor by 4. Loosen the setscrews onuthe spring-winding h l t i itself, the spring tis wound too tightly, and a u plug. od U should be released. If ethed a r few quarter turns n p 2 rv 5. Wind the springrby e lifting the bar. While U door has a 0tendency to drop when stopped, e 0 holding the first 2 quarter turns should beesadded. a few more d bar, place a second bar in the t e r next hole zand lift in the same manner after h ir s t ig r o h y th ptoo far may cause cables rtoigjump off the u CAUTION: Rotating the counterbalance assembly o a cable drum. ll C n A U WARNING: The counterbalance spring is wound under high tension. This high-tension spring can cause severe injury or death. Only qualified technicians should adjust this spring. Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 47 Intermediate Door Panel Replacement l w d a a e l u nthe panel to be replaced y rvclosed, clamp the track below a 1. With the door e b sthe door from rising. M e to prevent d r te ce i s i t 2. Using a 1/4" drill bit, drill off the rivets v in the center hinges on theibpanel h r h e g DR50.) ito be removed. (See Illustration o S r r l l y p a d Al CAUTION: Do NOT o drill through the outside panel. n Punch nu out the rivets and,Bin at least one of the hinges, it o insert a a punch into one— of the rivet holes to stabilize c the door panel M e the remaining rivets anddubolts. while detaching e l c ic i o v r r eh and socket, remove botheproller brackets and rollers at e 3. Using a wrench V r Illustration DR55.) S r or at the top of the panel.d(See both joints y e t d e s o 4. Drill iz to the bottom of the panel with a a off the end hinge rivets attached r B o m 1/4" drill bit. i — l h i t DR50 t le Illustration u 5. Lift the door panels (above the panel to be replaced) into the c U Center Hinge a i n pliers clamped on the n them with a locking h horizontal track and secure o e i U t V horizontal track. a r r te 6. Remove the punch and lift out the old popanel. s r a o w m a C i l l ti er Intermediate Panel Installation t U by s d 1. Line up the new panel a and drill all of the hinge holes on the bottom e m t of the new panel. ili bi t i Udoor section clamped so that it will not fall, tip the 2. With the upper oh 2 r w 0 you to insert the bolts. panel toward p la 0 n 2 n 3. Installt the hinges over the bolts and tighten the nuts. io o by i t h d the hinge holes uc at ig a 1/4" drill bit, drill holes into the panelteusing 4. Using r r d i yas a guide and install Magna-Lok fasteners. o o b p p i r r hinto position. o Co5. Swing the new panel upright and clamp ep o C r r r p d e 6. Lower the door from the horizontal tracks and drill all the holes in t e n s iz the top of the new panel. tio a r Illustration o c im Roller DR55 h u l Joint Bracket t 7. Insert the bolts and install the hinges over the bolts. Tighten the nuts. i d t u o U a by opening and rand check the door operation ed 8. Remove the clamps n p 2 v U closing the door.re er 00 s 2 t stopped, should remainreat any ed adjusted door should open easily and, when NOTE: Azproperly h i r ts given location. (See Spring Winding Procedure section.)rig o h h repair is necessary, see the Paint Repair section. py ig t 9. If paint r u o a ll C n A U Intermediate Panel Removal 48 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Top Panel Removal v n r y a e b 1. With the s door closed, clamp the track below the top M d reprevent the door from raising. e e panel to t c ts bi vi i h r h ig CAUTION: Do NOT drillSethrough the o r r l l outside panel. Punch out the rivets and, yhinges, l p a d in at least one of the insert a A n nu punch into one ofothe rivet holes to stabi- io B a lize the door panel while detaching the ct M — remaining e rivets and bolts. u e l d c ic i o v r h r pthe center e e 2. Using a 1/4" drill bit, drill out the rivets in e ron the end S ronVthe top panel and the rivets hinges y d e t at the joint in the lower half d eof the top panel. hinges s z o i a r B oDR55.) m(See Illustrations DR50 and i — l h i3. Punch out the rivets and,uint at least one of the hinges, t leIllustration DR60 c U insert a punch in one ofathe rivet holes to stabilize i n the n h Top Roller Bracket o e i U door panel while detaching the remainingt rivets and V a r bolts. r o te p s 4. Using a wrench and socket, remove a or the roller w brackets and rollers at the topCof the panel. (See im a l l Illustration DR60.) ti y er t U b 5. Remove the punch and aslift out the old panel. d e m t Top Panel Installation ili bi t i h U panel and drill all of the hinge holes 1. Line up the 2 new o r 0 of the new panel. on the bottom p aw l 0 n 2 n t panel toward you to insert the bolts through 2. Tip the io o by i t h t c the d a ig outside of the panel. u e r r t d ithe y o 3. Install the hinges over the bolts and tighten nuts. o b p p i r r o Co 4. Using a 1/4" drill bit, drill holes intorthe ep ohpanel using the C r r p hinge holes as a guide and install Magna-Lok d e t e n fasteners. s iz it o a r c on the bottom of theho NOTE: The roller brackets u lim t i d t top panel and on the uplay d o top of the bottom panel U a r e an important partpin maintaining proper door n 2 rv 0 Illustration DR65 alignment within re the track. The rollersUon these e 0 2 Help Align Door in Track d have three or four spacer washers Washers brackets must es t e r h (depending iz on the alignment) to maintain the g r ts i r o h correct distance in the track. (See Illustration DR65.) y h ig t p r u the new panel upright and clamp into position. o 5. a Swing ll C n A U Top Panel Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 49 6. Drill all the holes in the new panel for the top roller bracket. ed l w a a l u rvand install the hinges over thean 7. Insert the bolts e by s M bolts. Tighten d up re the nuts. Move troller e e c i s i 8. Remove t the clamps and check thervdoor to move ib panel in h operation by opening and closing the door. h e g i S ro l ll r NOTE: A properly adjusted y p door should a d A open easily and, when stopped, nMove roller down o it should nu o i B a t to move panel out remain at any given location. (See Spring c M — u e section.) Winding Procedure e l d c ic i o v r 9. Also check the r eh seal on the outside top ofepthe e roll-up door. V r S r y d e t The top panel can be adjusted d NOTE: e by s Illustrationo DR70 izbolt and a loosening the top roller bracket r B Adjustments Top Roller Bracket odown to adjust m i moving the top roller up or — l h i the top panel in or out. u(See t Illustration t le c U a i n DR70.) h e it o Un aRepair section. r V 10. If paint repair is necessary, see the Paint r te po s r a o w m a C i Top Panel Adjustment l l ti er t U by 1. Close the door. s a d e 2. Loosen the nuts slightly on the top roller bracket. (See Illustration DR70.) m t ili bi t i 3. Position the top Uroller brackets so that the top panel is nearly vertical and seals bothohalong the top and at the sides. 2 0 pr aw l 0 n bracket down NOTE:2Moving the roller bracket up moves theypanel in; moving the roller n o t i o b i t moves the panel out. h t c d a ig u e r r d before it latches. po it cause the door to jam yNOTE: Adjusting the panel too tightlybmay o p i r pr o Co4. Tighten the nuts with a wrench. roh e C r r p te ed n s z o a ri ti o c m i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 50 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Bottom Panel Removalv n r y a e b s 1. Push open the door until the bottom of the M e d e e door israbout 16" [40 cm] from the header at t c s of the door opening. vi ttop the bi i h r h etracks, on g o S 2.ri Place a clamp in the horizontal r l l each side, below the bottomy rollers. l p a d A u n o n o i B a 3. Place a clamp on one of the cables, near the t c M eye of the cable. e— u e l ic ic with one hand, releaserthe od 4. Grasping thehclamp v r p e e cable from the bottom of the door by pulling e r and S r Vpin out of the cable anchord pin the cotter y e t the anchor pin. (See Illustration e IllustrationdDR80 removing s z o Bracket i a Bottom Roller r B DR35.) o m ili CAUTION: Do NOTudrill th through the outside panel. Punch out the e—rivets and, in at least one of t l U the hinges, insert aa punch in one of the rivet holes to stabilize ic the door panel while detaching n n h the remaining rivets and bolts. e U tio V a r Installation r Bottom Panel e o t 5. Allow the spring to wind the cableponto the r 1. asRemove a bottom roller bracket from the old drum until the clamp stops it by o contacting the w m panel. a C i l drum. l ti 2. Insert the roller into the bottom brackety of the er t U b 6. Repeat with the opposite new panel. as cable. d te in the track. 7. Drill out the centerlim hinge rivets attached to the i 3. Position the new panel and roller i ib bottom panel. (See h Ut Illustration DR50.) 2 and socket, remove both ro w 8. Using a wrench 0 p a l 0 located at the bottom of the roller brackets n 2 n y o t i bottom panel and remove the rollers. (See o b i t h t c d Illustration DR80.) a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p 9. Using a wrench and socket, remove both i r r o Co roller brackets and rollers at the jointroorh top ep C r of the bottom panel. (See Illustration r p d e t e n DR65.) s iz it o a r o 10. Using a 1/4" drill bit, drill out c the end hinge h u lim t i rivets attached to the bottom panel. d t u d o U a r e 11. Remove the panelpfrom the tracks and push n 2 rv U 0 rethe door slightly toward the e the remainder of 0 2 d es front of theetruck. t r h iz ts ir g 12. Place o a rclamp in the track to prevent the door h y hrolling back down. from ig t p r u Illustration DR85 o a ll C Normal Latch andAStriker Position n U (Adjust to This Position) Bottom Panel Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 51 4. Install the other bottom roller in the track and align with the bottom roller bracket. al ed w a l u n bolts. rv to the door with nuts and 5. Attach the assembly a e by s M 6. Using the re hinges as a template and a #11 e or 3/16" drill bit, drill ted c rivettsholes in the new panel. i i b v i h r Make sure the panels ealign for a close fit at the h g iNOTE: S r ro l l joint. y l p a d A 7. Rivet the hinges into place. n nu it o Bo a 8. Replace the rollers — at the joints, as well as any spacer washers M e (See Illustration DR65.)duc e l on the roller shafts. c ic i o v r hroller brackets on the toppof the bottom panel NOTE: The r e e e V and on the bottom of the top panel play r an important part in S r proper door alignment y d e maintaining within the track. The t d e s o rollers a on these brackets mustrizhave approximately five B mspacer washers (dependinghoon the alignment) to maintain i — l i the correct distance in the t track. t le u c U a i n to the outside h 9. Reconnect each cablenby drawing it by theoclamp Illustration DR90 e i U t V of the bottom door panel. Square Latch Plate with Fan a er orcable eye and the cable t 10. Insert the cable anchor pin throughpthe r as anchor bracket. (See IllustrationoDR35.) w m C la 11. Secure the cable anchor pin rwith the cotter pin. ili te Utby by 12. Remove the clamps andscheck the door operation a d opening and closingm the door. e t ili adjusted door should open easily bi NOTE: A properly t i U it should remain at any given and, when stopped, oh 2 r w location.00 (See the Spring Winding Procedure p la n 2 section.) n t io o by i t h t c g repair is necessary, see the Paint Repair 13. Ifipaint dsection. a u e r r d it y Lock Adjustment o Two Point o b p p i r r o Co1. From inside the truck, close the doorrtightly. ep oh C r r pprimary latch position d e 2. The fan-type latch should be in the t e n s iz (see Illustration DR85), withiothe latch plate rod resting a r t o on the top of the fan of the clatch assembly. If necessary, im h u l t i reposition the latch platedso that the latch plate fits t u snugly o U a r ed against the fan. p n 2 v U with the re plate is level and square er 00 3. Ensure that the latch s 2 d t fan. (See Illustration DR90.) e re h ir z g ts NOTE:o If the door is closed with excessive force, the ri h y hwill lock in the secondary position (see ig t latch p u Illustrationl rDR95 o Illustration DR95) as a safety precaution. a l C Secondary LatchAand Striker Position n U 52 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 4. After both latches l to this procedure, check thatwlatching/unlatching is d are checked/adjusted according a e la smooth and that v the door seals at the bottom.u n r y a e b Roller Change s M e d r e e t c 1. Open the door. ts bi vi i h r e two nuts that secure theohroller cover. (See Illustrations DR60, 2. igUsing a wrench and socket, remove S r r l l DR65, and DR80.) y l p a d A 3. Remove the roller fromothe track. u n it o B an c M 4. Install a new roller in the track. u e— e l ic ic cover on the hinge and tighten od the nuts. 5. Replace the h roller v r r p e e e r Checking RollerVPlay S r y d e t that the door has some butzenot excessive side play (1/4" maximum) andodis centered in opening. 1. Check s i so that the door does not bind in the track.B Five spacer washers a should be some slight play r There m ho joint roller and the second-from-bottom ili should be at the second-from-top t e—joint roller on each side. t l u U 2. Add or subtract spacerawashers on roller shafts, ic proper play. Equal numbers of if necessary, to achieve n n h e centered. washers should beUused on each side to ensure tio that the door remains V a r er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 53 Pull Strap Replacement l d a 1. Open the door enough e to allow for comfort while u v r clamp the track to prevent theandoor from working, then e M opening e orsclosing. r e 2. Drilltsout the two rivets holding the pull ic strap to the v h r(See Illustration bottom g panel of the roll-up door. Se riDR100.) l Al3. y Attach the end of the newdstrap to the bottom panel ofn the roll-up door with rivets Bo or sheet-metal screws. tio c 4. Remove the clamp and test the strap while opening u and e— l d c closing the door. i o d te i ib h o pr by w la l a u an M ce i r h rv p e e Door Seal Replacement V re S r Illustration DR100 y d e Brush Seals Replacement t d Strap Pull s ze o i a r B 1. m Open the roll-up door. o i — l h i Drill out the rivets that holdutthe brush-seal aluminum e 2. t cl U extrusion in place usinga#11 or 3/16" drill bit.n(See i h e io Un Illustration DR105.) t V a r r 3. Uncrimp both ends of the seal extrusion. te po s r a 4. Remove the brush seals from theoextrusion. w m a C i l l 5. Cut the new brushes to the proper length with bolt cutters. ti er t U by 6. Reattach the extrusion using aluminum fasteners or stainlesss a d steel sheet-metal screws. e m t ilicheck the seals. bi t i 7. Close the door and U oh 2 Vinyl Seals Replacement r w 0 p la 0 n 2 1. Raise the roll-up door to the full Open position andyclamp Remove the n t below the bottom panel to prevent the door io b from rivets holding the track io t h t c g d the seal strip moving. u ra ri te d to the o door i y o b Illustration p Uncrimp both ends of the seal extrusion.i(See frame r 2. rp to o h p o remove the C DR110.) Cbrush re ro seals r p d e 3. Use a locking pliers to extract the old seal. t e s on izto i a r t 4. Slide the new seal into the extrusion and crimp the ends o c im h u l secure the seal. t i d t u o Illustration DR105 U a r ed 5. Remove the clamp,pclose the door, and check the seal. n 2 Brush Seals on Roll-Up Door v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 54 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l wUncrimp both ends d a a e l u of the Bracket to This seal is held in place rv by both an undercut designanof the panel y remove the old Seal e b and seal and by fasteners placed through the vinyl seal into the s M d bottom door panel. re e e t c ts the roll-up door part of therway bi vi (with enough 1. Open i h eand place a clamp in the oh igclearance to work comfortably) S r r l l track to prevent the door from opening or closing. y l p a d A u n 2. Unscrew and discard the it o BoPhillips-head fasteners holding an c the vinyl seal to the— bottom door panel. (See Illustrations M u e e l DR115 and DR120.) d c ic i o v r hold seal. r p 3. Remove the e e e r S r Vnew seal, angle edge first,dand 4. Installethe rotate it into y t d e position. s o ir z a B o stainless-steel screws. mSecure with nine #8 (or larger) 5. i — l h i e t DR110 lIllustration utthe door, and check the seal. c U 6. Remove the clamp, close a i Top Seal on Roll-up Door n h e it o Un V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r Illustration DR115 p r d e Vinyl Seal on Bottom of Rear Roll-Up Door t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r Illustration DR120 ts i r o h y Cross-Section of Bottom Panel h g with Vinyl Seal i t p r au ll Co n A U Bottom Vinyl Seal Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 55 DoorSide Sliding d e rv e s re l Al ts h g Stripping riWeather er t as m ili Seal t U y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re by w la d Track Channel te i ib h o pr Rollers ce i rv e S l a u an M dy o B Fixed Window — le c i Roll-up Window n h o e ti V a Door r er Frame o t rp as o w m a C i l l Exterior ti er t Seal U by s a d e m t i Regulator it li b Bracket i h U Interior 2 ro w 0 p Seal a l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig Seal u e r r d it y oChannel o b p p i r Exterior Handle r h o Co Exterior Door ep o C r r Panel r p d e t e n s iz Regulator io a r t o c im h u l t i Catchd t u Window Crank o U a r ed n p 2 v re Door Guide Extrusion U Interior DoorPanel 00 er s 2 dInterior Handle Shim t e re Guide Retainer h AccesssPlate ir z t ig r o h Plastic Guide y ig th p r u Illustration DR125 o a ll C Window Side Sliding Door with Roll-Up n A U 56 ed z ri o th u a n U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re er t as m ili t U y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S ed z i r ho t u a Un l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr by w la y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u an M n io t ra er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration DR126 C n A Side Sliding Door with Upper Sliding and Lower Fixed Windows U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 57 Side Sliding Door Handle Replacement l w d a a e l u nthe interior rv a 1. Remove theefour two-way 7/16" locknuts on by s M of the door d re mechanism. Discard the cnuts e because the e t locking feature has been destroyed. (See Illustration i s t vi ib h r DR130.) h e g i S the exterior handle, pull ro l ll r Grabbing the interior handleyand 2. p a d A apart the mechanism. The u interior handle, spacer, andnthe it o Booff. (See Illustrations DR135 an exterior handle all come c M and DR140.) e— u e l d c ic i o Handle Installation v r r pthe door. eh e e 1. Align the V exterior handle in the cutout on r SDR130 Illustration r y d e Unscrew tthe dot on the bushing withzthe d Handle 2. Align e 3/16" square hole s o i a the lock knob) with therarrow stamped in the lock (above B o m i body. — l h i t e t u cl U 3. Insert four new carriageabolts into the handlenfrom the i h exterior. e io Un t V a r r 4. Set the spacer in place. te po s r 5. Align the square shafts on the exterior handle with the a o w a square openings on the interiorChandle and push themlim l ti er together. t U by s a locknuts. d 6. Install four new two-way e m t iliwith the four holes on the exterior of bi 7. Align the four bolts t i U to 8 ftlb. the door. Tighten oh 2 r w 0 p DR135 la 0 Illustration n 2 n Remove t io Inner Handle o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u Illustration DR140 o a ll C RemoveAOuter Handle n U Handle Removal 58 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. Loosen the two rv bolts that attach the door an y e b catch to the body. (See Illustration DR145.) s M d re cab door into the Closed position. e e 2. Slidesthe t c t bi vi i h r 3. g the catch with the latch onethe door. h i Align o S r (See Illustration DR150.) r l l y l p a d A 4. While holding the catchoin position, tighten the n nu o i B a t two bolts to 79 ftlb. c M — u e e l 5. Open and closecthe door multiple times to d ic i o v r ensure proper operation. Repeat the process h r p e e e if necessary. r S rV y d e tDoor Replacement d e Side Sliding s o ir z a B Door Removal Illustration DR145 o m i — l h i NOTE: Although it is not e Catch t lLoosen ut required, c U removing the door handle a i n first (see theion h e U Sliding Door Handle Assembly section)t V r makes removing the door easier. ra o te p s r to brace 1. From the interior, use a 7/16" wrench a o w m the two-way locknuts in the bottom of the a C i l l door. From the exterior, unscrew y er the four Uti t Catch b panhead bolts with a Phillips Plate as screwdriver. (See d e Illustration DR155.) m t i li i b t i 2. Remove the lower h U door guide. (See o 1/8" Illustration DR160.) 2 r w 0 p a l 0exterior, locate the two-way locknut 3. From the n 2 n y o t i o b under the top seal and brace the nut with a 1/2" i t h c at ig (See Illustration DR165 and ted wrench. u r r d Latcho i y DR170.) From the interior, use a 1/2" socket o b p i r Tongue rp o wrench to loosen the top two bolts andh p o C remove. e Illustration DR150 C o r r r p d Align Latch and Catch e t n NOTE: Discard bolts and two-way s ze o i i a r t locknuts. New bolts andctwo-way locknuts o h u lim are required. t i d t u d o back into the door pocket. U a r e 4. Push the roller assembly (See Illustration DR175.) n p 2 rv U e 0 e 0 5. Lift the door uprand out. (See Illustration DR180.) 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Side Sliding Door Catch Adjustment Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 59 Door Installation d l a e Illustrations DR155 through NOTE: Refer to u v n the r DR180 (inereverse order) for the installation a M door. es by w la d r e e t c i s 1. Set the t door in the door opening. rvi ib h h e g 2.riSlide the roller assembly into place. S ro l l y l p a d A 3. From the exterior, lift theodoor. n nu o i B a t 4. From the interior, align the front hole on the door with c M — the front hole on the e top of the roller assembly.du e l c ic i o v r 5. From the interior, quickly insert a new bolt. r p eh e e V S 6. From the r exterior, brace the front ofdther door and y e push tbackwards as the interior person d e aligns the back s Illustration DR155o Remove Bottom Screws z i a on the door with the back rhole on the top of the hole B obolt. m roller assembly. Insert a new i — l h i t t le u c U 7. From the exterior, lift the black rubber seal on the top a i n the bolts. ion h of the door frame toUexpose e t V a locknuts. r r 8. Attach the washers and the new two-way o te p s r NOTE: Do NOT reuse the two-way locknuts and a o w a C bolts when replacing the sliding door. New boltslim l r ti and two-way locknuts are erequired. t U by s d 9. From the interior, use aa1/2" socket wrench to tighten e m t the bolts. ili bi t i U place the new panhead bolts into 10. From the exterior, oh 2 r w the lower door 0 guide at the bottom, using the existing la p 0 n holes. 2 t io Remove Lower Door Guidetion by Illustration DR160 t h 11. From c g the interior, place the washers and the new d twoi u e ra r t way locknuts onto the bolts and brace with a 7/16" d i y o o p wrench. ib r rp o h p o C 12. From the exterior, tighten the bolts with e o C r pr a screwdriver. d r te e n (See Side 13. Replace the door handle if necessary. s z o a ti and adjustment.)ori Sliding Door Handle for installation c m i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Remove Locknut C Illustration DR165 n A U 60 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Panel Removal n rv y a e b s handle. (See the Side Sliding 1. Removeethe Door M d e e HandlerAssembly section.) t c s bi vi(See the i ht the door from the vehicle. r 2. g Remove h i Side Sliding Door section.) Se o r r l l y l p a d A 3. Place the door on a flat osurface exterior side up. n u it o B an 4. Remove the window. (See the Side Door with c M u e— e l Sliding Window section.) d c ic i o v r hrivets using a #11 or 3/16" drill r 5. Remove the p bit e e e V sure to remove all of the rivets). r S and drill r (be y d e t the seal and the extrusion d efrom the back 6. Remove s z o i a Illustration DR170 Remove Bolts r for reuse. (See B edge of door and set them aside o m ili Illustration DR205.) uth e— t l U 7. Remove the exterior door a metal. ic n n h e U tio V Panel Installation a r r e o t 1. With the exterior door metal positioned p on a flat r as surface, attach the seal and extrusion, using the o w m a C i l original holes. l ti y er t U b 2. Attach the door metal with 3/16" as d MONOBOLTS. m e t ili (See the Side Door with bi t i 3. Reinstall the window. h U section.) Sliding Window o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 4. Reinstall the door. (See the Side Sliding Door n 2 n t section.) io o by i t h t Illustration DR175 c Push Back Roller Assembly d a ig the handle. (See the Side Sliding Door u e r 5. rAttach d y Handle Assembly section for door handlebit o o p p i r r o Co installation and adjustment.) ep oh C r r r p d e Side Sliding Door Lower Guide Replacement t e n s iz it o a Guide Removal r o c h u lim t i 1. Open the door. d t u d o U a r e 2. Use a #11 or 3/16"pdrill bit to drill out and n 2 rv U 0 reretaining rivet. (See Illustration remove the small e 0 2 DR185.) ed es t r h z iplastic g r ts 3. Slide the lower guide toward the rear of i r o h y h and into the door pocket until it stops. vehicle ig t p r u o a(See Illustrations DR190 and DR205.) ll C n A U Illustration DR180 Remove Door Side Sliding Door Exterior Panel Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 61 4. Close the door. l w d a a e 5. Remove the nylon guide from the underside of l u n rvrear of the door pocket. Pullathe vehicle, at the e by s M lower nylon e guide down and out of theedoor d r e t pocket. (See Illustrations DR195 and DR c i s t vi ib 200.) h r h e g S ri Guidel Installation ro l y l p a d A 1. Feed the replacement nylon o guide into the door ion nu B a pocket and aluminum retainer extrusion in the t c M — reverse procedure u eof Step 5 above. e l d c ic i o v r 2. Open the door. r p eh e Illustration DR185 e V r edge of S 3. Pull thernylon guide forward to the front Remove Retaining Rivet y d e the retainer t extrusion. d s ze o i a r B 4. m Replace the removed retaining orivet with a new i — l h i rivet. t t le u c U a i n Side Sliding Door Adjustment h e it o Un V Door Inspection a r r te 1. Use an air hose or vacuum along the podoor track s r a o and guide to clear out any debris. w m a C i Illustration DR190 l l ti 2. Note the door action duringeropening and Lower Guide y t U b s closing. a d e m t a. If the door moves i li in or out as it engages the i b t i catch. (SeeUthe Adjusting Side Sliding Door oh Catch section.) 2 r w 0 p la 0 b. If the top of the door is out of line with the n 2 n t adjust the upper door guide. (See by io o bottom, i t h t c d a igthe Upper Door Guide Adjustment Section u e r r d it y and Illustration DR205.) o o b p p i r r o Co c. If the door is loose or catches atrthe ep ohbottom, C r adjust the lower door guide. (See r p the d Illustration DR195 e t e n Section and Lower Door Guide Adjustment Guide Beneath Truck s o iz i a r t Illustration DR205.) o c im h u l t i 3. Check the door action and d adjust until it is smooth. t not rise during closing.d u The rear of the door should o U a r The door front should not rise while opening.n p 2 ve r U e 0 r (In and Out) e Upper Door Guide Adjustment 0 s 2 d re 1. Loosen theze ht (See Illustration DR205.) ir five nuts holding the upper door track to the doorigjamb. tsthe bottom r o h 2. Adjust the track to move the door to the inside or outside, depending on the alignment with y ig thdoor track. p ofuthe r o a ll C n A U 62 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u 4. Check the door rv action and adjust until it isan y e b smooth. s M d re Adjustment e e Lower Door Guide t c i i ts b v i h r 1. g the six 1/4" screws along h e the bottom of i Loosen o S r the side door. (See Illustration DR210.) r l l y l p a d A 2. Adjust the bottom dooroguide all the way up (into n nu o i B a the plastic door track). (See Illustration t c M — DR205.) u e e l d c ic i o v r 3. If the door scrapes or binds, push the guide down h r p e e slightly into the track. e r S rV y d e 4. Cycle t the door open and then closed. d DR200 e s z o Illustration i a r of the side B from Wheel Well 5. mTighten the screws along theobottom View i — l h i door. t le ut c U a i n CAUTION:h Be careful not to chip the paint! e io Un t V a r er o t p r as Upper Door o w m a C Track i l l ti y er Roller t U b Assembly as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t n s ze Pan o i i Illustration DR210 a r t Head o c Loosen iScrews Screw h u lm t i d t u d o Nylon Door U a r e Track n Bottom p 2 rv U 0 Door re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration DR205 C n A Upper Door Cross-Section U 3. Tighten the five nuts d to 79 ftlb. Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 63 ts h ig r l Al d e rv e s re ce i rv e S y d Bo e— l ic Illustration DN10 h e Duck-bill Drain V l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re by w la Gently d insert ti epointed tool drain ib topthrough h (from inside o cargo area) pr Or squeeze bottom “lip” edges to release accumulation (from underneath vehicle) ce i rv e S l a u an M er Clean the Duck-bill drains t dy ed s z in the rear cargo floor corners o i r B Drains a o m i — l h i Drain Valves Overview ut Duck-bill t le c U a i n to escape from theh cargo area from each corner of the n drain valves allowiowater The rubber Duck-bill or Kazoo e to siphon into the cargo area in a U tout without allowing water rear structure. They are designed to let the water V a r Negative pressure condition. er o t rp as Drain Cleaning o w m a C i l l Clean the rubber duck-bill drain valves in the rear cargo floor ti corner periodically to ensure that the drain yis not erto drain t U blocked by debris or dirt and is able properly. (See Illustration DN10.) b as d · From the interior ofim the vehicle, use a small pointed tool, such as a pen or small screwdriver, te to gently i l i the drain. poke down through ib h Ut · Or from underneath the vehicle, squeeze the wide section 2 rolips and release w on the bottom to openpthe 0 a l any accumulation that did not drain 0 n 2 n y normally. o t i o b i t h t c d a ig Drain Removal u e r r d yFrom underneath the vehicle, drill out the bit o o p p 1. i r r o Co two POP rivets. (See Illustration roh ep C r DN15.) r p d e t e n s 2. Remove drain valve assembly.io iz a r t o c im Drain Installation h u l t i t u odassembly. U a 1. Position the drain valve r ed n p 2 v U 2. POP-rivet it intore place. er 00 s 2 d t e re NOTE: See also information about h z i r the drain in the Positive ts maintaining ig r o h y h System section. Pressure ig t p r u o Illustration DN15 a ll C Duck-bill Drain Installation n A U ® 64 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u Echovision Tests rv n y a e b s M NOTE:eThis test requires a driver in the d r and pedestrian behind the e e vehicle vehicle. t c i i ts b v i h r 1. g driver starts the vehicle, puts h e the vehicle in i The o S r reverse and observes the start-up audible alert r l l y l p a and the green Ready light. d A n o nu o i B a The pedestrian observes the external audible t c M — alarm. u e e l d c ic i o Illustration EV10 v r 2. With a shipping box (or equivalent) held h r p e Test Signal in Stepe2 perpendicular to a sensor axis (see Illustration e r S r Vthe pedestrian should moved from EV10), the y e t range (approximatelyz10e feet) to the minimum range (approximatelyo3dfeet) while the driver maximum s i will start as a low-pitched interrupted signal a r B that increases in pitch, observes the audible warning, which o m i — l h i as the notes of a musicaluscale, t and then changes to a continuous high-pitched e signal. t l U 3. Repeat the test for botha sensors. ic n n h e U tio V (For 1996 Through 1998 Units Only) a r r e o t 4. The pedestrian presses a finger to p each sensor module transducer face while the driver observes that the s r a red light goes on (after three seconds) and the green light goes o w m a C i l off. (See Illustration EV15.) l ti y er t U b NOTE: Components for 1998 and earlier units do not work as d with 1999 and later components. (See Illustration EV20.) e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r Illustration r EV15 p d e Test Signal in Step 3 t e n s z o i a r ti o c m u th ili d t u d U a ro e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Echovision Back-Upd Alarm Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 65 Echovision Troubleshooting l d w a an alternate method of troubleshooting e connectors are accessible, NOTE: If the cable is la u v n r to sequentially a for the modules in question e substitute known good modules by without s M dismounting the installed modules. e d r te ce i s i t 7URXEOH v ib h r&KHFN h e g i 5HGDQGJUHHQOLJKW2IIWKHV\VWHPLVQRW S &KHFNWKH9SRZHUFRQQHFWLRQFRPLQJIURPWKHEDFNXSOLJKWV7KHGLVSOD\ ro l JHWWLQJSRZHU PXVWEHJHWWLQJ9ZLWKWKHYHKLFOHLQUHYHUVHDQGWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKRQ ll r y p a d A u &KHFNWKHUHGZLUHJRLQJIURPWKHGLVSOD\FRQWUROPRGXOHWRWKHVHQVRUPRGXOHV n ,IQRSRZHUKHUHFKDQJHGLVSOD\FRQWUROPRGXOH it o Bo an c M — &KHFNWKDWV\VWHPLVRSHUDWLQJSURSHUO\DVHYLGHQFHGE\WKHJUHHQ5HDG\OLJKW 1RDODUPDWVWDUWXSRUZKHQWDUJHWVDUH u e e l d SUHVHQW c ic ,I5HDG\OLJKWLVJUHHQFKDQJHGLVSOD\FRQWUROPRGXOH i o v r r p eh &RQVWDQWDODUPWKHUHLVDQREVWDFOHZLWKLQ &KHFNIRUDQREMHFWZLWKLQIHHWRIWKHVHQVRUV e e V r S IHHWRIDVHQVRURUWKHVHQVLWLYLW\LVVHW r 5HGXFHWKHJDLQE\DGMXVWLQJWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUVLQWKHGLVSOD\FRQWUROPRGXOH y d WRRKLJKRUWKHUHLVDQLQWHUQDOVHQVRUIDXOW e t d e s o iz&KHFNZKLFKVHQVRULVFUHDWLQJWKHDODUPE\VHSDUDWHO\GLVFRQQHFWLQJWKHVHQVRU a r B o PRGXOHVRQHDWDWLPH m i — l h i *UHHQOLJKW2IIDQGUHGOLJKW2QVHOIWHVW &KHFNDQGFOHDQDOOVHQVRUV t t le u VLJQDOLVQRWEHLQJUHFHLYHGE\WKH c U a i &KHFNVHQVRUFRQQHFWLRQV n GLVSOD\FRQWUROPRGXOHRUWKHUHLVEDG h o e FRPPXQLFDWLRQEHWZHHQDVHQVRUDQGWKH i Un &KHFNZKLFKVHQVRULVQRWIXQFWLRQLQJSURSHUO\E\SUHVHQWLQJDWDUJHWWRHDFKRQH t V GLVSOD\ a VHSDUDWHO\DQGUHSODFHDQ\VHQVRUIRXQGIDXOW\ r r o te ,IQHLWKHUVHQVRUGHWHFWVDWDUJHWFKHFNGLVSOD\FDEOHFRQQHFWLRQFKHFN9RQ p s r a UHGZLUHLQGLVSOD\FDEOHFKDQJHGLVSOD\DQGRUFKDQJHOHIWVHQVRU o w m a C i l ,IERWKVHQVRUVGHWHFWDWDUJHWFKDQJHVHQVRUVRQHDWDWLPH l ti y er t U b s ±3DUW1XPEHUV ±3DUW1XPEHUV a d e 6HQVRU m t /+3DUW 5+3DUW 6HQVRU0RGXOHV 0RGXOHV ili bi t i U oh /+3DUW 5+3DUW 2 r w 0 ± p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r 6HQVRU&RQQHFWLQJ&DEOH h o Co ep o 3DUW C r r r p &HQWUDO d e t e n &RPSXWHU &HQWUDO&RPSXWHU&DEOH s iz &DEOH io a r 3DUW[[[[[ t 3DUW o XQLWOHQJWK lim c h u t d ti u o U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h (&+29,6,21 ir z (&+29,6,21 'LVSOD\&RQWURO0RGXOH ig ts r o h y h ig t p u 3DUW l r 3DUW o a l C Wire Diagrams n Illustration EV20 Echovision A U )DXOW 66 5HDG\ )DXOW 5HDG\ Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u Removal n rv y a e b s Msurface, cut the 1. Using aerazor knife, at an 90° angle to the d raround the outside of the end-cap e e sealant casting. Also cut t c s tvertical vi rail. Cut as close to the ibi the seam at the cap and rub h r h e BR10.) igcap as possible. (See Illustration o S r r l l y l p a d A u n o are especially dangerous. WARNING: Razor knives n o i B a Always try to cut at an 90° angle to the surface t and do M — not cut towards yourself. Be careful not tocpress so u e e l hard that it breaks the blade. d c ic i o v r h r p e e e S r Vthe two rivets holding thedendr cap with a #11 or 2. Remove y e t drill bit. (See Illustration BR15.) d e 3/16" s o ir z a B o bar or large screwdriver 3.limRemove the end cap with ahpry — BR10 i from inside the vehicle byutpushing it out. (See Illustration e Illustration t l Cutting Sealant U BR20.) a ic n n h e U tio V a r er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r Illustration BR20 r p d Prying Out End Cap e t e n s iz it o a r Illustration BR15 o c im Rivet h u l Drilling t i t u d od U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U End Cap Replacement d Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 67 4. Remove any remaining sealant from the side wall and rub rail.ed(See Illustration BR30.) l w a a l u n rv 5. Inspect bareealuminum surfaces for corrosion. a by s M (See Illustration BR25.) d re e e t c i s i Step 7. 6a. If not corrosion is visible, proceedvto ib h r h e g 6b.riIf corrosion is present on painted S surfaces ro l l surrounding the end cap, refer y l p to the Paint a d painted surface A Repair section and repairothe n nu o i B a before installing the new prepainted end cap. ct M — u e e l d 6c. If corrosion is present c on unpainted surfaces, ic i o v r h area with 220-grit p sand the unpainted r ewipe e sandpaper, the surface clean withrae V S y cleantrag, er and apply a small amountedof sealant d (P/N o iz as 12605981) to the treatedrarea. B o BR35 and m i 7. Apply sealant (see Illustrations — l h i BR40) around the precoated t replacement t le Remove Remaining Sealant Illustration BR30 u c U a i n end cap (P/N 06924153). h e it o Un V a the 8. Install the replacement end cap by sliding r r o te tongue of the cap into the rub rail. p (See s r a Illustration BR45.) o w m a C i l l 9. Tap the end cap into positionr with a rubber ti e t U by mallet. s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n o t i o by i t h t Illustrationc BR35 Apply Sealant d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h Illustration BR25 y h Inspect Bare Surfaces ig t p r u o Illustration BR40 Apply l Sealant a l C n A U 68 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 10. From inside the vehicle, using the previous l d a e mounting holes u v in the sidewall as guides, drillntwo r 17/64" or F-bit e holes through the end cap.a w la y b s e end cap with two aluminume M d 11. Securerthe e t c (P/N 11400027). MONOBOLTS ts bi vi i h r h e igSeal with P/N 12605981 (orS12605820) 12. around o r r l l the exterior of the end cap, yincluding where the l p a d A end cap meets the rub rail. o (See Illustrations BR ion nu B a t 50 and BR55.) c M — u e e l d NOTE: Cut a csmall tip off of the ic i o v r h to first seal the narrow p sealant nozzle r e e e seams. Make a second larger cut to V r S y seal tthe d er larger seams. d e s o iz Paint Repair 13. Ifapaint repair is necessary, seerthe B o msection. i — l h i t le ut c U a i Illustration BR45 n h Insert New End Cap e it o Un V a r er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U e 0 r e 0 Illustration BR55 s Illustration BR50 2Apply Touch-up Paint d e t e r Secure zWith Fasteners and Sealant h i g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 69 Fan (Auxiliary) l w d a a e l u n rv a e 1. Disconnect the battery Negative (Black) cable. by s M d re screwdriver, remove three e screws e 2. Withsa Phillips t c i i t the fan to the header. (SeervIllustration holding ib h h e g iFA10.) S ro l ll r y p a to fan. d A 3. Disconnect the wire harness u n o n o i B a Installation t c M — u eprocedure. e 1. Reverse the above l d c ic i o v r r p eh e e V r S r y d e t d e s o Illustration FA10 iz a r B Auxiliary Fan o m — h it li t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Removal 70 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u v access to the fuel sending unitn Some vehicles have ran y alife e b through the cargosfloor in case of failure during the M d of the vehicle. rIteis a smooth aluminum plate secured e e t c s Phillips-head screws. (SeevIllustration i with four totsix bi i h r FS10.)igRemoving this plate should give h e you full o S r r access l l to the fuel sending unit for repair y or l p a d replacement. A n o nu o i B a t NOTE: Utilimaster does not warrant the c M — e drive train, or other du fuel sending unit, e l c parts. (See the chassis ro ic i chassis supplied v h service information.) p r e manufacturer's e e r S rV y d e t d e s o ir z a B FS10 Illustration o m i — Fuel Sending Unit Access l h i t e t l u U a ic n n h e U tio V a r er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Fuel Sending Unit Access d Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 71 Grab Handle Replacement l w d a a e l u All grab handles are removed and replaced in the same manner. n rv a e by Grab Handle Removal s M re e stainless-steel ed 1. While holding the handle, remove theicfour t i s t Phillips-head fasteners from the handle. ib h rv h e g i S hand. (See Illustrations ro 2. l ll r Handle should release into your y p a A GH10 and GH20.) od n nu o i B a Grab Handle Installation t c M — u e 1. While holding thelenew handle in place, use four stainlessc attach it to the door. rod ic i steel fasteners to v r p eh e e V r S 2. Torque rto 46 ftlb. y d e t d e s o iz a CAUTION: Use stainless-steel r B o fasteners for all m grab handles. i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s r a Illustration GH10 o w m C i Grab Handle at Cab Entrancela l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o Illustration a ll GH20 C n Grab Handle A at Roll-Up Door Entrance U 72 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Heater (Only) System d l l A ts h rig ve r e s re l a u n a M d ti e ib h ro p Transition Duct n o it c u od r p re ce i rv e S by w la Defrost Duct y d Bo e— l ic h Ve Ele ctr ic Co ntr ol ce i rv e S l a u an M y er t d ed s z o i a Shut-Off Valve r B (ELECTRONIC) m ho ili t e— t l u U a ic n n h e U tio V a r er Fresh Air Inlet o t p r Shut-Off Valve as o w (Manual) m a C i l l Controller ti y er Wire Harness (ELECTRONIC) t U b as d Heater Coil e m t Plenumi Air Inlet ili t ib h U 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y Controller o t i o b Heater Hose i t h (Manual Cable) t c d Spacer a ig u e r r d it y o Bulkhead o b p p i r r h p Tube Fitting o Co e o C r r r p d e t e n s Blower Inlet Duct iz it o a r o HeatercPlenum h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e Resistor n p 2 Louver U rv 0 re e 0 Vent Hose 2 Blower d es t Blower e r h iz Wheel Housing g Motor r ts i r o h y h ig t Floor Duct p r u o a ll C Illustration HE-5 n A U Heating System (Heat Only) Ma nu al Co He ntr at ol On ly Ma nu Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual al Co ntr ol 73 System Controls Overview d l w a with cable (manual) and electronic This section describes heating controls. The e systems of Utilimaster vans la u v n r control module assembly panel, to the right of a HE15) is located on the instrument e (Illustrations HE5 through by s M the steering column. The outlet registers can be adjusted to direct air. e d r te ce i s i t ib h rv h e g i blower motor is on and dashSlever (2) is set to dash, ro When rthe l l you lcan direct the flow of air whereyyou want by rotating two p Heater Only a d A Cable Control nto circular vents on the dash. When o the heater control lever isiset nu o B a t defrost (4), most of the airflow is directed through the defrost c M — 1 u ducts near the window, and e only a small amount of airdcomes e l ic through the air louvers.icAs the floor control lever (3) is moved o v r r p through to the right or left, varying eh amounts of air will beedirected e V r S the floor ducts. r 2 y d e t d e s more air to the defrost orizto the floor ducts, close the To direct even o a 3 r B louversm by rotating them on their pivots approximately 90 degrees. o i il Control Switch uth 4 e— t l (1) Blower c U a i n n h 0Off, 1Low, 2Medium,U 3High 5 e it o V ra higher the voltageer The blower motor is a variable-speed motor. The o applied to the motor, the faster the speed.rWith p the heater control sint a the Off position, no voltage is applied toothe Low blower relay, the w Illustration HE10 a Cthe blower motor. ilim l relay is off, and no voltage is appliedr to Cable (Heat Only) Control Module t y e t U b s As the blower switch is moved to the Medium Low and Medium apart of the blower motor resistors, allowing more voltage to be applied d to the e positions, the switch bypasses m t i li blower motor, which willtiincrease its speed. When the blower motor switch is on High, batteryibvoltage is U motor. The blower motor runs at maximum speed. applied directly to the blower oh 2 r w 0 is located on the evaporator case (on thelainside of vehicle) and behind p the right-hand floor The resistor assembly 0 n 2 n duct. (See Illustration HE5 and HE30.) t io o by i t h t c d (2) Off/Dash a ig u e r r d it y control lever directs the airflow to the airblouvers. o o The dash p p i r r o h o COff/Floor ep o (3) C r r r p the floor. d e The floor control lever directs the airflow to t e n s o iz i a r t (4) Off/Defrost o c im h u l t i The defroster control lever directs t u outlets. od the airflow to the defroster U a r ed n (5) Cold/Hot (TemperaturepControl) 2 v U 0 re er For a warmer airflow,dslide the temperature control toward the right (Red).20 For a cooler airflow, slide the s t e re temperature control h ir z toward the left (Blue). ts heater core ig r o h The temperature controls the water valve located in the engine compartment. The water flow to the h with the setting of control lever. The water valve pisylocated in the engine compartment ig in the t is proportional r u o a inlet hose. ll heater coolant C n A U CABLE (Manual) Control Operation 3 2 1 0 OFF DASH OFF FLOOR OFF COLD 74 HOT Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w Heat Only d a a e l u When the blower motor n (16 or 17), rv is on and control is set toadash y Electronic Control e b you can direct thesflow of air where you want by rotating two M circular vents on 11ed re the dash. When the heaterccontrol e is set to it smost of the airflow is directedvithrough the defrost defrost (20), t b i hthe window, and only a smalleamount r ducts near of air comes h g i o S r through the air louvers. As the floor control is rotated (13), varying r l l 12 y the louvers and the floor p l a amounts of air will be directed through d A u n n ducts. it o Bo a 17 c M 18 — 16 19 To direct even more air to the defrost or to the floor ducts, close u e e l them on their pivots approximately d 20 c c i the dash louvers by rotating 90 i o v r h r degrees. p 13 e e e r S r V Switch (11) Blower Control y d e d st Low, Medium, Highize o Off, Low,aMedium r B o m Illustration HE15 i — l h The iblower motor is a variable-speed t motor. The higher the ELECTRONIC t le (Heat Only) Control Module u voltage applied to the motor, the faster the speed. With the heater c U a i n no voltage is applied h control head in the Off position, on to the Low e i U t V blower relay, the relay is off, and no voltage is applied to the blower motor. a r r o voltage is applied totethe blower relay and voltage is applied to When in any other mode, except Off and High, p r as switch is on Low, voltage is applied w the blower switch and the blower motororesistors. When the blower C the blower relay toilthe imblower motor. The blower motor runs at lowla through the blower motor resistors rand t y e speed. t U b asthrough positions Medium Low and Medium, the switch bypassesepart d of the As the blower switch is moved m t blower motor resistors, allowing ili more voltage to be applied to the blower motor, which will increase bi its speed. t i h blower motor U switch is on High, voltage is applied directly to the blower motor.oThe When the blower motor 2 r runs at maximum speed. 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n The resistor assembly is located behind the right-hand floor o t o by duct. (See IllustrationtiHE5.) i h t c d (12) Cold/Hot a ig (Temperature Control) u e r r itcolder airflow, rotate itotod the left. y airflow, rotate the knob to the right; for o For warmer b p p i r r h attached to the waterepvalve located in the engineo Co temperature control operates an electricroservo The C r r p core is proportional with compartment. The water flow to the heater the setting of control knob. d e The water t e n valve is located in the engine compartment s io in the heater coolantrizinlet hose. a t o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ELECTRONIC Control Operation Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 75 (13) Function Selector (ELECTRONIC) l d w a each for dash door, floor door, The function selector actuates e electric servomotorsone la defrost door, and the u v n r y outside/recirculation upon the evaporator e door. In the Defrost position,athe compressor operation is bdependent s M thermostat settings. e d r e e itis in the Recirculate Air position. It s selector in the Off position, icthe outside/recirculation door With the function t b v r is closedgtohoutside air, and no air passesethrough the system. The blower hi motor is Off. i S ro l ll r y p a d A n outside, and outside air is discharged through o nu In the Panel position the outside/recirculation door is open toiothe B a t the panel registers, except for a small amount of floor bleed. c M — u e e l d (17) Panel/Floor c ic i o v r r through the p door is open to outside air. Air is discharged eh the outside/recirculation In the Panel/Floor position e e V S heater outlet floor r ducts and panel registers.d r y e t d e (18) Floor s o iz a r B o m position the outside/recirculation In the lFloor door is open to outside air. Air is discharged through the heater i — h i t e t outlet floor ducts, and a small amount u of bleed is directed to the windshield. icl U a n h (19) Defrost/Floor e it o Un V defroster hose nozzles and heater a both the windshield r In the Defrost/Floor position air is discharged through r te outlet floor ducts in approximately equal amounts. po s r a o w (20) Defrost m a C i l l ti er through the windshield In the Defrost position the air is discharged defroster hose nozzles. There is alsobaysmall t U s amount of floor bleed. a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U (16) Panel 76 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Control Head Removalv n r y a e b s 1. Remove and retain the four screws holding the control module M d re e e to the dash. t c ts bi vi i h 2. Remove the retaining ring plate.er h ig o S r r l l3. Remove and save the retaining y rings that hold the cables pin l a d A place. (See IllustrationoHE20.) n nu o i B a tmodule and 4. Disconnect the cables from the back of the control c M — u e dash. e remove it from the l d c ic i o v r h Control Head Installation r HE20 p Illustration e e e V r the control module Connect S Heater Cables 1. Pull therends of the control cables through y d e t d port. e s o ir z a B rings. 2.imAttach the color-coded cables o to the control module and secure with the retaining — l h i3. Install the retaining ring plate. t le ut c U a i n 4. Reattach the module ehscrews and strip the threads. io not to overtightenVthe Unto the dash. Be careful t ra er ELECTRONIC Control Module Replacement o t p r as Control Head Removal o w m a C i l l 1. Remove and retain the fourrscrews holding the control ti module to the dash. y e t U b 2. Disconnect the wire harness as and remove the module from the dash. d e m t Control Head Installation li i bi t i h U through the control module port. 1. Pull the wire harness o 2 r 0 wire harness to the control module. law p 2. Attached0the n 2 o strip the threads. ion t the module to the dash. Be careful notbtoyovertighten the screwstiand 3. Reattach h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U CABLE (Manual) Control Module Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 77 Blower Motor Replacement l Disconnect w d a electrical Blower Removal a e l u n rv connector a 1. Disconnectethe Negative (Black) battery cable. by s M d rethe electrical connections from ethe 2. Remove e t c i s t motor. (See Illustration HE25.) blower vi ib h r h e g 3.riRemove the blower motor vent Stube. ro l l y l p a d A 4. Remove the attaching screws. n o nu o i B a Disconnect 5. Remove the blower— motor assembly from the ct M vent tube u e e housing. l d c ic i o v r h wheel retaining nut. p r 6. Remove theeblower e e V r S NOTE:r Nut threads are standard dright-hand y e t d e threads. s o iz a Illustration HE25 r B o the blower 7. im Remove the blower wheel from Disconnect Blower Motor — l h i motor. t t le u c U a 2. Remove the resistor cover plate. (See i n n h 8. Remove the blower wheel stop (clip) from o the Illustrations e HE5, HE30, and AC10.) U ti V motor shaft. a r 3. Remove er the electrical connections from the o t Blower Installation s assembly. rp aresistor o w 1. Install the blower wheel stop on the new motor. m Remove the resistor assembly. a C i 4. l l r ti 2. Install the blower wheel. te U Resistor Installation by s d 3. Install the retaining nutaand torque it to 2327 1. Position the replacement resistor.te m i inlb [2.603.05 Nm]. ili b t i 2. Attach with screws and torque h to 1315 inlb U assembly in the housing. 4. Position the 2 blower o [1.471.69 Nm]. r w 0 p a l 0 5. Attach with and torque them to 1315 n 2 screws n y 3. Attach the electricalioconnections. t inlb [1.471.69 Nm]. o b i t h t c cover plate. d 4. Install the resistor a ig the electrical connector. u 6. Attach e r r dNegative (Black) batterypcable. it y o 5. Connect the o b p i r r 7. Reattach the blower motor vent tube. h o Co ep o C r r 8. Connect the Negative (Black) battery cable and r p d e check the blower motor for proper operation. t e n s iz io a r t Resistor Replacement o c im h u l t i t Resistor Removal u od U a r ed n p 2 v 1. Disconnect the Negative (Black) battery cable. U re er 00 s 2 d t Illustration HE-30 e re h ir z ig Heating System Resistor hts r o y h t p rigsame order. u CAUTION: Make note of the locations of the colored wires and reinstall in lthe o a l C n A U 78 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Overview n rv y a e b s Under extreme temperature fluctuations the defrost duct M d re may crack/break around thecefasteners. In e mounting flanges t s cracks are superficial however, tthe most cases bi vi an upgrade i h r h e failure occur procedure ig has been created should a dramatic o S r r l overlltime. y p a d A n o the defrost ducts and installing nu The following describes replacing o i B a t metal strips on the bottom — and top of the defrost duct mounting c M u e e flange. l d c ic i o v r hfollowing instructions represent r NOTE: The p e e e V the RH (passenger side) of the vehicle. r In S r y d e order t to make this repair on thezeLH (drivers d s o side) ir the dash a defrost duct, first remove B o massembly. i — l h i t le utfasteners holding the defrost 1. c U Remove the Phillips head a i n the fasteners. (See h duct in place and discard onIllustration e i U Illustration HE40 t V HE40.) a r r Remove Fasteners e o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r Co Illustration HE45 Mark Length roh ep Illustration HE50 CCuto Shims r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Illustration HE55 Clamp Assembly Defrost Duct Upgrade Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 79 d e rv e s re ts 4 h rig ce i rv e S l a u n a M d te i ib h 15 o pr by w la 1/2 1 l y a d u Illustration HE60 n Bo Hole Locations tio an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h duct by sliding the outboard 2. Remove theedefrost r p side e e V back until you can pull it off of the transition r duct. S r y d e t the length of the defrostzduct d e flange. (See 3. Measure s o i a r Illustration HE45.) B o m i — l h i Cut shims (P/Ns 6924053 t and 06924138) to the e 4. t u cl U determined length. (SeeaIllustration HE50.)n i n h o e i U t V 5. Place the .100 x 1.0 shim (P/N 06924053) a below the r r defrost duct flange and the .063 x .75oshim (P/N e p the shims flush ast 06924138) on top of the flange. Align r o w with side and rear edges. (SeeCIllustration HE55.) im a l l ti er 6. Clamp the assembly together. t U by s afrom the rear edge at 4" from d 7. Mark three holes 1/2" e Illustration HE65 m t inboard edge, 1"tfrom ili outboard edge, and 15" from bi Drill Holes i outboard edge.U(See Illustration HE60.) oh 2 r w 05/32" holes through all three pieces as marked. p 8. Drill three la 0 n 2 (See Illustration HE65.) n t io o by i t h c d onto 9. Place at ig the defrost duct back in the vehicle bytsliding u e r r d i the ythe transition duct and aligning it parallel with o o b p p i r r windshield. h o Co ep o C r r 10. Assemble the shims with the defrost r p duct as they were d e t e drilled. n s iz io a r t o c into place inside the m CAUTION: Do NOT clamp i h u l t i vehicle. Do NOT drill holes in the cowl metal or t u od U the selfdrilling rfasteners will not hold. a ed n p 2 v U re using the 8 x 3/4" selfdrilling er 00 s 11. Attach in three places, 2 d t e re screws (P/N 11300251). (See Illustration HE70.) h ir z ts Illustration HE70 ig r o h y Install Screws h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U l Al 80 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l a aw l u 'HIURVW0RWRU n 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU y a &ORVHG &ORVHG &ORVHG b &ORVHG M 2SHQ &ORVHG d &ORVHG 2SHQ ite 2SHQ ce i b v &ORVHG &ORVHG 2SHQ i r h e 2SHQ &ORVHG 2SHQ o S 2SHQ r&ORVHG &ORVHG l y p a d u n it o Bo an c on the Purple wire to the mode switch toM — flows from the control module In the Off position the current the u e e l d c control module ground. de-energized, and all mode doors are driven i closed. ic The blower motor powerrrelay o theismode v h The motors are driven to position for 30 seconds after is selected, and then both motor inputs go high r p e e e (+12V to ground). r S rV y d e 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU t d e s z *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <OZ:KLWH<OZ%ODFN o i a r B 2IIm 99 99 99 o i — l h 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 i t t le u DIWHUVZLWFKHG c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r Panel Position o te p s r the control moduleaon the Light Green wire to the mode switch to In the Panel position the current flows from o w m The panel outlet door is driven open. The the control module ground. The blower motor relay is energized. a C i l l ti is selected, and then both motor inputs go high motors are driven to position fort30 y erseconds after the mode U b (+12V to ground). as d e m t 0RGH6ZLWFK 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU ili'HIURVW0RWRU bi t *UQ:KLWH*UQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN i h U 3DQHOZKLOHGULYHQ 99 99 99 o 2 r w 3DQHOVHFRQGV 0 99 99 99 p la DIWHUVZLWFKHG 20 n n t io o by i t h t c d Panel/Floor a ig Position u e r r t dYellow wire to the mode pswitch yPanel/Floor position the current flows frombithe o to In the control module on the o p i r r hpower relay is energized. p The panel and floor outleto door is the Cocontrol module ground. The blower motor e o C both motor r r driven open. The motors are driven to position the mode is selected, andrthen p for 30 seconds after d inputs go high (+12V to ground). te e n s z a ri tio o 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU c m u th ili *UQ:KLWH*UQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN d t u d o 3DQHO)ORRU 99 99 99 U a r e n p 2 3DQHO)ORRU 99 99 U 099 erv re VHFRQGVDIWHU 0 2 d VZLWFKHG es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ELECTRONIC Control Module Tests ed v 0RGH6ZLWFK r e 2II 3DQHO es r )ORRU3DQHO s )ORRU ht )ORRU'HIURVW ig 'HIURVW ll r A Off Position Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 81 Floor Position d l w a on the Orange wire tolathe mode switch to the In the Floor position theecurrent flows from the controlumodule v n r The system power relay isaenergized. control module ground. The floor outlet door is driven open, and the e by the s M panel door is driven closed. The motors are driven to position for 30 seconds after mode is selected, and e d r e e then both motor c it s inputs go high (+12V to ground). vi ib r h e 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU o S r *UQ:KLWH*UQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN l y p a d 99 99 99 u n o 3DQHOVHFRQGV 99 99 99 an o i B t DIWHUVZLWFKHG c M — u e e l c ic od Floor/Defrost Positionhi v r r p e e e V In the Floor/Defrost position the current flows rfrom the control module on the Pink wire to the S mode switch to r y d e the control module t ground. The blower zmotor e power relay is energized. The floor andoddefrost outlet doors are s driven open. The motors are driven to position for 30 seconds after the mode is selected, and then both motor i a r B o mhigh (+12V to ground). h inputs go i — l i t t le u c 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU U a i n n h *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN <OZ:KLWH<OZ%ODFN o e 99 i%OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN U )ORRU 99 t99 V a r )ORRUVHFRQGV 99 r 99 99 e o t DIWHUVZLWFKHG p r as o w m a C i l l ti er t U by Defrost Position s a d to the e In the Defrost position the current flows from the control module on the White wire to the mode switch m t i open, ili blower motor power relay is energized. The defrost outlet door isibdriven control module ground. tThe h mode is seU closed. The motors are driven to position for 30 seconds afterothe and the floor door is driven 2 r w lected, and then both 0 motor inputs go high (+12V to ground).la p 0 n 2 n y o )ORRU0RWRU 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU t i o b i t h t *UQ:KLWH*UQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN c d a ig u e r 'HIURVW r 99 99 99 d99po it y 'HIURVW 99 i99 o b p r o VHFRQGVDIWHU h pr o C e o VZLWFKHG C r r pr te ed n s z o a ri ti o c m i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U t h 0RGH6ZLWFK ig r l 3DQHO Al 82 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. Disconnect the nmodule. (See Illustration HE70.) rv wire harness from the control y a e b s M the resistance from Pind1 (Black wire) of the control 2. Using aeDVOM (Digital Voltmeter), measure r e e Off position. module s connector to Pin 2 (Purplevwire) ic with the control switchbinitthe t i for an open circuit in the Black or hless than 2 ohms, go to the next r step. If more than 2 ohms,hcheck e ir gIfPurple ro wire. If wires are OK,Sreplace the control module switch. l l y l p a d A 3. Using a DVOM, measure n wire) of the control module connector tonuPin o the resistance from Pin 1io(Black B a 3 (Light Green wire) with the control switch in the tPanel position. c M — uthan 2 ohms, check for an open circuit in thee Black or le go to the next step. If more If less than 2 ohms, d c c i i o v r Light Greenhwire. If wires are OK, replace the control module switch. r p e e e V r from Pin 1 (Black wire) of the control module S connector to Pin 4. Using ar DVOM, measure the resistance y d e t wire) with the control zswitch 4 (Yellow d e in the Floor/Panel position. s o ir a B circuit in the Black or onext step. If more than 2 ohms, check for an—open mIf less than 2 ohms, go to the i l h i Yellow wire. If wires areutOK, replace the control module switch. le t U 5. Using a DVOM, measure a the resistance fromn Pin 1 (Black wire) ofhthe ic control module connector to Pin n U the control switch intiothe Floor position. Ve 5 (Orange wire) with ra ercheck for an open circuit in the Black or o If less than 2 ohms, go to the next p step. If more than 2 ohms, t r the control module asswitch. Yellow wire. If wires are OK, replace o w m a C i l l r resistance from Pint1i (Black wire) of the control module connectory to Pin 6. Using a DVOM, measure the e t b 6 (Pink wire) with the control s switch in the U a d Floor/Defrost position. e m tYellow/Black Black i i l If less than 2 ohms, ti go to the next step. If ib h U more than 2 ohms, check for an open circuit in 2 ro Yellow/White wPurple the Black0or Pink wire. If wires are OK, p a l 0 n replace2the control module switch. Blue y Blue/Black n o t i b io t h t c 7. Using a DVOM, measure the resistance from g d i u Dk. Green e Blue/White ra rPin 1 (Black wire) of the control module it d y o p connector to Pin 7 (White wire) with theib ro rp o h Lt. Green p o Green/Black C control switch in the Defrost position. e o C r r r p d If more than 2 ohms, check fornan open circuit te Green/White e Yellow s z in the Black or White wire.tiIfowires are OK, a ri o c m replace the control module switch. Brown/Black u th Orange ili d t u d U a ro e Brown/White Pink n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 d White t 2 Green es e r h iz s g r tGray i r o h yRed h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration HE-70 C n A Control Module Connector U ELECTRONIC Control Module Switch Test Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 83 Connectors d e rv e s re l a u n a M by w la d e e t c i vi Red/White ib Blue r Yellow/Red h e Blacko S r l l y l p a d A n nu Locked it o Bo a Black/Red Terminal — c M u Orange/Red e (No Wire) e l d c ic i o Temperature Control v r r p eh Brown e e V S Blower Switch r r y d e t d e s o iz a Blue r Orange/White Dk. Blue/WhiteB o m i Gray l h i t e— Black t l u U a ic n n h e io U t V a r r e o t Orange Red p Orange/Red s r a o w m a C i l l Dk. Blue/White r ti Blower: High Speed y e t U b s Fan Power a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p Dk. Blue/White Black laLt. Blue 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o Red/Black C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t Body Interface o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ts h rig 84 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re er t as m ili t U l a u n a M Blue/Black Green/Black ce i rv e S y d Bo e—Green/White l ic h Ve d ti e ib h o pr n it o c Yellow/White u od Blue/White r p re Servo Harness d ztoe Main Harness i r ho t u a Un Yellow/Black by w la y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u an M n io t ra er o t p s r aGreen/White o Green/Black w m a C i l l ti y er Defrost Motor t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o Yellow/White o b p p i r r h o Co ep oYellow/Black C r r r p Floor Motor d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 Blue/White 2 s d e t e r Blue/Black h iz g r ts i r o h Vent Motor y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 85 d e rv e es rBlue/White ts Yellow/White h rig Green/White ce i rv e S l a u n a M Brown/White d te i ib h o pr by w la l y a d n o nu o i B a t Yellow/Black c M — u Brown/Black e e Blue/Black l d c ic i o v r Green/Black r p eh e e V S Yellow/Black r Control Harness d r Black y e t d e to Servo Harness s o iz a r B Yellow/White Purple o m i — l h i t t le u Blue Blue/Black c U a i n Pink n h e io Blue U White t Dk. Green V Blue/White a r r te Purple poBlack Lt. Green s Green/Black r a o w m a C i l l Dk. Green Green/White ti Yellow er t U by s a d Orange Brown/Black Orange Lt. Green e m t ili Yellow biBrown/White t i Pink UControl Harness oh 2 r w 0 to Control Switch p la White 0 Green n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t Gray c d Red Black Red a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c m i h u l t i Gray Green t u od U a r ed n p 2 v Harness U e rControl er 00 s to Main Harness 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U l Al 86 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning) l System d l l A ts h rig ve r e s re Ma nu al Co ntr y d Bo e— l ic h Ve er t as m ili t U a u an Shut-Off Valve M(Manual) e ic v r e S ol ed z i r ho t u a Un Spacers d ti e ib h o pr n it o c u od r p Transition Duct re Ele ct Co by w la Shut-Off Valve (ELECTRONIC) ntr ol ce i rv e S l a u an M y d Bo e— Defrost Duct l ic h Ve n io Vent Tube t a Plenum r er Blower Assembly o Controller t p (ELECTRONIC) r as o w m Expansion Valve a C i l l ti y er t U b Receiver/Drier d as m te i i l i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a Controller (Manual Cable) l 0 n 2 n y o t Fresh Air Inlet i o b Resistor i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r Floor tDuct o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 Plenum Air Inlet 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i Evaporator Assembly r o h y h ig t p r u o a Illustration AC10 ll C n A Heating and Air-Conditioning System (HVAC) U Ele ct Co ntr ol Ma nu al Co ntr ol Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 87 Principles l w d a a e l u n a licensed automotive air-conditioning rv Utilimaster recommends that WARNING: specialist a e by s work on the vehicle's air-conditioning (HVAC) system. M d re e e t c i s t vi ib h r h e g iNOTE: Details about your vehicle o information provided here. S may vary from the general r l ll r y p a d General A Information n o nu o i B a t This section overviews the basic principles and service procedures that apply to air-conditioning systems. c M — u Automotive air conditioning of the air in the passenger compartment. Refrigeration e is the cooling or refrigeration e l d latent heat of vaporization, and refrigeranticflow. c practical use of heat transfer, is accomplished by making i o r h rv p e e Heat Transfer V re S r y d e If two substances t of different temperaturezeare placed near each other, the heat in the warmer d substance will s o i always travel to the colder substance until both are of equal temperature. For example, a cake of ice in an a r B o m not communicate its coldness iceboxlidoes to the bottle of milk standing nearby. Rather, — the heat in the warm i th The amount of heat that transfers from onelesubstance milktautomatically flows into theuice. to another is c U a i expressed by the British Thermal nBTU is the amount ofhheat required to raise the n Unit or BTU. One o ethe temperature of one pound of i U temperature of one pound of water 1° F [0.55° C]. t For example, to raise V a rmust be added for 1° F [0.55° C] rise in r C], one BTU of heat liquid water from 32° F to 212° F [0° C to 100° e o t temperature or a total of 180 BTUs of heat. lower the temperature of one pound of rp Conversely, in orderastoheat liquid water from 212° F to 32° F [100°oC to 0° C], 180 BTUs of must be removed from the water. w m C i la l r i t y te U b s a d m te i i l i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o Illustration AC15 a ll C n Operation Principles A U 88 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u v When a liquid boils r(changes to a gas) it absorbs heatnwithout raising the temperature of the resulting gas. When ytemperature of the resulting a off heat without lowering the e b the gas condensess(changes back to a liquid), it gives M dover a flame. With each BTU of liquid. For example, at 32° F [0° C] in a container re place one pound of water e e t c i C]. Thus, after it has absorbed iits temperature rises 1° F [0.55° heat that the tswater absorbs from the flame, b v i h r 180 BTUs of heat, the water reaches a e temperature of 212° F [100° C]. Even though the flame continues to oh F [100° C]. The water, however, startsl S of the water remains atr212° righeat to the water, the temperature givelits ythe gaseous state. It continuesp to boil until the water has passed off into thea l toAboil or change from the liquid to d n nu atmosphere as vapor. If this vapor it also would show a temperatureaof it o Bo were checked with a thermometer, 212° F [100° C]. In other— words, there was a rise of only c 180° F [100° C] (from 32° F to 212° F [0°MC to u e l 100° C]) in the water and d the flame applied many more than 180iBTUs ce of heat. c vapor temperature evenrthough i o In this case, the heathis absorbed by the liquid in the process of boiling and disappears in the vapor. rv If the vapor p e e were brought into Vcontact with cool air, the hidden re heat would flow into the cooler air as theSvapor condensed back to water.erScientists refer to this natural law y Water has a latent d as the latent (hidden) heat of vaporization. t d e heat of vaporization of 970 BTUs and aizboiling point of 212° F [100° C]. This meansothat one pound of water s a B C]. Conversely, the at 212°mF [100° C] will absorb 970 BTUs or of heat in changing to vapor at 212° F—[100° i l h vapor i will give off 970 BTUs ofuheat t in condensing back to water at 212° F [100° e C]. This tremendous heat t l U which occurs when a liquid transfer, boils or a vapor condenses, forms the basic ic principle of all conventional n na to be a refrigerant, h refrigeration systems. For U a liquid it must also have a low e boiling point. That is, the io t V temperature at which it boils must be lower than Refrigerant 134a is the liquid most a the substance to be cooled. r r e o commonly used in automotive air-conditioning systems because in it boils at -5.7° C [-21.7° pwell below passengeracompartment st an open container r F]. Here is a liquid that boils or vaporizes temperatures and, in vaporizing, o w m a absorbs tremendous amounts of heat without getting any warmer itself. C i l l ti y er t Refrigerant Flow U b as d The boiling temperature ofm refrigerant increases when the pressure exerted on it increases, and theteboiling temperature decreases when ili the pressure decreases. In the air-conditioning system, liquid refrigerant bi is stored t i h by the expansion U pressure. When the liquid refrigerant is released into the evaporator in the receiver under high o 2 r valve, the resulting 0 decrease in pressure lowers its temperaturelatowits boiling point. As thep refrigerant flows 0 through the evaporator coils, warm passenger compartment air, or outside air, passesnover the outside surface of 2 n t the coils. As it boils, the colder refrigerant absorbs heat from o by the air and thus coolstiothe passenger compartment. i h t g the air is absorbed by the boiling refrigerant, d which is convertedutoc a gas. The refrigerationracycle The heat ifrom e r it remains to be done:od o is nowyunder way. To complete the cycle, the following b p p i r r o Co1. Dispose of the heat in the gas. roh ep C r r d 2. Convert the gas back to liquid for p reuse. e t e n s iz it opoint in the refrigerant cycle. a r 3. Return the liquid to the starting o c h u lim t i The compressor draws the gasdout of the evaporator and forces it under high pressure and temperature into the t o the outside air stream atauthe front of the vehicle. The U condenser, which is locatedrin temperature of the gas ed n p 2 rv entering the condenserrisehigher than that of the outside U air. As the heat transfers 0 from the hot gas to the ecooler 0 s where air, the refrigerant condenses back to a liquid. The liquid under high pressure 2 now returns to the reservoir d e t e r it is stored for reuse. h iz g r ts i r o h Heat can be h transferred from a comparatively cooler passenger compartment to the hot outside y g air because of i t p r the difference between the refrigerant pressure in the evaporator and the pressure in the condenser. At the u o l a l C reduces the boiling point evaporator, the expansion valve reduces the pressure and thereby A below the Un Latent Heat of Vaporization Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 89 temperature of the passenger compartment. Thus, heat transfers from the passenger compartment to the boiling l d the compressor raises the acondensation refrigerant. In the condenser, point above theaw temperature of the e l u v outside air. The heat,rtherefore, transfers from the condensing refrigerant to the outside n y air. The expansion a e b valve and the compressor simply create pressure conditions that permit the laws of thermodynamics to provide s M e d r effects. the desired cooling e e it s ic t b v The function regulate the flowi of refrigerant into the evaporator and is h of the expansion valve is toeautomatically r h g i the dividing point in the system between high- and low-pressure refrigerant. o S r r l y ll p a d A System Components n o nu o i B a t Compressor c M — u e e l The compressor is a pump da drive belt. It draws in low-pressure refrigerant c powered by the engine rvia ic gas and i o v exhausts it as high-pressure gas. Your vehicle has one of two types of compressors: piston or rotary. r p eh e e V r S Condenser r y d e t d compressed The air-conditioning condenser is located s zein front of the radiator. The condenser receives o i a r B through the condenser, (therefore heated) refrigerant gas from flows o the compressor. As the hot refrigerant gas— m i l h it is cooled i by air passing over theutfins. The cooled, compressed refrigerant gaslecondenses to liquid refrigerant, t which U then flows into the receiver/drier. a ic n n h e io U Control Module t V a rdash. The control module This driver-operated device is mounted on the er sets the cab temperature, blower o t speed, and distribution of airflow for driver rpconvenience. (See also as the System Controls section .) o w m a C i Evaporator Assembly l l er to the right side ofUtheti dash and extends into the engine compartment. t by The The evaporator assembly is mounted s a d vehicle resistor, thermostat, outside/recirculation door, heater core, and evaporator core are serviced fromethe m t i instrument interior. When servicing iany li of the above components, it is not necessary to loosen or removeithe b t panel. The drain hose and U right-angle expansion valve are serviced from the engine compartment. oh 2 r w Evaporator Core 0 p la 0 n 2 yrefrigerant flows into the The evaporator o expansion valve and ion t core used is a fin and tube core where liquid i b t h t vaporizes g as it passes through the core. When the cooling cthe liquid refrigerant flows d system is in operation, a i u e r r from the it evaporator where it isodallowed to evaporate at apreduced y condenser unit through a flexible hose tobthe o p pressure, to cool the evaporator. Air is blown through the evaporator fins and is thus cooled by the evaporator. i r r h o Co ep o Expansion Valve C r r p d to cooling requirements. erThe restrictive t The expansion valve releases refrigerantninto the evaporator according e io the refrigerant flowrizto the evaporator, results inasreduced evaporator effect of the expansion valve, while limiting t o c of a valve and a temperature-sensing m and bulb. The valve pressure. The expansion valve consists capillarylitube h u t i t outlet tube of the u is connected to the inlet tube o ofdthe evaporator, and the sensing bulb is clamped toUthe a r ed n evaporator. p 2 v U re 00 of the diaphragm. Theser The expansion valvedis opened and closed by opposing pressures on either2side t contains refrigerant. Asrethe e bulb that is clamped to the evaporator outlet tube usually temperature-sensing h z i r temperature rises, the refrigerant expands and exerts ts to open igpressure against the diaphragm evaporator outlet r o h yincreased cooling. As theievaporator h and admit more refrigerant into the evaporator for g the valve farther outlet t p r u o a ll C n A U 90 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual temperature falls, the pressure Inlet pressure on the l w opposite side of the d against the diaphragm isadecreased. a e diaphragm then startsvclosing the valve. The valve tends u to seek a position to controll the refrigerant flow to n r maintain near-maximum a e cooling from the evaporator. by s M d re The temperature-sensing bulb, clamped to theesuction (outlet) tube on the evaporator, measures the temperature e t c i s i of the refrigerant the temperature variation t in the suction tube and transmits b to the expansion valve. This v i h r temperature variation regulates the refrigerant flow to the evaporator core. When the bulb senses a high h e ig o S r r temperature, the valve opens and allows to flow into the evaporator core. When the bulb senses a l l y refrigerant l p d low temperature, the valve starts closing to reduce the refrigerant A ua n flow to the evaporator core. io Bo an t c M — u e e l Some vehicles are equipped dcompressor similar to service valves. Theseicvalves do c with manual valves atrthe i o not have service ports and are used only to isolate the compressor. h rv p e e V re Receiver/Drier Unit S r y d e t dreceiver and e refrigerant under pressure in a combination The air-conditioning system stores the liquid s z o i a dehydrator. (See Illustration AC15.)rThe pressure in the receiver normally variesBfrom about 552 to 2068 o m kPa (80 ili to 300 PSI), dependinguonththe surrounding air temperature and compressor e— speed. The drier serves t l the Upurpose of removing any traces a of moisture thatnmay have accumulatedhiinc the system. Even one drop of n moisture will cause an air-cooling unit to malfunction. e U tio V a Service Valves r er o t pservice valve in the high-pressure s These valves are similar to a tire valve. The line (from compressor to r a o condenser) allows access to the high-pressure side of the system m for attaching a service hose and pressure law C i l r gauge. The service valve in the low-pressure line (from evaporator to compressor) allows access to theylowti e t U b pressure side of the system for attaching a service hose and pressure gauge. as d Suction Receiver/Drier m te i i l ti between the condenser and the evaporator that removes water iband acts as a The receiver/drier is aUcanister h storage reservoir for2liquid refrigerant. ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h Illustration AC20 ig t p r u o Make Hose Connections a ll C n A U Manual Valves Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 91 System Controls Overview l d w aare peculiar to the A/C andlaheater system of This section deals with the e controls and components that u v n y Utilimaster vans with ercable (manual) and electronicacontrols. s M b d The air conditioner system (stacked coil re used on the Utilimaster walk-in e vans is an integral air-conditioner/heater e t c i s i design) and tis composed of an A/C-heater vassembly mounted on the right of the cowl panel and an air b side i h r distribution plenum and ductwork located behind the instrument panel. The control module assembly h e g i o S r (Illustrations AC25 and AC30) is located on the instrument panel, r to the right of the steering column. The l l y l p outlet A registers can be adjusted to ddirect air. ua n o o i B an t CABLE (Manual) Control Operation c M u e— e l (1) Blower Control Switch d c ic i o v r h Off and High, voltage pis applied to the Low blower relay and voltageris applied to the When in any mode e except e through e the blower switch is on Low, voltage isSapplied V blower switch and the blower motor resistors. rWhen r the blower motor te resistors to the blower zmotor. ed The blower motor runs at low speed.ody s a more air to the defrost orrito the floor ducts, close the dash louvers by Brotating them on their To direct even o im pivotsilapproximately 90 degrees. th e— t l u U a ic Heater and A/C 0Off, 1Low, 2Medium, 3High n n h Cable Control o e i U t V The blower motor is a variable-speed motor. The the r ra higher voltage applied to the motor, the faster the speed. With the o 6 1e t p r heater and HVAC control head in the Off position, no voltage is as o is off, and no voltagem w applied to the Low blower relay, the relay a C i l l ti is applied to the blower motor. er t U by 7 s d As the blower switch is movedato the Medium Low and Medium e 8 m t i part of the blower motor positions, the switch bypasses i l i b tvoltage to be applied to the blower i resistors, allowing more h 9 U o motor, which will increase its speed. When the blower motor w 2 r 0 voltage is applied directly to the la p switch is on High,0battery 10 n 2 n blower motor.t The blower motor runs at maximum speed. y io o b i t h t c d a ig assembly is located on the top of the evaporator The resistor u e r r d Illustration AC25 po it ythe inside of the vehicle. case on o b p i r Module CABLE (Manual) r A/C o Switch h pControl o (2) CA/C e o C r r r p Switch inbutton light onA/C compressor on. Switch out d te e n s z button light offA/C compressor off.io a ri t o c m i Or (depending on model) switchuto the rightA/C compressor compressor on. th off. Switch to the leftA/C il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 3 2 1 0 FLOOR DASH RECIRC COLD 92 HI/LO FRESH HOT Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Air comes out defroster ducts in Floor position n position). Air comes out floor rv ducts in Defrost position (right y a e b (left position). s M e d r To enable the floor/defrostcefunction the dash/Hi-Lo lever NOTE: te must be in the Hi-Lo i s i t b v position. i h r h e g i S (8) Dash/Hi-Lo ro l lr y l p a d A comes out dash louvers in theo Dash position (left position).nLever in Hi-Lo position (right position) enables u Air n o i B a the floor/defrost function. t c M — u e (9) Recirc/Fresh e l d c ic i o v r h position), air is drawn from In Recirc position (left r air is drawn p the cab area and recirculated. In Fresh position, e e e in from the outside. r S rV y d e (10) Cold/Hott d e s z o i a r (cold, left; hot, right). B Controls oair mthe temperature of the outlet i — l h i t le ut ELECTRONIC Control Operation c U a i n h (11) Blower Control Switch e io Un t V a Heat and A/C r r Off, Low, Medium Low, Medium, High e Electronic Control o t p The higher the voltage r The blower motor is a variable-speed motor. as o w 11 m applied to the motor, the faster the speed. With the heater control a C i l l i relay, head in the Off position, no voltage y eris applied to the LowUtblower t b the relay is off, and no voltage iss applied to the blower motor. a d e 12 m t When in any mode exceptliOff and High, voltage is applied to the i i b t i blower relay, and voltage is applied to the blower switch and the h U When 16 17 o blower motor resistors. the blower switch is on Low, voltage is 2 r w 15 18 0 p a applied through 0the blower motor resistors and the blower relay l to the 14 19 n 2 n y blower motor. The blower motor runs at low speed. o t 20 i o b i t h 13 t c d Low and a ig switch is moved through positions Medium As the blower u e r r d it resistors, y the switch bypasses part of the blower bmotor o Medium, o p p i r r o more voltage to be applied to the blower allowing h motor, which will ep o C o C increase its speed. When the blower motorrswitch is on High, voltager Illustration r AC30 p eELECTRONIC is applied directly to the blower motor.nThe blower motor runs ated Control Module A/C t s z o maximum speed. i a r ti o c m The resistor assembly is locatedubehind the right-hand floor th duct. (See Illustration HE5, ili AC10, and d t u AC30.) d U a ro e n p 2 rv (12) Cold/Hot (Temperature U 0 re Control) e 0 2 d operates the water valve located in the engine compartment. etos the The temperature control The water flow t e r h iz heater core is proportional to the setting of the control knob. g r ts i r o h ywater valve located in the iengine h control operates an electric servo attached to the g The temperature t p r u o compartment. in the heater coolantlinlet l hose. a The water valve is located in the engine compartment C n A U (7) Floor/Defrost Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 93 (13) Function Selector (ELECTRONIC) l d w a each for dash door, floor door, The function selector actuates e electric servomotorsone la defrost door, and the u v n r outside/recirculating the compressor operation dependent upon the a e door. In the A/C and Defrost positions, by is core; s M evaporator thermostat settings. The thermostat senses the temperature of the evaporator the cutout e d r e e temperature s is 32 F ±2° F [0° ±1.1° C] (clutch t temperature is 42° F ±2° F [5.5° c is disengaged), and the cutin i i t b v ±1.1° C] (clutch i h is engaged). r ig e h S the outside/recirculation r function selector in the Off position, Withlthe ro door is in the Recirculate Air position. It l y l p is closed d through the system. The blower motor is off. A to outside air, and no air passes ua n o o i B an (14) Max A/C t M e—outside/recirculation doordisucin the Recirculated Air position. All of thecair e In the Max A /C position the l c louvers, except for a small i operates ipanel o amount of floor bleed. The A/C compressor discharges through the v r h r e setting. in this function control ep V r Se r (15) A/C te dy ed s z o i door is open to the outside, and outsideBair is discharged through In the A /Caposition the outside/recirculation r o the panel limlouvers with a small amount i th of floor bleed. The A/C compressor operates e— at this function control t l u setting. U a ic n n h (16) Panel e io U t V a r is open to the outside, In the Panel position the outside/recirculation door er and outside air is discharged through o t the panel louvers, except for a small amount rpof floor bleed. as o w m (17) Panel/Floor a C i l l ti er In the Panel/Floor position the outside/recirculation doorUis open to outside air. Air is discharged through t bythe s heater outlet floor ducts and panel a louvers. d e m t (18) Floor ili bi t i Uoutside/recirculation door is open to outside air. Air is discharged through In the Floor position2the oh the heater r w 0 a small amount of bleed is directed to thelawindshield. outlet floor ducts,0and p n 2 n (19) Defrost/Floor t io o by i t h t c hose nozzles and heater d the windshield defroster a ig In the Defrost/Floor position air is discharged througheboth u r r d y ducts in approximately equal amounts.bit o outletpfloor o p i r r h o (20) CoDefrost ep o C r r r is also a small In the Defrost position the air is dischargedpthrough the windshield d defroster hose nozzles. There e t e n s the air. amount of floor bleed. The A/C compressor iz setting to help dehumidify io operates in this control a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 94 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u v refrigerant in automotive air-conditioner The most commonlyrused systems has been Refrigerant-134a. n y a e Refrigerant 134a sis nonexplosive, nonflammable, and heavier than air. Althoughbit is classified as a safe Mto protect the parts involvedd and the person who is working refrigerant, certain re precautions must be observed e ite ic on the unit.ts b v i h r h e ir g S ro l l y l p a d A u n automotive air-conditioning specialist o recommends that a licensed WARNING: Utilimaster n o i B a work on the vehicle's air-conditioning (HVAC) t system. c M — u e A/C refrigerant and lubricant Avoid breathing vapor or mist! e l d c system discharge occurs, ic i o v r If accidental ventilate work area BEFORE resuming service. h health and safety information r lubricant p may be obtained from refrigerant and e Additional e e r S manufacturers. rV y d e t Always wear safety gogglesewhen servicing any part of the refrigerant s odsystem. a Certain precautions mustribez observed to protect the parts involved Band the person who is o m — it li working on the unit.uth le c U a i To remove R-134a from the A/C system, n use service equipment h certified to meet the requirements of e UnSAE J2210 (R-134atiorecycling equipment). V and temperatures, evaporates so a atmospheric pressures r Liquid Refrigerant 134a, at normal r o to freeze anything ittecontacts. For this reason, be very quickly that it has the tendency p s in contact with the skin and especially careful to prevent any liquidr refrigerant from coming a o w the eyes. m a C i l l ti types of oil. It is therefore recommendedy that Refrigerant-134a. is readily er absorbed by most t U b a bottle of sterile mineral oil and a quantity of weak boric acid solution be kept nearby s a d when servicing the air-conditioning system. m te i i l Should anytliquid i refrigerant get into the eyes, immediately use a few dropsibof mineral oil to wash them out, then wash the eyes clean with a weak boric acid solution. U oh Seek a doctors aid immediately, even though irritation w may have stopped. 2 r 0 p la The20 refrigerant in the system is always under pressure. Because thensystem is tightly sealed, n y heat to build up excessively. t applied to any part would cause this bpressure io o i t h t dweld, use a blow torch,ucsolder, steam clean, bake a ig To avoid a dangerous explosion, never e r r d immediate area of anypopart of it of heat on or inothe y body finishes, or use an excessivebamount p the air-cooling system or refrigerant supply tank while they are i r closed to the atmosphere, r o h p o whether filled with refrigerant or not. C e o C r pr so rapidly that thed resulting The liquid refrigerant evaporates refrigerant gas rwill displace te the oxygen, the air surrounding the area where it is released.e The refrigerant will displace n s z so always work in well-ventilated areas to prevent a ri suffocation. tio o c m The discharge of refrigerant gas near openth flame can produce a verylipoisonous gas. This u i generated when a d t gas will also attack all bright metal surfaces. This poisonous gas is u d o ainhaling the fumes from Uthe leak detector. e flame-type leakr detector is used. Avoid n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Refrigerant Precautions Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 95 l w d a a e l u nincinerate refrigerant containers. rv Never intentionally drop, puncture, or a e by s M d Never above 125° F [52° C]. re store or heat refrigerant containers e e t c i s tIf it is necessary to carry a container of refrigerant in a vehicle, do not carry it in the vi ib h r passenger compartment. h e g i Sscrew cap to protect the valve ro and safety plug of the Refrigerant- l ll r Always replace the metal y p a 134a container from d damage when not in use. A u n o io B an t c M — u e e l d NOT use refrigerant canned for pressure-operated CAUTION: cUse only Refrigerant-134a. Do ic cause a i o v r accessories (such as boat air horns). This type is not pure Refrigerant-134a and will r p eh e malfunction. e V r S r refrigerant and R-134a refrigerant y R-12 must never be mixed, even in the smallest of amounts. d e t d e other. If the refrigerants are mixed, compressor They are incompatible with zeach failure is s o i a likely to occur. r B m ho and components in the A/C system.le— it li Use only specified lubricants t If lubricants other than u U those specified areaused, compressor failure is likely to occur.icAll fittings and O-ring seals n to provide a leakproof h seal and aid assembly and should be coatednwith clean mineral o oil e i U t disassembly. V a r r e Do NOT introduce compressed o or refrigerant component, tcontainer p air to any refrigerant s because contamination will occur. r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U WARNING: Never heat a refrigerant container with an open flame. If the container must be warmed, place the bottom of the container in a pail of warm water. 96 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u (See also Refrigerantrv Precautions section.) n y a e b s M dthe work area is wellre e e WARNING: Before opening thecrefrigerant system, make sure t i be done on or near s i Welding or steam-cleaning operations shouldbnot tventilated. vother i h r refrigeration system lines or air-conditioning parts on the vehicle. h e ir g o S r l l y l p a d A nof dents or kinks to prevent loss of systemnu Maintaining Chemical Stabilityo o CAUTION: All metal tubing lines should be free i B acrosscapacity due to line restriction. Do NOT letctthe connection become kinked, crushed, or M — threaded. (See le Illustration AC20.) du ce c i i o Never bend r of less than four times the diameter rofv the hose. h flexible hose lines to a pradius e e Do NOT allow flexible hose linesre to come within a distance of 2.5" [6.5 mm]Sof the exhaust V manifold. y d er t d e s z o with new lines if flexible hose lines iregularly for leaks or brittleness and replace a Inspect r B deterioration or leaking is found. o m ili When disconnectinguany th fitting in the refrigerant system, the system e— must be discharged of all t l c gauge readings. Open U a proceed very cautiously, refrigerant. However, regardless of ithe n n h fittings very slowly, keeping your face and hands away so that can occur. If ioloosened, allow it toVebleednooffinjury U t pressure is noticed when a fitting is very slowly. a r er in an attempt to remove moisture. o Alcohol should never be used in the refrigeration system t p could occur. as Damage to system components r o w m cap immediately to prevent the entrance a If any refrigerant line is C opened to the atmosphere, i l l r i internal compressor wear or pluggedylines of moisture and dirt. eMoisture and dirt can tcause t U b in the condenser and s evaporator core, expansion (orifice) tubes, or compressor inletd screens. a Remove sealing imcaps from subassemblies just before making connections for final ite assembly. Use a small ial mount of clean mineral oil on all tube and hose joints. Use newbO-ring seals t i dipped in U mineral oil when assembling joints. The oil will aid in assembly and help provide h a burr or a o a leakproof joint. O-ring seals and seats must be in perfect condition because 2 r piece 0 of dirt can cause a refrigerant leak. p aw l 0 n 2 Itt is important to use the proper wrenches when seal fittings. n io ontheO-ring o by making connections t h (See Illustration AC20.) The use of improper wrenches may damage connection. Theti c g d fitting should always be backed up with a wrench to u prevent distortion of ra ri opposing te connecting d i y connecting lines or components. When the flexible hose connections, it iso o coupling to which it isrp p important that the crimped fitting and ib flare nut, as well asprthe o h attached, be held at the same time using two different wrenches to prevent turningo the fitting C e o C r r and damaging the seat. Tighten p tubing connectionsdto the specified torque. er t e n s z o i a r ti o c m u th ili d t u d U a ro e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Lines and Fittings Precautions Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 97 The life and efficient operation of the air-conditioning system depends upon the chemical stability of the d foreign materials, such as dirtalor moisture, contaminate theawrefrigeration system, they refrigeration system. When e l u change the stability ofrv the refrigerant and polyalkalinenglycol (PAG) refrigerant oilyor ester refrigerant oil. They a e b internal corrosion and also affect the pressure/temperature relationship,M reduce efficiency, and could cause s e d abnormal wear rof moving parts. The followingegeneral practices should be followed to ensure chemical stability te c i i in the system: ts b v h ir g l Al r Se i h o pr l y a d n o it becomes necessary toiodisconnect nu CAUTION: Whenever a hose connection, wipe away any B a t the possibility of dirt entering the system. dirt or oil at or near the connection to eliminate c Mto — connection should be capped, Both sides ofethe plugged, or taped as soon as possible u e l d Remember that all air contains moisture. prevent thecentrance of dirt and moisture. ic Air that i o v r enters any part of the refrigeration system will carry moisture with it, and the exposed r p ehwill collect the moisture equickly. e surfaces V r S r tools clean and dry. Thisd includes y Keep the manifold gauge set and all replacement parts. e t d e s z o tube through a When adding polyalkalineriglycol (PAG) refrigerant oil, the container/transfer B which the oil will flow should be exceptionally clean and dry. Refrigerant oil must be as o m — h it li moisture-free as possible. t le u c U a i When it is necessary to open an air-conditioning system to the atmosphere, have n time as possible n ready so that as little h o everything needed will be required to perform the e i U t V any longer than necessary. operation. Do NOT leave the air-conditioning system open a r r o has been opened, te it should properly evacuated before Anytime the air-conditioning system p s r recharging. a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 98 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u NOTE: Details provided here. n from the general information rv about your vehicle mayavary y e b s M e d r e that a licensed automotive te air-conditioning specialist WARNING: Utilimaster recommends c i s i t b v (HVAC) system. i h work on the vehicle's air-conditioning r h e ir g o S r l l (Refrigerant System) y l p a Overview d A u n it o the system's high- and low-pressure readings. Diagnosis of the refrigerant system Bo must be done by analyzing an c M — to the chart shown in Illustration Compare the pressure readings AC40 to determine if the system pressures u e e l d system tests must be satisfied to obtain are normal. The conditional c requirements for the refrigerant ic accurate i o v r pressure readings. eh r p e e r the pressure readings will not be accurate and S could indicate If the conditional r Vrequirements are not satisfied, y d e t system is not functioning properly. e If the conditional requirements cannotodbe satisfied, the pressure that a normal s z i a readings will not be accurate but can be B in the system. or used to determine what is causing the problem m i — l h i Use of Manual Valves ut t Proper le c U a i n hthe back seated position, the lowManually operated valves arenused in some vehicleoapplications. When in e i U t pressure valve is open between the suction sideaof the compressor andV the evaporator. The high-pressure valve r r is open between the discharge side of the compressor and the condenser. o te This is the normal operating position. p s In the front seated position, the low-pressure side of the compressor from the or valve cuts offmtheaofsuction evaporator. The high-pressure valve C cuts off the discharge side the compressor from the condenser. law i l ti y er t Attaching the Manifold Gauge Set U b as to the refrigerant system when performing any of the various tests. d If e Test equipment must be connected m t i ili charge-station type of equipment is used, follow the instructions of the manufacturer. To attachiba manifold gauge t h U gauge port valves, proceed as follows: set to the service access o 2 r 0manifold gauges set valves fully clockwiselatowclose the high- and low-pressure p 1. Turn both hoses at the 0 n 2 n y gauge. service (Schrader) o access gauge port valves t Remove the caps from the high- and low-pressure i o b i t h t ingthe high- and low-pressure lines. c d a i u e r r d it hoses with adaptersocontaining oto the 2.y Connect the high- and low-pressure refrigerant depressing pins b p p i r r h access gauge port valves. o Co respective high- and low-pressure service ep o C r r r 3. Connect the hoses attached to the p manifold center fitting todrefrigerant supply tank and vacuum pump e t e n valves. s iz io a r t o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Diagnosis and Testing Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 99 Checking for Leaks l d w a gauge set valves at the maximum 1. Attach the manifold clockwise e gauge set. Leave both manifold la u v n r position. Both 6080 PSI [414551ykPa] 75° F [23.9° C] with a e gauges should show approximately b s M the engine not running. e d r e e it closed, open the refrigerant tank s little or no pressure is indicated, ic leave the vacuum pump valve 2. If very t b v i to the counterclockwise position. r (suction) manifold gauge set valve h e gh and turn the low-pressure ir valve, ro l This opens the system to tankSpressure. l y p a d nfilter plug, and the shaft seal for leaks, usingnu Check all connections, the o compressor head gasket,ioil o B a either the Rotunda Electronic Leak Detector 055-00014 t or equivalent. c M — u oil from the shaft seal area to reducee le NOTE: Use compressed air to blow off excessive d c ic i o v r the possibility of an erroneous detection of refrigerant retained in the refrigerant oil. r p eh e e V r S Electronic Leakr Detector y d e t d or equivalent) is e s The battery-operated Electronic Refrigerant o iz Leak Detector (Rotunda Model No. 055-00014 a r Bcan be detected by the an electronic o a much smaller type of refrigerant leak than m instrument that will locate i — l h i leak detector. Followuthe flame-type t directions with the leak detector to ensureleabsolute accuracy. When the t U instrument is set to the On position, itself and is ready a it automatically calibrates ic for detecting. The countern n h ticking/beeping signal will speed e to the refrigerant leak. U up as the flexibletioprobe head comes closer V a r Expansion Valve Test er o t rp system, the expansion as valve and capillary tube assembly will w In the properly operating standard refrigerant o C maximum refrigerant imsystem efficiency. Corrosion of the polished metal maintain the refrigerant flow required for la l r i t y e valve stem in the expansion surfaces of the internal valve seat tor can cause erratic compressor suction and U invalve b same s discharge pressures. This would be seen as a sudden increase the discharge (high) pressure and, at the a d e m time, the suction (low) pressure will suddenly decrease. The reverse might also happena sudden decrease in t i i l i b discharge (high) pressuret combined with a sudden increase in the suction (low) pressure. Refrigerant system i U of sludge or moisture may also cause a similar compressor suctionohand contamination in the2form dischargepressure reaction.00The blocking action of sludge in the valve seat awwill cause an increase pinrthe compressor l 2 and a reduction of the suction pressure.yWhen the sludge clears othen valve seat opening, the n discharge pressure t b io ti h t c g d u ra ri te d i y o o p ib r rp o h p o C o C re r pr te ed n s z o a ri ti o c m i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re Fig 3 h ir z ts ig r o h Illustration AC25 y Assembly h ig t p Expansion Valve and Capillary Tube r u o a ll C n A U Al3. 100 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual discharge pressure will suddenly reduce, and the suction lpressure will suddenly increase. w Moisture, on the other d a a e l higher compressor hand, may cause the valve u the valve is stuck closed, the v to stick in any position. When n r y discharge pressureeand temperature will soon thawathe frozen area and release the b refrigerant, causing a sudden s M drop in compressor discharge pressure and increase in suction pressure. When e d the valve is stuck open, the r e e increase in evaporator (suction) pressure and it of the frozen area, and the ictemperature aids in the thawing ts ib expansionhvalve begins to function again.rv h e ig o S r r To test l l the expansion valve: y l p a d A 1. Start the engine and runoat fast idle (approximately 1500 n RPM) in Max A/C mode and blower speed nu on o i B a t High for approximately 10 minutes. c M — u e e l d temperature-sensing bulb. (See Illustration 2. Remove the insulation from the expansion valve c ic AC25.) i o v r Remove thehclamp and expose the bulb to p the high engine compartment temperatures.erThe expansion e e valve should open with a resulting drop in V r compressor discharge pressure and an increase S in r y compressor te suction pressure. zed d s o ice or spray with i bulb into a container of salted, melting, chipped a 3. Immerse the temperature-sensing r B m refrigerant. The expansion — in compressor discharge ho valve should close with a resulting increase ili liquid t e t l u pressure. U pressure and a reduction a in compressor suction ic n n h The compressor pressuresU observed in Steps 2 and e deliberate. If at any time during io 3 should be smoothVand t a the pressure change period you should see a hesitation followed by a rjump in the pressure-gauge readings, the r o tevalve stem may also be interfering with system may be contaminated and require cleaning. Corrosion of the p s r a proper valve operation. o w m a C i l l r does not increase when If the compressor discharge pressure ti performing Step 3, the expansion valve willy have e t U b to be replaced. as d m te i i l i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 101 Measuring Temperature l d w a This guide was developed systems. The information e to assist in evaluating air-conditioning la given is the result of u v n r extensive testing inelaboratory conditions. Actual results a may vary by as much as by±4° F [±2.2° C] due to s M variances in installation technique or chassis manufacturer. e d r e e it performance. Warmer air can scontent of the ambient air plays ican important role in air-conditioner The moisture t b v i h moisture than cooler air. Inerthe cooling process, air oftenhreaches contain more saturation temperature, at g i o S r whichl point no additional cooling can occur without a corresponding r drop in moisture content. As relative l y l p a humidity a greater percentage of the systems refrigeration capacity is needed d A of the air to be cooled increases, u n o to extract the moisture, and lessBis available for actual cooling. io an t c M — In the process of removing of air emoisture, it is important thatduice not be allowed to form and block the flow e l c ic through the cooling (evaporator) coil. The system iso equipped with a thermostat that will turn off the i v r r discharge air compressor clutch when pto a temperature at which ice could form. The eh the evaporator coil drops e e V temperature willr be approximately 37° F [2.8°rC] when the thermostat cycles the system off.S e tthe dytemperature as the edthe air entering the evaporator coil be the same When testing system it is important that s z o a rithe air-conditioner control to the NORMAL B A/C position (not ambientmair surrounding the coach. Set o i — l h MaxtiA/C). t le u c U a i n UnR -134a T E M P E RtiAoT U R E P R E S S U RVeEhC H A R T a TEM P F P S IG * TrE M P F P S IGe*r TEM P F P S IG * o t p 16 15.69 60 57.47 110 C 146.50 r as o 18 17.04 65 64.10 112 O 151.30 aw m C i l l i 20 18.43r 70 71.19 114 N 156.10 t y te U 78.75 b 22 E 19.87 75 116 D 161.10 s a d 24 V 80 86.80 118 E im21.35 ite166.10 26 A til 22.88 85 95.40 120 N b 171.30 i UP 28 24.47 90 104.40 122 Sh 176.60 o 2 r w 30 91 124 0 O 26.10 p E 182.00 a106.30 l 0 32 2 R 27.79 92 126 n R 187.50 n y 108.20 o t i b 34 A 29.52 93 110.20 128 193.10 tio t h c130 d ig36 u T 31.32 94 te 112.10 R 198.90ra r d i y o 38 O 33.17 95 114.10 135 A 210.70 o b p p i r r h100 o 40 R 35.07 124.30 ep 140 N 229.40 Co o C r r 42 37.03 128.50 145 G r 245.80 p 102 d e 263.00 e n 44 39.05 104 132.90 150 Et s z o i a r137.30 45 40.08ti 106 155 281.00 o c m i h u l 50 45.48 108 141.90 160 300.00 t i d t u 55 165 320.00 U a ro51.27 ed n p 2 v 340.80 r U 0 170 reInch G auge e 0 *Pounds per Square s 2 d t e re h ir z Illustration AC40 ts igCharts r o Air-Conditioner Pressure Performance h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 102 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Dash outlet temperature nthe high-pressure (discharge)y and low-pressure (suction) rv and pressures developed on a e b side of the compressor s indicate whether or not the M system is operating properly. e d rthe system, attach the manifoldcegauge set with both gauge valves 1. To test te at the maximum clockwise, or i s i t b v closed, to attach the refrigerant i tank. h position. It will not be necessary r h e g i S the engine running at 1500roRPM, all controls set for maximum cooling,l l2.r Check the system pressuresywith l at least 5 feet from any wall. pUse a large fan in front of the condenser toua d A and the front of the vehicle on conditions for 510 minutes in order foran simulate vehicle motion. Bo Operate the system undertithese pressures to stabilize. c M u e— e l d depend on the temperature of the surrounding c indicated on the gauges ic air and 3. The actual pressures will i o v r hHigher air temperatures along r the humidity. At idle p with high humidity will give higher systemepressures. e e V r S speed and a surrounding air temperature of 100110° F [37.743.3° C], the high pressure may go as y er300 PSI [2069 kPa] or more. hightas conditioner under d ed If it becomes necessary to operate the air s z o i these a conditions, keep the highr pressure down with a fan directed at the condenser B and radiator. o m i4.li Measure the ambient (outside) th air temperature with a thermometer heldlein—front of the condenser. t u U Referring to the Temperature Pressure Chart (see Illustration AC40), ic compare the suction and nathe values shown. ion h discharge pressuresUto e t V a NOTE: Relative humidity of the airraffects air-conditioner er performance. As humidity o t p increases, air-conditioning performance decreases. s r a o w m a 5. If the pressures are within or near the specified limits, but the cooling performance is poor, the problem C i l l ti may be related to the heater unit is a stacked coil design yin ercontrol valve. The Uevaporator/heater t b of s passes through both the evaporator and heater coils. The smallestdamount which the conditionedaair hot engine coolantiin mthe heater coil will affect A/C performance. Both the inlet and outletiteheater lines at l the unit should be ti cool if the heater control valve is functioning properly. Adjust or replace ib a leaking h U cable-operated valve or proceed to the Voltage Test (Temperature Control). 2 ro w 0 p a 6. If the discharge are not within the specified limits, see the l 0 (High Side) or suction (Low Side) pressures n 2 n y possible causes chart below. o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i High Side Pre ssure r r o Co Too Low Too High ep oh C r r r p • Low refrigerant charge • Collaps ed hos e on high s ide d e t e • Expans ion valve s tuck clos edn • Clogged receiver/drier s iz io a • Ice on evaporator due to tdefective thermos tat r cing ice in expans ion valveho • M ois ture in s ys tem caus u lim t i • Inoperative or defective compres s or • Overcharge d t u • Defective condensUer fan d o a r e n p 2 • Clogged condens fins rv U 0 sertuck re e 0 • Expans ion valve open 2 in s ys tem d es • Contaminants t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Too Low Too High Low Side Pressure Measuring Pressure Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 103 Receiver/Drier Test l d 1. Operate the air conditioner for about 5 minutes. e ua w la n rv y a e 2. Slowly move your hand across the length of the unit from one end to thebother. There should be no s M d noticeable re difference in temperature. ce e t i s t spots are felt, it indicates that vithe unit is restricting the refrigerant 3. If cold ib flow, and the receiver/drier must h r h e g ibe replaced. S ro l ll r y p a d Magnetic A Clutch Test n o nu o i B a t in as it should, the battery should be checked 1. If the magnetic clutch on the compressor does not pull for c M — u operation voltagel(10 e volts minimum). d ce c i i o v coil. r disconnect the electrical connector at therclutch 2. If the operating h voltage is within specifications, p e e V voltage to the coil feed wire. re If the clutch engages, the clutch is OK, and S the electrical 3. Apply battery r y d e t is elsewhere in the system. problem d e If the clutch does not engage, replace the clutch. s z o i a r B Excessim Moisture o — l h i the characteristics of an airuconditioner t t le air passing through the cooled One of is that it will remove moisture from c U a i nthe evaporator core, and n condenses, runs off evaporator core. This moisture h is drained from the evaporator o e i U t case. Because the A/C system is a draw-through (blower downstream V of the evaporator core), the a design r r primary cause of condensation dripping or blowing into the passenger compartment is air being drawn through e o t p s air-leak paths, thereby inhibiting the drain tube, housing seals, holes or cracks r in the housing, or other aconditions o condensation drainage. In some instances, due to environmental (leaves or other foreign material aw m C i lis l r i plugging the drain) and sometimes mechanical conditions (damaged or kinked drain tube), the condensation t y e tevaporator U of these conditions exist, condensation maybdrip prevented from draining from the case. If either s a d from the blower housing or be blown from the instrument panel registers. e m t li bi Performing the followingtiinspection and corrections can best eliminate the cause of insufficientievaporator case h drainage or leaks. 2 U ro w 0 p a l Replace any missingngrommets, plugs, or 0 vehicle for missing grommets, plugs, or seals. 1. Inspect 2 the n y seals. t io o b i t h c the evaporator case-tod at ig for correct sealing of the evaporatortcase-to-plenum u 2. Inspect gasket. Tighten e r r dand the cowl panel. po i the evaporator case ydash retaining nuts to correct a seal leak between o b p i r pr o Co3. Inspect for possible air leaks aroundrthe ohrefrigerant lines at thereevaporator case. Seal anyCleaks around r or p Insulating Tape YZ-1,dCaulking Cord D6AZ-19560-A, the refrigerant lines with Motorcraft e t e n equivalent. s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® 104 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Overview n rv y a e b The temperature s is controlled by adjusting the center knob on the control head. M d re e e t c With the control set to the Max Cold position, the output of the dash potentiometer will be more than 11 volts. i s i t b v i h is fed to Pin 9 of the servoemotor. r The motor is then driven This voltage to the Max Cold position. As the dash h g i o S the voltage is decreased,r and the servo is driven to match the voltagel control r is turned to the Max Hot position, l Pin y l p the output of the dash potentiometer willabe set at 9 (Red/Black wire) of the servo. At the Max Hot position d A u n less than 0.75 volts. it o Bo an c M Blower Motor Power e— u e l d c supplied from the blowerrmotor ic i o Blower motor power is power relay. v h r p e e e r power to the coil on Pin 88 (Blue wire) Sof the relay. A Gray Blower motor power r V relay supplies ignitiondswitch yin any position except e wire from Pin t 85 of the relay to Pin 20 ofzthe d e controller is grounded through the controller s o i the blower motor. Off, closing a the relay contacts and energizing r B m ho ili Control Blower t e— t l u U a icto the motor, the faster the speed. n The blower motor is a variable-speed motor. The higher the voltage applied n h e U tio V When the heater and HVAC Control Head is rinathe Off position, no voltage is applied to the Low blower relay. r e o The relay is Off, and no voltage is applied to the blower motor. t p r as o When in any other mode except Off, voltage is applied to them Low blower relay, and voltage is applied to thew C la li blower switch and the blower motorr resistors. i t y e U the blower relay and blower motor resistors b to the st voltage is applied though When the blower switch is in a Low, d blower motor. The blowerim motor runs at low speed. te i l i ib part of the As the blower switch is h Utmoved though positions Medium Low and Medium, the switch bypasses blower motor resistors, the blower motor. This will 2 allowing more voltage to be applied to w roincrease its speed. 0 p a 0motor switch is in High, voltage is applied tol the coil of the High blower When the blower n relay. The High n 2 y o t i b blower relay t voltage is applied tio h is energized, removing the blower motordresistors from the circuit. cBattery g a i the blower motor though the High blowerterelay contacts. The blower directlyrto u motor runs at maximumorspeed. d i y p ib ro rp A/C Clutch Control o h p o C e in defogging the windshield. o and in defrost mode toraid C r The A/C clutch is energized in Max A/C, A/C, r p d teflows to the e n The A/C clutch is supplied power to the coil on Pin 85 of the relay (Blue wire). Current then s z i io a allowing current to rcloses deicing switch on the Black/Whitectwire. The de-icing switch above 35° F [1.7°m C], o u the relay and allowing flow to the control module, grounding th the contacts to close. tCurrent ili flows to the relay on d u Pin 30 through the closed contacts U switch mounted on theed ro out Pin 87a on thenaGreen wire to the high-pressure p 2 receiver/drier. From theehigh-pressure switch the U current flows to the low-pressure rv 0 switch located on theeinlet r 0 fitting of the evaporator. Then, via the Green wire, current flows to the A/C 2 clutch. d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Voltage Tests (Temperature Control) Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 105 ELECTRONIC Control Module Switch Test l w d a a e 1. Disconnect wire harness from the Control Module. (See Illustration AC45.) l u n rv a e by wire) of the control 2. Using a DVOM (Digital Voltmeter), measure the resistance from Pin 1 (Black s M e dOff position. modulerconnector to Pin 2 (Purple wire) e with the control switch in the e t c i s t than 2 ohms, go to the nextrstep. vi If more than 2 ohms, check ib for an open circuit in the Black or If less h h e g iPurple wire. If wires are OK, Sreplace the control module switch. ro l ll r y p a wire) of the control module connector to Pin A 3. Using a DVOM, measureodthe resistance from Pin 1 (Black u n 3 (Blue wire) with the B control switch in the Max A/C it oposition. an c M u e—go to the next step. If more If less than 2 ohms, than 2 ohms, check for an open circuit in theeBlack or l d module switch. c are OK, replace the control ic i o Blue wire. If wires v r r p Pin 1 (Black wire) of the control moduleeconnector eh measure the resistanceefrom 4. Using a DVOM, to Pin V r S r 4 (Dark te Green wire) with the control dy edswitch in the A/C position. s z o i step. If more than 2 ohms, check for an open If a less than 2 ohms, go to the next r B circuit in the Black or o m i h OK, replace the control module switch.le— il Dark Green wire. If wiresutare t U 5. Using a DVOM, measure a the resistance fromnPin 1 (Black wire) ofhthe ic control module connector to Pin n 5 (Light Green wire)Uwith the control switch ioin the Panel position.Ve t raIf more If less than 2 ohms, go to the next step. er o Yellow/Black Black t p in the s than 2 ohms, check for an open circuit r a o are OK, w Black or Light Green wire. IfC wires m a Yellow/White i Purple l l replace the control module switch. ti y er t U b s Blue Blue/Black 6. Using a DVOM, measure a the resistance from d e m Pin 1 (Black wire) of the control module t li Dk. Green bi Blue/White connector to Pin t6i (Yellow wire) with the i Uin the Floor/Panel position. control switch oh Green/Black 2 r Lt. Green w 02 ohms, go to the next step. If more la p 0 If less than n 2 n than 2t ohms, check for an open circuit in the io o by Yellow Green/White i t h t c Black d a ig or Yellow wire. If wires are OK, replace u e r r d it ythe control module switch. o Brown/Black Orange o b p p i r r hfrom o Co7. Using a DVOM, measure the resistance ep o Brown/White C Pink r r Pin 1 (Black wire) of the control module r p d e connector to Pin 7 (Orange wire) with the t e n s Green iz White io control switch in the Floor position. a r t o c im l If less than 2 ohms, go d touthe next step. If more th Gray i Red t u o U than 2 ohms, check for r an open circuit in thena ed p 2 v Illustration Black or Orangeewire. If wires are OK, U 0 Module AC45 r er 0 Control Connector replace the control module switch. s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 106 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 8. Using a DVOM,dmeasure the resistance from Pinl 1 (Black wire) of the controlwmodule connector to Pin e the control switch in the Floor/Defrost la 8 (Pink wire) v with position. ua an r y e2 ohms, go to the next step. If more than 2 ohms, check forban open circuit in the Black or If less than s M re If wires are OK, replace thee control module switch. ed Pink wire. it ic ts bof the control module connector to Pin v from Pin 1 (Black wire) i 9. Using a DVOM, measure the resistance h r h e rig9 (White wire) with the controlS switch in the Defrost position. ro l l A y al p d for an open circuit in the Black If more than 2 ohms, check n or White wire. If wires are OK, replacenuthe o o control module switch.B a ti er t as m ili t U e— l ic h Ve ed z i r ho t u a Un c u od r p re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S M n io t ra er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 107 ELECTRONIC Control Module Tests l w d a a e l u Mode Switch rv Rec Motor Defrost Motorn Panel Motor Floor Motor A/C Clutch y a e b Off Closed Closed Closed Closed Off s M d Max A/C re Open Closed Open Closed On e e t c A/C ts Closed Closed Open Closed On i viClosed ib Closed h r Panel Closed Open Off h e g i Floor/Panel Closed Closed Open o Open Off S r r l l Floor Closed y Closed Closed Open Off l p a d A Floor/Defrost u n Closed Open Closed Open Off o n o i B a Defrost Closed Open Closed On t Closed c M — u e e l d c ic i o v r r Off p eh e e V r module on the Purple wire to the modeSswitch to the r the current flows from thedcontrol In the Off position e t ground. The blower motor dyare driven closed. epower relay is de-energized, and all mode door control module s z o a are driven to position for 30riseconds after the mode is selected, and thenBboth motor inputs go high The motors o im l h (+12 iV to ground). t e— t l u U a ic n n h io 3DQHO0RWRU Ve U 'HIURVW0RWRU 0RGH6ZLWFK )ORRU0RWRU t a %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN r r o 99 te 2II 99 99 p s r 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 a o w DIWHUVZLWFKHG m a C i l l i 5HF0RWRU t$&5HOD\ er t %URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN *UHHQ U by s 2II 99 9 a d e m t 2IIVHFRQGV 99 ili bi DIWHUVZLWFKHG t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 Max A/C n t io o by i t h t In the Max c to the mode switch torthe d module on the Blueuwire a igA/C position the current flows from the control e r controlymodule ground. The blower motor power relay d door is driven open, the it is energized. The panel orec o b p p i door for r ois driven closed to outside air, and the A/Chclutch relay is energized.prThe motors are driven tooposition 30Cseconds after the mode is selected, and then both motor inputs go high (+12 V to ground). e o C r r pr te ed n s z 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU o a ri ti *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN o c m i u 2II 99 99 99 th il d t u 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 U a ro ed DIWHUVZLWFKHG n p 2 v U $&5HOD\ re 5HF0RWRU er 00 s %URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN *UHHQ 2 d t e re 2II 99 9 h z i 2IIVHFRQGV r 99 ts ig r o h DIWHUVZLWFKHG y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 108 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u In the A/C position the n module on the Dark Greenywire to the mode switch to the rv current flows from the control a e b door is driven open, the Rec control module ground. The blower motor power relay is energized. The panel M relay is energized. Thedmotors es to inside air, and the A/Ceclutch door is driven rclosed are driven to position for e t c s the mode is selected, andvthen i both motor inputs go high 30 secondstafter bi (+12 V to ground). i h r h e g i0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRUo )ORRU0RWRU S r r l l *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN y l p a d A 2II 99 99 99 n nu 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 a it o Bo DIWHUVZLWFKHG c M u e— 5HF0RWRU e $&5HOD\ l c%URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN rod *UHHQ ic i v h 99 p r 2II 9 e e e r S 2IIVHFRQGV r V 99 y d DIWHUVZLWFKHG e t d e s z o i a B Panel or m i — l h i Panel position the current uflows t from the control module on the Light Green t In the le wire to the mode switch to c U a i the control module ground. The n relay is energized, and n blower motor power h floor and defrost doors are driven o e i U closed. The motors are driven to position for 30tseconds after the mode V is selected, and then both motor inputs a r go high (+12 V to ground). r o te p s r a 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU o w m a C *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN i l l ti 2II 99 99 99y er t U b 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 s a d DIWHUVZLWFKHG m 5HF0RWRU te i $&5HOD\ i l i t%URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN ib *UHHQ h U 2II 99 9 2 99 ro w 2IIVHFRQGV0 p a l 0 DIWHUVZLWFKHG n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d Panel/Floor a ig u e r r it control module on theodYellow wire to the mode switch yPanel/Floor position the current flows frombthe o to In the p p i r r p and floor outlet doorsoare driven the Cocontrol module ground. The system power epanel ohrelay is energized. The Cmotor inputs r r open. The motors are driven to position for is selected, and then both r p 30 seconds after the mode d te go high (+12 V to ground). e n s z i io a r t o c 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU m u th ili *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN d t u d o 2II 99 99 99 U a r e n p 2 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 rv U 0 re e DIWHUVZLWFKHG 0 2 d 5HF0RWRU $&5HOD\ es t e r h *UHHQ iz %URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN g r ts i 2II 99 9 r o h y h 2IIVHFRQGV 99 ig t p r DIWHUVZLWFKHG u o a ll C n A U A/C Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 109 Floor d l w a on the Orange wire tolathe mode switch to the In the Floor position theecurrent flows from the controlumodule v n r The system power relay isaenergized. control module ground. The floor outlet door is driven open, and the e by the s M panel door is driven closed. The motors are driven to position for 30 seconds after mode is selected, and e d r e e then both motor c it s inputs go high (+12 V to ground). vi ib r 'HIURVW0RWRUe 3DQHO0RWRU h )ORRU0RWRU o S *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN r l y p a 99 99 99 d n o 99 99 99 nu o i B a t DIWHUVZLWFKHG c M — 5HF0RWRU $&5HOD\ u e e l d *UHHQ %URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN c ic i o v r 2II 99 9 h r p e 2IIVHFRQGVVe 99 e r S DIWHUVZLWFKHGr y d e t d e s o Floor/Defrost iz a r B o flows from the control module on the Pink im — In theilFloor/Defrost position the current wire to the mode switch to h t e t l u theUcontrol module ground. The c defrost outlet doors are driven a system power relaynis energized. The floorhiand open. The motors are driven n to position for 30 seconds after the mode is selected, and then both motor inputs o e i U t V go high (+12 V to ground). a r r o te 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU rp 3DQHO0RWRUs )ORRU0RWRU a o w *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN m a C i l l 2II 99 99 99 ti er 2IIVHFRQGV 99 99 99 by t U s DIWHUVZLWFKHG a d e 5HF0RWRU $&5HOD\ m t %URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN *UHHQ ili bi t i 2II 99 9 U oh 2IIVHFRQGV 99 2 r w p DIWHUVZLWFKHG 00 la n 2 n t io o by i t h t c Defrost ig d a u e r r d wire to the mode switchptoo the it module on the White y position the current flows from the bcontrol In thepDefrost o i r and the h is energized. The defrost pr outlet door is driven open, control o Co module ground. The system power rrelay e o C and rseconds after the mode isrselected, floor door is driven closed. The motors are p driven to position for 30 then both motor inputs go high (+12 V to te ed n ground). s z o i a ri t o c m 0RGH6ZLWFK 'HIURVW0RWRU 3DQHO0RWRU )ORRU0RWRU i u th il *UHHQ:KLWH*UHHQ%ODFN %OXH:KLWH%OXH%ODFN <HOORZ:KLWH<HOORZ%ODFN d t u d U a 2II 99 99 99 ro e n p 2 v 2IIVHFRQGV 99 U990099 er re DIWHUVZLWFKHG 2 d 5HF0RWRU $&5HOD\ es t e r h *UHHQ iz %URZQ:KLWH%URZQ%ODFN g r ts i 2II 99 9 r o h y h 2IIVHFRQGV 99 ig t p r u DIWHUVZLWFKHG o a ll C n A U t h 0RGH6ZLWFK ig r ll A2II 2IIVHFRQGV 110 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u NOTE: This Utilimaster rvvehicle was designed usinganEnglish (S.A.E.) measurements. y e b must be used, but providessmetric conversion equivalents as a courtesy if metric tools Mvalues given in this manual. e d Utilimaster does not warrant metric r e c ite s i t b v i h r h e g i S Torquer Specifications ro l l y l p a d A n o nu Description N•m io Ft•Lb B a Expansion Valve to Evaporator Core 21–27 ct 15–20 M — u e Liquid Line to Expansion Valve 14–20 10–15 e l d c ic Liquid Line to Receiver/Drier Suction Line to 41–47 30–35 i o v r h r Evaporator Core p e e e r 34 S Suction Line 25 r Vto Compressor y d e Discharge 22 18 t to Compressor d e s z o Compressor Fitting Tube-O 41 30 i a B Compressor to Manifold Hold Down 26 or Clamp 35 m i — l h i Bolt (GM chassis) t t le c U Hose Clamp, Worm Screw au i 3.9–5.1 In•Lb) n h (35–45 T-Bolt (65–75 In•Lb) e it o7.3–8.5 Un V (44 In•Lb) Pressure Switches a 5 r r Control Head Illumination Bulbs o Trade Number 53te p Plenum to Cowl 1/4" Studs 27 20 r as o w Plenum to Cowl 3/8" Studs 43 32 m a C i l l Evaporator to Cowl 27 20 ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t Specifications io o by Line FittingshTorque i t t c d a ig u e r r dor it Tubing Aluminum yTube Outside Thread and Fitting Steel o Metal Nominal Torque o b p p i r r o Size Copper hTorque p Tubing Wrench Span o CDiameter e o Torque C r r r p 13 Ft•Lb d 1/4" 7/16" 71 In•Lb 5/8" e t e n s iz 12 Ft•Lb 3/8" 5/8" 32 Ft•Lb 3/4" it o a r o 17 Ft•Lb c 1/2" 3/4" 32 Ft•Lb h u lim7/8" t i d t 5/8" 7/8" o 32 Ft•Lb u 24 Ft•Lb d U 1-1/16" a r e n p 2 3/4" 11/16" 32 Ft•Lb 30 Ft•Lb 1-1/4" rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r his steel-to-steel. If steel s z Steel Tubing Torque Specifications when mate NOTE:riUse g t i r o h connection is made to aluminum or copper tube fittings, use appropriate Aluminum y h g or i t p r Copper Tubing Torque Specifications. au ll Co n A U Torque, Voltage, and Charge Specifications Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 111 Blower Voltage Chart d e rv e s re %/2:(563((' &855(17 /RZ $ 0HGLXP/RZ $ 0HGLXP $ +LJK $ ts h rig l a u n a M %/2:(592/7$*( 9 ce i rv e S 9 9 9 d te i ib h o pr by w la l y a d u n Charge Weights it o Bo an M — uc e Chas s lise Charge d Weight c ic i W h W /Prep Package 44 oz.ro (2.75 lb.) v h r p (2.18 lb.) W h W /Scs e Condens er 35eoz. e V r oz. (2.18 lb.) S Ford A llr 35 y d e Freightliner/FedEx t d e 35 oz. (2.18 lb.) s z o i Freightliner/Non-FedEx 35 oz. (2.18 lb.) a r B o 35 oz. (2.18 lb.) mNavis tar i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U l Al 112 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual Connectors l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re ce i rv e S y d o B Red e— Black l ic h Ve l a u n a M Dk. Blue/White n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr Black by w la Lt. Blue ce i rv e S Dk. Green l a u an M y er Gray t d ed Red/Black s z o i a r B o m — Green th ili e t l u Dk. Blue/White U a ic n Main Harness n h e Body Interface to ControlUHarness tio V a r er o t Yellow rp asBlue Dk. Blue/White o w m a C i l l ti y Black er t U b Green/White as d e m t ili bi t i h U o Orange 2 r 0 Brown Blue p aw l 0 n 2 Orange/White n t io o by i t h t Blower Resistor cSpeed d Blower: High a ig u e r r d it y o Red o b p p i r r o Gray Co ep oh Dk. Green C r r r p d e t n s ze o i i a r t Red/White o c h u lim t i d t Black/White u Red d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 Dk. Blue/White 2 d Dk. Blue/White es t e r h iz g r ts i A/C Clutch Relay r Blower Power h o y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 113 Blue Yellow/Red d ve r e s re l a u n a M Red/White Black by w la d e e t c Black/Red i i b v i h Orange/Red er o S Temperature Control r l l y l p Brown a d A n o nu o i B a Blower Switch t c M — u e e l d cGreen/White ic i o v r h r p e e e V Blue/White r S r Brown/White y d e Yellow/White t d e s o iz a r B o m i — l h i t t le u Yellow/Black c U a i n h Blue/Black e UnBrown/Black tio V Green/Black a r r te po s Control Harness r a w to Servo Harness Co m a i l l ti y er t U b s Pink a d White Blue e m t i ili b t i Purple Black U Black oh Yellow/Black 2 r w Dk. Green 0 p la 0 n 2 Yellow/White Purple n y o t Lt. Green Orange i o b i t h Yellow t c d Blue ig Blue/Blackra u e r d it y o Control Harness o b p p i r r Dk. Green Blue/White to Control Switch h p o Co e o C r r rGreen/Black p Lt. Green d e t e s on iz i a r t Black oYellow c Red im Green/White h u l t i t u d od U a r Brown/Black e Orange n p 2 v U re er 00 s Brown/White Pink 2 d t e re h Green ir z Gray ts Whiterig Green o h y h Control Harness ig t p r u o l Gray a l C Red to Main Harness n A U Locked Terminal (No Wire) ts h rig 114 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ed v r e s re l a u n a M by w la d e e t c ts bi vi i h r h e ig Blue/Black o S r r l l Green/White Brown/Black y l p a d A u n Brown/White it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h r p Brown/White e e e rGreen/Black S r V Yellow/White y d e t d e s o Blue/White ir z a B o m i — l h Control i t Harness t le u c U to aMain Harness i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t Blue/Black i Brown/Black Blue/White ili t ib Brown/White h U 2 w Vent Motor pro 0 a Rec Motor l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t n Yellow/Black ize s Green/Black o Green/White i a r t Yellow/White o c h u lim t i d t u Defrost Motor d oFloor Motor U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 115 Hood l w d a a e l u n rv y a e bstraps, s M WARNING: Hood should be opened by releasing the hold-down lifting the hood, and dbefore working re the prop rod. Be sureceprop rod is properly engaged engaging on the vehicle. e t i s i t ib h rv h e g i S ro l ll r y p a d A u n Hinge it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r r p Sponge Tape eh e e V r S r y d e Hinge t d e s z o i a RIM r B Fenderim o Gas Spring — l h i t e t u cl Aluminum U a i n Center h e io Section Un t V a r r te po s r a o w m Upper la C Grille i l Support (Stone ti er Bracket Guard) t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i Bumper h U Hazmat 2 Placard ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 Reflector n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o RIM Fender o b p p i r r Side Marker Turn h p o Headlight Hood Co Light e o Light C r r Support r p d e t e n s o iz i a r t Hood o c Hood Prop im u Hold Downth l i Stop t (Jeep) Strap u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d Prop Catch t e re h ir z g ts Illustration HO10 ri o h h RIM Hood Assemblypy ig t r u o a ll C n A U 116 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u n rv y a e b s M e CAUTION: Some trucks have aneautomatic locking gas strut. d Do NOT close the hood without r e t c first depressing the orange button on the passenger side gas strut to disengage the safety i s i do so could result in damage t b v locking mechanism. Failure to to the hood. i h r h e ir g S ro l l y l p a d A u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d ic o Strut Support ic v r r Bracket eh p e e r S Bulb Seal rV y d e t d e s o ir z a Gas B Spring Grab o m i — Handle l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t Bracket ili bi Guide t i h Hazmat U o Backer Placard 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig Rod u Prop e r r d Latch it y o o b p p i r r h p Reflector o Guide Bumper Co e o Headlight C r r Side r p Grommet Marker d e Bumper Turn Light t e n Light s iz Prop Catch tio a r o c h u lim t i d t u HO11 d o U a Illustration r e n p 2 Fiberglass rv U Hood Assembly 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 117 RIM Hood Adjustment CAUTION: Loosen fasteners only l wadjustment. d a enough to allow a e l u Removing the nut completely or n rv y a 1. To align theeRIM fender to the quarter panel, repetitive b adjustment will damage the s M two-waydlocknuts and require loosen the re two nuts attaching the hoodcesupport e of both the nut and the replacement t strutts to the hood brace. (See Illustration i i bolt. ib h rv HO15.) h e g i S support ro l ll r Loosen the nut attaching theyhood 2. p a d A strut to the upper gas spring u n o support. (See it o an Illustration HO20.) B M e— the hood bumper to duc e 3. Loosen the nut attaching l c (See Illustration HO25.) ic i o the bumper guide. v r r p eh e e V 4. Adjust the fender to fit the cowl castingr and S r and torque all nuts to 5dftlb. y e quarter panel t d e s o (See Illustration HO50.) iz a r B o m i — l h i t le Frontt Hood Stops u c U a i n n stops set h NOTE: The front U hood e it o V the gap between the quarter panel ra r o and fender. (See Illustration te p s r HO50.) a Illustration HO15 o w m a C Support Strut Support Brace i l l 1. To adjust the gap between the r quarter panel ti enuts t U and fender, loosen the four to the by s a side). (See d bumper mounts (two each e m t Illustration HO25.) ili bi t i U stops may be set NOTE: The hood oh 2 r w in place with 0 a setscrew. Remove p la 0 n 2 the setscrew before continuing. n t io o by (SeehIllustration HO30.) i t t c d a ig u e r r 2. yAdjust the mounts until the surfaces in the gap d it o o b p p i r between the quarter panel and fender are r h o Co parallel when the hood is closed. (See ep o C r r r p slots to Illustration HO50.) Use the vertical d e t e widen the gap by raising the mounts s on or iz i a r t narrow the gap by loweringcthe mounts. Illustration HO20 o imSupport h u l Upper Gas Spring t i d snug against the u t 3. Make the rubber bumpers o U a r ed lower hood support. They should be flush n p 2 v U and perpendicular reto the extrusion at all points er 00 s 2 d Illustration HO30.) of contact. (See t e re h z i 4. Torque all r nuts to 14-18 ftlb. ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Fender to Quarter Panel 118 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M Hood d ti e ib Mount h o pr n it o Setscrew c u od r p re by w la Lower Hood Support ce i rv e S l a u an M y er Illustration HO25 ed t d s Illustration HO30 z o Hood Stops i a r B Hood Stop Alignment o m i — l h i t le ut c U NOTE: To secure thealocation after adjustment, dill a new 7/32" hole behind the i n n h o adjustment slot and Torx screw e (P/N 11300177) or use a U secure with a newtiself-tapping V a new 1/4-20 x 3/4 bolt and locknut as a setscrew instead of the r Torx screw. (See r e o Illustration HO30.) p st r a o w m a C i l l ti y er Grille (Stone Guard) Replacement t U b as d Grille Removal e m t ili drill bit, remove the rivets on the screen (be sure to remove all ofibthei rivets). 1. Using a #11 or 3/16" t h U o 2. Remove the2grille (stone guard). r w 0 p a l 0 Grille Installation n 2 n y o t i o b i t h 1. Attach d oversize heads. uc at ig the new grille with 3/16" POP rivetstewith r r d rivets with flat washers. i not available, use standard y NOTE: If rivets with oversize heads are o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 119 Gas Spring (Strut) Replacement l w d a a e l u v n rand y 1. Lift the hood secure it so that it will staya e 3. Disconnect thebhood wiring (two places) from s M open when d (See Illustration HO45.) the cowl harness. re the gas springs are removed. e e t c i s t insert a small flat-blade screwdriver 2. Carefully vi 4. Remove ib the bolts on the hood hinge, working h r h e g from iunder the clip at the bottom of the gas spring. o the center out. Discard all fasteners. l r ll r (See Illustration HO35.) y S p(You may have to remove insulation to reach a A 3. Lift up slightly on the clip.odThe spring will slide n the bolts.) nu o i B a t 5. While supporting the hood from bothMsides, off the ball stud. — c leremove the clip from the du carefully remove the two outside 1/420 ce Torx NOTE: Do NOT c i i o screws and move the hood away h it is difficult to reattach.pr rv from the spring because e e vehicle. V re S 4. Repeat rthe same steps for the top ofdthe y e Installation t d e spring. s z o i a r 1. Position the hood on B the front of the vehicle. Installation o m i — l h i Snap the top of spring onto t the ball stud. 2. Align the hinge t leholes with the holes on the u 1. c U a i cowl. n h 2. Repeat for the bottom e Unof the gas spring. tio 3. Insert V new Torx screws with washers in each a r r Hood Replacement outside te hinge hole. Do NOT tighten compo s pletely. (See Illustration HO43.) r a Hood Removal o w m a C i l 4. Fasten new bolts and new two-way locknuts l 1. Lift the hood and secure it sor that it will stay ti and washers on the cowl side of each ofybolt. eare removed. t U b open when the gas springs as d 5. Snug the bolts but do not tightentcompletely at e 2. Disconnect the hood mgas springs. i i l this time. i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 Hood n 2 n y o t Wiring i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r Disconnect d it y ohere o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c Lamp im h u l t i Assembly d t Fit screwdriver u o U a ed blade under clippr n 2 v U to release gas re er 00 s 2 spring from d t e re h socket ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o Illustration HO35 Illustration HO40 a ll C n A Release Gas Spring Hood Wiring U Removal ® 120 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ed v r e s re l a u n a M w la CAUTION: Lifting the hood too high can damage the wiper arms or even break the windshield. Use extreme caution in this process. by d e e t c i straps, lifting the hood, and s Hood should be opened by releasing the hold-down tWARNING: bengaged vi i h engaging the prop rod. Be rsure the prop rod is properly before working on the h e ir g vehicle. o S r l l y l p a d A u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S rV y d e t d e s o ir z a B o m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t aIllustration HO43 r V r Use Torx Screws o to Center Hood onteTruck Body p r as o w m a C i l l r ti y echeck 6. Lower the hood gently and the t U b alignment with the fender as guides. (See d e m t Illustration HO50.) ili bi t i h Uto ensure that it is centered on 7. Check the hood o 2 r the structure. 0 If the hood is not centered on p aw l 0 the body, loosen the hood hinge bolts and n 2 n t the hood. io reposition o by i t h c at u r rig both sides of the hood straight up ited 8. yLift d o o b p p simultaneously. i r r o Co9. Tighten the two outside Torx screws.roh ep C r r p d e t e n the hood 10. Tighten the remaining bolts across s iz it o r hinges. IllustrationaHO45 o Connect Electrical Harnesses c h u lim and Gas Springs t i 11. Connect the headlight wire harnesses. (See d t u d U a Illustration HO40.)ro e n p 2 rv U e 0 e 12. Attach the hoodrgas springs on either side. 0 2 d HO35.) es (See Illustration t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 121 13. Lower the hood again to check for the alignment of d with the hood guide al the hood guide bumpers e brackets. (See nu rvIllustration HO50.) w la a e by s M 14. See the RIM e Hood Adjustment sectioneto align as d r e t necessary. c i s t vi ib h r h e g RIM Fender S ri Replacement ro l l y l p Fender Removal a d A u n NOTE: Removing the it o Bohood first is not an M necessary but it may — make the parts and uc e e l fasteners easier ic ic to get to. (See the Hoodrod v Replacementhsection.) r p e e e V S 1. Remover the bolts holding the stiffener rto the fender. y d e t the bolts holding the gaszspring d e upper s 2. Remove o i a r B support bracket to the fender.o (See Illustration m i — l h i HO53.) t t le u c U 3. Remove the pin-and-collar a i n the n fasteners attaching h o e i U t fender to the center section and grille bars. (See V a r r Illustration HO70.) Illustration HO50 e o t p Check Hood Alignment r 4. Remove the headlight. as o w m a C i l l 5. Remove the front turn light. r ti y e t U b s 6. Remove the side marker a light. d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 HO55 s Illustration 2 Illustration t Bumper Bracket Adjustments re ed HO53 Hood Guide Upper z Support Bracket h ir ts ig r o h y hold-down straps, liftingigthe hood, and WARNING: Hood should be opened by releasing the h t p engaging the prop rod. Be sure the prop rod is properly engaged before working u o l r on the a l vehicle. C A Un 122 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. Mate the aluminum in place. n fender along the seam. Clamp rv center section to the RIM y a e b holes into the fender. sexisting holes in the aluminumMcenter section as a template,ddrill 2. Using the e r e c itealigning the drilled holes. s i 3. Position the interior angle support bracket to the inside of the hood, t b v i h h eravailable, use stainless-steel 4.rig If a Huck fastening system is S not 1/420 x 3/4" Phillips-head truss bolts to o r l ll attach the fender to the aluminum y flat washers, and locknuts. p a d A u n o 5. Install the side markerBlight. it o an c M 6. Install the front turn u e—light. e l d c ic i o v r 7. Install the headlight. h r p e e e r using existing holes and attach with bolts.S 8. Position r Vthe interior angle support bracket y d e t the strut bracket using existing d e holes and attach with bolts. 9. Position s z o i a r B o using existing holes and attach with bolts. m 10. hbracket ili Position the rubber bumper t e— t l u U 11. Position upper gas spring holes and attach with a support using existing icbolts. n n h 12. Reinstall the hood.U(See the Hood Replacement tio section.) Ve a r er o t RIM Fender Repair p r as w Use this process if the hood has a hole,ogouge, or scratches. m a C i l l tihood may not be repairable. y NOTE: Depending on the er severity, a damaged t U b as d 1. Purchase a flexible bumper/fender repair kit at an auto supply store. e m t ili preparation instructions carefully. bi 2. Follow the kits tsurface i h U o 2 3. See the Paint Repair section for touch-up. r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 Fiberglass Repair n t io o by i t h t c experienced technicianrausing If the fender drepairs can be made byuan ig has a small crack, hole, gouge, or scratch, e r d a commercially available body filler repair kit. it y o o b p p i r r Larger available fiberglass o repair kit. Co repairs can be made by an experienced ep ohtechnician using a commercially C r r r p store. 1. Purchase a repair kit at an auto supply d e t e n s iz it o instructions carefully. 2. Follow the kits surface preparation a r o c h u lim t 3. If paint repair is necessary, see the Paint Repair section. i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Fender Installation Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 123 RIM Fender Reinforcement l aw l CAUTION: ySome steps are timesensitive,bso it is important to have all d and materials at hand before the tools te starting. i ib h o l pr a u n it o B an If the crack is less— than 2-1/2" long, adhere c M u e e l and fasten an aluminum reinforcement d c ic i o v r strap (RIM Hood Fender Reinforcement Kit, r p eh to the back side ofethe e P/N 23002135SK) V S r prevent further cracking.d rIf the fendereto y t is over 2-1/2" (but less than d e crack s o iz 4-1/2" a r B o backer (not mlong), an additional aluminum i — l h i supplied in the kitorder t P/N 06924625 e t u cl U separately) should be aadhered behind the n i h crack above the strap. e io Un If the crack is over t V 4-1/2" long, the fender should be replaced. a r r te po NOTE: Read all instructions before s r a o w starting. m a C i l l Illustration HO60 y NOTE: Safety and application er instructions Uti t b Crack Length s provided with sealants, a adhesives, and d e other products should always supersede m t ili by Utilimaster. bi information provided t i h U NOTE: All2work should be completed on one side before starting the processro(with an w 0kit) on the other side. p la additional 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r y WARNING: Adhesive supplied in thebikitt is flammable. Keepoitdaway from heat, sparks,poand p i r o open flames. h pr o C e o Adhesive is an irritant to eyes and gloves and wash C r r hands pr skin. Use chemical-resistant thoroughly after use. d e t ventilation or e vapor. Use with adequate n and avoid breathing s z Do NOT take adhesive internally o i i a r use proper respiratory tequipment. o c m i u Put the vehicle's transmission in Park and set th the parking brake before il working on the ved t u hicle. U a ro glasses while working ed n p 2 Always wear safety on the vehicle. v U working under the hood. re hold-open devices before er 00 Always secure s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U d e environments or harsh ua NOTE: In extreme v r the RIM hoods on an driving conditions e M Aeromaster es van bodies may developecracks r at either c hood s of the outside corners ofvithe t support (bar under the grille opening), r gh at the very bottom ofSethe ir starting hood and ll progressing upward. (See yIllustration A HO60.) od 124 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ed v r e s re l a u n a M WARNING: Secure hold-open device (prop rod or locking strut) before working under the hood. by w la d e e t c s i tCAUTION: Some trucks havev an bi i h r locking gas strut. Do NOT h e depressing ig automatic o S r close the hood without first r l l l p the orange button on y the passenger a d A u side gas strut to disengage the safety n locking mechanism. it o Bo Failure to do so an could result in— M e damage to the hood. duc e l c ic i o v r h r p 1. Release theehoods hold-down straps, open e e r S the hood, r Vand secure the hold-openddevice. y Illustration HO62 e t The hood will be opened d Opening e Align with Grille s NOTE: o ir z a B o mand closed several times during i — l h i this process. This will unott be noted t le c U each time. a i n n h o e i U t 2. Test the fit of the aluminum reinforcement V aandby r r aligning one edge with the grille opening o te p s closely following the fender profile (especially r a o w in the corner) to see how far the strap m a C i l l r overhangs the back of the fender. (See ti y e t U b Illustrations HO62 and HO65.) as d e 3. If the strap extendsim past the rear part of the t il bi fender, cut it offtapproximately 1" back from i h Ufender. (See Illustration HO the rear of the o 2 r 0 65.) p aw l 0 n 2 Illustration HO65 n o 4. Usingt an F-bit, drill off the heads of the three by i o Strap Cut Short of Fender i t h t c pin-and-collar fasteners along the front. (See d a ig u e r r d it y Illustration HO70.) o o b p p i r r h p o Co 5. Put on chemical-resistant gloves and,rowith e C r isopropyl alcohol and a clean rag,pwipe r d e thoroughly the aluminum strapnand RIM t e s iz io grille hood fender. (Although thethood a r o c applied to it support will not have adhesive h u lim t i d t and does not need toobe thoroughly cleaned, u d U rcaked-on dirt from it asna e remove all loose or p 2 rv U 0 well.) (See Illustrations HO75 and re e 0 2 HO80.) ed es t r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration HO70 C n A Remove Fasteners U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 125 ts h ig r l Al d e rv e s re ce i rv e S l a u n a M 6. Insert the adhesive cartridge into the adapter sleeve. (See Illustration aw HO85.) l 7. Place the plunger by into the back of the cartridge. d te 8. Remove bi the cap of the cartridge and replace i the h ocap with the mixer tip. (See Illustration rHO85.) l a n the assembly into a caulking gun. (See nu it o 9. Place a Illustration HO85.) c M u e ic od v r r p e e CAUTION: Steps 10 through 14 are r S r Illustration HO75 time-sensitive. Theyadhesive will cure d e t Clean Aluminum Strap ze dsix minutes once it is in approximately s o i a exposed to air. Do NOT interrupt or r B once o m delay the process i —has begun. the adhesive h il t e application t u cl U a i n h e io Un t V the adhesive on a scrap piece of a 10. Dispense r r te cardboard until the mixture comes out green. po s r a (The bead will be approximately the length of o w m a C i the mixer tip, and this means the compound is l l r i t y adequately mixed.) (See Illustration b HO-90.) te U s a d of the 11. Apply adhesive down the full length e m t aluminum strap. (See Illustration ili bi HO95.) t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t Plungero io by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it Sleeve y o o b p p i Adapter r r h o Co ep Cartridge o C r r r p d e t e n s z Sleeve Cartridge Plunger i io a r t Mixer Tip o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n IllustrationpHO80 2 v U e Fender Clean RIMrHood er 00 s 2 d t Caulking Gun e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u Illustration HO85 o a ll C Caulking Gun Assembly n A U 126 y d Bo e— l ic h Ve p Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l d a aw e l CAUTION:v Too much clamp load will u r y leave indentations in the RIM hood an e b s fender. M d re e e t c i ts place the aluminum straprvbetween bi i h 12. Carefully h e grille igthe RIM hood fender and the lower o S r r l l support. (See Illustration HO100.) y l p a d A u n 13. Clamp the corner bend Boof the strap in place, tio an M —clamp load possible. uc first using the lightest e e l Make sure theicorner c tightly follows the rod ic v h and clamp the strap in at least fender profile r p e e e four places. r S Illustration HO90 r V (See Illustration HO105.) y d e Purge Mixer t off any excess adhesive immediately. d Tip e 14. Wipe s z o i a B NOTE: If the crack is between or m i — l h i 2-1/2" and 4-1/2" long,udispense t t le c U adhesive on a 2 x 3" aaluminum i n n h e backing plate (notUsupplied in the io t V a kitorder P/N 06924625 r r te separately), adhere the plate po s r a behind the crack above the strap, o w m a C i and clamp the plate in place until l l r ti y the adhesive is cured. te U b as holes through the d 15. Using an F-bit, drill three e m t strap, using the pin-and-collar fastener holes ili bi t i as a guide. (See h U Illustration HO110.) o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 Illustration HO95 n y o t i o b Apply Adhesive i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration HO100 Illustration HO105 C n A Put Strap in Place Clamp in Place U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 127 16. Using an F-bit, drill one hole through the d of the fender. (See strap along the side e Illustration HO120.) rv l a aw l u n a e by s M 17. Install the e four stainless-steel truss-heade bolts d r e t and locknuts. The bolt on the side should c i s t a washer under the locknut.r(See vi ib have h h e g iIllustration HO115.) S ro l ll r y p a d A18. Torque the nuts to 6585oinlb. n nu o i B a t 19. Make sure the hood is closed and secured. c M — u e e l d NOTE: Total cure c takes ic i o v r approximately r eh eight hours, but the ep e Illustration HO110 truck canVbe put into use S r after the fasteners ared r Drill Front Holes y immediately e d e st (if a backing plate is not inaplace o iz r B used over a longer crack). o m i — l h i NOTE: Disposing of leftover t t le u c U a i n n adhesive is environmentally safe if h o e i U t it is dispensed from the cartridge V a r r and allowed to fully cure. te po s r a NOTE: If desired for cosmetico w m a i reasons, after the adhesive isCcured, l l ti y er be the outside of the crack tcan U b s routed into a V-shaped a groove, and d e m filled in with a flexible bumper/ t ili the filler is bi fender filler. After t i U sanded smooth and cured, it can2 be oh r w 0match the rest of the painted to p la 0 n hood. 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t HO120 u Illustration od U a r ed Drill Side Hole n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h Illustration HO115 ig t p r u o a ll Attach Fasteners C n A U 128 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ed v r e s re l a u n a M w la WARNING: Secure the hold-open device (prop rod or locking strut) before working under the hood. by d e e t c i Do NOT close the hood without s Some trucks havevian automatic locking gas strut. tCAUTION: bgas i h first depressing the orange rbutton on the passenger side strut to disengage the safety h e ir g locking mechanism. Failure to do so could result in damage to the hood. o S r l l y l p a d A n o nu o i B a t Hood Stops Upgrade c M — u e e l NOTE: OrdercRIM Hood Bumper Stops d ic i o v r Kit 2.5 OD,hP/N 23002147SK. r p e e e V hood hold-down straps, open r the S 1. Releaser the y d e hood,t and secure the hold-open device. d e s o ir z a B 2. m Remove the four rubber hood o stops. (See i — l h i Illustration HO125.) ut t le c U 3. If there is a setscrew, itaneeds to be removed. i n (See h e io Un Illustration HO145.) t V a r r o 4. Loosen both mount brackets. (See Illustration te p s r HO130.) a o w m a C i l l 5. Directly below each hood strap r catch, locate the ti y e(9/16" t U center of the hood support from the back b as (See Illustration d edge of the hood support). e m t Illustration HO125 HO135.) ili bi Stops t i Remove Existing Hood h 6. Using a 5/16" U bit, drill two holes through the o 2 r bottom of0the hood support. (See Illustration p aw l 0 n 2 HO140.) n t io o by i t h t 7. Attach c d a ig one 2-1/2" rubber bumper to the hood u e r r d it x y support with two washers, a spacer, a 5/16-18 o o b p p i r 1-1/4" bolt, and a 5/16-18 flange locknut. (See r o Co Illustrations HO145 and HO150.)rohFor each ep C r r p the bumper, hood stop, the spacer goes through d e t nbumper, the bolt ize washers are on both sides of the s o i a r t goes through the spacer, and (after inserting the bolt o c h u lim through the hood support) the locknut goes on the t i d t d o for the other side. au end of the bolt. Repeat U r e n p 2 rv U e 57 ftlb. 0 8. Torque the nutsrto e 0 2 d es t 9. Remove thee two bolts that hold each strap mount r h iz and discard the locknuts. (See g to the bumper r ts i r o h Illustration y h HO145.) ig t Illustration rHO130 p u o Loosen Mount a ll Brackets C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 129 l Al ts h rig d e rv e s re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re d te i ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M er t dy ed Illustration HO135 Illustration o HO140 s z aCenter with Strap Catch ri Drill B Holes o m i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h e it o Un Vmount without removing the mount CAUTION: Attempting to drill outra the rivets on the strap r from the bumper could potentially te or another part of the vehicle. po damage the radiator s r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i h U Hex Bolt o 2 r w Hood 0 p la Locknut 20 n n y o t i o b i t h t Hood Stop c d a ig u e r r Strap (Rubber Bumper) d it y o o b p p i r r Washer h o Nuts, Co ep o Bolts, C r r r Washers p and d e Mount t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i d t Setscrew u o U a r ed Washer Spacer n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d Adjustment Slots t e re h ir z ts ig o Illustration HO145 r h y h ig t Hood Stop in Placep r u o a ll C n A U 130 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 10. Place each mountdin a vise and drill out the rivets,l a e attaching the v hold-down strap to the mount. u an r e hold-down strap so that the rubber 11. Reverse the s M re away from the grille. (SeeceIllustration knob faces HO145.) ts vi h er igReattach the hold-down strapSto each mount with 12. ll r the stainless-steel 10-24 x 3/4" y bolt, washer, and d A locknut. o d ti e ib h o pr by w la l a u an M n it o B —to the bumper, using new uc 13. Reattach the mounts e l d bolts and locknuts. ce c Torque the locknuts toro1418 i i h ftlb. rv p e e e V S 14. Adjustrthe mount supports so that therstops are y d e t d HO150 flatsagainst the top surface and soethat there is Illustration o a an equal spacing in the gaprizbetween the also B Attach Replacement Bumpers mquarter panel and the fender.ho(See Illustrations i — l i HO145, HO155, anduHO160.) t t le Pushing the c U a i n n the vertical slot adjusts mount up or down along h o e i U t the gap between the quarter panel and a the fender V r r at the (pushing the mount up increases theogap te p s bottom). Pushing the mount sideways along the r a o w horizontal slots adjusts the alignment of the mount m a C i l l and the hood stop. ti y er t U b 15. Secure the location after asadjustment by drilling a d e m new 7/32" hole behind the adjustment slot and t iliself-tapping Torx screw (P/N bi secure with a new t i h 11300177)2orUuse a new 1/4-20 x 3/4 bolt and o r locknut 0 as0a setscrew instead of the Torx screw. p aw l n 2 (See Illustration HO145.) n t io HO155 Illustration o by i t h t c Poor Alignment d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a llHO160 C Illustration n A U Good Alignment ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 131 Keys l w d a a e l u Abloy Keys n rv a e by Abloy squarecutskeys are supplied by Transport M d re case of vehicles equipped with ea Security or, in the e t c i s t Control System (VACS), rbyvi Vehicle Access ib h h e Utilimaster. g S ri ro l lImportant! y l Record the key number p a Astamped on the key for eachodtruck. For n nu o i B a t security reasons they are usually not c M — u stamped on the lockle cylinder, and you e Illustration KY10 c d c to obtain i Vehicles must have this number i o Rear Door Entry Keys for VACS v r h r replacement keys. e ep V r Se r To maintain security you should contact tedirectlycontrol, dy edcasethe s lock company for replacements.izIn of o a please reuse the lock assemblies r B unit damage, o m i — l h i possible. t whenever t le u c UTransport Security, Inc. a i n n h o e i U t 508 Industrial Blvd. V a r r Waconia, MN 55387 te po s Phone: 612-442-5625 r a o w Fax: 800-328-3442 m a C i l l ti er VACS (Vehicle Access Control System) t U by s d The wristband transponders areasupplied through e m t Utilimaster. For programming ili and other service bi t i Illustration KY20 information on the transponder see the Vehicle U VACS Wristband Transponder oh 2 r Access Control System for Utilimaster Walk-In w 0and Service Manual, P/N p la 0 VansOperation n 2 n 03102103, fort more VACS information. io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e Illustration KY30 re h ir z VACS Operation and ts ig r o h Service Manual y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® 132 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ed v r e s re l a u n a M CAUTION: Always replace lights with one of the same size, shape, and wattage. ts h Headlight rig Replacement l Headlight Al Removal Lights ce i rv e S by w la d ti eRemove screws ib h o pr l y a d u n o n o i B a 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. t Disconnect c M — u e 2. Open the hood. le electrical d c ic i o harness v r h electrical harness from thep back of r 3. Disconnectethe e e the headlight r S r V unit. y d e ta Phillips-head screwdriverzeand a wrench, d 4. With s o i a r and nuts from B the four retaining screws o mremove Illustration LI5 i — l h LI5 and i the retaining ring. (See Illustrations t e Disconnect Headlight Unit t l u c U LI10.) a i n h e io Un unit from the retaining 5. Remove the used headlight t V a r ring. r o te p s Headlight Installation r a o w m a 1. Place the new headlight unit inCthe retaining ring. li l r ti y e t U b 2. Secure the four retaining screws and torque the s d nuts to 1218 inlb. a e m t ili harness at the back of bi 3. Reconnect the electrical t i h U the headlight2unit. o r 0 p aw l 0 Headlight Adjustment n 2 n o t any load the vehicle is carrying. i o by 1. Remove i t h t Illustration LI10 c d a ig u e r r Headlight Retaining Screws 2.y The vehicle should have approximately a half d it tank o o b p p i r of fuel. r o Co 3. Check that the tires are properly inflated ep oh to the C r r r pinflation. d e tire manufacturers recommended t n s ze o i i a r 4. Clean the headlights if theyctare dirty. o im h u l t i d t 5. Park the vehicle on aolevel surface. u d U a r e n p 2 6. Use a headlight-aiming rv U e tool to gauge correct 0 r e 0 alignment of the headlights. Follow the 2 d instructions for the device as es t e manufacturers r h iz no headlight-aiming tool is available, g needed.r(If ts i r o h y perform h steps 8 through 11 as a temporary ig t p r u solution until a tool can be obtained.) o l a lLI15 C Illustration n A U Headlight Adjusting Screws Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 133 l Al ts h rig d e rv e s re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re d te i ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M y er t ed Illustration LI20 Illustrationod LI25 s z i a r Improperly Aligned Pattern Properly Aligned B Pattern o m i il th e— t l u U 7. Turn the adjuster screwsa to move the ic n n h headlights up or down e U and left or right as tio V necessary. (See Illustration LI15.) ra er o t NOTE: Steps 8 through 11 should rp be used as o w only until a properly calibrated headlightm a C i l l aiming tool can be obtained. ti y er t U b s 8. If no headlight-aiming a tool is available, park d e m the vehicle on a level surface near a wall and t ili the center of each bi mark the point opposite t i headlight. 2 U ohharness r Disconnect wire w p la 00 a cross through each mark. 9. Draw or2tape n n t (See Illustration LI20.) io o by i t h c LI30 at ig the vehicle a distance (measured from ted Illustration u 10. Park r r d Turn Signal ythe headlight) of 25 feet from the wall. bi o Forward o p p i r r hthe oa definite Co11. Adjust the low-beam headlights so that ep o CAUTION: Many lights have C r r r check the p top and bottom. Always majority of the beam is below the horizontal d e t e of the light sbefore removing target marks and centered on the onvertical iz position i and install right side a up. r t target marks. (See Illustrations LI20 and o c m i u th LI25.) il d t u U a ro ed Front Turn Signal Replacement n p 2 v 4. Push the light r U e 0 unit through the grommetefrom r 0 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. the rear. s 2 d t e re the h z 2. Open theihood. 5. Replace the unit by pushing it through r ts ig (on the outside) of the grommet. r o h front y 3. Disconnect h the electrical harness at the back ig t p r u of the turn signal light unit. (See Illustration o 6. Reattach the electrical harness l at the back of a l C n A the unit. U LI30.) 134 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u n rv y a e b s M d re Light Replacement ce e Front Side Marker t ts bi vi i h r 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. h e ig o S r r l l2. Lightly spray the outer grommet y and marker light surfacep l a d A with soapy water to easeothe removal of the marker light u n n o i B a unit. t c M — u the e e 3. Slip a flat-blade lscrewdriver between the lightdand cgrommet to pry the marker rlight ic i o inner lip of the up so that v h r pIllustration LI e e it can be pulled out of the grommet. (See e V r S 35.) er y d t d e s o 4. Disconnect the old light unit from ir zthe electrical harness. a B o m i — l h i5. Check the rear (inside theuthood) of the grommet before t le if c U installing the new light aand adjust the grommet, i n h necessary. e io Un t V a water. r 6. Lightly spray the grommet again with rsoapy Illustration LI35 e o t Front Side Marker Light p s r 7. Plug the new light unit into the harness. a o w m front of the grommet with the weep hole down. a C i l 8. Replace the light unit by carefully pushing it through the l ti y er t U b s d with CAUTION: Lightsa that have a reflector inside must be installed with the reflector e parallel m t the ground when ili the hood is in the closed position. bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw Clearance and 0 Identification Light Replacement l n 2 n toff the ignition and all lights. io 1. Turn o by i t h t d ig uc that attach the lightounit ra to 2.yrUse a medium-sized Phillips screwdriver itoteremove the two outsidedscrews p the vehicle. (See Illustration LI40 andibLI45.) ro rp o h p o C e o C r r r p d te e n s z a ri tio o c m u th ili d t u d U a ro e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a Illustrationll LI45 Illustration LI40 C n A Light Rear Identification Front Clearance Light U CAUTION: The slit on the rear of the grommet must be pointed down when the hood is closed to allow water to drain. Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 135 NOTE: The light assembly is a sealed unit and must be replaced al edas a unit. w a l u n rvlight unit from the electrical harness. 3. Disconnectethe a by s M d rethe new light unit and attachciteto the vehicle 4. Connect e t i s using t two Phillips-head screws. rvi ib h h e g i Stop/Turn/Tail/Back-up Light Replacement S ro l ll r y p a d Permanent Mount A n o nu o i B a t 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. c M — u e e l 2. Using a #11 or 3/16" d of c drill bit, drill off the heads ic i o v r the three rivets holding the light unit to the rear of the r p ehIllustration LI50.) e e vehicle. (See V r S r y d e t the electrical harnesszate the back of the 3. Disconnect d s o i a unit. r B o m i — l h i Attach the electrical harness 4. t to the back of the eIllustration LI50 t l u Brake Light (Permanent Mount) c U replacement unit. a i n n h e io and 5. Align the predrilledU holes of the new light tunit V a Insert r the screwdriver r POP-rivet the unit in place. e o t the inside lip p sunder r Grommet Mount a of the grommet o w m a C i l l NOTE: Lightly spray the outer grommet and r ti esoapy t marker light surface with water to easeUthe by s a d removal and installation. e m t iliand all lights. 1. Turn off the ignition bi t i Uscrewdriver under the inner lip of oh 2. Slip a flat-blade 2 r w 0grommet to pry the light unit up so that it la p the outside 0 n 2 n can bet pulled out of the grommet. (See Illustrationy o i o b i t h t LI55.) c d a ig u e r r d it at the yDisconnect the light from the electrical harness o 3. o b p p i r r h o Co back of the unit. ep o C r r 4. Plug in the replacement light. r p d e t e Illustration LI55 s on the outside riz 5. Replace the unit by pushing itithrough a t Back-Up Light (Grommet Mount) o (front) of the grommet. c m i h u l t d ti u o U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 136 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Sealed Unit Light n rv y a e b s 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. M d re e e t c 2. On teither the leftor right-hand side, slip a small s i bi vlens i h r flat blade screwdriver between ethe and the h igplastic base clip holding the lens o S and pop the r r Insert screwdriver blade here l l sealed light unit off its base.y(See Illustration l p a d A LI60.) u to retract base clip holding n o n io B sealed light unit a t M NOTE: If necessary, e— carefully score the duc Illustration LI60 e l c sealant between c the sealed light unit androthe Sealed Unit License PlateiLight i v hthe light unit for removal.p r base to free e e e S r Vany sealant remaining on dtherbase. 3. Cleaneoff y t d e s o 4. Replace ir z the unit into a the sealed unit by pressing B o mthe base. i — l h i t le ut using a polyurethane c U 5. Reseal around the lightaunit i n h sealant. e io Un t V a Replaceable Bulb Light r r o te s 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. rp a o w m a C 2. Pinch the lens from the sides just enough to pop li l y er(See Illustrations Uti the lens off the light fixture. t b LI61 or LI62.) as d e m t 3. With a half turn, remove ili the used bulb. bi t i Illustration LI61 h U bulb. 4. Inert the replacement o Replaceable Bulb License Plate Light 2 r w 0 p a l 0 5. Snap the n 2 lens back into place. n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 Illustration LI62 es d t e Replaceable Bulb License PlaterLight h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U License Plate Light Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 137 Cab/Cargo Light Bulb Replacement (Removable Lens) l w a a l u n rv a e 2. Remove the three Phillips-head screws holding the by s M d dome light re lens and remove the lens. c(See e Illustrations e t i s LI65 t and LI66.) vi ib h r h e g 3.riRemove the bulb with a half turn. S ro l l y l p a d with a bulb of the same A 4. Place the bulb in the lightofixture u size and voltage. Match on B the numbers on printed ontithe an base of the bulb. — c M u e e l dlens. c ic 5. Use three Phillips-head screws to reattach the i o v r Illustration LI65 rLight p Mount) eh e Cab (Dome) e Cab/Cargo Light V Assembly Replacement (Permanent r S r y d e t the ignition and all lights.ze 1. Turn off d s o i a r B 2. m Remove the three rivets holding o the unit to the bulkhead. i — l h i (See Illustrations LI65 and t LI66.) t le u c U 3. Disconnect the used lighta from the electrical harness i n at n h o e i U t the back of the unit. V a r r o of the replace- te 4. Plug the electrical harness into the p back s r ment light unit and then align the o unit with the previous a w m a C mounting holes. i l l r i te the unit. Ut by 5. Use small POP rivets to sreattach a d e t Cab/Cargo Light Assemblyim Replacement (Grommet Mount) il bi t i NOTE: The light IllustrationhLI66 U assembly is a sealed unit and must Wall Mounted 2 roCargo Light be replaced as a unit. w 0 p a l 0 n NOTE:2Lightly spray the outer grommet and y n o t i o b i t h marker light surface with soapy water to t c d a ig the removal and installation. u ease e r r d it y o o b p p i r r 1. Turn off the ignition and all lights. h p o Co o C re r inner lip of the 2. Slip a flat-blade screwdriver underpthe er outside grommet to pry the lightnunit up so that it can be ed t s io Illustration LI67.) riz pulled out of the grommet. (See a t o c im h u l t 3. Disconnect the used light from the electrical harness at i d t u U the back of the unit. ro a ed n p 2 v U 4. Plug in the replacement re light. 00 Illustration LI67 ser 2 d by pushing it through the outside (front) t Ceiling Mounted Cargo Light e re 5. Replace the unit h z i r ts of the grommet. ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U d 1. Turn off the ignition e and all lights. 138 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w a a e l u Removal n rv y a e b s 1. Removeethe Torx fasteners on the floorM d r angle or plate (depending once e mat s trim t i t the mat is to be replaced).rv(See bi where i h h e igIllustration MA5.) o S r r l l y mat joints. l p a 2. Cut sealant bead between the d A u n (See Illustration MA10.) it o Bo an c M — 3. Peel off the floorle mat. u e d c ic i o v r 4. Scrape the floor surface to remove any h r p e e remaining glue or mat. e r S rV y d Illustration MA5 e 5. Clean t the surface with a lacquer-based d Strip e s Floor Mat Trim o ir z solvent. a B o m i — l h Installation i t le ut c U 1. Spray adhesive on the abottom i of the n n h e io U matting. t V a r r 2. Lay matting down into place. o te p s r a 3. Replace all aluminum tread plateotrim using w m a C i l Torx fasteners. l ti y er t U b 4. Use gray or black polyurethane sealant on asby a tread plate trim d any edges not covered e m t piece to seal outtwater. ili (See Illustration bi i h U MA10.) o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n o MA10 t i o by Seal Floor MatIllustration i t h t Seam c with Polyurethane Sealant d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Matting (Cab Floor) dReplacement ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 139 Mirror Replacement l w d a a e To receive maximum benefit from the outside mirrors, have someone l u n the passenrvthe mirror mounts and adjusting assist you by loosening a e by s M ger-side and driver-side mirrors while you sit back in the drivers e d r esee the side of the e t chair. Adjuststhe driver-side mirror so you can c i t vi ib vehicle. h r h e g i Sthe mirror is just loose enoughro To adjust l ll r a mirror, loosen the nut until y p a to A turn, then grab the outside edge d of the mirror and gently pullnin the u desired direction. Retighten the Bonut when the mirror is in thetiodesired an c M position. u e— e l dsurface is c convex. A convex mirrors ic o Some exterior mirrors iare v r r p but it makes ehmore from the drivers seat, curved so you can see e e V r S things appear farther r away than they really are. y d e t d e s o iz a r B o m i Mirror Removal — l h i t t le u c U 1. Using a 1/2" socket wrench, remove the mirror loop from a i n n h the mirror mountingUbrackets. (See Illustration e it o MI10.) V a r Mirror Installation r o te pthe s r 1. Using a 1/2" socket wrench, tighten upper mirror loop 5/ a o w Illustration MI10 1618 x 2 hex-head bolt and locknut to 200250 inlb. m a C i l Side Mirror l ti er t U by s CAUTION: Do NOT a reuse two-way locknuts or bolts; d e always replaceim with new fasteners. t il fasteners to mount mirrors. bi t i Use stainless-steel U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n y 2. The lower o t 5/1618 x 1 hex head bolt and locknutbshould i o i t h begtightened to 100150 inlb. t c d a i u e r r d it two new o 3. yIf mirror mount brackets were removed, use o b p p i r r steel Phillips pan-head screwshand new locknuts o Co stainless ep o MI15.) C on each of the brackets. (See Illustration r r r p d e t e NOTE: An alternative wouldnbe to remove the s ioa unit by removing riz a mirror loop and brackets as t cscrews and locknuts ho im the four Phillips panhead u l t i t u (two each on the upper od and the lower brackets). U a r ed n p 2 v NOTE: Rotatere the mirrors as little as possible U er 00 s for the first 72 hours after installation. 2 d Illustration MI15 e t e Use Stainless Steel Fasteners onr Exterior h ir z g ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 140 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l Overhead Shelf CoverwReplacement a la u Cover Removal n y a b M 1. Drill off the d heads of the rivets across the top e e and the bottom of the cover using a #11 or t i s ic t b v 3/16"i [5 mm] drill bit. (See Illustration h r h e ir g OS10.) o S r l l y l p a Cover Installation d A u n it o 1. Use a POP-rivet gun to install the cover. Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S r V Illustration OS10 y d e t Overhead Shelf with Coverze d s o ir a B o m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ed v r e s re Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 141 l w d a a e l u rvventilation is required whenanworking in a confined areaywith paint and paintAdequate e b related s chemicals. M e d r te ce i s i t ib h rv Paint Repair h e g i S to ro l ll r NOTE: This procedure applies y p a A aluminum surfaces, RIModhood u n n o i B a material, and fiberglass hood t c M — material. u e e l ic ic the Decals section. rod NOTE: See h also v r p e e e V Substrate Preparation r S r y d e t d 1. If necessary, follow the procedure e in the s o iz from the a section to remove any decals Decals r B o m i — affected area. l h Illustration i t e3900S andPA10 t l u Use DuPont 3901S Cleaners c U 2. Use a clean rag soakedain DuPont 3900S n i n area and the area h e Cleaner to clean the io Urepair t V surrounding the repair. Using a secondra clean r o it te dry rag, wipe off the 3900S cleanerpbefore s r a evaporates. If the 3900S dries before it is o w m a C i removed, re-wet and wipe dry. (See l l ti er Illustration PA10.) t U by s a d e m t ili sure the area bi t CAUTION: Make i cleaned isUbigger than the spray area. oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t defective area with 320-grit sand Illustration 3. Sand the io PA15 o by i t h t Sand Area c to Be Prepared d paper. a ig (See Illustration PA15.) u e r r d it yNOTE: If necessary, use a finer (600-grit) o o b p p i r r h p o Co sandpaper to smooth the blend area e o C r r surrounding the repair area. r p d e t e s 4. Repeat cleaning with a clean irag onsoaked in iz a r t DuPont 3901S Cleaner to remove sanding c im ho l t i dust. (See Step 2.) du t u o U a r ed 5. Mask all fixtures (lights, grille, bumper, etc.)nto p 2 v U protect from overspray. re (See Illustration PA er 00 s 2 d 20.) t e re h z i ts NOTE:orUse masking tape and a paper ig r h Illustration PA20 y h thattcannot be penetrated by paint. ig Oil Paper p Protect with Masking Taperand u o a ll C n A U WARNING: Utilimaster recommends that a professional body shop do all paint repairs. The service technician should read this entire procedure before working on the vehicle. ® 142 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ts h rig ed v r e s re ce i rv e S l a u n a M d ti e ib h o pr by w la l y a d u n it o Bo an c M — PA25 Illustration u e e l Use TackcCloth for Final Wipe d ic i o v r harea with the tack cloth to make Illustration PA30 r p 6. Wipe a wide e e Three Ounces of Paint V to be sprayed are clear ofr dust Se sure allrareas y te (See Illustration PA25.) and debris. d ed s z o i a r B 7. mIf the base or substrate is exposed by sanding, hoand 2505S ili apply DuPont 2510S Primer t e— t l u U Activator. a ic n n h e io U tensure V CAUTION: Mix paint thoroughly to a r proper application and paint performance. er o t p r as o w Paint Preparation m a C i l l y er measuring cup, Uti 1. Using a graduated (9-ounce) Illustration PA35 t b One Ounce of Activator pour 3 ounces paint (DuPont as Imron 5000) to 1 d e m t ounce activator (DuPont 193S). (See ili and PA35.) bi t i Illustrations PA30 h U o 2 r 2. Add 1/8 ounce of accelerator (DuPont 8989S w p la 00 to the paint mixture. (See gallon 2can) n n t PA40.) Illustration io o by i t h t c d a ig a paint stick, stir paint mixture thoroughly. u e r 3. rUsing d it y (See Illustration PA45.) o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u limPA40 t i Illustration d t u d o Add U Accelerator a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C Illustration PA45 n A U Stir Well l l A Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 143 4. Place the paint strainer in the touch-up gun cup and pour the paint through the strainer. (See al Illustration PA50.) aw ed l u v n r y NOTE: A drop a Additive may be addedb if there is a problem e or two of DuPont 359S Paint s M with fish eyes or other contaminant-related imperfections. d re e e t c i s t 5. Reassemble the touch-up gun. vi ib h r h e g 6.riCheck the blender gun to makeSsure it has sufficient blender ro(DuPont 3401S). l l y l p a d A u n it o Bo an M CAUTION: Clear e— nozzle before spraying.duc e l c ic i o v r r p eh e e V r S r y d e t d e Paint Application s o iz a r B o 222S 1.lim Using the cup gun with DuPont — h i Adhesion Promoter, do autest t spray directed e t cl U away from the vehicle toa make sure the gun n i h e io Un nozzle is clear. t V a r r 2. Spray DuPont 222S Adhesion Promoter o te p s r across the area to be repaired and extend to a o w m the area surrounding the repairCto ensure a i l l adequate adhesion of the new er to old paint. Uti t by s a d 3. Air dry for 1 to 2 minutes. e m t iligun containing DuPont 4. Using the touch-up bi t i Illustration PA50h U do a test spray directed Imron 5000 Paint, Use Paint Strainer 2 ro w away from0the vehicle to make sure the touchp a l 0 is clear. up gun nozzle n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t 5. Apply c g the first coat of paint. (See Illustrationed a i u r r d it yPA55.) o o b p p i r r h o Co6. Air dry for 1 to 2 minutes. ep o C r r r 7. Using the blender gun with DuPontp3401S d e t e Blender, do a test spray directednaway from s iz io nozzle is a r t the vehicle to make sure the blender o c im h u clear. l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v r U 0 re e 0Illustration s 2 PA55 d t e re Apply Paint h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 144 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 8. Apply a first coat d of blender. (See Illustrational e PA60.) v u w la n r y a e b 9. Air dry s for 1 to 2 minutes. M e d r e e t c 10. Apply a second coat of paint, covering an area ts bi vi i just beyond the first coat of color. h r h e ig o S r r l l 11. Air dry for 1 to 2 minutes.y l p a d A 12. Apply the final coat ofoblender, extending just n nu o i B a t beyond the previous spray patterns. c M — u e e l d 13. Air dry 3 to 4ichours before removing masking ic o v r materials. h (See Illustration PA65.) p r e Illustration PA60 e e V S Apply Blender 14. If the rrepair is not glossy enough afterr drying, y d e tbuffing compound and buffztoe achieve the d use s o ir adesired appearance. B o m i — l h i NOTE: See also the Decals t le ut section. c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d Illustration PA65 te m i Air Dry 3 to 4 Hoursb ili t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 145 Positive Pressure System l w d a a e l u Positive Pressure rv y Chamber an e Some vehicles aresequipped with an optional b M d positive pressure resystem. Two types of thesece e t i s systemsmanual and electricare currently vi in ib ht r service ingUtilimaster vehicles. (See Illustrations h e ri PP10.) The manual systemS has a PP5l and ro l y l p a lever A in the cab to open or closeothed vent. The u n Drain Tube electric version has a power fan it o Bseen from the an cargo side of the bulkhead wall. c M u e— e Illustration PP5 l d c ic This unit has two functions: i Electric Positive Pressure System o v r h r p e · To create V ae positive pressure in the re S Lever Manual Intake Control r helping to prevent dust, d cargo e area, y t d dirt,sand water from entering. ize o a r Cab B o fresh · lim With cab vents open, to provide h i air to the cab area, allowing t the doors Vents e— t l u U and windows to be closed, a and ic n n h e Uentering the cab. tio preventing dust from V a r Drain Tube er NOTE: The rear door, bulkhead o t p rmust door, and cargo-area side vents as o w m Illustration PP10 a be closed during operation inCorder i l l Manual Positive Pressure System ti to have positive pressureteinr the cargo y U b s area. Having slidingawindows or cab d e side vents open will decrease m t i bi performance. til i U oh NOTE: The2manual system is totally r w 0on the vehicles forward p dependent la 0 n 2 n speedt for effectiveness. io o by Air Intake i t h t c d a Operationig of Electric System u e r r d it y o o p Start p or stop the airflow by opening or closing ib r r the Codoor on the cargo side of the bulkhead. roh ep Illustration PP20Co r (See Illustration PP35.) The fan will turnpon r Positive Pressure e Intake d t e automatically. s on iz i a r t Operation of Manual System o c im h u l t i t Start or stop the airflow by opening u od or closing U a r ed the Intake Control Lever in the cab area. (See n p 2 v U Illustration PP10.) re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration PP30 C n A Manual Positive Pressure Filter U Overview 146 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u v system is dependent on a clean Proper operation of rthe y an e b intake and filter. s M e d e the e 1. Withsarstream of water from a hose, cclean t t bi vi airhintake. (See Illustration PP20.) i r h igRemove the filter at the rear ofSethe assembly by o r 2. r l l y and pulling out l p Filter a grabbing the metal filter frame d A u n o In the earlier (toward the rear of theBtruck). it o an models the filter is — M e held in place with Velcro. duc e l c models there may also rbeo a ic NOTE: In early i v h up by the cab vents. Reach r screen inside, p in e e e r out, and S (from filter r V opening), pull the screen y d e cleant this screen with water before d e o reinstalling the filter frame. riz as Illustration B PP35 o m Electronic Positive Pressure Filter i — l h i3. Clean the filter under running t water. e t l u U 4. Shake out the water anda reinstall the filter. n ic n h e U tio V 5. The drain tube goes from the bottom of the a r and er o assembly, down the front of the bulkhead, t rp through the cab floor. Clean asonecessary by as w a blowing compressed air through it from the top. lim C l ti (See Illustration PP10.)ter y U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 Illustration PP40 n 2 n Positive Pressure t io Drain o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Maintenance Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 147 Roof l w d a a e l u rv Removal and replacement aofn roof could result in roof leaks. y If a vehicle requires CAUTION: e b s M major or structural repair, check with Utilimaster for a recommendation on returning the d re roof vehicle to Utilimaster or repairinge damage at a body shop. te i ic ts b v i h h er ig o S r r l l y p a d Al u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d Roof Panel ic c i o r h Roof Vent rv p e e V re S r y d e t d e s o Corner Casting iz a r B o m i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h Edge Cap e it o Un V a r Front r e o t rp as o Light Backer w m a C End Cap i l l ti End Rail er t U by s a d Edge Rail e m t ili bi t i U Roof Bow oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u Roof Liner e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h Wire u l End Rail t Insulation i d u Channel t d o U a r e n p 2 v Cab Light U 0 re er 0 Corner Gusset s 2 d Vinyl Insertt e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o Illustration RO10 a ll C n A Roof Assembly U 148 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Casting Removal n rv y a e 1. Remove s the rivets on the roofs side andMend caps (not the rails) with ab #11 or 3/16" drill bit. d re e e t c 2. Using a utility knife, cut the sealant around the casting. Pull off the casting. ts bi vi i h r h Castingig Installation e o S r r l l1. Scrape off the old sealant and y clean the bonding surfacepwith a lacquer-based solvent. l a d A u n NOTE: For new casting, io old casting as a model (if possible) or mark Bo drill new holes using tthe an con the frame. M hole locations from u e—test-mounting the casting e l dsurface where the casting will mate with theicframe. c sealant along the bonding i o 2. Apply polyurethane r h rv p e e e the side and end caps using the same rivet 3. While holding V the corner cap in place,rrivet S holes. r y tea bead of sealant where the d 4. Apply edcap attaches to the roof. s z o i a r B 5.imSeal the perimeter of the corner castings. — ho i6.l After an eight-hour waiting t e t l u water-test the roof. With all doorsc and windows closed tightly, U atop ofperiod, i with water. Check for leaks. n n spray the roof and the the side structures near the affected area h e Uany leaks appear.) tio (Reseal and retest if V a r er o t p r Exterior Roof Panel Replacement as o w m Rivet Location a C i l l NOTE: If the entire roof panel r is translucent ti te Kemlite . Utilimastersrecommends the use U by d of a patch kit such asa SunPatch (P/N e m t i 01900680) where ilipossible. b Roof Crossmember t i Side h Exterior Panel RemovalU Cap o 2 r 0 or 3/16" drill bit, remove the rivets law p 1. Using a #11 0 n 2 n on the t side and end caps (not the rails). io o by i t h Front View of c NOTE: at ig Be sure to remove all of the rivetsted u r r Sidewall to Roof Section d i y during these steps. o o b p p i r r o Co 2. Remove the corner castings. ep oh C r r r p d 3. Remove the side caps. (See Illustration e t e n s RO15). iz it o a r c the roof panel to ho Illustration imRO15 4. Remove each rivet securing u l t i Roof Cross-Section t u the side and end rails.od d U a r e n p 2 rv 5. Remove the exterior U be required to break the 0 panel loose from the roofebows). re panel (some prying may 0 2 dof a heat gun will help break the adhesive bondt holding es to the NOTE: Use the translucent panel e r h iz and rails. roof bows g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Rear Corner Casting Replacement ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 149 Exterior Panel Installation d l w la 1. Scrape the rails,ecaps, and roof bows to remove uathe old sealant. rv ancleaner and allow to dry. by e 2. Clean the ssealant areas with a lacquer-based M d re e e t c i s tCAUTION: For Steps 3 and r4,vido not remove the tape paper ib until the panel is in the proper h h e g i position. Once the tape Ssticks to a surface, you willronot be able to reposition it without l ll r starting over and possibly y damaging the new Kemlite p . a d A u n it o Bo an c on all the roof bows. M 3. Apply the 1/2"-wide u e—adhesive tape (P/N 12605933) e l d c adhesive tape (P/N 12605927) ic i o v r 4. Apply the 1"-wide around the roof perimeter on the side extrusion rails h r p e e and the front V and rear end rails. re S r y d e 5. Peel off t just a few centimeters ofzthe d e tape paper at each tape end of the roof perimeter. s o i a r B 6. m Peel off just a few centimeters o of the tape paper at each end of the roof bows. i — l h i t panel. t le 7. Lay down the new translucent u c U a i n sure you can reachh (from the interior or the n NOTE: As you areUlowering the panel, imake o e ttape strip. V exterior) the peeled-off paper on every a r er o t 8. Carefully pull out all the remainingrp tape paper. as o m with a roller) to firmly adhere the tape ltoaw 9. Apply pressure around the perimeter (by hand or preferably C i l ti the roof. er t U by s a caps in place, rivet the side and end caps using the same rivet holes. d 10. While holding the corner e m t ili where the cap attaches to the roof. bi 11. Apply a bead of tsealant i U oh 12. Seal the corner castings. 2 r w 0 p laWith all doors and windows 0 13. After an2eight-hour waiting period, water-test the roof. closed tightly, n n y o t i o b spray the roof and the top of the side structures with water. Check for leaks. (Reseal and retest if any i t h t c d a ig appear.) leaks u e r r d it y o o b p p i r Exterior Panel Repair r o Co NOTE: Quick and easy fiberglassrrepair ep for permanently repairing oh kits are now available C r small r p d e tears and punctures. These kits, repair kit (P/N 01900680), work in t n such as Kemlite SunPatch s ze of resins. a wide range of temperatures (See also the Utilimaster it oand do not require therimixing a o c m Quick Reference Parts Guide.) i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U appropriate breathing0apparatus e rubber gloves and any 0 WARNING: rUse as recommendedrby e the manufacturer of the kit. s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® ® 150 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u NOTE: There rv is fiberglass insulation an y e b behind these panels. s M e d e e Liner Removal r t c ts bi vi the i h r 1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove h e to the igthree screws holding the cab light o S r r l l ceiling. y l p a d A u n o n o i B a 2. Detach the cab light unit from the electrical t c M — harness and set aside for later reassembly. u e e l d c the interior panel, use a #11 ic i o 3. While supporting v r h r p e e or 3/16" drill bit and drill to remove the rivets e r S r toV remove all of the rivets).d (See (be sure y e Illustration RO20 t RO20.) d Interior e Illustration s Roof Liner of Cab o ir z a B o 4.imLower the panel. — l h i t le ut Liner c U Installation a i n h 1. Reusing the fiberglass on the panel. e io Uninsulation, lay the fiberglass t V a r r 2. Reposition the panel. o te p s r at 1/2". a 3. Drill new holes using a drill stoposet w m a C i l l ti y er t U b CAUTION: The drill stop is critical; otherwise a hole can be drilled into the exterior skin. as d e m t ili bi t i 4. Rivet into place. h U o 2 r 0 cab light. 5. Replace0the p aw l n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Interior Roof Liner Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 151 Seats and Seat Belts l w d a a e NOTE: The seat and seat belt sections in this manual apply only to Utilimaster-installed l u rvAeromaster walk-in vans.an equipment eon by s M d re e carefully. Failure to install e WARNING: Read vendor instructions and inspect can result in t c i s i t b v injury or death of user. i h r h e ir g S ro l l CAUTION: Do NOT remove cardboard spacer untilpthe retractor is mounted. The retractor y l a d A must be mounted ato the proper angle before web n will freely extend. Cardboard spacer must nu be removed after B seat belt is fully installed. io a t c M — u e e l d c ic i o v r r p eh e e V r S r y d e t d e s o iz a r B o m i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h Seat e it o Un V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l D-Loop ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U Buckle oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io Retractor o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d Pedestal e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U rePedestal er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o Illustration SB5 a ll C Drivers Seat Installation n A U 152 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u n rv y a e b s M spacer until the retractor d is mounted. The retractor CAUTION: Do NOT remove cardboard re e e t c must be mounted at the proper angle before web will freely extend. Cardboard spacer must i s i t b v be removed after seat belt is fully installed. i h r h e ir g o S r l l y l p a d A u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S D-Loop rV y d e t d e s o ir z a B o m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r Upper a Seat o w m Back a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r wJump Lower 0 p aSeat l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d Seat Belt a ig u e r r d it y o Buckle o b p p i r r o CoRetractor ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration SB10 C n A Jump Seat Installation U WARNING: Read vendor instructions carefully. Failure to install and inspect can result in injury or death of user. Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 153 Overview l d w a specifically for deliverylavehicles. The high usage Your occupant restraint e system has been developed andutested v n of this seat belt to severeyenvironmental conditions r vehicle application and exposure associated with delivery a e b sinspect the seat belt system regularly. M make it crucial to The seat belt system must be inspected during e d r every routine ce ite s maintenance. t vi b i such as cuts; fraying; extreme or hsystem should be replaced immediately r A seat belt if it shows any problems, h e g i Sdue to ultraviolet exposure; significant unusual dirt; abrasion to the seat belt ro l l r wear; significant discoloration y l p a webbing; A or damage to the buckle,dlatch plate, retractor, or hardware. u n o o i B an Replace the seat belt only with a belt recommended by Utilimaster. If any part of the seat belt requires t M — must be replaced. uc replacement, the entirelebelt e c ic must be odbelt. If the seat belt is replaced, all components v r An installation guidehisi attached to every replacement r p esame position as the originalecomponents. e mounted back in the This will maintain the design integrity of the V r S r mounting points for the seat belt assembly. te dy ed s z o a WARNING: Belts must beriinspected during every routine maintenance. B Failure to properly oseat belts can cause serious injury or loss m inspect and maintain the i life. The seat belt in a — l h i delivery vehicle application t e asofneeded t has a finite life and must be replaced throughout the l u c U i life of the vehicle.a n n h o i U Whenever a vehicle is involved in an accident, the entireVe seat belt system must be t evaluated for replacement, even rifa there is no visible wear er or damage to the seat belt o system. t rp as o w m a C i Maintenance l l ti y er Webbing (cut, frayed, or t U b The following maintenance guidelines detail how to inspect s worn at Latch area) a d found, seat belts. If any of these problem conditionseare m t the entire seat belt system must be replaced. ili bi t i U Seat Belt Webbing oh 2 r w 0 p system for cuts, Examinelaseat belt webbing in the seat 0 n 2 y extreme or unusual wear, fraying, o significant dirt, or ion t i b t h t extreme d faded color due toucexposure to ultraviolet rays. a ig e r r (See Illustration SB15.) d it y o o b p p i r r D-Loop Web Guide o h o CBuckle ep o Latch Plate C r r The D-Loop Web Guide is an area whererthere is a p teduring the use of significant amount ed of webbing movement n s z o the seat belt ri system. If the web is cuta or frayed at the ti o c imsystem must be D-Loop Web Guide, the entire belt h u l t i t u (See Illustration SB20.) replaced. od U a r ed n p 2 v U Retractor System 00 re er s 2 d The retractor, the heart of the occupant restraint system, t e re h z contains a locking mechanism and serves as a storage i Illustration r or LatchSB15 ts the ig when not in use. Check device for the rwebbing o Webbing Plate Wear h ystorage device operation toigensure that it is h t retractor web p u o lr a l C A Un 154 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual not locked up. The seat belt l d webbing must spool out freely a e and retract properly. v (See Illustrations SB5 and SB10.) u r an e Locking Retractor) belt system is An ELR (Emergency s M re decelerations of the vehicle. sensitive to sudden An ALR e c s i (AutomatictLocking Retractor) system is sensitive to sudden h rv let it retract, pulls onigthe belt. If it locks, release theebelt, and S r slowly y ll pull it out again. d ti e ib h o pr by w la Webbing cut, frayed, or worn at D-Loop Guide l a d A u n Seat Belt Buckle it o Bo an Check the buckle for proper c M —operation by inserting the ulatch e e l and listening for an audible Illustration SB20 c d is not c click. Verify that the buckle i i o D-Loop Wear v r damaged and that the plastic casing is not broken or h r ethe seat belt buckle cable strap e cracked. Examine ep to V r S determine if there y d is damaged, er is unusual wear, if the cable t d e or if the cable is cut or frayed. (See Illustration SB25.) Buckle (cracked s z o i a r B or broken) Buckleim Latch Plate ho il t e— t l u Check U the buckle latch plate fora excessive wear. Make ic n h sure the buckle latch is neither bent nor deformed.oItn e U ti V must latch properly into the buckle. (See Illustration a r er SB15.) o t p r as Seat Belt Height Adjuster o w m a C i l l Check the height adjuster for properr operation, making ti y e adjuster does notU t b sure there is no damage. If the height s d move up and down freely andalock at different height e m t positions, the seat belt must ili be replaced. (See Illustration bi t i SB30.) h Cable damaged U o 2 or frayed) r 0 Replacement p aw Pedestal Seat Belt l 0 n 2 n t The outboard side refers to the side by NOTE: io o Illustration SB25 i t h t c Buckle Wear d closest a ig to the door. The inboard side is the u e r r d y side toward the center of the vehicle. bit o o p p i r r Seat o Co Belt Removal ep oh C r r r p to the seat belt mount 1. Remove the bolt attaching the D-Loop above the seat on the outboard side. (See d e t e n Illustration SB30.) s iz io a r t c and remove the bolt.ho(See Illustration SB40.)lim 2. Snap open the retractor u cover t i d t u o 3. Remove the bolt holding U side of the seat. (See ed a attached to the outboard r the seat belt end bracket n p 2 Illustration SB45.) rv U 0 re e 0 2 d When a seat belt is replaced, both halves must es t WARNING: be replaced. e r h z ithe g r ts old i Use new mounting hardware furnished with the replacement belt. Do NOT use r o h hardware when installing replacement seat belts. y h ig t p r u o a When installed, the D-Loop must rotate freely.CThe D-Loop must return tollthe horizontal n A U position when the belt is retracted. Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 155 4. On the inboard side of the seat, remove the bolt holding the seat l belt buckle assembly. ed (See Illustration SB50.) a w a l u v n Seat Belt Installationer a by s M e seat belt D-Loop in the existing 1. Mount rthe e hole in the seat belt ted c s i ftlb. (See Illustration bi mounting t bracket. Torque bolt tor3550 v i h h e g ir SB30.) o S rthe l l Snap open the retractor cover 2. and insert the locating pin at y l p a d mounting bracket in the bulkhead A back of the retractor intoothe n nu o i B a wall. t c M — u emounting bolt and tighten the e l 3. Insert the retractor bolt to 3550 d cNm]. (See Illustration SB40.) ic i o v r ftlb [47.567.5 r p eh e e V r S 4. Snap ther retractor cover down into place. y d e t the safety belt bracket in the d 5. Mount s zeexisting hole on the seat o i a r B pedestal. Torque bolt to 3550 o ftlb. (See Illustration SB45.) m i — l h i t the inboard side of the seat with the t le 6. Mount the seat belt latchuon c U release button facing away a i n Torque bolt h n from the seatediodriver. e U to 3550 ftlb. (See Illustration SB50.)t V a r er o Illustration SB30 t Jump Seat Belt Replacement p s r Loop Attached to Height Adjuster a o to the side closestmto w NOTE: The outboard side refers a C i l l the door (jump seat occupants r right-hand side).ti The te the center of the U vehicle. by inboard side is the sidestoward a d e Jump Seat Belt Removal m t i li i b t i 1. Remove the bolt the D-Loop to the bulkhead Uonattaching oh above the seat the outboard side. 2 r w 0 p la 0 2. Snap open the retractor cover and remove the bolt.y (See n 2 n t SB40.) io o b Illustration i t h t c g d a i u e r r 3. yRemove the bolt holding the seat belt bracket d it to the seat belt o o b p p mount just below the seat on the outboard side. (See i r r h o Co Illustration SB55.) ep o C r r r p the bolt holding thed IllustrationeSB40 4. On the inboard side of the seat, remove t e n Retractor sUncovered seat belt buckle assembly. (See io Illustration SB60.) riz a t o c m i u th il d t u o a in the proper position onUthe bracket for the seat ed rretractor WARNING: The must be located n p 2 v r belt web to extract U 0 re and function properly. e 20 d When a seat belt is replaced, both halves must be replaced. es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 156 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. Remount therv seat belt D-Loop using the existing n hole in y a e b the bulkhead. s M d re the retractor cover and insert e e 2. Snaps open the locating pin t c i t back of the retractor into thervmounting bi aththe bracket in i h e igthe bulkhead wall. o S r r l l y tighten the nut to 3250 ftlbp l a 3. Insert the mounting bolt and d A u n [4367.5 Nm]. it o Bo an c M 4. Snap the retractor cover down into place. u e— e l d c ic i o v r 5. Mount the seat belt end bracket to the seat belt mount h r pIllustration e e e below the seat on the outboard side. (See r S rV SB55.) y d e t d e s o iz a the nut to 3550 ftlbr[4367.5 6. Tighten Nm]. B Illustration SB45 Safety Belt End Bracket o m i — l h i7. Mount the seat belt buckle t assembly on the inboard side t le u c U of the seat with the release button facing away from the a i n n bolt to 3550 ftlbio[4367.5 h occupant. TorqueU the e t V Nm]. (See Illustration SB60.) a r r o te p s r a o w CAUTION: Do NOT remove the cardboard spacer m a C i l l until the retractor is mounted and seat belt is fully tibind. y er belt will retract and installed; otherwise tthe U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r Illustration SB50 Seat Belt Latch 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll SB60 Illustration SB55 C n Illustration A UEnd Bracket Attached to Seat Belt Mount Jump Seat Belt Buckle Assembly Jump Seat Belt Installation Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 157 l Al ts h rig d e rv e s re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M d te i ib h o pr n it o c u od r p reIllustration SB65 by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M dSeat to Pedestal Fasteners er t dy e s z o i Pedestal Seat a Replacement r B o m i — l h Seat Removal i t t le u U 1. Remove and retain the afour nuts and washersnattaching the seat to theicpedestal. (See Illustration h e SB65.) it o Un V a r r 2. Pull the seat off the pedestal. te po s r a Seat Installation o w m a C i l l 1. Set the replacement seat in place. ti y er t U b s NOTE: Do NOT usealocknuts to hold the seat to the d e pedestal. m t ili bi t i 2. Fasten the fourUnuts and washers and torque nuts to 12 oh 2 14 ftlb [16.518.5 Nm]. r w 0 p la 0 n 2 Pedestal Replacement n t io o by i t h t Pedestal Removal c d a ig u e r r d itthe pedestal yRemove and discard the four bolts attaching o 1. o b p p i r r h o Co to the cab floor. (See Illustration SB70.) ep o C r r r 2. Remove the one bolt attaching thepseat belt to the d e t e n pedestal. (See Illustration SB45.) s iz io a r t Illustration SB70 o m Pedestal 3. Pull out the pedestal seat.uc i h l Four Bolts Attach Seat to Floor Base t i d t u Pedestal Installation U a ro ed n p 2 v U 1. Reverse the removal re procedure. er 00 s 2 d with new Grade 5 or better fasteners and torque 2. Replace fasteners t them to 70 ftlb [95 Nm]. e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 158 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Jump Seat Removal v n r a e by back, and remove the 1/420 1. From thescargo area, brace the two-wayMlocknuts attaching the jump seat d re e e bolts attaching the back to the bulkhead. t c ts bijump seat to the bulkhead. vi i h 2. Remove and discard the 3/816erbolts and locknuts attachinghthe ig S ro Jump l ll rSeat Installation y p a d A 1. Align the jump seat witho holes on the bulkhead and attach n with new 3/816 bolts (Grade 5 or better) nu o i B a t and two-way locknuts. c M — u e e l d 2. Torque fasteners c to 2832 ftlb [3843 Nm]. ic i o v r h seat back with holes on the p bulkhead and attach with 1/420 screws. er e 3. Align the jump e V r S rfasteners y 4. Torque to 89 ftlb [1113 Nm]. d e t d e s o ir z a B o m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V a r r o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Jump Seat Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 159 Shelving l w d a a e Some cargo shelves can be flipped up to accommodate l u n rv larger parcels. a e by s M d reSpring-Loaded Bolt Latches e Shelf Operation, e t c i s tshelf, reach under to the locking vi lever (located ib h To raise the r h e g in the center ri of the long shelves and toSthe left side on the ro l l y l p a short shelves). (See Illustration SH5.) Pull the springd A o lift the shelf up. Lift the ion loaded locking bolt to the side and nu B a shelf toward the sidewall until you hear the bolt click into ct M — u e place. e l d c c i o Illustration SH5 vi r h its upright position, pull thep springTo lower the shelf from Spring-Loaded ShelferLatch e e V loaded locking bolt to the side and lower the shelf r to its S r until you hear the bolt click y d horizontal position into place. e t d e s o iz a r B o m i — l h iOperation, Rubber Jeep uStrap t Latches t Shelf le c U a i n Jeep n and release the rubber h To raise the shelf, reach under o e i U t V strap latches. Lift the shelf toward the sidewall to a the full r r upright position and secure all (usually at least two) of the te po s r upper rubber straps. (See Illustration SH10.) a o w m a C i l To lower the shelf from the upright position, release the l r ti rubber straps and slowly lower theteshelf. Secure all of the U by s straps to hold the shelf down. a (See Illustration SH15.) d e m t NOTE: Using all iliof the straps available bi t i h U the upright or down to hold the shelf o 2 Illustration SH10 r w position will 0 reduce vibration and wear on p in the Upright Position la Rubber Shelf Latch Locked 0 the contact parts. n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h Illustration SH15 ir z ts Position ig Shelf Latch Locked in thehDown Rubber r o y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® 160 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u v Switch (Dash Toggle)rReplacement n y a e b s Mof the 1. Disconnect the Negative (Black) terminal d re e e battery. t c Switch Body Actuator i s i t b v i h r 2. g h ir Remove the instrument panelSifenecessary. Actuator snaps Detach o r onto Switch Body l l Detach the electrical harnessy from the back of the Harness 3a. l p a d A switch body. u n o io B an t 3b. Identify and tag the— connectors at the back of thec M Squeeze tabs to release u e e l switch bodies so switch body from Bracket or Bezel c din c that they can be reconnected i i o v r the same order. h r p e e Illustration SW10 e V r S 4. Squeeze the top and bottom of the switch body to Switch Components y erit from the panel. (See Illustration remove t d ed SW s z o i 10.) a r B o m i5.li Pop off the actuator. uth e— t l c U 6. Snap the actuator ontoathe new switch body,nthen reverse the aboveiprocedure. n h e U tio V 7. Reconnect the battery. a r er o t 8. Test the function of the switch. rp as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b s a d are very e CAUTION: On m three-way switches the order in which the wires connect to the switch t important. Failure ili to reconnect properly will cause the three-way switch system bi to fail. t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Switches Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 161 Vent l Al ts h rig d e rv e s re y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re d te i ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M er t dy ed s z o i a r B o m i — l h i Illustration tVE10 t le uMounted from Inside c U Two-Way Hingeless Vent a i n n View) h (Exterior o e i U t V Illustration VE15 Two-Way Hingeless a r r Two-Way Hingeless Vent e o t Vent (Two-Way Hingeless) Replacement p (Interior View in Quarter Panel) s r a o w Vent Removal m a C i l l ti NOTE: The two-way hingeless y er vents t U b s may be mounted fromathe inside or d e outside, dependingm on the location on t ili the vehicle. bi t i U of the vehicle, using a #11 or oh 1. From the exterior 2 r w 0 remove all the rivets securing the la p 3/16" drill0bit, n 2 n vent. t(See Illustrations VE10 through VE20.) by io o i t h t c d a ig the vent. 2. Remove u e r r d it y o o b p p 3. Remove any excess sealant from vent mounting i r r h o Co area. ep o C r r p d er 4. Clean contacting surfaces with anlacquer-based t e s iz solvent. io a r t o c im Vent Installation h u l t i t odthe contacting surfaces.au U 1. Apply sealant between r ed n p 2 v U e er 2. Align the hole inrthe vent and the panel opening. 00 s 2 t ed using (solid brazier-head) buck re 3. Attach thezvent h i Illustration VE20 s ig Hingeless Vent Mountedhtfrom rivets. or r Two-Way Outside y h g (Interior View in Cargo Area) p ri 4. From ut the exterior, apply a bead of sealant to the o l a l C joint between the vent and the wall. n A U 162 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Removal n rv a e by 1. From thesexterior of the vehicle, removeM the four d re steel #8 x 1" Phillips pan-head e screws e (4) stainless t c tsattach the roof vent to the backer that bi vi plate. (See i h r h e igIllustration VE25.) o S r r l l2. Gently cut the sealant around y the circumference of p l a d A the vent before removingo the vent from the roof. n u it o B an c M 3. Remove any excess u e—sealant from the vent mounting e l d area. c ic i o v r h r p e e 4. Clean with a lacquer-based solvent. e V r S r Illustration VE25 y d e 5. Fromt the cargo area, remove foure(4) #8 x 1/2" Roof Vent (Exterior View) d z vent (if o pan-head as screws to replace therigarnish B mnecessary). (See IllustrationhoVE30.) i — l i t le ut Installation c U a i n h 1. On the outside of the e Unvehicle, apply graytio V a polyurethane sealant around the circumference of r r o te the roof vent flange. p s r a o w 2. Align the vent with the holes in the roof and the m a C i l l vent backing plate. ti y er t U b 3. Using stainless-steel #8 asx 1" Phillips pan-head d e m screws, reattach the vent to the roof. (See t ili bi Illustration VE25.) t i h U o 2 r 4. From the exterior, apply a bead of sealant to the 0 the vent and the roof. p aw l 0 joint between Illustration VE30 n 2 n y o t Roof Vent (Interior View) i o b i t h 5. From the cargo area, reattach the garnish vent to t c d a ig vent plate using four (4) #8 x 1/2" pan-head u the e r r d it y screws. (See Illustration VE30.) o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Roof Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 163 Visor Replacement l w d a a e l u n rv a e NOTE: The visor arms and pad are by s M d replaced reas a unit. (See IllustrationceVI10.) e t i s t the overhead storage cover. vi 1. Remove ib h r h e g i S cover off the 2. ro l ll r With a flat blade, pop the plastic y p a VI15.) d A visor arm brackets. (SeeoIllustration n nu o i B a 3. Remove the four #10-24 Phillips screws and t c M — KEPS nuts. u e e l d c ic i o Visor Installation v r r p eh e e V 1. Using the existing holes in the shelf, position r S Illustration VI10 r assembly and attach with the y d e the visor four Sun Visor d Unit t enuts. s z o #10-24 Phillips screws and KEPS i a r B o m i — l h NOTE: The arms on some visors are i t t le u collapsed into the pad when shipped. c U a i n n hole pattern on the h Adjust the arms to the o e i U t V shelf by pulling them straight out. (See a r r Illustration VI20.) te po s r a 2. Pop the plastic over the outside visor arm o w m a C i l brackets. l ti er t U by 3. Replace the overhead storage cover. s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 Illustration p VI15 la 0 Pop Cover Off Visor Arm Bracket n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ig Illustration VI20 hts r o y Adjust Visor to Holes in Header h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Visor Removal 164 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Windshield/Quarterrv Window Tools and Materials n y a e b s M is critical to the structural CAUTION: A properly bonded windshield integrity of the vehicle. d re e e Utilimaster recommends that professional automotive glass specialists replace the windshield it s ic t and windows. b v i h r h e ir g Glass adhesives and sealants attention must be paid to cleaning S have a short shelf life.roCloseinformation l surfaces and to timingy during installation. The following can be shared with autol l p a d glass shops. A u n o io B an t c M by —rubber gloves and any appropriate WARNING: Use breathing apparatus as recommended u e e l d the manufacturer of the kit. c ic i o v r h To avoid injuring yourself r glass and the WARNING: p or others, use extreme care when handling e e e window-removal tool! r S rV y d e t The windshield and quarter d walk-in e window sections apply only to Aeromaster NOTE: s z o i a before working on the vehicle. B or mvans. Please read entire hprocedure i — l i do the job yourself, you will If you t le ut need: c U a i h · Replacement glass n on e i U t · Rubber trim molding V a r r · Glass replacement tools o te p s · Isopropyl alcohol a or w · Glass bonding replacementCkit m a i l l r ti e t U by Kits and Replacement Glass s a d e Tool Kit (P/N 23005014SK)m t ili replacement tool kit (see The Utilimaster bondedtwindow bi i h U of: Illustration WI5) consists o 2 r Illustration 0 support block (#1) p KitWI5 aw · Windshield l 0 Tool n 2 n y · Quarter-window spacer block (#2) o t i o b i t h t · Poly-stick (#3) c g d a i u e r r · y Utility knife (#4) d it o o b p p · Window removal tool (#5) i r r o Co ep oh C r r r Not included: masking tape, caulking p gun, Medium d e t n surfaces), clean cotton Red Scotch Brite (to roughen s ze o i i a r t rag or lint-free paper towel, wooden block o c h (approximately 2" x 4"ux 6" to square glass surface lim t i d t u (for flush with the molding), d o and squeegee or roller U a r e n p 2 bonding the trim). rv U 0 re e 0 Illustration WI10 s 2 d e Material Kit t e r Glass Bonding Material h z Kit (P/N 23005015SK) i s g r i The Utilimaster bonded window replacement material kit (see Illustration WI10) consists of: ht r o y h Activator (#1) P/N 12605953 ig t p · Sika r u o ll · na Sika Primer 210T (#2) P/N 12605827 C A ·U SikaTack Ultrafast Urethane Adhesive Sealant (#3) P/N 12605916 Windows ® ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 165 Not included in kit: Sika Primer 206 P/N 12605969, aluminum sealant P/N 12400713, l (used to fill in any gapswin the trim d and Kent® Liquid Rubber 10240 a isopropyl alcohol, e la Body Parts v the Front Structure sectionnuin the appropriate Aeromaster seam). (See ralso a by Manual.) se M re e d te glass and perimeter trim c will need to order replacement In addition tostools, adhesives, and sealants, iyou i t ib molding from h Utilimaster. rv h e ig o S r r The lwindshield glass is 1/4"-thick laminated safety glass. The quarter-window glass and the glass in sliding l l y p a d doors cannot be cut after tempering. A are tempered safety glass that n o nu o i B a t trim molding and 3 feet of flat center trimMare For replacing the entire windshield, about 21 feet of perimeter c — required (depending on the e half of le size of the vehicle). If caredisutaken in removing the glass, only the replaced c c i the windshield needs toi have new molding applied.ro Each quarter-window glass replacement requires v about 9 hmolding. r p e feet of perimeter trim V re Se r te dy ed s z o a CAUTION: Bonding glass risi a sensitive process. All steps should be Bfollowed closely and o m —recommended. it li without substitutions.uthProfessional automotive glass installers are e cl U a i n n h o e i U t V Bonded Glass Replacement a r r te Bonded Glass Removal po s r a o w 1. From the outside of the vehicle, insert the blade of the m a C i l l window-removal tool through r the urethane sealanttand i ewindow, t U by work your way around the cutting the sealant. s a After pushing the blade into the d (See Illustration WI15). e m t i sealant, use the other ili hand to pull the tool toward you. b t i To avoid injuring U yourself or others, be very careful ohWI15 while using2the tool! Try to leave at least a 1/8"-thick w r Illustration 0 p la Cut Old Sealant section of0sealant on the window frame. n 2 n t remove the damaged glass. io o by i 2. Carefully t h t c g d a i u e r r Prepareythe Mounting Surface d it o o b p p i r r the old adhesive is bonded firmly to the h frame and not o Co1. Ifpeeling ep o C r r from the surface, trim the bead down to 1/16" to p er 1/8". (See Illustration WI20.) nIf the old adhesive is ed t s loose, remove all adhesive down io to the metal surface. riz a t o of c im h 2. Use Medium Red ScotchuBrite to roughen the surface l t i d mounting flange. u t any bare metal area of othe U a r ed n p 2 v U e 0 3. Clean the entire raluminum bond area with isopropyl er 0 s 2 alcohol. Allow d 2 minutes drying time. (Do NOT use e t e Illustration WI20 r lacquer thinners h ir z or mineral spirits.) Trim Sealant Bead ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 166 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 4. Apply Sika activator d to the exposed metal of theal e mounting frame, u v using a clean cotton rag or lint-free n r paper toweleand wiping in one direction. Turn rag s to avoid transferring dirt andMaoil. Drying several e times r e timesis 10 minutes. ic w la 4-1/8" 3/4" by 3/16" d e t t bi v i h r 5. ig Brush a light coat of Sika Primer e 210T on the exposed oh S r l l metal of the mounting frame.y Drying time is 10 minutes. pr l a d A 6. Apply aluminum sealanto (P/N 12400713 ordered n nu o i B a separately) to any open aluminum joints, seams, c ort M — u e post rivets. center windshield e l ic Illustration WI25 ic od v r Glass Preparation h r Support Block Dimensions of Windshield Glass p e e e r S 1. For windshield of two r V replacement, cut adminimum y e woodt windshield support blocks (see d e Illustration s z o i WI25) when installing the a to be used as glass supports B orthe nylon blocks mnew windshield glass. (Orhuse i — l i available from Utilimaster.) t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V Beveled side a r r down e o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o Support Blocks 2 r 0 p aw Illustration WI30 l 0 n 2 Placement of Windshield Glass Support Blocks n t io o by i t h c of the windshield, spacing d the trough at the bottom at ig the support blocks (beveled edge down)teinto 2. rSet u r i Illustration WI30.) od y them along the bottom of the opening. (See o b p p i r r o Co 3. For quarter-window replacement,rocuth one wood quarter-window ep spacer block (see Illustration C r rinstalling the p 5/16" gap between the WI35) to be used to establish proper glass and the frame when d e t n blocks available ize new quarter glass. (Or use theonylon s i a r t from Utilimaster.) o c im h u l t i d t 4. For the quarter glass,oset the spacer block ontouthe d U a r mount (see Illustration e flange around the window n p 2 rv 0 WI40) and tape reto secure (see IllustrationUWI45). e 0 2 d window for fit. es t e 5. Check replacement r h iz g r ts i r 6. Cleanothe glass with a 2-to-1 mixture of isopropyl h h and water. Allow to dry for 2 minutes. Avoid py ig t alcohol r u o aheavy soaps or ammonia. Auto glass replacement C ll WI35 Illustration n A Dimensions of Quarter-Window Spacer Block U dealers also have recommended cleaners. 7/8" 4-3/8" 2-1/4" 1" 7/16" 4" 1/4" 5/16" 5/16' 1" 1/4" 7/16" Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 167 Spacer Blocks d e rv e s re 7. Wipe the bonding (frit band) area of cleaned glass with lactivator, using a clean cottonwrag or lint-free paper Sika a la Turn the rag several u towel and wiping in one direction. n a by and oil. Drying time is 10 dirt M times to avoid transferring e minutes. Finish installation ed process within 2 hours. it b i NOTE: Glass purchased from Utilimaster should h have a black rceramic frit band around the perimeter o l y p of the mounting side of the glass. If you sourced the a d n and there is no frit band, mask off a 1"glass locally, nu o i Bo a t around the perimeter of the mountingMside widecarea — of u the glass. Apply Sika Primer 206 G&P (P/N le d ce as a c i i o 12605969 ordered separately) to glass perimeter r h rv p e block of ultraviolet rays. Drying time is e V re approximately 5 minutes. (See Illustration S WI50.) r y d e t d e Illustration WI40 s o iz Bonded Glass Installation a Quarter-Window Location of Spacer Blocks r B o m i — l h i t 1. Using a caulking gun, apply t lea bead of urethane adhesive u c U a i n(approximately 5/16" hwide by 1/2" tall) directly to the glass e flange. Use a V-shaped nozzle it o frit band or the mounting Un V a r shape. (See Illustration WI50.) r for the optimal ebead o t rp 2. Close any voids as at corners or elsewhere by smoothing over o w with a Poly-stick. m a C i l l tithe glass onto the frame and align to the correct er 3. Install t U by s position using the support blocks. a d e m t ili bi t i U oh within 10 CAUTION: Glass must be installed 2 r w 0 p to ensure a minutes of applying the adhesive la bond. 0 Illustration WI45 good n 2 n t Secure Quarter-Window Glass Spacer Block io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e Adhesiveon s iz i a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n Frit Band p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o l Illustration lWI55 a Illustration WI50 C n Frit Band and Adhesive InstallA Glass U ts h ig r l Al 168 ic v r Se Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual ts h rig ed v r e s re l a u n a M Exterior Side Frit Band ce i rv e S aw l Windshield Glass Panels by d ti e ib h o pr Windshield l y a d Centerpiece Adhesive n nu of Windshield o i Bo a Structure t Interior Side c M — u e Illustration WI60 e l dWindshield Centerpiece. c ic Cross-Section of i o v r h r p e e e 4. Press gently around the entire perimeter of the glass to make good adhesive contact. (See V r S Illustration r y WI55.) te Use the Poly-stick to clean d ed up any excess adhesive. s z ocenter section i must have a full bead of adhesive in the a Windshield installations NOTE: r B m ho (See Illustration WI60.) ili between the two glass panels. t e— t l u U NOTE: Recommended a minimum thicknessn of the adhesive layer icafter installation is 1/4". (See n h Illustration WI60.) e U tio V a r the adhesive sets up. r with masking tapeeuntil 5. The quarter window can be held in place o t s rp 6. Allow at least eight hours for theoadhesive to cure when ainstalling a windshield or a quarter window. w C im la l r i 7. Clean up with a mild soap solution (used sparingly). Do NOT use mineral spirits or alcohol. y t te U b s 8. Replace window trim.aSee the Trim Molding Installation section. d m te i i l i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U l l A 1/4"minimum Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 169 l WARNING: Use extreme care when hana aw dling glass! l u an by M Sliding Side Window Replacement d e e t c i s Sliding Window Removal t vi ib h r h e g 1. Removeothe MONOBOLTS around the sliding i S r (See the Fasteners section for proper l ll r window. y p a d A u removal.) n o io out the window. B an t 2. Lift c M u e— e l d 3. Scrape off the old foam tape from the door c ic panel. i o v r r p Sliding Window Installation eh e e V r S r y 1. Place the replacement window in door frame d e t d rivettheholes e s z and, from the inside, mark the around the o i a r B circumference of the replacement window. m ho it li t e— l u 2. Drill holes into the replacement window frame for the c U a i n MONOBOLT fasteners. h e io Un t V opening on the door with foam a 3. Line the exterior r r Illustration WI65 tape. ste Sliding Side Door Windows po r athe new window into the opening. o w 4. Place m a C i l l i er 5.t Attach the window to the door frame using by t U MONOBOLT rivets. as d e m t i LEXAN Window Replacement (Bonded) b ili t i U LEXAN Window Removal oh 2 r w 0 p the Side Sliding la the door handle. n(See 0 1. Remove 2 n t io o byDoor Hardware section.) i t h c frames surrounding the rat d2. Remove the perimeter ig u e r d it y o window. (See Illustration WI70.) o b p p i r r h p o WI75.) Co elocking o 3. Remove the trim. (See Illustration C r r r p d e 4. From the outside, insert the blade of the windowt e n s ir z tool through the urethane it o removal sealant and work a o c m i cutting the sealant. hyour way around the window, u l t i d t u Push the blade into theUsealant and, with the other d o a r e Illustration WI70 n hand, pull the tool toward p 2 you. (See the Bonded v r U e 0 Interior Window Trim ofrLower Bonded Window Window Removal e 0 section.) s 2 d e and t is bonded firmly to therframe e 5. If the old adhesive h ir z not peeling ts down to ig from the surface, trim thehbead r o y 1/8". If the old adhesive iisgloose, remove 1/16" to h t p u all o adhesive down to the metallsurface lr a C A Un d e rv e s re ® ® 170 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u rv window for proper fit.an 1. Check replacement y e b s e glass with a 2-to-1 mixture ofe M d 2. Clean rthe isopropyl e t c alcohol ts and water. Allow to dry for bi vi2 minutes. i h r Avoid heavy soaps or ammonia. h e ig o S r r l l3. Wipe the bonding (frit band)y area of cleaned glass p l a d A with Sika activator, using u o a clean cotton rag or lint-ion n B a free paper towel and wiping in one direction. Turnt M the rag several times ucoil. e—to avoid transferring dirtdand e l c minutes. Finish installation Drying time isi10 process ic o v r h r within 2 hours. p e e e S r Vmounted from the insided ofr the vehicle Windows y e t require a frit band around d e the perimeter. do snot z o i a B from the outside orof the vehicle, mask mIfoffmounted i — l h a 1"-wide area around i t the perimeter of the e t u cl U mounting side of the awindow. Apply SikanPrimer i n ordered separately) h 206 G&P (P/N 12605969 e io to U t V the window perimeter for protectionaagainst Illustration WI75 r r e ultraviolet rays. Drying time is approximately 5 o Locking Trim t p s r minutes. a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b LEXAN Window Installation as d e m t This window is installed in way as the quarter-panel window, except that six 0.20" rubber spacers are ili a similar bi t i used instead of spacer blocks and trim molding. h U o 2 r 1. Using a caulking (approximately 5/16" wide by 1/2" tall) 0 gun, apply a bead of urethane adhesive poptimal aawV-shaped l 0 completely around the perimeter of the window. Use nozzle for the bead shape. n 2 n y o t i o b i t h 2. Close any voids at corners or elsewhere by smoothing over with a Poly-stick. t c d a ig u e r r dapplication. it 10 minutes of adhesive y NOTE: Window must be installed within o o b p p i r r h o Co 3. Install the window onto the mountingrosurface. ep C r r p of the window to dmake good adhesive contact. 4. Press gently around the entire perimeter e t e n s is 1/4". iz it o thickness of the adhesive a NOTE: Recommended minimum layer after installation r o c h u lim t i 5. Use a Poly-stick to clean up any excess adhesive. d t u d o Uup. a r e n 6. The window can be held in place with masking tape until the adhesive sets p 2 rv U e 0 r e 0 7. Clean up with d a mild soap solution (used sparingly). Do NOT uset 2mineral spirits or alcohol.res e h z trim to the frames. 8. Reapplyrilocking g ts i r o h h the window perimeter frames to the door. py 9. Reattach ig t r u o 10.na Reattach the handle to the door. (See the Side Sliding C Door Hardware section.)All U Window Preparation Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 171 11. To complete the window seal, apply a bead dadhesive with a caulking of white urethane e gun to the outside rv rim of the window. l a aw l u n a e by s M 12. Allow ateleast 8 hours for the adhesive to d r e e t cure.s c i t vi ib h r 13. iSee the Cleaning LEXAN Windows section. h e g S ro l lr y l p a d A u n o n o i B a WARNING: Use extreme care t c M when handling— glass! u e e l d c c i o Illustration WI80 vi r rAdhesive p Trim Ends Sealed with Urethane eh Window (Rubber Mounted) e e V r S r y Removal d e t d e s o a the old window and therizwindow 1. Remove B o m i rubber. — l h i t e t u cl U 2. Remove any adhesive that may still remain n a i n h from the ends of theUwindow rubber. (Seeio e t V a Illustration WI80.) r r te po area 3. Clean the aluminum around the window s r a o w with a two-to-one mixture of isopropyl m a C i l l alcohol and water. Turn the rrag several times i te oil. Ut by to avoid transferring dirtsand a d e Installation m t i li i b t i Illustration WI85 1. Cut a length ofU window rubber and fit it Lower Window Trim oh around the metal frame on which the window 2 r w 0 Trim off any excess. (See p is to be installed. la 0 n 2 n Illustration t WI85.) io o by i t h t c d a ig a caulking gun, apply a bead of 2. Using u e r r d it yurethane adhesive inside the window channel o o b p p i r r h o Co to provide an extra seal for the window. ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u Illustration WI90 Illustration WI95 o a Window Trim Sealing Tool ll Trim C Locking the Window n A U 172 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 3. Pull back the window the frame. l replacement window into w d rubber locking lip and set the a e lalocking lip under the short u v 4. Using a sealing tool, seal the window into thenrubber lock by folding the long r y a and WI95.) ethe window). (Illustrations WI90 b lip (nearest s M e d r e e t 5. Apply a bead of urethane adhesive to the ends of the window rubber c i to complete the window seal. s i t b v i (See Illustration WI80.) h r h e ir g o S r l l y l p a d A n squeegees, razor blades, or other sharpnu CAUTION: Never scrape o the LEXAN window iwith o B objects! Do NOT scrub, use brushes, or usetabrasive cleaners. Do NOT clean in the hot asun c soap or detergent and a clean sponge orMsoft or at elevated — Use only a mild u e temperatures. l cloth. See details below. d ce c i i o r h rv p e e LEXAN Window V Cleaning re S r y d e t in the side sliding door d emay be made of LEXAN to provide for higher-impact The lower window resistance s z o i a than laminated or tempered safety glass. LEXAN is less scratch-resistant B than glass so extra care or However, imtaken when cleaning thistwindow. mustilbe Never scrape the LEXAN window— with squeegees, razor h le u blades, c Ut or other sharp objects! a i n n h or soft cloth. Rinse well with e Wash the LEXAN windowUwith a mild soap or detergent, using a clean sponge io t V sponge. Do NOT scrub or use clean water. To prevent water spots, dry withraachamois or moist cellulose r o at elevated temperatures! te brushes! Do NOT clean in the hot sunpor s r a be removed easily before drying by rubbingw o Fresh paint splashes, grease, and smeared glazing compounds can m C li also works with labels and stickers. Butyl la r i lightly with a grade of VM&P naphtha or isopropyl. Naphtha t y eof paints and marking-pen t U b cellosolve works well for removal inks. Afterward, a warm final wash should be s a d made, using a mild soap or detergent solution and ending with a thorough rinsing with clean water. e im it l i b t can be minimized by using a mild automobile polish, such as Johnson Paste Scratches and minor abrasions i h U Wax. Be sure to follow 2 the manufacturers instructions. ro w 0 p a 0 the following on a LEXAN window: l Never use any2of n n y o t · Abrasive cleaners i o b i t h t c d · Highly a ig alkaline cleaners u e r r d · y Benzene it o o b p p i r r · Gasoline o Co· Acetone ep oh C r r r p · Carbon tetrachloride d e t e n s izlong as the manufacturersarecommendations it o The following cleaning agents are compatible with LEXAN, as and r o c m instructions are followed: u th ili d t u · Joy d U a ro e · Top Job n p 2 rv U 0 · Palmolive Liquid re e 0 2 dAmmonia D · Windex with es t e r h · Freon T.F. iz g r ts i r o h · VM&P-grade naphtha y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ® ® ® ® ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 173 l w d a a e l u n rv a e by s M d Crank-up Window re Replacement e e t c i s t This process describes the viSlide Sliding NOTE: ib h r h e g iDoor option, but it can also be used for the Front ro l ll r Doorless Panel option. y S p a Guide d A u n Removal it o Bo an M — place on a flat padded uc Door 1. Remove the dooreand e Seal l d surface (interior cside up). (See the Side Sliding ic i o Access v r r Door Replacement Crank p eh Section.) Plate e e V Handle r S rKeep window rolled downduntil NOTE: y e t otherwise. d e instructed s o iz a r B 2.im Remove the two screws fromothe front guide. (See — l h i Illustration WI100.) ut t le c U a Illustration WI100 i n h 3. Pull the glass channelnstrip out of the front guide Sliding Door with Roll-up Window o e i U t V only. r ra e o t 4. Remove the front guide. rp as o w 5. Loosen one screw on the regulator access plate and remove m the second screw. a C i l l ti are visible in the access opening. ertwo regulator plate Uscrews 6. Roll the window up until the t by s a d 7. Remove these two screws. e m t ili bi i 8. Remove glass (iftnot broken) by tipping forward and pulling upward out of the opening. h U o 2 r w NOTE: If0the window is removed in once piece, reverse steps to install p the window. a previous l 0 Continue the process to remove any broken glass fragments from the bottom n of the door. 2 n y o t i o b i t h 9. With d spring, and spacer.uc at ig a Torx bit, remove the window crankthandle, e r r d i or 3/16" bit. o 10.yDrill out the Magna-Lok fasteners with ab#11 o p p i r r o Co11. Remove the interior door panel. roh ep C r r d 12. Carefully remove any broken glasspfragments from the bottom of the door. e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U WARNING: Use extreme care when handling glass! ® ® 174 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. Slide the glass n align the regular plate holesy with the holes in the rvinto the lower glass channelaand e b regulator.s M e d r This may be easier with thecewindow regulator in the rolled NOTE: ite down position. s i t b v i h r the regular plate to the regulator. 2. g h e ir Reinstall the two screws connecting o S rearlier. l l 3. Install the front guide and secure the two screws removed (See Illustration WI100.) y l p a d A u n 4. Replace the glass channel Bo strip into the front guide.tio an c holes in the door frame. M — panel holes with the existing 5. Align the interiorledoor u e d c ic i o v r 6. Secure interior panel with new POP rivets. h r p e e e r plate and tighten the second screw. S 7. Replace r Vthe screw on the regulatordaccess y e t d e handle, spring, and spacer. 8. Temporarily secure the windowizcrank s o a r B m houp. il9.i Roll the window completely t e— t l u U 10. Remove the crank handle that the knob is towards a and reposition it so ic the front (or catch side) of the n n h door. (See Illustration WI100.) e U tio V a r up as the door slides NOTE: This should keep window rolled er against the rear brush seals when o t p opened. r as o w m a 11. Secure the crank handle withC a Torx bit. i l l r i te (See the Side Sliding 12. Install the door onto thesvehicle. Ut Door Replacement section.) by a d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Installation ® Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 175 Window Regulator Replacement d l a NOTE: This process e describes the Side Sliding u v n r but it can also be used for the Door option, a e M Doorlesses Panel option. by w la d r e e t c i s t vi ib h r h e g 1. iRemove the door and place on a flat padded Sthe Side Sliding ro l ll r surface (interior side up). (See y p a d A Door Replacement Section.) n o nu o i B a t NOTE: Keep window rolled down until c M — u e e instructed otherwise. l d c ic i o v r h on the regulator accesspplate r 2. Loosen oneescrew e e V and remove the second screw. r S Illustration WI105 r y d e Crank-up Window t window up until the two zregulator d Regulator e 3. Rollsthe plate o i a are visible in the accessropening. B screws o m i — l h i4. Remove these two screws. t t le u c U a i n h 5. Slide the glass into thenfull up position. e it o U Vspacer. a handle, spring, and r 6. With a Torx bit, remove the window crank r o te pwith s r 7. Drill out the Magna-Lok fasteners a #11 or 3/16" bit. a o w m a C i l 8. Remove the interior door panel. l ti er t U by 9. Remove the six Phillips-head screws holding the regulator. s a d e m t Installation ili bi t i 1. Fasten the regulator h inlb. U to the interior door panel with six pan-head screws. Torque too3545 02 door panel on top of the door. law 2. Place the0interior pr n 2 n y holes of the interioridoor o 4. Installtaluminum Magna-Lok fasteners in the predrilled panel. o b i t h c d the access opening. at ig the regulator until holes are accessibletethrough u 5. Adjust r r d i y o o b p p i r r 6. Slide the window down and secure to the regulator with two screws. h p o Co o C re align the window crank r 7. With the same two screws visiblepthrough the access opening, handle in a r d e horizontal position with the knob t WI100.) e vehicle. (See Illustration n toward the rear ofizthe s o i a in the forward r the Torx bit with the knob t spring, and spacerowith 8. Secure the window crank handle, c m i uWI100.) th position. (See Illustration il d t u U ro with two screws. na ed 9. Reinstall the accesspplate 2 v U reinto the truck. (See the Side er 00 section.) 10. Reinstall the door Sliding Door Replacement s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Removal ® ® ® 176 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u 1. After adhesive rv has dried, scrape any excessanadhesive from glass y e b edges andssurface with a utility knife. M d re e e t c s tCAUTION: Be sure not to nick bi vi or cut the glass when installi h r e to cracks developing overohtime. ig ing the trim. This can lead S r r l l y l p a d A 2. With a lint-free paper towel n the glass o and isopropyl alcohol, clean nu o i B a around the trim molding bonding surface and let dry t for 2 minutes. c M — u e e l NOTE: The center c of the windshield hasroadwide flat trim. If ic i v you are replacing the windshield, you will need to replace this h r p e as well. Ve e r S r y d e 3. Avoid t touching the adhesive while d eremoving the adhesive backing s z o i strip. a Apply the self-adhesive rtrim. (See Illustrations WI110 B o mthrough WI120.) Avoid stretching the trim. i — l h i t ut the trim. Take care to hold the knife icle U 4. Miter-cut corners and aoverlap with the cutting edge on (See Illustrations eh Unpointing away fromtiyou. V WI115 and WI120.) Do NOT cutra through the lip of the r o of glass. trim; allow it to wrap around the edge te p s r athe angles. o w 5. On the quarter-window seam, miter-cut the corners and m a C i l l (See Illustration WI120.) r ti y e t U b s center of the windshield should be placed 6. The wide flat trim for a the d e flush against the top trim. Check how well the trim will fit before m t li the glass. bi applying the trimtito i h U o 7. Press down2on the trim using a roller or squeegee to ensure a good r 0 a second time. Cut the bottom end oflathewcenter p bond. Repeat 0 n 2 n WI110 trim flush t with the bottom trim. io Illustration o by i t h Apply Trim t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r CAUTION: Do NOT wash the windows for at least 24 hours following installation or application h o Co of the window trim. Chemicals o like those found in washer epfluid can retard the adhesives. C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r ofill the seams cmitered seams and joints, 8. If there are any gaps in the h u lim t i d t and joints with liquid rubber. u d o U a r e n p 2 9. If the quarter-window the mirror rv U e trim interferes with remounting 0 e bracket, cut justr enough lip off the trim to allow the bracket to fit. 20 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration WI115 C n A Trim Corners U Trim Molding Installation Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 177 Application direction l Al ts h rig d e rv Start here e s re(for center trim only) er t as m ili t U y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M n it o c u od r p re d te i ib h o pr by w la ce i rv e S l a u an M dy o B — Start here le c i n h e it o V Peel trim back and discard this piece a r r te po s r a o Discard w m a C i l l ti Miter-cut face (only) at y er t U b corners s a d m te i i l i ib h Ut 2 ro w 0 p a l 0 n 2 n y o t i o b i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o Discard o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 On all corners except starting/stopping s 2 d through lip of trim; keep point, dont e cut t re h attached and ir z wrap around corner of glass ts ig r o h y h ig t Illustration WI120p r u o Trim Diagram a ll C n A U 178 ed z ri o th u a n U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u n with an internal thermal yoverload protection switch rv The wiper motor is equipped a CAUTION: e b is not unplugged, the motor s the wiper motor in caseMof overload. Thus, if the motor thatestops d r activate itself without warning. e Always unplug the motor may c ite when working on or s i disconnecting wiper linkages. t b v i h r h e ir g S ro l l y l p a d A u n it o Bo an c M u e— e l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S rV y d e t Wiper d e s o ir z a Blade B Linkage o m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h e io Un t V Wiper a r r Arm o te p s r a o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b asinstall wiper d CAUTION: Always e m t arms and blades according to the ili instructions to bi manufacturers t i h U avoid interference with the o 2 windshield molding. r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o Washer o b p p i r r h Tee o Co ep o C Windshield r r r p Washer Hose d e t e n s Bottle Washer iz it o a r o c m Bracket i h u l t i Washer d t u d o Bottle U a r e n p 2 rv U e 0 r e 0 CAUTION: Always use the correct wiper harness plug and 2wiper switch when bench-testing s a d motor. eAccidental hot wiring of the wrong wiper motor terminal may cause damagereto the t h internal iz components of the wiper motor. g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll Illustration WS5 C n A Wiper System U Wiper System Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 179 Troubleshooting Procedure d e rv e s re l a u n a M w la The following troubleshooting and repair procedure should be followed when encountering problems with wiper systems. by d te i CORRECTIVE ib ACTION h 1. ro l l y l p Remove and replace a Remove and replace d motor inoperative No A Wiper u Fuse OK? n fuse. wiper switch. n at high or low speed. it o Bo a c M u e— e l Yes d c ic Yes i o v r r p eh e Power available e at high Power available at high Power V r S available from No and low speed terminal of No and low speed wiper ignition switch to wiper r motor connector? switch terminals? te dy switch? ed s z o i a r B o Yes m Yes No i — l h i t e t u cl U Repair open circuit Repair open circuit a i n Remove and replace n between wiper switch and between ignition and h o e wiper motor. i U wiper motor connectors. wiper switch connectors. t V a r er o t rp 2. as o w mLinkage moves freely a C i l Remove and replace l r crank broken or Noti when disconnected from No linkage and/or pivot Wiper motor runs, but wiper eMotor t loose? arms do not move. U by motor shaft? assembly. s a d e m t Yes Yes ili bi t i U oh 2 Check motor shaft r w and replace 0 p aRemove splines for damage and l 0 wiper motor. replace damaged parts. n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r 3. d it y o o b p p i r r Power availablehat low Power available low p ofatwiper Remove and replace oswitch. inoperative at No No CoWiper motor speed terminal of motor speed terminal e o wiper C r low speed. connector? switchr connector? r p d e t e n s iz Yes io Yes a r t o c im h u l t i Repair open circuit t od Remove and replace au between wiper switch and U r ed wiper motor. n wiper motor connectors. p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ts CONDITION h rig 180 ce i rv e S Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l a aw l u y an No Power available at high Power available at high b Remove and replace No speed terminal ofM motor speed terminal of wiper wiper switch. d connector? e switch connector? e t c bi vi i r Yes oh Yes Se r l y pRepair open circuit a d n wiper switch and Remove and replace nu it o between Bo wiper motor. a wiper motor connectors. c M — u e e l d c ic i o 5. v r h r p e e e Vbut do not RepairSopen circuit between available at park r Power Wipers operational No wiper and wiper motor terminal of wiper motor y switch d er position. return totpark connectors. connector? d e o iz as r B m Yes ho ili t e— t l u U a ic n n h Remove and replace wiper e U tio motor. V a r er o t p r 6. as o w m a C i l Remove wiper motor crank, l Wipers operational but Wiper motorticrank in the No check motor shaft y for er always park incorrectly in the t correct U park position? b damaged splines, replace same position. damaged parts, d and reinstall as crank in thete correct park m i Yes ili bposition. t i h U o 2 r Remove wiper motor crank, 0 p awfor check motor shaft l 0 damaged splines, and replace n 2 n y Run motor o t damaged parts. i o b i t h and park. Reinstall wiper t c d a ig arms inecorrect park position, u r r d and it torque to 16.5 N•m. y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C 7. r r r p d e t Correct park position of wiper n Wipers oversweep or No s and/or wiper motor zearms Park position of wiper i arms it o a undersweep. r correct? crank. o c m i h u l t i d t u d o U a Yes r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 Check for loose or worn 2 d es linkage and/or excessive play t e r in pivot shaft assembly, and h iz r replace damaged parts. See ts ig r o h the Coupler Addendum. y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ed v r e Wiper motor inoperative s at high speed. re ts h ig ll r A 4. Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 181 Coupler Addendum for 78.5"-Wide Vehicles (Troubleshooting) d e rv e s re l a u n a M by w la d e e t c i vi ib r h Wiper Oversweep or e ro Undersweep. y S l l l p a d A u n it o Bo an Park Position Nouc Correct Park Position of Wiper e M e— of Wiper l d c OK? Arms Arms and/or Motor Crank. ic i o r h rv p e e V re S r Yes y d e t d e s o iz a r B o m Coupler loose? i — l h i t t le u c U a i n h e it o Un V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l Check for Other Loose/Worn ti er t U by No Linkage, Excessive Play in Pivot s a d Shaft Assemblies , and Replace e m t Coupler Damaged Parts as Necessary. ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t Yes i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v 0 Torque Screw re to 910 ftlb [12.5 U er 0 s 2 13.5 Nm] d or Replace Linkage. t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U ts h rig 182 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Motor Removal n rv a e by s 1. Disconnect the Negative (Black) batteryMcable. d re e e t c 2. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the wiper motor. ts bi vi i h r h (See Illustration WS10.) 3. ig Remove the wiper motor driveeshaft nut with a 13 mm wrench. o S r r l l4. Remove the motor crank from y the motor drive shaft. p l a d A u n o n o i B a 5. Remove the three motor mount screws with a 10 mm t wrench. c M — u e motor. e 6. Remove the wiper l d c ic i o v r h r p e e e r S rV y d e t d e s o ir z a B Motor Cranko m i — l h i t le ut c U a i n h Motor Drive Shaft e io Un Nut t V a r r Motor Mount Screw o te p s r a o w m a C i l l i IllustrationtWS10 y er t U b Motor Mount and Crank as d e m t Motor Installation ili bi t i h Ux 1" bolts and two two-way locknuts to o 1. Use two 5/16 2 r 0wiper motor against the inside of the cowl law p fasten the 0 n 2 n y to 5 channel o t and against the lower cowl channel. Torque i o b i t h 7g t c d a i ftlb. u e r r d it o 2.y Install the pivot assembly with two 1-1/8" locknuts and two o b p p i r r washersone on each side. Torque h to 2230 ftlb. ep o Co flat o C (See the Pivot and Link Assembly section.) r r r p d e t 3. Install the rain shields onto the n pivot assemblies. (See ze s i it o a r Illustration WS15.) o c h u lim t i 4. Connect the motor crank with one motor drive shaft nut. d t u d o(See Illustration WS10.) U a Torque to 917 ftlb. r e n p 2 U e 0 Illustration WS15 erv NOTE: If the rwiper linkage moves while torquing the 0 2Install Rain Shield on Pivot Assembly dcrank, when the ignition is switched back es motor drive t e r iz system will rotate once to park itself. igh on, the rwiper ts r o h y h the wiper motor harness to the jumper harness. 5. Reconnect ig t p r u o a ll C n A U Motor Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 183 d e rv e s re l a u n a M w Pivot a Cranks by l d e e t c i i bLinks Motorrvand Bracket i h eAssembly o S r l l y Illustration WS20p a d Al u n Park Position it o Bo an M e— turn on the ignition, anddurunc the wiper system to check for the correctcePark 6. Reconnect the battery, l i ic the wiper control to the Offroposition to allow the wiper motor to park itself. position. Return v h r e ep and fasten with arm-retaining nuts. (See 7. Install theVwiper arms onto the pivot assemblies r Se the Wiper Arm r Replacement te section.) dy ed s z o i a arm-retaining nut to 14.816.2 r 8. Torque ftlb. B o m i — l h i t t le u c U a i n Section of h o e i Un Wiper t V a r Heador te p s r a Rain o w m a C i l Shield l Head Washer ti er t Cover Pivot Body U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d Arm-Retaining Nut a ig u e r r d1-1/8" Locknut po it Locknut y (14.8–16.2 ft•lb) 1-1/8" o b p i h(22–30 ft•lb) pr (Do NOT remove) or Co e o C r pr Illustration WS25 d r te e Pivot Assembly n s z o a ri ti Link Assembly Replacement o c m i u th il d t Link Assembly Removal u d U a ro e n p 2 v 1. Disconnect the Negative (Black) battery cable. U 0 re er 0 s 2 2. Remove the head d covers. (See Illustration WS25.) t e re h z i 3. Loosen and r remove the arm-retaining nuts with a 14 mm wrench ts ig and remove the wiper arms. r o h y h the rain shields. ig t 4. Remove p r u o a ll C n A U ts h rig 184 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 5. Remove the 1-1/8" WS25.) w d locknuts and washers from thel pivot assemblies. (See Illustration a e la WS10.) u v 6. Remove therwiper motor drive shaft nut with a 13 mm wrench. (See Illustration n y a e b s 7. Removee the motor crank from the wiperMmotor drive shaft. d r e e t c i assembly. 8. Remove ts and replace the pivot andrvlink bi i h h e ig Installation Link Assembly o S r r l l y and push pivots through 0.81" l p a 1. Position the linkage assembly holes in the body. d A n o nu o i B a 2. Assemble pivots as follows: t c M — u e e l a. Place a c steel washer onto each pivot body. d (See Illustration WS25.) ic i o v r ha 1-1/8" locknut onto the pivot b. Place p assembly and torque to 2230 ftlb. er e e r S r V a rain shield onto the pivot c.ePlace body. y d t s ze on, and run the wiper system. Return othed wiper control to the 3. Reconnect the battery, turn theriignition a B o motor to park itself. mOff position to allow the wiper i — l h i t t le shaft and torque the motor U 4. Disconnect the battery.auReinstall the motorncrank to the wiper motoricdrive h drive shaft nut to 917 e io WS10.) Un ftlb. (See Illustration t V aon, and run the wiperrsystem. r 5. Reconnect the battery, turn the ignition Return the wiper control to the e oPark position. In the tcorrect p Off position to check for the correct Park position, the pivot cranks s r a o Illustration WS20.m w should be positioned as shown in a C i l l 6. Replace the wiper arms on y erthe pivot assembly. Uti t b s d 7. Start the wiper systemaand test all the functions. e m t ili bi Wiper Blade Replacement t i h U o Wiper Blade Removal 2 r 0 p aw l 0 End of Wiper 1. Pull the2wiper arm away from the n n o Assembly t and lock the arm into 1. To remove, iArm o by lock Arm windshield i t h t into the c d Service position a ig Service position. the u e r r d it y 3. Slide Arm Hook o out o b p p 2. Rotate the blade about 90° and i r of Blade Assembly r o Co push the blade toward the ep oh Plastic Retaining Clip C r r r windshield about 1". (The p d e t rubber insert will bow outwardn s ze o i i a r t from the arm pushing against it.) o c h u (See Illustration WS35.) limWiper Blade Assembly t 2. Push i d t u o from U toward the Windshield ed a r 3. Unhook the blade assembly n p 2 rv U 0 the arm. re e 0 Illustration 2 BladeWS35 d es Wiper Blade Installation t Install Wiper Assembly e r h iz ts ir g 1. Hookoinr a new blade and push it h hfrom the vehicle until the blade locks in place. py away ig t r u o ll 2.naRotate the new blade to its normal position and lower C the arm. A U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 185 Wiper Arm Replacement l w d a a e l u n rv a 1. Remove theehead cover. (See Illustration WS25.) by s M re the washer hose from thecT-fitting e pump assembly. ted 2. Disconnect i s i t b v i h 3. Remove the arm-retaining nut with h the wiper arm. er a 14 mm wrench and remove ig o S r r Wiperl Arm Installation l y l p a d A 1. Ensure that the wiper system u n it o as shown. (See Illustration WS20.) an Bo is Parked with pivot cranks c the arms facing outward from the center ofMthe 2. Push the arm heads— over the tapered knurl shaftuwith e l dWS25.) The blades should be approximately windshield at Park ce 4" c position. (See Illustration i i o rto the outer end of the blade tip. (See Illustration h of the windshield glass from the bottom rv p e e WS40.)V re S r y d e t the two arm-retaining nuts d 3. Replace e and torque to 1516 ftlb with a 14 mm wrench. s o iz a r B to the T-fitting washer 4. im Push the washer hoses through o the holes provided in the body and connect—them l h i pump. t t le u c U a i 5. Replace the head cover h Illustration WS25.) on on the arm heads. e(See Un over the retainingtinuts V a r r te po s r a o w m a C i l l ti er t U by s a d e m t ili bi t i U oh 2 r w 0 p la 0 4" n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d Position a ig 78.5 Park u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r h o Co ep o C r r r p d e t e n s iz io a r t o c im h u l t i t u od U a r ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 4" e d t e r h ir z s g t i r o h 86.5 and 93.5 Park Position y ig th p r u o Illustration WS40 a ll C n A Park Positions U Wiper Arm Removal 186 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Pivot Removal n rv a e by s 1. Disconnect the Negative (Black) batteryMcable. d re e e t c 2. Remove the wiper arms. ts bi vi i h r h 3. ig Remove the head covers. (SeeeIllustration WS25.) o S r r l4. Loosen and remove the twoyarm-retaining nuts with a 14pmm wrench and remove the wiper arms. al l d A u n o n o i B a 5. Disconnect the link from the pivot by applying even on the t pressure, using two flat-blade screwdrivers, c M — underside of the plastic ball cap. (See Illustration WS45.) u e le d c c i i o 6. Remove theh rain shield. v r rRain Armp e e Retaining Nut 7. RemoveV the 1-1/8" AF re S Shield r y d e locknut t from the pivot. d e s z o i a B 8. Remove the pivot or massembly. 1-1/8— "AF i l h i t Locknut t le u c U a i Pivot Installation Pivot Assembly n n h o e i U t 1. Place the new pivot Flat-Blade` V a r Screwdriver assembly on the pivot. er o t p Link r as 2. Replace the 1-1/8" AF o w m a C i locknut and torque to l l Plastic ti y er 2230 ftlb. Ball Cap t U b s d 3. Grease the plastic balla e m t i li or cap with Castrol iLM b t i Illustration WS45 Shell RetinaxUA grease h o Pivot Assembly 2 r or equivalent. 0 p aw l 0 n 2 4. Placet a 3/4" socket over the plastic ball cap and push y the cap onto the pivotioball. Using a pair of on t together until the balltiis h multigrips or tongue-and-groove pliers, squeeze b the socket and the pivot crank c g seated in the ball cap. (See IllustrationedWS50.) irfirmly u ra t d i y o p5. Replace the rain shield. ib ro rp o h p o C e o On, and C r r 6. Reconnect the battery, turn the ignition r p d run the wiper system. Return the wiper control to te e n Pivot s z o motor to park ri the Off position to allow thetiwiper a Pivot Crank Assembly o c m itself. h Pivot Ball ili u t d t u o U 7. Replace the wiper arms. a Pliersed r n p 2 3/40" rv U Link re e [190mm] 2 d Socket es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h Illustration WS50 y h ig t p Squeeze Socket and rPivot Crank u o a ll C n A U Pivot Assembly Replacement Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 187 C l d a Cargo lights 138 law Indexrve u n Clearance lights 135y a e b s M Control module 74, 75, 77, 92, 93 e d r e e t Coolant 20 i ic ts v ib 20 Coolant, engine h r h e g i Cover, overhead. Overhead shelf cover S A lr ro service See l y l p Customer 14, 16, 18 a d A n A/C. See Air conditioning o nu o D i B a t Access, fuel sending unit 71 c M — Actuator, switch 161 le u D-Loop, seat belt. See Seat belt e d Decals 26, 41 c ic Address 132 i o v r r p National Highway eh Traffic Safety AdministraDefrost duct 73, 79, 87 e e V r S tion 17, 20 Dome (cab) light 138 r y d e t U.S. Department of Transportation e17, 20 Door, bulkhead 42 s od iz a Utilimaster Door, hardware 18 B r Customer service 18 Door, maintenance — lim ho itParts t e22, 23, 24 l department 14 u Door, roll-up 24, 43 U Publications departmenta 3 ic n n Adjustment 50 h e io U 16 Warranty department t Cable replacement 46 V a r r Air conditioning 87 Counterbalance 44 te 54 po Controls 92 s Pull strap r a 53 o w General information 88 Rollers m a C i l l Safety 19, 94 ti Spring 45 er t U by Specifications 111 Winding spring 47 s d System components 90 a Door, side sliding e m t i Tests 99 Adjustment 59, 62 ili b t i Alarm, back-up (Echovision) 11, 65 Handle 58 U oh 2 r Replacement 59 w 0 B p la swing 25 0 Door, n 2 n y Back-up alarm t (Echovision) 65 io o bDrain i t h t Batteriesig34 c d Kazoo 64 a u e r r Blowery motor 74, 75, 78, 92, 93, 105 Positive pressure d system 147 it o o b p p i r Body mounting bolts 26 r DuraPlate 10 h o Co serial number 12 Body ep o C r r E r p BOM fastener 28 d e t e Buck rivets 28 Echovision 65 s on iz i a r t Buckle, seat belt. See Seat belt Electrical. See Wiring o c im h u l Bulkhead 42 t Electrical components 18 i d u Email 14, 16, 18 Ut d Bumper, step rings 11 ro a e n p 2 v Bumpers, hood 23 e U Emergency repairs 0 20 er 0 Bumpers, rear 37 r End cap 67 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U 188 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual lL w d a a e l u Fan 22, 70, 146.rvSee also Blower motor n LEXAN 170 y a b Fasteners 27 se License plate light 137 M d re Federal Certification Label 12 Lights 22 e e t c i Fender repair Back-up b 136 ts 123 vi i h r Fender Cargo h 138 e igreplacement 122 o S r r Forms Clearance 11, 135 l l 14, 16 y l p a d Fuel sending unit access 71 Dome (cab) 138 A n o nu o Identifcation 11, 135 i B a t License plate 137 G c M — u e e l d Side marker 11, 135 Glossary of terms 18 c ic i o v r Grab handles 26,h72 Stop 11, 136 r p e e e Tail 136 Grease. See Lubricants r S r V 119 y Grille (stone guard) Turn 134, 136 d e t d e s Liner, roof 151 o ir z a H B Locknuts 29 o m i — l h i grab 11, 25, 72 ut Locks 23, 42, 56 Handle, t le c U a Lubricants Headlights 133 i n h Castrol 187 Heater 18, 22, 74. See e io Unalso Air conditioning t V 25 a Exxon 23, Heater, block 11 r r o te 23 Graphite Height adjuster, seat belt 155 p s r a 187 Grease Hinges 25 o w m a C i NUTO 23, 25 Hood 23 l l ti Oil 23, 24, 25 y er Adjustment 118, 131 t U b Retinax 187 Bumpers 116, 129 as d e m Shell 187 Fiberglass 117 t li bi Gas spring 120 ti i M h U Prop rod 116, 2117 o r Magna-Bulb 30 Repair 123 00 p aw l n 2 Magna-Grip 31 Replacement n t 120 o byMagna-Lok 30 tio i RIM 116h t g d Maintenance 22 uc a HVAC.riSee Air conditioning e r d it y Doors 22 ro b p po i r I o h p Heater 22 o C e o C r r Identifcation lights 135 Locks 23 r p d e Inspection 22 Positive pressure system 147 t n s ze door 23 o i i Rear a r t J oSeat 22 c h u lim t i d t Jump seat u Seat belt 22, 154U d o a r e Replacement 159 p Matting (cab floor)2 139 n U 0 charts 28, 29, 111 erv Seat belt 156 Metric conversion re 0 s 2 22, 26, 140 d Mirrors 11, t18, e e r K h 30 MONOBOLT iz g r ts i r h Kazoo draino64 Mud flaps 18 y h ig t p Keys 132 r u o a ll C n A U F Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 189 S l a Safety aw l u an Belt. See Seat belt by M Cable latch 11,d 42 e te 17, 19 Considerations 20, 132 ic i Sealant 33ib rv e Seals, door oh 24, 55, 56 S r l y Seat p a d 18, 158 nu on it Pedestal Bo a O Replacement 158 cSeat M — u e belt 152 e Oil. See Lubricants l d Buckle 155 c 141 ic i o Overhead shelf cover v r r p eh Buckle latch plate 155 e e V P r S D-Loop 154 r y d e d Height adjuster 155 Paint 142.stSee also Decals ze o i a Jump seat 156 r B Parts o m 18 i Maintenance 22, 154 — l h Guide i t e t u Pedestal 155 cl Numbers 13 U a i n Retractor 154 n h Ordering 14 o e i U t Sending unitVaccess, fuel 71 Parts manuals 10 a r Serial number er 12 Pedestal, seat 152 o t Shelf cover Pedestal, seat belt 155 rp as 160141 o w Shelving Phone numbers 14, 16, 17, 18,C20, 132 m a i l l Sun Pin-and-collar fastener 31 ti visors 18, 164 er t U by Switches 22, 161 Pop rivet 31 s a d Positive pressure systemm11, 146 e T t Primer, paint 142 ili bi t i Tape 26, 32 Pull strap 11, 23 U oh 2 r Thread adhesive 31 w 0 R la switch 22, 161n p 0 Toggle, 2 n y 27 t io Refrigerant-134a. See Air conditioning o bTools i t h t d Torque seal 32 uc Retractor, a igseat belt. See Seat belt e r r d 29, 111 it Torque value charts y control 3 o Revision o b p p i r r Towing 20 RIMo(Reaction Injected Molding). See Hood h o C 148 ep132 o Transponder C Roof r r p Transport Security, Inc. 132 er d Rub rail 67 t e n s ir z it o a o c m i u th il d t u U a ro ed n p 2 v U re er 00 s 2 d t e re h ir z ts ig r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U N d e Numbers rv 12 Body serial number e s Parts 13 re Phone 14, ts 16, 17, 18, h VIN 12 igorder 12 Work r l Nutsert Al 30 190 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual l w d a a e l u Utilimaster body serial n rv number 12 y a e b Utilimaster customer service. See Customer s M d service re e e t c UtilimastertsGlossary of Terms 18 vi bi i h r Utilimaster h eGuide 18 ig Quick Reference Parts o S r r l y V ll p a d A u n VACS 11, 18, 42, 43, 132 it o Bo an c M Vent — u e e l Fan 70 d c c i i o v r Parts ordering 18 h r p e e e Positive pressure system 146 r S rV Two-way hingeless 11, 162 y d e t d e VIN 12 s o ir z a B Visorsm18, 164 o i — l h i le WUt ut c a i n n h Warranty claims 16 U e io t V a Web site 3, 14, 16, 18 r r o Windows 18, 23, 56, 57, 165 te p s r a Wipers 18, 22, 179 o w m a C Arm replacement 186 i l l r ti y Blade replacement 185 te U b Linkage replacement 185 as d e Motor replacement 183 m t ili bi Pivot replacement t187 i h Troubleshooting U 180 o 2 r 0 179 Washer assembly p aw l 0 n 2 Wiring schematics 18 n tnumber 12 io o by Work order i t h t c d a ig transponder 132 Wristband, u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t p r u o a ll C n A U U Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 191 Utilimaster VehiclesBody Service Manual 193 Vehicles © Utilimaster n io t ra er o t p r as o w m a C i l l ti y er t U b as d e m t ili bi t i h U o 2 r 0 p aw l 0 n 2 n t io o by i t h t c d a ig u e r r d it y o o b p p i r r o Co ep oh C r r r p d e t e n s iz it o a r o c h u lim t i d t u d o U a r e n p 2 rv U 0 re e 0 2 d es t e r h iz g r ts i r o h y h ig t Par t Number : 03102102-VY00EN p r u o a Cor poration, 65906 State Road 19, P.O. CBox 585, Wakar usa, Indiana, ll 465730585, USA Utilimaster n A U Man ual y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u an M Ser vice ed z i r ho t u a Un n it o c u od r p re d ti e ib h o pr by w la Bod y er t as m ili t U y d Bo e— l ic h Ve ce i rv e S l a u n a M Utilimaster l l A ts h rig ed v r e s re