ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 134 East Bishop Street BAPTISMS: Bellefonte, PA 16823 By Appointment MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM Daily: See Bulletin MARRIAGE: Notify Pastor 9 Months in Advance SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 11:00 AM Rectory Phone: 814) 355-3134 E-mail: CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Call the Rector y. Pastor: Rev. GEORGE I. JAKOPAC, DEACON THOMAS E. BOLDIN School Phone: (814) 355-7859 School Website: St. John was Established in 1828 ST. JOHN CATHOLIC SCHOOL MRS. KRISTINA TICE, School Principal *** WEEK OF MARCH 13TH, 2016 *** Page Two St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church DEANERY LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE The Lenten Penance Service for our Deanery w ill be held at Good Shepherd Church in State College this Monday, March 14th at 7:00 PM. A num ber of priests will be available for confession including Bishop Bartchak. Saturday, March 12th 5:00 PM J er ome Basalla (Wife, Genny) Sunday, March 13th***Daylight Saving Time Begins 8:00 AM Edwar d Dr apcho (Wife, Millie) 10:15 AM Deceased Pr iests of our Par ish (A Fr iend) Monday, March 14th 9:00 AM Benefactor s of St. J ohn School (St. J ohn School) Tuesday, March 15th 8:00 AM William Blood (Fr . Geor ge) Wednesday, March 16th 8:00 AM Baby Gabr iel Russell (A Fr iend) Thursday, March 17th 8:00 AM Communion Service Friday, March 18th 8:00 AM William J . Edmiston (Vir ginia Sager ) 1:00 PM School Stations 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM LENTEN CONFESSIONS 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 19th, 5:00 PM Mar ian Albar ano (Antoinette & J oseph Beigle) 6:00 PM Confessions Sunday, March 20th, PALM SUNDAY 8:00 AM Elsie & Sam Nastase (Daughter , Mar y Ann Miller)) 10:15 AM Sophie Mazur kiewicz (Deacon Tom & Shir ley Boldin) LITURGICAL MINISTER/SERVER SCHEDULE: Saturday, 5:00 PM March 19th Servers: Austin Stock & Caleb Stock E.M.s: James Eckert & Adam Rawding Passion Reading Narrator: J ames Ecker t Lector: Adam Rawding Music Ministers: David Har r y & Adam Witmer Sunday, 8:00 AM March 20th, PALM SUNDAY Servers: Alina Watson & Kir a Watson E.M.s: Christine Surovec & Julia Gardner Passion Reading Narrator: Chr istopher Ross Lector: Christine Surovec Music Ministers: Adult Choir Sunday, 10:15 AM March 20th, PALM SUNDAY Servers: Nathan Tice & Madelyn Tice E.M.s: Kristina Tice & Brian Alterio Passion Reading Narrator: Paul Tobin Lector: Kristina Tice Music Ministers: Folk Choir **PLEASE NOTE: THE MONDAY 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASSES ARE NOW HELD AGAIN IN THE CHURCH Our E-Mail Address is Our Website: FYI: Our School Website is: RECTORY OFFICE HOURS are as follows: Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Fridays: 8:30 AM—12:30 PM PLEASE NOTE: ST. KATERI’S MASS TIME IS NOON ON SUNDAYS! SUMMER FUN DAY PLANNING MEETING There will be a Summer Fun Day planning meeting this Tuesday, March 15th at 6:00 PM . It will be held in the school cafeteria. LENTEN FISH FRY DINNERS Our next Fish Fry Dinner is held this Friday, March 18th. The dinners are served in the St. John School Auditorium from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM. Adult meals are $9.00 each and meals for children (under 12) are $5.00 each. Children 6 and under eat free. Thank you for joining us for this Lenten meal. ALL DAY ADORATION Our next All Day Adoration is scheduled for Monday, March 21st immediately following the 9:00 AM Mass and closing at 2:00 PM. Try to plan a visit with our Lord during next week’s Holy Week Adoration, the final week of Lent. EXTR@ CONFESSIONS SCHEDULED FOR LENT FRID@Y NIGHT, M@RCH 18TH: 5:30-7:00 PM S@TURD@Y NIGHT, M@RCH 19TH @T 6:00 PM WEDNESD@Y NIGHT, M@RCH 23RD @T 6:00 PM ST. JOHN’S LENTEN CLASSES: NOTE: LAST CLASSES ARE THIS WEEK Tuesday, March 15th: 7:00 PM, School Cafeteria (Moderated by Fr, George) Thursday, March 17th: 2:00 PM, Rectory Basement (Moderated by Don and Sara Nagel) EASTER HOLIDAY BREAK FOR CCD CLASSES No CCD Classes will be held on March 20th (Palm Sunday) OR March 27th (Easter Sunday). CCD Classes will resume on Sunday, April 3rd. Teachers and students, enjoy you Easter Holiday break. NOTE: The Confirmation Class, however, will be meeting on Sunday, March 2oth! DIVINE MERCY NOVENA Our Divine Mercy Novena will be starting on Good Friday and culminating on Divine Mercy Sunday (April 3rd) with a special Holy Hour from 2:00 - 3:00 PM. Copies are available for all. HOLY WEEK SERVICES: HOLY THURSDAY: March 24th at 7:00 PM Services with Adoration in the church until 11:00 PM GOOD FRIDAY: March 25th at 1:00 PM Service of Our Lord’s Passion HOLY SATURDAY: March 26th 10:00 AM Practice for Vigil 11:00 AM Blessing of Easter Baskets 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass EASTER SUNDAY: March 27th Regular Masses At 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM Page Three Bellefonte, Pennsylvania WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR WEEKEND 03/06/2016 ORDINARY COLLECTION INCOME RECEIVED: Adult Offertory: $ 7,852.00 Loose Offertory: $ 901.76 Children’s Offertory: $ 64.65 Special Monthly: $ 2,240.00 Votive Candles: $ 101.57 ORDINARY COLLECTION TOTAL: $ 11,159.98 EXTRA ORDINARY INCOME RECEIVED: Maintenance Fund: $ Father O’Malley Fund: $ Catholic Register: $ Easter Collection: $ EXTRA ORDINARY COLLECTION: $ 400.00 10.00 68.00 1,425.00 1,903.00 ORDINARY & EXTRA DEPOSIT TOTAL: $ 13,062.98 ************************************************* REGULAR SCHOOL COLLECTION TOTAL: $ 135.00 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: (Diocesan or Others) Black & Indian Mission Collection: $ 10.00 Catholic Relief Collection: $ 347.00 Holy Name of Mary School Fund: $ 75.00 Holy Land Collection: $ 25.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND YOUR GENEROSITY “THEOLOGY ON TAP” SESSION Please join us this Wednesday, March 16th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at The Tavern in downtown State College for our next Theology on Tap meeting. Our speaker will be Ryan Brady, who works at the Saint Joseph’s Institute in Port Matilda. Ryan’s talk is on Ignatian prayer and spirituality. Come learn about and practice this special type of prayer! All young adults ages 19 to 39-ish are invited and all are welcome to bring friends. For questions or mor e infor mation, contact Kristine Creavey at (717) 512-8362, or find us on Facebook at “Theology on Tap Centre County.” GOOD SHEPHERD TRADITIONAL SEDER MEAL Good Shepherd Church in State College will have a Traditional Seder Meal lead by Rabbi David Ostrich next Tuesday, March 22nd at 6:00 PM. It will be held at their new Church Hall at 867 Gray’s Woods Boulevard. Reservations are required by noon this Friday, March 18th. For more information & to make a reservation, call Good Shepherd Parish at 238-2110. 2016 MARRIAGE PREPARATION SERIES CLASSES Are you newly engaged or planning to be married in the Catholic Church in the near future? The Family Life Office has information for the Pre Cana Classes required for couples preparing for marriage. There are two local Marriage Preparation Series Classes scheduled: One at OLV in State College on Thursday, June 2, 9 & 16 from 7:00 - 9:30 PM. And one here at St. John’s on Tuesday, October 4, 11 & 18 at 7:00 - 9:30 PM. The cost is $65 per couple which includes all sessions in a series. Pre-registration is required. If you can’t attend these, other sessions are available in other locations in March, April, May and September. Sign up early since some series fill up months in advance. OR you can choose to attend: An Engaged Couples Weekend. (March 18 or November 4) For more details on these Classes or the upcoming Weekends or to register, please contact the Family Life Office at 886-5551 or via email: FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MARCH BREAKFAST The Bellefonte Knights of Columbus will sponsor their monthly All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast next Sunday, March 20th at their Council Home. This month they will be collecting food items for the Local Food Bank. Anyone bringing in 5 cans or boxes of non perishable unexpired foods will receive a 50% discount on their meal. All proceeds will be used to buy additional food items that the bank may need. Plan to come, enjoy a great breakfast prepared by our Knights of Columbus members and help stock the Local Food Bank. And a reminder: Our area Food Bank Pantries are continually in need of items for their shelves. Canned goods an d boxes can be dropped off at anytime in the entrance of the church. Thank you for your donations given throughout the year which help so many struggling local families. BELLEFONTE K OF C “A KNIGHT AT THE RACES” The Knights of Columbus are again sponsoring “A Knight at the Races.” This year it will be held on April 9th at the Milesburg Community Center. Doo r s open at 5:30 PM w ith post time for the first race at 6:15 PM. The cost of each horse is $15. Please contact Sam Brezler at for more information. Please note that these sell out fast, so contact the Knights as soon as possible to purchase your horse. PRO-LIFE BABY SHOWER BINGO The Catholic Daughters will be sponsoring a Baby Bingo on Sunday, April 10th from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in St. John School Auditorium. You are asked to bring at least one new baby item and $5 to register. The proceeds will be divided among three charities this year: The Gabriel Project in State College, Life Line in Clearfield, and Mommy’s Shop in Houserville. For any questions, please call Julie Walker at 355-5007. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Thank you for your great response so far to our 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal. If you have not received a letter and a pledge envelope from the diocese, please call the rectory or pick up one from the registers in the back of the church. Your ACA gifts and/or pledges can be sent to the diocese or placed in the collection basket at any time. NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR “ST. JOHN’S IN STITCHES” Our newly formed sewing group will have its next meeting on Monday, March 28th at 6:30 PM in the Rectory Basement. The group is in need of donations of all kinds of ribbon for adorning their finished items and for use in their projects. If you would like to donate ribbon, please drop it off at the rectory during regular business hours. If you have any questions about our “St. John’s in Stitches” Group, please contact Rosie Wood. She can be reached by phone at 625-2902 or via email at the following address: “FIRE” RALLY RETREAT There will be a FIRE Rally on Saturday, April 16 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Four exciting talks and prayer experiences to ignite the Flame of the Holy Spirit and the Love of Jesus in your life. Speakers include Fr. Jonathan St. Andre TOR; Bob & Marci Sutton; Sr. Linda LaMagna CCW; Msgr. Robert Mazur and Bishop Mark Bartchak. Music will be led by The Cathedral & St. Joan of Arc Charismatic Prayer Groups. The cost is $18 for adults ($15 if pre-registered by March 16). Students are free. Lunch is provided. To register, please call 941-3832 or e-mail: All ages are welcome to attend. MEMORIALS & DONATIONS The February school collection was $3,364.10. The Fifth Grade Class would like to thank all parishioners who supported their Gettysburg class trip spaghetti dinner fundraiser on February 25th. It was a huge success! Their class raised enough money through the dinner and private donations to fully fund the trip. A special thank you to Weis Markets and Brother’s Pizza for their donations! We would also like to thank the many 5th graders’ parents who helped that evening, with an extra thanks to Mrs. Ann Stitzer, Mrs. Phyllis Austin, , Austin Stock, Cameron Stephens and Ty Cronin for their help in the kitchen and running up and down the stairs. Thank you all! We appreciate the generosity of our alumni and would like to thank the following for their support of Catholic education by their donation to our annual fund: Heather M. Smith; Georgette L. Beezer Healy and Joseph E. Thal. We have received a donation in honor of our 125th Anniversary from the following person: Edward Mulfinger. Thank you to all of our benefactors and God bless your generosity to and support of our school. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS We are extremely grateful to the Knights of Columbus for their $1200 donation that will be awarded in six $200 scholarships for the 2015-2016 school year. This scholarship is not based on financial need or academic excellence, but chosen randomly. One student from each grade will receive the scholarship to aid their family in fulfilling their tuition obligation for next year. The 2016-2017 recipients are: Jessaline Price-Kindergarten; James J. Wierbowski, Jr.-1; Quinn Park-2; Alexander Stanton-3; Ava Hockenberry-4; Michael Yurick-5. God bless the Knights for their generosity and continued support of our school and to Catholic education. 125TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE Please join us at Mountainview Country Club on Saturday, April 2, for hors d’oeuvres at 6:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM. Entertainment provided by DJ Eric Gates. RSVP forms are available on the heaters in the rear of the church. Additional information can be found on our website, GARDNERS EASTER CANDY Orders may be picked up on March 15 & 16 during the day or on March 18 during the Fish Fry. If you can not pick up your orders during those times, please contact the school and other arrangements can be made. Thank you to everyone who participated in this annual fundraiser and helped our school earn a profit of over $3200. We are so thankful for the support of our parishioners. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Parishioners are invited to join St. John School as we pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday at 1:00 PM during Lent. The only exception will be during Holy Week when there will be no School Stations at 1:00 PM on Good Friday. During Holy Week, our 4th Grade Class will present two Live Stations of the Cross, one on Wednesday, March 23 at 10:00 AM, and the other on Good Friday at 7:00 PM. POT O’GOLD ONLINE AUCTION – St. John Catholic School’s 4th Pot o’ Gold Online Auction is live through tomorrow, Monday, March 14th at 10 pm. There truly is something for everyone on our auction, so be sure to check it out at KINDERGARTEN FOR 2016-2017 Please call the school office at 355-7859 if you have not registered for our Kindergarten for next year. Continued…... RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES SAINT JOHN SCHOOL NEWS … CONTINUED… KINDERGARTEN FOR CCD 2016-17 The next scheduled Classes for Kindergarten Limited openings are still are available. Registration forms can be through 10th Grades on Sunday, January 10th at 9:00 obtained in the School Office or online at AM in the school. Children must be five years old before September 1, 2016 to be eligible for Kindergarten. You must bring birth certificate, baptismal certificate, immunization records and a $75 CLASS non-refundable 11TH GRADE CONFIRMATION registration fee with you to register. Please Note: next office 11thatGrade Confirmation Please call Tina inThe the school 355-7859 for more Class will be held NEXT Sunday, January 3rd from information. 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM in the school auditorium. READING COMPETITION St. John is pleased have two teams representing our For anySchool questions ortoconcerns, please call Deacon school under the coaching of Mrs. Mindy Stephens and Mrs. Tom or Shirley Boldin at 355-4234 or email Natalie Stanton. Team members on the St. John Academic Angels are: Morgan Besecker, Isaak Bloom, Dominic Capperella, Brandi Carmack, Erin Cronin, William Gay, Tyler Lehman, Madison Mindziak and Emma Simmon.INTeam members onSUPER the St. John ST. CLEMENT CHURCH JOHNSTOWN BOWL/ Brainy Bunch are:SWEEPSTAKES Pauline Alterio, Allison Berkey, Ruby Bjalme, SUPER CASH TICKETS FOR SALE Maura Claire Janoscrat, Nadolsky, Win a Cingle, trip for Eric 2 to Clark, SUPER BOWL 50 in Johnathan San Francisco, CA, Grace Novitsky, Katelyn Packer and Cecilia Stanton. Thesetravel teams (winning package includes MANY extras) plus $1,500 have worked very hard to prepare for this competition and should cash. Grand Prize Winner has $10,000 cash option. be commended. Good luck to both teams as they compete next Donation $10. ForCentral more High information weekend atisKeystone School! or tickets, please contact Dave Pavlik at (814)243-9446 or ********************************************************* or call Suzie or Nancy at TEACHER St. SAINT JOSEPH’S ACADEMY SEEKING PART-TIME Clement Church at (814)255-4422. Thanks for participating. St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy is seeking a part-time Theology teacher (3-4 sections) to also assist with the campus ministry GIRLS’ VARSITY VOLLEYBALL COACH NEEDED program for the 2016-17 academic year. A Bachelors degree in AT ST. JOE’S CATHOLIC ACADEMY Theology is strongly preferred. Candidates may send their resumes A Head Coach for the Girls’Principal VarsityatVolleyball with a cover letteristoneed Chris Chirieleison, the following: Program at St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy. Interested applicants should send an email and coaching resume to RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SJCA Athletic Director,CLASSES Chad Walsh at CCD Classes are held every Sunday fromquestions, 9:00 - 10:00 AM in our If youmorning have any please St. John School classrooms. These religious education classes are for call him at (814)808-6118. Kindergarten through 10th Grades. 2016 ADULT ENRICHMENT CLASSES OFFERED 11TH GRADE CONFIRMATION CLASS Please note: next 11th Confirmation Class willtwo Deacon ChipThe Young will Grade be offering the following meet this Sunday, March 13th 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM in the courses, Sacraments and from Church History, at Holy school auditorium. For any questions or concerns, please call Spirit Parish in Lock Haven. Deacon Tom or Shirley Boldin at 355-4234 or email at The 8 week course Sacraments will be held Wednesdays from 6:30 — 8:30 PM beginning on CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS BAKE SALE NEXT WEEKEND January 6th. Next weekend, March 19th and 20th, our CD of A Court will be The 10 week course, Church History will be held holding a pre-Easter BAKE SALE BEFORE AND AFTER ALL Wednesdays 6:30 — school 8:30 PM beginning on stop March MASSES. It willfrom be held in the auditorium. Please by 9th.pick Toup register, pleasehomemade contact Marybeth atand theother Office and some delicious baked goods goodies all Enrichment prepared for you byLay our Catholic Daughters’ members. of Adult and Ecclesial Ministries at (814)361-2000 or email her at TUNE INTO WJVM 90.3-FM OR WEJO 104.7-FM RADIO THIS LENT Registration forms are also atbishops are The Lenten homilies of Bishop Robertavailable Barron andonline his fellow featured during the “Heralds of Faith” program which airs weekdays at 9:30 a.m. welcome and noon. (Free i-Phone Android apps for the station are All are to sign up&and attend. available- visit for details.) We ar e now scheduling gr oups/ families for our April prayer slots. If you would like to pray or receive our CHURCH CLEANING/DECORATING THANK YOU! new monthly programming e-blasts, contact Sheryl Balkey at (814)2386288 orthanks We thank of who the Many to the Catholic Daughters andthe to members everyone Our Lady up of Victory Rosary Makers group for our theirchurch recent recording. showed to help clean and decorate for the Remember, just $100/day keeps our Catholic voice on the air. Our 501(c) Christmas It looks beautiful as always! 3 organizationSeason. is volunteer-run andtruly your tax-deductible donation may be mailed to: Voice of Divine Mercy, PO Box 862, State College, PA 168040862.would May God bless our listeners, especially in our We alsocontinue like to to extend our grateful thanksthose to everyone local RCIA programs who will be received Church Easter! and anyone who volunteered in any into waythe this pastatyear to help our church functions run so smoothly. We are so LENTEN RICE BOWL BOXES blessed withBowl having suchare a generous parish family Extra Rice boxes availableand in caring the back of the here at St. May God youwho for awishes Happy to New Year! church onJohn’s. the registers forbless anyone use them. Donations go to Catholic Relief Services, where the funds are If used help feed those need CHARITY y outotru ly w ant&toaid h elp th ein sou l of around y ou r the This is another great perform a Corporal neighbor, should approach Godway Firsttowith all your heart. Ask Work of Mercy ourCharity, Jubileethe Year of Mercy. We will Him simply to fillduring you with greatest of all virtues; have a container set up by the altar drop off these boxes. with it you can accomplish what youtodesire. —St. Vincent Ferrer 910066 St. John Evangelist Church 134 E. Bishop Street Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-355-3134 Contact: Fr. George Jakopac Software Using: Win 8 Adobe DC Publisher 2013 Transmission Time: Wednesdays, 11:30 am Special Instructions:
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