Mar-Apr 2011 GSMR Newsletter
Mar-Apr 2011 GSMR Newsletter
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Officers & Directors Meeting quarterly on February 2, May 11, August 3, and November 2, 6 PM, at Binions Roadhouse in Hendersonville, NC. For more info contact Tom Furey. The High Beam is the official bimonthly publication of the Great Smoky Mountains Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America. Our purpose is to serve as a source of information for all members and supporters of the Region, to heighten interest in the preservation of antique vehicles, and to enjoy the fellowship of those with whom the one common thread of love for antique automobiles binds us. For more information on membership and the AACA, please contact any club officer. LOOSE NUT AT THE COMPUTER I have really appreciated the last few days of spring-like weather. I don’t know about everyone else, but it certainly makes me want to see winter end so that GSMR/LDC members can dust off our old cars once again!! Check out the Calendar as with better weather there are more chances to get rid of that cabin fever. On March 19th there is a junkyard trip planned to Vic’s Junkyard with a lunch stop at the Bantam Chef in Chesnee, SC. April offers the SE Spring Meet at the Charlotte Auto Fair — a great way to combine a car show and a swap meet. And don’t forget the Ice Cream Socials!! Dawn Dreibus Editor Dayle Boyd Sarah Perry Ernie Dustman Don Wilson Bill Harden Bill & Tricia Wearmouth Frank & Joan Costerisan Larry & Barbara Smith Name the car that is another name for. . . A. A soft and gentle wind B. A type of Cracker C. A University in Alabama D. A river in New York E. A French nobleman who founded and named Detroit F. A wild horse G. The chief of the “Rough Riders” H. A Spanish explorer who discovered the Mississippi Answers on page 9 Trivia questions from the January 2011 issue of the AACA Speedster (Continued from page 1) , 2 #+ + # %% % ) + # #& & , , & / From top:Richard & Marlowe, Tom Furey & Ray Robertson; Richard Marlowe, Ray Robertson & Tom Furey at the awards function. + & * ! + & + , + & !! . + * + , & & % # , # # . , + %+ & % + & & 3 A# . + + . + , & . % %& , , # # & & + * , !C @ < !C 3 0 +2 . 5 , # 60 25 7 % , # + + # + , & . + #+ # 0# D# , , , Ron !C @ % E # % ! + , , Richard & Dottie Marlowe receiving the Dottie HPOF National Award , ' & + #+ , # D# , , + . = & + . , & + + + , A# # & . 5. C , + # # + & & & 12 + % , & 4 @4 5& , "#$$ 9 % # . & + - + , %& + , , + + . & # + # %% % & # #& + & # .. # . & * 8 & # %# 5 & # !C 8 - + # - . # + ) # . & + & , , '( % < -I 1H + +# , # & %& + + 8 & + . . + & % + % , # , #++ # , # + . + - = - # 0 . # -F #+ - 8 D# F #+ # + G & # #& # D + I / !!! 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MARCH Sharon Bennett Shannon Draegen Linda Dustman Ginny Jennings Carolyn Lanter Susan Mandelbaum Conrad Brown Michael Gill Sammy Johnston Dick Jones Vegard Lillehaug Tom Plackis APRIL Georgia Burson Ellen Furey Cathy Lewis Joann Mueller Vera Wiseman Ron Borkhuis Frank Costerisan Ernie Dustman Ken Lanter Tony Kipling Joe Nowakowski Todd Thompson Teresa Blanton Sonja Carlson Helga Fisher Virginia Kearns Arlene Oppliger Bill Blair Keith Conner Mike Ismaili Joe Jackan Robert Lewis James Moon Cecil Whiteside Gail Drews Bulah Lavender Fran Steadmann Opal Sauve Dale Beardsley Lois Brown Jeff Dreibus Roger Hansen Joel Morrow Ron Mueller Ray Robertson Floyd West 3/ BMW: Bavarian Mud Wagon GM: Generous Motors FIAT: Freak'n Italian Army Tank GMC: Good Mountain Climber MERCEDES: Magnificently Engineered Car Enjoyed Daily, Especially Sundays GMC: General Mess of Crud PONTIAC: Poor Old Nut Thinks It's A Cadillac FORD: Flipped Over Rebuilt Dodge FORD: First On Race Day AMC: Ain't My Car AUDI: Accelerates Under Demonic Influence AUDI: Always Unsafe Design Implementations BMW: Big Money Works / Brutal Money Waster BUICK: Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer CHEVROLET: Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time CHEVROLET: Cracked Heads, Every Valve Rattles, MARCH Jan & Larry Brady Ellen & Tom Furey Kathy & Sammy Johnston Dottie & Richard Marlowe Opal & Jack Sauve Susan & Ed Schwab Carol Ann & Scott Surrette APRIL Willyse & Buddy Bagwell Peggy & Bill Blair Shirley & Skip Blum Dayle & Chip Boyd Helga & Keith Fisher Mae & Paul Macomber Arlene & Gerald Oppliger Barbara & Pete Petursson Lorraine & Joe Potoczek Christy & Ron Rowand Leila & Rudolph Siemer Kathryn & Steven Wilson Oil Leaks Every Time DODGE: Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere FIAT: Failure in Italian Automotive Technology / Fix It All the Time FORD: Fix Or Repair Daily / First On Recall Day / First On Rust and Detoriation GM: General Maintenance / General Malfunction GMC - Gotta Mechanic Coming HONDA: Had One, Never Did Again HYUNDAI: Hope You Understand Nothing's Drivable And Inexpensive OLDSMOBILE: Old ladies driving slowly make others behind infuriatingly late everyday SAAB: Send Another Automobile Back SAAB: Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown TOYOTA: To Often Yankees Overprice This Automobile VOLVO: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object VW: Virtually Worthless A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. From page 2 Zephyr Graham Auburn Hudson Cadillac Mustang Roosevelt DeSoto How many did you get? “DONUT DERELICTS” - EVERY SATURDAY FROM 7:30—9 AM, WEATHER PERMITTING, AT THE ETOWAH INGLES ON HWY 64. JUST A BUNCH OF OLD CAR NUTS KICKIN’ TIRES, TELLING TALL CAR TALES & GETTING THEIR DAILY HIGH-OCTANE CAFFEINE FIX. FOR MORE INFO CALL MIKE PERRY AT 828-891-4676. “DONUT DERELICTS SOUTH” - EVERY SATURDAY FROM 7:30—9 AM, WEATHER PERMITTING, AT SMITH DRUGS FOR BREAKFAST, MAIN & POWELL STREETS, FOREST CITY. EVEN MORE TALL CAR TALES AND TIRE KICKIN’ FROM A BUNCH OF WILD AND CRAZY GUYS AND GALS. FOR MORE INFO CALL GARY BARNETT AT 828-248-1510 MARCH 3—LDC Ice Cream Social, 6:30, Main Street Coffee & Ice Cream, Rutherfordton 4 –5—Winter Meet, Homestead, FL. Hosted by AACA South Florida Region 8—GSMR Ice Cream Social, 6 PM, Scoops Ice Cream, Columbus 10—12 Special Spring Meet, San Juan, PR. Hosted by AACA Puerto Rico Region 15—GSMR Regular Meeting, 6 PM, Golden Coral, Hendersonville 19—GSMR/LDC Junk Yard Tour, Meet at Bennett’s Classics Museum in Forest City at 9:30 to go to Vic’s Junkyard in Chesnee. Lunch will be at the Bantam Chef. Info: Gary Barnett, 828-248-5010 31—LDC Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM. Ryan’s Restaurant, Forest City APRIL 7—10—Southeastern Spring Meet, Charlotte, NC. Hosted by AACA Hornets Nest Region. In conjunction with Auto Fair. Club trailer at spaces TB20 &TB21. If you bought so many parts that they all won’t fit in your vehicle, you can put some of them in the club trailer & arrange to pick them up later 7—LDC Ice Cream Social, 6:30, Main Street Coffee & Ice Cream, Rutherfordton 12—GSMR Ice Cream Social, 6 PM, Scoops Ice Cream, Columbus 19—GSMR Regular Meeting, 6 PM Asiana Grand Buffet, Hendersonville Road behind Auto Zone, Asheville 28—LDC Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM TBA 30—Open Car Show at McCurry Deck Chevrolet, Rt. 74A, Forest City. Info: Don Cantrell, 828-2869-2381 30—C Greer Beam Truck Museum 12th Annual Springtime Antique Car Show, 111 N Mountain St, Cherryville, NC 10 –1 Info:Joe & Sandy Dismukes, 704-435-3072 or 704-445-9003 MAY 7—Sparkle City Region AACA 25th Annual Open Car Show & Spring Fling, Dunbar Street, Downtown Spartanburg.8-5 Info: Mike 864-597-0370 or 864-582-7376 14—LDC/GSMR Day Trip to Maggie Valley, Bus trip to Maggie Valley. Includes Wheels Through Time Museum, Whistle Stop Antique Mall, Dinner, and then Smoky Mtn. Performing Arts Theater to see Branson on the Road. Seats on bus are limited to 56, so if your interested reserve your spot early. Info: Ernie 828-288-2967 or 21—14th Annual Mopars @ McDowell All Mopar Show, Campus of McDowell Tech, Marion. 9-3. Info: Randy 828-6592607 or 21—Cardinal Cruise-In, Brevard. 5-9 Info: Jerry Arnold 828-884-3670 Complete left & right front brake assemblies from what is probably a 1937-38 Dodge truck (or possibly Plymouth car). Includes excellent drums, good shoes, good wheel cylinders, backing plates, etc (from a driving car). FREE TO A GOOD HOME! Ralph Turnberg, Hendersonville 828-697-6777 Selling stuff? Looking for stuff? Tell the editor and your ad will run for one issue unless renewed before the next deadline. Submission information on page 2. 9 T N O Y X Q P A C K A R D X A V O H T N M E T R O M F U V P R B U R B O T D N D A T E L O R V E H C D B N I O R P R O F K O J P K P O B N R A D U E S E N B E R G A U B P O U C O R X D O D G E C V B S F V A B Z D C Y R U C R E M D E L I O N U E C A L L I D A C B U D K Y D U A B B H T U O M Y L P R U C G N D O L D S M O B I L E E E T I U A R M Y I G Z Y Q M T U K L S U P L L I N C O L N T U V T R S E B X K A I F J Z K F S C O R D Y C S R A T L T U P X U O G P S U R L Q D O I D U I L B G I C I E B H C K S E N B A C C E L L A S A L C M Q R T % 1 #2 !4 1 2 $ 1 1 () 6 9 3" 5 $ , 7 ! 8 ' $ % 6 Auburn Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Cord Dodge Duesenberg Edsel Ford LaSalle Lincoln Mercury Metro Nash Oakland Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Pontiac Studebaker , 4 :.. && ; #% 1 5 $ % # % ! % 5 $ 4 5 $ 5 ' - / 2 $ 4 < # :=0 % % ! 6 2 $ % % $ % 5 $ % Dale Beardsley’s 1963 Studebaker at Autorama OLDER MOTORS THE BIKERS EMPORIUM SALES, SERVICE, PARTS for and RESTORATION of OLDER VEHICLES and VINTAGE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Steven T. Wilson, Owner 4351Chimney Rock Road, Edneyville, NC28727 Phone (828)685-2210 Fax (828)685-2221 Email: or Web: MAR. 15TH, 2011—6:00 PM GSMR MEETING Golden Coral Hendersonville MAR. 31ST—6:30 PM LDC MEETING Ryan’s Forest City APR. 19TH—6:00 GSMR MEETING Asiana Grand Buffet Hendersonville Road behind Auto Zone Asheville APR. 28TH—6:30 PM LDC MEETING TBA
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