educational session with sealions and penguins shows
educational session with sealions and penguins shows
DESCRIPTION OF THE AREAS (how to find your way around during the visit) SAFARI PARK with your own vehicle CAR PARKING (cost not included in the ticket) PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE TO FASANOLANDIA (Amusement Park) PUGLIA IN MINIATURE TRAIL PEDONAL ZOOLOGICAL TRAIL with free observation of other species like lemurs, gibbons, chimps, gorillas, leopards, cranes, storks, ibises, hornbills, etc. A) INDIVIDUAL TICKET FOR “FAUNISTIC AREAS” that includes: • PALEONTHOLOGICAL EXHIBIT • EXHIBIT OF STARTING-HANDLE • STRING PUPPETS SHOW Free for children under 4 years and 1 mt. in height LAGO DEI GRANDI MAMMIFERI (Lake of the Large Mammals) with the Metrozoo (panoramic rail train), where you can meet brown bears, polar bears, white rhinos, hippos, seals, etc. COMING BACK TO FASANOLANDIA with the Metrozoo VILLAGGIO DELLE SCIMMIE (Monkey Village) by train, with more than 300 baboons SALA TROPICALE Tropical Room/Fish and Reptile House TEATRO FANTASY (String Puppets’ Show) MOSTRA DELLE NAVI ANTICHE (Exhibit of Ancient Ships) MOSTRA DEI DINOSAURI (Paleonthological Exhibit) MOSTRA DI ARTI E MESTIERI ANTICHI (Exhibit of Starting-Handle) MOSTRA DELLE ARMI ANTICHE (Exhibit of Ancient Guns and Weapons) POLO DIDATTICO (Educational Area) Farm - Madagascar Room - European Tortoises’ Rescue Center PERCORSO BOTANICO (Botanical Trail in the wood) with flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Scrub and with the Grandfather’s Orchard. session times announced in Fasanolandia EDUCATIONAL SESSION WITH SEALIONS AND PENGUINS €2 per person B) ORGANIZED GROUPS TICKET FOR “FAUNISTIC AREAS” (minimum 29 persons by bus) that includes the same as point A free for • 1 driver of the bus (with free lunch) • 1 tour leader • all children under 4 years • schoolchildren under 3 years • all Special Needs Visitors (disabled) €15 per person Guided tours round the SAFARI by booking on 347/5359284 or writing to SEA LION AQUARIUM an educational session with otaries, sealions and penguins SHOWS • SAFARI PARK with your own vehicle • PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE TO FASANOLANDIA with free observation of other animal enclosures by foot or by train (PEDONAL ZOOLOGICAL TRAIL) • PUGLIA IN MINIATURE TRAIL • LAKE OF THE LARGE MAMMALS €22 per person • MONKEY VILLAGE • TROPICAL ROOM per person • EDUCATIONAL AREA for children €19,50 1 to 1,40 mt. • BOTANICAL TRAIL in height • EXHIBIT OF ANCIENT GUNS AND WEAPONS C) TICKET FOR “FASANOLANDIA” (Amusement Park) Individual and organized groups, that includes: • Pedestrian Entrance to Fasanolandia with free observation of many animal enclosures by foot (Pedonal Zoological Trail) • 6 attractions at your choice (rides) and Fantasy Theatre • Puglia in Miniature Trail • Educational Area • Botanical Trail • Exhibit of Ancient Guns and Weapons • Paleonthological Exhibit • Exhibit of Startinghandle • Exhibit of Ancient Ships • String Puppets Show €8 €5 €5 per person for groups and schoolchildren (minimum 29 persons by bus) for holders of the “coupon” (download through site Inside Fasanolandia you can buy: Ticket for Sea Lion Aquarium €2 per person Ticket for 1 ride €2 per person Voucher for any 6 rides at your choice €5 per person Ticket for 1 of the following areas: €3 per person Tropical Room, Monkey Village, Lake of the Large Mammals. Fantasy Theatre STRING PUPPETS’ SHOW (Pinocchio, Muppets Show and the Wizard of Oz) FREE ENTRANCE - News Another birth from our polar bears: big mom Marissa presents her puppy born last year. FOOD POINTS TO ENJOY an unforgettable day... Our Amusement Park in “Fasanolandia” AFRICAN RIVER MIRAGE ROSSO BRUCOMELA CINEMA 4D STREET FIGHTER PANORAMIC WHEEL AND SPUTNIK EURO FIGHTER CALENDAR 2014 - DAYS OF OPENING JENUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Closed Open all Sundays Open all Saturdays and Sundays APRIL MAY JUNE All days All days All days JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER All days All days All days OCTOBER NOVEMBER DICEMBER Open all Saturdays and Sundays Open all Sundays and 1st Open all Sundays, Public Holidays (excluded 25th) and all days since 26th to 6th January SAFARI PARK HOURS OCTOBER TO FEBRUARY Week days and Public Holidays 10.00 14.00 MARCH TO SEPTEMBER Week days and Public Holidays 9.30 15.00 AMUSEMENT PARK FASANOLANDIA Opening 30 minutes after Zoosafari Closing At least 60 minutes after Zoosafari Please consult our site for any variations. TEL. 080.4414455 - 080.4413055 - FAX 080.4422525 - The management reserves th right to change programs, prices and times without notice. Any possible interruption in the attractions or shows because of force majeure or bad qater conditions does not constitute cause for complaint. In the case ofe one attraction not being available, it can be substituted y another of equal value. NOT-REFOUNDABLE TICKET Facebook