AQUARIAN March 2016 Mail
AQUARIAN March 2016 Mail
THE AQUARIAN AQUARIUS TEMPLE NO 138 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA ANITA HOEFS, QUEEN 13964 78TH PLACE N WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33412-2719 EDITOR MALA JURY, PQ VOLUME 40/5 MARCH 2016 Ladies of the household, It doesn't seem possible that a whole year has gone by. Without the help of everyone it would have been impossible to get things done. Thanks everyone for the help and support that you gave me this year. A lot of you stepped forward and gave me a hand when I was having a hard time getting around and helped carry things for me when I wasn't able to do it myself. Princess Royal has been a big help anytime I needed help all I had to do was call and she jumped in and did a lot of leg work if I couldn't do it myself. Also princess Tirzah and Princes Badoura. Some of my ideas didn't get done this year but hopefully Princess Pat will have some other ideas and be able to get more done this next year. A great big thanks to all the Past Queens for your encouragement and help; when I asked you to step in and pro -tem when I needed you. I am looking forward to joining you soon. The luncheon fashion show was great as always. PQ Marcia thanks for another great job as always and the hard work that goes with arranging it. I have enjoyed myself this year but now is the time to hand over the gavel to Princess Pat and let her have the honors. Again thank you for the support and help this year. Queen Anita NOTICE FROM THE PR. RECORDER Please consider this your OFFICIAL NOTICE that The Annual Election of Officers will be held on March 14, 2016 at our March Stated Session in compliance with Supreme Law SECTION 4(a). Please remember that per Supreme Law SECTION 4 (b) “Campaigning for or against any candidate shall not be permitted and could result in suspension or expulsion”. A majority of votes cast will elect. In addition, we will also be electing Lady of the Household Delegates to Supreme Temple. Each Temple is allowed five (5) Lady of the Household Delegates. If you are interested, a signed JUDITH MENG, PQ RECORDER 5347 PENNOCK POINT ROAD JUPITER, FL 33458-3447 letter so stating must be on the Pr. Recorder’s desk prior to election of officers that night. If you are planning on going to Supreme Temple, please consider being a delegate as you have the same voting privileges as the Temple Elected Line Officers and Past Queens. 14th ANNUAL LUNCHEON & FASHION SHOW I want to thank everyone who helped to make this year’s luncheon and fashion show a huge success. We broke the attendance record again this year, so thanks to all who sold tickets. The committee is already talking about ideas for next year’s event so mark your calendar for February 4, 2017. Marcia Roth, Past Queen Fashion Show Chairman INCREASE MEMBERSHIP As our year is winding down and we start preparing for our new year, I would like to give a big thank you to all of you. Membership is vital to keeping our Temple strong and alive, for without membership we have nothing. We would not be able to help support our wonderful hospitals, or our precious children. It is up to each one of us to help promote Daughters of the Nile and Aquarius Temple No. 138. Due to all of our efforts we were able to welcome 4 new princesses into our order in January. Please help keep our Temple strong by getting those Proposals for Membership in. You can print a proposal off of the Daughters of the Nile web site, or ask Princess Recorder or me for one. Please carry one with you as you never know when or where you will need it. Sparkling in Nile Love, Shelley Sosnick, PQ Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up. You cannot do a kindness too soon for you never know how soon it will be too late. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~ MEET OUR NEW PRINCESSES Aquarius Temple initiated four new members on January 10th when Supreme Queen Sharon St John made her official visit. Here is a brief introduction to these four lovely ladies. Princess Leslie L. DeLorenzo – Princess Leslie was born in a small town about 30 miles NE of Nashville, TN. She grew up and attended college in the Nashville area. She moved to South Florida in the early 80’s to complete her college education. She graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a Bachelor of Arts in Languages in Linguistics. Princess Leslie speaks Spanish fluently. Princess Leslie married her husband, George 9 years ago. They currently live in Port St Lucie. Princess Leslie has no children. She worked as a litigation paralegal specializing in family and personal injury law. However, after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis she was forced to retire. Princess Leslie heard about Shriners Hospitals for Children® when she was a child. Her nephew has Cerebral Palsy and had other birth defects and was treated at the Lexington Unit. He had 7 surgeries before he turned 18. He just celebrated his 46 birthday and is able to walk with the aid of a walker because of the excellent treatment he received at Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Princess Leslie likes to research her family tree and enjoys scrapbooking in her spare time. She is very thrilled to be a Daughter of the Nile and although because of the M.S. she suffers from fatigue, she hopes she is able to become active in the Daughters of the Nile. Princess Roberta Fox – Roberta was born and raised New York City. She and her husband, Howard, have been married 50 years. They have three children; 2 sons and one daughter and four grandchildren. The family moved to South Florida 45 years ago, so Princess Roberta considers herself practically a native Floridian. They currently live in Lighthouse Point. After her children were grown, Princess Roberta ran a group travel agency and organized many motor coach trips. Now that she has retired from her business, Princess Roberta enjoys aerobics, which allows her to indulge in her other two hobbies; eating and shopping. Howard served as Hospital Chairman for Amara Temple for several years and is currently serving as Oriental Guide. Princess Roberta says she feels very honored to be a Daughter of the Nile and looks forward to becoming active in our temple. Princess Virginia (Ginny) Hoehmann – Princess Ginny was born and lived in Newark New Jersey where she met and married her husband, Ron. Ron was a chemical engineer and worked for Shell Oil before moving to South Florida in 1972. The lived in Pompano and Boca Raton before moving to Atlantis in 1989. After moving to Florida, Princess Ginny did secretarial work for various South Florida companies and is currently working part time for a car repair shop in Boynton Beach. Princess Ginny did ceramics for many years. Ron was also very artistic and her home is filled with many lovely examples of their art work. Princess Ginny is also an avid sports fan. Ron died in May of 2015 after a long illness. They were married 55 years and have two children and five grandchildren. Princess Ginny adopted a rescue dog, Katie, this summer. Katie is part golden retriever and very playful. Princess Ginny keeps busy with her job and church activities. She was a guest at two of our Nefertiti meetings and is looking forward to getting involved in our temple. Princess Iris F. Zimmerman –Iris was born in Manhasset, New York and then grew up in Maryland before meeting her husband online in 1999 and moving to Boston. Iris and her husband, Howard, were married in 2001 and moved to South Florida in 2002. They have two adopted sons, Carl who is 11 and Seth who is 9. Carl is in Middle School and Seth has a mild form of autism and attends Palm Beach School for Autism which caters to his special needs. The family also has a Maltichon puppy, Torah, who is being trained to become Seth's service dog. Princess Iris recently lost her only sibling, who lived with Iris and her family, her sister, to brain cancer in December 2013 and lost her best friend, her mom, unexpectedly in December 2014. Princess Iris did her 1st 5K walk last year in participating in the Brain Cancer Walk in memory of her sister and hopes to make it an annual walk for herself. Princess Iris works full time as office manager for a funeral home. She likes to read fiction; mostly mysteries. John Grisham is one of her favorite authors. With her recent losses, Princess Iris is thrilled to be a member of Daughters of the Nile and hopes to become active in our temple. Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine she sees all day. IN LOVING MEMORY PAST QUEEN DOROTHY LOVELL Dorothy Jenkins Histed Arbogast Lovell 93, was a founder and Charter Member of Aquarius Temple. She was our third Queen and was very active in the organization for all the time she lived in the area. Dorothy died January 20, 2016 in Ormond Beach, Florida. The Daughters of the Nile memorial service as well as the OES memorial service were performed at her request See Honor Roll for additional information. PR BETTY DANGERFIELD Betty Dangerfield 87, was originally initiated into Nahum Temple No 76 in Miami but recently transferred her membership to Aquarius. She died on January 22, 2016 She was an accomplished pianist and it was so nice to listen to her playing. She liked the arts, and for the past several years coordinated members of Zuliema Club with tickets to the wonderful wind and percussion band concert at IRSC with Holiday music in December. The memorial service was quite unique as part of the service was piano recital music recorded in 1950 at her Senior Recital in Miami. Members of Aquarius performed the memorial service requested by Betty. PRINCESS RECORDERS MESSAGE Ladies of the Household, It is that time of year again when dues notices have gone out in February for the 2016-2017 dues. I do have our new dues cards available at this time, however there are still a few members who have not remitted the current 2015-2016 dues. Please check your dues card. If it is not a white card, then you will soon be in arrears. The current year needs to be paid by March 31, 2016 in order not to be suspended from our beautiful Order. Do you remember your initiation? Do you remember that feeling of doing something to help make a difference in some child’s life struggle with a medical infirmity? Have you recently seen the infomercials for the Shriners Hospitals and feel yourself swell with pride knowing you have a part in them being able to help those physi- cians and medical staff that care for those unfortunate children? If you do, please look at your card again and if it doesn’t show 2015-2016 on it, please remit your dues. Don’t give up your chance to give that helping hand, even if you can’t attend or be active, just know that your dues help to keep us active and able to contribute to that great philanthropy! I thank each and every one of you who will read this and respond. I know that I am proud to be a Daughter of the Nile and do my little part for our Children. Our dues are $20.00 plus the $8.00 per Capita that Supreme Temple has levied on each member. Please make your $28 check payable to Aquarius Temple No. 138 and mail c/o 5347 Pennock Point Road, Jupiter, FL 33458. If possible, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of your dues card. In Magical Nile Love, Judy Meng PQ ROSTER ADDITIONS AND CHANGES Remove : PQ Dorothy Lovell Pr Betty Dangerfield Pr Paula Sellman-demit Phone and email changes PQ Lenore Smith-remove cell phone number Pr Dorothy Penaligon new email Address PQ Artie Bridges– add Room 5-B and 228-671-7911 PSQ Eleanor Green My new email address is For Daughters of the Nile business, you may reach me at PQ Anita Aulgur has only one phone 772-464-6568 Pr Tara Schaffner 735 Poston Dr. Monterey, TN 38574 no phone number provided PSQ Nancelyn Ross 415-100 Paget Street Winnipeg, MB R3P 1C 6 PSQ M Rhona Kerr Ladies, I am getting the new membership roster ready for printing and distribution. If you have changed addresses or email addresses or phone numbers or husbands, cats and dogs, please let me know so I can get the most recent contact information published for you. or 561-965-7890 PAST QUEEN DOROTHY LOVELL July 6, 1923-January 20, 2016 Editors Note: Never before have we selected a member for the Honor Roll that has passed away, but I feel that in this case, Past Queen Dorothy Lovell should be so honored. She moved to Ormond Beach in 1993, so only a few of the older members know and remember her, but this will show you what a grand lady she was. Dorothy Jean Daughterty was born July 6, 1923 in Jasonville, Indiana. She graduated high school where she excelled in band (sousaphone), orchestra, track, and basketball. She majored in Commerce and worked in the school office, and was a member of the Sigma Alpha Sorority. In 1945 they moved to Jupiter Florida with their daughter Barbara when her first husband got out of the Navy. A year later she had her son Donald Jenkins. That marriage ended in divorce and a year and a half later she married Ernie Histed. They had Kathleen. Ernie died when Kathy was 11. There was little Dorothy Jean (always to her family) could not do. From 1949-1955 she was appointed Police Chief of Jupiter, Fl. by the City Council. I was told she was issued a 38 caliber revolver and a badge. There was not a jail, officers or any other employees in the department so no arrests were made. Her badge was on display at the memorial service but we did not get to see the 38 revolver. She was very active in community affairs, also became President of the Jupiter Woman’s Club, American Legion Auxiliary, and the Palm Beach County Federation of Women’s Club. She also served as town clerk, tax assessor and tax collector. She helped establish the town boundaries and helped write a new charter for the Town of Jupiter. She was instrumental in getting a new Town Hall and convinced a developer to donate land for the American Legion Hall; all while raising children and teaching Sunday School. She was also a substitute teacher, taught baton, and became PTA president. In 1955 she opened her own florist shop and grew most of her own flowers. From 1957 to 1982 she worked for Schooley Cadillac in West Palm Beach as an accountant, office manager and personal secretary. Her life was full as an avid reader, musician, bridge player, champion ballroom dancer, tapper, member of Royal Palm Beach Chorus of Sweet Adeline’s. She loved opera, crossword puzzles, Jeaprody and cooking. She traveled throughout the US and abroad. Her love life was far from what a young woman would want or expect. She became Dorothy Jenkins, Histed, Arbogast Lovell, and was engaged to a man who died before they got married. She lost three husbands to heart disease. She was a 74 year member of Order of the Eastern Star and was the second Worthy Matron of Star of Jupiter Chapter. Dorothy was a charter member and one of the founders of Aquarius Temple No 138 and served as the third Queen in 1978. Her sister PQ Lucille Turner from Teri -Sheri No 60, Fort Wayne, Indiana came to Aquarius Temple to be the Installing Officer for Dorothy Jean. Lucille, age 98, was helped to the podium to speak at the memorial service held for her sister, and related some stories about Dorothy. Dorothy served as Pr Recorder for many years and vacated that position when she moved to Ormond Beach in 1993 and Hunter’s Ridge in 2001. She was active in the Hunter’s Ridge Woman’s Club serving as president, a member of the Book Club and active in her church. I felt that it was a privilege to know and be a friend of such a woman. Dorothy did not do any job any way except to the very best of her ability. I talked on the phone to her about 4 days before she died. She was prepared for her journey to her eternal home, and she told me she wanted both the OES and the DON memorial ceremony performed at her service. In talking with her daughter Barbara, I related her request. What a wonderful lady Barbara is, but what else could anyone expect having Dorothy as her mother. So, early February 13, 2016 this group motored to Christ Presbyterian Church, Ormond Beach for an 11 am service. There was Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron Linda and Malcolm Rhinehart, Queen Anita Hoefs, PQ’s Charlyn Coleman, Doris Brown, Judy Meng, and Marla Jury who carried out the two services. . The service was planned by Dorothy. It began with the OES and DON ceremonies, musical prelude of “How Great Thou Art”, hymn “In the Garden” and a violin solo “Thais”, a slide show, words from PQ Doris Brown, PQ Lucille Turner (Dorothy’s sister) granddaughter Ariann Owen, and finished with daughter Barbara West. Barbara then introduced her Hawaiian Dance group whom she joined to dance to “Flying with Angles”. After a brief message, the hymn “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” was sung, and following a prayer the service was concluded. As her daughter said, even though her mother did not have a formal education beyond high school, she was so smart and self educated. I always considered her a “classy” lady. Dorothy was survived by her daughters Barbara West, Kathleen Owen and son Donald Jenkins, seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and two greatgreat grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews and a family of friends and sisters from many organizations. As you lived your life to the fullest my friend, may God move over now and let you fly with the angels. Submitted by Marla Jury, PQ THANK YOU, THANK YOU Ladies of the household: A great big thank you to everyone who either donated or placed a bid on a silent auction item at the fashion show! I was extremely pleased with the way things went. This was my first time serving as chairman and boy was I scared that things would go wrong. What a waste of energy that was! I could not have asked for a better experience, I know that the reason for the success was because of each and every one of you. Aquarius Temple has the best. Thank you to my helpers, Pr Linda Muller, Pr Charlene Moreland and Shelly Elliott. These ladies had everything under control and stayed by my side every moment. Well soon I will be able to relinquish the title of Junior Past Queen and will become another "Past Queen". Thank you for allowing me to take this journey. It has been a wonderful and a very rewarding adventure. In Nile Love& Devotion Linda Rhinehart, JPQ Silent Auction Chairman It is a “few years” later now. I am still learning what Nile is all about, but the time has flown so fast. Three years ago I decided to continue my Nile journey and ran for the position of Pr. Badoura for Aquarius Temple No 138. I wrote an article about my first trip ever to Supreme Session. I had such a great time. Met wonderful women and learned even more! I am now coming to the end of the year as Princess Royal. Where has this year gone? Aquarius Temple held a dinner for the great guys and gal of the Road Runners Unit. These marvelous people chauffeur the Shrine patients to the Tampa Hospital. We had a huge turnout to honor our drivers! Thank you to all who participated. The Purse Auction was a good way for some of us to find new homes for our unused items. The Style Show and Silent Auction was again a grand affair. We had a record number of attendees. A trip to Montreal, Canada, to see the Dedication of the new Shriners Hospital for Children was a highlight for me. And the time flies by. “Thank You” to all who have made this a memorable year for me as your Pr. Royal. Pat Guretzky Pr. Royal Change Your Thinking It will take just about a minute to read this and change your thinking... Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. PRINCESS ROYAL MESSAGE The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their Where has the time gone? Years ago I was Initiated wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their ininto Daughters of the Nile at Sat-Ra Temple in Oma- volvement in the military service, and where they had ha, NE., with 16 other Princesses . We all had to sit been on vacation. on pillows on the floor, except for the Exemplifying Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by Candidate (lucky Lady!!). It was an exciting day for the window could sit up, he would pass the time all of us. I received my pin and dues card. I was one by describing to his roommate all the things he of a great group of Ladies. My Nile mentor soon held could see outside the window. The man in the a class for the “newer members” to help us understand what Nile was all about. I remember she was telling other bed began to live for those one hour perius of the other Temple names and numbers. She ref- ods where his world could be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world erenced Aquarius, the water bearer. outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed. One morning the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. The nurse was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall! The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate to described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.” Epilogue: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can not buy. “Today is a gift, that is why it is called The Present.” Author: Unknown NEFERTITI CLUB NEWS The Nefertiti Club dinner meeting will be on March 7, 2016 at 5:30pm at the Atlantis Bar & Grill at 5805 S Congress Avenue, Atlantis, Fl 33462. We had a great turnout last month, so come join us for fellowship, fun & dinner. There will also be election of officers. Here’s a thought for you; In a world full of people who couldn't care less, be someone who cares more. In Nile Love, Pr. Tamra McKee, Pres. PRINCESS TIRZAH’S MESSAGE It certainly is hard to believe that this is my last article writing as Princess Tirzah. I have completed one more step on my journey to becoming Queen in 2017. I am looking forward to Supreme in Indianapolis. I would like to once again thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers while I was in the hospital. Special thanks also to PQ’s Marcia Roth and Sandy Chastain for taking me to my doctor appointments. I am back at work full time, and doing very well. In support of my Supreme Officer Karen Keuther, the Mystical Pixies will be offering tickets for an opportunity to win the Executive King Suite for the 2017 Supreme Session in Niagara Falls, NY as well as various jewelry items. I will have tickets available for purchase at the March stated session. Be sure to reserve Saturday, May 14th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm for the Bon Voyage Luncheon. Plans are incomplete at this time. A flyer and more information will be forthcoming in the April/May Aquarian newsletter. With Love and Trust And “Pixie Dust” Princess Tirzah Debra Mascoop ZULIEMA CLUB NEWS It is hard to believe my term as President is almost over. Therefore, as a gentle reminder, we will have Election of Officers for 2016 at our March 17th Meeting to be held at the home of Pr Betty Hall. . Slate of Officers for 2016 are: President - Pr. Judy Kertes Vice President -Pr. Shirley Sams Secretary - Pr. Barbara Cogan Treasurer: Pr. Sharman Mullins The Installation of Officers for this new year will be held on April 21st at 12 Noon at the Gator Trace Golf and Country Club, 4302 Gator Trace Drive, Ft Pierce, Please call Pr. Judy Kertes @ 330-417-6144 for reservations and your choice of Entrée. Cost:$20.00 per person. Reservation Deadline:April12, 2016. PQ Marie Zimmerman, President SPECIAL CELEBRATIONS Pr Ann and Butch Jury became great grandparents for the first time with Waylon Gray Jury born last month.. Pr Shirley and Everett Dunbar recently had their 49th wedding anniversary. PQ Dorothy Scott Hogan celebrated birthday 88. Pr Edith Mullins will celebrate her 90th birthday this month. SEW & SEWS We would really like to see you at Amara Shrine Center usually on the 4th Thursday of each month from 9:30am—2:30 pm. The date this month is March 24. We sew, cut, count, sort, pin together and have lots of fun doing sew (sic) for our kids. Come join us. I would like to have a volunteer to be my cochairman, so please let me know if you are interested. Thought for the day: We play the hands of cards life gives us, and the worst hands can make the best players. We do not pray for easy lives for ourselves. We pray to be stronger. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers but for powers equal to our tasks. Then the doing of your work is no miracle, you are the miracle. Blessed are women whose hearts and souls are joined by laughter and tears. These women are Nile sisters. In Nile Love, Pr. Bev Walker, Sewing Chairman diagnosed with biliary atresia (obstruction or interruption in the biliary system causing liver disease). She has had surgery, but will require more surgery and probably a liver transplant. She will soon be discharged from Jackson Memorial Hospital. She does not meet the criteria for transplant at this time but will be treated at home. Please put her on your prayer list. If you know of anyone who is ill or having any problem, please let me know. Pr Beverly Walker, Chaplain SICKNESS & DISTRESS Pr Joyce Romick and husband Bob Todd needs your prayers. PQ Rosie Stamm remains in Parkway Rehabilitation Center, 800 SE Central Parkway, Stuart FL 34997. PQ Joanne Langevin is continuing chemo treatment and is experiencing only a few side affects. She enjoys cards and calls and of course asks for your prayers. PQ Doris Brown is going to have cataract surgery. PQ Shelley Sosnick has suffered an aneurysm in her eye and is undergoing treatment. PQ Judy Preuschl continues to have problems with her knees. Pr Marian Hughart continues to have eye problems. He husband Hollis also needs prayers. PQ Mary Jo Moore was hospitalized briefly for tests and treatment . Family members: Larry Choman (Bonnie Gay) has been receiving treatment for lymphedema on his operated leg. Wally Roth, has been hospitalized and needs prayers. He is the brother of PQ Marie Zimmerman and BIL of PQ Marcia Roth Sympathy to Pr Sandy Dubin in the death of her 102 y/o mother Revelle Gerson. Sympathy to PQ Charlyn Coleman in the death of her 85 y/o father William Rupke in Kansas. Sympathy to Pr Juanita Brougham who lost her 30 y/o grandson Bryan Knott who literally dropped dead on her 95th birthday Feb 16. She also had a new great grandson born that day in Portland Oregon. Pr Ruth Jacobs’ 4 month old great granddaughter was SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN ® CINCINNATI UNIT SHFC-Cincinnati is a world renowned pediatric burn center, and our award-winning medical and nursing staffs with a combined 158 years of experience in burn care and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Many of our physicians have been named regional Top Doctors by their peers. It also is the nation’s only pediatric burn air transport service. This hospital is recognized as a verified burn center by the American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons. This distinction recognizes the immense clinical research done on behalf of our patients as well as the depth of our support services. The Cincinnati hospital also has a Cleft Lip and Palate Team . Submitted by Pr Helen Natoli: In 1981 I attended a conference in Cincinnati and while there I visited the Shriners Hospital for Children Burn Center. I was very active in the Hollywood Shrine Club Shrinettes, and hoped to speak about it to the members. I met with the social worker so that I might have a list of items we might be able to supply for the patients. I was also given a short tour of the facility and was most interested in the concept of “dirty” and “clean” operating rooms and the supply of skin in a vat frozen for transplantation. The social worker told me that the children wanted Band-Aids with cartoon characters. A friend owned a pharmacy (“The Grand Pharmacist of Grand Lodge”) and he was a fixture of the Masonic Home. He and a PAST QUEENS GROUP The next meeting of the past queens’ group will be Thursday, March 10th at the home of Past Queen Judy Meng at 11:30am. There will be a pot luck luncheon followed by the meeting where we will elect officers for the coming year. Marcia Roth, Past Queen President Shriner were happy to donate the Band-Aids as well as other supplies. I did speak at programs about this visit. SHFC Cincinnati is one of three burn centers, the others are in Boston and Galveston and was built in 1968. It has been delivering expert and life-changing care to children and families with pediatric burns, pediatric plastic surgery needs and complex wound and skin conditions. Children up to 18 years old are eligible for treatment based solely on the child’s medical needs, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. They now do Cleft Lip and Palate surgery as well. I really felt privileged to visit and to see happy children at play while recovering their health and am proud to belong to the Shrine Family which supports these facilities. In Nile Love, Pr Helen Natoli AQUARIUS TEMPLE NEW MEMBERS DELORENZO, LESLIE L (GEORGE) 772-807-1422 742 S E WHITEHURST AVE B/D 5/18 #752 PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34983-2754 C- 772-359-6413 Email FOX, ROBERTA (HOWARD) 954-304-1648 1111 N RIVERSIDE DR APT #406 #753 POMPONO BEACH FL33062 D/B 8/25 Email HOEHMANN, VIRGINIA (RONALD)* 561-641-9528 544 WOODLAND CIRCLE D/B 6/9 #751 ATLANTIS, FL 33462 CELL-561-317-4934 ZIMMERMAN, IRIS (HOWARD) 561-966-0073 468 PINEMORE LANE D/B 2/19 #750 LAKE WORTH FL 33463 CELL 561-512-5144 Email CALENDAR OF EVENTS THE RECIPE CORNER March 7…………..………..….…...Nefertiti Club 5:30 March 10…………...…………...….Past Queens 11:30 CREAMY MAC & CHEESE March 14……...Refreshments by Zuliema Club at 6:00 Serves 4-6 March 14………...…Election..…...Stated Session 7:00 1 pound pasta, any shape March 17…………………….…...Zuliema Club 12:00 1 1/2 cups whole or 2% milk March 24…………........……....Sew & Sews 9:30-2:30 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS 2016 Aquarius Temple, Daughters of the Nile You are cordially invited to an Open Installation of Officers When Patricia Guretzky will be crowned Queen On Saturday, April 2, 2016 At 12:00 noon Jupiter Light Lodge 600 S. Loxahatchee Drive Jupiter, Florida Reception following the Installation. Please RSVP to Pat Guretzky at 561-2921086 by March 26, 2016. Anita Hoefs Queen. Judy Meng, PQ Recorder 2 TBSP all purpose flour 2-3 cups shredded cheese (cheddar, Monterey Jack or Colby) 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp powdered mustard Optional extras (cook before adding): Ham, bacon, onions, peas, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower Cook pasta until al dente, drain and set aside. Prepare cheese sauce. Begin warming 1 cup milk over medium heat. Whisk together the remaining 1/2 c. milk and the flour till no lumps. When you see steam rising from the warming milk, whisk in milk and flour mixture. Whisk gently until thickens to consistency of heavy cream, 3-4 minutes. Reduce heat to low and begin adding handfuls of cheese into milk. Add salt and mustard. Stir until cheese has melted and sauce is creamy. Adjust to taste. Remove from heat. Combine pasta and 1/2 cheese sauce in large serving bowl. Coat pasta evenly. Add remaining sauce and any extra add-ins. Serve immediately. Note: If you have a little extra time, and wish to bake till golden crust, pour prepared M& C into in casserole dish, cover with lid or foil and bake 350 F for 30 minutes. Remove covering, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake uncovered for another 15 minutes until top is golden and the interior is bubbly. Enjoy. The SQ Sharon St John’s Class (L-R) Pr Roberta Fox, Pr Ginny Hoehmann, SQ Sharon, Queen Anita, Pr Iris Zimmerman and Pr Leslie DeLorenzo January 12, 2016 Official Visit Ambassadors with SQ Sharon. Fran, Tamra, Sandy, Marie, SQ Sharon, Marcia, Linda R, Linda M and Pat Clowns (L-R) Dancin Deb, Jolly Josie, Doodle Bug, Bonnie Gay, Queenie, SQ Sharon and Poosie PP Rick Whaley, Hospital Chairman, Queen Anita, SQ Sharon and Ill Sir Chris Brett Ill Sir Chris Brett on his first official duty of his term with Supreme Queen Sharon St John Lady Janet, SQ Sharon and Potentate Chris