Price list 2015 immobilien Zeitung products
Price list 2015 immobilien Zeitung products
06 Price list 2015 Immobilien Zeitung products mipim Also s online a ! an epaper Investing in Germany KNOWLEDGE FOR DECISION-MAKERS. IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG. IZ trade fair issue mipim: Overview | Online | investing in germany | cross media | Reach Your success is our challenge. IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG – IN CANNES AND INTERNATIONAL ING DUR Distribution to all subscribers, at the main entrance to the Palais des Festivals, in the specialist press boxes and at the IZ stand “Investing in Germany” English edition Sent by urgent dispatch before the trade fair to 2,500 CEOs who will be attending the trade fair, at the IZ stand at the main entrance to the Palais des Festivals and at the IZ stand in Riviera Hall during the trade fair. THE TRADE FAIR “Investing in Germany” German edition As a supplement in IZ 9/15, at the IZ stand at the main entrance to the Palais des Festivals and at the IZ stand in Riviera Hall during the trade fair. EF AI R RA D BEFO RE T HE T R FAI IZ issue before the trade fair, IZ 9 / 2015 Leading trade publication of the property sector Distribution per issue: 10,633* copies as a subscription run and for the trade fair. Publication date: 5 March 2015 DE RA ET IZ App Read IZ one day ahead! “Investing in Germany” trade fair newspaper “Investing in Germany” theme and projects nominated for the MIPIM Awards. Distribution: German edition: 13,133 copies English edition: 5,000 copies TH The current issue during the trade fair: IZ 10 / 2015 Distribution: 10,633* copies as a subscription run and for the trade fair. Publication date: 12 March 2015 R TE Read IZ one day ahead! AF Also online as ! an epaper IZ App The effective IZ issue after the trade fair: IZ 11 / 2015 Circulation: 10,633** copies Publication date: 19 March 2015 IZ App Read IZ one day ahead! Online before, during and aft er the trade fair. Mipim approx. 21,000 participants approx. 2,200 exhibitors 10.– 13.03.2015 Newsletter IZ aktuell The daily newsletter with up to date news from Monday to Friday MIPIM online themed special Availability around the clock / mipim Start: March 2015. Average monthly performance data 1 – 6 / 2014 for 1,287,769 Pls* *Source: IVW online Online before, during and aft er the trade fair. **Source: IVW 2 / 14 More information on our media data at a glance: Your contacts: Individual price lists: 01 Basic media data Sabine Krewel Tel. + 49 611 973 26-13 02 Special forms of advertising 03 Property lawyers 04 Regional/themed specials Thomas Buhlmann Tel. + 49 611 973 26-26 05 Expo Real 06 Mipim 07 06 Cross Media Karsten Franke Tel. + 49 611 973 26-21 08 Newsletter 09 IZ online 10 Online personnel marketing 1 1 Job offensive Markus Schmidtke Tel. + 49 611 973 26-24 IZ Immobilien Zeitung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Postfach 3420, 65024 Wiesbaden, Germany Luisenstraße 24, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany Telephone: + 49 61 1 973 26 - 0, Fax: + 49 61 1 973 26 - 33, Bank details: Nassauische Sparkasse, Wiesbaden IBAN DE36 5105 0015 0189 0265 28 SWIFT-BIC.: NASSDE 55 XXX Commerzbank AG, Wiesbaden IBAN DE36 5108 0060 0129 9888 00 SWIFT-BIC.: DRES DE FF 510 Payment terms: 14 days strictly net, 2 % cash discount for payments on account An associate of mipim: Overview | Online | investing in germany | cross media | Reach Would you like to decide on the appearance of your advertising yourself? On our website, you can determine how often your advertisement is shown. This is a unique strength of online advertising. In this way, your company, too, can be visible over several months with a small budget. mipim ONLINE Latest news, photos and videos relating to what’s happening at the trade fair BANNER FORMATS AND PRICES: A few sample prices for the provision of banners in general at including all channels of Immobilien Zeitung ADVERTISING FORM MAXIMUM FORMAT CPM Pixel x KB SAMPLE PRICES PER WEEK IN EUR AD DELIVERY / AD REQUESTS (AdR) 10,000 AdR SMALL 30,000 AdR MEDIUM 80,000 AdR LARGE A C A Super Banner 728 x 90 / 30 35.00 EUR 350.00 1,050.00 2,800.00 B Full Size Banner* 468 x 60 / 20 32.50 EUR 325.00 975.00 2,600.00 C Sponsor Ad Navigation 940 x 100 / 40 1 1 5.00 EUR 1,150.00 3,450.00 9,200.00 2,800.00 D Skyscraper 120 x 600 / 30 35.00 EUR 350.00 1,050.00 E Wide Skyscraper 160 x 600 / 30 40.00 EUR 400.00 1,200.00 3,200.00 F Rectangle 250 x 250 / 30 35.00 EUR 350.00 1,050.00 2,800.00 G Medium Rectangle 300 x 300 / 30 45.00 EUR 450.00 1,350.00 3,600.00 H Maxi Ad* 550 x 250 / 30 60.00 EUR 600.00 1,800.00 4,800.00 I Wallpaper (Super Banner + Skyscraper) 728 x 90 / 30 7 5.00 EUR 750.00 2,250.00 6,000.00 J Floor Ad 1002 x 120 / 50 120.00 EUR 1,200.00 3,600.00 9,600.00 K Floor Ad Expandable 1002 x up to 160 / 50 160.00 EUR 1,600.00 4,200.00 12,800.00 D E B F G I I H K J ONLINE PERFORMANCE DATA: Monthly average 1 st six months 2014,, PIs 1,287,769 visits 506,978*, users 138,323** Technical data: See technical data Immobilien Zeitung, basic media data no. 25 and Data supply online: Promotional banners supplied complete: 7 working days before publishing date. Promotional banners to be created by us and special forms of advertising: 20 working days before publishing date. Delivery by e-mail to by 12pm in each case, stating the customer and campaign name, period per motif, placement unit, advertisement including target link, contact for enquiries (e-mail and telephone). Costs of producing promotional banners: For bookings from EUR 1,000 net order value (from EUR 3,000 net for Flash), we produce your promotional banner free of charge (maximum of two proofs or one graphic designer hour). For further processing, we charge EUR 80.00 exclusive of VAT per graphic designer hour. All prices in EUR exclusive of VAT. The General Terms and Conditions apply. * Split run ** Source: Google Analytics ig kurzfrist Buchung e. lich le at short notic mögo ib p ss Booking mipim: Overview | Online | investing in germany | cross media | Reach Do you want to present your company to foreign and German business partners? The MIPIM trade fair special “Investing in Germany” is published as a German and an English edition. Prior to MIPIM, the English edition will be shipped throughout Europe to the CEOs of selected exhibitors. The German edition will be an insert in the total circulation of Immobilien Zeitung on 5 March 2015. Also s online a r! e p a an e-p You can achieve a strong presence in Cannes with both editions. INVESTING IN GERMANY ADVERTISEMENT FORMATS AND PRICES: Format columns width x height 1 / 1 page 4 columns 231 x 325 mm Price 4c 6,180 EUR Price B/w Inside front cover 4 columns 240 x 335 mm 8,550 EUR Inside back cover 4 columns 240 x 335 mm 8,230 EUR Outside back cover 4 columns 240 x 335 mm 8,760 EUR Panorama 8 columns 483 x 335 mm 12,460 EUR 1/2 page vertical 2 columns 1 13 x 325 mm 3,600 EUR 1/2 page horizontal 4 columns 231 x 162 mm 3,600 EUR 1/3 page horizontal 4 columns 231 x 108 mm 3,190 EUR 1/4 page corner section 2 columns 1 13 x 162 mm 2,670 EUR 1/4 page horizontal 4 columns 231 x 8 1 mm 2,670 EUR Title strip 4 columns 231 x 70 mm 5,070 EUR Masthead advertisement 1 column 54 x 30 mm 2,960 EUR Island advertisement large 4c 1 column 54 x 120 mm 1,200 EUR 970 EUR Island advertisement small 4c 1 column 54 x 54 mm 680 EUR 450 EUR 1 = 2 2 1 price for ions it ed ir trade fa The stated prices apply to 2 advertisements each: one advertisement in the German edition + one advertisement in the English edition of Investing in Germany 2015. CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION* PRINT: 10,633 copies** circulation (of which 9,226 are subscription copies), nd print ment a e is t r e e: Adv deadlin y 2015 nt e m u doc bruar ay, 12 Fe Thursd tion: publica f o e t a D rch 2015 ay, 5 Ma d s r u h T German edition as an insert in IZ 9/2015. Approx. 5,000 copies (German and English edition) will be distributed at MIPIM. Approx. 2,500 copies of the English edition will be sent to selected European exhibitors at MIPIM. Approx. 18,133 copies total circulation. Technical data: Paper format: 240 mm width x 335 mm height. Text area: 231 mm width x 325 mm height. Number of columns: 4 columns of 54 mm each. Column spacing: 5 mm. Colours: Cyan, magenta, yellow, black, no spot colours. Printing process: newspaper offset printing. Artwork: 40 halftone, max. 240 % colour overlay. Creation of the print documents in the trimmed size and without trim points. Use the colour profile ISOnewspaper30v4.icc or ISOnewspaper26v4.icc, to exclude colour shifts. Colour profile available to download at E-mail All prices in EUR exclusive of VAT. The General Terms and Conditions apply. * Anticipated **IVW 2/2014 mipim: Overview | Online | investing in germany | cross media | Reach The print and online combination for MIPIM. Cross media effect enhancer 1+1+1=4 Use the communication channels of Immobilien Zeitung in print and online in a plan of measures that are coordinated with each other in terms of content, form and time. With this cross-media positioning, you ensure your promotional message has an excellent effect. CROSS-MEDIA ADVANTAGES: • A reliable way to reach your readers – regardless of their media usage habits. • You can combine the strengths of each media format, creating a positive return on your budget through repeat contacts. Achieve your customer potential where they actively seek information: our readers spend 53.3 minutes per week gaining information from the weekly print edition. This leading trade publication lands on people’s desks first and, over the course of the week, can be found in numerous updates, discussions and quotes in everyday property work. Skilfully use these updates to strengthen your promotional message: with a banner in the daily newsletter IZ aktuell, with a company presentation at, and supplement your campaign in a specific way with direct promotional measures. Collaborations with Heuer Dialog are suitable here to establish personal contact with event participants and position your expertise. Apply your communication budget in a cross-media way and thus boost your advertising effect! Print: • Proactive medium: regardless of areas of interest. • Intensive: 53,3* minutes average reading time per person / issue. • Offers longer and quieter reading experience compared with electronic media. Online: • Innovative. Highlight your expertise with banner advertising. Use of IZ media • Efficient way to address target groups, e. g. specific field or region. in GRPsa per month • Reaches your target group at any time day or night. Newsletter IZ aktuell (newsletter) 538,113 GRPs per month 26,634 readers per newsletterc • Extremely successful. According to the IVW there are more than 3.5 readers for every IZ aktuell subscriber! • The fast, compact way to gain information. Comprehensive news available at • Offers wide reach at a low price. Immobilien Zeitung (print) 314,737 GRPs per monthb 39,342 Leser pro Heft (online) 749,656d GRPs per month 285,515e sessions per month 69 % of readers (27,146**) of the printed issue of Immobilien Zeitung also regularly read the IZ newsletter a IZ aktuell and keep up to date each day*. b * LSA 201 1 ** Weekly values based on IVW annual average one GRP (= Gross Rating Point) corresponds to one PI 4 issues per month x 3.7 readers per issue x two times acquisition of an issue x 10,633 copies circulation per issue c daily sending of the newsletter Mon to Fri d IVW online Jan. – June 2014 e Google Analytics from Jan. – July 2014 mipim: Overview | Online | investing in germany | cross media | Reach Which situation matches yours? We are presenting our company in the double-edition trade fair newspaper ‘Investing in Germany’ at MIPIM because: • We will make intensive use of the trade fair as a visitor. The attention attracted through advertisements in the MIPIM trade fair newspaper will support our aims. • Our company will be represented with a stand and the advertising will boost our presence. The cost/benefit ratio of advertising in the double edition persuades us! • As a company, we do not use MIPIM, however, the high profile of this trade fair guarantees that our advertisement will receive an equally high level of attention. As an insert in IZ on 5 March 2015 10,633 distributed copies* with 39,342 readers** Shipping to CEOs before arrival at MIPIM; we write personally to 2,500 CEOs registered to attend MIPIM with an IIG by express post. •At the main entrance to the Palais, we will have hostesses distribute both editions on the morning of each trade fair day. Our mobile trade fair stand will also be there with the latest newspapers. •The trade fair newspapers in English/German will be available in the visitors’ lounge, business lounge and first-class lounge as well as on the media wall. •Immobilien Zeitung is an official sponsor of the MIPIM Awards. The hostesses at the trade fair will hand both editions to the awards guests at the entrance to the hall. • All IZ products will be available at our trade fair stand in Riviera Hall. You will also be able to get the weekly issue there hot off the presses on the Thursday morning. Breakdown of the 2,500 international recipients by country: 784 UK *Acc. to IVW 2/2014 643 France 383 Scandinavia **Acc. to LSA 2011 (3.7 readers per issue) 353 Benelux 125 Italy/Spain 107 Austria/Switzerland 105 Czech Republic/Poland
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