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PDF - Brynn Elliott
The Music Enthusiast, Sunday, June 14th, 2015 – Brynn Elliott Makes a...
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Sunday, June 14th, 2015 – Brynn Elliott Makes a Stunning
Impression on Dallas Crowd
Hey! My name’s Jordan Buford, and
welcome to my little spot on the
All photos by Ronnie Jackson | Ronnie Jackson Photography
There was no questioning that everyone at Granada Theater this night was there
solely to see Allen Stone. The line that stretched well around the venue before the
doors opened at eight that night proved their dedication and excitement.
That resulted in a packed house early on, especially considering there was still an
hour to go from the time the doors did open until the lone opener took the stage.
On this current tour with Stone is the young Brynn Elliott, who, aside from
pursuing a musical career, is also a current student at Harvard University. A
combination I doubt just everyone could juggle.
Touring is how she is spending her summer; and it was right at nine this night when
she and her band—which consisted of two electric guitarists, a drummer, a
keyboardist and a bassist—took the stage. Elliott was armed with an acoustic
guitar; and she and one of her guitarists proceeded to clap to the beat, starting a
clap along amongst the hundreds and hundreds of patrons as they created a rather
bubbly mood.
She released not one but two albums in the first half of last year, allowing her and
her band a good well of older songs to choose from as well as several newer
numbers that were mixed, along with a good surprise.
Despite the difference in style over what Allen Stone would be doing, the crowd
was still focusing intently on her; bursting into some deafening applause upon the
completion of her first number. “Thank you, guys!” she responded, a smile
stretching from ear to ear as she then put her acoustic aside for an electric axe.
She jumped around some as that second tune got underway; the two guitarists
contributing some harmonies to it on the choruses, mixing well with her lush voice.
Here you’ll find all sorts of things that
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getting in-depth with them, with the
hope that I can put you — the reader
— into the show, so even if you
weren’t there in person, you’ll
(hopefully) get some sense of what the
experience was like. That entails
running down every song a band
played, the banter between songs and
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you can find all sorts of things on
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This blog definitely had humble
beginnings, starting with me posting
on Myspace back when I first started
getting into the local music scene here
in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. That was
back in 2006, when I was just 17.
Nearly nine years later, I’ve attended
over 850 concerts; and while many
things have changed in that time,
there’s one constant: this is entirely a
one-man operation.
I have an affinity for the local music
scene here, and that love will always
run deep, though I cover national acts
that travel through Dallas pretty
frequently, too.
Thanks for stopping by The Music
Enthusiast; and to anyone who takes
the time to read anything I’ve written
on this site, I appreciate that and
hoped you enjoyed whatever article it
was. Hope you come back sometime.
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The Music Enthusiast, Sunday, June 14th, 2015 – Brynn Elliott Makes a...
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I mentioned she differed in style from the soul/funk mix Stone does. Elliott’s brand
of music was steeped more in folk, with some indie and pop elements present as
well. That allowed her next song to be pulled off with ease. She and her band
wound the previous one seamlessly into a cover that had the entire room roaring as
soon as they recognized it. That was right about the time Elliott belted, “Jolene,
Jolene…”. Yes, she covered the Dolly Parton classic, and I do believe Parton
would be proud if she were to hear it. Elliott’s powerhouse voice meant they had no
trouble pulling it off, as she demonstrated just how in tune she was with the music,
quickly turning her head to the side at one point in careful precision with the beats;
while they extended the song a good bit, ending with a wicked jam outro.
“Thank you so much for being here!” she exclaimed afterwards, mentioning the
following song was one about love. She shared the story behind it, saying she
wrote it about a girl named Anna, a girl whom I believe she said she had read
about. She penned the song as a way to help her out, just share some direction
with her, but in reading what she had written she “realized I am Anna” as she said.
She stated that we all have notions of love (which is the title of one of her records),
with people often “living out of fear, not love”. That led to “Dear Anna”, which was
only performed by her and one of the guitarists. The song about heartbreak, getting
through it and learning to love again was spellbinding, the powerful lyrics and
message of hope they conveyed being impossible to ignore.
As her other band mates returned, they carried on with a song Elliott said she had
performed while in middle school, as the significance “crept” up on her again while
in high school. “…I think that’s the power of music… it stays with us and challenges
us…” she said before doing the track.
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The Music Enthusiast, Sunday, June 14th, 2015 – Brynn Elliott Makes a...
After another tune, they let loose the hauntingly beautiful melody of “Wildwood”, a
song that featured some higher notes at times, Elliott nailing them with ease as she
pushed herself into that higher range momentarily. By this point in her 44­minute
long set she was beaming, appearing blown away by the love she was receiving
from the near capacity crowd. “I love you guys!” she remarked as she sat her guitar
down, not using any instrument for the next song, which allowed her to be quite
expressive with her hands, making all sorts of little movements with them.
The next to last song featured a fiery guitar solo from one of the axe slingers; while
one of her newer singles, “When Kingdom Comes”, offered an upbeat note to end
After checking out her music a few days prior to this show, I was curious what the
general reaction would be, considering the drastically different styles. However,
despite the conflicting genres, the one factor Elliott shares with Stone is possessing
a monstrous voice.
That tied it all together; and just the emotion that her voice oozed and the sheer
force her rich tones hit with was more than enough to leave a lasting impression on
this crowd.
She’s quite the storyteller as well, every one of her originals being quite engaging
lyrically, reeling you in by making you curious how things would end.
I think it’s safe to assume few, if any, people here this night had heard of Brynn
Elliott before this, though many I’m sure would make a point to attend her next
Dallas show, whenever that may happen to be. She was that great; and it would be
wise to catch this young musician while she’s still on the rise.
She’ll be on tour for much of the summer, finishing up this run with Allen Stone on
The Music Enthusiast, Sunday, June 14th, 2015 – Brynn Elliott Makes a...
June 27th at Park City Live in Park City, Utah. She’ll then resume touring on August
7th, teaming up with O.A.R. and Allen Stone, with that tour lasting through
September 13th, when they perform at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison,
Colorado. A full listing of shows can be found HERE; and you can preview and
purchase her music in iTUNES.
The Music Enthusiast, Sunday, June 14th, 2015 – Brynn Elliott Makes a...
Posted 3 weeks ago
Tagged: Brynn Elliott, Brynn Elliott The Music Enthusiast, Brynn Elliott Review, Brynn
Elliott Live Review, Brynn Elliott Show Review, Brynn Elliott Concert Review, Brynn Elliott
Dallas, Brynn Elliott 2015, The Music Enthusiast, 2015, Dallas, Texas, DFW, Granada
Theater, Music, Singer, Songwriter, Indie, Folk, Pop, Music Enthusiast, Dallas Music Blog,
Jordan Buford, Ronnie Jackson Photography, Photos, Pictures, Review, Concert Review,
Live Music, Concert Reviews.