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Intro Takin scann proba betw direc regio cingu Meth The s More The
The Basa al Ganglia Cou upling during g Social Interaaction Revealeed by Dyadic ffMRI 1 Ray Lee1 Neurosciencee Institute, Princetton University, Priinceton, NJ, Uniteed States Introoduction Takinng advantage of emerging dyadic fMRII (dfMRI) (1), a study on tw wo human-brrain interactioons inside onee MRI scannner was condu ucted. Besidees confirmed most m of the prrevious resultts regarding B BOLD effect in social cognnition, the probaabilistic indep pendent comp ponent analyssis (PICA) (2)) results of ouur dfMRI dataa reveal that tthe basal gangglia coupling betw ween two brain ns could be an n essential staage in social cognition, c as ssuggested in R Ref. (3). Thiss is the first tiime that fMRII direcctly shows thaat a special region of brain becomes cou upled during ssocial interacttion, while m most other BOLD active regioons due to soccial cognition, such as med dial prefrontall cortex (fPFC C), temporal pparietal junctiion (TPJ), or posterior cinguulate cortex (P PCC), are on nly coherent within w each in ndividual brainn. Meth hod The sstudy was con nducted with a custom-maade dual-head coil system oon a Siemens 3T Skyra scaanner, as show wn in Fig. 1. Moree than 20 dfM MRI studies were w conducteed with subject-pairs lyingg on their sidees, face-to-facce, inside thee magnet boree. The ppulse sequence used for the t functionall studies is EPI with TR 22000ms, TE 30ms, FOV 5500mm×250m mm, sampling g matriix 128×64, slice thickness 4mm, voxel size 4mm×4m mm×4mm, annd flip angle 80°. The fielld map is acquuired by GRE E sequeence with thee same resolu ution and slices as in the functional f EP PI sequence. T The anatomiccal images arre acquired by y MPR RAGE sequen nce with vox xel size 2mm m×2mm×2mm m. Each run has 200 meeasurements in which the subject-paiir perioodically open and close theeir eyes, eitheer simultaneou usly or alternaately. Each peeriod has 20 m m measurementts; ten of them are dduring open ey ye intervals and a another teen are during closed eye inntervals. The functional daata was post-pprocessed with h softw ware package FSL (Oxford University, UK). U Resu ults All ddata sets were post-processsed with both GLM and PIC CA with thre shold Z=3.0 aand P=0.05, hhigh pass filteer cutoff=90s M. However and sspatial smooth hing FWHM= =5mm. Fig. 2 shows BOLD D activation dduring mutuaal gazing calcuulated by GLM the activation at PCC P in right and a TPJ in left ft person are not n correlatedd at all. Fig. 3 is the same ddata set but prrocessed with h PICA A. Both basal ganglia from m both subjects are clearly coupled c into oone componeent, which hass 1.52% of exxplained variaance and 1.03% of total varriance. Note that t among alll 52 componeents, this is onne of a few inn which both brains are coupled. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Fiig. 3 Concclusions T The dfMRI op pens up a new w field of stud dying human brain b interactiion directly aand quantitativvely. Its first significant resullt suggests thaat the basal gaanglia, especiially caudate nucleus, n coul d be in couplled mode duriing social inteeraction. Given the role of the t basal gang glia in impliccit learning, qu uantifying suuch coupling ccould be essenntial for both social nd diagnosis of o autism. cognnition study an Referrences 1. Lee RF, et al. A Twin-Heead Coil for Stu udying Two Brain Interactionn with fMRI. P Proceeding of IInternation Socciety of Magnetic Resonance R in Medicine M 18th Annual Meetin ng. Stockholm,, Sweden; 20100. p 1513. 2. Beckmann n CF, Smith SM M. Probabilisticc Independent Component C Annalysis for Funnctional Magneetic Resonancee Imaging. IEEE transs on Medical Im maging 2004;2 23(2):137. 3. Lieberman n MD. Intuition n: A Social Cog gnitive Neurosscience Approaach. Psychologgical Bulletin 22000;126(1):1009. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20 (2012) 2897