Macmillan eCharts
Macmillan eCharts
Mac Geomillan eCh g r a arts: phy M eg a CD SO MIN fTw IMU AR E REM SY Win qU STEM dow s win IREME AN Sof D twa Ma dows™ NTS re cin Ado XP ® be ® tosh OS Rea File der ® X siz e 99 7.0 MB full-c41 cha olour rts! ww w.m acm illa om .au Ma cm Macmillan eCharts • ENGLISH • Ideal for use on IWB and classroom computers • Includes whole school site licence Fantastic value for money – 87 English eCharts for $129.99 The Macmillan eCharts: English Mega CD covers grammar, text types for writing, poetry and punctuation. Exposition-Persuasion ersu ade pe ople to o D oyo une ed top y? Opening positive statement to attract atte ntio n— can inclu de a slog an Series of arguments to sup por t the sub ject —n ot sup por ted by evid enc e Reinforcement or reorientation opt iona l act in ap arti cula rwa ? mot eso met hing o Do you nee dto pro iron men tal prin t env o o ad vert isin g o con vers atio ns o jun km ail o pa mph lets Structure igit al NEW You can personalise activities by using Adobe Reader tools such as sticky note, highlight and underline. Ways to use it nD Cop ht infoto use Edu yright 1 420 2 rma cat ion © Ma 9657 tion . Aus cmillan 0 tral ia 201 2 • SCIENCE • GEOGRAPHY High quality digital charts to use across the primary school. Purpose illa UN IS AUTHO PRO Ope HIB RIS Agr n the ITE ED CO PYI this eement Rea D. d Me NG disk ’ and files for and cop ‘Ho Lice N 978 yrig w nce ISB n.c Grammar n ar escap e t od ay ! yo u r L u Bo o k Moon Rock Resort ld! It’s out of this wor xy the gala o-gravity sports in Largest range of micr r golf course Award-winning crate g Giant black hole slidin ing Free-fall space walk ing Straight wall jump Bay of Rainbows Buggy skiing in the Meteor dodge ball in our Far Side disco ing danc n 24-hour moo of the Best food this side Milky Way ables grown in our Fresh fruit and veget own laboratories led water distil ral Natu s drated snack pack Energy-boosting re-hy t and shuttle between resor Free moon-buggy other attractions technology t Earth atmosphere All rooms with lates Don’t miss out — book now! Free upgrade to Earth view room to first 100 to book and pay! Macmillan eCharts: . ISBN 978 1 4202 n Education Australia English © Macmilla 9636 5 noun adje ctive can show bias emo tion al wor ds com man d Visual elements e Can includ a variet y of visual eleme nts, such as photo s, drawi ngs, charts Macmillan eCharts M a c m il la n e C ha rt s: S ❷ ❶ ❸ teaching and learning These wall charts support system. and objects in our solar chart —givesa Background to e briefdescriptionofeachimageonthation. WallChart,plusanyrelevantinform Mini-Beasts ❶ ❸ Key ideas—provides afewbriefstatements that sum up the key ideascoveredbythe images. pairs or groups also be allocated to The questions could velopextendedresponses. ofstudentstoresearchandde include: These responses could ❻ ❺ ❺ 0 ❺ ISBN 978 1 4202 0999 ISBN 978 1 4202 9124 7 g MacmillanLibrarySeries:SkyWatchin Zoo Animals Wonders of the Sea Space Frontiers ❸ ❸ ❸ ❹ ❻ ❻ ❺ ❺ ❹ Education Australia 2011 Copyright © Macmillan Sky Watching Macmillan Wall Charts: 0 ISBN 978 1 4202 9123 Joseph Teaching notes by Virginia Publisher: Sharon Dalgleish Wilson Managing Editor: Bonnie and Sarah Payne Editors: Laura Jordan Pretorius Editorial assistant: Haylie Sunni Cooper Production controller: Jordan Photo researcher: Kaitlin Printed in China and been taken to trace While every care has the publisher tenders acknowledge copyright, infringement where apologies for any accidental be untraceable. They would copyright has proved with a suitable arrangement pleased to come to each case. the rightful owner in Zoo Animals Licence Agreement Read Me ❻ ❺ ❽ ❼ ❼ Macmilla ❽ ❽ ❼ MacmillanDigital The CDs include background information and teaching notes. n eChart Investig atin Earth g ❶ 8 Classroom hints ❷ Natur Disas tearl s These wall Investigatin charts have been designed g Earth topics. to provide a valuable These charts visual stimulus • observean will help students for dgatherinf to: what is different ormationa bouttheEa • comparean rth,looking • understand dcontrast,sortandcla forwhatis similarand • understand thattheEarthisconst ssifyaspect softheEar • understand thattheEarth’sphysic antlychang th ing thatpeopl edependo alenvironmentinfluenc ntheEarth Usethecha anditsres estheirdailylives • addachartrtsasadisplaytool. ources. toaclassro Youcould: and interesting omdisplay borders ofstudents • placeacha ’work,incl andidentifyrt,andacatchylabel,o udingcatch theclassle yheadings ntheclassr arningthem oomdoor e. Usethecha towelcome students thebackgro rtstoprovideanover classdiscus undinformationtostu viewofeac hoftheeig sionandfu rtherthink dentsandthenusethehttopics.Yo ing. Studentsco questions ucouldread uldthende tostimulate Theymight velopexten dedrespon • creatediag,forexample: sestosom • writeinformramsormodelsofthe eofthequ estions. ationrepor soilorwate tsaboutth euseofro rcycles cks,sand,w aterandso ilineveryd aylife ❸ ❺ ❻ n. ❷ Key ideas—pro vides a few statementsth coveredbyth atsumupthe brief keyideas eimages. ble: •Comprehen ding •Applying •Analysing •Reflecting •Evaluating ❹ 9167 4 ❺ raphharts: y Meg a CD SOf MIN Tw IMUM ARE SYS REq TEM Win UIR dow EM AND s win ENT dow Sof S s™ twa Mac re Ado XP ® into sh be ® OS Rea der ® X File 7.0 size 99 MB 41 full-co cha lour rts! UNA UTH IS PRO ORI Ope HIB SED ITED COP Agre n the Rea . YIN G this ement d disk files Me and ’ and for Lice cop ‘How nce N yrig ww w.m acm n.c Ma cm illan ❶ om .au Dig Symbo Australsliof a to use ht infor Cop 978 1 mat Edu yright © 4202 965 ion. cati on Macmill 7 0 Aus trali an a 201 2 0922 8 1 4202 8 Charts! ital ❺ ❻ 7151 5 ISBN 978 1 4202 ISBN 978 8145 3 ❻ 6 Read Me greemen t 1 4202 0477 3 1 4202 6953 ISBN 978 series: Symbo ls of Austra 0 7 1 4202 8104 Macmillan eCharts: Geography © Macmillan 1 Australia. ISBN 978 ❽ 8 1 4202 8107 Teaching notes by Tanya Publisher: Sharon DalgleishGibb Managing Editor: Bonnie Editor: Sarah Wilson Proofreader: Payne Haylie Pretorius Photo Researcher: Design: Cliff Elizabeth Sim Watt Printed in China Education 1 4202 8108 ISBN 978 ISBN 978 Copyright © Macmillan Macmillan Wall Charts: Education Australia ISBN 978 1 4202 9095 Symbols of Australia 2011 0 ISBN 978 1 4202 8106 4 1 4202 8105 ISBN 978 ISBN 978 ISBN 978 1 4202 8103 3 lia ❼ First published MACMILLAN in 2011 by EDUCATION 15–19 Claremont AUSTRALIA Visit our Street, South PTY LTD website Yarra 3141 at www.macmillan.c Associated throughout companies and representatives the world While every acknowledge care has been taken to copyright, apologies the publisher trace and for any accidental tenders copyright infringement has proved pleased untraceable. where to They would the rightful come to a suitable be arrangement owner in each case. with 1 4202 9657 0 ORDER FORM: Order Licence A 6 1 4202 9121 Questions —lists questions for you to ask students. The are designed questions and facilitate to support the following thinking skills: •Observing •Comprehen ding •Applying •Analysing •Reflecting •Evaluating ❸ ❺ ISBN 978 Library AGES 8–10 n. Key ideas—pro statements videsafewb rief coveredbytthat sum up the key ideas heimages. ISBN 978 Macmillan of Austr alia Weather and Clim ate 1 4202 1 4202 ❷ rth Disasters Symbols 9199 5) Weather an Climate d ❹ ❽ 978 1 4202 • mockappli • advertising cationsfortheWorld • role-playsi campaignsfornatura Heritageli stingofalo • eventplannnvolvinghistoricalevenlandbuiltl andmarks calsite • debates(po ingforacommemorat tsorpeopl • newspaper larisedandparliament iveoccasio e n eventsand articles,editorials,and ary) lettersto • oralhistor people theeditor • scientificexyrecordingsofpeople aboutcultu ralorhisto planations intheloca forthedev rical elopmentolcommunity fparticular naturallan dmarks. ble: 41 full colour digital charts ❽ While every acknowledge care has been taken to copyright, apologies the publisher trace and for any accidental tenders copyright infringement has proved pleased untraceable. where to come They would to a suitable the rightful be arrangement owner in each case. with Backgrou nd to brief description chart —givesa of each WallChart,p lusanyrelevaimage on the ntinformatio Also availa ❼ Library, ISBN ISBN 978 Teaching notes by Greg Reid Publisher: Sharon Dalgleish Managing Editor: Bonnie Editor: Sarah Wilson Production Payne Proofreader: Haylie Pretorius Design: Cliff controller: Sunni Cooper Watt Illustrations Photo researcher: (cycles): Lauren McDougall Printed in Ben Galpin China 8149 1 8148 4 8144 6 ❶ ❹ 1 4202 ISBN 978 This series understand of wall charts has ing the significancebeen designed of symbols to support students Students of Australia. will in recognising • evidenceo learn that: and fhistorical in their andcultura local lheritageis • evidenceo communities, allaround as well as monument facountry’svaluesca theminth in national eirdailyliv landmarks cemeteries s, places of worship nbefoundinthingss esand and icons , archaeolog (churches, uchascom ical sites, temples and shrines), munityhall museums, Students s, war memorials, will heritage • culturalico learn about: sites, parks, statues and monument • importantAnsanddrawconclusion s. why they ustraliancelebrations saboutthe andcomme irsignificance • historicaleare significant moratived • naturaland ventsandpeople ays;whent heyoccur • theanthem builtlandmarksandth and symbolise s,emblems,flagsandc eirvalueto and represent. oatsofarm Australians sofAustra Usethech liaandthe artstopro thingsthey the background videanove rviewofea class discussion information chofthee and further to students and Studentsco ighttopics. then use thinking Youcould the questions Theymight ulddevelopextended about the read topics. create,for to stimulate • documenta example: responsestosomeof • journalswhriesaboutlocallandm thequesti ons. • historicaln ichgiveinsightintohi arks arratives storicaleve nts ❸ as Macmill an Digital Symbo ls Austral of ia Classroom hints ❷ ISB illa 1 4202 ISBN 978 n eC available ❼ Copyright © Macmillan Macmillan Wall Charts: Education Australia ISBN 978 1 4202 9122 Investigating Earth 2011 3 ISBN 978 Geog First published MACMILLAN in 2011 by EDUCATION 15–19 Claremont AUSTRALIA Street, South Visit our PTY LTD website Yarra, Vic at Associated 3141 throughout companies and representatives the world ISBN 978 milla 1 4202 1 4202 ISBN 978 Mac ating Ea Natural ❻ 6166 0 1 4202 ISBN 978 8146 0 MacmillanYou ngLibraryser ies:Investigatin gEarth(also 1 4202 8147 7 ❽ stralia Investig Questions questionsfor —lists students.The youtoask are designed questions and facilitate to support thinkingskills the following •Observing : ❸ Also availa ❼ phy Atlas Au • writeexpla nationtext sand or stoaccom soil panytheso • createpers are formed ilorwater ofhealthys uasivewrittenorvisua cycles,orte llinghowro ltextsabou • investigate oilorwater cks, ttheenviro howresour nmentalim cesareuse portance dandmana gedintheir localarea. Backgrou nd to brief description chart —gives of each a WallChart,p lusanyrelevaimage on the ntinformatio ❶ ❹ s: Geogra Investig atin Earth g Charts! ISBN 978 ❹ ❷ ❶ ❷ ❶ ISBN 978 1 4202 8243 2 ❽ ❼ ❷ 5 by First published in 2011 AUSTRALIA PTY LTD MACMILLAN EDUCATION Yarra, Vic 3141 South 15–19 Claremont Street, Visit our website at and representatives Associated companies throughout the world Wonders of the Sea ❼ ❶ ISBN 978 1 4202 8241 ❽ ❼ ISBN 978 1 4202 8240 ❻ ❽ ❽ ISBN 978 1 4202 8242 9 6 ISBN 978 1 4202 8244 3 ❼ 0 ISBN 978 1 4202 8245 ❺ ❹ 56 full colour digital charts andfacilitatethefollowing thinking skills: •Observing •Comprehending •Applying •Analysing •Reflecting •Evaluating. Sky Watching Space Frontiers 8 ❹ Questions—lists questionsforyoutoask students. The questions are designed to support Also available: ❻ ❹ ❻ Spoken •role-playanddramatisations •speeches •debates •lectures •slideshows •discussions •explanations. Written •factualreports •scientificreports •explanations •newspaperarticles •newspapereditorials, r. advertising,letterstotheedito about space verviewofeachofthetopics. Usethechartstoprovideano informationtostudentsand Youcouldreadthebackground lateclassdiscussionandfurther thenusethequestionstostimu thinking about the topics. ❸ ❹ Classroom hints Students will learn that: forsustaininglife,andismade • theEarth’satmosphereisvital rs upofanumberofdifferentlaye salloftheheatandlightinour •theSunisastarthatprovide solar system naturalsatellite •theMoonistheEarth’sonlyydependingontheirmass •starshavelifecyclesthatvar fstarsthatarevisiblefromEarth •constellationsarepatternso ifferenttimesoftheyear fromdifferenthemispheresatd solarsystemthatvaryinsize •thereareeightplanetsinour and composition roidsareclassifiedaccording •comets,asteroidsandmeteo theyarecomposedof. totheirsizeandthematerials ❷ ❷ ❶ aliahingn Mammals Austr Sky Watc Climate Change 8 Charts! 9 ISBN 978 1 4202 7900 Climate Change ❸ ❷ ❶ Sky Watching Mini-Beasts ISBN 978 1 4202 7879 Australialsn Mamma c ie n c e Title ISBN Price single Macmillan eCharts: English Mega CD 9781420296365 $129.99 Macmillan eCharts: Science Mega CD 9781420296563 $99.99 Macmillan eCharts: Geography Mega CD 9781420296570 $99.99 Macmil la n Digita Contact NameSchool Order No. Position School School Address Postcode TelephoneFax Email For all orders and enquiries call Product Support on 1300 764 276 or fax 1300 135 103 or email or Macmillan Ref P245 A.B.N. 4900 5024 313 04/12 9 992101 204511 Prices listed are recommended prices only and are subject to change. 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