final print May - Cherry Creek High School


final print May - Cherry Creek High School
Dates for
May 2016
From the Principal..................................2
Post Grad......................................10-12
Testing Information.............................13
May 9th
Prom and Senior Celebration ticket sales begin during 4, 5, and 6 periods
Prom tickets $25 w/ Activities/ $30 w/o activities
Senior Celebration Tickets $10
May 11th Senior check-out sheets/Report card forms may be picked up in the Post Grad Center.
May 12th
Last day to register guests for Prom & After Prom. Student guests from other schools, Freshmen & Sophomores from CCHS must be registered.
Cherry Creek High School.
May 13th
Seniors’ Last Full Day of classes and last day to purchase Prom tickets on campus
9300 E. Union Ave.,
May 14th
Prom, 9:00 pm -12 am at City Hall Event Center
1144 Broadway, Denver, CO. All students must present current student ID and a ticket for admission to the dance.
May 15th
After Prom Party, CCHS 12 pm to 4:00 a.m.
Students must present a current ID for admission. There is no charge for After Prom . Guests must be preregistered for both events.
The Home Herald is published
on-line monthly during the school year
(September-May) by
Englewood, Colorado 80111.
Print copies are available in the West Main
Publisher: Anita Turner-Corwin
Editor: Tina Roark
The deadline for newsletter
submissions is the 15th of
each month.
May 24th
Senior Celebration 11 a.m. in the S. Gym, tickets $15 at the door.
Graduation Rehearsal (Mandatory) 1:30-4:30 pm. Cap & Gowns passed out after rehearsal
May 25th CCHS Graduation Ceremony, Stutler Bowl, 8 am
Seniors report to South Gym by 7a.m. with caps, gowns and honor cords (if applicable).
Good Luck Seniors
Wow! Where did the 2015-2016 school year go? This is my last Home
Herald message for the school year and I find it difficult to believe that
the year is only weeks away from ending. This school year brought
wonderful learning and so much to celebrate. Our test scores indicate that our students are learning and will leave us well prepared for
college. We have won a number of athletic championships and our
students have represented us well in extracurricular activities. Our
students have shown they are capable of leading and connecting our
community members of all ages to the school. Most importantly, our
students have proven to be strong citizens who care about each other
and their school. I am proud to call myself a Bruin.
As the year does come to an end, so does the time when we say
goodbye to so many wonderful people who are retiring and moving on
to the next chapter life has to offer. This year’s retirees include Caryn
Bresciani, Student Achievement Services, Julie Brookes, Spanish
& French, Joelle Hogue, Mathematics, Bob Kubiak, Social Studies,
Mary Morgan, Library, Nancy Stout, School Psychologist, Jay Stribling, Physical Education, and Vicky Temple, School Psychologist. All
of these educators have served Cherry Creek High School and her
students well for many years. They know their content well but, most
importantly, they care for the students and staff they work with. In
addition to our retirees, we also celebrate Rob Matuschek and Lynne
Pennington who each will move to new challenges. Rob will move to
Nigeria to serve as a school principal and Lynne is engaged and will
move to Texas. I am thankful all of these teachers have been part of
the Bruin Family and I wish them only the best in life.
Plans and preparations for next year are underway. We have hired
outstanding teachers in the areas of mathematics, science, English,
social studies, Spanish, Latin, counseling and administration. The
teachers we have added to our faculty come from as close as Campus
Middle School to as far as Germany. Many of our teaching openings
are a result of retirements, but the majority are due to growth. In fact,
next year’s freshman class will be the largest class of students on
campus followed closely by this year’s freshman class. The growth
will not stop there, as our projections show we could grow from our
current size of 3,500 to as big as 3,700 by 2021.
While it is always nice to have to the ability to hire new faculty, some
areas require adjustments. Specifically, my decision to increase the
size of the counseling department from 10 counselors to 11 will result
in a change in the counseling assignments. All counselors will have
smaller caseloads starting next year with the additional counseling
position, but it does mean there will be change. The plan is to maintain
our current counseling assignments for next year’s seniors and then
adjust the assignments for grades 9-11. Communication will come
home this summer detailing the new model.
I indicated at the start of my message that we have so much to celebrate at Cherry Creek High School this year. I specifically want to give
praise to our STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics)
programs. In recent years we have seen growth in computer science,
robotics, math team, science research and science competition. With
the growth we have also seen a large desire to be involved in competitions in STEM areas. Our students in all of these programs have
performed extremely well at both the local and state levels allowing
many of them to advance to both national and world competitions. It
is impressive what type of learning and teaching is taking place in
these areas. Bravo to the teachers and the students for their efforts
and success!
Finally, I leave you with a few reminders. First, final exams are quickly
approaching. Please advise your child to study hard, get as much rest
as possible and use the many resources we have available to help
prepare them for their exams. The resources include tutoring, libraries, resource centers and, of course, office hours with the classroom
teacher. Secondly, as the weather changes and the end of the year
arrives, there are more temptations for students to make poor decisions. Please support us at home by reminding your child to continue
following school rules. It is especially important for our seniors, as the
behavior consequences are larger. Fortunately, it has been two years
since a senior missed the graduation ceremony due to poor behavior
and I expect this will be the third year, too.
Please do not hesitate to contact me this summer if you have any
concerns or questions.
Ryan T. Silva
CCHS PTCO Meeting Dates
Generally, PTCO meetings are scheduled the first
Thursday of every month. The meetings are held in
either the foyer area of the Fine Arts Theatre or the
Community Rooms. The meetings start at 9:00 a.m.
General PTCO Meetings, 9-10:30 a.m., unless noted:
5/5 @ 9am
Senior Parent Rose Ceremony –
F.A. Theater Lobby
Brown Bag with the Principal
Join Principal Ryan Silva on the 3rd Wednesday
of every month, from 11:30 a.m. -12:30 pm in the
West Main Office conference room. It’s informal,
informational, and a great way to find out what’s
happening at Creek!
Last Meeting - May 18th
Save these dates for next year:
* * B e s u re to c h e c k t h e C C H S We b s i te fo r
possible changes to times or locations.
Accountability Committee
The Cherry Creek High School Accountability
Committee meets one Tuesday evening per month
from 5-6:30 pm in the West Main Office Conference Room. We review how CCHS is meeting its
accountability goals for excellence and equity, for
college and post-secondary success, for a safe
and caring environment, and for partnering with
students, parents and community members in the
education process. Each meeting generally includes a guest speaker on a special topic of
interest, a report from Principal Ryan Silva, an
update on Creek’s UIP (Unified Improvement Plan),
and a brief report from the District Accountability
Committee representative.
Partnership for Academically
Successful Students
PASS Team members are comprised of parents
and educators who participate together in
training and professional learning to promote
the success of students. The goal is to engage
African-American and Latino parents in
meaningful and effective ways, strengthening
relationships between the school and parent
Last Meeting for the 2015-2016 School Year
Meeting Dates for 2016:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Paula Romero Schmitt and Patty Galloway
CCHS Accountability Committee Co-Chairs
Paula: (303) 669-6995 or
Patty: (303) 328-1443 or
May 17, 2016
- See more at:
All meetings are held in the Community
Rooms from 6:30 -8:00p.m.
Save these Dates for Next Year
For more information contact
Marcus McDavid, 720-554-2255
(Parent/Teacher/Community Organization)
It has been an honor serving as the PTCO Co-Presidents this year! We’ve had an amazing experience that has allowed us
to learn more about CCHS and strengthen our appreciation for what this school has to offer our students everyday! We
have been fortunate to work with an outstanding group of parent volunteers.
Special thanks and appreciation to the following: Stephanie Kallet and Anita Turner-Corwin, Past Co-presidents, who
assisted us throughout the year and provided us with great advice and guidance.
The Executive Board members, including our Secretary Anne Egan, who takes detailed minutes at every meeting and
who has volunteered to be President Elect 2016; and Michele McGould, Treasurer, who seamlessly handles all things
budget related!
To our VPs of Fundraising, Amy Anema and Beth Hoffman, for raising funds for Friends of PTCO and After Prom this
year. All of the General Board members who have stepped up, coordinated committees, and put in hours of time to help
improve all that PTCO touches at Creek. Thank you for supporting us and making a difference!
Special thanks to Megan Bonino our After Prom chair, and Diana Moreland, our Incoming After Prom Chair. You and
your committees of volunteers have our deepest gratitude!
Thanks to Mr. Silva for supporting our goals and valuing our role at CCHS. You are an amazing leader and we feel
fortunate to have worked with you! Thank you to the West Main office staff, especially Hettie Jackson, for keeping us
informed and helping with so many details. You’re the best!
To Dr. Keogh, Penny Malloy, Marci Terrell and Anita Turner Corwin for managing our student presentations at the PTCO
meetings, always keeping us informed with the Home Herald Newsletter, the Week at Creek emails, and for their great support
of the PTCO and all we do.
Finally, to Susan Honeyfield, next year’s President, who has already jumped in and started transitioning to her new
role. We look forward to working along side you next year as you guide the Board with your vision for Creek! We greatly
appreciate all you do for CCHS!
Karen Petroff and Rene’ Malden
PTCO Co-Presidents
The final PTCO Meeting of the Year ~ May 14th, 9:15 a.m. in FA Theater Lobby
Do you have a graduating Senior?? We want to celebrate YOU and your journey to this milestone!
Please join us at this meeting and for the rose ceremony to honor you! RSVP at:
We will also be voting on the 2015-2016 budget, which you can review on the
PTCO page of the school website.
After Prom Help Needed
After Prom Donations:
Friday, May 13th Set-Up 3 pm – 10pm -
Saturday, May 14th Set-Up starting at 9 am -
Saturday, May 14th Sneak Preview 6:30- 10:00 pm
Sunday, May 15th Tear Down 6 am – 10 am
After Prom Food Signup
Donations for After Prom Food:
FRIENDS OF PTCO...Friends of Creek
Friends of PTCO is a fundraising effort created to support the needs of our school.
Some of the funds collected through donations by parents and our community are
granted in support of classroom and teacher initiatives. Below is a listing of the
Friends of PTCO Grants that were awarded in the 2015-2016 school year.
Physics and Physical Sciences – 3 Mac Computers
Chemistry – Odyssey Site Licensure
Technology – 10 Physics Class/Lab Computers
Fine Arts – Replaced 1 Yamaha Piano
Chemistry Classrooms – 4 Documents Cameras
Biology/Chemistry Labs – Repair/Purchase Equipment
Special Education – 3 Smartboards
Physics Photoacoustic Lab for Glucose Detection
Recording Studio Sound-Proofing
Photography Digital Drawing and Design Lab
English Department – 7 Document Cameras
Speech and Debate – 2 Laptops
TOTAL AWARDS: $25,502.00 impacting 3500+ students
Thank you to all the families who donated to the
Friends of PTCO fundraising program! You have made
an amazing impact on CCHS!!
Save These 2016-2017 PIN Meeting Dates
September 6th
Problem Solving as Heroes & Leaders
Diana Thompson, speaker, author, educator
October 4th and evening of October 5th
Marijuana, Colorado Law, and Your Kids
Gina Carbone, Smart Colorado; Michael Song, Asst. Atty. Gen.; Tracy Reinhard,
Sandstone Care
Nov. 1st
Learning Differences:
The Challenges & Joys
Laura Barr, e.Merging Educational Consulting
December 6th
10 Things Everyone with a Brain Should Know
Kim Bevill, founder of Gray Matters, Inc.
February 7th
Mind Games! Understanding the Adolescent Brain
Dr. Jim Langley, Knippenberg, Patterson, Langley & Assoc.
March 7th
The Making of Boys to Men
Nick Jackson, The Boys School
April 4th
Visual Processing Beyond 20/20 Improving Academics, Sports & Confidence
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Hellerstein & Brenner
May 2nd
Boys Adrift, Girls on the Edge
Dr. Leonard Sax, NYT bestselling author
Brain-Based Mindfulness Strategies to Reduce Stress
Tuesday, May 3rd
8:45 am - Brunch
9:00 to 11:30 am - Program & Keynote Speaker
The Parent Information Network Annual Brunch will be held at
Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church
10150 East Belleview Avenue, Englewood, CO 80111
Between homework and over-scheduled calendars, kids these days are stressed. Join
PIN to hear school psychologist Dr. Kristen Race fuse brain science with mindfulness
strategies to create resiliency towards stress. You’ll learn:
5 easy ways to take your family from surviving to thriving
Why stress is both prevalent and highly contagious
How to become more resilient to stressors inside and outside the home
Benefits of a mindfulness practice and ways to practice at work and home
Dr. Kristin Race is an author and nationally-recognized speaker.
Her work has been featured in The New York Times, NPR, The
Washington Post, CNN, The Chicago Tribune, Parenting magazine
and Real Simple.
$5 suggested donation, no need to R.S.V.P.
Need Childcare?
Visit by
April 28 to make a
childcare reservation.
$10 per child, $15 for two siblings
Sponsored by:
Preparing for
As summer quickly approaches, you and your student may want to
consider some options which will assist him/her with academic,
college, and/or life preparation.
1. SUMMER SCHOOL: Your student may choose to repeat a high school core class (English,
Social Studies, Math, Science) in which he/she earned a grade of “D” or “F.” Retaking a course can
reinforce learning, as well as improve GPA.
Two sessions of summer school will be offered. The first session will run from June 6-24, 2016 at
Overland High School and the second from June 27- July 22, 2016 (with the week of July 4th off) at
Eaglecrest High School. Classes meet from 8:00am to 12:20pm, Monday thru Friday and
transportation will NOT be provided. More information may be obtained though the CCSD Summer
School link:
To get ahead on graduation requirements, your student may choose to take a course offered through
CCSD online summer school. Courses offered include American Government, Economics,
Personal Fitness, and Health. Registration information is also available through the summer school
2. SUMMER COLLEGE PROGRAM: Your student may choose to participate in a summer
college program which can help your student explore a field which he/she may be interested in
studying in college. You may research these opportunities either through the “Enrichment Programs”
link under the “Colleges” tab on Family Connection by Naviance or by visiting individual college
websites for information on high school summer programs. These programs are usually 1-4 weeks in
length and will occupy your student’s time from sun-up to sun-down!
3. PAID or VOLUNTEER WORK: Your student may choose to spend the summer working in
either a volunteer or paid job. Now is the time to be searching for these opportunities—before
college students return home! Family Connection by Naviance has a resume link (under the heading
“About Me” or a resume format on the home page, top left hand side) which will help your student
create or improve a resume. Some other ways to find work or opportunities might be to:
o Check job resource sites: and
o Watch for signs in windows of local businesses
o Network – ask friends and acquaintances about job opportunities
o Check out
Volunteer and paid work can be very rewarding!
4. SUMMER READING and MATH ASSIGNMENTS: Remember that Creek has summer
reading and math assignments to be completed before students return to school in August.
This information is available this summer on the CCHS website under the English and
Math department pages.
We encourage students to continue to read for pleasure during the summer. During the busy school
year, students have little time to read the books in which they are interested, but relaxing with a good
book on a hammock is an ideal way to spend some lazy summer days! (The side benefit is
that reading is the best way to help improve test scores!)
On the topic of summer reading, several of us in the Counseling Department just finished reading
and discussing Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania,
written by Frank Bruni, author and columnist for the New York Times. If you are the parent of a
junior or are already thinking about the college admission process for a younger student, we
encourage you to read this book about keeping the process in perspective and reducing the anxiety
and frenzy that college admissions has become. Bruni reminds us:
“College is a singular opportunity to rummage through and luxuriate in ideas, to
give your brain a vigorous workout and your soul a thorough investigation, to
realize how very large the world is and to contemplate your desired place in it.”
We wish your student a happy, relaxing and productive summer. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact your student’s counselor either by telephone or email.
Susan Swisher, Counseling Department Coordinator
2016 - 2017
May 31, June 1, June 2, 2016
$25 registration fee
4 Subjects to choose from:
English, Math, Science or Social Studies
For more information and to sign up go to the
CCHS Website
*** Space is limited ***
May 2016
Craig Wittgrove, Post Grad Coordinator
It has been an amazing and busy spring in the Post Grad Center. We hosted our annual “Senior Day” in the Post Grad Center. We
are very proud of our programming and we put a lot of effort in making sure that it is relevant and accurate. Our programming can
be found on the CCHS College Planning Schedule. Some companies or outside programs rent our space through the district and try
to make it appear as if their program is sponsored by Cherry Creek. Please be aware and careful as some of these programs could
cost you thousands of dollars. CCHS Programming can only be found on our College planning Schedule. We hope you have a great
end to the school year and a safe summer!
Please keep us informed of any scholarships you may receive, as we maintain a database of scholarships for
the Class of 2016.
You should have informed your first-choice college of your intent to enroll by May 1st. Be sure to also submit any housing forms
or other documentation that your college may require. It is extremely important to read every piece of mail or e-mail from your
chosen institution so you don’t miss deadlines or other pertinent information.
If you have questions or concerns regarding waitlist procedures, financial aid packages, scholarships, or other choices still to be
made, stop by our Post Grad Center or see your counselor.
When you begin Senior Checkout in Post Grad on Wednesday, May 11th, you will be completing three surveys on Family
Connection by Naviance (if you haven’t already). You will indicate on the Graduation Survey where you plan to enroll in the
fall, and we will send your final transcript to this institution. You will not be charged for the final transcript. We also ask if you
would be willing to be a contact for other CCHS students who may be interested in your college choice and who may want to
contact you for your impressions. As well, you will be completing a survey for the Cherry Creek School District.
Remember to thank those who may have helped you along the way: teachers, counselors, staff, and your parents!
If you have not yet scheduled your Junior Conference, you have limited time left to do so!
Get on your counselor’s schedule!
To make your lives easier next year, complete the following steps:
1. Access Naviance at before leaving for summer break.
2. Under the “about me” tab on Naviance:
Click on “profile” under “Official Things”to check for accuracy:
 correct address
 correct date of birth
 correct e-mail address (use the e-mail address that you check most often!)
3. Under the “colleges” tab on Naviance:
Click on “Colleges I’m Applying To”:
 Complete Privacy Notice for Common Application
 Note: We recommend you DO waive your right.
 Fill in Common Application User Name and Password. NOTE: You will need to go to the Common Application Website, (or click link on bottom left hand side on Naviance homepage) to complete this step, then return and
complete on Naviance
 Complete “bio,” “address,” and “academics” section on The Common Application Website.
1. These steps must be completed for Counselors to complete the Common Application Secondary School Report
Form (required) and for teachers to complete the Common Application Teacher Evaluation Form.
2. Colleges and Universities that accept the Common Application can be found at
NOTE: The Common Application for 2016-2017 will go live on their website on August 1, 2016.
Consider writing your college essay over the summer! You will give yourself a gift if you arrive at school in the fall with your
college essay either completed or close to it! With the craziness of your senior classes, college applications, sports or clubs, a joblife will be stressful enough without the addition of writing your college essay.
Create an e-mail address that you can use for all your college-related activities, like online applications and test
Check out the admission requirements and application for colleges you are considering to ensure you have planned for all
required tests, recommendations, and essays. Most colleges make their applications available after August 1.
Other reminders for juniors:
Now is an excellent time to research college choices for next year. You should work ahead this summer on developing
your college list or on applications. For example:
Request teacher recommendations this spring if you need them for your college applications. This will alleviate time constraints
for both you and your teachers next fall. If you are not sure if your college choices require teacher recommendation(s), check the
college website, see your counselor or the Post Graduate Center staff for assistance.
Visiting college campuses during the spring and summer is an excellent way to get a feel for a school. Perhaps you can build
several campus tours into a family vacation. Don’t forget about the excellent colleges and universities right in our own backyard!
Colleges like to see students take advantage of summer enrichment experiences: work, attend a camp, take advantage of summer
programs offered on college campuses, travel, or volunteer. Check out “enrichment programs” in Naviance for possibilities.
Summer can be a great time for you to explore college options as well! Build some college tours into your family vacation, find a job,
explore summer camps and enrichment programs, or volunteer.
Have a great and relaxing summer!
Craig Wittgrove,
Post Grad Coordinator
MI Seniors: We would like to congratulate you on any scholarships you have received. Please report your
scholarship information to Post Grad by Friday, May 6th. Student names and the scholarships received will
be published in the Senior edition of the Union Street Journal.
Please make copies of this form as you need. (Please do not include financial aid grants.)
Individual award amounts will not be published. A sum total of all scholarships awarded to the Class
of 2016 will be announced at Graduation.
You may email this completed form to Christine Gill,
(Name of college/university, agency, or organization)
$ _______________
*TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________
(Name of college/university, agency, or organization)
$ _______________
*TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________
(Name of college/university, agency, or organization)
$ _______________
*TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________
(Name of college/university, agency, or organization)
$ _______________
*TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________
You May Access This Form Online at:
2016 AP Exam Calendar
Morning exams require that the students arrive no later than 7:30 a.m.
Afternoon exams require that the students arrive no later than 11:30 a.m.
Mid-Afternoon exams require that students arrive no later than 2:00 p.m.
Week 1
May 2
Environmental Science
May 3
Computer Science A
Spanish Language and Culture
Art History
May 4
English Literature and Composition
May 5
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Language and Culture
May 6
German Language and Culture
United States History
European History
Studio Art — last day for CCHS to submit digital portfolios and to gather 2-D Design and
Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly.
Students should have forwarded their completed digital portfolios to their teachers well before
this date.
Week 2
May 9
Music Theory
Physics C: Mechanics
Physics C:
Electricity and Magnetism
May 10
United States Government
and Politics
French Language and Culture
Spanish Literature and Culture
May 11
English Language and
May 12
Comparative Government and Statistics
World History
May 13
Human Geography
Please contact our office if you have any questions or need further information.
Call 720-554-2255 or stop by West 425
You can always tell we have hit spring sports season when the weather swings
from days of 70 degrees to a foot of snow. We have been blasted by Mother
Nature this spring, but our Bruins have endured and fought through the end
of the regular season. For most teams the regular season was scheduled
to end by the beginning of May. However, make-up games are happening
every day, so it is hard to give an update on current standings.
Most of our teams still have very big games to play which makes it a little
difficult to judge where they are right now. As I write this article, the women’s
lacrosse team is undefeated and will play Mullen for the league title on April
29th. The team has improved all season and will look to play for the state
title again. Men’s lacrosse won a huge showdown with Regis, but then fell to
Mountain Vista in a make-up game. Originally that match up was supposed
to be a home game for the Bruins. Weather forced us to shift that game to
Mountain Vista as we did not have playable turf at our disposal. Golf has
done well, and although Grandview will be tough to beat for the league title,
we have defeated them this season. It should be an exciting conclusion.
Men’s swim and dive team had senior night on April 29th. The team has
improved all year. They recently won our Invite defeating the Highlands Ranch
district team for top honors. The state field will be tough, but the team has
the potential to win it all! Both track and field teams are still trying to figure
things out as they have not had very many meets up to this point. It has been
tough on them, but both teams competed well at the Twilight Invite and will
look to finish strong at league and at state. Women’s tennis will be hosting
our Invite this weekend and will host regionals the following week working
towards another state title. It will be tough this season due to other strong
teams, but we wouldn’t want it any other way.
Our final two spring sports are baseball and soccer. Baseball has dropped
out of the top 10 for the first time in years, but don’t count the Bruins out.
They have had some injuries and bad bounces. This is a strong and proud
program that other teams do not wish to face in the playoffs. The Bruins
have some pitching so that could very well carry them in the playoffs. The
women’s soccer team can compete with anyone. They have lost a few close
battles with teams in the top 4, but this team is ready to make some noise
in the playoffs. Our Lady Bruins could be the surprise team in the playoffs.
Good luck to all teams in the playoffs.
Switching gears we have hired a few new head coaches. We have hired
longtime Bruin assistant Kent Dertinger to coach men’s basketball. Kent
played at Creek in addition to, he and his wife teaching at Creek. We are
very excited to have Kent take over the program. I have also hired Megan
Bruhn as our new head Poms coach. Megan is an Arapahoe graduate and
was on the CU dance team for four years. Megan is a great addition to the
Bruin family. Alex Berman has been hired to be the new field hockey coach.
Alex attended and played at Cherry Creek and then played in college as
well. Alex is very excited to lead the Field Hockey program and we are glad
to have her. Our final new head coach for Cheer is Taia Johnson. Taia is a
Grandview graduate who was the captain on their state title winning team
her senior year. Taia then was on the Kansas Jayhawk cheer team for four
years, two of which she was the captain. Cheer tryouts are next week and
we are very happy to have Taia in the Bruin Athletic department. I will be
hiring a new softball coach during the first week in May and then we will have
filled all of our positions.
As always, get out and support your Bruins in the playoffs! Go Creek!
Jason Wilkins
Athletics Director
Hello Families!
It is hard to believe that we are already in May and Graduation/Prom are
upon us! Prom will be held on May 14th from 9 p.m.-12 a.m. Our Prom,
“New York, New York,” will be held at City Hall on Broadway. Tickets are
on sale in the Activities office starting on May 9th. As always, Junior and
Senior students are invited to After-Prom at the school following Prom. This
event is hosted by our AMAZING PTCO parents who have worked all year
to make this evening memorable and fun for students. On May 24th, our
seniors will celebrate the end of their senior year at the Senior Celebration,
and will conclude with Graduation Rehearsal. Tickets for this luncheon are
also available in Activities the week of May 9th.
Recently, we have had several clubs celebrating their seniors and having
their end-of-year banquets. National Honor Society inducted their 111 new
members on April 21st at a beautiful ceremony in the Fine Arts Theatre. At the
end of April the BRUINS squad held their annual Coalition Dinner by inviting
students from various clubs to their “No Place for Hate” event. FCCLA also
held their end of year banquet on April 21th where they honored their 39 state
qualifiers and 18 national qualifiers. DECA will present their annual awards at
their banquet on May 5th and Speech and Debate will hold their banquet on
May 1st. Finally, our spring play, “The Importance of Being Earnest” closed
on April 23th after a successful run that was only slightly disrupted by the
weather. It has been busy, to say the least, at Cherry Creek this Spring.
Our STEM groups have also experienced many successes this Spring, with
many of them still competing on the National Level!
Our CyberPatriot team placed 2nd at Nationals in Baltimore
The Robotics team just returned from St. Louis
We have 2 Destination Imagination teams headed to Global Finals this
The Math team WON the Colorado Math League Competition this year
We have 3 students who will be going to the International Science Fair
in May
Finally, we will finish the year with Graduation. We have selected several outstanding performers this year for Graduation, which will be held on
Wednesday, May 25th at 8:00 a.m. in Stutler Bowl. Congratulations to the
following students who will represent the class of 2016 as performers (in
order of their appearance at the ceremony): Grace Rooney, Josiah Aklilu,
Abigail Goettelman, Nicole Hagen, Nicholas Johnson, Kevin Li, Sydney
Mayer, Sarah Moore, Jordan Sax, Thomas Sedberry, Kailynn Ciara Wolfe,
Tess Yancey, Samantha An, Seunghyun Choi (David), Ari Klebanov, Akila
Thumbiran, Devin Lee, Jamie Jacobson, Sirey Zhang, Elana Richardson,
Spencer Clancy, Anu Khanna, Paul Kim, Josie Lee, Hanna Fernley, Donovan
Droege, Gage Anderson, Joseph Bretz, Maya Cutforth, Ethan Fleer, Matthew Hawkins, Daniel Huff, Marlena McClellan, Ryan Volkert, Luca Zocchi.
It has been such a pleasure getting to know each and every one of your students this year. While I am sad to see the Class of 2016 leave, after seeing
what they have done at Cherry Creek High School, I know that they will go
out into the world and do great things. CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2016!
With Bruin Pride,
Krista Keogh
Activities Director
CCHS Prom 2016
9:00pm - 12:00am
City Hall Event Center
1144 Broadway
Denver, CO 80203
Tickets available at the
Activities Office
or on the
Cherry Creek Website
May 14th, 2016
Cherry Creek High School’s Prom
New York,
New York
Required for
Non-Creek Students
by 5/12 at 3:15 p.m.
$25 with Activities Fee
$30 w/o Activities Fee
$35 at the door
Prom Information
• Ticket Sales at the Activities Office 4th, 5th & 6th periods starting
Monday, May 9th
• All guests must be registered by Thurs., May 12th by 3:15 pm
• Guests are non-CCHS students or CCHS students in the 9th or 10th
grade (After Prom will require guest registration too)
• Guest forms are located on the website:
• Students must present their tickets & CCHS ID at entry
• Tickets may be purchased online through the CCHS Activities Page
Thank You After Prom Contributors!
We are closer to reaching our goal but still
need your help! After Prom is free, (for all
Junior and Senior CCHS students and their
dates whether or not they attend Prom,) but
the hidden cost is approximately $30 per
attendee. Thank you to all of the families that
have already donated time or money! If you
haven’t donated yet, please consider
supporting this safe and fun opportunity for
our kids. Here’s how you can help:
To make a DONATION, simply go to: or send a check made out to “Cherry Creek High School After
Prom” to:
Cherry Creek High School After Prom
Attn: PTCO Treasurer
9300 E Union Avenue
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Any questions regarding donations, please contact either Amy Anema at or Beth Hoffman at
This event requires many VOLUNTEERS. We are in desperate need of parents to help in
various roles. No experience necessary! Please contact Megan Bonino if you are able to
volunteer your time at or
Samuel Harris, Matt and Abby Fisher, Peter Williams, Anonymous
Alec and David Camhi, Rachel and Adam Lambright, Stephanie Li, Grace Petroff, Emma and
Bennett Reilly, Avery Paxton, Annie and Katherine Raymond, Julia Sakiewicz
Colter Adams, Morgan and Colton Alexander, Claire Atkinson, Matthew Bainbridge, Reilly
Barnes, Kyra Batchelder, Alec Bildstein, Ethan and Summit Byrne, Joseph Caplis, Christopher
Cohen, Samuel and Madeleine Colehower, Grace Cunningham, Erica De La Garza,
MaryAnna, Peter and Therese DeLine, Nicole Downs, Claire Drury, Max and Andy Duggan,
Quinnan and Riley Gill, Abigail Goettelman, Samantha and Madeline Harding, Sam, Lucas and
Kate Hoffman, Jack Honeyfield, Alex Izbiky, Lindsay Jackson, Kyriaki Kalasountas, Samuel
Keller, Davis Landry, Ethan Lash, Alexandra Markowitz, Lillian Markusch, Katie Moulton,
Madeleine Ray, Dylan Schmitt, Kayla Schultz, Palmer Skudneski, Sean Smith, Cassandra
Spath, Max and Charlotte Spiegel, John Strain, Aimee Sun, David Voell, Tessa Woodard,
Maude and Tess Yancey
Henry and Hope Adams, James Adams, Cody and Alexandra Allen, Isabel Anema, Lars Berg,
Courtney Binkley, Chloe Brew, Joah and Braeden Campbell, Katherine Carter, Logan Chaplin,
Jean Chery, Grant and Seth Claymon, Andrew and Adam Cole, Robert and Jack Congel, Tim
and Nicky Cooper, Kenneth Colwell, John and Mark Cremer, Mackenzie and Cameron Doerr,
Kaitlyn and Ryan Duane, Allison Dwinnell, Iliana Eber, Monica Engler, Kathryn Fish, Lindsay
Gersoff, Alexa Groesser, Julia Grogan, Jack Hagen, Sarah Hait, William Hallmark, Kara and
Colleen Henry, Ashley Hilyard, Jordan and Julia Kallet, Tracy Kammerer, Stephen and Isabel
Kipp, Juliana and Maxine Kugelmas, Samuel and Caralyn Lawton, Megan Livermore, Derek
and Evan Lush, Joseph and Joshua Malashock, Max Malden, Riley Malloy, Carli and Lauren
Mastin, Blake and Kyle Miller, Ella and Joseph Morris, Allison Murphy, Isabel Olson, Mario
Paciuc, Chad Peterson, Katherine and Carrie Plank, Tara and Kayla Rondinelli, Ella Sarina,
Ethan Seawalt, Talia Shafer, Sidney Smith, Ben Summers, Lauren and Nolan Sweeterman,
Meredith Synnott, Samuel and Jacob Tober, Jake and Mitchell Watkins, Alan and Frances
Warden, Madeline and Zoe Warren, Margaux Woellner, Christopher and Nicholas Woodman,
Matthew and Tyler Wuthrich
Rylie Ackley, Annelise Adolph, Brenna Allison, Christian Amador, Blake Amen, Lalitya
Andaloori, William Anderson, Lauren Andrzeicik, Sofia Antal, Alivia Apple, Sophia Armatas,
James Arnold, Gweneth Asher, Stella Atkinson, Jasmine Bagher, Jose Balbona, Sofia BarnesHorowitz, Georgia Batson, Javkhlan Batsukh, Lauren Baukus, Sydney Beckett, Sara
Behbakht, Adam Bell, Melanie Benson, Brittany Berglund, Nathan Berman, Nathan Black,
Cassidy Blakeley, Natalie Block, Nicole Blum, Kristen Blume, John Bowler, Jakob Bresnig,
Matthew Brownlee, Paul Bultema, Taylor Bundeson, Olivia Burquest, John Calderone, Alyea
Caldwell, Robert Calkins, Erin Campbell, Cormac Canavan, Addison Cantor, Gabrielle Cantor,
Ryan Carr, Cooper Carrington, Emma Carroll, Joshua Chapman, Emma Chichester, Gabriella
Coito, Amelia Colliver, Kim Connelly, Amelia Conti, Austin Cooper, Russell Corwin, Stephanie
Crafton, Tyler Croke, Brody Cummins, Eve Curran, Danielle Dampier, Briana and Lauren
Davine, Alexis Davis, Nadja De Sa, Justine Degrasse, MJ Dillard, Rachel Dipretoro,
Christopher Ditzenberger, Addisyn Dodd, Lian Doerr, Austin Donaldson, Noah Donato,
Brennen Dorighi, Sarah Dormer, Donovan Droege, Meagan Eberlin, Conor Egan, Nicholas
Eidler, Joseph Eigner, Manuel Emrie, Blair Ewalt, Sahil Farishta, Jeremy Feerer, Katherine
Field, Ruby Flatt, Mackenzie Flesch, Zachary Flom, Sam Flora, Daniel Freyschlag, Julia
Frostholm, Fiona Fruitman, Lindsey and Joshua Fullmer, Hunter Fuqua, Alexandria Garcia,
Emily Garcia, Roxanne Garland, Alissa Geller, Jesse Gendelman, Tyler Giallanza, Grace
Gifford, Quinnan Gill, Garret Glaspy, Samuel Goldstein, Christopher and Emma Gollob,
Cameron Goodman, Henry Gordon, Andrew Gorovoy, ORyan Greatwood, Russell Greyson,
Bradley Griffin, Andrea Grillo, Erin Grippo, Emily Groves, James Guckenberger, Rachael
Hadden, Thomas Haines, Sydney Haith, Kathryn Hallberg, Lauren Hannaway, Harper Hanson,
Camille Harmon, Tristan Hartwig, Konstantinos Hawkins, Matthew and Kathryn Hay, Madison
Helm, Max Henden, James Herold, Andrew Higgins, Kierra Hill, Jacqueline Hitt, Kathryn
Holder, Lewis Holliday, Haley Honeck, Nicole Honnen, Emma Hope, Daniel Huff, Kevyn and
Bryan Huke, Audrey Hummel, Sarah Hutchinson, Francesca Huth, Jamie Jacobson, Zachery
Jha, Mikala Jodszuweit, Benjamin Johnson, Dustin Johnson, Jeremy Johnston, Benton Jones,
Leo Jose, Seth Juris, Kaushik Kannan, Jillian Kaufman, Emily Keel, Marie Keepper, Kevin
Keesling, Sean Kelley, Kashvi Khanna, Dominic King, Benjamin Kingdom, Emily Klaus,
Caroline Kmak, Katherine Kovarik, Kaley Kris, Chloe Lane, Grace Lao, Aubrey Lefebre,
Matthew Lefebre, Reed Leibbrandt, Carson Leonardi George, Shane Levi, Kevin Lovell,
Amanda Low, Matthew and Rebecca Lubatty, Benjamin Luiken, Samantha Maestas, Kathryn
and Taylor Mancini, Benjamin Mandelstam, Omid Manshadi, Jake and Sam Markey, Sydney
Mayer, Mia Mayerhofer, Olivia McCann, Marlena McClellan, Sean McCotter, Andee
McDermott, Adrienne McDowell, Brookmyer McIntyre, Madeleine Mckenzie, Trevor McLean,
Wade McMahon, Rausny Merchant, Kajsa Meyer, Adam Millett, Theodore Montgomery, Sarah
Mooney, Alana Moreen, John Morrison, Miranda Mostellar, Katie Moulton, Zhuochen Mu,
Elaina Mulhern, Chandler Nayman, James Neuens, Kendra Neumann, Andy Nguyen, Joseph
Nichols, Sean Nisbet, Kelly Noon, Elizabeth O’Brien, Megan O’Connor, Ryan O’Rourke, Ryan
Oakes, Camie Oberfeld, Estelle Olsberg, Sophia Otte, Joe Owsley, Alexander Padilla, Allison
Parks, Reed Paterson, Sophia Pavlakis, Drew Petre, Jack and Luke Pezdirtz, Brooke Pingree,
Mallory Plachy, Mary Plomondon, Gabrielle Plotkin, Max and Nathaniel Potter, Aditya Prasad,
Cole Quisenberry, Nicholas Radcliffe, Alyssa Radtke, Samantha Ragnow, Jack Ransom, Luke
Reckard, Carolyn Reichman, Jack Reiland, Noah Reisdorff, Adam Resnick, Levit Reznikov,
Elana Richardson, Ellie Ritchie, Caitlin Roark, Connor Roberts, Natalie Roberts, Ricalday
Rodriguez, Aiden Rodriguez, Nicole Romo, Daniel Rosales, Kamryn Sakic, Courtney Sandos,
Morgan Sauer, Jordan Sax, Jonah Saya, Dylan Schmitt, Victor Schulick, Pearl Schwartz,
Charles Scott, Quinn Seawalt, Katharine Serio, Zachary Shellum, Sarah Shelton, Nicholas
Shepard, Jess Sheridan, Jake Sherman, Devon Shomo, Kylee Sibilia, Annemieke Sickles,
Brooke Sidon, Claire Silver, JT Simonton, Kenneth Sklar, Dayna Sloane, Grey Soule, Grace
Stahl, Corey Stephens, Ben Stone, Maxwell Stroeher, Shelby Summers, Holly Sutherland, Lisa
Swartz, Nancy Tarr, Kaitlin Taylor, Zachary Terowsky, Abby Thomas, Sean Thomson, Akila
Thumbiran, Conner Till, Olivia Townsend, Andrew Tuitele, Chayan Tumaylle, Evan Tyler,
Rachel Van Dam, Carter Van Gytenbeek, Hannah Varble, Josiah Ver Steeg, Audrey and
Theodore Walker, Andrew Walters, Lily Ward, Lindsey Watson, John Watson, Walter
Wedewer, Mason Weiner, Zachary Weinroth, Christian Westerhausen, Lauren Whife, Abbey
White, Jon Williamson, Matthew Winchester, Kailey Wolf, William Wright, Alexander Wyman,
Jonathan Xu, Mathew Yaeger, Joseph Yallop, Cooper Zablocki, Peter Zaun, Charles Zoeller
After Prom Needs
- Set up Volunteers Needed for Friday and Saturday (click on
the day for links to the sign up)
- Event Volunteers Needed to Host our students!
- Tear Down Volunteers Needed to put away decorations
- Feed our student guests by donating Food items
- Surprise our student guests with fun Prizes through your
donations - contact Barb Russell at or
drop off your donation at the West Main Office by May 11th.
For more information about Prom & After Prom visit the CCHS website on the Activities Page
Thanks for keeping up this outstanding Creek
tradition and helping keep our students safe!
Check This Out!
The Bruins Broadcast Network is now
producing video announcements for
Cherry Creek High School. Visit their
YouTube channel and subscribe for all
the announcements and highlights
from the Week! Creek
Click Here for
the Link
Creek Choir
Our seven Cherry Creek High School choirs have had a blast this year as part of Creek’s choir
community! We are grateful to all of the people who have attended any of the 2015-16 choir
performances. For those who have not had a chance to make it to hear us sing this year, it’s not
too late! Our end-of year concerts are coming up the first week of May. (See schedule below).
Concertgoers on May 4 will have the treat of hearing Meistersingers, Girls’ 21, and Troubadours sing under the direction of Guest Conductor Dr. Karen Kennedy of the University of Miami.
Union Street Jazz Choir (USJC) had a busy April, opening for a full house at the exciting April 1
concert featuring The Real Group and FACE. USJC headed to the UNC Jazz Festival in Greeley on April 21. This festival is the largest event of its kind in the U.S. The members of USJC
had the opportunity to perform, learn from award-winning clinicians, and hear performances
by internationally recognized jazz musicians, and well as other high school and collegiate jazz
groups and combos.
• End-of-Year Concert: May 3 at 7:00 pm. Statesmen, Choralaires, A Cappella
• End-of-Year Concert: May 4 at 7:00 pm. USJC, Girls’ 21, Troubadours, and Meistersingers
with Guest Conductor Dr. Karen Kennedy of University of Miami
• A Cappellooza! : May 19 at 7:00 pm. Join us for this fun ‘80s-themed, end-of-the year
concert by Statesmen, Choralaires, and A Cappella! This is a ticketed event: $5 per ticket.
Finally, we want to give a shout-out to our fellow musicians in Creek’s bands and orchestras!
Whenever we have the chance to attend one of their concerts, we come away inspired!
All concerts at CCHS Fine Arts Theatre unless otherwise specified.
Troubadours in New York this past March - use this link to read more:
Meisters in Philly this past March
On The Band Beat....
Congratulations to the CCHS Winter Guard who posted their highest score of the season and earned a 7th place finish at the State Competition on April 2. Their fast-paced
routine titled Ludicrous Folly was set to the energetic tune The Anvil Chorus.
Throughout the season, coaches Anthony Mondragon and Mark Keating tweaked the show, adding
more difficult tosses and drill and developing the character of the performance.
A sincere thank-you to the eight seniors for their leadership
through the years and for helping to raise the performance and
excellence and get us to state! We wish them well in their futures.
Anyone interested in mixing fun, friendship, music, exercise,
and throwing things (!) should check out the Guard this fall as
part of Cherry Creek’s Marching Band. Practices begin in the
summer, so come to the meetings or call Guard Parent reps for
more information: Meg Spence and
Stacie Fairbairn
Congratulations to Our
Deca Nationals Competitors
Top 10 - Creative Marketing Project - Riley Malloy and Morgan Alexander
Top 10 - Community Service Project - Alex Bushell, Seth Juris and Sean Thompson
Top 10 - Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research - Cailey Bosman, Nikita Baral and
Hailey Horvat
Top 10 - Sports & Entertainment Promotion Plan - Samantha Harding, Abby Thomas and
Makenna Leyden
Top 10 - Finance Operations Research - Blake Amen and Britt Adams
Top 10 - International Business Plan - Nick Houghton and Allan Chen
Top 10 - Finance Operations Research - Henry Davis and Grace McKenna
Congratulations DI Teams!
CCHS Destination Imagination teams did a great
job at the State competition on April 9. Here are
the results:
Improv Challenge – 1st Place and a special Renaissance Award for performance: Lena Bloszies, Ben
Stone, Robin Tutchton, Maddy Harding, Jordan Kallet,
Julia Kallet – Going to Global Finals
Structure Challenge – 3rd Place: Rachel Sochinski,
Evelyn Jenkins, Melissa Marshall – Going to Global
Fine Arts Challenge – 4th Place: Kira Douglas, Miranda
Bonarrigo, Rosie Clark, Megan Tunnell, Jennifer Douglas, Grace Petroff, Anna Pentermann
Scientific Challenge – 6th place – Kayla Rondinelli,
Tara Rondinelli, Avery Blackman, Morgan Jenny
Improv Challenge – 6th place – Helen Lee, Simon Lee,
Hannah Jung, Keanna Shadwell, Paul Pak
Good Luck at Globals!
Cherry Creek Schools
Fitness Festival
–Family Fun Run (at 8:00 A.M.)
–Officially Timed 5K Run/Walk
(at 8:30 A.M.)
–Fitness Activities
–Restaurant Sampling
–Healthy Living EXPO
Saturday, September 10, 2016
7:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Times vary by activity – see website for details
Race Registration
Includes Race T-Shirt & Restaurant Sampling
Children 17 & under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seniors 60 & over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Family 4 Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Restaurant Sampling Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10
(Children under 4 – Free)
*Early Registration deadline is Sept 7
FREE to attend!
The Healthy Living EXPO, race viewing, interactive physical
challenges for the whole family, and field day style
activities are all open to the public at no charge.
Stutler Bowl, on the Cherry Creek High School campus
9300 E. Union Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Supporting health and wellness programs for our students and families
Folds of Honor Scholarship
The Folds of Honor is a national charity that raises educational scholarship money for
the children and spouses of fallen and wounded military veterans. Since 2012, the Parker
Patriots have worked on behalf of this organization in the Parker, Colorado area with a
few dedicated local citizens that support this charity. This year, we are proud to announce
that we have expanded our mission to include the Front Range and Colorado region in
support of the Folds of Honor. We are now known as the Colorado Patriots.
Our 2015 event raised money for three scholarships for the Folds of Honor, surpassing our previous year’s achievement of two scholarships. During the last four years, the
Colorado Patriots have provided a total of seven scholarships to the Folds of Honor.
The 5th annual Folds of Honor Colorado Patriots golf tournament and luncheon will be
held at the Black Bear Country Club in Parker, Colorado on Monday July 11th, 2016.
Prior to the golf tournament, on Sunday July 10th, 2016 we will have a Silent Auction
and Dinner at Black Bear Country Club.
This year we are honored to announce our Keynote Speaker will be Major Ed Pulido, US
Army, Retired. Major Pulido is the Executive Vice President of the Folds of Honor Foundation. Major Pulido is a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and a Purple Heart
recipient. He was wounded by an improvised explosive device on August 17th, 2004. His
wounds eventually lead to the loss of his left leg from the knee down. Major Pulido travels
to over 300 events each year such as ours, spreading the vision of the Folds mission.
Price per player starts at $150.00 per player. There are other opportunities for sponsorship and volunteer work as well. If you are interested in golfing, volunteering, or donating
please contact Tim Swanson at ext. 4-2193 or email at
Deadline for registration is July 5th, 2016. Hurry if interested because golf spots fill up
Visit our website for more information at
Library News...
The Smith Library is always looking for opportunities to incorporate supplemental reading material for classes. Thanks to a grant from the
Cherry Creek Schools Foundation we purchased copies of the book The Port Chicago
50: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights by Steve Sheinkin to assist Humanities 9
teachers Kerry Moyer and Yoon Park. Moyer incorporated the book to bridge their units of World
War II and Civil Rights. Port Chicago 50 traces the history of racial segregation in the U.S. armed
forces. A group of African American sailors were court martialed and ultimately convicted of
mutiny when they refused to continue loading ammunition after a terrible, accidental explosion
that killed 320 soldiers. The book, using oral histories and other primary source material, recreates the tense atmosphere of World War II. Moyer shared, “this is a story not told in history
textbooks. Many of the young men featured in this story were teenagers, themselves. They
lost a lot personally, but they set the stage for the ultimate desegregation of the military and the
civil rights movement itself.”
9th graders Sarah Trenka and Yasmine Hayes
participate in a wrap-up lesson about the book. Our 9th grade Humanities students experienced the frustration of these times through the
bigotry and discrimination that was evident at
every turn and at every level of the military. Avery Wiest couldn’t believe that “Joe Small and
the other 49 servicemen had to continue on with their normal lives after surviving the ordeal,
deal with mutiny charges and then never exonerated.” Reading the epilogue made her dissappointed in the outcome. Brendon Slater added, “I think they [50 Port Chicago servicemen
charged with mutiny] didn’t want merely a Presidential pardon, they wanted it to serve as an
example for future generations to show how hard they had to fight for equal rights.”
We want to extend our deepest appreciation to the Foundation for the opportunity to expose
our students to this valuable reading experience. They were able to explore in-depth, a lesserknown aspect of history and engage in heated discussions about our nation’s history. Students
at Cherry Creek High School will enjoy this book for years to come.
More Narrative Nonfiction Recommendations:
We know that storytelling is a sure-fire way to engage learners and narrative
nonfiction especially sparks interest in our boy readers. Here’s a list of nonfiction
books that are sure to hook them:
Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose
Bomb : the Race to Build and Steal the World's Most Dangerous Weapon
by Steve Sheinkin
The Boys in the Boat : Nine Americans and their Epic Quest for Gold at the
1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel Brown
The Boys Who Challenged Hitler by Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club
Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team and a Dream by H.G. Bissinger
Frozen in Time: An Epic Story of Survival and a Modern Quest for Lost Heroes
of World War II by Mitchell Zuckoff
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
Lincoln's Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin
Most Dangerous : Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War
by Steve Sheinkin
The Notorious Benedict Arnold : a True Story of Adventure, Heroism, &
Treachery by Steve Sheinkin
Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal
Students wishing to enroll in
Drivers Education
may click on the following link
for additional information:
Did you know that several clubs
and athletic groups from CCHS
offer a summer camp experience?
For more information:
Apply for Free and Reduced
Online meal applications will be available
starting July 1st, 2016
for School Year 2016-2017.
Visit our website
Please Note: A new application is required
each school year.
For further information, please call
Roxanne Hernandez - Food and Nutrition Services
“Building for our Future . . . Brick by Brick”
What is Bricks for Bruins?
Several years ago an initiative called “Bricks for Bruins” was created to provide families and alum with
a way to preserve the great memories they have of Cherry Creek High School while also making their
mark on future generations of students who attend Creek. In an effort to support the growing
technology needs at Cherry Creek High School, personalized bricks can be purchased for $100. Your
tax deductible contribution to this cause not only provides better opportunities for students, it helps
support Cherry Creek High School’s ongoing commitment to academic excellence. Please consider
purchasing a brick to honor a graduate, commemorate a loved one, or recognize a family. Help Cherry
Creek High School build for our future . . . brick by brick!
Please complete this order form and remit with payment to:
“Bricks for Bruins”
Cherry Creek High School
9300 E. Union Avenue
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Each brick costs $100. Inscription is limited to 3 lines. 16 spaces per line.
You will receive written confirmation of your order. Call 720-554-2255 if you need more information.
Personalized bricks like this example are installed on the walkway located in the courtyard between the
Information Center and the West Building.
First Name: __________________________ Last Name: ____________________________________
State:_______Zip:______________Home Phone:_______________Work Phone:_________________
Enclosed is my/our check for $__________ Please make checks payable to: Bricks for Bruins
Charge my credit card for $__________ VISA
Card Number:_____________________________________________ CVD# _______ (3 digit # on back)
Exp. Date:___________________ Signature: _____________________________________________
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Yearbook Senior Portraits
Cherry Creek High School
ALL seniors must follow these guidelines
Senior picture deadline:
Senior Picture Requirements:
(The goal is to achieve a unifying appearance of all senior pictures in the yearbook. Please follow these guidelines.)
o Photos should be a waist up pose. No full body shots. No hands near face—arms and hands should not be above the waist. No
knees blocking the body.
o Student must be sitting or standing. No photos of students laying on the ground.
o Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with school dress code guidelines. Refer to the Bear Facts for specific details. No
strapless tops and no low necklines (no cleavage showing).
o No hand gestures or hand signs.
o NO props (this includes animals, hats, cars, sunglasses, musical instruments, or other people).
o Simple backgrounds work the best.
o Backgrounds (trees, rocks, columns, etc.) should not block the view of the student.
o Either indoor or outdoor photos are accepted.
o Background must be simple and uncluttered.
o Photo MUST BE VERTICAL. No horizontal photos.
How to Submit a Senior Picture: (PICK AN OPTION)
**1. Upload senior photo to: (**This is our preferred method of submission.)
 Enter login: 405473595 (there is no password)
 Click “Browse” and select the senior portrait you would like to submit to the yearbook. Upload the image.
 Enter your contact information
 “Image Information”—enter the senior’s: first name (please use PowerSchool name to avoid confusion), last name,
grade, description (please write “senior picture”)
 Click “Save Image Details.”
2. CD—burn photo to a CD—bring to Yearbook Office (IC 705)
 If submitting a photo on CD – please make sure your name and a contact phone number and email are on the CD
 **Please double check to make sure that your photo burned correctly onto the CD before submitting it.**
Please DO NOT email senior photos to the yearbook- we will NOT be accepting any photos via email!
**Please make sure you change the file name before submitting – files submitted with generic file names (example:
IMG_459385.jpg) run the risk of becoming lost or of not being associated with the correct student!
**Please double check the size of your file before submitting – many pictures are submitted to us that are 70 dpi or smaller – these
files are too small to print well in the book and cold result in a blurry or low-quality senior picture.
**Yearbook reserves the right to edit or crop any picture to meet specifications- We reserve the right reject any senior picture from a
photographer or individual if it does not meet the requirements on this sheet. Both the studio and the senior will be informed of the
problem and given a chance to retake the portrait or choose an alternative portrait for the book, provided that it will not jeopardize any
yearbook deadline.
The photographers listed on the next page are photographers that have been made aware of the photo requirements for the CCHS
Yearbook. Many of these photographers also offer package specials to seniors who book packages by certain dates. You are not
required to use a photographer from this list, but they have been provided with the necessary requirements for placing a picture in the
yearbook and using one of the photographers listed may eliminate many complications in the photography and submission process.
Please be aware that some studios, especially glamour studios, do not offer the services needed for your yearbook photo.
Please contact Erica Padzik, Yearbook Adviser, if you have any questions.
Cherry Creek High School | 9300 E. Union Ave. | Greenwood Village, CO 80111 |
West 213A | (720)-554-2095
CHECK # _______________
PROCESS COMPLETED: _____________
DATE RECEIVED: ___________________
If you would like a receipt, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Cardholder’s Signature: _______________________________________
Expiration Date: ____ / _______
Card#: _________, _________, _________, _________ (16 digits)
PRINT Cardholder’s Name _____________________________________
You may pay via credit card if you wish.
Please be sure to fill out the session information on previous page.
(Registration must still be mailed in)
“The only way to achieve growth is to step
outside of your comfort zone”
SOAR Summer Camps
⊲ The Challenge Course Camp will take
place on the CCSD Challenge Course
⊲ This camp will take place on the two
artificial rock walls at CCHS.
(*session 5 only)
⊲ Student will learn climbing safety,
bouldering & belay techniques
applicable to any level of climbing.
SOAR Rock Climbing Camp
⊲ The core values of Adventure will be
taught through ground games and
activities leading to the high elements
on the challenge course.
(*sessions 1-4)
SOAR Challenge Course Camp
Work Phone: __________________
9:00 a.m. – 12:00
1:00 p.m. – 4:00
9:00 a.m. – 12:00
1:00 p.m. – 4:00
9:30 a.m. – 12:30
Total amount enclosed:
$ ___________
If you would like a receipt, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Refund Policy: If you must withdraw, a request must be made prior to or within the
week of the course. You will be refunded your money minus a $25.00 cancellation fee.
Refunds take approximately two weeks.
Camp information packet will be sent to you prior to your session.
Any questions? Please call Mike Goeglein at 720-554-2458
Please Mail Completed Form to:
Summer Sports Camp Office: Cherry Creek Schools
9150 East Union Avenue, Englewood, CO. 80111
Credit Card payment information is on the reverse side of this form
Make checks payable to
Cherry Creek Schools
Maximum enrollment is 25 participants per camp session.
June 6-10th
June 6-10th
June 6-10th
June 13-17th
June 13-17th
Check all sessions you wish to enroll in. Each camp fee is $175.00 per session.
Signed:_________________________________________ Date:____________
Family Doctor: _________________________________ Phone:_____________
Name _______________________ Phone:___________ Relationship:_________
EMERGENCY INFORMATION: If we cannot contact parents, please call:
School Student Attends: ________________________ Grade: _______ (2015-16)
Email Address: __________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________________
Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________
Participant’s Name: ________________________________________________
Parents’ Council
Generally meets on the 2nd Wednesday
of the month, 9:30-11 am at the Student
Achievement Resource Center (SARC).
These meetings bring together parents,
teachers, administrators and School Board
members in an effort to increase knowledge
of the CCSD and exchange ideas that affect
our schools.
provide proof of new address (lease, warranty deed or current
Xcel bill) to District Admissions or the Registrar’s Office.
proof of new address (lease, warranty deed or current Xcel bill)
to District Admissions or the Registrar’s Office. You are also required to fill out an Intra-District Transfer Request Form.
Meetings will resume next year in August
SCHOOL DISTRICT, you must complete a
Non-Resident application.
For more info check:
2-13 3
AP Exams
PIN Annual Brunch
Spring Concert: Statesmen, Choralaires &
A Cappela, 7:00 pm in Fine Arts Theater
Spring Concert: USJ, Troubadours, Girls’ 21, &
Meistersingers, 7:00 pm in Fine Arts Theater
Teacher of the Year Dinner
PTCO Meeting, 9:00 am in FA Theater Lobby
DECA Banquet, 6:00 pm
Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm
SAT exam
Board of Education Meeting at Dakota Valley, 7:00 pm
Wind Ensemble, Concert & Symphonic Band, 7:00 pm
Meistersingers Banquet, 5:00 pm
District Accountablity Meeting, 6:00 pm
Last day to register a guest for Prom or After Prom
Senior Art Show, 4:00-6:00 pm
Orchestra Concert, 7:00 pm
Senior’s Last Day of Class
Prom, Downtown, 9:00-12:00 pm
After Prom, 12:00-4:00 am
Senior Checkout, 8:00-11:00 am in the E. Gym
Accountability Meeting, 5:00 pm W. Conference Room
PASS Meeting, 6:30 pm Community Rooms
Principal’s Brown Bag, 11:30 am W. Conference Room
A Cappellooza - A Cappela, Choralaires & Statesmen
Spring Photography Show, Career & Tech Center
Finals: Periods 2, 8 and 4
Finals: 3, 6 & 1
Senior Graduation Rehearsal, 1:30 pm
Graduation, 8:00 am Stutler Bowl
No School
Finals: 7 & 5
Finals Make-up Day
Last Day of School
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are correct - but
circumstances can cause alterations. Please use the CCHS website to
obtain the most up to date schedule of events.
Important Dates for 1st Semester
2016-2017 School Year
Freshman Orientation, 7:10 am - 12:00 pm
Back to School Night, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Club Fair, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
PTCO meeting 9:00 am
First Varsity Football Game at Regis
Labor Day - No School
CCSD Fitness Festival, Stutler Bowl 7:00 am
ACT Testing
Jazz Band Concert, FA Theater 7:00 pm
Choir Concerts, FA Theater 6:30 and 8:30 pm
Student Non-Contact Day
Deadline for Senior Yearbook Photo Submissions
Band Concerts, FA Theater 7:00 pm
Orchestra Concert, FA Theater 7:00 pm
SAT testing
Homecoming Spirit Week
Pep Assembly, 2:00 pm
Homecoming Carnival, 5:00 pm
Homecoming Game vs. Fossil Ridge, 7:00 pm
Homecoming Dance, S. Gym, 8:30-11:30 pm
14-15 Fall Play
Collaboration Day
20-21 Fall Play
24-28 Fall Break
Masterworks Concert, FA Theater, 7:00 pm
Red Ribbon Week
Veteran’s Day Celebration
PTCO Meeting
Future Bruins Night, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Jazz Band Concert
Student Non-Contact Day
Thanksgiving Holiday