Experience 1 Experience 1 TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE COURAGE TO BE HONEST Break into small groups of about five people. Have each person share two true things about herself and one lie. The rest of the group must figure out which thing is the lie. No prizes necessary, just getting to know more about each other is enough! According to author Shauna Niequist, honesty is the most important currency for building healthy relationships. It can feel risky to show others your vulnerable places, but in the end it’s less exhausting than maintaining a contrived image. Through stories of her own difficult conversations in family, marriage and friendship, Shauna conveys the risks and rewards involved when stepping out and being yourself, honestly. Experience 1 Experience 1 In which settings do you find it most difficult to be honest? In which settings is it easiest? Why? SHARPIE MUGS Share a time when you took a risk and a relationship was strengthened due to honesty. Plain white mugs, Sharpie markers and stencils are all you need to make personalized mugs to use at MOPS or at home! Stencil your name or a word that inspires you. What can you do in the next week to be more honest with others? Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 2 Experience 2 NAME GRID COURAGE TO BE SIGNIFICANT Divide into groups of four. Give each group paper and pens and ask them to draw a grid on which to write their first names. When Lisa-Jo Baker left her career as an international human rights attorney for her new job as mom, she was afraid her world-changing days were over. She has since ventured on a journey in finding the monumental significance of motherhood among the seemingly insignificant moments of matching socks. Motherhood is both hard and courageous, identifying moms everywhere as “superheroes.” Give each team three minutes to write down as many words as they can using only the letters in their names. Letters must adjoin each other in the grid, but do not have to be in a straight line. Visit experiencekitonline for downloadable instructions. Experience 2 Experience 2 How has motherhood differed from your expectations? VINTAGE WORD NECKLACES Do you feel more or less of a “world-changer” now that you are a mom? What makes you feel that way? Find a word in the dictionary that describes yourself or a friend and frame it. Lisa-Jo asks, “How would you introduce yourself in a way that gives true value to the work that you do — that is so incredibly significant and worth recognizing?” Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 3 UNWRAP THE PRESENT Experience 3 COURAGE TO LOVE PEOPLE EXTRAVAGANTLY Place a gift card or small gift in a box. Wrap the box with at least six layers of wrapping paper or newspaper (or wrap several boxes inside each other). Use a lot of tape! Divide into small groups and give each group a pair of work gloves. In relay form, give each mom 10 seconds to peel off one layer of paper, when time is up pass it to the next mom in the group. Whoever opens their box first, wins! (You might need a judge at each table to make sure moms peel just one layer at a time.) Bob Goff’s adventures around the globe have taught him how to better love people just as they are, right where they are. From the Congo to the Oval Office to the top of Kilimanjaro, Bob’s heart overflows as he takes Jesus’ mandate to love one another to extravagant places. Bob’s stories will give you a jolt of courage to take your kids on the adventure of loving those around you. Experience 3 Experience 3 Has anyone ever loved you extravagantly? If so, what did that feel like? How can you tell your kids who they are instead of what they are? How can you be extravagant with your love? How do you think your life will change as a result? T-SHIRT SCARVES Old t-shirts become pretty new scarves with just a pair of scissors and a paper plate. Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 4 Experience 4 NAME THAT QUOTE COURAGE TO FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN Come up with memorable lines from movies or books. Read them out loud and see who can name the movie or book first. (TIP: Rather than have moms just yell out the title, have them run to the front and ring a bell. Whoever gets there first gets to guess first.) Infidelity exploded Justin and Tricia Davis’ marriage. Hear their story of reconciliation and forgiveness. Be inspired by how they stepped out of safety into vulnerability, grief and risk to heal their deepest wounds. Experience 4 Experience 4 Describe a time when you needed to forgive someone. KEY TO FORGIVENESS Is it easy or difficult for you to forgive? Why? Remember the keys to forgiveness. Decorate antique keys with descriptive words like love, faith, Jesus, letting go, release, pause, etc. When have you needed forgiveness? Where did you find it? How can you foster a culture of forgiveness in your home? Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 5 Experience 5 HOW PRECIOUS? COURAGE TO BE GENEROUS Find a partner and list the five things you have that are the most precious to you and why. (Consider asking moms to focus on things, not people.) Alexandra Kuykendall wants to live a generous life, but fear of scarcity — that there won’t be enough for her or her family — often gets in the way. From surrounding herself with people who offer her perspective on her own circumstances, to challenging herself to give past the comfortable, she shares how she works toward living a generous life. Experience 5 Experience 5 Where does your fear of scarcity lie heaviest — in money, time or your heart? What areas of your life allow you to give out of an abundance? How can you give from these areas today? Do you believe generosity needs to hurt a little? Why or why not? How are you teaching your kids about generosity? DESSERT OR SOUP IN A JAR Make a treat to give as a gift to someone who could use some cheering up. Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 6 Experience 6 FIND YOUR MATE COURAGE TO BE PASSIONATE Have name tags with famous couples’ names on them. As everyone comes in, place a name tag on their back. The goal of the game is to have everyone figure out who their “mate” is by asking only yes or no questions of other moms. Sex expert and author Sheila Wray Gregoire tells us passion is so much more than just sex. From libido to trust to what the Bible says about sex, Sheila walks through how every mom can exhibit more passion in the bedroom and beyond in order to live fully in who God created her to be. (for example: Bonnie and Clyde, Lucy and Desi, Adam and Eve) Experience 6 Experience 6 What do you think of when you hear the word passion? BABY JAR CANDLE How have you found passion, intimacy and sex to be connected? A painted baby food jar becomes a holder for a tea light candle. Are issues of trust or issues of control keeping you from letting your guard down? Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. What can you do today (or tonight) to increase the passion in your marriage or your life? Experience 7 Experience 7 OUTRAGEOUS STATEMENTS COURAGE TO FACE YOUR MOM FEARS Divide into two teams. Give each person a blank piece of paper and ask them to write five little-known facts about themselves. MOPS International CEO and President, Sherry Surratt has a charge for moms: face your fears! Sherry uses stories from her own mothering to demonstrate how she faced some of the most common mom fears. An inspirational call to embrace this year’s MOPS International theme, Sherry shares how to Be you, Bravely. Collect the cards into two team piles. Draw one card from the opposing team pile. Each team tries to name the person in as few clues as possible. Five points if they get it on the first clue, then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with the most points wins. Experience 7 Experience 7 What are your biggest mom fears? 10 DARES How do you face those fears? Create a Dare List, incorporating something new, something fun, something messy, something silly. Brainstorm and create a list of 10 things to do with your children and try a few in your group before you head home! How are your fears keeping you from Being you, Bravely? What is one, new tactic you can try today to face one of your mom fears? Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 8 Experience 8 NEVER, HAVE I EVER ... COURAGE TO TELL YOUR STORY Sit in a circle of no more than 10 people. To start each round, each player holds out all 10 fingers. Go around the circle and one at a time, each person announces something that they have never done, beginning the sentence with the phrase “Never, have I ever ...” (For example, a person could say, “Never, have I ever been to Europe.”) For each statement, players drop a finger if they have done that statement. The goal is to be the last person with fingers remaining. Telling our stories lets us feel known and understood and can help to heal our hard places. Author and MOPS Mentor Carol Kuykendall is joined by her friend Chara who tells her story about losing a twin in utero. Her experience opens a discussion about vulnerability and the reasons to share — or not share your story. This segment can also open discussions about how we heal through grief and loss, connect with each other and depend upon our faith. Experience 8 Experience 8 When have you confided in someone and felt better as a result? VERSE SQUARE What fear keeps you from being vulnerable? Choose an inspiring Scripture or phrase and mod podge it to a block, creating a piece of encouragement art. Is there a part of your story you would like to share with the group today? Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions. Experience 9 Experience 9 CHARADES COURAGE TO RAISE BRAVE KIDS Have one mom at a time act out (without words!) something people are afraid of OR movies, songs or people depicting courage. Have a list of words or phrases ready to act out or have moms come up with their own. When Mandy Arioto became a mother, she had to face courage in a new way. She realized being a brave mom is essential to raising brave kids. With a strategy on how to let go a little in order to raise kids equipped for the future, Mandy invites us to pass on courage to our kids so they can someday change the world. Experience 9 Experience 9 Do you think it’s important to raise brave kids? Why or why not? What can you adjust in your parenting to allow your child to take more risks? Name three ways you can give your child opportunities to be brave. FLAGS Provide large sheets of paper divided into 4-6 sections OR provide 4-6 separate pieces of paper cut into the shape of a pennant. Provide crayons, markers and old magazines. Ask each person to draw pictures, symbols or words describing who they are, what’s important to them or what they enjoy. Assign something to each section — favorite emotion, favorite food, a hobby, a skill, where you were born, your family, your faith. Allow plenty of time for members to share their flags with someone else in the group. Experience 10 Experience 10 CELL PHONE SCAVENGER HUNT COURAGE TO BE INTENTIONAL Name a few things moms may have pictures of on their phone. Call them out and the first to show you the item on their phone wins! Hunt for a holiday picture, a picture with trees, picture of a family that is not your own, anything you can think of! After the birth of her third child, Crystal Paine, founder of the popular site MoneySavingMom, found herself overwhelmed with home and work, scrambling just to survive each day. She knew a change was in order and living intentionally became her new goal. Crystal shares how setting priorities and a few manageable goals can give your days increased purpose and productivity. Experience 10 Experience 10 Do you feel like you are surviving or thriving? What makes you feel that way? What are some small goals you can set to live with more intention? Where would you like to be six months from now? A year from now? POST-IT NOTE STAND Use a clear, acrylic frame, post-it’s and scrapbook paper to create a reminder station for you or your children. Visit to learn more about this activity and for downloadable instructions.