Fall Festival - Cameron Park Community Services District


Fall Festival - Cameron Park Community Services District
Cameron Park
FALL 2015
Community Services District
S tay & Play
Facility rentals available for events, parties and special occasions
Country fest
August 15
music food fun
Saturday, August 15
September 7
Concert series
Capitol Pops Concert Band
Saturday, September 26
Sacramento Jazz Orchestra
Monday, December 14
Sierra Symphony
Sunday, December 6
Fall Festival/
Carnival &
Pumpkin patch
Saturday, October 24
mommy market
(& daddy too!)
Saturday, November 7
Old FashionED
Christmas Craft Faire
Saturday, November 21
Tudor Fayre
Saturday & Sunday,
September 12 & 13
cember 5
Saturday, De
11,12 & 13
Saturday, September 20
Santa VisitS
Clean Up Day
December 9, 10, 15,
16, 17 & 21
Saturday, September 20
Services Showcase
Thursday, October 15
Cameron Park Fire
- Santa Parade
December 11, 12, 13
Rain Dates: December 18, 19, 20
Pooch Plunge & Laps at
Saturday, August 15, 9am-2pm
Country Fest
Saturday, August 15, 11am-8pm
Christa McAuliffe Park
Labor Day at the Pool
Monday, September 7, 1-5pm
Monday, September 7 from 1-5pm
at Cameron Park Community Pool
$1 day at the pool - $1 entry,
$1 items, games, prizes, raffles and
more. Come spend the Labor Day
Holiday with us!
Renaissance Tudor Fayre
Sat., September 12, 10am – 6pm
Sun., September 13, 10am – 5pm
Cameron Park Lake
$12 for adults ; $8 for children 4-12
and Seniors. Family packages $30
Be sure to show your student id,
military id, or service id for discounts!
Tickets available at CSD office.
Vendor and general information contact Raelynn DeBone 916-223-6725.
Goldbug Quilters Quilt show
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday,
September 11, 12 & 13
Saturday, September 19, 8 – 11am
Contact Amber Ruonavaara at
916-607-7507 for more information
and to sign up.
Community Clean up Day
Saturday, September 19, 8 – 2Pm
Camerado Springs Middle School
2480 Merrychase Drive.
Use this day to clean unwanted junk
out of your garages, clean yards of
unwanted clippings and tree trimming
and to properly dispose of bulk items.
Items can be donated to Snowline
Hospice. E-waste will be collected. The
Cameron Park Fire Explorer Program will
be volunteering at this event and collecting tax deductible donations.
Community Yard Sale
Saturday, September 19 – 8am-12pm
Community Center
Clean out your garage, attic or closets and make some extra money
before the holidays! The Community
Yard Sale will take place 8:00a to
12:00p and admission is free. Vendor
spaces available for $20 in advance.
Concert series – Capitol Pops
Doors Open at 6 pm music starts at
7pm -Community Center.
Advance tickets $10/$18 for 2; $12
at the door. Tickets available at
Walgreens, Bel Air, Cameron Park CSD
office or on line at www.showclix.com
Community Services Showcase
Thursday, October 15, 5pm-7pm
Cameron Park Community Center
Learn About Community Resources,
Volunteer Opportunities and thank service organizations in Cameron Park. FREE
Admission. Enjoy a Service Organization
Expo, live music, appetizers, and local
wines/brews and giveaways. Non-Profit
Showcase Space: FREE
Fall Festival/ Halloween
Carnival & Pumpkin Patch
Saturday, October 24, 1:30pm-4pm
Cameron Park Lake
Put on your costume and come on
down to Cameron Park Lake for an
afternoon of Halloween fun! Old
fashioned carnival games with prizes,
pumpkin patch, crafts, costume
parade, refreshments and more! Free
entrance. Ages 12 and under
Mommy Market (& Daddy too!)
Saturday, Nov. 7, 9am-1pm
Cameron Park Community Center
FREE Admission. Come and shop for
new and gently used children’s clothes,
toys and furniture. Children’s activities available while you shop. Become
a “mommy/ daddy” vendor and sell
your new or gently used items $15.
Commercial & Direct Sales Vendors $40.
Old FashionED Christmas Craft Faire
Saturday, November 21, 10am – 4pm
Cameron Park Community Center Looking for that unique holiday
gift? Lots of great ideas. No
entrance fee! Currently accepting
vendors ($60 per space).
Holiday Kick Off
Saturday, December 5
Cameron Park Community Center
Santa Run
Check in at 7am;
Run starts at 8am
This 5K fun run/walk with Santa
begins and ends at the Cameron
Park Community Center. Preregistration fee $25 adults; $15 age
17 and under. Breakfast included.
Come enjoy breakfast with your community and local Fire Department.
Breakfast includes pancakes, bacon,
eggs, orange juice, coffee and raffle
prizes. $5 per person.
continued on page 4
Table of Contents
Aquatics.................................................. 4
Tot/Youth.............................................. 5-6
Youth Sports......................................... 7-9
Cooking Classes................................... 10
Teen/Adult classes.......................... 10-11
Local Advertisers............................. 12-13
Adult classes..............................12-16, 18
Adult Sports........................................... 17
Safety Classes....................................... 19
Mature Adults................................... 20-23
Information....................................... 24-25
Concert series – Sierra Symphony
Sunday, December 6. Doors open at
3 pm music starts at 4pm Cameron
Park Community Center.
Advance tickets $10 adults, students
and youth free; $12 at the door.
Tickets available at Walgreens, Bel Air,
Cameron Park CSD office or on line at
Pool Schedule
Beginning August 10 until September 13;
Santa Visits
December 9, 10 15, 16, 17, & 21
Limited to Cameron Park Residents
only. $60 per time slot.
Last Chance Swim
One week swim lessons offered
(four classes – 4 student max per class)
Santa Parade
Friday – Sunday – December 11-13;
rain date December 18-20 Santa
Claus will be driving through
Cameron Park accompanied by
the Cameron Park Fire Department.
Artist and Crafters wanted
Sacramento Jazz Orchestra
Monday, December 14
Doors Open at 6 pm music starts at
7pm -Community Center.
Advance tickets $10/$18 for 2; $12
at the door. Tickets available at
Walgreens, Bel Air, Cameron Park CSD
office or on line at www.showclix.com
Reds, Whites & Jewels
Feb 6, 2016 ‘Sip local wines and shop
for jewelry, just in time to purchase
that special someone a gift for
Valentine’s Day’
It’s a Wedding Affair
Feb 21, 2016 A special wedding show
designed for brides of every style.
Come meet the area’s most experienced wedding professionals and see
every aspect of a perfect wedding
from bridal gowns, florists, party rentals,
photographers, catering and more!
Watch for the Winter Concert
Series. Shows in January & March.
Look for more information at
Lap Swim
August 10 till September 4:
Open to all swimmers 16 years and older.
A pace clock will be on deck.
Depending on usage time may change
to 8:30-10:30A Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Friday only
Drop in Fee: $4 per visit
Ten punch pass card: $35
**lap swim hours subject to change.
Public Swim
Sat & Sun 1-5P and
Monday Sept 7 – Labor Day 1-5P
Special Event $1 Day!!
*Shallow area will be closed Tuesday
and Thursday from 6:30 to 7:15P for
water exercise classes in August and
September. No access during this time.
** Beginning August 17 – six lanes will be
used during public swim for Aquasol for
swim practice.
Then September 8th – eight lanes will be
used during public swim for Aquasol for
swim practice
Admission Fees:
2yrs & under
Youth (3-17)
Adult (18+)
Senior (62+)
**With adult admission
All persons must pay to enter the pool
area. Children under the age of 11 must
be accompanied by a paying adult.
Session 1 – August 17-20
(Monday – Thursday)
420203.09 Guppy
ages 3-5 3-3:25P
420204.09 Starfish ages 5 + 3-3:25P
420205.09 Seahorse ages 5 + 3:30-3:55P
420206.09 Seals
ages 5 + 3:30-3:55P
Session 2 – August 24 - 27
(Monday – Thursday)
420201.10 Turtle
6mo - 36mo 3-3:25P
420203.10 Guppy ages 3-5
420207.10 Stingray ages 7 + 3:30-3:55P
420205.10 Seahorse ages 5 + 3:30-3:55P
Session 3 – August 31 – Sept. 3
(Monday – Thursday)
420203.11 Guppy
ages 3-5 3-3:25P
420204.11 Starfish ages 5 + 3-3:25P
420205.11 Seahorse ages 5 + 3:30-3:55P
420206.11 Seals
ages 5 + 3:30-3:55P
Location: Community Pool
Fee: $30/$25 with CP resident discount
Water Exercise
(Ages 14 +)
Come and join us for an enjoyable total
body workout. We are offering a variety of
classes, using water to get fit and toneup!!
These classes are great for all ages. Drop
in and try a class or purchase a punchcard.
Water Aerobics – M/T/W/F 9-9:55A
Water Aerobics – T/TH 6:30-7:15P
A variety of techniques done on land such
as jogging, kicking, jumping jacks, etc. but
in the water. The water will provide added
resistance to your work out.
Location: Cameron Park Community Pool
Fee: $6 drop-in or $50 - 10 punch card
Instructor: Connie Ballard & Tiffany Ortega
TOT/YOUTH Activities
Baby Ballet
(Ages 1 - 3)
Students learn the basic moves in all types
of dance. Props to create the right moves
will be used and we will learn a small
dance at the end of the six week session
(bring your cameras, the pictures are a true
treasure). Pink ballet slippers and black
leotards. No big skirts or costumes at class
hair should be tightly secured.
120622-09 F 9/18-10/23
120622-10 F 10/30-12/11* 10-10:30A
*No class 11/27/15
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $65/$60 with CP Resident Discount
Instructor: Come Dance with Me
(Ages 3 - 5)
Children learn proper ballet etiquette, technique and terminology in a fun, high enegy,
and age appropriate setting. The last portion of each class will be featured as an
intro to tap dance- a fun percussive dance.
Ballet attire is required- black leotard, pink
tights, ballet shoes and hair up (Out of
face). Shoes Available for purchase.
Tap shoes not required by highly recommended.
120608-09 F 9/18-10/23 10:30-11:15A
120608-11 F 10/30-12/11* 10:30-11:15A
*No class 11/27/15
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $65/$60 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Come Dance with Me
Children’s Beginning Hula
Kids White Belt
Beyond Basics Youth Hula
(Ages 5-7)
Aloha - beginning Hula. This class is for
children who want to learn the basics of
Hawaiian Dance, and how to tell the stories
of each song and dance with their eyes,
hands and body language. Great for a little
education on the language too. “Aloha,
Mahalo, Kaholo, Ami” and much more......
Bring a “wrap around” for the hips (sarong)
Tu 9/8-9/29 5-5:30P
Tu 10/6/10/27 5-5:30P
Tu 11/03-11/24 5-5:30P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $40/$35 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Rosalie “Lokalia” Stearns –
certified Kuma Hula
(Ages 8 - 12)
“Hula beyond basics”. Learn new routines
to add to your already much loved songs
and dances
120638-09 Tu 9/8-9/29
120638-10 Tu 10/6-10/27 3:30-4:30P
120638-11 Tu 11/03-11/243:30-4:30P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $50/$45 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Rosalie “Lokalia” Stearns certified Kuma Hula Fitness
(Ages 4 - 6)
Come and join this
fun Martial Arts class
designed for 4 to 6 year
olds. In this 30 minute class,
children will work on
exercises, balance,
coordination, attention,
self-control, and Taekwondo blocks and
kicks. Class includes a FREE uniform.
120700-09 M,W 9/9-11/2
120700-10 M,W 10/19-12/16* 5:30-6P
*No class 11/11/15 & 11/25/15
Location: Cameron Park Taekwondo
Studio, 3161 Cameron Park Drive,
Suite #103
Fee: $104/$99 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Mr. & Mrs. Bob Westphal and
Ms Jones
(Ages 7 - 12)
This class is great for anyone who wants
to work on hand/foot and eye coordination development. Students will work on
strikes, kicks, blocks, focus, and self-discipline. Class includes a FREE uniform.
120701-09 M,W 9/9-11/2
120701-10 M,W 10/19-12/16* 6:-6:45P
* No class 11/11/15 & 11/25/15
Location: Cameron Park Taekwondo
Studio, 3161 Cameron Park Drive,
Suite #103
Fee: $124/$119 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Mr. & Mrs. Westphal and
Ms Jones
(Age walking to
3 years)
Get your toddler out and
moving. Age
appropriate activities! Climbing and balancing, music and movement
120715-09 M 8/31-9/21* 10:30-11:15A
120715-10 M 9/28-10/19 10:30-11:15A
120715-11 M 10/26-11/16 10:30-11:15A
120715-12 M 11/30-12/21 10:30-11:15A
* No class 9/7/15
Location: Tumble Time Gymnastics
2586 Meadow Lane, Cameron Park
Fee: $65/$60 with CP resident discount
* September Fee:
$51/$46 with CP resident discount
Kinder Gymnastics
(Ages 3 - 5)
Classes are packed full of fun exercises
and age appropriate activities. Our preschool gymnastics classes are funtastic!
The classes are jam packed with gymnastics activities including obstacle courses,
trampolines, stretching and more. The
kids never stop moving!
120712-09 M 8/31-9/21* 11:30A-12:15P
120712-10 M 9/28-10/19 11:30A-12:15P
120712-11 M 10/26-11/16 11:30A-12:15P
120712-12 M 11/30-12/28 11:30A-12:15P
* No class 9/7/15
Location: Tumble Time Gymnastics
2586 Meadow Lane, Cameron Park
Fee: $65/$60 with CP resident discount
TOT/YOUTH Activities
Trampoline &Tumbling
(Ages 6 - 14)
This class teaches all of the basic tumbling
skills on the spring floor and trampolines
(3 different types). Strength, flexibility,
coordination, and agility are some of the
wonderful benefits that students will learn
from gymnastics! Tumbling goes hand in
hand with many other sports such as martial arts, dance, cheerleading and more.
120713-09 Th 9/3-9/24
120713-10 Th 10/1-10/22 3:30-4:30P
120713-11 Th 10/29-11/19 3:30-4:30P
120713-12 Th 12/3-12/17* 3:30-4:30P
Location: Tumble Time Gymnastics
2586 Meadow Lane, Cameron Park
Fee: $70/$65 with CP resident discount
*December Fee:
$55/$50 with CP resident discount
(Age 2)
Parent participation class designed for
children to learn more gymnastics skills,
listen and wait their turn through a structured class involving games and activities with other children, parents, and the
instructor. Your child will be taught the
beginning basics of gymnastics through
the use of obstacle courses and fun age
appropriate activities.
120704-09 W 9/2-9/23
120704-10 W 10/7-10/28 9:30-10:30A
120704-11 W 11/4-11/25 9:30-10:30A
120704-12 W 12/2-12/23 9:30-10:30A
Location: All Star Gymnastics & Cheer
6160 Enterprise Drive Ste A Diamond Springs
Fee: $47/$42 with CP resident discount
Instructor: All Star Gymnastic
(Age 3)
This class we provide children the opportunity to learn gymnastics, listening skills
and social interaction; using obstacle
courses and age appropriate cooperative
games. Starting gymnastics at a young
age will help your child with motor skills,
confidence, strength and physical fitness.
120705-09 F 9/4-9/25
120705-10 F 10/2-10/23 10:30-11:15A
120705-11 F 10/30-11/20 10:30-11:15A
Location: All Star Gymnastics & Cheer
6160 Enterprise Drive St A Diamond Springs
Fee: $74/$69 with CP resident discount
Instructor: All Star Gymnastics
Rainbow Stars
(Ages 4)
Class is carefully designed to help children move from our preschool program to
our recreational program. Children will
learn more complex gymnastics skills andwill be introduced to our recreational curriculum. Children in this class will attempt
more challenging obstacle courses, stations and advanced skills while having a
ton of fun.
120702-09 W 9/2-9/23
120702-10 W 10/7-10/28 11:30A-12:30P
120702-11 W 11/4-11/25 11:30A-12:30P
120702-12 W 12/2-12/23 11:30A-12:30P
Location: All Star Gymnastics & Cheer
6160 Enterprise Drive St A Diamond Springs
Fee: $74/$69 with CP resident discount
Instructor: All Star Gymnastics
Tea Party
(Ages 3-13)
Kay Leinhart and Valerie Baker invite you
to a Special Tea Party!! We will be doing
lots of age appropriate activities such as
Tea Party Etiquette, Waltzing, Dancing,
Artwork, Crafts, Games, and of course
a full Tea Party, with finger food entrees!
Please dress up for this event! Space is
limited, be sure to
pre-register! Formal wear or princess
outfits are recommended! $2 supply fee
payable to instructor.
120110-10- Sa 10/17
120110-12- Sa 12/12
Location: Community Center
Fee: $27/$22 with CP resident discount
Instructors: Kay Leinhart and
Valerie Baker
Imagination Art:
Learning through imaging
(Ages 5-10)
Children participate in guided imagery to
enhance their intellectual growth and academic achievement, as well as physical,
emotional and psychological development.
Children will be asked to draw and write
about their imagery journey, placing special emphasis on the dialogue and messages received from their images.
$5 supply fee payable to instructor.
120120-09 M 9/14-10/5 4:30-5:30P
120120-10 M 10/12-11/2 4:30-5:30P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $49/$44 with CP resident discount
Instructor: DJ Lenson
Mandala Art:
Unlocking your child’s potential
(Ages 5-12)
Mandalas are more
than just an easy and
fun way to draw something pretty. They are a
form of guided meditation that can promote
peace, relaxation and
balance in your life. $5
supply fee payable to instructor.
120121-09 M
9/14-10/5 3:30-4:30P
120121-10 M 10/12-11/2 3:30-4:30P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $49/$44 with CP resident discount
Instructor: DJ Lenson
NEW! Acrylic
Painting Class
(Ages 7 and up)
Never Painted before?? Perfect! We
offer a completely comfortable and relaxing atmosphere where you and your
friends can enjoy each other’s company
while Terri, Maggie and Sherry guide
you through a 2-3 hour acrylic painting.
Materials included.
11/7 9A-12P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $48/$43 with CP resident discount
Instructors: Paint and A Splash Too! Terri Haverty, Maggie Bosch, & Sherry
Youth Sports
FUNdamental Volleyball
(Grades 4 - 8)
Volleyball lessons for beginners and
intermediate players taught by top-notch
instructors. Instructor: Gold Cal Volleyball
Club Director Melanie DeMuir and other
Gold Cal Volleyball Coaches
120310-10 F
10/2-10/23 3:30-5P
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee $100/$95 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Melanie DeMure and staff
One-Day Volleyball Clinics
(Grades 4-8)
Hitting Clinic
120310-11 F
11/6 3:30-5:30P
Defense/Serve Receive Clinic
120310-1B F 11/13 3:30-5:30p
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee$35/$40 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Melanie DeMure and staff Volleyball
(Grades 5-9)
Join high school/
club coaches, Sheri
Millhollin and Alyssa
Kimball for individual
ball handling skills,
basic fundamentals and position training
for grades 5-9.
530303-09 Su 9/20-10/11 2-4P
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee: $65/$60 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Sheri Millhollin & Alyssa Kimball
Friday Futsal
(Ages 6 and up)
Session is designed to give individual
players interested in developing their skills
through Futsal an opportunity to register
with other players to create a very rich
and diverse learning environment. Futsal
is played on a small field court with lines
(not walls) creating constant pressured
situations- 1) From other players 2) From
out-of-play boundaries. Players must learn
to settle the ball rapidly, cut sharply, shield
effectively, pass quickly, and move into
space...all done with a weighted futsal
ball with less bounce and less players on
the field, promoting mastery of the foot
skills and proper body mechanics that will
naturally carry over into the outdoor game.
The session will build up to match play
by starting with a technical warm up and
guided skill development piece. Players
will sharpen their footwork with the Futsal
Ball and move into the second piece of
the session reserved for competitive play.
(More advanced players recommended in
second time slot) Non marking court shoes
and shinguards required. First group recommended ages 6-10; second hour ages
recommended ages 11-17.
430411-17 F
430411-18 F
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee: $12
Instructor: Stephen Beck
Facility Rentals
Are you looking for that
perfect venue to hold your next
business, social, fundraising, or
wedding event? Perfect for holiday
parties. Our beautiful facilities are
available for rent. For more
information, please visit our website
(www.cameronpark.org) or
contact us at 530-677-2231.
Looking for
that perfect
holiday gift?
Two Day Clinic
430411-19 F 10/2-10/9
430411-20 F 10/2-10/9
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee: $24
Instructor: Stephen Beck
Cameron Park Library Fall Events
2500 Country Club Drive • 530-621-5500 • www.eldoradolibrary.org
First Mondays of the month: CP Book Club 11:00 am
First Thursdays of the month: PJ Storytime 6:00 pm
Second Saturdays library open 10- 3
Third Tuesdays: CP Nonfiction book club 2:00 pm
Third Thursdays: Special Teen activities for students 6th grade and up 2:30 pm
Thursday October 22nd: Not-too-spooky Storytime 6:00 pm
Thursday December 17th: Santa Storytime 6:00 pm
Every Tuesday 4-5 pm PAWS for Reading with therapy dogs
Give your loved ones a
gift certificate for a class
or a pool or lake pass!
Youth Sports
Youth Sports
Tennis Program
Held at Cameron Park Lake
Come out to the courts and
meet our Pro/Coach Andy
Webb. Join in the Fun with
a quick lesson and see
what a Group Tennis
Lesson is all about. For
New/Re-starting students. Registration
required/Limit 1 Free Clinic per student.
Loaner racquets available.
140323.08 Adults
120324-08 Juniors Ages 8-12
8/29 12:45-1:30
120322-08 Juniors Ages 5-7*
8/29 1:30-2:00
*Parents may be asked to participate with
child. Additional times will be offered if
classes fill.
The Lesson Program is under the direction of
Andrew H.Webb and Staff. His focus is on
helping each student set and achieve their
Tennis goals and have Fun in the learning
process. Junior classes use a game-based
approach formalized by the USTA as “Quick
Start”. Age appropriate balls, racquets and
court sizes are used.
Each student must wear comfortable clothing
for movement and have proper tennis shoes.
*All students must bring 1 can of New Tennis
Balls or Training Red, Green or Orange Dot 3
pack balls to first class.
Fall Sessions
120321-10 Jr Pre-Pee Wee ages 4-5
M 9/7-9/28* 3:30-4P
120321-11 Jr Pre-Pee Wee ages 4-5
M 10/5-10/26 3:30-4P
* No Classes Monday Labor Day (Makeup
Day/Time TBD within session or go extra
Fee: $41/$36 with CP resident discount
120322-10 Junior Pee Wee ages 6-7
M 9/7-9/28*
120322-11 Junior Pee Wee ages 6-7
M 10/5-10/26 4-4:45P
*No Classes Monday Labor Day (Makeup
Day/Time TBD within session or go extra
Fee: $57/$52 with CP resident discount
120324-10 Junior Beginners ages 8-12
120324-11 Junior Beginners ages 8-12
10/5-10/26 4:45-5:45P
Fee: $69/$64 with CP resident discount
NFL Youth Flag Football
(Grades 2 – 8)
120325-09 Junior Adv Beginners ages 8-12
120325-10 Junior Adv Beginners ages 8-12
120325-11 Junior Adv Beginners ages 8-12
Th 10/8-10/29 4-5P
Fee: $69/$64 with CP resident discount
130321-09 Junior Intermediate/HS Teens
130321-09 Junior Intermediate/HS Teens
130321-09 Junior Intermediate/HS Teens
10/8-10/29 5-6P
Fee: $69/$64 with CP resident discount
120322-9H Junior Pee Wee 5-7 yrs
8/13-9/3 1-1:45P
120322-1H Junior Pee Wee 5-7 yrs
9/10-10/1 1-1:45P
120322-2H Junior Pee Wee 5-7 yrs
10/8-10/29 1-1:45P
120322-9F Junior Pee Wee 5-7 yrs
8/14-9/4 10-10:45A
120322-1F Junior Pee Wee 5-7 yrs
9/11-10/2 10-10:45A
120322-2F Junior Pee Wee 5-7 yrs
10/9-10/30 10-10:45A
Fee: $57/$52 with CP resident discount
120325-9H Junior Beginner 8-12 yrs
120325-1H Junior Beginner 8-12 yrs
9/10-10/1 1:45-2:45P
120325-2H Junior Beginner 8-12 yrs
10/8-10/29 1:45-2:45P
120325-9F Junior Beginner 8-12 yrs
120325-1F Junior Beginner 8-12 yrs
9/11-10/2 10:45-11:45A
120325-2F Junior Beginner 8-12 yrs
10/9-10/30 10:45-11:45A
Fee: $69/$64 with CP resident discount
Join the Cameron Park Community
Services District for NFL sponsored
Flag Football league. This great league
allows players an opportunity to learn
and develop skills necessary to be successful in the game of football. Players
will have 1- 2 practices per week,
determined by the coaches, with games
being played on Saturday afternoons.
Teams will be split into two groups (2
– 4) and (5 – 8) or if there are enough
registrants three groups (2 – 3), (4 – 5),
(6 – 8). Each participant will receive an
NFL Flag football team Jersey and flags.
520305-09– Grades 2 – 4
520307-09 – Grades 5 – 8
Location: Dave West or Christa
McAuliffe Park
Fee: $115 / $110 with CP resident discount
All participants and coaches will need
to fill out NFL participation agreement
online at: www.nflflag.com/form/player
Important Dates: Evaluation Days:
Saturday, August 29 (Put on by the
Ponderosa Bruins Football team) for all registered players
Games Begin: Saturday, September 19
Games End: Saturday, November 7
Registration Deadline: August 26
Flag Football Coaches
Cameron Park Recreation is looking for
people who would like to volunteer their
time, energy, and talent as a youth Flag
Football coach. We need you.
Please contact us at (530)677-2231
Youth Sports
Come join the Cameron Park Community Services District for another great youth
basketball season. This league will help develop and allow players to play basketball
in an organized, fun, and safe atmosphere. Players in each division will learn, develop, and improve basic and team oriented skills necessary to be successful in the
great sport of basketball. Every player plays and becomes an integral part of a team.
Registration Begins: August 17
Deadline to Register: December 5
1st & 2nd Grade December 18
Skills Clinic: Saturday November 14 &
Wednesday November 18
Bruin Camp: Saturday, January 9 –
Location: Community Center Gym
Times: TBA
Season Starts: Saturday, January 16
Holidays/No Games:
President’s Day Weekend & February 13
Last Day of the Season: March 12
1st & 2nd Grade Boys and Girls
This is an instructional league that operates on an eight week schedule, beginning
January 17. The league will be set up in a
format where teams are instructed by their
team coach for 25 – 30 minutes and will
be followed by a 30 minute (two 15 minute
halves) scrimmage. As the season progresses there are opportunities to allow for
more time to hold scrimmages. Scores of
the games will not be kept and games will
be officiated by recreation leaders who are
instructed to help with the instruction and flow
of the scrimmage.
Early Bird Fees (through December 18)
$100 / $95 with CP resident discount
Late Fees (starting December 19)
$110 / $105 with CP discount
Fees include T-Shirt and Bruin Camp, but
does not include pictures.
3rd – 8th Grade Boys and Girls:
Separate leagues and divisions will be
formed for Girls and Boys Divisions, as
well as by grade level. These divisions will
emphasize basketball techniques, skills,
teamwork, sportsmanship, and Fun. Players
of any skill level are encouraged to sign up
and teams are selected to be as fair and
competitive as possible. There will be limited
spaces available for late registration (if any).
League Divisions:
3rd/4th Boys and Girls
5th/6th Boys and Girls
7th/8th Boys and Girls
Early Bird Fees (through December 4)
$115 / $110 with CP resident discount
Late Fees (starting December 5)
$125/ $120 with CP discount
Fee includes Jersey and Bruin Camp, but
does not include pictures.
Skills Rating Evaluation:
Saturday, November 14
Community Center Gym – Time: TBD
Make-Up Evaluation: Wednesday, November 18
Community Center Gym – Time: 3/4
(6:00pm), 5/6 (7:00pm), 7/8 (8:00pm)
Coaches Meeting: Tuesday, December 8;
6:00pm – Community Center Social Room
Practice Begins: Tentatively following
coaches meeting limited time available in
Team practice begins in January.
High School Boys and Girls
Information to follow once HS Basketball
tryouts are completed.
Course Code 220301
Youth Basketball
Coaches Wanted
Cameron Park Recreation is looking
for people who would like to volunteer
their time, energy, and talent as a
youth basketball coach. We need you!
NEW! Skyhawks
Holiday Camps
Thanksgiving Week
Mini-Hawks Multi Sport
(Ages 4-7)
Baseball, basketball and soccer are
taught in a safe, structured environment
filled with lots of encouragement and a
big focus on fun! Through games and
activities, campers explore balance,
hand/eye coordination, and skill development at their own pace. Participants
receive a t-shirt, ball and merit award.
Participant-to-coach ratio is 8:1
420406-12 M,Tu,W 1/23-11/25 9A-12P
Location: Christa McAuliffe Park
Fee: $98/$93 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Skyhawk Sports
After Christmas Week
Multi Sport Clinic
(Ages 6-12)
Skyhawks has taken your favorite games
from the playground and combined them
into an action packed camp! Each day
your young athlete will play variations of
Kickball, Dodgeball and Capture the Flag.
Participants will learn sportsmanship, teamwork and strategy in addition to the rules
of the game. Bring your friends or come
make new ones. All participants receive a
t-shirt and a merit award. Participant-tocoach ratio is 14:1
420406-13 M,Tu,W 12/28-12/30 9A-12P
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee: $98/$93 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Skyhawk Sports
NEW! Skyhawk Tot
(Ages 3-5)
Hoopster Tots: This
is a development program for kids ages 3
through 5 years old
that uses a variety of
fun games to engage
kids while teaching
the sport of Basketball
and developing fundamental skills. The
goal is to build fitness, muscle coordination, Basketball fundamentals and create a
love of the game.
420406-08 Th 9/17-10/22 3-3:45P
420406-10 Tu 10/27-12/01 3-3:45P
Soccer Tots: This program was designed
to give children a positive first step into
Soccer. Participants learn balance, body
movement, hand/eye coordination, and skill
development through a series of sportsspecific games and activities tailored to
their attention spans. Our trained staff and
progressive curriculum allows kids to
develop at their own pace in a fun and safe
environment with lots of encouragement.
Participant-to-coach ratio is 6:1
420406-09 Th 9/17-10/22 4-4:45P
420406-11 Tu 10/27-12/01 4-4:45P
Location: Christa McAuliffe Park
Fee: $88/$83 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Skyhawk Sports
Cooking/Teen Programs
Cooking with Kids
Calling all Little Chefs!
Work with all fresh/organic
ingredients and eat or share
our creations. Class features nutrition and kitchen
safety. All new menus
each session. All students
will receive a recipe booklet with all of
the dishes that they create as well as a
Certificate of Completion at the last class
Please bring $35 material fee to first class
120106-9H Th 9/3-9/24
120106-09 Tu 9/8-9/29
120106-0H Th 10/1-10/22 3:45-4:45P
120106-10 Tu 10/6-10/27 3:45-4:45P
120106-1H Th 10/29-11/19 3:45-4:45P
120106-11 Tu 11/3-11/24 3:45-4:45P
Location: Kitchen - Community Center
Fee: $69/$64 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Susan Kakavas Little Chefs World
NEW! Food Play
(Ages 5 - 10)
Have fun playing with your food! Do you
have a child who is a picky eater? Tired of
arguing with them about eating their fruits
and veggies? This class will change the
way they look at food. Children will use
their imagination, and create wonderful
and creative animals with healthy whole
foods. They will also learn about nutrition
in a fun and exciting way.
120122-09 W
9/2 - 9/23 3:30-4:30P
120122-10 W
9/30-10/21 3:30-4:30P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $84/$79 with CP resident discount
Instructor: DJ Lenson
Ultimate Chocolate
(Ages 12 and up)
Make elegant, dome-shaped truffles with a
variety of luscious fillings including: white,
milk and dark chocolate. Learn how to
flavor basic ganaches (fillings) with
liqueurs and oils. Make and take a dozen
truffles in a gift box, plus receipes, notes,
tips and truffle molds. Please bring $12
material fee to class.
160106-11 Sa 11/7 10A-12P
Location: Kitchen – El Dorado Hills CSD
Fee: $44/$39 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Karen Moore
Thai Cooking Classes
Ages 8 and up
Learn to prepare Thai food in your own
private class! Book a small group for
lots of hands on personal attention, or a
larger group for a memorable experience.
Choose one of Phonglada’s menus or
design your own menu of favorite dishes
from Phonglada’s cookbook. Come hungry as we will be able to enjoy the meal
we have prepared in class. Call 530677-2231 to arrange a date and time.
Materials fee of $10pp (This may be
higher if the menu includes more than one
seafood dish)
440104 Date/Time TBD
Location: Kitchen- Community Center
Fee: $195 for up to 5 people $35 per
additional person (max 12 people/class)
Instructor: Phonglada Folletta
Teen Classes
Internet Driver’s Ed
(Ages 15 - 18)
Driver’s education is a California required
course for teens to receive a driver’s
license. It’s the first step to take so the
teen can receive a driver’s permit. Course
includes parental involvement, is fun,
interactive and educational. Complete
anytime. Home study course available.
DMV-accepted certificate issued upon
successful completion of course. Class
does not include behind the- wheel driving. Add $16 for home study course shipping and handling.
130110-09 September
130110-10 October
130110-11 November
130110-12 December
Location: Enrollee’s home address
Fee: $84/$79 with CP resident discount
Instructor: AllGood Education Corporation
Interested in
teaching classes?
We are always looking to expand
our program offerings.
Please contact us at (530) 677-2231
Let’s Uke!
(Ages 13 +)
Instruction in
playing ukulele
using Mel Bay’s
Easy Ukulele
Method Book
1 by Mary Lou
Dempler. Strum
along to traditional songs. No
experience necessary. Bring a ukulele (no
baritones) and a copy of the book. You
can pick up an information sheet on purchasing a ukulele in the registration office.
140444-09 M 9/14-10/5
140444-10 M 10/12-11/2 6-6:45P
Location: Social Room - Community Center
Fee: $$49/$44 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Lew Johnson
More Let’s Uke!
(Ages 13 +)
A continuation of Let’s Uke! with more
chords, strums, and songs. Bring your
own ukulele (no baritones) and a copy of
Mel Bay’s Easy Ukulele Method Book 1 by
Mary Lou Dempler.
140445-09 M 9/14-10/5 7-7:45P
140445-10 M 10/12-11/2 7-7:45P
Location: Social Room - Community Center
Fee: $$49/$44 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Lew Johnsont
Karate/Taekwondo (Ages 13 +)
Students will work on strikes, kicks, blocks,
focus, and self-discipline. Class includes a
FREE uniform.
140701-09 M,W 9/9-11/2
140701-10 M,W 10/19-12/16* 7:45-8:30P
*No class 11/11/15, 11/25/15
Location: Cameron Park Taekwondo Studio,
3161 Cameron Park Drive, Suite #103
Fee: $124/$119 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Mr. & Mrs. Bob Westphal and
Ms. Jones
Teen/Adult CLASSES
(Ages 14 +)
A cultural experience.
Come learn the beauty
of Hula’s story telling
through hand and feet
160609-09 Th
160609-10 Th
10/1-10/22 6-7P
160609-11 Th
10/29-11/19 6-7P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $50/$45 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Rosalie “Lokalia” Stearns –
certified Kuma Hula
Fun with Fusing
(Ages 16 +)
Fun for everyone.
You will be making a beautiful 8” x
8” Glass Weaved
Basket plate of your
own creation. This
plate can make a
fabulous gift, candle holder, or serving
plate. Join us for an exciting night of working with glass.
$15 material fee payable to instructor.
360102-10 T 10/20 6-8P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $60/$55 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Debbie Trapasso
Fused Glass
Jewelry Class
(Ages 16 and up)
Class will teach you how to make beautiful glass jewelry with a focus on using
specialty glass while teaching the fundamentals of glass jewelry designing.
Everyone will make at least two beautiful
glass pendants. Beginners are welcome.
Instructor will take home your creations
to fire them in a glass kiln. The pendants
make great gifts. $15 material fee payable
to instructor.
360102-11 T 11/3 6-8P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $60/$55 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Debbie Trapasso
Bird Watching
as a Hobby
(All Ages)
Take a walk with Joe who has been a bird
watcher for over 40 years. You will learn
how to identify birds by listening, watching
and observing flight and colors of many
species of birds. He will show you how
to use a bird Field guide to identify local
birds and to learn a lifetime hobby done
by 40 million Americans. If you have a
Bird Field Book or binoculars, please bring
them. Our goal will be to identify at least
local 20 species. We could see Red Tail
Hawks, a Bald Eagle, White Pelicans,
Muted or Trumpeter Swans, Acorn
Woodpeckers, Spotted Towhees, and lots
of song birds. Join us for a beautiful walk
around Cameron Park Lake birding on a
cool autumn day. Rain or shine.
460140-11 Sa 11/7 8-11A
Location: Cameron Park Lake
Fee: $17/$12 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Joseph Munizich
Bird Identification!
(Ages 16 +)
Join award-winning & #1 best-selling
author and ornithologist John C. Robinson
as he shares his top ten steps to identifying birds by sight and by sound. During
this instructional walk along the shores of
Cameron Park Lake, John will answer all
the questions you’ve ever had about bird
identification! This class will coincide with
the tail end of the fall migration so you will
have the opportunity to identify many of the
winter bird migrants that visit our area from
about October to April; in addition to the
common year round residents. Space is
limited. Please bring a pair of binoculars.
Rain or shine.
440140-11 Sa 11/14 8-11A
Location: Cameron Park Lake
Fee: $17/$12 with CP resident discount
Instructor: John Robinson
Gentle Flow Yoga
(Ages 18 +)
Bring balance to your life with yoga!
Beginners and experiences students are
welcome to de-stress, energize, breathe,
and strengthen your body, mind and spirit.
In every yoga class you will have ample
opportunity to increase healthy flexibility
and experience a sense of well-being and
140704-09 W 9/2-9/23
140704-10 W 10/7-10/28 6-7P
140704-11 W 11/4-11/25 6-7P
140704-12 W 12/2-12/23 6-7P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee $50/$45 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Wendy Derish
Adult Morning
(Ages 18 +)
This class is great for anyone who wants
to work on hand/foot and eye coordination development. Students will work on
strikes, kicks, blocks, focus, and self-discipline. Class includes a FREE uniform.
140700-09 Tu,Th 9/8-10/29
140700-10 Tu,Th 10/20-12/17* 10-10:45A
*No class - 11/26/15
Location: Foothill Taekwondo Studio,
1319 Broadway, Placerville
Fee: $124/$119 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Mr. & Mrs. Westphal
NEW! Tai-Yo-Lates
(Ages 18+)
Tai-Yo-Lates is a blend of Tai Chi, Yoga
and Pilates. Designed for people who are
new to Yoga and people who need modifications. This class is geared for beginners. The Main focus is the breath-conscious movement with conscious breath.
140726-09 T,Th 9/8-9/29 10:30-11:45A
140726-10 T,Th 10/6-10/27 10:30-11:45A
140726-11 T,Th 11/3-11/24 10:30-11:45A
140726-12 T,Th 12/1-12/22 10:30-11:45A
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $70/$65 with CP resident discount
** Can only attend one class?
Fee: $45/$40 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Susan Spencer
Adult Classes
Morning Tai Chi
(Ages 18 +)
Includes 8 & 16 Movement Forms and Chi
Gong. Mornings are the perfect time to
participate in classical Tai Chi exercise!
Students will gain beginning level exposure to the 8 movement and 16 movement Tai Chi forms as practiced by world
class Tai Chi enthusiasts throughout the
world. Details of the Eight Pieces of Silken
Brocade Chi Gong exercises will also be
included. All ages and experience levels
are welcome! Learn to incorporate the
complimentary opposites of tai chi into
your life. With an experiential understanding of the yin and yang energies, you can
subdue the mind and body for enhanced
joy and energy. Correct and dedicated
Tai Chi practice will reduce stress levels,
improve flexibility and balance, enhance
blood and energy circulation, and increase
memory and immune system function.
Come by for a visit and see for yourself!
140732-09 Sa 9/12-10/3
140732-10 Sa 10/10-10/31 8-8:50A
140732-11 Sa 11/7-11/14* 8-8:50A
140732-12 Sa 12/5-12/19* 8-8:50A
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $35/$30 with CP resident discount
* November Fee
$22/$17 with CP resident discount
* December Fee:
$29/$24 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Matt Messer
Belly Fit Moving Women
(Ages 18 +)
Belly Fit ® is the myth busting, spirit
soothing, bootie shaking workout designed
by women for women and the movement
is growing. Please bring your own yoga
140717-09 M,F
140717-10 M,F
10/2-10/30 9-10A
140717-11 M,F
11/2-11/30 9-10A
140717-12 M,F
12/4-12/28 9-10A
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $50/$45 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Jan Lowry
Zumba® Basic
(Ages 18 +)
Are you ready to Party yourself into
shape?? Forget the workout, just lose
yourself in the music and find yourself
in shape. Zumba ® classes feature exotic
rhythms set to high energy Latin and international beats. Come explore Zumba®
with me and lose yourself in the music.
140718-09 Tu,Th 9/3-9/29
140718-10 Tu,Th 10/1-10/29 12-1P
140718-11 Tu,Th 11/3-11/26 12-1P
140718-12 Tu,Th 12/1-12/24 12-1P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $50/$45 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Jan Lowry
NEW! Zumba
(Ages 18 +)
The most fun you will ever have working out!! Zumba combines amazing Latin
beats and Pop music that makes it easy
to forget you’re actually working out. Easy
to follow dance moves- perfect for all fitness and experience levels. Dance fitness
classes that make you feel amazing!
140725-09 M/W
9/14- 10/7 10-11A
140725-10 M/W
10/12-11/4 10-11A
140725-11 M/W
140725-12 M/W
12/7-12/30 10-11A
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $50/$45 with CP resident discount
** Can only attend one class?
Fee: $35/$30 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Susan Spencer
(Ages 18 +)
Every Jazzercise dance fitness class combines dance-based cardio with strength
training and stretching to sculpt, tone and
lengthen muscles for maximum fat burn.
Burn up to 600 calories in one fun and
powerfully effective 60-minute total body
workout. Jazzercise Foothills Center offers
a variety of formats including Fusion,
Core, Strike, Strength 45 & Strength 60.
Fee gets you 8 visits – classes offered:
Monday thru Friday - 5:30A
Monday thru Sunday - 8:05A
Monday thru Friday - 9:15A
Monday thru Wednesday - 4:45P
Monday thru Thursday – 5:45P
140740-09 September/ 140740-10 October
140740-11 November / 140740-12 December
Location: Jazzercise Foothills Center
4050 Durock Road #2, Shingle Springs
Fee: $54/$49 with CP resident discount
for 8 classes
Instructor: Sherrie Lee
Gracious Ladies
(Ages 18 +)
Broadening the legacy of hula by expanding contemporary and traditional repertoire
with dances of beauty and cultural integrity.
Must have knowledge of basic hula steps.
160610-09 Th
160610-10 Th
10/1-10/22 7-8P
160610-11 Th
10/29-11/19 7-8P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $50/$45 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Rosalie “Lokalia” Stearns –
certified Kuma Hula
Auto Service
“Automotive Service the Way it Should Be”
• Factory Maintenance
• Tune-ups
• Radiators
• Shocks/Struts
• Engine Overhaul
• Electrical
• Timing Belts
• Transmission Service
CA Lic. # 1997-021510
B.A.R. AE227939
3381 B Durock Road u Cameron Park u Next to Camerado Glass
Ballroom Dance
(Ages 18+)
Ballroom dancing is hot! Classes cover
easy-to-learn patterns that have you
quickly looking great on the dance floor.
No partner required. For beginners and
experienced dancers alike. Instructor’s
unique teaching style and delightful sense
of humor put you at ease so you can
easily learn while also having fun. Bring
leather-soled shoes with good heel support. All classes held in the Dance Studio
at the Community Center and taught by
Richard Kowaleski
Monthly classes offered include:
Foxtrot 260603-09
W 9/2-9/23
Waltz Dance 260605-09
W 9/2-9/23
Cha-cha 260610-10
W 9/30-10/21 7:15-8:15P
NEW! Ballroom Dance
(ages 18+)
Smooth Dancing Workshop
Learn how to glide around the dance floor
with the waltz, foxtrot, and tango, all in
one two-hour workshop!
Beginners and experienced
dancers alike learn elegant
moves that impress. The
optional third hour covers styling tips to add flair
to your dancing. Richard
Kowaleski is a very popular
dance instructor and dance
host with a unique teaching
style and a delightful sense
of humor that puts his students at ease.
Phone him for details:
916-722-1382. Come and have fun!
360600-09 Sa
9-11 A
Latin Dance Workshop
Salsa/Merengue 260604-10
W 9/30-10/21 8:30-9:30P
Tango 260612.11
W 10/28-11/25* 7:15-8:15P
Night Club Two-Step 260601-11
W 10/28-11/25* 8:30-9:30P
* No class 11/11
West Coast Swing 260609-12
W 12/2-12/23 7:15-8:15P
East Coast Swing 260602-12
W 12/2-12/23 8:30-9:30P
Fee: $49/$44 with CP resident discount
or sign up as a couple, $69/$64 with CP
resident discount
Latin dancing is all the rage! Beginners
and experienced dancers alike learn
Latin moves that look great on the dance
floor. Workshop covers patterns for the
Cha-cha, Salsa, Rumba/Bolero, and
Merengue. Optional follow-on hour covers styling tips so even simple moves
look terrific. Richard Kowaleski is a very
popular dance instructor and dance host
with a unique teaching style and a delightful sense of humor that puts his students
at ease. Phone him for details: 916-7221382. Come and have fun!
360600-10 Sa
9-11 A
Adult classes
Swing Dance Workshop
Swing dancing is still in! Beginners and
experienced dancers alike learn fun
moves that look great on the dance floor.
Workshop covers both East Coast Swing
and West Coast Swing patterns. Optional
follow-on hour covers styling tips so
even simple moves look terrific. Richard
Kowaleski is a very popular dance instructor and dance host with a unique teaching
style and a delightful sense of humor that
puts his students at ease. Phone him for
details: 916-722-1382. Come and have fun!
360600-11 Sa
9-11 A
Slow Dancing Workshop
Get ready for those holiday dances! Slow
dancing that looks professional! Beginners
and experienced dancers alike learn stylish moves that take slow dancing to a
new level. Workshop covers easy-to-learn
patterns that look great on the dance
floor. Optional follow-on hour covers styling tips so even simple moves look terrific. Richard Kowaleski is a very popular
dance instructor and dance host with a
unique teaching style and a delightful
sense of humor that puts his students at
ease. Phone him for details: 916-7221382. Come and have fun!
360600-12 Sa
12/12 9-11 A
Location: Community Center
Price per workshop:
$12 per person for the 9-11A workshop.
$5 per person for the optional 11A-12P
lesson on styling tips. Only available to
those who took the preceding two-hour
Instructor: Richard Kowaleski
Please call for more information.
“The family that kicks together
sticks together”
(530) 676-0366
3181 Cameron Pk. Dr. #103 • Cameron Park
Adult Classes
NEW! Classical Guitar
Three Guitar Classes Guitar I, II, and III.
Guitar I is for beginners, and those who
want a refresher, or those who can strum
a few chords and would like to learn to
read music. Guitar II and III are students
who started in Guitar I or signed up seeking a refresher class. The guitar is a very
versatile instrument, and learning classical
style and reading music will give you a
good base from which you can play any
type of music you wish, including jazz,
gypsy, flamenco, blues, folk, and your
favorite songs. You will also be introduced
to tablature and chord charts, but the primary emphasis will be on reading
regular notation. If you have some experience and are uncertain as to which class
to enroll in please e-mail the instructor at
Lewisr.guitar@gmail.com. If you do not
own a guitar, it is suggested that you rent
one for the first three months, and please
bring a three ring binder for additional
(no cost) materials that will be provided by
the instructor from time to time.
NEW! Guitar I
(Ages 18 +)
140452-09 W 9/2-9/23
140452-10 W 9/30-10/21 6-7P
140452-11 W 10/28-11/18 6-7P
140452-12 W 12/2-12/16* 6-7P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $49/$44 with CP resident discount
* December Fee:
$39/$34 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Lewis Ridgeway
Guitar II
(Ages 18 +)
140451-09 Th 9/3-9/24
140451-10 Th 10/1-10/22 6-7:05P
140451-11 Th 10/29-11/19 6-7:05P
140451-12 Th 12/3-12/17* 6-7:05P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $49/$44 with CP resident discount
* December Fee:
$39/$34 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Lewis Ridgeway
Classical III
(Ages 18 +)
140450-09 Th 9/3-9/24
140450-10 Th 10/1-10/22 7:15-8:30P
140450-11 Th 10/29-11/19 7:15-8:30P
140450-12 Th 12/3-12/17* 7:15-8:30P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $49/$44 with CP resident discount
* December Fee:
$39/$34 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Lewis Ridgeway
NEW! Art Sparks!
Mixed Media
(Ages 18+)
Come explore your artistic spark, through
collage, paint, mark making, color theory
and more! Learn techniques to help you
find self-expression in a safe, fun environment. Receive inspiration to develop your
creative practice. Please bring a $20
material fee to first class.
140180-10 Th 10/8-11/12*
140180-12 W 12/9 – 1/6
*No class 10/15/15
Location: Community Center
Fee: $109/$104 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Alison Tomei
Paint and
Splash Too!
(Ages 18+)
Never Painted before?? Perfect! We
offer a completely comfortable and relaxing atmosphere where you and your
friends can enjoy each other’s company
while Terri, Maggie and Sherry guide you
through a 2-3 hour acrylic painting class –
materials included.
10/19 9A-12P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $48/$43 with CP resident discount
Instructors: Terri Haverty, Maggie Bosch,
& Sherry Pavloff
Oil Painting for
Newbies and up in the
Impressionist Style
(Ages 18 +)
This class is for anyone just starting out to
those who are looking for something new. I
will teach how to stretch your own canvas,
prepare your canvas brushstrokes, color
mixing. We will be using a limited pallette
in this class in order to learn and to keep
costs down. Painting from Still Life, or photos. All of this is up to the interests of the
students. Students will need to get materials – list provided once registered
140100-09 Th
9/17-10/22 12-2P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $77/$72 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Judith Fratus
NEW! Faces and
Figures in Oils
Class is for anyone who has the desire to
paint people. Instruction will include how
to measure the head and the features. Did
you know that your hand is as big as your
face? There is a lot to know so you’ll need
some patience and a good sense of humor.
This class is best for those who have had
at least some painting experience. Judith
will teach you how to mix flesh tones, and
how these vary wildly depending on the
race and age of the subject. Please do
bring photographs but not of family members. This is a fun class. Don’t miss it!
140100-10 Th 10/29-12/10*12-2P
*No class 11/26/15
Location: Social Room
Fee: $77/$72 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Judith Fratus
NEW! Jewelry
Making Class
(Ages 18 +)
Learn how to string and bead a necklace,
bracelet or earrings, your choice! Instructor
will provide all the supplies. Linda Siqueido
has been making jewelry for over 40 years.
140166-09 M 9/14
140166-10 M 10/19
140166-11 M 11/16
140166-12 M 12/14
Location: Social Room
Fee: $32/$27 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Linda Siqueido
Guided Imagery
(Ages 18 +)
Group Hypnotherapy/Guided Imagery/
Visualization In the hectic world we live
in today many of us remain in “go-mode”
Our modern life has caused us to experience an epidemic of burn out, chronic
fatigue and stress related illnesses.
Guided imagery is a safe and powerful
technique that can be used for healing,
releasing blocks, stress relief and personal development. You draw upon all of
your mind’s inner resources, at both the
conscious and subconscious level, so you
can create the changes, achieve the goals
you choose and to bring about measurable positive changes in both your body
and mind
140120-09 M 9/14-10/05 6-6:45P
140120-10 M 10/12-11/02 6-6:45P
140120-9A F 9/4-9/25
140120-1A F 10/2-10/23 9-9:45A
Location: Community Center
Fee: $69/$64 with CP resident discount
Instructor: DJ Lenson
for Cancer
(Ages 18 +)
People with cancer, both patients and survivors, often experience significant problems with pain, nausea, fatigue, stress,
anxiety, and sleep associated both with
cancer diagnosis and side effects of the
treatments. Hypnosis has been shown to
reduce, if not eliminate, the discomforts
associated with cancer. Patients who use
hypnosis before surgery tend to recover
quicker and heal faster than those patients
who are fearful and anxious. So come
experience some relief!
140121-09 F 9/4-9/25
140121-10 F 10/2-10/23 10-10:45A
Location: Community Center
Fee: $59/$54 with CP resident discount
Instructor: DJ Lenson
NEW! Releasing Your
True Purpose
(Ages 18 +)
Do you feel lost and alone? Are you on
autopilot? Are you afraid to make changes
in life because of the unknown? When you
feel lost, you’ve lost your purpose. Your spirit is screaming, “Help!” Come and learn how
to break down the barriers that have kept
you unfulfilled, and build the lifestyle that
you deserve. This is your one life. It would
be a tragedy to never discover yourself.
140123-09 W 9/2-9/30
140123-10 W 10/7-11/4 6-8:30P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $134/$129 with CP resident
Instructor: DJ Lenson
NEW! Beyond
Insomnia Workshop
(Ages 18+)
Tired of tossing and turning at night?
Watching the clock in frustration while anxiously anticipating how exhausted you will be
the next day? Followed everybody’s advice
on how to get a good sleep, but nothing
seems to work? In this Two hour seminar,
Beyond Insomnia Coach Jennifer Jackson
will talk about how she moved beyond 28
years of chronic insomnia and how you can
too. Come learn a powerful technique to clear
busy, anxious thoughts, and move the body
out of a stress response and into a relaxation
response so that sleep comes easily and
naturally. Say good-night to sleeping pills and
tap into your natural power of sleep.
140125-10 Sa 10/3 10A-12P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $32/$27 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Jennifer Jackson
NEW! Pickers 101
Learn the art of picking and enjoy the thrill
of the hunt! Learn how to spot that treasure when you are at an auction, estate
sale or antique shop. You may bring
one item to be appraised.
160500-1A W 10/14 10A-12P
160500-1P W 10/14 5:30-7:30P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $32/$27 with CP resident discount
Instructor: John Humphries,
Antique Appraiser.
Adult classes
NEW! Education on
Essential Oils
(Ages 18+)
Learn how to use essential oils as a safe,
natural and effective way of healing.
Student will make their own oils
140155-09 T
140155-9A T
140155-10 M 10/12 10-11A
140155-1A M 10/26 6-7P
140155-11 T
11/10 10-11A
140155-1B T
11/24 6-7P
140155-12 M
12/7 10-11A
Location: Community Center
Fee: $17/$12 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Shayna Garcia-Potter
Color Makeover
(Ages 18+)
Are you sick of
facing a closet
full of “nothing to
wear”? Confused
about which
colors look best
on you? Tired of
wasting money
on makeup mistakes? Let a certified Color Me Beautiful
Image Consultant show you the right
clothing, accessory and makeup colors
that bring out the best in your individual
coloring. Experience a professional color
analysis and receive a personalized color
palette containing your best clothing and
accessory colors. Apply makeup specifically selected to enhance your individual
coloring and coordinate with your palette.
Learn to use your color palette to create a
flattering wardrobe. Discover how wearing
the right colors will have everyone saying,
“You look amazing!” Material fee of $80
payable to instructor. Covers your personalized color palette with zippered case,
worksheets, and handouts.
9/19 & 10/3 10A-12:30P
9/26 & 10/10 10A-12:30P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $59/$54 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Blair Massey, Image Consultant
Adult classes
NEW! Discover Your
Personal Style
(Ages 18+)
Hate shopping because you can’t find
anything that looks good on you? Do you
have clothes sitting in your closet that you
never wear because the style isn’t flattering? Tired of wasting money on clothes
you never wear? Stop the fashion madness! Let a certified Color Me Beautiful
Image Consultant show you how to look
fabulous by dressing for your body type
and face shape. Learn your best styles,
prints, patterns, accessories, hairstyles
and eyewear. Discover how to create a
coordinated and versatile wardrobe that
enhances your best features while camouflaging your figure challenges. Look
fabulous and feel confident regardless of
weight, age, shape or budget. Material
fee of $80 payable to instructor Covers a
63 page personalized Style Guide, worksheets and handouts.
140118-10 Th 10/29 & 11/12 6:30-9P
140118-11 Th 11/19 & 12/3 6:30-9P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $59/$54 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Blair Massey,
Image Consultant
Legal Programs
Wills vs. Trusts:
(Ages 18 +)
Attorney Clara Yang will explain the differences between a will and a trust, and provide you with the framework to determine
which document will best serve your
needs. Even if you already have a will or
a trust, you will benefit from understanding your options, including how to use the
documents to avoid court proceedings,
minimize taxes, preserve the maximum
amount of wealth possible for your loved
ones and maintain flexibility for yourself.
This is an educational seminar only, with
no pressure or obligation. Attorney Clara
Yang has been working in estate planning,
probate, and elder law in Placerville for
over 9 years. She is dedicated to helping her clients achieve the best results
for their individual situation and gain the
maximum benefit from an estate plan.
140151-09 Tu 9/29
Location: Social Room
Fee: $22
Instructor: Clara Yang – Attorney at Law
Protecting Your Minor
Children with
an Estate Plan
Durable Power
of Attorney vs.
Protecting the Special
Needs Loved One
NEW! Community Choir
(Ages 18 +)
This seminar is designed to address common concerns of families with young children. Attorney Clara Yang will provide a
quick summary of will, trusts, probate,
guardianship and how they affect the
future of your children. She will help
you understand how a carefully designed
estate plan may provide financial security
for your children, avoiding future attoney’s
fees, and court cost. Attorney Clara Yang
has been working in estate planning, probate, and elder law in Placerville for over
9 years. She is dedicated to helping her
clients achieve the best results for their
individual situation and gain the maximum
benefit from an estate plan.
140154-10 Th
Location: Social Room
Fee: $22
Instructor: Clara Yang – Attorney at Law
(Ages 18 +)
If you have a family member who is
receiving financial assistance from a local,
state, or federal government, leaving them
an inheritance may jeopardize their benefits. This seminar is designed to help you
understand how a Special Needs Trust
can protect and improve the quality of life
of your disabled loved one. Attorney Clara
Yang has been working in estate planning,
probate, and elder law in Placerville for
over 9 years. She is dedicated to helping
her clients achieve the best results for
their individual situation and gain maximum benefit from an estate plan.
Tu 11/03
Location: Social Room
Fee: $22
Instructor: Clara Yang – Attorney at Law
(Ages 18 +)
In this class, Attorney Clara Yang
will explain the differences between
a Durable Power of Attorney and a
Conservatorship. If you have a Durable
Power of Attorney or have been appointed under a Durable Power of Attorney or
is a conservator, this class will help you
understand your rights, duties and liabilities. Attorney Clara Yang has been working in estate planning, probate, and elder
law in Placerville for over 9 years. She is
dedicated to helping her clients achieve
the best results for their individual situation and gain the maximum benefit from
an estate plan.
140153-11 Tu
Location: Social Room
Fee: $22
Instructor: Clara Yang – Attorney at Law
(Ages 9 and up)
Join the Cameron
Park Community
Choir! The choir will
experience an enjoyable time leaning
songs to perform at
the annual Christmas
Day Craft Faire held on Saturday,
November 21, The goal of the group is
to bring the community closer together in
song! This group will meet on Tuesday
evenings at the Community Center, Ages
9 and up can join (Ages 9-12 must be
accompanied with an sdult that will also
be joining the choir). Music will be provided via the internet and printed out by
members. Hard copies can be purchased
for $10 from the instructor.
160400-09 Tu 9/1 – 11/17 6:15-7:45P
Location: Community Center
Fee: $88/$83 with resident discount
( 10%discount for groups of 3 or more)
Minimun of 10 choir members
Instructor: Cindy Nelson
Adult Sports
(Ages 18 +)
Volleyball Sunday
Night Drop-In.
Come join the fun
as adults get to be physically active, meet
new people, and play in the nicest gym
in the Foothills. Teams will be randomly
organized and should receive constant
playing time on two full-size
volleyball courts.
Su 9/20-10/11 4:30-6P
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee: $5 drop in or $18 for all 4
Instructor: Alyssa Kimball
adult SPorts
Adult Tuesday
Basketball League
(Ages 18+)
140356-08 Tu 8/25-10/20 6 pm
140356-11 Tu 11/10-1/5 6 pm
(no games 12/23;12/30)
Location: Community Center Gym
Fee: $425/session/team, Register teams
or sign-up on the free agent list – no cost
until placed on a team.
Adult Starters/Re-Starters with goal of
Rallying and Beginning Play
140322-09 Th 8/13-9/3
140322.10 Th 9/10-10/1
140322-11 Th 10/8-10/29 6-7P
Location: Tennis Courts
Cameron Park Lake
Fee: $69/ $64 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Andy Webb
Grand Slam Tennis Mixers
Organized Round Robin Play by abilities
440321-08 US OPEN MIXER
Sa 8/29 9:30-11:30A
Location: Tennis Courts Cameron Park Lake
Fee: $15/player plus a New Can of Balls.
Instructor: Andy Webb
Join the Club! El Dorado Camera Club News
We have 2 types of print competitions, the one scheduled in February
occurs 3 times a year in February,
May and October and has multiple
categories and a non-affiliated with
the club judge. It is the entire meeting
and a good way for people to learn
what makes a good photo as the
judge critiques the entries in front of
the audience. It is open to anyone but
there is a small entry fee. The other
is the Monthly Challenge which happens 7 times a year, January, March,
April, June, August, September, and
November. It is audience judged by
ballots. It is open to members only for
entries but anyone in the audience
can vote. The rules for these competitions can be found on the website
and the email for the club is EDCC.
Adult Tennis
• Thursday, August 20
7pm – regular meeting
Attention volleyball
and basketball
Open gym times
most weekday afternoons. Please call 530677-2231
for availability.
• Thursday, September 17
7pm – regular meeting
• Thursday, October 15
7pm – print competition. ** Location
for this competition is at Station 89
– 3200 County Club Drive
• Thursday, November 19
7pm – regular meeting
NEW! The Pro Active Puppy Class
NEW! The Pro Active Plus
(Ages 18 +)
The fundamental skills and techniques you will learn in this class
will set the foundation for any future training and activities you
wish to do with your dog.
Skills taught:
Establishing a relationship
Obedience commands
Methods to motivate and train your dog using family friendly
games, treats and fun exercises
Body Handling techniques
Q&A dedicated to discussing common household manners and
behavioral issues* and solutions.
*This class covers solutions for common household and behavioral issues.
For puppies 4 months & up - All dogs need to be up to date on
age appropriate vaccinations and have a negative fecal done in
the last year. Equipment needed - Treat bag, clicker and lots of
small soft chewy treats!
160109-09 W 09/09 – 10/14 W 10/21-12/2* 160109-10 *No class 11/25
Location – Rasmussen Park, Cameron Park
Fee: $99/$94 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Chris Ruppenthal – CPDT-KA
Dog Training Class
(Ages 18+)
A 6 week intermediate level obedience course designed to solidify
basic obedience commands that have already been introduced
to your dog. If your dog knows the basic obedience cues (sit,
down, stay) and can do them when no one is around but seems
to struggle as soon as you introduce distractions, this is the class
for you! We will work with the “3 D’s” of dog training: adding distance, duration and distractions to all of the basic obedience commands along with an emphasis on polite leash walking and the
ever important Recall (Come) command. All dogs need to be up
to date on age appropriate vaccinations and have a negative fecal
done in the last year. Equipment needed - Treat bag, clicker and
lots of small soft chewy treats!
160109-11 W 09/09 – 10/14 W 10/21-12/2* 160109-12 *No class 11/25
Location – Rasmussen Park, Cameron Park
Fee: $99/$94 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Chris Ruppenthal – CPDT-KA
11:30A – 12:30P
11:30A – 12:30P
The CPCSD supports the
California Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights
Mission: To encourage California’s children to participate in outdoor recreational activities and discover their heritage.
Objective: That every child in California, by the completion of their 14th year, has the opportunity to
participate in each of the activities listed within the California Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights.
The California Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights
provides that every child should have the right to:
j Play in a safe place
j Camp under the stars
j Explore nature
j Ride a bike
j Learn to swim
j Go boating
j Go fishing
j Connect with the past
j Follow a trail
j Plant a seed
in prog te
and ex ams
the adv rience
on this es
Members of the Roundtable include recreation, parks and tourism leaders from local, state and federal agencies,
private and non-profit organizations, educational institutions and the public.
Web Address: www.calroundtable.org
SAFETY classes
CPR & First Aid
Classes Instructors: Rescue Training Institute
Location: 13405 Folsom Blvd, Ste 180,
Folsom (916) 939-2277
Please bring a valid picture ID to class.
NO walk-ins. Registration closes 48 hours
before class begins. Two-year certific
ation cards are issued within a week of
course completion.
Heartsaver Adult/
Child/Infant CPR & AED
(Ages 12 +)
Learn the American Heart Association’s
one-person technique for adult, child, infant
CPR and AED use.
160116-09 Sa
160116-10 Sa
160116-11 Sa
160116-12 Sa
Fee: $67/$62 with CP resident discount
Pediatric CPR & First Aid
(Ages 12 +)
Learn Medic First Aid’s
infant and child (age 8 &
under) CPR and first aid.
Class is approved by the CA
EMSA and Community Care
Licensing for daycare/preschool providers
and we are required to affix their approval
sticker to your card at a cost of $6, payable
at class.
160117-08 Sa
160117-09 Sa
160117-10 Sa
160117-11 Sa
160117-12 Sa
Fee: $82/$77 with CP resident discount
Heartsaver Adult/Child
(Ages 16 +)
Learn the American Heart Association’s
one-person technique for adult and child
CPR and AED use.
160124-09 Sa
160124-10 Sa
160124-11 Sa
160124-112 Sa
Fee: $62/$57 with CP resident discount
Healthcare Provider
CPR Skills Session
(Ages 16 +)
Prerequisite: Completion of the American
Heart Association’s BLS for Healthcare
Providers Online course found at www.
onlineaha.org. Bring the Completion
Certificate to the skills session. In the
Healthcare Provider CPR Skills Session
students will get skills practice and then
demonstrate these skills to an instructor.
160121-08 Sa
160121-09 Sa
160121-9A Sa
160121-10 Sa
160121-1A Sa
160121-11 Sa
160121-12 Sa
Fee: $47/$42 with CP resident discount Basic Plus CPR/AED
First Aid Skills Session
(Ages 12 +)
Prerequisite: Completion of
Medic First Aid’s BasicPlus
CPR/AED/First Aid Online course.
We provide a link and code to the online
class. Bring the Completion Certificate
to the skills session. In the BasicPlus
CPR/AED/First Aid Skills Session students will get skills practice and then
demonstrate these skills to an instructor.
160125-08 Sa
160125-09 Sa
160125-9A Sa
160125-10 Sa
160125-10A Sa
160125-11 Sa
160125-12 Sa
Fee: $67/$62 with CP resident discount
Heartsaver Adult/
Child/Infant CPR & AED
& First Aid
(Ages 12 +)
Learn the AHA’s basic first aid administration for medical, injury & environmental emergencies. Not approved for
licensed daycare providers.
160126-09 Sa
160126-10 Sa
160126-11 Sa
160126-12 Sa
Fee: $77/$72 with CP resident discount
Heartsaver First Aid
(Ages 12 +)
Learn the AHA’s basic first aid administration for medical, injury & environmental emergencies. Not approved for
licensed daycare providers.
160130-09 Sa
160130-10 Sa
160130-11 Sa
160130-12 Sa
Fee: $47/$42 with CP resident discount
Healthcare Provider
CPR & AED (Initial and
(Ages 16 +)
Learn the AHA’s one and two-person
technique for adult, child, infant CPR,
AED, oxygen and barrier use. Class is
intended for current professional rescuers who have taken this training before.
160131-08 Sa
160131-09 Sa
160131-9A Sa
160131-10 Sa
160131-1A Sa
160131-11 Sa
160131-12 Sa
Fee: $67/$62 with CP resident discount
Hunter Safety
(Ages 10 +)
An all-day class. Please
bring #2 pencil and
lunch. Obtain class book
from CSD and/or study
online at www.cdfw.
ca.gov. Complete the
self-study quiz at end of
book as it will help you pass test at end of
class. Will receive your Hunter Education
Certificate same day. Classroom instruction includes ethics, wildlife management, conservation, sportsmanship,
ecology and firearms. Ten commandments
of firearm safety.
160105-09 Sa
160105-11 Sa
160105-12 Sa
Location: Social Room
Fee: $25
Instructor: Larry Nelson
Mature Adults
Tai Chi for
Better Balance
(Ages 55 +)
“Moving for Better Balance”, a simplified 8
form program developed by Dr. Fuzhong
Li of the Oregon Research Institute w
hich focuses on mental/physical musculoskeletal conditioning, cardiovascular
function, flexibility, stability, and balance. This program includes warm up
exercises, practice of Tai Chi forms, cool
down and meditation, and includes a
monthly assessment of participant’s condition based on selected physical tests. No
Tai Chi experience is necessary, it’s a
good way to make new friends, and enjoy
physical conditioning in a melodic atmosphere. $5 supply fee payable to instructor
for documents on Tai Chi, stretching, and
basic balance.
150712-09 Tu 9/1-9/22
150712-10 Tu 10/6-10/27 1:30-2:30P
150712-11 Tu 11/3-11/24 1:30-2:30P
150712-12 Tu 12/1-12/22 1:30-2:30P
Location: Dance Studio
Fee: $35/$30 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Roy Imai
NEW! Basic Low
Impact Aerobics
This class is for the people interested in
getting fit but not sure where to start. So
Start Here! Basic bodyweight exercises.
Flexibility incorporating some yoga and
myofascial release, review nutrition and
fitness tips too.
150707-09 T 9/1-9/29
150707-10 T 10/6-10/27 9-10A
150707-11 T 11/3-11/24 9-10A
150707-12 T 12/1-12/22 9-10A
Location: Dance Room
Fee: $40/$35 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Dayna Rodgers
NEW! Paint and a
Splash Too!
Never Painted before?? Perfect! We
offer a completely comfortable and relaxing atmosphere where you and your
friends can enjoy each other’s company
while Terri, Maggie and Sherry guide
you through a 2-3 hour acrylic painting.
Materials incuded.
140101-10 M 10/19 9A-12P
140101-12 M 12/7 9A-12P
Location: Social Room
Fee: $48/$43 with CP resident discount
Instructors: Paint and A Splash Too! Terri Haverty, Maggie Bosch, &
Sherry Pavloff
AARP Driver’s
Safety Class
Want to save $$ on your auto insurance?
Age 50 or older? Just complete the 8
hour AARP Driver Safety class being
offered at Cameron Park Community
Center. Two classes are available –
October or November. The October
class is a one day refresher class held on
Wednesday, October 21 from 8:30am1:00pm. The November class is presented in two 4-hour blocks; held on Monday,
November 2 and Thursday, November 5
from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The class will
keep you up to date on current DMV information, present a review of rules of the
road and introduce defensive driving techniques for older drivers. NO TESTS to
take and a DMV certificate of completion
is issued if you participate in all 8 hours
of the class. There is a $15 class fee for
AARP members and a $20 fee for nonmembers. Pre-registration, with payment,
is required as class size is limited to 20
participants so call the El Dorado
County Senior Center at 530-621-6255 or
Ralph Hern at 530-626-5268 for additional
information and to reserve your spot.
Forms for the class are available at the
CSD office.
Medicare & Medicare
(Ages 50 +)
Are you preparing to enter the world of
Medicare or planning for retirement?
Need to make a change? Overwhelmed
by all the choices for Medicare plans?
This class will provide information on what
is and is not covered by Medicare Parts
A,B, C, and D. For educational purposes
only, this is NOT a sales seminar.
150100-09 Th
150100-10 Th
150100-11 Th
11/12 10-11:30A
150100-12 Th
Location: Community Center
Fee: $7/$5 with CP resident discount
Instructor: Stacy Iseminger
Free Senior Legal
Diana Steele from Senior Legal Services
will be available to help with legal matters that seniors may have. Senior Legal
Services attorneys meet with seniors
individually to provide information and
assistance with a wide variety of specific
problems – including:
• Estate Planning
• Public Benefits
• Consumer Issues
• Health Care
• Real Property
• Abuse and Exploitation
Please contact Kristen Armstrong at 530621-6154 to schedule an appointment
Appointments are currently available on:
W 9/16 10A-2P
W 10/21 10A-2P
W 11/18 10A-2P
W 12/16 10A-2P
Location: Community Center
- BINGO Bingo sponsored by New West Haven,
Nurse Next Door and the Cameron
Park CSD is held on the 2nd Tuesday
of the moth from 1-3pm. $3 for 2
cards, $1 each additional – 4 card limit.
September 8. October 13, November
10, and December 8.
UCCE Master
Gardener Public
Education Classes
Putting your Garden
to Bed
In partnership with the Cameron Park
Community Services District
Collecting and
How to save seeds and keep an
Amazing Garden Journal
In this class, you’ll get to practice collecting, labeling, and saving seeds and then
you’ll start your seed or garden journal to
record your efforts. If you have a smart
phone or tablet, bring it to explore online
options for record keeping.
Wednesday, September 9,
9:00 am – noon
Greywater and
Rainwater Harvesting
Tap into free water sources that are readily available on your own property. Learn
various methods of collecting and utilizing rain, including rain gardens. Master
Gardener Alice Cantelow will also tell you
how to safely and legally use greywater—the water from your clothes washer,
shower and bathroom sinks.
Wednesday, October 14,
9:00 am – noon
Learn how easy it is to Put Your Garden
To Bed with Master Gardeners Cindy
Young and Cheryl Turner. They will discuss yard and garden clean up, cool
season planting, tool sharpening and
cleaning, composting, mulching, pruning, the importance of collecting those
valuable fall leaves, and much more.
Wednesday, October 28,
9:00 am – noon
Selection and Planting
of Backyard Fruit &
Citrus Trees
This class will stress the development
of small fruit trees, about 6 - 8 feet high,
commonly called “fruit bushes”. Insight
into choosing varieties and cultivars appr
opriate for each attendee’s tastes and
location. Wednesday, November 4,
9:00 am – noon
Speaker Series
held at 10 am at the Cameron Park
Community Center.
Refreshments will be provided.
Wednesday, September 23 - 10A
Kasey Lonbaken RN - Clinic Manager
from the Shingle Springs Health and
Wellness Center will do a presentation on
the services offered at the Health and
Wellness Center located at the Shingle
Springs Rancheria.
Wednesday October 21 - 10A
Terri Stratton - Executive Director from
El Dorado Community Health Center will
discuss the service provided including
healthcare services, Behavioral health
services, Case Management, and information about our new dental services.
Wednesday, November 18 – 10A “
What makes Folsom the city that it is
today?” Join author Roberta Kludt Long
as she tells the story in works and photos
of Modern Folsom.
Wednesday, December 2 – 10A
Mary Cory from the El Dorado Historical
Museum will do a power point presentation on one of the exhibits from the
Please Note
The Community Services District
is always in need of volunteers
for special events. If you or
your organization would like to
volunteer your time and talents,
please call the CSD offices at
(530) 677-2231.
The Cameron Park CSD Staff
reserves the right to photograph facilities, activities
and program participants for
potential future use. All photos
will remain the property
of Cameron Park CSD and
may be used for publicity or
promotional purposes only.
The Cameron Park Community Services District serves a broad
audience and would like to thank our annual sponsors for their
support. Please visit the inside back cover for sponsors’ logos
and be sure to support these businesses. Advertising sponsors
can be viewed on pages 12 & 13. Please visit cameronpark.org
for ad space opportunities.
mature adults
Gold Nugget Quilters
Wed 12/9 11:45am
Joint the CSD, Julie
from New West Haven
and Carrie from The
Nurse Next Door for a
holiday lunch which will
include entertainment,
games, lunch and a
raffle at the Cameron
Park Community
Center. Please call
to RSVP.
Wednesday mornings means
quilting at the Cameron Park
Community Center. Always wanted
to learn, but never had the time? Or
are you a quilter and want to become
more involved? Then come visit the
Gold Nugget Quilters when we meet
from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm every
Wednesday. You will be very welcome!
Weed Abatement,
Defensible Space
is Everyone’s
Senior Nutrition
Look for Senior Nutrition
Program at the Community
Center, Mondays & Fridays,
dates to be announced.
Please check website
Ask us how.
“Excellence through
Cooperation since 1996”
Join us every Tuesday/Thursday, in the
50+ Room, located at the Cameron Park
Community Center (CSD)
1 Rummikub 10 am
8 Brain Health 10:30 am Judy Bakke
15 50+ Room open 10 am
22 Game Day 10 am
sponsored by CP Newcomers
Short Story/Discussion 1 pm
29 50+ Room Open 10 am
3 50+ Room Open 10 am
10 Mexican Train 10 am
17 Senior Scam/YANA 10 am
Det. Simon Brown
24 50+ Room Open 10 am
6 Rummikub 10 am
13 Brain Health Activities 10:30 am
20 50+ Room Open 10 am
27 Game Day 10 am
Sponsored by CP Newcomers
Short Stories 1 pm
1 “Generations” Vicki Ludwig 10:30
8 Mexican Train 10 am
15 Safe At Home 11 am
Roberta Rimbault
22 50+ Room Open 10 am
29 50+ Room Open 10 am
3 Rummikub 10 am
10 Brain Health Activities 10:30 am
**17 Left, Center, Right 10 am
Ante – 4 cans/boxes of food
24 Game Day 10 am
sponsored by CP Newcomers
Short Story/Discussion 1pm
5 50+ Room Open 10 am
12 Mexican Train 10 am
***19 Bunco 10 am $5.00 to enter
26 Happy Thanksgiving
To enter bring 4 cans/boxes of food (3
will be prizes, 1 to Food Bank); sign-up
in the 50+ Room or call 530 677-2231,
to reserve a place at the table
*** Bunco Party on Thursday, Nov. 19,
10 am - $5.00 to enter the game, sign-up
in the 50+ Room or call 530 677-2231,
to reserve a place at the table.
1 Rummikub 10 am
8 Brain Health 10:30 am Judy Bakke
15 Holiday Celebration 10am
22 Game Day 10 am
sponsored by CP Newcomers
Short Story/Discussion 1 pm
29 50+ Room Open 10 am
3 50+ Room Open 10 am
10 Mexican Train 10 am
17 50+ Room Open 10 am
24 Closed “Happy Holidays”
31 Closed “Happy New Year”
trips/tours/mature adults
Santa Fe Holiday
– featuring 4 nights in Santa Fe departing
December 2, 2015 – 4 days Wednesday –
Tour Highlights
Albuquerque City Tour; Old Town Albuquerque;
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center; Santa Fe City
Tour; Loretto Chapel; Taos City Tour; Taos
Pueblo; High Road to Taos and 4 Nights in
Santa Fe - One Hotel
Roundtrip Airfare – SMF; Roundtrip Transfers –
SMF;Tour Director; 6 Meals - 4 - Breakfasts &
2 – Dinners; Motorcoach Transportation;
Admissions per Itinerary; Sightseeing per
Itinerary; Hotel Transfers; Baggage Handling
4 Nights Accommodations Inn of Governors, Santa Fe
Tour Rates - $1425 per person double
+ 450 single supplement
Trips offered by Premier World
Discovery. Come and attend a
presentation on the trips planned
for the upcoming year on Tuesday,
October 13 at the Community
Center from 10am to noon. Kris
Adams will be here to highlight
what tours will be offered for travel
in the upcoming months.
Charleston and
March 13 for 7 days Sunday - Saturday
Tour Highlights
Charleston City Tour; Boone Hall
Plantation; Fort Sumter Boat Tour; Beaufort;
Beaufort Horse Drawn Carriage Tour;
Savannah City Tour; Mrs. Wilkes Boarding
House Dinner; Jekyll Island Trolley Tour;
Lunch at Jekyll Island Club; St. Augustine
Trolley Tour. 2 Nights Charleston, SC;
2 Nights Savannah, GA and 2 Nights St.
Augustine, Florida
Roundtrip Airfare – SMF; Roundtrip
Transfers – SMF; 10 Meals: 6 - Breakfasts,
1 - Lunch & 3 Dinners; Professional Tour
Director; Daily Sightseeing per Itinerary;
Deluxe Motorcoach; Baggage Handling;
Hotel Transfers Ca
Com 2 Nights - Holiday Inn Historic District,
Charleston; 2 Nights - Hilton Garden Inn or
Doubletree Historic District, Savannah; 2
Nights - St. Augustine, Florida
Booking Discount*: $2445 pp double
Regular Rate: $2545 pp double Single
Supplement: +$750
BOOKING DISCOUNTDeposit by January 31, 2016
by check or credit card and make your
Final Payment by check & receive
$200 per couple/$100 per person Booking
Cape Cod and the
June 5 for 7 days Sunday - Saturday
Tour Highlights
Nantucket Island Tour; Boston City Tour;
Plymouth Plantation; Plymouth Rock;
Mayflower II; Hyannis; Martha’s Vineyard
Tour; Newport’s Ocean Drive; Breakers
Mansion Tour; Heritage Plantation;
Sandwich; New England Lobster Dinner;
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Roundtrip Airfare – SMF; Roundtrip
Transfers – SMF; 6 nights first class hotel;
9 Meals: 6 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners; Daily
Sightseeing; Admission per Itinerary;
Professional Tour Director; Deluxe
Motorcoach; Baggage Handling; Hotel
6 nights Doubletree Hyannis, Hyannis, MA
Booking Discount*: $2245 pp double
Regular Rate: $2345 pp double
Single Supplement: +$650
BOOKING DISCOUNTDeposit by January 31, 2016
by check or credit card and make your
Final Payment by check & receive
$200 per couple/$100 per person Booking
Limo Tours
Artists and Crafters Wanted
Gather your friends together and take
a limo ride to Apple Hill, The Wine
Country, or tour the Holiday Lights.
About Time Limousines will do this for
$440 for groups up to 8 people. Please
call the office to schedule a date for the
tour of your choice.
CPCSD Presents “An Old Fashioned Christmas Craft Faire”
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Artists and crafters are needed for the 20th Annual Art and Craft Faire to be held at the
Cameron Park Community Center located at 2502 Country Club Drive. The Faire will
be held on Saturday, November 21 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. Deadline to register is
October 16, 2015 or when full. All items must be non-commercially manufactured items.
The booth fee is $60 for a 10’ X 10’ space only. If electricity is required that is an additional $10. For more information please call the Cameron Park CSD at (530) 677-2231 or
email us at cpcsd@cameronpark.org.
Cameron Park Event Center
Whether it’s for business or
pleasure, our facilities offer
something for everyone!
The Cameron Park Community Services District has a variety of rooms for
any of your special occasions at reasonable and competitive rates. Whether
it’s for business or pleasure, our facilities offer something for everyone!
The main assembly hall can seat 252 people comfortably for banquet
seating or up to 356 people for assembly style seating. The space
can also be divided into thirds for smaller meeting areas with sound
dampening dividers. The hall is equipped with a projector and screen
and the technology to hook up laptops and iPads for presentations.
There is an expansive stage for musical and theatrical performance,
complete with green room and loading docks.
The commercial kitchen has two gas convection ovens, a six burner
heavy duty gas range and griddle, a microwave, commercial refrigeration with freezer, plus more! Perfect for a business chef.
The social room can be used for meetings or social gatherings.
The dance room has a free floating floor, mirrors and bars.
The gymnasium has bleacher seating for over 200, six retractable
baskets to accommodate regulation, half, and quarter court play, and
can be set up for side-by-side Volleyball.
Our aquatics center boasts a beautiful rim flow design pool with a
water slide and 10 lanes for competition swimming or open swim, plus
a shallow area for program activities. Don’t forget pool parties and
public events can be held at the pool.
Please give us a call or stop by for specialized service. If you’re planning
an event regardless of size and duration we have a reasonably priced
space for you.
Park locations are available for outdoor event venues such as
weddings, family gatherings, corporate events, and more!
An ideal location to hold your holiday party - book now!
CSD Board of Directors
Scott McNeil, President
Greg Stanton, Vice President
Amy Blackmon
Margaret Mohr
Holly Morrison
Board meetings are held the
third Wednesday of every month
at 6:30pm at the Cameron Park
Community Center.
Cameron Park
Community Services District
2502 Country Club Dr.
530-677-2231 fax 530-677-2201
Office hours; Mon – Fri, 8am – 5pm
Park Lake
Park Airport
Mira Loma
Oxford Rd.
Cameron Park
Community Center
3 Park
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Cameron
Park Community Services District to
preserve and enhance the quality
of life for the residents of Cameron
Park, and surrounding areas, and to
safeguard the health, safety, and
welfare of the community.
Royal Oaks
y Club Dr.
Station 89
Dave West
Park 4
Park and Facility
Boat Rentals
Multi use/Use Fields
Facility/Park Rentals
Pets (on leash)
Dog Park (off leash)
Playground Equipment
Walking Trail
Multi-purpose Room w/stage
Swimming Lagoon/Pool
Cameron Park Community
Services District provides:
• Fire Services
• Emergency Medical Services
• Parks Development and Management Services
• Recreation Programs and Facilities
• Lighting and Landscape
Management Services
• CC&R Compliance Review and
• Disposal Contract Services
e Rd
Bass Lake Rd
District Staff
Mary Cahill, General Manager
Fire Battalion Chiefs:
– Bob Counts, Administration
– Mike Smith, Fire Marshall
J.R. Hichborn, Interim Parks Superintendent
Tina Helm, Recreation Supervisor
Aris Chambers, Recreation Coordinator
Lyle Eickert, CC&R Compliance Officer
Ted Williams, Senior Accountant
Darcy Porter, Front Office
1 Cameron Park Community and Aquatic Center 2502 Country Club Drive
M-F 8am -10pm
2 Cameron Park Lake
2989 Cambridge Road
3 Christa McAuliffe Park & Skate Park
2400 Merrychase Drive
4 Dave West Park
Crazy Horse Drive
5 Gateway Park
Cambridge Drive
6 Hacienda Park
Cameron Park Drive
• • •
7 Rasmussen Park
Mira Loma Drive
8 Station 89
3200 Country Club Drive
9 Station 88
2961 Alhambra Drive
• •
• •
• • • • •
• •
• • •
• • •
CSD office will be closed for the following Holidays:
Labor Day...................................................... September 7
Coulmbus Day................................................. October 12
Veteran’s Day...............................................November 11
Thanksgiving........................................November 26 & 27
Christmas..............................................December 24 & 25
New Year’s Day ................................................. January 1
Go Online
Mail In
Phone In
In Person
Visit our web page
To CSD office
2502 Country Club Dr.
Cameron Park 95682
To CSD office
M-F 8 am - 5 pm
Stop by and register
at the CSD office at;
2502 Country Club Dr.
M-F 8 am - 5 pm
Pre-registration is required for all
programs. Some programs are in
high demand and will fill quickly. Early
registration is encouraged to ensure that
programs are not cancelled due to low
enrollment. Please note that there is a $25
fee for returned checks.
Refund Policy: Full refunds will be given if
an activity or class is cancelled by CPCSD.
Refund requests need to be made in writing
at the CPCSD Office. Full refunds minus
the processing fee will be processed when
a 2 week notice is given prior to start of the
program/class. Less than a 2 week notice
refunds will be pro-rated to 50% due to
staff level planning inpacts. A “rain check
- household credit” in lieu of a refund can
be provided. There will be a $5 processing
fee for each and every refund request/
transfer. Refund checks take approximately
3-4 weeks to process. Refunds will not be
granted for non-attendance, any excursions,
trip or activities that require pre-paid
admission, or material fees paid in advance.
Cameron Park Community Services District
Program Registration Form
You can also register online at www.cameronpark.org
Email: _________________________________________
Phone/cell phone: ________________________________
Emergency Contact: ______________________________
T-shirt size (if applicable) Youth _S
_M _L Adult _S _M _L _XL
Birth date
Participant’s name:
How did you hear about us?: _______________________
Class name
Please make checks payable to CPCSD Waiver: The enrolled named individual(s), or his
or her legal guardian, has read the class description and understands the nature and content of
the class, and in consideration of being permitted
to participate in the class, agrees as follows:
In consideration of his/her permitted to participate
in a class/activity sponsored by the Cameron Park
Community Services District (CSD), for myself,
my spouse, and my child, do release and forever
discharge the CSD, its directors, employees and
instructors from any and every claim, demand,
Class Date
Total Fees enclosed $ ___________
action or right of action arising from or by reason
of any bodily injury or personal injuries, death or
property damage which may occur as a result of
his/her participation in the current enrolled class
or any activities in connection with the current
enrolled class, whether or not caused by any act
or omission of the CSD, its directors, employees,
or instructors.
Cameron Park Community Services District does
not have or provide medical or accident insurance
for persons involved in programs sponsored by
the Cameron Park Community Services District.
waiver, I understand that the CSD staff or agents
may photograph me and/or my minor children
and that the CSD may use such photographs to
promote recreational programs now and in the
future. I expressly allow, and hereby waive any
objection to the CSD or its agents photographing
me and/or my minor children when I and /or my
minor children are participating in CSD programs
and activities. I understand that the photos shall
remain the property of the Cameron Park Community Services District.
Visa /Mastercard/American Express #_____________________
For Office Use Only
Receipt # ____________________
Date:__________________3 digit security Code:________
cash q check q credit card q
I have read the above information and agree to its terms.
Today’s Date:_____________
Participant’s Signature________________________________
or Guardian if under 18)
and Growing!
2014 Community
...and growing!
growing! Sponsors
...and growing!
...and growing!
2014 ...and
Connecting with the
Future Starts Here
For Cameron Park.
For the Next Generation.
We are proud to serve and support the
Cameron Park Community Services District. Thank
you for all you do to enrich our community.
...and growing!
It’s about you.
It’s about you.
It’s about you.
It’s It’s
It’s about you.
It’s about you.
It’s about you.
It’s about you.
It’s about you.It’s about you.
It’s about you.
Use black logo on light or white backgrounds.
Note: Only use black logo, not white box.
Cameron Park
Community Foundation
The Cameron Park Community
Foundation, a 501(c)3, is an opportunity
for community members to support
“people, parks and programs.”
Creating Community Through People, Parks & Programs
Your donations and commitment to the community can provide for:
• People
(volunteer opportunities, volunteer recognition and community partnerships
and more!)
• Parks
(benches and tables,
landscaping, new
signage, fencing,
improvements to
park sites and more!)
• Programs
(scholarships for
summer camp, swim
lessons, recreation
programs, sports
leagues, special
events and more!)
We want to welcome your ideas to build community in a meaningful
way! Please contact cpcsd@cameronpark.org for more information.
Prst. Std
US Postage
Permit No 13
Shingle Springs,
CA 95682
Cameron Park Community Services District
2502 Country Club Drive
Cameron Park, CA 95682
Dear Postal Customer
Halloween Carnival
& Pumpkin Patch
Saturday, October 24
1:30-4:00 pm
Cameron Park Lake
Pumpkin Patch and Maze!
Costume Parade! Crafts,
food, refreshments and oldfashioned carnival games
and prizes! Come on down
to Cameron Park Lake in
costumes and be prepared
for an afternoon of
Halloween fun!
Ages 12 & under
Capitol Pops Concert Band
Saturday, September 26
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Music starts at 7:00 pm
Sierra Symphony
Sunday, December 6
Doors open at 3:00 pm
Music starts at 4:00 pm
Sacramento Jazz Orchestra
Monday, December 14
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Music starts at 7:00 pm
Indoor craft
faire features
hundreds of
hand-made crafts
specific for the
Holiday season!
10am – 4pm
Saturday, November 21
Cameron Park
Community Center
Food & beverages available!
Concert Series
2502 Country Club
Saturday, December 5
Cameron Park Community Center
Cameron Park Explorer Post 89
Fire Department
Pancake Breakfast
8:00am -12:00pm
$5 per person
shine o!!
Santa Run
$25 adults
$15 ages 17 & under
Santa Parade
December 11, 12, 13
Rain Dates:
December 18, 19, 20