Oberhasli Swiss - Oberhasli Breeders of America
Oberhasli Swiss - Oberhasli Breeders of America
Oberhasli Swiss Newsletter Oberhasli Breeders of America – ADGA Convention 2011 2011 Nat’l Premier Oberhasli Youth Exhibitor, Tim Von Thun 1 Oberhasli Swiss Newsletter Published 5 times a year: Winter (January 15 deadline) Spring (April 15 deadline) Summer (July 15 deadline) Convention (September 15 deadline) Fall (November 15 deadline) Advertising Rates: *Breeders Listing - $10.00/year *Business Card - $4.00/issue or $15/year *New Champion/ 3000# Milker/ EX Linear Appraisal ad - $4 each $2 each for youth members *Quarter Page Ad - $7 single issue or $5 each for two or more *Half Page Ad - $12 single issue or $9 each for two or more *Full Page Ad - $20 single issue or $15 each for two or more *Cover Color Photo & Article - $35 *Classified Ads $0.10/word single issue or $0.08/word for two or more *Ads and all editorial can be submitted to the editor by email or regular mail: Ben Peterson 8580 S. Cherry Fresno, CA 93725 Email: petesakeoberhasli@yahoo.com * Please send all monies to the S/T. Make checks payable to the OBA. Alison Charter-Smith 9609 Zayante Drive Felton, CA 95018 Email: alisoncs@wildblue.net EDITOR’S NOTE Here it is again – Fall. It’s one of those bittersweet moments as a dairy goat owner. Sure, exciting breeding plans are being put into motion, and for some, maybe a little break from milking does is in store. On the other hand, bucks begin to strut their stuff and put their hormones into overdrive to excrete their signature “sweet-asroses” aroma. Despite this drawback, I’m sure we can all agree that, as Oberhasli breeders specifically, every struggle or inconvenience we run into is well worth our time for this amazing breed. Safe travels for those of you attending the ADGA National Convention this year in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It sure is a premier place to learn more in so many areas, and network with breeders and industry leaders from across the nation. Possibly one of the most coveted experiences of the convention is sitting in (and possibly bidding) on the ADGA National Spotlight Sale. The individuals that are consigned are literally the cream of the crop from nationally recognized herds. Two Oberhasli animals are expected to sell this year. Be sure to check them out: www.adgaconvention.com/Spotlight %20Sale.htm 2 All the best, BEN PETERSON Sincerely P R E S I D E N T ’ S Betty Summer is almost gone and we are into the breeding season already. The "boys" are busy dolling themselves up for the girls and the odor of musk is in the air. Through the summer the board has been quiet as they attend shows and fairs. I hope that you as members will take advantage of OBA's Hall of Fame to show off those show wins. It’s free and all you need to do is send those pictures to Andrea Green along with needed information. We are still looking for pictures of your little goat herders to put on the youth page as well. Congratulations to our Tim Von Thun for winning Youth Premier Showman at the National Show. Way to go Tim! For reasons beyond my control, I will not be at the Convention, but our display and representative will be there. May your dreams and wishes come true as you breed for that champion Oberhasli. Sincerely, Betty McCorkle OBA President REPORT 3 MILK PRODUCTION ~2010~ ADGA TOP TEN DOES EACH YEAR, THE AMERICAN DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION COMPILES A LIST FOR ALL BREEDS SHOWING THE HEAVIEST MILKING DOES IN THE AREAS OF MILK, BUTTERFAT, AND PROTEIN PRODUCTION. DHI RECORDS PROVIDE THE BASIS FOR THIS LIST AND HELP TO MORE THOROUGHLY EVALUATE INDIVIDUAL ANIMALS, HERDS, AND THE BREED AS A WHOLE. THE “ULTIMATES” IN PRODUCTION FOR THE BREED! 1) SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SHOTSI 5*M 6-11 259 3690 114 112 B/O: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 2) SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW ZORETTA 5*M 2-09 305 3600 137 113 B/O: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 3) GCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW LIL LADY 1*M 4-01 301 3150 123 95 BRED BY: JOSHUA THOMAS OWNED BY: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 4) SGCH CALIFORNIA KALVIN SPECIAL K 4*M 8-00 282 3040 95 78 B/O: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS 4) VASSAJARA'S YITTA 4*M 1-11 305 3040 98 88 B/O: DAVID MOORE BUTTERFAT PRODUCTION 1) SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW ZORETTA 5*M 2-09 305 3600 137 4 % B/O: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 2) GCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW LIL LADY 1*M 4-01 301 3150 123 4% BRED BY: JOSHUA THOMAS OWNED BY: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 3) SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SHOTSI 5*M 6-11 259 3690 114 3% B/O: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 4 4) SGCH VANJUST TTRW YVONNE 2*M 2-00 256 2620 106 4% B/O: BRANDI C GIACHINO 5) RACHELSIE H.M.S. SUPRISE 2*M 1-11 305 2480 101 4% B/O: ELSIE SHOPE ANDERSON PROTEIN PRODUCTION 1) SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW ZORETTA 5*M 2-09 305 3600 113 3% B/O: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 2) SGCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW SHOTSI 5*M 6-11 259 3690 112 3% B/O: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 3) GCH HEAVEN'S HOLLOW LIL LADY 1*M 4-01 301 3150 95 3% BRED BY: JOSHUA THOMAS OWNED BY: JILL THOMAS WHOMBLE 4) VASSAJARA'S YITTA 4*M 1-11 305 3040 88 3% B/O: DAVID MOORE 5) SG HEATHERO MIDNIGHT HOUR 3*M 1-11 290 2790 86 3% B/O: BONINI, JULIE SGCH Heaven’s Hollow Shotsi #1 Milk Production 3690 pounds in 259 days SGCH Heaven’s Hollow Zoretta #1 Protein – 113 lbs. (3%) #1 Butterfat – 137 lbs. (4%) Congratulations to the breeders of all the 2010 Top Ten Does! For the full list, visit www.ADGA.org. Get your herd enrolled for DHIR Testing for 2012 and see how your animals stack up! 5 A NOTE OF THANKS… FROM THE 2011 OBERHASLI PREMIER YOUTH EXHIBITOR, TIM VON THUN Oberhasli dairy goats since I was 5 years old. From the beginning I wanted to be one of the best Oberhasli breeders. I even told one of my teachers once when questioned, of my involvement with the goats. In what was most likely my last year participating in the youth exhibitors at the National Show, it was very rewarding to take home this honor. Thank you so much for supporting today's youth.....we're the future of our wonderful breed!!! Dear OBA, I want to thank you for the beautiful OBA blanket and ribbon. It was such a surprise and honor to receive the Premier Oberhasli Youth Exhibitor award at this year's ADGA National Dairy Goat Show! I've been raising Sincerely, Tim Von Thun Sparkling Acres Dairy Goats Mammath Junction, NJ PEEWEE SHOWMEN HIT THE RING…WITH OBERHASLI! 6 SPECIALTY SHOW UPDATE As you plan next year's show, I hope that you will consider hosting an OBA Oberhasli Specialty. Not only is this a special award, but those well deserving animals will be displayed on our website and in the newsletter. The cost of the rosettes and shipping has sky rocked but the Specialty fee is still only $50. The board voted to not raise the cost but to instead reduce the refund to help cover the cost. The application deadline is now March 31 to give you time to plan your show. The application can be found on our website, www.oberhasli.net. We look forward to serving you with our Specialties! Betty McCorkle Specialty Chairman It’s That Time of Year – OBA Memberships Expire October 31st! Join by October 31st and receive a free 25 word ad in the Fall or Winter edition! Download the Membership Application on www.Oberhasli.net and send it, along with appropriate monies to the OBA SecretaryTreasurer: Alison Charter-Smith 9609 Zayante Drive Felton, CA 95018 Email: alisoncs@wildblue.net 7 A MESSAGE FROM THE WEBMASTER It’s been four years since anybody sent in their show champion’s pictures. There is a place on the Hall of Fame for you to show off your beautiful animals and their championship wins. What a better and cheaper way of advertising your goats. There’s no cost to put your animal on the webpage where others can see them. Just send their picture along with the information listed on the Show-Champion page under the Hall of Fame link. This past year has been hard for me to get caught up on the complete restoring of the website. It has been difficult to locate old pictures and information on past recognition programs. Then it is hard to find the time to put them all together. I still have a lot of work to do. If anyone would like to help, or better yet take over the website, I would appreciate it. In order to keep the website up to date and fresh, we need to have current information. I would greatly appreciate receiving the information on the different recognition programs. So please when you send in your reports for the newsletter, send a copy to me for the website. Also if you have any information on the Youth winner for 2006 through 2011, and the All Americans from 2008 through 2011, I’d appreciate receiving them so the website can be brought up to date. O I understand the webpage has not been very active for the last several years except for the facelift that was badly needed. So sometimes it’s easy to forget that OBA has an extensive site. When you’re making out your advertising plans for next year, think about how the OBA website can help you. Submitted by: Andrea Green B 8 A Rebel Winds Oberhasli Dairy Goats Betty McCorkle 7055 Springtime Trail Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 534-7345 Jeanne95966@yahoo.com Rebel Winds proudly introduces its newest members to the herd. These two beautiful animals represent the beginning of a new line of miniature goats that have grown in popularity in areas of the United States. Being registered with the Miniature Dairy Goat Association will give me greater opportunities to show. I will be working with the 4-H in this area to see if mini members will be allowed to show these miniatures where they can’t show the full size goats. I will still be breeding full sized Oberhasli whose lines are mostly Hyonahill and are registered with the American Dairy Goat Association. 9 A RECAP OF THIS YEAR’S OBA PROGRAM WINNERS Swiss Belle – Diamond Belle Award Winner Winning this year’s Diamond Belle Award is GCH Haycreeks SS Winter. A Grade Experimental, Winter qualified for the Diamond Belle Award by being a Permanent Champion and achieving a lactation of 4-1 274 DIM-2852 lbs-129 lbs. BF-71 lbs. Pro. Her breeder is Morgan Allen of Minnesota. Congratulations! All American – Supreme Champion Senior Doe Supreme Champion Junior Doe Supreme Senior: GCH Dynamic RC Legacy B/O: Danny Hanson, CA Supreme Junior: Ober-Boerd Rumba B/O: Kirt Schnipke, OH 10 BREEDERS LISTINGS (Not a complete membership roster) CALIFORNIA DELAWARE Patty & Steven Hanson PH-OBERJOYED/ DYNAMIC 18641 Road 19 Madera, CA 93637 559-661-8334 oberjoyed@gmail.com www.oberjoyed.com Mila & Glen Wells SYCAMORE FIELDS 24978 Broadkill Road Milton, DE 19968 brooksmom1957@comcast.net IDAHO Brandi Giachino VANJUST OBERHASLI PO Box 507 Priest River, ID 83856 (208)290-8654 www.vanjust-oberhasli.weebly.com Lynn Kerby Bethany & Bekka Kerby KERBY FAMILY HERD 12335 Harding Ave. San Martin, CA 95046 lfk@kerbit.net ILLINOIS Ruth McCormick HYONAHILL OBERHASLI 24900 Skyland Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 ruthmcc@flash.net Linda S. Ferris INDIAN CREEK FAINTING GOATS 12773 E. County Road Lerna, IL 62440 Indiancreekfainters@hughes.net Ben & Kori Peterson 4PETESAKE/ LOOK AT ME 8580 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 petesakeoberhasli@yahoo.com www.4petesakelookatme.weebly.com INDIANA James M. Duha DUHA FARMS 1117 Benedict Street Whiting, IN 46394 j.duha@att.net Liz Smith MINI RIDGE TOP 22999 Central House Road Nevada City, CA 95959 530-265-5742 miniridgetop@hotmail.com www.miniridgetop.com Carole Siders END OF THE TRAIL 640 Cement Avenue Lagro, IN 46941 cdsiders@sbcglobal.net www.endofthetrailfarm.com 11 Breeders Listings… Find a typo in your listing? MICHIGAN Interested in placing a Breeders Listing in both the newsletter and website for only $10/yr? Bob & Darlene Taylor FIRSTFRUITS FARM 1517 Camp Five Road Crystal Falls, MI 49920 bobanddarlene@uplogon.com www.firstfruitsoberhasli.net Contact the editor at petesakeoberhasli@yahoo.com MINNESOTA Keith & Morgan Allen HAYCREEKS FARM 11287 485th Street Kenyon, MN 55946 507-317-0784 haycreeks@yahoo.com www.haycreeks.com NORTH CAROLINA MISSOURI OHIO Len & Margy Burton FIREPINK HOLLER 150 Hudgins Hollow Road Leicester, NC 28748 goatfarmfph@aol.com April Snapp SNAPPS 9590 County Road #139 Rosendale, MO 64483 jsnapp000@centurytell.net The Michael Havener Family KIDS N UDDERS HAVEN 9741 Township Road 554 Holmsville, OH 44633 mjhavener@gmail.com NEW JERSEY Philip & Erin Cooper DAIRYLICIOUS 70728 Vagary Lane Freeport, OH 43973 farmgirl42@gmail.com Cindy A. VonThun SPARKLING ACRES 510 Ridge Road Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 cindy@sparkling-acres.com www.sparkling-acres.com OREGON Tami Nikitins MORNING MOON 83725 Morning Star Road Creswell, OR 97426 tami.nikitins@yahoo.com NEW YORK Charleen & Joe Satkowski HARPER HILL FARM 10156 Harper Road Darien Center, NY 14040 harperhillfarm@yahoo.com www.harperhillfarm.com 12 Bryan Wesley BRYSHER FARM 82594 Greenwood Street Creswell, OR 97426 teemster@oip.net WASHINGTON TEXAS Steve & Donna Semasko EDELWEISS ACRES 7211 - 40th Court N.E. Olympia, WA 98516 edelweissacres@comcast.net Sandy Michael 359 CR 16700 Pattonville, TX 75469 smichael@spang.com WISCONSIN David W. Thompson WALNUT BEND 34411 Washington Avenue Burlington, WI 53105 dthompson@clinicpsych.com VERMONT Chester & Roxanne Ward THE BRAMBLE BARN PO Box 113 Post Mills, VT 05058 rwardbramblebarn@gmail.com OBA OFFICERS & CHAIRMEN PRESIDENT DIRECTORS Betty McCorkle 7055 Springtime Trail Oroville, CA 95966 (530)534-7345 jeanie95966@yahoo.com Ruth McCormick 24900 Skyland Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95033 ruthmcc@flash.net Myra Bamberger 3270 Bell Hill Rd. Kelseyville, CA 95451 (707)279-1763 miscgoats@yahoo.com VICE PRESIDENT Denise Ludwig 40329 Mohawk River Rd. Marcola, OR 97454 (541)933-2349 DDsOberHaven@aol.com Kirt Schnipke 17713 Rd. 4 Pandora, OH 45877 Schnk05@yahoo.com SECRETARY – TREASURER Alison Charter-Smith 9609 Zayante Drive Felton, CA 95018 alisoncs@wildblue.net 13 Andrea Green P.O. Box 7244 Kennewick, WA 99336-7244 ajud@frontier.com PREMIER YOUTH EXHIBITOR AWARDS Kirt Schnipke 17713 Rd. 4 Pandora, OH 45877 Schnk05@yahoo.com LIFETIME DIRECTOR Lib Zabriskie 37107 Louden Hts. Purcellville, VA 20132 SWISS BELLE AWARDS Darlene Taylor 1517 Camp 5 Rd. Crystal Falls, MI 49920 (906)542-3616 bobanddarlene@uplogon.com COMMITTEE CHAIRS: ALL-AMERICAN AWARDS Carole Siders 640 Cement Ave. Largo, IN 46941 (260)782-2312 cdsiders@sbcglobal.net SPECIALTY SHOWS Betty McCorkle 7055 Springtime Trail Oroville, CA 95966 530)534-7345 jeanie95966@yahoo.com OBA RESEARCH Tom Klotzbach PO Box 67 Stanfford, NY 14143 tom@oberhasli.net INTERIM WEBMASTER Andrea Green P.O. Box 7244 Kennewick, WA 99336-7244 ajud@frontier.com WAYS & MEANS Open – contact OBA if you’re interested in chairing this committee! NEWSLETTER EDITOR Ben Peterson 8580 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 petesakeoberhasli@yahoo.com 14 BRYSHER FARM Brian Wesley 541-895-3848 82594 Greenwood Street Creswell, OR 97426 teemster@oip.net www.brysherfarm.com YOUR BUSINESS CARD COULD BE HERE! Just $4 per issue or $15 per year and you can better promote your herd to other Oberhasli enthusiasts! -SNAPPSSNAPPS- REGISTERED DAIRY GOATS April Snapp 9590 Country Road #139 Rosendale, MO 64483 jsnapp000@centurytell.net GOT PHOTOS? Send us your candid or ring shots of Oberhasli to be featured in a future issue! 15 2011 IMPORTANT DATES OCTOBER 15- ADGA National Convention begins (Grand Rapids, MI) 31- 2011 OBA Memberships expire. Time to renew! NOVEMBER 15- Deadline to submit Newsletter materials for the Fall issue The Oberhasli Breeders of America VISIT US ON THE WEB: WWW.OBERHASLI.NET Promoting the Oberhasli since 1976 16