rehmatul.lil.alameen institute of cardiology pessi
rehmatul.lil.alameen institute of cardiology pessi
F REHMATUL.LIL.ALAMEEN INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY PESSI MULTAN ROAD LAHORE Cost Rs.l000i- (non-refundable) ER Due Date: 13-08-2016 l. Name of'bidder 2. Address 3. Contact No. 4. Tender Purchase Receipt F RATE CONTRA MEDICINE 2016.17 QE % THE S (F-6) No. & Date 5. Deposit at call No. & Date 6. Amount of deposit at call 7. Name of Bank and Branch 8. Sales Tax Registration No. 9. NTN No. 7: {a:. 't; 10. Professional Tax No. 11. Fax No. Certiflred that terms of the tender are noted carefully, in case of award of rate contract our firm shall comply with the terms and conditions. Name of bidder CNIC No. Mobile No. Address Signature & Stamp .ri))!r W RE,HMAT UL.LIL.ALAME, EN INSTITUTE, OF CARDIOLOGY PESSI MULTAN ROA[), LAHORE. PROCURE,ME,NT OF ME,DICINE,S BIDDING DOCUMENT FOR THE, FINANCIAL YE,AR 201 6-17 OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT REHMATUL.LIL-AL;MEEN INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY PBSSI MULTAN ROAD, LAHORE. NO.RAICPESSIIEstt/2016l lbz DArE lq- o+- 2oh INVITATION JO BID Tender Price Non refundable Last date and time of receiving tender Date and time of opening tender Call deposit Venue Rs. 1000/- l3-08-2016 till I 0:00 AM 13-08-2016 at l1:00 AM 3o/o af the estimated price in the shape of CDR Conference Room RAIC PESSI Multan Road, Lahore. TENDEIT FOIT THE I'UIT.CHASE OF MIDICINES I N.IECTA BLES/TAB L[TS/CAPSUL ES/SY RTJ PS'I N H A LATI(}N/DISPOSAB LE SYRINCES (DRUG CATIGORY) TOR T}TE FINANCIAL YEAR 20I6.I7. of Cardiology PESSI Multan Road, Lahore invites sealed bids / tenders lmporters / Sole Agents of Foreign Principals/Distributors for the supply of Medicines: Injectables/Tablets/Capsules/Syrups/lnhalation/Disposable Syringes (Drug Categoryj with framework of contract on Free Delivery to Consignee,s end basis. Rehmatul-lil-Alameer.r Institute from Manufacturers l. 2. 3. / Interested eligible bidders may get the bidding document from the Account office of RAIC on submission of written application along with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs : - 1000/- (o1e thousand only). Bidding documents shall be issued up to l2-08-2016 only during working hours. Single stage two envelopes bidding procedure sliall be applied. The 3Yo of the quoted value in the shape of Call Deposit in favor of Medical Superintendent Rehmatul-lil-Alameen Institute of Cardiology is required to be submiued with the quotation, without which the offer shall be ignored. The last date of submission of sealed tenders is 13-08-2016 till 10:00AM positively in the Conference Room RAIC and the bids will be opened at I l:00 AM on the same daie in the presence of the representatives of the firms who choose to attend. MEDICAL RINTENDBNT RAIC PESSI MULTAN ROAD LAHORE INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. / Importers / Sole Eligible bidders: - This invitation for Bids is open to all manufacturers Delivery to consignee's end basis' The Agents of Foreigrl Principals/Distributors on Free from the foreign principal importer / sole agent/distributor must possess a valid authorization / manufacturer. THE BIDDING PROCEDURB 2.SingleStage_TwoEnvelopesBiddingProcedureshallbeapplied: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. two separate envelopes' Each envelope The bid shall comprise a single package containing proposala$ Proposal. shall contain sefarately the Financial ltre 1*_chnical and "TECHNICAL The envelopes shall ie marked as "FiNANCIAL PROPOSAL" PRoPosAL,,inboldandlegibleletterstoavoidconfusiotl. shall Initially, onty i6"-*relope riarked "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" be opened' be retained in the custody of The envelope marked u, "FTNANCIAL PROPOSAL" shall the hospital without being opened' reference to the price and reject The hospital shall evaluut" tt-,. Technical Proposal,_without requirernents' any proposal which does not conform to the specified the technical proposal shall be in amendrnents no During the technical evaluatioll, permitted. vii. hospital shall at a time After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal the of the technically proposals frnancial within tr"," uiJ raiidity period, publicly open the to the communicated and accepted bids only; aia time, date and-venue to be announced bidders in advance. viii. ix. shall be returned unThe financiA f.oposat of bids found technically non-responsive opened to the respective bidders' Tie bid found to be the lowest evaluated bid shall be accepted' THE BIDDING DOCUEMENIS 3. Content of Bidding Documents: i. The goods .equi.ed (list attached), bidding procedures, and Contract terms are prescribed In addition to the Invitation for Bids, tlre bidding documents in the biddirg do"r*"rts. shall include: a) Instruction to bidders' b) Schedule of Requirements c) Technical SPecifications d) Contract Form e) Manufacturer's Authorization form fi proprietary Certificate in case of Sole manufactured / imported items' g) Bid form h) Price Schedule ii Drug Manufacturing License/Drug Sale License j) Price Reasonability Certificate is not black listed in any k) Undertaking on Siamp Paper of worth Rs. 1001 that firm reasonable and eqrrivalent Govt. / Aut]onomous body. Moreover, the rates qLroted are / firm to other company by the to the ,ut", ut which tlie products are being supplied t 'Ja{JBur / por qll^a pa{JBur aq ,{utu sIIIo}! pelonb aq} ^aolle,t plq Jo soBBd oql Jo raqunu IBIoI 'ulolloq Jo raqunu IBUas puB pauopuou aq lsnul 'pol€Utul eq lsntu uol}coJJoc/uol}ero}l€ ,{.rong aql lB pedruuls puu pouflls aq ol s! eflud fuy ped& ,{lqereSeid ',{11n3erec fre,r ut pollu aq o} sI elnpeqcs actrd Jo qroC 'll 'Jcerluoc eql Jopun ,(1ddns o1sesodord 11 'secud lun eql elnpaqcs ecud aletrdordde eql uo elecrpul llsqs repplq,lllrn i, 'secr:d pue',fir,uunb'3ur1ced'q]3ue4s rteql'spoo3 .q1 3o uo'jducsep aclrd o1 spoo8 elll sulpnlcur 'slueuncop Sutpplq eql ut peqslurnJ elnpoqcs p!fl '9 ulrod aslrd :alnpoqcs ry uB puB r.uroc prg aql atoldruoc ll€Lls lepplq eqJ .sJepptq ol suorlcnJlsur qll^\ ecuepJocce ut peqsluJnJ,(ue3t ',(ltrnces pIB (p pellddns eq o1 pue islueruncop Surpprq eql ot LuroJuoc pu€ spoo8 elqr8rle ore ropplq oLIl i(q (c spoo8 eqt leLll sJopplq ol uollcnJlsul qll,&\ ecu€pJoccu ul peqsllqelse ecuepllo 'ftu1ueurnco6 ' .peldeccu sr prq eqtJllcertuo3 eqt;jed ol pegrlenb sl pue prq ol elqr8rle sI repplq suotlcnrlsul tlllM ecueploccu uI poqsllq€]se ecueplne '&elueuncoq (q .perlddns eq Jorrq e -eler:do.rdde oq] ]uql $epptq ol '(lesodord IstcLIBug q1,r,r 3uo1e pe]]Iuqns puB tuJoJ plg (e eq ot) s:epptq o] suotlcnrlsur rllt^\ ocu€p.locc€ ur pelelduoc elnpellcs oclJd :stuouoduoc 3ur,,ro11o3 eql esuduoc lleqs plq eqJ :plg aql8ulsFduo3 sluatuncoo ffi .sprq rreql o1 srepplq Suuede,rd ut luourpueu€ OIeu o1 uentS oq plnoqs euu elq8uoseer 'sptq &lpotu ul ro 8ur1r'rm pue luetupuetuu 'euoqd,(q 'ueql oq uo Surpurq tl€L{s e,ritcedso.rd ,uollu o1replo ul orll Jo peurtou eq lleLls .j.,r,rnrop Sutpplq aql pe^racer o^EtI 13r-l] srepplq anrlcadso;d ,(q ,1u.o,nrop S,rlpplq eql ,(;rpour ,(eut '.repprq e,rtlcedso:d e Fq pelsenber f fV ir"*fl,iaure eq}'sptq uor]€curJulc e o1 esuodseJ rn Jo a^r1ell!ul u,\\o sll ]B Joqleq,{\'uos€oJ r(uu ro3 lelrdsoq (ue ol roud euttl ]V - :sluauncoq SulpplgJo luatupuetuv '9 Jo rrotssruqns roJ aLrtlpeep eql 'slueuncop SulPPtq oql Pe^Iocer (,(lrnbul eq Jo ocrnos eqt 8u1'(;ltuepr ]noqllan ll€qs e^€q ]eq] sropplq enrlcadso.rd llE ol trres esuodse; luIdsoq eqlJo setdoc ueulrl['spl8 roJ 1nq fuenb aqlJo uolleuuldxe ue Surpnlcur) s'(ep (91) uel u€ql uortsltAUr aqt ut peqlrcse;d sprq Jo Llolssluqns eql JoJ eullpeep eq] o] :ot:d o1 3ut1u'u Jolel lou sa^IecoJ tl qctq,\\ '.1ur*nrop Strrpprq oLIlJo uouecuUelc ro3 lsenber '(uu eqt Surpptq ur puodser 11eqs lelgasoq eqJ 'Suqtril ut '1e1tdsoq oqt ,!llou',(Btu slueluncop entlcedsord V - :slueuncoq 3u1pp1g Jo uoll*c*lrul) 'n Jo uorl,c,rrelc',(ie iiuurnbor ropptq pue 'plq eqlJo uotlceb; ut llnseJ '(eru (te,te e^Isuodse'r oq] ol ut slueuncop '(11er1uepqns ?utpptq Isrr s,repptq oql tB eq 11eqs lcedse.r qslurnJ ol ernll€C 'lll uolleuroJul partnber ,(q eql Surpprq ll3 sluauncop ro o] plq € truqns ]ou 'sluotunJop .srulal'surog'suoglcn;1sul llB eu.IurBxe o1 palcadxe s! ropplq eqJ, Butpptq aql ul suollBculJads pue 'rI0z'selnu qefun4 eql ul lueueJncoJd puB l"reuaD 'II ue,rr8 se lueue;ncord puu esBqsJnd'SurpreSer suolllpuoc lercedS .ree( auo ts€l urqlr,r\ qel tueteduroc (uu4111r1,rqel!n4 eqlJo sTJCI,(q qcleq 'suo4rultrsul 'l^oD pol?rollnpvTsnoundS Jo uou€Jelcep-uou EurpreSe.r Surlepapul iii. The bidder should quote the prices of goods according to the strength / technical specifications as provided in the Form of Price Schedule and Technical Specification. Tl-re specifications of goods, different form the demand of bid enquiry, shall straight away be iv. v. rejected. The bidder is required to offer competitive price. All prices must include the General Sales Tax (GST) and othertaxes and duties, where applicable. If there is no mention of taxes, the offered / quoted price shall be considered as inclusive of all prevailing taxes/duties. The benefit of exemption from or reduction in the GST or other taxes shall be passed on to the Hospital. Prices offered should be for the whole financial year. Conditional offer shall be considered as non vi. - responsive bidder. While tendering your quotation, the present trend / inflation in the rate of goods and services in the market should be kept in mind. No request for increase in price due to market fluctuation in the cost of goods and services shatl be entertained. 8. Documents Establishing bidder's Eligibility and Qualification: a) The bidder shall furnish, as part of its technicalbid, valid documents establishing the bidder's b) eligibility to bid and its qualifications to perform the contract if its bid is accepted. The documentary evidence of the bidder's eligibility to bid shall establish to the Hospital satisfaction that the bidder, at the time of submission of its bid, is eligible as defined under c) instruction to the bidders. The docurlentary evidence (to be submitted along with technical proposal) of the bidder's qualification to perform the contract if its bid is accepted shall establish to tlie hospital satisfaction. d) The sole agent I Importer/ distributor shall have to produce letter of authorization from (Foreign Principal) and in case of manufacturer, documentary proof including Manufacturer drug manufacturing license / registration certificate to the effect that they are the original manufacturer of the required specifications of goods, shall be provided. e) National Tax Number (NTN), lncome Tax and Professional Tax paid certificate, Balance Sheet or Bank statement is mandatory with documentary proof. Bid submitted without them will not be considered for Financial Bid opening. The bidder shall subrnit an affidavit on legal stamp paper of Rs. 100/- that their firm is not black listed at any ground by any Government (Federal/Provincial/District), a local body or a public sector organization. The bidder shall be debarred from bid on account of submission of h) i) 9. false statement. The bidder should have minimum one-year experience irr the market. Similarly, it is malrdatory that the item to be quoted by the bidder / manufacturer should have availability in the rnarket minimum for the last one year. Documentary proof shall have to be provided in this regard. The bidder is required to provide with the Technical Proposal, the name of item(s) along with serial number for which they have quoted their rates in the Firrancial Proposals. The bidder must indicate the registration number, make of country of origin / manufacturer. Documents Establishing Goods' Eligibility and C.onformity to Bidding Document: The bidder shall furnish along with Teclrnical Proposal, as part of its bid, documents establishing the eligibilify and conformity to the bidding documents of all goods, which the bidder proposes to supply under the contract. 10. Submission of Sample: Tlie bidder must produce along with technical proposal TWO (02) Samples (commercial packs) of quoted product(s) according to the strength and packing of demand of enquiry at the time of opening of tender. No technical proposal /bid shall be considered in the absence of samples and the offer will be rejected, 11. Bid Securi$: ll. lll. Tlre bidder shall provid e 3o/o of the estimated price in the shape of CDR along with their quotation in the name of Medical Superintendent RAIC Multan Road, Lahoie. The bid security of the successful bidder's shall be retained by the hospital and will be returned after successful completion of the contract. The bid security is required to protect the hospital against the risk of bidder's conduct, which would warrant the security's forfeiture, pursuant of instruction to bidders. The bid security may be forfeited: a) If a bidder withdraws its bid durirlg the period of bid validiry or b) In the case ofa successful bidder, ifthe bidder fails: To sign the contract in accordance with instruction to bidders. OR To complete the supplies in the accordance with the General Condition of Contract. 12. Bid Validity: i. Bids shall remain valid for the period of three (03) months after the date of openirig of Technical Bid, prescribed by the hospital. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected 11. as non-responsive. The Hospital shall ordinarily be under an obligation to process and evaluate the bid within the stipulated bid validity period. However, under exceptional circumstances and for reason to be recorded in writing, if an extension is considered necessary, all those who have submitted their bids shall be asked to extend their respective bid validity period. Such extension shall be for not rnore tharr the period equal to the period of tire'original bid validity. 1ll. Bidders who: a) Agree to the hospital's request flor extension of bid validity period shall not be permitted to change the substance of their bids; and b) Do not agree to an extension ofthe bid validity period shall be allowed to withdraw their bids without forfeiture of their bid securities (eamest money). 13. Format and Signing of Bid: i. The bidder shall prepare and submit its bid along with original purchase receipt. The bid shall be typed and shall be signed by the bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the bidder to the contract. The person or persons signing the bid shall initial all pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature. ii. Any alterations, erasers, or over writings shallbe valid only if they are initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 14. Sealing and marking of Bids: The envelopes shall be marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL,, and "TECHNIAL PRoPosAL" in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion. The inner and outer envelopes shall: a) Be addressed to the Medical Superintendent RAIC PESSI Multan Road, Lahore. Bear the name and number indicated in the invitation for Bids. The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared as ,,non- b) lt. responsive" or "late". iii. If the outer as wellas inner envelope is not sealed and marked as required by instruction to bidder, the hospital shall assume no responsibility for the bid's misplacement or premature opening. 15. Deadline 16. for Sutrmission of Bids: Bids must be submitted by the bidder and received by the Hospital not later than the time and date specified in the invitation of bids. Late Bid: Any bid received after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed, shall be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. 17. Withdrawal of Bids: The bidder may withdraw its bid after the bid's submission and prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified in instruction to bidders. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the bidder's forfeiture of its Bid Security (Earnest Money) pursuant to the instruction to bidders. OPENING AND EVALUATION OF BIDS 18. Opening of Bids: I. Initially only the envelope marked "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" shall be opened in the presence of bidder's representatives who choose to attend, at I 1:00 am on 13-08-2016 in the Conference Room RAIC PESSI Multan Road, Lahore. The bidder's representatives who are present shall sign the Attendance Sheet evidencing their presence. However the envelope marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" SHALL BE RETAINED IN THE CUSTODY OF Hospitalwitlrout being opened till completion of the evaluation process. The bidder's names, item (s) for which they quoted their rate, serial number of the item and such other details if considered appropriate shall be announced at the opening of technical proposal. No bid shall be rejected at technical proposal / bid opening, except for late bids, which shall be returned unopened to the bidder. However, at the openirrg of the Financial Proposal (the date time and venue would be announced later on), the bid prices discounts (if any) and the presence or absence of requisite bid security and such other details, if considered appropriate shall be announced. III. The minutes of the bids opening (technical and financial) shall be recorded. 19. Clarification of Bids: During evaluation of the bids, the Authority may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted. il. 20. Preliminary Examination: All the bids shall be exarnined to detennine whether they are complete, wliether any computational emors have been made, wliether required sureties have been fumished, wlrether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. In the financial bids the arithmetical errors shall be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the tgtal price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. 11. If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid shall be rejected and its bid security may be forfeited. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. Any minor inforrnality, nonconformity, or irregularity in a bid which does not constitute a material deviation, rnay be waived provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder. ;l!l@-=r-=::i:' i=' be a bid is not substantially responsive, it shall be rejected and may not subsequently made responsive by the bidder by correction of the non-conformity. 21. Evaluation & ComParison of Bids: Substarrtially responsive bids shall be evaluated and compared, i. previous The evaluaiion bf technical proposal / bid shall be on the basis of ii. and soundness financial experience, previous performances, previous test reports, be to appropriate consider may such other a.ialtu as the authoiity, at its discretion, of basis on the be shall considered. However tlie evaluaiion of financial proposal bidders to price igclusive of all prevailing taxes and duties pursuant to instruction 111. If and bid securitY. iii. All bids shall te evaluated in accordance with tlie evaluation criteria and other terms&conditiorrssetforthinthesebiddingdocuments. be su.bject to iv. A bid once opened in accordance with the prescribed procedure shall of issue of time the at only those rules, regulations and policies that are in force notice for invitation of bids' bid, facts EVALUATION CRITERIA: For the purposes of determining the lowest evaluated Laboratories' Test / other than price such as previous performances, previous Drugs Testing details as the other such and analysis reports, prerious experilnce, financial soundness The consideration' into authtrity, ut itu di."."tion many consider appropriate shatl be taken for the applied following merit poilt system for weighing evaluation factors/ criteria shall be TECHNICAL PROPOSALS of Medicines, Injectables/Tablets/Capsules/Syrups/Inhalation of points allocated Isoflorane & Sevorane/Disposable Syringes (Drug Category)' The number Report' to each factor slrall be specified in the Evaluation ROAD LAHORE REHMATUL-LIL-ALMEEN INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY PESSI MULTAN OTMEDICINES FINANCIAL YEAR 2OI6-17 EVALUATION CRITENA OF TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORTHE TENDER ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS NTN N". & Pt"f"*ional Tax Certificate and copy there of Professional Tax paid certrfi eq!9:05 Financial Soundness of the firm Income tax paid certificate= 07 Balance Sheet:03 or Bank Statement = 03 If balarlce sheet and bank statemsnls both are deposited then only marks of one would be counted' m-:' 05 Establishment of company/firm with reference to the Product. More than 05-years =05 4. 03-05 years =03 01-03 vears =02 05 Overall reputation in reference to the product Shall be envisaged by the following criteria:- No. of references/certificates provided regarding performance of tlie product from head of the concerned institute /hospital. References CIertificates of the product shall be verified by the department independently. Private Sector + Public Sector =05 Public Sector:03 Private Sector:02 5. 10 Prodrct{*ttfrc.ttm Bioequivatence study report of Labs. notified by DRAPAilHO audited labs. =05 Good manufacturing certificate (GMP) issued by Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRl,p; =95 6. 7. 20 ryofNationalHealthServices,Regulations&CoordinationDrug Re[ulatory Authority of Pakistan OR Registration with Punjab Govt. Health Department =10 Drug manufacturing /sale license issued by DRAP(formerly MOH) for manufacturers AND valid drug sale license for importers =10 Brand and Make of the Product a) Local Product with l. lnternational market =10 ll. Only local b) Foreign Product r0 market=O8 l. In two or more continents =10 II. In single continent =08 8. 9. l0 @eement/authorityletter/distributerletterfromprincipalmanufacturer l0 firmisnotb1acklistedinanyGovt'/Autonomousbody. Moreover, the rates quoted are reasonable and equivalent to the rates at wliich the products are being supplied by the company / firm to other Govt. Institutions 9 f spurious/Adulterated batch by DTLs of the PuniabA{IH/anv competent lab within last one Submission of two samples of quoted items Name of the bidder CNIC No. Address Signature & StamP COMPULSORY PARAMETERS: Parameters Drug Manufacturin g/Sale License Documents required Valid Drug manufacturing License issued by DRAP (Formerly known as MOH) for manufacturers Drug Registration Certifi cate (DRC) Bio-Equivalence StudY RePort Valid Drug sale License for importers. Valid Drug Registration Certificate issued by DRAP (Formerly known as MOH Report of Labs notified bY DRAP / WHO Audited labs shall be accePtable. Declaration of Undertaking Urrd"rt ktrg regarding Non Spurious/Adulterated batch by DTLs of the Punjab / any Competent Lab of quoted item within last one year; not being black listed and quoted medicines' rates are equivalent to those at other institutions Sfitf,*tt"ri quoted in the technical offer will be verified from samples provided with the bid, product that comply 100% with the advertised specifications and fulfil the requirements as per labelting and packing Rules 1986 shall be considered for evaluation. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) on judicial PaPer. Sarnples of Quoted ltems. Vatid Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Cefiificate issued by the Drug Regulatory Authority Pakistan (DRAP 1.0 Bio-Equivalence Study Report for medicines only from WHO audited and following DRAP notified indigenous Labs: I. [. m. IV. FIU Research Institute, Karachi University, Karachi. University of Veterinary & Animals Sciences, Lahore. Dow University of Medical &Health Sciences, Karachi. Faculty of Pharmacy, Islamia University, Bahawalpur. Repoi from any other lab notified by DRAP for the said purpose in future will also be considered. 22. ORDINARY PARAMETERS: Apleted,thebidderswlrolravesubmittedproposalsshallbe informed about the technical scores obtained by their technical proposal, and sliall notif' those bidders whose proposal did not meet the minimum qualifuing marks which are 60oh or were considered nor-."ipo,rrive, that their financial proposals shall be returned unopened after completing the selection process. It shall be simultaneously notified in writing to the bidders who have secured the minimum qualifying marks the date, time and location for opening the financial proposals. All bidders in attendance at the time of opening of bids shall sign an attendance sheet. Filancial proposals shatl be opened publicly in the presence of the bidders' representatives who chooseto attend. ih" nu*" of the bidders and the technical score of the bidder shall be read aloud. The financial proposal of the bidders who meet the minimum qualifuing marks shall then be opened and the quoted price read aloud and recorded ifappropriate' iv. 23. would eualification & disqualification of bidder; - A bidder shall be disqualified if it be found, at any tim-e, that the information submitted by him concerning his qualification was false and materially inaccurate or incomPlete. Rejection of bids: The Medical Superintendent shall upon request communicate to any bidder who justify those grounds. submitted u bid, tlr" grounds for its rejection of any or all bids, but is not required to of the rejection of bids. Notice submitted who have The hospital incurs no liability, solely towards bidders bids. submitted that any or At Uiar shall be given promptly to the concerned bidders 24. Announcement of Evaluation Report: - The results of bid evaluation shall be declared prior to of the award of procurement contract in the form of report giving justification for acceptance or rejection bids at least ten days prior to tlre award of procurement contraat. 25. Award of contract 26-Acceptance of Bid and Award Criteria:-The bidder with the lowest evaluated bid, if not in conflict with any other law, rules, regulations or policy of the Provincial Government, shall be awarded the procurement contract within the original or extended bid validity period. The approved rates will remain valid up to 30.06.2017. The successful bidder is required to furnish a performance guarantee which shall not exceed ten percent ofthe contract amount. tt of the product would be exami,ed in accordance Submission of Samples: -A- Labeling a'd packing a.t t"qzo. rhe supplier shall provide Two (02) Samples with labeling and packing Rules r9g6 of the'Drug. free-of cost) of quoted products to the hospital' 27- i""*."t.i"ipacks, based on previotts against each item is tentative B -Advertised Quantity: The quantities advertised with issued in favor of the graded firrns as per need basis year,s consumption how-erer, supply oider will be i."ir.a quantiiy of medicines in view of availability of the budget. Inspections and AnalYsis:- 28. quality and specifications of medicirres after The inspection committee shall inspect tlie quantity, receiPt of stock' i. ii.TheSupplierwillberesponsibleforfreereplacement^ofstocksifthesameisnotfoundtobeof / spurious / misbranded/ of Bids / substandard the same specifications as required in the invitation expired stores without any further charges' expired. , Moreover, it will replace the unconsumed tlie itern tlie risk purchase will be done provide tf the firm provides substandard item or fails to firm' and the price difference shall be paid by the destruction cost will be borne by the firm i'e' the product In case of supfl of substandard iii. iv. burning, dumping, and incineration' 29. Chemical and Physical Examination of Medicines: to chemical and physical L All tir;;ilgs/mediciles shall be acceptable subject non-declaration of examination. undertaking on judicial paper regarding orirre Punjab/TrllHiany c.ompetent lab within last physical examination / o"" V"", i, ,eq.,ir"d. If the goods suppliedare forrnd d,ring of approved samples, etc' even if it is inspection to be against thJrequired specifications supplier shall either replace the of standard quality, the goods may Ue rejected, and the rectification of obserryation, to meet rejected goods or arrange alterations necessary for of the rejected supplies must trr. r"qui].o specificatilns free of cost. Replatement in lieu to the within 10 days from the date of communication of decision u" "","pi"t"d /supplier Uy it-,e hospital. In case after replacement or alteration' the manufacturer the required specifications, the irispection committee again declaies the item against amount.of security of the ,rJpl;;;rld completeily be rejected and the.pioportionate be blacklisted for minimum shall firm concerned installment would bf forfeited and the declared as against the are ;;; flu.. uo*"rer, ifihe entire supplies / installments security shall be forfeited "f specifications, the earnest money / entire performance required uni the fiim shall be blacklisted for minimum of two years. spurious/Adulterated batcfrby brlr 30.Transportation:-Trarrsportationincludingloading/urrloadingofgoodsshallbearrangedand paid for bY the suPPlier' 2-A accompanied by the nQcessary warranty on Form 31. Warranty: The Drugs / Medicines shall be hospital The 1916 and rules framed there under' in accordance with tSe provision of the Drugs Act, ariy claims arising under this warranty. shall prompirv noiirv the supplier in writing of to sublet the job and award subcontracts under subcontracts: - The Supplier shall not be allowed this contract. 32. of the goods shall be.made by.the Delays in the Supplier's Performance: - Delivery If at any time Juring performance of tlie Contract, the accordlnce with the prescribed time schedule' t2 33. supplier encounters conditions impeding tirnely delivery of the goods, the supplier shall promptly noti$r the hospital in writing of the fact of delay, its likely duration and its cause(s). The Medical Superintendent may at its discretion extend the supplier's time for performance, with or without liquidated damages, in wltich case the extension shall be granted by the Medical Superintendent. A delay by the supplier in the performance of its delivery obligations shall render the supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages, unless an extension of time is agreed upon without the application of liquidated damages. 34 Penalties / liquidated Damages: - In case of late delivery beyond the presented period, penalty as specified in Special Conditions of Cor-rtract shall be imposed upon the supplier. The above Late Delivery (LD) is subject to General Conditions of Contract including late delivery for reasons beyond control. Once the maximum is reached, the Authority may consider termination of the Contract. ln case of supply of substarrdard product the destruction cost will be borne by the firm i.e. burning, dumping, and incineration. If the firm provides substandard item or fails to provide the item, the risk purchase will be made from the market (which will be purchased by the Consignee) and the price differerice sliall be paid by the firm. The supplies sliall be delivered within I 0 days after the next date of issr"re of purchase order (without penalty), and with prescribed penalty, as per following schedule of requirements:- Deliverv neriod Grace neriod Total Deliverv Period 10 Davs 05 Davs 15 Davs 35. Termination for Default:- The Medical Superintendent, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by written notice of default sent to supplier , may terminate the Contract in whole or in paft, if the supplier fails to deliver any or all installments of the goods within the period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted or if the sLrpplier fails to perform any other obligation(s)under the Contract and if the supplier , in the judgment of Procuring Agency has engaged in corupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. In case the firm fails to execute the contract / supply order satisfactorily with the hospital, the institution reserves the right to purchase the itenr from the market at the risk and cost of defaulting firrn. The hospital also reserves the right for the suspension / cancellation of contract / blacklisting of the defaulting firm. a) Ifthe firm fails to execute the contract / supply order satisfactorily then the hospital reserves the right to forfeit the security of tlre contractor and may award the contract to the second lowest bidder. b) The bidder shall provide 3% of the estimated price in the shape of CDR along with their quotation in the shape of Bank Draft, Pay Order or Call Deposit in the name of Medical Superinter,dent RAIC Multan road Lahore. Tlre bid found deficient of the bid security shall not be considered and the offer will be rejected. No personal cheque shall be acceptable. The previous bid security (if any), if available, shall not be considered or carried forward. Inspection: Inspection of drugs / rnedicine at final acceptance shall be in accordance with the 36. conditions of contract. After deliver the goods shall be inspected / exarnined by the inspection committee to physically check the goods in accordance with the approved sarnple and terms / conditions of the contract. In case of any deficiency, pointed out by the inspection committee in the delivered goods, the supplier slrall be bound to rectify it free of cost. 13 37. Delivery and Documents: - The Supplier shall provide the following documents at the time of delivery of goods to Consignee' end for verification and onward submission to quafter concemed, duly completed in all respect for paymen Original copies of Delivery Note / Challan (in triplicate) showing item's description, batch No(s), Registration No, manufacturing and expiry date and quantity. Original copies of the Suppliers' invoices (in triplicate) showing warranty, name of item's description, Batch No, Registration No, manufacturing and expiry date, quantity, per unit cost, and total amount. l. lt. 38. Incidental Services: - The following incidental services shall be provided and the cost of which should be included in the total bid price: The bidder shall supply drugs/medicines as far as possible as per tender requirement in special packing with Logo of the PESSI Government of the Punjab. b) The following wording / insignia shall be printed in bold letters in Urdu / English in indelible red color ink on each carton, pack, bottle, strip / blister, tubes, vial / ampoule etc. a) REHMATUL-LIL-ALAMEEN INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY PESST PROPERTY O'NOT FOR SALE'' The rules for labeling and packing shall be followed as per "The Drugs Labeling and Packing Rules 1986, framed under the Drugs Act,1916. However the name of Drug / Medicine (generic & brand), equally prominent, should be printed / written in indelible ink in English / Urdu on the outer cartons and on each Pack, Bottles, Strip/ Blister, Tubes etc. All tablets/capsules shall be supplied in aluminum strip / blister pack. Expiry date must be printed on each aluminum strip / blister. The syrup should be supplied in glass / pet bottle with sealed caps as per sample provided at the time of opening of tender. In case of non-fulfillment of these requirements the supply shall not be accepted. According to PESSI Competent Autliority Instructions regarding Local Purchase of medicines Ref. letter No. SSP (510)l2014lYol-Y1647 dated l3-08-2014, the expiry period of medicines sl-rould preferably of one year irrespective of its shelf life. However, the firm shall furnish undertaking that in case the stock is not consumed within its expiry period, the firm shall be liable to replace the stock with fresli stock at risk and cost of the firm. No drug shall be accepted lraving expiry date less than one year al the tirne of receiving stock. d) Warranty: The drugs/medicines shall be accompanied by the necessary warranty on Form 2-A in accordance with the provision of the Drugs Act, 197 6 / ru les framed there under, [n case of late delivery of goods beyond the period specified, penalty @2% per month, A.067% per day of the cost of late delivered supply shall be imposed upon tlie.supplier. c) 39. Redressal of grievances: (1) A committee comprising of odd number of persons shall be constituted, with proper powers and authorizations, to address the complaints of bidders that may occur prior to the entry into force of the procurement contract. t4 :i:ar:i.=-f:rni.!_:=.Yj=,i,:::i:: '1i"'i after the submission of his bid may (2) Any bidder feeling aggrieved by an act ofthe'procuring agency of his grievances not later tf,an fifteen days after the'announcement i;ag. ; written "o*ptuiniioncerning the bid evaluation rePort. i within fifteen days of the receipt of the (3) The commiitee shall investigate and decide upon the complaint complaint. suspension of the procurement process' (4) Mere fact of lodging of a complaint shall not warrant 40. into force of the procurement oontract' Arbitration and Resolution of"Disputes: (1) After coming or arbitration' the parties to the contract shall be settled through mediation iirp*" U.,*een or arbitration or both in the procurement (2) The procuring agency shall provide for a method of mediation contract. Superintendent Rehmatul-lil-Alameen Institute of Rules 2014 would be final' Curaiotogy pESSt Multan Road according to PPRA In case of any dispute, decision of the Medical opening and awarding etc'' shall Note: All assessments and procuring procedures i.e' receiving, [o-med by the Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014' be \ MEDICAL fl]PE RAIC PESSI MULT NDENT ROAD LAHORE 15 CERTIFICATE ON STAMP PAPER WORTH Rs'1001 of the stores and all the terms and 1. We here by confinn that we have read carefully the {es:1i9tion o, t:-os-2016 for the supply of Medicines / Injectable / conditions of your tender enquiri due for op"ning Syringes (Drug Category) for RAIC Tablets/ Capsules/Syrups/Inhalation Isoflorane &ieuorane/Disposable Punjab as those contairied in the bid Performa and the PESSI as advertisea in tne tender notice as well procurement Rules, 2014 (PPRA -2014). we agree to abide by all instructions/ conditions' period reqlT:g in the tender enquiry which would be the 2. We here by confirm to adhere to the delivery the or. In case of failure, we agree unconditionally to accept essence of the contract and will be binding on by made purchase risk a,d shall have no objection on recovery of liquidateJJu,nug", on belated.uppti"t hospital to cop up the delayed supply' not more than the trade price or the price charged 3. certified that the prices quoted against tender are the financial year 2016-2017 and in case of any from any other GovernmentTAutonomous institution in the price charged in excess when asked to do so' discrepancy, the supplier hereby undertakes to refund 4. Certified that the firm due to non-consumPtion. will replace the medicines/drugs free of cost in case of expiry at hospital premises of medicines by DTLs of the PunjabA"llH/any 5. certified that there is no Spurious/Adulterated batch one year' competent lab and firm is not blacklisted within last 6. Certificate that finn will supply fresh stock of medicines drugs, free of cost if found at variance with the specifications' substandard/counterfeit/spurious/misbranded/adulterated/expired/ wiil not claim for the return of substandard/counterfeit/spurious/misbranded will not adulterated/expired stock. substandard/counterfeiuspurious/misbranded/adulterated/expired/stock be confiscated &destroyed at supplier's cost' be returned to the supplier/manufacturer and will Moreover the firrn 7. certified that the supplies will 1976 and be made in accordance with section 23 of drug act fit for human consumption' Name of bidder Designation Signature Company stamp 16 rrBM BJOpATA NAME OF THE FIRM NAME OF THE AUTHORIZED PERSON (Authority letter must be attached) SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER POSTAL ADDRESS MOBILE NO TELEPHONE NO. OFFICE NO. SALES TAX/PROFESSIONAL TAX REGISTRATION N.I.C NO. NTN. STAMP OF TI{E FIRM 1.- L7 ati:,:tr: :,lil:a:i::. ry,r.i :'! BID FORM DATE: NO TO The Medical SuPerintendent Lahore' Rehmatul-lil-Almeen Institute of Cardiology Multan Road' of which is hereby duly acknowledged' we' the Having examined the Bidding Documents, the receipt goodr specified in conformity with the said Bidding undersigned, offer the supply and deriver it. Documents. goods in accordance with the delivery schedule specified we undertake, if our bid is accepted, to deliver the we agree that call deposit of the firm shall be in the schedule of n"qriir"*"tir. if o* bid is ac-cepted, ;;;ifu by the hospitai as a security for the successful completion of the contract' months from the date fixed for bid opening under We agree to abide by this bid for a period of three upon us and may be accepted.ul uny time before the instruction to the bidders, and it shall remain binding iJprepared and executed, this bid, together with your expiration of that period. until a formal contract shall constitute a binding contract between us' written acceptance thereof and your notification of award accept the lowest or any bid' we understand that the procuring Agency is not bound to Name: Signature: Stamp of the Firm: 18 i,s CONTRACT FORM day ol_ 2016_, between the RAIC PESSI (hereinafter referred to as the" Procuring Agency") of the first part; and M/s (firm name) a firm registered under the laws of Pakistan and having its registered office at (address of the firm) (hereinafter called the THIS CONTRACT is made at _on "supplier") of the second part (hereinafter referred to individually as 'oparty" and collectively as the "parties"). WHEREAS the Procuring Agency invited bids for procurement of goods, in pursuance where of M/s (firm name); being the manufacturer/ sole Agent of (item name) in Pakistan and ancillary services offered to supply the required item(s); and whereas the Procuring Agency has accepted the bid by the supplier for the supply of (item name) cost per unit, NOW THIS CONTRACT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: l. In this contract words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the General /special contraction of this contract liereinafter referred to as "Contract": 2. The following documents shall be deerned to form and be read and construed as integral part of this contract, viz.:- A. Price schedule submitted by the bidder, B. Techn ical specifi cation: C. General conditions of contract; D. Special conditions of contract; and E. Procuring Agency's Award of contract; and F. Purchase order J. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Procuring Agency to the supplier as hereinafter mentioned, the supplier hereby covenants with the Procuring Agency to provide the goods and services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provision of this contract. 4. The Procuring Agency hereby covenant to pay the supplier ii consideration of the provision of the goods and services and the remedying ofdefects therein, the contract price or such other sum as may become payable under tlre provisions of this aontract at time and in the manner prescribed by this contract. 5. The Supplier accepts full responsibility and strict liability for making any false declaration, not making full disclosure, misrepresenting facts or taking any action likely to defeat the purpose of this declaration, representation and warranty. it agrees that any contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit obtained or procured as aforesaid shall, without prejudice to any other riglit and 19 remedies available to Procuring Agency und.. any law, contract or other instrumgnt, be void able at the option of Procuring Agency. 6. In case ofany dispute concerning the interpretation and /or application ofthis contract shall be settled through arbitration. The Medical Superintendent RAIC or his nominee shall act as sole arbitrator. The decisions taken and/or award made by the sole arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. '1. This contract shall be governed by the laws of Pakistan and the courts of Pakistan shall have exclusive jurisdiction. 8. If the firms provide substandard item/ fail to provide the item the payment of risk purchase from market, the price difference shall be by the firm. 9. In case of supply of substandard product the destruction cost will be borne by the firm i.e. burning, dumping, and incineration. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed at place) and shall enter into force on the day, month and year above mentioned. Signed/ Sealed by the Supplier/ authorized person (the Signed/ Sealed by Procuring Agency 20 CHEC.K LIST S.No. / Page No. of the Yes or NO Tender Submitted or Yes NO o Receipt . Copy of National IdentitY Card Yes or NO Call Deposit f'es or NO Suppliers Authorization Letter Yes or NO Yes or NO Yes or NO Propriety Nature Yes or NO Letter of authorization form the manufacture / Foreign Principal in case of Sole agent / Impotter' Yes or NO Yes or NO Yes or NO Price Reasonabi lity Certifi cate Price List (Duly Attested) Sole Proprietary Certificate in case of items of Undertaking on stamp paper of worth Rs. 100 that the Firm is not black listtd and no bateh of the quoted item has been declared spurious/adulterated by DTL Punjab i Any corhpetent Lab wlthin last within last 0l year' Certificate on starnp paper of worth Rs. 100 duly filled (Attached along with tender documents) 2,L o Certificate of National Tax Number Yes or NO . Drug Mariufacfuring License Yes or NO . Drug Sales License Yes or NO r Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certificate Yes or NO r Samples of quoted item Yes or NO Technical bid(separate envelope) Yes or NO Yes or NO \ o Financial bid (separate envelope) ,, Signature of the bidder: .*'. Stamp of the Firm: Note:'All documentSmust be duly attested by the firm. 22 BID FORM 4 Firm's Past Performance Name of Firm: Bid Reference No: Date of Opening of Bid: Assessment period: (One year as per Evaluation Criteria) Name of the Purchase / Purchase Order NO. Description of Order Value of Order Date of Completion Purchase Cerlificate Institution c Bidders may use additional sheets if required All certificates are to be attached'with this form 23 TECHNICAL BID TENDER MEDICINP PURC}IASE INJnCTABLPS/TABLETS/CAPSULES/SYRUPS/INHALATION 3 ISOFLURANE & SEVOFLURANE /DISPOSABLE SYRINGES (DRUG CATEGQRY) FOR THE YEAR 2016-17. TENDER ENQUIRY s.No. NAME OF THE ITEM SPECIFICATION REGISTRATION NUMBER BRAND NAME PACK SIZE I 2 1r,,,, W $ E: a J H & E. ii 4 5 Samples of all items must be provided otherwise offer shall not be considered. Name of Bidder Sign and Stamp of Bidder 24 FINANCIAL BID , UNDER MEDICINE PURCHASE REGISTRATI ON NUMBER ar iENQUIRY s.No NAME OF BIDDER SIGN AND STAMP OF BIDDER 25 rtolii,arart within I15i days dr after the next date of issue of Purchase Order (without The supplies shall be deliiered penalty), and with presoribed grace period, as per following schedule of requirements: Mode of penalty Deliverv Period Grace Period Total deliven period Without penaltv 10 days 05 davs 15 days TNJECTABLES/TABLETSICAPSI.TTESISYRUPS/INHALATION ISOFLURANET' iworuunaNE/DrsposABlE syRINcES (DRUG cATEGoRY) FoR THE YEAR 2016-17. I 26 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE/SECURITY TORM (CDR) H E' W. W To: The Medical Superintendent, F ql ii Rehmatul-lil;Alameen Institute of Cardiology h. b. E. PESSI Multan Road Lahore r I t:: g- E E w $ F !1 :: (hereinafter called "the Supplier") has undertaken, in pursuanee of Contract dated to supply Medicines (hereinafter called "the Contract"). And whereas, it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Supplier shall furnish you fresh CDR/Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank for the sum of lYa of the total Contract amount as a Performance Guarantee for compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with Whereas M/S No. the Contract. ;.,,1 ii:. 3a E V. F E. F E-l Name of the bidder ti i; b, ffi, Father's Name Address of bidder/ Firm H. c ,' !1- CNIC # t: *i ,.li Designation :i dl Signature ki' i; Stamp : ri F :1. 27 i; ii., ?,. &: 1. i, I t Fr: I t t * i, REHMATUL.LIL-ALAMEBN $TsTnuTE oF CARDIoLoGY PBSSI , MULTAN ROAD LAHORE List of Items for Local Tender 2Q16-17 PESSI No. Generic Name Approx. Demand In Units 1 P-0010 Inj. Atropine Sulphate lmg/ml (lml Amp) 600 1 2. P-0055 Inj. Dimenhydrinate 50mg/ml 600 4692 J. P-0071 Tab. Isosorbide Dinitrate 5 mg 2s000 6375 4. P-0077 Tab. Methyldopa 250mg 100 542 5. P-0079 Tab. Propranolol 1Omg 1 6. P-0081 Tab. Verapamil 80 mg 90 223 7. P-008 I Tab. Verapamil240mg SR s0 348 8. P-0084 Tab. Prazocin HCI lmg 100 99 9. P-0087 lnj. Magnesium Sulphate 500mg/ml (2ml) t20 378 10. P-009 Tab. Aspirin 300mg (Non Enteric coated) 43200 45533 l1 P-0093 Inj. Milirinon lmg/ml (l0ml) r0 r 12. P-0104 Tab. Glyceryl Trinitrate 0.5mg 26000 22100 13. P-0109 Inj. Glyceryl Trinitrate lmg/ml 500 s8225 14. P-0109 Glyceryl Trinitrate Spray 02 680 15. P-0110 Inj. Calcium Chloride l0% (l00mg/ml) Elemental Calcium 27 .2mgl ml 100 2772 16. P-0115 Inj .Hydral 50 1062 17. P-0 l2 I Tab. Lisinopril 1 0mg+Hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg 200 1639 r8. P-0123 Tab. Ranolazine XR 500mg r00 I 190 Sr. No. r a zine 20 mgl ml sh Make/Country and Drug Registration No.(to be given by the bidder) 5000 AtJ.9{*1ll^,* Estimated Price (Rs.) 500 16575 0200 P-0124 Tab. Cilostazol5Omg 100 1275 20. P-0128 Tab. Ivabradine 5mg 100 212s 2l P-0134 Inj. Streptokinase s0 I 44000 22. P-0135 Inj. Heparin 5000iu 3000 r 1 23. P-0136 Tab. Warfarin Sod. 5mg s0000 I 95000 24. P-0140 Inj. Tirofiban 0.25mglml 20 27986 Tab. Beraprost Sodium 20mcg 3000 71400 t00 25920 19. 25. P-0142 1.50 miu l0 mg 97000 26. P-0143 Tab. Rivaroxaban 27. P-021l Inj Diazepam 10mg/2ml 25 510 Tab. Bromazepam3mg 3000 4500 Inj. Haloperidol 5mg/ml l0 45 28. P-02 r5 29. P-0224 30. P-0253 Inj. Pheniramine Maleate 22.7mg equivalent to 25mg Phenarmine Salicylate per ml in 2ml amp. r00 100 31 P-0287 Tab. Carbirnazole 5mg 100 38 32. P-0332 Tab. Potassium Chloride 500mg l 0000 5504 JJ. P-0335 Inj. Frusemide 20mg I 0000 22000 34. P-03s6 Tab. Frusemide 20mg, Spironolactone 5Omg I 000 2600 35. P-0377 Inj. Benzyl Penicillin I MIU 500 r 36. P-0398 lnj. Benzathine Penicilline 1.2 MIU 260 4862 37. P-0415 Tab. Cefuroxime Axetil 250mg 500 8955 38. P-0430 Tab. Sodium Fusidate 25Omg 200 I 39. P-0431 Inj. Fusidic Acid (as Diethanalamine Fusidate). 200 66600 r000 0200 580mg 40. P-0435 Tab. Ethambutol400mg 100 122 4t P-0436 T ab. Py razinamide r00 68 42. P-A$7 Tab. /Cap. Rifampicin 300rng 30 93 Inj. Streptomycin 1 gm. l0 167 43. P-0441 5 00m g .rt'\ /ILJ.LMIL*, 44. P-0482 Tab. Pyridoxine 5Omg 300 382 45. P-0486 Inj. Calcium Gluconate lOml 600 3960 46. P-0492 Inj. Phytomenadione I Omg r0 22 47. P-0505 Inj. Aminophylline 250mg/l 0ml 30 432 48. P-0514 Solution Ipratroprium Bromide 250mcg/ml for nebulizer 5000 212500 Inj. Ketarnine HCI 50mg/ml (2ml) 200 4600 l0 r84 49. P-0602 50. P-0603 Inj. Bupivac aineD.5%o (Plain) 51 P-0608 lnhaler Isoflorane 24 40800 52. P-0609 Inhaler Sevoflorane l0 77400 53. P-0610 Inj. PropofollOmg/ml 600 1 56000 Inj. Ephedrine HCI 30mg/ml 50 I 0830 P-06t2 lnj. Adrenaline 1mg/ml r 56. P-0613 Inj. Ketorolac 30mg/ml 30 t374 57. P-0614 Inj. Fentanyl0.5mg/ml 50 3450 54. P-0611 55. ( 1 Oml) 000 1446 58. P-061s Inj. Etomidate 20mgl1 0ml 100 29400 59. P-0616 Inj. Nor-Adrenaline 1mg/ml r80 34200 60. P-0617 Inj. Phenyl Epherine l0mg/ml 100 3400 61. P-0629 Cotton Bandages Gauze BPC specification Loose Woven width lm length 30m. 270 131760 62. P-0630 Cotton Bandages BPC 5cm. x 6m. 288 4680 63. P-0640 Inj. Dextrose25oh Ampoule 20 ml 850 7947 64. P-0642 Inj. Distilled water 5ml r 65. P-0648 Inj. Potassium Chloride l5% 2000 13600 66. P-0650 Inj. Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% 600 7020 67. P-0717 Inj. Protamine Sulphate 10mg/ml 900 I 600 3040 ( Utr5 fruil^jlLl*-*-' 50840 :rt::.iir.:i.::::.r,TT::,. ::=?.i1.::: Fji.:i rt,, I i': 68. P-0729 Disposable Syringes 5OCC Ledur Lock 2700 94500 Individual Blister Pack 59. P-0730 Disposable Syringes 60CC 20 388 70. Inj. Iopromide 300/370 l00ml 500 774500 7l Inj. Iodixanol 320 mg /ml (50m1) 04 6l 85 1) Methylated Spirit 200 29556 Liters 73. Lidocaine Cetrimide Spray 02 6400 74. Inj. Rocuronium Bromide lOmg/ml 25 6066 75. lnj. Vecuronium Bromide 4mglml r00 7510 TOTAL 3800573 AIJ%LIL--* Total Items =75 Seventy Five Total Estimated Price: Rs. 3800573/- .,s,ry