MDCulture Branding Style Guide - Miami International Film Festival


MDCulture Branding Style Guide - Miami International Film Festival
MDCulture Branding Style Guide
MDCulture Logo Standards
The MDCulture brand message and
attributes are carried through all means
of communication through the intelligent
use of color and typography.
The following symbol has been developed
for the MDC Cultural Affairs department.
The following programs fall under this:
The MDCulture Mission
and Vision 2013
MDCulture …
Acts as a catalyst for cultural growth
by offering a full spectrum of arts
experiences that provoke thought
and engage diverse audiences.
Miami Book Fair International
Miami International Film Festival
The Center for Literature and Theatre @ MDC
MDC Live Arts
MDC Museum and Galleries of Art + Design
Teatro Prometeo
Freedom Tower
Koubek Center
Tower Theater
To maintain consistency, the logo’s proportions
must not be altered.
Logo in English:
Logo in Spanish:
Unacceptable Logo Usage
Do not change element position
Common Mistakes
To maintain the integrity of the MDCulture logo
and to promote the consistency of the brand,
it is important to use the logo as described in
these guidelines.
The examples shown here illustrate possible
misuses of the MDCulture logo that should
be avoided.
Do not outline
Please do not:
• Condense, extend, skew, distort, manipulate,
modify or redraw the logo in any way
• Print the logo in a screen or texture
• Print type or other elements inside the logo
• Alter the proportional relationships or
the vertical and horizontal alignment of the
elements of the logo
Do not stretch or distort
• Place the logo over areas of imagery where
the logo is not clearly defined
Do not put the logo in a box or any other shape
Do not print logo reversed out in a black box
on a white background
Do not change fonts/colors
Do not place the logo on a color without
sufficient contrast
One-color printing
Logo Color Standards
100% Pantone 2602
The primary color used for the MDCulture logo is
Pantone 2602. When color or printing prohibits
this, the logo may be used in all black or reversed
to white for dark backgrounds only. The logo can
appear on color, illustration or photographic backgrounds, as long as the legibility and integrity of
the logo are not diminished.
Black and 70% Black
Reversed (knocked out) to white
Pantone 2602
C63 M100 Y0 K3
R135 G42 B144
Pantone Black
70% Black
R109 G111 B113
Four-color printing
63% Cyan, 100% Magenta, 3% Black
Typeface Standards
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Condensed
1234567890 !@£$%^&*()-=+
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Condensed
1234567890 !@£$%^&*()-=+
Stationery Standards
in English
Cultural Affairs Department
300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite 4101 Miami, FL 33132
T: 305.237.3475
Miami Book Fair
Film Festival
The Center for
Literature and
Theatre @ MDC
MDC Live Arts
MDC Museum
and Galleries of
Art + Design
#10 envelope:
Teatro Prometeo
Freedom Tower
Cultural Affairs Department
300 N.E. Second Avenue, Suite 4101
Miami, Florida 33132
Koubek Center
Tower Theater
Back of business card:
Front of business card:
Miami Book Fair International | Miami International Film Festival
Alina Interián
Executive Director
Cultural Affairs Department
300 N.E. Second Avenue, Suite 4101
Miami, Florida 33132
T: 305.237.3475 M: 305.510.6100
The Center for Literature and Theatre @ MDC | MDC Live Arts
MDC Museum and Galleries of Art + Design | Teatro Prometeo
Cultural Centers
Freedom Tower | Koubek Center | Tower Theater
Stationery Standards
in Spanish
Front of business card
Back of business card
Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami
Festival Internacional de Cine de Miami
Alina Interián
Directora Ejecutiva
División de Asuntos Culturales
300 N.E. Segunda Avenida, Suite 4101
Miami, Florida 33132
T: 305.237.3475 M: 305.510.6100
Centro de Literatura y Teatro @ MDC | MDC Live Arts
MDC Museo y Galerias de Arte y Diseño | Teatro Prometeo
Centros Culturales
Torre de la Libertad | Centro Koubek | Teatro Tower
Programs Under MDCulture
When the MDCulture logo appears in proximity
to another logo of an entity that operates under
the MDCulture umbrella, the words “A program
of” should be added above the MDCulture logo
to distinguish the relationship between the
event and MDCulture.
See examples below:
May 31 Through Aug. 17, 2013
Imagining La Florida offers an innovative look at
Florida from the 1513 expedition of Juan Ponce
de León through the founding of St. Augustine.
This exhibition is presented by Miami Dade College
and Acción Cultural Española in cooperation with
España-Florida Foundation, Centro Cultural Español
en Miami/Embajada de España en Estados Unidos
and MDC Museum of Art + Design.
Miami Dade College
La Florida
Ponce de León
and the Quest for
the Fountain of Youth
Free admission
MDC Museum of Art + Design
The Freedom Tower
600 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
A program of
More information • 305-237-7700
MDCulture Shown
With Other Programs
When the MDCulture logo appears in proximity
to multiple logos of entities that operate under
the MDCulture umbrella, the logo stands alone.
See examples below:
Visit the Freedom Tower
Museum & Offices
MDC Museum of Art + Design
South Florida Immigration Experience
& History of The Miami News
(Coming fall 2014)
Level 2
MDC Museum & Galleries of Art + Design
Level 3
Miami International Film Festival
Level 4 & 5
MDC Live Arts
Level 6
The Freedom Tower and the MDC
Museum of Art + Design are open to the
public from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesdays
through Sundays. Admission is free. To
view exhibitions, take the lobby elevator to
Level 2. Office hours vary by department.
For current hours, please call specific
The Freedom Tower proudly rises above
Miami after its construction in 1925.
600 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33132
For additional information:
Freedom Tower History/Tours,
General Information
Museum & Galleries of Art + Design
305 237-7700
Miami International Film Festival
305 237-3456
MDC Live Arts
305 237-3010
Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees
Helen Aguirre Ferré, Chair • Armando J. Bucelo Jr., Vice Chair • Marili Cancio • Jose K. Fuentes • Benjamín León III • Armando J. Olivera • Marielena A. Villamil
Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College
Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability,
veteran’s status, sexual orientation or genetic information. Contact the Office of Director, Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator, at 305-237-2577 for assistance.
Alina Interián, Directora Ejecutiva, División de Asuntos Culturales,
Miami Dade College es la institución universitaria más grande de
la nación, con una matrícula superior a los 174,000 alumnos. Desde
su inauguración en 1960, el MDC ha prestado servicios a casi dos
millones de estudiantes. Con apoyo financiero estatal, MDC opera
en ocho recintos y ofrece más de 300 programas diferentes como
varios diplomas de licenciaturas en Educación, Ingeniería, Cine,
Enfermería y otros. Miami Dade College desempeña un papel
muy activo en el clima cultural de nuestra dinámica y multiétnica
comunidad del sur de la Florida y es reconocido asimismo por sus
presentaciones artísticas de probada excelencia.
Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees
Helen Aguirre Ferré, Chair • Armando J. Bucelo Jr., Vice Chair
Marili Cancio • Jose K. Fuentes • Benjamín León III
Armando J. Olivera • Marielena A. Villamil
Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College
Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution and does
not d
­ iscriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, age, religion,
national ­origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation or genetic
information. Contact the Office of Director, Equal Opportunity
Programs/ADA Coordinator, at 305-237-2577 for assistance.
MDCulture Eblasts
Suggested uses and placements
of the logo in eblasts:
See examples below:
When the MDCulture logo is used with
a variety of other logos – among which
may be an MDCulture program – do not
add “a program of.”
When the MDCulture logo is used in
proximity to one of its programs, it is
placed after that program’s logo, with
the words “a program of” above the
MDCulture logo (as below; see page 7).
A program of
A program of