Check which sights you will see for free
Check which sights you will see for free
HALLO KRAKÓW Czwartek // // nr 57 // twitter/nasze_miasto // gazeta bezpłatna 30.07.2015 #HAPPENS 01.08.2015, 8 PM - JAMBUS EUROPEAN TOUR 2015. CAFE SZAFE // 08.02.2015, 10 AM - SECOND LIFE BOOKS. MOCAK MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART // 08.02.2015, 10 AM - INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ROMA CULTURE. NOWA HUTA MEADOWS // REKLAMA 005500059 #Welcome to Cracow FOT. ANDRZEJ BANAŚ See where you can eat tasty and very cheap in Cracow STR. 5 #Welcome to Cracow #Welcome to Cracow BIKE ROUTES IN KRAKOW. ON TWO WHEELS THROUGH THE ROYAL CITY. Holidays in Cracow? Check which sights you will see for free STR. 9 FOT. WOJCIECH MATUSIK FOT. IGA CHYLICKA STR. 6 2 #w naszym mieście 02 CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #Welcome to Cracow POLANDISONEOFTHECOUNTRIES,WHEREITGETSTHEBEST DETECTIVESTORIES.IT’SAMAZING,WEAREACOUNTRYOFCRIME. KAROLINA KORWIN-PIOTROWSKA FOR NEWSERIA AGENCY #hallo kraków #we was here People judge us, you have to have tough skin. It’s part of our lives. FOT. PIOTR SMOLINSKI Back to the past Karolina Szostak, tv anchor AS PART OF FUNKSHION FASHION WEEK SWIM PRESENTS THE FASHIONABLE SWIMWEAR. #event PIMP MY TRUCK IN NOWA WIES NEAR OPOLE WAS HELD RALLIES FOR HEAVY COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. GALLERY VEHICLES IN THE PORTAL NASZEMIASTO.PL No more Bond FILM- SamMendes, theBritishfilmandtheater directorworkinginHollywood alsorevealedthat„Spectere” willbehislastfilmJamesBond. Afterthe„Skyfall”hesaid exactlythesamething,but changedhismind.Now, however,hearguesthatthisis definitelytheendofhis adventurefromthecultagentfor specifictasks.Thedirectoralso revealedthatitisalsoaready song.Unfortunately, thecontractorstillremains amystery. MissofsummerMalopolska2015. I #my voice You must read this! LIST - The action of „100 books that you need to read” is an initiative of the popular sales network. In the first step the list of recommended items to read created or culture. On the agenda they were invited wellknown journalists and writers: Margaret Halber and Karolina Korwin-Piotrowska and Catherine Montgomery. To July 29, through a special application, and you can recommend books! FOT. MICHAŁ GĄCIARZ FASHION FROM MIAMI #culture #Designer drug is death. Just as embarrassing REKLAMA PIOTR KUBICA journalist FOT. MATERIAŁY WŁASNE FOT. PIOTR GOYO JANICKI, AP PHOTO/LYNNE SLADKY #trendy #film 005472012 t has been many young people puts a lot of effort, so as not to be associated with what is considered embarrassing. Even if this thing is really reasonable and useful. To pass for someone cool in an environment where esteemed opinion, you can sometimes take far-reaching steps. Even give yourself a cripple face to have the same set of scars like an idol. It happens fairly radical example of one of the fans rapper Popek. But who does not remade wearing T-shirts with the names „appropriate” teams, whose creativity did not even know, patches on the backpack and posters in the room to impress your colleagues? We do not want hopeless hairstyles, clothing, music and lifestyle of our parents, teachers, and imposed authority. We want to hopeless hairstyles, clothing, music and lifestyle of our idols. You can now embarrass to look at family photos from your teenage years, where your father looks even ok, and you look like an early Backstreet Boys, but it had to be. To be „properly” perceived many of us were able aware hurt her dressing room, education, relationships with family, and ON SCREEN - If you watch „Game of Thrones”, you will love Tyrion. Every fan of the show just waiting for threads with characteristic dwarf. In between filming consecutive seasons on HBO, Peter Dinklage (Tyrion that is just) played in the film „Pixels”. The latest production tells the story of characters from computer games that ruled on small screens in the 80’s. Main characters will have to face, among others, Pac-Man. In addition to Dinklage’a in the film we will also see actors known primarily from the American comedy. With characters from computer games will face Adam Sandler (6 Golden Raspberry and 15 nominations), Kevin James (2 nominations) and Josh Gad. The premiere will be held on July 24, also in Poland. even his own health. A specter is haunting every teenage life and doing a lot to get them to drive away. Probably everyone did something once in spite of himself. As a teenager, I knew that Michael Jackson is a great musician. But unfortunately pop ceased to be fashionable and renounced Michael like St. Peter of Jesus. It’s just a breeze, but it is known that the fear of ridicule in the company is able to push for desperate measures. Certainly young people realize that taking all sorts of enigmatic substance, thrown into one bag under the slogan „legal highs”, is a bad idea. REKLAMA 015500270 Wierni Naturze 1955 /nied zwiedzieztpn u ul. Strycharska 10 ul. Drozdowskich – Kliny Patroni medialni 570 570 700 Promocja! Nowe niższe ceny tylko do końca sierpnia! #Welcome to Cracow #reklama REKLAMA CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO 3 005519041 4 #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow Before traveling by tram or bus - check timetable How and where to buy a ticket in Cracow? If you use public transport regularly, it is best to buy a season or 24-hour ticket. It is the cheapest and fastest way to travel around Cracow. #Iga Chylicka aa Themostcomfortablewayto travelinCracowisbypublictransport.The cityis divided into two zones: city zone (zone 1) and agglomeration (zone 2). Ticket zone 1 - covers the area of the Cracow municipality. Agglomeration tickets apply tobusrideswhichgobetweenthe twoticketzones,namelyCracow municipality and the territory of municipalities which concluded an integration agreement with Cracow municipality. For instance, if you travel by 292 or 208 to the Airport, you will need to buy an agglomeration ticket. Agglomeration lines are marked by 3-digit numbers, where the first digit is either 2, 3 or 9. The City Transport System in Cracowcoverstheareaofthecity of Cracow plus 15 neighbouring municipalities (Czernichów, Iwanowice, KocmyrzówLuborzyca, Liszki, Michałowice, Mogilany, Niepołomice, Skała, Skawina, Słomniki, Świątniki Górne, Wieliczka, Wielka Wieś, Zabierzów, Zielonki). Discount tickets are available to students of Polish and foreign schools. Youcanchoosefromthe followingtickets: one-timetickets REKLAMA (1.90zł),20min.(1.40zł),40min. (1.90zł),60min.(2.50zł),90min. (3 zł), 24 hours (7.50 zł), 48 hours (12.50 zł), 72 hours (18 zł), 7 days (14 zł), weekend/family (16 zł) and group tickets for up to 20 people (18 zł). Regular tickets for zone 1: 20min. (2.80 zł), 40 min. ( 3.80), 60 min. (5 zł), 90 min. (6 zł), 24 hours (15 zł), 48 hours (24 zł), 72 hours(36zł), 7days(48zł), group ticket for up to 20 ppl. (36 zł). If you stay for longer, the cheapest way to travel is to buy aseasonticket.Adiscountseason city (zone 1) ticket costs 47 zł for all lines, and a normal season ticketcosts94zł. Agglomeration (zone 2) ticket costs 72 zł and 144 zł respectively. Tickets for trams and buses are available in all newsagents, ticketmachinesatsomebusstops and in vehicles. Season tickets you buy at the point of sale on the Podwale street3/5orśw.Wawrzyńcastreet 13. You can recharge the card city also via the Internet at However, the most convenient option is to install an application MoBilet on your smartphone. Topping our moblinego account is very easy, and just for that credit card. For a mobile ticket you do not have to worry much less cash for change.Mobilet will also pay for parking meters in the paid parking zones. Applications and more information available at It is available in versions for all mobile systems. Passengers, attention! More changes await you in communication PUBLIC TRANSPORT After the renovation Podwale Str., began the renovation of another section around the Plant. This time the motion was turned off Dunajewskiego Str. # Piotr Drabik aa All passengers and drivers going to and from the city center of Krakow, should prepare themselves for another detours and changing timetables. Reconstruction of Dunajewskiego Street in the city center began in July and planned się15 last until the end of October. After the renovation, as well as its adjacent Podwale will be a one-way street, with a new designated bike path and widened the tracks. Pedestrian was also closed portionBasztowaStreetfromthe intersection of Długa Street. For this reason, the change to public transport timetables. Tramsnumber2,4and20will be routed through the streets of Westerplatte, Dominikańska oraz Franciszkańska. Meanwhile, in its previous route return lines 3, 5, 8 and 50, after they ended a few days modernizationofthetramtunnel under the train station and tracks on the street Pawia. The changes will also night trams-alineof64and69gofrom the main railway station in the direction of the street Westerplatte, Dominican and Franciscan. Due to the renovation of the streetDunajewskiegotherevised routes also run buses. ThepageKrakowGalleryand the Avenue of the Three Bards willbedirectedlinesnumber152, 304 and 502. Public buses 601, 605, 610, 611and902willgoBasztowaand Długa street. Those who move their own cars should also be patient. From DunajewskiegoiTomaszastreet, REKLAMA 005521701 OGŁOSZENIA NA TELEFON 0-800 GRATKA 0-800 47 28 52 od 10.00 do 17.00 REKLAMA FOT. ANDRZEJ BANAŚ #A tourist’s guide TRANSPORT CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO 005521581 and the left is the entrance to the street Szczepańska. Diversions have been appointed through the streets of a long, Slavic, krowoderska, the Bishop, Łobzowska and Garbarska. During the renovation on the street Reformackiej will be valid reversed direction. Will also be reduced foot traffic, but as ensured by the Management of Municipal Infrastructure and Transport localsandtouristsallthetimewill be able to pass on marked paths. Launched renovation is part of the redevelopment of movement around the Plant and has been divided into three stages. Next year will start modernization of the last section - Basztowa Street from the intersection of Long Street to Central Station. Until now, the old track around the Plant was the cause of many incidents involving trams, mainly by bulging rail. Now, such a situation will certainly be less. 035452425 It’s not just the pretzel. Discover our taste This morsel sprinkled with poppy seed is the most famous culinary symbol of the city. But it’s not the only one, which is why it is worth tasting other delicacies. #Piotr Drabik aa There are a lot of candidates that wish to dethrone the pretzel, and the most notable among themareBelgianchips(orfries,if you’re an American). What is the secret of those fried pieces of potato? Served in what is known as „Hipster’s Corner” or „Judah Square”, a common name of a Food Truck lay-by on Św. Wawrzyńca Street, they come from Belgian plantations and are deep-fried in original Premium oil, which is also imported. The dish won the two last plebiscitescalled„Embarrassthe pretzel and vote”, in which the local authorities asked residents to vote for a new culinary symbol of Cracow. Another traditional dish served in Cracovian streets is the sausage from the Blue Nysa Van, REKLAMA whichhasbeenparkedunderHala Targowa for years without fail. The flame-grilled sausage tastes best after dusk. It is yet another proof of the fact that Małopolska is more and more associated with a broadly defined street food, which is mostlyservedintrucksthatactas kitchens and bars. Another product associated with Cracow is Prądnik bread, which has obtained the prestigious European certificate called „protected geographical indication”. It is distinguished from other kinds of bread by its dark and thickcrustcoveredinalayerofrye bran.Prądnikbreadcomesintwo shapes: oval and round. Its name comes from numerousmillsintownssituated by the river Prądnik. Forcenturies,theuniquetaste of Cracovian cuisine has been shaped by restaurants and cafés, from the most prestigious ones, like Wierzynek at the Main Square, to smaller gems, hidden in the back alleys. Theyoffermealsfromaround the world, from Italian curios to Thai titbits. We recommend restaurants with English menu. 5 Pierogi, crepes, or maybe fried egg? Where to eat cheap and well? We recommend reliable spots CUISINE Two-course lunch for less than 15 zł and soup for 3 zł? Yes, it is possible in Krakow! We recommend you places, where they serve tasty and cheap eats. #Iga Chylicka aa First of all, we need to say afew words about Cracow’s milk bars, which enjoy great popularity, and not only among students. Fresh food and homemade meals attract people who miss their mother’s cooking. But it’snotonlyourloveforthePolish „schabowy” that makes us choose this kind of bars. It is mostlythepricethatensureslong queues in Polish milk bars. In Smakosz, at 58 Mogilska Street, you can eat a two-course meal for less than 10 zloty. Bar Targowy on Daszyńskiego Street is yet another place that is worth visiting. Its borscht is simply unrivalled. Prices are affordable and portions are huge. In Krakus, at 16 Limanowskiego Street, you’ll eat the best FOT. ANDRZEJ BANAŚ #Candidates abound! KITCHEN CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow Most of the bars are affordable. Mexican crepes in town. Krakus’ atmosphere is created by dusty artificial flowers, and the local winos only add to its charm and character. Żaczek on Czarnowiejska Street is one of the most popular milk bars in Cracow. It’s always packed to the brim, so finding an emptytableisnoeasytask.Piero- gi cost only 5 zloty a portion and thebest-knowndishservedinthe jointarefrikadellerwithbeetroot. For breakfast, we recommend a bread roll with egg. On Grodzka Street we will have international company. Thankstoitslocation,thebarhas become an ideal place for sightseers. Fried egg with potatoesandpeasisarealworkof art, for which you will pay only 9 zloty. On the other hand, Koko is a legendary bar, in which ample dinner costs 14 zloty. Only novices take the whole portion though;regularsknowbetterthan that.Atnightwearenotconfined to kebab, as the place is open till 3 am. 005496657 6 #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO Remember: Cracow is awesome! See what you can do in our city #what to see Check popular routes in Cracow Weekend in Cracow! OUR RECOMMENDATION IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE LOST CITY FREE TIME Holidays spent in Krakow, will not be boring. Royal Route, the Jewish ghetto and the war fortifications. The choice is definitely not easy. The trail includes thematic routes acquaint the footsteps of former Jewish Ghetto during the Second World War. All objects on his route is located in the Podgórze district. On the route “Trail of Remembrance Ghetto 1941-1943” will be able to see, among others former Jewish Home for the Aged Limanowskiego street or the main gate of the ghetto on the Podgorski Market. Where to eat, how to travel and what to do at the weekend without having to rob the bank? These are the dilemmas faced by all tourists in Cracow. aa What Krakow you want to see?Thisisthequestionyouneed to ask yourself before choosing a hiking trail through the city streets.Weassureyouthatduring thistourthecityofkingsonceyou surprise. ROYAL ROAD Is a route that for centuries followed the coronation of Polish kings and victorious battles. It begins at the Matejko Square and ends at the Royal Castle at Wawel. On its route is no shortage of well-known not only in Krakow monuments, as Church. Florian, Barbican, Florian’s Gate, Matejko House on Florianska Street Pharmacy Museum, St. Mary’s Church, Market Square, Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, and preist Skarga square. REKLAMA #Iga Chylicka aa Everyone knows that a tourists needs to eat and drink. I mean, come on... visiting is not everything. Question is: what to do if we don’t want to be skint? FOT. IGA CHYLICKA #AŁ Trumpet Call in Cracow? Only in Saint Mary’s Church HOUSE OF SIDZINA The tour shows visitors how historical monuments have changed over the decades. Walking trail starts at the tram in Borek Falecki or 7 km further on railway station Kraków-Sidzina. FORT BENEDYKT Therouteleadsthroughateamof militaryfacilitiesbuiltintheyears 1848-1916, when Krakow belonged to the AustroHungarianannexation.Currently inKrakowyoucanbefoundabout 180 objects, such as forts, bunkers, ammunition, caverns, artillery batteries and relics of many field fortifications. FAST TRAVEL AROUND THE CITY A48-hour ticket is indispensable whenvisitingCracow.Firstofall, it is cheaper than buying single tickets each day, and secondly, you do not have to remember to bring change to buy multiple tickets. A good alternative is a group ticket for 20 people. Jakdojade.plisawebsitewhich youwilluseeverydayonceyou’re here. From dusk till dawn, it’ll be like a friend to you. Even in the toughestsituationsitwillhelpyou get from point Ato B without fail. You will find your destination with ease. All you need to do is type in the name of the street 005525268 you’re in, and the website will calculate the fastest route. Ifyouhaveabitmorecashand your laziness takes over, you can alwaysuseCracoviancabs.There are a lot of companies to choose from, but we all know that atouristvalueseverypenny.This is where such companies as Icar, 4car and Uber come in; they are the cheapest in town. PARTY TIME! When staying in Cracow you need to remember that a Friday night out is an absolute must. REKLAMA You’llfindthebestpartiesintown on where2be, and, with a bit of luck,you’lladdyourselfonthelist and get in a club for free. When you finally manage to get to the Main Square, chances are you’ll askyourselftheage-oldquestion: „what now?” Cień, Frantic, Społem or Afera, the choice is enormous. Startyoureveningwithawalk, and club promoters will literally shower you with leaflets from all sides. You have the right (and evenobligation!)totryasmanyas youwant,asfreeentryanddrinks is the basics of partying. Wednesday is known as little Friday. Wednesday in Cracow is reserved for students, but who saidyoucan’ttagalongforabeer? Omerta Pub in the Kazimierz district is an ideal place for meetings and a casual chat. Stary Port also awaits you, offering beer discounts. You can spendsunnyafternoonsinForum bytheVistulaRiver.Beachchairs, parasols and good music makes the place truly unique. The raw, post-communist interiorofthebardrawsinresidents every day. InCKBrowaryouwilldrinkgood beer from a transparent tube. WHAT ABOUT THE EVENINGS? Don’t waste your time sitting around in a hotel. Cinema aficionados can watch their famous films in beach chairs in the fresh air. Outdoor cinemas havebecomequitefashionablein Cracow. All films are shown free of charge. Today, at 9 Ślusarska Street and by Tesco’s on Wielocka Street, you can watch Postřižiny, and on Fridayyou’llhavetheopportunity to see Lost in Translation. 005511033 CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow 7 This is a must for lovers of socialist realism and a bygone era #Free tours in Cracow! On these days you get in for free! OUR RECOMMENDATIONS If you’d like to visit a museum, you don’t have to overpay. All you need to do is know when visiting is free of charge. You can enter Wawel free of charge. #Iga Chylicka aa Atthebeginningoftheweek, you’llbeabletoseethevaultofSt. Wojciech Church, The Eagle Pharmacy, Schindler’s Factory, Amber Museum, The Old Synagogue, Wawel Cathedral, Wawel Castle. Attention! Only individual tourists.On Tuesday, thefollowingmuseumsofferfree tickets: Rynek Underground, REKLAMA MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art, Amber Museum, Polish Aviation Museum, Collegium Maius, Wawel Cathedral. On Wednesday, you can visit: Celestat, The History of Nowa HutaQuarter,TheHipolitHouse, Historical Museum, Amber Museum and Wawel Cathedral. On the first day of the weekend, you can discover the charm of history at: Amber Museum and Wawel Cathedral. On Sunday, you can visit the National Museum, Archaeological Museum, The Home Army Museum and Amber Museum. Warning! Free tickets are for only individual visitors. TOURISM Over the years, the youngest part of Krakow, for years has been a source of stereotypes and embarrassment. Nowa Huta is trendy! #Piotr Drabik aa It was supposed to be a new town,builtinthe1950’softhelast centuryonthegreenmeadowsby the then boundaries of Krakow. Today the former villages were only the names of settlements, which are part of Nowa Huta. On itsterritoryinhabitedbyover300 thousand people, and most visitors associate this place with Huta them. Conglomerate of Lenin (now a branch of ArcelorMittal),thelargestfactory in the whole Krakow. Meanwhile,NowaHutaisnot just a factory. Visiting the district should start from the center, or the central square. Designed by architects Ingarden marriage, it is the quintessential style of socialist realism. Strict construction, referring to the 005525118 FOT. ANNA KACZMARZ FOT. MARCIN MAKÓWKA Nowa Huta is not only industry. The legendary district is on the wave Nowa Huta - new center of royal Cracow ItalianBaroqueandRenaissance is a must see for fans of socialist realism. Central Square is surrounded by very distinctive settlements, among which we find architectural gems. One of them is non-existent seat cinema “Światowid” neighborhood Centre E 1. The building was built in 1956, is now a museum just emerging PRL, collecting artifacts of a bygone era. For decades, the film hits residents of the neighborhood also viewed the cinema “Dawn” on the outskirts of the Theatre. After a long trip, it’s time to relax. The best place to be here Nowohucki lagoon in the north of the district. REKLAMA 005519051 +48 501 770 114 #Welcome to Cracow #reklama 8 CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO REKLAMA 005528340 CK Browar ul. Podwale 6-7, Kraków Restauracja zaprasza na dania kuchni austro-węgierskiej oraz myśliwskie We are local whose tradition dates back to 1996. It was then that a unique restaurant in the imperial and Royal style, was founded in the historic cellars of the Old City of Cracow. Under the same roof there is MiniBrewery, Pub, elegant Restaurant and modern Night Club. We also offer our regular costumers the cozy as well as tastefully decorated and furnished Hunting Room. One of the numerous merits of the local, apart from its attractive location in the very center of the city (at the junction of Podwale and Krupnicza Streets, at 5-minutes walk from the Market Square), is its quest capacity of almost 500 people. Mini-Browar Tradycyjne Piwo Krakowskie działamy od 1996 roku It is the oldest restaurant in Małopolska Province where non-pasteurized and non-filtered beer is brewed. Made in accordance with an old AustroHungarian recipe, the beer has a unique aroma and taste and is brewed on the spot in front of the quest’s ayes. The beer is always fresh, as it is poured directly from the thanks into the quest’s mugs. Rezerwacja tel. 12 429-25-05 Zapraszamy od 9.00 (restauracja od 12.00) REKLAMA CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow 015476235 9 See the capital of Malopolska with amazing prospects On two wheels through the royal city! See our proposals cycling routes Wądół – Park Leśny Witkowice – granica miasta – Bibice (Zielonki Country) FREE TIME Leave your car in the garage, and reach for a bike that under Wawel is a very popular means of transport. Choose for themselves one of the four routes. Here you can rent a bike! ROAD 2 Old town – Łobzowska – Grottgera – Park Młynówka Królewska – Racławicka – Wybickiego – WT Krowodrza – Park Krowoderski – Łokietka – Pękowicka – Pękowice – granica miasta–Giebułtów(ZielonkiCountry) – Ojców/Korzkiew. #KB aaKrakowinrecentyearsjoined the cities that can boast of public bicyclenetwork.Afteryousignup for, we get the opportunitytorentoneofthe300 bicycles at 30 stations located in different parts of the city. Renting a wheeler to 20 minutes is free (holders of Cracow City Card for 40 minutes),andforeveryadditional hour you have to pay the corresponding amount. FOT. KMKBIKE.PL ROAD 3 BIKE RENTAL POINTS Azory , AGH , Bagatela, Błonia, Bratysławska, Cichy Kącik, DH Wanda, Dworzec Główny, Wschód, Dworzec Główny Zachód,Jubilat,Korona,Krowodrza Górka, Łobzów PKP , Mackiewicza, Miasteczkos Studenckie AGH, Miodowa, Nowy Kleparz, Plac Bohaterów Getta REKLAMA Plac Inwalidów, Plac Wolnica, PlacWszystkichŚwiętych,Poczta Główna, Politechnika, Rondo Czyżyńskie, Rondo Mogilskie, Rondo Grunwaldzkie, Rondo Grzegórzeckie, Rondo Kocmyrzowskie, Salwator, Szwedzka, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny , Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Wawel i Wieczysta. More informationcanbefoundonpage ROAD 1 OldTown–Matejkisquare –Warszawska – Słowackiego avenue – WT Nowy Kleparz – Prądnicka – Park Kościuszki – Górnickiego – StareMiasto–Krupnicza–Czysta –Reymonta–Buszka–ArmiiKrajowej – Rondo Ofiar Katynia – Radzikowskiego–Pasternik–granica miasta – Modlniczka (Wielka Wieś Country) – Dolinki Podkrakowskie ROAD 4 Old Town– Smoleńsk – Dunin-Wąsowicza – Kałuży – Cracovia – 3 Maja Avenue – WT Cichy Kącik – Piastowska – północny wał Rudawy–Jesionowa–ParkDecjusza – al. Kasztanowa – Junacka – Zakamycze – Las Wolski – Zakamycze – Rzepichy – droga wkierunkuKryspinowa–granica miasta–Kryspinów(LiszkiRoad) – Dolina Mnikowska. 015518679 10 #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO There are plans to reopen the historic water bottling plant #film Gotothecinemaor readagoodbook This water had satisfied the thirst of steelworkers. Now he will back INTERESTING FACTS Water sources discovered over a century ago by enterprising resident of the Podgórze - Antoniego Matecznego, they can serve us for a long time. FREE TIME Are you wondering what to do with your free time? Here’s a thought – why don’t you go to the cinema or pick up a book? Books can be won in the competition. #Iga Chylicka aa We recommend „Far from theMaddingCrowd”byThomas Hardy or its film adaptation directed by Thomas Vinterberg. You can watch the film tomorrow (31st July) at Multikino (DobregoPasterzaStreet)during ENEMEF: Book night. Starring: e.g. Carey Mulligan. ENEMEF’s repertoire also includes other film adaptations: Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars and The Longest Ride. The films start at 10.00 pm. Hardy’sFarfromtheMadding Crowd is a classic love story. Bathsheba Everdene inherits an estatefromheruncleanddecides to tend it on her own. The young woman is faced with a series of dilemmas and surpriseswhichshecomesacross in a world dominated by men. Wooed by three adorers, Bathshebastrivestofindoutwhat she really wants in life. REKLAMA #competetion #You have a chance to win books published by Nasza Księgarnia The authors of the most interesting answers to the question why we enjoy books about love in the summer will receive Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd. In order to participate in the competition, you need to text EMK1.XXX, where XXX is your answer to the question, on 72355 (PLN 2.46 with VAT). She is young, smart, beautiful andfunny,butalsostrongandindependent. In 2007, the book „Far from the Madding Crowd”finished 10th on the Guardian’s list of greatest love stories of all time. You’ll love it! 005521733 aa It strengthens bones, improves metabolism, the heart and immune system. These are just some of the advantages of water “Krakowianka,“ which the researchers. Soon we will be able to re-use itshealingproperties.Inaddition to the re-running water bottling plant that operated here since 1969, also promises to open the Pump Room and the new park. Bathing Water Department was established in 1905 by Antoni Mateczny in Podgórze. WA TIME MACHINE TO THE OLD TOWN Ifwewerebackintimeahundred years,we would see acompletely different Podgórze. At that time itwasnotadistrictofKrakow,but independent city. A hundred years ago there would find there standing of crowdsoffrustrateddriversstuck in traffic in the direction of Zakopane and large advertising banners unsightly fence. AttheendofthestreetKalwaryjska was the last stop of tram line 6, and the front, away from the bustle of the street, on a large plot became story brick building. From the beginning, it was decorated with a huge plate with theowner’snameAntoniMatecznego.Hewasbornin1858inPodgórzeandhegraduatedtechnical university in Austria. For his part it called one of the most important crossroads in the city Matecznego roundabout. MATECZNY LIVES HERE AGAIN Building on the Rydlówka street 8 still stands in its place. In the middle it looks good, but its elevation requires renewal. - We already have an opinion conservator of the repair of the facade, which determines the techniques and methods of restoring the original appearance of the building from the outside - explains Alina Duda from the company IPR Development, which bought the property in 2003 from Lydia Stefańska, granddaughter of the Antoni Mateczny. Aftertherevitalization,parkis made available to residents at certaintimes.Fence,behindwhich ishidden,obscureadvertising. Soon, alleys, at which Mateczny planted trees, they have to return to its former glory. After the park with an area of half a hectare team already bustles with gardening company and its employees do first work. If the potential of the park is exploited, he has a chance to become a great resting place in the heart of the busy city. REKLAMA 005515734 Corse Restaurant ul. Poselska 24, Kraków Contact: 12 421 62 73, Rynek Główny 28, Kraków The Harris Piano Jazz is a legendary, cool basement bar, where you can enjoy great live jazz, blues, soul, funky and even hip-hop music every night. Have a delicious meal, or simply sit at the bar and enjoy. Great music, fun and professional service. Little piece of Corsica in the heart of Cracow. - We want to plant a few new shrubs: lilacs, jasmine and many flowers - says Alina Duda. The former health resort already established itself gallery Stone & Steel. Now, instead of modern art exhibitions meet ... Anthony Matecznego, as if waiting for the reopening of its plant. Owner looks proudly with pictures and images that are part of the exhibition dedicated to him. The exhibition went straight herefromtheMuseumofPodgórze History. Alina Duda admits thatMatecznywascertainlywellliked man, and his work was collected very positive. - I hope that the spirit of Mr. Anthony still watches over us says Alina Duda. GOT A HANGOVER? TAKE “KRAKOWIANKA”! This is the water with a natural content of calcium and magnesiumandisextractedfrom REKLAMA FOT. ADAM WOJNAR #Sylwia Nowosińska the hole to a depth of over 36 meters. Sourceisunderasolidlayerof rock. - Water is tightly insulated frompotentialpollution-explains Alina Duda. In one liter of “Krakowianki” is 235 mg of calcium, 129 mg magnesium, 425 mg chloride, 1,212 mg of bicarbonate sulphate 335 mg 4 mg strontium, bromine, 1mgand3mgpotassium(dataon one of the three water supplies, which are in the spa). - A large dose of minerals not only helps employees to physicallyre-gatheryourstrength after a hard day of work, but well putupontheirfeetafteranightof alcohol party - invites you to try Alina Duda. Unofficially, we learned that inthe days whenhe was stillalive Antoni Mateczny, many of Krakow people in this way rescued from the effects of long partying with alcohol. RESIDENTS WILL DRINK FOR FREE This is not only the properties of water with Matecznego spa. As reportedleafletfromthetimesof operation of the Department of Bath Salty-of Sulfur, so it could curediseasesofbonesandjoints, metal poisoning, skin diseases, arthritis, gynecological diseases, disorders and even pressure. Interestingly, the spa also argued that water may help patients has a disability strangles - by no means a matter of unpleasantwoman,butprobably theformernameofthediseaseof the lymph nodes. -“Krakowianka”lovers,which has so far not discouraged characteristic smell, they were able to drink up to five cups, one after the other - says Alina Duda. In the former health resort is built pump room, which will be open limited hours for residents to free drew from Matecznego sources. 135445205 CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #Welcome to Cracow #ogłoszenia 11 Jak zamieścić ogłoszenia? Ogłoszenia przez telefon (12) 422 20 12 przez internet A Sprzedam pensjonat w nieruchomości mieszkania - sprzedam A 32,4 m2 ul. Kurczaba 11/18. Kołobrzegu, A Stary dom murowany. Tel. 721- 132-716. finanse biznes A Pożyczki pod hipotekę 530-127-700. kredyty, pożyczki A !!! Pożyczasz 1000, OODAJESZ 1000. 507774706 NOWE POŻYCZKI. Minimum formalności. 516-516-611, 32/260-00-33 A Pożyczki pod hipotekę, 517-337-516. 28 mkw., zarobkowy czynsz z najmu 2000 zł/m-cy tel. 00905447701507, motoryzacja A !!!!!!! Pożyczki od ręki 12/346-49-79 zabytkowe kupię A Kupię stary samochód lub motocykl, mieszkania - kupię A Kupię każde mieszkanie nawet za- dłużone, komornicze płacę gotówkęTel. 606-661-670, 732-890-121. min. 40-letni. Może być niekompletny lub uszkodzony, 609-499-555. A Atrakcyjne oferty z prywatnych środ- motocykle kupię domy - sprzedam A Bliźniak 125 m2 Raciborsko 507774706 A MOTOCYKLE stare, także niesprawne, niekompletne, części 663 745 345 ków, nawet z komornikiem, bez BAZ, bez opłat i z dojazdem. 708-870-880 (min/7,69) A Bez BIK do 25 tys. Tel. 663-660-293 A HIPOTECZNE24.PL - Pożyczki hipo- A Gdynia Chwarzno - na granicy Wi- tomina oraz Gdynia ORŁOWO blisko plaży domy z pokojami gościnnymi 602-690-168 Ale szybka gotówka, nawet 10 000zł! Proste zasady, bez zbędnych formalności. Provident Polska S.A. 600 400 295 (opłata wg taryfy operatora) teczne bez BIK, bez przedpłat i prowizji. Kompleksowa procedura oddłużeniowa. Tel. 884-921-935. usługi A Auto Skup 505-098-332 REKLAMA praca A Rewal 50 m morze wczasy, 91/386-26-11 zatrudnię A Firma zatrudni do sprzątania bloków. Tel. 697-517-411 WAKACYJNA OFERTA. Tel. 12/631-28-31 A Sprzedam Kołobrzeg Apartament A Karpacz tanio tel. 603-59-11-69 usługi prawne 18 -27, 503-743-066 consensus.krakow. A Magazynier/kierowca kat. B. Praca od zaraz w Krakowie. Kontakt: pl A Opiekunki do Niemiec 533 848 005 A Kancelaria prawna Długa 47. 12/632- A Pracowników ochrony w Krakowie A Tanie porady i usługi prawne (Nowa Huta) Tel. 662-111-218. 601457837 pokoje gościnne A Domki, pokoje z łazienkami, Łazy k/ Mielna, przy wydmach! 504-038-583 A Grzybowo k./Kołobrzegu, pokoje,, 94/35-814-82 A Kąty Rybackie, pokoje 55/247-77-58 005419810 A Krynica Morska. U Wiktorii 55/2476591 nauka A Łeba- komfort, tanio, 606-687-996. szkoły A Łeba- pok. z łaz., grill, internet, kuch- A POŻYCZKI DLA KAŻDEGO OD RĘKI. Bez zaświadczeń, bez BIK. Promocja do Opiekunki z doświadczeniem. Gwarantowane min. 1200 euro, ubezpieczenie, zwrot kosztów dojazdu. 31 lipca! Zadzwoń:32 420 27 45 Wymagany – j. niemiecki kontaktowy. SHD 0049231589-798-88 005437992 nia, wyżywienie, weekendy.Zapraszamy dzieci i dorosłych.25,- 50,- zł/doba. 509208193 A Międzyzdroje z łazienką, tv, 609- 967-390 domki letniskowe szukam pracy A Ukrainka 45 lat, Ukrainiec 20 lat- podejmą pracę. Tel. 514-018-183 A Bałtyk - domki, 170zł/6os. 606- 607-902 A Kąty Rybackie - wczasy. inne Pokoje, domki w lesie tel. 55/247-87-53 Poszukuję Kwalifikowanych Pracowników Grup Interwencyjnych w Krakowie i okolicy. 783-833-332 A Rowy, Wakacje nad morzem Promo- cje! 300m, 1200m do plaży, domki letniskowe pokoje, atrakcje dla dzieci, wyżywie- usługi nie. ;,, tel. 601-677-704, 598- agd rtv foto 141-846 A !Naprawa maszyn do szycia 12/6344199 A Naprawa telewizora K-ów 607-461-618 PRZEGRAJ STARE FILMY, KASETY, SZPULE I INNE NA DVD, 606502502 REKLAMA 005479198 matrymonialne A B. Serenada, 510-580-466 budowlano-remontowe A Rozbiórki budynków itp. 608-037-524 ogrodnicze A Ogrodowe wszystko A-Z. 608-037-524 transportowe A Wywóz wszystkiego 608-037-524 REDAKTOR PROWADZĄCY Małgorzata Stuch, wycieczki A Krynica Zdrój-Program 50+,503492612 A Ustroń-Tanie Sanatorium 33/853-01-10 pensjonaty A Ciechocinek-pensjonat-54/283-31-52, 603-476-476 Tanio ! www.kujawianka. net 005438199 Kompleksowe Us ugi Pogrzebowe ul.Rakowicka 33a DY RC w Niedziele i ul.Sieroszewskiego 5B Tel.12 686 61 45 Tel.12 412 89 83 Cm. Batowice wi ta Tel.12 413 63 46 8.00 - 15.30 8.00 - 20.00 ODOBOWY tel.12 658 21 11 tel.12 4 111 111 Równie Tel.12 658 21 11 REKLAMA REDAKTOR NACZELNY Maciej Gładysiewicz, ZASTĘPCA REDAKTORA Aleksandra Glegoła, turystyka REKLAMA ADRES REDAKCJI 31-548 Kraków, al. Pokoju 3 tel. 12 688 82 45, faks 12 688 84 97 005493463 PROJEKT GRAFICZNY/DYR. ART. Tomasz Bocheński BIURO REKLAMY 31-548 Kraków, al. Pokoju 3 tel. 12 688 87 79, 12 688 84 61 BIURO OGŁOSZEŃ 31-035 Kraków, ul. Starowiślna 2 tel. 12 422 20 12, faks 12 423 17 00 WYDAWCA Polska Press Sp. z o.o. 02-672 Warszawa, ul. Domaniewska 45, tel. 22 201 41 00 DRUK Drukarnia Sosnowiec 41-203 Sosnowiec Milowice, ul. Baczyńskiego 25 A DYSTRYBUCJA Paweł Mastek Pama Travel ul. Wyrwa 10, 30-615 Kraków Tel.12 645 14 35 Tel.12 632 11 22 8.00 - 15.30 8.00 - 15.00 Tel.12 631 77 95 8.00 - 16.00 Rozliczenia bezgotówkowe w ramach zasi ków pogrzebowych Materiałów nie zamówionych nie zwracamy. Wydawca nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń 12 # where to cool off Most popular bathing waters in Krakow RELAX First came the holidays, and with them the heat wave. In summer Krakow swimming is the best option for those seeking a break from the city. #oprc. Iga Chylicka aa This,wefeelastoHawaiiand picturesque area in the center of Krakow attracts crowds of locals. Bagryisguardedbathing,located in Plaszow, between the streets Wielicka and Leipzig. Only four kilometers from WawelCastle,andfiveofWieliczka. Within the lagoon running waterequipmentrental.Fromthe Railway Station will take you directlytothetram20(Lipińskiego). Entrance it’s free. For years Budziński Lake and Na Piaskach Lake are the most popular holiday destination, not only for the residents of the Cracow. EarlycalledKryspinów,today twolargereservoirsarelocatedin themunicipalitiesofBudzynand Cholerzyn. Sandy beach and watersportsequipmentrentalare just some of the attractions near the lake. In the surroundings you will find many bars. The entrance is payable (children under 6 age have free entrance). Reduced ticket is available at the price of 6 zł(childrenunder15yearsofage), normal for 12 zł, family for 20 zł (for parents with any number of children under the age of 15 years). REKLAMA Drivers will be required to prepare an extra 10 zł for parking a car. After 5 pm entrance to the resort,thediscountedticketprice. Over the reservoirs will reach agglomeration bus 209, 229 and 239 (Kryspinów II). InPrzylasek0Rusieckiwillnot find big crowds, entrance is free. Getting to Pleszów is possible tram 10 or 21, and from their bus line141.Inadditiontoswimming, you can go fishing here because the waters are regularly stocked. Zakrzówek is one of the wonders Polish, located just 20 minutes from Train Station. Place very popular in Krakow, surroundedbypicturesqueTwardowski Rocks. Unfortunately,atpresentbath in this place are dangerous and illegal. Accessible by tram 52 and 18 (Norymberska). Outdoor pool Clepardia on theMackiewiczStreet14,isavery popularplaceofrecreationduring the summer months. Forguestswehaveherealarge pool and children’s pool and recreation area with attractions for children. There are also restaurants. The pool is open every day from 10-18. Normal ticketcosts12zł,andreduced8zł. From there you will reach the Rain Station by tram 18 (Bratislava), and then by bus 164 or 503. Pool Wanda is the best option for the residents of Krakow. Normalticketcosts 15 zł(after 3 pm - 10 zł) and discount 10 zł (after 3 pm - 5 zł, children under 4 age - free). From the city center you will reach there by tram 20. CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO Jogging and Nordic walking lovers will find something for everyone Krakow capital of runners. We have many marathons SPORTS The capital of Malopolska tempts not only the famous sights, but also an active lifestyle. Places where you can jog or walk together is a lot. #Piotr Drabik aa Walking with poles (call aNordic Walking) for a few years inPolandveryfashionable.Itisno differentonKrakowalleys,where at any time of year there are admirers of this useful forms of leisure. Even if our stay at the Wawel Castle takes only a few days, it would take advantage of an offer of free training under the program “Kraków biega, Kraków spaceruje”. Free training under the open skyareconductedbyprofessional athletes,amongothers,Krakow’s best marathoner Andrzej Lachowski and former volleyball player Joanna Gradek. Trainings are held on four routes in various parts of the city: Cracow Blonie Park, Pilots Park, Interschool Sports Centre Krakow “West” (Na Groblach Square 23) and Interschool Sports Centre Krakow “East” (Nowohucki Lake). Meanwhile, a meeting of nordnic walking events are available on six tracks: Crakow Blonie Park, Manor Racing mass is a showcase of Krakow from January to December Białoprądnicki, Bednarski Park, and Park Meadows Nowohuckie Airmen. Details of the project and a training schedule are available on the Internet at Calendarofrunningeventsin Krakowwasfilledthroughoutthe year. Behind us for the 14th edition of Cracovia Marathon, which in April attracts thousands ofrunnersbattlingitwithantique distance. Already on October 24th will host the second edition of the 2. PZU Royal Cracovia Half Marathon. The route over 21 km will once again led by the main arteries of the city, including the Three Bards alleys and street. Grodzka. Meanwhile, at the beginning of October there will be the ninth edition of PZU Race Three Mounds, which permanently inscribedintheracelandscapeof Krakow. Route population of 13 km will run from the foothills to Wolski Forest, by three of the mostfamousmoundsintheroyal city - Krakus, Kosciuszko and Pilsudski. This year the organizers are counting on more than 2.5 thousand of runners. For more information visit Season speed in Krakow always end champagne fun during the New Year’s Eve Run. While it does not count personal bests, but as the most original costumes. Even the bitter cold did not deter hundreds of runners who actively wish to say goodbye to thepastyearandwishallthebest for the new one. The choice players have distances of 5 and 10 km, which lead along the Planty. If you prefer individual workouts, the best for this place are Krakow’s Blonie. Regardless of the weather, especially during the holiday crowds fill the paths around the largest urban meadow in Poland. 145316005 FOT. ARCHIWUM #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow #woodstock festival 13 The well-known Italian singer involved in helping deaf people Eros Becomes Ambassador for “Hear the World” MUSIC World’s most popular Italian singer, Eros Ramazzotti, is also involved in charity. Now it has been the face of shares that helps deaf children. FOT. ARCHIWUM Festival in Kostrzyn always attracts several hundred of thousand visitors. Academy of Fine Gorgeous (ASP) WOODSTOCK Discussions, meetings with interesting people, workshops and special projects. It’s all waiting at the Woodstok Festival Poland in Kostrzyn. #Piotr Wróblewski aa Guests ASP is ready to answer even the toughest questions. This year, under fire questions will be musicians Kasia Kowalska (Thursday), Tymon Tymański (Friday), but also those who rarely appear on stage. On Friday, at 11.30 am in the tent ASP Janina appear Ochojska, founder of the Polish Humanitarian Organization (PAH), and priest John Kaczkowski, director of the Hospice Puck dedicated to Saint Padre Pio, who will talk about helping others. Then you will see the longawaited Dr Irena Eris. Businesswoman will tell you about his recipe for success. The next day starts on a sports. Guests of the festival will present a rally driver and winner of this year’s Dakar Rally - Rafal Sonik. After that, you will become known psychotherapist Maria Rotkiel, as well as Marcin Iwinski, co-founder of CD Projekt, a company in the publishing of computer games, including the already famous „The Witcher”. On the last day of the festival in a tent ASP will appear: Himalayan Anna Czerwińska and Aleksander Doba a traveler who crossed the Atlantic Ocean by canoe. aa Eros Ramazzotti on July 9th joined a select group of ambassadors of the Hear the World Foundation, whose mission is to create a world in which every person can have a chance to hear well. The organization has their clients on five continents. -Ican’timaginelivingasingle day without music, without hearing the voice of my wife, my children, and all those I love to hear. Yet there are countless people who are affected by hearing loss. It is important to helpthemandpromotescientific advancements in this area, especially for the sake of the poorestofthepoor-explainsEros Ramazzotti, commenting on his commitment to the Hear the World Foundation. Untilnownearly80celebrities fromtheworldoffashion,music, sportandfilmwereambassadors of the Hear the World Foundation.Amongthem:Sting, PeterGabriel,AnnieLenox,Lenny Kravitz, Billy Idol, Bryan Adams, Michael Buble, Diana FOT. MATERIAŁY PRASOWE #oprac. Piotr Drabik In this way, Ramazzotti wants to draw attention to hearing problems Krall, Jared Leto, Jean Paul Gaultier, Jenson Button, Josh Groban, Jude Law, Julianne Moore, Kate Moss, Georgia Jagger, Marc Foster, Monica Bellucci and Placido Domingo. Photos of celebrities in the poseof“attentivelistener”,which ischaracteristicoftheFoundation were made by the Bryan Adams, who is not only an excellent musician, but also a great photographer. Everyyeararebornmorethan 600 thousand children who suffer from various types of hearingloss.Buttheoneproblem among adults applies up to 15 percent of the population. Eros Ramazzotti is currently the most popular Italian artist. Born in 1963, he impresses on stagenextgenerationoflisteners. SingercomesfromRomeand during a 30-year career has sold worldwide more than 60 million albums worldwide. The greatest successes in the 90s of the last century, when at the top of the charts dominated byhits“Cosedellavita”and“Piu bella cosa”. He has published so far 13 studio albums. Last entitled „Perfetto” was release on May 12 of 2015. In September Eros launches an international tour, in which also occurs in Poland. The concert will take place on September29thinTAURONArena Krakow. Tickets for this concert are available at and at points of sale Empik. Today starts the 21st Woodstock Festival. Three days of concerts and positive energy in Kostrzyn WOODSTOCK Take a tent for three days and forget about the whole world. The festival once again gathers crowds of people who want to relax and listen good music. #Piotr Wróblewski aa Woodstockisolderthansome ofitsparticipants,andprobablyfew whorememberthefirsteditionin Czymanowo in Pomerania. However, although it does not changewhatfromthebeginningis the hallmark event in Kostrzyn greatatmosphere. LABORIOUS PREPARATION At the beginning of July, the festival came first fans. They were waiting for this trip for the whole year. Some especially for the occasion were planning to leave. Guests, as every year, he visited the mayor first, and then the residents of the city. At the joint celebration of the entire community is waiting here. However, since July they lasted preparation. Both of the organizers, who put up a huge stage, township and points sanitation, as well as from the fans who booked tickets on the train, set up for the trip and prepared the necessary things. Theatmospherewasheatedby expectations of relations with the camping, which filled the day to fans as he called it Jurek Owsiak, “themostbeautifulfestivalofthe world”. So what is so special in Woodstock? Certainly the opportunity to be different from everyday. The number of disguises and lunatics here is huge. Importantly, we all respect and tolerate each other. #people It’s our issue As he said the head of the festival Jurek Owsiak, the atmosphere of the event build its own participants. Please remember these words. It is the determinations of all of us will depend on whether Woodstock will be clean, safe and really successful. Therefore, one of the show may appear anarchists, motorcyclists or Christians. For each there is a place everyone can be themselves. SIGN FOR DEPARTURE Traditionally Aug. 1 after 3 pm Roman Polanski, railway station master from Zary, odgwiżdże the beginning of the celebration. Then, a huge tent city will becomethecapitalofPolishmusic. Theconstantbalangawilllastuntil Sundaymorning. Young and old from various Polish regions, as well as from abroadwillhavefununtilmorning atconcerts,amongothers,Within Temptation, Modestep and Black LabelSociety,butitisnotthemost important music is here, as evidenced by the fact that a large part of woodstockowiczów not knowtheline-upbeforecomingto Kostrzyna. WOODSTOCK COMMUNITY Whydoeseveryyearthousandsof people traverse hundreds of kilometers to get to the huge campsiteinKostrzyn? Probably for the atmosphere, that are introduce shouts such as “soonbedark“,newlymetpeople, strange, funny situations and unforgettableconcerts. #Welcome to Cracow #reklama REKLAMA 14 CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO 005534316 CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO #w naszymto #Welcome mieście Cracow 15 A pair of blog authors „Para Gra w Podróże” to recommend what to do to spend cheap your holiday FIND OUT ALTERNATIVE MODES OF TRANSPORT. TRAVEL OFF-SEASON On site are not necessarily the only option for getting around the area is to rent a car. We always take into account and check the potential of local transport. When it comes to traveling off-season, is contrary to appearances, the weather is often pleasant than the then popular term. Moreover, the prices are lower. People who value peace appreciate the lack of crowds. TRAVEL AND WORK! IT’S THE BEST WAY TO HOLIDAY Nothing more, nothing less. We also recommend finding information on the Internet about the free attractions (for example on the portal Trip Advisor) or check, when the entrance to these attractions is free (maybe many museums in New York, London or Cracow). FOT. DARIUSZ GDESZ SAVE ON ACCOMMODATION It is primarily the use of the opportunities provided by the couchsurfing (this internet portal brings together people who give free there apartments) and cheap hostels. If you want to sleep in a good hotel, we look for him rather at a greater distance from the city center. REMEMBER TO PLAN TRIPS It is good to find yourself beforehand, what we want to see that day and try to walk the designated route to defeat. All this, so that we can cut our spending on local transportation. Of course, we don’t do anything by force, if the distance between points, we want to reach, are large, choose a public bus, tram or metro. FOT. MATERIAŁY WŁASNE BET ON CHEAP FOOD Eating in restaurants in the city center will reduces our budget holiday. It is worth checking the likes of Trip Advisor. We usually have Bed and Breakfast (B&B), during the day we eat snacks, and the main meal is dinner – with us it works. And if the trip is stationary, the cheapest will be self-cooking. FOT. KAROLINA MISZTAL FOT. JACEK SMARZ FOT. GRZEGORZ DEMBINSKI FOLLOW PAGES AND NEWSLETTERS AIRLINES, PARTICULARLY THOSE CHEAP Tracking the type of profile pages,, or on social networks allows access to proposal and price promotions. The second way is to receive a newsletter with news from most carriers in the market. As a result, we have more choice when it comes to dates of travel and their purpose. Do not forget about proposals for travel agencies and low-cost airlines. FOT. LUCYNA NENOW FOT. MATERIAŁY WŁASNE They were already in the US. It’s the best ways to cheap travels THE MORE OF US, THE BETTER We can’t forget that very often traveling in a group we definitely reduce holiday costs. Traveling with a greater number of people, we can reduce even the cost of renting a car, the cheaper we also have petrol. While on vacation with a group of friends and we pay less per night. Holiday? Only with friends! #Welcome to Cracow #reklama 16 REKLAMA CZWARTEK, 30 LIPCA 2015 NASZEMIASTO 015468686 E M T o 2.08 (niedziela / Sunday) - wstęp wolny / admission free