Annual Report IADK 2012
Annual Report IADK 2012
Annual Report IADK 2012 _______________________________________________________________ Adresa: Rr. Ulqini Nr. 74. 40000 Mitrovicë Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Kosovë 2 Annual Report IADK 2012 Introduction Year 2012 has been a successful year for IADK in all aspects. IADK has continued its close cooperation with Kosovo farmers and their associations, other non-governmental organizations, municipalities and government authorities, paying attention to diversity and inclusiveness in its activities. IADK aims to address the problems of the agricultural sector by improving the quality and quantity of agricultural production, increasing knowledge and competitiveness of farmers, strengthening the role of farmers in policy-making, and empowerment of rural women. This will be achieved, for example, by educating and consolidating farmers through networking and organizing, promotion of modern agricultural techniques and technologies, value chain development and advocacy for rational use of natural resources and environmental conservation. Given the rapidly-changing environment in Kosovo as well as the new opportunities and challenges of IADK, in 2011 IADK started with the preparation of a new strategy 2012-2018 for its organization and finalized it in 2012. The process has been participatory, engaging key stakeholder groups, partners and IADK staff. Since the new strategy will form the backbone of IADK's work in the coming years, it is a dynamic tool that will be reviewed and will be updated to accommodate changes in the institutional, economic and physical environment. Implementation of the IADK strategy will be done through projects with their objectives, action plans and budgets which are designed in accordance with the strategic framework and contribute to achieving the vision of IADK. The mission of IADK is to promote socio-economic development in rural areas, reduction of unemployment and creation of opportunities for income generation so as to contribute to reducing migration to urban areas, and to support farmers and agricultural activities, keeping in consideration gender equality, inclusion of minorities, integration and inclusion of returning population and to raise awareness for environmental protection. The vision of IADK is: "Development of a modern agriculture for safe and healthy food, improving life in rural areas and sustainable environment in Kosovo." IADK believes that with a close collaboration of the IADK professional team, farmers, municipalities, MAFRD and international partners will be able to produce high quality food and to contribute to the reduction of imports and creation of new jobs. Zenel Bunjaku - Executive Director ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 3 Partners who have supported IADK projects in 2012 IADK has already created substantial experience working with external partners. The organization is implementing a three-year project (2012-2014) funded by a consortium of donors Finn Church Aid FCA (from Finland), Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst EED (from Germany) and the Church of Sweden COS (from Sweden) on educating and organizing farmers as well as introduction of new agricultural activities. In order to strengthen the sustainability of IADK, EED Germany has supported the construction of a Farmers Education Center which will led by IADK. The Farmers Education Center is under construction, and this center will create sufficient space for the operation of IADK staff and its clients. Another important partner is the European Union which has funded two projects: A two-year project 2010-2012 on increasing the quantity and quality of agricultural products through promotion of advanced farming practices in animal husbandry, horticulture and fruit processing. A two-year project 2012-2014 on strengthening the civil society for policymaking in the agricultural sector. IADK has good experience in the implementation of projects financed by other international agencies such as USAID in the implementation of two projects in the horticulture sector for promotion of new practices in apple and strawberry production at the Kosovo level and the Farmers Association of LowerNormandy in France (AFDI) and Senior Experts from the Netherlands (PUM) The scope of activities: Municipalities of Mitrovica, Vushtrri, Skenderaj, Zvecan, Zubin Potok, Leposavic, Drenas and Podujeva while for some activities throughout Kosovo. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 4 Annual Report IADK 2012 The main departments of IADK are: Horticulture: Fruits, including apples, plums, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries Vegetables, including the cultivation of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach and vegetable seedling cultivation in greenhouses Wild fruits and medicinal plants, including the collection and drying of wild fruits and medicinal plants as well as their cultivation Livestock, including cattle, sheep and goats, production and processing of milk, animal feed, improved animal breeding and agricultural mechanism. Organization of farmers, including farmers' organization at local and national level Homemade food processing, including processing of milk, fruits and vegetables, organization of women in associations. Within each department our teams aim the following: To increase farmer’s competitiveness in the market To reduce imported materials support in agriculture To improve the environment in which farmers operate, by creating a better infrastructure for production and processing. To make the harmonization of agriculture laws in collaboration with relevant institutions. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 5 Beneficiaries of the program for year 2012: 202 Families have benefited directly from support by IADK programs: equipment for milk cooling, maize silage machines, hygiene packages for improvement of milk quality, milking system for cows and other equipment for farms, milking machines, greenhouses with heating system, mulching machinery, inputs for broccoli cultivation, inputs for gherkin cultivation, greenhouses, inputs for cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, inputs for cultivation of raspberry and blackberry, meteorological stations, food processing equipment. 135 Farmers, municipality agriculture officials and staff of IADK, Have participated in 21 visits to: Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Serbia, France, Poland, Belgium and Hungary 2877 Farmers (participants), Have participated in 356 training sessions 49 Training sessions in the Livestock sector, 461 participants have participated. 134 Training sessions in the Horticulture sector, 1225 participants have participated. 90 Training sessions in Domestic Processing sector, 213 participants have participated. 33 Training sessions were held in farmers organization, 405 participants have participated. 50 Training sessions were held in Business Management 573 participants have participated. 3 Participations in Agriculture Regional Fairs ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 6 Annual Report IADK 2012 More than 111 farmers exhibited their products 1 Strawberry Day 64 farmers have participated with their products 10 Practical publications, 6 brochures ("Management of cattle farms for milk production "The cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses", "Good practices in intensive apple production" "Strawberry cultivation systems”, “Strawberry propagation methods" and "Organic production of medicinal plants and their cultivation" and 4 leaflets ("Organic production of medicinal and aromatic plants and herbs" "Organic production in agriculture", "Use of pesticides in integrated pest management in apple production" and "Use of pesticides in the integrated pest management in strawberry production"). 9 Workshops, Attended by 348 participants 7 Field days, Attended by 238 participants 2 Round-tables, Attended by 78 participants 3 International partners AFDI, PUM, FFRM IADK staff has given contribution in various working groups organized by institutions and local, regional or national level organizations in the preparation of strategies, laws, criteria, etc. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 7 HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT Incubators for seed germination In 2012 in order to promote the production of vegetable and flower seedlings IADK has supported 5 farmers involved in production of vegetable seedlings each with a germination incubator room with a volume of 11 m³. The beneficiaries were selected in cooperation with municipal departments for agriculture. In general the selected vegetable seedling producers have a good experience with seedling production, but have not been able to apply advanced techniques of this kind of production, which provide better quality seedlings, reduce production costs and provide higher output during further cultivation. Beneficiaries are from three municipalities: Vushtrri (2), Podujeva (2) and Drenas (1). The incubator rooms can have multiple uses; in addition to the usefulness for vegetable and flower seed germination, they can be used for storage (or precooling) of fruits and vegetables. Thus, one of the beneficiaries of incubators from Drenas, who cultivates fruits and vegetables in open field, has used the incubator for pre-cooling and storage of fruits. Meanwhile due to the late supply and installation of incubators after the seedling production season, this year they have not been used for seed germination and their use will begin next year. Cultivation of broccoli Within the scope of promoting new crops, IADK has planned supporting farmers with seeds and related inputs for cultivation of broccoli. Previously there have been some meetings in municipalities with staff of the municipal departments for agriculture, and with some farmers who have started cultivating small areas with broccoli. During these meetings we have received information about problems that may be encountered with the supply of this crop in the market, due to the relatively low current market demands are small, but still with a growing trend. Although it was planned that each beneficiary to be supported with inputs for broccoli cultivation of an area of 20 ares, it was observed that farmers were hesitating due to potential problems with low demand and inability to find a ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 8 Annual Report IADK 2012 market for broccoli. Thus IADK decided that beneficiary farmers should be supplied with inputs for cultivation of 10 ares of broccoli and 10 ares of cauliflower. 10 farmers have been supported from municipalities of: Podujeva (5), Drenas (3), Vushtrri (1) and Mitrovica (1). Each beneficiary was provided with a complete package with inputs for the cultivation of 2000 m² with broccoli and cauliflower, (including seeds, polystyrol modules, sterile substrate for seeds planting, water tank of 1000 liters capacity, drip irrigation system, black mulch, crystal and mineral fertilizers, spraying pump of 20 liters capacity and a pesticide package). Beneficiary farmers also received from IADK a manual / practical guide for broccoli and cauliflower cultivation techniques, and were trained and advised in the field during cultivation. The first plantings of seeds were made in late April and continued consecutively while first harvests of broccoli started from July 10th and ended in late November. During cultivation, respectively at harvest time, IADK organized a joint visit with all the beneficiaries of broccoli and cauliflower inputs to one of the most successful fields with broccoli and cauliflower at one of the beneficiaries in Podujeva. This visit was organized in order for farmers to exchange experiences in cultivation as well as in trading of these products, time of harvest, storage and packaging. The 10 beneficiaries achieved an average harvest with broccoli and cauliflower combined of 2,500 kg/20 ares, while the best harvest was 5,700 kg/20 ares. The average price per kg was 0.82 €, while the average income for each farmer was 2,050 €. One of the beneficiaries was visited by one of the local television stations and his interview as broccoli grower, was broadcasted on public television in a program related to healthy food. Cultivation of cornishons From the projects planned to support minorities in the vegetable sector 15 Serbian farmers were supported with seeds and related inputs for cultivation of cornishons in areas of 1,000 m². Beneficiaries were from two municipalities: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 9 Vushtrri (14) and Mitrovica (1). All beneficiaries received a complete package of inputs for cornishons cultivation in 1,000 m² (hybrid cornishons seeds, sterile substrate for seed plantation, crystal and mineral fertilizers, 20 liter spraying pump, pesticide package, water tank of 1,000 liter capacity, drip irrigation system, galvanized wire and plastic net in spalier form for plant support). In addition to providing inputs to farmers, IADK also distributed them a guide on techniques of cornishons cultivation, and they were trained and advised in the field during cultivation. Planting of seeds started in late July, while first harvests started at the end of August and ended on October 10; the plants were damaged due to low temperatures at the end of the harvest season. Average income was € 800 with an average production per beneficiary at 1,400 kg, while highest production was 2,300 kg. Farmers did not have any problem in marketing, while the average price received was 0.57 €/ kg. At harvesttime IADK organized a visit with beneficiaries to a vegetable collection center in Mamusha, as well as at a vegetable processing/conservation point in Dolak village in Vushtrri. The purpose of this visit was to facilitate linkages between beneficiary farmers and vegetable collection points; during the visit they received requests for joint sale of cornishons. Although the cornishons production was not satisfactory this year due to the problems with low temperatures, farmers of the Serbian community have noticed that income from this crop can be very favorable. They are motivated to cultivate cornishons in the next years, since some of the inputs such as the drip irrigation system; water tanks, plant wire support system, as well as the experience gained in cultivation technique can be all used in the following years. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 10 Annual Report IADK 2012 Demonstration greenhouse in Çabër In 2012 training continued with two groups of farmers in the demonstration greenhouse with area of 500 m² in the village of Çabër, which was built a year ago. In two groups 30 farmers attended 4 training sessions on good practices in vegetable seedling production and integrated production of vegetables. Furthermore IADK supplied the beneficiary farmer of the greenhouse with vegetable hybrid seeds and other necessary inputs for production with the most advanced techniques of 12 thousand quality vegetable seedlings. Farmers who have attended these training sessions were supplied with 400 quality seedlings produced in polystyrol boxes with sterile substrate, paying a symbolic price of 0.15 € per seedling which is 50% cheaper than the market price. In addition to group training, each farmer has been visited individually on a monthly basis during the cultivation phase, receiving appropriate advice according to the state of the plants in his greenhouse. The beneficiary of the greenhouse is also continuously monitored by IADK professional staff and he has cooperated and fully applied the recommendations and advice provided. In 2012 in the greenhouse were produced 35,000 vegetable seedlings and they were sold at an average price of 0.25 € / piece, while after seedlings were sold, the greenhouse was planted mainly with tomatoes at a density of 3 plants/m². From the cultivation in the greenhouse were produced 7,140 kg of tomatoes and 310 kg of cornishons and this quantity was sold at the Mitrovica local market at an average price of 0.45 € / kg for the tomatoes and price of 0.50 € / kg for the cornishons. Based on these data the total revenue that the farmer has realized from the greenhouse is €12,118, not including a late plantation of spinach which has not reached harvesting time at the end of 2012. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 11 Demonstration greenhouse in Pestova In June 2012 IADK has set up a demonstration greenhouse with an area of 500 m² in Pestova village of Vushtrri, complete with heating system and other related inputs. This was done as a result of noticing the interest and the need of farmers to pursue advanced vegetable production practices in greenhouses, as well as in order to increase the quality of vegetable products and for a more rational use of protected environments. Another reason is that IADK aims to be closer to vegetable farmers. The beneficiary of this greenhouse, Daut Kosumi is a farmer with good experience in the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses, while he still could not invest in building a more advanced greenhouse. The greenhouse was completed in mid-June and was planted with tomatoes (1,250 plants) and cucumbers (250 plants). During the production season were produced 3,680 kg tomatoes, 1,400 kg cucumbers and 150 kg spinach, creating total income of 2,300 €. In the new greenhouse a group of 15 farmers were trained in 10 practical training sessions, following all stages of cultivation of vegetables in the greenhouse. Model greenhouse for organic production of vegetables IADK planned the establishment of a model greenhouse with an area of 500 m² aiming to promote organic production of vegetables, as well as demonstrating good practices in plant growth according to the organic method. This was done in response to new market demands for high quality and healthy products. The beneficiary of the greenhouse is Sami Sylejmani from the Vushtrri municipality, while the selection of the beneficiary farmer and of the location of the greenhouse was done in collaboration with the agriculture department of this municipality. The greenhouse was built in the village of Lower Stanofc, but due to tendering and re-tendering procedures and then delays from the operator building the greenhouse as well as unfavorable climatic conditions, the covering of the greenhouse was not completed. The completion of the greenhouse and related inputs will be done in February 2013, and it will serve as a practical demonstration center for production of ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 12 Annual Report IADK 2012 organic vegetables, for farmers and farmers' groups from Kosovo, who are interested in adopting this kind of production. Plastic mulch laying machine IADK has distributed a machine which is towed by a tractor and at the same time prepares raised planting beds, places irrigation pipes and black plastic mulch in order to facilitate the work of the farmers and the quality of soil preparation for planting different vegetable crops and strawberries in open field. The beneficiary farmer of the machine is a member of the NGO "Perimekultura" from Vushtrri, who will deliver services for the members of this association and the farmers collaborating with IADK at a rate 30% cheaper than the market price. In 2012 the farmer has started promoting the services with this machine by preparing 0.60 ha of land for planting broccoli and strawberries in Podujeva, Vushtrri and Skenderaj. Since the summer of 2012 was one with very high temperatures and the soil became very dry, the use of the machine has been somewhat limited, because its use requires a well prepared and very friable soil structure. Cultivation of medicinal aromatic plants A new working component which IADK has started this year is supporting farmers in cultivation of medicinal aromatic plants, which are very rarely cultivated in our country, although there are favorable land and climatic conditions for their cultivation as well as an almost certain market for their trading. First we have initiated procedures for cultivation of Gentiana, which requires special attention, especially during the production of seedlings. During seedlings production for this plant seeds require special ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 13 treatment in humidity and low temperature of 2°C for at least 10 weeks, while one year is needed for the production of seedlings from seed planting to achieve ready seedlings for field planting and cultivation. For this reason, during this year through tender procedures a company has been selected for the production of Gentiana seedlings, which has planted seeds by applying appropriate techniques in seedlings production. The seeds have passed the germination stage and until May 2013 will be available for planting and cultivating in the field to beneficiaries to be selected next year. Another medicinal aromatic plant intended for cultivation is mullaga (Althea Officinalis), eight beneficiaries from four municipalities have been selected for the cultivation of this plant: Vushtrri-3, Drenas-2, Mitrovica-1, Skenderaj-1 and Podujeva-1. Farmers were selected together with municipal agriculture departments considering the farmers who had earlier experience in the cultivation or collection of medicinal plants, and requiring uncontaminated ecological land parcels, because these plants should not be treated with mineral fertilizers. The 8 beneficiaries were supplied with mullaga (Althea Officinalis) seeds for planting areas of 0.20 ha each, a plastic water tank with a capacity of 1,000 liters, drip irrigation system, green fence as well as a greenhouse with galvanized metal construction with an area of 50 m² for drying of medicinal herbs (leaves, flowers, roots, etc.). Field training was organized in advance with the beneficiary farmers on the cultivation of mullaga (Althea Officinalis); the training was organized with a well-known grower and collector of medicinal plants in Istog. This operator was also engaged in machine planting of mullaga (Althea Officinalis) seeds and providing advice to each beneficiary. During this project farmers have faced big difficulties in preparing the land for planting due to the very dry land and lack of rainfall even in autumn season, and this has delayed planting of seeds until midNovember. Demonstration apple orchard The intensive apple orchard with an area of 1 ha established in 2011 at Vaganica village in Mitrovica was regularly monitored in 2012 by the responsible IADK staff, and plants have shown a ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 14 Annual Report IADK 2012 good development, giving a satisfactory yield of 6 tonnes. The orchard has also been used as a practical demonstration center on intensive cultivation techniques for other apple farmers. For better disease and pest management at this orchard, the farmer has been supplied by IADK with an atomizer for pesticide treatment. During 2012 four training sessions were held at this orchard with two groups of farmers (in total 30 farmers) who have started applying the gained knowledge from this training in their own orchards. Cultivation of raspberry and blackberry Eight Serbian minority farmers from two municipalities: Zubin Potok-4 and Vushtrri-3 have been supported in cultivation of soft fruits. All beneficiaries were supplied with raspberry and blackberry seedlings for cultivation of an area of 1,000 m² (half of which with raspberry and the other half blackberry), crystal and mineral fertilizers, pesticides package, spray pump of 20 liter capacity, plastic water tank with a volume of 1,000 liters, drip irrigation system, concrete pillars, galvanized wire for plant support and pruning scissors. In addition to provision of these inputs, training and field visits were organized for beneficiaries, in order to provide them with professional knowledge on the cultivation of these plants. Land preparation and planting of seedlings were completed in November, and four farmers have completed the plant support system. Meteorological stations IADK noticed frequent problems faced by farmers during crop cultivation, especially with fruit and vegetable protection from diseases and pests and the lack of signaling information on the occurrence of diseases and on the suitable time for pesticide treatment. Thus IADK established two ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 15 meteorological stations at two different locations in the region. One of the stations is located at an apple orchard in the village Vaganica in Mitrovica, and it will provide information on different climatic parameters which will be used in determining the most favorable time for treatment of trees for protection from diseases and pests. The other station is located in the village Pestova in Vushtrri, where every year large areas are cultivated with potatoes, and this station will serve to provide more accurate information about the time high risk of manifestation of potato diseases and the suitable time for treatment of diseases. The meteorological station supply Vaganice - Apple-Scab company has also provided some Hours basic knowledge on the use and 12 operation of these stations, and the 10 8 IADK horticulture staff has started 6 testing their use. In 2013 the staff 4 will be able to use the 2 0 meteorological stations and to Jun 12 Jun 19 Jun 26 notify farmers on the most appropriate time for treatment of agriculture crops. Severity 1.0 0.8 0.6 Wet Hours Infection Sum 0.4 0.2 Jul 03 Jul 10 0.0 Advisory services for farmers on the new methods of cultivation of apples and strawberries and integrated pest management New Opportunities in Agriculture (NOA), a project within the USAID programs, in 2012 supported 12 farmers in the cultivation of strawberries and 6 farmers in intensive cultivation of apple, providing new varieties of these two crops. IADK has been contracted by NOA to provide all farmers with advisory services related to intensive cultivation of apples and strawberries and application of integrated pest management. Farmers supported through this project were from different municipalities of Kosovo (Mitrovica, Skenderaj, Lipjan, Peja, Deçan, Gjilan, Kamenica, Shtime, Suhareka, Rahovec), while IADK has involved not only its own professional staff but also engaged 4 students in the provision of advisory services to these farmers. They attended regularly all the advisory sessions on intensive cultivation techniques of apples ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 16 Annual Report IADK 2012 and strawberries, and have successfully advanced their practical knowledge in plant cultivation and integrated pest management. IADK staff has been engaged in the identification of land plots, monitoring the process of taking samples for soil analyses, giving recommendations on fertilization based on soil fertility, preparation of specifications for seedlings and related inputs, preparation of planting plans for each farmer, training and regular monitoring of all agro-technical measures in plant cultivation and integrated pest management, as well as preparation of the notebook for farm record-keeping. During implementation of the project 7 field days were organized, 2 workshops and 89 training sessions were held for farmers. In link with this project farmers were supported for participation in fairs in order to promote their products. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 17 LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT Model milk cows farm The cows milk production sector in the Mitrovica region is being developed thanks to the commitment of farmers and support from different donors. In 2012 IADK continued giving support for this sector and providing advice and training to farmers at the model milk cows farm which was built in the village of Bukosh in Vushtrri. During year 2012 51 farmers from the Mitrovica region were trained in 7 professional training sessions on livestock production and farm management. All the farmers who have participated in the training sessions were certified on successful participation. During year 2012 the model milk cows farm has been completed with construction of a septic pit, voluminous feed storehouse and the silo for corn silage. Results of this activity are: the model cow farm is built and functional with all the complementary annexes, in which the milk production capacity of the farm is 100,000.00 liters of milk per year; the training curricula on the livestock sector (12 sessions) and on farm business management (7 sessions) have been prepared and 51 farmers have been practically trained on management of dairy farms. As a result of this activity, training and advice, farmers who have been involved in this project have improved farm management and as a result have increased revenues in their farms as follows: 18.1% increase in the number of cows, 16.5% increase in milk production and 27.0% improved milk quality. Building of a model goat farm Some of the factors which impede the development of the goat farming sector in Kosovo are poor infrastructure of goat farms, weak management of farms and lack of experience in this sector. In 2012 IADK has completed the building of a model goat farm with a capacity of 100 goats according to European standards in ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 18 Annual Report IADK 2012 order to improve management capacities and to implement best practices. The model goat farm is built in the municipality of Mitrovica and is serving as a demonstration center for farmers of the Mitrovica region and beyond. The construction of the model farm is made according to the proper standards in animal breeding and is completed with a milking room with a capacity of 12 goats per milking, automatic milking system, a room for storage and cooling of milk with a capacity of 500 liters, automatic water bowls, and other complementary parts. In order to implement best practices at a broader range, IADK has established three groups of farmers from the municipalities of Vushtrri Mitrovica and Skenderaj. IADK has signed contracts with each farmer, and IADK has trained 19 farmers in 6 professional training sessions in livestock production and 5 topics in farm management. Improvement of milk quality In year 2012 in order to improve the quality of milk IADK supported 88 farmers from municipalities of Vushtrri, Skenderaj, Mitrovica, Drenas and Podujeva with hygiene equipment. Each farmer has benefited a hygienic package which includes: acid and base substance for cleaning of milking equipment, udder disinfectant, iodine, mastitis test (CMT), brushes for cleaning of milking machines and container for the milk transportation. The aim of the project was to train farmers in the application of procedures for production of quality milk, including best practices in milking, adequate cleaning of the milking machines, storage and transport of milk to the processor. IADK monitored and trained farmers throughout the year. In collaboration with the collectors of milk samples assigned by the Kosovo Veterinary Agency, milk samples were taken on a monthly basis and sent for milk analysis at the laboratory of Veterinary and Food Agency in Prishtina. The results of this activity are: 88 farmers have benefited hygienic packages, 27.27% of the farmers have been classified in the extra class and 88 farmers were trained practically in improvement of milk quality. Preparation of corn silage With the aim of reducing production costs and improving feed for animals, IADK in 2012 has supported 7 farmers with machines for harvesting of corn silage. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 19 Beneficiaries of silage machines are from municipalities of Vushtrri, Skenderaj, Mitrovica, Drenas and Podujeva. This year all beneficiaries have used silage machines properly and have provided services for 29 other farmers. The total area harvested with corn silage was 69 ha, where the average price per hectare was 170 €. The total income from the corn silage machine use for all beneficiaries was approximately 11,730.00 €. By using corn silage machines adequately and in a timely manner and with training of the farmers, they have improved the quality of corn silage which has resulted in increased milk production. Installation of milk cooling equipment (laktofriza) in farms In order to improve the conditions of the farms and to improve milk quality, in 2012 IADK has supported 8 farmers with milk cooling equipment and other equipment for collection and storage of milk. Since one of the main problems in improving milk quality is the fact that farmers do not have adequate equipment for cooling and storing milk, IADK supported 8 farmers with equipment for cooling and storage of milk, with a capacity for milk collection of 4500 liters per day. All beneficiaries have prepared at their farms a chamber for storage of equipment according to the required standard. IADK has installed milk cooling equipment with a capacity of 500 - 1000 liters, pumps for milk transport from the cooling equipment to the milk collection tanker truck, adequate cleaning brushes, acid and base substance for cleaning of the milk cooling equipment, equipment for chemical analysis of milk (Ekomilk), power regulator, power generators and necessary ceramics for the milk room surfaces and other sanitary equipment. After installing the equipment, farmers were trained on use of equipment, improving milk quality and management of dairy farms. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 20 Annual Report IADK 2012 Distribution of milking machines In the context of activities in the agriculture sector, IADK has given particular importance to improving milk quality and improvement of farm conditions. Thus IADK supported 4 Serb minority farmers from the municipalities of Vushtrri and Skenderaj with a milking machine for cows each. All the beneficiaries were trained in using the milking machines and in improving milk quality. Water bowls for cows In order to improve the infrastructure of dairy farms, this year IADK supported 12 farmers owning 162 cows with installation of water system for their farms. In link with this activity, farmers have benefited 82 water bowls as well as tubes with other associated equipment for the installation of the water system. With the installation of the water system at the farms cows will have sufficient quantity of water and this will have a positive impact on the cows' health while farmers will find it easier to manage the farm. Implementation of best practices in management of milk collection points (GMP) In 2012 IADK has started with implementation of GMP standard in milk collection points. All the necessary documents required by this standard have been prepared and the implementation of the GMP standard has started at one of the milk collection points. Furthermore IADK has prepared all the required procedures and staff training at the milk collection point according to the standard. After the implementation of GMP, the milk collection point is following the requirements of this standard. IADK plans to implement GMP in at least 6 other milk collection points over the next few years. Establishment of the Association of Sheep and Goats Husbandry The sheep and goat sector is very important and sensitive due to the structure of farms and their organization. In Kosovo, there are several regional associations, but in general this sector is not well organized and is not represented from an association at the national level. This is why this year IADK has supported the establishment of the Association of Sheep and Goats Husbandry at Kosovo level ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 21 and this year all the necessary documents for registration of the association were prepared. In order to have a wide representation of farmers IADK organized meetings and working groups with farmers and their representatives. They have elected governing bodies of the Association, prepared the statute of the association and made an application for registration of the association at the registration office. IADK will continue to support the Association of Sheep and Goats Husbandry in building management capacity of the organization. Organizing a visit of farmers from Macedonia to Kosovo In 2012 IADK organized a study visit for Macedonian farmers to Kosovo. The visit was organized with 14 farmers dealing with milk production and animal feed production. The aim of this visit was the exchange of experiences between farmers from Macedonia and Kosovo farmers. A number of farms in Kosovo were visited and farmers from Macedonia had the chance to look at the standards and criteria for milk quality in Kosovo, milk collection method, dairy cow nutrition, management of dairy cows farms and the operation of the model milk cows farm. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 22 Annual Report IADK 2012 FARMERS ORGANIZATION Farmers do not play an active role in the development of the sector framework because of the lack in effective representation at the national level. Around 350 organizations or registered associations and agricultural cooperatives are spread around the country. Some of the organizations are established with self-initiative of the farmers while others are established with donor support. However, only few of them are functional and some organizations based in the sector have created national structures such as the Union of Beekeepers, Association of Milk Producers, Association of Milk Processors, Union of Fruit Producers, Poultry Producers Association, etc. IADK has gained the first experiences with the farmers associations in grassroots level in the region of Mitrovica and Balkan (BAAN). For IADK, the farmers associations are a key partner for cooperation and are included in all planning activities and implementation of the projects. In the new project “Education and consolidation of the farmers in Kosovo 2012-2014 “ one of the components is the organization of the farmers in national level with the objective that the Organization of the Farmers in national level is well organized (NFO) is active in Kosovo and represented in Balkan and European networks. During this year in this component are performed the following activities. Research for identifying the associations and farmers that are functional and conduct active activities for their members; in the beginning we developed the questionnaire, where we interviewed 120 associations. Based on the research we identified 101 associations that are functional where the total number of the members is 14,055 where 79.50 % are males while 20,50 % are female gender. These organizations are organized in networks and unions in all sectors. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 23 99% of the associations support the state level organization while only 1% does not see the organization of farmers at national level as necessary. In the beginning of April 2012 a memorandum has been signed between IADK and MAFRD. This memorandum is focused on: collaboration between MAFRD and IADK on the rights and obligations of each party involved in the farmers organization process at the national level. A wider representation of farmers at national level will contribute to further democratic consolidation, development of the agricultural sector and preparation of the farmers to fulfill the required standards for EU accession. Balkan Conference of the Farmers Associations - BAAN Initiative for Agriculture Development in Kosovo IADK is a member of the Agricultural Association Network in Balkans – BAAN, which has been established in 2008 from different associations of the Balkans (Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia). IADK during this year has organized the 7th meeting of the “Balkan Agricultural Associations Network” (BAAN), which was held in Prishtina on 28th and 29th of June 2012 with the topic “New cooperation opportunities between BAAN members”. With the purpose of organizing the farmers at national level as best as possible IADK during this year has contracted consultant Sten Rune Lundin in one mission and Johan Van Der Berg from the organization (PUM) in two missions. During the missions the consultants have been working with the steering committee and on the meetings with the farmers where we have developed and analyzed the working plan for organizing the farmers at national level until year 2014. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 24 Annual Report IADK 2012 Study Visit Visit to Macedonia IADK together with 4 members of the steering committee has visited Macedonia during 15-17 August with the purpose of understanding best practices for the organization and functioning of the farmers associations in Macedonia. We have visited also the Farmers Federation of Macedonia, the regional center of this Federation in Manastir etc. Gained experience from this visit will be adjusted to the current situation and mentality of the farmers in Kosovo and used to organize representation of the farmers at national level. This visit will help us to identify the most suitable form of organization for the country with the sectors, regions or other democratic forms of organization of the farmers at national level. Visit to Hungary A study visit has been organized in Hungary from 19th till 24th of November with 5 members of the steering committee, one member of the IADK staff and the Senior Officer for NGO Coordination from the Ministry of Agriculture. The purpose of this visit was introduction with different organization forms of farmers and farmers associations in central level in Hungary. During this visit we have visited different small farmer’s federation MAGOSZ, National federation of producers and agricultural cooperatives – MOSZ, Agricultural Chamber of Hungary etc. Participants in this visit were introduced with the functioning of these federations, financial sustainability, benefits and implementation of different projects from the EU. In the end of the year we have organized the “National Workshop of stakeholders to discuss on the facts and concept”. In this workshop participated farmers from different associations, Kosovo municipality officials, Women Network Group in Kosovo, students of the agricultural University, different consultants etc. In this workshop the participants discussed on farmers organization based on sectors but taking also in consideration regional organization and the conclusion was that the best way would be to make a combination of the sector and regional organization. We ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 25 have also discussed the financial sustainability which could be ensured through membership payments, impact on different laws from different projects and other forms such as consulting services. FOOD PROCESSING DEPARTMENT Fruit Processing Center This processing point was established last year with the support of IADK in the village of Klinë e Epërme of Skenderaj. In 2012 it has continued the work on processing of fruits such as plums, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and vegetables (tomatoes, peppers). This center was also used as demonstration unit for the practical training courses on soft fruits, top fruits and vegetables processing for women groups from the region of Mitrovica. In order to have product standardization and better access to the market, the processing point has been supported with two complementary equipments (refractor-meter, which measures the percentage of sugar and Ph-meter, which measures the acidity in processed products). Moreover, in order to improve the processing technology of fruits and vegetables, to upgrade the professional capacity of the processing center staff, processing department staff of IADK and women’s group, in 2012 IADK has again engaged a technology expert for processing. This expert has held two practical training sessions for processing four types of other products. 37 participants participated in these sessions. At strawberries harvest time the women groups from Novolan, Broboniq and Klina have brought the strawberries from their farms to the processing center in which their product was processed. At the same time they got acquainted to the processing technology. Establishment of this processing center showed a great impact on the farmers in expanding the areas cultivated with fruits, especially with soft fruits (strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry). Just the owner of the processing center has expanded areas by 0,25 ha of strawberry, more than 0,5 ha with plum. He also started with cultivation of fruits in open field as well as started with investments in ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 26 Annual Report IADK 2012 constructing a plantation of 0,40 ha for raspberry and blackberry. Such investments are happening on other farms as well which means that year after year the areas will be expanded with different agricultural crops, especially with soft fruits. In this way there will be an increase in quantities of raw material for the processing center and respectively an increase in the usage of the capacities of this processing center. Trainings in home processing of market oriented products (vegetables, fruits and cheese) Trainings in the milk module In this group 17 women have been trained from the Municipalities of Podujeva and Drenas. The main criteria for selection of the candidates for this module were the possession of raw material, i.e. milk for processing and production oriented to the market needs. This module was composed of 20 sessions in which women were trained on production of 5 different types of cheese. The selection of the cheese types has been based on the research from previous years which is related to the market demands. From the total number of candidates, 8 women started to sell different cheese types in Prishtina, Podujeva, Drenas with a total selling value of 15,418 euro. Trainings in the fruits module Two groups have been established in the Municipality of Vushtrri and Skenderaj. During these trainings 30 women have been skilled in processing of different jams and marmalades from different fruits. Practical trainings have been held in the processing points which were supported previously from IADK and which serve as demonstrating points for the women groups. Out of the 30 women who finished the training in this module, 12 women have started selling their products with a total selling value of 3,997.5 Euros. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 27 Training in the vegetable module Trainings in the vegetable modules in the village Frashër in Municipality of Mitrovica were attended by 15 candidates who were trained in processing of 5 different types of pickles based on the market demands. 8 candidates have processed products for the market with the total value of 3,535.5 Euros. This group attended the practical training session in the processing point in Studime, which was supported from IADK. All the candidates from the three modules who have processed products for the market have found market for these products by participating in different fairs, by promotion and degustation at points organized by IADK in the trading centers in Prishtina such as “ETC”, “Viva Fresh”. At these events and locations they have established different contacts. As a result women started to produce products for well-known restaurants in Prishtina such as “Shpija e vjetër”,”Agora” etc. Training of women in the economic aspect of processing Besides training in the technical aspects IADK has organized 5 additional economic training sessions regarding business activities, record keeping, and farm management, calculation of expenses, marketing and promotion of the product. Trained participants which started to process products for the market have started keeping records and calculating production cost. They also started to use labels as part of their product promotions. Promotion of products IADK has organized promotion and degustation points at two big trading centers in Prishtina, “ETC” and “VIVA FRESH”. This promotion was done during three weekends of each month. IADK has also prepared evaluations forms for the customers through which they could give feedback after tasting these products. Even though this event has not been planned for sale of products, customers insisted on buying these products, so we started with selling these products. The total value of products sold was 1,656.00 Euros. Women who process products for the market have participated in different fairs: 1. “ETNO and AGRO Festë”________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 28 Annual Report IADK 2012 Festival - 7 women 2. Cultural heritage Fair – 4 women 3. Agricultural Product Fair – MAFRD and ECK – 19 women 4. “Kosovar Business Week” Fair – 9 women 5. Prishtina Fair – 3 women 6. “Agrokos” –CeoKos Fair -11 women 7. Regional Fair “ Mitrovica 2012- 21 women 8. Fair organized in honor of 100 years of Independence – Skenderaj – 3 women We also advertised in the local radio “Ylberi” for the promotion of the 5 products of processing points and the market oriented approach followed by the women. Round table with all the partners for the food value chain and home processing With the aim of cooperation of all the stakeholders in the home processing sector and the opportunity to create an ombrella of associations that deals with home processing of the products IADK has organized a round table in which were discussed matters that would be of interest to all the stakeholders and on cooperation among them. In this round table associations of women who deal with food processing business participated. From this round table the following recommendations were concluded: Working on functionality of the idea of creating an umbrella for the women’s associations that deal with food processing and immediately starting cooperation among food processors in requesting inputs and other common activities. Following up all the established units of food processing: organization of new trainings and advanced trainings 5 processing points established from IADK during the years 2009-2011 as well as previously established groups; especially the ones producing for the market were followed up and supported in their business development. Processing points and women who are active in the market during the sales ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 29 season have sold a value of 21,713.00 Euros. IADK has also supported the initiative of a women group from Vushtrri and Mitrovica municipality in order to establish a women’s association “Vullneti i grave” in Vushtrri. This support consisted in, preparation of foundation acts for the registration of the association, different training on association management and finally with inventory of the office of the association in order to make it as functional as possible. Improvement of product quality and standardization In 2012 IADK completed a mission from an expert from Holland, which has been focused in capacity building of women and IADK staff in product standardization. 3 Representatives of IADK and 83 other participants participated during the 9 day training held by the PUM Expert on product standardization. Moreover, during the mission of the consultant IADK also held the workshop “Quality and standardization of the products” where 26 participants participated. The aim of this workshop was to bring together all the stakeholders in the processing sector and to discuss problems, challenges and opportunities for the future to increase the quality of the products and improving their standardization by finding a way to solving problems. Capacity building and economic strengthening of young women One of the aims of IADK is strengthening and capacity building of widows in the region of Mitrovica. IADK has identified three groups of widows women which started a business or expressed interest in starting a business aiming to generate revenues for their families. The first group has been identified in Mitrovica where 4 widow women’s have developed a business in the high school “Frang Bardhi” in Mitrovica, for food preparation (different meals) for the students of this school. IADK has supported these women in their business because of the efficiency and hygiene by equipping them with new equipments for food preparation. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 30 Annual Report IADK 2012 In the village of Morine, Municipality of Skenderaj 4 young widow women have produced home-made cheese products for the market. Moreover, aiming to ease work of these women’s in their cheese processing and storage, IADK has supported them with equipments for cheese processing and storage. The association “Martiret e Lirisë“ in Vushtrri conducts humanitarian activities for widow women in the Municipality of Vushtrri. In collaboration with the Municipal Assembly IADK has found a way to allow the start of a business from a group of widow women in the primary school “Anton Zako Cajupi” in Vushtrri. Besides the opportunity to prepare food upon request they could also prepare food for the pupils and staff of this school. IADK has supported them this women group with the necessary equipments to start this business. Cooperation with WNK and other partners in Kosovo In the beginning of 2012 IADK has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Women’s Network in Kosovo (WNK). The purpose of this memorandum is to exchange experts and expertise for the women’s need (and their groups). During 2012 the expert from IADK has offered trainings for milk processing for the association “Kalabria” in the municipality of Fushe-Kosovë. IADK has also supported the WNK in holding a meeting with its members in Mitrovica, where the traditional food served in this meeting was prepared from the members of the women’s association “Begatia” Runik also supported by IADK. IADK has encouraged the association “Begatia” from Runik of Skenderaj and the association ”Konvita” from Dolak of Vushtrri to join the WNK; so after this encouragement starting from September 2012 the association “Begatia” is a regular member of the WNK. Additional activities in the processing sector In Shipol municipality of Mitrovica, we have visited a case of a family which has six members in which the husband and other four children’s are retarded. The woman in this family deals with milk processing and cheese-making. From the sales of these products she takes care for the family by purchasing medicaments and feeding them. After this visit IADK has supported this woman with necessary equipments required for the cheese processing. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 31 Strengthening the Women’s association “Begatia” in Runik, Skenderaj In order to improve the functionality and for a successful work process, IADK has supported this association with office inventory. The association started different activities with women in the rural areas on preparing traditional food on request, preparing the documents etc. In order to enable a better management for the Association and because of the lack of experience the project has supported the association with 8 training sessions held from an international expert, where 15 women’s participated in every session. IADK together with the management members of the association “Begatia” have developed the business plan for the association. The association will be focused in three main fields: a) Food processing, b) Preparing traditional food, c) Flower production. In order to strengthen the “Begatia” association’s management for a better functionality, IADK has supported three board members of the association to attend computer and English language. Study visit in Kosovo and neighboring countries Visit in Kosovo In order to exchange experiences 51 women from three different women groups of Kline e Epërme , Novolan and Broboniq have visited the processing points in the village of Babaj Bokes (Municipality of Gjakova), village Banja (Municipality of Malisheva) and in the village Babush i Muhaxherve (the Municipality of Lipjan). Visit in the region (in Macedonia and Albania): 5 members of the association have conducted a 3 day visit in Macedonia and a 3 day visit in Albania, where they have visited 10 Women Associations in both countries. These visits were conducted with the aim to learn from the best practices and better functionality of the women’s associations. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 32 Annual Report IADK 2012 PUBLICATIONS In 2012 IADK has prepared and published 7 brochures and 4 leaflets related to all agricultural sectors. The brochures are prepared in three languages: Albanian, Serbian and English. The brochure “Management of milk cows farms” - contains practical information on the needs of the farmers illustrated with pictures. The brochure “Cultivation of greenhouse vegetables” – contains important topics on the cultivation of greenhouse vegetables starting from the techniques for production of seedlings, vegetables cultivation techniques in the greenhouse for products such as: pepper, cucumber, tomato, spinach, lettuce, integrated production of vegetables and some information on plant protection from diseases and pests. The brochure “Intensive Apple production practices” – contains an easily understandable summary for farmers who want to start with the establishment of intensive apple orchards. In this brochure are described the climatic and land conditions for the establishment of the intensive apple orchard, description of preferred varieties, cost of establishment of the orchard, establishment and cultivation techniques, harvesting and fruit storage. The brochure “Strawberry Cultivation System” – contains information on the ecologic factors for strawberry cultivation and different cultivation techniques in indoor environments and in open field, description of suitable varieties and caretaking measures during the cultivation until harvesting and storage of the fruits is done. The brochure “Strawberry Propagation Methods” – in this brochure are presented the methods of strawberry propagation and seedling production techniques for strawberries. The Brochure “Organic production of medicinal aromatic plants and their cultivation”- contains an important summary of organic production of medicinal plants, conditions for cultivation of these plants, cultivation techniques of nine different medicinal plants. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 33 The Brochure “Business Management of the Farm” – in this brochure the farmer can gain knowledge on farm management, drafting of business plans and how to start a new business. IADK has prepared a leaflet for strawberry and apple “Pesticide use for integrated pest management in apples” and “Pesticide use for integrated pest management in strawberries” – in which we have explained the green, yellow and red lists of pesticides. The leaflet “Organic Agriculture Production” – contains some basic principles for organic agriculture production. The leaflet “Organic production of medicinal and aromatic plants, and spices” - contains a short summary of the conditions and techniques for production of these plants. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 34 Annual Report IADK 2012 FAIRS This year IADK has continued to support the organization of agricultural events such as “Strawberry day 2012”, held in Skenderaj, “Fair for sale soft fruits and strawberries in Prishtina”, “Regional Fair of Agricultural products in Mitrovica 2012” etc. “Strawberry Day 2012” On 8th of June in the village of Llaushë in Skenderaj, under the joint organization of MAFRD, Municipality of Skenderaj, IADK, North Regional Development Agency and Family Regional Business Center the “Strawberry Day 2012” has been organized. In this event participated the Minister of Agriculture, other representatives from public institutions and different visitors. Farmers from Kosovo have presented their products; while, awards and gratitude certificates have been distributed to the most successful strawberry growers. Promotion of the strawberry continued also from 12th till 18th of June through the fair event “Strawberry 2012” supported by MAFRD, NOA/USAID and IADK, which has been held on “Mother Theresa Square” in Prishtina. Many strawberry growers from all over Kosovo have presented and sold fresh strawberry fruits. This year from the 23rd – 27th of July, for the first time in Prishtina was organized the soft fruits fair “Blackberry 2012” supported by MAFRD, USAID/NOA, IADK and HPK “Riinvest”. 10 blackberry growers from different regions of Kosovo have promoted domestic blackberries through the direct sales in the “Mother Theresa” square in Prishtina. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 35 Regional Agriculture Products Fair “Mitrovica 2012” This fair was held on 5th and 6th of October 2012, in Mitrovica and main bearer of this event was the Union of Farmers Associations in the Mitrovica Region (USHFRM), supported by the Regional Center for Family Businesses, Municipality of Mitrovica, Skenderaj and Vushtrri and other sponsors. IADK helped the farmers in this event by supporting them to organize and promote different agricultural products. The farmers have presented their agriculture products such as fruits, vegetables, livestock products, processed and conserved products, handcrafted objects etc. ACTIVITIES WITH INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL PARTNERS Senior PUM experts from the Netherlands In the livestock sector in 2012 there were two visits by an expert from PUM organization. During these visits, farmers were trained and advised in the prevention and treatment of diseases, animal nutrition, milk quality improvement and implementation of GMP in milk collection points. In the horticulture sector, there were several missions from regional experts, PUM experts, and a German expert in alternative energy. The first mission was conducted from 18-26.03.2012 with thematic agenda on "Pruning of trees and crown systems" The second mission was conducted from 04-09.06.2012 with thematic agenda "Apple diseases and pests" Third mission was conducted from 10-19.09.2012 with thematic agenda "Organic production of vegetables" In the processing sector was engaged an expert on food processing who focused on capacity building of women's associations, and for IADK staff capacity building in standardization of food products. In the sector of farmers organization expert Johan Van Der Berg has been engaged, who has contributed in preparing the strategy in relation to farmers organization at the national level. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 36 Annual Report IADK 2012 In 2012, experts from PUM organization have trained 64 students from the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 65 agriculture advisors and 322 farmers from all sectors of agriculture on different topics. The mission of the expert from Germany on alternative energy was conducted from 18-27.09.2012. He has prepared a feasibility study on the use of alternative energy in different sectors of agriculture. Two missions of ten-days each were carried out by regional experts (from Albania) in the horticulture sector (fruits and vegetables) and their mission was capacity building of horticulture staff on the subject of integrated production of fruit and vegetables, as well as preparing training modules on integrated production. Exchange of experiences with AFDI organization from France AFDI is a French association with which IADK has a co-operation in exchange of experiences. In 2012 representatives of AFDI have conducted a visit to Kosovo in order to help farmers in better management of their farms and to increase farm productivity. An evaluation of common activities between AFDI and IADK was also carried out during this mission. In 2012 IADK organized a study visit to France in which three IADK employees have participated. The visit lasted 10 days and the main purpose of the visit was for staff of IADK to get acquainted with innovative practices in farm management, acquiring knowledge in the production of alternative energy in the agriculture sector, and farmers organization in associations. Implementation of ISO 9001-2008 standard in IADK In order to increase the quality of services and work performance IADK in 2012 started with implementation of ISO 9001-2008. All documents and procedures for the establishment of the system have been prepared and IADK has started with implementation of the standard. IADK hired a certification company, Bureau Veritas from Croatia, in order to certify IADK with ISO 9001 - 2008. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 37 Success story Xhevrije Doroci, is one of the women farmers who is proving to be very successful with her work in the agriculture. Xhevrije lives in village Broboniq municipality of Mitrovica. She is the mother to 3 children. Her family owns 2 hectares of land which were previously cultivated with vegetables and cereals for subsistence of the family. During the period 1993-1999 Xhevrije and her family lived in Germany. After the war she returned to live in Kosovo. In 2008 Xhevrije's husband was supported by IADK with cultivation of 10 ares of strawberries. Noticing the profitability of strawberry production, the family has expanded strawberry cultivated areas and today they plant 60 ares. In addition, this family owns 40 ares of cherry and plum orchards. In addition to cultivation of their own land the family rents 1 ha of land for pepper cultivation. In 2011 IADK has organized and carried out a training module on fruit production in the Broboniq village. This training session was attended by 15 women and part of this group was also Xhevrije Doroci. Upon completion of the training module on fruit production Xhevrije has expressed her interest in attending training in vegetable processing. Xhevrije has considered these training sessions as an opportunity for her to increase her capacities in the processing of fruits and vegetables and in order to sell these products and receive an income for the family. After successful completion of trainings Xhevrije was supported by CDF organizations with equipment for processing of different kinds of jams, ajvar etc. With the installation of the equipment, Xhevrije has produced different types of products such as strawberry jam, pear jelly, plum jam, ajvar, mixed salads, pickled pears, pickled , mixed jam, other types of jams and pickles. The total quantity of products produced by Xhevrije was about 2360 kg. With IADK support, Xhevrije has participated in a number of fairs organized in Kosovo, where she has sold these products generating an income of 3,571.00 Euros. She also established contacts with different people interested in her products and became familiar with the demands of the market which will make it easier for her to plan and produce the products in quantities as required by the market. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 38 Annual Report IADK 2012 Now that Xhevrije has installed the new processing equipment she plans that in the coming years she will increase the processing capacity to 5,000 kg of different products. Xhevrije Doroci says that since she started her business, her life has changed. She managed to improve the living standard of her family and now she is feeling more empowered has affected even more in her life as a woman in her empowerment, and she feels more important in her community in social terms, because she is "breaking some taboos". In the past Albanian women were never seen selling in the market. However today Xhevrije is always present in the market, at fairs and elsewhere and her husband supports her in all activities. This is one of the examples of a change in traditional roles within the family, in which the woman is the leader in the family business, while her husband supports her. ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 39 Visits with farmers and participation in conferences No. Place Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Albania Albania Albania Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Vojvodina Serbia Croatia Poland Czech Belgium France Hungary 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 3 days 1 day 3 days 3 days 2 days 3 days 1 day 3 days 3 days 3 days 5 days 3 days 3 days 10 days 5 days No. of part. 16 16 17 11 12 17 8 3 2 5 2 7 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 6 Agenda Food Processing Food Processing Broccoli Production Gherkin production Marshmallow production Food processing Vegetable processing Organic production Food processing Farmers organization Regional conference Food Processing Farmers organization Regional conference Organic production Balkan-level Conference Seminar Workshop Women in agriculture Study visit Farmers organization ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 40 Annual Report IADK 2012 IADK income from partners and donors for 2012 Name of Donor / Name and duration of Partner project Promotion of agriculture, European Commission 1 horticulture, livestock and Office in Kosovo fruit Processing in Co-financing with the Mitrovica Region (2010Municipality of Mitrovica 2012) Fin Church Aid Education and Evangelischer 2 consolidation of farmers in Entwicklungsdienst-EED Kosovo (2012-2014) Church of Sweden Supervision of USAID / NOA-new beneficiaries for test 3 opportunities in cultivation of new apple agriculture varieties in 2012 Supervision of USAID / NOA-new beneficiaries for test 4 opportunities in cultivation of new agriculture strawberry varieties in 2012 Exchange of experiences 5 AFDI Project (2011-2013) Experts from the 6 PUM - Vehicle Project Netherlands (2011-2013) Evangelischer 7 Farmers Education Center Entwicklungsdienst-EED (2012-2015) Fin Church Aid Strengthening the capacities of civil society in policy-making and European Commission 8 dialogue with the Office in Kosovo Government in the Agricultural sector (20122014) Milk Collection Centre 9 Drenas Municipality 2012 10 Local Contribution Projects 1,3,4,5 Total Amount - 2012 € % 124,079 13% 10,000 1% 160,000 16% 199,000 20% 112,660 11% 34,200 3% 28,000 3% 1,500 0.2% 4,101 0.4% 152,000 15.5% 30,000 3.1% 75,331 7.7% 3,000 0.3% 46,007 979,878 5% 100% ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 41 IADK investments in the agriculture sector for 2012 Name of Sector Amount € for 2012 1 HORTIKULTURE SECTOR 281,696 2 LIVESTOCK SECTOR 226,028 3 PROCESSING SECTOR 4 FARMERS ORGANIZATION CAPITAL EXPENSES FOR 5 THE AGRICULTURE EDUCATION CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE 6 EXPENSES Total Percentage % 37% 76,083 40,219 29% 10% 5% 107,517 14% 37,569 769,111 5% 100% ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 42 Annual Report IADK 2012 IADK staff for year 2012 Name & Surname Zenel Bunjaku Gursel Arifi Department Management Livestock Position Executive Director Deputy Director and Head of the Livestock Department Esma Azemi Finances Senior Officer for Finance and Administration Basri Hyseni Horticulture Head of the Horticulture Department Ariana Selmani Finances Finance and Administration Officer Shemsedin Aliu Elheme Shala Petrit Koci Vahid Avdiu Office Manager Technical Assistance IT Support Senior Agriculture engineer Magbule Hyseni Hanumshahe Zeneli Hafize Veseli Burim Morina Management Administration IT / Administration Fruit productionhorticulture Vegetable production Livestock Livestock Fruit productionhorticulture Processing Processing Processing Administration Boban Ristic Novica Markovic Horticulture Horticulture Horticulture Assistant Horticulture Engineer Sylejman Bunjaku Xhavit Shala Xhavit Merovci Skender Fejzullahu Agriculture Engineer Livestock Assistant Livestock Assistant Assistant Horticulture Head of the Processing sector Project Officer Project Officer Business trainer ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: Annual Report IADK 2012 43 Internal and external consultants in 2012 Name & Surname Fatmir Bytyqi Zenel Elshani Pandeli Pasko Zijadin Gojnovci Stem Rune Lundin Bernd Sitzmann Enver Isufi Arben Mehmeti Advije Gashi Rrustem Llapi Department Administration Administration Horticulture Livestock Farmer Organization Horticulture Horticulture Horticulture Farmer Organization Farmer Organization Hamez Rama Farmer Organization Naim Krasniqi Farmer Organization Fatos Krasniqi Farmer Organization Pakize Kastrati Farmer Organization Dukagjin Kastrati Nexhat Merovci Veton Maloku Blerina Halilaj Arbenita Osmani Emina Hyseni Radovan Jovanovic Veton Galica Lavdim Neziri Administration Administration Administration Food Processing Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Position Trainer Trainer Trainer GMP Trainer Trainer Consultant on alternative energy Trainer Trainer for IPM Trainer Member of the steering committee for farmer organization Member of the steering committee for farmer organization Member of the steering committee for farmer organization Member of the steering committee for farmer organization Member of the steering committee for farmer organization Construction engineer Construction engineer Construction engineer Product promoter Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Internship students in 2012 Name & Surname Luarza Muhadri Adelina Morina Kreshnik Xhaferi Agron Bunjaku Bujar Ahmeti Xhavit Merovci Indrit Loshi Department Horticulture Horticulture Horticulture Horticulture Administration Livestock Food Processing Position Intern Intern Intern Intern Intern Intern Intern ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: 44 Annual Report IADK 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Rr Ulqini nr. 74 E-mail: 40000 Mitrovicë Kosovë/a Të jetojmë nga toka dhe puna jonë! Let us live from our land and work! Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 28 536 726 Web: