Fatigue Measurements on Composite Specimen Using VIC
Fatigue Measurements on Composite Specimen Using VIC
Fatigue Measurements on Composite Specimen Using VIC-3D, 3D Digital Image Correlation System System Installed At Department of Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of Technology - Chennai ILLUSTRATION OF DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION - DIC Raw video allows you to QUALIFY Digital Image Correlation allows you to QUANTIFY VIC-3D, 3D Digital Image Correlation System The 4 step process looks like this... The method of 3-D DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION - DIC is based on principles similar to human depth perception: (Photogammetry) by viewing the same object or process from two different viewpoints, the precise shape of the object in three-dimensional space can be resolved. Position resolution in three-dimensions is accomplished by referencing a system-wide coordinate system that is established through a calibration process. The calibration process, conducted prior to the start of each test, establishes the intrinsic camera parameters (focal distance, lens distortion factor, and sensor aspect ratio) and geometric parameters (camera positions relative to each other and to the imaged object), that control the transformation between the system-wide coordinates and the coordinates on each camera’s image plane. The idea behind the method is to infer the displacement of the material under test by tracking the deformation of a random speckle pattern applied to the component's surface in digital images acquired during the loading. Mathematically, this is accomplished by finding the region in a deformed image that maximizes the normalized cross-correlation score with regard to a small subset of the image taken while no load was applied. By repeating this process for a large number of subsets, full-field deformation data can be obtained. . The DIC method does not require the use of lasers and the specimen can be illuminated by means of a white-light source. However, the specimen surface must have a fairly uniform random pattern, which can either be naturally occurring or applied to the specimen before the test. Among the many methods for pattern application are self-adhesive, pre-printed patterns, stamps and application of paint speckles with air-brushes, spray cans or brushes. Images of the Test Component in un deformed and Deformed State are captured using 2 CCD Cameras . The two cameras are mounted on a rigid bar to avoid relative motion of the cameras. STEREOSCOPIC CALIBRATION Camera calibration is carried out in a very simple way by positioning of a calibration plate with a chess board pattern in front of the cameras and a series of exposures has been taken. The software detects the corners of the squares and the additional circular marks define the centre and orientation of the target. The algorithm calculates the parameters for each camera resulting from the deviation of the markings while the calibration target is at different spatial orientations. Camera Parameters: Intrinsic Parameters: This includes focal length and principal point of the lenses and radial and tangential distortion of the lenses. Extrinsic Parameters: This includes translation vector and rotation matrix. 2D, DIC SYSTEM. DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION Firewire Camera interfaced to the Fire Wire Port of the PC. Displacement and Strain Measurement In-Plane Direction ( X and Y Direction). Results Obtained from 2D Digital Image Correlation Displacement:- u and v. Strains:- εxx, εyy , εxy , ε1 , ε2 ,Von Mises, Tresca And Directions of Principal Strains 3D, DIC SYSTEM. DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION Two Fire Wire Cameras interfaced to the Fire Wire Ports of the PC. Displacement and Strain Measurement In-Plane Direction ( X and Y Direction) And Out of Plane Direction (Z Direction) Results Obtained from 3D Digital Image Correlation Displacement:- u, v and w. Strains:- εxx , εyy , εxy , ε1 , ε2 , Von Mises, Tresca and Directions of Principal Strains Vibration Measurements with Vibration Synchronisation module. For sinusoidal excitation, no high-speed cameras are required. Precise triggering at known offsets to excitation signal can be used. Images are taken in different cycles depending on camera frame rate. Complete vibration cycle can be reconstructed. Challenges High Speed DIC Measurements and Modal Analysis – Speckle adhesion during impact. – High-speed cameras (frame rate, image quality, price). – Synchronization. – Motion blur. – Lighting. – Camera motion during explosive/high energy impact event. Fatigue Measurements on Composites. A speckle Pattern was applied on the Composite Specimen. Measurements are made on the width of the specimen. To study the failure measurements were made both on the front and back side of the specimen. The failure mode is different in the front and back of the specimen Image of the Front of the Specimen At No Load and After Failure. Image of the Back of the Specimen At No Load and After Failure. System Set Up. Two Prosilica GX Series were used for Measurements. These cameras are interfaced to the GigE Dual Port of the PC. Each camera can capture images at 63 fps simultaneously. The analog output of the Load cell from the UTM was interfaced to the Daq. So whenever an image was captured the analog output was also recorded. The specimen was subject to a cyclic load from 24 to 48KN. Frequency – 1 Hz The specimen failed after 8558 cycles. The VIC-SNAP software was programmed to capture 60 images in one second and a hold period of 100 seconds. This cycle of image capture was looped until failure. Duration of the Test:- 3 Hours. Measurements were made on the Front and Back of the Specimen Simultaneously. So the setup Included 2 Simultaneous Measurements in 2D DIC. VIC-2D Software was used for Analysis. Strain Plots – Front of the Specimen - Strain - X Failure Zone Strain Plots – Back of the Specimen – Strain X. Failure Zone From the plots its clear the failure mode and the strain profile are different on the back and front of the specimen. List of End Users of VIC-3D/2D Systems In India. ¾National Aerospace Laboratories – Bengaluru. ¾MRF Limited – Chennai. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Chennai – Department of Aerospace Engineering. ¾General Motors Technical Centre – Bengaluru. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – New Delhi – Department of Applied Mechanics. ¾GEITC – John Welch Technology Centre – Bengaluru. ¾Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute – Kolkatta. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Chennai – Department of Engineering Design. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Hyderabad – Department of Civil Engineering. ¾Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre – Thiruvananthapuram. ¾Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute – Kolkatta. ¾Indian Institute of Science – Bengaluru – Department of Aerospace Engineering. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Hyderabad – Department of Mechanical Engineering. ¾GEITC – John Welch Technology Centre – Bengaluru. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur - Department of Mechanical Engineering. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Chennai – Department of Applied Mechanics. ¾Indian Institute of Science – Bengaluru – Department of Materials Engineering. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur – Tribology Laboratory. ¾Indian Institute of Technology – Kanpur – Department of Mechanical Engineering. ¾Indira Gandhi Centre For Atomic Research – Kalpakkam. For More Detailed Information / Demonstration / Trial Test Please contact us at PYRODYNAMICS No 632;22nd Main 4th “T” Block Jayanagar Bengaluru – 560 041 TEL:- 011-91-80-2245 4993 FAX:- 011-91-80-2 66 55 333 E-Mail:- pyrodynamics@bsnl.in Web:- www.pyrodynamics-india.com