instructors` annual meeting - Recreation Canoeing Association of


instructors` annual meeting - Recreation Canoeing Association of
Summer edition - 2008
T he Pur poses of the R ecreational Canoeing Association of British Columbia are:
To coordinate, promote, and encourage all types of paddling;
To develop safe canoeing practices and activities for canoes;
To involve the society in appropriate conservation and environments issues around the province.
The Instructors Annual
Meeting - Adams River
New CANEWS editor
IAGM continued...
David Thomson
President’s Report......
Instructor Coordinator’s
Environment Director’s
Your Volunteers, Paddling
Clubs and Agency supporting
Trippers’ Corner
Cinnamon Buns &
Your Tent Poles!
How to get the Instructors’
Annual General Meeting
The Last Word
Every year RCABC holds an
instructors gathering
somewhere near the fabulous
River! Set aside
August 29 to
1. It is an
with great paddling,
enthusiastic discussions,
parties et al... We encourage
all of our instructors to attend!
See page 2 for more details....
New Editor for CANEWS
- Tony Shaw
with an easy to remember email:
Please feel free to contact
me with questions,
information, articles, adverts
and feedback of any kind! I
will try to bring a new look
to this newsletter in the
months to come. But, I do
need the help of all the
members of RCABC. This
issue contains the details of
the Instructors AGM near
Chase. It will be a great
event with participation from
RCABC instructors right
across this province!
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 1 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
Instructors’ Annual Meeting from page 1
This year, the 2008 RCABC Instructors Annual General
Meeting will be held at the Girl Guides Camp which is located
on the south
end of Adams
Lake. It is
30 minutes
North of
Chase (see
page 8 for
directions and
sketch map).
The facility has
accommodation options. Check with Scott Rookes for more
Of course, the Adams Canyon run is certainly one of the
attractive highlights of the weekend events. However, there are
several other paddling related opportunities. Do you need a
Lakewater Instructor Re-certification? You can get it there!
Are you interested in ‘rescues’ and techniques for river rescues?
There will be a formal rescue clinic built into the weekend.
Middleton’s Speciality Boats
S Canoes from Clipper
Hellman CAnoes
Esquif Solo White Water
Canoe and Outfitting
In addition to the excitement of paddling, there will be a
Call for an appointment to
meeting of the instructors and at this meeting a new Instructor
see our warehouse.
Coordinator will be elected by the members. RCABC...
Closing the Store on
encourages you to consider taking on this task... You will get
September 7th.
full support from our out-going IC, Scott Rookes.
Discussions revolving around instructional issues will be the
Middleton’s Speciality Boats Website:
focus of the meeting. Your ideas are needed and welcome!
Demos and Rentals available - ‘Come and see for yourself.’
David Thompson Brigade...
The Sextant, an instrument used by
David Thompson on his map
Once in a lifetime, something comes along that is eminently significant, and for a lucky
few, becomes an integral part of their life. Envy is the only way I can describe my feelings
as I realize that this opportunity has now vanished into the past. However, I do want to
rejoice in the fortune of those who took part and travelled the waterways explored and
mapped by David Thompson. Who was this man:? The following description may give us
some insight: ‘He was plainly dressed, quiet and observant, and his black hair was worn
short all around, and cut square, as if by one stroke of the shears, just above the eyebrows.
His complexion was of a gardener’s ruddy brown, while the expression of deeply furrowed
features was friendly and intelligent, but his cut-short nose gave him an odd look.’ Nisbet,
Jack. Sources of the River: Tracking David Thompson Across Western North America. I
expect that we will be receiving a full report from one of the RCABC member participants
for the next edition of CANEWS - with more about the intrepid Welshman ‘Map Maker.’
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 2 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
Instructor Coordinator’s Position
The Association’s
business has been
relatively quiet
since the Annual
General Meeting
in April.
Membership for
2008/09 is up to
usual levels, most
members choosing to join online, using PayPal. This method is
quick and simple, and saves the Treasurer and Database
Manager time and effort. The new database that underlies this
membership has had some teething problems transferring from
one year to the next. The automatic updating of the expiry date
for renewed memberships has not been happening reliably due
to changes at Paypal’s end, we are told, and has had to be
checked manually. Also, the automatic notifications of
membership coming to an end and warning of the approach of
re-certification dates have not been working due to a
programming omission that was not rectified due to the
database programmer’s resignation from the software company
and the resulting lack of continuity. Thanks to Sean Burnett for
helping out in the diagnosis of these problems which should be
fixed very soon.
At the AGM in Duncan in April, Scott Rookes, our Instructor
Coordinator, repeated his intention to step back from this role for a
while. I am very pleased to say that Roger McColm, a long time
RCABC member and Master Instructor has agreed to take on this
role for the next year. His appointment will be put to the instructor
attending the IAGM at Adam’s Lake on the Labour Day weekend.
News of the IAGM can be found on pages 1 and 2. Scott’s tenure
of the position has seen many changes – the Instructor Manual is
on-line and 3 new courses (2 started by Lyle Dickieson, his
predecessor) have been added to the program of canoe courses
approved and taught by RCABC. At least two of these courses –
Big Canoes and C-1 – are unique in Canada, and the Playboating
endorsement for Moving Water courses is also not matched in
Paddle Canada’s suite of courses. Congratulations and thanks to
Scott for these results of his very hard work and persistence in
keeping the Association’s standards up-to-date and ‘high’. Scott will
stay on the board as the Zone rep for the Kootenays
Other Directors
At the April AGM, a number of other changes in the board of
directors took place. Kari-Ann Thor has relinquished her position
as Secretary of the Association but has agreed to stand as Acting
Vice-President. The Acting means she wishes to continue to be
involved in the Association, but does not intend to stand as
President in 2009. I look forward to continuing to work with
...continued in column one - page 4
Instructor Coordinator’s Report:
Roger McColm will likely be taking up the reigns of instructor coordinator after this
year’s IAGM in the fall. I (Scott) will stay on the River Rescue subcommittee and continue to
work on the manual updates over the next while, as well as to continue with Paddle Canada
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as instructor coordinator for the past 4 years, and I
would like to think that I have learned a lot about the organization and the people in it.
Thanks to everyone for their support and help along the way.
There will be a phase-in period, where Roger (or other replacement- Ed) and myself will
share duties and correspond so as to make things transition as smoothly as possible. For now,
continue to send questions as needed to Scott Rookes.
One padder who definitely
benefitted from the RCABC
instructional Programs...
Ed Note: Scott has devoted many, many hours of his time to making RCABC a better place for
instructors and paddlers alike. He richly deserves our gratitude. Also see president's report on
this page ‘above’...
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 3 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
Kari-Ann, who has been a very prompt
and diligent secretary for the past 5 years. I
know we share a common interest in
finding a candidate for the President’s
position in 2009 !
Jean Chandler has stepped down as
CANEWS editor, her work there being
taken over by Tony Shaw, whose continued
work for RCABC’s interests hasn’t flagged
in the year’s since he stepped down as
president. Jean has taken up the position of
Secretary – or at least will do so when she
returns from her 3 month paddling trip
with the David Thompson Brigade this
spring and summer. As I write, the Brigade
is pulling into Thunder Bay, 3,600 kms
from there starting point in Rocky
Mountain House. At least four other
RCABC members have taken part in this
historic trip – Ellie James and Joy Newham
from Victoria and Laurel Archer from
Courtenay paddling with a crew from
Saskatchewan and Boudi Van Oldenborgh
from Tsawwassen with a Paddle Canada
crew. There may be others I don’t know
about – congratulations to them all.
Another change in the board of
directors is the arrival of Dwight Milford
as Vancouver Island Zone representative,
replacing Tony Shaw. I thank these
directors and those who are staying on in
their position for their continued support
and hard work, particularly Dan walker
who is staying on as Treasurer. He carries
out this essential role quietly and effectively,
saving me much potential concern.
Meeting Attendance
Speaking of the AGM and IAGM, it is
noticeable that attendance has been low for
the past number of years since the Prince
George AGM in 2003. Thanks to the fact
that the IAGM is held in conjunction with
the Beaver Canoe Club’s annual Adam’s
River trip, there are quite a few paddlers at
that event, but less than half are RCABC
instructors. While the business of the
Association can be done at a distance,
teleconference and e-mail cannot replace
regular, if infrequent, personal face-to-face
contact. Without these opportunities to
meet the people, the common interests that
tie us together are likely to weaken. One
example is the difficulty of meeting and
talking to new members who might be
interested and able to help in the running
of the Association in the future. So I hope
that if you can come to the IAGM at
Adam’s Lake on the Labour Day weekend,
you will make the effort. That way we can
meet new faces and learn about the
strengths and needs that we all have, and
so better serve the members. If you have
any suggestions as to a different time of
year, different venue or different format for
these meetings, please let me know.
Navigable Waters Act
There have been messages of concern
about proposed changes to the federal
Navigable Waters Act. Essentially, the
proposed changes are intended to remove
some inflexibility in the present Act which
requires Transport Canada to carry out
reviews on any structures or proposed
changes that might affect running water.
(The definition of ‘navigable waters’ in the
Act is hopelessly vague. In conversation
with staff of the Navigable Waters
Protection Division, it was remarked that
any water that did not come out of taps
could be deemed to be navigable). The
concern of some paddlers (and the Green
Party) is that the proposed changes could
result in the loss of an opportunity for
questioning of development in or near
waterways. The proponents of the changes
argue that much of the Act enforcement
required by the present Act concerns
minor changes or changes that do no affect
users at all, and that removing these
activities would free up time and energy to
investigate the more important and
significant projects. See the Transport
Canada Website for background on the
present Act and enforcement.
At present, RCABC is taking a waitand-see approach as there will be further
opportunity to comment after the
recommendations have been considered by
government and any proposed changes to
the Act – e.g. defining what a ‘navigable
waterway’ is – are clear. Thanks to Roger
Warnatsch for keeping up with this and so
many other issues in his role as
Environment Director.
Paddle Canada
The Association no longer has a
director in the board of Paddle Canada
(was CRCA), but has joined that
organization as a Federated member for
2008, one of 5 provinces to have done so
to date. The applications for membership
of 3 other provinces are pending according
to the PC website. Ontario has not applied
for membership, and Quebec maintains its
customary independence. It remains to be
seen what value the Federated membership
of PC offers RCABC, and what assistance
we can offer PC.
Good tripping and teaching this
summer - Alan Thomson, President
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 4 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
Navigable Waters Protection Act:
Many people are concerned about the proposed changes to the NWP Act, which is the legislation that ensures that public or
private works (construction) don’t create a hazardous situation on navigable waterways. Information has been compiled for your
information on the RCABC website. It includes a ling to the NWPA, a summary of the proposed changes and some the
opposing voices. Although these are the early stages of the process, my current impression is that our paddling community has
reasonable opportunity to provide input. (A perfect example of how RCABC and PC could work together - Ed).
Maxime Ricard, Committee Clerk, Standing Committee on Transport, infrastructure and Communities:
“The process in which the Committee is currently involved in can be referred to ‘pre-consultations’. Once
the Committee has made recommendations to the Minister, a bill will still need to be drafted and introduced
in the House of Commons. If such a bill is introduced, passes second reading and is referred to the
Committee, a broader consultation process will then take place and stakeholders from around the country
will be invited to comment on a specific proposition from the Minister."
continued on page 8...
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RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 5 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
Your Volunteers, Clubs and Supporting Businesses
We are happy to recognize all those who make the Recreational Canoeing Association of British Columbia the great
organization that it is. Feel free to contact any of them for more information and membership details. They are the lifeblood of
the organization and will do their best to provide guidance to all paddlers seeking help and information. A special thanks to our
business members whose support has been undying over many years and continues to this day. Please look for a club in your
area and give them your support too! One of the best ways to get involved is to JOIN A CLUB.
Executive and Board Members
Acting Vice President
Newsletter Editor
Member at Large
Member at Large
Instructor Coordinator
Environmental Director
Alan Thomson
Kari-Anne Thor
Jean Chandler
Dan Walker
Tony Shaw
Lynne Smith
Jamie Boulding
Scott Rookes
Roger Warnatsch
Zone Representatives:
Burnaby Delta
Fraser Valley
Vancouver Island
Dan Burnett
Leigh Burton
David Wooldridge
Coriette Hofstee
Scott Rookes
John Marien
Roger McColm
Ian Hourston
Hugh Westheuser
Leonard Thor
Chris Kovach
Dwight Milford
Lindsay Cornell
Check the RCABC Website to contact your
representatives and your executive:
British Columbia Member Canoe Clubs:
Beaver Canoe Club
Columbia Canoe Club
Nakusp Canoe
Blackwater Paddlers
Dogwood Canoe Club
Port Moody Canoe Club
Thompson River Interior Paddlers
Kelowna Canoe & Kayak Club
Heather Matthews
Bert Port
Diana Kelland
John Marien
Mark Alexander
Gordon Clay
John Marien
Ron McKay
British Columbia Non-Member Canoe Clubs:
Victoria Canoe & Kayak Club
Cowichan Kayak & Canoe Club
Linda Thomson
Ed Campbell
Agency - Supporting Members
Bob Hellman 250.825.9571
Hellman Canoes
Pacifica Paddle Sports
Peter Harris 250.361.9365
Western Canoeing
Lynne Smith 866.644.8111
Middletons Speciality Boats
Dave Middleton 604.240.0503
Wood Canvas Canoes
Boudi Van Oldenbourgh
Go Outdoors
Brenda Parks 250.674.0204
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 6 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
Cinnamon Buns:
Trippers Corner...
So, what’s for dinner? It is always an interesting question
when landing at your evening campsite and getting ready
for the evening. Campfire or Stove, simple or complex,
gourmet or not!
would love to have
your favourite
recipes. So, to start
the ball rolling,
here’s one from
your editor that was
given to me by Ontario Paddler, Linda Leckie. Linda
paddled the Lower Stikine with me this past May and
baked these buns using a reflector oven! Simple eh?
Mix and Roll out
Spread on margarine, brown sugar and cinnamon.
Roll up and Slice.
Place on tray in Oven and BAKE!
You can add raisins or other goodies of course...
Here’s a simple enough camping trick! Have you ever had
difficulty pulling out those ‘sticky’ aluminum tent poles from
the sleeves of your tent? Try orienting your poles so that the
ferrules don’t catch on the seams of the fabric. It is amazing
how such a simple consideration removes so much frustration.
Can we have a subscriber to the Tripping Corner for the Fall
Issue of CANEWS? This is a great way to share great ideas
with other RCABC Members - Ed.
in the barn, and of course the Thors toughed it out in the
weather. The outdoor kitchen tent collapsed in the weather
and the water hose was buried and likely frozen.
I’m not sure if it is
appropriate to have
the host of the
AGM write the
report for the weekend; however, I had such a great time
that I feel compelled to contribute! I was thrilled that
the property at Affinity Guesthouse Cowichan was
chosen for the 2008 AGM. Those that attended had
access to our on-site voyageur canoes, put-ins to the
Cowichan Estuary and Cowichan Bay and easy travel
time to white water paddling on the Chemainus and
Cowichan Rivers.
Camping was offered, as was an outdoor
kitchen and access to the running water bathrooms in
the guest
perfect until
the huge
snow fall on
the Friday
Night of the
AGM. Most
campers put
their tents up
The paddling itinerary was maintained, if not the
schedule, with poling clinic from Leonard Thor (highly
recommended; it was a real treat to pole up the Koksilah
River in the snow!), white-water trips on each day and a
voyageur paddling clinic with Dave Wooldridge (with
Leonard and Kari-ann as safety boats poling in the Bay). On
the business side of things; Alan chaired a very smooth
AGM and charmed us with his wit, accent and semantics.
Everyone enjoyed a fantastic meal after the AGM and Tony
Shaw provided the entertainment with an excellent slide
show yet another epic northern journey.
The weekend was very well received and I believe
that the spirit of canoeing in BC is strong and healthy. We
are very
fortunate to have
leaders like
Alan, Tony,
Scott and the
I say we keep
the AGM on the
island for
another year; the
weather can’t
get any worse!
by Dwight Milton, Vancouver Island Zone Representative.
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 7 of 8
Summer edition - 2008
waterways. Others say the purpose of the Act would
essentially remain the same, and threats to navigation will
"any briefs received will be distributed to Members of the Committee and
be treated no differently.
their staff after it has been translated in both official languages."
A significant problem is that the public has been left to
"To discuss the substance of your presentation, you may contact the
interpret the proposed changes to the NWPA with little
Committee’s Research Officer, John Christopher, at (613) 995-2127."
guidance or been given clear examples of how it wold
affect navigable waterways. This has led to a lot of
The Committee is looking at seven parts of the NWPA:
1. Amending the definition of ‘navigable waters’ to exclude ‘minor’ speculation.
It is also unclear who is driving the proposed changes:
NWP Officers, Government, Industry? There sees to be a
2. Amending the definition of ‘work’ to explicitly exclude ‘minor
backlog of referrals sitting on the desks of NWP officials,
which is a problem that needs to be addressed, but should
3. Deleting reference to the four ‘named’ works in the Act.
4. Adjusting the amount of current fines in the Act.
the answer be to change the NWPA or to increase staff to
deal with the backlog?
5. The removal of wrecks and derelict vessels.
this issue directly affects recreational paddling and
6. The definition of inspection powers; and
RCABC and other recreational paddling groups in B.C.
7. A five year review of the amended NWPA
Some groups have declared that the changes are a ‘watering down’ of should consider providing input to the Committee.
the Act and represent a serious threat to the navigability of our
Roger Warnatsch - Environmental Director - RCABC
...from page 5
The Last Word...
Directions to the RCABC
Instructors’ Annual General
You will be welcomed at the Girl Guide Camp Selhowtkan
at the South End of Adams Lake. See you there...
So, what is happening with Paddle Canada? It
appears that although we are ‘federated members’ with
Paddle Canada, we are seeing little in the way of
benefits yet. What do you think that Paddle Canada
could do for RCABC? Conversely, what should we be
doing to promote our relationship with the National
Paddling Association? For those who are not familiar
with Paddle Canada, the organization has three major
products that recur from year to year: The Waterwalker
Film Festival, the Heritage Rivers Calendar and
KANAWA, a truly Canadian Paddling Magazine. As
noted by our President in this issue of CANEWS: “It
remains to be seen what value the Federated
Membership of PC (Paddle Canada - Ed) offers
RCABC, and what assistance we can offer PC.” Do you
have any ideas? What about resurrecting subscriptions
to KANAWA for all RCABC members? How about
transfer of certifications to and from Paddle Canada?
We at RCABC would be very interested in your ideas.
Check out the Paddle Canada Website to learn more
about the National Program. Surely there is a common
benefit somewhere in this ‘relationship.’
Tony Shaw, RCABC Editor and Past Western VP for PC.
RC ABC - Newsletter Editor - 2945 Dolphin Drive, N anoose Bay, B.C.
page number 8 of 8