Sisalation® Building Membranes
Sisalation® Building Membranes
Other well-known brands from Fletcher Insulation The Original and The Best Sisalation ® Building Membranes 9/527%!4(%2#/.42/,/.!2/,, Whether you’re building a home, re-roofing, extending or renovating, specify Sisalation® before you give the go-ahead PROVEN PERFORMANCE FOR OVER 50 YEARS Sisalation® provides homes with a ‘second skin’ that protects you and your family from Australia’s harsh climatic conditions. With Summer temperatures climbing above 30°C and Winter often below 5°C, enjoy the comfort and protection from the Original & The Best reflective insulation and sarking. s )NCREASECOMFORTLEVELS s %XTENDTHELIFEOFYOURAIRCONDITIONER s 2EDUCEENERGYBILLS s )NCREASEENERGYEFlCIENCY ® For Sisalation Information Call 1300 654 444 THE SISALATION® RANGE Wall Wrap Metal Roof TM STANDARD METAL ROOF MD TM BREATHER METAL ROOF HD TUFF WRAP TUFF WRAP Multipurpose Facing Foil MULTIPURPOSE LD FACING FOIL STANDARD MULTIPURPOSE EHD FACING FOIL PERFORATED FACING FOIL STANDARD Tile Roof TILE ROOF HD LD HD HD Permeable Membranes VAPAWRAP VAPAWRAP ® TYVEK TM WALL TM METAL ROOF HOMEWRAP HOW SISALATION® WORKS 7ITHALARGESURFACEAREAEXPOSEDTOTHESUNTHEROOFAREA ISTHELARGESTCONTRIBUTORTOHEATGAIN2OOlNGMATERIALS (tiles and metal sheets) are often poor reflectors, potentially emitting 90% of heat gain into the ceiling space. With roof temperatures reaching upwards of 80°C, ceiling space temperatures can reach a whopping 54°C. Correctly installed Sisalation® can: s3IGNIlCANTLYREDUCECEILINGSPACETEMPERATURES s2EDUCEHEATTRANSFERINTOTHEATTICSPACEWHICHREDUCES HEATINTOLIVINGSPACES s2EDUCEHEATLOADSONATTICDUCTSANDEQUIPMENT s2EDUCECEILINGTEMPERATURESANDHEATGAIN 2ADIANTSURFACETEMPERATURESOFWALLSANDCEILINGSHAVEA direct influence on interior comfort levels and energy costs. 5SINGTHEBENElTSOFALUMINIUMFOIL3ISALATION® reflects 95% of radiant heat and emits only 5%. ® A single layer of Sisalation , combined with an adjacent air-space provides thermal resistance equivalent to a wall 7 bricks thick! SISALATION® WALL WRAP SISALATION® TILE ROOF SISALATION® SISALATION® MULTIPURPOSE EHD MULTIPURPOSE SISALATION® PERMEABLE MEMBRANES (with the exception of slate) SISALATION® METAL ROOF SISALATION® MULTIPURPOSE SISALATION® FACING FOIL 7HEREMULTIPLEPRODUCTSARELISTEDFORAGIVENAPPLICATIONREFERTOTHE0RODUCTS4ECHNICAL$ATA3HEETTODETERMINESUITABILITYPRIORTOUSE!LTERNATIVELYCONTACT&LETCHER)NSULATION4ECHNICAL3ERVICESON &LETCHER)NSULATIONRECOMMENDSTHECLADDINGMANUFACTURERS4ECHNICAL3PECIlCATIONSAREREFERREDTOWHENSELECTINGTHEMOSTAPPROPRIATEWALLWRAPMATERIALFORABUILDINGSYSTEM WEATHER PROTECTION Sisalation® not only insulates your home, but protects it from RAINDRIVENWATERINlLTRATION3ISALATION® also limits dust from entering your building by sealing off draughts in the walls and roof space. Summer Make sure your family stays cooler and more comfortable at home. Sisalation® reduces heat transfer through the envelope of a building. Where there’s a temperature difference, heat flows naturally from a warmer to a cooler space. Winter To maintain comfort in colder months, the heat lost must be replaced by the heating system. Sisalation® minimises radiant heat from escaping through the walls and roof by acting as a thermal barrier. EASY INSTALLATION "UILDERSBENElTFROMCLEANLIGHTWEIGHT3ISALATION® that’s ABLETOBECUTTOlTVIRTUALLYANYCONlGURATIONWITHOUT special tools, protective mask or clothing. Compliant with Australian Standards, it can be installed by smaller crews, in less time, keeping labour costs low.