Lewiston Link, April 2012
Lewiston Link, April 2012
City of Lewiston LEWISTON LINK Volume 2, Issue 3 April 2012 Your best source for what’s “happenin” in the city in the midst of a fire! Dan told me that claustrophobia has eliminated prospective firemen. Dan Gludt, Greg Fry, Brad Covington, Dave Bobeck, John Ockwell, Kevin Kalbfleisch It didn’t take long before two things about Fire Station 1 became apparent. First, an obvious pride and love for the job was displayed in each crew member. Second was the lack of a pole to slide down or dance around. Too many accidents occurred due to hurry; mostly ankle injuries, but every now and then someone missed the pole altogether. Within my first hour, the alarm went off. Everyone moved with efficiency. “We’re like a football team,” Captain Greg Fry said. “Everyone has their specific duties to fulfill.” As Eric M. Olson prepped for the call, Engineer Dan Gludt carefully maneuvered the truck through the Lewiston streets, using caution at the intersections. He explained that in town they’re allowed to go only ten miles over the speed limit. We arrived at the scene where I was greeted enthusiastically by some students from my school librarian days. I was feeling great about the reunion until the “sticker man” showed up and I was quickly abandoned for firefighter stickers! Captain Fry showed me the thermal scanner which displays hot spots not seen by the naked eye. It also enables firefighters to see where people are in a smoke-filled room. As I followed him through the home I was amazed at the material possessions that filled every nook. Mattresses cluttered the floor, requiring careful steps. Greg explained that a messy home creates hazardous obstacles that ignite quickly. Valuable time is lost and lives endangered as firefighters must crawl to maneuver through the chaos. Filth from garbage, dirty dishes, and fecal matter heighten the risk. Each firefighter wears about 50 lbs. of cumbersome but necessary equipment. Once back at the station, Dan helped me dress in the turnouts. I battled claustrophobia as I slid the mask over my face. This was heightened when he cut the oxygen off; I wanted to rip off the confining mask – a deadly mistake The turnouts can be scary for children. The bulky monster-like appearance is exacerbated by the Darth Vader noises generated by breathing through the mask. To alleviate some of those fears, a fire safety program is implemented in the schools where children can see the uniform firsthand. Fire extinguisher classes are offered to local businesses and CPR is taught to all high school seniors. Training is ongoing for those within the fire department. Study and tests are a regular regiment for those wanting to move up in rank. Physical test requirements must be met when first signing on. Most staff stay fit in order to meet the strenuous physical demands and to avoid injury. A weight room is available and in frequent use. (Continued on Page 2) QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE AWARDS Just a reminder…If you have an employee or coworker who has gone above and beyond their regular duties, please submit a nomination for a quarterly performance award to the Human Resources Division. LEWISTON LINK PAGE 2 Fire Station 1 Cont.: A 56-hour workweek is the norm with the shift beginning at 8am one day and ending 24 hours later. 8-5 is a regular workday with training, reports, and computer work between calls. Walkthroughs of various buildings with discussions of possible scenarios mentally prepares the crew and acquaints them with the structures. After 5pm they may relax but must stay on-call at the station. They can be seen at the grocery store buying food for dinner, which is purchased out of pocket. I partook of their “gut-bomb” dinner: a spicy chilidog! I say with pride that I was deemed worthy of the firefighters when I added Tabasco to mine and ate it with no problem. Living in close proximity and working under duress, they quickly learn one another’s strengths and weaknesses which cannot be easily hidden. Firefighters are known for ego; therefore, clashes occur. Bluntness that is needed in the firehouse is not well-received outside those four walls. Several admitted to being viewed as rude and getting into trouble in social situations. They also confessed that at the end of the workweek they can get irritable. Sleep, done in a state of readiness, is rarely restful. I slept over in the “puppy den” to experience this. The “Ride-Along Curse” brought about a slow night, but each time the radio sounded I found myself wide awake, feeling like I had just been hollered at. The next night had continual calls, allowing that crew only 45 minutes of sleep. With it now acceptable to call 9-1-1, calls have increased to a daily average of ten (over 7,000 annually for a crew of 15). With Americans more unfit than ever, accidents and health issues are common. Extra manpower is necessary. The gurney limit used to be 350 lbs. with only one person exceeding that limit per month. Now it’s 650lbs and these patients are seen on a regular basis. This creates more on-the-job injuries for rescuers, especially when under-manned. The national average for crew members at a fire is 15; Lewiston usually has around six to ten, and only when everyone is in service, fifteen. “We’re not trying to be selfish in asking for more staff,” Captain Fry said. “We just want to be able to meet the needs that arise. Many times we must scramble to keep someone available.” A call may be five minutes away from a particular station, but without anyone on-hand, time is increased with travel from another station. Many times the fire truck is onscene with the ambulance, creating issues with some valley residents, however situations often have more than meets the eye; gas leaks, possible fires, and help lifting/moving patients. Costly equipment that would increase efficiency is another sore subject with taxpayers. Greg commented, “People don’t want to pay the taxes to support the emergency services but are very glad to see the help arrive when in need.” Crew members must put aside public perception and hold onto keeping compassion and professionalism key. When asked if they were ever tempted to delay help to open critics or lose compassion for drug seekers, David Bobeck answered, “Everyone is treated the same.” April 2012 Our fire department also provides ambulance services which help generate around $1.5 million annually. Although it creates more work for the crew, they feel it is a good public service. There’s no fee for calls involving no transport; a private service would still charge for responding. My second ride-along involved transport from the hospital to a waiting MedStar airplane. Riding backwards in the ambulance was reminiscent of station wagon days and created disorientation. Ambulance drivers must maneuvere the streets carefully since the back area is much more sensitive to jostling and swaying. I asked how they stay sane when exposed to so much need. Debriefing and humor help alleviate strong emotions. The hardest calls involve children, especially when the same age as the crew’s kids. Several SIDS calls had Cody Anderson checking on his toddler numerous times during the nights. Hobbies serve as great diversions. Greg competes in Motocross and has only six more competitions to complete successfully in order to become national champion. Battalion Chief Kevin Kalbfleisch prepares for the Seattle Stair Climb, climbing 69 flights of stairs in full gear, a firefighter competition in which several locals participate. Everyone is involved in a local charity, helping with community events such as Jackson Baldwin, the Boys & Girls Club fundraiser dinner, and Habitat for Humanity. In spite of the many drawbacks, none would give up their career. Part of the fun is never knowing what you’ll see. It’s also rewarding to know you’re doing good for your fellow man. — Edwina Norton The City of Lewiston Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 19th, at Bryden Canyon Golf Course. The tournament begins at 8:00 a.m. and we encourage all participants to be at the course by 7:45 a.m. for check in and registration. It will be a scramble format with four-person teams. The price is $41.00, which includes 18 holes of golf, half a cart and lunch. There will be prizes for the winning teams, long drives and closest to the pin; also drawings for additional prizes at the end of the tournament. Come have fun and enjoy a day of golf. To register, contact Steve Campbell at 746-5585, ext. 292, or e-mail scampbell@cityoflewiston.org. Please remember...no outside alcohol is allowed on the course. LEWISTON LINK PAGE 3 April 2012 GETTING TO KNOW OUR CITY EMPLOYEES Mike Horne—Library Circulation Desk 1. What’s the best part of your job? I guess it’s being an everyday superhero for the city. I have the “Hey, can you help me use the computer?’, “Where is the mustard book?” which ended up being Green Eggs and Ham, “Do you have tax forms?”, etc. These may not save a physical life but they inspire imagination and education. 2. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be and why? Tough one! It’s a tie: either a toddler or a woman. It would be neat to see everything through the eyes of a toddler and see that wonder they have again. I’m a man but I can change if I have to. Sometimes being a man who has worked with a lot of women, I don’t know if I always bridge the communication divide. It would be nice to see it from the other side. The perfect woman to choose would be “Edweena” Norton because I can’t think of one bad thought she could possibly have about me. 3. Where did you go to school? What was your favorite scholastic subject? I went to Grantham Elementary where I loved Science. Mr. Haven’s Young Astronauts rocked! I loved choir and Home Ec (there was only one other guy besides me in class) at Lincoln Middle School. At Clarkston High I enjoyed History for no particular reason. 4. Tell us something that most people don’t know about you. Most people don’t know that I starred as William Clark in 1989 at LCSC for a Washington State Centennial Celebration—at least I hope that’s why I was wearing a leather jacket and a coon skin cap in front of all those people. 5. What was one of your most embarrassing moments? I don’t embarrass easily and am sure library staff can find photo evidence of this. I grew up with the coolest mom. She was a hippy and so she had no qualms about walking into places like a fire department, hospital, house for sale and getting us a field trip. She also made games out of mundane activities. She grew out of being cool when I became a teenager. I realized this when she gave me a ride to Lincoln Middle School and got out of the car to wave goodbye to me in her blue cookie monster bathrobe and hair curlers. 6. What was the last book you read (by yourself)? It was either “The Reapers are the Angels” by Joshua Gaylord, “Battle Royale” by Koushun Takami, or “Daniel” by Daniel. 7. What show on TV do you DVR or NEVER miss? Easy! “Burn Notice” and “Man Woman Wild”. They both are educational and one teaches about trust in marriage. Dawn Ristau—Safe Routes 2 School Coordinator 1. What’s the best part of your job? Working with the kids and teaching them to think in healthier and safer ways. 2. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be and why? Willy Wonka. Why?...one word...CHOCOLATE! 3. Where did you go to school? What was your favorite scholastic subject? I graduated high school from Lewiston. I don’t remember liking any subject really but I really enjoyed DECA. 4. Tell us something that most people don’t know about you. I was a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and before that I directed airplanes. 5. What was one of your most embarrassing moments? Ahhh, every day is an embarrassing moment for me—I find my foot in my mouth more often than I would like! 6. What was the last book you read (by yourself)? It takes me a long time to actually read a book, so I listen to books on trips and the last book I listened to was called, “Kisses from Katie.” 7. What show on TV do you DVR or NEVER miss? Grey’s Anatomy! Attend the 6th Annual Hog n’Grog Pig Roast for Huntington’s Disease. Tickets are $20.00 each and worth every penny! Contact Sherri Kole at 208-790-8801 for more information! LEWISTON LINK PAGE 4 April 2012 THE GREAT OUTDOORS By Tim Johnson A VERY RARE BIRD You may or may not be able to identify this bird — and I am not talking about Jeff Parsley. ROGER GOSSAGE AND HIS BUCK Roger has put in for a controlledhunt tag hunt for over 20 years, starting when he was 11 years old. He was very lucky to be drawn for both elk and deer last year and was quite successful. After harvesting a nice bull, and with 13 days left to hunt mule deer, he was not in a hurry to get back up and get his buck. As we all know, life gets in the way sometimes, so it was the last day of the season when he and his friend, James Hasenoehrl, set out at daylight to Captain John’s Drainage. They saw several nice 4 points, but were When Jeff first spotted this bird at some distance, he mistook it for a Seagull. He spotted it in the fall of the year and when he realized what it was, the bird made itself unable to harvest. He spoke with the property owner Ralph Schwartz, and they talked about how great he would look mounted. The next year Ralph called Jeff to tell him the bird was back on the property. Jeff hot-footed it up to the place located between Culdesac and Reubens, and found the bird where Ralph said it should be. Jeff was able to make a good hunt and harvested it. He must’ve been able to identify the pheasant as a male by the red around the eye. I am not sure every bird hunter who may have seen him would know they could bag this bird. Jeff took the bird to a Wildlife Biologist who told him that only 1 in 1,000,000 are ever able to survive to be one year old since they cannot camouflage thus making them subject to prey. He said that this two-year-old bird was, at the best odds, 1 in 2,000,000! looking for a nicer one. After several hours and many miles, a buck was seen and ranged at 800 yards. Time was slipping away; it was 1:00 p.m. when the two hunters reached a good vantage point 386 yards away. One shot was fired from a 300 Winchester Magnum and the buck moved off slightly out of sight. After one more drainage crossing and a short fair chase, one more shot harvested this nice buck. The buck was boned out and the head mounted on the backpacks. The buck dried measures 24”. back to the truck. I would venture to guess from the smile on his face when he told me the story, he would do it again this year if he is drawn again. Jeff is very proud of the mount and will be more than happy to tell you about it. It took a great deal of work and a long trip (8 miles and 9 hours) to get Baby Boomers having Grandbabies Congratulations to the following grandparents! Some will be first-timers while others are old pros (not picking on anyone’s age). It was suggested we have the best looking grandchild contest, but in the spirit of diplomacy we will declare them all winners! A grandparent-grandbaby lookalike contest was also suggested but some felt those grandpas with facial hair would be at a disadvantage (hopefully). Be sure to ask the following to see pictures of their new additions. They will be very proud to share photos and stories with you. Dan Marsh; Barb Clark (2); Rob Brown; Dave Lewis; Steve Campbell. LEWISTON LINK PAGE 5 April 2012 Officer josh larson honored Each post of the American Legion awards an Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer annually. The award has been a long serving presentation by the American Legion in appreciation and recognition of local law enforcement. This year Officer Joshua Larson was nominated and will be receiving this award from American Legion Post #13. Chief of Police, Steve Orr said, “Officer Joshua Larson is very deserving of this recognition. Joshua is an excellent representative of LPD and the law enforcement profession.” Officer Larson has been with the Lewiston Police Department for over four years, of which the last three he has been a dedicated member of the STEP (Selective Traffic Enforcement Program) team in their efforts of saving lives and reducing injuries. Officer Larson learned quickly that there was more than enforcement to reducing our vehicle crash rate and increasing seatbelt compliance. He became involved with young drivers by assisting in driver’s education and student talks at the Lewiston High. Officer Larson is a pleasure to work with and comes to work every day with a positive attitude, which speaks volumes for his professionalism when you consider that most of his workrelated contacts involve an enforcement action being taken. He directs our radar trailer program. This project can be timeconsuming with scheduling locations and maintenance. He also manages the radar and lidars used for speed enforcement. It is important to keep well documented records for court purposes. He is active in highway safety mobilizations Sgt. Ted Piche’; Officer Matthew Breese; Officer Joshua Larson within our agency and partners up with other law enforcement agencies in a One Team enforcement effort. Officer Larson provides training for school crossing guards and assists with bicycle rodeos at the elementary schools. Officer Larson has been selected by the Officer Candidate School of the U.S. Army and reported for duty in May. He resigned from the Lewiston Police Department on April 6th . Chief Steve Orr commented, “Joshua has embodied our organization’s core values of Leadership – Pride – Duty. Joshua will be greatly missed by the LPD family, but I am confident that he will be an outstanding Army officer and we wish him continued success throughout the future.” With the current unrest in the world today I commend Officer Larson for his dedication and commitment. ANNUAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR… This year’s fair will be held on Thursday, May 3rd at the Lewiston Community Center (1424 Main Street) from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is a free event for all city and county employees and their families. Don’t miss out on all of the activities involving over 30 local health-oriented organizations! Health checks, prescription drug drop off, healthy food samples, raffles and more. For more information, contact Dave Six at 743-7461, or Charla Hall at 799-3090. WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE The Weight Loss Challenge is halfway done! 32 of the 34 teams are still in the challenge with 380 pounds lost. There are three weigh-ins left. The top 10 teams are all within 5% from each other, so don’t give up! — Ted Piche Salsa challenge ii Last year’s Salsa Challenge was such a great success that we had people asking for more! If you have a great salsa recipe, come and show off your skills (not dancing) at the Annual Health Fair on May 3rd! Participants and vendors of the fair will be the judges. The winner will receive a great prize and be crowned the Supreme Salsa Being! Last year’s winner, Darlene Burke, will not be a participant, but will be a tie breaker judge if needed! Please call Shannon Grow at 298-1345 or sgrow@cityoflewiston.org if you are interested in participating. LEWISTON LINK PAGE 6 Spring trivia Welcome to fatherhood! Madeline Eileen Stubbers was born on Jan. 1, 2012. She is the first child for Asst. City Engineer Shawn Stubbers and his wife, Johanna. Shawn looks a little tired some mornings but can oftentimes be heard saying he highly recommends this “being-a parent-thing”. Maddie is one lucky girl! People would be hard pressed to find a child more loved. All of us in Engineering are so excited to watch her grow! Congratulations Shawn and Johanna—she is precious! — Jill Tolman A Lesson Learned Along the Way… There are few times in the course of our careers as service providers when things happen, reminding us that what we do isn’t just a job; sometimes what we do has a profound effect on the people we serve. For some, the perception of providing public transportation is simply to get a person from Point A to Point B. Many years ago early in my career, I was given a lesson about what our service really means to those who depend on us the most. Alice was a wife, mother, and grandmother to a beautiful 2 year old granddaughter. She was a frequent rider of the public transportation bus, riding the service three times per week to the local dialysis unit. As the years went by, the driver noticed changes in Alice’s health. Her husband built a ramp going into the house so that she could get around on her 3-wheeled scooter that she now depended on to get to her appointments. As we rang in a new year, the phone in dispatch rang; it was Alice asking April 2012 us to cancel all of her rides to dialysis. I was speechless as I knew what this meant in the long run. And ten days later, Alice passed away. She was in her mid 50’s. The afternoon of the funeral, Alice’s daughter visited our offices. I’ll never forget seeing her enter the office with her arms bearing gifts. Alice had taken time before she passed to write a personal note to our staff. She wanted us to know that she became very tired and had made the decision, along with her family, to stop dialysis. She wanted us to know how much it meant to her to be able to rely on our service, knowing she would get to her appointments in a safe and timely manner. But, most of all, she didn’t want us to be sad and wanted to share what she felt was the best things in life; Marion Berry Bars and Pepsi! The lesson I learned from Alice has stayed with me through my career. I know that when I forget the value of what it is we do, all I have to do is think of her. — Darlene Burke Did you hear the Energizer Bunny was arrested? He was charged with battery! 1. How many flowers must a bee collect pollen from to make a one pound honey comb? a. 2,000 b. 2,000,000 c. 5,000,000 2. What is April’s birthstone? a. Diamond b. Ruby c. Emerald 3. Which of the following did NOT happen in April? a. Abraham Lincoln’s assassination b. Sinking of the Titanic c. First man on the moon 4. What does April mean? a. To start b. To give c. To open 5. Which of the following is the flower for the month of April? a. Daffodil b. Sweet Pea c. Larkspur 6. Which of the following is NOT a horoscope sign for April birthdays? a. Aries b. Pisces c. Taurus 7. In which month does Spring begin in Australia? a. March b. June c. September 8. Which holiday does NOT occur in Spring? a. St. Patrick’s Day b. Father’s Day c. Easter 9. What is the first day of Spring called? a. Spring solstice b. Vernal equinox c. Easter solstice 10. Which season of the year is Spring considered to be? a. First b. Second c. Fourth LEWISTON LINK PAGE 7 April 2012 Do we even need to ask what’s up in Information Systems? Never a dull moment in IS, and we are as busy as ever! Beyond the ‘normal’ issues and updates, we have completed some big projects and are pushing forward on several more. In January the finishing touches were put in place on the city email server upgrade. This upgrade accomplished several important improvements with the most visible being the interface change for the web based email client (https:// mail.cityoflewiston.org/exchange) and the increased storage capacity. Prior to the upgrade we were running at 90-95% of storage capacity, and many users were experiencing “out of space” errors. On the forefront in April-June is the rollout of Office 2010. This upgrade has been a long time in the making. Dave Lewis has worked with a consultant to streamline the installation process. It is now feasible for one or two team members to install this update for an entire department in just a couple of hours. Good work, Dave! Terry is leading the way in training, starting with a core group of users from each department. Office 2010 looks extremely different then the version we are now running. Even basic functions such as print and save look much different. Once the core department users are trained, we look for them to lead the way for training other users in each department. This core group will be the first point of contact for Officerelated questions. With any luck, you will have some training and see Office 2010 on a desktop near you very soon. Much more hidden, but extremely important, is the core network upgrade. Clint has the first phase of the new core network installed and in Citizen’s police academy Tuesday, March 27th marked my graduation from the 19th Annual Citizen Police Academy. This was an -week program where 25 people voluntarily give up their Tuesday evenings to learn about the inner workings of Lewiston Police Department. This year, I was one of the lucky applicants to get a spot. We learned about all the different aspects of LPD including the different divisions, programs and specialized units. You get to meet a lot of different officers and get to know what they do. Even the Chief himself came and made a few special appearances! I did a ride -along and got to see K-9 Lucy in action! I highly recommend that every City employee take the time to do this program – you won’t believe how much LPD does for this community. Thank you, LPD for taking the time to put on this great program and for everything you do! The classes start in mid to late January every year. Anyone interested is encouraged to apply when they begin advertising around Thanksgiving. — Shannon Grow Newly hired Assistant City Attorney Mary Gigray-Shanahan is moving here from Sandpoint and is in need of a place to rent ASAP. She has a husband and two wonderfully wellbehaved yellow labs. Please contact HR if you can help! testing. This is a huge step forward and a requirement for the city data network to correctly support upcoming technology needs. The Munis ERP implementation is going strong and consuming a tremendous amount of staff time, particularly in IS, finance, purchasing, and HR. In April and May we start core user training. This is our transition from analysis and setup to using the product in a similar manner as we will in go-live. The core users will be trained first, then in June they will begin training other staff in preparation for the July go-live of finance, payroll, cashiering and receivables. Other Munis modules such as Permitting and Utility Billing are in the next phase of the plan, but no go live dates have yet been scheduled. — Dominic Ponozzo classifieds FREE: Lots of irises and daylilies for free. Contact Carol Valliant at 746-3671, ext. 225, to arrange a time to come and help dig them. FOR SALE: Electric hospital bed, new rolling walker and good condition wheelchair. Contact Doug Gregg at 746-6332 or 208-553-5779. 2001 dark blue automatic Chevy S10 4-cylinder; 64k miles—Extended cab with 3rd door; remote start and Lo-jack; good condition—$4,000—Sarah at 509-2953885 Green lift chair, infinite positions, barely used. Paid $1,800 and asking $800. Excellent condition—Sarah at 509-295-3885 LEWISTON LINK PAGE 8 Distinguished Service: Fire Inspector Steven Gregor and Engineer Nick Stevens Thomas Tomberg Medal: Engineer Kevin McKeirnan Medal of Honor: Captain Phil Ashe 2011 Firefighter of the Year: Battalion Chief Kevin Kalbfleisch 2011 Reserve Firefighter of the Year: Reserve Firefighter Kyle Graves Firefighter Brian Sifers, Firefighter Gavin Triplett and Reserve Firefighter Kyle Graves successfully completed their paramedic certification. News from your lfd... Many times we are called for injury, illness, loss of life or property. It is always a pleasure to be part of new life and the happiness that it brings. We have one team to be recognized for a filed delivery of a baby in the back of the ambulance. On February 20, 2011 Richie Lucas and Kirby Ockwell responded to Valley Foods in Lapwai where the patient was found on the passenger side of a vehicle, the baby was delivered in the back of the ambulance. Congratulations to Richie and Kirby for being the inaugural members of the Stork Club! April 2012 LFD Awards Ceremony on February 15 Citizen Certificates of Appreciation: Marcia Banta, Walt Squires, Ronda and Randy Knight Stork Award: Firefighter Richie Lucas and Reserve Firefighter Kirby Ockwell Fire Chief’s Commendation: Julian Sorrell IV and Administrative Secretary Stephanie Rudy Unit Valor Medal: Captain Rex Browne and Firefighter Gavin Triplett Firefighters are not the only ones providing rescue. Inspectors Steve Gregor and Julian Sorrell rescued a barn owl from a chimney at 632 Airway. — Stephanie Rudy Disposal of prescription drugs UPCOMING CITY EVENTS...AT A GLANCE City/County Health Fair: May 3, 2012— 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.—Community Center Golf Tournament: May 19, 2012—8:00 a.m.—Bryden Canyon Golf Course City Barbecue: June 14, 2012—11:00 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.—Fire Station 1 Summer Barbecue/Softball Tournament: August 11, 2012—4 p.m. to ? - Sunset Park As of March 21, 2012 the Lewiston Police Department is now accepting unused prescription drugs for disposal. The investigations section placed a prescription drug turn in box in the lobby of the police department for use by the public. The following items will be accepted: unfilled prescription slips, prescriptions drugs, patches, ointments, samples, and medication for pets. The idea behind the prescription drug turn in box is to allow for the safe disposal of unused medications. Proper disposal keeps medications from contaminating our waterways (flushing them down the toilet) and more importantly out of the hands of our youth and others who might steal them from a loved one’s medicine cabinet. The drugs collected will be destroyed periodically by taking them to the incinerator in Spokane, Washington. This is the procedure used by the Idaho State Police and Idaho Board of Pharmacy. The following items ARE NOT ACCEPTED: syringes, liquids, biohazards, and inhalers. If you have any questions contact Det. Brian Birdsell at the Lewiston Police Department. Answers to Spring Trivia on Page 6… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. A. C. C. B. B. 2,000,000 Diamond First man on moon To open Sweet Pea Pisces 7. 8. 9. 10. C. A. B. B. September St. Patrick’s Day Vernal Equinox Second, since winter begins in December LEWISTON LINK PAGE 9 April 2012 COMMUNITY RECOGNITION Kids 17 and under ride FREE this summer starting World Series Week (May 21st) through August on the Lewiston Transit System and the Asotin Co. PTBA buses! For more information please contact Shannon Grow at (208) 298-1345 or by e-mail at sgrow@cityoflewiston.org. You can also visit Lewist o n T r a n s i t ’ s w e b s i t e a t www.cityoflewiston.org/transit for more details. The Community Recognition Program was held on March 13, 2012, to acknowledge the strength and vitality brought to our community through the contributions of citizens, board/commission members, businesses/ associations, youth and public employees. This is a great program that honors those who “go the extra mile” and contribute to the high quality of life we enjoy in Lewiston. A Program entitled the Orchid Awards is also a part of our program. The intent of the award is to honor people who, through their projects or ongoing commitments, have added to, protected, or restored the community’s historic resources. Congratulations to all of the following: Community Recognition Award Recipients FUNNY NEWS STORIES Outstanding Citizens: Mike Ripley; A.L. “Butch” Alford, Jr. This Smells Odd: When a man attempted to siphon gas from a motor home parked on a Seattle street, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a man curled up next to a motor home trying to steal gas and had plugged his hose into the motor home’s sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges, saying that it was the best laugh he ever had. Outstanding Board or Commission Member: David Keene, County Board of Community Guardians Cash Machine: Two men tried to pull the front off a cash machine by running a chain from the machine to the bumper of their truck. Instead of pulling the front panel off the machine, though, they pulled the bumper off their truck. Scared, they left the scene and drove home — With the chain still attached to the machine...with their bumper still attached to the chain...with their vehicle’s license plate still attached to the bumper. Outstanding Youth: Leila Ozeran Actual newspaper headlines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Man Struck by Lightning Faces Battery Charge Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case Enraged Cow Injures Farmer with Ax Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors Miners Refuse to Work After Death Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers Man Minus Ear Waives Hearing Some Pieces of Rock Hudson Sold at Auction Include your Children when Baking Cookies Steals Clock, Faces Time Kids Make Nutritious Snacks Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half Chef Throws His Heart into Helping Feed Needy Red Tape Holds up New Bridge Outstanding Employees: Dan Marsh; Sergeant John Hilderbrand Outstanding Business or Association: Pacific Steel & Recycling Orchid Award Winners Mary Minton Mark Alexander Steve & Melody Jenkins Joel & Mindy Pals Craig & Anne Marie Emerson Carlin Dyer Dick & Denise Connolly Diane Leffler Dan Marsh Dr. Joy Rapp Laura Von Tersch Becky Riendeau Lynn Moss Dr. Dennis Ohrtman DeAnn Scrabeck Don Brigham Esther Barton Jacquelyn Haight Safety training Individual Department/Division safety training is available for the months of June, July and August. If you would like Pat Pinkham from Moreton and Company to provide you with training specific to your area, please contact Kari at 746-3671, ext. 203, to schedule a date and time. MAY 17, 2012—SAFETY AWARENESS: 8:30 a.m.—Police Training Center-2319 16th Ave. 1:30 p.m.—Community Center—1424 Main Edited by Edwina Norton/Published by Kari Ravencroft PAGE 10 LEWISTON LINK April 2012 Lewiston parks and recreation — summer fun Lewiston—Alive After 5: Come visit Lewiston Parks and Recreation at the 2012 Alive After 5 events all summer long. We will bring our inflatable bouncy castle for all 3-11 year olds to enjoy. Also, Parks and Recreation Senior Nutrition will be selling their famous cookies. All Lewiston Alive After 5’s take place every third Wednesday of the months May—August and are free to the public. Wednesday, May 16—5:00 to 8:00 p.m.—Beautiful Downtown Lewiston Wednesday, June 20—5:00 to 8:00 p.m.—Beautiful Downtown Lewiston Wednesday, July 18—5:00 to 8:00 p.m.—Beautiful Downtown Lewiston Wednesday, August 15—5:00 to 8:00 p.m.—Beautiful Downtown Lewiston P1FCU Old Fashioned 4th of July and Sun Festival: The P1FCU Old Fashioned 4th of July is back by popular demand. Lewiston Parks and Recreation is excited to have the 2nd Annual P1FCU Old Fashioned 4th of July. Come enjoy the Girl Scouts children’s parade of wheels, local food vendors, local entertainment, old fashioned fire truck rides, stage coach rides, and children’s games and activities. The Sun Festival, in cooperation with Lewiston Parks and Recreation and Big Country Radio, KHITS, and B973.com will bring you a car show and show and shine. Free to the public. Wednesday, July 4—12:00 to 4:00 p.m.—Pioneer Park Alternative Nursing Services—Movies on the Wall: Alternative Nursing Services - Movies on the Wall is back! Lewiston Parks and Recreation, along with Julie and Jim Pierce, will host a six-week movies series. Lewiston Parks and Recreation will continue to show movies on our 25ft x 40ft movie screen for the entire family to enjoy. Bring your family, friends, blankets, chairs, inflatable beds and enjoy a movie under the stars. And remember...they’re free! Friday, July 6—The Adventures of TinTin—Dusk— Pioneer Park Friday, July 13—Hugo—Dusk—Pioneer Park Friday, July 20—Breakheart Pass—Dusk—Pioneer Park Friday, July 27—Muppet Treasure Island—Dusk— Pioneer Park Friday, August 3—Angels in the Outfield—Dusk— Pioneer Park Friday—August 10—The Lorax—Dusk—Pioneer Park Clean-up & Total Restoration Dive and Drive—Drive-in Movies: Lewiston Parks and Recreation presents the Clean-up and Total Restoration Dive and Drive – Drive in Movies at Orchards Pool. First go swimming, then follow it with the drive-in movies. Families can pile in their cars and drive up to the inflatable movie screen adjacent to the pool. The radio feed will be provided by B973.com/Big Country/KHITS radio stations. This is a can’t miss summer experience; enjoy the only drive-in movies in the L-C Valley. The best part...it’s all free to you. Saturday, July 28—Up—Swimming 7:10—8:30 p.m.: Movie—Dusk—Orchards Pool Saturday, August 18—Rio—Swimming 7:10—8:30 p.m.: Movie—Dusk—Orchards Pool NEW—Father/Son Campout: This is a brand new event for Lewiston Parks and Recreation! We are calling all fathers and sons to join us for a wonderful bonding experience that will last a lifetime. The ATK Father Son Campout will include dinner, breakfast, hiking, games, ropes course, activities, campfire, hiking safety, outdoor safety, fire safety, storytelling, and s’mores. This event is limited to the first 40 participants. (Participants must pre-register due to food order.) Ages: K-6 Saturday, July 14—Sunday, July 15—10:00 a.m. –10:00 a.m.—Camp Wittman—Fee: $10 per person—Registration deadline is Friday, June 29 Mandarin Orange Cheesecake 1 Graham Cracker Crust 2 8-oz. cream cheese—softened 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed 2 tsp. orange extract 1 cup whipping cream, whipped 2 tsp. grated orange peel 2 cans mandarin orange sections, drained Beat cream cheese and sugar until creamy. Add concentrate and extract; beat well. Fold in whipped cream, orange peel and 1 can mandarin oranges. Spread evenly into crust. Arrange remaining can of oranges on top of filling. Chill at least 3 hours. Very easy and very good! LEWISTON LINK PAGE 11 April 2012 Lewiston police dept. PROMOTIONS, PROMOTIONS, AND MORE PROMOTIONS... On April 10, 2012, Budd Hurd was promoted to Lieutenant. NEW ARRIVAL... On January 16, 2012, Jared Smith became our newest Communications Specialist. Jared had previously worked at Mac’s Cycle before joining the LPD team. Jared and his wife Jessica have a 2 year old son Kaiden. Welcome Jared! On March 29th Lieutenant Doug Clark retired after 28 years of service. Doug is looking forward to relaxing and spending time with his family. On April 6, 2012 Joshua Larson said good bye to his LPD family. Joshua came to the police department in December of 2007. Joshua is following his dream of serving in the Army. We will really miss him and are very proud of him for volunteering to serve his country. Brandon Hopple will be promoted to Sergeant in May 2012. YOU WILL BE MISSED... Matt Breese will be promoted to Corporal in May 2012. On February 24th, Melissa Taylor, a Communications Specialist, left the police department after 18 years of service. Melissa moved a little north to work at WHITCOM. Leadership Pride Duty A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. Lesson: Be careful what you say. It is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another.