Series 90 Lighted Pushbutton Switches
Series 90 Lighted Pushbutton Switches
Series 90 Lighted Pushbutton Switches ™ ™ Company History Staco Systems has designed and manufactured switches since its commencement in 1958. During the early years, a small manufacturing and assembly team accomplished the first series 30 switch used in a Fokker F-27 in 1960. Fifty years later, Staco Systems has evolved into an internationally recognized, high-tech endeavor with numerous experienced experts in manufacturing, engineering, sales, and quality control. Our product line has expanded to include rugged keyboards and keypads, electronic controllers, and panel assemblies for hundreds of applications worldwide. Switch History 1960 1962 1967 1978 1986 Series 30, 1M Fokker F-27 Series 40 Lockheed P3 Rotary Switches Douglas DC-7B Series 30, 40, 60, 1M Boeing E-3A Series 93, 99 British Aerospace Hawk 200 1988 1989 1991 1996 Today Series 97 Matrix Northrop B2 Series 80, 90 Aeritalia AMX Series 90 Boeing E-8C Lockheed F-22 Series 93 British Aerospace Nimrod 2000 Full Sub-Assembly Capabilities CONTENTS Product Line Overview.................................................................................................................................................2 Quick Reference Guide..........................................................................................................................................3 Figure & Table Listings...........................................................................................................................................4 Individual Mount...........................................................................................................................................................5 Individual Mount, PC or Solder, Switch/Indicators.................................................................................................5 Display Pushbutton................................................................................................................................................6 Mounting Procedure - Individual Mount, Crimp or Solder....................................................................................11 Dimensions - Switch/Indicator, Pushbutton..........................................................................................................12 Individual Mount, Crimp Pin, Switch/Indicators....................................................................................................13 Dimensions - Switch/Indicator..............................................................................................................................14 Seals - Watertight & Solvent Resistant................................................................................................................18 Matrix Mount...............................................................................................................................................................21 Matrix Housing Assemblies..................................................................................................................................21 Matrix Assembly Exploded Views........................................................................................................................23 Dimensions - Rear Flange Mount Matrix Housing...............................................................................................25 Dimensions - Front Dress Bezel Matrix Housing.................................................................................................28 Product Design and Engineering Data.......................................................................................................................31 Military and Environmental Specifications............................................................................................................31 Electrical and Mechanical Data............................................................................................................................33 Display System.....................................................................................................................................................35 Incandescent and LED Circuits and Lighting Control..........................................................................................35 LED Schematics...................................................................................................................................................36 Legends................................................................................................................................................................39 Sunlight Readable Displays.................................................................................................................................40 Night Vision Imaging System Displays................................................................................................................41 Materials and Quality Standards..........................................................................................................................43 Military Cross Reference............................................................................................................................................44 MIL-22885/101.....................................................................................................................................................44 MIL-22885/112.....................................................................................................................................................47 Tables.........................................................................................................................................................................50 Accessories and Other Staco Systems Products......................................................................................................59 Ordering Information..................................................................................................................................................63 Model 91 and 92..................................................................................................................................................63 Model 93...............................................................................................................................................................64 Model 98...............................................................................................................................................................64 Model 99...............................................................................................................................................................64 Seals....................................................................................................................................................................66 Front Dress Bezel Mount.....................................................................................................................................66 Rear Flange Mount..............................................................................................................................................67 Complete Systems...............................................................................................................................................67 All information in this catalog is effective on the publication date and is subject to change without notice. All printing and clerical errors are subject to correction. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 1 OVERVIEW The Staco Systems Series 90 is a broad product line of lighted pushbutton switches and indicators. This catalog identifies performance features and options, gives specifications and engineering data, and provides ordering information. These manually operated, illuminated switch/indicator and pushbutton assemblies are identified as Models 91, 92, 93, 98, and 99. The Series 90 Matrix Housing Assemblies, which utilize these switches and indicators, are identified as Models 94, 95, 96 and 97. This product line meets the general requirements of MIL-S-22885, MIL-STD-3009, and, in matrix form, MIL-S-24317. It specifically meets the requirements of MIL-S-22885/101and MIL-S-22885/112. SERIES 90 Lighted Display Pushbutton Switches and Indicators • Individual Mount or Matrix Mount • Light Weight, Short Length • LED or Incandescent Lighting • Sunlight Readable Displays • Night Vision Goggle Compatible Displays • Standard Lighted Displays • Numerous Switching Options • Popular Termination Styles • Dripproof, Splashproof, Watertight (Immersion) Seal, and Solvent Resistant Options • Qualified to MIL-PRF-22885/101 for Incandescent Lighting • Qualified to MIL-PRF-22885/112 for High Bright LED Lighting and Short Crimp Pin Termination. • Meets or Exceeds All Applicable MIL-SPEC Requirements • High Impact Shock in Accordance with MIL-S-901 2 QUICK REFERENCE SWITCHES AND INDICATORS MODEL 91 DESCRIPTION TERMINATION REFERENCE INFORMATION Switch or indicator assembly (without pushbutton) in short housing Solder or PCB mount pp. 5,11, 63 fig. 1-4 Into Models 91 or 98 pp. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 63 fig. 5-14 Solder or PCB mount pp. 12, 64, 65 fig. 15-21 92 Display pushbutton assembly 93 Switch or indicator assembly with pushbutton in short housing 98 Switch or indicator (without Crimp pin pushbutton) in long housing pp. 13, 14, 15, 16 17, 64 99 Switch or indicator with Crimp pin pushbutton in long housing pp. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 63, 64 fig. 22-37 MATRIX HOUSINGS MODEL 94 95 DESCRIPTION TERMINATION REFERENCE INFORMATION Rear flange mount short housing Solder or PCB mount pp. 21-22, 25-27, 30 fig. 43, 46-49, 59-60 Rear flange mount Crimp pin long housing 96 Front dress bezel mount short housing Solder or PCB mount 97 Front dress bezel mount Crimp pin long housing pp. 21-27, 29, 67 fig. 42, 45-49, 59-60 pp. 21-23, 28-30, 66 fig. 40, 50, 53-54, 59-60 pp. 21-22, 28-30, 66 fig. 51-55, 59-60 SPECIAL PART NUMBERS PART NUMBER 92PXXXX DESCRIPTION Unique pushbutton with special artwork or other non-standard design requirements. PART NUMBER 94/XXXX 63XXXX Standard switch with a 92P 95/XXXX pushbutton and switches with special marking or construction. 15XXX Accessories 96/XXXX 90/005 90/006 Immersion Seal/High Impact Shock option. Applicable to models 91, 92, 93, 98 and 99. DESCRIPTION Matrix assembly. Staco Systems assigned code for special detailed requirements. Includes housing, switch, pushbutton and any other special features. 97/XXXX Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 3 FIGURE & TABLE LISTINGS Figure Listing 4 Figure Listing Fig. Pg. Description 1 5 Switch schematics, SPDT and DPDT 36 17 Receptacle Assembly 2 5 Printed circuit board or solder terminals 37 17 Mounting Screw Location 3 5 Terminal identification 38 18 Watertight seal dimensions 4 5 PCB layout dimensions 39 20 Pushbutton guard for watertight seal 5A 7 Incandescent pushbutton types 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, or 9 40 23 Matrix assembly with direct to switch terminations 5B 8 Incandescent pushbutton types 1, 6, 7, or 0 41 23 Matrix assembly with long crimp pin terminations 6 8 LED pushbutton display 42 24 Matrix assembly with short crimp terminations 7 8 Replaceable legend plates, type 8, 9, or 0 43 25 Rear flange mount, solder or PCB termination 8 9 Incandescent lighting schematics 44 25 Rear flange mount, crimp pin termination 9 9 Typical 5 volt LED circuit diagram 45 26 Rear flange mount, short crimp pin termination 10 9 Typical 28 volt LED circuit diagram 46 27 Rear flange mount, horizontal flanges, unsealed 11 10 LED lighting, current sourcing 47 27 Rear flange mount, vertical flanges, unsealed 12 10 LED lighting, current sinking 48 27 Rear flange mount, horizontal flanges, unsealed 13 10 CIE chromaticity diagram, incandescent colors 49 27 Rear flange mount, four flanges, sealed or unsealed 14 10 CIE chromaticity diagram, NVIS compatible colors 50 28 Front dress bezel mount, solder or PCB termination 15 11 Slot mounting panel cut out 51 29 Front dress bezel mount, long crimp pin termination 16 12 Dimensions - model 93, flush mount 52 29 Front dress bezel mount, short crimp pin termination 17 12 Dimensions - model 93, flush mount w/ panel seal 53 30 Front dress bezel mounting, minimum spacing 18 12 Dimensions - model 93, extended mount unsealed 54 30 Front dress bezel, mounting cleat assembly 19 12 Dimensions - model 93, extended mount w/ panel seal 55 30 Front dress bezel, mounting cleat requirements 20 12 Dimensions - model 93, extended mount unsealed 56 36 LED Voltage Dimming Curve 21 12 Dimensions - model 93, matrix mount w/ panel seal 57 37 5 volt LED circuit schematics 22 14 Model 99 switch/indicator exploded view, long crimp 58 38 28 volt Led circuit schematics 23 14 Dimensions - Model 99, flush mount 59 67 Ordering Systems 24 14 Dimensions - Model 99, flush mount w/ panel seal 60 67 Ordering Systems 25 15 Dimensions - Model 99, extended mount 26 15 Dimensions - Model 99, extended mount w/ panel seal 27 15 Switch Indicator 28 15 Mounting screw location 29 15 Panel cut out 30 16 Model 99 switch/indicator exploded view, short crimp 31 16 Dimensions - Model 99, flush mount 32 16 Dimensions - Model 99, flush mount w/ panel seal 6A 55 Incandescent lamp selection and sealing 6B 56 LED configuration and sealing 33 17 Dimensions - Model 99, extended mount 7 56 Display type 8 57 Cell color 9 57 Rear flange mount dimensions and panel cutouts 34 17 Dimensions - Model 99, extended mount w/ panel seal 35 17 Switch/indicator assembly Fig. Pg. Description Table Listing Tbl. Pg. Description 1 50 Terminations, circuitry and contact material 2 51 Switch action and pushbutton retainer 3 53 EMI/RFI and sealing 4 53 Incandescent or LED, ground operations and EMI/RFI 5 54 Display style and character definition 10 58 Front dress bezel mount dimensions and panel cutouts INDIVIDUAL MOUNT SWITCH/INDICATORS Switch/Indicator Options Switches are available with SPDT or DPDT circuitry, momentary or alternate switch action, silver or gold contacts, EMI/RFI shielding, sealed or unsealed, immersion seal/high shock, and a choice of solder, printed circuit, or crimp pin terminations. Matching indicators are also available. Switch Schematics Terminals 5 & 7 are Normally Closed (NC). Terminals 1 & 4 are Normally Open (NO). Terminals 8 & 10 are Common (C). For indicator, omit Terminals 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 10. See Figure 8, for lamp circuit schematics. Figure 1 PC or Solder Terminals Figure 2 Terminal Identification REAR VIEW OF SWITCH HEADER Figure 3 CENTERLINE OF HEADER PCB Layout Dimensions Terminal pattern shown above depicts switch terminal dimensions as viewed from rear of the switch, and shows all pin diameters and spacing. It is not a circuit board layout. When laying out the circuit board, hole sizes and spacing must accommodate the switch terminals and manufacturing tolerance conditions. Holes not required for omitted terminals. .262 (6.65) .524 (13.31) .360 (9.14) .164 (4.17) .040 .001 DIA PIN (1.02 .03) 12 PLACES .138 (3.51) .091 (2.31) 6 2 .367 (9.32) 5 7 11 1 4 9 8 10 CENTERLINE OF HEADER .152 (3.86) 3 .520 (13.21) Figure 4 .325 (8.26) .428 (10.87) .260 (6.60) .513 (13.03) 12 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 5 SERIES 90 DISPLAY PUSHBUTTON LED or Incandescent Illumination Incandescent display pushbuttons accept four T-1 midget flange based lamps that may be easily serviced from the front mounting panel. The display pushbutton is also available with a serviceable High Bright LED light plate, which provide an extended service life. Low power consumption of the LEDs, as well as the heat sink capabilities of the switch/ indicator assembly, result in a pushbutton that is cool to the touch. Standard Lighted Display INCANDESCENT LED Ten Display Types Eight Standard Colors Four NVG Colors Eight Display Styles Five Legend Heights Seven Display Types Six Standard Colors Seven NVG Colors Eight Display Styles Five Legend Heights There are ten display types offering a combination of legend characters or background illumination color. LED configurations are available in seven types. Designer matched colors enhance display appearance and contribute to increased operator attention and efficiency. Graphic designs and custom legend heights in these ten display types are available. Display styles include full-screen displays, two-way, three-way and four-way split screen displays. Each of these sections may have its own color and be lighted independently of the others. Night Vision Goggle Compatibility Display certification of Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) compatibility per the requirements of MILSTD-3009. Unique lighting capabilities of the Series 90 provide display legends that are fully qualified for both Type I Class A and Type II Class B night vision goggles. Legends with incandescent lighting are available in four colors, NVIS Green A, NVIS Green B, NVIS Yellow, and NVIS Red, all qualified to MIL-STD-3009. LED based units provide NVG compatibility with NVIS Green B, NVIS Yellow and NVIS Red NVIS Blue and NVIS White. Trimmed to low level for night operations, the legends are sharp and clear with no glare or hot spots, and are not detrimental to darkness adaptation for unaided eye visual monitoring outside the crew station. For incandescent configurations and white LED-based pushbuttons, sunlight readable legends and NVG compatibility are combined in the same pushbutton display. 6 SERIES 90 DISPLAY PUSHBUTTON Sunlight Readable Display Illuminated sunlight readable legend is clearly legible in 10,000 footcandle ambient light. When not lighted, the legend is not readable when viewed in the same ambient light. Staco Systems's sunlight readable displays are clearly legible in direct sunlight eliminating the problem of loss of legend legibility due to reflection of bright ambient light ... the equivalent of direct sunlight at 70,000 feet altitude. When the display’s dead-front face is unlit, the legend is indiscernible. The display has a viewing angle of an 80°cone perpendicular to the viewing surface. All lighting measurements are made in Staco Systems'’s in-plant Mil certified light laboratory. Certification is performed photometrically per the exacting requirements of MIL-S-22885. Typical Pushbutton Display Choice of seven factory installed Display Types or three customer assembled and installed Display Types. (See Table 7). All are available with choice of eight Display Styles (Table 5 ). A color filter, in a choice of eight designer proven colors (Table 8), goes over each of the four lamps. Display Type Codes 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 9 Configuration shown applies to Type Codes 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 9 Figure 5A Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 7 SERIES 90 DISPLAY PUSHBUTTON Display Type Codes 1, 6, 7, or 0 Configuration shown applies to Type Codes 1, 6, 7,or 0 Figure 5B Typical LED Pushbutton Display SERVICEABLE LED LAMP MODULE Figure 6 Replaceable Legend Plates For those applications where the customer wishes to provide or replace legend plates, an alternative assembly is available in three display styles for use only with the T-1 flange based lamp pushbutton. These are similar to factory installed Type 2, Type 5 and Type 6 Displays. Display Types 8, 9 and 0, consisting of a customer supplied legend plate stacked between the factory supplied face screen and diffuser plate, may be substituted for the standard bonded face plate assembly in the T-1 lamp pushbuttons. Display Types 9 and 0 replaceable legends are available for LED pushbuttons. (See Table 7). The usable legend area is .520” square. Overall size of the face screen is .575” square with a viewing area of .495” square. Customer installed legends may not be of equal quality as compared to the laminated factory installed assemblies. 8 Figure 7 SERIES 90 DISPLAY PUSHBUTTON Incandescent Lamp Grounds COMMON LAMP GROUND Three types of incandescent lamp circuits are available. The schematics are shown in Figure 8 and the ordering codes in Table 4. The “Common Lamp Ground” configuration is used when the power for the display is from a single power bus. “Vertically Split” and “Horizontally Split” Lamp Grounds allow the use of two power sources to illuminate the display of a given pushbutton. It should be noted that the specific lamp circuit option which is utilized is totally independent of the display style (i.e., full screen, 2-way, 3-way or 4-way splits) of Table 5. VERTICAL SPLIT LAMP GROUND HORIZONTAL SPLIT LAMP GROUND Figure 8 Typical 5 Volt LED Circuit Diagram Single Common Circuit Rear View Figure 9 Split Common Circuit Rear View Typical 28 Volt LED Circuit Diagram Single Common Circuit Rear View Split Common Circuit Rear View Figure 10 Front View Front View LED Lighting LED displays may be configured as either “current sourcing” or “ current sinking.” Simplified control circuits for each are shown in Figures 11 and 12. Application information is provided in the Product Design and Engineering Data section. Brightness control and schematics for all 5 and 28 volt LED display pushbuttons are also provided there. Voltage dimming is an option with 28 volt versions. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 9 SERIES 90 DISPLAY PUSHBUTTON LED LIGHTING CONTROLS Typical Current Sourcing Application Figure 11 Typical Current Sinking Application Figure 12 Display Pushbutton Colors Colors are described by the international standard method of coordinates on CIE chromaticity diagrams. Figure 13 represents the colors available for Series 90 incandescent configurations plotted in terms of x-y coordinate areas on the 1931 CIE chart. These colors include the seven colors of MIL-S-22885/101C (red, aviation yellow, white, lunar white, blue and aviation green) plus lemon yellow. Night Vision Imaging System colors are plotted in the U’-V’ coordinates of 1976 CIE chart of figure 14. All four of the colors defined in MIL-STD-3009 are available in incandescent displays. LED applications may use green B, yellow and red. When ordering, colors are selected from Table 8. Figure 13 – Incandescent colors 10 Figure 14 – NVIS Compatible colors SERIES 90 DISPLAY PUSHBUTTON Mounting Procedure 1. Remove pushbutton from switch/indicator assembly by pulling straight out. Use tool # 15190 for easier removal. 2. Rotate locking screws inside front of switch/indicator assembly counter clockwise with a small screwdriver. This will release mounting cams. 3. Slide mounting sleeve and panel spacer off of the switch/indicator assembly. 4. Install switch/indicator assembly through panel cut-out from front of panel. Assembly is marked with word “TOP” to help properly orient position of the assembly in the panel. 5. Replace panel spacer and mounting sleeve. 6. Rotate locking screws clockwise to bring mounting cams to lock position. Recommended mounting torque is 10±2 oz. in. (0.071+ 0.014Nm). 7. Be certain that pushbutton has lamps or dummy lamps installed in all four positions before inserting into mating switch/indicator assembly. 8. To Insert the pushbutton properly, be sure that the index post is at the top and that the pushbutton is held square to the switch housing. 9. The two panel spacers, together with the mounting sleeve, provide various options for fitting the switch/ indicator assembly to mounting panels with thicknesses ranging from essentially zero to a maximum of about .75” (see dimensional drawings for exact thickness for each configuration). 10.For extended mounting of the assembly, as in conjunction with edge-lit panels, the black panel spacer is left installed on the assembly before it is inserted in the panel cut-out so as to be in front of the panel when installation is complete. 11. On sealed switch/indicator assemblies mounted flush, the panel seal is installed under the housing flange and on the front of the panel. On the extended mount sealed units, the panel seal is place between the panel spacer and the front the panel. (Refer to dimensional drawings.) Mounting Sleeve Panel Spacers Index Post Mounting Cam Pushbutton Assembly with Lamps Slot Mounting Panel Cut Out HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SLOT CUT-OUT FOR MODEL 93 OR MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR WITH PUSHBUTTON ASSEMBLY For those applications where horizontal or vertical slot mounting of two or more individual mount switch/indicators is required, the formula above provides cut-out dimensions for the slot. L = Length of horizontal mounting slot (or height of vertical) n = Number of units in a row Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information Figure 15 11 DIMENSIONS – MODEL 93 Flush Mount Unsealed Figure 16 Extended Mount Unsealed Figure 18 Matrix Mount Unsealed Figure 20 12 Flush Mount With Panel Seal Figure 17 Extended Mount With Panel Seal Figure 19 Matrix Mount With Panel Seal Figure 21 MODEL 99 SWITCH / INDICATOR Crimp Pin Termination Reduced wiring time with increased reliability - Staco Systems's Model 98 Switch/Indicator and the Model 99 Switch/Indicator and Display Pushbutton, offer individually mounted units with crimp pin termination receptacles. These units provide the advantage of fast and easy wiring as well as quick and simple post installation maintenance. The crimp pin terminals and the termination receptacle, may be removed from switch/indicator. All soldering is eliminated, greatly reducing installation time. Termination receptacles may also be prewired for connection after switch/indicator assemblies have been installed. The crimp pin terminals and associated installation tools are all military standard parts to assure wide availability and high reliability. Connecting wires, with socket contact crimp pins, are shown inserted in the switch/indicator termination receptacle. Wires can be removed and replaced individually, or the termination receptacle, with all wires left in place, can be removed and replaced as a single unit. Switch/Indicator Options Model 98 and 99 assemblies with crimp pin termination receptacles are available with SPDT or DPDT circuitry, momentary or alternate switch action, silver or gold contacts, EMI/RFI shielding, with or without moisture sealing and with the optional Immersion Seal/High Impact Seal/Solvent Resistant Seal. Matching Indicators are also available. Display Pushbutton Options Model 92 lighted display pushbutton is used with both the Model 93 and Model 99 Switch/Indicator with Pushbutton assembly. The same illumination and display options are available for both the Model 93 and Model 99 Assemblies. Assembly Model 99 assembly is comprised of a termination receptacle, a switch/indicator body, and a display pushbutton. The termination receptacle and/or individual wires and the pushbutton can be removed for servicing and replaced without disturbing the switch/indicator installed in a control panel. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 13 MODEL 99 SWITCH / INDICATOR - LONG CRIMP PIN Exploded View Figure 22 DIMENSIONS – MODEL 99 - LONG CRIMP PIN Flush Mount Unsealed Figure 23 14 Flush Mount With Panel Seal Figure 24 DIMENSIONS – MODEL 99 - LONG CRIMP PIN Extended Mount Unsealed Extended Mount With Panel Seal Figure 25 Figure 26 Switch/Indicator Assembly Mounting Screw Location Model 9816 through 9820 assembly VIEW FROM FRONT OF PANEL Receptacle Assembly Figure 28 (MIL-C-39029/16-168) Figure 27 Panel Cut Out Figure 29 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 15 MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR - SHORT CRIMP PIN Exploded View Figure 30 DIMENSIONS – MODEL 99 - SHORT CRIMP PIN Flush Mount Unsealed Flush Mount With Panel Seal Figure 31 16 Figure 32 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 - SHORT CRIMP PIN Extended Mount With Panel Seal Extended Mount Unsealed Figure 34 Figure 33 Switch/Indicator Assembly Receptacle Assembly Model 9821 through 9825 assembly (MIL-C-39029/22-192) Figure 35 Mounting Screw Location Figure 36 VIEW FROM FRONT OF PANEL Figure 37 (18.92) Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 17 WATERTIGHT SEAL The Watertight Seal is part of the Staco Systems Series 90 family of illuminated pushbutton switches and indicators. It is covered by MIL-S-22885/112. Assemblies incorporating this seal can be ordered as an option to the Series 90. This Watertight Seal is a flexible elastomeric boot which is an integral part of the pushbutton and provides a seal at the front panel. The flexible nature of the seal allows actuation of the switch under three feet of water while still sealing against leakage through the switch or panel opening. This same seal performs as a Splashproof Seal to protect against washdowns using directed streams of water. The seal is intended to protect the switch/indicator, as well as the behind-the-panel areas, against elements such as rain, fog, snow, salt spray, sand and dust. The watertight seal also insures that the pushbutton remains attached to the switch under high impact shock conditions (approximately 1,500 Gs). The combination of pushbutton with watertight seal will remain attached to the switch when tested per MIL-S-901 for Class I and Class II equipment. Panel Spacing of switches or indicators with watertight seals installed is 1.06 inches (26.9 mm) minimum center to center horizontally or vertically. If the Pushbutton Guard (Assembly 15204/005) is to be installed, the minimum horizontal center to center spacing is 1.40 inches (35.6 mm). Dimensions Figure 38 18 WATERTIGHT SEAL Watertight Seal Specifications When properly assembled and installed the Watertight Seal will perform to the following requirements. Temperature Storage 65°C to +95°C; Operating 55°C to +85°C Thermal Shock -55°C to +85°C per MIL-STD-202, Method 107, Test Condition A Vibration 15 Gs, 10 to 2 kHz per MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Test Condition B Shock, Standard 75 G’s per MIL-STD-202, Method 213 Test Condition B Shock, High Impact Per MIL-S-901, Class II - no damage or contact transfers. Per MIL-S-901, Class I - no damage and no parts come adrift but electrical contacts may transfer until reactuated. Splashproof, Sealed Per MIL-S-22885, para.,and MIL-STD-108, para. 4.9 when Watertight Seal installed. Watertight, Sealed Per MIL-S-22885, para., and MIL-STD-108, para. 4.13 (3 feet of water, 1.3 psi) when Watertight Seal installed. Dripproof, Sealed Per MIL-S-22885, para., and MIL-STD-108, para. 4.3, when Watertight Seal installed. Salt Spray Per MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Test Condition B. No evidence of excessive corrosion. Sand and Dust Per MIL-STD-202, Method 110, Test Condition B and MIL-S-22885. Solvent Resistant Seal The Solvent Resistant Seal is identical to the watertight seal except that it is made of materials resistant to petroleum based products and solvents. The seal is intended to protect the switch/indicator, as well as the behind-thepanel areas, against petroleum based products and solvents in factory, flightline or refinery environments. The Solvent Resistant Seal material and the pushbutton faceplate protective coating are resistant to the following substances: Motor Oil (multipurpose) Transmission Fluid Ethanol Petroleum Oil (crude) Silicone Greases Hydrochloric Acid 10% Unleaded Gasoline Animal Fats Sodium Hydroxide 10% Diesel Fuel Prestone Antifreeze Ammonium Hydroxide 10% JP-4 Denatured Alcohol Kerosene JP-5 Mineral Oil Isopropyl Alcohol Methanol Linseed Oil Sea water Water Soap Solutions Detergent Solutions Solvent Resistant Seals can be ordered by adding /006 to the coded part number (see ordering information; the /005 would be replaced by the /006). Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 19 WATERTIGHT SEAL Hazardous Environment Seal For switches or indicators intended for use in a nuclear, biological or chemical warfare (NBC) environment, please consult the factory. Hazardous Environmental Seals can be ordered by adding /007 to the coded part number. Pushbutton Guard For Watertight Seal The pushbutton guard is for application with the Watertight Seal or Solvent Resistant Seal. For application with unsealed or dripproof sealed configurations, see the Accessories section. Pushbutton Guard is transparent and spring loaded. Lift to allow switch actuation. PART NUMBER APPLICATION Prevents accidental operation. 15204/005 Watertight Seal 15204/006 Solvent Resistant Seal 15204/007 NBC Resistant Seal Slips over switch housing upon installation. Minimal panel spacing is 1.40” (35.6 mm). See the Accessories section for Pushbutton Guards for general purpose applications which do not use watertight seals. Figure 39 20 MATRIX HOUSING ASSEMBLIES Series 90 Matrix Housing Assemblies Matrix Housings are available in two different mounting configurations and any matrix arrangement to meet the customer’s required number of stations. Constructed of square aluminum alloy tubes, the lightweight, yet rugged assembly actually strengthens the panel, regardless of cutout size. Matrix Housings are constructed to meet the requirements of MIL-S-24317. Installation time is greatly reduced, requiring only one panel cutout instead of many. For non-EMI/ RFI applications, a black anodized finish per MIL-A-8625 is applied to the housing. For EMI/RFI shielded applications, a chemical film finish, per MIL-C-5541, is applied. Series 90 Switches and Indicators are inserted in the front of the matrix and locked in place by rotating the screw actuated locking cams. Termination Options Solder, PCB, and crimp pin terminations are available. Model 94 and 96 Matrix Housings for solder and printed circuit terminations provide for direct connection of wires to the switch/indicator terminals. Model 95 and 97 Matrix Housings, for crimp pin connections, are lengthened to accommodate a crimp pin receptacle. The mounted receptacle mates with a standard crimp pin switch/indicator, enabling the crimp pin socket contact to make electrical connection to the switch/indicator terminals. The crimp pin matrix assembly allows the switch to be removed from the front of the housing, leaving the receptacle and wiring in place. The receptacle can also be removed from the rear of the housing, leaving the switch in place, or the wire may be removed from the receptacle without disturbing the receptacle or switch/indicator assembly. Rear Flange Mount Matrix Housings Model 94 and 95 Matrix Housings for rear mounting of the assembly to the customer’s control panel are available with flanges having slotted mounting holes. Flanges may be located horizontally on the top and bottom of the housing, vertically on the two sides, or on all four sides for applications where extreme vibration may be encountered or for EMI/RFI shielding to assure complete panel contact for grounding. All units conform to shock requirements of MIL-STD-202, Method 213, condition B. Flange set-back is custom made to accommodate customer’s desired panel thickness. Flange set-back, dimension “H” shown on housing drawings, measured from the pushbutton top to front of the mounting flange is variable, depending on panel thickness and desired pushbutton extension, and must be specified by customer in the part number rationale. See ordering information. The matrix housing is shipped fully assembled, ready to be installed in the customer’s control panel. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 21 MATRIX HOUSING ASSEMBLIES Front Dress Bezel Mount Matrix Housings Models 96 and 97 Matrix Housings are supplied with attractive extruded aluminum dress bezel. The entire assembly mounts from the front of the customer’s control panel through a single panel cutout. Mounting cleats, inserted in a groove on the rear of the dress bezel and self-locking screws, tightened against the rear panel, securely fasten the matrix housing assembly in place. No mounting hardware is visible from the front panel. The required number of mounting cleats, with self locking screws, are supplied with the fully assembled housing. Additional cleat assemblies, packaged 5 per bag, may be ordered separately as Part number 15098. MATRIX MOUNTING Model 95 and 97 Matrix Housing and Crimp Pin Termination Receptacles Crimp pin receptacles are supplied installed in the Model 95 and 97 Matrix Housings. Locking cams, actuated by screws in the rear of the receptacle securely lock the receptacle into the housing. Model 95 Switch Indicator Easily inserted or removed from front of panel using only a small screwdriver to tighten or loosen the screw actuated locking cams on each side. Model 92 Display Pushbutton Up to four lighted message areas. Accepts four T-1 flange based lamps. Also available with integral LED lighted areas. Locking Cams Actuated by screws (2) in rear of receptacle. Locking cams securely hold receptacle in the matrix housing frame. Recommended mounting torque 10 ± 2 oz. in. (0.071 ± 0.014 Nm). Locking Cams Actuated by screws (2) in front of switch/indicator assembly. Locking cams securely hold receptacle in the matrix housing frame. Recommended mounting torque 10 ± 2 oz. in. (0.071 ± 0.014 Nm). Model 91 Switch Indicator Model 94 Matrix Housing With Rear Mount Flanges Flange set-back is custom made to fit desired panel thicknesses. Housing accepts switch/indicator assemblies with solder, or printed circuit terminations. Switch/indicators are securely held in place by screw actuated locking cams. Switch/indicator terminations protrude from rear of the matrix housing. Locking Cams Actuated by screws (2) in front of switch/indicator assembly. Locking cams securely hold receptacle in the matrix housing frame. Recommended mounting torque 10 ± 2 oz. in. (0.071 ± 0.014 Nm). 22 Easily inserted or removed from front of panel using only a small screwdriver to tighten or loosen the screw actuated locking cams. Wires are connected directly to the switch/indicator terminations. Unit shown has solder terminations. Model 92 Display Pushbutton Up to four lighted message areas. Accepts four T-1 flange based lamps. Also available with integral LED lighted areas. MATRIX ASSEMBLY Matrix Assembly With Direct To Switch Terminations Model 96 Front Dress Bezel Mount with Short Housing (Model 97 is Dress Bezel with Long Housing and Crimp Terminations) Figure 40 Matrix Assembly With Crimp Pin Terminations Long Crimp Pin Model 95 Rear Flange Mount with Long Housing and Crimp Terminations (Model 94 is Flange Mount with Short Housing) Figure 41 FEMALE OR 15280 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 23 MATRIX ASSEMBLY MATRIX ASSEMBLY Matrix Assembly With Crimp Pin Terminations Short Crimp Pin CRIMP CONTACT, 15276 MIL-C-39029/22-192 Figure 42 24 DIMENSIONS - MODEL REAR FLANGE MOUNT99 Rear Flange Mount – Solder or PCB Termination Model 94 NOTES: 1 Figure 43 Flange set-back (Dimension “H”) is the distance from the face of the pushbutton to the surface of the mounting flange. for an unsealed unit,, only the panel thickness and relationship of pushbutton to front panel need be considered. for a sealed unit, the thickness of the switch and panel seal also need to be considered. 1 Rear Flange Mount – Crimp Pin Terminations NOTES: Model 95 1 Figure 44 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information Flange set-back (Dimension “H”) is the distance from the face of the pushbutton to the surface of the mounting flange. for an unsealed unit,, only the panel thickness and relationship of pushbutton to front panel need be considered. for a sealed unit, the thickness of the switch and panel seal also need to be considered. 25 REAR FLANGE MOUNT Rear Flange Mount – Short Crimp Pin Terminations Model 95 Figure 45 NOTES: 1 26 Flange set-back (Dimension “H”) is the distance from the face of the pushbutton to the surface of the mounting flange. for an unsealed unit,, only the panel thickness and relationship of pushbutton to front panel need be considered. for a sealed unit, the thickness of the switch and panel seal also need to be considered. FLANGE OPTION CODES Rear Flange Mount Matrix Housing Horizontal Flanges, Unsealed Vertical Flanges, Unsealed Figure 46 Flange Option Code 2; Station Configuration 0302 Horizontal Flange Unsealed Figure 47 Flange Option Code 2; Station Configuration 0103 Four Flanges, Sealed or Unsealed Figure 48 Flange Option Code 2; Station Configuration 0103 Dripproof Seals Matrix housings may be ordered with a sealed option for either the dress bezel front mounting or the four-flange rear mounting configuration. When either of these matrix housing assemblies are panel mounted using a customer-furnished panel seal gasket and all matrix stations are loaded with switches or indicators utilizing switch and pushbutton seals, the matrix assembly is classified as dripproof. Behind the panel equipment will be protected and the switches and indicators will operate in the presence of a coarse liquid spray directed at it. Mounted as described, the unit may be subjected to the dripproof test of MIL-STD-108, 15 degree method, with a five gallon quantity of water flowing over the specimen for a period of five minutes duration. Model 94 or 95 Figure 49 Flange Option Code 6 or 7; Station Configuration 0304 Flange Option Codes CODE DESCRIPTION 1 No flanges (unsealed) 2 Horizontal flanges only (unsealed) 3 Vertical flanges only (unsealed) 6 Four flange (sealed) 7 Four flange (unsealed) Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 27 FRONT DRESS BEZEL MOUNT Solder or PCB Termination Model 96 or 97 Model 96 Figure 50 28 FRONT DRESS BEZEL MOUNT Crimp Pin Termination Long Crimp Pin Model 97 Figure 51 Short Crimp Pin 10) Figure 52 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 29 FRONT DRESS BEZEL MOUNTING INFORMATION Minimum Spacing Figure 53 Mounting Cleat Assembly and Requirements Figure 54 30 Figure 55 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA General Information Staco Systems products are designed and manufactured to meet specifications of Original Equipment Manufacturers who demand dependability, attractive appearance, and maximum value from their products. Combining imaginative engineering with manufacturing know-how. Military Specs And Standards Staco Systems Series 90 Switches, Indicators and Display Pushbuttons are manufactured to meet or exceed the requirements of the following specifications and standards where applicable. Military Specifications MIL-PRF-22885 Switches, Pushbutton, Illuminated, General Specification for. MIL-PRF-22885/101Switch, Pushbutton, Matrix or Individually Mounted, Illuminated, 4-Lamp, SPDT and DPDT, 5.0 Amperes, Silver contacts, 1 Ampere, Gold Contacts (Dripproof, Sunlight Readable, EMI/RFI Shielded). MIL-PRF-22885/112Switches, Pushbutton, White Light Emitting Diode (LED) Illuminated, Standard, Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) and Sunlight Readable Displays, Dimmable SPDT and DPDT, Low Level to 7 Amperes, Sealed and Unsealed, Solder and Common Termination System (CTS) Terminations. MIL-S-24317 Switch Matrix Frame, Multistation. MIL-S-901 Shock Tests, H.I. (High-Impact),Shipboard Machinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for. Military Standards MIL-STD-3009 Lighting, Aircraft, Interior, Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Compatible. MIL-STD-108 Definitions of, and Basic requirements for, Enclosures for Electric and Electronic Equipment. MIL-STD-202 Test Methods For Electronic and Electrical Component Parts. Other Military Specifications DSCC DWG Switch, Pushbutton, Illuminated, 4 Lamp 90020 (MIL-S-22885/101 w/Legend). Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 31 MODELDESIGN 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR PRODUCT & ENGINEERING DATA Environmental Specifications Temperature Range Operating Storage -55°C to +85°C -65°C to +95°C Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202, Method 107, Test Condition A (-55°C to +85°C) Vibration MIL-PRF-22885 vibration grade 3 (10-2,000 Hz) MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Test Condition B (15 G peak) Shock MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Condition B (75G) Shock - High Impact MIL-S-901, Grade A, Class II (for deck-mounted equipment; hull-mounting not recommended). Moisture Resistance MIL-STD-202, Method 106, (wet 10 megohms, dry 1,000 megohms). Dripproof Seal MIL-PRF-22885 Symbol 2 option, test procedures of MIL-STD-108 (5 gal/min). Splashproof Seal MIL-PRF-22885 Symbol 4 option, test procedures of MIL-STD-108 (15 gal/min). Watertight Seal MIL-PRF-22885 Symbol 3 option, test procedures of MIL-STD-108 (3 foot submersion, 1 hour). Solvent Resistant Option is splashproof and water tight plus seal is resistant to most petroleum-based fuels, solvents, oils, and greases. Salt Spray MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Test Condition A, (Corrosion, 96 hours). Explosion Sand and Dust MIL-STD-202, Method 109. MIL-STD-202, Method 110, Condition B and MIL-S-22885. (Applies to switches equipped with seals for Dripproof, Splashproof, Watertight or Solvent Resistant options.) Dripproof Seal of Matrix Systems When matrix housing assemblies are mounted to the panel using a customer furnished panel seal gasket and all matrix stations are loaded with switch/indicators utilizing switch and pushbutton seals, the matrix assembly will be dripproof. All behind the panel equipment will be protected and the enclosed switch/indicators will operate satisfactorily in the presence of a coarse spray of liquid directed at it or its mounting surface. With the matrix assembly mounted as described, the unit may be subjected to the dripproof test of MIL-STD-108 (five gallons of water flowing over the specimen for a period of five minutes). Other Matrix Seals Splashproof seals, watertight seals and solvent resistant seals are not available for matrix configurations. 32 - MODEL 99 DATA PRODUCTDIMENSIONS DESIGN & ENGINEERING Electrical Specifications Switch Contact Ratings Power Circuits (silver contacts) 250 VAC Resistive UL listed L7 7 Amps, (21 SK83-H 340). Inductive Low level Circuits (gold contacts) Typical application would be 30 milliamps at 30 millivolts Lamp Switch Contact Resistance New: < 25 milliohms Altitude (Feet) 28 VDC (Amps) 115 VAC 60 HZ (Amps) Sea Level 7 7 50,000’ 4 – Sea Level 4 7 50,000’ 2.5 – Sea Level 2.5 2 50,000’ 2.5 – End of life:Per MIL-S-22885 (typical < 40 milliohms) Switch Operational Life At reduced barometric pressure: per MIL-STD-202, Method 105, test potential Millivolts Typical application would be 30 Milliamps at 30 400 Vrms; test condition C (maximum pressure of 1.31”Hg or 33.00 mm Hg to simulate an altitude of 70,000 feet or 21,336 meters). Dielectric Strength At atmospheric pressure: Per MIL-STD-202, Method 1,000 Vrms. Switch Schematics Single-pole double-throw (SPDT) and double-pole double-throw (DPDT) switch circuits are shown schematically in Figure 1. Mechanical Physical Dimensions In this document, all dimensions are shown in inches with millimeters given as reference information. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are: .xx = ± .02 inch (± .5 mm) .xxx = ± .010 inch (± .25 mm) Pushbutton Actuation Travel Switches .12 inch (3.0 mm) Indicators .030 inch (.76 mm) Latchdown Actuation and Displacement On alternate action (maintained) contact switches, the pushbutton is retained in a latch-down or actuated switch position until the pushbutton is depressed a second time, releasing the pushbutton and deactivating the switch. When in the actuated position, the face of the pushbutton is mechanically held depressed from its normal height by approximately .080 inch (2.03 mm). Actuation Force The force required to actuate momentary and maintained switches ranges from 1.1 lbs. for unsealed, SPDT, to 2.2 lbs. sealed, DPDT (4.9 tp 9.8N). Add an additional 0.6 lbs. (2.7N) for immersion seal configuration. Pushbutton Extraction Force Per MIL-S-22885/101, the extraction force is between 2 to 5 lbs. (9 to 22N). Pushbutton Retainer As an option, a pushbutton retainer tie is available to keep a given pushbutton physically linked to a given switch during relamping operations. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 33 MODELDESIGN 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR PRODUCT & ENGINEERING DATA Solder Terminals Solder terminals are double turret to ensure that wires can be mechanically secured prior to soldering and are tin-lead plated per MIL-P-81728. Solderability testing is in accordance with MIL-STD-202, Method 208. Terminal strength tests are conducted as prescribed by MIL-STD-202, Method 211, test condition A. Printed Circuit Terminals Printed circuit terminals are plated to facilitate hand, wave or flow soldering methods. Crimp Pin Terminals Crimp pin terminals are gold plated per MIL-G-45204. NOTE: crimp pin terminals mate with crimp-on wire terminations per MIL-C-39029/16-168 and MIL-C-39029/22-192. EMI/RFI Shielding When tested per MIL-S-22885 shielding efficiency method, the minimum shielding attenuation is at least 60 dB over the frequency range from 100 to 1,000 MHz. Weights The typical weights of the switch or indicator, including mounting hardware of .07 oz., (2 gms) and the pushbutton are: SWITCH/INDICATOR WITH PUSHBUTTON WEIGHT Assembly Mdl 93 Switch (DPDT w/PB & 4 lamps/LEDs) Ounces .061 Grams 17 Mdl 93 Switch (SPDT w/PB & 4 lamps/LEDs) .058 16 Mdl 93 Indicator (w/PB & 4 lamps/LEDs) 0.5 14 Mdl 99 Switch (DPDT w/PB & 4 lamps/LEDs) 1.09 31 Mdl 99 Switch (DPDT w/PB & 4 lamps/LEDs) 1.06 30 Mdl 99 Indicator (w/PB & 4 lamps/LEDs) .98 28 Pushbutton (w/4 lamps/LEDs 0.13 4 Additional weight for watertight seals 0.08 2 Rear Flange Mount Components Termination Solder/PC Crimp Pin Solder/PC 1.Matrix Housing 34 Front Mount Dress Bezel Termination crimp pin, and 12 pins utilized Housings 12 @ 0.205 oz. 2.460 oz. Receptacle Assy 3.780 oz. Flange 13.61 inches @ .075 oz./in. 1.021 oz. Socket contacts 12 x 12 @ .006 oz. 0.864 oz. Matrix housing total 8.125 oz. Front dress bezel mount matrix, 2x2, w/solder termination Housings 4 @ 0.140 oz. Cleat assy 2 @ 0.146 0.560 oz. .291 oz. 0.292 oz. Matrix housing total 2.143 oz. Crimp Pin .140 oz. .205 oz. .140 oz. .205 oz. – .315 oz. – .315 oz. .075 oz. .075 oz. – – 4.Dress Bezel (per lin. inch) – – .162 oz. .162 oz. 5.Contact Socket (12 max per station) – .006 oz. ea. – .006 oz. ea. 6.Cleat Assy. (2 to 10 req.) – – .146 oz. .146 oz. 3.Flange (per inch) w/rivets Rear flange mount matrix, 4x3, with 4 flanges, Dress bezel 7.97 inches @ .1621 Matrix Weight Per Station 2.Receptacle Assy. Matrix Housing Weight Examples Matrix System Total Weight To obtain matrix system total weight, include matrix housing, plus switch or indicator weights with pushbuttons, less individual mounting hardware weights of .07 oz., (2 gms) per station. - MODEL 99 DATA PRODUCTDIMENSIONS DESIGN & ENGINEERING Display System Field of View The visibility of any legend, symbology or alphanumerics can be viewed from a distance of three feet, without any restrictions by the periphery of the enclosure for the display, at all angles within an 80o cone perpendicular to the viewing surface. Light Sources Two means for legend lighting are available in the Series 90 product line, either incandescent or LED. Legend Viewing Dimensions The display area available for legends: Viewing Area Nominal Dimensions Inch (mm) Incandescent Lamps Full Screen .495” (12.57) square Lamps are flange based, incandescent, T-1 sub-midget type, which are field replaceable from the front panel. Selection options Half Screen, horizontal .495 x .217” (12.57 x 5.51) are specified in Table 6A. When lamps are not furnished with the pushbuttons, a removable fiberboard plate will be installed Half Screen, vertical .217 x .495” (5.51 x 12.57) at the factory. This plate is removed and discarded when lamps Quarter Screen .217” (5.51) square are installed in the field. For proper operation, either this “discard” plate, four T-1 lamps, or a combination of lamps and “dummy plugs” (devices which simulate the specified lamps) must be used to prevent damage to the unit. Factory-supplied lamps have nominal brightness as specified by the manufacturer in Table 6A. These have a mean spherical candle power (MSCP) tolerance of ± 25%. Unless otherwise specified, all brightness tests performed at the factory, and those published in this document utilize calibrated lamps with a luminous intensity of .15 ± .01 MSCP. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) The voltage options are 5 or 28 volts. LED polarity and other options are as specified in Table 6B. These LEDs are a serviceable part of the pushbutton. Incandescent Lighting Circuits Electrical connections for pushbuttons lighted with incandescent lamps are shown in Figure 8. The lamp circuit is optionally available with: a)Common lamp ground for all four lamps (full ground plate); b) Vertically split ground plate (the two lamps on the left half and the two lamps on the right half may be on separate power circuits with separate grounding); c) Horizontally split ground plate (lighting for the top half and the bottom half may be on separate power circuits). The choice of lamp circuit grounding scheme is completely independent of the selection of legend display style (full screen display, two-way horizontal split, etc., as shown in Table 5). The split grounds allow the lamps of a display to be powered from two separate power sources. Each incandescent lamp is lighted independently from the other three by applying power to the pin designated in the schematic. The power may be dc or low-voltage ac, within the rating of the lamp. Standard lamp selections are listed in Table 6A. Incandescent-based displays are available in the colors indicated in the chromaticity diagram of Figure 13. LED Lighting Circuits Light emitting diode (LED) arrays within the Series 90 pushbuttons are available as an alternative to incandescent lamps. Each of the four quadrants of a display is lighted using an assembly of three LED chips, giving a total of 12 LED junctions per pushbutton. Schematics for typical LED configurations are shown in Figures 9 and 10. The required current regulating resistors are included in the pushbutton. There is also a voltage dimming option. Unlike the incandescent pushbutton versions without common bussed switch bases, some LED configurations power need only to be applied to one pin to control the lighting of a half-screen LED display if the display style is full-screen or half-screen displays. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 35 MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA For common lamp circuit configurations common terminals (pins 6 and 9) may be used as the common return circuit for redundancy. The schematics of Figures 9 and 10 are typical. Figures 56 and 57 provide a complete set of schematics for all standard colored LED configurations. Current Requirements for LED Lighting: For 5 volt dc systems, all configurations use 45 mA per quadrant when illuminated. Thus, a full-screen unit would use 180 mA, a two-way split with one half lighted would use 90 mA, etc. For 28 volt systems, the current requirements dependent upon the configuration. When operated at 28 volts dc, either for a full-screen or two-way configuration, the forward current is 20 mA for each half screen which is illuminated (40 mA with both illuminated). For three-way split, the one-half screen is 20 mA and each quarter screen is 20 mA (for a total of 60 mA with all three areas illuminated). On four-way split configurations, each quadrant uses 20 mA ( mA with all four areas illuminated). Maximum current usage for each configuration is tabulated in Table 6B. The current requirements listed are worst-case with all legend areas lighted at maximum brightness. LED Lighting Control The accompanying schematics identify the pins to control the lighting of the specific portions of the displays on LED-based pushbuttons. Current Sourcing/Sinking for LEDs Figures 11 and 12 show simplified schematics of typical control circuits for driving the LED circuits. LED lighted pushbuttons may be configured through Table 4 for either current sourcing (codes 7 and 9) or current sinking (codes 8 and 10). One characteristic of current sourcing is that it can be used to isolate the lamp load from direct power connection if desired. For this, the cathode side of the LEDs is always grounded through a current-regulating resistor. The driving circuits supply voltage to the anode side of the LEDs to illuminate them. Current sinking, on the other hand, enables the controlling circuits to switch the cathodes to ground to light the LEDs. The is a simpler control circuit to implement if MOSFET logic is being used. Also multi-channel output driver ICs with common grounded emitters are readily available. Dimming While incandescent lighting may be controlled by varying the amplitude of the applied ac or dc voltage, this is not the ideal way to control LED lighting. LEDs are current-driven devices and operate best at the rated current. Dimming is best accommodated by turning the LEDs on and off at a rate of several thousand times per second. During the period of time that they are on, they are driven at their rated current. The ratio of on-time to off-time then controls the brightness. The Staco Systems DDM111 and DDM111A Digital Dimming Module are an ideal way to precisely control LED brightness. The DDM111 and DDM111A may also be voltage dimmed provided the option is selected from the catalog (only available in 28 volts) The DDM111 and DDM111A are briefly described on page 56. Figure 56 36 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA NOTES: See Table 4 for current sourcing and sinking codes 7, 8, 9 and 0. See Table 5 for display style codes 1 through 8. See Table 6B for circuit and seal codes 31 through 66. 5 Volt LED Circuit Schematics Common Circuit Display Styles Code Sealed Common Lamp Split Lamp Circuit Circuit Sourcing Sinking Rear View Rear View Code Front View A B No Yes No Yes Full 1 2 1 Screen 3 4 31 41 51 61 Horiz. 1 2 2 Split 3 4 Screen Split Circuit Code Sealed Sourcing Sinking C D No Yes No Yes 31 41 51 61 3 Vert. Split Screen 31 41 51 61 31 41 51 61 4 3 Way Horiz. Split Screen 33 43 53 63 33 43 53 63 5 4 Way Split Screen 35 45 55 65 35 45 55 65 6 3 Way Vert. Split Screen 33 43 53 63 33 43 53 63 7 3 Way Horiz. Split Screen 33 43 53 63 33 43 53 63 8 3 Way Vert. Split Screen 33 43 53 63 33 43 53 63 12 Figure 57 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 37 MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA NOTES: See Table 4 for current sourcing and sinking codes 7, 8, 9 and 0. See Table 5 for display style codes 1 through 8. See Table 6B for circuit and seal codes 31 through 66. 28 Volt LED Circuit Schematics Common Circuit Display Styles Code Sealed Common Lamp Split Lamp Circuit Circuit Sourcing Sinking Rear View Rear View Code Front View A B No Yes No Yes Full 1 2 1 Screen 3 4 32 42 52 62 Horiz. 1 2 2 Split 3 4 Screen Split Circuit Code Sealed Sourcing Sinking C D No Yes No Yes 32 42 52 62 3 Vert. Split Screen 32 42 52 62 32 42 52 62 4 3 Way Horiz. Split Screen 34 44 54 64 34 44 54 64 5 4 Way Split Screen 36 46 56 66 36 46 56 66 6 3 Way Vert. Split Screen 34 44 54 64 34 44 54 64 7 3 Way Horiz. Split Screen 34 44 54 64 34 44 54 64 8 3 Way Vert. Split Screen 34 44 54 64 34 44 54 64 2 1 Figure 58 38 - MODEL 99 DATA PRODUCTDIMENSIONS DESIGN & ENGINEERING Legends Type Style and Fonts The standard type face used for legend text is Alternate Gothic Number 2 (AG2), a condensed gothic, sans serif style. The nominal letter height-to-width ratio is approximately 6:1. Always Visible White (AVW) legends are an exception; they use the Helvetica Light font. Character Heights The character height, as defined in this document, is the distance (in decimal inches) from the top to bottom of a capital letter (no descenders) in the standard font AG2. Unless otherwise specified, the size of punctuation and symbols in that font will be artistically proportional to the size specified for the capital letters. As listed in Table 5, the standard character heights for the Series 90 Product Line are .072, .087, .100, .125 and .145. Other AG2 character heights, available by special order (or if needed, for special artwork) are: .060, .066, .075, .077, .080, .082, .090, .094, .097, .105, .110, .114, .120, .132, .139, .155, .164, .175, .188, .203, .219, .239, .263, .293 and .329. Standard Character/Symbol Set The standard AG2 typeface provides capital letters and numerics in all the sizes listed above. Lower case characters are not available in this font. Many typical European characters such as Ä, Å, É, Ö, Ñ, Ü, and others, are available as standard within this font. Other symbols available in AG2 include arrows, @, #, $, %, &, (, ), ', !, ., +, /, :, ;, =, ?, \, _, <, >, *, ±, °, 1/2, 1/4, and others. The “character height” of an arrow is the length from the tip of the point to the end of the shaft, independently of its orientation, i.e., a .145” arrow will have the same appearance if vertical or horizontal. The symbols * and # are available either as proportional to the size of the AG2 font or as full-size characters with the same height of the capital letters. Unless otherwise specified, the symbol used will be the proportional one. Optional Fonts By special order Helvetica Light and Helvetica Medium are available in a range of sizes similar to that of AG2. Either of these Helvetica typefaces may also be ordered in their normal, condensed, bold, or expanded variations. Both of these typefaces provide capital letters, numbers, lower case characters, and many of the symbols and European characters identified in the previous paragraphs. The “characters per legend area” of Table 5 does not apply. Math and Greek Symbols Sets Math symbols and Greek characters available by special order and may be mixed with the standard AG2 font. Other Non-Roman Alphabets Camera ready art, at 10 times the final size, is required for legends using other non-Roman characters such as Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Sanskrit, etc. A bold face character set, with a stroke width ration of 6:1 or 8:1 is recommended. Special Artwork Simple shapes, such as squares, rectangles, borders, circles or diagonal lines may be generated in the normal legend-making process. For complex shapes, icons, or others graphic symbols, it is recommended that the customer supply camera-ready artwork at a 10:1 scale (to fit in a 4.95” square area) for photographic reproduction. Characters Per Legend Display Area The approximate number of AG2 characters of a given size which will fit into a display area is given in Table 5. AG2 characters are proportionately spaced (i.e., a character “M” or “W” is about three times as wide as the character “I”). The actual number of characters will depend on the specific characters used. If the specific characters used in a given area exceed the space available, but by no more than 10%, the characters will be condensed by 10%, using the same height but less width, on order to accommodate the legend as requested by the customer. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 39 MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA Display Types The display types available as standard products in the Series 90 are listed in Table 7, along with the corresponding symbol used in MIL-PRF-22885. Legend and Faceplate Assemblies The lens and faceplate assemblies are part of the pushbutton assembly. These pushbuttons are removable from the front of the panel to allow the replacement of incandescent lamps without the need for special tools. LEDs are not replaceable. Color Filters Incandescent and LED display types 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 utilize color filter caps which may be interchanged among the four color cell areas or replaced with color caps ordered from the factory. Incandescent display types 1, 6, 7 and 0 utilize flat color filters which are an integral part of the faceplate assembly and are not replaceable in the field. Customer Replaceable Legends Display types 8, 9 and 0 allow for the customer to replace the legends. Each type is available in configurations with incandescent lamps. For LED-lighted pushbuttons display types 9 and 0 are available. The overall size of the replaceable faceplate is .575” (14.6 mm) square, with a viewing area of .495” (12.6 mm) square. Displays with customer installed legends may not be of equal quality to that of factory installed assemblies that are laminated together. Sunlight Readability Sunlight readable displays in the Series 90 Product Line provide a black, non-reflective, dead-front appearance when no lighted and provide brightly lighted legend characters, in the specified colors, when the displays are energized. This display (type 6) protects the crew station viewer from false indications in direct sunlight at high altitude. The design overcomes two problems associated with high-intensity light directed at the instrument panel. First, when lighted, it enables the viewer to read the legend despite the intense brightness of direct sunlight at 70,000 feet altitude. Secondly, the design prevents this high intensity light from causing the legends to falsely appear to be lighted when the are actually unlighted. The measure of its effectiveness is by means of calculating two sets of contrast ratios based on laboratory measurements conducted under very specific conditions. Contrast Ratios The average contrast ratio of each legend character to the background is measured with an incidental illumination of 10,000 foot-candles minimum, at 5,000° ±500° Kelvin color temperature, directed at an angle of 45° ±2° to the normal of the viewing surface. Luminance readings are point readings taken with a calibrated photoelectric photometer directed perpendicular to the display surface. At least three readings are taken at equally spaced points on each legend character and the readings averaged. At least three readings are then taken at points in the background immediately adjacent to each character. The contrast ratios C , and C , are calcuL UL lated for each character. The lighted contrast (ON/BACKGROUND) is defined by C = (B - B )/B L 2 1 1 The unlighted contrast (OFF/BACKGROUND) is defined by C = (B - B )/B L 2 1 1 B = Average background luminance 1 B = Average character luminance, legend lighted 2 B = Average character luminance, legend unlighted 3 40 - MODEL 99 DATA PRODUCTDIMENSIONS DESIGN & ENGINEERING Lamps for testing are aged and selected for a mean spherical candlepower (mscp) of .15 ± .02, for general testing, and .15 ± .01 for QPL testing. The standard legend for SLR testing has a character height of 0.1 inch (2.54 mm), two display lines, and the words “REMOTE” on the top half and “ALT LOW” on the bottom half. Incandescent Type 6 The average contrast ratio of each lighted legend character to background is 0.6 minimum, except for blue which will be 0.2 minimum. In the unlighted legend condition, the average contrast ratio of each legend character to the background will have an absolute value less than or equal to 0.1. SLR And NVIS-Compatibility Incandescent LED pushbuttons with NVIS-compatible colors will have an average contrast ratio of each lighted legend character to the background of at least 0.6 in accordance with MIL-STD-3009. The unlighted contrast ratio for each individual character will not exceed 0.1. Incandescent lighted NVIS Red will have an average lighted contrast ratio for the entire legend of 0.6 or greater, however, individual characters may be below that contrast ratio. LED pushbuttons add NVIS White and NVIS Blue to the available colors. Sunlight readability requirements apply to NVIS-compatible LED pushbutton configurations. SLR Sealed Displays SLR performance is not degraded for standard Dripproof, Splashproof or Watertight seals. SLR requirements do not apply to Solvent Resistant or Hazardous Environment Seals. Night Vision Imaging System Series 90 Products, when type 7 legends are specified, provide instrumentation displays which are compatible with night vision imaging systems (NVIS). NVIS compatibility is ensured with extensive testing and analysis by a computer controlled and calibrated spectral radiometer, the most accurate and sophisticated NVIS laboratory equipment available. This system is used to qualify products, to evaluate incoming filters and to perform certifications. Also, all NVIS-compatible products are 100% inspected for IR leakage prior to shipment. NVIS Qualifications The Series 90 incandescent versions are fully qualified to MIL-STD-3009 under MIL-S-22885/101 for NVIS compatibility for the colors Green A, Green B, Yellow and Red, and for Type I systems, Class A and Class B goggles, and for Type II systems, Class A and Class B goggles, where applicable. These NVIS units are also “sunlight readable” per MIL-S-22885/101. NVIS Green A and B: Shall meet all Class A and Class B equipment requirements for illuminated controls. NVIS Yellow: Shall meet all Class A and Class B equipment requirements for caution and warning signals. NVIS Red: Shall meet Type I and Type II Class B equipment requirements for electronic and electro-optical displays (multicolor). NVIS Blue: NVIS radiance shall meet all Class A and Class B equipment for illuminated controls. Color coordinates shall be within the following limits of the CIE 1976 UCS chromaticity diagram: u'1=.175, v'1=.167, r=.040 (Blue color is not specified by existing military standards for NVIS compatible lighting at the time of preparation of this slash sheet. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 41 MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA Chromaticity requirements (MIL-STD-3009, Table II) are simplified and given in accompanying table and are shown graphically in CIE chart form in Figure 14. NVIS WHITE u’1 0.190 Code NW TABLE II. NVIS chromaticity requirements. 1/ NVIS RED NVIS NVIS NVIS GREEN A GREEN B YELLOW Code NR Code GA Code GB Code NY v’1 r u’1 v’1 r 0.490 0.040 0.450 0.550 0.060 u’1 v’1 r u’1 v’1 r u’1 0.088 0.543 0.037 0.131 0.623 0.057 0.274 NVIS BLUE Code NB v’1 r u’1 v’1 r 0.622 0.083 0.175 0.167 0.040 1/ The colors are expressed as ‘ u’ 1 ‘, “ v’ 1 “ and ‘ r ‘ on the CIE 1976 UCS chromaticity diagram. Illuminated colors, measured as specified herein, shall be within the limits bounded by the coordinates listed for each color. Night Vision Imaging System Types MIL-STD-3009 defines night vision imaging systems by type and class. Type I is direct view imaging where the Gen III night vision goggle (NVG) is used to view outside the cockpit and the pilot glances under the goggles to view the instruments. Type II also is a Gen III goggle, but uses a projected image where the pilot simultaneously views both external and internal information through optical mixers. Night Vision Imaging System Classes Two NVIS classes have been defined, based on the cut-off frequency of the filters used in the goggles. Class A NVIS uses the 625 nanometer (nm) minus blue objective lens filter while Class B uses the 665 nm filter. The lower cut-off of the Class A filters allows for maximum near-IR response to tree bark, grass and other green vegetation, a general requirement for helicopter applications operating below tree-top level. The Class B filter, with the higher cut-off, allows the goggles to be used in conjunction with orange and red warning indicators in the cockpit, and is intended for aircraft which are operating above tree level. NVIS Radiance The NVIS radiance (NR) is measured for Class A (NRA) for compatibility with 625 nm applications, and for Class B (NRB) for 665 nm systems. Both are the result of spectral radiance measurements, in 5 nm increments, from 450 to 930 nm. The readings are automatically scaled by the spectroradiometer system to a selected brightness level given in footlamberts. NVIS Radiance Requirements The accompanying table summarizes the NVIS radiance specification (MIL-STD-3009, Table IX) for configurations which are applicable to the Series 90 product line. NVIS Radiance Requirements of NVIS-Compatible Light Sources Type I Systems NVIS Color Class A Goggles Min NRA Max NRA Class B Goggles Min NRB Max NRB Luminance fL Green A – 1.7E-10 – 1.7E-10 0.1 Green B – 1.7E-10 – 1.7E-10 0.1 5.0E-8 1.5E-7 4.7E-8 1.4E-7 15.0 4.7E-8 1.4E-7 15.0 Yellow Red Not Applicable Type II Systems 42 NVIS Color Class A Goggles Class B Goggles Luminance fL Min NRA Max NRA Min NRB Max NRB Green A – 1.7E-10 – 1.7E-10 Green B – 1.7E-10 – 1.7E-10 0.1 Yellow – 1.5E-7 – 1.4E-7 15.0 Red – 1.4E-7 15.0 Not Applicable 0.1 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING DATA Materials Finish Black anodize over aluminum alloy, when used, is per MIL-STD-3009, Type II, Class 2. Chemical film finishes, when used, are per MIL-C-5541, Class 3. Dull black chrome finish, when used, is applied over electroless nickel per MIL-C-14538. Terminal Plating Tin-lead plating of solder terminals is per MIL-P-81728. Gold plating, when specified, is per MIL-G-45204. Printed circuit board terminals are suitably plated to facilitate hand, wave or flow soldering methods. Crimp pin terminals are gold plated per MIL-G-45204. Silicone Rubber Silicone rubber, when used, is in accordance with ZZ-R-765, rubber, silicone. Fluorosilicone Rubber Fluorosilicone rubber, when used, is in accordance with MIL-R-25988, rubber, fluorosilicone elastomer, oil and fuel resistant. Prohibited Finishes Cadmium plating is not used on any part for the product line. Pure tin plating is also prohibited as a final finish or as an undercoat since it may result in tin whisker growth which may adversely affect the operation of electronic equipment systems. Use of tin-lead (Sn-Pb) finishes are acceptable provided that the minimum lead content is 3%. Ozone Depleting Chemicals Ozone depleting chemicals (OCD’s) are not used in any products or manufacturing processes used in this product line. [ODC’s include chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), hydrochloroflurocarbons (HCFC’s), methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and halons.] Quality Material and products are controlled and inspected per the requirements of MIL-I-45208. The maintenance of the calibration system to control the accuracy of the measuring and test equipment is in accordance with MIL-STD-45662. Product inspection for delivery consists of Group A inspectors per MIL-PRF-22885 and the applicable slash sheet. Staco Systems maintains a fully equipped and certified laboratory to perform environmental and lighting tests in accordance with the requirements of MIL-PRF-22885 and MIL-STD-3009. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 43 MILITARY CROSS REFERENCE MIL-PRF-22885/101 Various Series 90 Switches, Indicators and Display Screen Pushbutton have been granted Qualified Products Listing under MIL-PRF-22885. The following list is a random selection of MIL-Spec part numbers. It does not include lamps, legends or retainers. Should you wish to order assemblies with these features, please utilize the coded part number system detailed within this catalog or contact the factory for special ten digit part numbers unique to your specific project application. Specific cross reference part numbers are available on request. Example: M22885/101E031W2GR 1X 2XX 1 1 A 2XX Horizontal Split Screen Display requires that the first two X positions be coded with the color digit desired in Area 1 and the last two X positions be coded with the color digit in Area 2. 2 9305611201052211 MIL-S-22885 Description Symbol A 1X Full ScreenDisplay requires that all 4X positions be coded with the same color code number from the table below. Series 90 Code Display Types C Colored Background 1 B Hidden Legend, Lighted Background 2 H Hidden Legend, Lighted Characters 3 N Opaque Background 4 W White Background 5 S Sunlight Background 6 S NVIS Compatible 7 W White 0 R Red 1 G Green 2 Y Aviation Yellow 3 D Lunar White 4 – Lemon Yellow 5 B Blue 6 Z Aviation Green 7 H Green A 6 J Green B 2 K Yellow 5 L Red 1 44 Standard Colors NVIS Colors MILITARY CROSS REFERENCE MIL-22885/101 Switches, DPDT, Silver Contacts Momentary Indicators Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 031N1X 031N2XX 031W1X 031W2XX 031S1X 031S2XX 174N1X 174N2XX 174W1X 174W2XX 174S1X 174S2XX 032N1X 032N2XX 032W1X 032W2XX 032S1X 032S2XX 930551 110104XXXX 120104XXXX 110105XXXX 120105XXXX 110106XXXX 120106XXXX 210104XXXX 220104XXXX 210105XXXX 220105XXXX 210106XXXX 220106XXXX 310104XXXX 320104XXXX 310105XXXX 320105XXXX 310106XXXX 320106XXXX Dripproof Seal, RFI Shielded M22885/101E 087N1X 087N2XX 087W1X 087W2XX 087S1X 087S2XX 184N1X 184N2XX 184W1X 184W2XX 184S1X 184S2XX 088N1X 088N2XX 088W1X 088W2XX 088S1X 088S2XX 930552 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 043N1X 043N2XX 043W1X 043W2XX 043S1X 043S2XX 177N1X 177N2XX 177W1X 177W2XX 177S1X 177S2XX 044N1X 044N2XX 044W1X 044W2XX 044S1X 044S2XX 930211 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 099N1X 099N2XX 099W1X 099W2XX 099S1X 099S2XX 187N1X 187N2XX 187W1X 187W2XX 187S1X 187S2XX 100N1X 100N2XX 100W1X 100W2XX 100S1X 100S2XX 930212 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Switches, SPDT, Silver Contacts Momentary Switches, DPDT, Gold Contacts Momentary Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 035N1X 035N2XX 035W1X 035W2XX 035S1X 035S2XX 175N1X 175N2XX 175W1X 175W2XX 175S1X 175S2XX 036N1X 036N2XX 036W1X 036W2XX 036S1X 036S2XX 930111 110104XXXX 120104XXXX 110105XXXX 120105XXXX 110106XXXX 120106XXXX 210104XXXX 220104XXXX 210105XXXX 220105XXXX 210106XXXX 220106XXXX 310104XXXX 320104XXXX 310105XXXX 320105XXXX 310106XXXX 320106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 091N1X 091N2XX 091W1X 091W2XX 091S1X 091S2XX 185N1X 185N2XX 185W1X 185W2XX 185S1X 185S2XX 092N1X 092N2XX 092W1X 092W2XX 092S1X 092S2XX 930112 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 047N1X 047N2XX 047W1X 047W2XX 047S1X 047S2XX 178N1X 178N2XX 178W1X 178W2XX 178S1X 178S2XX 048N1X 048N2XX 048W1X 048W2XX 048S1X 048S2XX 930411 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 103N1X 103N2XX 103W1X 103W2XX 103S1X 103S2XX 188N1X 188N2XX 188W1X 188W2XX 188S1X 188S2XX 104N1X 104N2XX 104W1X 104W2XX 104S1X 104S2XX 930412 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Switches, SPDT, Gold Contacts Momentary Switches, SPDT, Silver Contacts Alternate Action Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 039N1X 039N2XX 039W1X 039W2XX 039S1X 039S2XX 176N1X 176N2XX 176W1X 176W2XX 176S1X 176S2XX 040N1X 040N2XX 040W1X 040W2XX 040S1X 040S2XX 930311 110104XXXX 120104XXXX 110105XXXX 120105XXXX 110106XXXX 120106XXXX 210104XXXX 220104XXXX 210105XXXX 220105XXXX 210106XXXX 220106XXXX 310104XXXX 320104XXXX 310105XXXX 320105XXXX 310106XXXX 320106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 095N1X 095N2XX 095W1X 095W2XX 095S1X 095S2XX 186N1X 186N2XX 186W1X 186W2XX 186S1X 186S2XX 096N1X 096N2XX 096W1X 096W2XX 096S1X 096S2XX 930312 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 050N1X 050N2XX 050W1X 050W2XX 050S1X 050S2XX 197N1X 197N2XX 197W1X 197W2XX 197S1X 197S2XX 201N1X 201N2XX 201W1X 201W2XX 201S1X 201S2XX 930121 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 106N1X 106N2XX 106W1X 106W2XX 106S1X 106S2XX 213N1X 213N2XX 213W1X 213W2XX 213S1X 213S2XX 217N1X 217N2XX 217W1X 217W2XX 217S1X 217S2XX 930122 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX 45 MILITARY CROSS REFERENCE MIL-22885/101 Switches, SPDT, Gold Contacts Alternate Action Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 052N1X 052N2XX 052W1X 052W2XX 052S1X 052S2XX 198N1X 198N2XX 198W1X 198W2XX 198S1X 198S2XX 202N1X 202N2XX 202W1X 202W2XX 202S1X 202S2XX 930321 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 108N1X 108N2XX 108W1X 108W2XX 108S1X 108S2XX 214N1X 214N2XX 214W1X 214W2XX 214S1X 214S2XX 218N1X 218N2XX 218W1X 218W2XX 218S1X 218S2XX 930322 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Switches, DPDT, Silver Contacts Alternate Action Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 054N1X 054N2XX 054W1X 054W2XX 054S1X 054S2XX 199N1X 199N2XX 199W1X 199W2XX 199S1X 199S2XX 203N1X 203N2XX 203W1X 203W2XX 203S1X 203S2XX 930221 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 110N1X 110N2XX 110W1X 110W2XX 110S1X 110S2XX 215N1X 215N2XX 215W1X 215W2XX 215S1X 215S2XX 219N1X 219N2XX 219W1X 219W2XX 219S1X 219S2XX 930222 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Switches, DPDT, Gold Contacts Alternate Action Dripproof Seal, Non-RFI M22885/101E 056N1X 056N2XX 056W1X 056W2XX 056S1X 056S2XX 200N1X 200N2XX 200W1X 200W2XX 200S1X 200S2XX 204N1X 204N2XX 204W1X 204W2XX 204S1X 2040S2XX 46 930421 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX Dripproof Seal,RFI Shielded M22885/101E 112N1X 112N2XX 112W1X 112W2XX 112S1X 112S2XX 216N1X 216N2XX 216W1X 216W2XX 216S1X 216S2XX 220N1X 220N2XX 220W1X 220W2XX 220S1X 220S2XX 930422 410104XXXX 420104XXXX 410105XXXX 420105XXXX 410106XXXX 420106XXXX 510104XXXX 520104XXXX 510105XXXX 520105XXXX 510106XXXX 520106XXXX 610104XXXX 620104XXXX 610105XXXX 620105XXXX 610106XXXX 620106XXXX MILITARY CROSS REFERENCE MIL-PRF-22885/112 Part or Identify Number (PIN): The PIN shall be constructed as illustrated in the following example: Basic specification and detail configuration slash sheet number. Codes from table IV through table VII. E 2 4 4 G Pushbutton display and LED configuration - table VIII. Pushbutton display circuit configuration - table VII. Switch housing and termination configuration - table VI. Switch circuit, action, and contact material - table V. Housing enclosure design - table IV. Legend details and display screen colors are not defined by the PIN. These details are specified by user's acquisition documents in accordance with the acquisition requirements for category II switches, see section 6 of MIL-PRF-22885. For the convenience of users, and extension to the PIN may be utilized on the acquisition document to define the legend details and colors. The method of constructing this extension is illustrated below. The extension is for convenience only and is not part of the PIN. PIN M22885/XXXE244G 22 4 AY RD XX Acquisition document details for pushbutton legend and display. Callouts must be in the sequence shown. (TURBINE; HEAT) (HI) Legends for display screen areas 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Legends for each area enclosed by parentheses. Multiple legend lines separated by semicolon. Color code for display screen areas 1,2, and 3 respectively. See tables I and II for color selection. When any of these areas are not applicable, insert XX in that space. Type of legend display illumination and contrast. See table X for selection. Legend character size. See table IX for selection Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 47 MILITARY CROSS REFERENCE MIL-PRF-22885/112 MIL-PRF-22885/1 12 TABLE IV. Codes for housing enclosure design. Enclosure design With solder terminations: U n s e a l e d Dr ip proo f Watertight/splashproof With CTS terminations: U n s e a l e d Dr ip proo f Watertight/splashproof Without EMI/RFI shielding 75 G High-impact shock shock With EMI/RFI shielding 75 G High-impact shock shock A B C ----S J K L ----W E F G ----U N O P ----Y TABLE V. Codes for switch circuit, action, and contact material. Switch circuit Contact material Silver Gold Momentary action: Single pole, double throw (SPDT) Double pole, double throw (DPDT) Alternate action: Single pole, double throw (SPDT) Double pole, double throw (DPDT) Indicator: 1 2 5 6 3 4 --- 7 8 0 TABLE VI. Codes for termination type. Termination type Turret, solder Common termination system (CTS): Without termination module 1/ With termination module per MIL-C-39029/16-168 2/ With termination module per MIL-C-39029/22-192 2/ Code 1 3 4 5 1/ Designates CTS switch housing without connector module. Connector modules may be supplied prewired to wire harness assembly. MIL-PRF-22885/1 12 with connector 2/ Designates CTS switch housing module installed. Sealing plugs and termination pins not included. TABLE VII. Pushbutton display module LED circuit configuration. Common circuit configuration Negative common (ground) Positive common (ground) Single common 1 2 Code Split common 3 4 17 TABLE VIII. Pushbutton display screen and LED design. 48 Display screen design code MILITARY CROSS REFERENCE MIL-PRF 22885/112 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ Alpha-numeric character format is alternate gothic number 2, Sans-serif. Number of characters shown above is number of lines times number of characters per line. For example, 5 x 12 is 5 lines of 12 characters each. Maximum number of characters per line shown above is an approximate value. The actual number of characters may be more or less, depending on characters used. Size codes 10, 20, and 30 are not applicable to legend codes 6 and 7 of table X. TABLE X. Legend display and illumination details. Code 4 1/ Nonilluminated Legend Background White Black LED illuminated Legend Background Filter color Black 5 1/ 6 2/ 7 2/ Black Hidden Hidden Black Filter color NVIS filter color White Black Black Filter color Black Black Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information MIL-PRF-22885 display type N W S S 49 TABLES Table 1 – Terminations, Circuitry & Contact Material TYPE OF TERMINATION NUMBER OF POLES OR INDICATORS 01 Solder Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) SWITCH CONTACT MATERIAL Silver 02 Solder Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Silver 03 Solder Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Gold 04 Solder Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Gold 05 Solder Indicator Only None 06 PCB Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Silver 07 PCB Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Silver 08 PCB Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Gold 09 PCB Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Gold 10 PCB Indicator Only None 16 Crimp Pin 1/ Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Silver 17 Crimp Pin 1/ Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Silver 18 Crimp Pin 1/ Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Gold 19 Crimp Pin 1/ Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Gold 20 Crimp Pin 1/ Indicator Only None 21 Crimp Pin 2/ Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Silver 22 Crimp Pin 2/ Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Silver 23 Crimp Pin 2/ Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) Gold 24 Crimp Pin 2/ Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) Gold 25 Crimp Pin 2/ Indicator Only None CODE 1/ 2/ NOTE: 50 Used with Model 98 Switch Base or Model 99 Switch Assembly, and Series 95 or 97 Matrix Assemblies (long) requiring MIL-C-39029/16-168 Crimp Pin Receptacles. Used with Model 98 Switch Base or Model 99 Switch Assembly, and Series 95 or 97 Matrix Assemblies (short) requiring MIL-C-39029/22-192 Crimp Pin Receptacles. Code numbers 11 through 15 have been deleted. They previously represented wire wrap terminations and have been discontinued. TABLES Table 2 – Switch Action, Pushbutton Retainer, and Lamp Wiring Requirement CODE TYPE OF UNIT TYPE OF ACTION PUSHBUTTON RETAINER LAMP WIRING COMMON BUS CONFIGURATION 1 Switch Momentary Yes 1/ No 2 Switch Alternate Yes 1/ No 3 Switch Momentary No No 4 Switch Alternate No No 5 Indicator None Yes 1/ No 6 Indicator None No No 7 Switch Momentary Yes 1/ Yes 2/ Single Two or Three Wire System 8 Switch Alternate Yes 1/ Yes 2/ Single Two or Three Wire System 9 Switch Momentary No Yes 2/ Single Two or Three Wire System 0 Switch Alternate No Yes 2/ Single Two or Three Wire System A . Indicator None Yes 1/ B Indicator None No C Switch Momentary Yes 1/ Yes 2/ Horizontal Three or Four Wire System D Switch Alternate Yes 1/ Yes 2/ Horizontal Three or Four Wire System E Switch Momentary No Yes 2/ Horizontal Three or Four Wire System F Switch Alternate No Yes 2/ Horizontal Three or Four Wire System G Indicator None Yes 1/ H Indicator None No Yes 2/ Single Two or Three Wire System Yes 2/ Single Two or Three Wire System Yes 2/ Horizontal Three or Four Wire System Yes 2/ Horizontal Three or Four Wire System Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 51 TABLES Table 2 (continued) CODE TYPE OF UNIT TYPE OF ACTION PUSHBUTTON RETAINER i 3/ Switch Momentary Yes 1/ J Switch Alternate Yes 1/ K Switch Momentary No L Switch Alternate No M Indicator None Yes 1/ N Indicator None No _ 4/ Switch Momentary Yes 1/ P Switch Alternate Yes 1/ Q Switch Momentary No R Switch Alternate No S Indicator None Yes 1/ T Indicator None No U Switch Momentary Yes 1/ V Switch Alternate Yes 1/ W Switch Momentary No X Switch Alternate No Y Indicator None Yes 1/ Z Indicator None No 1/ 52 LAMP WIRING COMMON BUS CONFIGURATION Yes 2/ Bottom Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Bottom Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Bottom Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Bottom Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Bottom Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Bottom Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Top Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Top Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Top Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Top Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Top Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Top Four or Five Wire System Yes 2/ Vertical Three or Four Wire System Yes 2/ Vertical Three or Four Wire System Yes 2/ Vertical Three or Four Wire System Yes 2/ Vertical Three or Four Wire System Yes 2/ Vertical Three or Four Wire System Yes 2/ Vertical Three or Four Wire System Retainer applies only when ordered as part of assemblies which include pushbuttons. TABLES 2/ 3/ 4/ Common bus configuration applies only to incandescent lamp based switch and indicator. Lower case letter "i". Do not use upper case letter "I" to differentiate it with number “1” Underscore "_". Do not use dash "-", because a dash is used as a delimiter between the switch and pushbutton portions of a part number within Staco Systems. Table 3 – EMI /RFI & Sealing CODE TYPE OF DRIP SEAL VS. MOUNTING UNSEALED EMI/RFI VS. NON-EMI/RFI SHIELDING 01 Individual Sealed Non-EMI/RFI 02 Individual Sealed EMI/RFI 03 Individual Unsealed Non-EMI/RFI 04 Individual Unsealed EMI/RFI 05 Matrix1 Sealed Non-EMI/RFI 06 Matrix1 Sealed EMI/RFI 07 1 Matrix Unsealed Non-EMI/RFI 08 Matrix1 Unsealed EMI/RFI 1 For mounting in models 94, 95, 96 and 97 matrix frame assemblies. 1 Table 4 – Incandescent or LED, Ground Options and EMI/RFI COMMON EMI/RFI CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION SHIELDED CURRENT SOURCING OR SINKING CODE LIGHT SOURCE 1 2 Incandescent Incandescent Single Common Vertical Split No No Not Applicable Not Applicable 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F G H Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent High Brightness (HB) LED High Brightness (HB) LED High Brightness (HB) LED High Brightness (HB) LED HB LED with Voltage Dimming 1/ HB LED with Voltage Dimming 1/ HB LED with Voltage Dimming 1/ HB LED with Voltage Dimming 1/ Horizontal Split Single Common Vertical Split Horizontal Split Single Common Single Common Split Common Split Common Single Common Single Common Split Common Split Common No EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI EMI/RFI. EMI/RFI Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Sourcing Sinking Sourcing Sinking Sourcing Sinking Sourcing Sinking 1/ Available for 28V DC only. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 53 TABLES Table 5 – Display Style And Character Definition CODE No. 10 54 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 43 44 45 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 64 65 70 71 72 73 74 75 80 81 82 83 84 85 CHARACTER DISPLAY LEGEND AREA (H) Horizontal lines per area SIZE IN AREA NO. (C) Characters per line INCHES (Ref.)1 HXC 2 HXC 3 HXC none .072 .087 1 .100 .125 .145 none .072 1 .087 .100 .1252 .145 none .072 .087 1 2 .100 .125 .145 none .072 1 .087 .100 3 2 .125 .145 none .072 2 1 .087 .100 4 3 .125 .145 none .072 2 .087 1 .100 3 .125 .145 none .072 2 1 .087 .100 3 .125 .145 none .072 1 .087 2 .100 3 .125 .145 none 5x12 4x10 4x9 3x7 2x6 none 2x12 2x10 1x9 1x7 1x6 none 5x6 4x4 4x4 3x3 2x2 none 2x12 2x10 1x9 1x7 1x6 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 5x6 4x4 4x4 3x3 2x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none X X X X X none 2x12 2x10 1x9 1x7 1x6 none 5x6 4x4 4x4 3x3 2x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 5x6 4x4 4x4 3x3 2x2 none X X X X X none X X X X X none X X X X X none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 none 2x12 2x10 1x9 1x7 1x6 none 2x6 2x4 1x4 1x3 1x2 1 4 HXC Display Style Descriptions none X X Full Screen X Display X X none X 2 Way X Horizontal X Split Screen X Display X none X 2 Way X Vertical X Split Screen X Display x none 3 Way X Split Screen X Display X (Horizontal X Top Half) X none 2x6 4 Way 2x4 Split Screen 1x4 Display 1x3 1x2 none 3 Way X Split Screen X Display X (Vertical X Left Half) X none 3 Way X Split Screen X Display X (Horizontal X Bottom Half) X none 3 Way X Split Screen X Display X (Vertical X Right Half) X NOTES: 1 This is an approximate 1 value. Actual number of characters will depend on the specific characters used. If the specific characters used exceed the space available, the characters will be con densed, but only by 10% using the same height, in order to accommodate the legend requested. 2 The character format for legend alphanumeric is Alternate Gothic No. 2 (AG2), a condensed, sans serif font. 3 The character height, as defined here, is the dis tance (in decimal inches) from the top to bottom of a capital letter (excluding descenders) in the stand ard AG2 font. Unless otherwise specified, the punctuation and symbols in that font will be artist ically proportional to the size specified for the capital letters. 4 The standard type font, AG2, provides capitals and numerics; lowercase characters are not avail able in this font. Many foreign characters, such as Å, É, O, Ñ, U and others are available. Helvetica typefaces, math symbols and Greek characters are available by special order. 5 Camera ready art, at 10 times the final size, is required for non-Roman characters (such as Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian). 6 For special graphic art work, contact the factory-based Sales department. TABLES Table 6A – Incandescent Lamp Selection & Sealing CODE NOT SEALED INCANDESCENT MAXIMUM SEALED LAMP TYPE DESIGN VOLTS 1 7 2 00 10 01 11 3071 02 12 718 03 13 N/A 04 14 3335 MAXIMUM MILLIAMPS PER PUSHBUTTON 3 RESULTING AVERAGE LIFE POWER M.S.C.P. HOURS WATTS PER P/B Fiberboard Plate “DISCARD” Required 8 8 10 5 5.0 240 1.2 0.15 5,000 5.0 460 2.3 0.15 40,000 28.0 64 1.8 0.08 9 2,500 9 3,000 05 15 3042 6.0 240 1.4 0.13 06 16 1099 12.0 240 2.9 0.15 16,000 07 17 3229 14.0 160 2.2 0.15 16,000 08 18 6838 28.0 96 2.7 0.15 16,000 09 19 15091 Dummy Lamp Plug NOTES: 1 All lamps are T-1 sub-midget flange based. Lamp code numbers 01 through 09 and 11 through 19 require four (4) each per pushbutton. 2 Current (milliamp) values are with all four quadrants lighted. 3 Lamp specifications and performance are published by the lamp manufacturers. Staco Systems does not warrant lamp performance as specified. 4 When lamps are not furnished with pushbuttons, a removable fiberboard plate is installed at the factory in order to insure the pushbutton returns to full normal position. This plate is removed and discarded when lamps are installed. Applies to code 00 and 10. 5 Caution: Do not install pushbutton without lamps or dummy lamps in all four positions, or a fiberboard (discard) in place. Otherwise, when power is connected, a short circuit will result. 6 Pushbutton with Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) compatible display (Type 7, NVG) must be “sealed.” 7 8 Recommended for lower faceplate temperature. 9 SLR performance may be degraded with these lamps. 10 Unless otherwise specified, MSCP values are ± 25%. 6 APPLICATION NOTES: The faceplate temperature will stabilize at ambient room temperature of 72°F, and with no forced air movement, 120°F with .72W to 1.14W of power input, depending on display type, and at 140°F with .87W to 1.62W. It is recommended to reduce the input power and improve the heat exchange efficacy of the pushbutton either by: 1.Reducing the input power to the lamp. 2.Utilizing forced air movement. 3.Reducing duty cycle, thus reducing over all input power per unit of time of each lamp. 4.Reducing the number of active lamps for long periods of operation. 5.Mitigating excessive power radiation and conduc tion with reductions in ambient temperature, increased flow of cooling air, and enhanced heat-sinking of mounting panels. 6.Using low wattage lamps, such as the 3071 for 5 volt applications or the 3335 for 28 volt applications. 7.Changing design to higher efficacy illuminant source, Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lighting. Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 55 TABLES Table 6B – LED Configuration & Sealing NOTES TABLE 7: CODE CURRENT CURRENT MAXIMUM SOURCING SINKING MILLIAMPS LED DISPLAY DESIGN PER NOT NOT CONFIGURATION VOLTS PUSHBUTTON SEALED SEALED SEALED SEALED 2 31 32 41 42 51 52 61 62 Full & 2-Way Full & 2-Way 5 28 180 40 33 43 53 63 3-Way 5 180 34 44 54 64 3-Way 28 60 35 45 55 65 4-Way 5 180 36 46 56 66 4-Way 28 80 1 Type 1- Styles 20 through 85 (Ref. Table 5) will have .026” black bars as visual split screen separators. 2 Available in LED lighted configurations. 3 LED Type 5 Styles 20 through 85 (Ref. Table 5) will have .046” black bars as visual split screen separators. 4 Type 6 - Sunlight Readable The display is readily discernible under 10,000 footcandles of direct light when tested per Mil-PRF-22885/101. Nonilluminated legends are not discernible. Recommended legend height is .100. NOTES TABLE 6B: 1 All pushbutton with voltage dimming require 80 mA at 28 V. 2 Actual current can be significantly lower. 2 Table 7 – Display Type Type Code note / 1 1 2 3 NON-ILLUMINATED MIL-S22885 SYMBOL LEGEND BACKGROUND LEGEND C Black Translucent Color Black B Hidden Black Black Black H Hidden Black Visible in Color Black Lamp Cap N Transluce nt White Black Visible in Color Black Lamp Cap Flat Filter W Black Translucent White Black Color Lamp Cap Flat Filter S Hidden Black Visible in Color Black Flat Filter Flat Filter S Hidden Black NVG Color Black NVG Filter NVG Filter B Hidden Black W Black H Hidden 4 2 5 2 3 2 4 2 5 6 7 8 6 9 7 6 8 6 9 0 2 Lamps Off 1 Lamps On 1 56 2 3 5 LIGHT SOURCE AND COLOR SOURCES INCANBACKHIGH BRIGHTNESS DESCENT GROUND LED LAMP ILLUMINATED Color Flat Filter Flat Filter Visible in Lamp Cap Color Customer Replaceable Legends Visible in Black Black Lamp Cap Color Translucent Black Color Lamp Cap White Visible in Black Flat Filter Black Color 4 5 4 5 6 Flat Filter 9 6 7 8 9 0 Type 7 -Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) compatible display. When illuminated, legends are compatible with NVIS (Gen. III) night vision goggles. Applies to incandescent and LED configurations. Botht versions are also sunlight readable. Non-illuminated legends are not discernible. (Available in “sealed” version only.) Customer replaceable legends (Display Types 8,9 and 0) may not be of equal quality to those which are factory assembled. 7 Type 8 - Similar to Type 2. 8 Type 9 - Similar to Type 5. 9 Type 0 - Similar to Type 6. TABLES Table 8 – Cell Color INCANDESCENT LAMP LEGEND DISPLAY CODE All types Except 7 2/ NO. COLOR INCANDESCENT LAMP OR LED LEGEND DISPLAY NIGHT VISION GOGGLE (NVG) COMPATIBILITY Types 7 Only 3 4 5 6 7 LEGEND DISPLAY Types 0, 1, 4, 5 &6 2/ (AVAILABLE PER /112 ALSO) MIL-PRF22885 COLOR /101 SYMBOL White W NVIS Blue Red R NVIS Red Green G NVIS Green B Aviation NVIS Yellow Y Yellow Class B Lunar D NVIS White White Lemon NVIS Yellow -Yellow Class A Blue 3/ B NVIS Green A Aviation Z --Green 4/ 0 1 2 HIGH BRIGHTNESS LED MIL-PRF22885 MIL-PRF 22885/112 /101 SYMBOL COLOR White Red Green Aviation Yellow L J K --‑ H Lemon Yellow Blue --- --‑ K NOTES: 1 All NVIS filters availability per MIL-STD-3009 are subject to final R&D test results. 2/ Colors of incandescent lamp and High Brightness LED are slightly different. 3/ May not be suitable for high intensity light applications. 4/ For types 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9 use 90-CODED/016. Table 9 – Rear Flange Mount Dimensions & Panel Cutouts In Inches NUMBER OF UNITS ON SIDE 1 2 3 4 5 6 N MATRIX DIMENSIONS A OR B ± .015 CUTOUT DIMENSION C OR D +.03 -.00 .755 1.510 2.265 3.020 3.775 4.530 .755 x N .77 1.53 2.28 3.04 3.79 4.55 .76 x N In Millimeters NUMBER OF UNITS ON SIDE 1 2 3 4 5 6 N MATRIX DIMENSIONS A OR B ± .38 CUTOUT DIMENSION C OR D +.8 -.0 19.18 38.35 57.53 76.71 95.89 115.06 19.18 x N 19.6 38.9 57.9 77.2 96.3 115.6 19.3 x N Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 57 TABLES Table 10 – Front Dress Bezel Mount Dimensions & Panel Cutouts In Inches NUMBER OF UNITS ON SIDE 58 1 2 3 4 5 6 N In Millimeters MATRIX DIMENSIONS A OR B ± .015 CUTOUT DIMENSION C OR D +.030 -.000 .755 1.510 2.265 3.020 3.775 4.530 .755 x N 1.124 1.879 2.634 3.389 4.144 4.899 A or B + N NUMBER OF UNITS ON SIDE 1 2 3 4 5 6 N MATRIX DIMENSIONS A OR B ± .038 CUTOUT DIMENSION C OR D +.76 -.00 19.18 38.35 57.53 76.71 95.89 115.06 19.18 x N 28.55 47.73 66.90 86.08 105.26 124.43 A or B + 9.37 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 ACCESSORIES & OTHER PRODUCTS Crimp Pin Tool and Positioner • Attaches female crimp pins to #20-24 stranded wire • For Models 95 or 97 Matrix Housing or Models 98 or 99 Individual Mount • Specify part number 15191 for M22520/2-01 Crimp Tool for use with Long Crimp Pins part number 15095 • Specify part number 15192 for M22520/2-14 Turret for use with Long Crimp Pins part number 15095 • Specify part number 15278 for M22520/2-01 Crimp Tool for use with Short Crimp Pins part number 15276 • Specify part number 15279 for M22520/2-14 Turret for use with Short Crimp Pins part number 15276 Socket Contact Crimp Pins • Used for connection to #20-24 stranded wire for Models 95, 97, 98 or 99 • Specify part number 15095 for M39029/16-168 Female Crimp Pins for Long Crimp Pins Receptacles • Specify part number 15276 for M39029/22-192 Female Crimp Pins for Short Crimp Pins Receptacles Insulator Plugs • Close off unused terminal openings in termination receptacles for models 95, 97, 98 or 99 • Specify part number 15177 for MS27488 Insulator Plugs Pushbutton Extractor Tool • Facilitates removal of display pushbuttons • Specify part number 15193 Matrix Switch Extraction Tool • Facilitates removal of Switch/Indicator from matrix housings • Remove pushbutton; loosen two locking cams; insert tool from front of assembly; screw looped handle to tighten rubber block; pull to remove • Specify part number 15056 Crimp Pin Termination Receptacles Matrix Mount • Receptacles supplied with models 95 and 97 Matrix housings • Additional receptacles may be ordered separately, as replacement parts • Specify part number 15096 for Long Crimp Pin Receptacle • Specify part number 15280 for Short Crimp Pin Receptacle Individual Mount • Receptacles supplied with models 98 and 98 Switch/Indicator • Additional receptacles may be ordered separately, as replacement parts • Specify part number 15197 for Long Crimp Pin Receptacle 59 • Specify part number 15273 for Short Crimp Pin Receptacle MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR ACCESSORIES & OTHER PRODUCTS Pushbutton Guard • Lift to allow switch actuation • Prevents accidental actuation • Pushbutton guard is transparent and spring loaded • Slips over switch housing • Minimum panel spacing required .871” (22.1 mm) • Specify part number 15089 Metal Pushbutton Guard • Lift to allow switch actuation, spring loading ensures that cover will close after actuation • Rigid metal guard prevents accidental actuation for critical systems in challenging environments • Pushbutton guard is an open metal ‘cage’ that does not restrict the view of the pushbutton legend • Easily slips over switch housing when switch is installed • Minimum panel spacing required is .871” (22.1 mm) • Specify part number 15600 Pushbutton Retainer Tie • Retainer Tie secures pushbutton to switch/indicator assembly, eliminat- ing pushbutton mix-up during relamping • Allows pushbutton to be relamped from front panel • Supplied with models 93 or 99 Switch/Indicator with display pushbutton assemblies when ordered in “retained pushbutton” configuration • To order separately, specify part number 15093 Dummy Lamp • Substitute for a T-1 flange base lamp • Must be installed to maintain uniform actuation force when all lamps not installed • Specify part number 15091 Dress Bezel Mounting Cleat Assembly • • • • Required for installing models 96 and 97 matrix housings Quantity supplied as standard parts depending on housing size, refer to figure 55, page 30 Additional cleat assemblies packaged 5 per envelope, specify part number 15098 For printed circuit board mounting application, use shorter slotted fillister head cleat, part number 15213 Panel Seal • Converts unsealed model 91 switch to a sealed unit • As a replacement or for conversion • Packaged 10 per envelope • Specify part number 15097 60 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 ACCESSORIES & OTHER PRODUCTS Insertion and Removal Tool • Used for inserting or removing connector wire with Crimp Pin attached • Specify part number 15190 for M81969/16-01 Tool Color Filter Caps 15194-X • Allows changing pushbutton cell area colors when using incandescent lighted display types 2,3,4,5,8, and 9 • For use with model 92 and T-1 flange based lamps, not used with LED lighting. • Kits contain 25 pieces of given color • Specify part number below Color 0 Clear, Transparent White 1 Red 2 Green 3 Aviation, Yellow 4 Lunar White 5 Lemon Yellow 6 Blue 7 Aviation Green Basic Part Number Single Lamp Switch/Indicators Series 60 • QPLs M22885/18, M22885/19 and M22885/99 • 2 circuit 2PDT; 2A resistive, 1.5 A inductive, 28 VDC/115 VAC • Momentary or alternative switch action or indicator • Pushbutton display lens has seven display types in six colors • Request catalog GC-6/4 Series C8/C8P • Commercial equivalent to model 60 • 2 circuit 2PDT; 3A resistive, 28 VDC/115 VAC • Momentary or alternate switch action or indicator • Pushbutton display lens has seven display types in six colors • Model C8 has bezel mount, C8P has snap dress bezel mount • Request catalog GC-6/4 Unlighted Switches Series 30 • M8805/99 QPL listed pushbutton switch • 2 circuit 2PDT; 3A resistive, 1.5 A inductive, 28 VDC/115 VAC • Momentary or alternate switch action • Pushbutton in either red or black with black dress ring • Panel seal dress ring, makes switch panel opening moisture tight • Request catalog GC-6/4 61 MODEL 99 SWITCH/INDICATOR ACCESSORIES & OTHER PRODUCTS Series 80 Sunlight Readable Display Switches • Lighted legend is clearly legible even in 10,000 footcandle light • Uniform lighting, no hot spots even when dimmed for night viewing • Dead front hidden legend, avoids false energized appearance • Individual or Matrix mount, 4PDT and 2PDT or indicator • Momentary, alternate or solenoid held • Request catalog GC-6/6 Series 50 Dripproof Display Switches • For applications exposed to rain, open deck spray, or condensation • Meets or exceeds MIL-STD-108 of MIL-S-22885 • Captive rubber pushbutton seal closes moisture paths into switch • Legend area is not covered by seal so lighted message remains bright and clear • Request Staco Systems Catalog GC-6/7 Series 40 QPL and Industrial Display • M22885/52, /53, /56, /86, /95 • Individual or matrix mount • Standard lighted displays • Momentary, alternate action, latchdown and solenoid held • Four and two pole switches and indicators • Square or rectangular • Solder, PC Wirewrap or Crimp Pin termination • Matrix mount with crimp pin terminations qualified to MIL-S-24317/9 and MIL-S-24317/10 • Request Staco Systems Catalog GC-6/2 Digital Dimmer For dimming of both LED and incandescent devices • LED and incandescent dimming • 16 levels of brightness control • Full brightness • Full blank lamp test • Remote Up/Down input • 4 bit digital input • Sourcing or sinking • Full MIL spec construction • Specify part number DDM111 OR DDM111A 62 ORDERING INFORMATION SECTION HEADS Models 91, 92 & 98 The tables not only identify the code numbers associated with each option, but also supply additional information relating to the option. The convention for notes is that a number followed by a period (i.e., 1.) is a general note and the text which follows applies to the entire table. Whereas a specific note refers only to the item with the corresponding symbol (i.e., 2 ) in a manner similar to a “delta note” on a drawing. The term “sealed” for switches and pushbuttons in the following tables are for “dripproof” seals (to withstand a spray of five gallons in five minutes). For “splashproof”, “immersion” and “solvent-resistant” seals, see the section beginning on page 20.) To have a dripproof unit, both the switch and the pushbutton should be ordered as “sealed”. All Type 7 display pushbuttons, NVIS compatible, are configured as sealed units. Model 91 Switch /Indicator Without Pushbutton Model 92 Pushbutton Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 63 ORDERING INFORMATION SECTION HEADS Model 98 Switch /Indicator Without Pushbutton Models 93 & 99 Each of the standard and optional features of the Series 90 Switch and Indicator are described in this catalog. The part numbering rationale provides for ordering a complete switch or indicator assembly with a pushbutton assembly, including illumination source, legend, colors, and display style. Individual switch or Indicator assemblies and individual pushbuttons may also be ordered separately. To determine the type of switch or indicator and push-button you need, simply insert the code numbers from Tables 1 through 8, as outlined in the following pages, in the appropriate locations in the part number listed with the charts. Model 98 Switch/Indicator is supplied with a crimp pin termination receptacle installed. To designate the type of switch or indicator required simply insert the appropriate code numbers from Tables 1, 2, and 3 on pages 12 and 13. The Model 99 includes a Switch/Indicator and a Display Pushbutton. To designate a complete Model 99 assembly, insert the code numbers from Tables 1-8. The associated crimp pins are not furnished with each part, but may be ordered separately as part number 15095. The Model 93 configurator, shown below, provides the part number information to define switch and pushbutton assemblies. It is a 16-digit part number, with no spaces or hyphens, followed by the text for the display. Example: Following the code number 93, the next four sets of digits, from Tables 1 through 4, define the switch portion of the assembly. The rest of the part number, from Tables 5 through 8, defines the display pushbutton. The color for each of the four quadrants must be included, even if they are all the same color in a full-screen display. The convention for legend text is to enclose the text for each area within parenthesis and to indicate a new line by inserting a semi-colon. In the example below, the Display Style (of Table 5) is a 42. This represents a three-way split with character height of .087 ". The top half has two lines, OIL and OK. The lower left quadrant has the text LO; the lower right quadrant has the text HOT. The quantity of parenthesis pairs corresponds to the area numbers identified in Table 5. The text for each area is enclosed by parenthesis. If one area is blank, a space would be inserted between the parenthesis, for example: (OIL;OK)(LO)( ). 64 ORDERING INFORMATION Model 93 and 99 Lighted Switch Assembly 99 18 4 2 8 15 62 5 7777 (BRIGHT; LEDS) Customer Legend for Areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 Table 8 Cell Color Code, page 57 Table 7 Display Type, page 56 Table 6 Lamp or LED Selection and Pushbutton Sealing, page 55-56 Table 5 Display Style and Character Definition, page 54 Table 4 Lamp or LED, Ground Options and EMI/RFI Status, page 53 Table 3 EMI/RFI Sealing, page 53 Table 2 Switch Action and Pushbutton Retainer, page 51 Table 1 Terminations, No. of Poles and Contact Material, page 50 Model 99 Switch/Indicator with Pushbutton Assembly Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 65 ORDERING INFORMATION Watertight Seals The Watertight Seal option is specified by adding /005 to the coded part number. In the following part numbers the Xs represent the digits of the coded part number for a similar assembly without this seal option. Switch Indicator Assembly 91XXXX/005 Switch Indicator Assembly 98XXXX/005 Pushbutton Assembly 92XXXXXXXXXX/005 Switch Indicator Assembly with Pushbutton 93XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/005 Switch Indicator Assembly with Pushbutton 99XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/005 Text for legends, when applicable, follows the /005. An example using the Model 99 would be as follows: 9917418156257777/005 (Bright; LEDs) Switches, indicators and pushbuttons cannot be reworked in the field to retrofit existing equipment with the Watertight Seal. All applications requiring the use of the watertight seal must use factory supplied and assembled hardware. A switch/indicator service kit is offered which contains ten sets of panel seals and retainers. This kit, P/N: 15196/005, can be used to replace damaged or misplaced hardware. Matrix assemblies utilizing Series 90 switches cannot make use of this watertight seal. Customer replaceable legends (Pushbutton Types 8 and 9) are not available with watertight seals. Front Dress Bezel Mount 66 DIMENSIONS - MODEL 99 ORDERING INFORMATION Rear Flange Mount Complete Systems When ordering complete systems…matrix housing, switch/indicator, and pushbuttons…an Assembly Part Number will be assigned by the factory to cover the complete system. Each station within the matrix (fig. 48) must be identified with a specific switch or indicator part number and pushbutton assembly part number. Each station in the matrix (fig. 47) is identified by a digit-dash-digit Figure 59 number, called a Location Code. The first digit in the Location code identifies the horizontal row and the second digit identifies the vertical column. In the example 2-3 is the second row down and the third column to the right. Location 1-1 will always be top left as viewed by the operator. Pre-numbered work sheets are available from the factory upon request. Figure 60 Visit or call 714-549-3041 for more information 67 1139 Baker Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4191 714-549-3041 • Fax: 714-549-0930 •
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