Xomox XRP Actuator IOM - Stockton Valve Products
Xomox XRP Actuator IOM - Stockton Valve Products
brands you trust. Installation, Maintenance & Repair Instructions CRANE ChemPharma, Xomox® XRP Rack & Pinion Actuator Xomox â XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................ 3 2.0 Construction ....................................................................................... 4 3.0 2.1 Construction: Models XS001 through XS006 ............................ 5 2.2 Construction: Models XS012 through XS180 ............................ 6 2.3 Construction: Models XS205 through XSH15 ........................... 7 4.0 Principles of Operation ..................................................................... 8 3.1 Recommended tubing size for compressed air lines ................ 8 3.2 Air Connections for double acting actuators ............................. 8 3.3 Air Connections for spring return actuators ............................... 9 3.4 Travel Stop Adjustment: Models XS012 through XS180 ........ 10 Assembly .......................................................................................... 12 4.1 5.0 Disassembly ..................................................................................... 15 6.0 5.1 Before Starting ........................................................................ 15 5.2 Removing endcaps, Models XS012 - XS180 ......................... 15 5.3 Removing endcaps, All Models ............................................... 16 5.4 Removing Pistons and Shaft ................................................... 17 Reassembly ...................................................................................... 18 7.0 Installation of Xomox XRP Actuator ........................................ 13 6.1 Part Preparation ..................................................................... 18 6.2 Installation of Shaft, Bearings and Seals ................................ 18 6.3 Installation of Pistons, Bearings and Seals ............................. 18 6.4 Spring Return Actuators: Re-installing Springs ...................... 19 6.5 Installing Endcaps: Double Acting ........................................... 19 6.6 Installing Endcaps: Spring Return ........................................... 21 Converting Fail CW (FCW) Actuator to Fail CCW (FCCW) or FCCW to FCW. ............................................. 22 "!$#$%&(')*%&#$+,"-.'/0%& #1#$ 2"#$3'/%4#$ 56%
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Page 2 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Identification Í $ÎDH","$Ï,Ï,a8ÐÑ" ] " , Ò "Ó¡ sÓÔR¢(£Õ ¤*Ò ¥s ¦Ö Ó ¦ ]V "]V 8 ""], ¡ s¢(£ ¤*¥s¦ ]§S¨©hªª «h¬/ V® ¯4° ±4²´³k±Hµ ³ ¶ ·4¸¹° º ·H²Y±4» ¼ ½Hº ¾H¿kµ À Á´Â Á1ÃÄÀkÅYÆkµ º ¸Ç° º ·4²·´È,µ ±ÉÆmÊ0ËB¸Éº ²kº ·4²]¸k²´À4¿ḵ´° º Æs±kÆÇ° ¿Y±m° ·4µ Åm c9dIe6f[ghf[i jI%&73"#$#$ "'/":;';=D0!1`R#$ :$-9'/%4('/)&)k^l'/#$56)4""%4 ')&)m^ =* +H hQ5a%&7n'7373-_=*)&%4#$OPo'/7373 -?=*)4%&#$OVb"pL +H "Q-? :V#$0%&#$OVA 5R%47n'/737E-_=*)4%&#$OP N'7373 -?=D)&%&#$OI!$G'/"0:;'/ (A"" #$73:$)4<0!V ")4 UV'#$273 "%4 #$7q +R0!$%47q-.'/#$:;')b"pr+, "Q" -_ UB%&#$O1'#^ '/"" 7373 "%47BA"" #$73:$)42!$Q" )4U$'/#$273 "%4 #$7q +R0!$G'/"" 737Es^ -9'#$:$+0'":$" "tu78-9'#$:;'/)XY73\vb"Q'%&)4:$"Q0Q"R'/5w'#$56+,)4)& xy!$ %&#$7E":$"0%4#$7z" #$]'%&#<5{%&#|!$ 7EQ-.'/#$:;')&78" :$)456" 73:$)42%4# 5RR'/0!A]73 "%& :$7q`a"73 #;'/)*%4#~}:$^G73 UB"Q`a"`a"^5'/-9'OBDb Page 3 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 2.0 CONSTRUCTION XRP SERIES MODEL Double Acting XS001 XS002 - XS006 XS012 - XSH15 MODEL Spring Return Not Available XS002 - XS006 XS012 - XSH15 2 7* Drive ISO Maximum Springs on each piston Not Available !"$#%&'( Namur Solenoid Pad Orientation ×ØÙDWÚ ÛBÜ ÝÞ"ßàá(âáãäßå"ßá"æ;Þãuáèç8é]êäëYìuíîàmï"ãäá]Þ"æ]á"æ(ð ÛWÜ àÞñ]ñá"æoïò]Ü á]ßÞãuáç8é]êäëYìuíàmï"ãäá]Þ"æ"á"æ ÛBÜ Þ]óôãhßvåñ"ñÜ õ8ñòãuàßÞ(ãuáNö÷ø]ùaúû~üLýÑó àkï$å]ßvá;ò]Ý"àkïáÞ"æ]ÞñàòãñÜ Þ]àáð üDïá;Þ"þàå]Þ"àòã ÿò]æ]õ2ó ßàÞñ]ñá]æ;Ýòãö÷ø]ù2ÛPàmï]ãuá"Þ]æ]ßEð Page 4 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual )+*,.-0/2143576849:57;</214=>./2?A@+BC3DFEHG+GI,J57K46/284L2KMDFENG+G+O Model 11 1 3 2 Air Volume used per 90˚ stroke for both CW & CCW operation 9 XS001 7.3 cubic inches (.12 L) XS002 10.4 cubic inches (.17 L) XS006 15.3 cubic inches (.25 L) 5 4 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 12 Double Acting XS001, XS002 & XS006 Item Qty 16 17 Spring Return XS002 & XS006 Only Description Material 1 1 Body Aluminum / Anodized 2 3 2 1 Piston Shaft POM Aluminum / Anodized 4 1 Right End Cap Polyamide w/ Stainless Steel Insert 5 1 Left End Cap Polyamide 6 7 8 8 Screw Washer Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 8 8 Indicator Polyamide * 9 2 O-ring - Piston NBR * 10 2 O-ring - Shaft NBR * 11 12 2 1 O-ring - Endcap Insert NBR Aluminum / Anodized * 13 2 Stop Screw Seal NBR 14 2 Stop Screw Stainless Steel 15 2 Nut Stainless Steel 16 17 2 2 Spring - Outer Spring - Inner CrSi Alloy / Coated CrSi Alloy / Coated * Recommended Spare Parts (contained in Repair Kit) Page 5 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual )P*Q)R-S/2143576849:57;</214=>./2?A@+BC3DFEHGI,T)U57KV6/284L2KMDUEA,TW+G 13 1 2 12 3 Model Air Volume used per 90˚ stroke for both CW & CCW operation XS012 21 cubic inches (.35 L) XS025 61 cubic inches (1.0 L) 10 27 XS050 98 cubic inches (1.6 L) XS090 122 cubic inches (2.0 L) XS130 183 cubic inches (3.0 L) XS180 244 cubic inches (4.0 L) 5 29 30 11 16 17 18 22 23 6 15 14 19 25 26 20 21 7 28 8 9 24 4 Double Acting 32 31 Spring Return Repair Kit Part Numbers: XS012 ......... XSRE301205 XS025 ......... XSRE302505 XS050 ......... XSRE305007 XS090 ......... XSRE309010 XS130 ......... XSRE313012 XS180 ......... XSRE318012 1 1 Body Aluminum / Anodized 2 3 1 1 Piston "Open" Piston "Closed" Aluminum Aluminum 4 5 1 2 Shaft End Cap Aluminum / Anodized Aluminum / Painted 6 7 1 1 Bearing Bearing POM POM * * 8 9 1 1 Bearing Retaining Ring POM Spring Steel * 10 11 2 2 Piston Bearing Piston Bearing PTFE, Carbon Filled PTFE, Carbon Filled * * 12 13 2 2 O-ring - Piston O-ring - Endcap NBR NBR * * 14 15 16 17 2 2 8 8 O-ring - Shaft O-ring Screw Washer NBR NBR Stainless Steel Stainless Steel * * 18 19 2 1 Indicator Protective Cap Polyamide Polyethylene * 20 21 1 1 "Open" Stop Screw Sealing Nut Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 22 23 1 1 "Closed" Stop Screw Shaft - Top Steel/ Nickel Plated Aluminum / Anodized 24 25 1 1 Shaft Screw Sealing Nut Steel/ Zinc Plated Stainless Steel 26 27 1 1 Threaded Insert Protective Cap Stainless Steel Polyethylene 28 29 1 1 O-ring Stop Screw Bearing NBR PTFE, Carbon Filled 30 31 1 7 Stop Screw O-ring Spring - CW Wound NBR CrSi Alloy / Coated 32 7 Spring - CCW Wound CrSi Alloy / Coated * Recommended Spare Parts (contained in Repair Kit) Page 6 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual )+*YXZ-0/21V3576849:57;</21V=>[/2?A@+BC3\DFEH)PG+]F57K46/28VL2KMDUEH^_,] 12 1 2 11 3 Model Air Volume used per 90˚ stroke for both CW & CCW operation XS205 366 cubic inches (6.0 L) 9 XS380 519 cubic inches (8.5 L) XS630 1037 cubic inches (17.0 L) XS960 1404 cubic inches (23.0 L) XSH15 1953 cubic inches (32.0 L) 4 10 15 16 17 5 14 13 Repair Kit Part Numbers: XS205 ......... XSRE220514 XS380 ......... XSRE238014 XS630 ......... XSRE263016 XS960 ......... XSRE296016 XSH15 ........ XSRE2H1525 6 7 8 Item Qty Double Acting 19 20 18 Description Material 1 1 Body Aluminum 2 3 2 1 Piston Shaft Aluminum Steel / Nickel Plated 4 5 2 1 Double Acting End Cap Bearing Aluminum / Painted POM * 6 7 1 1 Bearing Bearing POM POM * * 8 9 1 2 Retaining Ring Piston Bearing Spring Steel PTFE, Carbon Filled * * 10 11 2 2 Piston Bearing O-ring - Piston PTFE, Carbon Filled NBR * * 12 13 2 2 O-ring - Endcap O-ring NBR NBR * * 14 15 2 8@ O-ring - Shaft Screw NBR Stainless Steel * 16 17 8@ 2 Washer Indicator Stainless Steel Polyamide ⇓ Spring Return Parts ⇓ Spring Return 18 2 Spring ReturnEnd Cap Aluminum / Painted 19 20 7 ** 7 ** Spring - CW Wound Spring - CCW Wound CrSi Alloy / Coated CrSi Alloy / Coated * Recommended Spare Parts (contained in Repair Kit) ** Qty. of Springs is 9 of each type for XS960 @ XS630 ⇔ XSH15: Qty is 12 Screws & Washers Page 7 * Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 3.0 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3.1 Recommended tubing size for compressed air lines: Models XS001 through XS050: 1/4" OD Models XS090 through XSH15: 3/8" OD 3.2 Air connections double acting. Figure 3.2.1 Air to port A: counter-clockwise/open (CCW) d ` d Figure 3.2.2 Air to port B: clockwise/close (CW) ` Page 8 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 3.3 Air connections spring return. Figure 3.3.2 Air to port A: counter-clockwise/open (CCW) d ` d Figure 3.3.2 Air at port A is released. Air from the exterior of the actuator is drawn into port B: clockwise/close (CW) ` Page 9 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 3.4 Travel Stop Adjustment Adjustment of End Positions (CCW indicates counter-clockwise rotation, CW indicates clockwise rotation) On valves with actuators delivered from the factory the end positions are adjusted so that the valve is tightly closed in CW (CLOSED) position. -a/2bdce6@P3f3f@P?g>[@P?e;<hH= c9dIe{f ghf[i Actuator end cap removal and adjustment work on the end cap bolts must be performed without connection to the compressed air supply. Otherwise, the end cap may be propelled forward and may cause property damage and/or personal injury. A test with compressed air should only be carried out after the adjustment has been made. On spring return actuators, the load on the travel stop screw must be relieved by compressed air before the adjustment. Contact with compressed media can cause serious injury or death. 3.4.1 The travel stop set screws for CCW and CW position are located in the end caps under the plastic coverings. Looking at the ports A & B of the actuator, see figure 3.4B, the travel stop set screw for the CCW position is incorporated in the right end cap and the travel stop set screw for the CW position is in the left end cap. od Sg f dS9v5w84h25w/26Jxth2byh2LH@+= j {zF|IT :$7EQ0('UB )D730 ` 7E"" x '780!$N+, ]"N "!;'#$OBQ!$N`R 73%4%4#| +R!$ 'h0:;'/0(b]jI%4#$OP!$%47q('# (':$73N5'/-.'/OWQ0Q%4#$ "#'/) '/":'/;h-?`a#V #V7nb - 0rts qu 3.4.2 Adjustment of CCW End Position for Double acting and Fail CW Spring Return Actuators (Also, the CW position for Fail CCW actuators) Remove the protection cap, if attached, and loosen the fastening nut. Turn set screw clockwise to reduce the stroke (90˚ to approx. 78˚), turn the set screw counter- clockwise to increase the stroke ( 90˚ to 94˚ ). After completing the adjustment, tighten the fastening nut and push the protection cap back on the actuator. ( For Models XS001, XS002 & XS006, repeat this step for the other stop screw. These 3 models do not have CW travel adjustment.) CW Travel Stop (3.4.3) CCW Travel Stop (3.4.2) i:j$klmnl oqp Page 10 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual Nd Lg f d jI IT :$73N0('UB )*7E0 ` 73]" x '780!$N+, ""N0 "!;'/#$OBN!$Q`a 73%&0%& #|+R0!$ '/":;' (b"jI %&#$OI!$%&78('/# ('/:<73Q5'-9'OBNN%&#$0 "#;') '/h:;'/"-?`R#$#$7nb 3.4.3 Adjustment of CW End Position for the Double Acting Actuator: Models XS012 thru XS180 - 0rts qu Remove the protection cap off the end 09v5784H h 57/26xh2bdh2L2@P= cap screw and loosen the fastening nut. zF| Turn set screw clockwise to increase the stroke ( 0˚ to minus 4˚ ), turn set screw counter-clockwise to decrease the stroke ( 0˚ to approx. 12˚ ). After adjusting the set screw, tighten the fastening nut and push the protection cap back on the actuator. 3.4.4 Adjustment of CW End Position for the "Fail CW" Spring Return Actuator: Models XS012 thru XS180 (Also, the CCW position of the Fail CCW Actuator.) In this case the same applies as described under Step 3.4.3. The only difference is that the set screw must not be turned counter-clockwise against the spring load or valve torque in order to avoid excessive strain and possible travel stop damage. With the air supply connected to port "A", use only the amount of compressed air necessary to allow the set screw to be rotated easily. CW Travel Stop (3.4.3) -0/Hbyce6T@P33f@P?g>@P?A;hH= ivj}kTl<mnl o~ CCW Travel Stop (3.4.4) c9d e6f[ghf i Actuator end cap removal and adjustment work on the end cap bolts must be performed without connection to the compressed air supply. Otherwise, the end cap may be propelled forward and may cause property damage and/or personal injury. A test with compressed air should only be carried out after the adjustment has been made. On spring return actuators, the load on the travel stop screw must be relieved by compressed air before the adjustment. Contact with compressed media can cause serious injury or death. Page 11 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 4.0 ASSEMBLY  Double Acting STANDARD v n}S}}n v n²}S³n´Hµ+¶f¶a®}n ĵ ÀkÅYÅm¿Éµ À"±m°¬ ®¬ ¸Y·Hµ °¯º » Yµ ·m° ±´° À]Å°Y±mÈ °&ÆY·4¿É²Ç° ÀHµ ¹mÆk» ·ÉÆmʱ¯º ÅYÀ4 « ĵ ÀkÅYÅm¿Éµ À"±m° ¸Y·Hµ ° º » Yµ ·m° ±´° À]Å Y±mÈ °&ÆY·4¿É²Ç° ÀHµ ¹mÆk» ·ÉÆmʱ¯º ÅYÀ4 Y < ¥C©2¦ ª « ¬ ®¬ ¯ ° »º  »º Spring to close (Fail CW) v n}S}}n STANDARD ĵ ÀkÅYÅm¿Éµ À"±m°¬ ®¬ ¸Y·Hµ °¯º » Yµ ·m° ±´° À]Å°Y±mÈ °&ÆY·4¿É²Ç° ÀHµ ¹mÆk» ·ÉÆmʱ¯º ÅYÀ4 « v n²}S³n´Hµ+¶f¶a®}n A B ĵ ÀkÅYÅm¿Éµ À"±m° ¸Y·Hµ ° º » Yµ ·m° ±´° À]Å Y±mÈ °&ÆY·4¿É²Ç° ÀHµ mÆk» ·ÉÆmÊ º ÅYÀ4 Y < ¥C©2¦ ª « ¬ ®¬ ¯ ° »º  ¹ »º Spring to open (Fail CCW) STANDARD v n}S}}n (for FCCW) ĵ ÀÉŹÅk¿kµ À]±´° ¸Y·Hµ ° º » Yµ ·´° ±m° À"Å Y±mÈ °&Æk» ·ÉÆmÊ º ÅYÀ4 Y ¡ ¢C£ ¤Y¦¥C¤qT§}¨% ¥C©2¦ ª « ¬ ®¬ ¯ ° ±¯ v n²}S³n´Hµ+¶f¶a®}n D C ĵ ÀÉŹÅk¿kµ À]±´° ¸Y·Hµ ° º » Yµ ·´° ±m° À"Å Y±mÈ °&Æk» ·ÉÆmÊ º ÅYÀ4 ¢£ ¤Y¦¥¤q·§}¨¸ ¥©2¦ ª « ¬ ®¬ ¯ ° ±¯ »º Figure 4.0.1 »º Actuator Assembly Variations ( Spring to open (counter-clockwise rotation)) Page 12 ±¯ Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 4.1 INSTALLATION OF XOMOX XRP ACTUATOR. c9dIe6f[ghf[i >.h233f;<Â2@UÃÄ@Ph2ÅAh2L2@+= j Q#$ 25a%&7B'/7E73 -_=*)4G'rU$'/)4UB 0!;'/2%&78:$#$5R ;`a"7E73:$"Db Æ '/7373%4UnQ)&R'/Zè'/OBr":$)&5 ]7E:$)42%4#15aR'!;A]7E]%& :$7 `a "73 #;')*%&#/}:$s^ 73 UB " `a"`a"Ä^G5'/-.'/OBRb c9d e6f[ghf i >.@+?A;<h½EHcA6h2¾2= p'/)4)DUV')&UW 7P'#$56`a)4:$OIU$'/)4UB 7 ('#10('/`6`a" 737E:$"% ¿/ 56-? 5a%' %4#10!$%4;('UB%&0%& 7nb Àv7E)'/0 0!$N`a%&`a%4#$OI7"^D7E - %4#|xI!<%&]! 0!$G'/":;' ;UV')&UB '7373-_=*)k^%&78-? :V#$05w'/#$5 " )4%4 UB6'/#Ñ^G`a" 737E:$"N #|!$ UV')&UBR%b ÁL #$]'/"2xI%&!|-? 5R%' :$#$5a ;`R" 737E:$"Q":$)45 " 7E:$)42%&#|5aR'/0!;A]73 "%4 :$7 `a "73 #;'/)D%&#/}s:<s^ 73 UB " `ah `a"Ä^5'/-.'/OBDb Figure 4.1.1 j %47~"(#<#<(" ')4)`a(x ( 7E:<`a`)4%H 7BA %H#23)H:25%,#2O '(%HnA !Ñ^a5Ñn' :2)H%H ' #25 ),n3E%,nA =a+ E E- U2'() + `a (' (A]%4+'#^A]+H] - !<QUV')4UBP¼ b 4.1.1 Before starting Remove current valve, if any. operator from * In addition to the valves shown, the actuator can be installed on other quarter turn devices such as dampers. Page 13 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 4.1.2 Install actuator with bracket**, valve/actuator coupling. The actuator should be mounted for counter-clockwise rotation to open and clockwise to close the valve unless otherwise specified in the installation instructions provided by manufacturer of the valve. Most valves are manufactured so that they operate in only one 90˚ quadrant. Do not tighten mounting fasteners. Figure 4.1.2 Î ÇÈ0ÉtÊ\ËqÌtÍ È0ÏvÐ7ÑÓÒ2Ð7ÔHÕJÖÒH×yÒ2Ø2ÙPÚ Û0ÜJÝFÞ0ß½àá®â%ãäHåá®æçååTè2étÜê ëì á®í ë á®ÜfâÓîPãè2ãÜèðïaãáæ æ ëñgñ åâÓÜâÓàã ñ ãò ë â4éPåónã ì å Üfâ4à²æ ë êáõô:å ë â%ãè2ö0é ëfñdë önå ïaãòòvÜ ì%ì íHâT÷ 4.1.3 Align actuator shaft to the valve stem/shaft. This will allow the maximum performance of the actuator in operating the valve. Tighten mounting fasteners. Connect required power supplies. Figure 4.1.3 Make sure that the actuator position indicator is indicating the current valve position. ** Some valves allow the actuator to be installed without a bracket and/or valve/actuator coupling. Figure 4.1.4 A valve that does not require a bracket to install the actuator. Page 14 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 5.0 DISASSEMBLY Î ø ÈSùUÍtË%Ítú Ò ý2Ù\Ù+ÒAÒ2Ø2ÙPÚ û Û0Üè2ÜáõéPãà ë à²àå ñ ô:òå ë ó ë òóå áæ ë áçãàVí2è2é+åâÓîPâ%åà²àíHâ%åP÷ ë à²à²ãónå{òå ë ä ë önå ì Üfí2òé â%åàí2òáõãè é+å ë á® æ %àåâ%ãÜí2à î+åâ%à²Üè ë òvãè wí2â ÜâÓàåónåâ%å îPâ%ÜîPåâ%á é ëñdë önå:÷ Î 5.1 Before starting: þAÕý4ØðùFÙPÐ7Ñ4ÕMÈ0Ï:Ð7Ñ4Ò2Ð7Ô2ÕfÚ \Üá ë áå ëì áí ë áÜâÓáÜ "! ë ãò#vî+ÜfàãáãÜfèÓ÷ È BCB È0ÏvÐ7Ñ4ÒHÐ7Ô2Õ$Ú ÛSãà ì ÜTèõèçå ì á ë òò î ÜTï åTâ àíõî î òãåà% ãè ì òíõéHãèIö ë ãâ% æ éNâ ë íIòã ì ë èIé åvò<å ì á%âã ì ô2å:êÜvâå âfå ñ Ü:ó ë ò Üvâ é ãà ë ààå ñ ôPò& ÜTê ó ë òóvå ëì á í ë á ÜTâ÷ {å ñ ÜTóvå ë òò ëfì²ì åTààÜTâãåà àí ì æ ë à òã ñ ãá àïSãá ì æçåTà' àÜTòåTèçÜãé ó ë òóåTà' îPÜfà²ãáãÜfèHåfâ%àqåá ì ÷ 5.2 û ÔçüAÙ B )(Fþ*,+$-/.0(Fþ1+$23*+Ú \å ñ Üónå{î+â%Üfá®å ì á®ãónå ìTë îPà êâ%Ü ñ áæ2å åè2é ìTë î+à¸÷4\Üá ë áåè2í2áIÜè áæçå[áâ ë óåò à²á®Üî ì òÜ ì äNïSãàå{íçè2áãòvãáõãà éPãà²åèHö ë önåféUêâ%Ü ñ åè2é ìTë î÷ ø ÈSùUÍtË%Ítú Ù üAý&ÒÿþAÕ¸Ò2Ú û + ë òòvó ë òónåà ë è2éUî+òí2ö ó ë òónåà ìTë è áâ ë î îPâ%åà²àí2â%ã åé ñ åéPã ë ãè áæ2åãâ ìTë ónãáãåà¸÷ à²Üò ë á®åÄáæ2å{îPãîPãè2ö àPà²á®å ñ ãè ïSæ2ã ì æ á®æ2å ëì á®í ë áÜâ4ó ë òónå ë à²à²å ñ ô: ò ãà è ñ Üí2è2áåé ë è2é â%åòãåfónå ë îPâ%åà²àí2â%å{Üèðá®æ2å{ó ë òónåP÷ ÜèHá ëì áçï0ãá®æ ñ åéPã ë í2è2éPåâ î+â%åà²àí2â%å ì ÜíçòéFâ%åà²í2òáõãè éPå ë á æ %à²åfâ%ãÜí2àVîPåâqà²Üè ë ò ãè 7í2â Üfâ4à²åónåâ%å{î+â%Üî+åfâá é ëñyë önå:÷ p Removing Endcaps: Î ÇÈ0ÉtÊ\ËqÌtÍ È0ÏvÐ7Ñ4ÒHÐ7Ô2ÕÖÒ2×dÒ2Ø2ÙPÚ Û0ÜJÝFÞSßÿàá®â%ãäNåJá®æ2ååTè2étÜê ëì áí ë áÜfâÓîPãèHãÜèðï0ãáæ æ ëñgñ åâÓÜâÓàã ñ ãò ë â4éPåónã ì å ÜâÓàæ ë êáõô:å ë â%ãè2ö0é ëñyë öå ï0ãòòvÜ ì%ì í2â÷ Protective Cap Nut Stop Srew Page 15 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 5.3 Removing endcaps, All Models Be careful not to damage the endcap O-rings. On spring return actuators, note the position of the two types of springs, clockwise wound and counter-clockwise wound. Models XS002 & XS006 Spring Return Actuators: Place actuator in a press before removing endcap bolts. The springs in these units are still compressed when the endcap bolts are disengaged from body. Î ÇÈSÉtÊËqÌtÍ 5 ÓüAÏvÒMÖtÒ2×yÒ2Ø2ÙPÚ êPá®æ2å ëì á®í ë áÜâ4ãà ë à²î+â%ãè2ö â%åáí2â%è ñ Üé+åò6â%å ñ Üónå{áæ2å à ì â%åï0à ãéPåè2á®ãêãåé ë à798:Pãè áæ2å{êãöní2â%å<;ç÷>=õ÷?8v÷ 8v÷%ßAæ2åè í2è2ãêÜâ ñ ò@ òÜfÜà²åèðá®æ2å â%å ñdë ãèHãè2öaåfèHé ìë î à ì â%åfï0àA ãéPåèçáãêãåé ë à7"BC9áï0ÜáÜ á®æ2â%ååá®í2â%è2à ë á ë á®ã ñ åDãè à²åEví2åè ì åD%á®Ü{â%åòãåónå{áæ2å îPâ%åDFnòÜ ë éUÜfèðá®æHå{à²î+âqãè2önà Figure 5.3.1 Î ë è2éUî+â%åónåè2áõé ëfñdë önå{á®Ü áæHåÄåfè2é ìë îI÷ ø ÈSùUÍtË%Ítú G\B 2ý4ØðÖÙ'HAÕýfÚ ßAæ2ãà ëfì á®í ë áÜâ ì Üfè2á ë ãè2à à²î+â%ãè2önà ãè ì Ü ñ î+â%åà²àãÜèÓ÷JI\å àí2â%åá®æ2å ëfì á®í ë á®Üâ4ãà ãè á®æ2å K!,LMONPvî+Üfà²ãáãÜè1%î+ãà²áÜfè2à áÜfönåfáæ2åf$â %ôvåfêÜâqåÄâ%å ñ Üó¸ãè2ö åèHé ìTë î+à¸÷ !A ò :ãè2öaé+åfô:â%ãà æ ì Üí2òéUâ%åà²í2òáõãè é+å ë áQ à²åâ%ãÜí2àVî+åfâ%à²Üè ë òvãè wí2â Üâ à²åónåfâ%å{îPâ%Üfî+åfâ%á é ëñdë önå:÷ XS001 - XS630 XS960 & XSH15 Figure Figure 5.3.2 Page 16 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 5.4 Removing Pistons and Shaft. 5.4.1 The two pistons can now be removed by rotating the actuator shaft. Remove parts, such as o-rings and bearings, from pistons that are being replaced. Note the orientation of shaft flats and piston gear racks for reassembly. Figure 5.4.1 5.4.2 Remove shaft from body by removing spring clip. Remove parts from body and shaft that are being replaced. The shaft may have to be removed through the piston bore on some sizes. Figure 5.4.2 Page 17 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 6.0 REASSEMBLY of Double acting and Spring Return Models 6.1 Part Preparation Apply a light film of grease to all o-rings and on the gear teeth. 6.2 Installation of Shaft, Bearings and Seals Insert top bearing. Install shaft o-rings. Insert shaft into the body. (Models XS380, XS630 & XSH15 the shaft goes in to piston bore before going into the shaft hole in the body.) Install retaining ring on the shaft. Figure 6.1 Î ÈSÏvÐwÑ4Ò2ÐwÔ2ÕJÖtÒ2×yÒHØ2ÙPÚ ÛSÜÝFÞSßÿàá®âãäNåJá®æ2åJåèçéFÜê ëì áí ë áÜfâÓîPãèHãÜfèðï0ãáæ æ ëñgñ åâ4Üfâ4à²ã ñ ãò ë âÓé+åfónã ì å ÜâÓàæ ë êáõô:å ë âãè2ö0é ëñyë öå ï0ãòòvÜ ì%ì í2â÷ Figure 6.2 a=b ÇÈSÉtÊËqÌtÍ b a 6.3 b a Figure 6.3 Page 18 Installation of Pistons, Bearings and Seals Align the actuator shaft so that the teeth on the shaft will "pick-up" the pistons’ rack teeth when turning the shaft clockwise (CW). Ensure that smooth movement and 90˚ operation can occur without moving the pistons out of the actuator body. Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 6.4 Spring Return Models: Re-installing Springs Rotate the shaft to bring the pistons all the way inside the actuator. When installing springs in the actuator, ensure that the springs are placed in the same position they were before. See page 20 for spring chart. There are two types of springs in these actuators, clockwise wound and counter-clockwise wound. When possible, do not place same type of spring next to each other. Figure 6.4 There will be equal amount of springs on each piston except XS002, XS006 and XS960) 6.5 Installing Endcap: Double Acting Models Ensure that endcap O-rings are in place on both sides in the groove. Uniformly tighten all endcap screws. Models XS012 - XS180: Turn the CW travel stop screw clockwise through the endcap. See Section 3.4 for adjusting the travel stops. Tighten nut on travel stop. Push on the protection cap Figure 6.5 Install required accessories on actuator. Install actuator on valve. Page 19 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual Spring Arrangement Chart: Xomox XRP XS002, XS006 XS012, XS025, XS050, XS090, XS130, XS180, XS205, XS380, XS630, XSH15 XS960 1st Piston 2nd Piston 1st Piston 2nd Piston 1st Piston 2nd Piston Inner Outer CW Wound CCW Wound CW Wound CCW Wound S02 S03 S04 S06 S08 S09 S10 S12 S14 S15 S18 Spring Legend This chart is showing the number of springs on each Piston, not the exact position Page 20 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 6.6 Installing Endcap: Spring Return Models Ensure that endcap O-rings are in place in the groove. Engage the bolts with the tapped holes in the actuator body by forcing down slightly on the endcap. Models XS002 & XS006: The endcap must be pushed down using a press to engage bolts into the body. Uniformly tighten each endcap screw in small and equal turns. Figure 6.6 Î ÇJÈ0ÉtÊËqÌtÍ Models XS012 - XS180: Turn the CW travel stop set clockwise through the endcap. See Section 3.4 for adjusting the travel stops. Tighten nut on travel stop. Push on the protection cap. 5 4üeÏ:ÒMÖÒH×ÒHØ2Ù+Ú RUè2ãêÜfâ ñ ò@ áãönæ2áåfè ë òò åè2é ìTë îUà ì â%åï0àVãé+åè2áãêãåé ë à7KBS:ãè áæ2åî+ã ì á®í2â%åMTç÷UTç÷ 8: á®ïSÜá®Üá®æ2â%åTåá®í2âè2à ë á ë á®ã ñ D å ãè àå Eví2åè ì D å á®Ü{î+ò ëì å â%å Eví2ãâ%åéUîPâ%D å FnòÜ ë éUÜèðáæ2å à²î+â%ãè2önà ë è2éUî+â%åfóåfè2á é ëfñdë önåá®Ü{á®æ2ååè2é ìTë î÷ ßAæ2å è %á®ãönæ2á®åfè áæ2å â%å ñdë ãè2ãèHöaà ì âqåfï0A à ãéPåèHá®ãêãåfé ë 7 à #8:÷ Install required accessories on actuator. Install actuator on valve. XS002 - XS630 XS960 & XSH15 Figure 6.6.1 Page 21 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 7.0 Converting Fail CW (FCW) Actuator to Fail CCW (FCCW) or FCCW to FCW. 7.1 Special Parts required Models XS012 thru XS180:. These models require a different shaft. Order it from the factory (be sure to have the new fail direction when ordering). Models XS205 thru XSH15 Fail CCW:. These models require a position indicator. Order it from the factory. 7.2 Disassembly Follow instructions Section 5.0 (page 15). Note position of shaft flats after the pistons are removed. Figure 7.1 Î ÇÈ0ÉtÊ\ËqÌtÍ È0ÏvÐ7Ñ4ÒHÐ7Ô2ÕÖÒ2×dÒ2Ø2ÙPÚ Û0ÜJÝFÞSßÿàá®â%ãäNåJá®æ2ååTè2étÜê ëì áí ë áÜfâÓîPãèHãÜèðï0ãáæ æ ëñgñ åâÓÜâÓàã ñ ãò ë â4éPåónã ì å ÜâÓàæ ë êáõô:å ë â%ãè2ö0é ëñyë öå ï0ãòòvÜ ì%ì í2â÷ 7.3 Figure 7.2 a=b a b a Figure 7.3 b Reassembly of Actuator Follow instructions 6.1 & 6.2 using the new shaft, if required. 7.4 Changing Fail direction Models XS002 & XS006: Rotate shaft 90˚ from noted position. All Models: Rotate the piston 180˚ on its centerline from the position it was when it was disassembled. Continue reassembly with step 6.3. 7.5 Actuator Identification Mark actuator label to indicate FCCW (or FCW). 7.6 Models XS205 - XSH15 Position Indicator For FCCW, install position indicator to indicate flow (the shaft flats are 90˚ out of position). For FCW, do not reinstall the position indicator ring. Insert red indicators in the shaft. Page 22 Xomox XRP Actuator Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual NOTES: Page 23 XOMOX Headquarters XOMOX International GmbH & Co. OHG 4444 Cooper Road, Von-Behring-Straße 15, Cincinnati, OH 45242, U.S.A. D-88131 Lindau/Bodensee Tel.: (513) 745-6000 Tel.: (49) 8382-702-0 Fax: (513) 745-6086 Fax. (49) 8382-702-144 www.flowoffluids.com brands you trust. CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions Include: Pipe - Valves - Fitting - Actuators - Pumps CP-XOMOX-R&P ACT-IOM-IM-EN-CI-8/03 - PN335275 CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions™ Crane Co., and its subsidiaries cannot accept responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, other printed materials, and website information. Crane Co. reserves the right to alter its products without notice, including products already on order provided that such alteration can be made without changes being necessary in specifications already agreed. All trademarks in this material are property of the Crane Co. or its subsidiaries. The Crane and Crane brands logotype (DEPA®, ELRO®, Krombach®, PSI®, Resistoflex®, ResistoPure™, Revo®, Saunders®, and XOMOX®) are registered trademarks of Crane Co. All rights reserved. © 2010 CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions, www.cranechempharma.com
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