How To Make Money With Digital Audio


How To Make Money With Digital Audio
How to Make Money With Digital Audio
Rob Green, CEO
Why Talk Audio? • 
Audio Leads Video More content available Minimal bandwidth requirements Minimal device requirements Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 2 What is Abacast’s Story? •  Founded in 2000 •  Started as a CDN, P2P •  As the market evolved, we’ve evolved Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 3 Digital AdverEsing Growing Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 4 Challenges With Audio MoneEzaEon •  Digital sGll bundled with terrestrial •  Local sales force confused how to sell digital •  CDN metrics not in the same language as ad agency metrics Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 5 EvoluEon of The MoneEzaEon Ecosystem •  Live digital radio soluGons –  Streaming –  Ad InserGon –  Ad Management –  Royalty ReporGng –  Audience Metrics Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 6 EvoluEon of The MoneEzaEon Ecosystem •  Ad inserGon and trafficking integrated with broadcast automaGon systems •  Syndicated content scheduled through the Ad InserGon System Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 7 EvoluEon of The MoneEzaEon Ecosystem •  Local ad sales necessary •  Ad networks •  Agencies Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 8 EvoluEon of The MoneEzaEon Ecosystem •  Enable addiGonal revenue models •  Barter as a method of payment Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 9 EvoluEon of The MoneEzaEon Ecosystem •  Audience measurement •  Licensing OrganizaGons Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 10 MoneEzaEon Ecosystem •  Grown out of audio – will be applied to video •  All parts play a different but vital role •  Complete ecosystem required Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 11 Digital Sales Blueprint •  It provides reach, frequency, and results for adverGsers •  It’s an efficient sales method •  Creates scarcity •  It uses all components of the ecosystem Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 12 Proof the Ecosystem Works •  Federated Media –  Annual 83% gross profit margin in one month –  “one-­‐day” sale –  Profit inc. all costs Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 13 Real-­‐World Proof •  Neuhoff Media –  Annual 50% gross profit margin in one month –  Training is criGcal to success Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 14 Thank You •  For more informaGon – –  360-­‐326-­‐4798 – •  Download our case studies here –  hcp://­‐studies Read our case studies
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Every day we think about increasing profits… YOURS. 15