March 2015 - Alkborough and Walcot Residents` Association
March 2015 - Alkborough and Walcot Residents` Association
Village Services Mobile Fishmonger Coronation Club Opening Times Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 5.30 - 11.00 4.00 - 11.00 4.00 - 10.30 Paddocks Tea Room Opening Times Thursday to Saturday 9.00 - 5.00 Sundays/Bank Holidays 10.00 - 4.00 Mobile Library Tuesdays every three weeks. See Dates For Your Diary for days in the village. Stopping Points: Whitton Rd. (near school) 2.55 - 3.20 Cross Lane (opposite Club) 3.25 - 3.40 Front Street (‘phone box) 3.45 - 4.10 College Close 4.15 - 4.30 Maths Tutor Ring Kay Chana 720443 Email Qualified Foot Health Practitioner Wendy Page. Available for home visits 01469 589378 or 0786 4860 486 Each Wednesday around Alkborough and Walcot at about 1.30pm to 2.00 pm. If you would like him to call at your house, ring him on 07871327930. Mobile Baker Each Thursday outside the Coronation Club at approx.11.15 to 11.45am. Visiting Post Office Each Monday afternoon (except Bank Holidays) in the Coronation Club, 2.00pm - 4.30 pm. Decorators Dave Roberts 721170 Michael Holgate 720069 Avon Representative Jade Szenher. 17 College Close. Mobile: 07947 610796 E-mail: Gardener Ring Paul 720840 Ironing Service Ring Lisa on733528 or 07513612169 Handyman Service Ring Phil 733072 or 07747330074. Bus Services Route 60 to Scunthorpe Bus Station. Depart Arr/Dep Arrive Scunthorpe Alkborough Scunthorpe 7.00 7.35a 8.15 8.35 9.10a 9.57 12.05 12.47b 1.33 2.35NS 3.12bNS 3.58NS 4.30 5.07b 5.42 5.45 6.22b 6.57 a = departs from in front of old shop towards West Halton. b = departs from in front of ‘phone box towards Whitton. NS = Not Saturdays. No service on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Clothing Alterations and Seamstress Work Jasmine Crafts, Rosedale, Whitton. Tel: 735048 Email: Mobile Hairdresser Sable Pilgrim. Tel: 07718272264 email: Religious Services Parish Church Services 3rd April (Good Friday): Ecumenical service in the Chapel at 3pm. 5th April: Holy Communion 11.30am. 12th April: Holy Communion 9.30am. 3rd May: Holy Communion 11.15am. 10th May: Holy Communion 9.30am. 24th May: Ecumenical Maze Service at 3pm led by Rev. Alison Pledger and Rev. Ian Coates. Methodist Services All services in Alkborough Chapel unless stated otherwise 3rd April (Good Friday): United Service at 3pm led by Rev. Ian Coates. 5th April (Easter Sunday): Communion at 6pm , Rev. Ian Coates 12th April: 6pm, Mr David Sanderson. 19th April: 6pm, Rev. Duncan McBean. 26th April: Circuit Easter Offering at 3pm at Winterton Chapel 3rd May: 6pm, Rev. R. Howling. 10th May: United Service at 10.30am at Burton Chapel. 24th May: Maze Service at 3pm led by Rev. Alison Pledger and Rev. Ian Coates. 31st May: 6pm. Mr T. Simpson. Dates For Your Diary 4th April: Live music at the Club. Memphis singing Elvis. 8.00pm. 7th April: Mobile Library in the village. 7th April: Resident’s’ Association meeting at the club 7.30pm. 9th April: Residents’ Association Quiz at the Club. 8.00pm. 10th April: Tony Goldstone and Caroline Clemmow concert in the Church 7.30pm. 14th April: School reopens after Easter Holiday. 16th April: Book Club meeting at the Coronation Club . 7.00pm 21st April: Second-hand clothing collection 8.00am. 21st April: Christian Fellowship meeting at Julian’s Bower bungalow. 7.00pm. 28th April: Mobile Library in the village. 23rd April: Countdown at the Club. 8.00pm. 24th April: Race Night at the Coronation Club . 8.00pm. 25th April: Alkborough Choir concert in the Church. 7.30pm 2nd May: Coffee Morning in the Chapel. 10.30am 4th May: May Day. School closed. 5th May: Residents’ Association meeting in the Club: 7.30pm. 9th May: Disco at the Club. 8.00pm. 12th May: Parish Council meeting. 7.00pm in the Chapel. 14th May: Residents’ Association Quiz at the Club. 8.00pm 15th May: New Orleans Heat Jazz band in concert in the Church. 7.30pm 19th May: Mobile Library in the village. 19th May: Christian Fellowship meeting at Julian’s Bower bungalow. 7.00pm. 21st May: Book Club in the Club. 7.00pm. 22nd May: School closes for half term. 28th May: Countdown at the Club. 8.00pm. 2nd June: School reopens after half term. 7th June : Garden Fete in and around the Church. This newsletter is published by the Alkborough and Walcot Residents’ Association. The next edition is due out at the end of May/beginning of June. If you have any events coming up which you would like including, or have any items which you think may be of interest to villagers, then please email them to or post them to Mike Dean, Stonecroft, Cross Lane, Alkborough. Telephone 720097. The cut off date for submissions for the next issue is 20th May 2015. Constraints on space available may mean articles being edited or held over to the following newsletter. Apologies if this occurs to your item. Alkborough and Walcot Newsletter Issue 32. April/May 2015 .Alkborough and Walcot History Group Sharon Mawer writes: Following our last meeting in October 2014, where we learnt about saw pits, wheelwrights and coopers, the group met again on 19th March 2015 at which meeting we were introduced to Alexander Aitken (1776 -1865). This local resident had been the head gardener at Walcot Hall, then owned by Thomas Coulton, at the time when the Hall gardens were being laid out. Woods and plantations were also being planted around this period. Alexander owned property in Alkborough but lived with his wife and family on the Walcot estate. He was a respected member of the local community and held very strong opinions on a variety of subjects. The group took a lot of interest in the letters he wrote to his nephew. Our thanks go to Mr and Mrs O'Kelly for the information they gave to the group regarding this gentleman. The group are planning to hold more meetings to study other local characters. We are also continuing with the World War One commemorations and are still looking for any contributions about anyone who served in the conflict especially if they were volunteers. Please watch notice boards for information about future meetings and come along and join us. The Two Pianists Choir Concert Friday 10th April 2015, 7.30 pm, in the Church, Goldstone and Clemmow Spring Concert. "A flirtatious first half including a comic take on Habanera from Bizet's "Carmen", Gilbert and Sullivan pops and a delicious Chopin Waltz and Rag-Mazurka. As a second half, a wonderful Schubert masterpiece in unfamiliar guise" Tickets are £15 each which includes a glass of wine and light supper. If you haven't already reserved your tickets they can be obtained from Cynthia Stockdale 01724 720128, Lesley Roberts 01724 721170, Pat Harrison 01724 720084 and Sue May 01724 720033 or alternatively Alkborough Chapel is hosting a concert , which is to be given by the Alkborough Choir, and will be held in St John the Baptist Parish Church on April 25th 7.30 pm. The tickets, available from Eveline 721048, Joan 721374 or Pauline 720132 or pay at the door, are £5. There will be refreshments at the close of the concert and also a raffle. This will be the final chance to see the Rev Ian Coates being part of the Choir’s concerts before his move in August. Please come along and support the Chapel. Anyone not able to get to the concert but wishing to hear the choir, can go along to Old Brumby United Church on Saturday May 16th at 7.30pm. Plum Loaves for Water Aid 112 plum loaves were made and sold by Eveline and Norah Kelsey in February. They raised a superb total of £550 for Water Aid and would like to thank everybody who bought the loaves, gave donations and helped to provide the ingredients Cycling Around the Village Evening cycle rides will start again on Monday 6th April (Easter Monday). Meet at the front of the Chapel at 7.00pm for a five mile steady ride round the local villages. Longer rides or rides at different times can be arranged. Everyone welcome whatever their biking experience. For further details please ring David Dransfield on 721069 Coffee Morning Alkborough Chapel is hosting a Coffee Morning on Saturday May 2nd at 10.30am. As well as lots of good food there will be the usual stalls. Watch out for posters nearer the time. Low Wells Project The Low Wells restoration project has now been officially declared to be finished. A blue plaque has been affixed to the Wells and the new bench donated by Winterton Lions has been positioned on the already cast concrete plinth. New Waste Bins There are to be three new bins for dog waste provided and maintained by North Lincolnshire Council. They are to be placed at the car park on Whitton Road, at the car park at the bottom of Prospect Lane and in Cow Lane at Walcot. Parish Council News Big Changes at Neighbourhood Watch War Memorial Refurbishment Alkborough and Neighbourhood Watch Group held its Annual General Meeting on 23rd March and a total of 10people attended. The two main issues facing the group were the decreasing number of people who want to be local coordinators and the need for a new Constitution. The one which has been in current use is no longer relevant to today’s operation of the group and does contain requirements that cannot be met with the current level of interest from residents. To tackle the issue of a decreasing number of local coordinators it was decided to do away with the current structure whereby a lead coordinator sends out crime messages and alerts to local coordinators who then, in turn, pass such information onto their designated contacts in the village. Instead, the lead coordinator will send out email messages to those people on the Neighbourhood Watch database but they will not pass these on to anyone else. In other words the local coordinators role does not exist any more. To receive crime messages and alerts, residents need to ensure they are on the Neighbourhood Watch database. There are already a considerable number of people on the database who currently get emails direct from the lead coordinator and they need not take any further action. If you are not on the database, send your email address to to receive information. The email database is private to Neighbourhood Watch and no details of any entries are passed on to any other organisation. IF YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT ON THE DATABASE YOU WILL NO LONGER GET NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH INFORMATION. Any messages or alerts will also be posted onto the village noticeboards outside the Coronation Club on Cross Lane and at the bottom of Hutesons Lane. It is recognised that there are some people who do not have access to a computer and therefore are not able to receive emails. Every effort will be made to identify such individuals and they will receive information by other means (phone, written message, etc.). If you know anyone who can't receive emails please let mpdean1@yahoo,com know or ring 720097and they will be contacted as and when necessary by these other means. The principal item which has now been altered in the Constitution is the creation of a small committee to carry out the day to day running of the Group. This committee is formed of the three officers of the Group (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and three other residents. The people who hold these positions are: Chairman: Mike Dean, Secretary: Jayne Brierley, Treasurer: Joan Stocks. Committee Members: John Cowling, Jean Green, John Stocks. If you have any queries about Neighbourhood Watch please raise them with any committee member. To see the new Constitution in detail go to and look on the Neighbourhood Watch page. This page will also contain features of the organisation together with the latest messages and alerts. If you have information about incidents in the village, suspicious circumstances etc., send an email to or call 720097. Footpath along the Hill Top near the Maze. The Parish Council was successful in being awarded a North Lincolnshire Council Community Grant back in autumn to have the War Memorial cleaned and refurbished. The Contractor - Inspire Conservation from Lincoln - completed this work on 26th & 27th January 2015. The memorial has been professionally cleaned, missing lead lettering has been replaced and all lettering repainted. All joints have been repointed. A special cleaning compound has been applied to the entire memorial which will continue to work for a further 12 months and will allow any residual dirt to be naturally washed away by rain. The cost of the project has been over £1520, 90% of which is being funded by North Lincolnshire Council. Possible Parish Council Ballot Jazz Band in the Church On Friday15th May 2015, at 7.30 pm, in the Church, there will be a Jazz concert by New Orleans Heat. Tickets are £10.50 to include cup of tea and light refreshment. Tickets can be obtained from Cynthia Stockdale 720128, Lesley Roberts 721170, Pat Harrison 720084, Sue May 720033, and David Dransfield 721069 or alternatively on Alkborough Heating Oil Syndicate Joan (not John, as reported in our last issue) Stocks writes: After the last oil delivery in the village £40was given to the Humber Boat Rescue Team and £10.00 was given to the Forge project which is also being supported by the money raised at the Lent lunches which are being held in the Church. Many thanks for your support . More suggestions for the donations needed . Coronation Club The Club held a quiz on 18th March with proceeds going to the NSPCC. There were 8 teams involved and £93 was raised. Thanks to all who took part. On 4th April there is live music at the Club when Memphis will be performing the songs of Elvis. Starts at 8pm till late. A Race Night is being held on 24th April to raise funds for Alkborough Cricket Club. Make sure you are in your seats by 8pm. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of VE day there will be a disco in the Club on 9th May. Fancy dress is encouraged and should be based on armed forces clothing. Once again 8pm is the start Clothing Collection The Friends of Alkborough School, in partnership with Bag2School, have organised a collection of second hand clothing. All bags are weighed and Bag2School will pay the school for the total weight collected. If you have any adult or children’s clothing, soft toys, paired shoes, hats, belts or handbags (sorry but no bedding, towels, curtains or bric-abrac) pop them in a black bag and either return to school by 9.00am on Wednesday 22 April, or leave at your gate by 8.00am on Tuesday 21 April. Christian Fellowship Alkborough Christian Fellowship meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Julian’s Bower bungalow. The speaker on 21st April will be Dr Diana White and on May 19th it will be Mrs Penny Pringle. Refreshments provided and everyone is welcome. £170 from the Christian Aid box was given to Jim Dunn for the Way of Hope Foundation supporting children in East Europe. Monday Lunches Senior Citizen lunches (younger folk are also invited) are now taking place each Monday at the Butchers’ Arms in Winterton. The cost is £5.50 for two courses. Please ring Norah Kelsey on 721048 by the previous Saturday if you would like to go. Transport can be provided Mystery Bench After the Newsletter asked for help in the last issue in identifying where the bench in Whitton Road had come from, a number of residents advised that it is on loan from the Burton Heritage Group and was kindly located there by Martin Lambert. North Lincolnshire Council, whose operative caused the serious damage to the previous bench, had offered to supply a steel replacement. This has been rejected by the Parish Council who want the new bench to be of the same design as the old one. Quotes have been asked for and it is hoped these will be received and dealt with before the next Parish Council meeting. There will be an election on 7th of May for those people who want to be nominated as Parish Councillors. (The same day as voting in the General Election). The Council comprises of 8 Councillors and if 8 or less people are nominated then no ballot will take place. Voting will only occur if 9 or more persons want to be Parish Councillors. Existing Councillors have all now received their nomination forms. Should anyone else want to be candidates then the relevant forms can be obtained from Electoral Services at the North Lincolnshire Council offices at the Civic Centre Telephone 296248 or you can receive them electronically by request to but hurry, nomination papers must be in by 9th April. If there is a ballot this will be organised by North Lincolnshire Council who will charge the Parish Council £1000. No fee is payable if no voting takes place. For full details of who is who on the current Parish Council go to the Parish Council page on: www.alkborough and A contractor has been appointed by North Lincolnshire Council to restore and make safe the part of the path which was damaged by a tractor last year. However the work is still to be carried out. Parking on Church View Parish Councillors discussed the issue of car parking on Church View which was thought to be potentially restrictive to normal traffic movement in the area. It was agreed that the imposition of parking restrictions would only lead to problems elsewhere in the village. Transparency Rules New Government legislation has introduced a transparency code for all Parish Councils with an annual turnover of less than £25000 which will encompass Alkborough and Walcot Parish Council. The Council will have to publish on an annual basis: all individual items of expenditure over £100 end of year accounts annual governance statement internal audit report location of public land and building assets list of council responsibilities On a more frequent basis: agendas of meetings Minutes of meetings supporting paperwork All such information must be published on electronic media and the Parish Council will be investigating steps needed to produce their own website No Relaying of Footpath North Lincolnshire Council has no money available in 2014/2015 financial year to refurbish the footpath from the crossroads at the south end of Front Street up to the cemetery. It is hoped funds will become available in the new financial year. Cemetery Grass Cutter Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 12th May at 7.00pm in the Chapel. Brian Drewery from Back Street has been appointed as the new grass cutter for the cemetery. He has already started work.
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